adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the bur of bmar and the Asbury Park Press on December 13 2023 and notice that this meeting was posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building take call Council Donovan here Council mckenny here mayor Buco here Council rero here and councilman L is absent please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance States remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops and their families responders and I'd also like to add long time resident Mickey McMahon who passed away he was son of long time B our employee okay thank you okay Workshop um we are waiting for our Redevelopment attorney to come who should be here momentarily but in the meantime uh I wanted to discuss with the council the um we've been getting a few complaints about uh tents on the beach and apparently our ordinance is not crystal clear as to what a tent is you what's what's a you know what's appropriate what's not appropriate so um we had a brief discussion uh B counselor and I and and Mr Kain just to kind of and and the uh and the chief uh had actually sent us a copy of the the Asbury Park uh ordinance and in their ordinance obviously they allow um umbrellas which is a single pole but they also have a um a section which which talks about um coverings for babies or infants and they actually have a a um the dimension you know on in the ordinance which I think is a smart thing to do it's like you know 30 36 to 39 Ines High uh and a 4X4 uh span and you know we can discuss it but I was we were thinking that that might be more appropriate uh modification to our ordinance so that there's no confusion as to you know what is permitted and what is not permitted other than that uh we would say that you know it's umbrellas with one U post or this this covering uh we would not necessarily call it a baby covering because anybody could go under it it's just that that would be the dimmension you know a tent that's no longer than thir no longer than 39 in high and 4x4 um it seems like every day there's another variation of tent that's coming out um I know there are ones that have a single hole and then they they expand and then they have pieces of fabric that go down to the the to the sand and you know they take up a huge spot and then there are others that seem like they go into the ground and then they slly you know with the wind so um you know we're going to think about that or we can discuss that because I think we really need to come up with something that's more clearcut so we don't get into a situation where you know one at one end of the beach somebody's saying you know you got to take this down and at another end of the beach somebody's saying yeah that's okay so I'm curious to see what you guys think I'm wondering if it's easier to say anything of a certain Dimension or larger would be against the ordinance because for instance I'll tell you right now I use a Sport Brella uh which is the one that is a regular umbrella size but you can tether it to the ground on the places where it touches the sand which I like CU I'm terrified of umbrellas becoming untethered and like harpooning somebody um I think that's an important consideration here plus you know skin cancer is to consider I want people to be able to like fit under their umbrellas and not what so is our current ordinance against the 10 by1 tent not supposed to like the 10 by 10 pop up we can have those like like um usually need you need a permit for those it says no tents camping tents or canopies are permitted on the beach front from Memorial Day weekend to Monday of Labor day except in conjunction with an authorized beach party permit and then it's the only permitted shade devices on the beach front are umbrellas with one Central Shaft or stanion supporting the umbrella canop be in an upright position devices designed or used to shade known as Beach pop-up tents or sun shelters which are small and open on one side then this also says the police department is authorized and directed to remove any tent which is creating a hazard or disturbance to others I think the goal is to just bring some certainty to the ordinance um so you know we need to think about trying to make it as clear as possible what is permitted and what is not permitted so um you know think about that we can we can talk about it you know at the next meeting or we can you know you could send comments to April uh with your thoughts but um again it's just a certainty aspect of it we don't want people being told to take down something you know on 4th Avenue and then the same tent is on you know 11th and and they're allowed to have it so I'm wondering if we could talk to um Harry hon and see what exactly is you know what would be interfering with their visual of the ocean I think that's the main concern for all of these tents to begin with is to make sure that the water safety and our lifeguards can see what's happening on the beach and in the ocean we can do that but I I think the the it's less of a problem for the lifeguards because as you know they generally up in the front and they have an area corded off around them where people can't sit I I think originally the the whole thing was just people taking up an inordinate amount of space on the beach you know and it's you know like they going camping so you know you'll see a huge tent and then you know another tent and now you know and now you get to the beach and there a there's a 20x 20 area that that has been already Ed off so I mean I think that was the the the gist behind the original ordinance so um I I I think it's again I don't have any uh preference either way it's just I think we need to give uh each Co you know a clear idea of what's permitted and what's not permitted so let's just you know think about that and uh you know we can uh work on you know coming up with something that's much clearer than we have now um one other you know public service announcement that I would like to make I've noticed uh driving through the streets that there's a lot of debris left on the streets and it's basically from individuals who you know taking care of their yards cutting branches they you know the bushes and whatnot and they put down on the curb and as we all know we only have one pickup right now for brush it's the first what Monday of the month building the first Monday of the month so if you put it on you know on Wednesday after the first Monday it stays there for the entire month until the next month and you know I've seen that on my own block and what happens is it gets decays and of course if it rains it then just you know clogs up the the sewers and all that stuff so I would ask people if you're cleaning up your yard and you have debris just hold it in your yard until the first uh Monday of the month now having said that uh I think we're going to explore and we haven't talked to Billy yet about this time we're going to explore possibly increasing having an additional pickup during the month because especially during the summer you know things tend to grow pretty quickly and we all we all have a certain amount of time and we do our Landscaping ging when we can so uh you know it may behoove us to to um add an additional day but we'll we need to discuss that and what the ramifications of that is the other thing is you know residents need to know we also have a recycling center that's open like seven days a week where you can bring brush and and dump it off so you know if you really don't want it sitting in your yard uh and you want to get rid of it you know you can put it in your car put it in the bag and bring it to the the center you can't put the bag in the uh in the container but you can empty it into the container and get rid of your brush at any time okay so um I would uh I would urge uh people to do that because it's getting to be kind of a problem and you know we haven't had a lot of rain but if we do have a lot of rain that's going to wind up you know clogging up the seers which is just going to make more work for DPW because they need to go around and then unclog on it okay so you know just pass the word around you know keep it in the yard for a little bit and then or you could mulch it you know and and you know try to reuse it as organic material uh but um you know try not to put it out in the street okay um one other thing I at the last meeting uh we talked about Silver Lake I know we just had the presentation by our engineer um and I had volunteered to do presentation and what we were going what the silver league committee has been working on uh but we do have our development attorneys here they prepared a presentation I anticipate a lot of questions and comments so unless there is overwhelming feeling otherwise I would vote that I postpone this particular one until the next meeting does anyone does that make sense fine with me okay um if anyone has questions ahead of that um please reach out I'm happy to help and your year so we we now have our our attorney here uh who was going to give us a little brief uh update on where we started with our Redevelopment process what what I'm going to say before we we start um we've done this once before we're going to have the presentation we will you know discuss things amongst the council and with the council's approval I would like to open it up then to questions while we have Mr B here uh questions about Redevelopment questions about affordable housing questions about the uh the vmore housing authority and the proposal that we made to them so I I would like to use that time uh to do that while he's here uh on condition that or basically saying that ask your questions at that point on those topics because at the end of the evening when we have the open uh discussion uh I will take comments but I will not answer questions about Redevelopment affordable housing with a bmore Housing Authority because you have the opportunity to do that you know after we complete this session so uh just be aware of that um and uh we'll hear from Mr Bal you can sit if you want I I'll stand if it's okay so while we're getting that set up um hello again uh nice to see you all my name is Joe Balman um the chairman at Madam M scin down we're your a special Council on Redevelopment and Housing matters you may recall that uh maybe a month and a half ago we had a presentation we took some time to go through the state of the law on a housing uh in New Jersey and as it relates to Belmar in particular tonight what we hope to do is to frame for you the challenges that we encountered or met as we began the process of trying to satisfy the Burrow's affordable housing obligations that challenge those challenges we started started around the end of 22 or all 23 um and then as soon as we get that up there here that's okay we'll walk you through it and then the goal will be to tonight work our way through what we're up against why are we made the decision to follow the DJ action and then at a subsequent meeting we're going to then attempt to start bring you up to speed on where we are with What's called the interveners so we have four interveners that I've been simultaneously negotiating with through this process and in every one of those cases there's also the judge and the special Master you'll recall from our last presentation happening you have to go get an adapter oh okay so I'll remind you about the affordable housing so um in New Jersey this the courts have concluded that uh there's an obligation a constitutional New Jersey Constitution obligation for municipalities to provide affordable housing um throughout the state and over the years um there's been a number of challenges to that uh effort and legislation has been passed and repass and amended ac across the way um through a several rounds of obligations so we're at coming up on what's called round four we've been round through round one round two round three which has been the last 10 years starting next year will be round four that's the new legis you've probably heard about um that will take a whole another session we can certainly do that later on but coming starting at the end of this year into next year uh we're going to start talking about round four we had a look wa I don't I wish I had some jokes or something I'm not not very funny my wife would tell you that I think I'm funny by the way but none of my kids do just since we're still waiting is this the workshop portion of this meeting still yes I don't see this discussion on the agenda what's that I don't see this discussion listed on the agenda yeah there was a little confusion it was originally on the agenda and then yes late yesterday afternoon we discovered that our wires were crossed and we thought it was going to be tonight and Mr Balman and his firm thought it was going to be at the next meeting so we didn't we had it taken off the agenda but then I asked Mr Balman to show up to answer any questions and then he took it upon himself and his staff to come up with a um to come up with a uh you know a PowerPoint presentation right so that's the explanation of why it's not in the workshop there's no requirement that all of the workshop uh items be put on the agenda but I just didn't know if this is still so this is still the workshop I thought Oprah requires things to be on the agenda you can add St um all right so next next screen all right so I'm going to ask you to flash back to about December of 2022 uh when we first became involved uh and what was happening in belmare so at that time uh as you can see Belmar was non-compliant and its affordable housing obligation meaning it hadn't gone through any of the steps necessary uh to become compliant and to avoid build this remedy lawsuits so we were non-compliant as of December 2022 by that point we had done six projects with about 170 units have been developed from 2011 till 20 uh to 2023 with only 12 affordable housing units in that's important because arguably we left on the table an opportunity to build about another 14 or so affordable housing units so as of the 2018 we had a 2004 new construction units under the Jacobs design so a court decision was passed in 2018 that said identifi for every municipality how many affordable housing units they may they need to build B Martin that decision the Che up the decision and the calculations that apply to every town you can look up any town and find it we had an obligation of 204 over the period of time as described up there we built 12 of the 170 but if we had applied a 15% which is sort of the the number that you try and shoot for we would have actually been able to build 26 so we arguably missed an opportunity to at least chip away at our 2004 obligation by building 14 affordable housing into the units that were constructed during that time problem number one uh problem number two um the burrow was facing the possibility of a builder's ring lawsuit we