##VIDEO ID:PK6y2renD1A## by email to our official newspapers the Asbury Park Press and the postar please stand for the pledge i al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation indivisible Alvarez Danielle Bru pres Jerry Maria joh here Sharon here Mike I have approval of the minutes of the June meeting make a motion second all in favor okay we're going to just take a quick moment to step outside to see uh donation that's been given to the library so take a few moments I already saw it we already beautiful [Music] a fiberglass bench so it should last a good long time it's about 450 lbs just wondering about weight so it was shipped to Bob Bob painted it Bob's the same gentleman the artist that did the guitar in the front I don't know how to pronounce his last name mangelo what is it mangelo I wanted to make sure I didn't kill it so thank you thank you but um you know I approached him on it along with the donor and he was like I want to do this this is great I'm like okay it's a kind of a big job but okay so um the name of the is on the back it does say libraries you want to walk around the back and see it as well where are you going to put it well that's what we're discussing and it actually is not 400 cuz I helped lift it it's yeah we were worried it was but oh come on you got the guns right know no no three people on it it's it's maybe 250 okay so maybe when it was shipped with everything maybe the pallets and whatever it might have been 450 at that point but uh yeah CU I imagine it's not only works at this demographic you say it to those under 30 they have no idea thanks so uh thanks for coming um we'll go through this uh presentation so there a couple of things first of all um all of the information the detailed information plus the slides are available to everybody uh at the end of the meeting um secondly when we get to the end of any type of communication moving forward um that you want from need from the committee we're more than happy to spend that time um however it U it serves value for any of the board members so we're here tonight for the Strategic plan um this plan will act as a road map for the future and provide guidance to um our leadership and our folks working at the library to continue to support um through the future our uh patrons and our customers continue to satisfy and Delight them so we're here tonight to present that plan so the committee David uh brought out we have Leslie noton as um our uh leader uh myself uh Anita pelli um Al e those old school board members uh Maria is our town councilman uh Deb and Donna from the library today so we came up with a mission statement that basically is looking at our community U provides our diverse community and a welcoming opportunity to access information through through all of the different media uh and and paths that we have um the library and staff provide an inclusive uh environment in which our patrons can become successful in whatever they want to pursue and learn in the future and the methodology that we use so first of all the Board of Trustees is responsible for the planning and functioning of the library so the Strategic plan that we came up with and presenting today um is a result of the responsibilities of the board so through the library director David um we formed a committee uh with staff members Town residents and used email yeah service newspaper articles social media and face to face is it glaring to you over there to see I can't make that part so anyhow what we did is we used all of the different methodologies to get as much feedback as we could on the plan so Gathering data becomes a very important thing so 130 surveys um person to person face to face meetings 200 over well over 200 hours of work in research um and looked at other libraries we met discussed all different sorts of things um we know what the um status of the carneg library is and more importantly the the wants and needs of our res so when we get to the later part of the Strategic plan would I be asking for significant improvements in the functioning of the library but before we do that want to celebrate what we really really do well and our patrons really enjoy the services that we provide and we can go through that with programs cultural events um story times community activities people were really really positive and we should be really happy about that having said that we do have things that we need to do and I think the biggest and most important is the capital Improvement plan um we'll see later with some of the metrics uh that that the demand on the library is significantly increased um to do that and support that we need to have a functioning building that uh supports that moving forward technology these are both infrastructure um we need to be able to have the backbone um and training and support to fuel the future Outreach we have a very diverse Community we need to use all different types of aspects of Outreach to get to those people to continue to bring them into the work and finally The Collection development which you'll see some metrics that um are really really show just how much demand is on the library it's wonderful so the details if we really going to start to look at Capital Improvements here we have to look at a we do need the improvements once we start I'm not an engineer I know people are here once we start we have to conform to what the existing codes are at a minimum we feel a wheelchair ramp an ADA Bathroom additional staff bathroom improve the fire erress and update the safety and aesthetic of the outside of the building additionally but not Ada related would be the fencing landscape design painting furniture LED lighting and then we need to talk about um whether expand physical expansion of the library in the distant future is something that needs to be taken into effect now as we do these other things that may may not be something it's just something that we put out there for technology we need a dedicated server for the library we need to update the software High part part-time it consultant dedicated to the needs of the library and update the website and make it more mobile friendly and of course we got AI coming and things like that which who knows about that we just need to prepare for ongoing um technology Improvement offer more classes provide additional ongoing staff training um and continue to expand our our partnership with the school create a Belmar Library app so goal three is in the same is in Outreach oops sorry and we want to increase the social media accessibility uh to make digital content more and more user friendly want to update the hardware systems and tools for our staff and our patrons use and enlisted trained social workers to better understand the social issues facing our patrons increase Outreach to hard-to-reach communities inel whether they language or Mobility or any of those things we just need to get out to those folks better than we're doing over now which we're doing a really good job collection development this is the one where the metrics show us What's um where the growth is going the year-over-year blue is this the most recent year the yellow is before the year before as you can see no matter with the little uh swell there you still go from point A to point B that's a significant increase um on the print circulation uh dep oh um this one here what these numbers just show is when circulations in the the number of folks obviously that are going out so this is we did it from September 22 to September 23 and then 23 to 24 just hope would bring us to today so that's why it starts in September and you can see the increase year over year this is increase all all we did was run the the the major genres you know the areas of um uh the circulation so not genre I'm sorry the subcategories so fiction obviously big jump the large print another big jump that's a big one here um the ease we call every one we used to say easy but everyone and the jbooks are the younger middle school and the ya which is always our toughest audience it has gone up but we' like to see that one go up a little more so this is basically a subsection of these numbers but only by these specific categories of books and this is all just print books in the library and this is a digital we see the same where year over year um we're significantly increased our activity um I would think that um we'd expect to see increased activity year over-ear in the future so back to the Strategic plan and and just these metrics um that they show us that we're going to have a greater demand than today um and so we need to be able to service our customers on our patr the uh digital is we didn't differentiate here between ebooks and a books these are ebooks and all combined All Digital so again from September to September all this again you big jump from one year to the next's one year these are the two major um Avenues of the patrons accessing the so you can see here both have gone up substantially what I found interesting though is this is really interesting if I looked at this one closer in overdrive it was more ebooks than audio books and in hoopla it was more audio books than ebooks which I thought was kind of interesting but huge increase quick question the hoopla numbers do they do they include like all all the categories of people has like movies TV that this is strictly the yeah ebooks and AUD this is just books ebooks and audio books is there anything the data because you see obviously starting in May of 24 it it slopes up to August 24 then you go into September it kind of continues along the same slope and Peaks around January was there anything in the data indicating why that transition from May of 24 to January of or may of 23 to January of 24 here yes so you see the slope on the on the orange yellow bars yeah it's all G and that kind of that kind of continues right back to the 20 the 24 data is the blue bar all the way to the left so he's saying oh the yellow yellow yellow then chronologically gets back up there then then it seems to Plateau around December January was there anything couple things yeah there's a couple of things in there one thing is there are there seem to be even if you go back and look even further the same months seem to have the same rise and fall like August always does a drop for some reason a little bit and so that's part of it the other part of of it is the actual if you go through here this is September where am I okay so September 22 through March okay we look here all right in March we started the major reor here where we we it out like I can't even tell you is this just a digital were not circula that was for the print I'm Sor this is I'm sorry I got you go back go back yeah okay go ahead do you see the same thing here I don't know this you see a little different Trend because it seem to go this seems to this seems to distinguish a seasonal Trend where you have incrementally more point4 now now I understand what you're saying cuz I thought I was looking at the print for a minute go back yeah when we go to the digital the digital has not been consistent for a long time or those kinds of numbers have changed because we were not buying um digital materials at regular intervals it wasn't a steady thing like every month we buy this amount or whatever amount so the numbers would change sometimes I think based on availability all right do you course I