##VIDEO ID:POD9ydxJY-4## of the bur of Belmar and the Asbury Park Press and notice of this meeting was posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building take roll call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here mayor Pesco here councilman rero here Council Le here please rise for the pled of Allegiance the flag the United States of America the rep for stand please standing for our um moment of silence for our First Responders and their families I also like to add um last week our pH administrator Kevin Kane's stepfather passed away John schmigel and I would also like to have us keep our and prayers in mind for the people of Florida and and those who had to work their way through hurricane Helen uh especially for the First Responders and the residents that are facing hurricane Milton probably tomorrow evening thank you we're going to move on to um Workshop we would have anything for Workshop I believe we're going to do the breast cancer resolution at this point this is a proclamation designating the month of October in each uh this year as Breast Cancer Awareness Month whereas National Breast Cancer Awareness Month educates women about the importance of early detection for breast cancer educates us all since mbc's Inception M mamography use has doubled and breast cancer death rates have declined still many women do not utilize mamography at regular intervals whereas in recognition of the fact that mamography is the best available method of detecting breast changes that may be cancer long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt and that breast cancer deaths could decline further if all women ages 40 and upholder received mammograms at regular intervals whereas October 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month which is dedicated to increasing awareness of breast cancer issues especially the importance of early detection and now therefore be it resolved the mayor and Council of the Bureau of belmare County of Mammoth state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month all women and their families in the burough of belmare are urged to get the facts about mamography and breast cancer detection thank you anyone else i' just like to bring the council up to date on the um issue we had at the public library um we we the commissioners of the public library voted today to contract out for an emergency repair of the chimney apparently there are uh tree and and vegetation growing out top of the chimney which needs to be remedied before the heat goes on so um that will be taken care of in short order uh the uh Fire official went there the building is safe they put in two extra carbon monoxide detectors but uh as long as the heat's not going on nothing's really going up through the chimney so I expect that that will be resolved uh before for now the heat goes on anything else okay let's move on petitions I did not receive any petitions approve minutes can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the September 24th meeting motion second Council Donan yes councilman Kenny yes may yes yes councilman rero yes Council L OB next is reports of council Council mo onor hi everyone um I'm pleased to report that bmar has been awarded a bronze level certification by sustainable Jersey we've been approved for 20 actions in 10 categories for a total of 235 points which out of context may not seem like a big deal to you but actually it is the result of a lot of hard work work uh particularly by our environmental commission but also by everyone who we last Ed into getting involved including our friends over here at the table and everyone up here so thank you all this is really big news for Balmar not just because it recognizes everything we're doing as a buau but also because it opens us up for more grants and awards so thank you to the environmental commission um I wanted to give a heads up to everyone that our Lake Management Services will be spraying the frag mighties which are those tall plants um they will be in a boat spraying them from the lake going outwards which um will help thin those out a little bit as they are invasive but also still keep some type of small barrier up for our Gees um I'm sure I will still hear from Plenty of you once that starts happening um the next tourism commission meeting is tomorrow I encourage anyone who is interested to come in the meantime on October uh when is this we'll be having a scarecrow contest this is for businesses is Belmar businesses um judging will take place from October 18th to November 11th by vot residents and visitors uh the top three winners will receive a free sign on our Route 35 sign uh please register by October 11th the Chamber of Commerce will be holding the a Fall Festival this will take place on Sunday October 27th on Main Street and piano Plaza so please come out for that and congratulations for to the chamber for putting on an event preemptively congratulations um work on the pilings for the harbor permission and the fuel off is out for bid the bid opening will be Wednesday the 16th at 10:00 a.m. we've had good interest we've had at least five different companies come in so far so that is good news and we're looking forward to getting that work done um after the last commission meeting uh there was actually uh extended time put in by some of us up here Council woman Kenny Council rero and I went over to Spring Lake where they had actually a Verizon town hall meeting because Verizon has put in an application there so we attended that um participated in that event the residents concerns were very much the same that we hear here um and they are following our Playbook fairly closely uh We've also been talking to leadership over there because we're all well aware of how our Fates are intertwined and hoping that we can you know combine our our passions and our forces uh for more bargaining power so we'll continue to update you on that finally we had our inaugural fundraiser for the softball field project over on 13th in Maine Sunday two days ago I'm very excited to tell you that so far our fundraising efforts have yielded about $21,000 wait wait wait wait here's the really cool part here's the really cool part uh last week I got an email from a resident who wishes to remain anonymous and and their family would like to match all of our fundraising efforts up to $50,000 so please please continue to donate tell your friends remember