adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the bur bmar and the Asbury Park Press on November 21st 2023 and notice that this meeting was posted on the bulon board of the municipal building take roll call councilwoman Donan Council McKinny here mayor B Pesco here Council Rono here Council Le okay please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] United States of America indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence for our men and women in the OR forces and our First Responders thank you okay Workshop just like to let the council know that uh residents will be receiv receiving a letter in the mail probably next week sometime regarding a um it's from the DP the letter and it has to do with a event that happened back in April and the letter is fairly self-explanatory but I I'll go over the the high points or low points if you will about the letter uh basically what happens is um just you know every two weeks the water gets tested and the testing company comes in and and monitors it and that's in addition to our own water uh company employees testing the water so what happened was back on um April 25th a test was done and one of the levels in the in the actual um pump tank or treatment plant was was not where it should be so they they realized very quickly that it had to do with a with a pump and that pump was replaced within three or four hours okay um two weeks went by uh the monitor came in tested the water it was fine actually the water was fine minutes after they replaced the pump it was only out for three or four hours the what happened was though the D regulation says that D needs to be notified within nine days of this event well everyone thought that since it was remedied there was no need to notified D so what happened was two weeks went by the contractor came in tested the water and then sent the the um report back to the EP saying there was an incident you know uh back on the 25th and now it's been corrected well the the regulation say you have to notify them within 9 days so technically there was a notice uh a notice requirement that we didn't need so even though we've been going back and forth at theep about the fact that the the matter was cured within hours um they're sticking to the to their um regulations saying we should have notified them within N9 days so everyone's going to be getting a letter which is essentially written by the D explaining what happened um the only the only part of the letter um that requires explanation which is what I just did it says here during the six-month period January 1 2023 to June 30th 2023 monitoring period our wqp sample results did not meet the optimum wqp value set by the njd for 14 days and the water system cannot be below the minimum level or outside the range set by njd for more than nine days well that that those senses aren't actually correct because the the uh the system was below minimum for like 3 or 4 hours it's just that they did not we did not notify them you know so if you look at this letter you know you're going to say oh my God we were we were you know not at Optimum values for 14 days that's not true and we weren't we weren't at Optimum values for more than a few hours right but that's what the letter says other than that I think the letter is it's fairly self-explanatory it it talks about um how we routinely monitor for lead and copper um it says it was an an emergency and and another thing which which it's not in the letter but which I'll point out is that there are two areas where the water is tested one is actually in the treatment plant so water comes up from the the wells and it gets treated in the plant and it gets tested in the plant then the water leaves the plant it goes to various sections of town and in those spots water is also tested well the the um the levels that were too high for the three or four hours were only in the treatment PL so none of the uh levels in the Distribution Center were you know out of were Beyond normal so uh it's it's important to know that so that any water that was you know coming into our homes was as well within the uh the lead and I think it's copper levels so um I just want to let that know you let you know that uh something we have to send out and um you know we'll be posting this letter everyone's going to get one we'll post this on the on the website and we're also going to post our own uh explanation which goes into it a little uh deeper as to what what happened so this will be posted in the other documents section of the uh you know of our website I think Mr Kane had something to add just just one quick clarification on that uh what they do when when the company comes in and tests those reports go direct to D and then that that one that was that one that came out uh 05 lower uh in in the holding in in the treatment center um we didn't know that that was a bad test until you know it came back and then they they test every two weeks so DP gives you you know you can't be out of compliance N9 days so the fact that the two testing dates were two weeks apart that's where the 14 days came in the the pump was offline for like three or four hours and at while that while they were fixing the pump they came in in the morning noticed the pump wasn't working you know replace the pump in its entirety it was tested during that time it was just a timing thing uh going forward uh if the situation ever occurs again if if the testing company gets a bad test they come back immediately and retest you know here it wasn't for a two we period which created the letter our water operator was uh going back and forth with the on this because we didn't think it was a violation because it was never into distribution system it was strictly in the tanks uh but the didn't agree therefore the letter needs to be sent that's it what was the what was the paramor that was out a specification I believe it was the um it says orthop phosphate as I understand it we and this might not be as as technical as it should be but we we put chemicals into the water to keep the lead and the copper uh levels within reason so what they're actually testing is the level of the chemical that we're putting in to keep the lead and copper and and that level wasn't as high as it should have been okay so there was no indication that there were that there were high lead levels or high copper levels it was just the the the chemical that the water company uses the water utility that we used to control that wasn't as high as it should have been right and further tests showed that there was no high matter of fact testing over the past 30 years it's never been out of compliance this is this is a timing thing they happen toest the same day we noticed the pump wasn't and it was strictly in the water treatment you know Center not not in distribution center at plenty yeah which which means is once that water from the tanks would have been through the distribution system it would have mixed and it would have been fine anyway and that was the argument with d and they said no no no test a test therefore requirement is need to send a letter so that's all it is and you and you'll see when you uh when you look read this letter on the um on the website you know it talks a little bit more about the corrosion control and why why these uh chemicals are used in the um in the uh water utility so so um so that's that everything is fine it was fine uh fairly quickly after the pump was was noticed uh that it was not working okay I'll take a question yes um uh question I have you said that if this happens again by some chance all right CL hry 18th and B if this happens again by some chance we're going to require them to come back and test like immediately but we still have to notify Depp because there was a problem correct they're sent automatically to D the reports automatically go to D so why didn't D get the very first report that there was a problem they did have to trigger this the the the lab the lab uh sent it to D which that's that's what triggered this whole thing that it was out of compliance but so the lab sent it to D but they didn't send it right when they took the first notice the problem right away they didn't the problem the problem was the company tests every two weeks routinely comes in and tests the entire system to make sure you they've been doing that for 30 years right um the report coming back from De triggered that one of the levels was below the minimum that they set that's what triggered this whole thing and then through investigation that's when it it was when that pump was offline and it was only in the holding tank it wasn't in the system and no point was the system ever comp the water ever compromised because there's plenty of orthop fos The System yeah I'm not worried about that I I get that I was just curious like when the test was taken the pumps were already broken right and then at the same time all at the same time like we noticed the pump was broke when they came they worked 7 to three roughly they they check everything come in and when they leave when they left the day before pumps are Fally came in next morning realized that one of the chemical feed pumps wasn't working okay that's when they went to work on it right away and at the same time that was the day the company comes in to do the test okay so that test then went back to D correct but that test didn't show the the levels yeah that's a trigger this you know like it was the the minimum is 022 I think the issue comes to when probably when we fixed the issue other words they could have reported it on that same day but we never reported back that the levels came back to normal okay that's that's where the process Improvement is okay they reported they reported on day one yeah the El had a problem you know and then two weeks later when they tested they said oh yeah the problem is not there anymore the problem wasn't there the very next day so now when we have an issue like that they would have just called the company back the next day they would have reported the D everything is fixed and then we wouldn't have had the letter and D wouldn't have you know gotten up in arms but because they didn't report it for 14 days D is just assuming that that condition existed for 14 days okay so that problem will be fixed by getting them in here soon right okay it's all about process Improvement it's process yeah and uh yeah and that's really the simple answer anytime something goes wrong once we fix it we need to notify uh the company that comes in and checks it and they'll send the ep the notice right away my 26 years UPS just Kickback in okay the council have any have the council any further questions and I think uh the next item was the um Belmar environmental commission eace recommendations let's talk about the geese you're the geese person um I think everyone now in the room has uh one of these so hopefully that makes it easier for you there was also a copy outside of the environmental commission's letter with the official recommendations in full it is much longer that's why I also made the one pager so you can follow along more easily um I'd like to start off kind of backtracking about why this is important this isn't just about a lot of droppings on the ground uh near the lake this is about the over Ral health of the lake and how that feeds into the ecosystem there um as a lot of people who are frequent flyers here know I'm use a lot of keying this I already feel it um um we formed a Silver Lake team months in months ago to go into the health of Silver Lake Silver Lake has had very high nutrient levels nutrient in the bad way not the good uh for quite some time as do most of the coastal Lakes but Silver Lake has stood out because it has had a few harmful algae foms uh this summer and even late fall um now the geese contribute to that they are not the only reason and I think it's really important to emphasize that but any plan to create a healthier Silver Lake which would include for a lot of reasons flood mitigation um and healthier plants all sorts of great things has to include a keas mitigation plan um I think it's also worth noting