know that because when we first arrived there were four developers that were having in discussions with the developer for doing projects those are the ones that you're familiar with that's Mark bill as you entered by the um by the northern part of the city by the bur repetti SackMan and there's a smaller project so those discussions have been happening they're in the process they're moving along um as of 2022 we also know that um the burrow was sort of aware every municipality was it's not a surprise next slide um and I think we can't really see this so well this will be on the website you can read it but at the time the bur attorney is looking for someone to give them a report how how to start addressing this and he says things like the burrow is willfully deficient and it's affordable housing obligations we've discussed this matter briefly with the mayor blah blah blah we really need to get busy addressing the AFF housing so there are a number of opportunities along the way where uh up until 2022 we went with everyone else knew that there was this obligation we knew we were deficient we knew we hadn't protected ourselves against but there's REM many lawsuits and we knew that there were four developers that were in discussion with projects next slide those four projects were Mark buil again who was proposing six stories 131 units SackMan 75 reigning which was proposing three and a half stories 45 units for petty Russo development which is over by the highway five stories 250 units all of those proposals had no affordable housing in them so the discussions that were occurring again when we first got involved was there's four projects on the deck none of them are going to have affordable housing we have an unmet need of 204 we have we've ignored it for at least the last 10 years or before that and we haven't been meeting our obligations the challenge now uh faced with those taxes what do we need to do next we also have a couple other things that are happening at the time there's three Redevelopment agreements that also have payments flid taxes pilots in them but they don't have affordable housing in them so there's three projects that have been executed Redevelopment agreements again when we show up on the scene three Redevelopment agreements already executed all with Pilots payments and M taxes no affordable housing typically if you're going to do a pilot you're going to expect to have some affordable housing in the project to offset the costs then we also have an existing ordinance which is amend uh adopted in 2022 that increases the height for the repetti from three and half stories to five that's on the books and we have a development fee ordinance a development fee ordinance is an ordinance by which you collect money to help offs set affordable housing over the over time we have one on the books but it's also deficient under the current rules and regulations lastly and I know a lot of people I've read the Facebooks I'm aware of this so we're going to talk about it we have a belmart Housing Authority that has 24 senior for housing units but they don't count why don't they count they don't count towards our numbers because the preference is only to Belmar residents and because it's not to a region those 24 units don't count towards our 204 so we have the Housing Authority that has that's meeting an affordable housing but because of the rules and regulations associated with we can't count those so those are 24 for1 housing units that are not coming that are not going to be in our column of meeting Our obligation because of the preference for B now absolutely understand the preference every municipality prefers to do it that way but the price of that preference is we can't count those units um so what what is the first thing the mayor does he has us begin reviewing the existing Redevelopment agreements the mayor and the council entire team uh the town attorney they say go back and look up the existing Redevelopment agreements they listing Redevelopment projects and tell us what you think so immediately we we conclude that those three pilot agreements one of which is already built by the way uh none of those all those have Pilots but the pilots weren't properly authorized meaning that there's a process if you want to do a pilot uh you have to go you have to file an application you have to introduce an ordance you have to have a public hearing you have to adopt an ordance it was written into the agreements without going going through any of the steps Associated so it's Ultra virus unenforceable it's illegal we negotiate with developers they're pretty agreeable and we remove all the pilots from those Street transactions so they no longer have Pilots but they still don't have affordable housing and they we wer there was no way we could impose it upon them because they already had their approvals next one the existing Redevelopment agreements um with East Eastport and Newman we exempt we amend the agreements to take out the tax exemption and then we get the SackMan Pond project to agree that they'll foro forgo the pilot so we don't have to fight about it to their credit each one of them didn't put up a fight they certainly could have if they wanted to they could have made the ca tried to make the case that they relied upon an agreement illegal or otherwise but they didn't they all came along They removed the pilots so there's no pilots in those transactions any longer the uh Council also then immediately resends the 2022 Amendment the one that allowed the height to go from Two and a half to five that has a pluses and minuses one that developer now knows uh oh I can't do the height I want so that's the that's the negative in the sense that even more likely to follow a build try lawsuit um but on the other hand it also gives us you know we believe believe puts us in the in the driver's seat at least at some level the council then also that development fee ordinance we redo it we reopt it and now we do have a a uniform way to collect fees that we can put into our affordable housing trust fund to do Renovations or rehabs or other less large less complicated less you know impactful but still affordable units throughout the borrow that was a pretty critical St excent and then we do this we followed the qu judgment so you may say why don't you just wait for the developers to come they're never com they were never going to file the the the builders REM lawsuit you picked the fight you went on the offensive why would you just just r on the defense and see if they came and if they came then you deal with when they came and if they didn't come we win because there's never a project but that was never going to happen I think today it might have been real or something he just filed the right so today real got to uh build a stry lawsuit fil these developers were not going to sit on their right and let the clock run out while we refused to engage on their development projects they were absolutely coming with Builders REM lawsuits they said it to us uh in conversations they had well-healed skilled lawyers we've seen it on the down state there was no way that there wasn't coming for Builder fromy lawsuits so you go on the offensive are you go on the defensive this governing body decides we're not going on the defense we're not going to wait till they come and deal with them in in in their Stadium we're going to fight the fight on the home turf we're going to file the DJ action and we're going to we're going to and we know they're going to come because they're going to intervene but now it's going to be a whole new new set of rules now we're filing the lawsuit now there's a special Master involved there's a court and we are demonstrating to the fair housing Advocates and the court and the special master that even though we've ignored our obligations for decades not going to do it anymore we're engaging we're committing we understand we have this constitutional obligation the credit card bill that we thought we weren't going to pay it's du and we're going to start trying to pay it so we start engaging with the redevelopers and we do that I found a clarit judgment action we did something like this in U in in uh in another town we missed getting the DJ action by a week they had a built a sherony and beat us to the bunch we knew that we were every day that went by wasn't another day that they could possibly file the build a lawsuit by any four of these developers who have been again as I described to you long before any of us showed up on the scene were engaged in develop in proposing developments to the borrow including for example the party project where the law was being amended to allow them to do the larger project so people need to put it's impossible to to prove a negative but put it out of your head that there was never going to be a builder reming lawsuit there were four Builders REM lawsuits coming and we're going to be having four fights if if we uh didn't take them on so we do the the Clare Jo judgment AC what does that do first place it stops against a builder Remy lawsuit right so as I just described but the second thing which sort of goes a notice is Builders not the only ones that Sue towns to meet their obligations the fair share housing uh Advocate also sues towns regularly and so there's no doubt that the first time we proposed a Redevelopment agreement for of these we developers that didn't have affordable housing we were going to get we were going to see affordable housing lawsuit it happened in South Town's River um when I was involved and we along the way that was a town where we thought we had more than enough affordable housing it's not a wealthy town they they filed it and uh and we had and they had to deal with it so it's not just the Builder remedies it's also the fair share and they have as if you haven't seen it they have every one of these short towns on their radar they're aware that a lot of obligations are not being met they they have one job and one job only maximize affordable housing um this this also allowed us to sort of stick all the the developers in the lawsuit at the same time it's frustrating for the public I get it to not be in the Weeds on those four negotiations but you have to understand that with every developer the facts are different the negotiation is different we might be willing to do something for once that we're not prepared to do with the other so by necessity we made a strategic decision that if we were settling all of them or we weren't going to settle any of them that's been our Mantra with the special Master with the court it with every single individual redeveloper they didn't like it because some of them are pretty close to being done others are further away and the ones that are closer get don't like waiting for the other ones but we didn't want to set a press where the call the lowest comment Den not becomes now the the bar so we give this developer X units or x height per acre that now becomes the floor and everyone else wants that or more so we're doing simultaneous negotiations those negotiations are not just with the developer it's also with this special M who's who's our sort of For Better aware the honest broker his job is to dry and drag us all together to a solution and then a judge who every once in a while drags us the court and says where are you what's taking so long I'm I'm getting tired of this this has to happen so we have have the judge to deal with we have the special master and we have each individual redeveloper with their lawyers with their financial advisers with their planners it's why it's taken so long but it's also why as I stand here today we're not going to describe those but hopefully in July when we get there we're close enough that way we can we're going to walk you through a all of it it's going to feel like a lot it's going to feel like a lot I'm telling you now it's going to feel like a lot it's going to feel like a lot because we made a conscious decision again to get them all done all at the same time for better for worse negotiating with each one individually one of the things that happened through the declar J judgment this is really important is there's something called a vacant land adjustment so the 204 units that you saw in the beginning of the um the presentation one of the things we've working with the special master and and the foral housing Advocates is we don't have a lot of vacant land we have some we have more than many other short commes because we have these parking lots and these these properties but we don't have a lot so we've been simultaneously negotiating for a vacant land adjustment and adjustment says okay how many units could you reasonably develop in Belmar given the amount of land you have we think that's going to land around 96 we think we've gotten 210 down to 96 it's not done it's close I'm sort of revealing maybe a little more than uh I would have liked but may insisted um but we but we're making we're making RightWay you know from 204 to 96 now remember as I said before 24 Bay on housing authority and it's don't count right don't count so Mark Bill we're going to we're going to be coming to you with a presentation about Mark build that's going to be a project that's got some Condominiums a lot of condom names and some affordable rentals um we've been working really hard to get that project lower get it lower um stckman 75 R this has been the toughest one I'd say for all of us because it's the one that's on the uh Eastern side of Main Street so it's closest to the neighborhood but it's also a smaller one and and it's been very challenging so by the way all of them are going to have affordable housing of course um that project um you've already tip my hand a little bit maybe the one we're least satisfied with I think um and then the repetti rouso project there we're shooting for lower right and less units was big at a lot of units uh there's going to be a lot of there's a lot to go into that uh negotiation and it's not just myself and the lawyers we also have financial advisors who are analyzing the economics of every transaction forest and they're analyzing it from a couple different perspectives thing first how much foral housing can this developer put into the project and how much can we push them do they or do they not need a pilot it's part of the discussion when you're doing affordable housing um can we reduce the site what's the construction cost so every one of the settlements will also come for you with a um an analysis of that shows us whether or not they the project pencils out for them because it's all about the math so we're we're negotiating to a result where they can build it because the special they won't sign on and the special master and the judge won't agree unless it's reasonable problem they build these units the goal is to build these fous units um and we're also looking for