##VIDEO ID:4CVEUgPCDY8## thank adequate notice of the meeting to be held by the VMA Board of Education on Thursday October 17th of 2024 at 7 pm has been provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 231 public laws 1975 notice the meeting was posted on the Bulet Board of the principal's office at Elmer Elementary School 1101 Main Street B New Jersey on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting notice of the meeting was transmitted asress the coar belm Belmar and the Lake comoo School District on January 5th 2024 um okay let's have flag United States [Music] Sher Adams ran con here F here Herbert Mich lus Nichol here PA here Mich cart here okay are there any comments from the public on agenda items super report so superintendent report we have a lot of positive events that continue to the start of the school year we had the week of respect last week um we had um collaborative effort to keep the fishing club uh going with the library and that's up and running and they had their first trip which is really great um I'd like to comment uh commend our coaches and students on how well theyve represented Belmore this season in soccer and cross country boys and girls soccer and cross country which the mixed um you know the hust and Sport Miss sport hustle and sportsmanship is a life skill and what I saw in every one of the sports was those two things and our coaches are really good Sportsman our kids really hustle and they really care and they do their best and all of us here know that that's the long game you don't want a championship that's okay you don't hustle and you don't have good sportsmanship that's not okay um and so I'm just I just want to commend our coaches and our kids for really putting great effort out there and for representing our school really well uh the conversation parent night was obviously well attended downstairs I think that this program is really going to help offer a lot to our students uh and our staff and our families on what we need to do moving forward to protect our kids from from social media um and you know some of the addictive gaming issues and a few of the things that are disconnecting kids from um a play based childhood and moving into you know digital based childhood so hopefully we can we can do our best there um the PTO also generous generously supporting a new stem Lego uh initiative led by Mr odonnell and so they made a big contribution putting a big order in um and I'd like to Showcase that our NS meeting too hopefully all that stuff comes in but um you know the the opportunity to do engineering and building and Hands-On uh work with Legos uh I think it's going to be really great we may I also do a Lego drive so for families out there we're going to put together some fers and um because some of our kids age out you know when they get to like upper middle school they're like I don't want to play with Legos anymore I know that there's going to be kids at here at school that would uh love to use them um next uh B bees will be honored tomorrow at the Latino American Association of Mammoth uh Jen and ncol is coming and Shalom are coming so really exciting stuff uh and that's it for the superintendent report for right now to be honored Latin um because Latino what the Latino American Association of Mammoth County um so they're honoring U me along with the school and the admin team um for I saw I saw that which is awesome but I like wonder what you did well everything we've done over the last three years right we've increased our Mass scores from uh in the 30s to well into 40s and upper 40s at this point um we increased our Ela scores since Co over 10 points almost 12 points now um our science sces went up um the community engagement that we've been able to create here um you know all these initiatives projects and growth is one of the one of the ladies that's part of the Latino American Association Carmen Vega she was actually Lauren's Mentor for her principal ship certificate and so when she came in we met with her and I met with her several times just going over what we're doing and our initiatives and how we're restructuring our school so that um students get intervention here during the day and that it doesn't have to be something that happens after school all the time and that even kids who are can extend past that are getting enrichment so she's a longterm educator uh recently retired and recognize you guys are doing great work and know for all the students not just for the te oh yeah for all the kids all of Belmore yeah very y agreed so um I was honored I mean we're honored and great honor not something that we expected but it just came and she called and we're like okay um thanks JY it's a team effort it really is everybody here and teachers the admin team none of this happens you know it's a team thank you yeah okay we're going to have an open public hearing regarding superintendent's contract so the superintendent's contract whereas Jimmy Alvarez is currently employed by the B the Board of Education of Belmar here and after referred to as the board as its superintendent of schools and is serving under terms and conditions of a written Employment contract that took effect January 1st 2022 and extends until June 30th 2026 here and after referred to as the current contract and where in the best interest of the school district to provide for administrative stability and the completion of educational programs and projects and to minimize disruption to the school district be it resolved of the current contract of the superintendent be and is hereby rescinded and be it resolve that Jimmy Alvarez be and is hereby reappointed as the superintendent of School's first term beginning retroactive to July 1st 2024 and ending midnight July 1st 2029 and be further resolve that the board approves the employment contract between the board and the superintendent attached here to and directs the board president to sign same on its behalf want to any public comment for the hearing okay Mr you move okay second anyone Nikolai any discussion or comments questions okay roll Mr yes Mr CH yes Mr Conlin yes M Nichol yes Mr rck yes M cortellia yes m f yes all right can we have approval of the minutes for the September meeting Mr conin and Mrs check no discussion all right Roll Call Check Yes Mr conf yes Mr ncol yes Mr only yes M CA yes yes all right Personnel items he person items we have a couple of substitutes