##VIDEO ID:lCfEqHBFhvc## yep adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the burough Balmar and the es Park Press on December 13 2023 and notice of this meeting was posted on the bulleon board of the municipal building take roll call councilman Donovan here councilman Kenny here mayor bco here Council rero here Council L here please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to stands Nace all please remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops their families and First Responders I'd also like everyone to remember passing of Franny Hines who was a borrow employee for many years in public works a volunteer for the union fire company and a life member of the bore First St Squad thank you Workshop do we have any uh things to discuss in our Workshop go on okay any petitions April I did not receive any petitions minutes can I have a motion to approve the November 12 minutes motion second ban yes councilman Kenny yes mayor Becca PCO yes Council rero yes Council leit yes he reports of council I'm going to start I'm going to take the piano little concert we had today uh for those of you who may not know it we had um kind of a uh Sal opening introduction to the public of the uh piano and piano Plaza and I really like to thank if you weren't there uh we had a mini concert put on by Pat Rody uh John shiaa and Tommy LaBella who played a number of songs that were written or performed by David Sanchez and uh and a number of other songs uh from the East Street Band and Bruce Springsteen and there a lot of uh towns people were in attendance and they got to see the Christmas tree un lit of course and we also had a uh a performance by George kass's daughter Athena who played a uh classical piece which I cannot remember the the the name for but I know it was by Bach so uh all in all I think it was a great event and we look forward to you know having more great events in piano Plaza and now I guess I'll move on to the next person councilwoman any AD do um hi everyone it is busy season here uh Thursday December 5th is the tree lighting um on the 13th and the 21st will be the light show um the chamber will bring you the Holly Jolly light tour which is on a trolley and you all know I love a trolley um you can buy tickets they're $20 each on the chamber website uh the December uh December 30th will be the monora lighting out in piano Plaza at 600 p.m. and the candy cane hunt tentatively scheduled for December 14th emails went out to bmar businesses today um if you do not receive one and you are a business please contact John Walsh um and there will be more information available to the public and for children to participate at a later time uh the bmart Women's Club has their winter Extravaganza coming up tickets are selling fast you can purchase one the base price for the ticket is $55 a bundle of tickets for the 50/50 is another $50 you can buy those together or you can purchase individual tickets for the 50/50 at Robins Nest um it is a wonderful event it raises a a lot of money for scholarships I encourage everyone to think about participating or to at least buy money for 50/50 so it's every dollar will count and go towards helping Belmar kids local kids uh with scholarship funds um the I actually I'm GNA let everyone else take the rest of the stuff so everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving um and also a reminder Robins Nest is doing the same thing they did last year which is a wonderful thing for the public um I believe between 1 and four having that Thanksgiving dinner available to one in five um to anyone who might be interested in attending and that is a free event and it's absolutely wonderful that she does that thank you councilor mckenny thank you thank you so much all that scholarship money helps my daughter is a senior in high school and I'm getting the ticket The Sticker Shop of colleges so everything counts and she will be applying for that scholarship okay um giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Black Friday weekend and and a lot of people donate on that day so there's going to be a big Skate Park post out Lookout on all social media um for a skate park post for giving Tuesday you can donate a dollar to a million dollars any number in between or all the way up and take care of our Park all together but anyway keep an eye out for that we're starting to do some uh don get uh looking for donations for the skate park um shade Tre commission meeting next Thursday December 12th uh around recreation basketball signups are still happening they end December 10th you can also still sign up for youth club around the school St Rose grammar school is doing their open house Friday December 13th from 9: to 11: Private Tours are also available they are also seeking holiday do donations for local animal shelters and for St Jude's Children's Research Hospital uh Sunday December 15th is a St Rose Christmas pageant in this uh the church St Rose Church St Rose High School applications for the 202 5 26 school year are due by December 5th and you can still have a private tour if you wish uh for prospective students at the High School Belmont Elementary their Winter concert is December 12th and then Beach Music Studios