everything you donate will there basically be doubled at this point 20 is the new 40 40 is the new 80 100 is the new 200 please continue you can go to Belmar softball. squarespace.com to see uh the plans and to donate directly right there um I want to thank every single person enough here for coming on Sunday it was a really great event we had 22 teams in the tournament um a Duo from Red Bank actually won uh they won a trophy and they won Giants tickets which were donated by Claire and Sharon hanger back there thank you very much for that um and it was a great time I'm hoping we can continue to do that event it was really great and thank you especially to councilman Mark Levis who uh not only held run the entire thing but was absolutely the muscle behind it also and also thank you to the I should also read out um our sponsors of the event which was poito um Dynamic sorry guys uh Dynamic engineering um Remington and vering engineers and um the law firm Jenner and block so thank you all um if you haven't heard from me personally if you run a store in town if you're part of an organization you will so thank you all okay thank you councilor mckin thank you mayor uh the shade tree commission the next shade tree commission meeting is this Thursday um October 10th um Recreation just wants everybody to know that if you want to register your car for Trunk or Treat you must do so in advance truck trunk Retreat is Friday December uh October 25th and there's also going to be a costume contest registration for the costume contest must be 5:00 p.m. that night the contest and truck Retreat starts at 6:00 and and um that is also in Dempsey Park so reminder it's not out here it's not at the school it's in Dempsey Park and then just one thing around the schools I just wanted to add again about converation which is the um the meeting that bour elementary school is doing about uh minimizing screen time and the negative effects of screen time in schools and how we can make a positive impact in in schools I think that sounds super interesting and something that I'd like to go to just kids are addicted in general to cell phones so we need to figure out a way to minimize that if we can in anyway um that's all I have for that and then just one more reminder this Monday is the bmar cares event breast cancer support group there is going to be um two I think people gwenny Allen Alden is country isn't she a country music singer anyway she's wonderful country music Senter she's starting at 6 and then the Atlantic Wind Ensemble will be starting at 7 p.m. that's all I have thank you councilwoman r thearrow I'm filling in for her tonight as her voice so it's going to be really short can uh you lip sync it as he's speaking just the whole image is not going to make it though um okay let me start out on behalf of myself and uh Council Rano to congratulate councilwoman Donan and council president Levis on the cornhle fundraiser uh it was a great day even though my team which was made up of myself and Adriana Council woman Maria's daughter uh we got killed but uh it was a lot of fun our team name was Beauty and the Beast and I guess you can figure out who was that's correct English but it it was a great time uh next thing is this is on the uh the Housing Authority the burrow is currently awaiting the Community Fund Grant award application from HUD for the Belmore Housing Authority facade repairs since the burrow was technically the grantee uh Maria and April will be working with Doug from Millennium strategies our grant writers to go through the application and make sure it is submitted back as soon as possible uh just to reminder if you're ordering a Belmont military and Veteran Banner program to honor our hometown Heroes our deadline is October 16th we have applications at the front office in burrow Hall and a link on the Burrows Facebook page and website and last but not least Library events the first of four live animal series is this Saturday October 12th at 11:00 a.m. at Taylor Pavilion with Jenkinson's Aquarium presenting New Jersey precious Pinel lands featuring a live owl Turtles and other Pine Land creatures bring the kids to this exciting close encounter with creatures from the Pinel lands immediately after the precious Pine lands will be the fall Beach readers book fair featuring 30 local Shore region-based authors with their books the book fair will run from 1: to 5:00 p.m when Book Lovers can pick up great books both fiction and non-fiction for themselves or holiday gifts this event is free admission and open to the public the last of three years I'm sorry the last of three events celebrating his Hispanic Heritage Month is a presentation on coyote a modern American Immigration story a Belmore born offway Off Broadway musical composed by a longtime Belmore resident Tim mcor Thursday October 17th at 6 p.m. at tavilan with Refreshments from chelito Lindo Mexican restaurant visit our website at www belmor library.org for more information about these and all our other programs and services and that's the end of the aded for tonight and I'll pass it along to council president Le thank you mayor uh I just want to thank the friendly sons of the chales for also helping us out with the uh cornhole tournament joing us some cornhole boards they had their annual pig roast last Sunday and they were collecting donations uh for those in North Carolina they filled the truck they're not accepting any more donations at this time but I expect they will be after this next storm hits so uh keep that in the back of your mind uh as these weeks come up that's all I have there okay let's move on to public session for Resolutions that are on the agenda anyone has a comment or question about a resolution on the agenda please step forward state your name and address seeing n can I have a motion to close the public session I'll make the motion all in favor I I can I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda moot second second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman ranero yes Council L uh next is our last item is ordinance 20242 this is uh second reading in public hearing on ordinance mending and supplementing chapter 4 Department of Finance section 4-4 which is revising the fees for gazebo resal this is open for public common if anyone would like to speak on the ordinance please step forward state your name and address I have a motion to close the public hearing