##VIDEO ID:L98gX72B-Ek## noce of this meeting of the mayor and Council has been provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the bur of Belmar and the Asbury Park Press and notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the mpal building take roll call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here mayor bco here councilman Rano here councilman Le here please stand for the United States America the for it stands na indivisible please remain standing for silence for troops their families and First Responders first thing on our agenda we have a Al more Fire Department of discussion as part of our Workshop than you NE Eugene 1840 Lake newy little good good evening my name is Chip kavanau and I am the Burrow's fire administrator thank you for the opportunity to update you on the status of Union fire company and the greater Belmore fire department first I want to say that the Belmore fire department is in great shape we have over 70 people who have signed up to volunteer and we respond to hundreds of residents calls every year for those of you who don't know the Belmore fire department is currently made up of three companies Goodwill which is next to St Rose on 7th Avenue the volunteer hook and ladder company located on 11th Avenue and the union fire company located on 9th Avenue the entire fire department is made up of volunteers who are not paid but who must meet the same requirements as paid firefighters they must complete hours of extensive training before they can even put on turnac here then they must keep up their learned skills by training Goodwill and Hook and Ladder train his companies two to four times a month each year we are expected to train in a live burn which is offered by the mammoth County Fire Academy all these are timec consuming and physically taxing and our firefighters deserve our thanks we should also note that perhaps because of the time commitment and other pressures the number of volunteers has decreased dramatically in the United States in New Jersey towns that have housed multiple companies have started to consolidate including Spring Lake just last year in belare we have tried very hard to keep recruiting new members and keep our firefighters trained and ready as you can see though while Good Will and Hook and Ladder have kept up their membership and certifications Union has not currently they only have two members who are completely completed the mandatory and highly recommended State certifications with low membership numbers it is understandable that they would have a hard time responding to calls in 2023 prior to its suspension of the 283 calls Union has only responded to 30 this is not a new trend as you can see in the graph charting The Five-Year Trend Union has struggled to field enough firefighters to respond to calls now Union does have some members who respond to a high number of calls however one firefighter cannot take out the truck by himself you need your fellow volunteers to respond with you and Union does not have the numbers just as critically though Union has not been training I need to speak plainly it is unsafe to have someone responding to a fire who is not certified who has not kept up their training we need to be able to trust our fellow members when we are entering in life-threatening situation an untrained firefighter puts us all at risk even worse that could put the lives of residents at risk this is an urgent public safety issue I believe we should consolidate to better serve the Belmont Community closing Union fire company will not create a public safety issue they have been suspended since January and we've been been responding to every call in Belmore Union fire company does not have enough State Certified members they have not completed sufficient training since their suspension in January despite being able to do so and being aware that it was a condition of the reinstatement members can transfer from companies and continue to serve the Belmore Community I am happy to answer any questions thank you mayor am I able to ask a question yeah okay um you had said that um thank you for your presentation um and thank you to all of the firefighters in Belmar who work so hard for us um you had mentioned that one person can't take out the fire truck and do it on their own how many members do you actually need um to respond to a fire um the ideal thing is to at least have a fourman crew but um sometimes you do run a little short but the ideal thing is that a form man crew thank you thank you um first I want to say thank you so much uh to you and to all of our members who are here um my husband volunteers I'm very familiar with the time commitment the physical commitment so so thank you and everyone up here appreciates your service um I was wondering if you could go elaborate a little bit on the training like what is involved what are the trainings that are required what are recommended and what has been done and if I know CH Pringles here if he wants to can I let CH pring Sean Pringle chief of the bore fire department first of all I'm going just go over what required for a firefighter in bmart so the minimum requirement is is highly recommended it used to be mandatory but there's a little wordage in the state which they are going to correct and so this is highly recommended this training right now but it's going to be changed in the future so I highly recommend is a firefighter one hazardous material awareness and has this material operations but is mandatory is is100 it's the incident command system introduction is-200 is a basic IC for initial response is700 for the national Incident Management System introduction and is800 which is the National Response Framework introduction they are the qualification for a fire but also we have to do annual training which requires a fit test is that the mask that we wear on our Scot pack a live burn at any of the cies where we go into a live fire we also have to do 6 hours on air throughout that year training out our fire house or going to othery and get six hours on the Scott Air pack we have to do right to know we have to do blood wor pathogens we do the lockout tag out so if we have like the power pox we have to lock it out so no one gets electrocuted and the burrow recommends a sexual harassment and besides that there's just so much other training that all our members are going forward in the academy there's middlex County there's Hudson there's mon County and they all are gued further in their career they're training training training so that's what it would be to be a bumer farman I'll talk on behalf of my company good host company what we do on the second Tuesday that's a drill night we go over all our apparatus starting the saws pulling the the ladders off making sure all the tools are in working order pumping the truck starting the saws on the fourth Tuesday is our drill night it could be hose lines it could be search and rescue anything that we deem the captain we do on the fourth Sunday it's a daytime it's breakfast so we treat all our guys at breakfast and one of our members would do a little presentation for half an hour anything they want to do and talk about firewise so it gets everyone together and besides that there's so much other department training like we train train train so we those there just so much training the state is pushing for more so and this is the same amount of training as a paid fireman right yes there's no difference between a volunteer and a pay right now whatever they have to do is training we have to do the same so I let Chief poock speak on behalf of Po ladder what time Ty of training they do hello pa poock um chief of Po ladder uh like sh said our second Tuesday is our drill night our fourth Tuesday is our engineer drill where we go over all of our apparatus saws all our packs are turned on air bottles checked hoses everything like that just so we're always ready to go 24/7 um we also do Duty Cruise so on Saturday nights you know we'll be at the firehouse from 7: to about midnight um and that's just us being there and part of that Duty Crew a member cooks for everybody we do pre-plans in the town I'm sure somebody see me crawling around some of the big buildings taking pictures you know we pre-plan some of our bigger buildings and we also have a drill that night cuz all our all our skills are perishable you know you can know how to tie fireman not one day 6 months down the road you don't practice you don't remember so that's why there's so much training because it's it's just very you want it to be committed to memory so you don't really want to be figuring stuff out of the fireground and plus we also do Mutual Aid training you know Neptune City Manasquan Spring Lake hikes we all train together what could happen what's the worst case scenario someone who hasn't kept up with their training goes to a live fire I mean worst case scenario they become a victim so you know instead of us worrying about a victim that's in the house now we got to worry about a victim and a firefighter that got confused got lost didn't know what they were doing I have a quick question thank you so much for your presentation this was very informative and thank you for speaking on behalf of the training um what how mandatory are all of your trainings is everyone required what if they can't show up like how does it work with all of these trainings that you have per month and is there a penalty for not going to trainings so like I said we do the right to know the bloodb pathogen all those trainers we do it at belmart we do it at West Belmore we do it at wall we do it at Avon m one so we all work together because everyone has a job and everything so if you can't make it you can take it at another another department otherwise everyone