flag United States of America nation God indivisible andice for all just a moment silence please thank you tell me if you can't hear me still can't hear me got to you got me now okay this meeting has been called in accordance with the provisions of the open public and that an announcement of has it made to the local newspapers and to the and that the minutes of this meeting will be available after board approval of the subsequent meeting sorry I'm loud uh commissioner Lynch is absent Commission commer Orchard is absent commissioner Sher commissioner Remy commissioner CLE here commissioner McCracken is absent commissioner Masano here you have a quum okay um approvement for the um meeting of the minutes of the February 5th meeting anybody want to make a motion I'm sorry anybody make a motion to approve the minutes for the um February 5th meeting what um you know what yeah we have to hold them till next month okay we have to table next month okay has everyone reviewed the bills bills I I see the last one's pretty high yeah that's for the elevator okay actually turn it out a formal thing for I did that after the i s any questions anyone no and just just select the public what was the amount for that last check I referred to uh it was $27,000 for the um payment application number four for the elevator thank you everybody hear that no no we can't hear you payment applic number four in the amount of $27,000 for the elevator so we pay the elevator repairs and increments so we were just paid payment application number four which is included in this bill list that's what we're talking about on the bill list so we have to incase no no no no okay is everybody in accordance with the uh with the um bill I'll make a motion to move it actually I'll second commissioner sharik yes commissioner Remy no this is for the bills okay yes yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner Masano yes yeah okay yes just the report from um um one second on one second this is a report from the executive director okay um the elevator uh modernization has been completed we're now in the stage of the wiring for the uh smoke alarm and smoke detectors uh an application permit was put into the burrow for the work and uh hopefully it'll be returned quickly uh once the wiring and the uh alarm system is put in state inspector will come down and give a final ride off for the elevator uh any time frame here Paul what's that any time frame um he's about ready to go he actually he's sending three guys in Thursday to start the wiring cool so that is that was fast yeah do I need to draw that other check then tonight when are we going to have our elevator probably public hold for Roberts yes that's so I should draw this yeah for half okay so we just have to we'll do that one second we'll take questions during public session okay one second oh my Godot all right as far as the brick facade the did request for bids went out was published in the Star Ledger and Star Ledger asbery Park Press and co-star so it was printed in three papers uh the open the date to open the bids is March 15th at 900 a.m. here uh we had a walk through last Thursday for any contractors that wanted to look at the site we had six companies represented they met with myself and our architect walked around the building and uh so there's interest he said the architect said there's been about 12 companies that have inquired about it so I'm hopeful we'll get a number of bids and along those lines we got notification that a grant we request we put in for emergency funding was approved oh good so that'll help us immensely what would that pay for how much uh it's not public until we sign the papers and it's returned to HUD but it should Co cover the project so just for edification on that we don't want to announce the award amount because we still have people bidding on the project we don't want them to know how much money we have so that's why we're not announcing it tonight as you probably noticed the the painting the first floor around the building has been painted the second floor is now completed painted great job Mike's doing the work and he does a very nice job yes he it he also painted the elevator two coats the inside of the the C so it's nice and clean what about the six we have to wait till public hold on second uh the next floor will he'll be doing is the fourth floor he's doing them in accordance with what the amount of work needed so he's moving from the second to the fourth floor and he'll continue until all the floors are done uh if there was any confusion I'm sorry but we had sent around a form emergency contact form which some people didn't realize or got upset about but basically what it is you filled it out when you moved in and a number of people have been here a long time and if we don't have an emergency contact for a family member in an emergency we don't know who to contact so it's a very simple form all you have to put is is your name and and the person and phone number to contact in the event of an emergency and we keep these on file so please if you haven't filled one out throw it out and put it in the mail slot what caused the problem was it didn't have the whole Belmar Air address on the head that engine but it said Belmore Housing Authority that and that's it well I understood that but I I was getting so I said look you don't want to fill out don't fill it out that's it and just to verif just so they know too it's the same exact form that I use like when I do the rent Recaps I try to get everybody's updated information at that time so it's actually a form that I just created to keep in everybody's folder so they just copied it that's all uh all the units are full and uh shall we have the paper to fill it out and so uh that's the completion of my rep any correspondence any old business any new business no tonight okay any reports from uh General Park Republic commission oh oh yes did you have to say something about the uh report