##VIDEO ID:YlCJuZGRskQ## adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the Burl thar and the Asbury Park Press and notice that this meeting was posted on the bulton board take roll call Council M here Council mny here here councilman Rondo here Council L here please stand to the Pledge of Allegiance Al to flag americe uh please remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops their families and our First Responders thank you before we get into Workshop I would like to congratulate councilor mckenny on her reelection to the council to working with you for another three years thank you um okay Workshop the first thing I I I want to go over is a is a grant program called NJ shares and we're going to have some paperwork on this out in the in Barrow Hall basically what it is it's a um um it's a program for customer assistance to provide water sewer and electric assistant grants to income qualified households that are experienced a temporary financial crisis of course the eligibilities based on household size and income and uh households who have Municipal utility services and have income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level can receive up to $200,000 per utility per calendar year uh the grants are used only for consumption charges not for deposits or reconnection fees or repairs or those types of things and all Grant payments are issued directly to the utility company on the customers behalf and no customer will receive a credit balance so it's in the bottom line is if if a person qualifies they can apply for this and if they if they have a uh an amount of money owed in in our case it would be to the water utility uh that money that $200,000 would be paid directly by the New Jersey shares to the water utility okay so it it's something that is out there and like I said this is the uh the little blur that they have and if anybody's interested you know as I said we'll have it up in the on our board in the municipal building here and obviously if you want to take a look at it at the end of the meeting we can we can do that also but I think it it could be worthwhile for for people that might be facing a some kind of a uh Financial issue at this point okay any questions no okay um the next thing we have to I think just bring up and April you can correct me if I'm wrong is the the best practices survey uh that was uh it's an annual thing that we need to do as a b and it was sent down to Trenton and because we received a high enough score it means that we won't be penalized for getting grants or anything like that so um it was another good year for us and uh it's something that the council just needs to review and we need to get on the record that we reviewed it so we just did that uh any other questions I I would I'll save that for later um oh I did have a a question and maybe we can I'll ask now the there's a resolution on to to re to appoint someone to the Belmar shade tree commission and I was thinking in the future we should probably if we can put the name of the person that the the the new person is taking the place of because you know when it gets to the end of the year and we start to make reappointments it always gets confusing as to you know who's replacing who and and this way there'd be a record for you know future Generations we know that don't we yes yeah yeah just that we don't have it documented on it would be nice if we were with on a piece of paper but who was who is the person that's being replaced uh G uh H H left and her name is n yeah okay I'll make a note of it so this way we'll have it for you know future reference I thought may I short in the written resolution in the back her name was in paperwork but not the one that she was replacing that's my point I I I would like to see the transition because then why you kind of lose track of who's whose term was this you know when when you're going through because you only when you're reappointed when you're appointed you're really only appointed for the balance of the person's term okay um that's all I have at this point does anyone else have anything they would like to discuss than you Mr Mayor um we received correspondence from NJ do regarding our formal request for the midblock crosswalk on 8th Avenue uh close to the bmer Housing Authority building um we asked for the construction to be expedited um from their completion goal of 2027 um although they do acknowledge our concerns regarding pedestrian safety they state that they're in the process of concept development with environmental studying permitting getting the RightWay acquisition and that the utility work in this would take a minimum of 3 years to complete uh they did say that construction is scheduled to begin in 2027 however we will endeavor to expedite the construction process um so that was sent um by Jesus alkazar director of The Office of government and community relations but we were get in sandrew augo's number 609 9631 1982 to contact with any further questions uh it's my belief that we should continue to advocate for this to be expedited alog together 3 years feels like forever when it Safety Not Just of our seniors um but of all pedestrians who are using that crosswalk um you know their lives are at stake um so I'm hoping that we can get maybe a letter writing campaign from residents um and see what else can be done thank you I I um reviewed that letter also and what what struck me was um so you may want to try to understand why it's taking so long we has now become part of a much larger program that the state is doing there are like you know 25 or 30 crosswalk um projects that they have so it's not just our project it's all the projects that I think have to be um looked at as a whole and of course they have to look at um historical data make sure they're not digging up something that has a historical you know component to it they actually have to look again for you know flood data uh if they have to get rights of away they have to purchase property you know from the counties or whatever not necessarily in our case so I think that whole process is