that Belmar is really the only Shore town around here that doesn't have some type of land in place so we need one um it's also really important to not that no plan no matter what we do is going to get including euthanizing the geese will get rid of all of the geese there are always going to be geese on the lake because geese can fly um the number of geese and I have this at the top of the one page here because I think it underscores the problem here the number of geese in North America has increased by 1,500% over the last 40 years that's 101% per decade and something like I'm not great at math like 10% per year um and one of the problems has been that geese are no longer migrating the same way they used to be we have resident geese um and geese once they start laying eggs and creating us there they will do that for life and they will do that for years so we need a a plan that is not just throwing a lot of money to make them fly away for 10 minutes we need something robust that is also contribued to the health of the league so um a lot of research went into this and in fact I wish I had started it off this way I wish I wish I wish Mr dillberg he was part of this whether he knows it or not um a couple of months ago he came in with a letter from an article about Edgewater New Jersey and how they had euthanized their keys so we followed up on that and we called Edgewater and it turns out that 10 years ago they did euthanize their keys but they found that not only did that really upset the residents but didn't actually solve the problem because more geese just came in so um they recommended a great deal of what we see here in front of us they're they've seen their geese problem they're right on the Hudson River they've used to have hundreds of geese now they see maybe 20 a year um and that is a reasonable number um so first off the EAS easy things to talk about are the living Shoreline and that means having a 5 foot buffer basically extending from the shore of the lake coming out with varying Heights of vegetation it's really important that that buffer not get mowed and I know that's kind of hard not to do sometime but that allows the geese to not well it disallows them from seeing straight into the lake it scares them that means they don't want to go in there they don't want to hang out in that area um and it's also really great for the health of the lake for flood mitigation all of these things that are really really good for us that we need here um another thing I'm going to skip the finds because thats kind of fun um we need starting in February really early to start breaking up their nests um that can be volunteers it can be DW that's a conversation um we need egg addling we need to make sure that we're not having tens of piece born here per boops um so that's an important component here and then the other fun component are the lights and the lasers and I keep making Austin po references as I talk about lights and lasers but um but um one part is LED lights on the lake now that sounds scary these are not super bright L lights that are going to disturb all the residents these are small there's a picture of them on this one pager um and what Edgewater told us was that it looks kind of almost like a cigar light from the distance this is not a big deal and the reason these are important is because the geese sleep on the lake generally and this disturbs them from sleeping there they're not going to want to sleep there they will sleep elsewhere that is an important step in this process the other nice thing about them is that they're permanently there they're anchored there in the lake and they're solar powered so this is a onetime investment they cost about they're in this long note Colleen's right here she did a lot of This research uh $3,000 um which is not a high price and Edgewater has all of these processes in place for 10 years they haven't had to replace these lights so $3,000 onetime purchase solar power guaranteed guaranteed also we would want so was $33,000 total for this system so I think it was five total three on the lake two on the island five on the lake two on the island I think it was three on the island three on the island there we go um and these have a six-month trial period uh two-year warranty satisfaction guaranteed money back six months so it's a really good fiscally Sound Investment um it also includes handheld lasers now this one would be the only notation here is that unless it's a cloudy day this needs to be done at dawn and at dusk and this is what they look like looks like a giant flashlight there is a even bigger model but the problem with that model is that it looks like a gun having someone wandering around the link with a gun might cause a new set of problems um but this creates a green laser light uh and the geese hate it they don't come adjusted to it we talked about dogs here in this building um the geese become used to the dogs and they fly away they come back they do not get used to this um and you point in at them and they fly away um and that's built into that price here with what we're recommending that will be what the Belmar environmental commission is recommending we do um use of these two processes alone saw an 85% reduction in the number of ke that are on the lake yeah so yeah and I keep saying I grew up on Duck Hunt so I'm really excited to volunteer to do this um and then the other big thing and this would require Council action is that the environmental commission recommended raising the fines right now the fines in Belmar for feeding the wildlife around the lake range from $50 to $500 uh the environmental commission recommended going from $500 to $2,000 for multiple offens um that is a hefty fine they recommended having signs around announcing that fine to really discourage people from feeding the geese because if the geese are fed the geese stay and our goal is to get the geese to leave um that is the short version of this um I'm trying to make sure I didn't miss anything as far as what the environmental commission is recommending but I welcome questions I'd love to hear things and I also want to also point out that um you want back from residents hopefully the system is um the the living Shoreline will obviously take a while to come in but as we start working with this we'd love to hear from residents how they're finding it what they recommend um because that's what we're doing out here we're want to hear from you so what questions can I answer I have a question first of all thank you so much councilwoman Donan and the environmental commission colen paus um for all of your work and dedic Med ation on this um I know this has been months and months of um research and meetings and uh it hasn't gone unnoticed and we appreciate that it's multifaceted you know you're not talking about just one way um that is going to be very temporary um I have a question about the lights are the LED lights are they harmful to people or no not at all harmful people and they the Gees don't like them I'm not quite sure maybe coling Zs here you can answer this I can't remember what the effect is on other animals who are on the lake they're exactly geese level so the um other water foul or Wildlife are not disturbed by them and geese have particularly sensitive eyes so it it bothers them and not other water F yeah and one of the things I also forgot to mention too is that this is the system that's used in all the major New York New Jersey airports and by port ofar so the big guys are using this system I I would encourage I would encourage the council to follow the these recommendations as soon as possible because it seems that this is time sensitive in getting those lights um to to be used to to scare them at this point so I just I have a couple questions because I I do appreciate the environmental commission giving us a very very detailed report we don't always get reports like these with the you know with links and references and sources uh that's pretty cool um my question really evolves around you know the equipment so is there maintenance for this equipment is there a setup do we rely on an outside company to set this up and configure it a certain way or do we just sort of plop it in there on the lake and B how do we make sure that it's not going to be tampered with or vandalized or stolen I guess is another concern I have um well the the lights would be anchored in the lake D unfortunately would have to set it up but we are assured that it's a very easy setup it's an anchoring system and the Edgewater DP said he would happy to talk to you guys and walk you through if you have any questions and if you don't think it's feasible that's a conversation we would need to have quickly um but we want to hear that it's really important that you're involved in this process and then does does the whole system sort of fall apart if we don't have the handheld unit to go around because it's you know George isn't going to be happy having to get up but well I think that that part of the conversation has to happen and there is another estimate that worked out including hiring either a part-time person to be in charge of that or verse using volunteers like I said I'm happy to volunteer part of this anyway I live right across the street um God knows unfortunately I am up at that hour so um I think that is an important question uh but I don't think I should deter us from purchasing one of these especially because they're relatively inexpensive to what we're talking about then fines are a little scary for me don't feat the geese no I know and then we shouldn't be feeding the geese and for me a $50 fight is enough to deter me from feeding geese um I just wonder if it's is that really the source of our problem do we have an overwhelming number of people feeding geese or is it really just the environment conditions are so great for the geese to be there because of the grass height and because of the you know the fact that the lake is there or is it really you know is this a problem that really needs to be addressed or is the fine thing just sort of are going to be over penalizing people for a mistake well I think the proper man sure yeah yeah can you hear me from there is that okay why don't you come up to microphone because there is the streaming so um every expert we spoke with was consistent with the fine aspect if just one person is occasionally feeding geese they will not leave like period and um Edgewater credits this uh you know this portion of their overall um you know plan that they have in place as um a big part of why they've been successful so their fine is actually $2,000 and um which is what I recommend staying consistent with what Edgewater is doing but people on the environmental commission felt like that was too Hefty to your point so we negotiated down to uh what we're presenting so it was I want to say what it we say 500 for the first offense and 2,000 for the second offense if I if I got a $50 ticket for Fe geese I'm not going to Fe the GE again well um you know enforcing the fin my question is it enforced I mean have people in edge water yes no no no here I I mean who's supposed to administer those F so in Edgewater what they um what they've done in Edgewater is that there is a uh you know very tight cooperation between their DPW and the police department so DPW if they spot someone feeding the geese they'll notify the police department and the police department puts um you know the fine in place thank as far as thees go I think it can be managed in the sense that if we if we do the 500 2,000 obviously we need to do a some kind of a a notice to the public you know like a very make it very obvious to people that this is happening uh not just put up little signs or on a lake you know that's say oh $500 fine I mean I think we'd have to have some kind of a program that would you know in addition to advising people of the efforts we're making that we need to really stop de feating and you know really publicize it uh it might mean having larger Signs by the lake you know initially uh to really publicize that this is what's happening I also think that you know initially