don't know if you want to get into the whole I want to ask you to talk about I think it's important the digital purchas I'll just do a quick it's too much I know um we for the for the digital books on the overdrive let's this this one here we belong to a Consortium of libraries across the state and we have access to all their e Conta ebooks audio books but we can also buy our own copies of these books which then give our patrons priority on the weit list so those numbers are not always consistent because we weren't buying and contributing to those to that collection as much so I think that might be some of what you see there hoopla is something different hoopla is a subscription service so it's not like um it's always available to whoever the you know whatever you pay and you can also now buy books on hoopla as well which is a relatively new thing they Flex titles so I think maybe that might be part of my specific question is with regard to whether or not we think it's upward trend describ is associated with more Supply and more demand I think it's or if it's and whether or not what we're seeing in the last six or seven months is more of a plateau um versus the upward Trend we saw for the prior year yeah I think it's a combination of both because I think a lot of seity Michael which I think no I understand I understand that by comparing it to the to the the previous I think if we went say 24 back we would be able to see the season ality there's an effective seasonality within so you see you see um you see a wider Delta than these early months right it go I think you see think I think some of the some of the smaller trending would definitely be SE I think some of it I think you're right but I think it's both supply and demand and I think that what this doesn't show is when people go into uh borrow an ebook and it's not available because we don't own it and maybe there there's such a long wait on it that people just either give by or they just sit on the wait list for a long time and that book that they asked for in April wasn't available until July maybe so those numbers could also be off for that reason you're not just that's specifically that's specifically what we should Target in on because if they're using your example there they're waiting for April and July maybe that's the reason that we have a bit of a plateau on the right blue lines instead of uhhuh and I'm sure that that's probably some of it is because of demand for summary and de you know we also were going to talk about starting an in-house collection so so that's like different than all of this well yeah this is so do you want to say that well we we want to we want to expand the the E access absolutely and we want to buy more of our own titles that we'll have that our patients will have access to so we got to look at avenues to do that as well I have a quick question um you range of Ages for the data I didn't run that but I could do it by by sub category and there are I saw just in because I didn't want to put too many GRS but you will see there is a little bit more of a jump in the younger the younger patrons kids are W not big numbers nowhere near I think it's more like like 60 and over 40 uh a lot of them were um I would say say ya ya yeah yeah but they're more accessible and sometimes some of the parents do borrow kids books for you know the younger kids there is an increase in the younger uh crowd but not that actually surprising yeah schools have so many other subscriptions I would think that they would use the school subscriptions and then this would be more of the 20 30 40 year old yeah oh it's definitely more of that no no there's no mistake about it but there is a little bit of an increase in the in the kids using it and um you could see like I said the bigger numbers if I would have gone into 50,000 I'll make a whole set for you we were scaling back the grass but I think these on both collections the data here shows that the services that the library is pro providing is significantly increasing over time uh if it wasn't if it was going in the opposite direction I don't think we'd be here talking about the improvements uh we'd be talking about something different so that's now Mark challenging your wording this this this graph here isn't necessarily saying what we're providing this is saying what's getting consumed the demand levels yeah and of course if you're constrained by Supply yes but having said that what we really uh wanted to look at here is where are the numbers really going you know so everybody had opinions about numbers so when we start to lay the metric in and of course as somebody brought up there's detail under that that if you really wanted to see and improve something you use that detail how many young adults are are doing what are they looking at do we capture that dat it's another reason why we need improvements in the it area I all right so our next steps and and expectations um as I said we we've been working on this for quite a perod of time so to us this is [Music] all we could repeat this to each other without looking at this is the first time you've seen it there's a tremendous amount to digest uh we just want to let you know where as you're talking I am going to start out yes and we have all of the detail for that as as well as so just from a process perspective what we would like to see is that if there's any discussion tonight or a future discussion uh we'd be more than happy you to sit down with any and all under any different groupings U we would like in the very beginning for any communication our facilitator list so that we don't have multiple uh lines of communication in case somebody's asking a question you might want to draw down her email address you you get the entire presentation and plus the detail plus also the detail of the data if you'd like to do a data Di and something so my my suggestion for this would be for us to take this information and read this information we have any questions we go directly to Leslie Leslie will make sure at the the next meeting that she shares all of the communication and resp responses your questions uh her responses in the next meeting in a discussion and then at that uh my thought would be that Leslie would be at that meeting as well hopefully I think we were all planning to come to that meeting that we were thinking if you have an October meeting we would be at it right and then even in November yeah my thought would be to maybe vote and and approve if there's any modifications you want or it looks good that we approve it in November that's just my my recommendation so a month to to discuss as a group meaning October and then we we finalize it and we vote on it in November unless you feel we should do it all in October but I I think it would be better to to read it all individually communicate with Leslie through email phone call she shares it all I can meet in person too so if someone really wants to sit down or you have questions or you're not sure like whatever you need I'm available so call text whatever we'll just so you just so everybody gets the information that they need but again that is just my recommendation you are the voting board members so you probably once they're done the presentations you probably want to discuss the process if you feel you want to go in that direction or if you want to do it in a different way say one word I just wanted to say um the people that you chose to be on the committee um were incredibly diverse and they worked like dogs they were like this is the best I've never worked with a group of people that is so hardworking and so dedicated to your library I mean they love this town and they love this Library and I will say that every single one of them worked so hard to make this happen so we appreciate your time and we really appreciate you um listening to us tonight because they really have belmar's best interest at heart and Belmar library's best interest at heart every single thing they did was to make it better here so they really care I just wanted you to know that I was very pleasantly surprised it was just an unbelievably good group to work with really so thank you Mark espe [Applause] anybody question a lot it's kind of hard so yeah we get it we will send it to you digital coffee as well but you have a hard coffee there this just a mini version of that yeah this is the full report that's the highlight and if anyone speaks so if any of the board members speak to you when you're here have to share that Les so so the b gets the meeting so it funnels through one yeah and there's a lot that we chose with Leslie telling us to do this to to put in even if it's already been implemented or it's starting to be implemented there's so much already that we've been doing as the board um towards these goals and so we added them in there even though we're working on them because we want them to be breaking down that these are still isn't look to the committee thank you very much from the board thank you okay Mark you're awesome he was really good Leslie that's not your box right no it is my box it's a my box of valuable information my special box says all right bye guys thank you to thank you yeah back to the party I'll save you some of the I want cake me c than thank you so much okay I think we're up to library update so I think what we're going to do is I'll have uh Lewis talk about what's happening in in the future in the next month with the programs because I have a few things I want to talk about Rel to what's happening so just a background what's coming up and what happened in all right so uh we had a pretty eventful summer uh we had our June celebration uh juneth celebration contest I mean a concert I'm sorry uh that was pretty well attended and uh and the concert was you know very well done as always uh the summer youth art program had its seven sessions it had a total attendance of 61 uh students uh through the program which was pretty good uh throughout across all the uh uh classes and we had our summer concert series um and you can see when each ones on my fresh page those numbers are the attendance figures for those events so as you can see we had some pretty strong attendance across the summer concerts some more than others but uh but overall uh uh very well done I'm obviously looking forward to a great uh Pat R perform as well I I um uh the Ebor BST particularly um did very well and uh I was kind enough to tell them that we're going to upgrade them to a two port on uh event year when so so um so they love that um so all the concerts went off with out of hitch they started un stopped it right on time uh with with no um uh uh issues no no no problems uh uh that came up uh we had four author time events over the summer uh Chris Luc Melina who is a local uh um uh Belmore author and Natalie fish pet and David hman uh Hamilton Galan so really diverse uh group uh group of authors uh from uh poetry about the war in Ukraine to uh uh professional uh development uh uh tasks um uh Jour uh Journal writing and finally history of of uh American rock and roll was came out and so um so overall the events there and of course in addition to it we had our uh all our uh Fitness classes going on uh hang uh going on uh on a mix of either tan and throughout the summer at the gym and there was some scheduling around me to do but everyone's kind of wor through and as of September 3rd all