the Z Board of adjustment was sent by email to the as Park Press and the postar our official newspapers and posted on the board building Mr Ross here Mr here Mr I'm here Mr Mr Mr yes yes Melle and Mr O'Neal is abent okay if everyone please rise for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America to the republ for stands indivisible andice for all get started sure Mr chairman can I just make one procedural and I would like to make an announcement and correct me if I have this wrong but um we're only going to be hearing two applications tonight because two have been postponed uh the application for 23 8th Avenue has been moved to to April um and the application for 106th Avenue has also been moved April 18th April 18th so if anyone here is here tonight for either of those applications uh you have the itle off and come back on April 18th and Mr chairman for the record there will be new notice or Reen noticing or notice for those two applications oh yeah okay all right that's good to know okay very good and then just one other uh procedural thing just in accordance with the open public meetings act this meeting is a duly organized special meeting of the zoning board so even though it's not one of our regules it's a special meeting notice a special meeting and our friend the uh buau clerk um forwarded a notice of the special meeting in two newspapers be 48 hours in advance this meeting the notice was posted with the B clerk which is not a hard thing to do because she's the B CL too and it was posted on the website so uh for the record this is a conven special meeting and and everyone here tonight is special absolutely yes could not agree more okay thank you Mr Kennedy um we have some visit to tend to April little or no nope that was it not yet so we're going right into the first application okay and if we're going in the correct order that would be Hank and Rosanne Navi I believe kabi kab oh you want the cat kabi okay I'm sorry if I misunderstood Mr chairman as the applicant team comes forward we'll do a couple of things uh is there anyone here who had any questions or comments or concerns regarding the notice they Reed could you pause just for second I think we have a refusal okay Mr has to exuse okay so you for the next application I will so you give isue to my uh discussion at the last meeting a lot of the times the alternates will stand up so perfect perfect illustration I'm coming back here right so is there anyone here who had any questions comments or concerns regarding the sufficiency of the notice they received okay we don't see any let the record reflect that the board secretary and I reviewed the notice and found everything to be in order so it would be uh my humble opinion that we have jurisdiction to proceed tonight and what we'll do is we will Mark into the record what we as a board have before us uh A1 will be the development application and that's dat is December 28 2023 a two will be the application checklist this is A3 is going to be the Belmar minor minor land use application denial and that's dated November 15 2023 and then we have here a site plan we're going to mark that A4 and it's a site plan dated May 30th 2023 last revised February 2nd 2024 prepared by Paul alenko and that's sheet and then last but not least we're going to Mark A5 that's site plan prepared by Paul alenko dated May 20th 2023 last provis December 28 203 and that is says three sheets okay and what we'll do is we will swear in uh Ted deont Ted you are the zoning officer and construction official for the great fur of Belmar do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth the best your knowledge to help you guys okay good evening so we can swear you both in so Mr Amo chunko you can just state your name please and business address my name is Paul amoo with architectural offices at 917 Main Street palar New Jersey okay and you're testifying tonight in Your Capacity as an architect that's correct okay and good evening sir if you can take your name and address h504 and that's k n a e e e and you're the applicant that's correct okay if you get both raise your right hand do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best a knowledge to help you guide I do okay and uh Mr kavi have a seat if I could just um uh with the chair's consent just to get a few real basic questions out of the way uh we're talking about the property at 504 temp Avenue correct yes and are you the owner of that property yes and how long have you owned it rough it a year and a half okay and my notes reflect there's a single family home at the site yes and do you live there we're renovating it to make it our fulltime home okay so you're in the process of renovating it to live there Perfect all right so now why don't you uh tell board about your proposal or you wanted Mr alenko to do that thank you get them a brief a summary of the necessity of the garage and the purpose of it well my hobby is collecting a classic cars and um so this is so I have a place to put them and keep them nice and maintain them and um I always wanted a garage like this so this is our hopefully maybe our hopefully our last home so we're trying to make it so it's very comfortable for both of us and um I I've been a mechanic my whole life but I'm retired for like 14 years now so I fiddle with the cars I clean them I really don't do any work on them there I take them to other places people do the heavier work um so it's really just a store to cars and obviously we have bicycles and other things we're going to have and there'll be two lifts um in each of the two bays yeah you could Elevate The Car Store another car you know what and just Mr chairman if I may before I forget Mr alen we have a couple new board members I know you've been before us but why don't you briefly