uh we may want to at least if if a public works person sees it give the person a warning in terms of what I mean if you have a you know a family with little children and they're feeding the Ducks you know we don't want to find that person $500 necessarily but um they should be they should be advised that this is not really allowed and um you know so I think there's a breaking period I guess what I'm saying and uh I I think uh I think if with the proper notice to people you know the fine the fine issue really doesn't doesn't bother me as much as that as long as people are well noticed that they can't do this I have a question um the living buffer so that's going to not allow for any path any Pathway to the water whatsoever because right now there's quite a few little Pathways down to the water so if you go down to Avon they've done a beautiful job on the east side of Avon on the lake and you can walk around there um there are Pathways they just are curving so one is a little Whimsical and very saying yeah but there's not a clear path so so that's the distinction we're drawing yeah yeah I think the I think goal initially is to just create the buffer I we had the buffer last year uh and I I think it helped to some degree and it's just doing that and then I think again over time enhancing that you know with Absolut with you know proper plantings um you know making access points that that are you know within the within the buffer that don't really break the buffer I should be clear that um part of the environmental commission and silverly team's goal is to get funding to really build robust one and and have environmental Architects plot out the proper one and get a rid of some of those invasive species that are there and that are on the island because one of the problems with the island is those um some of those plants are so high now that island is a perfect nesting place for keys and that needs to be addressed so what is the time frame ideally for that buffer to be like what if in a perfect world I mean everything takes time right so what is the perfect so you stumbled upon the the major question in some ways because one of the problems that Silver Lake is now now you guys are going to give a brief very brief history lesson Silver Lake used to be a brackish Lake meaning it was salt um or had salt and after Sandy that pipeline collapsed broke was permanently clogged and never changed back so that is now a freshwater lake as much as we can call it freshw because the only um water going into the lake is either rain water or the storm water coming in from 18 different alcohol pipes um which is another source of not the cleanest water in in s um but the problem is is that there's been a conversation when we talk to all these different experts either at Ruckers M University the American roal society about whether or not we should be talking about restoring the the ocean that was a huge other can of worms um it would be very very expensive it would involve perhaps of Engineers DP millions of dollars uh but that would also mean that the makeup of the water would change again and we'd have to build that into any new plantings because different plants survive based on yeah you see where I'm going um but in the immediate I think plants can be built built plants can not a gardener um plants can we can start that process now there are some we've talked to enough people to know that we can start planting some things now to start building that out I love the idea that um with the um presentation the letter that we received that we can put signs around saying Silver Lake restoration is in progress please excuse our appearance um I think that that part's important so that people know that this isn't something that we're neglecting in fact this is something that we're trying to work on in a positive manner and I think that especially people who just come to visit the buau might be like oh why isn't this mode um you know our residents too who who might not be informed of of the plan that there actually is a plan um and so I think that will help and more communication and like the mayor had mentioned as well getting the community involved and saying okay so if I see a little kid you know throwing bread with his mom I can say hey that's a $500 fine you know like put it away go home um you know that we can really get the word out as residents that we're working on this this is in progress we're doing it together I still remember the signs that went up in Spring Lake back in the early 90s that just said do not feed our feather friends and it had information about what bread does to to the water fou um that was enough for me but um I also want to say too that the um what did I want to say um that these recommendations I mean the environmental commission and Colleen Zin in particular put so much work into this it is really really thoughtful and the system in general between the lights and the laser system um can be a really good deter and also that um having that deliberate mool line too will will make sure that people understand that this part of the lake that we're going out in this side with this very intentional Mo line to make it look me and um deliberate we we'll go towards assuring residents and visitors Alik that we're we're being intentional in our decisions down there I have one more question too um I know there's a difference obviously between the geese and the swans yes now the swans do nest every year on that island and that's like a kind of a fun thing for residents to watch them come back and have their you know signets are they signets too yeah so is there is there a difference or is that all considered the same with regards to elimination I was told that the um solar powered lights will not other waterf which would include the swans um and the handheld like you it's very precise so you're just not pointing at the swans and their nests will be not Disturbed her nest every year there might I don't I wasn't researching those those swans mating habits um I know unfortunately too much about kees so I don't I would assume if we're going to be active on that island then there might be some imp back to the swans is but this is just an assumption based on you know so perhaps I sometimes you get don't get to have everything right this might be one of those cases I don't know I I just wanted to add that um you know I think the environmental commission has done a wonderful job on this and really is uh the point of having these commissions is to is to advise the Council on on how do we solve some of these problems and I think this is you know this is a really excellent uh template for other commissions to use if they if they you know want to report on things like that and obviously I have to thank Colleen for all the hard work that she's put in uh researching this um and I you know I'm on on board with all of the points that you know are in are in the letter uh that she has submitted to us um and I I do think that the health of the lake is important uh speaking of the of the change from you know salt water to to a uh more of a freshwater like I did notice just pass this along that if you go in the Historical Society Museum they have a huge they have many many maps of Belmore and there's one on the wall which actually shows Silver Lake draining into into not draining but reaching the ocean and it was after you know when all the streets were there and and they actually had bath houses on the on the on the um on the sand and they have a bridge pretty much where tayor Pavilion is so that bridge would allows the lake to you know overflow into the ocean or at the ocean if when it's high tide and whatever you know drain basically across it's now Fifth Avenue into the lake so I mean apparently that's probably the Genesis of the pipe where you know when they filled that in somebody probably said oh we need to put the pipe here here to provide that but I I just thought from a historical perspective you know it was interesting to see that the the lake was fed by the ocean you know going back uh before we uh paved over Fifth Avenue we built the boardwalk and whatever I went back and I was reading the um Belmar environmental uh intake is that the right word uh Mr ker you were on the one from 2008 um in 2020 am I right with that date you're right don't J um um but there was a reference in in the background for Silver Lake about how they thought there was a chance there was actually underground water feeding into it because Silver Lake doesn't lose as much depth during few times of drought as other surrounding Lakes little yeah interesting yeah really thorough presentation very very nice thanks so much for all of the information I appreciate it good job envir thank you can I make a question sure yeah I haven't seen uh any Gees by the lake in more than two years now u in fact uh not not GE excuse me swans if I understanding that the swans have moved out of Silver Lake and have gone to Lake coma because there's no aquatic vegetation that the swans need to feed on and they actually I think Tom brenon actually had some pictures of the Gees marching all the way down the boardwalk to Lake KOMO so I'm not sure that swans no she she comes back every year I see her we take pictures they breed bre and then she Nest they she nests like pretty much all of April and May she you know has her the eggs hatched they have the little ones and then they leave they go to lakeo I'm wondering if when we're talking about building that living sh line when we talk to um the experts on that if we can ask for vegetation that encourages swans to stay although swans are beautiful but I got to say they are not the creatur so swans are an invasive species they're very territorial uh I didn't lose any sleep when they left she comes back every they so pretty B of species and the fact that U there wasn't sufficient education uh is an indicator that yeah they made Nest here hatch the eggs and then take off uh maybe we should just take advantage of that period of time if that's what you want to observe by the way yesterday u i I was down by the lake and uh didn't see heast but saw a brand and the other thing is is that you have to inform people is something may look like a canit or Goose but is it uh the brand do not have any white feathers on their head that's the main way and typically they're smaller but uh they're a transient bird and you know I think that should be encouraged of you're part of the Atlantic Flyway here and when the weather gets tough offshore you know they're looking for a place to land and rest in perap speet uh regarding Silver Lake and its entirety the Bur can do what it wants or tend do and has control over the parks property but the people across the street uh they have Colonial bent they have Kentucky Blue they have tall fescue fresh cut grass it's like setting a schmor dis board for the the geese uh if there's no food the geese or a little food the geese won't have here they'll take off and go someplace else uh that's that's a matter of of ground cover control and um I guess the end of this summer at least at the Northwest uh portion of of silver link by where we have a burm uh I did notice that the DPW uh did cut back on trimming on the uh Lakeside slope of of the of the burm and the geefs were not handing there but they went across the street course and that you don't have control of that um but there are other ground covers that by not providing food for the GE I mean GE are like any farm animal with horses or or cattle food goes in one end it comes out the other U and they'll be eating full time but they don't take a break in between and uh those going to be the biggest problem ground cover can be changed you can cut back on the Mowing and quite truthfully there's a lot of M surfaces uh Green Turf here in town I'm not sure that it's appropriate or necessary around the lake uh people may like to see everything look like a golf course but remember it's Parkland Nature's one thing that perhaps be better promoting if somebody wants to play basball or something that can go up to Main Street play at the baseball field um just just