is requir to show everyone has to show up if you don't show up by the end of I think it's the second week of February if you don't have that the right to know all that right your gear gets pulled until you get the mandatory training got it can you I know um you guys held your own Thrills and trainings but the ones that are like at MTH County Fire Academy with the live Burns how do you find out about those there's a brochure that goes out so I set up every year I do one in uh April and we do one in October so we give twice a year they can't make that live burn like I said Avon rally NEP City all our M companies we just send our guy there so they have every opportunity to make Library so all the houses are fully aware of all the live that happen all your we all we all talk to each other all our mut companies and we all work together to get the training we need right if you don't have the live Burn by a specific date we will call around to other other companies that are going to and we'll send our guy with them or the send a one of their guys with us because you have to have that has Union been able to have the opportunity to attend a lier yes I um I want to go back to like the most important point I think of all of this and I'd like to hear from you I know um our fire administrator said that there would not be a public safety issue if we consolidate it um I would love to hear your opinions on that do you think that's true absolutely 100% And if I may she Scott what do you think do you think there's a public safety issue okay so no public safety issue Z question about the um the training that you do inhouse are are you aware of any such training being done by the union Fire Company well last time I asked for training was in 2023 I asked for the records for their training and they said they had none and so according to the presentation they had this entire year to complete their trainings even though they were on suspension the only thing they were suspended from was answering fire calls they were allowed to train and and keep on working to get their certificates we don't we don't know if they have completed anything or there's no proof of any completion this this whole year or there there is stuff that I've turned in that show what each fire company has in their training for this year of the mandatory stuff so there is a spreadsheet that shows what everybody has done thank you for your presentation and your time tonight thank you uh continue the discussion as to uh the next steps for uh the council to take and give some direction perhaps to a b attorney because the um the current ordinance obviously uh lists the three companies and certain procedures and whatever and if we want to um consolidate or essentially remove the union fire company from the uh from the BMA fire department that would have to be done by W so time to say whether or not we want to proceed with that haven't proceed with that at this time I just want to verify they wouldn't be the members themselves wouldn't necessarily be eliminated theyd be able to join in the other two fire companies is that correct it's my understanding that any members can can apply to the other companies anyone who wants to be a firefighter from Union can continue that with that with either Goodwill or um hoping latter come and that we would encourage that that they do that okay any other questions comments okay so then we'll uh draft an ordinance and we'll present it you know first opportunity anything else okay uh Workshop any other items for Workshop mayor I wanted to discuss the ordinance on the agenda this evening ordinance 2024 d23 um I had some questions on this we didn't really see this until last minute I don't feel there was a lot of time for us to actually review and fully understand what was going on with this ordinance um I see the creation of a position of Deputy business administrator to me which is a little strange this was never discussed with the council um I honestly don't feel comfortable voting on this ordinance without the correct information at hand at this point well first no incorrect information in this I didn't say it was I didn't say it was incorrect I said I don't have the information we don't we don't have any rationals to why that's why we have the work being created okay we're going to discuss this now okay um when I started this position back in January of 2023 I recognized right off the bat that the the administration of the B of Belmar was sorely lacking in competent uh Administration and uh we' remedied that by hiring Mr Kaine but you know I've been in this business for 28 years I know uh how Municipal agencies and state agencies run and we're still lacking in that in that regard we need more professionals at the in the in our administrative Department we have recently hired a human resource person who's been invaluable um we have a part-time CFO uh but we we need I think more oversight in terms of what's going on on a day-by-day basis um I know the next question to be asked is well why can't the current business administrator do that well there are many many things that are happening during the course of the day and just to to point out you know in addition to just running the burrow the day-to-day uh things you know we've had to deal with in the past two years things like the Verizon towers uh the affordable housing which has taken hours and hours of time this fire department review that we just went through uh this took many many hours of preparation and planning and discussion uh through the last I would say year at least um we have a number of projects that have uh been finished and are going on which require hours of meetings with our with our borrow engineer you know we we had to um deal with the DP on the bathrooms issues initially coming into office um we had we were able to get them to back off on the removal of the the trailers um we worked to get a permanent bathroom uh we had to fix the Gazebo and this is in no particular order um you know we're working on an infrastructure plan all those things take many many many hours of time and and rightfully so the business administrator should be at those high level meetings in the meantime you know there are other things that should be done uh and I think a Deputy Administrator would be a perfect opportunity to provide some assistance and to get the operation running a little more uh efficiently uh and I think you know we're we're very lean for for a town that has you know a marina um a beachfront and and all the things that go along with that the marina alone has taken hours of planning between the replacement of the fuel dock sitting with Engineers about all of the pilings and other things that need to be done whether or not we when we can dredge when how much money does that cost all of the financial aspects of doing all of these things these will take a lot of time and effort and I think you know having a Deputy Administrator is is well worth the uh the money that it will cost the borrow because as I said when I came in we we don't have very much depth you know like in the Bull Pen you know we're we're we're right up you know doing everything we can and I think it's an important position and I'm going to keep pressing for it because I think you know one of my mandates was uh to make the the municipality run you know as well as possible good management and I think that's a critical uh need for uh for us moving forward so that's the reason why you see that on there uh just because something is on the schedule doesn't mean that it's going to happen tomorrow but this is a schedule that you know looks forward and uh like I said I will probably be moving uh at some point to hire a deputy business administrator I'm not going to to say you know we're not but that is something that I would like to do so and that's why it's on there um I have to say I agree that the marina could use like a dedicated Harbor Master or Marina supervisor um but that was I'm curious to see how much a position like that would alleviate the need for a deputy because the marina does take up a ton of time it is a specialization in a world unto itself um so I do think that's necessary I also just think that you know we got an update to this at 5:30 tonight and I would like more time to talk with our payroll and other uh professional staff to review it that in that regard I'm going to recommend that the council refrain from talking directly to to you know like the CFO and the the HR Director and whatever if you would like to speak with those people I'll have them here at the next meeting and you can ask those questions at at the uh at the workshop I that didn't work out very well excuse me I'm I'm not finished because what happens is the same thing that happened in the past administration I sat many evenings back there wondering how did they come to that decision how did they didn't they discuss that and everybody knows what happens people are being talked to behind the scenes uh to avoid the open public meetings act you know I can certainly talk to every every council person separately and you know and give them information and then when they come out here we all know what we're going to do and I think we should be moving towards more um transparency rather than less now that doesn't answer your question directly but directly you said you wanted to speak to the human resource person correct how about councilwoman rondano should she speak to the human resource person too I would like to say that I have actually mayor and I think that's appropriate no but and then should should council president Le speak to the HR person and think Council so you all want to meet with our separ I don't think that that's I don't think that that's issue that we're worried about but