Fitness classes I've returned back to tayor um so coming up we are going to be busy Little Bees for what we got going on first thing coming up is the end of Summer concert featuring Pat R band okay um going to have pizza that night so uh we already put the place of the order so we should be getting uh them out there um the next big event the first of three events for our celebration of Latin American month uh Hispanic Heritage Month will be our Latin America Dance Party featuring a event called the rafao right from New York um I had a fun time researching and finding these guys they're very good I really hope to bring a band that brought uh life and activity and fun event and not just someone playing just by Road people uh we also will we have that catered by Santos ciche um we have the menu is going to be is for 150 people plan uh Aros poo we have empanadas uh CA which is a cold potato cake season lime juice Andy yellow peppers and we're going to have fried sleep bains for everybody so which is going to be really good and we got that out and they gave us a very good um deal on that as well um so that'll be 600 p.m. Taylor Pavilion uh at um uh September 26 uh that's going to be a night that anyone who wants to volunteer to help please do go okay uh you know serving the food and uh just dealing with the rest of the man then we get party cuz it's going to be a dance party we going to have a lot of fun okay um in October we have the Latin American field day the second the major plan that's going to be where we're going to turn the library into Latin America okay we're going to have um a soccer goal and we're going to have a penalty kick uh activity we're going to have a day the dead arts and craft table we have uh the late our Zumba instructor going to be here to teach salsa and Mar dance lessons in the front yard and uh on the inside we're going to have different stations of of different uh major um landmarks like uh Machu Picchu Iguazu Falls in Argentina uh uh chinita Mexico that kind of thing so people can be actually tour a little bit in town here um also we're going to have an event where they're going to have all the country's Flags will be scattered around in a scavenger hunt type thing kids will be getting a little photo album and they'll be able to go to each one get a card with that has their flag and country f and they'll be a to build their own passport and take home with them so this is something they can learn and keep with them as they go on then we go into our live animal series beginning with precious Pine lands which includes an owl so we will have an owl uh and then the first the fall Beach readers book fair the adults featuring 30 local authors will be a Taylor Pavilion uh just like last time they'll be all lined up on tables they'll be displaying their books and we're going to they're going to be uh selling their books to the public this come down our first one earlier in this fall this spring was very successful so we're happy to bring that back uh that's just for adults uh uh authors and um the children's authors will be later on in the month on the 26th 29th 29th okay and then the third and final um Latin American month will be bringing a a home grown off- pway musical coyote by Tim mcor uh who's been development over past 10 years right from here in Belmar and they're going to be coming with some actors and some stage uh crew with Tim to talk about it and show scenes uh of the play of the musical and it the coyote tells the story of uh immigrants coming from specifically a Guatemalan immigrant making his journey journeying his way across Mexico also over the water and and it highlights the story of there of his of that journey and their or well Pat I saw that live this summer it was wonderful it was really fantastic oh that's awesome so I'm looking forward for that uh then we got the children's Halloween movie night featuring the movie Mad monster party the same that movie was made by the same group that did root up for fainer and the other ones that we've done and in November we have more live animals we have wolves we have penguins and we have reptiles and in November 7th we have our next Diwali celebration okay and that's 7 so November 7th I'm sorry and I'm in the process of putting together a Christmas program as well and there'll be more and there's going to be more um uh author times as well that I have already lined up at least I think you have another like four or five author times that so that's what we got going on uh set up for upcoming events great anybody have any questions or anything have questions yes uh do we have rain dates for any of the outside not outside but we can we can the only the only outside ones we have is just Pat Rody and the field day right so I was just worried about the field day I just think of what happened this past weekend yeah and just want to make sure that people are aware because I know a couple of people the field day should be easy because I have right right so okay so I'll work um also I'm sorry I was just going to say we should communicate with with the school we said that just right as non okay um will you be videotaping for the field I could yeah I'm going to be here so I'd love to see it's just for me no but yeah no I'd love it sounds like it's going to be wonderful okay yeah you can FaceTime me I'm sorry so that's all ages real day all ages all ages so Bruce wants to kick a he can do that um I did see on the news today I was just watching the Today's Show Jimmy Fallon has a new book out for Halloween I was thinking maybe we could get that that might going to read there's been a lot of hoopla about it so just so I don't remember the name of it but it's his new book it just came out so it might and it's children's book problem mention great do you have anything just we wrapped up the summer read we had our raffle drawings on Saturday and um it was it went well it was uh uh the kids were very excited and get a little nervous because the ones that don't win you know you feel but they were great and they all got a little certific participated and I picked up munchkins on the way so they werey they got a munchkin and a certificate even if they didn't but um The Prize winners were all uh locals which always makes me happy because we do have a lot of kids are here visiting in the summer and they do the summer reading and uh but all kids who won so and I heard that you videotaped so that no one can say they did like they did like a FaceTime live you've got to do that nowadays because people will say know I have the video but I I don't post anything Clos but I have yeah I heard yeah so it was good it went very well and the kids were happy that's all that matter it were great PR you had a Kindle in there and an Amazon card and you need to do an adult one adult so we maybe win something we could we could consider that one yeah so we're already thinking about next year's theme so okay so in terms of uh the events the Hispanic heritage uh events I just want everyone to know that like the um the Strategic plan uh wanted us to make sure that we go out to the communities and go to them rather than expect them to know what's going on here I just want you to know I'll be communicating with with school I'll be meeting with some parents that I've developed uh good relationships with um when we were doing all types of different things where I had to depend on them to help me get into the community not just the the Spanish speaking community that have children but anyone in the community that that speaks Spanish so I'll be at the school handing out brochures talking to certain parents certain leaders in the community that we um that we've done in the past so I just want you to know putting things out uh in the restaurants uh meeting with there's some um there's actually I think in in seagar um Catholic Church there they have a time where there's a large percentage of our yeah yeah Mary Pat Wallace who was our nurse for years she developed support grve there and and so I'll be communicating with Mary Pat Uh and speaking there to promote these times I wanted to wait till the craziness of the school kind of died down and now it's ready to go um and so I just wanted you to know that I'll I'll be doing that St Rose has St Rose um and I've been in communication with them because they were thinking about using this facility um in terms of the one of the things I was looking at lo I haven't talked to you about this yet but the the numbers seem to be a little bit lower with the author maybe we maybe we emphasize more during the year not during the summer I don't know the numbers were I was think I was think along the same way in fact originally going into the summer plan was to have two Au the times a month but early on I saw the low attendance and then so I cut that back just one a month so uh I think it's just and and I don't know if that's due to everyone's gone or whether the the well I don't think it's a subject matter because a couple of the author times are actually well attended what what's the average in the offse the fin offse oh every other month except the summer it kind of varies it part of it has to do with what the topic matter is you know but are they as low as usually 10 or more no it's usually 10 or we've had some 10 to 20 yeah this summer so which we've talked about whether we consider next year or hours different during the summer if that's something um I think it's the same thing just increases more in the fall you know um just wanted you to know that the Broadway music we planned on you know whenever we have the cultural events we try to if we can do two things one that's has adults and children but something to emphasize is children as well that that was our plan but then I just want you to know the Broadway musical is actually free right they're they're promoting that that oh our that's free so why would we not do that you know think three events so I just wanted you to to u to know that um Pat Rody on next Thursday um I just want you tell me what what you think just real quick uh we have pizza and water again that's the big group that comes but do you want me to try to um I'm willing to most of the hot dog vendors they're not willing to fill out for the the U the vendor packet do you want me to pay them and town can pay me or are you happy with pizza and water and that's fine okay I I I just have some people coming up to me and saying you used should have hot dogs and I just want to not is right down the road yeah okay I want get rid of the pizza and just give you water there you go okay just wanted to ask you all right um okay and then uh I will be bringing up uh during our old business because we discussed before the fitness classes and whether we should um charge non-resident so I'll bring that up but lastly um bilingual story time was very successful but our uh leer who uh went to school here high school student uh she is at ran uh she was considering going to Rowan or brooktown we thought she was going to go to brooktown wound up in Rowan where is she she wound up up in ohair monair another school dist College so therefore I am in I'm I'm looking for a way to continue that one of the thoughts is to have Story Time on the weekends and have a National Junior Honor Society for Honor Society students speak Spanish from the high school to come with Patty and Joyce on the weekends cu the