recommendations from my my point of view I'm sorry I didn't see the the swans come back this but I have notice that the ones that I guess that there don't I'm not sure that that they're very aggressive birs and don't dominate Chase geese out of the war maybe that's the answer maybe we should get more SWS I don't I I agree with everything you said and I think I think it just points to the fact that this is going to be a continuing education process because I agree with you that you know the food is everywhere you know especially on private property and loans and whatnot and I think it's just you know we need to just educate the public that uh you know the grasses are beautiful but you know like it and so for the private residents around the lake um not this one but there are much cheaper versions of this on Amazon that you can play around with um so just putting that out there for them okay thank you thank to your point too May the only thing I'd like to see in this plan would be some quantitative measure of success right are we how are we tracking that this is actually working are we going to measure you know we count the number of eggs that we're seeing prior to addling and then sort of look next year and see if we're reducing that number or is it just going to be public opinion on what oh I mean I think that's a really good question certainly counting the cas is an important part of this and I think counting the number of eggs hash this year compared to next year is also an important component I'd like to see you know whether that's done by the environmental commission or whether we assigned someone within DPW to actually see where we're at now to establish Baseline and sort of see in a year where we've actually judging from the text messages I get I can assure you that the public will be happy toate account the KE um but yeah I think that's a really important part thank you point to thank you I mean I also think I mean I thought of this before to how do you how do you measure success and you know one way you could do it is and obviously you probably have to use volunteers is in my view you'd have to have somebody go out at a particular hour every day and count the geese you know whether you're looking at you know 8 12 and six and then do that for a period of time count it the Gees and then do what you're going to do count them again and that's kind of kind of intensive be able to do that service we get school kids to do that but I mean in in reality in my mind that's really the only way you're going to I mean you can't monitor it every hour of every day so I mean if if we if we chose that but again I I'll punt that to the environmental commission and see what what ideas they can come up with to make sure you know we we can come up with some idea of success I mean I I also think though just the uh comments from people will also be valuable because we all walk dogs and whatever and I think it will be very apparent once we start doing this that it'll be less geese you know okay anything else on on Geese Workshop I'm sorry one thing sorry um it's important that we distinguish between migratory geese and the resident geese um we will always have migratory geese and they look a little bit different um Council woman Donovan just took a picture the other day um you know of the migratory geese I see them in Spring Lake like they're all over so we're always going to have the migratory geese I just want to keep expectations realistic thanks okay any other questions okay let's move on petitions I did not receive any petitions so can we have a motion to approve the minutes of the December 12th meeting motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes may B Fusco yes councilman rero yes councilman L yes of council woman really I just want to say thank you to everyone I want to thank DPW The Police Every staff here and the residents for a wonderful holiday season we had amazing events um and I look forward to a wonderful new year Council mckenny great thank you mayor the only meeting that we had was the uh sh Tre commission met on the second Thursday of December and there was discussion about piano Plaza some of the trees in piano Plaza that need to be moved or changed but there's also like Electric in that Plaza there was a meeting last Friday the Friday before um Christmas which I was unable to make but Jim ler again from the shade tree met with Mr Kane so maybe Mr Kane can you give us an update of maybe what happened on that meeting sure B basically it was just about what's what's going to be happening in the plaza you know with with the work going on with the uh the piano that's going to be placed there and what there were you know a lot of the the trees in piano Plaza or old uh so they want to take a look at that whole thing so I mentioned that we are working with our Engineers to figure out exactly where the property lines are who owns what and then once we determine that then we'll be able to put a plan together but but as part of that whole piano project that whole piano Plaza area uh shade Tre is going to be involved helping with the design and then they also mentioned about uh various uh species of trees that they have that they want to put throughout town that we're going to be working with too so it was a general General conversation about what's going to be happening in piano Plaza and uh it it was a great meeting so that's going to occur of this coming year we're hoping correct well the piano is scheduled to be delivered the end of February with a grand opening SL ceremony the first week in April um those are loose numbers to pianos being manufactured in Israel so um we just have to keep that in mind it's been ordered and uh the projected timeline is somewhere the end of February uh in installs throughout March and then uh David Sanchez is working on a program how he wants to um do a dedication ceremony uh sometime that first week in April so then hopefully the trees and everything will be part of that plan for the grand opening correct great um um that's really all I have thank you so much also gpw please depit everybody's hard work this year and happy New Year to everybody okay um I guess I'll on next uh I would like to take the opportunity also to let thank all the members of the council for all the hard work that they they did this year I mean I think we have an outstanding group of people here and I think I'm fortunate and the residents are fortunate that um they've they've really gone up above and beyond I believe what what uh they they need to do and um you know we're very very lucky here in Belmore that that we have this kind of cooperation and uh also you know obviously DPW the police uh our business administrator or legal counsel who keeps us all you know right on the right line here um you know all all of these people work together to to keep us you know safe healthy and and do the best uh for all of our residents so we thank you all um I think we're going to have another great year next year and happy New Year and I'll see you on the second for our next meeting to stay on appreciate the cooperation and uh like to to chime in to thank all of the burrow employees um and all the volunteers we have a lot of volunteers um and all of our First Responders so thank you so much U thank you mayor uh this is the last day to apply for the Anor program for 2023 uh that's anchor. uh belmer Housing Authority according to executive director Paul Dan santis the repairs on the main elevator have started and are on schedule elevator 2 is now in use um it successfully passed inspection um so as these repairs are made to the main elevator um the second elevator will um will be used and that supposed to take about 7 weeks uh the belmare public library Heather board meeting on Tuesday uh December 19th at 6 pm. all classes will return to their normal schedule on January 2nd but you can always check the website for any changes the first author time of 20124 is January 20th at 10:00 a.m. and that features authors Jennifer clear waters and Cynthia okano they'll be discussing their book the elevation principles which gives you the guidance resources and support to break fre of old habits hold yourself accountable and create new Pathways for change wow that sounds awesome um a quick reminder that the library is now open on Sundays from uh 10: to 2:00 p.m. and please mark your calendars for the Chinese New Year celebration at the Taylor Pavilion it will be February 15th uh as soon as I have more information on that I will pass it along thank you so much have a happy New Year council president Levis thank you mayor um I just like to start we had our last haror commission meeting of the year um last week um we got a little bit of an update on the fuel dock I believe at this point the repairs are just electrical in nature um so the dock is stable we're just uh are we still waiting a contractor to come in for that administrative cane or yeah quotes for electrical okay and then once the electrical work is done we should have all the pumps back online at that point okay um the other thing I've been up to is uh I met with several business owners on Main Street regarding the uh the Dot's plan to improve the Main Street Bridge a lot of them are very concerned with the full D tour model um that was proposed by dot right now I don't know what the businesses in Avon are thinking but I know that most of our Main Street businesses at least the ones close to the bridge do have some concerns about that so I think it's important we uh we try to balance the needs of those businesses with the needs of the Marine operations that are happening within the river um so I just think it's important we stay on top of it uh keep an open line of communication with the businesses so that they they know that we'll go to B for them uh you know do is proposing something that's going to negatively impact them and negatively impact our marine operations so uh just something to keep in mind for all of you if you're out there and you're you're talking to some of these businesses let's let's find out what's going to work for them and let's talk to Dot and make sure that we're expressing their interests uh wildely that's all I have uh Happy New Year and and thank you to uh the amazing team we have here okay thank you uh one one slight procedural thing that I'm we're going to see uh today I I asked April that um before we vote on ordinances for example the the or the our ordinances say that the uh you know the public speaks and then as a council we should make our comments at that point and then once we make the motion to do the vote and the roll call that we should only have votes at that point I think we haven't had much conversation on on votes but uh that's the way other committees do it and it avoids a situation of where you know before I vote I say well I'm voting for this because of that that that and then the next it's I think it's you know envisioned that all the comments come out first so we can discuss them all and then when we do the roll call we just do the roll call so uh April's going to lead us in that and remind us of that as we move forward in the year in case any of us forget but I mean that is the procedure and I I think it's cleaner that way so we all get input on what we're voting on okay so next we have public session on the resolutions if anyone would like to comment about a resolution on the agenda please step forward state your name and address seeing none can I have a motion to close the public session motion second all in favor I can I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes Mayor Michael Fusco yes councilwoman Rino yes councilman Lis yes next we have ordinance 20239 this is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 40 development regulations uh specifically section two definitions um this is open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on this ordinance please step forward state your name and address Mr Creer we get you the the microphone Eugene Creer 4th Avenue uh looks like uh um chapter 40 uh this is uh this accessory building U structure or use um and this