you're talking about transparency and you just created a position that none of us knew about absolutely none of us on the council knew about you wanted to create this position and if you would come to me individually I would have said I think that's a bad idea I don't think we need that position okay we've heard your comment and takeing under advisement but I don't think you need to go to the HR manager and ask why we need that position number one I didn't I went to our B administrator and asked why this is on the agenda and I got no answer well I'm telling you tonight okay so that's the that's if you want to discuss it further here we I'm telling you may figuring out things tonight is not enough time to vote on the ordinance all right we we won't vote on this ordinance tonight but we need to discuss this issue and get it resolved tonight so what what's what else do you want to talk about in terms of that I'm I'm happy to amend this ordinance if we can do that but there's so many changes that would have to happen I don't think we'd have enough time tonight but I think we still need to have a discussion as to whether or not the burrow needs a deputy business administrator and this is the place to have that discussion that's absolutely fine I don't I don't think it's a necessary position the birs existed for 30 years without that position I mean we're just creating another level of bureaucracy on top of it and as c m been saying if we're creating a position for Marina supervisor that will alleviate a lot of this excess burden but I don't I don't think we're facing any problems that previous councils and previous administrations haven't faced before well we do respect I don't think that you as a council person realize the day-to-day operations of what's going on in the business administrator's office maybe if he can speak to the staff he sorry can I speak can I finish um I don't think that you're aware of all of those things and I think this is the opportunity for us to to point that out and I tried to do that okay we are very we have a part-time CFO we need somebody who's going to do a payroll we need someone to do Bank reconciliations we need someone to oversee all of that process okay so this is not another level of bureaucracy this is putting in efficient management so those things get done these things are have not been done uh because we don't have the right level of supervision in order to do that right this is not 30 years ago but you're just saying trust me I know what I'm do to approve this without letting us I said we can this disc we can p this but I want to have the discussion about the def so that the next time it comes on and it has the deputy on it we don't have to have this discussion again I'm happy to discuss it if I may have yeah sure that's what the other thing is we're also adding a minimum of $150,000 to payroll between these two positions at a minimum on taxpayer money for two positions benefits and benefits exactly on top of that so maybe we should just add one layer and see how it goes before we add all this additional taxpayer burden I don't think the taxx issue is is really really uh the concern okay because $150,000 I've done this before you know we have uh what a $14 million budget and an additional $150,000 is not going to break the bank okay and I think it's sorely necessary for running the town okay it's uh you know we have I I've done I've done this before we have 3,000 entities that are paying taxes in town so if you divide the 150,000 by 3,000 you know what what do we get taxes have gone up every year for the past two or three years everything has gone up okay and if the future if you look to the Future it's going to go up even further so um you know I think this is uh being Pennywise and pound foolish uh I think we need this type of administration in the town I think you the town residents deserve this type of uh Administration so that they can so that we can be more efficient we can do more things uh we can run the operation uh better than it is now and uh that's my opinion um so my understanding of this ordinance is that it's a housekeeping issue um as some of our salaries are already out of compliance with our old ordinance and will be again contractually this coming year um the ordinance gives arranged it's based on the annual 22% increase but it does give a max out salary uh which would be helpful for employees to know what it is that they can um consider when they're looking into their career and their career's future um it's not what the employees are making now um not even what they would make in the next two years um but it does seem to vary in these um Maxes whether it's for 10 years or whether it's for eight years or two years that part is a little bit confusing um reading it I do find it challenging as a council person um who wants to work on Lower priority I'll say um projects um like and I know we all have had this frustration whether it be memorial benches Municipal signs um things that the burough residents bring to us on the regular that we feel could be quickly more quickly um completed um and executed if we didn't have our business administrator working on these larger projects um and yet we still have to go through U meeting with our ba um to make sure that we can get these things done in the chain of command I do think it's very important for Council people to be able to have regular relationship and conversation with all of our burrow professionals um we are the ones that um are making sure that they are hired and that like today um that they will be paid we want to assure them that we care about them we care about their salaries um I'm okay with tabling this so that we have more discussion but I do want to put out that I do believe that there is a need for more administrative help in the buau right now I feel frustrated as a council person that I'm not able to get accomplished what it is that I feel like I need to get accomplished and yes sometimes I can say well that's because Kevin hasn't returned my all but if what the mayor is saying you know is is true and it certainly is that we came into very large issues that take up a lot of time um if we need more support this does not right now hire someone for that position what this does is just open up the title of that position so that later on we can consider if we want to fill it um and that's why I'm not as opposed um to having this on today any other comments my suggestion is we we take it out of the consent agenda and vote on it separately ordinance oh this is an ordinance oh I'm sorry then we can hold it and leave it that's what the council wants to do but I am still going to be pushing for a deputy a business administrator whether I do it through this ordinance or through other some other um way of doing it right we need that um you know you guys want to have uh meetings with individual people you know like the HR manager well every you know that takes away from her doing her job too so I mean you know the more service that you want from the administration the more Administration we need that's my point so you know you want to have long conversations with the business administrator about things that are coming up that's fine he meets with two Council people every Friday on on the keeping them up to date you know but you know you want to continue to have those things those hours are taking away from time that he could do other things so I don't think it's a foolish thing I don't think it's a waste of money in fact I think it's a tremendous investment to have somebody in here who can who can take the reign of some of the respons possibilities and and open up the uh the administration to handle more things and hand them handle them better that's my position like I said I've been doing this for a long time um this is not a mom and pop operation right we have a lot of things in this town that other towns don't have and uh I'm going to keep uh pushing for this because I think it's necessary may I ask I have two comments one is that I take a bit of umage at the suggestion that we meet with our professionals to skirt the open records act that is not why I meet with our professionals I meet them to stay informed and to do my job I didn't mean us I said that has happened in the past when that when that you know when I've sat down in the audience and I know for a fact that the the the things that were being voted on had to have been discussed prior to the meeting because there was no discussion at the meeting so you know I mean let's let's let's not you know put our head in the sand and make believe like we don't know what's going on in the past the in the sand okay I don't want to I don't want the public to have that impression of us second um you brought up because that is Council woman Rondo and I who meet with our B administrator every Friday um and that was brought up as a potential waste of his time Mr King do you think that's a waste of your time I me there's there's there's issues that we discuss and uh you know I give information to you I don't think I said it was a waste of time it wasn't a waste of time I'm just saying it's taking his time away from doing other things which is fine I think I'm helping him when I'm there I think I'm helping him understand as Mr Kane is not a resident of Belmar nor is he a representative of voted in representative of Belmar I believe I am giving him in my upto-date um issues that are current for our constituents and I believe councilwoman Donovan does the same I would like some of that discussion to happen here also in addition to what you're doing with Mr Kan because I think the word sessions have a lot more potential to um to bring things out to the public so they know and understand what's going on I mean the work