##VIDEO ID:K0SvADuP35Q## this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been posted on the township website and sent to the newspaper of record the agenda has also been posted on the township website and bulletin board at the municipal building at least 48 hours prior to the meeting the agenda items will not necessarily be heard in the order listed and the meeting will not continue substantially past 10:30 p.m. G can you do a roll call please Mr John here Mr H Mr Guiana hereo here M po here M Kingsley here Mr MOS here Mr Monaco Mr Kraut here Mr sternheim here Mr Leah here Mr Robertson here here here okay uh do I have a motion to adopt the minutes of the September 18th 2024 meeting all in favor all opposed uh the correspondence there's an emailed from Dana negro uh Vice chair of birthday High complete in Green Street task force introduced a newly created task force I think Mr Leo are you yes on that can you just expand on that a little bit so I'm the chair of this and we sent out correspondents to all the organizations departments committees boards uh just advising and saying H we're here um we are tasked with uh expanding on the complete streets resolution and looking for expanding to a either a newer resolution that's more comprehensive or an ordinance and uh really I think from this group's uh Viewpoint what we might start to see is things like checklists and integrating things here to look components of um for instance a project like this is how you might have walkability uh commercial properties might have they want what's called footfall they want more traffic and people to be able to walk to their businesses so we want to increase those possibilities particularly for the downtown area uh so we're looking at that and we intend to have some recommendations for the Town Council by the end of the year uh to continue on in 2025 to continue uh capturing data on help you on walking experiences in the town how it integrates with v and um that's it okay great any questions okay moving on to adoption of a resolution application number sp-2 d24 Union County Improvement Authority 735 Springfield Avenue block 501 lot one three and block 101 lot one in the o and12 z Mr Robinson you want to yes Mr chairman this is the uh written resolution that memorializes the action of the board at the September 18th meeting this was a courtesy review it's a property uh owned by the can of Union uh the you as a general principle uh another higher governmental entities such as can of unions not technically normally not subject to local zoning their obligation is to uh present their plans have a hearing listen to the concerns of the the public and hopefully take them seriously and into consideration in their final plans uh they appeared at the September 18th meeting uh they did receive comments from the uh police department and also from the environmental commission uh they did they had Representatives here from the C County including the county manager uh who indicated that they had received them and they uh would refer them to the appropriate uh committees and would uh take them under advisement and consideration uh there also were multiple members of the mount uh public principally from the mount Carl Guild who appeared and expressed concerns regarding uh the timing of the project and uh requests that it proceed in phases so that they would have the opportunity to continue celebration uh next summer and again the county Representatives indicated that they certainly would try to work with all of the township and the uh The Guild members to accommodate the that timing uh the the uh resolution simply recites uh the testimony that took place and the recommendations uh of of the board and the various committee any questions all right you a motion to approve the resolution move second Johnson yes grao yes Mr madas yes M po yes Miss Kingsley yes yes yes 7 okay um the next item is an extension request r number sp-2 d22 the conell company The District 300 400 500 Drive block 4102 lot one and block 4301 lots 1.01 1.012 and 1.02 in the MU Zone I guess they're looking for three oneye extensions yes I believe I believe there's a representative from the applicant that's here this evening and uh Mr chairman uh the record Peter flry the law from of bisar Hof on behalf of the applicant C company um this as many members of this board may recall this was puman uh final major Cy plan applications approved by this board back in 2022 resolution adopted on November second of that year um it's for an inclusionary development also a mixed use development um five buildings and structured parking um in what's known as the district um on conell drive and um the applicant is diligently pursuing construction of the mixed use inclus development this time um but additional time is needed to complete it it's a very complex project um there's lots of phasing coordination there's currently Office Buildings on site um they need to be phased out and and the new buildings constructed so the afcan requesting um additional three years full extension um to complete construction and anticipat it'll take that long it'll take almost three extra years to finish completion of the that entire project and AF would just like to avoid having to come back before this board and having the board see us here again to request uh the extension year right here with the members of the board the uh the granting of the final site plan approval uh provides protection from changes in the uh zoning and development ordinances for a period of two years and the stat the municipal land use law section 52 of the municipal land use law uh provides that as long as an applicant is uh proceeding diligently uh the board May Grant an extension of that protection or uh one-year terms three uh up to up to three one-year terms uh you know often times you'll see an applicant a smaller project come in Seeking a one-year extension I think we've done that a number of times uh in then not you know not so long ago uh this because of the magnitude of the project I think the applicant is seeking the uh full three-year period of time so that they don't have to come back a year after year seeking the additional year it's it's to the board's discretion to do that at this point in time uh but you know under the circumstances and I think everybody's familiar with the that project and the magnitude of it you know it seemed to make some some sense but any questions I'm going to just raise a potential question given the new litigation on affordable housing that got passed in traton in March I think it was and the Mandate that just came out on Friday which is the new round of uh affordable and the fact that the town has until January to either accept de Sumer to reject reject your change and end of January to have a plan um do we really want to give them a threeyear extension or what would of this let's say that they came to us and said they want to deal with housing well I think they they could always amend the applicant could always amend the application the protection is from changes to the land use ordinance and development regulations without uh giving it more time for consideration I I I don't know that the affordable housing obligation necessarily would impact the zoning regulations um yeah just just to be clear this is um e portal housing units 45 units being provided as part of the third round obligations already right right so um you to the extent that we would want to add any any units we could always come back and amend but um there's no plan to do that at this time and the the units that are included here those are already incorporated into the the third round AG so common is a three extension sorry how common is it you know how Comm yeah it's pretty routine yeah my turn especially with a large project like that it was it really realistic to get it completed in two years no right resoltion compliance alone took almost two years so all right do we question another project that we approved which had to do it with the hamburger the and the in the I guess dog parks and related facilities I imagine that's going to be delayed as well is that that's all up into this isn't it it's not part of whole thing okay okay do I have a motion to approve motion second Johnson yes Mr yes Mr madas yes yes Miss Kingsley yes yes broud yes Mr sternheim yes Mr Leo yes car thank you very much Mr Mr chairman I I had prepared a draft resolution I don't know if that was if the board members have it in front of them but there was a graft resolution memorialize any event board took that action tonight it's it's prepared it's uh it indicates that by resolution dated octob November 2nd 20122 final site approval was appr sorry no I was just going to say the uh the there's a an actual written resolution it would save the board from coming back to memorialize it at at a subsequent meeting if you want to approve it tonight what it does it indicates that the requested three one-year extensions has been granted applicant represents that it's been proceeding promptly and diligently with site plan approval construction development is now underway construction process is complex and being undertaken in phases additional time beyond the two-year vesting periods necessary to complete the construction to satisfy the conditions approval and the applic believes the request extensions will allow the applican sufficient time to complete the construction development without the need to be return to the board for additional extensions and that uh on today's date board considered the applicant's request and pursuant to section 52 the municipal land use law found that the applicant was proceeding promptly and diligently with site plan approval and the extension uh was reasonable appropriate therefore uh approving the three one-year extensions of the period of zoning protection pursuant to section 52 and the protection shall run from November 2nd 2022 until November 2nd 2027 all other terms and conditions of the resolution remain in full force the that that's pass resolution so I would as well all right do I have a motion to pass the resolution thank you yes yes yes yes yes yes Mr Crow yes Mr Stern yes Leo yes motion car 9 okay application for View application number sp- 4-24 268 field good evening cther the LA to suppose calling