is being modified to add pool house as an accessible permitted accessory structure um by the way I think U the pool house uh the one in my neighborhood there I guess is we has brought this U subject of pool houses uh to where we are here tonight today [Music] um and um the town has struggled with this sort of thing not necessarily a pool housee but any accessory structure that contains heat uh the one that's being built near or has been built near me where I live um it's going to be a heated pool and the heating equipment is to be housed within the so-called pool house uh also what I I think is being proposed is has got some real problematic problems what I mean it's problematic uh trying to keep uh a toilet with an with a half bath or otherwise from freezing in the winter um I know even the burrow of Belmar uh with the piping in the taor Pavilion has had to we've had burst pipes there's practical problems associated with this but of course if somebody's going to install uh a pool heater to heat a swimming pool uh that boiler can certainly heat the whole structure Hydra uh Hydra hydraulically I guess is the way you would not forced air but hydraulically just put in a valve and additional piping and there you go you have a heated perhaps habitable space the other thing is what are the limitations is it just going to be the housing of the heating equipment and the pump equipment and the filter equipment for the pool is it going to be a bathroom is there also going to be a sauna associated with that I just think that uh making this a per pool house a permitted use uh is is really opening a can of worms and take my word for it uh people are are very inventive when it comes to their own property and making improvements on their property and looking for any way that they can do it um I guess uh there's been established a u definition of a pool house and it does say a pool house is not permitted to have Heating and or cooking equipment nor contain air conditioning but may contain a f b with limited hot water capacity well if they're heating the whole pool with uh hot water or essentially heating water uh is that to be the remedy here in other words that will heat the space that's being used in an accessory building uh just in maintaining it no wants to shut off the heat in their house we get into the middle of winter the pipes crack and like I said it's been a problem at the teror Pavilion uh we've had I don't know how many times uh we've had first pipes down there with the bathroom hopefully it seems now that t pinion is being used on a more frequent basis and somebody will keep an eye on that and perhaps uh pay to continually heat uh that building space u of course that that just spins a utility meter if the building is not being occupied and by the way the uh pool house in in my neighborhood there that that pool housee actually has its own separate gas natural gas service so uh it it's Prime for being easily converted into habitable space uh so and then it goes on here a deed restriction uh would be placed on the on the use of it and so on uh deed restrictions don't work we've we've had deed restrictions in this town that essentially just get blown away and forgotten about the only way that they get enforced is if a neighbor wants to Champion the deed restriction then he has to go out and hire an attorney uh and and uh bring the matter up uh in a lawsuit essentially um this is this these are laws that these are conditions my property has a deed restriction that I can't sell liver okay likewise uh when this mediteranian project was proposed that property had a deep restriction that liquor could not be sold there and that deep restriction was is actually uh put in by the buau itself and when this came up to a discussion with the planning board and the mayor and councel they just blew it away uh unless somebody wants to wants to enforce the deed restriction uh I guess the point I'm trying to make is uh what are we trying to do make people uh make residents um watching residents in order to enforce regulations or in or in this case here uh enforcing a d restriction the other uh by the way does anybody have any comments about any of this stuff about the pool house or make so that's my question usually actually I did want to interject here that the question of enforcement is come up quite a few times and I was wondering if Council had any thoughts on that because I would love to hear what think about on on enforcement on enforcement for zoning because we we talk about that a lot we talked about it with the [Laughter] keys yeah so so the intent of this ordinance was to alleviate some of the burden on the zoning board this was this was generated as a recommendation from the prior year zoning board the idea that people can make improvements to their property we want to allow people make improvements of their property within certain reason the planning board worked very hard to make sure that these structures couldn't be utilized as a second living residence right so that's the reason there's restrictions on having uh heater or air conditioning within the within those structures so you can do that and I understand you're concerned about pool heaters Mr Creer but I can assure you that most people are not utilizing their pools in the winter time hence the cool heater needs to be winterized as well it wouldn't be a viable heat source for for any building in winter so the intent is that these are not going to be secondary residences or back houses or anything like that it's really just an option for somebody to have a a cabana I don't want to say Cabana that's a separate definition but some type of space where they can store pool equipment where maybe they can have sort of a popup space just to have an extra restroom that's that's near the pool um that's really the only intent of it I mean I'm going to interject I do think Council M Donovan has said I think the council really should look into enforcement of of these things because as Mr ker has pointed out I think you know I can get a poolhouse today and you know put a half bath in and a shower and next year you know I'll have a line run and I'll have an air conditioning put in or I'll have a you know I'll have a gas line you know and before you know it I have a a stove in there and I think the question that always comes up not just for this for other things that the zoning board is allowing is who who follows up on that who how do we know that that the what has been permitted has not been abused in terms of what what else has gone on um and I don't have the answer to that uh but I think you know we'd have to look and explore how how do we do that I mean I know there are certificates of occupancy when people sell their homes and whatever but you know if wait for that you could be waiting 20 years before you go in and see oh you know they've had a heater in here for the last 15 years um so I think it's something that maybe we should you know look at and say you know how do we how do we follow up on on things that are being uh put as part of conditions specifically to to resolutions and things like that and um you know I think it's a valid point I going back to the pool house though I think you know the whole idea is it's not to be habitable space um it's really there for you know for storage of of pool items and I think the big the big push is for the uh for the toilet and the and the outside shower which it doesn't mention a shower but I think in all we all realize that that's what's going to go in into the pool housee so people don't have to go into into their homes and I'll have a little furthermore to say once we get to the to the council person but um you know your points are well taken I I don't think the enforcement to is relevant just to this structure right anybody any accessory structure somebody putting up a shed or putting up a detached garage you could run into the same thing where they're I think it even goes beyond accessory structures where people are are saying oh I don't know I'm making this up you know I'm going to plant a tree I'm going to plant two trees in front of my house and then before you know it you know time goes by and you never see the trees you know like who's who's following up on those those things that people are actually swearing to when they're before these boards as to what they're going to do and then they they wind up not doing it so when when the homeowners submit their construction permits they have to include a copy of the resolution with them and that's when that gets checked and then everything has to be in compliance either it's either checked by the zoning officer or the engineer depending on what type of project it is and everything is resolved before the co is issued the problem is is what happens after the co is issued is another question right and there's no way to enforce that without going through everyone's houses and seeing if they've done anything illegal that's that's completely obvious right we dster never know everything's piling up we know they're doing construction without a permit so it really comes down to enforcement but we can't really I mean as a council we can't enforce can't spot check people's houses to see they put into the legal bathroom or within within the bounds of the law we can create ordinances that do many different things and obviously I would defer to to our Council as to what appropriate actions could be taken that's all I'm saying you know um so I think that point is is well taken did you have any other comments uh yes the U impervious area definition here I know most of the discussion has been about the pool houses but this is actually more important than that um the U impervious area is the uh most important uh problem or component of storm water management um I think um let's see what's proposed here loose Stone uh would be considered perus and so on and also it makes reference to what's called pervious pavers it makes reference to this U sh shall be constructed in accordance with the interlocking concrete Paving Institute IP I um that sounds like a prestigious organization doesn't it U I looked into this at one time the U inter inter interlocking concrete Paving Institute uh is owned by one person so U and it's not a bad specification by the way uh the one person that owns this uh Institute is uh put down their name here um Cambridge pavers he's been on television for years and um now he's got his two sons working in the business but uh uh pretty pretty slick marketing uh but other companies have done this before they create an organization where one doesn't exist and then publish a specification us steel steel did it at one time uh with their so-called Cyclone Fence they publish a specification and uh people are steered pretty much to buy their fence from us do uh anyhow I don't really have a problem with specification but uh there's a lot better um the D this should actually be this business of especially with the uh the paver systems U belmar's chapter 44 storm water management perhaps when it comes to people uh now here you're coming up with a checklist item that can be used by zoning board or planning board uh they get an application in the application is looking for variances and one of them is impervious cover and if you exceed that uh impervious cover limit okay you have to apply for a variant uh and and I guess this is this is trying to cure all that in in in one definition of impervious P or pervious paver um the other thing about the pervious pav definition here is that it says that you can get credit for 50% of the area that you put per pavers over well isn't that 50% number actually uh arbitrary in other words the 50% number was put there because all you had to do is multiply by two in other words uh if you want to put more Paving in uh you could use the the pervious pavers and doubles square footage of of paved area that you're going to have in your yard in any case U the pervious pavers is a fairly complicated uh the effectiveness and the usefulness of it as far as storm water management is concerned is uh is more clearly defined Within belmar's Chapter 