##VIDEO ID:90emyVQ4xgs## yeah gu minut e e this good very good all right quot Mee order uh at 7:00 on October 8th 2024 get a roll please Mr Kudo here Mr donelly here Mr Foster here Mrs illis yes Mr Machado here is Mrs po here via Zoom or is she absent today no I no she's absent okay plge allegiance to United States America the stands one nation God indivisible andice um first things first we had a proclamation for the Ark of Union County 75th Anniversary so I have that here who is is there somebody oh there you go that was such a slow raise of the hand like that that's that's go the me that's all right I didn't see this the other day something at the agenda must have got snuck inway hi joh Sammy okay I'm going to read this for everybody real quickly here um whereas founded in 1949 by parents of children with disabilities who wanted to ensure their children had a place that would serve and advocate for them the Ark of uni County will be celebrating at 75th anniversary in October 2024 whereas the arc has grown into Union County's largest provider of on and offsite educational residential vocational recreational and support services to disabled individuals and their families and whereas the arc has 26 group homes or Adult Day programs children and family services including early intervention Smart Start preschool and little te summer uh rest bite Services Workforce Development and employment services with transportation to and from all programs whereas the arc serves approximately 1,000 adults and children through their comprehensive programs which are geared to assist them throughout all stages of Life your art Works alongside public alongside public and private entities to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities realize a full productive and Enhanced Life now therefore be resolved by the mayor and the Town Council of the township of BR Heights we congratulate The Arc of Union County board of directors volunteers and management team for their ongoing service to the community congratulate them on their 75th Anniversary approved this 8th day of October 2024 thank you very much thank you sir and i' i' I've worked with the kids at the ark especially one in Springfield oh yeah yeah well we have a home right down the road here and I just want to thank you guys for being really very patient with us as we are doing the best we could and trying to manage our property and everything else we're doing major reconstruction renovation on the home that's over there isting us uh pretty penny to turn around but we figured we want to make sure our home fits what we see as a vision for who we are and we are the largest not just in un County we're actually the largest Arc in the whole state in providing services from two months old until they pass away with us so uh thank you very much we appreciate this you're all invited to be a part of our 75th Anniversary that's coming up in a couple weeks it's it's casino night so you can come and enjoy the festies with that so um thank you again we appreciate it where can we get information on that I will I will I actually forgot the invitations on my desk of course um but I will absolutely send it to I think we have the administrators um information we I will have marann send it to you we'd love to have all of you there thank you what date is that the 18th October 18th yeah is that Friday or Saturday I'm not quite sure Friday Friday Friday it's one of those it's either Friday or Saturday unfortunately I'm not good with people tell me where to go that's why I'm here tonight but I'll make sure people more responsible like Mary you guys thank thank you serves okay conference session I'll that okay regular agenda was what yeah all right we'll do hearing on items only our hearing on agenda items only comments to welcome during the public comment period during this meeting on any agenda item however if an ordinance is listed for its own public hearing on the agenda please hold your comments for that particular public hearing to make your comment speaker must come forward a microphone well we'll have up there um and state his or her name and address or record each speaker is limited to three minutes uh I'll probably I'll keep time for that um please promptly yield the floor when time is called return to your seat your cooperation and inurance with these Rules of Order will ensure orderly and respectful Mee okay a motion a motion accept all in favor all my bad I'm already at the end of the meeting Mr yes Mr donelly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Mr macham yes I guess move resolution number one approving Bill list dated October 8th 20124 amount of 1,735 465 theing you have to have the hearing sorry about that that John got me rushing yeah sorry about that okay hearing on agenda items only is open that's come on well the whole build this is so we can we can hear every good evening Richard ler 49 Summit Avenue chair of the ber the heights environmental commission speaking as the chair uh and tonight I brought a book A book by a person whose name is Du FY and Doug writes in his book when I was a boy driving at night during the summer Sor wrong chapter when I was 9 years old I learned firsthand about the finality of suburban development as practiced today having recently moved with my parents and siblings to Berkeley Heights New Jersey I Spent My Summer days exploring the wild places that surrounded me one of my first discoveries was a small P pond crowded with light right next door to my house thousands of polys wiggled near it shorelines so duck T Me grew up to become the chair of the Department of Entomology of the University of Delware and that first inspiration of nature brought him around to Bringing nature home and I'm talking about this because we have on the agenda the B resolution and that resolution is proposing native plants