pledge allegiance please pled Allegiance please pled algi to the flag of the United States America for stands one nation God indivisible with a moment for time thank you hear me we have to tell me if you can hear me yes yes okay yes this meeting has been called in accordance with the puros of the open public meeting act and that an announcement of the same had been mailed to the local news paper and to the clerk and the bar of Del and that the minutes of this meeting will be available after board meeting and the subsequent meeting at the board approv I'm sorry subse roll calliss Lynch is absent commissioner Orchard yes commissioner sharik yes commissioner Rey yes commissioner cerly commissioner McCracken here commission moano here have AUM okay need somebody to make a motion to approve the minutes from the uh February 5th meeting for some reason I guess have uh last month the same people were not here to approve them I'll make a motion feary yes need a second second you can think I yes you can yes all right uh commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Shar yes commissioner Ry Rey need to obain commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes okay yeah we also have to make a motion to approve the minutes for the March fourth meetings I'll actually make that motion I'll second uh commissioner Orchard you are absent you'll abstain commissioner Shar yes commissioner Ry yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken you were absent commissioner Masano yes okay we need review and approve of the bills has everybody checked the bill or any questions on them I also just to make a note had to do one more manual check uh Paul had to pay for the website along with a uh new battery for the generator total in uh 9547 so moved second commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Sher yes commissioner Ry yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano reest exective director just a clarification I just a clarification uh the Wix company monitors our website and uh they have and need a credit card on annual renewal so they charge it to mine and the battery uh it's our backup battery it's a little over four years old it's not good now and if you think back the problem we had the last time when a battery didn't kick in I didn't want to wait any time because the warranty would also go out on our generator with the current matter so hopefully it'll be here next week to put it in but I didn't want to wait uh K the elevator the dec has scheduled an inspection uh week from Thursday 411 to come and inspect be the final inspection on the elevator uh they noted that the inspector once he was informed it was a senior facility actually moved up the G for the inspection he was booked to the 20th but he said we make change something around so that was that was an accommodation by the state uh for the per the permit to redo the elevator uh inspections will be done um on 44 and then the electrical next week we're not sure next um Maria the council woman met with Mike or maintenance guy and will henar who does our grass cutting and uh they're looking at possible ways to improve the landscape around the building the first step will be in to have soil samples at the ruers and they'll do an evaluation of it from my own experience I know it was very helpful and they come back with a report telling how your soil is made up and what to how to fertilize it and also uh looking at local plans that'll uh thrive in this environment I'd like to encourage any residents that want to get involved in this I'm going to put up a signup sheet if they want to work on a little Landscaping committee and for your input into things that you would like to see or might be possible so I'll be posting that on the bond board how about the gardening gardening there yes they do the garden that's vegetables what we talked about Fred when the guy was here you were there too that's just the three of us three and the fell myself and that far over there we were thinking about in that corner to put a like a community garden in that area where it was before plus these you know and keep the the above ground ones too yes and and uh maybe put another one out here also the rabbits and the squirrels will love you are these the raised ones or yes the raised ones so I well that was his idea put another one out there so I you know I just see and then not cutting off we talking about maybe putting shrubs around the the uh the fence the brick fence and stuff so it would look so tacky there instead of and then then the about W planting wild flowers around so you have flowers seon well they sound like good idea so if anyone else is interested please uh let Ellen know and I'll put a sign up have a Cleanup Detail with the community and get the Boys Scouts and stuff to go and if it's okay then start with the planning of some of the seeds and stuff that we can get from the count sounds very good I can tell you already though with that second ashtray in the front of the building it's cut down no it's cut down a lot of but I've gone and looked at it unless I just go there after Mike swept them but there were a lot more there before so um that's what we uh discussed okay uh we have one opening coming up uh April 15th and it'll be available beginning of May one unit one de that's all I have to any correspondence any old business any new business uh we have two resolutions on consent agenda tonight one certifying the 5year plan and annual statement for 2023 Capital fund Grant along with resolution rejecting all bids for the Belmar senior house in facade repair due to um bids coming in over our appropriated amount all of them was rejected yes the lowest bid which was uh about half of the other bids he he turned around when they reached out to him about his bid he said he made a mistake and he was withdrawing it the next bids we're in the area of $900,000 and above which is way above what we project at the cost to be so what we're hoping to do is if the bids all the bids are rejected tonight we can then look at rep putting it out for bid again and hopefully getting re more reasonable numbers I need a motion to approve those resolutions I'll second commissioner Orchard yes commissioner sharck yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner CLE yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano I'm just Myer that's the wrong one okay any reports from the commission from the that local um I just a comment oh I'm sorry uh so just two things I you know lost a little bit of track of time but uh a year or two maybe three at this point I've provided Paul with some draft Landscaping request for proposals that organizations of this similar size and um structure uh used to send out landscapers to um maintain their grounds annually includes weed and feed mulching edging planting flowers weeding things like that oh shrub trimming all that kind of thing so for this committee that's being established you know that might be um something that they can reference and also in the future go out for bid using one of those templates you know that those are that can be incorporated into the HUD budget so you know that I think that that's something I know we have a guy who mows the lawn and he's very reasonable and I know Paul increased um his scope of work to do a spring and a fall cleanup um but you know there's there's more possibilities there and we don't have to reinvent the wheel we have the documents where we can where are you getting the figures from other buildings well I got them from other buildings that operate similar to this it's what they use when they go out to bid for their their landscaping services so happy to circulate those again but um I know we have those on file and then the second thing is you know I was thinking about the facade rep repair and I know we're hoping the bids come in uh less with um you know rebid project but we had a presentation from our accountant sometime ago about um converting our in our our Revenue structure here so that we can increase the money that we're getting in each year and I really think that we should look into that I I've talked to several um Senior Living housing providers who have converted to pra and they're seeing bigger increases annually from HUD than they are from the Section 8 and you know it's more more income that can that come in annually um for this program and the program was specifically created for aging buildings like ours so that they can have additional operating income to to uh pay for Capital expenses so I don't I think that's something we should look at again won't aect back the seniors in any way the portion they pay that live here with um except just have a question with um projects or or buildings as small as this this is pretty small MH and what program is that well uh it's the pra project rental systems the VCH system right I just think we should take a cold hard look at that because we we've got improvements that need to be done here and we have limited income and if we can if we can change our fin financing model and get more money from the government it doesn't have any the only effect it's going to have on the residence here is a positive one cuz we'll have more cash to infuse into the building and I just you know that jumped out at me again when I saw the proposals for for the faad I just think it's something we might want to take a look at there was some thought that you know the residents had to maybe vote on that not so sure that that is true they have to be notified um and then for 30 days we have to accept public comment and stuff um and and I'm not claiming to I'm not an expert on it but just people in the field that I'm talking to are finding that to be a very attractive alternative for for maintenance issues so it might be worth a call different from rad I think it's rad for pra or something it's called but it's R yeah rad it's R yeah so in the future if I'm clear on it new residents moving in would be under the rent guidelines of the rad which is uh what they call it uh average uh housing cost or so new residents moving in would would probably pay more is that they all have section 8 vouchers they would pay 30% of their income everyone would would be under the Section 8 program okay even the new people coming yeah yeah it's not the voucher program right yeah it is it is the vou yeah so Maria how would would that affect our our weight list policies and procedure in any way no no no it doesn't have to no yeah no and it wouldn't change in any way the percentage of income that seniors pay or in any way we operate the building right it's just a new yeah they pay 30% now and that's what they would right yeah I mean I was talking to some people from HUD and they said you know that this is the the they're constantly evolving their financing models and this is the program that they've implemented for buildings such as ours so that we can address aging infrastructure is that your understanding it is and and and typically they're really looking at smaller buildings like ours actually think the regulations aren't as owner as for like you know a building uh like I mean but it's certainly worth more conversations about it because I I agree I think I I think this is this is fine and that thank you for whoever managed to get the money from uh from the Congressional Appropriations but I think we you again think we have to think long term because things will break down as you know as they age so this also requires to spend down all of our reserves correct now I think it's something more think about and considering up microphone please I'm sorry thank you I said that uh this is something the board should take a look at CU I know the last time we talked about it consensus was not to you always take a look at it I gu know the pros and cons yeah we would we devote a work session to that then exactly okay and I think we should have someone come in to facil who's an expert in this to facilitate the do you want me to schedule Workshop session on it in the near I'm all for it let's see get somebody available to okay so agreed that we would have somebody the professional come in speak with understand the time agreed I think information can help us without a doubt resol we did that did a yep no other than um remarks on the general public anybody has anything to say oh yeah missing missing um I'd like to make a comment in regard to the elevator situation address it to the Commissioners as well as Paul it's been 15 weeks since that elevator started being repaired I want you to think about the people who use that every C people who use real chair can scooters they have to use that freight elevator the doors