does their annual Christmas holiday show at the St Pony Sunday December 15th at 12 noon um they're also collecting unopen toys um and you can also meet Santa and they're also raising money for their annual scholarship fund uh their music scholarship fund at Belmore Elementary I mean at uh beach music and that is all I have Happy Thanksgiving everybody hope you have a great weekend thank you councilwoman ranera thank you mayor I also had a wonderful time um at the preview for the Cadenza weatherproof piano uh dedicated to uh David Sanchez and his um mom um stma saness uh not only do we have a beautiful piano but we also have a beautiful artificial tree it looks great um I hope to see it for for many years to come uh thank you DPW for all that hard work in getting our holiday um off to a beautiful start uh the Belmont Public Library will close tomorrow at 2 p.m for the Thanksgiving holiday and reopen Monday December 2nd uh mark your calendars for the Christmas and Hanukkah family holiday concert with Mr Ray at the Taylor Pavilion that's December 10th uh Showtime 6 p.m. please register online at Belmar library.com uh Belmar Housing Authority has its next meeting Monday uh December 2nd at 5:15 we've also scheduled a meeting uh that day to um meet with director Paul De santz and Amy spir at the BHA with our grant consultant and Kevin Kane to work on the HUD Community Fund Grant award application um and then lastly for um I know you have lots of H local holiday shopping options um and here's one more the belmare historical society is having their pop-up shop again uh December 7th from uh and the 14th from 1: to 300 p.m. come by the museum at 900 East Street and find something special for yourself or something special for someone who loves Belmar too uh these Treasures are always reasonably priced um last year I got a lot of postcards plaques photographs uh there's something for everyone so have a happy and safe Thanksgiving next council president leis thank you mayor uh just like every year the Belmont Police Department and the friendly sons of the shill alley are doing their local toy drive you'll see boxes at bough Hall and the shele clubhouse and also located at businesses throughout Town they're asking you to leave an Unwrapped book toy or game for a child between two months and 19 years old um do it before the boxes are collected on December 13th by 1: p.m. so if you have anything extra you can spare let's make some donations and fill those boxes up that's all I have there okay a question do we know when Santa is coming this year yes yeah we just posted it on our Facebook page I can bring it up for you believe it is the 16 we don't want to put the pressure on you but if we we will have a newsletter come out um next week with all of this information and everyone so you can put that right on your fridge it's December 16th starting at 4m. okay December 16th and 4th and then you drop your toys by one DBW [Music] by OH police department okay so drop your toys at the police department have Santa drop his I mean Santa sorry that was always the awkward part about writing it last year like how do I phrase this in case the kid sees it what do you mean it looks like drop offs start December 9th and they end December 13th by 4M December 9th December 14th we can review it at the next meeting don't even know when that is but take a shot at it again let's move on to um the public session for consent agenda resolutions if anyone has a comment or question about a resolution please step forward state your name and address Eugene creamer 4th Avenue um just a comment U uh Eugene creamer forth Avenue uh just a comment about the uh payment of bills list uh I did see that um payment was made I guess these are former belmare employees uh they they got a payment for uh Medicare reimbursement and uh when I took a look at that it was very interesting a lot of these people have been around for a long time and it's it's very nice to see uh that they're getting their uh Medicare reimbursement uh that's my only comment about the do list okay thank you for that any other comments I have a motion to close the public session I'll make that motion second all in favor can I have a motion to adopt the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes Mayor Michael fcco Yes councilman R Theo yes councilman Le yes okay we don't have any ordinances so next would be public session can't get out this quick CL H 18th and B um we missed a meeting last um month or last two weeks ago so councilwoman Kenny congratulations thank you very much you're welcome um one thing that I've mentioned several times is about the curbs on Fourth and c and this gentleman here happens to live on that corner and has to go into the street every single time he wants to cross the street or do whatever so I'm just wondering when the next project in town will be that we can possibly get that added on to it Mr Kane on yeah U we're GNA like like I told you this afternoon we're going to have uh some work being done on Fifth Avenue so at that point when the contractor comes in we'll be able to take care of that those carbs at forth and see okay fantastic thank you appreciate it um just one more thing two more but will we ever consider