February 22nd Belmore Board of adjustment I like to have um everyone the roll call to read the noce of meeting so adequate notice of this meeting was sent to the as Park Press and the coar and notice of the meeting was posted on the mun website and posted at the thank you everyone pleaseed alleg Alle United States of stand indivis we have two new members being sworn in tonight and you sure so uh what we'll do is first of all welcome and uh um what we'll do is we'll officially swear you in so if you can both stand up and raise your right hand and I'll say state your name we go you first and then and then after that you can all repeat together so I state your name do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support repeat that that I will support the Constitution the constition of the United States of the United States and the Constitution the constition of the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey and that I will and I will bear true Faith be true faith and Allegiance and aliance to the same to the same and to the governments governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will and that I will Faithfully Faithfully impartially and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties of a member of a member of the Zoning Board of adjustment of the Zoning Board of jce according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God Mr shair can you say a few couple words about um the role of the uh they're both Al right so first of all welcome and I think you're going to love the experience and you really um will learn a lot and you are really have an important position of literally helping shape the future of of the great burrow of Belmar so I think it's an awesome responsibility I think you're going to learn a lot from all the board members and each my experience is that each member I mean each meeting you attend each application you adjudicate each plan you review you get exponentially more experience So within two weeks two meetings you're going to be so much more experienced than they have have today and um the other thing is just with the role of the alternates and it's a very important role you're full-fledged members in every single respect you can sit at the de or you sit if we don't room we sit on the side and you can ask questions on every single application and make comments on every single application and give your opinion uh it's just that in the role of the alternate uh April will only call Seven members to vote and so if you happen to be uh the eighth member that won't vote uh but that doesn't mean your role is not important and what is equally important is particularly on hold of our applications where we start and the appli they come back the next month because we ran out time or they have to revise plans or we need more information and on that situation uh is no one is allowed to actually vote unless they review the transcripts or listen to the tape of the prior meeting so do have very important uh roles and and it is you will most likely vote much more than you will not be voting and in fact we were in a little bit Mr acting chairman we were a little bit of a crisis last month because we didn't have alternates and we knew people weren't coming here so um you all really saved today uh because we probably would not have been able to have a meeting tonight if if we didn't have have that um and then on top of that with the use variance application which we don't have tonight but on that one you need the person to get needs five affirmative yes votes and a lot of times the attorneys don't like proceeding if they don't have a SE a full member of compliment so anyway we'll have a lot more uh to learn and we'll we'll you know you'll learn a lot from the chair the vice chair the active chair and all these board members and from Ted and April April is Awesome with the capital A and and she is sort of the quarterback of our team and she'll you know bring you up to date and and things like that on continued applications but anyway so I just wanted to say that so everyone knows the role thank you Mr thanks for all that information then now you know how important your role is tonight very important yes all right um we'll need a motion to approve the meetings from the the minutes from the meeting January 25th that motion second thank you so Claire and Randy I won't call your this because you weren't at the meeting Mr Ross yes Mr Greg yes Mr Len yes Mr yes and Kevin you have any information on the resolution approving the application of Diane Fox sure this was an application uh that we approved at our meeting on uh January 25th and this was a use variance application expansion of a non-conforming use for an application to an addition to the main home on a lot containing two dwelling units where only one dwelling unit is permitted and construction of additions and other sight improvements and um Mr chairman uh the resolution was previously distributed um and the conditions of note were um revising the plan so as to confirm that the applicants perpetually replace from our plant and maintain the Landscaping uh additional Green Space and Landscaping shall be added in accordance with the approved plans no further expansion or intensification of the use for the structures absent further approval of the board confirmation that the air conditioning condensers for the rear main principal structure shall be located to the west side of the property in the zoning compliant location and I just said parenthetically the board notes that the existing air conditioning condenser for the cottage is remaining in its existing location and confirmation that the imperious coverage at the site shall not exceed 56.1% um and uh the applicant had a couple of applicant attorney had a couple of stylistic changes nothing which uh was Major at all so um I'll I'll address those if you could um adopt if it's acceptable we can adopt that as modified if that is the pleasure of the board thank you can I have a motion to approve this resolution I'll make that motion thank second second Mr yes and then I'll modify this tomorrow all right so then we're on to our first application which is Thomas and ly 415 for expansion okay and Mr chairman if I could just do a couple real quick preliminary procedural things to our new members um applicants before they come here as you probably know they have to notice they send a notice and the notice has to be legally sufficient has to be advertised it has to be sent to the property owners so what we do is we're going to uh see here is there anyone here who had any questions or comments regarding the sufficiency of the notice they received okay so we don't see any so I'm going to say that the board secretary and I reviewed the notice and found everything to be in order so it would be my humble opinion that we have jurisdiction uh to proceed tonight and what we'll do is we will Mark into the record what we as a board have uh before us so A1 is the development application and that's dated November 11th 2023 and then A2 um that's call this form that's just the okay so um I told you April was awesome so we're going to say A2 is our land use zoning permit denial form and that's dated September 8th and September 7th 2023 uh A3 is a picture of the subject property and then A4 is the plot plan and that is uh dated October 25th 2023 prepared by uh the canning group and A5 is a survey of the property prepared by the cany group and that's dated October 25th 2023 I don't think we have anything else right so with that having been said we will swear in uh Ted bian Ted is the uh zoning officer and construction official of our great town Mr bian do you swear that the information you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth to best your knowledge to help you guide thank you all right what oh okay so we'll have you guys all scoring in and then I think you might have additional exhibits okay so why don't to state your name Tom Peterson I'm the architect okay and you're testifying in capacity as a license architect yes okay and just spell anything H and you're the owner an applicant okay contract okay if you all could Raise Your Right hands uh do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best your knowledge to help you guide I do okay and if I could I don't want to steal any of your thunder but if I could just get some basic information from Mr igy um you're the owner of the property is said correct correct and how long have you owned it roughly since 2016 okay and my note suggest if it's a single family home on the property correct and do you live there yes okay and um why don't you go and uh however you guys want to proceed with your application okay I'll start we'll go the um Mr hickey contacted me he St and express the desire to put PCH across the front which kind of makes sense for VAR Mr came as well and I'll turn it over for any questions from Mr hickey we'll turn it over to um yeah we 're from County retired down here we spent a lot of research looking for the place to live and for us so we spent a couple years actually looking for a house and one of our requirements was on the front porch or A true beach house so at the time there was limited amount of houses that were available to fit the bill so we in a s house but eventually we want put the POR addition on so we I did some research contacted a contractor as James said and try to get an idea of what the requirements would be with the B really happy being here place okay so we'll go to your architect peton explain and Tom why don't you just for the record just because