and Doug T points out that it's important to have native plants I mean why is it important to have native plants well if you hear the all the promotion that goes on about monarch butterflies kneading milkweed that's just one insect thousands of insects need specific plants native plants to lay their eggs on and those eggs hatch and feed on those plants that's part of a chain of being when those eggs hatch then the caterpillars are crawling around well that's great because Birds need the caterpillars the caterpillars have a high amount of protein they feed those caterpillars to their babies that's why native plants are important if you don't have native plants then uh these insects cannot lay their eggs on them they're really chemically connected to the these plant so this is the reason why this uh resolution is important everybody should be planting native plants I mean you could plant non-native plants too maybe you like a particular plant but it's important to plant native plants and that's why I hope that the Township Council supports this resolution by the way this came about because of these people back here in the back row these students came to uh the township talked with the mayor and with the environment commission and asked us to uh uh have a b City uh for birthdays thanks very much Char 35 sore Avenue um as a regular attendee of the environmental commission I saw this item on the agenda for a while that was being considered and and finally now we have the uh resolution which um I'm supportive of um many time I bring up some technical questions um to the council one of them I asked last night at the council meeting um what something was and it was this is speculative answer so I'm going to propose it to you you go to the end of the resolution um the last clause and item app so it's the last page of the resolution under policy and plans it says establish a policy in the Township's comprehensive plan um question is we have a comprehensive plan we have that under another document and it was suggested that might be a master plan but let me throw that out to you what would the uh what would that be no pun attendent I'm not aware so I would consider that part of the ordinances and policies of the township so it goes on that same section goes on to talk about Pest Management policies and practices identify appropriate location for PLS and consider other appropriate measures so policies are DPW and the township working with the environmental Commission on plantings and the township property and then anything we can do in land use ordinances to further encourage native plants specifically for pollinators we can look to do reiv what we be love it part of the plan I not yet so usually when we pass these resolutions this says that the township is committed to something and then we look for opportunities to implement policies and changes that will carry that through that's my understanding if this the capitalization of comprehensive plan that's confusing just lowercase it because there if the question is is there an existing comprehensive plan that that that encompasses anything related to bity the answer is no yeah so I think that's it should be lowercase I think if you lowercase it but there's no plan but yes this what councilwoman ill said anything that you formulate to put this resolution into place would be included in the plan as it's developed okay great it's it's a that's a okay it this type of that or I probably it came from a model resolution so and it just didn't get applied as to what does that really mean here which which makes sense um and makes probably more sense than this master plan because that's considered to um okay and then the the second thing is a um kind of a a confirmation it kind of gets to what you were just talking about the um have the last section talks about the um the environmental commission is authorized to and shall to do a whole bunch of things which which makes sense for this you know type of what the is trying to do and I remember there's a reference to um programs that create plans and even from private and public property related things and um that in thinking about that it reminded me the the commission's Charter is to provide recommendations to town boards committees and and even the public and I'm presuming in the context of this resolution that any of those plans programs and so on that they come up with our recommendation and and in terms of residence it's voluntary as to what to do with these programs and plans unless the council takes things further and and and and other legislation that puts requirements is that we can only put restrictions or um require residents to do something if we pass an ordinance so as I said before you know we might look to modify or add pollinators native species things having to do with bees into existing ordinances but then those would be changes that are open to public discussion at the time this resolution only states that we are supporting this concept we love pollinators we want to have more bees and pollinators and more native plants essentially that's what this ordinance says it says that the mayor and the environmental commission will work together and as I was you confirmed on the public record when I was just looking to be confirmed anything comes out of here is a recommendation and and to make it applicable to teal audience you have to have um an ordance the resolution to go that's as per anything else that we do you can I'm not understanding I'm sure you can take even a step further and where it says section as um I know I'm to ruin this word but the Neon noids right okay incze I'm sure as a Township when the when the DPW goes out and takes care of the The Lawns and cuts grass and stuff like that we're going to make sure we don't you know use any of that stuff so I'm sure that's on our so I can take