just State your credentials and certifications just so that the new board members have a feeling of who you are sure uh Paul gko I'm a longtime resident of New Jersey I've been licensed in New Jersey since 19 78 I believe u quite a while and um I practice I have an office in Florida where I'm also licensed um I have offices at 9917 Main Street and I've been working in around Delmar for the last 25 years okay so why don't you uh continue then with if you have any more information about uh uh the the pro great you start by briefing both us and the public as to what variances you're anticipating you're going to be requesting this evening we we are seeking one variance and that is building coverage we 25% is um allowed and we are 29% give those numbers we're at 29% we're 5% over a building coverage okay and there's I'm sorry 4% there's no coverage no sir okay so just one variance we're totally in conformance as a matter of fact there's a pre-existing Garage on site now um that is um too close to one property line it's I believe 2 and 1/2 ft off of one property line and then 12 ft off another um we brought this new uh structure into conformance with the three-foot setbacks um and we' we've done a lot of add positive criteria so I'll let you continue I just want to know what Varan is thanks yeah okay if if you drove past this site you would see that it is a mass of the cattle from the street winding out to where the house currently sits and widening out even further to a parking lot in the rear of the property we're we've attempted and done our best to eliminate that lot coverage basically minimize it um just for our purpose of back access to the rear garage with perious papers and a small patio off the rear of the home um outside of that that's the only that's the only request for variances that we have uh we you going to put a sink in that garage yes sir I was getting to that okay because that's a variance okay I didn't know whether it was a variance or a waiver but no it's a variance all right so we have an additional request I'm glad we're starting with this that's great because we want to know what it is we're being asked for tonight that's good okay we have because of the nature of the storage of the classic cars they're worth a few dollars so naturally we would request to be able to put heat um in in the structure as well uh to maintain uh the uh the quality of the of the Automobiles and client is also requested a work syn on the ground floor um in one of the Bays that and I don't know whether you noticed on the plans but each of the base of of this garage has a a lift in it that will elevate a car of 7 ft in the air and allow my client to uh to park another car underneath it so we believe that it's um it's obvious that we're not going to rent this space to a tenant or anything else it's totally unsuitable for anything other than the maintenance of these of these would you mind give a rough idea of where you believe that sink is going to be located because we're having difficulty trying to identify on the over I don't believe I showed it on the on the plan we're going to locate it somewhere on the rear wall which would be the north wall of one of the Bays of garage one or garage two either one are are the lips shown on your diagram they are what what we have U they are and I'm going to show you where where they are there I did a side elevation where I sketched in the side of the lift on sheet A3 that expains kind of a scissor structure that elevates and we required 11t Headroom in each one of those Bays to be able to accommodate the elevated cars okay very good so we're um just to clarify T the thing that's triggering the second variant that's requested isn't just a sink I think it's heating as well then right we never never deny anybody for putting okay's you mean from a from a permit point of view or from a variance point of view well no from a variance point of view okay per it's not an issue is a variance needed for the no not for the heat for the sink the sink requires a variance but the heat does not no that's good to know okay thank you all right I'm glad that we have that settled up front so let's try to focus on those things and uh we'll see what we can do to get to a vote thank you very much Mr chairman um we have the structure consist of two garage Bays on either side of a center workspace storage of bicycles um the ordinary things that restore surfboards things like that in a beach front in a beach front home and I'm showing the elevation we've attempted to to break up the structure it's 18t High which is conformant with the ordinance however we Tred to we Tred to create some modifications to the rear of the building with Gable roofs things like that facing our neighbor uh to the north and to keep that residential character um that basically is the home itself and then I've I put some color on this elevation to indicate we're going to continue with the same siding the simulated Cedar shap in a gray Motif and then uh we're going to implement Mah mahogany doors or a wood grain uh type of door uh with with glass um for lighting and we' broken up the front elevation by recessing the center section by 2 ft so it's not just one straight uh wall uh 36 ft long and we created the Gable ends once again to try to capture the residential character and that Cottage type Shore car I think that's the sum total of my presentation we would be happy to answer any questions I I I noticed on the plan there's an addition reflected um is that just standard uh permit permitted audition that got completed or I don't I don't um just I just don't know what oh I'm sorry yeah yes that that this site plan was part and partial of our initial resident uh application for the residence itself which was in total conformance it was