I'll make a motion second all in favor can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 21 motion second councilman Donovan yes Council mckenny yes mesco yes councilman Rono yes Council 11 yes now we're on to public session uh just please remember to see your name and address first good evening Linda shus 4th Avenue I notice there's Crush Stone over on 12th in main could you give us an update on the Environmental issue and if it's been resolved part one I have three different why don't ask all the questions first other questions okay what are you going to do with the building okay after that it's a comment there's a lot of new buildings in town um single family homes there's no landscape at all and I think perhaps that people got confused that Hardscape is the same as landscape where backyards are completely covered in solid surface so I would hope that we could work to address the issue through code enforcement or when they go for their CEOs to try to correct that because it really is you know3 billion houses don't have plants in front of them and I think that's a shame and is detriment you know letting this go is detrimental to the overall beautification of our town my okay we'll talk we'll we'll look into that aspect of it uh your first question is about the 1200 Main and and what we're doing there they have already taken out some soil in the front of the building on 12th Avenue and have filled it in uh there is more testing ongoing because there are more um there are more indicators showing that there's uh more contamination along the 12th Avenue side of the building so the lsrp needs to uh basically try to figure out through testing you know how much more uh soil removal is necessary because it's it's going further and it's going deeper than was initially anticipated so the goal is still to remove all the contaminated soil but um again the lsrp is trying to to give us a ballpark figure of of of how much dirt will have to be removed they're going to do something called um this Geo probe which will um go into the concrete walk and again it'll help them to determine the limits of the contaminated soil and then once we know what the limits are then you know an environmental consultant will prepare another plant and cost estimates to remove that contaminated soil so the short answer is we started some of the soil was already removed ongoing testing there's still more contamination that needs to be removed we just don't know how much at this point long longterm plan we don't have a longterm plan at this point uh right now the long the longterm plan is to get it cleaned up that's it for now and my third question we had a mermaid that was donated to the town the mermaid still is in open to the public um it's my understanding that jcpnl is moving very slowly on cleaning out their pit to make the drop can we work to facilit or expedite this I don't know I don't know what the situation is I don't know if Billy or Kevin have any update on that I've uh I've made multiple calls to jcpnl uh the problem is where the electric that feeds um the what the display what the landscape is going to be is full of water um JC pel is supposed to come out they're supposed to pump the pit check the wires see if they're still usable um I've called a couple times and I get the response that we're working on it it's in the process okay thank you okay thanks thank you anyone else yeah yes good afternoon good morning I'll say something around there anyway I'm kidding um so I wrote you a letter mayor I'm not sure you your name is my name is syvia Wolf okay um I wrote you a letter I sent you some pictures um we live on River Road and that is the entrance of belmare we feel very neglected um I I everything it's overgrown there's garbage everywhere I walk my dogs there as well and and many times I go with a stick and a bag to pick up garbage that's just left there uh people rent out their homes and they don't take care of them in fact um just the other day I saw I don't know if it was County or state because that's another thing and I are you Kevin no I'm Billy okay Billy that's Kevin over there hi Kevin sorry I've spoken to Kevin and and maybe maybe I don't know I call time and I write uh little notes in the the concerns um I just feel like we're being neglected I and it looks bad for our town because it is the entrance to Belmar we are part of Belmar uh there's a sign and I actually took a picture of the sign with all the garbage and cigarette Buds and everything and it's sort of lopsided like this and it says welcome to uh barl of entering and you know I look at other towns and I personally think our town is the best town but I look at other towns just for comparison and I say wait they tell a lot of times you tell me this is a state road okay those are state roads too but they look so different than our road I'm just telling you it's bothering me I love this town I'm not leaving um and we're not leaving right like we're all leaving and we just want we and and we're we're um willing to be part of the solution if you need us to do anything you know put a group together the other day I was walking by at the park that Park's a mess and it was getting fixed it was getting cleaned up and I'm like that is such a beautiful place the sunsets are amazing if you're paying to have that done why isn't someone coming and looking okay did they do it correctly you know that's it I mean just just uh some type of U supervision okay let's see I see a man coming in and he picks up garbage and then there's a bunch of garbage and you know that is a people problem right but we can also do something to improve it I think we'll work with Kevin and Billy to see if we can get DPW to maybe make make an couple extra rounds in in the park there and as far as the sign gos I'd have to take a look sign it's okay across their um you know the Shark River there's a barrier which by the way all the lights there are are do not work except for ours in front of our house my husband is constantly calling never we've had two accidents in three weeks and hitting you know uh the railing in one side and then the pole on the other there's no lighting there and people are speeding in fact when they shut off one of those those um Lanes I was so happy because everybody had to chill and slow down instead of going like a 100 miles an hour you know and um so that's our thing they have they usually clean up twice