care of that so it's all part and person to you know making this all work so I I have toar is as we go forward we'll bring stuff forward that'll say hey this sounds like a great idea let's try that let's try that you know and and you know you guys you guys are on speed dial so you're going to be at you know well the point is it was like it's just the anything that's done via the environmental Commission of efforts become have to develop the thing becomes recommendations and until uh until action is taken by the Council on any particular one to take it further anything would be voluntary on the part of the res not very good thank you thank you to theor please Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly yes Mr fost yes Mrs villis yes Mr Machado yes all right now Susan's spot I move resolution number one approving bill was stated October 8th 2024 the amount of 1,735 46520 I'll second Mr Kudo yes Mr donelly yes Mr Foster yes Mrs illis yes Mr MCH yes I'll move resolution two designating the township of Berkeley Heights as a b City USA affiliate second Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly yes Foster yes Mrs zillis yes Mr ma yes Mr ler that's all [Laughter] poen I move consent agenda all matters listed under consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted upon one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired that item will be removed from consent agenda and will be considered separately item a resolution authorizing a block party at Bronco North Road on Saturday October 19th 2024 from 2: to 6: PM item number b letter B resolution appointing Khloe auso to the active duty roster of the volunteer fire department second Mr Kudo yes Mr donelly yes Mr Foster yes Mrs Ellis yes Mr Mado yes start with Township Council reports um I just want to say thank you very much that everyone in Berkeley Heights who supported our restaurants during restaurant month DBC is still calculating the results um a lot of good feedback from the restaurants and the businesses they were all happy was a monthong celebration I managed to visit every single restaurant in Berkeley Heights so now I'm trying to lose some weight and LU on that um don't forget also we now have Berkeley Heights business and Civic is doing the taste of Berkeley Heights and that's coming up this month also tickets are on sale you can buy them on the website from the bhbc website directly and it's taking place at canel it's a one- day event T restaurants from Berkeley Heights and from the surrounding towns the Berkeley Heights business and Civ associations working hard to bring events to the township so thank you and that will be it for me nothing to report from me okay your seats I make sure I got this sub okay um first things first theel Lord Festival ball Festival is going be October 19th 12 to 4 uh the rain date is October 20th um it's at the hotel w house on HHO uh we're just having it again it's going be our third time around um and I have here in my my hand dat September 27th 2024 this is uh to Liza Town Beres about a grant for the hotel L barstead and I'm just going to get right to the I'm going to get right to the meat and potatoes of it I congratulate your organization on being recommended for preservation Grant from The Preserve New Jersey hisor preservation from an amount of $384,500 storic trust I think that's great you know um and I want to thank all the people on my committee that have put forth a very large footprint over there I'm little tort bring that up um and the grants committee and Li oh the grants committee great I'm sorry hard to get oh she was okay thank you Susan out there in TV Land appreciate your time um you know uh I want to mention that Ro me Health day is Thursday October 10th um I'm also on the mayor's Wellness committee along with Susan uh and there's several things coming up the uh there's a the best I can say is from what I'm read the zoom presentation on navigating anxiety in children that's part of the Mar's Wellness we have that uh there's a harvest moon hike um on Sunday October 20th 2024 from 2 to 5 p.m. uh it's going to be at the River Loop uh Springfield Avenue it's about 3 miles fairly easy for beginners um and anybody Advanced um I have a flyer for that here also on November 16th 2024 there's going to be a what they're calling a self-care sare it's going to be in the parking lot if it doesn't rain if not it's going to be in the Highlander room uh from 1: to 4:00 p.m. on the 16th right here at Town Hall and it's going to uh celebrate selfcare so that's all part of going some local businesses come in health care centers and providers uh give information and stuff like that for for some uh selfcare um but World mental health days is celebrated October 10th uh across the globe to aim and promote educate and raise awareness of mental health issues the focus of this day is to get people talking about their mental health and eradicate stigmas associated with mental illness World mental health day is supported by the World Health Organization which organizes events and set them worthy year the 2024 theme uh of world mental health day is it's time to prioritize mental health in the workplace um I also want to uh give you a couple other dates that I have here um Saturday October 12th is Farmers day and I bring this up because currently in the ordinance that we just uh the resolution we just passed there is 3600 species of native bees in the United States and along with it they introduce honey bees and they have several diverse um dietary choices in rich in fruits nuts and vegetables so our Farmers help us out with that going forward so on October 12th numerous uh countries farmers are honored and dedicated by the day of Celebration farming being one of the most ancient professions known by humankind plays a pivotal role in providing us with essential products