what's slowing up uh our request so um it's not something that we'd like to see and maybe maybe if we reach out to uh our local assemblymen he might help help us uh try to push this through a little bit but that's that's basically I think where it's gotten tied up in the in the state bureaucracy of doing a big big project with many many different in many many different towns throughout the state so we'll keep your posting on that any other Workshop okay any petitions April I did not receive any minutes and I have a motion to approve the October 22nd meeting minutes motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes mayor bco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Lis obain and I have a motion to approve the October 29th minutes motion second Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes may fesco yes councilman rero yes Council Lis hey reports of council this time I'm going first so I have something to say um first I'd like to say that um I'm actually working backwards here there was a very nice veterans ceremony U that we all attend attended on Veterans Day again uh I'd like to thank the vsw for coming and and putting that on and um the weather cooperated and I think the uh the veterans and the public really appreciated that I also attended the diali celebration that was put on by the library uh it was again very well attended uh from what I from what I saw uh and I think the food was fairly eaten up I I don't I don't eat Indian food that much so I really couldn't criticize whether it was good or not for me it was fine it was great in fact I went Sunday to um I forget the name of the place it's um India India Garden in in um the piano Plaza and uh my daughter was down so she knew what to order so we ordered like 15 different dishes now I'm exaggerating but we we had a full gamut of Indian food so it was very good so uh they did a great job with the food and then on uh Saturday I actually went to see the penguin I say the penguin because there was only one penguin it wasn't more than one but I think it was very well attended again parents a lot of children and I I believe they they got a kick out it I don't know I know you were there did your kids uh they liked it and they insisted that i' take a picture and try to punk one of their friends into thinking they had a penguin now so you know good times had by all and I and I know from I didn't get to go to the previous one but there was one with Wolves the the the week before which I heard was very very well attended and next weekend we're having the reptiles come so and I think that's the end of the uh you know the the nature [Music] oh and the owl is going to be there next week and then eventually they'll get back to books I believe um and let's see okay I think we'll go on with um I actually got a few things in so let's let's let's go back councilwoman Don happy to go last if you guys want um all right bmar Women's Club is doing a lot of things I'll tell you two of them which is that they are will be collecting shoes um new like new gently used there will be um drop off boxes here at bur Hall and I believe across the street at fto Rico and a few other spots in town um so I encourage you to participate in that um the winter Extravaganza is also coming up on January 15th um for more information you can also check out Belmar women's club. is it org it's or okay um um or speak to Johanna Robert Robinson or Linda shus who um are in the Women's Club uh I met yesterday with the Silver Lake commission uh to we are reorganizing for the new year um I will be meeting with our bur engineer coming up to kind of take all of our grants and applications to the next level as we go forward um the tourism commission is meeting tomorrow if you're interested in attending we always welcome visitors um we are here for the holiday season where there are so many events in belmare um including the candy cane hunt and other festivities um the harbor commission will be meeting the 19th um all of our members were very excited to see that we are moving forward with work done over in the marina finally it is long wish for long needed um and we're excited to see that starting and um finally the environmental commission will be meeting this Thursday at 6:30 um we will be discussing new programs and events what we can bring to the people of belmare so if you're interested please come out Council Canen um again I wanted to thank everybody who supported me in my campaign to run for re-election and uh win a second term um I'm grateful for everyone who helped there were a lot of hands on deck you guys all know up here campaigning is not always so much fun so it's better when you have support from friends and residents and so I was really hardw wared about all the support uh we ran a positive campaign I'm really proud of that and that message was well received so thank you so much to everyone who believes in me um and I love Belmore and I'm ready to do the hard work in my second term so thank you so much um Belmore Lake homeo did a chamber of commerce Fall Festival we didn't get to talk about that but I was it was so well done I I mean they just had they did the classic car show the vendors businesses there was food trucks there was a beer tent it was really nice day and a lot of people came out to this first fall festival so I'm super excited for the CH for the Chamber of Commerce to continue the events and all the hard work they're doing and if you're not a member and you want to business in town become a member they're really really great organization so really good work by that fall festival unfortunately I was not able to make the Veterans Day celebration yesterday I was sad to miss it but Monument Row looks absolutely beautiful with all the flags so well done to everybody who assembled and came out for that and God bless all our veterans um the next shade Tre commission meeting is this Thursday at 6:30 uh parks and recreation basketball and youth club signups are continuing otherwise there's nothing new to report there Belmore entry Elementary School um their chorus