this year once and their cleanup consists of uh if there's garbage there they'll they'll cut up the garbage too and then more garbage goes into the river into the bay and into our property no hi I'm I'm Sarah Jane Campbell I live at 17113 River Road I'm a neighbor um and I think our our biggest concern is just the way that looks for people that are driving through I mean these are really nice homes and the real estate is really nice it's very expensive to live there so of course you want to feel like you're getting bang for your buck um but it's really it's the that grass it looks awful it's all you're talking about where the intersection was 1635 on the shark Rivers side where there's no sidewalk and it's just grass and it's a and it's a barrier there live between 16 and Oakwood so it's kind of that area along there the trees are dead some of them are covered in they look horrific um there's garbage garbage everywhere it's weeds overgrown and it just looks so it's bad enough that it's a highway but it just looks really unsightly it would be nice to have some maintenance maybe space for walking either we do uh have a litter Crews that walk through it and pick it up uh we don't have the manpower to dedicate somebody to it all the time um it is uh it is the state property uh they come and cut it it is not our property um that a lot of that vegetation is there to hold the seaw wall intact um the as far as the park is concerned uh people don't pay to rent the park they just show up it's first come first serve and you know unfortunately you know how people are they come with uh coolers R of stuff and and they leave it a mess and uh we do police the area we we do litter Patrol um we do clean up twice a day um we'll try and make an attempt to get in there more often and uh try and do a better job okay can I ask you a question about the litter Patrol uh what what does that entail um it's just a a walker that walks through and picks up Litter with a stick and a bucket R okay because I've I've never seen that I know you're often but I've never seen that someone in a truck and you know I see them pick up the garbage the garbage right now when you did clean up this year uh River Road at that area who did it the state did it or did you guys do it well we walk well we have employees in the marina that will walk 35 and clean up but we don't cut the grass over there that's the that's the state property right I'm going to tell you something I saw a man uh it looked like a worker uh part of your team and they were on a a tractor mowing tractor and and then I think you told oh I think they're cutting next door no they were riding on to go to the park right they were riding on that section people walk through there ride their bikes through there I guess there's like a little path you know I mean I I I just think then if it's the state's problem then I need you guys to help me with the state because two years ago I was I tried to do everything to get the state involved they came they did and then they forgot they do you know a couple of months ago I did receive some documentations from the state about changes they're going to make to that intersection mostly with Ada related ramps and and uh re structuring of the lights and things like that but obviously there was no timeline uh on it and I will tell you from experience that uh we we had a commitment from the state to fix the crosswalk by the the um senior citizens building and we got the plans and it was approved and all that and they said yeah we'll get to it and it'll be sometime in 2027 so if they have plans for that area there it wouldn't surprise me if it's going to be at some point in a very distant future but we will keep trying to get them to do both things to um because I think they recognize because I I always get letters from A few people about that intersection and there's no Safe Way of Crossing from if you're coming from Belmore Boulevard from wall and you're walking you there's no crosswalk to get across onto the other side of 35 which again is the state's responsibility in terms of you know letting there's no sidewalk on that side you would have to somehow get way down to where there's a crosswalk and then there's no light there so you know crossing the B where where you live and you take your life in your hands if you're trying to cross the without a light which means then you got to walk all the way down to to light which is so I mean it's h but we'll look into it again and see if we can get the state to perhaps take better care in that section of the road yes I mean it is a mess and it's not at all it's not it's just not M okay hope thank you continue absolutely thank you very can we change the entering belm Mar to welcome to belm Mar again I don't know who sign that is we'll have to look our sign because we attended another meeting and they said we didn't have any sign and so the sign is in order and to my surprise we have like a a two by three maybe sign yeah I'm on I'm a sign I'm on a sign committee with councilwoman Ronda we're working on like signage from around town and I noticed there's a couple entrances into bmar that don't have nice signage so I've been working we have been working on that and we actually have to meet again on that but that's something that I become about too even when you come in to belmare from Lake comoo there's not a sign that says welcome to belmare you're entering belm that's are look this I sent this to you this is what it looks like this is somebody's property right there they cut a tree out and this is our side and if you you see R garbage that wasn't there they just put that there few years ago so if you come over the bridge the 35 Bridge there is a sign with like the wave the swoop that says Belmar welcome to Belmar right we need a few more of those in town right so there's not one that when you come from Lake homo on 16th uh Main Street right at that gas station there if you look across you says welcome to Lake comoo there's nothing that delineates that you're answering in B same at 35 there's nothing that says you're welcome welcome SP so that's definitely something that's on the list don't worry that's thank you I appreciate that and I still Grace youday Joe is walking her that's that's my doggy's girlfriend any other comments okay see none and I have a motion to close the public session and adour the meeting I'll make the motion second all in favor