we have some new you've testified before as many times but why don't you because we have two brand new members why don't you U give them the benefit of your some of your credentials sure and congratulations it's going to be a lot of fun I'm sure we're here frequently uh I'm a licensed architect I've been licensed since 1982 believe it or not Chicago uh we came back to New Jersey which is where I'm from to practice uh our firm is almost entirely residential work here along the Jersey Shore on before boards every single month and the best news of all is my son Andrew is just about through the licensing so he'll be before you before too long I'll be watching so we got a lot of people learning tonight um uh I'm going to hand out a couple of copies of this these are just exact copies of the photographs there so maybe it's a little easier for you guys to look at it up here and then another copy of the drawing that we've done so that's for you guys APR this is the exact sure so why don't we I think we're up to a A6 so what do you want A6 to be um you could do A6 is the aerial photo the aerial photo okay and a there's three photos of the front of the house and were those pictures taken by your office yes okay roughly when uh month ago maybe so they're an accurate depiction of what exists yes okay and then make the last a can be the architectural now is that different from what we've already marked or oh we didn't mark architectural drawing all right prepared by your office yes and is there a date on it we put today's date on just from last 222 24 and how many pages just one one got it okay so says I talk too much so I'm going to be quick um this is a a relatively simple application but nothing is ever simple anymore uh the uh the point of this project is to add a covered porch on the front of the house it's an existing 2 and a half story four bedroom home uh there is an existing covered stoop on it but it doesn't really function as a porch so if you take a look at the photographs you can see here this is the front of the house uh here's the covered stoop area what we're looking to add on is to the east of that towards the um the corner this is a corner loot uh the reason we the hardship that we have is that this is an undersized lot for the Zone R40 Zone um we are at let me give you the exact numbers uh the R40 are um our existing building our existing lot size is 4,679 square ft where were required to be 5500 sare ft as you know U the allowable coverage is based on a percentage the percentage of a smaller lot is a smaller coverage so the initial construction way back when was done to the maximum um but we need some relief now we're going to be over by about 2% if you take a look at uh you can see take a look at the aerial photograph where we're coming out is very much in line with a lot of the other homes in the neighborhood there um also as you all know uh covered porches are um absolutely Common Place not just here in Belmar but up and down the shore too so what we're do out of place what we're doing is Not Unusual uh and although it counts as building coverage the appearance of a covered por is less than if we were adding structure there or adding a room um so here's a look down the side as you look down this is looking to the West you can see the house to the west of us it comes out that far um here is another picture that kind of shows the corner where we're going we're not coming out any further to the east than the existing house this really is just a porch in the uh so if you take a look at the drawing you can see and this gives you a good sense of the scale of what we're doing this is the existing covered stoop here here's the uh the series of columns it has a nice Rhythm to it and you can if you just look at the two you can sense how much more this looks like a Shore home like something that you would have in Belmar this we're done um than what it looks like now look here we've got some um perspectives too to give you a better sense of what we're doing so from a planning standpoint we always have to um give the reason why we're coming before here the hardship is that the lot size is less than what's required there so um going above the coverage would be considered a hardship in this Zone we feel is that it's a it's a minimal amount it's not greedy we're not looking to do anything larger than we should and in all honesty I think when it's done the visual look of the house the volume of it will actually be helped by having the uh the open and uh did I talk too much I think that was good you haven't talk too much yet nobody threw anything at you what's that no tomatoes right good I thought good I don't know does anybody have any questions on what we're looking to do well that's what we're going to do now if your presentation is set just for the new members benefit what we do now is uh as acting chairperson I'm going to start with Chuck and I'll work our way down the line This Way skipping me and I'll come back at the end and you'll get a chance to ask questions of anything on the project to any of the three people I've just presented after that we're going to go to the public we'll see they have questions or comments then we'll come back to us where we can make comments instead of questions then we'll make comments about what we think of this project and whether or not you don't have to say whether or not you approve of it but if you do it helps them as far as their presentation whether or not they're going to finish up this this uh Project tonight or not so I'm going to start with Chuck and he'll ask questions and more work to you next and then so on down the board and you can ask questions go ahead Chuck uh yeah so just two questions one you'll keep it open air or not going to be yes uh and then second I see you have uh some gutters already on the existing little cover stop there yes I'm assuming you'll remove that and then maybe extend or control tie it into the front exactly yeah okay no further question your first chance to ask questions right now if you have any Chuy that does happen I have no question to do this soon okay um easy questions for you I don't have any questions this is about this one of the smallest asks that we've ever had I think so this is pretty simple and we're going to go to the public now do anyone in the public have any questions for the applicant any comments about the project seeing none I'm going to move on to board comment Mr chairman can I just add just for the resolution uh Tom just what is the measurement of the uh existing front covered stoop right now prop uh it is approximately hold on so both the existing stoop and the porch come out 7 feet so they're 7t deep um and the existing stoop is approximately 9.58 ft 58 ft long and what about when it's you the be 7 ft deep 7 ft deep and then the the addition is 18.65 ft and so what will the total L eight um just so I have it for the record 28 23 2823 and one last question I just saw on your plans it had said um 32.8% building coverage and then somewhere else in the documents I I saw or maybe that was Mr Canon's plans and I saw somewhere else 3361 so just so that we have the right answer what what is the right um coverage that you're asking for 32.8 got it thank you thank you Mr chairman just it's 131 square foot is the uh the total new C area okay um now we're going to move on to what we comments where each member gets a chance to make comment about the project approval non approval whatever they think about it yeah I think it looks it looks great I think FR of the house it looks and we're talking % now I think over the allow ability so I think that's definitely it looks a lot better than what's there and it's you're going to enjoy it yours I uh you know you're going to enjoy it so it's all good yeah think it looks great great addition and to finish up I have to say that um I think porches make good neighbors and good neighbors make good neighborhoods I'm totally in favor of this project and I'd like to call for someone to make a motion that we approve this project second all right and then Mr chairman um some of the conditions that we've talked about or that we generally have involved and actually just for our new members real briefly some of the things that and you've all said it and the other members have said it but some of the standards that we typically look for when you're granting a variance is is there some type of hardship and there is no is that's not economic hardship it means is there some type of hardship because of the shape of the property the photography you know maybe it's shaped like a triangle you can't have you know so maybe it's not a hard here here or the standard is can the benefits of granting the application granting the approval outweigh the detriments and some of the things you talked about are visual hey we like pretty things it is aesthetically improving is it is the setback going to be uh materially different from what's there now is it going to stick out from the other other homes is it going to look nice is it going to be you know all those things is it going to be more functional and is it going to add value to the home and all those things so those are the you said so Mr chairman if the application is to be approved some of the conditions that we typically include uh compliance with all the promises and commitments and the representations that that the applicants team made tonight compliance with any uh prevailing affordable housing rules regulations contributions and directives getting out any outside out outside approvals that are necessary we usually