uh that we want to add to our list approve U muli Chino as a professional um assistant coach Bert lus we're just proving that he's going to be here but M well pays for him to be here as the assistant coach for our our team our wrestling team the F volunteer wrestling coaches and basketball coach has volunteered uh after our regular normal coach was Mr McDonald uh to approve the following teachers service chaperons for sushi uh Sushi's a run by Tom Arnon in the county and they um we did it last year it was really great and so they have these periodic opportunities for the kids to go out and do some learning outside the classroom and so basically what we um approved is is that these teachers can go with those fourth graders for this specialized program um approved Manuel gulino uh to do a doctoral student he's a doctoral student from Sicily but he's doing work right now in Sean Hall and he's living in Belmar and we talked to the professor at seaten Hall and uh had him come in and talk to Mrs Wilton and he's going to come in and do some observations of um of American school so he's got to get some hours in so it's really interesting I haven't had a chance to meet him yet but Mrs W said it's very very nice um and then uh that the superintendent is authorized to hire and replace teachers and power professionals prior to the next board meeting someone like to move person second Mr comments questions roll M yes check Mr I'm a yes for 1 through five and seven and eight I'm a not to number six Mr n yes Mr yes yes yes policy these are the uh policies that we went over last month this is just the second reading um we we went over the board member number and term we just left that the way it was last time that was a revised policy and then there were lots of mandated policies incling uh we abolished the remote public uh meetings um because of that was during Co the curriculum content of physical exams attendance service animals all these were revised student suicide prevention emergency and crisis situations firearms and weapons and then we also um revised our gifted and talented uh policy volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisers and assistance and the ebikes policy um so this is just the second reading I I will I'll move the second reading of those policies anyone second this is Nikolai question we discussed them last month okay roll call Mr yes Mr CH yes Mr con yes Mr Nick yes Mr yes Mr Cal yes M yes that question if you're not here when something like that's discussed you abstain or can you say yes I always abstain I on policies on on anything that you move and you vote if you weren't here when it was discussed and I'm just trying to Lear I think you can vote on the second reading as long as you're here for the second reading but the only thing that would be and even like approval of minutes people second you read the minutes if you read the minutes you approve I just want to make sure right but it is it's kind of just a a common practice to abstain um but I think it's especially should obstain if it was like a conversation that you weren't here for but when it comes to like Poli I would in the future but if I wasn't there I want to make sure that I'm understanding it I go you sometimes I forget on that note I forgot iot that was here last minutes I don't know I did read them policies too whatever whatever no it's a good yeah good question you always have to ourselves sometimes it's seems like a long month all righty operations say so operations New Jersey single accountability Continuum uh NJ qac we got our performance review for 2324 school year which is in the documents uh and so this would be reviewed and approved um we passed in every category with the exception of performance which uh as many of you probably told you before I went to the State House you got in front of the State Board told them what I thought the problems were there been a coalition of many M many Mammoth County superintendents and superintendents around the state who have advocated for change through our organization through the and N Jaa has also been part of it basically most any or major organization has to do with schools um let the state know that there's a problem with the way they're doing this and that there's an imbalance in how they're assessing schools um and so they change the law or they Chang the regulations and they're changing how they're assessing but it just doesn't affect last year it affects you know the schools moving forward so under the new rules we pass flying colors no problem but they put so much weight in science performance that they moved half a science performance scores uh weight out they moved a portion of ela performance and Ela math out and they put it in growth which is what we almost got perfect scores on because we had such incredible growth and we're doing so well so we would have passed clearly but the old regulations and the way that things were operating we didn't not in that specific area so you need 80 points we had 78.4 points if I had 1.1 more and we had 79.5 we would have passed there's a few things that I had an issue with I brought them to the state we went as a coalition it worked they made some changes but it's too late for us kind of dying on the sword type of scenario for it it's not a road we haven't been down before uh it's a dip which is a district Improvement plan which we've done uh before I got here we were usually on a dip for qack the only time we hadn't was the previous year when we got Q sacked it's usually a every three-year process but since Co they weren't doing it so we got qac we passed the next year supposed to wait three years but we didn't not that we didn't they told us we had to do it so um we had qack again and so that's the one area where we have to come up with a plan for it and then develop the plan send it to the state by December 9th and then move forward but to be honest our plan is going to be a lot of what we're already doing because we pass had we go under under the normal rules our strategic plan and everything we're doing right is going to be part of what we do but okay that was a longwinded number one that uh the travel professional development and the board travel schedule's approved that the field trips on the board field trip schedule's approved to approve the submission of the three-year comprehensive maintenance plan uh and the M1 reports due date of November 15th the