44 if I can just interrupt you for a second though the only change to this def definition is putting in loose Stone and or gravel and including that as a calculated as 50% impervious I mean the the other items that you're talking about which are are you know very relevant are already in in the ordinance so you know our vote today is not going to change any of that it's just really whether or not we should be adding the loose Stone and our gravel as uh as a calculating that when used you know in a driveway or a walkway as 50% imperious um yes mayor really what I'm suggesting here is when you come up with the a variance request when the board comes up with a variant request uh for uh exceeding the impervious area limitations of the zone that they're in that they should be they should mitigate in other words if if if you're asking for something for a variance the remedy for the variance is mitigation and chapter 44 explains that in detail uh very well chapter 44 is uh was mandate chapter 44 of the storm waterer management section of the buau code was man ated by the state of New Jersey in fact all municipalities are supposed to incorporated into their uh into inter Municipal codes uh there's a lot of things coming up now with u impervious area and storm water management in fact U I read just the other day about the billions of dollars uh that the federal government is going going to make available to um handle storm water management it's called phase three of the Clean Water Act but but I think I think all the comments that you're making now are are good comments but they really need to start I believe at the zoning board to to you know bring these comments to them and then they can you know make recommendations to us as to whether or not you know the definition of perious coverage should be changed whether or not the you know the use of um perious uh um walkways you know all those issues I think really start at the zoning board and you know we would then get recommendations I believe from them as to what you know what changes they feel are necessary or not necessary so um you know I would like to go on to hear about all the different standards and and and things that you know should might or should be changed in terms of the you know impervious coverage but we really need to move on mayor I would just add that the uh that you're correct we're only doing a minor change to this ordinance however people before boards have to comply with the storm order management requirements anyway and mitigation is a common and standard um aspect of any review of of a development um there are engineering techniques that that mitigate uh drainage problems drive I'm not an engineer however that's part and parcel of every application okay that's why I said it's really uh you know not something that we need to weigh in on right now it's done you know those types of issues are handled at the at the zoning board yeah nothing we're doing with this or any part of the storm order management requirement right okay do you have any other comments no it's just that the I just think it would be just easier here within chapter 40 when when someone has is requesting a a variance for imperious coverage to point for to refer to chapter 44 which is storm water management there are by the way uh I think there's a lot more flexibility with the storm storm water management section of the world code than there is by just throwing this business uh of pervious pvers into the definition of impervious area um okay well you're point is well well taken okay okay thank you Happy New Year Happy New Year to you and any other comments yes thank you mayor candy Caputo Surf Avenue about the bathrooms that we might be putting into tayor Pavilion well this is we're still on the ordinance oh I'm sorry just hold on for a second we'll get to you any other questions about the uh the ordinance we have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I I and does the council want to have any comments before we vote on the ordinance I just have a question so we've taken out the idea that this can be a part of a garage as well they would still need to go um and get a variance if they wanted to make a pool house part of the garage yeah if they were doing conversion have to okay and and that's one of the nature of my comment probably that's why I recommended we do this um I I I'm on the planning board along with council president Lis and at the last meeting we had a vote on this and I just wanted to explain why I voted no uh because I you know the main reason was I thought that this ordinance did not address the issue of the modification of garages to become a poolhouse and I do understand that you know uh from what I heard is that well if somebody asks for you know a a bathroom and a shower in their garage well then that's something that they would have to apply you know they'd have to ask for a variance and that you know they would have to come before the zoning board and it seemed like from from what I heard was that most likely if it it met all of the other requirements the bulk standards the parking issues and all that stuff that it would be that it would be approved and you you know I my thought was was there a way to put that into the into the uh the ordinance not necessarily into the poolhouse ordinance but somewhere so that people who want to do that if it's going to be approved uh every time why would they have to put in a variance to do that you know if if if everybody knows that you know like my garage if my garage is in in in uh accordance with all of the zoning rules then I should just be able to put in an application saying I want to put in a bathroom and a shower and to make it you know if you want to cool it a pool house we can call it a pool house but um that wasn't done and that was the main reason why I thought uh we should we should do that um since then I also have had some other uh things and I'll just throw it out there for for the council and whatever um you know in the interest of of making Property Owners uh have the ability to do what they want on their property within the zoning ordinances you know I'm wondering to myself why can't I have a pool house I don't have a I don't have a you know a pool but I certainly you know there have been times when I've had many people at my house who gone to the beach and who come back and they're you know kids especially they're Sandy and they you know they're all over the place and they're playing in the yard and they're getting filthy and you know it would be I think it would be appropriate for me to have a I won't call it a pool house let's just call it a backyard house which would basically permit the same thing that I could have a a place where I could store my Beach uh you know chairs and other blankets and and umbrellas and also have a shower and the toilet out there so so you know I'm kind of and I did not bring this up at the at the planning board but I'm like you know why and plus this the way this reads you have to have an inground pool to have a pool housee I don't really understand the reason for that um and you know if my if my uh backyard house complies with all of the bulk requirements um then you know my question is why shouldn't we just create a generic term and call it a backyard house and let everyone you know make application for it um and you know with the same concern that you know it not be utilized as a habitable space you know it doesn't have a doesn't have a kitchen in it it doesn't have heating it doesn't have whatever I mean essentially what it is is it's a it's a fancy shed with a with a toilet and a and a shower in it but I think you know I think many people people in town would would love to have that I mean you know even if I'm working in the yard and I'm you know I'm all sweaty and and whatever or I have a maybe I have a basketball court in my yard and I want to uh you know I want to shower and everything before I go in the house I I think an argument can be made to to basically extend or or you know expand the definition of pool house to a backyard house so that all the residents can take advantage of it um now how does that affect us here today I mean I think I think there's a couple of options that we could do we could approve this and obviously go back and and pass another ordinance uh to do that and that might be the best thing to do or we could not pass this today or we could hold it in ADV bance I'm not sure what you know I'd like to just hear what the other council members say I don't have a problem with with passing it but then I would follow follow up with with the planning board in terms of making U either creating another accessory structure or um or modifying this so I'm curious to Mayor I I would just say you know because this this originated from the prior Year's zoning board and a lot of what they were seeing was based on pool houses for in ground pools that people were looking for Relief on um or looking for variances on so until it's kind of one of those things if it's not broke don't fix it um if if they're not getting those types of applications constantly for people without rules who want to put in this type of structure then I don't think we need to address it now if we hear a recommendation from the zoning board you know next year that hey this was an issue this is something that came up a lot I think then we then we try to address it but I don't I don't think it's a problem that they're facing right now I think I think we're addressing the most fundamental need maybe not the the need for you know existing structures but you know if that starts to become an issue with existing garages wanting to wanting to put in some type of pool housee I think I think that is actually best left up to the zoning Bo because those structures are all very different right and they might not fit sort of what we've defined as a poolhouse now whereas now it's very simple when we're looking at a new structure or a new pool um we've we've clearly defined what that can be where it's a little bit muddier when it gets to an existing structure which is why I think the zoning board is the proper proper board to hear those types of variance requests versus just approving them really nilly I think I think this ordinance the way it's written allows us to do just that and then if we do see an issue arising in the future then we can we can revisit it so just so I'm clear on what you're saying council president Lis is to allow people who have potential that they want to convert to be kind of case by case basis with the Planning and Zoning Board and that's exactly the way it is now okay that's exactly the way it is now what this does is allows for a new structure to be not having to go to the zoning board so long as they meet all the the bulk standards that exist out there for impervious coverage for parking they still have to meet all those standards but this allows it to not require a variance before the zoning board to to do one of those structures I don't want to be antic but I literally wrote in our last meeting why do I need a pool to have a pool house which is a joke but at the same time I I think you do have a point like why are we excluding above ground pools why the point is to have we we have the world's largest pool right out down the street um and I mean we have an outdoor shower I hope to got it c um came that way when we bought it uh mror will probably tell me um but I I think you made some good points I don't know if that means that we should table this and have further conversation about this ordinance um I'm also not here to say that maybe the environmental commission next job should be talking pool I would assume a pool was considered an imp is structure no no it's not um does the water go seep into the ground after it hits the pool well the pool coping is considered impervious but the pool water area is not impervious very interesting we might have to look at that too I don't know that that's in my mind that doesn't meet the definition but that's just my mind um can I just add one thing um based on my experience with working with zoning and the