session shouldn't just be oh you know we're going to do this we're going to do that and it's over we need to discuss things here um and and and let the public hear what what our ideas are and it's not a bad thing if somebody disagrees with something I I'm fine with that but I think that that discussion has to happen here and not back there um so uh that is why I I I bring it up I also my comment about the professional maybe there there is a need from time to time to have our professionals be at a to answer questions you know have the CFO here have the human resources person here when there's an issue in the workshop that is going to you know require their input or their advice so you know I'll be more confident of that moving forward so that we can have the appropriate people here so we don't have the need to go back and talk to them uh and individually and find out what's going on okay any other items for Workshop I just wanted an update U maybe Mr Kane you can update us on our EMS situation as it's been reported that uh secret and manisan are moving out of our shared services what is the update on what we're looking into at the current moment because I know you you were in discussions with another municipality yeah we're currently exploring all options uh it's been publicly documented um most recently we've been in discussions with wall EMS uh for potential merger with wall um logistically it makes a lot of sense um operationally makes a lot of sense and could work it's just a matter of figuring out if it uh Works financially for everyone involved I mean at this point it's it's it's Belmar and Lake Como and wall so uh really it just to see if it it'll all work we do there's a lot of uh Mutual Aid and working relationships already uh with those two entities so and and they had talked uh about a long-term plan of possibly merging even if we were still with a fourtown model to include wall so uh conversations are are are going on as we speak like I I said we're exploring all options it's just um you know they're going through their due diligence to see if it uh it makes sense for everybody so and do do we have the deadline at the end of the year uh the the our our current contract ends at the end of the year but the service will will continue through till next year I mean it's it's not like and you know December 31st everything stops our EMS crew will be there you know for their foreseeable future um you know we're working you know real hard to try to put this together with w so hopefully it works out do we have a deadline will you want to meet with wall yes um unfortunately there's some health issues um currently experienced in you know without getting into personal details but um yeah we we're we're meeting as fast as we possibly can uh the two police Chiefs are talking the EMS Personnel are talking uh just matter of of setting this meeting date sitting down and ashing out the numbers and make sure it works for everybody so we don't have a a that meeting date set as of right now um hopefully it's on a day-by-day basis hopefully we get that sooner than later everybody knows the importance of it uh honestly to to full disclosure uh walls being pressured as we are you know um you know their personnel being targeted you know to go elsewhere so um they're in the same situation and and this would if if this happens it would create a tremendous strong organization and uh Mr creamer's points last meeting we know what we have you know we we pretty much have the gold standard for an EMS um operation right now now and you know you know the old the old adage you know price is only an issue in the absence of value we have tremendous value right now what we have to do is work out how we can keep that you know because you're you're going into an unknown you know supposedly the county system is free we all know it's not free you know so but we know the commodity we have right now and it's worth fighting for because we put a lot of hard work into it and the resp response times are off the charts so we're going to keep working as hard as we can to to make it happen thank you okay yeah while we're at it what's going on with the 12th and Main Building do you appr Wells like what's going on with contamination do we know anything more um we did those Geo probes and they came back positive um higher than the inside um so so the the um contamination is larger than originally anticipated you know the uh unfortunately the due diligence was not performed on the front end of this prior to purchasing that property so now what they're doing the uh when they did the original excavation of the site where the tanks were inside the perimeter of the property they thought that was it and then when they did additional probes further they found out the contamination was still there and then what they do like like anything else you go around the perimeter to see if the plume spread and the readings came up positive in that testing that was that last Geo Pro so we they had the results of that we're waiting our engineers have talked to the lsrp uh stat and Company um Gibson stle and they're coming up with a proposal on what the next step is going to cost us possibly we waited too long to clean this up and to get to the bottom of this that was three years ago I mean the plume moved that was contamin a long time where where where that those Geo Pro testing locations were were outside the property line so um that just didn't happen by waiting recently you know that was and I'm no expert and I don't know Council you want to jump in and and uh but what we're waiting on is next steps from the lsrp the lsrp is in charge of the site remediation and they're going to let us know what their next steps are and what that cost is going to be the the only thing that I would say is that the process has been ongoing since um for years um from the time that we have uh been involved with this and it's not a question of waiting it's a question of this process is a stepbystep process that takes a lot of time uh they put wells in they they don't put a well in and then test they put a well in uh they they they wait a bit they test they wait another month they test and it's a long drawn out process and then when they find things that are problematic now they have to stop they don't really stop but now they have to reconsider what they're going to do um and every time you do this that's what happens and things in the ground are uh very problematic um you get reading sometimes they're they're good sometimes they're bad um you have I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert in how they do it um but that's the process and that's the process that's been ongoing so you know I don't know when the last time that place pumped gas but you know it's been a long time and uh I think it pumped gas for a long time too um but it's been contaminated for a long time you have to go in find out where it's going and unfortunately you know we keep getting test back that you know aren't good for us so we have to take the next step that's what we do anything else one more may um I requested that the approved marina fees that were approved by the harbor commission at the Tuesday November 19th meeting be added to the agenda today they were not I was told you we still reviewing them um I know time is pretty important on this so we're just wondering what was the hold up on why we can't have this on the agenda for tonight well amongst some of the other discussions Mr Kane and I and and Council have been involved in is the um reviewing the marina stuff uh and looking at the rates and uh the discussion we had and I I pointed it out is I don't particularly understand why the rates work the way they do in terms of the size of the slips and and the different rates for different Siz boats uh to put it more simply and maybe I'm oversimplifying it um a marine is like a parking lot for most of it and you have spaces and you rent those spaces so why can't there just be one standard rate for a particular space so I decided to take upon myself didn't ask Mr Kan to do it uh uh to look at an alternative uh scheme where we charge People based on the spot that they rent regardless of the size of the boat that they have so we do that we already do that for the private leases they pay for the length of the slip regardless of what they do the only thing that's different is the commercial leases and there is a distinction between different boats that do different service and there's a reason for that and it was dated by the harbor commission for months and months and months but I was looking at like um uh what are the slips like B C D I mean you you have all things like 40ft slip is I don't have my papers in front of me so I'm a disadvantage but you know 40ft slip is whatever $140 per foot you know so you know per foot per foot of the slip yeah so I mean if I have so if you have a 39t boat and someone else has a 38ft boat you're both paying for a 40ft slip you're paying well that's that's confusing to me then because I I interpreted the other why don't you just put $ 140 $140 time 40 and that's the cost of the slip none none of that has changed for well I'm saying why can't we change that it makes it seem like you know the size of your boat determines what the the rent is for that slip but that's not the case when the people actually get their leases understand May you're welcome to come to a harbor commission meeting and we can have that full discussion as well they need to get these rates approved before the year starts because that's when they can start getting leases out and when did the leases actually go out January 1 if we get a resolution approved and we actually targeted to try to get this done by August but it was I I do I do commend the harbor