that to tell us what's the fiscal impact so there's also going to be tied to every one of these projects a fiscal impact analysis that says the rateable off this project is going to be X expected to be X based upon the taxes or if there's a pilot based upon a pilot and the costs associated with that is going to be y school children being the the largest expense whether there's there's small Municipal expenses typically not a lot of additional Municipal but school for sure and will we with each one of these projects get more in revenues and we're going to roll out in expenses and we're expecting to be the answer to be in all three of those cases yes we're expecting the answers to be there'll be more rbl coming in off of those projects than the expenses associated with those projects even if there's a pilot involved and the pilots are also a negotiation about where should be the amount allbit um and then through that process we're going to make a public presentation at the council we're going to we're going to seal with you I'm going to show you as best we can project by project this is what they asked for this is what it looked like this is where we ended up four times this is where they asked for this is what we look they want it this is where we ended up and we're going to show you the fiscal impact report and the numbers and we're going to do that project by project and it'll be part of this global settlement that that we're describing for you and then the hard part we going have to implement all that everyone those projects is going to have perhaps an amendment to the Redevelopment plan or perhaps a Redevelopment agreement and then eventually everyone ends up the plan board um so there's there's a lot to be done by the way I should also tell you that a big part of our negotiation has been what does it look like right so we've been really involved one of the benefits of this process is how does it look like so the council we've been they've been sending us pictures I like this project I found this on the internet try this um the mayor the the professionals um our our planner all trying to get to a project that um you'll find to be pleasing you'll find that it produces more in revenues than it costs and expenses you'll find that it meets your affordable housing obligation again for projects it's going to feel like a lot but it's all not up happening tomorrow either every one of these developers needs to then go find get the money borrow the loan uh try to take out the loan go to the the planning board they got to get through our process and so this once we're settled this is something that doesn't happen it happens five or six years it happens it doesn't all show up at the same time it's going to happen over a long period of time but again I come back to what I started with at some point in time if you refuse to pay your credit card bill it doesn't go away if you refuse to meet your obligations they don't disappear you can't wait that out you can't hope for another day try that failed right for better for us and I know this is a a team that was not necessarily big on development I hear from all the time the entire team um but there's a reality check at some point for the government for the community we have an obligation we have to meet Our obligation we have to do it as best we can having the least impact as we can on the town but we don't we don't get to get out of the obligation we don't get to wait until they f lawsuits or someone else files lawsuits we take we decided collectively and we recommended it so on us um we took we went on the offensive we said we're going to meet this obligation but we're going to do it on our terms and that's why we follow the DJ action that's where we sit today um and again we're happy to feel some questions so the other next two last time we we did put up some mqs on the website if there's more We'll add more uh we have that 4924 update we'll do this update we're doing our best to keep you informed every step of the way within the confines of the negotiations that I just described to you and the inherent complication of negotiating with four different entities to the court and a special Master trying to bring all three of these trains to the train station at the same time in a thoughtful and careful way so that when we show you each of the projects we're not just we're showing you everything that we know about the products and everything we can best understand about the products again from the economics to the know affordable housing units by the way we're also pushing in some certain cases to instead of doing an affordable housing unit we're looking for cash to put into our affable Housing Trust Fund which we may be able to use to perhaps we're not sure yet but make some improvements to the the Belmore housing author building which is in desperate need of repair right so we're also not only looking for units but in certain cases we're saying well that the judge and the fair sh doesn't love these options but there are they have agreed with us on occasion to yeah okay we'll let we'll let them give you some cash or some other obligation you put that in the bank you can use it uh as cash to do things like uh convert houses that like someone mentioned Adu someone maybe would accept cash to turn an Adu into an affordable housing unit right alternative to unit um those are those are options so we also want to make sure that we came out of this with some money to help us do other things throughout the town so we think when we're done we're going to satisfy that 96 um I know um we we did Approach at our urging uh our firm's urging we approached the Bayon the belmare Housing Authority we asked them to consider removing the uh belmare burrow preference we did it because we thought picking up those picking up those affordable 24 affordable housing which by the way if you think of that as a project 24 would be 15% of a bigger project right going back to the 12 we didn't build those 12 uh those 14 that we didn't build is roughly 100 unit project that we could that now we have to build to absorb to 15 because it's only 15% you got to do all the markets to pay for it so it's a tough SW pill to swallow to say no longer have a preference only for Belmar and newood Regional but the reward is pretty significant it's 24 for housing units counting towards your obligation without that the fair share and the and the court has said to us look if you're not going to do that then you have to figure out a way to do your own Standalone affordable housing project they said to us find some burrow land oh I see you have a parking lot over here you're not using write the write write an affordable housing developer a check land borrow money give an affordable housing developer a check and they'll build a stand affordable hous housing that's been the that's what they've been pushing back when we said when if we don't do this I don't know that's where I end up but that that might be one of the prices to pay alternatively we got to find 24 units somewhere so again hard pull pill to swallow it's not within the mayor or council's perview to decide what they do or don't do but I'm explain to you why we recommended they ask and they ask that'll be again a basing Authority decision but not getting the benefit of 244 value units in your calculation is a pretty tough pill to swallow when you have them in your municipality questions yeah I one yes sorry so really haven't given us any details on all these negotiations that are going on and I understand you don't talk about it but you're going to come as some sort of conclusion and agreement and in there there's going to be some number of total units and portable housing and the judge is going to sign off on that once that's done what kind of input do the towns people have and we don't want that many un there or we don't want this many units do once the judge signs off on it is it a done deal yeah we we're signing off on it first once the judge signs off on it is it a done deal yes okay now but after we sign off on it well um so far you doing all negotiating I don't see anybody in this room having any input in that negotiating no doing well no your elected officials are that's that's how the work works right you elect I mean I don't know but I've never seen negotiation where the public joints in so typically things are presented and the town's people provide some but from what you're saying the judge signs off on it it's a d no but you're you're you're you're skipping my first step which is we're going to present it to you and then we're going to sign off on first then then if we all if it passes at that meeting I'm sure the public is going to say exactly what you said too many units too high hate Pilots no cont to the infrastructure you know all those things are going to be said all the things that we didn't want before but just sord again but now you're getting a AFF hous you meeting your obligation it was coming anyway that that that's the part part the W your mind that's true we're also getting all this other development that we didn't have but it's a price you pay for doing development for but one like you said it's one way of solving the problem there's no other way what other way is there you said we build a separate affordable housing unit 105 where does that come I know I don't well there's no land well that's your conclusion okay I don't you know I'm not saying that I have a better solution I'm just saying that it's it's going to be a dum deal and and we're going to look say I thought we didn't want all these unit we just went through you know uh the repetti thing is so big oh we can't nobody wants nobody wants this place to look like home nobody and and in the end it's going to be done deal it's going to be smaller it's going to be smaller it's going to have less units it's not there was no way in the world it didn't it wasn't going to happen at all if that's what you're thinking it was it was what going to happen so all so all we can do is make it better and that's what we can try to do and there will be as many as people in this audience there'll be that many people that disagree with some component up what everybody did guaranteed yes yes sir so basically if I could just interrupt anyone that's going to speak if you could come up to the microphone and then state your name and address also thank you uh Jim diorio 2117 8th Avenue uh Mr Balman you basically told us we're we're at this point because previous administrations played defense and they didn't take initiative would that be a fair statement No I want to be really careful not to criticize all I know is for whatever reason I'm not going to Monday Morning Quarterback why they happen it didn't happen I don't know um but we have it we did meet Our obligation we had opportunities to do it and we didn't and so if we had we wouldn't we wouldn't be now facing the possibility right but but as a resident I think we all need to know why we're at this point now okay a lot of rumors in endos I I heard uh a rumor from from somebody oh um the other attorney in the prior Administration said don't worry about it um I mean we still haven't gotten an answer as a resident residents in this town how we got here we don't want to be here and I understand the law it's a Supreme Court ruling from the state we have no way around it but we're in a bad spot right now our affordable housing trust fund is next to nothing when I know there's towns in this state that have a million dollars in it because they they were proactive and I think Manis Squan which is down the road has uh $600,000 I think we have 30 um and I I think a lot of people are mad that we got to where we got to and we feel we're backed into a corner and I know Mr Kramer here uh has raised on numerous occasions the fact that we couldn't put money in the trust fund because we weren't compliant so development on 10th Avenue they didn't have to contribute to the trust fund 9th Avenue and private residents my neighbor just tore down his house and he called me up he said I just got hit with $1,000 trust fund of where did that come from because we hadn't done it before but I I think somebody needs to tell the resonance why we got to where we are now I mean only I can tell you what I told you so far I showed you a letter at least one letter where everyone knew what was going on and decisions were made none of us were here so who knows but I'm more about looking forward like you gotta sure figure it out but let's solve the problem have have we looked at yeah I you touched on uh looking at some burrow own property has anyone looked at the the gas station we own on Main Street there's two problems of bar on property one is you you have to give it a letter because it's it's 100% of fard you have to give it a two is you often have to also write a check because a standalone feral housing typically can't afford to build itself even with tax credits and and those really mostly a large B so you have to give you have to give them land and you have to write a check and then you have to promise by ORD is that if that's not enough money when the time comes and they still need more money you got to write another another check so you don't just get to write them a check you also have to promise to pay to the courts and if that check's not enough more checks will come for that project so Standalone projects happen all the time but usually sort of on the bigger scale we don't have we look at the possibility one here this a lot right here it's very small we couldn't get a lot of use we have to give Lo we have to R check but but when you do the math you're looking at 96 units affordable housing versus you have to build over 500 to get to the 96 and I think the 500 is what everyone in this room doesn't want I mean places for 96 there just not hold five or six or seven we just don't have that much land okay to just physically put it on there and build okay thank you very much and again I want to go back to these projects while they're big fiscal impact studies are going to show that there'll be more rbls coming off them even if there's a pilot in their expenses so be it'll be a net positive to the bottom line of burrow doesn't doesn't take away from the fact that there's going to be now all these units and all new well yeah there'll be more rbls but our infrastructure and it's going to go right to the infrastructure and and I think we've said on the FAQ right that fact is the court has said and it's clear they don't care right they don't care what happens to your school they don't care what happens to your swore they don't care what happens to your water that's your problem do the and so you we can't like can't take this to cour thank you uh Mark Presto 13th Avenue in Belmore um I have a question on the Belmore Housing Authority I think there's 50 units there there's 24 50 50 but