zoning board I don't foresee this ordinance coming in the play that often because most properties have garages and they want garages and they're not going to have the space to have their house a garage and a separate pool house so I don't think it's doing what the zoning board wanted because they wanted the applications they saw were adding a pool house to a garage um so I don't see this ordinance coming into play that often people are still going to be going to the zoning board because they're going to want to put an addition on their garage to have the pool housee attached so so so maybe my my concern is just there's just a we need something else to help the zoning board to deal with the people who are going to be coming who want to put in and I hate calling it a pool housee cuz it's not a pool house it's a it's an extension to their garage basically to have a toilet and a shower because you know we all store stuff in our gares as is so you know the only difference is that we're saying well you need a pool to be able to do that and you then I go back to my other argument is why can't I just have a toilet in my garage now without a pool if it meets all of the other requirements you know is that that comes up a lot in the zoning board applications where people talk about garages all the time and you know are there going to be utilities is it going to be heated is it going to have air conditioning and then they'll say well you know I would like to have a toilet there or our sink and we're like no it's not permitted so you could have a a host SP it to rinse but that's it are a lot of requests for variances have not been traditionally no they've given they've given some um more like when it's involved with a pool but there have been cases where people just want to have see that's what bothers me in the sense that you know it's been given to some but you know what's the criteria IA you know it'd be nice I think if we had a straight on you know like if your garage meets this this this this and this then you can do this you know rather than having this well this person got it but I don't know why I didn't get it you know I it just seems it seems like more work for the zoning board and it just seems to me that if we're going to allow a separate structure to have a bass and a and a whatever we're calling it here half bass then why wouldn't we let an existing structure have a half pass and maybe that's a a further discussion with the with the zoning board so you know maybe I talk myself you know 360° and maybe we should maybe we should just move forward with this and then and then you know deal with the issues that I have I think uh Council wants to weigh on this yeah well I'm just I just wanted to add that this is the the last meeting of the year so if we table it um we would have to read introduce it next year so U just putting we can't table the second reading we have to start all over again I'm I'm okay with moving it you know taking a vote on this now and uh and we can always deal with the other issues next year okay okay can I have a motion to adopt ordance 20239 motion second counc Donan yes Council Kenny yes mayor B Fusco yes Council Rano yes Council L yes all right now we have public session um anyone would like to speak please step forward state your name and address come on up Sandy thank you um again about the tailor Pavilion the plan is to maybe install bathrooms in there because we don't want to put up those other two non-compliant trailers back well kind of sort of but really the the goal is to create a permanent bathroom on the boardwalk and since we have the space to do it in the T Pavilion we would do that and that would take away the Sixth Avenue bathroom because it's only a block away and that's really the that's really the Genesis of all of this so we're eliminating one of the temporary bathrooms and putting in a permanent bathroom which could possibly be open year round because right now the temporary bathrooms need to be removed by what is it October 1st that the law so you know it would it be an enhancement for people on the boardwalk to have a year round bathroom there if we decide to keep it open year round okay are AR fully up the trailers non-compliant or are they compliant well it depends on what you mean by non-compliant the trailers are compliant that's what they're sitting on it's not comp so um it's a it's a thing where we're still working on that but um you know basically non-compliant means you know D is not in favor of us having having these Earth from sitting on what they're sitting now there are other there are other um engine nearing things that could be done to to make them compliant using your term and we're we're looking into that too and we would have to you know deal with d and getting approval to do that but um yeah I mean the the the bathrooms are fine it's just that what they're sitting on is not fine and they would like us to have you know the bathroom it's it's all for storm reasons in other words they don't want like if there's a big storm right now and we get some kind of a notice uh D has to go and remove those bathrooms could be the middle of the summer and when they have to take them off the beach and then after the storm they have to put them back so you know it would be nice to have a situation where we could put those bathrooms on you know a different whether it's pilings or whatever and so that we can keep them there uh you know I don't know if we would keep them year around or whatever I mean that Still Remains to be seen but that's what's the non-compliant part okay um what I was wondering is why are we worried about those two and we're going to put the other five back well not it's not the matter of being worried about it it's just we have the opportunity to to do that if we had an opportunity someplace else you know we'd be looking at that too you know and you know we're we're constantly thinking about you know how we might be able to put permanent bathrooms you know along the boardwalk so you know that's again that's something we just keep looking into into and but we have this opportunity right now we have the space you know it's uh it's it's a perfect location and um again it would give us an added feature to the boardwalk year round if we decide to keep it open instead of having the uh porter potties out on you know on Ocean Avenue it' be better to have a permanent facility okay thank you Mr may can you also clarify because this only came up in the last meeting will there still be concessions to Taylor Pavilion right now we're planning on that yeah so even with the addition of the bathrooms there would still be yeah there'll be plenty of room still to have a small concession we have to put that on the bid soon uh well I don't know when we're going to do it but it would have to go out the bid you know once we once we finalize the engineering I think and we know pretty much you know the square footage of the space and whatever it's only fair to people who are going to be looking to rent it to tell them visit the space you know and not surprise them you know in May said oh yeah we cut another six feet off of here you know so I mean that's the only thing that would be holding it up okay thank you and uh about people feeding the swans and the other water B I've been observing my lake lake comoo for many years I would welcome law enforcement doing something any suggestion ever by me to someone feeding the water bout is met with usually things I can't say into this microphone um it's it it's terrible so I would welcome law enforcement come by explain you can't do that come back in 5 minutes if they're still doing it write them up well we would have to coordinate with uh Lake comoo obviously in terms of ordinances and whatnot but it's definitely a duable if they you know if they're in agreement okay I'm curious to know if anybody's ever gotten a ticket in town for feeding I me do we know do we have this Statistics officer has anyone been fined I'm I'm I'm curious I don't know my guess would be it would be in conjunction with something else you know how it is it be like somebody's running into the lake or or doing something else that's not you know proper and then they see that they're feeding and then they just tag that on as a I don't think it would be a primary primary offense but it is a good question okay thank you anyone else CL H 18V um first off thank you very much for the presentation about the geese and the suggestion that I made quite some time ago is if we have a workshop um let's put it that we're going to talk about something especially something that the public has been very very upset about for many many years let's put it on the agenda okay and let's even advertise it a little bit like we advertise everything else like hey we we have a potential solution here come to this meeting instead of all the other meetings where everybody's you know complaining all right so food for thought thank you very much uh Mr Kane for the update on um the piano in piano Plaza because I read an article last night in tap into that said BAC is still looking for funds to make this POS possible so that kind of sounds like that's false information so thank you for the update on that and I guess the prep work and everything all start soon okay that's good um grants a while ago I asked if we could possibly put some carv out a piece of a website and know the website's being redone or have a workshop a quarterly Workshop here are the grants we're working on here are the potential ones we can get here's what we've gotten here's where we are with them just an update for what's going on yeah we can do that definitely okay Y and last but not least my probably six-year plea of curvs for the handicap okay I know Mr ker you have an area there's one other block aside from 18th and Snider all right I was at the zoning meeting last night with the high hopes that the house is being built on the northeast corner would have the curbs but there's nothing that says that they have have to I believe unless maybe the sidewalks are done April actually since our engineer is in the room he was the person I was going to talk to um so the the homeowners are responsible for replacing curves and sidewalks and maintaining them but if you're on a corner property and you replace your sidewalk are you required to make it ADA Compliant with the with the the curve cut for the the wheelchairs do you know the answer to that question oh you have to come on up on up we got to get this on record here no hi good morning Jim Morris remon ver Engineers excuse my uh my appearance I was out in the field this morning um uh so to answer your question the burrow is really the responsible party with regards to the adaa compliance issue um so if if a b resident is required to upgrade their sidewalk um then the burrow and and that Resident would have have to have a conversation about the ADA Compliant issue because the curving and it's actually not just the walkways the curving needs to be at a certain um flat area so that there's no slope to it and the ramp up which is not sidewalk we need to come into play as well because the sidewalk is different than that little piece of concrete between the curve um that that's called a curve R so and then there's also a requirement that there be a detectable warning U which is though they're usually red with ra little rais Stones so it's a comp it's a little more complicated than can we make the resident Do It um but it's so something that we can look at to see how we can better address this issue okay thank you thank you thank you thank you and I'll be here for when that ordinance goes into place thank you okay any other comments please come on good morning still Sharon Mahoney uh 800 Main Street first of all thank you everybody for this year um I know everybody worked really hard to um try to get you know kind of rain in some issues that were happening you know as last year um unfold as last year ended and um and there was there's been a lot of contentious meetings but I think you guys have done a great job of trying to rain those in as well and try to get