kids will be available on weekends it's easier for parents um so uh I justed no she was an inter great and the the other thing we did talk about and I'm just trying to explain why maybe there was some changes with the cultural events we did talk about not serving food but the deal that they were offering us where they're not going to make things and hand them out was so much less and I think it's going to be good I just wanted you to know that's we made that change that wasn't a plan so um and that's it I just had a topic or a question with regards to the um the author times do you think it would be advantageous to actually personally put a sign at the senior building like I'm wondering if the seniors might enjoy author time but they may not know about it like they're probably not on the internet I'm just I think any anything now I'm thinking to go over there I mean I did uh when I started here I went over and met with everyone there but um I think we could do a better job of communicating maybe ask just if we can have a special spot Library spot just come just Supply with latest updates they can use another board to be honest there's so much on on their boards and things get lost um so I I mean maybe that's okay we purchase that put okay um okay I'll put library library events they know specifically that those are the things I really missed when they used to come here for oper day and you know things like that I don't know if transportation's an issue so so I think it is that was there and just my my thought with that is something we should discuss I could talk to the school is the school does have three small buses now um and I did talk to Jimmy about it so um there would be a cost involved it would be reasonable and um so if you'd like me [Music] to research that bring that back uh the next I can do that you know in terms of how much it pays for the driver and you know and things like that um do they have a a senior bus like I know there's something that's supposed to all to take like scat you know where they would take for doctor visits and things like that I just think we would have more flexibility obviously with the cultural events and things along those lines that afford US an opportunity to to get to population along the line along the lines of our Outreach school is easy to Target because it's somewhat of a hub but that that would that would definitely be an Outreach Target for all our servicesi a good about after hours like you know normally they probably only work to maybe three but most of our events are in the evening but we have maybe better access to using a van so that they can be picked up at six and dropped off at 8 or whatever I'll bring that back insurance so that's that's where I would think that that's somewhat handled by the school they should have a process for that because they outsourced other districts so they they they should have some sort of process for that sort of Outsourcing because they do Shar services with other other districts students special school and like that well it's being used for athletic events too right it's going to is it this year yeah because the yeah last year but it's going to the cost for to get a bus to have your kids go over to Avon for two hours is is ridiculous this waser out getting certified okay not somebody that's where I put my foot down drive the bus so I'll bring up we can talk about it in Old business and fitness class okay all right treasure you have to tell us all right so our June budget amount was so that left with us our budget of 5832 15548 our July balance was $864,900 waiting to pay the vendor is 36,44 and9 with a balance of the budget of 52824 188 and our August budget was $864,900 and waiting to pay the vendor was 13082 leaving us with the balance of budget of $475,000 35 David have we paid out on the Windows only about uh 30,000 uh to to a loan so the some th000 has not been not been paid contractor has not yet been that's correct that's correct okay mine's going to be short um just want to give everyone an update regarding professional hours we do not have a minimum at this point of the nine that we need to have for professional trustee hours so um I know Darlene has already given me hers I have mine but anyone else that has gone and logged in and watched some we need to get those hours in before the end of the year uh can you send us that link again sure thank you so much you're just watching they Happ yeah it is it is um the proposed C ERS that have been coming up with upcoming events that's created by LS have been quite helpful thank you so much um I like that they're present in the library as well as being distributed some of the events for example when we had the last concert we had a whole stack of them left I just kept giving them out people were like oh thank you so you know even though they were the ones for the following month people wanted to know like when's that when's this when's that so it makes it really really easy when we have them in advance so um I think it helps to promote the library as well as helping patrons to plan ahead which helps to increase the attendance out of the events and allows others to plan ahead um hopefully these events are also distributed to the Local Schools I think you said they were going to be doing that and businesses um as well as I I post a couple of things for some other committees that I'm on at the bulletin board in the burrow everyone goes to pay the Border bill or tax bill they look at the board and so that's just another place to have it posted I see about having it posted at as well oh there you go any place where people are kind of a captive audience in Spanish we have a few extras we um for our council meeting to the table going into the courtroom and that's a good place to put them on as well so tomorrow night what are they in Spanish also uh not not all of them but I can convert them' done it the past but not I think this one and I think especially with the 26th being day I would love to be a oh and that's what I just to go back for a minute CU we mentioned that dat um I was at a recent event over the weekend I think it wasmore um event over at P Pavilion and they had the kids that were helping there if we could get those kids to come and help for they were unbelievable they had little notepads they were taking orders and stuff like that now I know we're not having them take orders but they were so well prepared forly leaders I think it was do you still do the kids the parents mostly the parents they were so good I mean I was just amazed I really was and I know that like we have Dali coming up and you know so if we can get those kids or similar ones I just kept saying they're so good JC with the deali are we serving food yeah we using as the um well that's the thing so we've been using we've been using the uh Bombay River in Red Bank um but I have I'm going to be approaching the the one in down in the mall and it it's gotten to the point where we kind of have to serve because of the cost do you know what I mean we do it's they can give us more quickly expensive if we ask them to make things have 20050 and I know with Dali um we do have the local Super Market in town super whatever super saber I think we can put some of the signs of upcoming events there everyone goes there it seems it's very very popular so I just want to make sure that we don't exclude them as well um and then I think that you're going to be addressing yes okay okay I'm done so we're going to go to Old business now so just real quick on the Windows um the screens I'm I'm talking to Sam I was unsure whether that was part of the bid or not but um so uh I did text him he didn't get back to me yet but is that is that something that we that we want um if it wasn't part of the bid to have screens to be able to open up the windows I think it was and I tried to look for it but I couldn't find it so um just you know and I know we talked about it yeah so I you know I know we did take some things out at one point you know like the door was in it at one point and it was pulled out so I don't know the screens might have as well but is that something that you want me to research the cost you know for what that would be and I'm guessing I don't know you think they' be for custom screens for that's the reason exactly I didn't that custom screens yes so that be something that you're going to have to approve because it's over 2,000 so I'll I'll um do some research and and uh come back to with that I'll talk to Sam because I mean a night like tonight yeah like a night like tonight which is nice and cool it's great to be able to just open up it would just be the front front two windows obviously not up top up top or back is that something we could go um I do we want to start with the window manufacturer see what system they see that be another choice so correct cuz it's just going to be for the lower ones it's not going to be for the pieces that we're waiting for it's just for what's already installed okay um now to the to the fitness class is um I had talked to everyone um but I thought it would be best for us to uh talk as a group my recommendation for the fitness CL that really have been taken over by the by Recreation by by bar our classes but they're supported um by by us so on Tuesday and Friday we have two classes each and then on Monday there's one class on Wednesday there's one class and two classes on Thursday so that's four that are wck right now the the residents pay5 nonresidents pay $5 for the classes that were originally wck and the classes on Tuesday and Friday that were originally the library are not paying however from the beginning I always said that it would be something that on a yearly basis that we would check with uh the board to decide um that money coming in if it was $5 uh for the non-residents that would go to Recreation to support them because it's a Rec event um I um it's just easier for them all to be the same however I do think we have a few um members here that might uh might feel that we should continue to have it free for non-residents so so I just wanted to bring it up to to the group and I think $5 for non-residents is is a very good price I know that that's what the other what other programs do we charge for uh well really we don't charge for for anything what is our logic or what is our policy yeah because what is our logic why to do this why is it this specific program that we feel we should charge because it's really not our programs anymore and why don't we just give it direct well that's right and that's that's really what I was thinking yeah yeah but we're still well we're still supporting how are we supporting financially for the instructors because we're using you know the the fac the facility and we are you know so that's that's what we've been doing I don't I I very adamantly feel that we should not charge for services without I'm going to say a reasonable ration my kids use the don't charge program do have consumables so if we were going to charge for something there's an incremental cost for consum why don't we charge for that because that is a library event at the library why don't we charge for food at the W or at the soda bread contest why don't we charge for food there that is that does not have because it's it's a collaboration with Recreation that's not a collaboration I I don't understand why we would then need to