I small no you are not you are not Billy I don't know watch that floor I'll drink more water you're you said you're okay with that right the [Music] we will now stand to salute the flag I alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all I now call this meeting to order clerk please call roll call councilor member Brook here council member Ari here council member Neil here council member benine here council member Zoe here council member chrisan here Council um mayor here is there any Communications this evening n this evening mayor may I please please hear the committee reports council member Brooke hello and thank you for coming out tonight the celebrations committee has been busy working on our upcoming events we have the following events Summerfest Friday June 2st from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the recreation center we will be featuring The bam masquerade and fireworks there will be food trucks beer gardens and amusement rides for the kids miss BMA pageant will be held on Sunday June 23rd at 700 p.m. in the Bello school gymnasium the doors open at 6:30 Four of July perade Thursday July 4th 11:00 a.m. start from St Joseph Church jok's Church the parade will proceed down Browning Road and ends at baroh Hall thank you council member Brooke council member Ariana hello the belmare Water Division is happy to report work will begin on the installation of an emergency gener generator at the Warren Avenue treatment plant scalo electric will be the contractor performing the installation these Replacements are a part of belmar's commitment to improving our infrastructure under the water quality insurance act Assurance Act bmar is required to make upgrades to every aspect of our treatment facilities the new generator will be similar to the generator recently installed at our leaf and Bell treatment facility additionally I would like to congratulate the Bell Oaks lady owls on their undefeated 10 to0 season bringing home the trophy once again I'm also giving a thanks to the coaches especially James Casey as he was calling the pitches for his pitcher thank you council member Ariana council member Neil hello the highway division recently completed Paving of the following roadways colino Road from Midway Lane to Bell Road Adams Avenue from Howard Avenue through Market Street Garwood Avenue from MC Glennon Avenue to Grant Avenue these Road waves were part of our Town's commitment to infrastructure improvements with new water mains being installed prior to paven thank you council member Neil council member Francine this Proclamation declares the first Friday in June to be National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the bur of Belmore New Jersey to honor and remember all victims and survivors of gun violence and to declare that we as a country must do more to end this Public Health crisis in January 2013 hadia Pendleton was tragically shot and killed at the age 15 and on June 2nd 2024 to recognize the 27th birthday of hadia Pendleton born June 2nd 1997 people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence awareness day and orange to Tribute to hadia Pendleton and other victims of gun violence and the loved ones of those victims now therefore be it resolved by that mayor Charles J solder third of the burrow of Belmar declares June 7th 2024 the first Friday in June to be National Gun Violence awareness today I encourage I encourage all citizens to support their local community's efforts to prevent the tragic efforts of gun violence and to honor and value human lives please present the document at this time all right thank you very much for this we really do appreciate it and I just wanted to let everyone know that they 4.8 citizens for 100,000 in New Jersey who die every year from gun violence also I think it's really appropriate to have these young people here tonight because guns are the number one killer of children and teens Nationwide so thank you very much thank you very much Council we do appreciate it thank you for coming thank you for coming out [Applause] thank you council member franzine council member Zoe good evening on behalf of Mayor and Council we would like to congratulate the Bell Oaks graduating class of 2024 believe in your dreams and the future is all yours our business Alliance meetings have been very productive we have been meeting with our business owners in town to share resources expertise or Market access to achieve a common goal the next meeting will be held on Thursday June 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the Belmar Fire Department mini Hall a presentation will be given by Camden County prosecutor's office high-tech crimes unit on Internet safety thank you council member Zoe council member Kisha good evening I want to thank VFW 9563 members in coordination with below students teachers and administration to assure the all veterans Graves at both resurrection and St Mary cemeteries have had a flag in remembrance of their service to our community so that we can remain free we have placed over 3,000 Flags yesterday mayor and Council along with BFW 9563 will be coordinating our annual tribute on Memorial Day beginning at the burough Hall at honoring our departing veterans at 8:45 a.m. with greetings also at St Mary cemetery Balmar war memorial and ending at VFW 9563 with re layerings at additional stops throughout the town thank you council member Kisha I will now ask for the Department reports burrow Attorney Peter on May 14th 2024 the burough received bids under the local public contracts law for Asal materials and the amount of 318 00 in a letter dated May 21st 2024 our Law Firm reviewed the bid submission and rendered a legal opinion that the sole bid submitted by Walter R Earl ronom LLC was acceptable in the complience with the law it is recommended that the bid be award I along with our special Council have been working on a draft of a financial pilot agreement between the burrow and btj urban renewal entity LLC we are optimistic that would share a be able to introduction of authorizing ordinance for the agreement next month I'm continuing to work with our burough clerk Francis