have a 24mon time frame uh so when the resolution is adopted next month if it gets approved they have 24 months within to get the building permits or any agreed upon extension grading and drainage details if necessary be worked out with the burough engineer we usually say to maintain perpetually maintain uh the landscaping and I think what we talked about uh tonight we added uh Chuck it's no enclosure of the the porch or it's going to be remain open air porch absent for the approval of of the board um and um if one of you has architectur you would mind just give me a copy when I do the resolution I'll need them and we're going to have extending the gutters across the entire porch is what we said and we just confirmation that the building coverage is 32.8% so if those are acceptable we can incorporate that into the motion if the board is so inclin I think I jumped ahead of you and got the motion okay motion second and are those conditions acceptable okay yes Mr yes yes Mr thank you thank you everybody they're not all that easy the sufficiency of the notice they receive okay don't see any and so record nice meeting you good luck now going to market the record that we as a board have before us no particular order the application package devel application package we going to Mark as A1 and that's dated November 10th 20123 and then we have as A2 the application checklist and I think that's undated and A3 we have our minor land use zoning per uh denial form and that is dated September 30th 2023 and September 29 2023 and part okay and then A4 we're going to uh reference our architectural floor plans and elevations prepared by Mary Hearn architect dated November 3rd 2023 consisting of three sheets and I think that's it correct so good evening uh Mr Shyer and team uh good evening pity and board members welcome new board members congratulations I'm William shers I'm out of Belmar my office have the pleasure tonight to represent Peter Ville Andor to my right both phans wel to the community always good to have more doctors in especially as we age uh may have a few other exhibits to Mark I think Mary has a colored rendering so we're up to A5 so A5 is going to be an illustrated rering colored site plan okay uh prepared by your office correct and is there a date on that 11323 okay and then I believe we're going to have a photo board prepared by miss her the6 correct photo board containing five photos photographs subject property of property taken by your office yes uh roughly when yesterday so that would be a pretty accurate depiction of what exists hopefully yes uh okay there Mark I would ask where um both my clients in as well as Mr okay so if you could all stand up and uh first up is Mary Hearn who will be testifying in her capacity as a licensed architect okay and you back okay and just spell your last name Victor a l a i perfect okay and your last name is spelled RT okay if you could all uh three of you raise your right hands do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best you knowledge to help you guide yes okay let the record reflect that all Witnesses have smart thank you remark absolutely I want to thank my clients for giving me the opportunity to represent them before this board this evening uh I find this to being I want to turn it simple nothing's ever simp these days but um they uh purchased the property a couple years ago it's a fairly newly buil their new bu is I consider anything this this new in town uh so on a corner of Street very to me for a long time and uh E Street turns into river which turns into for and um as I I typically may this evening hopefully I don't talk go for of wine tonight I drive down and turn toward the river and I turn towards forth and I look in her backyard every time I drive down that street and it's it's a beautiful home I think aesthetically um landscape wise garage wise love the person who built the home that we all may know this home it was they ran out of cash or stopped the cash and the Landscaping stopped and the garage wasn't there there no storage I look in that backyard all the time say God lovely house I wish I own it but boy that's a very open backyard stage so um they went to miss Hearn entrusted her with their their dreams and their desires and uh Mary I think that's just always hits it out of the park Des beautiful perious Pap um the only variance is U is a building coverage the property was built out to the building coverage and Mary's very good with numbers and the uh the zoning orance say what you either know or going to learn a little bit tonight is these larger Lots in the r75 actually um have a detriment because what happens is the building coverage steps down as the it's bigger so if this lot was actually a 7500t lot it probably would not even be VAR Rel if any so uh with that just very briefly Peter if uh I'm going to just call you very briefly to indicate when you bought the house what you're intended with the house is a principal residence I think father-in-law is watching from behind if he moved down here he's a zoning guy out of Bradley just give us a little history uh we moved lot uh we wanted our kids to be down by their grandparents they live prad um it's our year round year end house year round um and we just want to be close to the beach got three kids in school school district you know area we have one in Trinity one Mast one in Spring L and cool to invite your architect and Council over summertime anything else you like that pet um yeah as a year year talk about your bicyle yes you have things that you know tools um I have a truck pickup truck so there's SP tires like all this stuff is in storage like you can't stay in storage forever um uh you know snowblower but you everyone's like it's a nice neighborhood it's real safe and you know it was within the first month the one night I didn't TI bikes five bikes please remember to find the cheapest bike un um yeah like you said you know you drive by and you just go right into the backyard there's like nothing there so you know you can get some privacy and get things off the yard be helpful thank you Peter Mary her yes sir Mary who you start just for the the help of the new members here what we usually do is when Mary has been divorced 5,000 times but we ask the person presenting that they tell us about their their education and their experience at all I don't know if you've been to many meetings or you've been to any means but um would you just do that for us we don't need it really but I appreciate it Happy to I'm Li in the state of New Jersey since 1992 I went to Virginia Tech I have a bachelor of architecture degree my office is on Main Street in belmare since 2010 prior to that my office was in wall I'm 138 so we've been in business for next year's 25 so 24 years and um before many boards in the area I'm think I'm before this one most but that makes sense since my office is right here so I'm very to uh testifying as a professional licensed architect thank you mayor we accept your qualifications thank you again and that's what the way it normally goes for us here so would you give us your presentation certainly um so I met with the doctors and I happen to know the property well um we designed the home there for Matt dhy our previous mayor and at the time that Matt and I designed the house he still a house across the street this was going to be a house for extended family his mother-in-law at the time and they chose to um put as much building coverage into the home and the porch and not build a garage it wasn't their priority they had a garage immediately across the street that they never parked in and so they said we don't want to give up that space so my client I try to SA I my client at the time and at the time that was their desire so the house is I think 17 and change in footprint um and the porch is over 300 Square fet so at that time we ate up all of the lot coverage so our lot is over 10,000 square ft it's about 10,525 ft it's uh irregularly shaped it's a corner lot and we're in the 75 zone so in the r75 zone if your lot is a standard lot which is 50 by 150 you get 25% if you're 10,000 sare fet or more you get 20% so if you have a 20,000 sqt lot you can kind of make up the difference and have a bigger house for having purchase a bigger piece of land when you're right over that 10,000 Mark you're actually penalized because you're allowed Less on this size lot than you are allowed on the 7500 sqare foot lot because it's under that change in in the uh chart so typically and we design them all the time on 50 by 150 Lots you're allowed 1,875 Square ft which is 25% a home now if you want porch it comes out of that but then you are also allowed in addition to that a 440 ft detach garage which is a two-car garage 20 by 22 we build them all the time and that's exempt from that 25% when you add that you're actually allowed 30.8% coverage on a a standard 50 by 150 lot so 30.8 but when your lot is just over 10,000 square ft you're only about 20% so when the doties decided not to put in a garage they were okay with that they have a huge driveway there so they met their parking requirement but um nothing can be stored away and out of sight and protected and they were okay with that um the new homeowners the merss so that say your last name don't put it back it back with it they would like to put in a garage and as Bill said if you drive by the site the backyard is wide open you haven't landscaped anything because you're hoping to develop the whole property once if you get approval once you get approval so it's fairly bare there's beautiful trees out in the