##VIDEO ID:T0UQsxP2tXM## e the New Jersey Public's meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this provision of this act the beler board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted With The Star Ledger and The Express Times and submitted to the town clerk of the town of beler on December 6 2024 the meeting will be live streamed at www.bad sd.org flag salute please Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all the mission of the beler school district is to celebrate our past and Empower our future by focusing on the four cornerstones of our district tradition Excellence academics and Community we strive to build confidence and promote collaboration we encourage an equal partnership with our students and staff as well as its community members we Empower everyone to develop the best version of themselves the beler school district is committed to shaping students into Global Citizens who take Initiative for their success and contribute to the continued Excellence of the district our students are leaders in the decision-making process of their education and will be prepared to excel in 21st century Society roll call please Mr Akerman Mr Blum here Dr zeith here Mrs Duckworth here Mrs gleen here Mr Scott here Mrs Stefan here Mrs cbone here Mrs wenner here Mr chiarelli here Mrs Gardella Mrs B here okay so we are on to committee reports yeah we had a Sports ad hoc since this was out I'm trying to get my notes up but for some reason I'm not do you have them Chris give me one I don't know why it's not pulling up on my phone for some reason just read through them yes please I'm sorry it's not pulling up for some reason no problem uh meeting was on December 4th of 24 believe it was a virtual meeting uh Mr bone Mr carabinas Miss chick Mr chiarelli Miss Duckworth and Miss wenner were there um first topic was the Skyland conference Leadership Summit which was the day before and there was one athlete per winter sports team which was at North hun in uh John Paul Gonzalez Allin was the presenter I'm assuming that's what that was do we need to go in depth on that at all you want to comment on that Mr carabina since you were there or excellent um and then next Wednesday uh Mr carab a group of students will be attending the northwest New Jersey Leadership Summit guest speakers include former Super Bowl champion Giants OJ Anderson Lee rousan and Steph Baker the touchdown maker uh opportunity for our student athletes to interact with profession professional athletes on different levels uh competing training nutrition mental health stress also to create ongoing relationships with local athletes Lehigh Valley live has been invited to help promote this event uh students were notified in letters of being mailed at home it will be beler Philipsburg North Warren Warren Hills and the um 26 students the cost of them will be picked up by St Luke's so that'll be next week that'll I'm sure that'll be really good let's see so we talked about the athletic Athletics academic coaches coaches have successfully been helping students achieve grades and missing assignments no fall students missed uh any time on the sporting any sporting events on on the playing field which is very good discuss the fall end of season successful season for fall Sports coaches have been active in working with sending districts and utilizing students in training uh Arenas such as Gibson to profile excess of beler sports discuss the importance of good coaching is a key ingredient to the sex success of all of our programs winter sports is starting up the gym floor is complete and looks great the girls basketball team has a freshman team and looks strong on all levels wrestling is kicking off and looks strong with upcoming participation there's a Tricky Tray coming up for sports with the PTO uh something says the infancy of planning um okay oh it's in the infancy of planning okay I got you I don't know what that meant uh Project Graduation is not doing a Tricky Tray this year so it's open from prek to 12 the opportunity is there to have all the athletic programs do some profit sharing this will help build relationships within and districtwide uh Miss Exley is helping to head this up there was also so the need it was discussed the need for the Press Box and field maintenance plans have been put in place and Mr car will talk to Mr Kennedy for an update of facility plan uh finally weight room uh with the participation continue to encourage the use of the weight room we have great equipment and athletes should be utilizing as much as possible especially in the off season the room is open every day from 2:30 to 3:30 and can be later if needed and Mr carabinas will be talking to St Luke for a St Luke's for a list a list of additional services they offer to continue to build our Sports you guys want to comment any further on that yeah I just have one ad there was a another person that was coming to the Philipsburg leadership program that was a female that was speaking right from Sussex County okay arker thank you that's it probably a good time just while we're here just to point out um we have the Huddle camera camera up and up and running so I just uh I'm going to send this out to all the parents uh tomorrow or Friday so it shows how to log in for the all the events that'll be in our taking place in our gym over the winter and how to get on the