##VIDEO ID:RjZF2qo7Rso## the New Jersey public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this provision of this act the beler board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted with The Star Ledger and The Express Times and submitted to the town clerk of the town of beler on January 15 2025 the meeting will be live streamed at www.bad sd.org flag flag salute please I Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the mission of the badier school district is to collaborate or to celebrate our past and Empower our future while focusing on our four cornerstones of our district tradition Excellence academics and Community we strive to build confidence and promote collaboration we encourage an equal partnership with our students and staff as well as its community members we Empower everyone to develop the best versions of the themselves the Boer school district is committed to shaping students into Global Citizens who take Initiative for their success and contribute to the continued Excellence of the district our students are leaders in the decision-making process of their education and will be prepared to excel in a 21st century Society roll call please Mr Blum Mrs bone here Dr zeppi here Mrs Duckworth here Mr Scott here m m Stefan here miss Walton here Mrs wner here Mr chiarelli here Mrs Gardella here Mrs roboam here okay so we have a couple presentations for tonight and we will first start with our girls basketball okay um we have the honor and privilege tonight of honoring one of our girls basketball players uh Natalie shoka coach is going to come up and talk a little bit about her but I just counted I think she's the seventh 1,000 Point score in school history so coach you want to jump up to the mic thank you so much for having us here tonight uh to honor Natalie you know basketball is a team sport but every once in a while you have these personal accomplishments that take place uh Natalie achieved her th000 points on December 21st 2024 against hacktown what makes this amazing is she was her third game into her junior year this young lady will probably set the scoring record out here and has a yeah I would say an outside shot of hitting 2,000 points it's just amazing what uh this young lady has done and when they interviewed her on TV first thing she did was to thank her teammates which is important because without your teammates you don't achieve that success second one she called out another young lady who I will probably be back later in a year that'll probably achieve her th000 points at Carly goosi but it's been a real achievement it's been a pleasure watching her coach you know and people ask me why I love coaching a Bader she's one of the reasons plus the 29 other reasons that are on my roster the 30 girls that I have the privilege to coach here at beler high school it is really an honor and privilege to coach these young ladies at beler because there's no other place like it there really isn't and I've been doing this for a long time but what you have here at beler with these young ladies and the students it's just an amazing atmosphere so thank you for having me coach and I'd like to have Natalie come up she's never shy but she says she doesn't want to say anything thank you that's congratulations thank you now we'll have a basketball made for you'll GOC while you guys are here take quick coach is not going to be happy because if you know John O'neal He is not about himself he is about his players is a good example a coach recently reached a milestone of 200 wins as the girls basketball coach here at belir and yeah absolutely needs a mo and we do want to recognize that because it's it's quite an achievement and we appreciate his efforts coach thank you everything he has done for our team uh since I've been here he's done a great job he actually coached Mr carabinas back in the day we don't talk about that too much though but um thank you for all you do for the girls I know you you don't like the public accolades but you deserve it in this situation too Natalie excellent job we're proud of you and we hope you do score that 2,000 points so thanks for coming out tonight [Applause] okay so next on our agenda was for the audit report presentation however um that person is sick and unable to come so we will push that to the next meeting hopefully M okay all right so we're on to committee reports um okay so we met last week is this on we for the curriculum and policy meeting it was quite lengthy we went over um a lot of issues they released the policies for this quarter so we reviewed policy updates regarding the electronic policy the AI policy staff tuition policy we reviewed the Renaissance testing program um the team visited Philipsburg to review how they use their testing data and how our team then has created a a wall for each student to T to track testing scores and um we reviewed the climate survey which was sent out last week to parents in both Bader Elementary School and the high school and that will be sent out to the students as well in the upcoming career day is scheduled for May 30th um there will be uh further conversation and discussion around the electives and the survey that was sent out the high school implemented a school safety program which is currently used in the beler elementary school this will be used as an educational piece to consequences um and then there was an update in regards to the belor elementary school stem program so the beler elementary school stem program is getting good use of the finch robots and um we were able to videos and so we're really excited about that any questions what the safety program could you just touch upon that a little bit Yeah so it is a um program that they use in the elementary school so when they have a consequence for like a discipline that is joined in with a kind of a coaching session around coaching them as to what like how to better in discussing okaying talk to it a little bit better but it's Resort