submitted U to Ted's office sorry is this a pre this currently exists or it's currently the addition exist it it's it's being finished now it's being built so that addition was was approved through a standard permit and no variance was necessary for it okay great and and so the calculations include the building footprint associated with that addition that that's correct okay corre and in that Mr chairman in that initial U application we also represented the efforts that we made to reduce the amount of the cam and lot coverage and perious coverage and that's still in Conformity with the original application that didn't trigger variant at that point it is okay very good um your presentation is done is that what I understood you said that's correct okay so now we're going to open up for board questions and we'll start with one of our newer members Miss hanger down on the West End okay um the only question I have is you said um 25% is um permitted and you have 29.9% for the VAR but you mentioned 29 is it 29 or 29.9 29.9 I'm sorry I okay should have read it off the graph difference of five versus that was the only question I so the the driveway you show with the uh looks like some green strips of lawn down the center is is that part of this project or was that part of the prior project that you're working on now that was part of the prior project okay yeah part of the site plan submitted and you're going to uh run a drain line from the new garage to the house for drainage of the sink or correct okay correct and uh the the Middle Bay could have a car in it correct even though it has no lift it it doesn't really have the depth um the client has has a smaller jeep that we thought could fit in that space but there's a staircase going up to the loft to the storage Loft above um so include like a large SUV or something housed in that area so I have one question do you know how many three car garages are in town right now no I don't okay they not too many that's why I asked okay I didn't know whether you had looked at that and the staircase that's going to be in there is there a staircase now no no staircase no there's an existing garage that's 20 by 22 which is fairly dilapidated that's coming down right and I is it coming all down because you're yes because your plan said existing walls are in your first and L wall said existing walls to remain on A2 I'm looking at the legend in the middle of uh A2 oh actually this is um my drafter has basically a cut and paste file for renovations and additions and that's where this came from but there is totally there no existing walls remaining so it's going to be demolished right and down to the foundation right and I read uh the way I read your plans there's only 3T of Headroom in The Loft storage area on either side of the on either over either B right but there is like probably a 6 and 1/2t headro on on the upper section over the middle okay okay that's all I have uh you basically answered my question as to why we need a three car garage right off because he clle cars and that's my only comment really yeah that Center area is I think is is going to be too shallow for a car it's more of you know where your workbenches would be or your bicycles and but but hanging golf C golf cart okay that's fine but you still got instead of a standard two you You' got four four and a half yeah you could jam it in here if you really wanted to I guess but but again around town the golf cart would fit in there fine that sort of thing okay uh so it's a four car garage because you have the lifts in there correct you could ultimately put four cars there that's what I I have a that setup at my home up in New Jersey um kind of experimented years ago us and the the cars drive correct oh yeah they're pristine and they're old right 68 67 69 and 70 and they're loud right no no no they're um what do you call regular all back to original Cruisers they're not they're not noisy they're not and they're not hot Ian they're not really Hots do they have Wheels yes do we have V yes I just want to mention something though as as a new member I want to point out whether cars Lou or not has nothing to do with variances I understand okay I just want we'll try to stay on on what's being requested and and quiet cars is not part okay okay okay and the Loft area will not be finished it will be sheetrocked taped and painted sheetrocked taped and painted yeah and insulated okay will there be letters on the garage sure and the the the turnoff goes to where uh the down spots would either go out to the street but in this case because it's so far back there probably be necessity forh for a dry well or something like that just to retain your but we do have a lot of lawn area U to this side over here okay thank you Mr cig thank you uh floor drinking wash the car no above the ground lips they're not oil tanks down into the ground like Pistons surface now surface either either they sit right there's two different kinds I'm not sure what I'm going to do but um one bolts down and you have the post on the side and the other is a four post where it just sits on the CER yeah no oil in the ground this the runners in between the doors that's all side it's just marked on I guess that's a grass what was the question the runners in between you have a either a concrete or brick paper driveway that goes back and swings around it's going to be and in front of each door there's a thing here it says oh I'm sorry it does say lawn it was like very it's like almost through online okay that's answer that question um the driveway is going to be pavers correct right now it's all black top it's all coming up it'll be perious papers thank you I think that's all I got for you what kind of you said 67 pth 69 Mustang and a 70 sh are the front wheels loud yeah only