##VIDEO ID:iMOLC5QNsHM## it's amazing I already got see Amy back all rise for the salute for the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation godis andice One D December 6 2024 notice of this meeting was emailed to the carrier Post newspaper and the FED upia inquire and duy posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law at this time we will go into the certification of election by the municipal clerk certificate of certificate of election board of campuses of camp in the County New Jersey the said board does determine that an election held in the state country County and in the on the fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 Craig R Wilhelm was dly elected to the office of member Council of bar Belmar signed by chairperson Board of County Donna Robinson and a test by Joseph R kenon County Clerk okay at this time would Craig's family come forward we do the O rep after me I state your name do somly swear swear that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States United States and the Constitution the constitution of the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and algi bear true faith and to the same and to the government established in the united states estblished in the United States and in this state St under the authority of the people of people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability abity to help me go congratulations [Applause] want certificate of election board of campuses of camon County New Jersey the said board does determine that at the election held in the said County on the fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 William R Evans was duly elected to the office of member of council signed by chairperson Board of County canvases Donna Robinson and a test by Joseph R C the county clerk this time Bill's family please come forward swearing in the on the table so I guess she got three more years three more years six more months ATS look at that little guy my ready go raise your put your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand I state your name I will you solemly swear Sol where that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the to the St and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of office of member of council all the duties of the office of member of council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go congratulations [Applause] so roll call Fran councilman berer here councilman Casey here councilman DeAngelo here councilman Evans here councilwoman finina here councilman Wilhelm here mayor solder here this time like to entertain a nomination for president of council for 20125 like to put the name forth for Ray B second roll call Fran councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina yes councilman Wilhelm yes okay we will continue on with the meeting and we'll come back for the wearing in as um assemblyman mowen had called he's on his way back from gluster County and he'll be here shortly at that time we'll swear in the president of council committee reports councilman berer uh the only thing is uh thank you to Mayor and counsel for the uh president of council I'd also like to congratulate Craig for the job he did last year as council president and hope I can be half the man Craig was uh and let's just hope that this year will be successful and through growth and transparency uh it'll be a really uh prosperous year so thank you all and have a Happy New Year councilman Casey councilman Casey just congratulations to to being reelected and I have nothing else to do thank you Jamie Councilman D'Angelo thanks mayor um again congratulations to uh Craig and Bill um I look forward to working with you again this year and and all Council um to have a really good productive year um congratulations Ray on being president of council and I just want to let everybody know DPW is ready for Sunday and Monday so we have the snow trucks out we'll be ready to go and that's all I have thank you thank you Jim councilman Evans thank you mayor um first of all I want to thank Craig for agreeing to uh put another three years in uh running alongside of me um he's a Class Act and uh I know his family knows just how how great asset he is to us so I thank you for your job as my partner in crime as well as for the president president Ray wish you a lot of luck as I do Notre D this week I sure hope so yeah it's a great week and I am looking forward to another three years um I hope I can uh make my family and my community proud thank [Applause] you thank you Bill councilwoman Fina thank you mayor uh I would just like to congratulate um councilman Evans and councilman will home for being reelected and to Ray Boer for being president of council this year and I just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year thank you thank you [Applause] Joan Council moel thanks mayor um for obvious reasons I'm going to keep this very brief um thank you very much uh for everyone being here especially my family um I love you very much and appreciate your support um I too want to congratulate Bill and thank him for running um it was a great ticket and uh we hope to be able to uh continue the great job the great work that we've been doing and I look forward to working with the rest of council and lastly congratulations Ray thank you Craig I'll I'm available for any pointers you you will be here often with me happy New Year everyone thank you [Applause] thank you Craig under my report I'd also like to congratulate Craig and Bill on their reelection and congratulations to Ray for president of council and um thank you to Craig for president of council is serving that for last year and look forward to working with everyone again this year for 2025 for another good productive year and I'd like to wish everyone a very happy healthy and safe new year thank [Applause] you there we go under um as we go into the public portion of the meeting at that time I'd like to introduce um our guest in the audience tonight we have assemblyman Bill Spearman here [Applause] you like to say a few words to the audience sure absolutely thank you um good evening everyone congratulations on your election and um thanks for serving as council president job I'm sure you're up to it you're good you're good my Sly colleague Bill m [Applause] I just want to say it's a pleasure to be in Belmore always all anytime the fifth district can be of any assistance to you guys just let us know not just because one of