on behalf of the applicant 268 Springfield LLC um this application involves a property located at 268 Springfield Avenue shown as block 01 Lot 25 on your tax map it's located in the DD Zone um the applicant intends to demolish all existing improvements currently on the property and construct a new single story commercial building we're here tonight in order to seek preliminary and final site plan approval variances related to the size of ADA parking spaces setbacks for the monument sign um the number of permitted wall signs and um if necessary the awnings on the building and we've also requested a number of waivers tonight I have two witnesses for you swapnil agrawal a representative of the applicant who will be providing testimony regarding the general layout of the building operations of the primary tenant tenant and general site operations and uh Christopher ner who will be providing both engineering and planning testimony um I would ask that the board consider the engineering and um planning board planning testimony separately and keep the question separate um just to avoid any kind of confusion um and with that I'd like to call work witness sure you please state your name for the record and can you spell your last name please a g r a w a l okay and what is your relationship to 268 Springfield LLC let me swear the can you raise your right hand please you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth AB um and what is your relationship to the applicant I'm I'm a partner for the LLC okay um and your the LLC is currently under contract to purchase the property correct yes okay and are you aware of any deed restrictions that would prohibit the proposed uses on the property no restriction such blood no restriction okay okay and are you an architect I'm not an architect I'm a registered licensed builder in New Jersey okay um but you did retain the services of an architect to design the proposed building correct that is correct okay um and is Andrew podn pod barniac the architect that you hired yeah and the architectural drawings dated May 3rd um were prepared by Mr pod barzia correct good okay and those drawings were submitted as part of the application okay um and do you plan to have the building constructed according to those drawings yeah and uh what are you proposing to construct you're constructing a single story 7,000 sare ft commercial building uh with three tenants in okay um and is there a basement in the building no it's in the flood zone we okay and um is this the color rendering that you asked your architect to prepare that is that anything one excuse me one second Mr chairman um I believe the applicant stated the date of May 3rd for the architect plans I think it's May 31st oh that I want to make sure I didn't know if there's change in the plan makeing correct type in my notes sorry I yes I apologize in all of this um I believe May 31st is the correct dat what yeah I think so is that the point she was TRC level TRC these are May 31st is should be DBC review them yes okay um and is the is this color rendering an accurate depiction of the building that you intend yes yeah okay and so just to be clear the colors shown in this rendering are that's the colors you're proposing for okay um the architectural drawings that had been submitted indicate specific materials to be used for the exterior of the building do you intend to use those materials or something to the equivalent see yes okay um and once constructed the building will have a substantially similar appearance to that rendering correct okay um and the building once constructed will have three separate tenant spaces ten okay um and those spaces will be 235 sare ft 1,42 ft and 3,575 ft that's okay um and do you have tenants proposed for the units we have tenants proposed for two units um an will be occupying two units one they will be using for Paris big franchise and second unit they'll be using for their own corporate office okay um and the unit that the units that are going to be occupied by Paris bagette and the corporate office um for the LLC they'll be connected by a single door on the interior yes okay and should the center unit be rented at some point in the future to a different tenant that door can be closed off can be closed um and the exterior of the building it was designed to include awnings yes okay are those awnings part of the Paris Baguette branding yes um will there be writing on the awnings no writings just a logo p okay um and will the logos on the awnings exceed 10% of the total area of the awning no and each separate tenant unit will have two single person bathrooms yeah okay and with regard to building occupancy you'll comply with the maximum occupancy of each unit as permitted by code correct so with regard to the Paris Vette um for those on the board that may not know before we move on you want to mark that the colored rendering as an exhibit uh yes A1 yeah want A1 will be identifies color rendering of the building and it's it's a it's rendering from the architectural uh plants the elevations there specific elevation that that that reflects or is that just a general it's just a general construction nothing specific We are following the requirements from flood zone so you see that it's about like four feet above ground the height restrictions everything but I mean is that taken from one of the architectural drawings or is that a combination of two of the elevations I don't believe we have separate elevations for uh drawn like this this is just a 3D r ring of the elevations uh that we submitted looks attractive right when you see like this but and and indicated that it uh detects the colors just so we have the board and the record there's a record of what those colors are can you describe what the colors and materials will be the colors we have chosen from the color palette available by the board uh for this Township so we have used the color palette and then taken some colors that par B would recommend us mat the two and choosen the one that best fits our need the year U from a like from a material perspective we are using a vertical siding here um on all the sides on the top we have a shingles regular shingles roof of course the foundation footing is a regular tile on asphal blocks there hurricane ratings on those awnings yes y absolutely are the Dormers for Aesthetics or for natural light or is that a second floor no just just a Gable just coming and popping just for Aesthetics just Aesthetics yeah okay I didn't know they let natural lighting to the first floor but there's no second level correct stor that's it outdoor seating yes yeah there will be about I think we are planning like maybe three small tables outdoor seat that's permanent just you can remove it Bas Bas on it's not surrounded by yeah we have a we don't have a fence over there but it's more about like just a what do you say shrubs and bushes around there no FS like the seiling is a little bit above grade though right I mean it's not level with the sidewalk right at the front it's Lev with the sidewalk yeah once you do that and then the steps to go into theing there's no steps up into the seating area that's so you'll be looking for a third tenant there we are looking actively yes we have a few ideas but nothing finalized yet and that'll be towards the rear of the building or the rear of the building y what's the square footage between the three places I know 7,000 total total so as a come Ru say 3500 1500 2500 like again it's a few year in there but nice for the benefit of the board for those that may not know um what is Paris bot so Paris beet is a high-end bakery chain uh globally um in us they are actually I think in 40 plus locations going up to th locations by 2030 uh they all the focuses on highend Custom Cakes uh they also have introduced some nice luxurious pastry uh they have some sandwiches and some beverages like coffee and Bic things okay uh and the stores hours of operation will comply with local requirements correct absolutely okay that being said um what would the ideal hours of operation be 7 a.m. to 10: a.m is what you're thinking about 10 a.m 10m okay um and that is that for the customers and employees or this is for the customer modations okay so the the employees would come in about maybe a few hours early depending on how the sales are going on for that particular week and maybe they will clean up once everyone leaves the building so okay so would it be fair to say 400 a.m. is until 11 11:30 p.m. depending on cleaning time y 4 to 11 sounds good okay and how many employees will you have just total about 20 to 20 24 25 employees you're thinking about spread across three or three and a half shifts okay and um how many employees do you anticipate being on site at one time six employees AB about next seven okay and will each employee have a vehicle on site or will some of the employees car pool they will be car pooling it's more like a way where one of the person wakes up in the morning early in the morning then starts to pick up all his Bakers and cookers and stuff and then gets the team of four or five will come together to the to the baker so they will be car okay so how many vehicles between employees management are you expecting on two or may Max three okay yeah and um what times of day do you expect the product to be delivered to the store oh usually off peek hours and then they can do really early morning or in the afternoon but we try to off PE hour okay um and what types of vehicles would be used for those deliveries mostly Vans pickup trucks or worst case box truck once in a few days okay but you're not expecting trailers are you no no no single no trailers and no flat beds nothing okay um and where would the deliveries go into the building in in the into the building from the west side and how often do you expect to get deliveries of product um typically I mean it's a fresh product made every day so we experting every alternate day but maybe sometimes you might get like milk or something every day depending on the need okay um and again for those not familiar with Paris bagette would it be fair to say that the operations are similar are similar to say Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks in that they seating in the store for customers if they want it but the intention is really