if starting off just kidding thank you Mr Ross yeah you said you wanted heat or you have an AC as well air conditioning as well well you split system which I have in my other garage does it does I was just curious where the condens going to go you'll keep them in a compant location ABS you have the space there are they reflected location where they're going they're not but they will be within the setback we have um we have 11 ft off of one side yard where we're actually had shown a generator I brought in a revive site plan indicating a generator just to the just to the left side that was for the main house of West B it would sit right here it's shown here with 10t set back off the side yard and any questions that I had were um already asked by my uh my partners here on the zoning board so I don't have any other questions so that will open up to see if the public has any questions this application I do not see anyone from the public raising their hand therefore we will close the public session and go right into board comments go in the same order that we did our questions do you detail bars on um I think it's gonna it's a great hobby I had a 68 fire i l it so good luck you thank you I just have one question since you're demolishing the garage any aestus hazardous material in there you know if if we find any it'll be properly disposed of okay thank that's it Mr Luben comments um I started out kind of like Jim with why do we need uh three car garages because there aren't very many around town it's not that type of town uh but is there so I have no problem no problem at all Mr I kind of like the idea favor Mr Ross favor too I think and design and I just have a comment I I'd like to make my vote contingent on you sh me your cards no problem we can haveing bo uh that would make me very happy we got a couple of car collectors up here welcome to the neighborhood right very good so with that Mr Ken sure Mr can I just ask for purpose of the resolution can I just ask a couple real quick questions just to get them and we'll save you time later on so right now the existing garage is 20 by 22 correct and what's the proposed garage going to be 24 by 36 all right and right now uh what is the height of the existing garage it's um if you know I do know I do know it's 12T 12 all right and the proposed is going to be 18 okay and and the existing garage how many pays two and in this one will be technically four count as a b i i I think it's going to be two bays okay I I think if you reflect other than that two Bay but you're two for one top bottom top bottom okay you're you're allow right but the center can't count Bay so this will be two bays accommodating four vehicles I guess is right and then in terms of uh just for the record and on the plans where is the on the site where is the existing garage the existing garage is in the um in the right rear corner the north the north corner you can see it on the on the site plan prepared by ali um it's the uh the hatched in ucture the rear of the site and the proposed Garage on site is going description of that I'm sorry where's the proposed garage going to be the proposed garage is shown here on the uh North north east corner east corner thank you and does the existing garage have any utilities no all right and then and then for the new garage so is there any gas no uh water is yes electric yes and there'll be a gas heater okay and uh sewer not necessary okay wait wait did you say I'm sorry okay and then uh the garage will not be the new garage will not be utilized as living space correct correct say garage say garage or law will not got it all right so that's good so then one more thing Mr Ken um I think you you not that you missed it but you didn't mention it um I think major positive criteria here is that the out of compliance rear setback will be eliminated and will be brought into compliance with the new garage placement because then we have 36 we have um we have um 3T off the back line and we have three fet off the sideline perfect so complying setbacks and eliminate a non-conforming condition yes which everything we always do we want to make things conforming or more conforming and eliminating so Mr chairman uh taken a couple of notes as to potential conditions our standard would be compliance with all promises commitments and representations that the team made tonight compliance in the affordable housing rules and regulations we usually have a 24mth shelf FL from the state resolution adopted to get all necessary uh building permits uh the garage or Loft not to be utilized as living space um any outside approvals um and we usually say if the outside approvals materially change the nature of the application or the nature of relief you need to come back and I guess just for uh being thorough or anal or something uh this is only for your personal use there's no commercial aspect to your use of this garage correct okay and let's see we usually um have grading and drainage details to be reviewed and improved by the burough engineer um the lifts um I guess did we want the uh Mr chairman I think or someone said we want the sync showing on the plans is that what you said uh it's not currently reflected so I just request that when we'll indicate those in the construction document perfect and uh just one other real quick question the the lifts don't make any noise do they okay and then what about um I think uh we'll just clarify that the addition as referenced on the plans is not of this plan um and then we'll clarify the 29.9% and let's see uh we'll clarify those plans uh to show that that wall to remain quote wall to remain that that that's not um accurate for this uh gutters on the garage and did we say there's did you say there's going to be a dry dryw if if it's necessary we're not