Wright to update personal policy and handbook the work is very labor intense but we continue to make excellent progress that is the end of my report thank you thank you bar Attorney Peter engineer Nate thank you engineer Nate Court Administrator Genesis in the office I am owed by law to perform perform certain functions over receive the operations of the municipal court report to the municipal court judge data entry Financial op operations and handle budgets personnel and space in addition if I am authorized by the judge in which I am I can also administer Oaths for complaints filled with the Municipal Court issue warrants and summonses and set conditions of pre-trial releases release for petty petty disorderly person persons offenses according to the bail schedule I am responsible for efficient operation of court and staff in the courtroom have duties of C clerk in uh Croom courtroom preparations of cases for ad aducation data entry of finding provide abstracts for sentencing thank you Court Administrator Genesis Chief Financial Officer to me hello everyone the finance department has been very busy compiling reports and other documents for the annual audit the budget will be adopted at tonight's meeting and posted to belmar's website upon adoption next week we have completed all bank reconciliations and general ledger postings to date we have also completed all filing requirements for Department of Treasury American Rescue plan funding on the agenda tonight we will have adoption of the 2024 budget and first reading of the 2024 Capital Bond ordinances special thank you to CFO Maria Fula and finance committee for all their many hours to assure Belmore is providing a fiscally sound budget with limited impact to the residents thank you Chief Financial Officer tamim tax collector James hello this month the tax office have been busy collecting the 2024 second quarter taxes the due date was on May 1st the total taxes receiv received for the quarter as of now are $7.4 million The Collection percentage is 94. 53% the remainder notices were were mailed out recently to those who have not paid so we should see an increase to those funds already collected thank you tax collector James please Chief sigh the Belmar police officers were very busy in the month of April the officers answered 1,18 calls conducted 50 investigations arrested 70 people handled 46 motor vehicle crashes and issued 346 tickets some incidents that stand out for the month of April r a 6-hour long NE negotiation with a male wanting to jump off the Creek Road Bridge patrolman butcheron stood with the mail the entire time until he was talked off the bridge two two separate incidents where where a person barricaded themselves inside a residence in town after proper deescalation the subjects were talked out of their residents and taken to a nearby hospital for treatment two separate narcotic residential SE search warrants were executed following an investigation between the two residences officers seized over $4,000 in US currency along with numerous types and amounts of Narcotics the narcotics had a total street value of over $10,000 some of the officers were a little slower than others this month because they were nursing their injuries sustained from a be getting beat badly in a basketball game against the Bello basketball champions job well done to the bells basketball team hopefully a rematch in the future will be done last I would like to show everyone that I be forcing all officers to train seven days a week so we don't lose against the Bello softball team ladies congratulations on your Victory but we are coming for that trophy too this will my report for the month thank you police chief Sai fire chief Zayn hello fire incident for April is 96 EMS in incidence for April is 28 2 284 fire staff completed a final inspection for two new fire apparatus in Wisconsin delivery should be to bmore in early June dive team assisted the County prosecutor's office with an underwater recovery operation at the Cooper River EMS staff is completely training complete completing trading training this week with the state EMS Task Force at our Public Safety Training classroom one new part-time EMT recommended to Mayor and Council For Hire thank you fire chief Zayn Recreation superintendent sud hello as a superintendent of recreation as say the public and Recreation departments have been working diligently to ensure all playgrounds sorry in all athletic fields and War Memorial has the most conducive environment for all agents to enjoy this spring and upcoming season Additionally the recreation has added Mo and planted flowers at the barrel Hall Community Center corner of the Black Horse Pike and bonding Road VFW war memorial on Creek Road in preparation of our Memorial Day ceremonies honoring our foreign veterans thank you Recreation superintendent sjw Highway superintendent Aiden employes emplo for as thank you Highway superintendent Aiden sewer superintendent Joey thank you sewer superintendent Joey is there any old business no old business is there any new business yes mayor we have the following resolution where they SG 0124 resolution to add additional sport of uh facilities of the recreational center to include but not limited to volleyball courts additional basketball courts and an indoor soccer center do I have motion so move a second Council council member Brook yes council member Ari yes council member Neil yes council member franzine yes council member Zoe yes council member chrisha yes SG 0224 resolution to install a blinking lay at the crosswalk of Black Horse Pike and Browning Road do I have motion second council member Brook no council member Ari yes council member new no council member franzine yes council member Zoe no council member chrisha yes mayor I need your vote Yes s g 32 4 resolution authoriz authorizing mayor and Council to shorten the academic school year do I have motion so moved second council member uh Brook 100% yes council member Ari no council member Neil yes council member franzine yes council member Zoe yes council member chrisha absolutely on behalf of myself and the surrounding students I would