##VIDEO ID:cxDPjLhnXE8## to the flag of United States of America and to the for stands Nation God indiv andice for all for a moment silence please and while while we're here we just want to remember Dorothy yes she passed she lived here for a while she was here seven years thank you thank you okay okay all the okay an announcement of this meeting has been called older M of the living of living here I'm only here 7 years I don't count I'm sorry okay an announcement of this meeting has been called inance with the provisions of the open public meeting and has been down two local newspapers and the C bur of Belmar and the minutes in this meeting will be available after the board meeting and approval by the sub roll call commissioner Lynch is absent commissioner Orchard yes here commissioner sherik here commissioner Remy here commissioner CLE here commissioner McCracken here commissioner Masano here wind um so first thing on the agenda for tonight is the 2025 budget adoption um does anybody have any comments or questions on that Tom reviewed that last two meetings ago with everybody so if no comments or questions I just need a motion Mo to approve and adopt the budget commissioner Orchard yes commissioner sh yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes okay we're we have to approve the minute anyone no I think you were after is gonna first second all right commiss Lynch was absent commiss or was absent commissioner sharik yes commissioner Ry yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commission M you were absent that day right minutes for the approval for September 3rd I think I yes I'll second commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Sher yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner CLE yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes okay we're on to the appr for Bill uh executive minutes from September 1st I'm sorry I need to approve the executive minutes from September 1 from September 3rd I'm sorry so I need a motion in a second for that as well I'll make a motion I'll second commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Sher yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes Comm Masano yes okay now we're on to the bills any questions on the bill before we approve them has everybody reviewed them I only have one comment what it's are getting expensive what aits are getting expensive yeah they are aren't they to the T of 83 $100 y anybody like to make a motion I'll make a motion commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Shar commissioner Remy commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner m yes okay now we need report from the executive director okay not a whole lot to report uh tomorrow morning at 10:30 some representatives from St Rose High School will be here and they'd like to get feedback from from the uh residents here about what possible activities they could coordinate with some of the students from the high school students would would want to come over and inter interact and some suggestions are board games uh you know discussion about issues whatever but I I think I you know I think it's worth giving it a try so if any of you are available tomorrow please come down at 10:30 there'll be some FL Refreshments here and you could directly give her give feedback of what you might be interested in okay you get the word out tonight I posted this sign in two places outside but you know if you can get the word out more it'll it'll be helpful I'd like to see a decent representation tomorrow uh we're in the process of looking at a a a program that's tied into solar energy not that we'd be providing the solar energy here but we could become a benefit recipient of the benefit and get up to maybe 20% reduction in our electric bill so they sent us some Advanced projections of what our possible savings could be and uh we're going to move ahead with that because who doesn't like to save money how would they do that well you uh they take 20% off your bill and it's applied credited to this solar energy that's thing so that you would have would be the towers okay we're not we wouldn't provide the Sol all right uh we couldn't actually do it on the roof we have too many vents coming out there's no way we could do it and uh we have one vacancy unfortunately and but we have a local person that's applied and uh hopefully she'll be moving in in a month oh good and that's all I have to rep any old business um if I could just take a moment really quick so in regards to the Congressional funding that we're getting um Paul and I attended a webinar last month that we talked to you guys about we have since confirmed that the Congressional funding is directly with the burrow of Belmar not the Belmar Housing Authority so we've been in touch with them um but I also attended another onboarding webinar regarding it yesterday um I was advised that representatives from the bur were supposed to be on it as well I don't know if they were not there was 3,000 people on this thing um but just to kind of go over a rundown of this process it's not a quick process so if anybody's like thinking this is going to be quick here's $600,000 it doesn't happen that quickly um they give you like this Outlook of a timeline of you know the grant you're submitting in 2023 and they award it in March of 24 then you don't even get your award package till August of 24 and then you have to do environmental review and then you have to get this um login for drgr it's called it's like a portal where you have to submit I can't even tell you how many forms and HUD related forms that you have to submit through there budgets um project