on the freight elevator must weigh 2 or 300 lb we have people in 90 95 years old TR to hold the door with one hand and the walker with other hand to get in people with grocery C full trying to get in push themselves in that's one thing I wanted to realize and see every day we're going do that it's not acceptable I did some research on Goggle Google rather and according to the Metro the standard five floor Residential Building with a 1,000k G elevator with 1 M PS should not take more than four weeks to modernize now another question I want to point out there is the work the service people elevator which just um shy elevator and Rob electric I noticed they only come once or twice a week on the job this could have been finished to months ago all right now I also want to put something else out March 13 I came back I had two nerve blocks in my spine I came back 10:00 a.m. the freight elevator was out there were two or three other tennants at the lobby waed to get on as well as myself we're going around where is everybody that we see the trucks out there Robert electric and Jersey elevator what are the people think got Robert electric B said well a call Jersey elevator where are they premises but where are they so anyway it took 20 to 30 minutes to get that freight elevator going then and it took by 3 or 4:00 that afternoon for that great elevator to operate 100% that's not acceptable also who is overseeing the People Robert electric and Jersey elevator who's the boss who's on say when they're on here on site who's overseeing them who's responsibility with that not acceptable I was stuck on an El payent we look we have people who are veterans we have people who are actively engaged in the B Lord community Through thousands of followers of volunteer work we not some toss about people that whatever to get done get done that can't happen here we're a nice group of people here and we should be treated accordingly we're treated like elder abuse is 4 on elder abuse and I want the commissioner to know exactly what it's like here Commissioners why don't you go and check the elevator get out the freight elevator open that door the third floor elevator where Ellen lived and was a 95 year old lady lives and the 94 year old woman lives that door must right 400 lb the tensions unbelievable I like how many people get in and out of day they have to get R some people have doctors appointment some people go have to go shopping through their laundry that's another thing that's what it's like with a c full of clothes Lund and pushing that on the freight elevator it's been going on on and on what's 15 weeks 5 by four it's almost four months five months it's not acceptable well all I can say out I don't know why where the other people are but I know a lot of the people are upset they're better up frustrated they don't want to come here anymore because I had it can I speak now I think the uh the schedule uh considering all the variables um I was very happy with the schedule I mean we had to put it out for bid we had to review the bids once the ab once the bid was awarded the contractor had a secure parts and for an older elevator that's not easy the other elevator elevator number two operated most of the time there were some couple of instances where uh somebody didn't close the door correctly on five or close it all the way and then the elevator would not run but I think overall um in looking just recently in the NOS uh and I don't know if you if you have uh any insight into a gym but there was a there's a senior housing authority in Pennsylvania outside Philly and they've been without an elevator for 22 months so I I don't think that you know 15 weeks is long but it's it's really about as best as the people could do as far as supervision the people doing the job are professionals they don't need someone standing over them it's not the Turnpike Authority and uh we did have some significant delays that were out of our control exactly exactly waiting for inspections and what I mean and we did have a backup elevator I mean our main fear was not having a second elevator and second elevator for the most part was available nobody had to climb up the steps anyone else yes first IID like to say my name is CH and I've been a resident for 11 years I would like to support Missy she was very clear about the things that need to be cleared up but my issue here isn't because of what Missy said I came with support of the maintenance person Matt M mik Michael yes Mike does a lot of things around here and he has been um a person that we could not do without absolutely um in this particular case last month a person defecated in the hall it was abominable to say the least and this has happened at different times like I said but I asked Mike what his job was and he told me he does this every day he cleans up human defecation every day I find that appalling the second thing is the fact that he has felt that he was unappreciated I know I choose to live here and I appreciate everything that's being done here but some things some things are lacking and there's no reason for these things to be lacking one is a gratitude to Mike good for you yes I just want to say that for thank you for that for that very very appreciated and uh there has been instances where there's been cleanup needed but and I don't think it's every day we we've generally had an issue we had an issue in the past with one tenant in which we dealt with and he left he was out of the building right uh now we may have an occasional issue but it's it's really it's an exaggeration to say every day I don't not every day I'm only quoting Mike okay ver sometimes Mike it's a little hysterical in his comments I'll just leave it at that anyone else make a motion to adjourn I'll second that just that I got stuck in on fifth floor elevator not once but twice and thank God for my cousin that I had my cell phone to come and open the door for me um mik C put something inside the door we have to pull it to shut it tight so it come back downstairs but I was scared out of my mind on that fifth floor well I'm sorry you had experience hopefully everything is we're Clos close to the Finish Line yeah I just going to say we're close to the Finish Line it should be really looks like it's going to be a beautiful elevator Thursday right I'll second the motion all in favor I thank