only 24 qualif would qualify and uh is there a waiting list for there okay so then my followup question question would be if it were open to other counties uh would the waiting list be disrupted or would they remain I don't get just goes to the bottom but I'll check question okay thank you John W you be me um you don't have to tell me who did they knew what was going on when that lawyer wrote a letter to them that they were non-compliant the other thing is about the uh bont Housing Authority now I'm not against seniors my wife's a social worker but the uh mayor and the council is supposed to look out for all the people in Belmar and if that's for the greater good of Belmar then that should be included that's just my opinion you know with you rules against thank you very much car resell 14th Avenue affordable housing isn't it true that we do not have to supply parking to them so and if we don't have to supply parking Belmore is a very crowded town with a lot of vehicles where do you think these people are going to park the ones that don't have assigned parking so I think our plan doesn't our plan doesn't require parking but we don't accept that nether the affordable housing we think affordable housing people need parking too um so we're accounting so they will have assigned parking an apartment so if they're not going to have ass parking where do you think all these people are going to park well there's going to be parking every project is parking that's parking every around no no I'm saying bu place that's why the Project's kind parking in they'll be parking in the prods just a even for the affordable house whoever lives there don't treat them any differently than the person that has a market right everyone gets everyone they get into just a r department or affordable housing department either or get there's no affordable housing people Park here not that's not how it works they're pepper throughout the building it's it's inclusive it's not designed to isolate so the parking will be for everybody that lives NE there's not going to be any distinguishing between the affordable housing andit parking in the park it's not happening none of us would allow that to happen the mayor and Council would never let that happen portal housing would never let that happen it's just counter it's counter to what affordable housing is supposed to be it's supposed to be inclusive in the community built into the into the unit same fix same finishes everybody else don't really know the difference when you walk into it you're just part of the community like everybody else it's going to be interesting with all these buildings going up and a lack of parking available well again that's what's going to be again we're putting parking in the units we'll debate it later whether it's enough or not every every project has parking charity scado Second Avenue um is there any reason why all 50 units in the AR Housing Authority can't be made into low cost and therefore reduce the necessary um I think you so it's like it's like why can't we take that apartment building over there and make it all for housing well why not we control the unit people living there what are you going to do no you chose 2 so you chose 24 of them make all 50 of them including for the people who are already there low low can't throw people out no we're not talking about throwing them out just reduce their rates so that they qualif oh no no no so you have to so you have to in order to get into AFF hous you have to have certain on our right are you telling me that those other 26 people in there don't somehow qualify for that I mean that that housing authority is for seniors for people with disabilities I don't know I don't know the answer to well can we find out the answer to that yeah we can I I assume that they don't but right now it wouldn't matter unless you Chang right it wouldn't matter unless we change the preference yeah we'll look into it great [Music] idea so I was going to ask the same thing was it ever considered for the affordable housing for the senior building they deserve a better place to live why not for those 24 people that are eligible now what is that criteria for them to be eligible so it's the same income limitations that are identified I don't know about the top of my head if you go to our website you have all the income limitations no I don't want to go to the website I'm asking you I don't but you're here making a presentation you should have the facts it's by room it's by the number of people live there it's like 12 different numbers they like to the pen I apologize I don't know the number and I feel like you're not prepared unfortunately no I just want no let me just say this please your opin I've been living here for 22 years and for the 22 years I've been living here and passing that senior building okay I have a 92y old father myself I understand what seniors need okay and he lives on his own and I always felt wow why don't we do more for our seniors we're going to be a senior someday if we're not right now right we if to me the identity of of a town the way you take care of the community is by taking care of the seniors okay so if you have 24 units and they have criteria even if they had to temporarily be um displaced or waiting not saying displaced but while you expand the building it's done all the time they had extensions onto a building I say you're talking about something different no I'm not I'm talking about expanding the senior building you have 24 units whatever their criteria is right that could give you there's 50 PE there's 50 units there's probably 100 people on a waiting list that might fulfill your needs so you're saying we should get rid of the bmar preference okay so we're all agreed get rid of the B but then but keep our 24 yeah they wouldn't mind where where do people come anyway I mean it's if it's Ocean County if it's Mercer and what's the other one M okay so as long as these people will have a home home that are there now no let me finish and that you have a waiting list of people that can go into it this could fulfill in one building almost half or all of the the housing that we need for affordable housing and we could do a favor for our seniors they could be living in a beautiful building perhaps if it's done by the right Builder and give them the amenities that they need that is something that we don't have right now thank you yeah yes Kathy diorio 278th Avenue um does bmar own the senior building no so we cannot tell them what to do we cannot do that right okay yep thank how we do I don't need M can you I sit on the planning board so just you said that I was part of the ordinance that came up about the Russo development and one they got there was a lot of there was a lot of talk about it and why it was good that planning testimony all that stuff can you explain what's going to happen now to planning board what we can comment on height of the building uh parking setbacks um number of units things that we always could come on are they not going to be discussed I mean those things you right yeah but you you understand you could never count comment on setbacks or units that was already in the zoning or the plan you didn't get a comment on it right you you just when the site plan showed up to you you can comment on specific Varan that would say Okay variances right right or or a plan Amendment for example right okay so for some of these there will be a plan amendment required um that will have to go through the same process but the planning board for the plan amendments won't be able to you'll be able to comment on you're going to have to comply with it but if you do not do what they're looking for us to do then we would be a violation of our settlement AG so having said that you do get to do all of the full things you always do for a site plan application you just don't get you won't have any variances right they'll all be compliant so but you get to do everything that a site plan application sees just not what not you won't be and you'll see the zoning changes if there are any um and you'll be able to comment on them but if you fail to pass them then we we would violate in theory our settlement agreement so your hands are going to be tied at some level on the PK standards but they're not going to be tied on the standard site plan application stuff so with that I feel like why did we go through this lawsuit process rather than coming to the table with to the developers knowing that we were short and we were going to have a problem why not put it in the hands of the town and the residents rather than a lawsuit in the court so um I'm not sure how that would have worked exactly so what was your point why can't you go to the developer saying we know we're short we know that this development is going to happen whether it's a DJ or a builder's remedy why can't that come through this process rather than the DJ you did because uh the DJ is sort of the choice other than villman those are our two choices we did talk to the developers that when we first showed up and they had much bigger projects they had no interest in doing a for and they just wanted to do the project so so that Mark B project would have been as of right right because it was I mean the repetti project you fix the plan they could have come to you as of right without any affordable housing right so we engage in this process so that they can't just go to the planning board and build that project without affordable housing which they could have because you amended the plan to let it happen I don't know which one not you but I'm sorry the one you just talk we do you just referred to right that plan increased the height which made the repeti project and as a right project and that's a right project as you know means they show up to get their approval they could have done that without affordable housing right right so they could so so my point is like that was where we were where where Petty could have wandered down to this to you got approval you couldn't deny it because they would have been consistent and then it could have build it without affordable housing so the was resed within the first couple months of the may not they could they would have sued and would they would have sued and we we would had a buil a they wouldn't have taken that on the chin I assure you Joe I I think also what we chose to do results in a plan being approved where just sat down and talked to people we we still have to get the plan approved and so when we file the DJ tell me if I'm wrong job but when we file the DJ then they come and join us just instead of them filing a suit um proactively which the builders remedy that's what that's what we've been referring to but but at the end of the day this process was to get an A Plan approved and that's what we're doing so that that's I think to Mike's Point what he was suggesting wouldn't end up with any kind of plan we would still have to go through the process yeah the d The DJ is the only way to get a plan approved at the moment y so thank you uh Sandy Kuda Surf Avenue please clarify something that is a federal Housing Authority it's Federal housing it's it's the Belmar Housing Authority it's Belmar they do have some I think it was buillt with some federal it is not technically tell me if I'm wrong it is not technically senior housing although it has evolved that way and we think of it as senior housing was check it out you don't I thought it was that that's what has happened there when we give Over Control to an outside outside County chances are that the people that are then put in there won't all be seniors and the the building will change we'll double check that whether it's only seniors I thought it was it's affordable but it doesn't have to be seniors I think I think the plan thank you Excell seniors and seniors 14 1148 they AV new Belmont something that the mic mentioned I just want to get this clear so any application that comes before the board or whoever it comes before you said the site plan would be an automatic approval no so whenever you go for your site plan application if you are consistent with the underlying Zone you get what's called an assd right application which means that you have a right to get your approvals the planning board will impose all kinds of conditions as they're entitled to but you can can't deny a project that complies with all the zone so what you're telling me if if if I'm getting this straight is that basically all the rules that we have in our ordinances which come from the master plan the things like setback front yard setback M yard setback floor area ratio height all that will be out the window depending on what the judge declares I would say no only because we're trying to put these projects we're trying to get projects that are consistent with the underlying Zone in the Redevelopment plan there's a cport reone plan U that applies or zoning so we're trying to negotiate the projects that meet existing zoning but in the event that we have one that doesn't right that maybe is looking for a different setback or something like that we would likely have to amend the the plan so so who rules does the planning board rule so plan Amendment would be typical process we we we send the ordinance to the planning board for comment comment that's how every Revel plan ever gets done yeah so they they get the comment on the Redevelopment plan send it back in the governing body elect effici but what you're telling is the planing board with this application doesn't have the ability to say no so they if for you tomorrow if you want to do an addition on your house it's prmi that's that's I understand that I'm talking about this situation in this situation if it's compliant with his Zing all they can do is what they normally do okay so they the climing board would have control no they have they get the S planine application same as everybody else they have control over that proc yes okay I second question is what do you do in townships that have to meet their obligation to affordable housing but have no land but all the lands developed what happens in that situation well I can think of one um but you know that there's no Builder's remedy lawsuits and maybe sometimes they ignore it I none of them no one comes to mind that doesn't I'm not familiar with anybody doesn't mean it doesn't exist it just means I don't know yeah Dan Lange 14th Avenue you were discussing a pilot projects with the uh developers how is that going to affect the schools yeah school systems does that mean that the schools don't get any more money or does that mean it falls back on the taxpayers or what yeah so well you have to remember that people that pay the Board of Education taxes the Miss taxes of the rarely does it home owner know how much of his dollars are going to the school what so it's the same tax so for example if we got a dollar in