that most people will take their purchases offsite to be consumed yes okay uh okay and again just to recap as far as what is sold it's Cakes and Pastries typically for consumption offsite okay um and then with salads and sandwiches and beverages to support okay okay um and you won't have weight staff will you no you don't on okay um and for the corporate office how many employees do you intend to have on site on site you might have one or two at any time if there's a meeting and a monthly meeting for of join together and the typical hours of operation for the the office portion 9 to four is what you're thinking all right um and that will be adjusted on an as needed basis um and are you expecting deliveries to the office portion Supply something but nothing more than okay and with regard to site operations generally um will there be designated parking for customers or employees or will just be parked where you will yeah park where you can there's no designated parking in okay and you'll retain a private trash hauler correct yeah yeah okay um and and what will the pickup times be like for the trash pickups but three times a week again off week hours is what we prefer early in the mornings or in the afternoon okay um and where will recycling be stored prior to pickup uh same in the trash falling area in the back we actually have a trash hauling and recycle hauling together and you'll arrange for recycling pickup as often as necessary yes absolutely okay and um who's responsible for site maintenance things like m in landscaping um routine maintenance of the property we contract all the clean up and maintenance for the property that way they responsible and they come much more frequently then we have to call so it's easy that way but it would be you once you as as the eventual property owner making the arrangements with the various contractors to get the work done yeah okay and who would be responsible for making arrangements for snow removal oh we be okay and um with regard to the site as it currently exists there's equipment and trailers and some other kinds of vehicles on the property right now that's all going to be removed correct up yeah I have no further questions for this witness anybody have any questions I just want to confirm what I heard earlier this is this design is a uh let say it's a it's a template based upon the chain the chain uses the same design every chain has like a multiple designs so this is more suited to what berky Heights uh this might look good for the town given the lot and dimensions and of course based on comfortableness from engineer and Architects so this is very custom for our place so I might have missed it the notion of the awnings the purpose of them purely are um that's kind of a requirement from the from the franchis that we have with [Music] from franchising with the sign requirements [Music] from your nearest locations other locations here in New Jersey yeah uh we ourselves are trying to get three more locations but other than ours there are about four locations existing uh Edison is the biggest location in the world right now uh for Paris bagette uh then we have in Livingston we have in Bel we have one up north maybe go to maava uh there's one in Flemington so about like six locations they have active in New Jersey and four locations we're trying to move ahead with and the plan is maybe they might open four more in in New Jersey in next like four years you say it's a global company it's a global company yeah it's actually a Korean um uh what do you say uh sweet chain that's where they started think 1978 or something they started there and then they have moved across uh world M location the closest one is Chimney Rock oh there is one in manhatt right I think there was a few in New York I at the New York one yeah yeah and they like starting from literally like 200t location to 3500t location so they have like variety of what would be your goal to open everything falls into place of the next acquiring the property and yeah same thing the process we having here go to the same process for the other property when you open when you open open the location maybe in a couple of years yeah in regards to traffic flow is it still in one side and then come out this how's the vehicle flow is it one driveway one driveway yeah and then the crossing delineation so you've got the brick the PBC standards but then in the actual driveway what's the delineation for the cross markings not Breck R just painting yeah just painting y than you what's generally what's the busiest time of day for that business so the busiest time depends on actually on the customer but usually uh early in the morning is when they find a customer uh who is more like a corporate kind of uh running to office or something and then there's like a lull period from like maybe 11: or noon to 4: and then from 400 p.m. as the school opens then you get a first level of crowd from students and then again a couple minut a couple of hours like 5 to 6 there's again like a l period from 7 7:00 onwards then you get uh whole G of customers I think 7 to 10 or 7 to 11 is the peak traffic hours for this location and you talk about it w absolutely is that we discussed now or is that a discussion for later anybody have any more questions for this Witness do you did you br a picture of what the other side's going to look like the side that faces the Western we don't have the picture of that but it's not very different from what we have on the plan submitted right okay I just visually might thought be help it's not too entertaining though so was more closed off it wasn't Windows like this on the no but at least it's going to have nice Harding board and stuff aesthetically is it's not brick it's got some architectural interest even though there they some doors you on premises or it's all everything on premises sandwich ingredients done PR that's why we hire very specialized b car and key cars but it's that quality okay and we're all going to carpol you have two cars in a park on uh we might have two or Max three one for the owner like we have a managing partner that he might actually come up much more frequently than we would and then uh two cars typically for five six six maybe seven employees four of those have to come together without that nothing is going to happening is all in ovens in ovens yeah they high in ovens specifically import and uh that's a very set method that we have to do the material comes directly from Paris some of them from Korea some of them locally made in California and uh that's how they actually deliver it to us we use the material to make the cases to the required specifications and then there are custom ERS and we can customize it based on the r assuming you don't have office space at all your locations correct uh no so this going to be like your main corporate office for the region yeah exactly this like centrally located this is the best way we can just commute everywhere so this is going to be like does anyone from the public have any questions for the witness okay I think we're good thank you very much than you and next wi uh Christopher ner professional engineer and planner can you raise your right hand you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth y yeah identify yourself for the record please it's Christopher ler n SS R okay and can you give the board the benefit of your educational and professional background please uh just the uh I'm a licensed professional engineer and planner in the statey both of those licenses are in good standing I graduated from Ruckers University in 2006 uh with a bachelor's of Science in civil engineering I have been practicing in the field of Land Development since um probably well before I graduated definitely well before I graduated um and have appeared before over 70 boards um in in those professional capacities um including your board of adjustment though it's been a little bit since I've been here yes we accept here as a witness I like the new buildings yes I'm a bit remiss to cover up this um but I to anyway mark this as this is s plan exhibit kind of anation of the docents different Fe set we have photograph of with theay on top of it Rend this starting with the existing conditions on the property this is located in downtown districts it is located at 268 springfi Avenue and is a approximately 30,000 s foot lot currently has anell Time Restaurant on it with a parking lot um in the rear with as we've already talked about one way in one way out entrances the exit driveway actually extends slightly onto the tailor rental property uh in the current situation uh which is located to West um the property um is within the mjp uh blood plate as they delineate it as F would delineate it off the property but once we add 3 ft for the D these new rules the flood plane limit is in the rear of the property here so you can see this little Loop area here area within the looped portion is the piece that is out of the flood plan so the remaining portion of the property is within the flood Hazard area so this is subject to um the DDP and does require a flood Hazard area permit for the proposed project The Proposal again the again is for a 7,000 foot building it is this yellow hand color piece in the front of the property it is located approximately 19 ft from the RightWay line it is located 5 1/2 ft from the Western Property Line uh and located about 40 ft from the Eastern property lines and then significantly about 47t the two driveways are being eliminated as mentioned earlier and we now have a have a single driveway uh located on the east side of the building coming to the rear to a parking lot um in the front of the building we have um a paper area for the outdoor dining um the streetcape as required by the ordinance is a red charcoal blend bre on the site we're proposing a chest nut brick to better match with the um the aesthetic of the building but it's the same brick manufacturer it's just a different style Choice it's not one of the ones you can pick the ccape um this is not within right way so we want to keep the same type of brick but we want it to transition the property to be something that would fit better with the overall a static um from an impious coverage standpoint the current property is about 93% impus 27,900 ft give or take uh of