C if Recreation has the need to generate this Revenue yeah I don't understand why we need to be a party to them yeah the problem would be is if we if we did this and gave it to them and said we're out we don't donate the we go badly the programs would go badly well the problem would be then they would have to charge residents again $5 well then we're we're saying nonresident could be pay I understand we're saying non-resident what uh non-resident wants to go to the cultural events and need something should we charge non-resident no that's different though how is it different because the events that we're having are through the live not through the recreation I don't see I don't see why we need to subsidize the recreation when I looked at this one came on board I said why does the library have anything to do with concerts and fitness classes and things along those lines and the the justification I came to when when this library was founded you know wasn't just a big building full of books that I grew up with you know that that was called a library as a building full of books you know when this library was founded it was a community HP it was a cultural HP it was entertainment they were very lied portions of entertainment it was enrichment and so many different things so that's why these programs make sense to me however if we're going down the road of charging for these activities uh I feel very uncomfortable with that you know that should be one of the last bastions of of a free product we're offering it here it it's different you know we used to have yoga here we used to have a lot of surfaces right here in this in this building we're using the gy like St Rose uses the gym and you know I mean things can be talked about further but you know they also pay to finish the floor each year um you know there is a cost to the burrow to continue to have more people in the burrow and using the burrow um that are non-residents I don't know that that's exactly are we specifically turning nonresidents or we we're only talking about nonr are we talking nonresidents or talking non patrons so you at wall you're paying if you have a library card doesn't matter you're paying that's correct well you pay for your library card too I understand you pay for the library card and that is an incremental cost because there's administrative it's a onetime cost you know and there are administrative aspects tied to that so I understand the rationale behind charging someone for a library you got to buy a card print I understand that but to differentiate this one program and say well we're going to monetize this because it's a good program I don't understand why the library has to be appointed to that you know I think the recreation department could very well just take it over and then they could do that you know the town itself could take over the program and monetize it however they want whatever is in the interests with that cutting cutting program is what I think so so if the thought would be yes to hand it over to Recreation but I I want to make sure are we still supporting the programs there because we're paying for the the instructors because we're using that facility and we started saying that we could help with Recreation so then their residents wouldn't have to pay you know what I mean so I guess I'm asking you sounds to me like we're footing the bill for the structured instructors so that the town can collect Revenue off the program which I understand is a business model it's quite reason business model put the bill there's certain instructors that we're putting the bill for all of them now I don't have a problem with the program understand and I don't and and and my question is um when I go back to art program consumables there's an incremental cost per user of that program my children are users of that program so it would if I had aay pay for it then it would come out of my pocket I have to pay for that but that would make more sense than if we have 10 residents we're going to run this program it doesn't cost us any more to have 30 people in the room per se now if that's UND wear on the facility and the facility can't handle that then maybe we need to look at a different approach to it or a different facility you know but the the idea of identifying a library subsidized or otherwise sponsored event to be a revenue generator just just strikes me as as inappropriate well does it what the does the the other events that the recreation that uses or does um if there are non-residents do they charge are there is there a charge for wreck events if they are non-residents I think registration for nonresidents right and that's what and that's what we're talking about it would be nonresidents it's not anybody that's a resident of BM correct correct and also is it with um it seems like we're just monetizing something for the sake of having a product that's easy to sell it seems just just you're just you have something in high demand you have theand okay so we are selecting this program cuz it is easy to monetize I don't think that's why be consistent I think I think some of the classes are getting so large at this point well the whole process started because our classes were getting too large here right so then so I went to Jerry and said hey can we use you know the ter to pilion and at the and um at the time you know I said hey if we we paid for our instructors but we paid for some of the rec instructors um I think you because we can't pay for the building right we we are not allowed to pay for the building that's correct yeah so the idea is we pay for the the instructors and then I said to Jerry hey and then really the the residents could go for free then you know what I mean um and and I thought but for the library events for a year or two we should maybe just keep it the same and have it not be a charge for for non-residents I'm not I just I just want the board to know what what it is that you you know do you know what our numbers are in terms of the amount residents versus non-residents it's about 50 it depends on the the yeah the class it's like 5050 I did that with Barry and um so my calculation was that on a low day um you had there's let's say 10 nonresidents coming um KN count Cherry yoga is huge right it is a ton of people uh and that's something to consider um but there are cherry yoga's already paying okay the non-residents okay we're just talking about Tuesday which is Healthy Steps Tuesday we're talking about specifically the programs that were conceived by the library yes correct and we open correct yes so that is Healthy Steps and strength and balance which is Tuesday and then Friday it's uh taii and healthy step I'm sorry and strength and balance again on Friday Erica again so there's so there's four there's four programs that are ours now um it was five at one time with cherry yoga being on Wednesday as well but we don't have that um right now but we could bring that we could bring that if we do this does the fact that we'd be charging 55 does that change the final authority of who says whether we continue these classes or not because if you a library original do we retain the right as a decide to continue think what it comes down to is if we want to hand it to Recreation as their EV supported by the back that it's a collaboration that's my recommendation that that there are events supported by the library but if you want to just if you want to keep it the way it's happening it's a little um confusing a little clunky but but again you can say these were original uh these were original libraries events and we're going to keep it as free for non for non res so it's really your your choice I think going down the road of charging for Library Services when we we're over at the on 7th Avenue Church didn't we charge I we Char was some charging before I got here for events for things oh yes that was that was just when you came on we had um I was like I'm hearing kids I'm getting nervous with Sue okay I'm sorry I'm sorry um I think there was uh here or at the community so Community Center even though but again that was considered colle money put cash in the envelope and it had to be driven over the same day over to yes I remember that yes so they were charging I think even just from a business my office and I think at that point if I'm not misten $2 $2 everyone was paying $2 yoga started here right here on this floor and I remember however when we first started talking about having having a battery take over originally this has been Ro was still here uh we were told by the administration at the time and we weren't allowed to be doing what we weren't supposed to be charging any money for anything okay so but that was when everything was Library run and operated and so they made a stop taking money and it's only when we transferred some of the classes to Barry that they started putting in charging $5 okay they uped the5 so that was just well even with the recreation department you play soccer you pay to play soccer right you know you resident non-resident you pay for that but non-residents will pay an increased Fe correct we do for summer camp we do for there a whole bunch of things higher that's that's the recreation that's Recreation my statement is I think there should be a free public library not a free public library with Aster on so so we're talking we're talking $10,000 a year we're talking $10,000 a year to get people from other towns in into our community and see what felmar really is from the inside is very inexpensive marketing you know when you're trying to Market a town you could spend quite a bit of money to do so and when you Market the town and you get people excited about the town my property value goes up so I'm happy I money so for that $10,000 everyone that that that that's a taxpayer to is getting an incremental benefit you know so it's it's not thrown away money or burn money philosophically I really don't think the library should be charging so the question under that model but charging in general so the question I have for you then is if if we handed the four classes to Recreation are you saying that we shouldn't support those uh shouldn't pay for any of theay for they can they can use the money they're generating to offset the cost of it if it's a program that they feel important enough to to advance well my concern would be that if it is a money issue down the road for recreation that some of the programs that the library has put in will we wanted some of them first to go and that's a problem to make problem because that was a problem when we couldn't support it when we were when the church open huge it might not be your problem but it is a problem I think I'm not I am not advocating eliminating programs I not advocating defunding any programs I think these programs that we have are important for not just the taxpayer community that we seem to be focusing on and don't get me wrong I understand the need to focus on constitu of taxpayers but I think those programs are important for a much larger community and I think there's other reasons I said my my example on marketing for the town marketing the town you know people were coming regardless before from when they knew that the we had these programs they wanted to come from outside of the Town you're still going to have that people whether they're paying $5 or not they're still going to come do we do