green Link at the bottom is a live link so you can just click on that it'll take you right to the page the the page looks great um I just want to thank the first thank Eric and Eric and Mr Kennedy for getting the camera up and ready and going and the parents who really spearheaded this project to get this up so people who can't make it or people who are out of town or live far away have an opportunity to see our athletes for participate so it's great um I checked it out yesterday myself and and really impressed what what's there there's some highlights from the fall season to if you want to check those out so it's really really great so thank you for all involved I think it's a great way to promote our Athletics and and activities I just wanted to quickly give some props over to Mr carabinas because I know he's been really busy and working super hard on getting together the um Summit and I've just heard a lot from the kids and the parents and everybody's really excited about it so it's exciting for us to be able to put that enforce and really kind of you know head off and I think you had mentioned other schools in the future might want to even kind of jump in which is awesome because it's great for us to be really profiling our Sports programs now so I think it's super exciting so thank you it's been great and the Huddle camera too which is super exciting can I ask a quick question just following up on old business with the fundraiser forms did we sort all of that out in the booster clubs and submitting and that's all good okay okay good and then um is there still uh kind of in the works planning around the booster Cubs kind of coming together to be a little bit more coordinated with the events with this athletic department [Music] okay okay so that's the starting point okay okay okay so now I need a motion to go into executive session for personnel and Hib motion second all in favor I any nose any extensions okay any discussion held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed session in approximately 15 20 minutes 15 20 minutes we want to stay here we'll stay here so can everybody please step out good thank you we'll do we'll do personel good okay so we are on to public participation on agenda items is there any public participation for agenda items tonight no okay any correspondence I I have a question since I'm on agenda can I or no my agenda was found f or whatever not tonight I'll explain the whole process to you thank you yeah okay so any correspondence no no correspondence oh all right we are on to superintendent report we're going to start with uh Miss Peli is here tonight to give an update on our child study team and where we are thank you very much next just right here so again thank you for having me here tonight uh I just want to give you a brief update regarding our child study team and our services as we share all of our services throughout the cluster um just kind of want to put things out by the numbers as I'm a bit of a numbers person when it comes to our special ed services so when we're looking at beler school district specifically we currently have 121 students who are specialed in related services or eligible for speech and only Services um in the pipeline we have seven new referrals currently and within our beler School District staff we have um 30 students on uh receiving Occupational Therapy Services uh five students with Physical Therapy Services 41 students uh receiving speech therapy services we have four students in our high school program who are uh between 18 and 21 years of age who are receiving job coaching Services through project hire so they actually have a halfday schedule they leave here at 11:30 every day and then they'll go out on site with a job coach through project hire to do to receive different um Services throughout the county and different experiences whether it be um at the the Oxford landfill thing they will go out through actually have some somebody in their area we also have eight students receiving IEP driven counseling services to give you an overview of our team in general we have two School psychologists two social workers two learning Consultants three occupational therapists two physical therapists three speech therapists and we have uh Behavior Consultants who rotate throughout the cluster are four school districts and five buildings on a weekly basis so they're here in our buildings within the cluster between you know two and three days a week because we have seen an increase in the need for Behavioral Services for our students over the past year or two especially so overall we have within the cluster 231 students with IEPs that our child study team serves on a daily basis Pati therapy 90 students receiving Services Physical Therapy 15 students speech therapy 24 students and 15 students receiving counseling services so um as you can see we we're essentially like a school within a school we have a lot of students who receive services on a daily basis our case management our casa excuse me our case management is on average between 35 and 40 per person and we have a case manager in each one of our buildings and we have multiple at the high school level so our our child study team is working very very hard on a daily basis to serve a lot of students with very significant needs and I'm I'm truly thankful for that so I just like I said I wanted