commission for doing their diligence to actually get this right and they didn't even touch the the private leases it was really just commercial leases that were the hold up and I I I don't I don't have any problem with this there was a lot of debate about it the harbor commission actually shot town are sort of first drafted this and came back and made some good recommendations some of them exactly what you're talking about especially in terms of the commercial leases such as looking at uh looking at the lower docks which is where all the party votes are and charging a flat rate for those for those docks regardless of what the use of The Missle is and that's the resolution that they approved and you know put on our desk to to approve so at this point it's really um I I just don't I just think it's for a non voter I don't know why why they can't do that for the lower docks why can't a 40t slip just cost whatever $3,000 it does it's just written differently well it's to me again you know I it might be a matter of semantics but if you're not charging by the foot then why would you put in a charge that says by the foot if if you're saying that a 40ft dock can hold a 35t boat and you still get charged the 40 foot rate why would you put 144 $45 per foot it's meaningless foot of the slip but the but they renting the whole slip so there's nobody who's going to rent that 40ft slip for less than for less than that exactly but it it means the same exact thing just it's just a matter of multiplication on the yeah well I guess but I don't I don't see a reason to hold up this resolution just because we didn't multiply the number on here it still means the same exact thing rate is still the rate I'll have to take a look at it and get back to and furthermore I believe when we passed that resolution the harbor commission we also made a recommendation to put together a working group to study how we do the rates and come up with recommendations for 2026 so that they were ready to go and were accessible I'm not worried about coming up with the rates I just want to make it as clear as possible as to what the charges for for a slip that's it it's no different than what it's been in the past and it could be changed my to my way I I don't understand why we have to wait I don't understand why if I get it to you next week then it'll be done well we still have to approve it the coun the council approves it yeah well we're not approving it tonight so we'd have to approve it at the next I would suggest that we do approve it tonight I would suggest that we put this resolution on the agenda I'm going to say no I don't suggest that well I would I would make a motion that we put this resolution as approved by the harbor Commission on tonight's agenda well then I think we should take that down as a you know let's write specifically what the resolution is I don't have that me I mean and forgive me may but isn't this why we have commissions to come up with the rules to pass the rules to bring to us I mean why are we changing the rules we're not changing the rules it's just that this is a resolution that we haven't seen talking about the decisions has this come to the council at a minimum I think it should have beened on Workshop we has come to the council to come so that's the same argument you made about the about the ordinance that I that that we presented earlier just I'm sorry mayor I can't put things on the agenda if I ask for something to get on the agenda I'm lucky if it gets there but I can't present things to the council it it's approved by the haror commission then it goes to the ba just like last year and there was no hold up last year the only difference is we've increased the rates a little bit on the commercial slips and tried to make it a little simpler the harbor commission did a very good job and spent a lot of time doing that and for us to turn around and say no the mayor wants to take a look at it honestly it's up to the C Council to approve it it's not a single individual who approves it the harb commiss does their job and we do our job by approving it if we agree I say for the next meeting and that'll be enough time for it to be ready to go for January the next meeting is January 30th am I correct yes so what's that give them one day then to get the leases out how many leases going to be do it over resolution how many leases only actually be issued on January 1st get them all out and we can start collecting payment when we actually have a rate have we have we redone the leases for 2025 George I uh I did the leases last year I'm not certain what leases they're talking about as far as sending them out I don't think the haror commission actually reved what I did earlier this year the leases have this resolution attached to it that's where the rates come for the individual leases I thought we were going to change the lease the the Lage in the lease because of the issues we had last year with some of that has that changed we still using last year we're not we're not discussing a specific lease storage this is just the resolution setting the rates mayor is asking about changing some of the wording in the lease and I don't have a copy of the lease that you're proposing to send out um but like I said I don't think the har commission looked at what I propos but they may have I don't know no they're they're not the harbard commission is not concerned with the verbiage in the lease they're concerned about the rates that we charge and we do this every year yeah okay if I could get a copy of of the lease that we're talking about I can compare it to essentially the new lease that that I dra I believe the original question was whether or not people who are leasing right now in the arena have received a copy of their 2025 Le no they wouldn't have gotten yet because we haven't passed any rates which is why we were trying to get this done in August so that so that our employees would have a little bit more time to get this done that was their request my point is we have a new lease that we want to use correct yes i' I've drafted in so the new the rates are not going to go out until the new lease has been drafted and approved and then new leases can be uh sent out with with the rates whatever they are I'm just trying to get to the point where you know it it seems like there's a there's a you know a deadline of January 1st to do this because the leases are going to go out on January 1st well the leases are not going to go out on January 1st because we haven't done the new lease correct no the the new lease is done I don't know what lease these are just the rates the only the only thing that is holding us up from issuing new leases from from setting the paperwork for new leases to customers at the marina is the fact that we don't have any rates set for 2025 do the people who issue the leases have the new lease have they been told that that's the lease that they're going to use this year they would be set the new lease our people our our staff people when when I go in on January 2nd and I say I want a lease a slip they're going to give me the new the new lease or they're going to give me the old lease I don't know I'll have to check on that I don't know the document that that's in the computer that says this is the one we're using and i' have to look so what are they do we know are the people at the Marine are they not sending out leases we had this problem before where they send out leases and the verbiage is is incorrect and then we have to backtrack because it's not it's not the correct lease and it was an old the only thing I can say is you know we'll have to take a look at the the lease to see what James and Jay's ready to shoot out if they're the ones that do that then we'll have to see what they're what they have don't we tell them what they have to to shoot out I mean we're giving them the lease aren't we telling them this is the lease we want to use for 2025 if you're asking me that question I don't tell them to do that I just write the lease so I don't know what they have or who's told them what so we'll find out what they have uh combine it with the rates and have it all ready for the next meeting and then the resour could could go out beginning of January make thaten okay I I'm just trying to get an idea of what of what's going on because I thought we were doing new leases and it wouldn't be you know I don't want to see the the old lease being used if there's a new lease because we had screw-ups in the past with the marina and I don't want that to happen in the future okay it has nothing to do with the rates just has to do with the the you know and I'm trying to say that rates are not critical if we're not giving out the leases yet that's my point and we can do the we can do the rates next week I can take a look at them uh and we'll put them on the next agenda and it'll be approved and if we straighten out this issue with the leases and the leases can be done uh in the beginning of January yes yes so we will so we will see this resolution on the next agenda yes yes unless I change it I'm just kidding I still I still think my I still think my way of putting the actual lease I mean it's like renting a parking space I'm going to rent this parking space Oh it's $35 a foot I think I think that had extensive conversations within Harbor commission extensive about the pros and cons of how we do these leases uh with both the verbage and how the rates are done um and I think the problem is that it reached this conclusion the rates were handed in how long ago November 19th is when they were finally approved by the har commission and we've asked multiple times about it and we're finding out here that unbeknownst to any of us that there was this particular hold up and like I said I I would love it