Pilot topal and didn't go to the Board of Ed but we decid to give that dollar to the Board of Ed just means our taxes are going to go up and theirs aren going right so to the taxpayer it's pretty much um invisible if we get if we get more I expect we get more money in and we need Services um and the taxpayers everyone else this year will do better but to your point uh some municipalities choose to share their pilot with their Board of Education this governing body is interested in pursuing that possibility for the reasons you so I think it's you know I guess was in Facebook somehow e but um we we're engaging in trying to figure out what the board of beds challeng are so that when these revenues come in and there will be significant how do we address how do we continue to have a First Rate U public school system and beet our obligations to police fire and Public Safety here so that's a conversation we definitely have because now the loser in this math by the way which is going to be important for Delmont is the county so the county typically gets I think about 15% of your taxes 15 yeah you're proving my point no one pays attention who gets one but anyway so the county gets like 18% right so if we do a pilot we get 95% which we can choose to share with the board of education so at that level we're getting 95% of the pie when even combined with B bed we'd only get like 83% or something so we're starting off ahead and then the other thing that may come as a shot to everyone here which is shocking to me is your taxes are really low taxes are really low for the time being tell you I know that is because way so one of the ways you do a pilot typically is you take a percentage of the gross revenues of the pilot so so this is going to be important because we're going to explain this again later the way the way a pilot works is it's typically a percentage of gross R so if they if they rent the tar building and collect pet fees and caring fees and they make a million bucks the minimum pilot we would get is $100,000 right and if they make 1.5 million bucks get 150,000 bucks and it's ordered every year it's gross revenu there's no making m one um in Belmar if you have a 10% pilot you're close to 90% of what the taxes would have been otherwise so a a a 10% P which is the minimum um and there there's way you can do last you may not have to do but inm the pilot the difference between a 10% pilot it's only about less than 10% so at least in the case where we're considering a 10% pilot just we're going to actually get more money to the two tax indes counties going exed and we would otherwise get if we did taxes and at least one of our profets yeah the reason I asked is because uh we've been reading that there been people that want to build or anything are getting charged a fee and I'm just wondering um why and how that would if that would affect anything in other words you know they're being charged to remodel their homes build their homes is that all part of this or is that so that's um where we're trying to build up our trust on the cash and we are going to try and we are going to negotiate some cash on the developers too mostly with the developers we're negotiating for units for the units not cash but we are going to for some of the obligations we're going to take cash instead and put it into our for of trust fund going to be substantially if we do this right it'll be substantially bigger than it is today substantially big in in the numbers that someone just mentioned but do you think it's fair do you think it's fair that the burrow the people that live in the burrow have to take that responsibility to cover that well they have there's fees or the Housing state that's something I just heard about and I don't think anybody El knew about yeah the development is something that's required can can you elaborate on that are we talking single family residences you're going to have to pay fees if one question at a time I'm done I'm done okay the thing I wanted to aren't the uh the fees for affordable housing isn't that by Statute that the borrow is allowed to to by state by state law I think most of the towns now have right it's not something that we can just you know make up and put in good evening Tony El me at 10th Avenue uh a couple different things first thing is you keep saying we who is reviewing the projects and what does that consist of it's our Council it's our group of attorneys Architects Engineers elaborate on that so okay the we is the mayor and the entire govern Val okay we meet with them regularly they have very strong opinions individually and collectively on every issue highly involved um we have myself I have a woman Leslie L you met before she's an affable housing expert she's a special master in some places and then know of my partn Francy m so the three of us are your legal team uh We've engaged a firm called NW financial and they have three people that are doing financial analysis of each project and they're sort of the key negotiator with us so the developer might say I can only afford 12 affordable units and our guys will do the math Chade numbers and they'll say no you can still get your cap rate and you can do 14 units or I need a pilot no you don't I'm much so we have Financial all right no goad bigger then we also have a um a planner um who is an expert and she there's a team of two people there um who's been sort of taking the bulk of the negotiations on this uh trying to get our B in that adjustment that's part of her expertise but she's also in so we have also have a plan so have Legal Financial Planning elected officials April key can't I can't end I think we all agree so 15 different individuals some HED some retained by the by the municipality and our Council and how often do you meet to discuss these type of things once a month maybe just curious there's there there's days when we're talking every day we don't always be I understand having conversations like T to four or five Council Meet close sessions Council a lot it's important for us to understand as a community who are the individuals that are going to be reviewing these and doing the best effort in negotiations with the projects uh second question would be is what if we didn't me the obligation for affordable housing so you would have in our view you would have four BU law each one of those looked at back more specific what time frame do we have to identify and agree with affordable round four is about round three is about the rep right round four has already been legislated 2026 2027 2028 no deadlines for some of the that is October October we got to start meeting doing the math to figure out how much round four is going to cost and if we didn't do round three that's going to get when is round four over 10 years 10 years so is there an opportunity that bmore within 10 years or seven years can identify a parcel of land purchase it and then meet our obligations they're not going to let you wait down there no they're not going to let you just wait you waited down curious and it's a good question but I mean in the fair share housing View they've been waiting for us to do something for 20 years how many municipalities are there in our state of New Jersey 5 600 they're wait they're waiting for what 450 other ones to today just got to build theiry lawsuit many many of your neighbors already have settlement agreements but but but in all reality I think there's 400 towns that already figure this out it could it could go a decade more with round four so if we didn't do this the lawsuits are coming this year oh I understand the lawsuits are coming with them big have 10es round January okay last question is can you elaborate on why our residents are going to be forced now to pay into the affordable housing and what would that what are we looking at from a cost perspective on that so you have to pull the ordinance and see the formula um but the state everyone is required to have these ordinances and they're they're all down and but are we talking about knocking a single family house down or if you're remodeling a kitchen major knock knock based on sess value or based on the knocking it down knocking it down or major formula I'll look at the awar so the woman that says I'm not prepared to I who's next so it sounds like I wasn't clear on what the consequences of a buildy lawsuit and the consequences and I'll I'll pick it I'll pick on the consequences of that project is it would likely be I think about 10 feet taller and probably have 25% more units that would have been one of the consequences in that particular and then multiply that so I have a question about uh so these affordable units mostly the ones that you're negotiating rentals or to be owned so only rentals well one of the projects has market rate cond right but no affordable uh for purchase they're only going to be rentals and yeah is that is there a reason why you know I mean there's like well well I mean generally speaking it's easier to going satisfy a lot more housing families getting restrictions on company with it large Pros okay I mean CU years ago again the '90s I know that was your mortgage would be um like 2 or 3% um was all you needed to put much lower restricted right for like 30 years well when you sell right so um in these ones that are being negotiated now how many bedrooms are these one bedroom apartments two bedroom three bedroom so the rules you have to comply with have specific bedom counts so they are one two three for the affordables the market rates there's no three they're mostly one or Studios twos but the the affordables by Statute have to be one twos and threes the idea is that you want to be able to attract families so that's one of the major goals right so hence the school Tri so that could be a reason why some of the units in the bmar Housing Authority wouldn't qualify if that's and I don't know I don't know what the makeup is what came out of this to great ideas see if there's any way to destrict them balance then make sure that it's seniors only I thought it was but think it's not um I don't think there's any ability to really expand the building that's what suggest they don't have a lot of land and that building is not a great shape so uh I mean we we spent a lot of time thinking about how can we make that place better for the sen spend that building but you just need to look at the outside and see the Scout know that that building has F challenges and may have sources of funds um so one of again one of our ideas would be if we could restle money out of developers you know figure out a way to make that place look nicer that will be a great result because I think I think it's pretty common knowled so and affordable housing the only restriction is that the applicants have to be eligible according to their income and family size right so it's not an age there's no age restriction that's associated with affordable housing it's just if you're eligible for affordable that's not these projects but there are age restricted affable hous yes there's veterans only AFF hous so those things exist okay and so I know someone had asked earlier about like how are we here or why are we here and I mean we're here doing right you're doing this um offensive move as you described it because the mayor and the council agreed to file declaratory judgment or they engaged you to do what Freehold did right well engaged us to help them that here's here's our challenges help us find a solution that was a m as you saw multi-tier right get rid of these Pilots DJ action fix your ordinance repeal the other ordinance and bring them to the table soort of M approach sometimes engage right no I understand that and I you know it's just interesting this is just my comment but you know they ran on no development and no big projects but six weeks after being in office or about that this declaratory judgment got filed so I know it's not for you that's a political issue I know you're just the attorney filing this suit let me just add theine known that there was an affordable housing issue at the time I was running that would have been a major campaign but you clearly knew six weeks later you were so well informed to go ahead and file declaratory judgment these guys are not like small time not AG attorneys until we actually take office you can rest assured that would have been another flyer showing that the Dy and waser administrations failed to live up to their constitutional we would put that it's a political fly you asked a question and I'm answering it thank you everybody I appreciate your patience um I'll be back oh I'm sorry John W AV you V and this is a political hit job but I just want to say that U affordable housing has this stigma like oh who is this trash a lot of my friends lived in the projects in affordable housing till their family saved up money to buy a house so I mean just because we're all come from different cloth and that some of us don't and most of these people were fireman cops sanitation men blue collar worker and then they they moved on that's what you do that's what affordable housing is supposed to do like I just like to remind the group that this is the opportunity to ask questions about affordable housing uh the Housing Authority um Redevelopment I'm just going to add one thing about the Housing Authority I just want people to understand and I think most of you do is that the municipal Council has no authority to for the bmer housing authority to do anything right they have monthly meetings they have a Board of Commissioners made of seven individuals uh they have a board attorney right the ball is in their Court they are the only ones who can decide yes or no as to what it is they want to do so um you know we have no control over them they're not being strong armed to do it they're free to do whatever they want we will continue working with them uh to try to to help them as much as we can if they decide they don't want to move forward that's their decision that we're just offering we made a proposal it's laid out in detailed in the letter that I wrote to uh Mr DeSantis on May 21st that's public that letter you can read it right again it's their decision so I suggest they have a meeting on July 1st my suggestion is if you want to have some impact on their decision then you should go to that meeting and and make your comments known at that point thank you thank you thank you so much thank you [Music] [Music] I encourage people to to leave quietly where we need to continue the meeting thank you okay let's move on to um petitions actually I actually had a question about one of the resolutions on the agenda before move on um on outoor dining that's the um that does that apply to all the restaurants on Main Street no we specifically said new ordinance that it applies only to restaurants on buan Avenue there was one that something development and BC there was one about