of okay and that's just been implemented into the high school yeah it's been in the elementary school okay how's it [Laughter] working any other questions for curriculum policy okay on the finance and operations okay um so just reading off the minutes uh for finance and operations we discussed the upcoming challenges regarding in the enrollment rate at for out of enrollment rate as well the outof district students and increased costs related to transport transportation and tuition for outof district students at the high school level uh we are evaluating the current and future structure of our child study team uh the child study team adjustment there was a child study team adjustment that occurred um regarding the tuition costs for white pop and Harmony um due to undercharging for child study team services so back in October our administrative team met with hope and white representatives to um to um how we would account for that adjustment in the upcoming new budget forecast and then additionally we were evaluating a scheduling model in both the high school and Elementary School and an effort to reduce costs by Staffing more efficiently and then there will be more discussion to follow regarding the preliminary budget for 2025 2026 next week and throughout the next two months any questions on any of the finance operations quick question on the um the time with the the pool is that for to create efficiency MH to reduce the cost with the number of AIDS um by aligning the periods from the elementary to the high school yes we're spending lots of money any other questions okay then on to the administration Student Activity community relations we need to come up with an acronym for that or something is that but is that where Personnel belongs can we put Personnel in the title I think that's more important than maybe the rest of the stuff extremely important so we're add now we're adding minutes or excuse me administrative Student Activities community relations and Personnel should we maybe add it's only three I think of us is there any other should we have more board members on that well everybody has to be on one because we're meeting at the same time so yes oh okay good all right well and I apologize I got the minutes out late um so we talked on our agenda going off of the agenda items uh Mr carabinas has been in contact and having conversations with St Luke's on expanding the partnership that we currently have with them focusing on some additional resources that will hopefully be made available to us from them um coming into the fall season touched a little bit about the academic coaching and that it's been working well we have had some students um working with their coaches um I think there have been a couple who have had a little bit more um follow through but it seems to be working quite well we touched upon some of the Fall programs in the sports as far as soccer and girls tennis which is going to do a co-op with maren Hills for 25 tennis fall team uh we looked at a outline that Mr Kennedy had presented on some field maintenance um I believe it went out to bid and we're still kind of looking at that a little bit but that's going to include having better Fields um nutritional needs um that would improve for the fields due to weather conditions and just you know being you know the turf and things of that nature uh track and field for 25 is looking to have some um potential changes in coaches and I believe it's our coaches um is that right yeah who's who we're looking to for 25 and we're going to be start we advertising will out March bowling is doing really well Place second in the Hun Warren and Sussex conference and I saw today that there was an article about the team and Landon that went out too which is really fantastic um they're getting a lot of good press Student Activities we have the BHS spring musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamboat um from what I'm hearing the students are very excited about the coordinator that's coming in and so this should be a nice hit for badier uh we also had some students Jada Larsson and Cooper Stallone attend with Senator steinhardt the state of State um down in Washington so that went really well um we had some leadership opportunities and updates which for or that was leadership and opportunities I should say there for community relations we kind of just touched and did some brainstorming but we talked talked a little bit about how to I guess allocate a little time in the meetings to address public comments to the best of our ability just so people understand that we are addressing and talking about their concerns when they're presented here um also talking about just some different ways that we can kind of bridge that Gap and one of the things that I thought about afterwards which is not in the meetings and I was going to bring it up that um I I have some additional ideas I don't know if I should talk about it now or maybe we should wait for new business or something okay yeah I mean it's nothing major but I just had a couple ideas on some of the community relationships so that was that was it um pretty exciting stuff I think for sure coming down the pipeline in 25 any questions on any of that no okay so I want to mention we did have instructional council tonight right before just right before we just have we did our first instructional council meeting of the Year tonight um it was actually a very different group that we've had over the last couple years it was actually nice to get some fresh faces fresh ideas uh so we'll have the notes out hopefully for the weekend I'll send those out to you but I think uh I think we all agreed it was a very productive meeting um talk about anything and everything basically k to2 um actually 9 to 12 probably got a little bit of the short end of the stick just time wise but uh prek to prek to 8 got a lot of discussion so we'll get those notes out but we did just meet beforehand so was very good very good