we would all love it if you would come to a harbor commission meeting and and ask the people who've been doing this these questions because I think we would have a great conversation and my worry too here is that if you're going to present entirely new thing there's always the chance that it doesn't pass I think we just need to be prepared for that if but the harbor commission has to understand that the final say is with the councel I am talking about the council no matter what the harbor commission says you we have the ultimate decision as to what what is done correct that's correct okay so it would it would be unwise for us not to take their advice when it comes to I'm not saying we won't take their advice but they need to understand that their role is to advise us they have advised us and we have the option to either take their advice not take their advice or modify their advice as we do with any uh commission okay and we do have two coun people who are on the commission so that I I think that that has a heavier weight as far as my my view we'll have it ready I I'm prepared to vote on it tonight if we can get done well I'm making a motion a formal motion that we add the approved Harbor commission rates to tonight's agenda April can we do that is there a resolution to bring on to the agenda I don't have the rate sorry I don't have the r first of all it has to be a second yes I'll second it I like to I would like the motion written down so there's no misunderstanding like once before we had a motion from the chair and it wasn't clear as to exactly what the motion is so if you could want to write it down on a piece of paper sure the motion is to approve the recommended rates from the Belmore Harbor commission rate uh Belmore Harbor commission for the year 2025 what is the document that you're reference from the meeting minutes from the harbor commission uh marina fees for bmar Marina for 2025 version B do you have a copy of that I have this but I also it's also exists digitally in the meeting that it's from the Harvard commission okay does everybody know the numbers that they're voting on I don't have a copy in front do you does any other council person have a copy I do two people have copies I have SE I have seen this before though this was one of the things that um councilwoman Donovan had brought in to our meeting I know we had she has talked or at least given report um to to Mr kanaine and to myself um to keep me a breast of what's going on in the marina so I'm reading this it's a resolution to approve the fees of the Belmont Marina for 2025 version B vers I'm going give that next excuse me I think councilwoman Donan second had a motion in a second do I need to read this since nobody seen it or I asked if people saw it I I don't know how you go to vote on something you haven't seen but we still actually actually we're still in the workshop so should that be held to the yes a long time ation to the agenda make a motion to add it to the agenda that's the motion second M yes councilman Kenny sure yeah mayor bco no councilman Rondo yes councilman leis yes are we done with Workshop okay move on to petitions I have not received any petitions okay approval of minutes and I have a motion to approve the minutes of the November 26th meeting make the motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes May m Pesco yes Council R yes Council L yes the reports of Council Council benon the next tourism Commission meeting is tomorrow at 5:30 right here in this room um as you all know there are many holiday events going on in bmar I'll let some of my fellow uh council members talk about some of them but I will remind everyone uh that the sanatory drops are still going on along with the Christmas light shows which are both the 13th and the 21st the one on the 13th is at 7:00 in Plaza the 21st is at 6:00 um December 30th Is Our manora lighting um we do have a council meeting that night so I believe the time is being renegotiated yeah um Thursday we have the next meeting of the environmental commission uh the Silver Lake subcommittee met last night um along with our burough engineer to discuss different aspects of our plan going forward for revitalizing L Lake pursuing grants and doing what we can to better put ourselves in a position to win those grants we are still in the running for a few um and we've gotten recommendations from some of those organizations on how to better position ourselves to actually win the funding so that's good um the harbor commission next meets next meets at on the 17th at 6 PM um and finally the belore winds Club the shoe drop is still happening those will be collected mid January it is a great program um and uh I encourage you all clean out your closets even cleats I asked if you have children's cleats adult cleats those are also the only thing we're not collecting are skates roller skates ice skates um mid January um oh um and I just wanted to put a special plug for the dmar Women's Club again um we are always accepting new members and we also do great things besides these type of events we also work with the school we do we read to the kids at the school I'm going tomorrow to read to I prek maybe second grade it's wonderful it's heartwarming and if you've been thinking about joining you should absolutely do it there are at least five people in this room who could um a little softball update we still are continue to get really great donations from businesses and individuals throughout belmare we're getting closer to meeting our goals I will update you fully at a later meeting because I wanted to get to the end of the year before I do my uh list of all the wonderful people and individuals who have donated but we're making great progress um I believe we just collected around $6,000 this week alone so we're doing great absolutely um and there we go Council mckenny thank you uh okay uh the next shade tree commission meeting is this Thursday 1212 at 6:30 p.m. uh the Belmar Lake Como Chamber of Commerce is having their Holly Jolly Trolley tour Holiday Tour it's a trolley and hot chocolate it leaves in front of Cafe deep ailia on uh December 13th three different rides times 5:30 6:30 and 7:30 and you can get tickets to that at the Belmar Lake comoo chamber of commerce Belmar Lake comomo chamber.com uh couple things happening around the schools mmore elementary the Winter band concert is this Thursday the 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium and they break for winter break from December 23rd to January 2nd St Rose high schools has Hoops mania this Friday so kicks off the basketball season the there's a basketball ex exhibition happening Friday the 13th like a little mini pep rally from the town doors open at 6:30 the boys home opener is Saturday December 14th JV at 5:30 varsity at 7:00 p.m. tickets are sold at the door so come out and support the uh basketball program and St Rose High School is proudly accepting over 200 new students to the school next year which is great um and lastly I um the skate park friends of Delmar skate park our committee is working very hard with our grant writers partnering with the burough and we are applying for um the Green Acres Grant for next year so we're very hopeful that we get all our ducks in a row so we can um get some funding for the skate park so we're excited about that and that's all I have merry Christmas everybody Council mcken no R hour thank you mayor um filmar Public Library the library will be hosting a holiday movie night in the library Tuesday December 17th at 6 p.m. kids can wear their PJs and enjoy some popcorn while watching Frosty the Snowman all snug in the library uh they did this last year and the year before too it's really cute um tomorrow at 2 p.m. oh man that's an old um that's something old sorry okay um belmer housing sorry I I copy pasted a little bit my my my bad uh the next bore Housing Authority meeting is January 6th at 5:15 um our ba Kevin Kane and I met with director Paul De Sanz and Amy Spar at the bhj and our grant consultant to work on the HUD Community Fund Grant award application we're waiting an official change of an authorized representative um to complete the application and we will meet again in a week or so when that has switched over um I'm also working on Gathering a few h a few kiddos to do a little holiday singing um to the folks there at the BJ um and I'll let you know more as we finalize our plans um a reminder that the belmare historical society is having their popup shop again December 14th um from 1: to 300 p.m. come by the museum then and take a look Beach Music Studios is having their holiday concert is this Saturday is that right Sunday Sunday Sunday okay Sunday um at um The Stone Pony so please check out their website or Facebook page for more information there um at noon at noon um and then um also come enjoy some holiday caroling on the 21st um from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 11:01 B Street uh join the B Street carolers which includes myself um and bring a chair and in enjoy an evening of holiday cemon it's always something really cool thank you council president Lo thank you mayor uh just a reminder they're still collecting unwrapped children's toys and the boxes around town thank you to the vmar PD and friendly sensus cheles those Bo those are going to be picked up on December 13th at 1 pm. so get them in Fast and then uh just a reminder the candy cane Hunt is this Saturday at 5:00 pm there's only a few spots left so if you need to register you can register your children on the wreck page don't register adults you're not going to get C um and I want to thank the businesses who are participating around town I just speak on one of the events yes um just I know um counil Donan mentioned it woman I'm sorry