impervious surfaces and that does include 2,200 foot piece of gravel which question in your in's memo I would find classify that area as gravel it's compacted and unit to park vehicles on the proposal is to reduce that impervious coverage to 82.9 7% uh which is below the 85% allowable coverage for the Zone um and so we have a significant reduction of about 3,000 square feet of impervious on the lot even if we looked at the gravel said the gravel wasn't impervious for some reason we're still reducing the approv coverage on the property um The Proposal includes 29 parking spaces there are two accessible stalls they are located northwest corner of the the parking lot uh adjacent to the one parking stall there will be an EV stall uh as required the actual required number of stalls for your ordinance is actually only it's 14 spaces and with the inclusion of the EV stall it actually brings it down to 13 spaces uh so we have um you know significant excess number of parking spaces as we proposing 29 we think it's important to have uh that amount of parking uh given use again there is also parking along Springfield ad I'm sure you're all aware within the shoulder there um access into the building occurs of on East and the West face of the building there is an entrance on the North side facing Springfield Avenue into the haris B uh there is first a ramp because again we are in the flood Hazard areas we need to elevate the building we can't build it at grade we have to come up so we're up about 4 feet from grade so we need ramps to get ourselves in there so we have a ramp that comes along the rear of the building land in and then go north towards the street basically what ends up being like a platform um that gives access to all of the units from the front side so there's an accessible path from the parking lot from the accessible spaces to those um to each of the the tenant bases beyond that there's a set of stairs that goes down and then a Walk Way that brings you up to the street there is also access along the west side of the building par for fire code we need to have two exits from the spaces from the rear it's kind of the reverse as the east side we have stairs in the rear so you come around the corner of the building and there are stairs going up do that same Landing access into all the spaces and then there's a ramp that goes down uh and meets up with the the Bri papers in the front where the outdoor dining is located and so we have then an accessible access to the street and we have accessible access to the uh to the parking lot and if you wanted to come from the parking lot to the street for some reason you would have to access through the building but you could access through building uh the the building in its location prvious coverage uh the size of this lot as far as all those bulk requirements go this complies um we need no relief as it relates to any any of your B requirements think is um an important thing to point out because it's sadly a rare thing uh from a a height perspective uh the building is about part the way your ordinance reads which is average grade around to in in the case of this building looking back at A1 to the midpoint of the rout it's going to be about 29 ft um even if we looked at it worst case scenario we said the lowest grade the highest peak 34 feet so we comply with the 36 foot requirement on the height um two two more things here to point out number one we have a fence proposed at 5 foot high along the western boundary kind of screening off I guess our El from tailor rental but maybe more tailor rental for themselves um so that that fence extends from the sorry from the corner of the parking lot down to the point where it joins in with a fence that they have on their property uh then I'll also note when it comes to the parking we are taking advantage of the compact parking stalls that your ordinance affords um and so there are are eight compact spaces located in the rear of the parking lot uh and that complies with the number of allowable compact spaces that your orence has I as I give my presentations I like to have a 11 by 17 copy of the plans and work my way through it it always seems like a logical progression so but if are questions at any point please feel free to interrupt me U from a circulation standpoint probably a little difficult to see whole lot easier to see on the computer screen but we do have shown on here in Blue uh what is shown on C5 the traffic plan which is the circulation for the driver truck coming to the site accessing the traffic property um so we able to circulate trash truck through the site for them to come in and service that area um we did double check and we can provide that as well that a single unit uh su3 would be able to circulate in the parking lot that would be the biggest delivery vehicle that as the app stated before that they would have and we can accommodate that vehicle through the site uh as far as other vehicles within there um you know the the parking lot is laid out as a typical parking lot is from aisle Dimensions space dimensions and and all of those um typical pieces so uh Vehicles accessing in and out of parking spaces would have no issues as it comes to emergency vehicles it's a fire truck um even if the only thing I did on this property was make it so that a fire truck could turn around the fire truck would be able to turn around um it's it's not a particularly wide lot fire they always need a lot of room to to turn around so um we couldn't accommodate whether we wanted to or not um tractor trailer on the site and we don't need to we can't accommodate turning around the fire truck on the site they can certainly turn into the site they can approach the side of the building um they are to back up um I know Springfield AB is you know a busier road and it don't mean to be fous when I say it and if any of you are a firefighter please don't take this the wrong way um but they can back up they have lights they have Sirens are big and red and there's usually cops hanging around that can help them back out onto the road um I think it's typical for a development like this in a narrower lot that's how it would be handled um certainly we will reach out to police and fire and get any comments that they have and address any concerns they have uh as it as it relates to the development but um we have more than adequate access uh for them to be able to get alongside to to stage in front of the property so from that standpoint that's where we land um from a sight distance perspective we have more than adequate sight distance at the proposed driveway location it's fairly level in that area starts to climb as we we head east but obviously as you're going west because the stream is coming through here here it get pretty flat so we have we have very good sight of um to that driveway from a grading and drainage standpoint uh we are a minor project not an acre of disturbance we can't be it's 30,000 foot lot uh and we are not increasing our impervious by a quarter acre we are reducing our impervious so as your engineer notes in his memo um we are reducing our impervious and don't have an obligation uh to do any storm order Management on the site from a retention standpoint um our contribution to that is effect the reduction in coverage on site uh we are continuing the grin patterns as they Curr ex this where the water is going toward Springfield Avenue to the count system solar system that they have we have a series of three inls along the side of the entrance driveway which again Connect into the county system as it currently does uh roof leaders the same thing pipes and going in as they do now so the water is really directed into the site and towards um for spri B not on to the neighboring property certainly not to the school behind that's the high side in the back one for excuse me yes those those inlets you're speaking of those are existing currently no those are proposed the propos yes thank you uh from a perspective um we are going to propose new utility connections across the board so new new sanitary connection new gas connection uh I think on the plan we're showing connecting to the existing water valve but we're going to end up making a new connection to the water M um as part of the application uh and running new telephone electric cable service into the building the there's no other Outside Agency permitting required or those the thresholds for both Water and Sewer permitting Beyond to D are far in excess of the um the volumes that this would generate and that's not even necessarily looking at the fact that there is demand that currently exists on the site so even just on its own uh from a lighting perspective I know there's comments from the environmental commission comments from your professionals on the lighting um we have comments about style of the light the light that we're using actually is the Street Lamp that your streetscape lamp that you have um notice that the Chase Bank on the corner Corner they're using that same light throughout their site I noticed here when I walked in today that your new parking lot here has that same Globe light but well if everybody else is doing it let's jump on the bandwagon we we we propose the same light um so it as you know it's a glob sty light there's light that does go above uh go up it's not a full cut off fixture um we thought this was the direction just looking at you know the developments this is the direction that you guys are are looking at we're not tied to it um we're open to adjusting that and changing that out if um you know the pleasure is to find a different fixture there that that is require it in parking lots that's really we really don't it's only a long and it is an expensive like so it just seemed that everybody was was using it um throughout the site and it gave some consistency yeah chose to because it was on the corner so it's hard toate the street from their parking lot and I think that was some of the rationale even for the township side but you know if you look at Stop and Shop and some of the others they've gone with other they have more traditional traditional down light less overall glare so and that's and that's fine and we we have no problem ad we care about the Springfield Avenue consist we definitely want it on your streetcape yeah oh 100% yeah