such as vegetables fruits grains Dairy meat eggs suain to sustain our daily life yeah that kind of goes together I like that um special day serves as a reminder to acknowledge and appreciate the tireless efforts of farmers throughout the year also on Wednesday the 16th of October is world food day I only had world food month last month but um um every year uh October 16th we celebrate world food Day United Nations holiday is all about raising awareness of Global Food Supply and distrib distribution issues the day dedicated to recognizing access to food as a fundamental human right in joining the fight to end world hunger um across the world the food supply chain is not well developed so people in First World countries tend to overindulge rather than eating sustainably and mindfully world food day teaches people how to um eat better uh which includes practices such as eating seasonal vegetables keeping a varied diet last but not least and this goes to um we just put on the uh the fire department one of our newest volunteers Monday October 28th is National First Responders day I just want to give a shout out to all First Responders please Fire EMS um and anybody out there that uh you know is is out there doing their thing to commerate the RO some men and women were the first to reach out at the C of emergency um this is day show appreciating the firefighters ENT paramics police and others risk their lives to save others and I also want to give a shout out and I I don't think anybody's di went in from down south but I want to give a shout out to everybody down there that's uh helping out in uh Florida North Carolina Georgia South Carolina and then they got another one coming on the coast and I just hope everybody's going to be safe out there thank you that's all I got um I want to start with we did a proclamation for Ark of Union County um when my daughter was in um college she worked for Ark of Essex County and that started her on her road to her professional job which is working with adults with disabilities so these agencies do phenomenal work um they House people in our communities so if you see people in our communities you should see them you should smile at them they're they're people that are residents with the rest of us um so a huge shout out to the ark and everybody that works with um people that have challenges um The Pedestrian task force met um we have another meeting next month it's well this month before time goes fast um tomorrow is Berkeley Height's walk to school day we encourage everybody to walk to school and if you don't have um school children or you can't walk to school then take a walk at some point during the day it's beautiful fall weather you couldn't find a better time of the year to walk around birly Heights so I encourage everybody to get out and take a walk um the task force will be um we'll have a page on the website within you know a week maybe to we have to you know pull that together um so that people can get updates if anybody has questions about what the task force is doing or wants to get involved in some way um getting updates on what the task force is doing or how you can help make berley Heights more walkable you can email me at um M illis BHT WP . is my Township email address um so I made a a quick comment on social media and that generated nine or 10 people reaching out to me with feedback which was just fabulous to see so we we would love to get more people involved young old Walkers bikers we want to talk to you um grants met um were not you know there are things that are in the pipeline that we're working with a couple of first responder grants um we're thrilled that the township got the um grant for LEL board that's fabulous news um I attended an njdep um resil njd is proposing some new regulations um supposed to take effect in 2025 having to do with resilient communities um some of the changes it it mostly impact the shore um but we're keeping an eye out on what those um regulations are and how it will impact berley Heights so that's all I've got well I just want to thank uh Richard ler and the four students in the back for uh this B City uh resolution for Berkeley Heights uh for me it's all about the pollinators um I can't stress enough as to how much this is more of a community effort here because is clearly we have only control over let's say our DPW and what they spray or do what but you know obviously the homeowners here should be aware that some of these insecticides or whatever they're using to uh keep their lawns nice and green are doing a lot of harm with our pollinators especially uh in the early spring I think we may all know that these dandel lines that everyone seems to hate I mean those are the first things that Sprout and those are the first flowers I guess sort of weeds that uh these bees actually need uh just to get going and you know they it it's it's a big concern of mine it's always been a big concern of mine and I I love the fact that we are uh sort of now educating the community about the urgency and you know what's going on with our pollinator uh population thank you very much and that's it for me thank you um can I get any motion accept the Town Council reports as Administration oh I'm sorry I look totally okay um jump across the I just want to say the dandelions and the bees are the reason I tell myself I don't keep my lawn up to professional grade and it makes me feel better about it when I let the dandelions grow um just real quick pce phase two of our 2024 road paving program is going to begin this fall the list of roads will be on the website in a few weeks the Martin Martins Lane drainage and Road reconstruction project has begun um our 2024 fall leaf pickup program is set to begin Monday October 21st and will run through Wednesday December 4th we have a flyer on our website with all the details there'll