descriptions and yes they give you the blue sky that yeah you can start doing this this month and have it all done by November I'm like but I asked the question I'm like you guys haven't even given us the Dr logins yet you want us to sign up for cohorts which those haven't even been organized yet and then the cohorts are I think I wrote it down here uh each cohort will have specific dates each will have four five weekly learning sessions followed by live office hours where you can actually talk with your Grant administrator so right there you're talking four bi-weekly so that's two months right there just to learn how to do all this so I like really like how they project that oh you can have this done in two months but it's really not going to happen to do that way um the full process is again they've issued the award letter belmer will now have to wait to get this drgr log to this portal where you'll have to submit um just for an example HUD 1044 forms sf424 forms SS 424 BS SS llls which is your your lobbying your $1.99 your direct deposits then what will happen is all these Grant agreements will autop populate and then it goes you submit it then it goes to your grand officer for review once he reviews it or she then it goes to a team lead for review then a director for review then a Das for review and go and if everything's perfect then it gets approved but if it's not it goes all the way back to the beginning again and has to start all over again and the biggest takeaway is you cannot enter into any contract until you have an executed Grant agreement and the first start of it is to have this environmental review and I have no idea what that even means so I'm hoping belmar's officials do I do have the booklets here oh yeah yeah I mean they so I have environmental guidance scenarios I going to read through that but again it's not something that we're going to be responsible for doing it's actually the burrow but I just want to keep on educating myself on the process so that we know okay if there's any help that they need on our end we can jump in and try to help to get this well usually HUD does the environmental reviews unless they have somebody in you know local event H will say it's okay so they were talking about that on the first webinar and I was a little confused on it where or you can do your own environmental review in house I guess if you have somebody that's can do it I don't even know what but you have to be certified but yes they do say to reach out to your environmental review officer um at at the hut office they have one I mean field office I don't know the guy that I worked with is still there yeah but yeah do you be a resource along the line I mean it's I mean you been the hardest part of these portals I mean it's crazy we don't even have the log l yet they were saying yesterday that they're just starting to send out the logins this week um and then they went over how the grant is the regulations are the 2 CFR part 200 which they have entire training portals just on that so I can only imagine although they did say which I was like wooo it's not subject to Dave's bacon but if you're using other funds that are then you have to do whole Davis bacon so um and if anybody knows anything about Davis Beacon it's not 600,000 nothing on C to far yeah exactly so um what else did I take away that's pretty much the gist of it um the technical assistance that they have available for right now are the HUD exchange ask a question Grant guide Grant officer hours Future resources are the cohorts which they haven't developed yet but once they do you have to sign up for one uh webinar series and on call technical assistance now is your HUD rep is he or she who's your HUD rep it changed yeah yeah I figured that because a lot of people left yeah it was just I forgot the oh wait I have it here Vernon Len is the new person I don't know yeah the gal that we had initi partway into the process then announced that she was leaving it's like you know yeah know I know it's crazy so that's where we're at right now um I know Paul requested to have a meeting with the burrow representatives and him and I just to go through because we're obviously going to have to work together on this um because I'm assuming we'll actually just be a subrecipient of their funds if somebody and I don't know if anybody has this question but uh in order to change the GR to Delmar Housing Authority they would have to go back to Congress change it in Congress and we don't I found it to we live with the being the lead person so it's a special appro correct correct so that's where we're at with that yeah pay for that 600,000 I to go through yeah the burrow is going to manage this to break it down in my mind can you hear him it sounds like the the burrow is the flow through agency yes is that the correct term yes well they're the grantee they're the grantee they officially are the grantee yes since we're a subsidiary of theirs in that respect we're going to get hopefully get through funds pass through this will we be accountable for supporting the efforts financially that the burrow has to undertake in other words can they charge us from man labor hours I was searching for an appropriate term labor hours since this is funded primarily for a single project um they probably could I don't know they would when you did the budget is there an admin cost so here's the funniest part that we're trying to find out we submitted a letter to Congressman assist office there were follow-up letters from burrow I'm trying to track down the actual document that was submitted for the grant okay I did get a contact yeah and that could be