to give you a quick update on that from where we stand as of today because I ran these numbers again um and if you have any questions please let me know I have a question sure um just really quick the behavioral specialist um do they only see patients who are classified or do they see no they actually they see students um who have needs through their IEPs as well as student as well as students in the general education population who may or may not end up through our pipeline yes but we we see a lot of students um in the gened population who have increased behavioral needs but what we try to do is get them in on site before they even get to us so we can try to combat those needs and come up with some Behavior plans to help the teachers in the gened uh population and that comes from like a referral from a a teacher it it might through like our intervention and referral services committee our uh response to intervention committee uh through a 504 plan yeah so it could come from multiple areas gotcha you yeah of course of course quick question on AIDS as you know AIDS has been a very hot topic here okay absolutely how many of our IEP driven AIDS are being serviced right now as substitut as instead of AIDS uh so we have I can tell you right now we have uh four we have four full-time AIDS one of them is an IEP driven Aid three of them are preschool AIDS not necessarily IEP driven but for the preschool program because we have an inclusive program uh we have um 5 65% AIDS we have two 65% AIDS slash 35% subs and then two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 substitutes being utilized for IEP driven Services here and there to fill in in various areas so we're able to plug in all of those gaps between the subs who are hired through the district and our and um the AIDS who are hired through the district so a large majority of excuse me a large majority are actually substitutes and not AGS yes they they are yes and they're committed to that either because they they're not interested in being hired as more than a sub or they're only here on like a you know a few day a week basis we have a few Subs who are here maybe like two or three days a week right so they it wouldn't make sense for them to be hired as an as an aid yeah now is every child who has an IEP that requires an aid position filled as currently is based on the I APS we do have one one student um who their their needs are potentially going to change in the near future that we will need to fill in those gaps for that but everybody has currently based on their IEPs has everything filled in that they need to okay and I am in the process right now for that one particular student of um you know interviewing through wor County Special Services and Mr kruba actually mentioned to me today that we did get an application for somebody who is interested in being an aid so be we'll hopefully be able to fill that in in the very near future so we are we are all set okay good thank you yeah of course thank you I have a question sure um are the substitutes qualified to work for um yes yeah and I mean they they need to be qualified in order to get hired through the school district so they have all their paperwork they receive necessary uh training uh many of them have child study team well they're not child study team necessarily but they're working with with special needs students but many of them have their Crisis Prevention Institute deescalation Training that's uh that is not not not necessarily a requirement excuse me but is um is helpful and help in uh in deescalate certain behaviors or if there needs to be like a Restraint of some sort they have that certification to assist them in that process yeah yeah good thanks M okay thank you very much have a I just want to wish you all a merry Christmas happy New Year happy holidays enjoy enjoy this time of year thank you very much I just noticed to that we don't have uh miss ao's spot on the agenda and I'm sure she has some great things she wants to share so want to go right at it um so the Leo Club has been very busy this month um the seniors took a trip to thank you the seniors took a trip to the Mir V on last Wednesday and they spent the day with the residents we um had a holiday celebration we sang made cookies with them um the past weekend the club served hot chocolate at the tree lighting they helped out with the harmony um annual Christmas party um for the Lions Club and also some students went and wrapped gifts at the miror v um the Leo Club has been planning things for the upcoming school year on Saturday the FAA hosted another successful breakfast with Santa also for the past week the student government in the Red Zone have been hosting the door decorating competition and judging will take place tomorrow morning um tonight at tonight as everyone knows is the concert at 7 um the this year's musical has been announced it's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dream boat auditions are being held on Monday and Tuesday of next week also shout out to Alex Vander gate who auditioned and was accepted into the Morris area honors choir Additionally the FFA just wrapped up their holiday toy drive as well as their fruit sale finally the beler Buddies hosted their first event of the year which was a holiday movie and pancake dinner as the year comes to an end clubs have been meeting to discuss their