meeting okay so we are on to um interview of our board candidate Colleen white Colleen here okay so she's not here so we'll catch up with her and see what happened there um all right so now we then will be do we want to do exec we don't have to right um we we just talk well as Personnel items oh because we do have all right so it wasn't just for board candidate okay so I think we need to look to go to Executive session it'll be just for personnel then um I need a motion motion second all in favor I I any NOS any abstentions okay so any discussion held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed session in approximately 15 minutes okay want to leave or I think it's okay if you could all step out in the hall please sorry we'll try and be quick we are open for public participation does anybody have public participation on agenda items is it something on the agenda no then there's a second public participation for that at the end of the meeting the first one is for agenda items only okay no it's fine okay any public participation on agenda items this evening no all right correspondence I think so no correspondence great okay so we need superintend superintendent report please okay I just have a few things um I knew we would have a long meeting tonight so I don't want to go too much but I did want to mention today uh one of the unique events to beler which was a lot of fun this afternoon we had the K to2 spelling be um which was a lot of fun to go um and uh I think uh for some of our students they're a little more nervous about actually having to stand up and spell rather than whether or not they knew the word so it's kind of fun third place uh we had Victoria Pierre second place we had Braden krupka and in first place we had Maggie Hammerly so it was really a lot of fun uh Mrs tney and Mrs Bader put it together and of course appreciation from from the the K to2 teachers so it was a lot of fun kind of a buildup as we get into the the bigger spelling be um but it was really cool little event so I just I did want to mention that that was fun um with that we also met today our first AI task force uh unfortunately our meeting was a little shorter than we wanted to be because of the delayed opening but um had a nice start to get some ground ground work done got a good committee together so uh hopefully at the February meeting I'll report on that a little bit more I know that's one of the goals so I wanted to just um talk about that um I think we mentioned the career fair is up and running for May 30th I know we talk a lot about that so if you have anybody you know that'd be interested in coming um please let myself or Dr mckenny know we want to try to get as many people together as possible Mrs roboam is chomping at the bit to say something go so excited um and looking forward to it and I was just wondering will the letters that be going out be distributed to all board members across um the sending districts if interested we can do that sure yeah and all parents too yeah yep great excellent so we are um looking forward to that um couple of other things it was great to see um Natalie here for her thousandth and Coach O'Neal for his 200th win um we've had some great Sports going on here in in the winter T now we have wrestling over in the gym things are moving along um if anybody is interested next Thursday we have a huge bowling match against um I think it's Frankland one of the bigger schools uh escapes me but it's for the Skylands conference title they're 12-1 we're 12-1 so it should be a lot of fun so 3:00 over at the alley um M 5:19 so our bowling team's been excellent they've gotten a lot of good press lately if you haven't seen um we're really proud of them for a second year program hopefully they can bring home a State title so congratulations to them um couple of follow-ups um as far as the um girl scout issue that uh we discussed a little bit at the last meeting um I do have uh a couple of Miss calls with one of the leaders that I just want to talk to to kind of straighten some things out so hopefully be able to report back um at the February meeting as to where we land with that um I know a couple of meetings ago I think it was before Christmas there was a concern about feminine products not U not being um dispensed correctly um Mr Kennedy said that we have ordered all of the uh the dispensers and they are coming in they'll be in all the female bathrooms as soon as they come in um and follow up with the nurses the nurses did say that they had had enough um but we'll always accept donations also so um just want to follow up on that too and um at the the other thing at the last meeting to was the one parent who had concerns about their child's FBA not being done in a timely manner um that is being looked into and made sure that that those timelines are met so I'll be able to report back on that also at the next meeting so I think those were some of the big follow-ups that we've had the last thing worth mentioning is and you can see on the agenda the Third Street piece is on there again that's just more of a reup of our paperwork um I know mayor Myers got a little excited today when she saw that because I think she thought we're finally getting ready to sell it not quite there yet still waiting for the Department of Ed and some of the Hoops we have to jump through but that's just more of a procedural piece that's on the agenda and the last thing I do want to mention too since um Andy's report's going to come up next is last week I had The Misfortune of going up against Andy and Mr Lutz's quiz ball for the safety at the end of the uh marking period for a wood shop um Andy did an outstanding job her team was getting creamed and all a sudden she just stepped it up and they beat us by I don't know a couple thousand points so congratulations Andy when I lose I like to admit it so well done that's my report awesome thank you all right so now we're going to be on to our student representative