us lives here because we really want to help all of our towns happy New Year everybody if you need anything call Bill thank you Bill like to recognize in the off in the audience tonight uh Dave Spectre longtime friend to Belmar Tom [Applause] goric okay we also have with us tonight our chief of police Bill [Applause] Perna and our OEM fire department EMF coordinator Dan [Applause] derenzo and thank you everyone for being here tonight really appreciate it and at this time we'll go back to the swearing in and uh ask assemblyman Bill melan to come forward swearin Ray berer president of [Applause] council thank you oh I st I Ray you Solly swear you Solly swear and I will support the Constitution and I will support the Constitution the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the Constitution the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey that I will I will bear true faith I will bear true the the the government to the government establish in the United States United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of President Council according to the best my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] Bill if you like to say a few words while you're up sure thank you good evening everyone pleas here I apologize for being late as Spearman knows quite well as you can imagine too we have a number of the in the first week of the year so it's coming from Woodbury bler County organization um and so and I spent here I coms my Coles here to serve you belar is certainly near to my heart my fathers were up here and I'm raing my family here with my wife and my two and a halfy old and my oneyear old son and so we can be all helpful to you and your families um feel free to contact our offices we have one in barington one in the city of c one in to serve possible and looking forward to a great year ahead thank you very much thank you B also in the audience tonight we have our superintendent of Public Works joose [Applause] Siana superintendent of recreation Gary [Applause] slauer superintendent Highway Joe Pat gallager and two of our secretaries Kim Gallagher and Lucy young and we have another special guest in the audience our solicitors wife Amy [Applause] welcome Howard would like you to move your seat gyri okay thank you all again for being here uh this time um we'll go into the public portion anyone have anything for the public hearing none we'll close the public portion going to Old business friend no old business mayor new business I have ordinance 01125 ordinance creating the position of purchasing agent entertain a motion so move second roll call councilman berder yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina yes councilman Wilhelm yes next I have a consent agenda resolutions 01 0125 two in through including 01325 entertain a motion so moved roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans councilwoman Fina yes councilman wihelm yes a have resolution 01 3125 appointment of senior coordinator I place the name of Carol Cary entertain a motion so move second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman fenus councilman wilh yes resolution 03225 appointment airation action officer pursuant to New Jersey state njsa officer pursuant to 11 a 7-6 place the name of Francine Wright entertain a motion move second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina councilman will home yes resolution 01332 appointment of human resource director place a name of franceen rght entertain a motion second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans councilwoman finina councilman wilham yes resolution 01 3425 appointment of recycling Solid Waste coordinator place the name of Patrick Galler second entertain the motion yes counc Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans councilwoman Fina yes councilman wilham yes just look you got a lot of resolution 01 35 20-25 resolution authorizing agreements for Professional Services and we'll read them solicitor w long wood and long auditor Bowman and Company prosecutor Steve Peterson public defender Glenn ly Bond counsel Parker McKay labor attorney Parker McKay General engineer Bach Associates architect Bach Associates computer consultant Premier Technology planner Bach Associates tax assessor Services JH Services risk management Conor strong and Buckaloo joint land use solicitor Daniel McCain entertain a motion so moved second coun councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes Council finina councilman willham yes resolution 01 3625 appointment members of the Belmar Redevelopment Authority place the names of Raymond berer and James Angela second roll call can they V on this Howard themselves pardon me can they can they vote on this themselves can they vote on that themselves yeah oh absolutely councilman berer yes councilman Casey relock yes councilman D'Angelo you going to vote no for yourself I'm think I'm thinking yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina yes councilman wilham absolutely resolution 01 3725 authorizing temporary budget for 2025 entertain a motion so move second R Car councilman berer yes councilman Casey councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes Council finina yes councilman wilham yes resolution 03825 resolution awarding contract to AC Schultz for the Redevelopment of well number five project in the amount of $94,500 so moved second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans councilman councilman wilham yes resolution 0139 d25 resolution approving Bill list for December for $ 22,39 and11 so move second BR call councilman berer yes Council Casey yes counc D'Angelo yes coun Evans yes Council finina yes Council Willam yes that's all I have may okay prior to uh German uh we have another employee here with us tonight Eric Beck in the back from public work and also at this time I'd like to welcome to Belmore Michael and Dan welcome to Belmore from Bowman and Company and our join attorney thank you this time um before we adjourn we are having a reception down the street at Dominic's Tavern please stop by after everyone's welcome to that Christopher is feeling hurt over here Christopher's hurt Poli oh in the bar yeah we have one of our uh belmar's finest in here uh Chris willhelm so if everyone like to you can join down at Dominic's following the meeting having no further business tonight I entertain a motion for adjournment there second meetings ajour thank you all Council picture on the corner real quick on the