plans for 2025 and then I also have a note a letter to read for you guys so Dear Mr karuba and the beler Board of Education this letter is being forwarded to bring recognition to the BHS Leos club and NHS it is also to acknowledge the commitment dedication and the tedious work that has been recently performed by the student members of the BHS Leo club and NHS approximate ly 43 BHS Leo Club NHS members participated in the annual Leaf raking event I personal personally feel that this event performed by BHS students truly helps those that do not have the time to dedicate in maintaining their properties in the way that they would like to although I was aware of this event I never took advantage it of it in the past as I felt that it was the students eort efforts were needed outside the scope of my residential property however this year certain events did not allow for my yard to be maintained by me in time and in the way that I like during a spontaneous conversation with Miss lney advisor to the Leo Club she suggested that I utilize the services that the BHS Leo's club members provide yearly to the residents of this town with very little thought I immediately agreed to let the Leos club and NHS students do it BHS Leo Club students were assigned to my property and stepped up without hesitation to get done what I was not able to do and left me totally satisfied with the work they performed as my standards are very high I think the students could somehow read my mind as if it was done just how I liked it I would highly and strongly recommend that other Town residents request this service in the future as it not only saved me time it showed me that we can depend on those BHS students that show an interest in giving back to the community for they are our future sorry to the BHS seniors a special thank you for leading those students that are following close behind you and will take the lead when you graduate you lead by example I say and I hope that I can speak for all the other residents that have their properties Rak of leaves that the BHS Leo club members completed the task that they set out to do and I say to all of you they did a phenomenal job to they are very proud of the BHS students and to miss lney Mr Hoy and Mr miss shler Mr shler Mr and Mrs puyer you lead by example you teach others and you set the standards high at BHS standards that need to be set in order to prepare for follow students for their Futures I say with conviction be proud of the students that you teach and reflect back frequently on the time you spend with them on their efforts their actions and their hard work ethic for those students these students move on you will want them back and they will be truly missed sincerely A Satisfied Vader resident thank [Applause] you thank you for that report and since you sort of finished there with uh discussing some of our outstanding teachers like to take a moment to announce we had the pleasure this afternoon myself Mr carabinas and Dr mcken of announcing our teachers of the year so for beler high school teacher of the year is Miss Mary Cassidy special ed teacher congratulations to Mary thank you our ed services professional of the year is Mr Eric cook who does a great job working with the technology so thanks Mr cook at the beler Elementary School our teacher of the year is preschool teacher Lori endik congratulations Lori and our ed services professional of the year is Dawn Andrews a PA professional at the elementary school so congratulations to them we'll have them at a meeting uh in the future to to recognize and to celebrate their accomplishments but um they're all outstanding professionals and we're glad to have them there and it's a nice way to nice way to sort of kick off the holiday season with that announcement today um Andy did mention that the beler high school concert is tonight so hopefully we're on target to get there by 7 and uh next Wednesday we have the U Bel Elementary concert which is uh from K to 3 is at 5:30 and 4 to 8 is at 6:30 so looking forward to to both of those um we have had some some great holiday events the the door door judging is tomorrow morning for their creativity um as as I said to the staff today as a superintendent I think it's one of the greatest things we've done in quite a long time it's just to see the spirit as the Ki KI principal I don't like it because the rumor was that the uh Elementary School was closing at 12 today because someone did a little Gremlin uh door and so there's little signs all over to place plus uh I won't mention whose room it is Mr carabinas is uh publicly advocating for his room and there was little vote for room 207's all over the place and some of the students decided they'd be fun to wear so but it's a great great holiday spirit great to see the the teachers involved so uh we really appreciate that um I did mention the Sports Huddle which is not there anymore because we've been here for too long um I I did mention in my weekly update last week and if you saw even again today there's law enforcement has been using Third Street as a training um you know it's one of the good things about Third Street still being available to them they're able to they do a lot of classroom work but then they also do a lot of actual um training as to if there was an emergency situation so uh you do see a lot of police officers over there you'll know why