be two pickups per section your leaves must be out the night before the first date of your scheduled pickup to be sure that it's not missed and if it does get missed again don't worry they'll be back but not for a few weeks um copy with a cop is Monday which is Columbus Day October 14th from 12:30 to 1:30 at the Berkeley Heights Police Department I highly encourage um anyone who is interested in what our police department does especially um how they work toward strengthening relations and ties in our community to come and talk to some members of our community policing unit um we really take great pride in what these officers do and the ties they have with our kids and in within the schools um to really form a trust with our kids that they so they have a trusted person that they can can go to and so so that people in the community recognize them um also on that note the Berkeley Police Department is offering a women self-defense class for free Monday October 21st from 7: to 900 p.m. high schoolers are welcome please register with W um W fetus wfes BHP police.org the sidewalk uh excuse me SNY AV sidewalk project is in design uh then it needs to get approval from the do we're hoping to award that project um this fall and finally uh October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month uh just a reminder that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and women are being diagnosed younger than ever don't take your health for granted get your mammograms reduce your stress reduce your toxins take care of yourself so you can take care of your family women um so just remember that this month thank you percent then get it also right U make a motion to accept minut of the council reports I'll second um hereby open I make a motion of open the citizens hearing roll Mr who give me the Keys of the Kingdom anytime soon know that who what what okay yes okay Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly yes Mr Foster yes Mrs Ellis yes m Mr MCH yes okay a motion to open citizens hearing second roll have to go in Mr Kudo yes Mr johnell yes Mr Foster yes Mrs illis yes Mr Machado yes I just reminder during the comments during the public comment period uh during this meeting any matter which the pous jurisdiction to make a comment speaker must go forward again the microphone he his or her name address for record each speaker is limited to three minutes uh please promtly yield the floor when your time's called and return to your seat your cooperation in adherence to these rules of water will ensure order cing is now open come on up I am power bound I live at 52 Crest Drive I've been resident of Berkeley Heights for over 21 years um I just need to kind of give a quick little back story I give it to 3 minutes but uh why I'm here today uh is uh at 52 Crest Drive the property next to me at the corner of Crest Drive in country side is a property that was sold to a builder as part of the project they're tearing down the property and they needed to get permits to take down some trees they took down about 10 or 12 Trees on the property um it's not the issue that I'm here about I think uh you know I understand that that needed to happen but what that did was it exposed a tree that's leaning towards my house to wind and to other things um in addition they decided to shave the side of the tree that's on their property so now the tree is topheavy on my side they also had to you know when they took down the trees they had to drill down and get rid of the roots and everything else so they uh I'm not going to say damage but they definitely move the the the uh the roots and this is a large oak tree that has very shallow roots and so it's always been a small concern of mine that the tree could come down um I think obviously what's happened here has increased the likelihood of the tree to come down I talked to the Builder he's in agreement that we should take down the tree uh but when I reached out to Tom Bako of the T of the township he came up with a different solution which I appreciate he was very quick coming back he was great he was respectful um really not a complaint there uh but my issue is uh his response was that he was going to have the Builder shave the side on my property to make the tree a little bit more even but it still leaves me with this risk of this tree coming down it's not just a a risk of property damage um I obviously have family living under the tree and so I can replace the property but I can't replace if something happens to the family when these trees come down I live in a neighborhood where trees are known to come down during large storms you know I sat in this neighborhood during uh some of the Hurricanes I sat there during uh the the winter storm um without power for 10 days um as if you're familiar with the countryside area it's large massive trees um all up the street and I guess my my one question was to to Tom and to everybody else is we're giving out permits to take down 10 trees 12 Trees massive trees to expand a footprint on a house to build a 2 m house I'm asking for one additional tree that concerns me not just for my property but for my family safety and his response was that he's not God so he can't predict what's going to happen but he thinks it should be okay and I just don't think that's the measure you know when you're talking how if you would want to live with that metric and protecting your family I don't think I think it will be okay is probably the way to judge if we should take down this one trade so you know I don't I don't where to go next I let Tom know that I was going to come talk to the town um and so I'm hoping that there's maybe something we can do through this process to convince uh to take down this tree and even if it's planted tree in a different area I know the town has a program a tree program I know there's typically a limit