right way big substantial trees that would stay but there's very little else done to the property in fact if you look at your cover sheet the existing site plan is off to the left and you see so that's over here you see this very big driveway basketball court with two generators in the middle and it's very open the hope is to develop the property I'm sorry audience now turn with a smaller driveway a two-car garage and a pool and pool patio and then put a fence in so that they create an en closed yard with um Landscaping outside the fence but on the property to conceal it and offer privacy so their backyard isn't on display so on Corner Lots it's a little tricky to get you know that privacy and this is a good way we think to do it if approved we've put the garage as far back in the corner as we are allowed we're not seeking any stepback variances we're not seeking height we're not seeking any coverage variances except the building coverage so in what we planned we would meet the impervious coverage and um all the other distances between the pool complies the pool fence complies the height complies if approved um and on the drawings we intend to match the exterior shingles exactly the detail of the flared skirt the brick Foundation the roof would match the windows would match so it'll definitely look cohesive although when developed we we we truly feel that this won't stick out you know it'll be hidden in the back corner and and all um relatively fit in to scale with the size of the lot in the house now Mary with the beautiful uh fencing Shrubbery Landscaping that you've included the clients also desire to have a uh what I consider a fantastic beautiful electronic sliding gate for the garage too I think increase what Elegance Beauty safety security all that that's planned out here near the street correct okay and that will work off like a clicker have the garages and things that nature so the hope is defence to the house here and I'm referring to A5 come out toward the street back on the property across the back property line across the side property line and back to the house and I think you pointed it out but I see it on your colored rendering that you're also adding U grass and Greenery to the easterly side of the property correct where it does not exist currently right so if you look at this side there's a lot of loose Stone here and and if you want can I offer up the photo there so on the photo board which helps you can see those pass that when done so we hope to pull up a lot of this uh landscaping stone and replace with grass we were leaving a little bit of round you know the AC units and leaving them in place they're compliant um just to help green up that side and keep the impervious coverage in check all right so now I'm going to ask you some lawyering questions because I'm supposed to act like a lawyer once so uh you've done 50 houses 100 Delmar over the course of your 20 25 years is correct yes and when you design and you try to implement Your Design U you're familiar with the concept that U uh your designs are not to do any substantial detriment to the public is that correct yes do you believe in this application that there's no substantial detriment to the public is applicate uh you're familiar with the concept of Master plans I think you've been listed by the town to assist in ordinance uh review and revision over the course of years you're familiar with our master plan on our direct do you feel that this application uh Fosters uh um implementation of our master plan I do outside storage is important do feel that um U Aesthetics and an aesthetically pleasing project um is a positive you call it sometimes a positive criteria and Z you familiar with that yes do you feel that this project is aesthetically pleasing yes do you feel it will be more aesthetically pleasing to Residents and and neighbors than currently existing I think the yard will be yes okay not touching your hands we um do do you feel that this would Foster the general welfare uh and the welfare of the occupant and owners of that town through additional Safety and Security by and the garage for storage of their their property I do and not only that their neighbors okay um with that I think I've covered all my uh requirements before the board for a c one and or two variant can I put on the record the variance that we're seeking so the variance that we're seeking is lot coverage I'm sorry building coverage 20% is the maximum allowed we're requesting 20 5.0% and 20% exists nothing thank you thank you thank you Mr shers thank you for the presentation thank you for all those questions because it like it answers everything almost that we have to ask and with that CH I'm going to start again with you because I don't want to throw the new M under us the first question no I I me I really the only question I have is just the uh the drainage always concerned you know make sure you're just going to be getting the water away from your neighbors that you're putu back there we have a skirted roof and we can collect the gutter all the way around so the water will not go toward the neighbors question thank the garage is primarily for storage or is there going to be Plumbing in there or anything that's it that my question putting in a pool we have rules about house so so that's not a concern so you know talking about that empty backyard it took me three driveby till I realized which house we were talking about and realized where that big backyard is and this is a uh positive totally for that so that's it I think it looks great that's it I too think it's a it's no issue at all it's it's it's a good addition security is always important to you need go public comment always appreciate any you can give um so anybody from the public want to make have any questions for the or comments you can come up please and our attorney will Square you in hello evening you just state your name and address please uh4 all right and you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you providing would be the truth the best knowledge to help you guide yes I do thank you um a couple questions um I'm wondering um when are you roughly thinking of starting this project do you have an idea it'll take at least months to three months when we're through appeal okay um so you think you're going to start this summer I can't speak for the is that is that what the game plan is it's going to depend on the availability of the Builder I'm sorry have it will depend on the availability of the the reason I'm asking some of those questions is um the summer is a precious time in Belmar and um I've had a lot of construction around me in the past couple years and uh I'm just hoping it's not going to be work being done on weekends or on holidays okay and that is something that's kind of important okay the other question is I've had uh excuse me a lot of contractor trucks in front of my house constantly and that has not left room for my landscape or my maid my people to part the Cs to do the work at my house uh also been a lot of trash thrown around a lot of dust a lot of garbage um those are my personal concerns with this project the project sounds nice I'm just concerned about those things how is that going to fly um Mr chairman this first generally what we have are questions and I understand these are questions and um I understand that M Fritz is not an attorney nor nor nor base and she has the right to ask questions but generally the questions are about the application itself I'm sympathetic to her about the the uh spinoff effects of construction but with utmost respect for the board it's not for us she has the right code enforcement the police department we're seeking zoning of bar really we appreciate our comments on but as a neighbor I think we need to know what's going on and when it's going to start and when it's going to end I I'll I'll leave I'll turn you over to our yeah and you know what it's a very good point and uh just so you know and it's not to this application if the application is approved one of the conditions of approval that we're going to have is they have to comply with all the town's construction process requirements and even if we don't say that they have to apply so April and Ted here are going to be the experts but there definitely are rules as to they can't be building at midnight there's hours of operation there's days I don't know what they are absolutely for and there's also they're not allowed to generate dust they have to have and rules and regulations as to where a porta Johnny can be located and and all those types of things so those are all going to be whatever those Town regulations are will absolutely positively and if they don't you can call the code enforcement office and or you call the by the way can you talk to your contract about that so excellent concerns and they will be addressed thank you appreciate that everything okay then yep good thank you anyone else got any questions my name is Keith Gordon attorney s come up here the mic can pick you up Keith Gordon and address okay do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth best knowledge to help you guys yes thank you um I have to agree with the um the architect and the attorney the house that was built few years ago is just a gorgeous house the problem is the backyard is uned constantly getting questions what are they going to do with the backyard what are they going the backyard so I think the plans as as presented provide a few things first of all they finish the backyard they're going to add privacy to the at least two of the surrounding homes