we're not proposing that at this juncture we don't feel necessary but if it is obviously you'll work that out with the the burrow engineer if it is necessary it usually has to be installed and maintained in accordance with um best practices and other burough procedures um no oil in the ground for the lifts driveway will be pervious papers um air conditioning condensers uh in a compliant location and the same thing with generator and those details will be put on the plans um Mr Kenedy related to the uh the dryw um you could just that L and just say you know uh should the garage create any uh flooding conditions for uh the neighboring properties that the um applicant will uh address those uh flooding issues at their cost or something to that effect because the good faith effort resulting in not doing it resulting in flooding next door we don't want to see that happen that's perfect and then um we also uh in conjunction with that uh no um drainage onto adjacent properties and um we also have um let's see to the extent any uh environmental hazards are located on the site they will be uh removed and lawfully disposed of and um private show for for the that was it so are those um terms acceptable to to you all that I've just read absolutely and then we have our other standard positions but uh Mr chairman if those are acceptable to the board we can uh take very nice summary Mr Kenny appreciate that so with that I'd like someone to make a motion to approve this application I'll make that motion Mr Craig thank you Mr Luben Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Mr Mr yes yes congratulations good Lu the project thank you we'll do a good job with that than you very that Daniel and Mr chairman as the applicant team comes forward we'll our standard uh preliminary procedural things is there anyone in the room tonight who had any questions or comments regarding the sufficiency of the notice they received no okay uh seeing none uh the board secretary and I reviewed the and found everything to be in order so it be my opinion humble as it may be that we have jurisdiction to proceed tonight and what we'll do for the second time and final time tonight we swear in Ted bian Ted you are the zoning officer and construction official of the B of bmar do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide them will be the truth best your knowledge to help you guide okay thank you and we'll mark into the record what we as a board have before us A1 is the development application I think that's undated and A2 will be the minor land use application denial form dated August 20th 2023 A3 is a survey of the property prepared by moris surveying and it's dated March 16th 2011 and A4 are architectural plans prepared by Brian Collis architecture and my friend with the awesome eyes is going to help me with the date oer October 6th 2023 consisting of three sheets I think that's it April correct all right this is J can the applicant's attorney uh so good evening Mr can and welcome to Belmar good evening my name is James I represent aiyah LEL schlexer and her husband Daniel who are here for a prop addition to their house they want to remove an enclosed porch at the rear of the house and replace it with an addition that enlarges the kitchen and adds a family room why are we here okay first here because there is currently an excessive amount of lot coverage on the fire in connection with this uh proposed addition the applicant is going to remove quite a bit of the driveway um our architect will describe in detail what that involves the current lock coverage is 55% 55.2% by removing some of the excessive lot coverage we're going to get the down to 49% within the limit of 50% so we are eliminating a variance condition that exists inty um reducing ring lck coverage is that eliminating or is that just bringing more in compliance I just that brings it in compliance okay very good okay thank you um currently the existing house is over your building principal building coverage of 2 5% it's currently a 28.9% and we're proposing 31.2% but we are eliminating the overall impervious coverage variance even though we're over on the principal building coverage there is also an existing side setback violation the house is built almost on the property line at certain areas uh there's a bump out on the west side of the house it to within 34 ft of the property line the proposed addition is not going to be that close to the property line the proposed addition will be 3.4 foot from the side property line we five is required or five is required that is correct and our architect will explain why due to the the flow required for the addition they we can't comply with the five without ruining the flow of the interior space and that I have two witnesses I have the applicant and I have her archit okay very good uh before we get into that I just want to make sure that the six conditions that um Mr bian listed in the uh application to dial are being adequately addressed so it sounds like number one you're going to talk about that right because it's saying 2.4 ft and five is required so so so we're we're to we're going to to be to be determined on that one permitted building cover is 25% you're proposing 3 you said 31.2% the denial says 31.6 4 it's a minor problem but believe me minor errors like this wind up becoming a big problem especially if something gets appealed and that's why the lawyers don't get involved in the okay so I'm just going to request then that the architect address the discrepancy from the 3164 that was submitted previously to the 31.2 that you're talking about tonight okay uh the third item the entire driveway is locked cage how was it calculated see definition of imp purpose area you gave us some numbers um I assume that you've addressed this