um uh we're collecting gifts for Santa um he'll be arriving on Monday around 3:00 uh pm to go out and deliver between Belmar and L comoo so if you'd like Santa to drop a gift off at your home for your child please please bring it to either belmare for belmare police department for belmare residents or lake comoo burrow hall for Lake comoo residents uh between the hours of 9 and 4 if you cannot make it during those times we will still accept them at Poli anytime thank you so you mark them with the address right and the name and the address social media what you need to do but the dispatchers will let you know U what you need to do when you come drop them off don't be like me and forget and then go raising down your block Barefoot with a rra present asking you frantically to stop thank you thank you my neighbors loved it I think we can move on to the public session on the the consent agenda anyone from the public has a comment or question about a resolution on the consent agenda please step forward state your name and address Mr Eugene 4th Avenue um I just have a a quick question here uh resolution uh 2024 - 210 resolution authorizing execution of cost shared assistance agreement with the Department of the army uh can somebody just explain a little bit what what what's involved in this does this have to do with the marina does it have to do with uh uh 404 Wetlands or something uh in Belmar U Can somebody speak to that it um it it the resolution gives me the authority to sign the agreement which has yet to be completed and it has to do with a silver lake uh project I think through the environmental Commission am I correct C restoration civil restoration they're they're looking to to um see what can be done to restore the lake and and get the Army Corp to kind of help so the first step in that process is to come up with an agreement and this just authorizes me to sign that okay I I did see attached excuse me is this working this is highly directional microphone uh you have to put it right in front of your mouth uh in order to come through um by the way does anybody know which uh uh which district uh this agreement would be going to a draft of the agreement uh a blank agreement was included with the resolutions at least on the website it was but it didn't indicate whether this would be going to uh the New York District or the Philadelphia District uh do we know any of that information as to where this would be submitted I don't know that information well hand we can find out very easily I'll let you know at the next at the next meeting okay okay thank you very much CC Donovan does the Army Corps of Engineers crost the burrow any mind' already met once with the Army Corps we had a large meeting last May I want to say um down to Taylor Pavilion along with the County engineer d uh representatives from Chris Smith's office and I believe ke's office um and so they did a walk of Silver Lake at the time the Army Corps and submitted just kind of a preliminary summary of the meeting itself and what they saw around the lake and now we are looking into next steps as far as alysis potentially be the ocean pipe and other issues around the lake any El's going to be completing that application for my signature oh are we talking about a grand application or are we talking about no the one that is in the uh in the resolution the cost Shar assistance agreement do we know who the we didn't get to that point yet I said who's going to fill out that application that uh that's attached to the resolution we know yet we with our gr wrers on all that right the grant writers in the BC um have been working in Partnership together okay thank you Mr G any other comments can I have a motion to close the public session motion second I have a motion to approve the resolutions asist on the consent agenda motion second Council MC Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes mayor vesco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Le yes okay and then now we have new resolution which will be resolution 2024 213 establishing the marina rates for 20125 do we have a motion to adopt that resolution I'll make the motion second councilman Donovan yes Council mckenny yes mayor bco no councilman Rondo yes councilman Le yes uh next we have ordinance 2024 23 this is an ordinance amending and supplementing uh chapter 11 of amending the salary schedules for various positions and employees um was there a motion to offer the ordinance for first reading or a motion are we tabling I'll make the motion to offer as a first meting second councilman Donovan no councilman Kenny no mayor bu Fusco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Lis no okay uh next is public session if anyone would like to comment uh please step forward and state your name and address first Joe man only 203 South Lake Drive I actually have two questions excuse me first is there any update on the Verizon situation to my knowledge uh no but I don't know councilwoman Donovan has any additional info um the two bits I can tell you is that uh I know I've seen a list of potential Court deadlines that extends into June so that is what we have right now um whether or not those stay that way or if there are different Maneuvers that stop that I will update you as those happen um the other is that uh we've been looking over I know the DP has um um proposed new rule that has to do with building in flood zones and extending with flood zones really looking at report it's been referenced in different pieces of media um over the next 100 years and I have been trying to figure out if that would have any bearing on for instance ca for permits in that new Zone and how that might affect Verizon going forward I noticed that corre Prett aggressive to how they attack un this are we going down the same road as they are I would say they're going down the same road we are um and you know Council mckenny and I have been in fairly close touch with Spring Lake second question the EMS matter I've noticed some of the towns and our four Town group have pulled out and gone with the county because it's quote unquote free you mentioned that it's it's not doesn't appear to be free can you explain why that's not free and why we wouldn't do that said at the last meeting the um we haven't been approached by the county to participate in that program every every municipality that has been part of that program has been approached by them to do that okay um and uh I think Mr kan's comments about it not being free or yeah it's a number one I don't think and again I don't have the the paperwork in front of me but from what I understand it's a 5year commitment and there's nothing that says that they're going to keep that service going free forever so and I I'll turn it over to Mr Kane if he wants to add anything to that no no that's that's correct but we we we know currently what it cost to run the operation so for them for for for a startup operation there has to be some kind of expense and whether they spread it out over the 53 towns for all the homes within those 53 towns and that's how they're funding it I don't know I mean they're they're touting it that that it's a free service we know what it cost to run an EMS operation so for them say it's free I'm not again to the mayor's point we haven't seen any any data or or they haven't approached us about how this thing works so well we really don't know ex well if they're claiming it's free even though they haven't approached us shouldn't we be approaching them to find out before we make a decision and commit hundreds of thousands of dollars they reached out to all the other municipalities them you know none of our municipalities reach out to them they're the ones that initiate the conversation they have not done that with us I understand that but the question I'm asking is shouldn't we take it upon ourselves to re at least reach out to them and find out what the facts are I I think the concern as we expressed at the last meeting was is they have no track record okay and we would be taking a risk putting uh the residents and the visitors of belmare into the hands of an EMS service that has no track record we have an excellent EMS service here uh and it works uh it works during the summer when we have tens of thousands of people here their service has no track record and I don't know that we're in the risk taking business in terms of of you know even if having them take on elmar and then uh finding out that they can't meet the surface levels that the residents and the visitors are used to I unfortunately first experience using the IMs service here more than I've wanted to in the last couple of years and so it is first I have no complaints about it whatsoever it's not the issue I'm just asking if we don't if we're assuming things we don't have the facts we think it's not we believe it's not shouldn't we at least find out what the plan is take a look at it as as a group and say yeah it's worth it or it's not worth it before we reject it and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars that's all I'm asking let's at least we we have we have looked as much as we know about it but we we um we're not inclined to move in that direction at this point as much as you know we don't we don't have all the all I'm asking can't we get the facts from them before you make the final decision that's all I'm asking do that not sense I I think it's a good idea to maybe invite the county and do a presentation and see if it's something that we would like to entertain the thing that bothers me and I'm going to be right up front about it is why wasn't why weren't the four municipalities that were part of the original EMS part of our EMS service why weren't we all approached at the same time okay and you can you can have your own