devoted to but you can use wait I have it written down isn't your generally a percent well they call sure probably something is um 10 15% 15% to Minimus indirect costs so you can do either 15% to Minimus rate or federally negotiated nikra than you for crystal clear now right it's a rate it's a agreed upon rate for indirect costs I I hope people understand I don't want to see us being on the quote perb hook for the the funding that we not only need but we deserve yeah and that's a global look at very specific matters that have to be undertaken I don't want to see us lose out financially by having to direct what could be a large amount of the funding to the administrative process and that's a good valid point and that's something we'll have to bring up with them because I know they're using um like an engineering firm or uh Grant Administration firm uh according to them to assist us the the burrow well that that right there PS money yeah I I do think I would be surprised if they would be able to exceed the percent limit that oh yeah it's outlined but that means that the Housing Authority can't tap into the tap into the in theory not in theory in practicality if you're working on this project you you could tap into the ad yes I'll just be happy to right that's the money we need yeah exactly but the finish line is not within Vision at this point no the check's not in the mail yeah no and not for and it's a reimbursement Grant you have to provide the bills the bills and the invoices and the cancel checks but it is for this oh yeah yeah I I I did print it out I um went to the Congressional bill today and printed it and highlighted it than 12200 pages I found it so that's where we're just a little update on thank you okay we new business I new business uh just the one resolution resolution prohibiting political activity at the Belmar Housing Authority need a motion this will make it very clean and clear that we're apolitical in terms of the activities within right I'd love it yes I make moard commissioner Orchard yes commissioner sharck yes commissioner Remy yes commissioner cerly just to qualify my yes vote this is for the entire course of the calendar year I didn't specify yes any political activ any political activity period is right put in the resolution yes both inside and outside the on grounds and within the vot correct just to clarify thank you uh so that was a yes yes ma' commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes hey have any remarks from the um commissioner first you're ask anybody yes this is an apolitical statement please vote this in this in the coming election I did it tonight Mike on the way over iations in the Box my wife and old child have to please vote I voted I know I told you we was we just said no and you come out with P scrap this isn't political this is a constitutional right telling people never mind for it okay it's done all right move along Mine mine's been in the mail okay keep up the good work good all right public comment okay any any other commission any other no no one okay remarks from the general public yes please uh Sandy Caputo when you first got that microphone it worked great I don't know what happened here but it's really maybe no it's a Reverb setting on this I'll fix it it's it's really it's usess we got a sound guy in house okay here to do that but I wanted to wait for somebody else to mention it oh all right thank you if that that will work because right now it's useless because it's it's awful plus it should be each person that's talking you should be passing it around because it is it's hard to hear back here still so let's see if we talking the mic a minute okay just again testing is that better yes ma'am thank you okay thank you okay next time I'll just professionalism that's what we needed there he is okay now we go to Yes um any um comments from the general public yes paron me for can you repeat something if you did I'm not sure if you touched on this because of the sound situation and uh but the question that I have is is did we get the money uh finally for the outside structure and or have we sent out bids where are we on that is maybe you might have just discussed it but I couldn't hear it so I'm sorry Tom I'll talk louder um it's an actual process the money is actually you're Mark to the burrow of Belmar so we're going to be a subrecipient of the grant but there's a process that has to go through where you have to fill out all paperwork and you have to get an executed Grant agreement done you have to get an environmental review done before they'll even execute the grant agreement and only once the grant agreement is executed will they allow you to start dispersing the money or using the funds so but you cannot go out to bid or sign contracts or expend any money towards the project until that's completed otherwise they will not reimburse you for it so that's they're still at that juncture where they uh you don't know where where we we can't use the money yet no we cannot and it could be what do you think a couple of months correct before you get to use it correct well that's that's unfortunate I know but I know you're doing your best you know to get it thank you you're welcome thank you Tom more glue on the red tape anyone else okay well actually we have to go into an executive session right now can you can you hear me still it's better now I'll say it I think you like pull it away I think I think it's me sorry we'll send her to curry curry or will send her a couple of those and she can practice that's what it was okay I'll sing every week um okay we we're going get executive session is what I wanted to say so thank you