together okay stand to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for IT stand God indivisible with for all can we have a moment silence please thank you this meeting has been called can you hear me is it coming out clear I don't know like this yeah can you hear me now yes ma'am okay thank you um this meeting has been called in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act and that the announcements of the saying will be nailed to the local newspapers and to the and that the minutes of the meeting will be available ma'am you need to hold that microphone me yeah you can yeah yes ma' you want me to repeat what I just said yes ma'am okay this meeting tell me when you hear me I can this meeting has been called in accordance with the pars of the public meeting act and that announcement of the next of the same has been nailed to the local newspapers and to the cor for the B and that the minutes of this meeting will be available the board approv on subse meeting roll commissioner Lynch here commissioner Orchard here commissioner Sher here commissioner Remy absent commissioner casterly here commissioner Kraken here commissioner Masano you have a quum okay we actually need approval for the minutes from the jary second meeting mov I'll second uh commissioner Lynch you'll need to abstain who was not here last night commissioner Orchard yes commissioner Sher you obain commissioner Rey is absent commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes has everybody had a chance to review the bill and if so are there are any questions I'm sorry I'm asking if everyone has reviewed the bills and if there any questions on them stop if you can't hear me because I think we got do [Music] any questions no have a motion I will make the motion second commissioner Lynch yes commissioner Orchard yes commissioner shck yes commissioner cerly yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes just a comment on the bills uh one of them the uh eat Town Appliance we got the bill they had a $20 fuel sear charge so I called them and I said we're not paying we're only eatting town we do a lot of business with right so he said take it off so we had to do an annual bill okay I avoided the other one so it's actually $20 less than you money okay any report from the um executive director sorry did you hear that reports from the executive director uh just a couple things report uh the elevator will be the work on the elevator will be completed by the this week the next phase will be to hook up the fire and smoke alarms and we've gotten two quotes on that and we're going to meet with a third company on Wednesday and pick the lowest reason uh reasonable bid to install this mile what that entails just your knowledge is would be a smoke a smoke and fire detector outside each elevator door on on a six floor on each floor and then there'll be one at the top of the shaft and there'll be one down in the engine room so that'll be the last step and then we can have them come in and do the final inspection and hopefully we're good to go uh we met with the engineers regarding the brick facade uh we we pretty much agreed on the specs and uh they're going to put it they're going to have it published put it out for bid uh mid February mid-February the 15th with a 60-day period to respond no no no no no 30 days and then we have 60 days to award all right 30 days and then we have 60 days to award so we're going to publish it in the uh Star Ledger and the Asbury Park Press to get wider coverage all units were full and I have the report any corresponding any old business any new business uh we just have resolution 20246 I I speak loud resolution uh 20246 which is resolution authorized ing us to put the bid notice in the paper for the building facade repairs so I just need a motion that's the resolution authorizing us to put the bid notice for the building facade repairs in the newspaper oh okay I'll make a motion for that one second commissioner Lynch yes commissioner Orchard yes commissioner sherik yes commissioner CLE yes commissioner McCracken yes commissioner Masano yes any reports from the Commissioners at all yes one item please if you wish join us at our annual St Patrick Day parade that comes down Main Street we have celebration of Belmar Lake comoo and I happen to know three of the grand Marshalls in the parade yes know very well that's my for free okay any reports of the general public um Anita pelli um how are your repairs scheduled what is the uh system for um uh regular repairs what do you what do you call regular repairs well like on the second floor the um the hallway hasn't needed painting for maybe a year now so like routine routine painting routine um you know and and how do the residents you know ask for repairs and and how is it scheduled and and how does it um get done and then is there a paper trail where it's followed up yes there's a there's a work order they fill out of work order okay so like the hallway up on the second floor that's a work in progress for a year well we've had a lot of leaks we've got a lot of work so there's a lot of leaks up there so well until the facade is fixed yes water seeps in so that so the water comes in the inside into the into the inside hallway no comes into the units and that's a that's a const that's a constant repair issue because the pl the plaster flakes in the unit and has to be patched okay so then the hallway on the second floor that's that's been spackled it just hasn't been PID for a year it hasn't been a year yes it has okay so my question back to my original question how do you schedule when the painting is going to be done where what is your calendar of of events like how are these things organized like you know are we going to paint next week next month it's prioritized the most important things are done first so like what are we working on now what is you know cuz this is a six floor building so there's got to be constantly repairs you know in in in motion so what is it you know what kind of repairs do you work on like say now again it's according to priority so do you know what Mr Carr is working on does he have a schedule does he have he has the work orders and he keeps up with the work orders so it's just when the resident fill out a work ORD well no after he gets done the work orders then he has time to do General things so how do you organize your general repairs he organ he he gets the work done so you don't know what he's working on right now so right now it's after 3:30 I don't think he's working on anything he's done at 3:30 so do you have any idea when the windows were last CED because the the wind the west wind is very very um cold in the winter and I know in my apartment you know my brother cocked my windows and it made like a million dollar difference so do you have any idea if they do you routinely go around and C the window does somebody if somebody requested he goes into the unit and CS around the windows so they have to request coing so maybe they don't know that so maybe maybe we should put that out there that well then you can put it out there if if you're getting so so if you're getting a draft especially on the west side you know they might be able to ca your window and the draft might be cut back I I mean on all sides they should all be caued I'm sure um so you guys just see the bills right now so the last 30 seconds you had to review them you don't get your bills like a day before or anything they get them more than 48 hours usually 48 Hours Advance all right all right I just didn't I didn't the way it looked it looked like they were just looking at them now no okay and what are your hours because I was here today to look at the capital plan and um it said the office was open from 88: to 4: but there was nobody there um I'm here part time here part time so what are you when what hours are you here when I need to be here okay and the capital plan is that where you had the meeting with the residents that all the residents came down none of them showed up we scheduled it we posted it and no one came so is that legit I mean how can you have a tenant meeting without tenants well we have to offer it we don't have to insist they comeing and attend okay all right I'm good thank you you're welcome anyone yes just Maria uh your councilwoman uh one of them uh just wanted to give you the update uh Congress still hasn't fully funded uh their current fiscal year uh they did pass a continuing resolution so that extends the vote um until hopefully uh March 1st or 8 uh we are hoping to wait for the passage of um the funding bill which would include repair $657,000 for repairs to our building so please keep your prayers going uh that they will come to a conclusion March first or um 8 uh also I uh gave Paul this and put one on the bulletin board but this is just what's going around the burrow now it's just about code blue resources and social service resources also gives you a way to find your nearest um uh food pantry by just uh texting a number uh so that's on your bulletin board and and Paul he'll put it in the last one as well thank you thank you yes yes thank you Sandy Caputo um there was a special March 15th uh meeting um and the notice says it will be in the office just that's the public hearing on the capital plan right we'll have it here in this meeting in this room okay and the document the fiveyear plan is that I have it hanging up in the bulletin board there yes those okay it's very minimal because we're literally just doing the facade of the building over the next five years unless we get this other funding okay then we can and again it's a plan right this is what we plan to do if we get additional funding out of Congress we can then revise that plan to include other things in the future okay now you had this same meeting five years ago I wasn't involved with it five years ago I'm not sure I was wondering if there were minutes available for that meeting which meeting the public hearing on the the five year plan if I can go if we're having a fiveyear plan meeting now in March there then there probably was one five years ago I can look I'm not really I wasn't involved with it but I'll look okay so maybe I should send you an email tomorrow and sure got it okay thank you anyone else from the public no okay then I'm going to make auss that we done who second un it I'll all in favor to ajour thank you everybody thanks take you have a good night thank you everybody