thoughts about that I have my own thoughts about that which I will keep to myself but I I'm I'm disturbed uh and I hope the County Administrator is watching this I'm disturb by the fact that he his people go to um seagar and make them the offer and then at metime trying to poach our EMS staff out of our uh EMS service to work on their and then get mask on to do it and the question I have is if you are running an EMS service and you're and again it's free but all the rest most of us in the county are paying for it if if you're offering that service why wouldn't you offer it to everyone in that in that uh in that EMS ask yourself that question if it's such a great service why why wouldn't he have been here two meetings ago saying we want Belmore we want Lake Koo all right that disturbs me because I don't think that they can handle us and I think that's the reason why they haven't approached us that may be true find way my wife ask me out first year years later so you know you take your shot right but I mean all I'm suggesting is and you may be 100% right I'm just suggesting we we get it we get with them find it out you may decide in the first five minutes to reject it you know I don't I don't have the facts I'm just asking a simple business question if somebody's offering me something for free sometimes it's not free I get it but shouldn't we at least find out and have a communication with them and then make decision yeah we can do that I would agree we can do that but again I'm I'm I'm not happy about the fact that they didn't come to us and I'm sure said yes you you're you're together to death be your part I don't I don't think the county is going to be with us to death do they part that's my concern I like where that analogy is going thank you thank you any other comments hi good evening uh my name is sea McGrath I'm the uh 404 ocean a and I'm the owner operator of summertime surf school um came here tonight to just uh thank the council for the last 19 years or mayor and Council um of operation um 2024 marked the last year of um the lease that uh had a five 10year lease um that has expired and as we want to let the council know know that we would really appreciate um that you would take the time to address uh the 2025 um request for proposals and to um start the motion on that um this business that has been operating for the last 19 years uh relies on people's U planning and um in order for us to get back on track to where we'd like to be there's um a few recommendations um I have a letter to distribute to everyone um and some material that we think might be us SCH that comes um from leases that we hold in other uh municipalities on the Jersey Shore um so there's some detailed information um there to reference that um I'm thinking Mr Migel might make his job a little easier as uh you discuss um what the best fit for belmare moving forward would be um I think everyone here knows that the uh the last iteration of the lease that we were awarded um had some some flaws and pop some things that we'd like to see upd ated uh to get in line with current Vision that the council um agrees upon what would be a great fit for for bmar so um I would just like to distribute that to to everyone if that's okay sure and uh thanks again and um hopefully we can move forward with this I know there's a lot of leases and and things that you have to do in preparation for 2025 so um if we can be included in that we just give it to administrator and we'll we'll distribute it all us so there's copy for everybody and this folder has other thank you so much thank you any other comments if I could comment on that um I just wanted to say I I remember when summertime surf opened you guys were the first camp in this area of the shore and you really open the gates there are more kids surfing there are more girls surfing because of you guys I love it I think every single one of us has had our kids go through summertime surf um we really want to make sure sure that people know that elar welcomes and loves our Surfers um and we'd love to see us get this lease right so thank you thank you thank you any other comments cello 14th Avenue belmer two subjects one subject is uh first thank April for getting the sign on 14th in K however we have a big problem going on one time which I had already brought up in the past I was back in my driveway somebody flew around never stopped flew around from K Street the 14th and almost hit me broadside well that has happened again and then just two days ago my husband standing next to his vehicle in the street standing there a car comes flying around the corner and he yelled at her and said you just blew a stop sign what else can we do chief shut the road down I don't know I'll look into it my traffic guys look into out of there's nothing else we can possibly can we put speed bumps we put speed bumps on that's that's is there is there a possibility because you have um good you have um a couple of police cars I'm going to call them dead police cars can you just take one and park one right on 14th Avenue right after the fire hydrant in that very first spot we really don't have any dead well the one the old work well the old the old ones is there any way just taking one and just leave it there for a couple of days maybe that might get people to I don't think it's going to but I can it was just a thought it's just a just a suggestion I I mean that's that's three times now I mean I don't know how I don't know how my husband didn't get hit I have no clue no clue how he didn't get hit don't stand in the street stand he was standing right next he was standing right next to his vehicle he was either getting in it or getting out of it on the passenger side of the street so that to me was a big concern when he said I don't know how I didn't get H we we put signs up we put stop in I I don't know what else to do I don't know what yeah closing the street I don't I don't I don't know what to do I it's just it's just getting creepy they just fly around the corner that if they at least slow down a little they wouldn't be too bad but they don't even slow down the other question I'm not sure if I'm allowed to direct this to the fire department or not but when they send out their um um what's it called the envelopes for donations the since we have three fire companies but we only have two that are active so if a check is sent out I'm just going to pick a number let's say I send out a $60 check does that $60 check get split between the two Act fire companies or does it get split three ways I'll ask one of the if anybody can answer that question currently it gets split freeways in the end okay can't change that until whatever H what other the council decides to do with Union Fire Company okay if a check is sent out and made out to a certain fire department can that be accepted yes they can yes okay so for now we just have to dodge the cars down yes okay can I just make a comment about a traffic issue that I've come across to I'm sorry but I almost got hit twice in piano Plaza parking lot there's a cross in the Middle with no signage whatsoever stops or anything do you know what I'm talking about there's stop signs in front of like T burrito there's a stop sign in front of like the dollar store but the one main way that people there's no signage either way can you just look at thank you any other traffic issues party Dan L 14th Avenue why can't you take those two signs to go to the right that says you know you come up there's arrows pointing to the right cuz they can't go to the left remove those and put another stop sign up there because they just ignore that stop sign they just blow through it like it's not there is there any reason why you couldn't take those I have okay because they only see is so arrows it say to the right only stop sign there a majority of turns like that there're is no stops sign so you're one up on on my Street's the same way the end of my street it curves yeah there's no stop sign there is a stop sign in that corner that's what I'm saying you have a stop sign yeah I'm just saying majority of turns like that do not have a stop sign well apparently so you are one step ahead of everybody else you're one step ahead of me on my street myet same exact okay good enough and one other question I know I've brought this up probably earlier in the year has put any budget into uh painting the to water tower it looks like because I I think it would look better if it was painted because it's all black and under the bottom you look at it every morning it's like and it doesn't you can barely read the sign Belmar I'm just wondering if any money had beeno I think we uh I think we mentioned that once before and it's on our um schedule of things that that need to be to do because it's quite expensive I know to do that that's like a major undering and if you look at a lot of the other towns their showers look pretty good ours you know it's an embarrassment it's a it's a almost a four figure seven figure cost to do that if you get a few train monkeys it has to be fixed all right thank you than there's more too any other um comments you don't have to comment if you don't Barry 15th Avenue uh concerning the uh possible probable closure of the fire company uh who owns that building who owns those vehicles our owns all the firehouses and all the vehicles all the equipment so the two pieces of major equipment that are there would be divied up I I haven't gotten that far yet okay CLA H 18 and B my sister told me I can't say what I want to say so I will wish everyone a very merry Christmas and happy holiday thank you Merry Christmas everyone any other comments okay I have a motion to close the public session and adjourn the meeting motion second all in favor please stop at little stop signs