including mine and also um it's going to add security to the uh to the lot itself so I would proposal thank you thank you very much yes ma'am where you in your name and address okay name and address t t r okay 400 street so I the other of next door behind Okay so good evening and welcome to the B Mar zon board do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the you provide will be the truth to the best of your knowledge to help you guys yes thank you yeah so I live on 400d street so I'm sort of behind them I do not have a problem with them Building a garage I when it was being built I was puzzled the entire time why no garage was being built as I watched this beautiful house go up so yes it will definitely finish things off I do have one question though since I am the next door neighbor how tall is the fence and what kind of fence the fence is allowed up to the front of the garage to be six foot tall and then forward to the garage 4T tall and then we're contemplating an a metal fence that's fairly open and Landscaping yeah no I think honestly it will make the house I mean it's it's a beautiful house for all you who driven by it's wonderful it's gorgeous the neighbors are wonderful as well and this will definitely finish it off and make it really a jewel of that area thank thank you for your comments um we'll go comments Mr chairman I just ask one quick question well two quick questions um our new member asked about uh plumbing and just Mary for the record what about other utilities is going to be gas electric water sewer it will be electric CU there will be lighting there and that's the only uh utility going plan to go and then uh for the record as was stated before there's already an attached to the home uh outside shower okay and uh doctors just for the record I just we normally asked with garages um this isn't the garage is not going to be used as living space correct got it thank you thank you Mr chairman so whoever asked the plumbing question that was a great question because you know we don't want bathrooms and stuff like that things um however I think in the past we usually allowed like a hose bid is that when we say no pluming like we're not excluding a hose B right from the outside okay just wanted to thank you make sure question whoever asked it so to board comments now and we'll start again yeah I'm I'm in favor of the application very small percentage increase I think it's going to finish it out I run by there all the time on my jogging route um in awe of how you keep it so clean because I have three kids and that would my not look the way it right I'm also in favor I've driven by it many times I watch it go from nothing up to what it is now it's a beautiful home and it's going more uh I agree um this will enhance totally um I learned something tonight what Mary was saying about the percentages the big if you used the actual size of the lot and the percentage there's no variance needed it's just because of the Nuance so it's all good yeah I think it looks great so good job Mary I think I think you'll enjoy it it's great and I'll Echo the board members I'm in favor of a project it look like a good deal certainly security is a good thing and your security of your lot also helps the security of your neighbor's Lots um so I'm in favor of it and you have something for sure um so if the application is approved or is to be approved some of the conditions that we talked about were we typically include compliance with all the promises commitments and representations that team made tonight into our alternates that's my get out of jail free card so if I don't say it now if they said it during the hearing it counts um compliance to the affordable housing rules regulations contributions and directives as the town and or state and report system requires 24mth uh time frame um getting on the necessary outside approvals and we always say if in the midst of getting outside approvals the application materially changes or the variance leave changes they have to come back um getting all necessary permits the garage is not to be used as living space we have to perally maintain the Landscaping particularly because of the testimony presented um unless waved by the burrow engineer grading and drain details and and uh I think we said tonight um bill I don't know why but I wrote down condition Bill shrier gets invited to the pools I'm going to rev your resolution we have um the additional Landscaping um that that Mary talked about and the fence is to be on the applicant's property and the pool fence per um code requirements and uh to truck points Chuck going to be grading or draining um onto other properties gutters all the way around the house Mary is what yeah there's a skirted roof so we can easily gutter all four sides uh no plumbing and uh as um to Mrs Fritz's excellent question and concern is going to be compliance with the bur's construction management uh uh requirements and we would request um Mr Ross brought up a good point thought about the I would request that your no pling the sure not absolutely we'll definitely put that in uh and Mary the fence complies there's no fence variants correct so compliant fence um and then um Bill we'll specifically clarify that a hose bib is allowed and I think that was it uh Bill are those uh yeah and I didn't ask Mary but the electric to the garage will be underground electric coming from the house yes thank you we'll add that as was in spirit of Mr that's right yeah all right so Mr chairman if those conditions are acceptable uh it's up to the board to uh make a motion to approve or deny do I ask for a motion to approve to approve this application thank you Mr yes Mr yes yes Mr yes Mr if I can indulge the board to consider next time the uh mayor and councel uh consider changes maybe adding some kind of exempt garage to the larger sizes like is in the lower tiers it may help I to put me out of business man I know I know I knew you were going to say that April you want these sure she all right good enj night see you all right byebye yeah you guys can and Jennifer fmer um again as we start off is there anyone in the audience who has any questions or comments or concern about the sufficiency of the notice they Reed okay I see no so that's code for the board secretary and I the notice and found everything to be T and for the third and final time tonight we're going to swear in our friend Ted biani who is our gr all construction official Ted do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extension provid the best your knowledge to help you guys thank you and what we will Mark into the record what we as a board have before us A1 is the application package and that's dated October 13th 2023 and then we have A2 is the burrow of application checklist excuse me A3 is the minor land use zoning permit denial form and that's dated October I'm sorry August 14th 2023 August 15 2023 connected and then A4 let's see A4 is the architectural uh plans prepared by Grasso design and that's dated August 31st 2023 this one sheet right yes and then A5 is a survey prepared by Charles surmont and that's dated November 11th 2022 A6 is a topographic traffic survey prepared by Charles sermont dated November 11th 2022 A7 is a front yard setback plan prepared by Charles surmont dated November 11 2022 and A8 is a plot plan prepared by kba Engineering Services Joe kba and is dated July 28th 2023 last revised August 28th 20 2 and that's one sheet I think that's everything right okay good evening Mr chers again good evening Mr Kennedy and evening just catching up with my all right so um tonight I have the pleasure of Christopher Jenn farmer to my right 113d Street uh one of my favorite clients to work with wonderful people so happy dur in town um my architect tonight is architect night Brian binkis principal of grass design Brian design property of Brian work integ in the team Jo Toba K he have his plot plan for his yeah his his PL plan in front of you as AA uh Joe is not available due to U Park MH be here this evening but Brian has agreed with Joe to uh assist us through the um zoning grid that is within the um the cloud plan of Mr kashuba Bry also talk about the drainage that he and Mr kashuba discussed and how the water is taken off the off the home um the tonight I'll promise that you know this is a beautiful night for me I get to work with wonderful people wonderful application and um this again is just a great application it makes better what is existing out there reduces variance conditions on the property and setbacks and is U proposing a modest three bedroom three bath home um which is just terrific um I never feel guilty taking my checks or billing my clients but I don't feel like I'm I'm an Olympian weight and I I think these are wonderful projects and I think you're going to see it the same way so uh if you would swear the fmer in as well as Mr all right so excuse me Christopher Parmer and Jennifer Parmer and Brian vinski and Brian save me the trouble and spell your last name please it's b e r z I'm sorry b e r z i ns k i s all right and you're testifying tonight in Your Capacity as a licensed architect AR all right if all three of you could please raise your right arms do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best your knowledge to help you gu yes I do all right let the record reflect all three Witnesses have been sworn all right which farmer wants to be a little bit of a spokesman or a woman sure all right sure all right sure so introduce yourself give us a little history of your property what's there age of it if you know I put in the