they have do they ever have to turn someone away because there's not enough space is then that wouldn't be fair to tax we did when I think that as a taxpayer they should have we had that problem here and I used patrons used to complain and say well I don't think it's fair that there's non-residents here and we can't fit in you know but but that's why we went you know uh chair yoga sometimes chair yoga sometimes is is way to crowded but other than that other than that other than the other ones no I feel like if if a bmart resident went to a wall activity they're paying they're pay they're not getting it for free that's true why should wall be able to come here for fre that's just my opinion I don't think they they know people are coming to take these classes really don't distinguish that that's a library program that's I try I try to have them I try to have them realize that um because it's free and they sometimes seem confused why they don't have to pay and it's so do we want to do a vote or I just going to we don't we don't need to we could do a resolution we could do V it's up to you whatever I would just like to should we just keep it the same or make make the change why don't you put it in for motion come from me no no but I'm just saying put it in for so we know exactly what we're voting for CU since has been going back I would make a motion to keep it the same keep what the same we want to keep the way it is right now which means that those four those four classes are free to everyone and that the ones that are originally wre will stay what they are right now which is $5 for non-residents and well that's up to them collect that money that's up to they that's up to them but I I would say that if we if we decided to totally hand it uh to them and not fund the the instructors of the classes that could they're going to charge everybody so so Mike has a his um his motion is that to keep the um them the same the same as it as it is right now which is Tuesdays and Fridays no one pays yes to fund those programs fully yeah yes so nonr right now no one pays on Tuesday residents and nonr but nobody pay right so he and um so his motion is that we keep it the same which is no one pays on Tuesdays and Fridays cuz they were originally just they Library events the other programs are Rec programs we fund the instruction um um in gratitude for use of the space yeah and um so we have a motion is there a second are there any other motions then because if no one's okay so is there is there a would anyone like to do a motion to make to make the change that it would be uh Rec Rec events and we would keep the same funding um and it would be A5 charge for all of that so that's someone I can't do that is that5 when you're saying of all events or you saying $5 would it mean that residents of belar would have to pay $5 no that's just for just pay for non and when I my suggestion um was that we would not do this for for a month to give them a heads up maybe start in October or November or whatever that's just my thought um I I have said from the beginning to everyone that it could these events uh the Tuesday and Fridays could possibly you know have a $5 charge in in the future for non-residents but that's a that's our board's it's board's decision I would Mo for going forward with for nonresidents to have a $5 charge for Tuesdays and Thursdays Tuesday and Fridays so so the idea would be that they would it would be5 charge for Library run Fitness events on Tuesdays and Fridays yes is that what you wanted the problem my thought would be that that we are it would be better to hand it off to Recreation so it's all the same that if they are Recreation supported by the library all the events financially so that would be a better way to do it so it's not a um a public Library charging I still need to hear the word do you want so the the verbiage would be that the the recreation would take over the events um and that it would that we would continue to fund for the instructors for all of the classes basically the library will subsidize instruction for the recreation department we want to make that for a specific time period for the next year probably opportunity to charge for to charge for Char for for taxpayers it's a program their program do we know Bar's or Direct's feelings on this topic I mean have they has any of this been discussed yeah I've talked to Barry and said that I would be bringing it up to the board but I said there's mixed feeling on the board so I guess that's a question about commitment to keeping the programming um and maybe that's something that can be discussed okay so do you want do you want me to talk to to Kevin and Barry and communicate the concerns of the board what what do you want me to tell them the concerns of the board are I think the concerns that most of us would have would the would the classes all continue and would there be a proposed charge increase that they see in the future like I'm sure for some people if you say $5 now okay I can deal with $5 but if you're saying it goes up to eight 10 well that's going to be that's going to be there our but that R cost is the $50 per hour for the instructor so that I think that would be more your concern is how much you know the you know we're willing to pay I'm just thinking the patrons yeah but I think once we give that to them we I don't think we yeah we can't yeah yeah no but I just wanted to know their feelings like is it's something like oh yeah honestly I don't get that feeling I really don't but I could be wrong but I really don't either I think I think right they want to make it cost friendly to everyone in regards to that so that is something that I think the town takes considers a lot well the Taylor Pavilion as well anytime someone's using the Taylor Pavilion DPW someone's working um to have that Tor pav being used and so you know and that's some of the same the gym is somewhat less so because we're already there in the building usually you know 95 um but I I think that that's you know there are costs to the Bur to have more people more residents whether it's residents visitors whoever the more more people there are more patrons more people there are especially on Fridays when George is getting ready for an event it's a challenge for him we have the you know and how he sets his to clean for the um and there there are things that cost for them uh for the town because we're using you know the facility um and Barry has my my mindset would be in in favor of making sure we have control over the programs that that would be a cost burden that the library could take you know we we pay DPW to maintain the building we pay DPW to fix them you know if there is an incremental cost that Maria is descri driving associated with we and tear then we should evaluate paying that cost under our program you know but again I would Advocate doing that under our programming and not as an alart additional charge based on whether or not you're a direct taxpayer account or direct resident account would you like me to get some more information for us to talk about this at the next meeting or do you want to you want someone you want to do the motion I just feel uncomfortable helping uh quite a bit with the motion do you know what I mean because I should position yeah yeah it should be someone um giving the specifics to the motion and then a second because I I I should I would like more information me too I'd like to specifically talk to Barry too because I don't know what you know okay it really all entails what what information do you want me could we give bar to come to our next meeting well yeah we want to know about the continuation of the programming I mean clearly the library is not going to support something I think that you know that idea of well then we would pull our support if you know program goes up in cost or program is no longer you know clearly is eliminated we have to figure that out so might have to be for like this year or for a small amount of time you know I think it's about the commitment yeah I think it's not just Barry but it's actually speaking to the the board about the the board knowing the Town Council knowing that that the board here is not comfortable to just saying you know we're paying for it and we're letting it go right that's what I'm hearing from not comfortable with charging for Library services on an alart basis and on an arbitrary andc comous basis for this program and not that program with no demon in but I guess I would I would ask you Mike is is what what's the difference between our support to the school right now so we're supporting the school for programs I specifically want to bring middleaged children into the building and build a Gateway or bridge between the school community and the library to get a underserved demographic which is the tween into our programming and into our library case that's the specific reason I would say we're supporting supporting school program I totally agree but the but in terms of financially that it it is a um it's there school programs supported by the by the library and they are wreck programs supported by the library because of our so are you're advocating charging students from non-residents no well I I am agreeing with you 100% on on the mirror side of that right okay I am not saying we shouldn't support that initiative right and I'm not saying we shouldn't support this initiative right I'm just saying we should have a policy that spells out Services we charge for right it's hot but it really comes down to us supporting the the instructor because we're giving the this Pro these programs direct and then we're supporting the pay for the INR because we can't pay for the facility you know what I mean so I that's that's really where I'm coming but I listen it will be no problem to say it's still free you know I'm just I just it just makes sense to me to do it that way but I know just just word your resolution correctly and vote me down up down vote I'm not going to change my perspective regard to what I'm going to call arbitrary and capricious selection of programming to be charged Goa okay so do we want to V right there so do you want does someone want to do a a motion with a vote or do you want me to come back with information that's really someone need to I'd like some more information okay you were going to do a motion do you want to do a motion or you want me to come back yeah come back more inform you want bar to be president that meeting sure and I think it's important because of my communication with Jerry too in terms of how we were supporting this and the idea of residents not paying that's what I'm worried if it you know changes so okay all right all right so that was was that that was old business now we're in new business um new business well actually part of I do have something about the op maybe give us a little information um from the last time we had spoken we had talked about like something with the fishing club is is there something that's in the works with that or we're going to wait to talk about so they're they're a vendor they f about the um the package the and they are going to be billing us based on the hours based on what was approved by the board 2500 each yeah so uh I've been talking to Jimmy and and he's been meeting with the um the people that are in charge of that program um and again that's that's just yeah yep and I