putting up a barrier around outdoor dining in that's the existing ordinance so we're just changing the section that says you can't have pday tables to say they're allowed on Ocean Avenue thank you um petitions April I did not receive any petitions let's move on then to approval of minutes I have a motion to approve the minutes of the June 11th meeting I'll make a motion second yes councilman Kenny yesco yes councilman Rano yes course of council councilwoman Don summertime which means that we have a lot going on under tourism uh reminder that fireworks will be on the beach on July 6 with a light show in front of Taylor Pavilion at 8:30 um movies on the beach will start on July 10th with ananto um so come find out about Bruno umer boy all right um night um don't forget that we have the Friday Night concerts going on um the sand castle contest which I've not been asked to judge yet you're a judge yes um on July 17th followed by um for anyone who's interested one of my favorite events of the year which is the lake holes mayor's bash on July 18th I encourage you all to go um so all fun things from tourism um yeah some more serious things um given the recent consecutive days of hot dry weather North New Jersey American water is asking that customers in Maman ocean counties take steps to conserve water now um which will also help you save money on your water bills um in other news uh we are in the midst of an algae bloom at Silver Lake um the county has signs up there um right now the major restriction is just please don't bathe in the lake or consume any fish in it which frankly I hope you we not doing anyway um this comes back to the work we are working on in Silver Lake with the environmental commission and the Silver Lake team there are other small things you can do to help prevent algae booms one of the big ones is just if you have um any type of fertilizers being down check to see if there's um phosphorus and that's uh fertilizer and if you can switch please do um technically there are already legal restrictions on phosphorus that are wildly ignored um but that's one thing you can do um for Harbor commission um we continue to look for funding to fix the pilings down there but we did vote to install a few benches down from Marina so hopefully we will get to that and enjoy that um and finally Belmar Women's Club is pleased to announce that come September 4th in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings we will be holding um meetings open to the public to new members and current members at 600 p.m. in the Belmar Public Library so you can choose to go to the ones um during the day or to the one in the evening they are complimentary thank Youk you councilwoman Kenny um Recreation Junior guards starts this Monday so if you see a bunch of kids on 6th Avenue I believe Nicollet got something like 17 deid which is a fabulous turnout for our Junior guards fall soccer signups are happening now the luck and Bill pop spin comes back to Taylor Pavilion every Monday starting this coming Monday and I think the last Monday in August is when they're finished um on Eda one of the things I've been came to our attention was that there's not an automatic door at the post office which there should be for handicapped and Ed individuals unfortunately that is a federal building so we are trying to reach out to the post office to seees our some way that we can work with getting an automatic door there um Ada is also doing a presentation at the summer with Summer campers and and um with Recreation summer camp to do a u presentation on being sensitive to kids with special needs and anti-bullying and that will be July 12th Friday and then shade tree commission there's quite a few trees just again with the hot weather that are really not doing very well around town so we' uh identified some volunteers on the shade commission to go around with Gator bags and walk and they've decided on a watering schedule so if you pe see people around town watering the trees that's they're doing a good thing there um George Williams one of our members also met with the mayor to discuss issues about a five-year plan for the shade tree commission it was a very good meeting it went well and we're going to hopefully have some NE next steps for um improving our 2025 budget for the shade tree commission uh and by the end of the year right by December I believe um members of the sh Tre commissioner are also working to try to work with the planning board on applications to see um what trees actually really need to be removed when you're take taking down a house or reconstructing a home or clearing your lot so hopefully we'll have some more input with that so they don't just mow down all the trees on the property so we're looking forward to that um we're also looking for recruiting new members the me the mayor has mentioned that he may have some names so we're hoping to find some new potential members for commission and that is all thank you councilwoman Rano thank you mayor I just wanted to first thank those who are here um with concerns or questions regarding uh the burough proposal to include the BJ in its affordable housing plan it's important for our residents to know that the proposal um that the BH for the BHA to be included is in the housing plan is that just a proposal uh like the mayor said it's not the council's decision um and uh the we are okay if they do not proceed with this option um we'll understand and we'll support them and I think that's something that um I know the mayor and I have spoken on and I think we can all agree um I do understand changing the priority uh from bmar to Regional would affect future tenants um it's their building so it's not ours knowing that they have millions in repair work though needing to be done I thought it was fair to offer this option it's an option um I think it's very unfortunate that they haven't been able to or won't be able to use funds um from the affordable trust fund um if they're not included I do have to find out about why it's only 24 units and not 50 that would be considered um I was told that that was a credit issue not a um unit issue it wasn't 24 units it was 24 credits um and so I i' want to get some clarity on that um I also want to check some things that um that I I've read um and one is that this is not Section 8 housing um Section 8 housing is a voucher program for very low income individuals and families that includes a state waiting list and Lottery um household income is under 42,000 for that um and if you are concerned about Section 8 housing um in the uh BHA I stress that you speak to the Commissioners I know that commissioner McCracken has prop proposed rad which is a rental assistance demonstration which the HUD program uh to address improving living conditions in public housing but it turns them into Section 8 subsidies um and that may affect that local preference even more um I I looked on nj. orov um and that the DAC for the specified area for local preference for Section 8 is all of New Jersey all of the state so I think it is important that we are involved if we do want to advocate for our seniors if we do want to make sure that they get their preference in their building this is happening on other levels too so please just get involved um know that that we care about the building and our seniors in that building um Belmore public library and I'll get back to the um Housing Authority so we had a strategic plan meeting um for the library last Thursday um and we discussed the need for an additional bathroom um for staff specifically um but an additional bathroom nonetheless that's ADA Compliant um and right now the library only has one bathroom that is not um and uh so I mentioned this to business administrator Kevin Kaine and the library director David homman as the Strategic committee would like the library board to know this request prior um to the next Library board meeting so that they can discuss it further um juneth celebration um concert with the lucken bille orchestra and professional Ronald Tyson was a success um shout out to our Belmar uh Library employee Bruce Fay on creating the mural artwork for juneth um so much talent at the library so thank you Bruce um before I forget I've gotten a lot of compliments on um the islands around town the floral arrangements they look beautiful and I've been told as well um that DPW has helped a lot with all of the wind that we've gotten there's been a lot of branches and things falling down that has needed the attention so um you're getting Kudos so thank you so much um and um just want to remind everyone that you know please listen to your lifeguards and water safety um and uh we thank our First Responders um for all of their help this summer as it gets busy in Belmar um this Saturday library has author time with belmar's own Lucille Melina at 11:00 a.m. um discussing her book Moving on by uh the Belmore Housing Authority will have its next meeting June 1st I mean July 1st at 5:15 so I would encourage those who came today to support the BJ and the seniors um to please come their public um come to the meeting uh Belmar um or two weeks ago myself and other volunteers helped paint the outside furniture There railings and painted the front R retaining wall on 8th Avenue it looks really nice um I'd like to thank commissioner Ellen rainy Johanna Rober Robinson John and patut John and Pat Hutchinson Josiah Robinson and Sharon Russell Fowler for volunteering in this effort um I spoke to Paul des santis and he informed me that the front of the building will be getting roded end rooms by the wall to spruce up the look uh the soil was tested and unfortunately um it's poor so it will work well for redend drums we are told um the main elevator now has a beautiful mural in it and it is back in work working order um and I'm hoping I'll have some more information on the facades for the next meeting uh and lastly um Monday July 8th is the life card tournament 6 pm at 10th Avenue Beach thanks uh thank you uh there is one thing I forgot to mention before specifically on the on the Housing Authority I mentioned that there were seven Commissioners and I just like to tell you who they are they might be your neighbors how do I know but um uh they are Mary link Lisa Orchard Carolyn sherck Ellen Ry Michael castley Jim McCracken and Maria Masano uh all those individuals have pretty much fiveyear appointments I've only made one reappointment and that was carollyn sherro and that was in 2023 so they have been on the on the board for a while so those are your Commissioners for your Belmore Housing Authority um one other thing that has nothing to do with the Housing Authority as I mentioned before about putting debris in the street I'm also going to ask if you hire a landscaper and they blow your property you know I I walk my dog and it just I just crack up when I see them two people blowing pieces of grass in the street and they just keep blowing it so that it kind of just like keeps blowing and they actually blow the grass down too so what happens is all this dirt gets into the street along the curb or whatever if you can ask them to keep the blowing on your property because it it just gets to be ridiculous because everybody else's property now has this this layer of dust and this grass that supposedly I don't know where it's supposed to go but it just keeps blowing in the street somewhere you know and if you have you know the guy down the streets doing it and the other one's doing it you know and it's like it doesn't go away it it goes someplace and it usually goes in the curb and again if it rains those are the things that are going to you know impact the the SE system so please just and aside from the fact the fact of the noise that because that's a discussion for another day but um just if you can and you remember ask him to do that uh I have nothing else so um let's move on to uh the 2024 budget amendment hearing okay so at the last meeting we uh Ed a resolution to amend the 2024 budget so this is the public hearing on that Amendment if anyone would like to speak please step forward state your name and address I have a motion to close the public hearing I'll make the motion second councilman yes Council mckenny yes mesco yes Council rero yes you want line to comment on it at all um I don't think we need it it was just a the next we have resolution adopting the 2024 budget and as amended can we have a motion to adopt the resolution motion second Council Donan yes Council McKinny yes mayor fesco yes Council the arrow yes uh so now we're on to public session regarding the resolutions listed on the consent agenda please remember to state your name and address for going to speak can I have a motion to close the public SE Eugene ker 4th Avenue resolution uh this is a uh lior license for uh the Irish curse uh trading as 10th Avenue burritos um the U I'm sorry that's okay apparently uh uh everybody uh who who turns off uh when you come down over to Highbridge uh 135 heading south into belmare and the first place that you can turn it to Belmar is is 8th Avenue there by the Waterview Pavilion and uh uh you proceed uh East and you go over the railroad uh you go past the uh I guess I'll call it the will be Railroad Avenue East the the uh I think the maps now refer to it as Belmar Plaza um then you uh come up to 10th Avenue burrito and um boy I'm trying to figure out I I thought we had a sidewalk uh a dining uh permit or something that was required for uh for uh this outfit to operate there uh I also checked uh a couple months back um the Department of Transportation uh has a proposed alternative to uh change the uh pedestrian Crossing of 8th Avenue there uh currently The Pedestrian Crossing is directly in front of the senior uh the Belmore housing authority and it's going to be moved however I took a look at U NJ DT is drawing and it appears that we have a a creeping building that has creeped into 8th Avenue which is State Highway 71 I have to I have to believe their mapping is more accurate than anything that we have here at Belmar and now we have uh we have we have a a place that serves alcohol that is now in the public RightWay and uh I don't think it complies with our uh sidewalk dining permit requirements there're supposed to be a minimum of of 4 feet for pedestrian passage now it's very important that uh that there is pedestrian pedestrian right away on 8th Avenue especially on the south a on the south side of a Avenue because when you get up uh to Route 35 to cross you know six Lanes of traffic to go to the marina uh you have to go on the south side of 8th Avenue uh I guess what I would like to see I don't know whether the engineer had left but can we please take a look at that U it appears to me and this is NJ Do's map that that building has crept into the state highway right away and U I'm not sure what's meant I went past there quickly the