we have one light that we need to you back up to a neighbor another things you might want more yeah I think we don't have any residential we have the school we do have the school behind us um but I mean actually that's on the side that we're need to get into um but yeah I mean that's I'm in that school no no I was gonna say the the it's shining on Neighbors when I parked to come in here the lights along the back against the houses that were there weren't on that's why you might want to go with the down light now right I'm saying around request is really for them to change the I think I don't know why you want to spend the money we're not goingon to I I appreciate but it's not Alro there's a Target down fix lighting that we've been talking about the environmental commission question yeah if you're open to suggestion we can probably go back and find out what it was recommendation from the always open to suggestions certainly yeah yeah you got memo right it's a new memo so you might look at that light it might I bet it's not as expensive well no it's just a type of light it's an LED type or type of LED light but the fixture is not specified we can work we can work behind the scenes to take yeah we can work that out though yeah I mean and like I said it's we were taking a path because we were appreciate it we were looking at it you know we're not we're not trying to come in and um and and force anything we thought this is a light that you guys like let's put it in but certainly I I understand and I I think we can find something that's equally appropriate that I personally like choosing and I think that it's going to be L up perfectly with that so smaller less light in parking one I'm not really a fan of that more light more the down shade it just focuses the% lot what's going on over spring on Cinnamon Ridge are one of the problems with I like one of the problems with the globe light is it it it shoots it shoots a lot of light but it shoots a lot of light where you you don't need it understand that's it yeah so you're right you you don't want it dimmer and then you have a safety issue so you have to balance them yeah and then you said we're happy to work we work we'll take care of and we're talking about your parking lot lighting parking lot ligh yeah the one on the street still is the one on the street what about in the seating area same thing so the seating area there are the seating area and the walking paths around around the building attached to the so there are these they are y those are down facing anyway so they're down facing already and they're going to light they're going to light the walkway around and they shine some light onto the seating area but then there is also we right from the street light the GL light so that light's going to be there and it's going to be directing light on to the so there's not going to be a separate light for the uh the seating area it's really the street light is going to light back onto it plus the those are great I think though to our point the down facing light they don't reduce the lighting in the parking lot and that's why I pretty Pro the environmental standards is they actually are safer it's a so if they're already expensive I think that's probably what I want you to look at but you know I don't think it cost more money as far as I know but at at some point if we these Globes the light going up the pollution just keeps going up and up and up no understood and like I said we're happy to happy to work with you know your professionals and commission and to adjust that great perfect um next is Landscaping talk a little bit about Landscaping uh so we have on a little bit earlier there are a number of trees on the site proposed be removed um there are three that are along the front that kind of there's that existing seating area there and there a couple Evergreens right in front so those would have to come out um and then there are two trees that are located uh in the rear of the property one is dead uh the other is not um but those trees would come down to uh allow for the installation of the parking lot so we do have a replacement requirement of four trees we also have a requirement of five trees within parking lot uh we are providing five trees in the parking lot um we have within the Island area here in the center uh we have one by the festival stalls we have three more on property boundary and then we have uh two larger trees two Oaks um around the trash enclosure and then we have a further two flowering trees located along the street Frontage so we have two flowering dogs right along there so we have certainly more than the five trees required for the parking spaces and we have um trees that replace the ones that were going to be uh removed those placement trees we have a series of shrubs and aror mixed along the edges along the edge of the driveway along edge of the building we pump the driveway out a little bit here so we have some space separating between the uh platform area and the walk so there's room to plant some shrubs to break that up and soften up that space um and that we have is strictly aror Bing in the front of the fence on our side here along the western boundary um the when I was going to it I real what you remember ex that you got the memo from the environmental on recommended native Brees and the types of grass yes and we're again we're problem there no problem with that we're happy to work with with you on um on picking that out my U one of my junior Engineers who lives in Easton would love to put in the Pennsylvania s she told me so yeah uh so yes uh no problems working with you uh on that um again the goal here is to you know blend this into um into the building to soften it up give some some space to plan things around the edges here I will note that one of the the things that is um kind of a not a struggle but something to that we've been trying to be ful about as we we went about looking at this is they did a really good job next door planting uh and is very full and it is you know growing itself across the line so we want to plant we want it to look nice uh but we also don't want it to be choked out by what they're doing and you know we don't want them growing into each other and you know cannibalizing each other so try to be mindful of that and um you know me that as opposed to trying to fight against it that would be a great Improvement if it matched that you're right if they did a good job next door yeah yeah looks looks very nice uh I know there's a comment in I believe it's uh your engineers memo about screening around the trash enclosure we have um some war sprues going on the the sides of it we do have the fence towards the West um again we're open to work with uh with staff and with the board on on what if there something they more appropriate for that um it is a fullens enclosure off in that sense to the rear the school has an existing wooded buffer within that space and really as thck as Bri where that enclosure is we think we have um a good good amount of screening in that area as it is that it won't be visible you know we made sure to tuck it in behind the building and not you know make the trash truck super put it straight away so you look at it every time you come ining it into the corner here keep it out of sght uh the best that we can um we think we think it's appropriate but again um we're not we're not here to be um so convinced about ourselves that we're not open to suggestions uh and with that from an engineering standpoint uh we can go through memos questions uh whatever the pleasure is anybody have any questions have a question um so with regard to the demolition yes is there any concern about aestus in the building that's coming down considering that that Primos is right next door and Wood School is right behind and the kids at Woodruff use that playground behind I don't know the conditions of the building whether there's any speci I would say that any aesus there are very particular rules and requirements for ating aesus you need to be a certified contractor you know when they're doing it they use filters the negative air filters to ensure that they're not transporting it off site so there are a series of requirements that they need to hit that are protective of health and safety of the peral school of the school of anybody people walking down the street in front of it so that would all be followed it would have to be followed um and and so I don't have a concern about asbest traveling okay because of those requirements do you know about the feral cats that live there I don't there some feral PS that like just hang out between the the two properties so um they keep she'll take them if taking those feral cats but they just kill all the rodents in the air so that's a little plus so just if you're garbage you want to just be aware that feral cats that's I think that's how they eat too open the container slowly answer the question about thees um and I just want you to be aware so we have um a fog ordinance for any food service establishment we updated it just a couple years ago okay so if you could um make sure you familiarize yourself with what needs to be installed it's really clear it's I think chapter 13.4 13.14 and it's entitled fats oils and grease control okay yeah we'll make sure that whatevers and other composed need to be in place obviously building departments going to know that and they're going to read it be aware of how we've updated it it's better to come in um complete than to get a comment from the construction Department other suggestion is as demolition starts as demolition starts maybe if you could work with the school district so they're aware like the wood school they're aware there's construction going on at that time that'd be my other suggestion okay other questions um so I I do just have a couple of followup questions quickly um so can you just describe the roof of the building please a little bit more the planner but so the the roof the pitch of the roof is 4 on 12 4 and a half on 12 depending on where it is here requirement by your ordinance is it has to be a minimum of 8 on ball so much taller roof um as we worked with the downtown beautification commission and and with the professionals to the TRC process we talked about this we understand that this is design