okay any of the Commissioners yes we had a glorious day yesterday for the St P Day Parade yes it please bear with me my three oldest children were Grand Marshals so that was a special day this commissioner and thank any of all of you who came out we just were so lucky as compared to today but thank you again and celebrate the 17th of the month that's supposedly the big day thank you it was beautiful my girls if I can just say one thing too congratulations on your daughters That's so exciting um today just to let you all know I had my daughter outside she does volunteer hours because she's in the National Honor Society and I had her outside cleaning up specifically the cigarette butts I'm asking please not that my daughter can't use the hours cuz she can but we have an ashtray over here and I'm going to actually ask Paul possibly to put another one out in the walkway so when people are coming in the building they can dispose of it there instead of on the ground I agree thank you get it you got to it was the problem oh was the problem she scared me for a minute she said that we have to do something loud I'm gonna open it to the public um anyone from public yes hi I wonder um when the B uh uh got SC when the work actually starts yeah whatever that is how long kind of job do that do you know is a one week job is it a two month job it's well they have to Begin work in 90 days if I'm correct in the bid so once the bid is awarded they have 90 days to begin the work on it but that doesn't mean they finish 9 days I can't you know I think we're ahead of the game and the fact we already have the scaffolding up and they can use that what you got on this poll excuse me what You' got on this far how long it's going to take the well I'm hoping you know early May to Begin work uh I don't know how long I've never seen this project done before so I don't know how long it's going to be to put the channels up okay nobody knows when it starts working is the elevator okay do you want to ask go ahead ask your question that's the most important question when is the elevator going to start working yeah do you want to turn that over when will the elevator start to work indication um I would say it will be done in the next couple of weeks we need to have the fire alarm system tied into the new elevator and so once we upgraded the elevator controls we now need to upgrade all of the fire Life Safety which is your smoke detectors the heat detectors they have to do some work in the machine room some in the Hoist way they have to put new smoke detectors on every floor out outside the elevator Lobby Robert's Electronics is going to begin doing the wiring this week and then we need to get an electrical inspector we need to have the fire inspector and then once those are done then the elevator inspector can come in so all together she wants to know is how long is that she said a couple weeks May couple weeks weeks three weeks about three weeks about three weeks Robert said it would take about a week for for them to do their work right once their is done really it's the getting the permit approval and getting belm to do their inspection and then getting the state to come in and do their INSP belm doesn't have an elevator inspect the state has to come in and do it because we don't have enough elevators here for them to keep someone full time and to and to just piggy back on that too we do have the um proposal from Robert's electronic um sending the proposal so I do actually have to draw one more Che tonight for Robert to do this work um in approximately about $7,500 total cost 15,000 I need a 50% deposit if that's okay with all of you to me to draw that additional check tonight is there any extra um funding I know you the the inside of the elevator is painted but is there any uh it does look a little bit you know on the rough side is there any funding for it to look nice and and finished on the interior well the interior has been repainted two coats the only thing left is to replace the door that's part of the modernization so I don't know when they're going to do that Jersey will probably they'll do that when they come um yeah they have to do and they have to put some um stainless steel cladding around the top that so that the stainless steel door and inside around the top will get done and then they are contracted to do a new light and a fan in the ceiling of the elevator beautiful there anything fur as far as or anything I know some of them um initially I think there was supposed to be funding for the Interiors to be up like look really nice and and modern as well that's what you just said right yeah we inspected the elevator and it's clean it's painted and it can be washed off when it needs to be I don't know what more we could do light I I conversation the group to to discuss what more you could do I'm just wondering what that stumbling block was in the deciding factor of painting it instead of putting up a nicer interior since the funding I think was there for it the problem was they AF it God help me well we we got a sample of what they proposed to put up and we felt it was too dark it was like mahogany color paddles that's what they were proposing so we we decided to keep the color the same as it's in there and get some type of uh Financial consideration back from the elevator company because it was included okay to some type of rebate back so they don't have other options for well they do you have to pay more money and quite frankly I I don't know what we're looking for here Trump Tower or something I don't know that be nice I mean uh money for a new elevator should look like a new elevator that's all that's what that's not Trump Tower um another question do do you know if we have a smart meter for JY piano uh that I don't know okay um we have a very intelligent um resident who brought it to our attention at a council meeting um that a smart meter here at the BHA um could detect problems like a loss of load on