report Andy you're on you okay okay yeah there we go okay I'll keep it short and sweet because you guys are going to be here a while earlier this month the FFA went to the Pennsylvania Farm Show and everyone had a great time um Flor culture is now prepping for the greenhouse for the Lily and tulip s sale in the spring um this week is the safe Club is spreading awareness for no name calling week so a couple of the uh faculty members across the school have been particip ipating and it's a just to bring the school together and spread awareness um on February 11th seniors from uh are going to participate in a concert for only seniors from Warren County Sussex County and all over eastern Pennsylvania um lastly the drama club is rehearsing for their production of Joseph in the Amazing Technicolor Dreamboat which will be presented on March 7th and 8th thank you great thank you when any of the clubs are doing fundraisers and stuff can you guys send something to him so he can get out to the board because I don't think we hear about them till they're after done so that would be great okay so we are going to go with our presentation then for our school board's ethic training with Kelly Mitchell hi everybody hello um we just tou it went she touched yeah thank you so much hi everybody thanks for having me back in I uh I pulled up and I saw the parking lot full and I thought everybody's here for my ethics presentation so I was super excited but that was not the case but that's okay um so just as a disclaimer uh this is for informational purposes only it's not to replace your board attorney so if you ever need advice uh legally you would go to the board attorney based on your policy so we're going to talk a lot today about the school ethics act and then uh code of ethics and when we think about the ethics act we think about the respect and confidence of the people to make sure that our conduct is making sure that we're not going against any um you know justifiable impression that uh the public would not have trust in us so we're going to talk a lot about that and you know you're legally required to have a discussion about the code of ethics every year so we are going to go around the room in a little bit and talk about each tenant and what that means so the legislative intent of the Act was to make sure and sure and preserve uh the public confidence and the Integrity of school officials so again that road map into our conduct so these are the provisions of the act so the all the board members and trustees have to abide by that code of ethics and they also have to do the mandatory training and that's what new Jersey school boards does we make sure that we Supply that for you and then all school officials also have to be under that act the provision of that and we'll talk about prohibited acts and those fun little disclosures that you should be doing now uh that it's very important that you do because they're very serious about getting that done in the proper time frame so this actually shows what the commission is the ethic commission is nine people two board members five non-official uh officials school officials and then two School administrators right now there's two seats open for board members so if you feel compelled to be on the commission itself just wrate your uh governor and that that might be something that you want to be doing so those financial disclosures you'll get a link to that um if you're a brand new board member you have to have that done in 30 days if not you have to have that done by April 30th so if you could get that done as soon as possible but a little tip is when you fill out that link just save it as a PDF once you fill that all in and then email it otherwise you're filling it out and you're losing that data um take it from me I've done it a million times and not saved it as a PDF and then had to re go back and do that so make sure you get that done because otherwise your board service will stop if you go past that time frame so here's a snapshot of the mandatory training that we provide if you're a brand new board member you have to do governance one within 90 days of being sworn in uh we do have a really great weekend going on this week um and uh that's done by a grant so it's no cost to the district and there's also one in February too for new board members if you're not a new board member and you're in your second year you'd have to do governance to you'll have until the end of this year which is 12 uh 31 um to get that done that is a financial and policy piece and then if you're in your third year it's governance three it's a student achievement peace and Labor Relations that's a brand new um program and it all it's all about the lighthouse uh project so it's super interesting about student achievement so you might want to take that one early on in the year if you could and then if you were reappointed or reelected you have to do that governance for that's legal updates uh make sure that you get those done in time because otherwise you will uh have a problem with your board service now you can do these uh like I said in person or you can do a live virtual which is done by New Jersey school boards and you're there on Zoom live with other board members or you could do self-paced which is you could come in and out of the training as you have time so there's two aspects that the commission um governs over over one is the advisory opinions so if you have something that you think you know what we want to do this but we're not sure if it would violate the ACT you can write to uh the commission and ask for an opinion uh they will discuss it and render it and then six of those members would have to then vote to make it public uh so that is something that goes on and we have about 35 of them per year this cute little policeman is here is because a lot of times board members say Well they're just advisory opinions and yes they are advisory opinions telling you whether it could be possible