actually sang and classes attended the Veterans Day ceremony yesterday which I again I heard was just wonderful um Youth Government day at belore elementary is Monday November 18th and they are in the works with their conversation program over at the middle school which I'm I'm happy to see that they're going forward with that St Rose grammar school has their openhouse December 13th from 9 to 11 they also are providing Private Tours to people if they would like Sunday November 17th at 9:30 mass is the confirmation enrollment mass for all CCD and St room grer school kids who are going to make their confirmations next year and St Rose High School applications for the 2025 26 school year are due by December 5th and the high school is offering Shadow Days for any prospective students that would like to come and check out St Rose High School you can contact Jen Tarico in the Admissions Office at St Rose High School and that is all I have you councilman Rano thank you mayor and congratulations councilwoman Donovan um bmer Housing Authority I attended the BHA meeting last Monday uh the building had lost power for several hours earlier that day um as had much of Belmont um however the generator kicked on as expected and power and service to the elevator remained working so that was good uh the burrow has received the Community Fund Grant application from HUD for belmer housing authorities facade repairs I've been in contact with Paul De santz and Doug from Millennium strategies um it looks like we need to schedule a meeting between the burrow and BJ um to figure out the application as we need more collaboration um for it but we are um in receipt of it and we are working through it um Veterans Day was fantastic it was really beautiful uh Colonel Bley and the BFW were inspiring as always um and I was moved to have our local veterans come up to the microphone and state their n's military branch and years of service uh bmer elementary school did a fantastic job and I really loved having all the veteran banners lining Main Street in 10th AV uh thank you to DPW uh for getting those banners put up again I know there's more of them now it's harder work uh wingman printing did a great job um and thank you to DPW and Barry Trio for getting Memorial row prepared and beautiful for the ceremony that's all I have council president Levis thank you mayor uh just a reminder the next planning board meeting is going to be this Monday the 18th um and then just another reminder that we haven't had rain in a long time I know we got some uh briefly over the weekend it wasn't a lot remember we haven't had rain in about 40 days since before then so no fires in your backyards please make a note of that even if it gets cold out don't don't let a fire in your backyard that's all okay uh if there's nothing more then we can move on to the public session for the uh consent agenda resolutions anyone has a comment please come up to the microphone and state your name and address okay everyone's try tonight April so we can move forward and I have a motion to close the public session I'll make that motion second all in favor I I can I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda I'll make a motion second councilman Donovan yes Council McKinny yes yes mayor bille yes councilman Rono yes councilman Lem yes okay next we have second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20242 this is a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements appropriating 450,000 and authorizing the issuance of $427,500 in bonds this is open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on the ordinance please step forward state your name and address I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 22 motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes mayor vesco yes councilman rero yes Council Le yes last one is ordinance 2024 this is a bond ordinance providing for various water sewer utility improvements appropriating 1.6 million and authorizing the issuance of $1,520 th000 in bonds this ordinance was previously adopted but we are um so we already had the public hearing we just need to reopt it um today if someone would like to make that motion I'll make the motion second councilman Donovan yes C councilman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Le yes and so now we have the regular public session if anyone would like to speak please remember to State the address first the Bley family would formly like to thank councilwoman Maria Rondo for initiating the veterans Banner thing in bmar as my father passed when I was 19 we never had the conversations about what he did in war the helped all the five of us to learn and maybe understand my father a little bit better so thank you thank you anyone else was very ni on Greg M on 14th Avenue just a quick question something happened last night at I think it was 17th in Ocean there were a number of ambulances and a number of police vehicles anything exting because it looked pretty exciting when I drove by oh okay okay thank you anyone else and I have a motion to close the public session I'll make a motion second all in favor okay our last item of business is a resolution authorizing the council to go into executive session motion whereas it has been determined by the burough Council that it is necessary to discuss the following specific matter at its regular meeting in the absence of the public which is pending in our anticipated litigation whereas the open public meetings act permits the burrow of council to exclude the public from that portion of a public meeting during which such matters are discussed now therefore be it resolved by B Council as follows the council shall recess into a private executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss the above reference matters that the scope of the aesa executive session shall be limited to the above matters as stated that those matters discussed in executive session shall remain confidential until such time as a need for confidentiality no longer exists as determined by the bur attorney that minutes of the Clos session