down to like you know um calm discussions about the issues so thank you for that um Maria you I'm sorry counc you mentioned the anchor program so just in in case anybody's wondering um I went through an issue trying to get information on my parents because I'm out their finances and I could not get any answer I you go to the Anchor program and they say um uh we have nothing on file then I go to file you've already filed so I was in that that depth Circle so what I did was I reached out to kean's office they had a backdoor Rel relationship with the Anor program she reached out to get some answers for me but I also emailed um through like the inquiry form on the anchor website and I actually got conversations that way so both I tried both Avenues so I actually was able to get it resolved through the email conversation took a couple weeks but they at least got the answer back to me so if anybody is having issues just probably email you know through the anchor website or even contact UM keen's office say is the last day but if let's say next week you still have a got a check you know follow up that way so I'm just want to put those recommendations out there um so um regarding the the wildlife on the waterways um I've been a huge huge Pusher for signs for quite a while now so I know there's one that's there and I think it's not in in a really good spot at Silver Lake where they feed them is at that platform so the signage should go there what the fine structure is and there's no tolerance it's like first yeah and I think part of the issue is yeah people like like Sandy mentioned People Like Us walk up and say hey you're not supposed to feed and they get you know they want to get in a fight with you or basically you know again gestures and words and stuff can't be said here but um if the signage is there so this is the fine structure and then also if it's up to the police department and DPW to monitor that they have to do that if we're not getting results because we can't find the people so we do need cooperation from from the those departments to be able to do that and I don't think that that's been a real push you know because that this discussion I don't think really has happened at this level so I have no issues with those fine levels I think they're great and the fact that the signs that say please don't feed our wildlife and here's why and educate them to say this is why we we don't want you to feed them how bad bread is for ducks and everything and how what happens to the water and what happens to the fish because that stuff's in the water the poop in the water all of that stuff and maybe have a not a QR code because you have to pay for those but like a website they can go to could be our website that has information on that hey here's more information you can go here for kids especially want to learn that information so that's just a suggestion um I have a couple of questions one regarding one's regarding transparency and responsive to emails so I sent an email a week ago crickets so it's regarding the EV Chargers so um I don't know if anybody's responsible for responding to emails about these things but I mean that could have happened on email yet I'm now here talking about it wasting people's time but it is a concern um are we doing anything about adding EV Chargers to bmore would personally love to see that um I know that there's some Grant programs available like Como has one I'd like to see how that's been working for them I'm sorry I didn't respond to your email but I was curious to know if that was going to be part of the transportation you know NJ Transit part of their project with the 484000 that's that was my other followup to die I thought that was only for the train station like section right there not the parking and the walkways and the lighting and the it's all that we can look into yeah we can look into that yeah because the three areas I suggested just to repeat for the folks listening are the marina area um bore Plaza and a couple places on Ocean Avenue because we do have 1.3 miles right stretch there so one at one end one at the other end um there's because of the the push by the governor Federal whatever for you know uh electric vehicles the the problem people have is finding those charging stations and you have one out the Premier Outlets but a lot of times people leave them and they do take a while to charge it's not because I'm looking for a new car right now and I'm like do I get an electric vehicle you know because I don't have any place to charge it unless I put maybe a charger at my mom's house you know because you can do that put them at you know at your homes but um I think that should be a serious discussion you know starting in the new year I was just going to say we started having that conversation when we had our first sustainable Jersey meeting as well it's definitely something that's coming yeah and the we'll be um you know we'll be uh we'll be dealing with I know most people have charges at their homes uh I would recommend anybody who gets an EV car have one I don't have a house to do that so a lot of people I also know that when you buy a car you get a bucklet with all of the EV stations that are that are in the area and I know there there are a few but they're not really loal to he Target yeah there's a few out there then there's also Tesla specific ones too that are only for Tesla course right now and fortunately I understand that when you spot up your car they tells you pretty much how many miles you can go you know before your battery is uh out of power so I mean it is good in the other sense that you know people can come to a restaurant and they know they're going to be in there 2 hours they can put their car on the choice and and charge it you know for that time so there benefits obviously we'll be looking into that okay speaking of the marina are they going to pave that lot at any time the one that's sort of right across from Grill yeah yeah there's no plan to do it right now just curious because you could also discussion on the charges did come up the last Harbor commission meeting too so it's something that there's some interest in having possibly the marina and as the mayor mentioned not just not really for residents should to say but for tour tourists who are coming in there's a lot more electric vehicles than there used to be right as we're talking about perious too I I I've been going around town and I noticed that you know there is a a lot of spots where there's uh impervious coverage and I and I think you know one of the things that we should as a council is start looking at at that um and according and in conjunction with that it also involves the planting of trees because trees will also help you know uh flooding in in the long term and uh you know I think it's important that we do what we can in different areas so you know I I think we need to start shying away from public lots that are paved and and see if we can come up with some other solution to make them more pervious so but not you know just taking rainwater and and running it into the lake for example so just just yeah the the D parking lot in the marina is not allowed to be paved according to the D it has to stay can you park there for free yeah because that's not a charging that's not a lot where you have to pay station okay right we could make that a par Pi of voice do um all right two more issues regarding eth Avenue so in the co-star article yesterday I was a little confused what are we doing with the crosswalk up right uh by um 10,000 on BJ so they being state is doing that okay so do you know the details I think it sounded like exact details but the only big detail that we don't have is when they're going to start so they're eliminating that it's going to be at Main Street is that no it's going to be move down closer to the closer to the driveway going into piano Plaza okay and there'll be like lights and be good because we have it on the um did we put it on the website I think it might be on other documents or the plants if not we'll we'll put it up there all right and that's to that Grant also yeah same area okay and what about which I've asked before um the striping on 8th Avenue at Main Street and walks the walk signs that's um that's all part of the state that's state so we just don't know the timeline on it okay okay so um I'm sorry I think it's closed CL yeah so suggested um and this I was going to bring up too like if there's a way on the website I know um Donan we I'll be on that committee um is putting a status on the website for projects like this so people don't have to come up here and ask every council meeting what's going on with this what's going on with this or send emails like there's a status on the website that says here we are with this this is you know we got the grant funds you know money for this we got grant money for this we have state money for this so just to give them you know and I know your newsletter goes out every couple weeks or once a month but um if people have a static place to go for that information that would be great we also have the minutes for the meeting twice a month Sor T mon yeah yeah so I think that I think again you know um information overload is not a bad idea if you have a central location for people can go oh just go to the website the information's on there and it gets constantly updated and then regarding the um back to the wildlife stuff I think social media is really important for communicating joh yeah that John um uh really important for communicating and educating when we're going to put this program in place for hey don't you know don't the wildlife and here's the fine structure and no tolerance just like no tolerance for noise etc etc and put the signs not just in one spot but like around the lake wherever people might access those locations to feed because they can't access where there's all that tall grass but like any place else it would be an access point right and then working with um spring lake lake KO on the lake KO one as well because I don't think there are many signs around that Lake either so um you know it's a two a two Lake effort here um to get to get it covered and communicated and um so that's it happy New Year everybody and um thank you for everything thank you any other comments can I have a motion to close the public session motion all in favor okay so next we have resolution authorizing uh closed session this is a resolution says whereas it has been determined by the burrow Council the bur of gar that it is necessary to discuss the following matter at its regular meeting in the absence of the public which is pending or anticipated litigation regarding affordable housing and the attorney client privilege Communications related there too whereas the open public meetings act permits the burrow Council to exclude the public from that portion of of a public meeting during which such matters are discussed now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council as follows the council shall forth with recess into a private executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss the above reference matters at the scope of the aesa executive session shall be limited to the above matters as stated that those matters discussed in executive session shall remain confidential until such time as the need for confidentiality no longer resist as determined by the B attorney that minutes of the closed session shall take shall be taken and kept free from public review until such time that the need for confidentiality no longer exists as determined by the burrow attorney and that the regular meeting of the burrow Council shall resume after the private executive session at which time the B Council may take action in reference to the topic discussed do we have a motion to approve this resolution make motion and a second second okay councilman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes may Michael fesco Yes Council rero councilman leis yes so we're going to go into executive session and then um after that we will come back out and if there's no business to be taken then we'll just