violation of the code of ethics however if you think about a police officer and he said you know if you do this you'll get a violation against you you probably wouldn't test that guidance so we just ask board members to be very mindful of that when you're uh conducting yourselves and you're supposed to know all those advisory opinions we send that on Schoolboard notes so make sure that you watch your email for the new ones so these are some that are released and we don't need to read through all of them but I do want to point out this second one um it says that can a board member participate in negotiations if the aunt is employed by the district but who is not in uh a local union before it was if it was a nonunion contract you could go ahead and be involved in that but now they've decided that there's a linkage piece to those contracts so the foundation of a non-union contract is usually a Union contract so they said because of that linkage you would not be able to participate in negotiations on that so that's that's a new advisory so I just wanted to bring that to top of mine because we're going to talk about that in a slide a little bit later when we talk about negotiations these are all in your packet so I left them there for you but um you know there's all these advisory opinions that were just recently released and then there's ethics complaints any member of the public can go ahead and put in a uh possible violation of the code for um ethics complaints they have 180 days to do so and but they would have to tell what section of the act the violation they feel was and they would have to give factual evidence so when we go through the tenants the code of ethics you'll see a word say standards at those standards is what the commission looks at to determine if there was a violation so that would be that factual evidence that uh the Community member or what have you would have to provide so these are the penalties uh if you do have a violation against you the first one is a reprimand and that's just a letter saying that here's the code of ethics that you went against and um you know just basically don't do this again then it gets a little stronger to a censure that would have to be that letter would be read in public and then it would be posted for uh 30 days on the website so that's a little bit stronger then there's a suspension and that's usually for a period of days an example of a suspension uh we had a board member that thought it was a really good idea to do a Blog uh and that member put the proper disclaimer and everything on it but what happened was uh they went against the code of ethics when they went against one of our faculty members and said you know improper things about the faculty member so then they were suspended for 60 days and then uh there's a removal that's very very rare but that's for a high uh you know degree of violation so now we're going to go around the room and just read the tenants and talk about what they really mean and what a possible violation against each one would possibly look like so I don't know who wants to start yeah um so a I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures right so this is what when you have that o and you're sworn in this is what you're saying you're going to uphold all the law laws rules and regulations of the state so uh a violation against a would be something that you went Again State mandate uh things like that so um again we're here to uphold all those laws rules and regulations wants to re beat I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standard right so the important thing about be is we talk about all students we have to be making sure that when we're sitting here at the table we're thinking about all students when we're voting on different things so it's really important that it's not just special interest it's all students so letter C is really great because it tells us exactly what our board surface is it's policymaking planning and Appraisal that's it a lot of times board members think that they're they should be doing other activities that is it as far as our board service goes so we have to be very mindful that we don't go outside our lane I will carry out my right so letter D really speaks to what we're supposed to do for our board Service as that oversight piece so we're sitting in the balcony looking down at the dance floor but we're not down there with the dancers telling them what to do so our role is of oversight we're not here for the daytoday we're not rolling up our sleeves and getting involved with what the administration is doing so I often say that the board is the what and the administration is a how I'd like to solve the puzzle Pat I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board so a lot of times with e we see a violation there when board members have a hard time um coming out of campaign mode and then going into board service mode uh when you're campaigning you're making personal promises all over and and that's okay but then when you get to be at the board table your Authority only rests with the full board so you can't make any of those personal promises or take any type of private action all right I got the next one I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends again we see that in campaign mode with f where sometimes we have uh political groups that support us with our campaign but then when we come together for board service we have to remember that it's nonpartisan and that we have to not take away from our independent judgment we have to make sure that we're there for all students right so letter G really speaks to Executive session so anything that happens in executive session we have to be very mindful that that stays confidential that we can't speak to our spouse our partner our best friend nobody gets to hear that information that it stays Within These Walls I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer so letter H speaks very specifically