of three trees I'm asking for a tree that's not on my property one single tree that just is now concerning me as it's been opened up to to you know some additional risk that could fall on onto my house was it the person who building next door he's he he actually tried to get the tree down so it was on his list of trees to come down um but I guess you know Tom looked at the or whoever the engineer Tom the town looked at the uh the plans and decided that that tree wasn't necessity to come down given the you know what the building needs were so that tree was removed willing to split whatever the costs are it's not you know I'll pay for the tree to come down it's not a function of cost he's happy to have the tree down and in fact he removed the you know all the branches that lean onto his property because he didn't want the tree there the tree kind of looks funny what's the address I'm sorry what are you at 52 or is that your neighbor I'm at 52 Crest Drive okay the house is the house on the corner next to mine countrys follow on this yeah yeah yeah CU if you're okay with it he's okay with it because it's a healthy trade you don't want people to take down healthy tree but I I I know what your argument is the problem is he shaved one side of the tree so how healthy could it actually be now and he's to shave the other side of the tree so Theiss back so we will talk to you come up and speak you want to come up yes Mr if you don't mind we have Richard ler come up and he's on the environmental commission and he might have better information we do again 49 so I'm aware of that uh Corner saw photos of all the trees that came down there were a large trees and I think it's aing or lacking in our tree ordinance because generally you should be uh trying to situate a house on a lot uh in such a way that you're not taking down a lot of trees but the Builder resituated the house you took down taking down the previous house completely and building a totally new house changing the way the driveway is and so on so a lot of trees came down that was set it but we um in a conversation with Tom can't stop that from happening my suggestion for this one tree that's remaining is to have a uh an independent licensed uh tree expert New Jersey licensed tree expert look at the tree evaluate it uh uh for risk of for for being a hazard uh and then depending upon what his judgment is is go for from there Mr B did you hear suggestion that's that's fine I still would obviously no no no there there's still mechanisms in L it's going to be your point of contact to discuss that with and I'm the record I'm happy to contribute to the fund to replace this and put it in a different location that's tomorrow give your information Eliza or to the clerk and and we'll do our best to oh sorry I forgot to me mention one thing so I'm not talking about any licensed tree expert I'm talking about there are independent Consultants who are licensed Tree Experts so not the owner of a a tree company but a an independent certified uh tree expert yeah think the ordinance be specified not to have to have certifi license tree expert right I provide a name Tom thank you Rich maybe can so you guys can get it done thank you and thank you also Richard glad you were here today 35 sore I'll add I've been very involved and looking at all these iterations of the tree ordinance um everything makes sense that was said today and especially the discussion that um is going to happen to kind of look at it but also in those in the ordinance there is an appeal process to a decision which I think involves the administrator too but you read the ordinance and there are a number of things that you can do right so so Steve's right that the ordinance was written and it said if you disagree with the decision of the tree inspector who Tombo that the next step is to reach out to the administrator so you know that's why will be yeah that we're not we're not pushing us down the road no no I no I this is the first time hearing about it so I want to all talk to our people tomorrow and figure out what's going on and we'll get back to you thank you thank you for coming in okay anyone else seeing no one I make a motion to close the Citizen's hearing second Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnell yes Mr Foster yes Mrs illis yes Mr Machado yes I make maret yes um whereas the I I moved the resolution to move to Executive session whereas the provisions of the open public meetings act expressly provide that a public body may move into executive session and exclude the public from that portion of the meeting at which public body discusses any of the nine areas set forth in njsa 104 to 12 and whereas the township Council of the township of Berkeley Heights has determined it necessary to move into executive session to discuss the following subjects all of which are included in the afor said exceptions wwtp contract contract negotiations and litigation now therefore be it resolved by the township by Council of the township of Berkeley Heights that it does hereby move into executive session pursuant to njsa 104 to 12b to discuss the afores said matters and it is further resolved that the afores said discussion shall be made public either at the public meeting following set executive session or at such time as any litigated or personal matters are concluded or upon conclusion of any negotiations or related discussions or as otherwise specified and it is further resolved that this resolution shall take effect pursuant to law second Mr Kudo yes Mr dony yes Mr fer Mrs zis yes Mr ma yes okay all right we're now move into executive session be discussed and we will come back to Jour thank you very thank you thank you and we're only going to reconvene to during the meeting anybody hope information maybe I tuned out maybe e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for