through those recalculations the arit will describe okay very good uh how was the de calculated the architect will will say how it was calculated the maximum width of a driveway is 10 ft accepted from the garage can extend two ft pest I assume the reason why Mr bian listed this was that the plan wasn't uh um complying with that um we'll discuss on okay so the maximum width of a driveway is 10 foot except in front of the garage which can extend two feet past either side which makes it 14 at that point but the width itself has to be supposed to be 10 so that me Trier variance and then windows will not be committed within 3 ft of the property line unless it has a fire again architect to address yes okay all right keeping track Mr architect yep all right very good all right please go all right so we'll swear you in if you could just uh state your name first and business address Brian CIS uh I live at um 128 John Street in Brick as I work out of my house that's also my business address okay and you're testifying tonight in Your Capacity as a licensed architect that is correct and all your licenses and certifications are currently up to date that is great and why you just give the board a very brief uh uh the resuscitation of your credentials um undergraduate degree from Clemson my master's degree is from Arizona State I've been working in New Jersey since 2004 when I moved back I've been licensed in the state since 2007 and ma'am your name Elia Lael okay and how do you spelled ellia e l i a and last name is spelled I have two last names so I'm not sure if you want both sure uh l a u r i e l l o second last name s c h l e c k s e r all right and you're the applicant yes all right if you uh if uh both you and Mr Collis could a your right hand do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth to best knowledge to help you guide I do do okay let the record reflect that both uh Witnesses have been sporn and Jim can I just ask your client just three basic questions to get the ball rolling sure uh just with respect to the property at 415 9th Avenue correct are you the owner of that property my husband and I own okay and how long have you owned it roughly uh from We Bought It in 2019 and we are permanent residents okay and my note suggest that there's a single family home at the site that is corrupt and do you live there that is corrupt okay thank you take it away Jim I tell us about the house oh okay yeah uh so is um and uh the reason why we're here today is uh to make it more functional um you know the kitchen is not functional for us and we like to a little bit bigger and have it into the back of the property we can enjoy property right now we're not able to do that so we're here ask and you're going to add enlarge the kitchen and add a family yes and that's all that you're proposing that is correct and you're also proposing to remove some of the paving that's on your property that is correct and it's your intention to get the impervious coverage Down Under the limit so that there's no variance that's that's all the questions I have for her if she's available for questions from you or we typically do the questions just in in one session so we might as well hear the first defer on any questions all right so this is the area in the back here of the new edition um there's currently the dash line on the plans you have the dash line is the existing sort of um screen well probably once was a screen for it's spinning closed it's got Windows um that is to be removed um and the new addition will take its place um so as you can see um so addressing the side I get you this area up here the bump out in the dining room is the point that gets to like I think within 4 in of the property line and then at the kitchen it bumps in to roughly I think two 2 and 1/2 ft roughly um from the property line and then we're proposing another bump in off that um which will bring it to like roughly 3 fo5 uh from the property line um so we get beyond that 3 ft from the property line so we can have Windows in there the um the wall will still obviously need to be rated um but so we you know if we had followed the additional line and kept it at the 2.4 there would be no windows allowed in that wall at all so that was part of the reason why to BR and again trying to just get it back farther away from the from the property L as much clearance as we could um yeah and so basically yeah so it allows for the the kitchen to be redone there's some stuff in here with an existing um the existing basement stair sort of comes in sort of like sort of a choke point so there's one little narrow area that gets after that existing screen porch and so by doing this addition we also we keep the last two risers into the basement of that's there but then we have a new access to that which also uh lands at gr so you have access to the outside plus then access to the basement from from outside um that that abl us to open this up a little bit so it's a little bit less of the choke point so the area this new sitting room area Den or whatever you want to call it is going to be you know more sort of free flowing space between the kitchen and the new area um the addition is roughly 136 by almost 18 so it's about 260 square feet Al together I'm sorry 136 by 18 equals what it's 260 F feet it's like I think it's 135 and a half by like 1710 I think is the exact dimensions um and fact the house does have a second floor but the addition will just be single St so it'll have a lower roof over that section um and then beyond that it was Again part of the whole thing so believe right now you know you have this porch area but the door is off to the side to get to the backyard so again this provides the bigger den area you'll have slids off the back onto a deck which means more so you have