to as a board member we can't say well we think Sally Sue would be great for this position the recommendation would only come from the superintendent I will support and protect School personnel and proper performance of their Duty so letter I was uh talking about that gentleman that did the blog he went against letter I because he didn't um support the uh the faculty member so that was a violation there with that um that blog I will refer so this speaks a lot to when you're out and about in town and it's always happen in the grocery store of course when a somebody comes up to you member of the community and talks about their problems and that's good and that's okay but it's it speaks to chain of command so we should have a dialogue in our head and say you know um we're sorry we're hearing this about you know your situation how did it go when you spoke to the teacher or the uh building principle things like that we have to be very mindful that we have no individual power at all authority in any way we only have authority when we're sitting together at a publicly noticed meeting so thank you so much for going through that and that's our discussion that we should have every year and I hope that was helpful so these are some of the cases uh with the code of ethics themselves we don't need to read through them but I just wanted to point out one uh this was a uh 60-day suspension and if you can see that it was a board member that was 50 plus uh 15 plus years so that board member went to an employees house picked up a letter gave it to the ba told the ba don't give it to the superintendent and then got involved at the board table and didn't recuse herself so it does like it sometimes it seems a little Elementary that we go through the code of ethics but you know even though you've been on the board for quite some time but if you think about it sometimes even you know 15year plus board members go off the rails every once in a while so just be very mindful this is something that's newer and I just want to go over it so uh you know a lot of times board members feel that they're just going to abstain if they have any kind of conflict and now the new guidance is that an exstension is really not the correct method you should recuse yourself from all discussion and from the vote as well if you have a legal conflict and an exstension is really only meant if you don't have enough data to make a decision on a vote so uh we say that if you do have a legal conflict to recuse yourself from discussion and from the vote because if you think about it when you're discussing it at the board table and then say that you're not going to vote you you could have you know made a difference with the vote Itself by that discussion so you should recuse yourself and um recuse yourself from the discussion and the vote if you do have a legal confidence these are some of the prohibited acts that you we would recuse ourselves for if we had any business interest any financial gain any gifts favors anything that would give us any benefit more than the the board member sitting next to us we would recuse ourselves from and then this just spells out this will be in your packet just spells out what a benefit is sometimes it's direct sometimes it's indirect and uh they wanted to have a little bit of a rendering of what a benefit would be these are some of the cases uh and some of the um outcomes on like reprimand things like that so I put that into your packet uh I also put into your packet a chart that really drills down to uh in-laws uh stepchildren things like that with when you're conflicted or not and that's in your packet um but we also wanted to put these definitions in of what a Rel relative is and what's an immediate family member so you have that and then of course we know that we may not hire any relative of a board member certainly if there was somebody that already worked for the district that's a little bit different and there's caveats there this is that collective bargaining uh graph that I told you about so here you see that yes no piece so that speaks to that nonunion piece that we just recently talked about so you would not be able to participate in negotiations or ratify a contract even if it's non-union this is a little bit newer guidance also and we don't usually see this but if a union did support you in your campaign you would not be able to be a part of negotiations for the first year that you're in uh your board service and this is newer guidance that if you had a flicted board president the board president customarily picks everybody that's on the Committees and the chairs and then also sits on a lot of committees if the board president was conflicted they could not pick the chairs could not be on any Financial Personnel um negotiations committee so that's just a newer guidance even um instructional they say to stay away from and then uh this is newer guidance too uh it's very prevalent now to say that I had the advice of councel um and you can go ahead and use that as your defense for a possible violation but it would have to have all of these four aspects in order to be valid so just be mindful that you can't do uh some type of conduct and then say well Council told me it was okay to do you have to make sure that you disclose all the pertinent facts to your board counsel and then um you know move forward with whatever conduct you feel is appropriate we get a lot of questions on volunteering in schools and certainly as a board member you can volunteer in school but it's that degree of volunteerism so if you feel that you're going to give a directive to a staff member then you would have to shy away from that volunteerism you can't give any type of directive handle money in any way um and you can't be a staple in the school so you can't be there every Tuesday constantly in the schools as board members it's something that we would say you know shy away from that but certainly you can go and be on a field trip or you