like to thank those who we are representing today for the incredible opportunity to see the bmar stations burrow and Municipal properties today we saw the core of our town and how it functions through the work of each of these people it was an honor to be chosen for these positions and today was amazing thank you to the mayor and council members for making this day possible for us this time the children did an excellent job today I mean we had them all day here and the group here today was an actual pleasure to have them we'd like to um behalf of myself and the council and all the involved the chief bar bar clerk um how polite they all were um with an outstanding group and uh the parents should be very very proud of your children they did really a great job with us today at this time we have a certificate for them from the burrow and we also have one from the Senate and the assembly and at this time I'd ask our two members of council that represent education uh councilman Ray vder and councilman Bill Evans if they would go down and present the certificate to the children just do one at each sure thank you the proclamation Student Government Day May 23rd 2024 whereas it is recognized by the mayor and Council of the burrow of belmare that the future of belmare rests with today's youth and whereas the mayor and Council wish to encourage the interest imagination and activity of today's youth in our aim for good government and whereas May 23rd 2024 has been declared Student Government day now there four and there will be one for each of you um but in this case it's Albury messenger is hereby appointed mayor be it resolved that this certificate be rewarded recognition of their achievement in serving the office during Student Government day given under my hand the Seal of the burrow of belmare on this 23rd day of May 2024 by order of the mayor Charles J solder III [Applause] here's another it's good that my father Ray is here to tell me what to do I don't know if you've ever had one of those situations Brooke Hodson who's a member who's a member of council Brooke can you help me with light work here and if I hurt your names please just tell me what it is when when you come up Ariana strawberg member of [Applause] council Neil Patel member of council Fran castio say your first hold Francine Francine thank you it was spelled perfectly zo Chatman Joey you did a better job than I did chrisha [Applause] Patel Alicia Khan [Applause] all right Peter I'm going to get your middle name your your hyphenated name wrong so come down and say it for me say into the mic mopolis Ros thank [Applause] you where's the police chief [Laughter] I'm not even going to try it go ahead S I go by sigh congratulations thank [Applause] you Mohammad Zan Abid [Applause] Tam hos AE James McDaniels our tax [Applause] collector Nate marari [Applause] Genesis rubles fargas did I do [Applause] howt that you you did purposely said I'm not going to read these names help me out buddy say it into the microphone I'll get it wrong come on good job Aiden fenre F yeah next time you thanks nice job buddy and Joseph hly nice job everybody one more round of applause for for you your students for all the parents that weren't around yesterday I want to thank these students all the other putting fls in St Mary cemetery for all of our fallen veterans and uh as coordinator of it I am very very happy that we did it in about two hours over 3,000 flights so if you haven't been by there yet please take a ride or walk and you'll see over 3,000 flags that all these people thank you what students here were on the uh basketball team stand up if you were on basketball here we go I think the officers came back here they're ready to play tonight congratulations on your win with that y did a good job and any of the girls here on the bell of softball that won their Championship the other night star pitcher [Applause] tropy no okay yeah they won a softball game correct okay want to hold them to it okay tell we'll get to know what Owen to feels like right once again thank you all for coming out we will take a quick uh recess you're welcome to leave or stay for our regular meeting picture sure can can we have all the um students down front come back up here up on the stage thank you yeah we also need a fire chief and the police chief to come up and our engineer Nick come with come on up here you got everybody in good okay thank you thank you guys all the students excellent job J [Applause] congratulations one my bra your picture your picture right here hi thank you thank youb you make it look pretty thank Jo apprciate it hope you had a good time good job we'll act it out ready how's that how we do yeah everyone sod thank you appr good sir absolutely take hey Peter I want an original picture [Music] you're [Music] welcome they which one I don't think the police chief wants to leave yeah we'll have a busy June caucus but good was yo no yeah somay many years many years a many many years ago okay for the um for the record that's all right actually was funny you're welcome thank you for the record on November 29th 2023 notice of this meeting was emailed to the carer Post newspaper and the Philadelphia inquire and duy posted on the B Board of the municipal building all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law roll call BR Council here Council Casey Council D'Angelo councilman Evans here Council here Council Will May here any Communications Fran may this time I'd like to to entertain a motion for approval of the minutes from the council meeting of April 23rd 2024 so second roll call counc berer yes Council Casey yes counc Evan yes coun yes okay we'll go into committee reports councilman berer uh my reports were given by the students thank you Ray councilman Casey just stud excent thank you Jamie Councilman Evans thank you mayor um the stud government uh really did a nice job today representing their school and and our town and ourselves I want to thank them and the school district for sending up such a fine young people um I want to say a special thank you to all those people who came out on Saturday and helped us plant flowers here in