the sort of like indoor outdoor living so you can extend you when the weather's nice you extend your living space um that's pretty much it OB been the the cover tissues which I didn't Mount the site plan but you know you have it in your hand you can see um right now there is concrete all the way back to the existing garage um and so our answer to the imperious coverage issue was to take maybe the first I think it's about 80 ft of what's uh continuous concrete driveway now remove that replace it with the perious paper strips to a paper apron and then leave the existing concrete pad in front of the garage and that was able to we were able to you get down then even with the additional building coverage to get the impervious coverage within compliance um because the only thing about building coverages is I know the rule is that you know a garage over to a certain point does not count as building coverage all but if you're over that in the entire thing counts and that's really the the reason the garage the existing garage on the site is is slightly oversized um and that sort of caused the the building by the house by itself I don't think would have been overcoverage it's the fact that we had to include the entire coverage of of oversized garage question I think it's I me it's a fairly straightforward and not very complicated think there was a question with how did you calculate the deck answer that oh the deck um the deck is to be you know open wood slots it's not going to be uh the deck I would not assume as as pervious um it's open wood slots so water go through going you know gravel or soil underneath 50% yeah for the for for your yeah ta 50% yes and you and that's the way you C yes I went through corre can the driveway have grass strips yeah so it would be two sort of perious paper Tire strips with grass in between I I would like Clarity on that once again because we' had this conversation if there's grass in between t that I hear you at one point say it it it it now is considered perious the ordinance as the entire driveway counts as lot coverage so strips or not it says it says driveway and which to me makes no sense at all because because if rain comes down it's it's going to it's going to go through so I we can we'll just count the strips you'll count the strips as as you know or imp right I maybe that's something that we just need to put on the list let's just get that if our ordinates is wrong when it comes to that maybe it should be reflective that having these strips in the middle is a favorable thing we would be in favor of that and I don't want to see applicants charged as as as lot coverage for something that is not truly um impervious surface and I understand the intent right because a car over it is going to block rain from going down there but the reality of it is it acts as a drainage uh uh area my stones but the drinks so so maybe we could April make note of that um that the strips down the middle of the driveway should count if if it is drain it should count as imperious okay anything else for your presentation no I'm open the questions start on the on the east side Mr chairman I do have one more question my client please um did you talk to your neighbors next door to your house yes and you told what you were planning yes I did and those are the neighbors that are on the side where your house is close to the property line that's right and did they have any problem with what you proposing okay the only thing I would say to that though we have to be careful because the future owners might have bar stays with the land so but but I understand and it's nice that they're compatible in terms of not objecting to this I if they objected I assume that they would be here tonight so we're going to start Mr this is more of a question I guess just to educate myself I always get this mixed up but if you you were saying that because of the oversized garage you penalized a little bit because if it was a conforming garage you'd be able to discount or get credit against your building cover corre so you're 6% over right now but that's you have no deduction based on that correct yeah that's an interesting little turn that I need to look into as well 660 ft there's I think there's three different exceptions in there for different siid garages I think 240 340 440 but if you're over that you lose yeah 440 you40 you don't just take the 440 and then add on over it says it there's a definition on the last not tell you that is the purpose to encourage Gres or to encourage well they gave you an extion coverage but if you go over that the entire garage counts I have no questions I'm sorry the only question I have is for the applicant is how do you fit your name on a check I don't have any questions um I have a couple uh basement access then is going to be provided from in inside and outside correct um is during this extension renovation are you going to be residing the existing house yes so then we need to make this bump out fire confinement um that approaches the4 yes and um regarding not here I can't handri the coverage again just because we don't have a chart here you calculated removal of the existing driveway as well as counted the proposed deck is 50% and then to make the Assumption the parking strips or uh proposed driveway is going to be uh what call impervious paper sem yeah the semi- perious paper Tire strps with with it's extensive it is it's extremely extensive there's an ocean of concrete on the site now yeah no I'm saying the detailing itself for set C is all right and then my only thing Mr is your plans are excellent and U if if you have an opportunity again I'd like to review them in full size PL sheets I I did specifically ask the the the secretary when I when I printed it it's not a requirement mine too every