can read to the kids in in class we want you to volunteer we just want you to make sure that you don't give any type of directed and then these are some of the cases and examples of advisories for those um volunteerism and then social media is taking up a lot of time of the commission so we're asking that uh you know it's the capacity that you're speaking in that you make sure that when you're on social media you're only speaking in your personal capacity and that uh a normal member of the public is not thinking that you're speaking for the full board if you are going to go on and post on uh social media the commission says that you should put this disclaimer on any of your forums so that way it it's clearly stating that it's your personal opinion and you're not speaking for the full board now when we talked about that gentleman with the blog he he had that but then he spoke poorly about a faculty member so you have to be mindful of that content piece as well this is some questions and answers about that disclaimer uh just because you have that disclaimer does that abstain you from the the uh violation it does not uh but you know like I said that kind content piece you have to be mindful of and then any account that's going to identify you as a board member you should really shut down a lot of times when you do campaigning you have that uh account that says you know so and so for Board of Ed if you do have something like that you should never post from that once you're a board member um because that can put You In Harm's Way also we get some questions on if you could like a post or not certainly you can like a post on your from your personal page but try to stay away from something that's overly political or something that you spoke about at the board table and then they're saying this is newer guidance that you shouldn't administer any social media page because that means that you're allowing content back and forth and that could um possibly cause a violation so that's it I know that was compelling thank you so much for your time and attention thanks for coming again can I ask question Kelly yes on when you were doing the recru I can't even say it recusal recusal versus abstaining do so as we're doing our voting is that something we need to ask or is that something somebody would say like I mean like for myself example I might um abstain because um a cousin name was on here for a uh you know position wherever do I not abstain am I supposed to say that I'm asking for is saying that you recuse yourself for that but when when you think about it if you are voting and there's like a whole bunch that you're voting on right ex like you have to pull that one out right before um and just say that you know you're going to recuse yourself from from that specific one okay yeah and so like if there was any type of discussion and usually hiring somebody there's not that much discussion but if there was you would stay out of that discussion okay so it would it's nothing that in our normal voting we ask we still go through the same process and if somebody has that they can just say that as the vote finishes and it's just guidance I mean your board attorney can can guide you further on that but that is the guidance from um the commission I just didn't know if it was something we had to do before the vote or you know where where that fell so that nobody was getting there's a lot of questions on that and a lot of times I get questions on do I leave the table like do I have to leave the room and uh and the guidance is no you just you know you go ahead and recuse yourself um and just don't speak on that okay um but you know again this is not to give any type of legal advice it's just talking about the guidance and and that's a little bit newer so when we get to when we get to that slide a lot there's a lot of questions on it because you know most of the time board members feel to just abstain but uh the guidance from the commission is saying that in exstension is really just saying that you don't have enough data to make that decision okay um but a recusal is saying that you're definitively saying that you have a conflict a legal conflict okay all right thank you thank you yes in your in your packet there's the what does it say on top Robin yeah assign the acknowledgement and we just keep those on file this page okay thank you Kelly Mitchell for that presentation bye Kelly okay so now we are on to our agenda items we start with policy and it's item number one through 12 I don't think we have any no we don't have any add-ons um can I have a motion to look at policy items 1 through 12 motion second okay any questions on any of those they're all a first reading no okay so all in favor of items one through 12 I I any nose any abstentions okay I think that's the first time we discussed policy in person I don't know 10 years yeah at least so was actually refreshing yeah we did a lot over Co online with all the new policies onl stuff so it's nice to actually see the committee especially when there's so many of them yep MH okay so then we are on to Personnel items and that is 13 through 22 B there's two on the sheet tonight can I have a motion for agenda items 13 through 22 b or 22b sorry motion second any questions on any of them no okay roll call please Mrs sbone here yes yes sorry it's been a long day all of the doc yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mr Scott yes M Stefan yes M Walton Mrs wner yes Chelli yes Mrs Gardella yes Mrs Rob yes okay so now we are on to education items it's agenda items numbered 23 through 28 and there is um an addition on our page can I have a motion for 23 through 28 motion second any questions on those items no all right all in favor of agenda items 23 through 28 with the addition I I any nose any abens okay so we are on to business items those are agenda items 29 through 33 can I have a motion for those items motion second any questions on any of that no all in favor of 29 