waver relief that we would require have this roof be a little bit flatter um keeps it shorter it's as I said we're at about a 29 foot height so it's not really a height requirement or a height issue um it's really an aesthetic thing make this roof 8 on 12 it's suddenly now twice the height and it's too much roof and it's detracting from the rest of the building and that the roof as proposed is appropriate for what this building is ultimately and said I think well the ad on 12 really assumes you're really working with a two-story building is the problem we're only in a one-story building so it would ridic it would be ridiculous yes I agree so yeah meant to just it's archit makes sense what you do this is a unique situation we are in a single storage building but it's a little bigger than single story because of blood zone so I think they did a great job giving us the architectural interest and not overpowering the building with the m good that makes sense I think it really came out nice thank you appreciate that um the other thing that's been pointed out to me and you can ask me as a question but that's you can describe signs please yeah I skipped over the signs which is uh which is a bit of our relief isn't it um so U we stay here so first is um the building man signs as you can see we have on the Eastern Fai of the building we have sign for each tenant which is permitted right that is kind of the F the building if you will from that Bas but it faces side properties and so we added on the front of the building facing the street an additional sign for Paris b um and then it's not on here but on the architectural plans you'll notice that there is also a sign on the the reverse a On The Backs side facing leftest side of another get time we also have a um we have a fre standing sign a monument sign at the entrance that's located at one foot up of the driveway line the requirement say you said five but it's a multi-tenant building so shouldn't it be 10 Single tenant five multi-tenant all right let me double check but you may be right yeah because when I looked at it at at 10 be honest five is a somewhat workable 10 is not really a workable number the sign ends up being way back into the site um almost against the building one of the issues is as I said they did a really good job next door with their landscaping and it comes all the way up to the right of way line and so where this sign's located the free-standing sign when you're coming westbound on Springfield ABS their Landscaping is blocking the sight line of that sign until you're getting very close to the site um if it's back in a conforming location right it's going to be tuck back into the site and you're going to have this very thick evergreen shrub line loocking the view of that site so what we're asking to do and this is the planner half of me to talk about when we get there right is to move the S the sign to be a foot off of the RightWay line it is consistent with where the sign is now so as you go past the sign where Marcelo sign is at the moment is actually on the RightWay line um will be slightly back from it it is consistent with a number of other signs down the street but again that's little more that since since right now that's only an Ingress that Marell that about side right if you're coming out of out of your building will that be a sight issue no there will be no safe distance issues on on that side and that that was very important on the Eastern side of building correct yeah and and really this is about safety true right both both of these are about safety the building man signs and and these um I think you heard everybody who's come up say it very happy to work with everybody on this we're not looking to say you know we don't get our signs we're we're walking out of here or something like that um but from a safety perspective we want people to be able to find it appropriately and to be able to get into the safely to be able to leave the site safely um and so from a safety perspective that's that's why we're looking to to do the um this additional signage which again sign is on this is where show me where the sign's going over there by where the Pao is yeah it's on the it's on the entrance on the entrance side of the driveway um located about I'm just going to guess but I'm going say about 6 feet 7t off of the the curve line in our ordinance say 5T or 10t it's 10 it's 10 because it's multi establishment yeah so it would have to be 10 feet where we're saying one and the size that sign is the size for as far as sizes and all other requirements for the signers it will comply you didn't submit sign we would need to do yeah we're we're asking for Relief as it relates to the number and the the number of building mounted and the location of the three standing sign but otherwise the signage will comply with the ordinance requirements is size lettering sizes there's a 12 inch letter height limit for the freestanding sign because it is multi-tenant we would comply with that um we comply with all like I said all the other signage requirements on as they relate it's those um then the other thing is the canopies with the logos on the canopies there's an inconsistency in the ordinance right okay so it's a known inconsistency in the ordinance that canopy there's no signage allowed on canopy or an on but the downtown streetcape ordinance was it 19 I down 19.5 do4 b4e says that you can have a logo on the slope portion of an awning up to 10% of the size of the awning um but just the just the logo and so let me put this on here we were looking at we didn't see the prohibited sign for the awning we saw in the streetcape ordinance that you can do this we put it on here and it's as the applicant said part of the Brand's um to do that so I guess it is technically still relief because it's prohibited but in other cases it's promoted within the ordinance so again planner Crystal about that a get okay and you've received the engineers report correct okay and are there any issues that need to be discussed that have not been discussed yet I can answer that okay fair enough unless the the applicants uh engineered thinks they can't comply with with to the October 23 rept if the board was to act favly on the application testimony is very thorough so I appreciate that the only thing I do ask is um the design wave or exception for the Ada parking spaces oh yes um the the reason why you're asking for is because to do the temp code asks for an 8 by8 and you're proposing well the town code 1 sorry 12 by 12 by 18 and you're proposing 8 by8 8 by 18 and it and when I had originally read that when we were going through the ordinance we repairing this I had assumed wrong I guess that the town's ordinance when it said 12 by8 it included the striped area the loading area within and next to it and you know I looked again down the street on other development this this is a standard design exception that always comes before this board but the what I just want you to say in a record is obviously what your design has presented complies with the Department of Justice correct which is a federal requirement yes it does yep one one van accessible stall one standard stall uh they comply with all the slope dimensional and other requirements that we need to to meet that's all I have I think the answer is yes yes we can comply with all of the other conditions in the report correct yes and actually you know we did address moment your teson be hon yeah and I just wanted I was going to just hit on the the traffic because we did submit a traffic report um we have we submitted a traffic report on this um assuming that we'd have a small office in the middle we'd have a retail space in the back and we would have a coffee donut shop without drive-thru window in the front think that is probably a little bit more you know that's a that's a true Duncan type of uh facility I think this is not quite the same frequency and level so I think it's a conservative estimate within here um we are also not accounting for passby trips in this analysis what kind of trips pass by trips so meaning if it's if it's me and I'm going that way I'm already passing it I'm just stopping I'm getting a coffee and the Danish and then I'm going back on my way so I'm already on the road I'm not a new trip I'm not adding to that um and really with coffee places I mean typical person me I'm not going a half a mile backwards to go forwards to work I'm going to find a place on the way to work to go like you know especially in the morning Peak which is the bigger increase that you're going to have a lot of pass by trips in there which again is not accounted for um even still we would maintain the level of service B at all times so very good level of service on Springfield a um and at the intersection with Snyder Avenue um we didn't have an analysis of the weekend PE levels of service there uh we had we didn't do counts on the weekend we did counts during the day um the reason being is the weekend Peak is always flatter right you're people are going out at a r hour you're going out on a on a flatter time which is why the the weekend Peak generated by the site is also lower because you know everybody wakes up about the same time and leaves about the same time in the morning during the week but on the weekend I slept then you know let's go over there so um we see no concerns with level of service on the weekend um and then finally just to your one comment about signal timing we were giving idealized signal signal timing we had made a request in for the signal timing because it's our understanding that County Road but Township has all the jurisdiction yeah so um we put in a open request for that information we haven't seen it yet um we're happy to work with the it though if if it makes sense to adjust the timing we'll adjust the timing that's fine and we'll work together and also with the county and um like say the because we went through most of it the Environ environmental commission issued a letter on October 7th um I think we said we would address the concerns that were in here I don't think it was anything in your we said you had an issue with so unless lighting and lighting switching landscap specific type of LED lighting of bluish lighting I believe is less uh destructive to the to the the insects yeah I mean we