the customer side um of the meter and improve emergency response time especially if there are things like um oxygen or defibrillator and I have some information on that um for you Mar what is it again that you were asking a smart meter okay for jcpnl what are you in what apartment are you in she's not oh oh because that's supposed to be for the Commissioners but one day I'll sit up there um and then my my last question is was it decided that the Christmas decorations would stay up through St Patrick's Day or till the Easter well in Alabama all year around so no they're coming down they they I think they left them up for the last party I don't know he'll be down or I'll take them down actually that's not Mike's fault a lot of us love it and we keep whining every time he tries to take it down so we got to take the blame for that not Mike that was my question whether it was decided by the residents to keep it yeah we we love it I just want to say a few words I just want to say a few words if you sorry ladies than you a few words I'm sorry I want to tell you again about the elevator it is the most important things for us for everybody people are laughing joking okay saying when but you know it is so very important we live on the sixth floor and it is really very very difficult and we are very old and live here for 20 years we need the elevator am I right I think that this is the most important thing give us three more week think it be done baby I know the talking people are talking but in the meantime you guys have had the freight at all you haven't been walking up the steps you've had the freight at just to confirm that okay anyone else on yes uh first of all I want to thank you for your hard work you must feel like un some hero sometimes uh but I I feel like you're moving pretty quick and and I appreciate apprciate um I'm going to be a senior someday you are that's 20 years Wait a Minute Tom if you if you going to be a senior later when am I going to be one no I don't on a serious note uh I saw some public something went around about the walls leaking and the water coming in on the floors and um I'm and I'm wondering like what kind of progress has been made uh on alleviating that it must be pretty pretty terrible to be living in a a room that's uh possibly has alga you know on the walls what happens Tom is the inside plaster flakes if moisture Gets behind it MH this whole project with the facade is to correct that problem when the channel uh they'll put channels up to secure the brick wall brick facade and then the next stage you begin putting panels on the channels okay which will make it waterproof but we have to do it in stages because the initial cost was something like $4 million you it's very is there such a thing as a a meter that'll determine whether you got LJ inside the wall so I I you know that would also occasion the Need for Speed yeah well we they're correct they're fixed as soon as they're reported that's one of the main things the maintenance has to do is patch the walls thank you anyone else yes yes uh there is I hope all the residents know that there is that special meeting on March 15th at 9:00 A.M just I announc that for the fiveyear plan and it I hope there's a notice up on the yeah board so that everyone knows no we have it the same day at one time and then the plan meeting at the next I think I got to look yeah one's at nine and one's at 10 but I'll have a I'll I'll put but a notice up on what is it in reference to five plan it's the fiveyear capital plan for the Housing Authority oh I so there's two separate meetings yeah there's the we have the bid opening that morning and and the the public hearing on the 5year plan that morning so one is the the 5year plan is the 900 a.m. one I got to double check on that Maria I will let you know I I don't know which one is one's at nine and one's at 10 I don't March 15th huh it's just a suggestion I don't know whether maybe some coffee or uh you know little light Refreshments might be good to publicize so you can get more people down at 9:00 in the morning got it maybe had that old up for us anyone else for the public no I just wanted to say one thing go ahead I wanted to thank Mike he has been busting his butt this past week doing all this pain he's done the most be that Lobby is beautiful that color everything in 17 years I've been here he's done a great job thank you we're very appreciative thank you for that okay anybody else make a movement to ajour oh I'm sorry I just was wondering about the um the vents the cleaning of the you know that I spoke about a couple months ago the vents the uh the Vets the one in the bathroom that I can't get in there to clean it out did you f out of work order out work Michael do it no I you had said the last time that somebody does it every year Well if somebody does it according to the work order cuz some people don't want anybody in their Apartments a couple of people I thought well you had said that you have a service do it because I would like somebody to do it to mine I would hire you know there's a lot of them around town I see in belmare locals clean if you want the Housing Authority do it fill out a work order pardon fill a work order out if you want have to do it I didn't think that everything's by work order no I realize that that I do but you never sometimes you don't get them paper you know so you don't get a copy when you put a work order sheet in no I got one once you get them when it's three three sheets one for you one I know what they are hone I'm just want to make sure I know thank you no I just wanted to get somebody on my own because I well I guess you could do that on your own if you wanted to I yeah well that's what I wanted to do that's what I was asking about okay so it's up to you either put a work order in or if you care to do it on your own that's up to you yeah okay very good that's anyone else then I will make a motion to adj second I will second all in favor