reminded uh you know that that that 2500 is um um we can afford that really in this budget um but going forward if they need more hours that would be something that would have to be approved by it was more than 25 but I have been I met with the business administrator in terms of how it's just going to be done the same way as a service and that we're paying and there's another class too right the yeah the the Esports okay what's that the Esports yeah so as much that we can bring here that's the idea is that could bring to us so we're going to have meetings for the fishing club here um when if there's bad weather there might be having to stay there but whenever we can I'll sa that for another day and I guess the only thing that I do want to make sure that we can make a decision on would be the bench location for outside um I'd like to get that done today so DPW the DPW said that they would be able to take care of it in terms of what's required to have it secure um they just like two throw some concrete down and yeah I mean they they have standards I have it with came from the company but it will go into the ground so do you want the you know my thought would be to have it just on the grass with not its own huge slab just yeah but um I really need to know where it is I think you know everyone can give their opinion and then we just tell me where the vote where you want it we just go can we just go around and get everyone I think Maru and Danielle and I decided we thought it would be a good spot by the move the bike rack and put it right there this way it's in the front of the building more people can say it I mean that's a beautiful thing to not where would we put the B I'm not [Music] disagree like get and it's under the tree too facing Which Way facing the corner right where would facing the the front steps so that right so the pictures of the library would be facing this way fa be to the building right the back would be to the building so it would be like if this is the corner of the building it would be fac like underneath the tree so the Tre behind facing facing 10th Avenue on an angle or like like this matter yeah I don't know I think just because we have the we've been doing so many of the music as far as sitting you want to you anyway all the trees and the bushes and the steps you wouldn't be able to see the live music I don't think the the live a Big Driver something like that sign people the use of the product much more significant the rest of the day yeah no you're right my concern also with putting it in that direction you wouldn't see the back of it at all and and they have they have to have full uh range to go all the way around to Cliff and you know keep it neat terms I would also be concerned of moving the bik because we do have people that that's their spot you know and having having them closer to the front of building going in the front door I think would be more advantageous than pushing them to the back and back I personally like the idea of putting it back here um because I think this particular portion of our landscape has bit undeveloped you know I think if we if we placed it back here it could give us an opportunity to to work with it as a FOC Point some landscaping around it to better develop that portion of of the property positioning it just so you're not staring at the the parking lot but also positioning it out so it's a focal point in the center and it's visible from 360° to appreciate the art on both sides I think that would be one of our better opportunities you know bring it out here perhaps facing uh intersection at a slight angle so you can get around it put it in the center of the section and then put some around it I think you can really highlight that portion of the property CU otherwise just a talking Corner over here corner I like to better right here my question is are people going to is it supposed to be set S one yeah or is it supposed to be just view sadd so sadd right so you got to take that in consideration too you as far as the location so I was looking I'll just give my two soon so here's the tree that one over there this is the driveway I like little demos so this is the driveway I was thinking if we're thinking that this is EET okay this is the driveway this is the tree if we somehow had it here you could then still go around the tree and around the bench and still plant whatever small small things around it or whatever because there will be another um Bush out there on the other side of where the light post is right now um if you put it here it's too close to the sidewalk and I was afraid of when there's bad weather or snow or something like that and they come through with snow plow it's going to get hit so I thought here was safer back here you're not going to see it here you're too close to the driveway so that was just my logical thing there there is there's one big tree that's over there as well um I looked at it and I thought the same thing but I just I would love for something to be over here there's like nothing it's just a tree the in tre per se so either one I I know with what we have in terms of the front when you're on 10th and you're looking at the building you've got almost everything's symmetrical you've got one RW iron here you've got one RW iron here you've got the Rose Garden in the front you've got the digital sign so when you look at it it's pretty much even on both sides it's just mathematically the way I was thinking whereas back here we have nothing so that was just my way I we're going to vote on it but that was just my my way think I would love to sit under the tree and be able to look out and see every going by on Easter I kind of like the idea of it being back there but in a way I don't because I think it's too far away from the L you know and especially that's a substantial piece of you know and substantial to the gentleman that gave a lot to the liary so to me that's kind of like I'll sticky in the back put any bench here that's the only thing I mean it's a nice location but I just feel like you know even the same thing with Mrs Gallagher's tree you know it's pushed to the back like that's what I was thinking the whole time about little Destiny that's the only thing about it when you have something that you're honoring somebody I mean like you know if anything move that guitar from somebody that doesn't hasn't even come the big old guitar I mean that's just my it be to move one of the benches from the front back here and put that one the front that I know that it only fits around certain certain trees um benches that's right smack in the middle and the I like it but so right in front I know I'm just thinking of bad things that's that's and that really buy happen anywhere I'm we have on this side that let's say we start on you know on either side but even if we had it on the left side of the building by whatever those the purple I don't know what they're called the lilacs or whatever then maybe someone would want to donate an honor and get another B Glass book I'm with this syry too where you're going know but like maybe that's something that could then be added another time as well comes a point too where big bches start to detract from the architectural appeal i' said I think I think right now as the space stands well it it's not a great spot right but I think we could also look at investing and developing around it to make it more of a focal point you know it's a book A book bench read a book on a book bench that's a qush area it's still on a street Frontage you know we're not burying it back next to the generator you know and it's it that area should be improved a good reason to do so so I would if we did put it back there I think that we need to make sure that as we put it back there we make the the improvements at the same time absolutely so that it's not something we put it back there and then a year later we're going to put you know some improvements as far as Landscaping like if that gets moved there then the Landscaping needs to be done immediately right so it's a beautiful make it you know you pop it in a sense of that no I just mean I don't think that's something we should have they shouldn't pick out what they the I like the building he and in that spot it's the back of the on you know what I mean like I see what what you were saying about the frun so that it's like if you're sitting on the bed be I don't know come come around asking what library would like to have thinking about something for a loved one or something like that because you can almost you know as long about the overall look of things you could you could be a little proactive about this and and start to have a plan about where you would like to see some things that we going to be fing and you know maybe that way then you don't have to think about okay where we put this then this is going to influence everything that everybody sees forever just have a a growing sort of a policy you wouldn't call it that I call it play a policy on how to hand handle such donations yeah because it's getting to the point where you're not going to be able to put much more on the land yeah and they're very different these things that are coming along I'm beginning to think grounds for sculpture now you right now there's a very there's very cohesive aesthetic paper to the property as a whole my concern bance you look at you look at everything looks well Cur it looks it looks well put together except this corner which looks abandoned you know so using this as an opportunity to develop that section without unbalancing the other Aesthetics on the well cuz I would say you know normally I'd say if there was something that we wanted to think about I'd say okay we talk about at the next meeting but that needs to go somewhere can't here you know and it has double so I I did kind of um when I spoke spoke to the donor who I've spoken to several times um you know we had mentioned at one point somewhere in the back I I didn't I didn't say I didn't say there I didn't you know somewhere in the back um I CU I think she she knows what it looks like from the front of the building as well so I think there's two two ways we can handle this I really don't want to prolong this I can see if I can get her here to see what her wishes which is going to be yeah it's a long story um but I I know that she's very anxious to come and see it here very anxious so that was kind of the reason why I was hoping we could just kind of vote on it ebw come you've talked to her though about this I mean I don't think any of us is is you know absolutely has to [Laughter] beated oh my goodness but I mean I I think we'd all be happy if she's happy yeah yeah we did have Community member I I could take a picture of the two or three locations and maybe send it to her overnight phot it into she doesn't want to see it she doesn't want to see it she wants to be surprised yeah I mean take you could take an aial from from Google and put the the locations you know if if we for does she should she have that much say well you want to ask the question is the question right how what question you asking do you want it here do you want it there right you know do you have any problem with us putting it in this location I I would just give her two locations and not make it any more than that I wouldn't ask her which one I would ask if she had a problem with right ultimately I don't