application my approximate age of the property and what your initial intents are and your retention of professionals and be relatively concise because I think everybody here knows what's going on sure sure Christopher farmer Jennifer um at uh we've actually been in town since October 2009 uh so we're approaching 15 years uh in town um we first bought the house um didn't plan on it being our forever home uh but we uh actually decided to raise a family here we have two daughters uh sixth grade and fourth grade at St Rose grammar school we actually bought the house prior to having children um house is uh is small um roughly 1100 sare fet uh We've pretty much outgrown the house uh that's the reason for pursuing U design work through Brian we were thinking of just an addition uh but we had concerns about the foundation property is um is um dated back to 194 um so we had concern that we could um achieve what we wanted to in in making this our forever home so um we decided to pursue a knockdown a new build structure in doing so uh the existing um shed uh to take some coverage away from there uh to add to the house really important to gain closet space we have no closets uh very small uh home so um with two daughters obviously uh need some additional storage space in the house um um one of the really important things I think that pushes us over the coverage um that Brian can allude to a little bit more um it's important for us to uh to have a a mud room entry we we actually access the house in the back um where all the shoes go all the coats and everything and we just we couldn't achieve that inside that 30% coverage so I'll let Brian take it from there thank you terrific going to set it better myself Brian for the board Mary got a lot of accolades before I don't know if she's still here but um you know you two are both my favorites so I don't want your your uh pedigree to be unknown to our new board members so take us uh through the gro and Brian all right hello my name is Brian ginus I am a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I am the owner of Grasso Design Group and our offices are in manisan New Jersey um we do a lot of custom residential homes and that involves going in front of multiple boards in along with Ocean County including this board which we have been in front of in the past and we enjoy being able to present another project to you guys and and Brian um you've probably appeared in Belmar 25 to 50 times or more just that I've watched correct so all right you're familiar with the zoning codes and ordinances of elmar correct yes and you designed not only residential homes you were probably the foremost other than the one on Ninth Avenue you're probably the foremost Main Street commercial designer and literally most of those projects that have benefited Main Street were Grinders Inus designs is that correct I would agree to that I do enjoy uh partaking in some of the Redevelopment stuff and we the pleasure of being here on multiple occasions for a couple projects indry I'd offer Mr buus as an expert in the field of Art thank you we'll accept those all thank you very much all right Brian I'm going to try to be silent or a mouse on the background and let you take uh take us through not just the house and your design it's going to be uh U great but also take us through the zone chart and tell us what exists now from a zone chart perspective and what is going to be proposed and how you interpret you feel benefits or detriment if any I'm a I'm an open guy and if there's any detriment you can see but take us through existing propos don't short and then your property all right so as you mentioned before an absence of Joe K the engineer in the project we do have his plan and we do have a couple things that are worth pointing out on both the existing property as it stood prior to our project and then the project that we're proposing so clearly in the existing conditions there is a house on the property that has a couple of existing non-conformities that are there today those go from the property size itself inv both the square footage where the particular Zone that we're in actually ask for a 7,000 foot lot but our particular parcel is only 4,000 350 ft uh same thing goes for lot size with regards to the width the requirement on the width of the property in this area is 50 ft while this particular parcel is only 45 ft wide so that starts off with the two existing non-conformities that we really can't do anything about because it's just the size of the property more bounded by other properties surrounding Us in addition to that with the current house that exists on the property there's several um setback coverage variances or not variances but existing nonconform that are there today so there's both on the right side of the property if you're looking at the existing conditions plan on Joe kba's uh plot plan page that shows along the northern property line that there are a couple points where the uh sidey yard setac is beyond the allowable it's a required side yard setback of 5 ft where the current existing project is at 4.7 and then also on the uh on the accessory structure there are setback violations in both the rear property line and that side property line as well and then on top of all of that just as an overall site design the coverage as it is today is exceeding the allowable coverage which is a 30% allowable building coverage and it's currently at 33.7 47% so those are just current existing conditions as it is now once we take away the home obviously we're proposing a brand new structure we're looking to rectify a lot of these existing conditions so as mentioned there's not much that we could do with the lot size because there's nothing available around us but otherwise we revised all of the side yard setbacks as well as the front yard setback with addition of the average front yard along that block in order to bring as much to the prop performance wise as you possibly can Brian currently there exists by my math um seven pre-existing non-conformity Vance conditions is that correct I see the same seven and as you and Mr fuba cited this property and designed it to a size particular you reduce the seven seven variance condition to three Varian is correct yes and two of those three variances are the lot area and the minimum Frontage which was has been pre-existing since probably the 40s is that correct that's correct uh from your understanding so I don't test this by from your understanding of of zoning and Zone codes this is the would you agree this is a typical C1 hardship variance where based upon either the peculiar shape or the undersized volume uh with uh size or depth uh is challenging which makes compliance difficult of a of a uh of a compliant structure um as well as potentially C2 variance a better zoning alternative grounded in athus and uh General wealth there yes and I with that being said I did uh gloss over but I wanted to point out that when you're looking at the property on the survey or on Joe's plot plan you'll notice it's not actually a rectangular lot there's a small portion that's carved out of the corner so that brought in another little Nuance of uniqueness to it aside from some of the other conditions continue please so as as we were talking earlier in the design of this project we we did do a um house design that basically tried to conform to as many as the potential um zoning ordinances allowed and the design of the house on the architectural plan and shown has a first floor living space as well as a second floor bedroom space as as mentioned earlier we have three bedrooms three baths and a small walkup attic space everything with respect to the majority of the house with regards to the setbacks as well as the overall Building height as well as the story calculation everything was designed to be in fully compliance now with all of that being said there was the concept of this mud room that we had a discussion about and how to exactly acquire something like it and whether or not that would possibly put us over the allowable coverage for this particular piece and this is what it is it's this one small Corner that we've added right off of the dinette space that has a doorway to the back and the drive area that is only a single story element we didn't even bother carrying it up to the second or third floor we just kept it as a single story element to reduce the really the visual aspect of it from any of the adjacent properties anybody who's coming from the street so with respect to that when we're asking for the coverage variance which I should also point out that I did have a discussion with the engineer earlier today uh and I believe he does have another plan that may or may not have been submitted but when we were going over the numbers for the coverage I noticed the uh the length of the uh footprint was a little bit longer on his drawing than it was on the actual architectural plan so in fact if anything you know we're we're still out of the abundance of caution looking for the 32.25 but believe I discussed with him that it's probably lower than that CU we're not going to I'm not going to change my design of the house we're just going to reduce the footprint on his point so by reduction of that footprint I think as when you alerted it any of that earlier in day your calculations brought it under 31% did it not worth building coverage yeah and unfortunately not knowing that it was I have a copy of the engineers like a small copy of it and he did have the calculation underneath 31% which effectively equates to the mudroom difference of