will we will do our best to to do that obviously we want to use an L light because it is more [Music] discussion about the gravel so the gravel matters because it determines whether or not you're increasing cious but or you you are increasing or reducing impervious and so what you said is that even if you remove the the gravel from the pro the current situation you're still not increasing the need curs right we're reducing by about 3 ,000 sare ft the impervious coverage on the site that includes the gravel in the tally and the gravel is about 2200 sare fet so even if we said the gravel wasn't impervious 8 go down right still a reduction right um your letter now it's up to the board yep continue and will ask questions well done okay a bunch of testimony to give which is really the planning testimony which we'll get to in a moment um I think the one thing to touch on is the front the outdoor seating in the front yard uh we do have the notations on the plan on the site plan of what those requirements are with um you know no relief requested that we will comply with that I think really the big things within there is maintaining clear passage along the street to make sure you're not putting in um um you're not putting tables where somebody's going to end up blocking that sidewalk on the street but in this case we have we have a sh barrier right so we have the sidewalk on the street we have a non Improv nonim section within there and then we have the the seating area behind it so there's a clear separation from the Walking area of the um of the street and and this space so that we don't have those concerns here and then otherwise we won't put pairs in the driveway um we in the parking lot or another any other area other than that area in front and we can show on the plan a little ins said that says this is the area where we are allowed to have the outdoor dining tables it's not elevated right that section is not no is not elev yeah if you can maybe kind of see here there's set of stairs that comes out of the building down to it and this isn't elevated it is it is Flushing level there's no walls around it obviously we have net fill requirements to meet with the state where we can't displace blood volume from what exists on the site today this has been designed to meet that criteria um so we're not even if we wanted to we can't put it up I think otherwise it's not testimony and otherwise we're going to compl okay anybody have any questions I have a couple questions um hours of operation what are our rules on hours of operation you want open at 7 a.m. I think you should open at 6:00 a.m are you are you ear are you an early riser Starbucks I can stop here on he's at the door like' I'm just asking that's that's the first question second is um garbage pickup you're going to do that I guess I think we're at 7 A.M is our is our code that's it's kind of late but um that's we we have and then a couple things to not be aw the in either early right what's that you're concerned with the trucks coming too early right I am I'm not I mean think they should come but we do get we do get a lot of complaints in residential areas but there is no right this is in a residential area I mean if there's a restriction that we need to comply with we I know you will I absolutely know you will I mean I love hearing the garbage truck come down my street at 5:30 in the morning when I'm not ready get up so I get it of anxiety that comes with that as long as there only one garbage ball around your street most streets in town have three or full well see I get it multiple days a week because different people have different hallers so some people get Monday pickup pick up tomor put the trash out um another thing as far as um when you take the garbage out of the actual facility like here I'm assuming it's are they coming out of the front of the building and then they're walking all way to the back corner to dump what are they doing they Lally like take a car like a truck in the back usually we put a bin in the back the garbage the trash and the Recycled bin in the back that's all way in the back of the property right there's something else he saying from the your staff taking it to the back so if I'm there having coffee with my wife am I going to see somebody come by with a 955 gallon toer between like do a Starbucks and walk out the front of the building to the back that's why do like our operation like maybe couple of hours before the customers come in and an hour after the customers leave if you see like May if our operations are from 7 to 10 the employees might stay maybe a couple of hours late or maybe an hour early to clean up track is there any garbage I mean sorry is there any doors on the back of the building beside the building going out go out the back way the west side is where they'll take that's kind of it's It's West it's the side of the building it's kind of back of building though no I understand no back a sidewalk back perfect that's all and there's not an issue with that being stairs that's the one thing is you do have stairs as you go to the back so if they have a to can't take to that way have to carry bags they wereing out during that time and if it's after hour they can come we'll make sure we don't p a table what's that we'll make sure we don't pat your table no theage can be removed it's very I'm sure good I have two questions one is parking space yes sir is compact space simply 8 by14 that is the ordinance requirement on compact space and the other one is I guess you can see it somewhat the aloh to retaining wall that is a along the walkway what is the finish on that or uh it's a brick fer so and it's a retaining wall and it isn't a retaining wall it's part and partial to the building uh so it's think that's a comment in letter is designs of retaining it's part of the building it's going to be part of the building Department's review it's going to have its foundation in there there's flood vents in that space as well allow because the water has to get from the side of building into uh the crawl space underneath I gu there'll be a void underneath um but it it's a it's a brick veneer that it's consistent around the entire building um really just look at it as like an extension of of the building it just has the platform above it regarding signs um that's on the planning or that's another day um the relief for it planning um I already kind of gave you most of my planning testimony on it um again a like the location of the mon unit sign being a 1 foot offset or a 5 foot offset or a 10 foot offset is that something we should agree with now we certainly can that's what they're asking I think they're asking for the relief of that and the fact that they're putting they want to put three signs on where normally you would get one yeah I mean did you mean now you mean before before you become a planner he oh yeah he yeah no that's what I took it as is before I become a planner um yeah I mean it's I mean you know obviously the monument sign I understand obviously the site next door or limit some of the clearance at the same time you do have standards and try to abide by the standards I think T heed is probably unrealistic you know considering the site but you know me you really looked at what you would suggest um I have no I have not but I can usually go out go out meet on a property and you know come up with a you know uh a dimension that would be you know you know feasable for everyone for the purposes of condition uh that there be approval I don't want toes this um I think we have a we have a sight distance on the traffic plan and we have a we have turning distances so if we said that somebody being able to see it be able to enter the driveway at you know that specified distance that's fine by me right I think that's that's it satisfies the safety concern that the sign's visible at a point where a driver would see it coming down the road um and they would be able to identify the sign to turn in without having a safety issue it satisfies that safety issue and if that means the sign moves back the sign happy to move the sign back fine with that we can do that in my car yeah make a condition other questions all right any questions from the public all right I guess you now can move on to your planning if there's anything more to say um I think just to summarize it a little bit right the the relief we have some design waivers we have some some variance relief the letter because they're always very clear on where we need to leave so the ada8 space size actually um you have a lit as a variance I'm called it a design W design waiver so exception however that lies you know the as we testified to already it meets all the require ADA requirements of the building code uh all the federal requirements space size uh slopes all of that so it it is adequate without making it overly large adding impervious coverage that's not necessary to meet um what is the accessibility standards the the signage um we we talked about in quite a bit of detail here I think we talked about not having the one foot setback but a setback that to be determined based upon safety really all of this comes down to being um balance safety right so this is this is not a hardship variance that we're looking for this is a C2 variance and quite simply I would say that the purpose of zoning that we're advancing is perpose a to um make things safer you know the Public Health and Welfare and safety um we're not asking for the signs at of we're not asking for the signs um because um we just feel like having a whole bunch on here it's we don't want the relief for um the separation from the RightWay for any other reason then we want to make sure that this is a site a safe site for people to find access um and use you know we don't want to have somebody getting into accidents because they're sling on the brakes late um and and so we feel that um I feel that we're advancing that that purpose of zoning as it goes to the warning signs maybe that is a little bit more vanity um it certainly keeps with the brand identity um and promotes a desirable visual environment by being attractive having the awnings on their um you know on that especially as we look to the negative Criterion you know the negative impacts on the on the Zone plan you otherwise permit it in the downtown