um looking at what mayor Dy had put into effect back when on making all the streets on the south end one way all year long versus possibly one way in the summer and then if for safety reason just have parking on one side but make it a two-way similar to what Le did um which is beautiful now on 18th Avenue you can just drop versus weaving in and out it's just a consideration was done a long time ago um I was quite surprised when like went put ordinances in and then went back and looked at them again to see how they were actually working versus just leaving it the way it was so food for thought it's you know just a possibility um it's we definitely need it the one way in the in the summer and I I get that but in the winter for safety have in case DJs has a party or something um parking on one side and then make it a two-way on all those other streets so we can certainly add that to a workshop agenda and uh talk about that at some point in the future we're used to driving around dinging to get D but it's just something that would be nice okay and last but not least everyone have a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving thank I have a quick question when is that fifth AV project going to start do we know uh I don't know I mean I've seen people on the street doing various things obvious preliminary stages yeah so we think this year though or early next year yeah hopefully next summer I me it's coming summer any other comments before we go I would like to oh I'm sorry small crowd tonight I Eugene creamer forth Avenue um mayor um I I I've heard from others and I guess I I read something in in the media about U Mammoth County uh is offering uh EMS Services uh notably to Manis Swan and Seeker uh can you give us any update on that as as to uh what the impact would be on Belmar here um you know uh other the shared service agreement I guess with these other towns excuse me including Lake Kom uh is is with with Belmar uh but I'm just curious as to whether there's been any discussion about uh uh those people leaving that shared service agreement let me just start off by saying that we are aware of those agreements with man on and Seager and we have not been approached by the county to become part of that agreement uh so that's where it is as far as the county goes I don't know if Mr Kane have you been approached by anyone from the county uh no neither myself the mayor uh the police chief no one has been approached by the county on our end um I'm not going to speak for Lake C but I assume that's the same thing with um we're looking at all options as far as that goes as far as the mems goes and what's going to be the best public safety situation for the residents of bmore that that's our number one concern so we're going to look at all options you know including the county and then assess it and mayor council will decide yeah okay thank you very much um I don't know whether how this had come of out but um uh I just can't imagine the county I think currently U provides EMS services for tinon Falls and Colts Neck and perhaps somebody at some other towns perhaps at the northern border of MTH County but uh when it comes to response time I just can't imagine unless the county is going to have operated as a a Rover operation where uh ambulances are are are constantly moving on the road uh where they could provide uh you know quick and acceptable uh response time I did hear one comment there from the mayor of I guess I read it uh the mayor of mquan saying that uh you know likewise uh they're looking at everything but uh can't imagine that the response time which I think is targeted and belmar's been maintaining 5 minute response time uh which is important that you know how would how would the county even accomplish that uh and of course we have uh the property at 12 in Maine which is on a County Road um which brings primarily uh that was going to be used as a new first aid squat building uh that they would have to have I would think they would have to have someplace to do their uh if if it's their ambulances to dot them in a more urban area like Belmar u i mean to compare us to tint and falls at Colt snit U you know it it takes you that amount of time just to get halfway across their Municipal boundaries I don't know how they would be able to uh equal the 5 minute response time that the Belmore now provides that's just that's just my comment on thank you as I said before I'll just reiterate we have not been approached by the county to uh be part of that um project and as Mr Kain said our number one priority and I think I speak for all the council members here is the uh to provide the best possible service in EMS services to the residents of Belmore and that's our that's our only concern and right now we have an excellent service we have great response times and we don't want to see that type of service uh go away so that's our concern overriding concern is always the help in safety especially during the summer when we have tens of thousands of people here so um if we hear anything else or if anything changes we'll keep the public up to date okay thank you thank you anyone else can I have a motion to close the public session and adjourn the meeting motion favor I