size that you just discussed correct yeah so I mean basically the the amount that we over on the building coverage is 29 sare ft and that mudroom that we have in that corner is 48t so if there was no mro I don't even know that it would be there obious for them and the design and the layout of the house became an integral part of what we were trying to accomplish for the space for the storage and for their kids yeah I probably likely might the right B knowledge there but rebuilding a house p on a noning lot would still be back there right yeah that's sworn in Ted bian saying yes um from your perspective as an architect do you feel that the um slight increase in um building coverage is effectively at the minimist ask of this board regarding that c uh variance yes and I would also again like to point out that the existing building coverage on the lot today is at 33.7% so we're reducing the coverage from so I want to do and I don't want to be profess professorial but I have nothing better to do than I like we so in the spirit of our new board members uh and that the Palmer paid for it and Mr kashuba Incorporated it Brian talk about if you would the um relevance of the front yard setback A7 I'm going to can you mind you have and you understand this to the board members why you and uh Mr kushu but did the average front yard setback plan and how that plays in to the uh front yard setback if some of the board members say how come it says 20 foot required but I only see existing 128 with an asterisk but then 10 foot with 9t average setback on a plan please explain that for the board members why we are not a variance for average front yard setback and how that works yeah of course so you know bmar not unique in in this particular aspect but many municipalities have a basic zoning chart that talks about front yard setbacks side yard setbacks rear yard setbacks but with all things considered when you're looking at the streetcape of a neighborhood obviously there are times when some of the existing homes that are there today which were either built at a different time with different zoning or a time where they weren't as concerned about it are not necessarily conforming so in in spirit of trying to keep a uniformity to a neighborhood in a similar streetcap an average front yard setback ordinance is not uncommon and what it does is it basically takes the surveying of the adjacent properties on the block or within a certain distance on the Block and then uses that as a calculation to then design what the potential average required front nerd setback would be on a new build or an addition to an existing home and that's primarily in there like I said so that at the end of the day once the existing house that is there today is removed and a new house is proposed that it's hopefully similar in line to the adjacent other properties and you don't uniquely have one individual home set farther back than everything else that's on the rest of the street teric so let's get to your architectural plan tell us um as much as you'd like to tell about it um I think there were some good questions from the last application that you were here about where's water how's it comeing the property uh is it going to dra than the adjacent properties how did you designed that with the year and in your architectural PL give a little bit of detail about uh perhap siding uh roofing material and uh there is no garage here there is compliant parking correct it's a three-bedroom which requires two parking spaces we have more than that beyond the front behind the front yard set back in the driveway correct yeah so Illustrated again on the engineers drawing you see to the left of the home I looking at Street there is a lengthy driveway that goes almost all the way to the point where the actual property jogs as well as you'll notice a proposed shed in the corner there for exterior storage as well and that's something that is included in the uh coverage calculations for that building coverage is not only the building itself the front porch but also that sh and while I am not the architect you are but I believe basic showed this house to be a low 2000 square foot home just take take the to sizeing of first second and half story just so they understand the never like use terms as modest or quaint or humble or not over built or what have you whatever terms you like to describe this uh home on a valuable lot in yeah and so you know when we come up with any design and we're trying to lay something down and it starts usually with the the base footprint of what we're putting together this first floor footprint which is the main living space is 1120 sare ft um in the design of that like I mentioned you have the area that's the mudro that's part of the reason why we're here but also a small covered front porch area which is inclusive that whole building coverage calculation to begin with and then as you go up to the second floor like I mentioned earlier we didn't want to extend the mass of what we were creating with this mud so we scaled it back a little bit that brings the square footage of that second floor level down to 1,67 and then ultimately anytime you have this walk up attic type condition there's a specific calculation in the ordinance that talks about how big that space could be because you're not allowed have this you know same size third floor it's considered a walk up attic it's a half story so with that being said everything that we've done and the design of the roof line and the structure of what we've created with the roof Raptors gives an allowable walk up space but is limited in size to conform to the ordinances for that for that allowable half story area and Brian just so I have it what is thatp half story square footage uh 375 thank you and uh Brian are you familiar with how um utilities will service the property I didn't thoroughly review the engine drawing with respect to the utilities but my guess is most likely be located on the ground thats the board that if possible uh um the applicant would bring the power in underground if he I think Kevin has better language than I that he uses AFC will make it best yeah good faith efforts what we typically do good faith efforts to put the utilities underground if utility company allows and if it's reasonable and we just usually ask that you report back within you know six months or so of you know what what the result of that that's typically what we do we can discuss that later Mr shers I hate to interrupt you right now sure like to ask something the front was that taken from the structure of the adjacent Properties or from the for so I can see on the on the on the survey that did the front setback plan there's dimensions for both but in the calculations that's on the engineering drawing it appears like Lot 23 which is north of the lot is listed as 49 which is the dimension to an enclosed porch so I I don't know nobody has is that like it's a closed porch it's not an open porch so that's where the 4.9 Dimension comes in on Lot 23 and then on Lot 21 which is south of the lot there's two dimensions on the survey one of 3.5 to the covered porch and 13.1 to the ACT dwelling and the calculation on the engineer drawing is based off the 13.1 ft dimension on Lot 21 so to the left property it would be to the dwelling to the right property is to the enclosed fore the reason I asked is the street line yeah this house has no torch like it's all covered right so it blocks the street line down that's what it is about the roof pitch what are we talking about there the roof pitch on the main house propos or existing propos it's a 10 on 12 pitch how about the calculations for the attic yeah so we do have calculations for the attic like I said there's a specific requirement in the ordinance that talks about the square footage of the attic and in a comparison to the square footage of the second floor so we run a quick calculation where we have the second floor area which is the 1,67 square ft and then the measurement for the tat of ordinance is based upon the square footage of any area that is less than 5 ft in height and that requirement is that it has to be a minimum of 40% so right now based upon the living space or the finishable space of the walkup attic the remaining square footage that we have is at 446 Square ft and that gives us over 64% under 5 ft so we're conformed yes um give us a little bit about uh I don't know if you gave us any materials that you are potentially recommending to your clients yeah I mean I think that overall you know the most people who come to me and talked about doing a design or looking for something that's fitting within the neighborhood and that's typically what we're representing in this drawing it's a mixture of different materials that include obviously sightings that are of a shape nature as well as potential areas where some ston work could be used as well as some regular as jingles and some standing SE metal and also some vertical like board and bat type features now nothing is finalized but ultimately this is typical of what we're doing in the area typical of what most people are looking for to match into the neighborhood okay uh I'm going to jump into the Leal Le part U that you may have witnessed previously uh you're familiar with belmar's zoning codes and belmar's master plan from probably 20 years or more best finding correct yes do you find that there is a detriment to the master plan if the board was to be so kind as to consider improving this plan no I think that we've tried uh pretty hard here to make it visually and aesthetically from the