um downtown uh design standard where we would comply with with that standard you know 10% of the awning size with just a logo not a sign no writing the logo on there so the intent is to comply with the zoning albe it with that little um that little um little deviation complet ordinance and then finally we had the waiver for the roof pitch uh being less than the required as we've already discussed again that's promoting a desirable visual environment because we have a um a better looking building by having this lower roof pitch than having an overly tall roof that's going to distract from the rest of the building I think again on the whole on uh looking at the negative criteria there's no negative impact acts upon um on the general public it's a benefit to them to have better signments to have better visibility site to have um a building as attractive as this um the applicant has asked me to print extra copies for them so they can hang it up and make do the same um because it does look it does look um excellent it's going to be an excellent addition to the downtown and along Springfield Avenue um I think it' be a great asset to the community I don't see negative impacts from the grant of the relief I don't see any negative impacts upon the Zone plan um or your master plan again we're not setting um we're not setting precent on anybody by allowing additional signage um and we're not doing anything other than looing safety so that would be my plan this okay anybody any questions discount recess I assume everybody's fine with yours yeah know that we when we looked at this at the TRC land and if that was us we got to fix that because that just didn't that change should have been consistent and just in all the flurry of changes that one just didn't get put through so Article 19 is correct and Article 5 should have been changed and that change just got missed fix error about an eror in us so yeah so I was just looking at all this and um with like all the various places where we've had them and um spoken to Tomo but I think when you look at this building and the way it's pitched it if you don't put the sign on the western side where there really is the what I would call the back of the building you know it's a side facing Taylor Rental anybody that's trying to come from downtown to Paris Baguette will drive past before they see it's there because the monument sign is on the east side of the building and you'll pass it before you even know the term so I think you need to let people know that that's the building coming from downtown and you also want it you know visually coming from New Providence in so I think we need to grant them the three signs we granted three uh two signs to um Delicious Heights we granted three signs to Trop Rock and we granted four signs to CVS so we have a precedence for making the exception in certain cases and I do think this building warrants the exception do we have any behavioral data on how people are looking for signs these days GPS things like that the building stands out I mean this is a backhanded compliment The Bu the building's beautiful so is it a big need still for Monument signs these days across right across the street of Trap Rock they don't have one I think because they couldn't fit it but everybody knows where it is I think the monument that wasn't for forette it's for the other tenants the issue they the other tenant won't show up but the other tenants in this building there's they two retail spaces they're taking one of the two for their office so the other signs are for the other tenants the other so they need I was I would have going to say take the monument away they don't need it because you're going to see it but the promise if you don't have a monument the person in the other tenants you're not going to know they're there because part of it is that's one sign you're going to see but you wouldn't put a monument sign that didn't say Paris could get out you wouldn't have a monument that only gives the back tenant so what you're saying is the monument sign's got every tenant there it's a multi it's a multi tenant yeah even because we do have tenants in the back I mean I get I have my GPS and it I mean to that point trust it right and when they're and then when they're not visible from the front yeah yeah to know that they're there that youve you have reached the right spot because like they still haven't fixed the GPS on my father's Street and he gets delivery guys and he just goes there he goes he'll be back in two minutes so to that point you don't have it in this picture right which this any Monument sign monum sign right here see and with with with granted the exception it won't provide a visibility issue you found from pulling out into the street no sight distance issues people leave and then like I said we'll work with Tom to relocate it to get it as far back as needed so that it's safe visible but not any further forward than that thanks any other questions anybody from the public have any questions guess we can you want to have a closing statement or anything um so as you heard we're asking for pretty modest relief overall um General the project complies with the vast majority of your ordinances requirements um we I believe we've satisfied the positive and negative criteria um especially with the fact that there will be no negative impact on um the public or your Zone plan or master plan um but it will be a significant Improvement to the site uh we are ring impervious coverage we're cleaning up the site giving a you a relatively unknown franchise you know a new store a new store for residents to come to um so we respectfully request that the apption be approved subject to the conditions discussed in the review reports tonight hearing thank youbody have any comments I think it was a great application the way uh it was presented I like it willing to work with us on anything that we're asking you've U you went through all of all of our letters and said that you'll uh you know you you you'll honor all those one thing that Miss poke mentioned about the uh I guess about the demolition when that when that building gets demoe School is right there right in the back as well so the school next to you um there's testing and stuff at schools so we just you know try and work with the school board with the superintendent who works um you know runs all that stuff and if there's any kind of testing going on trying and avoid those times that happens because I know that that actually could be a concern around schools but other than that I love the application I'm going to vote in favor of it yeah just say we did several rounds of discussions and meetings with the technical Review Committee and your professionals were fabulous it was it was really I thought effective good process so I appreciate working with all of us on the township side I think it's a because of it so I think it's been a great process thank you I'm excited right Mr Robinson all right I yes this is uh just the conditions I noted during the teston that should also be considered if there anyal be included as well uh initially with regard to the architectural design uh the applicant indicated that the construction would be consistent substantially consistent with the architect all the architectural plans and that would include the colors that were uh testified to and shown on the exhibit as well as the materials are depicted in the architectural plan set that would be a condition the applicant has indicated that they will comply with all the comments and requirements in the uh engineering review memo memo and the planners engineering review memo also the environmental commission comments that they would work with them to uh comply with their comments and and requests uh the applicant shall be required to obtain all necessary outside approvals uh including the flood Hazard permit uh there there was a comment I think the uh I did not see a letter from the police or Fire official with regard to the access of emergency vehicles I think we should make a note you know subject to we have that in our letter oh you do it's always be included as condition uh the lighting fixture uh the applicant will work with the board professionals with regard to the interior parking lot uh fixtures uh they'll comply with all of the typical the street state requirements but the interior they will work with more professionals with regard to those um crash enclosure again the applicants uh agre to work with the township professionals with regard to the screening of the trash enclosure with regard to demolition uh there will be a note and a condition that the applicant uh comply with all uh requirements rules regulation with regard to uh the asbest removal uh the the applicant will coordinate with the school regarding the demolition make sure that uh the demolition takes place at time uh and that they work with the school to make sure the time is consistent with their concerns uh applicant will comply with the uh grease trap ordinance uh sign details will be provided and the signage must comply with in terms of the size uh and other requirements will comply uh signal timing uh the applicant indicated that they would work with attentive engineer or board engineer uh police in the county uh the applicant agreed to comply with all the outdoor seating requirements and with regard to the monument sign uh work on the wording with that with the applicant engineer and board professionals but the uh uh the setback of the monument sign uh will be uh they'll work with the attached professionals with regard to the monument designed to make make sure that it is set back as far as reasonably uh possible uh considering the signage and site distance requirements uh to be managed th those were the the comments I had that the the application is for preliminary final uh AG your site plan approval the relief uh requested has to do with the number of wall signs the setback for the monument sign the logo on the awnings a design waiver for the AB8 parking space and a design waiver for the roof pitch specific variances and waivers that requesting so than I have a motion to approve yes graciano yes MOS yes Miss po yes Miss Kingsley yeso yes Mr yes sternheim yes Mr Leo yes motion car 9 Z remember you're six o' opening all in favor [Music] I