other day but it appears that there seems to be I guess a section of chain link fence uh with uh liquor signs posted alongside of it well we'll definitely have uh Mr orus our our engineer look into that uh and see what what he sees in terms of the and maybe I'll have a borrow attorney also take a look at their their dining permit and um and we'll see what if they're in compliance if they're not I will let them know okay yeah we'll have we'll have the engineer he's the best person to really look at the at the maps and so on yeah and and the uh like I said the map that I previewed was the one that was put on burough website thee preferred Al for The Pedestrian Crossing and it appears to me ACC to the map The Pedestrian Crossing is going to be moved easterly to about mid block right right and we haven't seen any activity on that you're not going to see activity on that we actually Maria Laro councilman followed up on that and this is something that I have in my to-do list to follow up we we tried to find out when that was going now remember it was I think the first month that I became mayor I got the letter from do that said congratulations we're going to move the the crosswalk we're going to do this we're going to do that and they had the picture and they had all the the stuff there we keep asking them when is this going to happened when this Council on the narrow took it upon herself to to ask what was the date they said that it would be it was done 2027 was 2027 and that it was still in the design phase we need to push them on that I have several more phone calls and and emails sent to them as well I guess that'll come about the same time as we get Main Street Bridge exactly exactly we'll just tie up the traffic completely at that point I mentioned that they were here already and while they were here can you look at this didn't go in any case uh the building seems to have creeped into the wrong way we will definitely look at that than okay any other comments questions okay and I have a motion to close the public session motion second all in favor can I have a motion to adopt the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda councilman Donan yes councilman Kenny yeses yes councilman R yes next we have second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20241 this is an ordin amending and supplementing chapter 40 or development regulations pertaining to outdoor dining this is open for public comment if anyone would like to speak on it can I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I I and can I have a motion to adopt ordinance [Music] 20241 councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes yes may fesco yes Council Rondo yes and last item is second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20244 this is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 44 storm water management this is open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on the ordinance motion to close the public hearing I'll make the [Music] motion and can I have a motion to adopt ordance 20 244 I'll make motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny mayor B pusco yes councilman Rondo yes okay and now we're on to public session um if anyone is going a comment at the microphone please remember to state your name and address firsten the B Bar library recently increased the number of hours opening earlier and staying later on Fridays new Jersey as we know as we've experienced the last few days is heating up faster than any state in the Northeast so that makes Public Library is cooling centers which they should be so more people are coming into the library and they're going to use the B delmare is vacation destination people travel here by train all day long most of the stores in town have no b no public bathroom signs so where's everybody going to go the public library which is fine it's public building they should homelessness and mental illness to real things bmore public library has a number of people under this description and they need bathroom facilities all this said it leads to unfair workplace practices for the Belmore Public Library staff all other municipal buildings have a staff bathroom we should afford the staff a clean and private bathroom for their safety our Librarians are devoted hardworking individuals who have been with us for years it seems like this should be a top priority there's no boa trustees meeting for July and August so I'm here asking the mayor of council to consider as owners of the building to expedite this issue um with the increased number of hours I think it's it's it's a very important issue thank you any other comments hi Sarah tantel 505 13th Avenue um I'm here to speak about our tothless Animal House policy uh I live in as I said in 5051 13th Avenue um about 3 years ago now uh the guy bought a house across the street from me actually two properties totaling four houses he proceeded starting in uh May of 2021 to rent those out to 20 plus individuals now this is not any way in any way a criticism of the police department I want to be really clear about that because the police have been very responsive but it's more a concern about the Animal House policy itself which according to the website reads that um property is only designated an animal house after administrative law hearing has been held and the hearing officer has found that in any 24mon period two complaints on separate occasions blah blah blah blah blah the way I read that is we have to wait two years from somebody coming in before there's a hearing so we actually waited the two years and called the police countless times myself and my neighbors dozens and dozens of times in the first year in the second year finally in the third year now we're into the third year and they have been designated Animal House just so you know according to the website dated uh as of May 6th on the website there are 92 houses in this town designated as animal houses 92 7 according to my count 17 of 92 are owned by llc's whatever that means um I mean I know what an LLC is but in terms I have one but in terms of the you know the you know the sense of ownership and Home Ownership Etc um there is a question there about are groups of people buying up houses and renting them out to groups of basically like college age kids who who you know do not have a large degree of respect evidently for the Neighbors um it says that uh once they're designated as an animal house um in 2004 the burough began taking steps to repress further further Animal House violations by hiring and posting M County Sheriff's officers outside the Animal House properties on weekends and evenings and the cost of the sheriff's officers can be as much as $1,000 per weekend with 92 designated animal houses that is not happening right it couldn't possibly happen it's definitely not happening so we are still forced to call every single weekend when these people are making lots and lots and lots of noise into the we hours of the morning I I had to call a few weeks ago at 2:30 in the morning woken out of a sound sleep and it was lucky that I did because then an ambulance had to come because somebody had fallen in some kind of way on the property that warranted going to the hospital um these kids are getting really wasted and you know yelling and screaming at all hours of the night and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way I'm speaking for my for my neighbors as well um so I just you know want to bring it to your attention that you know whatever the the and it says that the uh the landlord is required to post a bond up to $55,000 if you look at the list the range in in bonds posted is a th000 to 5,000 right but if the if the county sheriff's office is not coming that the bond is not being used for any purpose I just feel as though the penalty to the landlords is not strong enough and you know the people the renters may be getting a ticket they may be getting a summons but they're just it's happening over and over and over and and the landlords you know don't feel pressed to do anything about it they're collecting their rents and we're we're dealing with this you know Tuesday nights a lot because of you know whatever that e the clock thing Tuesday nights are really bad um and obviously the weekends and it's not because the cops aren't coming out we they come when we call but why should we have to call every single weekend every single Tuesday night and and then you know and there doesn't seem to be a real penalty so I just want to see if we could do something about that because it doesn't feel like the Animal House designation really means anything so I mean I think we'll follow up with the with the chief and perhaps uh Mr McGill need to take a look at the uh at the ordinance and take a look at how it's actually work the address uh 5043 Avenue I thought after they got I don't know if it was three or four tickets that they were like automatically kicked out of town or something no no I I'm saying I'm wrong but you know what I mean like I thought that the landlords the how it works is you have to it's state statute so we have I don't think we have any ability to really amend what the regulations are um but it's you have to be a Summer Rental and you have to have two substantiated violations within a 2-month period 12 12 month 12 month period um so that could be happen in one summer it could happen over two summers it depends on the house um so once you have those two then you come before the hearing officer for a hearing and that's the time they are deemed an animal house and they post the bond and that's kept for four years and anytime in that fouryear period if the property continues to be a Summer Rental and they get one violation they come back for another hearing and that's when we increase the bond and we often take money out of the bond to cover the Burrows expenses for from start to finish of that whole summons from prosecution and the police officer writing the ticket my time sending the owner a letter and things like that um so that's actually says 24 period isre 12 mons in any case it definitely took two years and there were numerous there were numerous violations there were numerous summonses within that two year period um so typically if there's multiple um and it goes to a hearing um the hearing officer might request a higher bond from them than they would someone that is a firsttime offense and they only had the the minimum two tickets we might ask for a $1,500 Bond but if they have five or six tickets they might ask for a $2,500 Bond um so that's up to the hearing officer but then um there is a we did add a stipulation that the son rentals have to get a mertile license um so there is a point when they reach the $5,000 maximum bond amount that if they're a continuous problem we could revoke their Summer Rental license but that's only when they reach the maximum right so I I feel your frustration because I feel like what they're doing these landlords is just building that amount of money into the rent right so like assuming they're going to get some kind of massive violation and then they just eat it because it covers their cost right so how do we make the bonds bigger like is that a possibility like who who do we do know it has to like matter right it doesn't matter $5,000 is nothing these people when they're getting probably 20 kids paying yeah but as April said it is controlled by Statute so it's the statute's maximum so I'll take a look at that see if there's I doubt that we anything less than the maximum as far asies are concerned okay well okay thank you thank you uh Mark presco 13 have uh yeah I this is what I came up for but I agree about this whole Animal House that it's ineffective um the landlords they do pass on the cost they'll charge it back to the renters and the renters will cover it by having a a cake party the next weekend to pay for it so uh yeah we need some more teeth into into that but uh last year I came up uh because I asked that there was an ordinance about uh cars parking on the street indefinitely and if not could we have an ordinance even if it's like as long as a month or something because there's a car on our block it was there a year ago when I complained and it was there for two years then so now it's in the same spot for three years there's grass growing under it the car is falling apart um it's on 13th Avenue near Ocean maybe I doubt and I think the part of the response was well it's register we can't do anything but I kind of doubt if it's registered at this point does it have a license plate does it have a license on it it has a license okay whether it's registered you know who who the owner is or I can only say that the owner the house that it's parked in front of is not the owner defitely so that's pretty rude too I would suggest you you you you know send us in the the license plate we'll take a look at it I don't know if we have an ordinance about abandoned vehicles it sounds like to me it's been abandoned I don't know if we have yeah we'll take a look at the the State statue and didn't they send us in the the [Music] plate but uh yeah I'll send it to you can either send it to me or April and um and we'll get it to the police George can look into it's back to the last comment about the Animal House I was just looking it up and the 504 13th just became an animal house last year so they're at the minimum Bond of a th000 um and they did get one summons this year so as long as that doesn't get dismissed in the court it will they'll be coming back for another hearing to increase that Bond any other um and how many does it te roke their they have to be at the maximum Bond of 5,000 next time that just bump it up another thousand or is there a chance that it's up to the hearing officer you usually it's a based on a recommendation from the police department and code enforcement will make a recommendation to the hearing officer yes well it's not the municipal court it's separate any other comments cell 14th Avenue vmore interesting meetings tonight first I'd like to say thank you to April for contacting me in reference to the address that she asked about on 13th Avenue in Route 71 about the bushes blocking the Northbound traffic um they're trimmed so now the only thing you have to do is now you stop in the crosswalk instead of stopping in the shoulder of the road so thank you for doing that number one and the other thank you is that April also asked me about the address of 16th Avenue in K in El street that big old tree that was blocking The View when you got to 16th Avenue if you looked West you couldn't even see traffic coming you couldn't see people walking down the street you couldn't see people on bicycles and a lot of close calls came up and that tree is now gone so thank you for getting that taken care of thank our code enforcement inspectors for those uh also I'd like to thank