want to give up the board's decision to to somebody else okay so I will I will make this this motion then uh would the board approve me actually contacting her asking if she's okay if the board puts it in one of these two spots do it's not a cost it's not a cost see when Sharon and I were talking and we were saying oh yeah let's do it there and then when I thought to myself said we' got to bring this and I said we're never going to come to a consensus right I was right but it's a facility decision the board has to anything to do with it but we can get that Landscaping I think that part she's okay so the idea is that she's okay with fact there landscaping one day she says yes we're good that why would we need to ask her that's the thing you know if we're going to do it why do we have to ask the only question that I would see asking would be do you have any problem with us right just for the sake of courtesy yeah I don't know if her input would change my opinion I don't think it would but it would be good to get the full data set and should I just say when I send the picture of the tree I'll come during the day tomorrow and say am I only going to show her one tree or am I showing her two trees I just need to know start with one start with one just show the one I think I this is you know I think part of the contention that the board has is whether or not that would be Reed so we can find out whether or not that would be received poorly that would be a data point that the group could take make no okay so my question is do you have any this to her do you have any problem with the bench being placed in this area good good okay and then um as soon as I hear back from her hopefully a yes then we can um vote on it and then we can get the information dat I'll talk the and then you also need to talk about Landscaping like once you put get it in that area needs to be done that's going to be over be over 2,000 so that's got to be something that will yeah so that's that's why I need to well maybe it is maybe it is right right but it might be so that's why it has to and and it should it should be discussing do we have to discuss that if it's maintenance we just have DPW do the work do we have to discuss that no it's not then then the the $2,000 threshold doesn't apply if we're using DPW if they're doing it right we don't but yeah no understand I understand your concern I understand your the STS goes back to theats that um we'll talk to a friend good um yeah I uh we do have public comment is there any way you could hear public comment before an would you mind if we let Rob go first since this his first time he wanted to give a is that okay you wanted to Y sorry about this is honestly the longest meeting thank you for your help this has really been eye opening um honestly until I spoke with Dave the other day on Friday um first of all my name is Rob Calabro I live on 16th Avenue some of you may know my name that have seen you before I've spoke wor things but um couple of things I'll I'll I'll discuss a little bit in a minute what I came here to talk about but just comments of things that I heard tonight just one one piece on anything of of programs here if I if I may anything and I T say this from a resident taxpayer perspective okay I've gone to those um yes I was the only man in there with my wife okay with maybe 50 women okay sweating up in the tail of Pavilion did it once but then my back hurts up but anyway regard um anything that you can identify somebody coming and using our services that we have paid for as a town those who are not part of the Town should pay for that okay that's just so somebody comes here for a concert you don't know where they're coming from it's open for everybody it's it's in the air you know but you know you said your children do the art program I don't know if anybody outside the town can use it if they do would they pay for yes because you can identify that person is coming in to do that just as the classes okay whether it's um your Rec doing it or the library doing it if you can identify that user and they'll live here they should pay for that's just my opinion okay um what I really came here for was I know it's going to be near and dear to a lot of people's hearts and I know many people have pets um we watch our son's dog our son's a police officer Neptune and when he can't watch his dog overnight cuz he WS overnight he brings him into our house so what I'm leading to is um I've been at a number of the concerts here and people bring dogs I know you there with your dog she was terrible I'm so sorry y that's that's my point exactly okay um Donna was here with her dog and there were a few others and they keep them on the LA so next not every dog behaves well okay Maria was nice enough sensitive enough to take her dog and you know bring him to you know or her whatever to the corner okay away from where people are but to have those dogs who that are uncontrollable or are um you can't tell what they're going to do when they you know they're going to do it but because I saw some dogs you know going after other dogs going after people so from a somebody who wants to be and feel comfortable there cuz there were a lot of people who were turning around and looking at these people with their dogs and they weren't moving their dogs off the lawn you know they were their dog was barking incessantly and people didn't seem to care okay and you you had don't seen it okay um my point is for the good of the people coming and so every feel comfortable here just you can't ban them from the sidewalk you can't ban them from the street but from the lawn where people sit I really believe that dogs shouldn't be there um you know that's just my feeling and I I I I saw enough people you know reacting negatively to what was going on around them trying to listen to the concert and music is playing and people are you know trying to listen to that and all these things going on all around them it's just you know something that I I feel you know should be having in that take into consideration that I don't know maybe too soon you do it for next week but I mean but something for the future because you know there are a lot of a lot of people who don't like dogs I mean know and that's you know I'm not one of them but you know it's there people have hard feel strong feelings one way or the other but I think we need to be uh inclusive to the point where we need to look at people as opposed to the comfort of the know that's thank you right I'm sorry for the honestly come some other time thought that I would have th out there when you said the library had a donation and went outside and we saw you know the bench I have no idea it was a bench okay and I because if you look at it the way sitting there you know the pictures of those libraries make it like it should be standing upright like it's a book okay so if you hadn't said that this was a bench I would have no idea it's a bench okay so my point there is that how many people are actually going to sit on it thinking it's a bench just consider that because you know all of you are very close to this so you've seen this before you knew it was coming okay I didn't so my perspective on looking at this brand new you know is entirely different than what you know everybody else is so just afid I'm not going to change easy easy to persuade with r you know I I I just you know I have a lot of strong feelings about a lot of things uh my wife told me to say off Facebook because my sometimes my opinions AR with people but um thanks thanks L you know I just hope you know I I've been here I've been in Delmore you know since 1972 you know I mean my parents bought a house on 16th Avenue 1972 and now I own it you know so it's we've been there for you know a long time so my parents thank you thank you you along these lines uh like gentleman was saying what about other activities in town let's say the seafood festival let's say our concerts up on Main Street uh I've seen dogs there and I you know I don't know uh they're not banned but you know Seafood Festival brought up a good point seafood festival and you see the beach allow you see the beach that's a whole other issue entirely right okay I mean you know supposed to about October to May or whatever it is okay April 30th I mean even during even off time like now you know I was in the beach today people are there with the supposed to be but I can't expect a police officer to be there to give everybody a ticket but you know there are things that I think people try to um dogs are part of their family okay but they're not children and they B each other you know so but you know what I'm saying I mean I I think that's why I have a lot of Swing things a lot of things I still have to talk to you about something else okay thank you very much do you have the dates for the October and November um Board of Trustees meetings o October is the 26th 21st 21st I'm sorry and let me look it up it's us the the uh the second right let me just make sure there's no the 14th it's Columbus Day so we're Columbus Day that's why it's the 21st 11 which Veterans Day but we're not closed for Veterans Day but did we what we put on we put it in the paper well the 21st we did for October she's asking November well October 2 but yeah but she also asked do you have that in terms of what we sent I just want to make sure what we gave to the papers is uh so if it is November 11th vetes day will that still be a meeting because a second uh yeah I have yeah because we I remember discussing it is we're not we're not closed it's not a holiday for the town so you will have a meeting everybody knows it's Veterans Day and okay all right um um is there any laws or or or policies about libraries charging or not charging because it is a public facility are there any guidelines so I spoke to Bob Keith at the state and it really comes down to it doesn't say that you can't but it says what you can what you can charge for so each Town's attorney interprets it in different ways so so it says that you can charge fees it says you can charge for a card but it doesn't say that you that you can't but it's implied that it's a free public library so each Library does it differently okay um I think you could should um whether you're paying them or Recreation but I think the instruct instructors the fitness instructors should be getting more than $50 I've said this a number of times they have sometimes they have 50 people in the class so it's like $1 a person I mean it's rather 50% over market value it's um it's insulting to to um their experience and and that they are attracting this many people so I think that's something we um you should consider and um oh there is instructors usually get $35 a class um not every not every um facility and yoga teachers and and other places and their classes are not 50 people they have like 12 um what was I going to say oh in the I know you got hit with a lot tonight but in the Strategic plan there is a you know a landscape design um you know like what Pat was saying that you know we kind of plot out where everything's going so we have you know a future there'll be more donations and some trees are dying and some trees are growing and such like that so it is there it is we did I think of that so I I agree that that should um be considered and um thank you very much any other comments meeting is adjourned well you have to oh