submission of the health and safety evaluation the school building checklist guidance these are things that we uh do periodically the health and safety evaluation we do every year on the improved um Leonora chanowski from the VNA and central New Jersey collaborative with the united with to support our students and nurse for screenings and other basic services this is something that we did in the spring it was successful so we want to continue it for this year to offer some support to our nurse so she can do those screenings that she has run the kids through so the visiting nurse will help with that it's a really nice service to have and we don't pay anything for it so the operations educ this is M yes M Check Yes Mr con yes M Nichol yes Mr yes M cart yes M yes okay Finance all right so Finance we just have the monthly board certification that no budgetary line item has been overspent since September as of September 34 as far as the resolutions go number one is just the be uh the bills uh on the bills resolution in amount of 294,000 number two is to allow me to pay any remaining bills in the month of October report at the November board meeting because this meeting is a little early um number three is the uh board secretary's report and treasures report for the month of August 2024 number four and number five is the budget and monthly transfer reports for August 2024 number six is just the certification of the board secretaries and treasures reports as of setember 30th 2024 fin M Check Yes Mr conin yes M Nikolai yes Mr yes M Celia yes M yes yeah I was um a lot of student stuffs going on this past month um the 9th through 11th graders did the PSATs uh last week or week before um they did the college fair last week they had about 60 colleges um come um they held their back to school night in October uh last Saturday was their alumni day uh they're doing the fall play um which is a series of um smaller plays um October 25th is the that only one day um my son has a play that he wrote that was accepted and I did attend I don't know if you mention the Heritage day I would that's okay great yeah so they held their annual Hispanic heritage night um where they you know celebrate um the Hispanic heritage they do food all music all different kind of stuff like that um they last Saturday they had the National Honor Society um hosted a trunk retreat um at the school um sorry uh this Saturday they're doing a beach clean up for the environmental Club in Manan at the Manon Beach open houses tonight at Manon also at rbr kind of sad they um Brett lus was the teacher of the month that was exciting um their um field hockey team and the tennis team both won their divisions so they'll be moving on the Powderpuff game is coming up along with the Thanksgiving Day game and U for the seniors and college applications every Tuesday and Thursday during the Lunch Period the um counselors are making themselves available for the kids to come in um to do any kind of questions um and as of that was Tuesday night they had 65 students sent 4 33 applications to colleges to 124 colleges so that's kind of like a crazy statistic that's a lot of say it again 69 students 63 students 65 students sent 433 applications to 124 colleges so far already yeah that's early that's early that's early usually early December is yeah early action started school on Monday wow they have 240 kids in the senior class yeah what's the average that's like I don't know what the average is but I thought that was div5 yeah the early action kids yeah right they're they're right they're the right group they're they're applying to eight they have the same essay too just copy yeah which she is fine yeah it's nice easier than the way it was when we grew up but that's what that's I know right click click click click s you know but um 1/4 of the class already sent I've already sent applications and it's fault yeah yeah I know my daughter sent like just one early action but still has a bunch of now she can just copy pretty much that's what I do do right yeah garbage question yeah sorry the whole process um they also finished the elementary school high school but the elementary school they um read their gym um and it it's a beautiful gym if you hav't seen we're going to have to go see a look to take a look was a big construction job though yeah like they the floors they have the boston pattern on the floor oh my goodness yeah it's really pretty sorry I don't love our well I know we are I'm because we're see a look yeah you should it is it is really pretty and then um next Friday there will be a blood drive at the high school in the field house um but you can sign up online for that and also their boys uh varsity won their game yesterday in the playoffs and the boys yes the Golden Goal and then the JB won the second round game today all right wow awesome and the um freshman didn't win one game no they won one I think my S is on it okay all right so next up is correspondence um Sher Adams isn't here today because she let uh the bo know unfortunately that her father died last week so um that's that's the news and there's a card here that Mr Al has got for us to all sign if send that over to her yeah so we'll send her our best wishes um that's cars to report uh old business anything okay new business comments from the public I wa to make a comment to the public sure really quickly yeah um I just want to say thank you and I'm really honored and grateful to be superintendent here and uh I love belar this is a homeway from home and I care about this place I really appreciate you recognizing that how much we've worked as a team this is not a oneman show by any means um but I just I want to thank you for renewing me new contract and putting me in a position to lead this through lead us through our strategic plan and and passed it so thank Youk you we are we're lucky to have you thank you glad glad that you wanted to ex it's a big commitment for both of us yeah exactly you're stuck now you're stuck I like all right um dates to remember October 28th is the lip sync and October 31st is the Halloween show and parade oh I didn't know there was a show November 4th and 5th is parent teacher conferences 7th and 8th is no school for Teacher convention and November 14th is our board meeting and November 19th is the makeup for picture day and November 208th is Thanksgiving no school all right can I get a to adj the meeting all in favor y