the young lady that drives the sweeper about a week or week and a half ago we had uh one of the neighbors had put something out to the curb was all tagged and everything the garbage men picked this big piece up threw it in the back of the garbage truck and brought their little thing down it brings the trash in and the thing exploded it glass was everywhere um they tried they attempted to clean it up but they made more of a mess than anything else so I called the Bro yard there was no answer and I know you guys are busy so I said oh they're on the road no problem I mentioned it to one of the bur workers and said oh when you get a chance cuz the next day was a Thursday and that was the day our street was going to be cleaned I said when you get a chance could you ask is it Shannon could you ask Shannon if she could really really check out our area with the glass my there was glass against the side of my husband's vehicle he went out there tried sweeping some of it up we tried cleaning it up otherwise everybody that drove down that street was going to get a flat so the next morning Shannon shows up to clean our street she went from K Street up three to four length houses both sides of the street in the middle of the street she was out there for a while cleaning up she even looked at out the window and checked you could see she was looking to make sure there was no glass is there any way that this girl can be rewarded or something not only does she just do a do a good job she went out of her way to really make sure this was taken care of and that's something I think that you know she needs to be commended for and she does a great job she really does a great job um when it comes to this is just something I had seen as a matter of fact today I was around the lake that's between Avon and Bradley Beach and they have these lines that go from their walkway to the lake and they're they're a whole lot of them from Main Street three4 of the way to the ocean on the lake and there's all silver banners hanging all over it like little I'm going to say pin Wheels there's no problems with any of those ducks or swans or anything going up on the land so is that something we could take a look at and maybe kind of borrow that idea we can um I've seen some people in in belmare who've had them and I've also seen geese walk right through them so it's just a matter of you know yes I think we can do that I have no independent I have no independent way of knowing if they work but it's definitely worth taking a look just ride by there and take a look just just check it out to see and it's on the Avon I didn't see it on the Bradley beach side but I saw it on the Avon side I just thought I mentioned it and it seems like there were no ducks no Bees nothing that had that it was a few swans that were the other no people either no people one of one of the things about Avon um and it's a model for part of what we want to do here is that they've been building out that living Shoreline if you look um and it has those like winding paths to the leag and those are specifically designed to deter keys and discourage them from in there um they've been doing a great job and they've gotten most of that uh funded by grants and things like that so we've talked quite a bit to the people over at Avon to get their tips and yeah absolutely like I said there something really really went out of her way and did an exceptional job that day okay thank you Tomer 527 8th Avenue Belmar and uh you guys are looking good I just wanted to let you know I think you did a fantastic job on the bathrooms the new bathrooms at the Tor Pavilion uh really nice nice quality work um and I wonder are you hearing the heat from the people uh that lost their bathroom on the boardwalk at Third Avenue lot of this satisf I I'm going Gat keeper right they talk weing we represent the town so we hear a lot about how inconvenient that is um women with children I think on the weekend or was uh maybe [Music] Tuesday that there was a line going out to the street for the ladies room um which is you know that's terrible uh and and also uh some guys are trying to ride their bikes to get down to the bathroom from the gates one guy just had an accident today where he CED and hit him or something but he fell off the bik um just um some people just can't walk that far and and it's it's hurting them so I I just didn't know how much of that you heard but I but I don't like to put in a a special request to see what you can do about Third Avenue it's got to be a nicer looking thing that people across the street would like I mean they we've had it for 20 years that they must have gotten used to the one bathroom so with this one I guess it has to be in the street Camp you know I'm saying whatever it is is we still need a bathroom there the problem the problem we face is that when when extensive uh Jim mors are engineer did extensive research on the on the bathrooms on the beach because there there's always there was a possibility that we could um if we could identify previous uh structures that were on the beach it was likely that the DP would would at some point permit us to put to keep the bathrooms there turning them into permanent bathrooms um he did extensive research every every bathroom from 19th to 5th had been there before the only bathroom that had never had a prior structure was the one at Third Avenue so you know when we got to the point where we knew we were going to build the the bathroom in Fifth Avenue that's the reason why we we discontinued that one um I've had about two or three complaints in terms of letters and I think what that happened is people got so used to going to third because it's the less it's the least busy Beach as we all know if you've been in Belmore it's the place where the the last car spots are and I Think Through The Years people got so used to going there um that now it's you know it's it's a stress to not have to bathroom there I'm suggesting to people that they try moving down the beach a little bit um you know 6 s is not not a very heavily used Beach even on a busy day and I know fifth is I know fourth is um so I I think the the answer is for the people who are you know who have an issue just put yourself closer to the existing bathrooms um we have more bathrooms on our beach than any other town near us and you know it's um and you know it's just the a common sense uh to you know if I know that I I need to use the toilet facilities and I know you know I'm not going to park myself down on Second Avenue and walk up to third so um that's the reason why the Third Avenue bathroom is is gone ultimately you know the town will need to uh get rid of those uh temporary bathrooms and either put permanent bathrooms or make those temporary ones permanent so that's the explanation why the Third Avenue one is no longer there cuz back I think it was I I don't want to give a date I think it was 1980 or so 1973 yeah 1973 historically there was never a bathroom the only other bathrooms had either Pavilions or or just just bathroom facilities you know like associated with a like the old um golf miniature golf was up on 16th there was a little there was a little uh a place concession there and on the side of the concession there were bathrooms you know so the uh the uh the thing was that you know in good faith uh dealing with the DP in our attempt to say you know yes we are going to rectify this problem we started with the Third Avenue bathroom and I I think so far I think it's working out pretty well it's just a matter of change people don't like change and I think it it will come it will come oh I'm there I'm I'm I'm a senior R so uh yes oh yes uh the U when the Eva makes you do something like they did here uh and just I mean it it's I I think it was terrible when they make an adjust or they tell you you have to do something they give you the money to do it uh no I thought wild guas probably not but uh at least uh they should be doing something because they're seniors and I thought seniors had some sort of respect in New Jersey and I think that's there are a lot of seniors that um you know you can say well move your blanket I've heard that um no big deal just move your blanket well there for senior that that is a problem it's U it's it's um it's more difficult so having said that I appreciate it you get it in the plans to maybe get something there I don't think so I know I know Council on Theo is going to say something that is totally opposite of what I'm saying but I can tell you that there will be no bathroom on third in you okay thank you fa enough um by the way I appreciate presentation by um this gentleman it was helpful it's in a situation was very concerned about because I don't know if the seniors themselves at the senior building are hear enough about what's going on it's got to be pretty scary for them um so I think you said there's a meeting coming up yes July 1st is a meeting um and they should all take advantage we actually made a presentation in the June meeting of council Ronda hour and I to explain the the letter that I had written and um there were seniors there from the building and um so they've already you know the once who were at the meeting we already heard about it but yes July 1st is the next meeting and as I said earlier they should go good thanks thank you okay guys he can I take the moment to to make my PL oh sure you got 3 minutes all right minut for Council people thank you it won't take me 3 minutes um I I would um request that we revisit uh the need for the Third Avenue um bathrooms and and I understand the reason why we weren't able to do it um and I did speak to um our engineer as well um the issue is if anything was before um it was grandfathered in if it was there before 1973 um other comments were made as to whether things were there before the 1992 storm um there was actually a sewer pipe because they had started a pavilion or they had plans for a Pavilion in a bathroom on third there was a sewer pipe that is there currently um that hasn't been used yes there wasn't one made but I think that there is a good you know that research brings us to a good reason to go back to De and plead our case on this um additionally if we don't get that approv approval I think that we should consider um having renting uh bathroom trailers which I know is less expensive and maybe considering it on the street side of the boardwalk thank you I agree with Maria I think that's a great idea we need something on third I was going to say it's also not just seniors yeah um um not only that I mean women have different bathroom Meats I have young kids they have to go to the bathroom um the the alternative that is often thrown around using the bathroom I shall not repeat but the other thing is too you can't always just move we have people with lockers um you can't just you know and there's a waiting list it's hard to move your locker um if there isn't parking and you have kids walking several blocks with all of the stuff there is so much stuff um is it is difficult too yes other towns don't have as many bathrooms spring lake has the two Pavilion and that's it but they don't get the amount of visitors that we get um so I I think it's important to revisit I think Belmar is a familyfriendly and a visitor friendly town and and we should maintain that by providing those facilities however we can and there aren't there aren terrible POA potty options right I mean we've been to like the royal flush I mean we've all seen some really nice decent Porta poty options so I feel like we should really consider that as well no [Music] com CL H 18b um while we're on the topics of bathrooms maybe we can get rid of the kindergarten toilets that we have out in the restrooms out here just a thought I asked that the prior Administration and then there was some reason that we couldn't or they were they were acceptable but I'm sorry they are right they really oh yeah they're kindergarten toilets that's how I refer to them at least but what I was coming up for was safety all right I'm on a corner of 18th and B and we're used to everybody flying up 18th for an emergency absolutely I cringe and hope nobody's coming across B when they're flying through 18th but at the same time the other day and I don't know what pass the fire engines take but they were coming down B turning on to 18th I was like yo and that's fine if there's really no cars parked over the line and I know the lines don't mean anything and I know the officers have discretion but when a car is like half of the car is over the line on a weekend if that engine has to come and get around I don't want the cars pushed onto my lawn to be honest with you uh but in all seriousness if the discretion could be considered more on the corners um like if they're over the line they're over the line give them a ticket I don't need them tow unless they're that's up to you guys but at least give them the ticket because I questioned it and it was the officer's discretion and I understand and appreciate that and respect that but I got a lot of concern with those fire engines if they have to come around that corner and try to get to someone quickly so that's it thank you thank you you might any of it 15th um I've only been here a few years and uh I fully agree with the we're a wonderful town you know that um I just a little levity with that I went up to get my grandson on Friday it was 102 coming down the parkway when I rounded on 16th on Ocean what do you think it was 80 880 on Sunday on my little part-time job as a gate Checker I didn't I I bought myself a thermometer because I'd swear it was 65 sitting on we don't we don't charge for that air conditioning okay other comments hurry up I'm just kidding [Music] 11th Avenue um I walk my dog every night and I know one of the streets that's really really scary is 13th at the East Street because it's a oneway and I can't tell you how many times I've stopped people from going the opposite direction so I don't know if I know some towns have the stop signs with the lights on them that kind of blink reminding you don't you know stop stop stop so I don't know if that's one of the streets that maybe could be considered but seriously it's a dark Street to begin with so as they start going the wrong way they really have nowhere else to go and I'm out in the street with my dog going no no stop so just a thought thank you we'll take a look at that 13th and E you said 13 yes 13 okay any other I'm I'm on temp CA everybody goes the wrong way down my street every day at night it's really scary I actually went the wrong way on the on the street my NE I must Had a Brain something I little sudden I'm turning down the C Street like what am I doing I'm on the wrong street that was a long time ago uh if there are no other comments I have a motion to close the public session and adjourn the meeting motion second all in favor