exterior truly appear like it's a fitting project for the neighborhood and we be built on a regular lot up and down the street and from a uh zoning perspective you're familiar with with uh the municipal land use law that discusses that a project should not be a substantial detriment to the public good right um I'm assuming your opinion is it is not a substantial detriment to the public good no and in fact I think that you know when you look at the existing conditions of the property we're actually trying to improve some of the existing problems that are there today and you you understand that um uh projects that are aesthetically pleasing uh often will Foster and further the general welfare of a community do you agree of course that's what we strive for and new new structures will often um uh be resilient to uh fire water safety security all of which are promoted in the municipal land use law as encouraging the general welfare of the community is that correct yes I don't have any other questions your presentation that's your presentation yes thank I'm start you again yeah don't question I have is you mentioned range where are the to and from your neighbors yeah of course I mean I'll speak to the engineer the engineer is the one who designed the grading and drainage plan that we have in front of us and ultimately on every project this not only gets presented to you guys but also gets reviewed by the Township in order to make sure that it's fully compant so nothing nothing that we're going to be designing in this creating the D PL is going to spill over into any of the neighboring properties all be managed on site okay so the the leaders are going to everything's coming down into the ground out somewhere pop up or whatever yeah I didn't I didn't see any specific details with relationship to drywalls I do know that a soil boring was done in the area and there was a pretty decently high water table so I'm not sure what exactly the design is order to accomplish managing the water but it won't SP proper that's the main concern um just a clarification there basement involved here is cross space under that or yeah cross space again there was there was a boring done early on in the project and it was a high water t Okay um not more comment than anything uh owning a house with no garage you are not putting a garage on a or near a brand new house and you're just doing shed is any reason or that's the one I on my El you building to get the closet space in the house so yeah it was really taken away from the existing structure that was there to add the theide yeah and it would be awkward over there on that side of the driveway with that little cut there so just a comment anything no questions I had a question more for for education purposes uh for the underground utilities when you say it's it's most likely economically feasible what does that mean for money you get anything no and and that's an excellent question so we as a board have historically preferred and encouraged um underground utilities but I don't think there's an ordinance requirement correct corre now sometimes we have our yearend study and we say hey should should you do that so in the past what we've done is we've just said good faith efforts and best efforts and you know if the utility compan ows it and in the past we've said and I don't want to misspeak but we've sort of said if it was you know sort of within you know economic reasons that you know it was practical I mean that that's what we've done in the past but so I I guess my question is what does that mean because I I I did this I understand what it cost and it didn't well for me it didn't cost much for somebody else it may cost much I know but certainly it can be done yeah we're just not allowed to make it a requirement well I mean in conjunction with the variance we we sort of can and and that's uh we just in the past and it hasn't been really officially you know sanctioned or anything but we've we've sort of that's what we've used in the past it doesn't mean we have to you know we can start changing I guess my question to the applicant would be is is it your intention to put underground utilities yeah it's Our intention for sure didn't discuss any other options besides may we and then the other question I had is the porch the P it's like a half porch right it's not going across the whole house is there a reason we're not going across the whole house porch again counts as part of coverage so in that I just aesthetically a full porch is just so much prettier got it I I walk past your house every day I I I admire that you want willing to do this it's great you just a comment on the Underground um because I'm all for it and started to uh ask mayor and counsel for that but there must be some instances where it's coming off the street on this side or this side where the jcpnl is going to charge you to dig and put it or your electrician or plum is going to have to dig that too so there are probably some instances where it is prohibited to do that and that's why we haven't enforced it in total okay to my knowledge set I the only question I have for the architect I'm looking at the elevations of the rear of the house yes and it shows that for well this the half story it seems to go through the door and through the roof and it's probably it has nothing to do with r approval but I'm just curious about it um my plan shows I I don't understand how a porch fit in there behind roof when you talk about having any type of a forge or balcony on this attic level ultimately there's different ways that it could be approached in this particular athetic what you're seeing is that the actual balcony portion is nestled into the Ro design of the house so when you're looking at it from like let's say the side view you're not seeing the railing of the porch because the porch is actually tucked behind the door is just illustrating that it's actually behind that Gable and the railing next to it is all tucked in okay I I understand as soon as you said that it's clear and it has nothing to do with my accepting it or not um Kim we should now go to the public questions yeah so which there surely will be few correct and and the reason just you know we do this everything is being taped if there's ever litigation you don't bring the whole show to the court the judge just relies on what is on the tape so even if there's no one in the audience with respect uh you know we always want to say for the record so that the judge knows hey we asked now do you want to go through anything with first sure can I U just ask a couple Ro just for purp of resolution and this is either for the applicants or Bill or or Brian here just in terms of right now the existing home is how many stories two stories it's going to be 2.5 and right now the existing home has how many bedrooms three bed three bedrooms are proposed correct correct and right now existing bathrooms in the existing house how many one and a half and proposed three three and right now the height less than 35 less than 35 and the proposed height same same okay um thank you now we'll go to comments sure yeah I think it's great great looking house um I apology for not being greedy Ian this is ask another minimal request to improve the property I wish you the best on my favorite application thank you Fant uh exactly the same the negative one I'd rather see a front porch but it's not going to stand in the way of approving it with him on the comments as well I think that B Street will greatly be improved with your home uh yeah front porches are really great but I understand trying to comply with our regulations you didn't go for the full front porch but uh they are really great but that aside uh it looks like it's going to fit the neighborhood quite well and you didn't over ask you ask for needs not wants I that too and I'm in favor of the application so with that we're set to ask for a motion sure and then I the standard conditions would would include if I may compliance with promis commitments and representations get any necessary demolition permits compliance with all affordable housing rules regulations contributions and directives um as is always the case grading and drain details have to be reviewed and approved by the uh burrow engineer to make sure that there's no adverse runoff uh 24mth time frame outside approvals getting all necessary permits fence for the pool and perpetually maintaining replace the landscaping and some of the things we talked about tonight would be um uh I guess Brian what we're saying is and I guess this gets a little um uh would you said the comp the uh building coverage is going to be 32.25 but you think it might actually be down to 31% so I think Bill what sometimes the board wants to do is we'll say maximum 32.25 but if your proposal really is 31 then your variance goes down to that and and you're not allowed to have that extra 1.5% which I'm I'm sure that's okay correct we we agree and um I think Mr kba would be in agreement to provide an amended calculation to reflect and mr's agreement number toed 32 and it's just the smallest number so that's uh and then we the lesser of the lesser of um um again even though Miss Fritz left that obviously compliant with construction maintenance requirements for the buau comply with the bur's half story ordinance building and construction code confines pitch away from the neighbors I think that was it Mr chairman Bill are those conditions acceptable to you yes they are call on the board for a motion to approve we get two new members than you thank you congratulations good luck with you