um I do want to mention and I I didn't mention it last meeting but I do want to mention I just want to take a moment to thank Nicole ehas she she's leaving us uh at the end of next week um Nicole is um gonna be greatly missed around here she's one of the kind of one of the few people that's almost Irreplaceable um Nicole has been basically a beler school person since the day she entered kindergarten um she's been here for quite a long time and um she's run such an outstanding program she's she's a true professional and you know if you know Nicole she's given it till the very end last uh one day last week she was dressed up as Elfa on the shelf for all the kids to see um she just continues to go she'll be sadly missed and I just want to thank her for her 23 years of service I've been here for 15 so we've been working together a long time so thanks Nicole wish her nothing but the best um I did talk to a board member over Warren Hills last week and said really getting one of our better teachers so um hope hope nothing but the best for Nicole she has a has a great career over there also like to thank Mr aurman for his what seems like way more than three years of service on the board of education uh we do appreciate everything that you've done for us Mr akan you know you've been great in committees and and done a lot of good work so thanks for serving and I know it's on to more stuff with the kids and and and taking that role and that's extremely important too so thanks for what you've done here and also just would like to uh say happy holidays to everyone Merry Christmas um remember we have early dismissal next Friday and it'll be here before you know so happy holidays and enjoy break okay so we are on to agenda items for personnel it's going to be 1 through six and amendment to agenda item number five to remove Crystal Winters and everything else is the same and we don't have any add-ons tonight for change so tried real hard any question well can I have a motion to look at a agenda items 1 through six motion all right is there any questions on any of those items no okay then roll call please Mr aaman yes Mr Blum Dr zeppi yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mrs Glen Mr Scott yes Mrs Stefan yes Mr bone yes wner yes Mr Chelli yes and Mrs Rob okay on to education items 7 through 10 no changes or additions to any of those can I have a motion to look at 7 through 10 motion second any questions on any of those items no all right all in favor I any NOS any abstentions I will on I would like tostain on all right and now we are on to business items 11 through 14 with no changes can I have a motion for items 11 through 14 motion any questions on any of those all right all in favor I I any knows any extensions no okay so we are on to continuing business I'll mention our two favorite continuing business topics uh number one the sale of Third Street um feel like we finally got somewhere last week because we got approval from the county superintendent to sell the building um and she forwarded uh her approval letter to the state so hopefully now the ball will get rolling a little bit quicker than it has over the last I don't know three years at this point um so hopefully that we'll get news on that after the you know shortly after the first of the year and the regionalization update is there is no regionalization update we haven't received anything since the last meeting okay all right then any other continuing business yeah I have I I think it's continuing business so if it shouldn't be tell me um I know a couple of meetings ago we talked about career day and there hasn't been any updates on that so I was wondering if we could get an update on that that goes back to kind of like the discussion that I was having about my visit Wes Morris and then the work that we did I think able to I think for the January meeting we could have a good update on that okay I thought it was scheduled for November that's why was a little bit no no the actual we're going to do it in May the actual career day in May okay okay cool and then um the Middle School conferences um I just wanted to just bring that up a little bit the scheduling during the day was a little bit um I don't want to use this word but kind of wonky because the high school kids were not at half day so parents were mixing in the hallway with the high school students when the bell changed and it felt a little uncomfortable okay all right yeah good suggestion yep good suggestion [Laughter] um I'd like to say we talked about last meeting about the updates on the website I've seen changes that's awesome thank you and more updates for the new events so that's been great to see the holiday stuff out there anybody else for continued business no new business I have some okay um so this week I was loading funds into my son's lunch card and I noticed that the cost for the convenience fee has gone up from $2 to $4.50 no I didn't notice that yeah I did so it's not and now it's not considered a fee for a credit card it's now called an internet convenience fee so can you just give me those numbers again yeah it's $4 50 from it was $2 and something I don't exactly remember mine this week too I didn't notice that um every time you load it every time you load it reload it like weekly so we've been so if you load it weekly I did the math if there's 25 weeks which I is rough it's $112 a year you're paying to load that card and I wasn't sure if there are any other options for parents to load their lunch card because that's an astronomical amount you can still send in a check doesn't have to go um through there but we can also look at other options if they're going to increase fees like that I hadn't heard that the fee increased it was increased from last year I saw that but I didn't see 4 or 4 yeah can we just look at that because it is a lot of money I we can see what other companies charge and then at least communicate the other options to parents because I didn't you know I'm not sure if everybody is aware yeah yep of the charge the kids bring cash yeah so yeah it's crazy some kids can bring cash but I don't know if the littles can manage you know they can they did when my kids were little but we couldn't manage having you know a125 or $2 whatever it was for three kids all every yeah the C would be so much easier I'd like to explore that a little bit if we can yeah um and then the other one I had and I this might be continuing business I don't know but the marking period dates I couldn't find them on the website but I also didn't get any notifications about report cards and I went into the website today to get um to look and my son's report card was posted um and it was dated 11:22 but when I went last week there wasn't report card posted so I just think we need Communications to when the postcard or the postcard the report cards report cards are posted to parents we used to get them so it is possible that you know sometimes those all calls don't get out to everybody but um we just need to bring that back reminded me from the Warren County was the absentee survey um you know is that still slated to go out this month I don't know Dr can we talked about that probably put that out right after the first of the year now right yeah and then just real quick I had a parent asked me for if we could put changes to board meetings like make it a little bit more clear when they're changed she was kind of last minute notified of or noticed the change of the board meeting at the time today so she asked if we could do an all call I don't know if that's an option to do for meeting changes but just to out there for any kind of last minute for parents yeah yeah I did see that but her thing was you have to go searching for it if you saw you know one week it was at 6:30 how would you know it was changed yeah it was on the signboard out front yeah quite a few places okay yeah and then and then I know um Shelly we spoke with uh um Chief Scott yesterday he brought up that I guess some of the Vape detectors are in need of replacing so I don't know if that's something that we can take a look at if that's who handles it we don't I don't know but oh yeah we did was that the the wand we talked about no that that was different but the current detectors I think right now aren't functioning is it a detector yeah so I guess it goes off if they if the smoke or whatever is that how it works kind of like a smoke detector but detector gotcha yeah it's being discussed already at the administration we've talked about it we talked started talking about it yesterday actually okay all right good thank and then I know this is petty but I would love if we can get the little name tags for everybody I see them at all other meetings for other board like other um County meetings and board meetings that's me I forgot I was going to I think it's just good so people can kind of everybody knows who everybody is I will you canline thank you get the the circle with the [Laughter] X any other new business yeah I just have one more that's a little bit more fun um so I um went to the beler Education Foundation meeting on Monday and in the spirit of Mrs EA's leaving she was awarded a grant last year from the beler Education Foundation and her class will be presenting them next week I believe Wednesday and Thursday um and so they just asked the Education Foundation the kids are now starting to use some of the grant stuff so the robotics I guess um Heather wilick um had some great feedback from Miss Susan's class on the robots and then Mrs ew's class will be finishing up their project so if anybody gets any chances to go to see that um that's really great and you know they are wanted to report back they've had an administrator or a teacher attend um all of their so far um fundraisers so they want to thank for that then real quick I just remember too with the Committees we were going to talk about s since next year's meeting or next meetings next year we talked about for January rolling out committee so we have I put something together in Senate and didn't really get feedback so uh so you guys tell me want send to the whole board I can do that I'll send it out y put something together I thought they were both good options okay yeah but I do want to see if we can get that um Community Committee I I did put that under you'll see when I send it out yeah thank you y hi hi I didn't know if you guys were going to go again I kept reaching but it's all right you went back and forth it's fine it was fun I thought you were doing like a practical joke on me like oh wow uh I just want to thank everyone that helped me throughout the three-year term especially my wife for uh supporting me through difficult times during these these three years um also want