through 33 i i i any nose any extensions okay so that brings us to continuing business is there any continuing business tonight I think I updated on Third Street that's always one of our our favorites uh second uh at the last meeting um we just touched briefly on the regionalization discussion um that Miss wner and myself uh attended probably two and a half weeks ago or so um we are expecting just to to just to update a little bit further we are expecting the report to be done I'll actually say like almost any day now um and I I think I said the last me to hold up is um one of the cons uh Consultants is scheduling a meeting with the commissioner of Education just to get some clarification on state funding and the impact of State funding by the regionalization process um at the meeting uh there was a pretty pretty healthy discussion about what the exec summary was going to say um I think we wanted to just kind of hold back a little bit until we actually saw the final report um but um the idea would be if we can time frame this the way we hope to uh that by hopefully the end of this month the steering committee would have the report quick two week or so turn around to review it the steering committee would meet one more time with the Consulting Group and then the Consulting Group would set up a time to do a public presentation for all four or all five districts including Great Meadows and and kind of go from there um I think the conversation was really good I think it was eye openening about some of the things that we already do that are considered when it comes to regionalization so um hopefully we'll have all that hopefully by the time we meet again in February we'll have seen the report and and be able to move on you want to add to that Tyler that was I think that yeah I think so I guess what do you think we're looking like a month yeah to have a little bit more of an update yeah yeah hopefully I don't know if there's any questions any other continuing business new business any new business oh right thank you for reminding me a long way too think there is new business um yes as I mentioned earlier um so I don't know this just kind of thinking when we did some brainstorming in the on the committee relationships and I don't know if this is something we can do or not but even when you talked about um sending out notices and things to the parents or the teachers for the job fair I was I don't know if we do this but I I haven't seen anything do can we do like a little um like newspaper or flyer to parents to highlight some of like what's going on in beler so it's not everything online because and I was thinking about it that might help you know even for me like when you get something in the mail and you get it in front of you and you take a look at it and it just kind of has a little more of an impact sometimes you know just to kind of like what's going on I know I remember Mr carabus used to do the little YouTube reports something like that but on paper and maybe we can have the students do it I don't know do we have a school paper we used to I don't think we have a school paper anymore Scarlet scoop I know I mean it's like I know it's so old school but I think it would be kind of fun you know if we can get the kids like a one pager get the kids involved with it and you know and have that go out to parents and then community members you know kind of what's new what's going on kind of a thing that would be great that was my thought yeah feel like that would be great if you could get community members to see it too because if you don't have a kid you don't know when there's a tulip sale yeah unless you stalk Mr Duckworth yes yes right I do right and raing like you had said prior you know so we can know you know just get you know head up a head up like a student commit if you can you know and just have them kind of run with it like it yeah Outreach of like a Crispy Cream sale might make the eighth graders a lot more money yeah I mean I got kic I got not Ked off I mean I was hacked on Instagram and I can't get back on so I I'm I'm so sad that I can't see half of the stuff that goes on with the SP and I've tried multiple times telling me I can't um so I can't see like the red zone you know things like that and I'm you know figure out way to get back on okay I like it great idea and the eighth graders are currently selling gertude Haw candy bars those are good yeah really expensive here the meeting they're three they're three bucks a candy bar two for five I went for the two for five today a night like tonight they could have made a killing I would have bought one me alone but I think I like it tell I think it's a great idea yeah yeah all right any other new business no okay public participation anyone have public participation come on down if only you had a candy bar well that'll chocolate's good for everything there you go um I'm Susan yed and I'm from White Township and I brought up last um month about U meeting the requirements for having feminine products in the school and I just wanted to thank the board and Mr karuba that for hearing me and listening and doing that I really do appreciate you great thank you thank you any other public participation no okay so now we are looking um to go in executive executive session for Hib appeal and a Hib can I have a motion for executive session motion second all in favor I I any knows any abstentions okay um any discussion held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed session in approximately 20 minutes minutes half hour okay action will be taken action will be taken will be Tak it okay sounds ominous okay I need a motion to approve the November and December Hib reports that are on the agenda tonight motion second all in favor I any nose any extensions nope okay a motion to to end tonight's meeting to adjourn motion second all in favor I I any nose any extensions okay everybody have a good night thank you well except except negotiations journ aour