time I get to one of these I think hear the I think hear the tree very small F Mr almeer brought up a point I just want to reemphasize it because because a neighbor of mine is having a similar issue regarding deciding that they thought they would be able to put out because one part of the house is within that set pack they've got to change their type of siding so it isn't a minor issue I I know it was just talked about briefly but I you should look into that and I do believe P when we had that conversation you could just put a compliance siding there and go with what you were planning for the rest of the house as long as it complement it and matches I mean that would be your own preference but but you know they're having to relook at their sing my neighbor because of that um proximity to the neighbor's side setback so give that Builder and M Brazil I'm so sorry but we should start with you over here because you're the furthest East person not not Mr Ross so we're going to go to you before we go over here no worries I have no questions great okay Mr I have nothing it's all good just just one question is there going to be any uh storage in the Attic over the addition no no trap door nothing just cross a below and just okay so it's a shallow roof there there wouldn't be much access in there anyway okay than the only thing that might be in there we might have to run you know a Trum plan for the HC in there to to condition the new space that would be the only thing okay and the going to have gutters and those gutters are drain to we tie into the existing system that's already there and again if that's not you know again when we get to the construction documents if that's not adequate we will add either a drywall or figure out where we will address that but um again it's not a very think right roof there there's extensive amount of roof other we just TI into what's there okay and I have no additional questions Beyond those which were asked so with that um is anyone here from the public uh have any questions or comments regarding this application now would be a good time seeing none we will close the public session and go right to board comments we'll go in the same order that we just did Mr Brazil first pool is better [Music] than I I agree I think you're coming forth with a minimal it's going to improve quality flow house dramatically so I also appreciate the concessions you know to get rid of the uh extra driveway coverage and things like that so appreciate it I'm in favor of the application for the same reason I'm the fav the application um all good I'm going to disagree somebody down there uh the kitchen is much more important but it's the flow Improvement is uh very good so it's all good here go no further comments coms okay and uh I um just think um you know all of the things that you did to try to improve the entire property you know renovating the exterior matching things it's just going to be an overall Improvement uh to the neighborhood and I really do appreciate you reaching out to your neighbor next door and then not having any uh objection to this because sometimes people throw those notices away and after we approve things they then start to and it's a little you know you know little too little too late and uh you know I think more homeowners need to pay attention when they get those registered letters um but it was nice that you went to that first so I would have no objections and I would also be in favor of this application so Mr Kennedy okay if the application is approved some of our standard conditions uh that are implied and that we spoke about would be compliance with all the pr commitments and representations that development team made tonight uh compliance with a bureau's affordable housing rules regulations contributions and directed 24 month shelf life within which to obtain um building permits obtaining all necessary outside approvals with the understanding that if the application or the requested variant relief materially changes as a result of those outside approvals there's a need to come back we always have the grading and drainage details uh uh to be reviewed unless otherwise we the near unless he determines otherwise no adverse drainage impact on uh the neighbors um we're going to make clearly uh mention of the fact that uh the coverage is uh the impervious coverage is going from non-conforming to conforming I think that was it and I think um there was one question I think we met uh from Mr Collis was it 31.6 4 or 31.2 we just wanted to clarify which buing covered just correct doesn't sound like the board has issues we just want the answer right so um it's 31.2 31.2 okay 31.2 is correct so we'll just clarify that um uh uh the wall to be fire rated uh compliance of building and construction code regulations and um we're just uh confirming that it's about 80 the uh concrete driveway is going to be uh removed and was it replaced with are we calling it semi perious sem semi perious strips um let's see uh the bump out needs to be a fire retardant and um gutters along the addition which will tie into the system adding a drywall if if deemed necessary by the bur engineer and uh Mr chairman I think you said just always confirm that uh the addition will not cause adverse drainage impacts and if there is the applicant at their CA need to address that to the satisfaction of the pH engineer I think that was it Jim are those conditions acceptable to you and your client all are acceptable okay chairman if they're acceptable to the board right all right so if someone wants to make a motion to approve this application I'll make that motion great I'll second congratulations Lu I have some things that came up session we're going to go into executive session so um with that um meeting tonight is over two