of the United States of America to the for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all we have moment time thank you very much this meeting has been called can you hear me I'll talk as loud as I can can you guys hear me yes okay this meeting has been called in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act and an announcement of the same has been mailed to the local newspapers and to the clerk of the Barrow of Belmar and that minutes of this meeting will be available after board approval and at a subsequent meeting roll call commissioner Lynch is absent commissioner Orchard here commissioner Shar here commissioner Ry here commissioner cerly here commissioner McCracken here commissioner Masano here you have a quum okay we need somebody to um make a motion to appr the minutes from the um April 1 meeting I'll make the motion commission Orchard yes commissioner sherck yes commissioner Ry yes commissioner cly yes commissioner mcracken yes commissioner Masano yes all right has everybody reviewed the bills and if so are there any questions if not I'll make a move to approve them second commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Shar yes commissioner Amy yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes reports for executive director uh well on the two projects were're working on the uh the elevator is just about completed it's operational uh the next step to finish it they they're going to come in and do the interior of the cab uh put up new panels and mural on the back of the elevator we have the check tonight the deposit so I I I'm sure they'll schedule it in the next week or two as far as the scaffolding the engineers were working on redoing the specs uh they thought they there were several things they could do that would make it more cost effective uh in my conversation I think it was Thursday they said they're just about finished and they'll give me a call back to schedule the uh walk walk through with the contractors and then the bid opening which will be a month after uh so once we have that dates we'll proceed with that and hopefully we'll get a bid that's within our uh budget to do the work on the facade all the units are are occupied at this point and and uh that's all I have to report okay any correspondent saying no ma'am any old business any new business we have three resolutions toight on consent agenda first one is authorizing us to go out to bid again for the building S Repair once the engineers uh get the bid specs in order second one is authorizing the elevator change order decreasing the contract by $10,000 and that was for the interior we're going with a different company to do that for Less cost and then I'm sorry there only two resolutions so those I just need approval for I'll approve commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Sher yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes okay any reports from the Commissioners remarks from the general public anyone um I have a question does the elevator get reinspect give your name sorry Anita Anita Pali 103 Shark River Avenue apartment 59 um does the elevator get reinspected I know the state came in to you know start it does it get reinspected after each uh bit of work is done or or if that's just accepted it was it was re reinspect was inspected in the end and pass so now the the mural you put in the wall or a mural in that that has nothing that they're only worried about operation they're not worried about Aesthetics okay so um you if I heard you right you said the bid goes out a month after is there a reason why there's a month delay to put the bid out we we we once once it's published the contractors need a period of time to prepare their bids um it's out for a month out for oh it's out for a month okay okay so yeah the preposition was in the wrong place all right I got it okay thank you you're welcome hi Maria R our own here Belmar Council representative um there's a new program uh called Easy Ride uh where two round trip trip tickets um you can go to medical appointments Wellness appointments um it's a really good program it's Mammoth County it's through mmth County a.com if you want to look.com or.org either way I'll make sure to bring in some flyers to hang up if that's okay um I know the healthy hop oh thank you so much the healthy hop um I don't know whether that program is is not working I know it's within I just talked to a resident where it's only within 14 miles so perhaps this one gives you a little bit more range um but I'll find out more about it and make sure that you have a lot of copies of what Anita is holding up uh right now there's also a phone number to call uh 732 683 2102 that'll be on the flyer right that'll be on the flyer and that's for easy ride and then I just wanted to follow up with the fiveyear plan meeting um is there a plan for um like regular Vent cleaning at the current moment no okay is that something that we might be able to look into uh we could yeah we could look into it okay just the main vents okay um and then also um I I know we talked about this before that it was very cost prohibitive at the time um to look at changing back the thermostat so people can use their own thermostats in their apartment um I I have been hearing a lot of um residents saying that that's a quality of life issue for them is there a way that we can look into that again or I mean I I was looking into grants on HUD maybe there's something that we can do um that might be you know might fall under that for heating or cooling something like that well in terms of if my understanding is correct they would have to put in all new wiring and rewire the whole building which would be very costly because all walls are blocked and not easy to drill into and to run wiring through okay and were you ever able to get an estimate of how that much much might be okay all right we can talk offline and figure out you know if we are possibly looking at options uh for that down the road because I think that will be a real help to the residents thank you can I go back thank you very um now that the nice weather's here is there um a schedule of uh Property Management um the outside is looking very winterized and needs a a good clean up there's some like debris over here there's a boat over here the you know the grass is rather High the boat's fine here that's not that doesn't have to be clean there's like debris around you know under the scaffolding Marie is organizing a volunteer committee you wanted to speak a little more about uh have we heard back yet from Ruckers with their soil testing so what we've done so far is taken a a soil sample to see what type of soil is out there because a lot of a lot of times what I've heard in the past is PL plants have been planted and then for some reason it doesn't continue to grow and that's because an issue with the soil I'm not much of the planting person so I don't know exactly um the extent of that but we'd like to bring some native plants in we need to make sure that they stay um but I would like to organize a cleanup even before um this happens I'm not exactly sure that we're going to get the information from the soil in enough time to put the native plants and to make it look nice for um spring and summer but I can be in touch I know Ellen and I were talking about this before or we can gather up maybe some people who' like to be interested you know who are interested uh residents who are interested and because this is you know your property it's not ours we don't want to come up with a plan that's not you know what what you want I would just be here to listen and you know see what we can get from the community as far as volunteers to help us that sounds great um I was quite speaking of some of the debris that's around the building that I would think would be into the maintenance um like over on this side under the scaffolding there seems to be maybe like a refrigerator or a stove or a grill or something and then over here there's some you know just kind of stuff that's left out it's not um you know neat and tidy I was just wondering about is there a maintenance schedule that you know you go out and do the outside of the building no there isn't because we only have one maintenance person okay and those walk-in tubs we're we're done with that issue the residents wanted walk-in tubs if you want to pay for them F them where H now I wanted a sauna all right thank you very much one myself in my own house I'd like an apartment with Riverview please and my own parking spot right up front thank you she okay anybody else okay actually we're going to go into executive s all right so authorization of going to close session need a motion this Orchard commissioner Shar commissioner Ry yes commissioner CLE yes commissioner McCracken commissioner Masano thank you I could phone