to thank my boys for understanding when had to miss some of their events uh because of the Boe but to my fellow Boe members uh thank you for guiding me uh when I joined on thank you foro a lot of years gosh lot of years you guys have so many years into this school and it's amazing what you've done and uh you deserve a lot of credit um I care a lot about kids here with have awesome staff gosh didn't think it was gonna be so hard to leave did you so being on the Boe has opened my eyes as a parent and a teacher to many issues schools are dealing with and it's a been a strong learning experience amazing staff amazing students amazing Aftercare program uh great custodial staff and just a good community so uh thank you [Applause] thanks I'm not as good as she is he didn't think it was going to be so hard to leave us I do love V well we'll see you back when your kids are older sure yes okay good good not legally binding good answer good answer good answer any other continuing business no oh actually I almost forgot I was going to ask so the Huddle camera that we're using for the sporting events is that something we can use for concerts and no well right now it's currently mounted in the gym no but like event like that it would be something that could move or no only Athletics okay we can talk about getting one in for the auditorium I'm thinking yeah because we do programs like we could do the like the veterans program we did things like that that people wouldn't but that's more of a stationary camera doesn't need all the background that huddle does yeah hle hle does a lot of sports stuff we can look into something be like streaming camera that Eric could probably yeah just something that we would have for the other events that you know anything that the kids are doing yeah it's a good idea because then we could even have it if the teachers wanted to like present what they just did like the kids that did the robots and stuff they could do a little thing for for people to be able to see that because you know everybody works during the day can't always come in for something but it would be something cool to be able to give for the kids to have it yeah I do have one more thing for new business sure I just want to draw attention to the proposed draft budget calendar that was in your packets that's a requirement for qac so I just want to make sure that we notice that we have it the dates will probably change as as we get um the calendar set for at reorganization Etc but just gives you an outline all right any other new business no I have a question about the um you know how you said that they're now charging us extra money to load to card is that involved in this or is that something different because you said it's internet usage I'm not sure if that's as a cafeteria no it's they're charging the parents okay when you load the card I get charged got the fee okay so it has like it's a convenience the convenience convenience somebody else can make some money okay so then let's go on to to public participation is there any public participation tonight my name is uh Susan Y and I live in White Township um it came to my attention about a month ago that the young women in our schools were having issues with uh some feminine products so I donated some and I found out like 3 weeks later that the nurse was out of uh those things and she needed more so ShopRite app had an ad and I looked at it and did some research and apparently in New Jersey um there's uh a requirement to provide access to free menstrual products in public schools for students in grades 6 through 12 and it was signed by Governor Murphy in August 2023 and it was supposed to is supposed to be implemented 2024 to 2025 school year so My ask of you guys is that you start implementing this uh the young women in our schools really need this the the nurse is struggling trying to uh be able to provide um feminine products for the kids and if you need I have the you guys want I can share this with you and so you will you be able to do that thank you you want me to okay thank you very much they right yeah I I I hadn't heard that there was an issue with it so yeah they're using at home I don't care they can't afford never get re does say it yeah there is look into it I think the problem is the nurses ask they're asking for donations asking the public for donation where is that happening yeah that I mean honestly that's the first time I've heard that they're asking for donations I mean I don't I don't think either one any of us have heard that before so that's doesn't mean it's coming from school yeah yeah I don't think yeah they should be there's an issue they should be talking to us about I don't know that's honestly the first time hearing about we'll check in on it yeah we'll check in on that do you know if we have the machine in any of the bathrooms we don't no no there's not okay but it State doesn't provide that they'll they'll tell you that they'll provide you funding but doesn't always mean that you'll get the funding okay but it doesn't mean you'll get the funding the state is not always on top of getting the funding where it needs to go yeah okay any other public participation no okay can I have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I any knows any extensions okay merry Christmas everybody go enjoy the concert conc that's a good find I was gonna win