front of uh bur Hall we uh we we beat the rain by a couple of minutes um so we're able to get that in and uh in October we'll be doing a second event which will be a cleanup more than a flower planting so that'll be done and we'll have more information on that later I want to ask everyone if they can find a time to uh participate in the Memorial Day services that we're having on Monday uh right and the VFW put a lot of effort into it and it really is something to see um and it's definitely a nice way to honor those people who gave uh their lives for our country thank you thank you Bill councilwoman Fina um my student uh the student covered what I needed to cover for tonight however if you would like to put a flute a decorative flute into the Fourth of July perade you can get the application on our website at bart.com or you can reach out Lis young at the burrow um and also I would like to wish all of our residents a happy and safe M Day weekend thank you thank you Joan under my report as we mentioned thank you to the children um great day today and I'd like to give thanks to Franny Wright and to Lisa young for the work they put into it organizing with the school and making today happen was another good student government day this time I'll open up to the public portion anyone have anything to bring forward to the public hearing none we'll close the public portion going to all business friend no business new business new business we have ordinance second reading adoption 0424 to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a bank okay this a second reading public hearing open up to the public anyone have anything to comment on that ordinance hearing none we'll close the public portion entertain the motion so move second roll call counc yes counc Casey yes EV yes yes that's for affirmative votes mayor that passes thank you next we have resolutions 0598 242 including 0519 d24 so moved roll call counc yes coun casy yes coun Evans yes coun yes resolution1024 resolution authorizing 2024 Municipal budget to be read by title only entertain a motion so moved second roll call coun B yes couny yes Evans yes yes resolution 0514 resolution adopting the4 Municipal budget entertain a motion mayor we need a public hearing on yes yes this time prior to the vote we'll open it up for a public hearing anyone have any questions or comments regarding the 2024 budget okay we close the public portion entertain a motion so move second roll call Council yes coun casy yes coun EV yes counc yes resolution 01224 resolution appointing a member for the joint land used board place the name of Harry Quran entertain a motion so moved second yes res olution Al place the name of Philip Mullen entertain a motion so moved second roll call yes coun casy yes coun EV yes coun yes resolution 0144 resolu place the name of Robert Bowman entertain a motion so moved need a second second roll call counciler yes coun Casey yes coun Evans yes coun yes resolution 01524 resolution for appointment of part-time employee for the bar of bmar position of em place the name of Michael elaw entertain a motion so moved second second roll call coun yes coun casy yes coun Evan yes yes resolution 01624 resolution approving May Bill list for 2,297 53727 entertain a motion move second roll call yes yes yes we have first reading introduction of bances that are lovely solicitors to handle I just hope I don't do as bad as I did two weeks ago at any rate 05 0624 an ordinance amending ordinance 10 semi uh col 11-19 of the code of the burough Belmar County of camman state of New Jersey establishing fees for off duty police officers outside services this being a first reading he a motion a second and a roll call vote mayor entertain a motion so moved second R call counc yes counc Casey yes coun Evans yes counc yes next is 05 colon 0724 Bond ordinance authorizing the acquisition of various Capital Equipment and the completion of various Capital Improvements in and for the burrow bmore County of Camden New Jersey appropriating a sum of 3,158 225 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond antip ation notes of the bar of Belmore County of camman New Jersey and the aggregate principal amount of up to $1,359 450 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing reques a motion a second and a roll call Mayor entertain a motion so moved roll caller yes Casey counc Evans yes counc phix yes next is 05 call 08 24 Bond ordinance authorizing the replacement of various water mains in the burrow of bmar County of camon New Jersey appropriating the sum of $1,200,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the burrow Belmar cany have Canon New Jersey and the and the aggregate principal amount of up to1 $2 million making certain related actions uh in connection with the forging again mayor motion a second or call entertain a motion soov roll call coun yes yes yes I have may having no further business entertain the motion for adjournment so moved any a second all in favor thank you all for coming thank you Jamie Thanks James thanks Jame Thanks James have a good Memorial Day everyone thank you very good heading to the shore for Memorial yeah but not not to Memorial that's why I'm going like I got to go to Triton and then go oh boy well for their memorial they doing a nice job Jesse you want to come want to come with me no I don't want to come with me no issue I know I'll let you know they do yeah with one of city I'm thank you Nick you okay we need it know before yeah I think it was one of the kids everyone yep I think we wi the medium I'm not complaining I'm waiting for FR to give me something the about Chief thank you Nick thanks it's all good have a great what is this she forgot her thing's we're gonna I'll print out all the reports and they'll be part of the minutes right right they won't be part of minutes all left out of here quick [Music] me um I'm involved with it I it's a family plan she has the right to add on to there at any lifechanging time otherwise would have to doing until open enrollment but because their insurance was dropped then she most definitely can add them on it's it's a policy it's just like you know