##VIDEO ID:Mg8nFzUhZ1I## e e okay I call the meeting to order a little late at 7:09 PM Anna would you please read the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by forwarding a copy to The Courier New Star Ledger and posting on the township website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting all in accordance with the open public meeting act this meeting will not substantially go past 10:30 um roll call Madam CL Mr Kudo here Mrs annaly here Mr Foster here Mrs zillis here Mr Mado here Mrs po here United States America indivisible it is yeah is thatv okay all right we have two proclamations I do not believe the gentleman um who the second Proclamation is for is here um I'm gonna hold on to that in case he does want to attend a meeting um he had a situation with his home and he lost his original Proclamation I believe Ted Rena was actually the mayor at the time he asked for a new so we're just going to hold on to that since we're running a little late today and handle that another time but it is an honor to read the next one Proclamation Township of Berkeley Heights whereas the township of Berkeley Heights has always supported its active military and Veteran population and whereas the purple heart is the oldest military decoration in present use and was initially created as a badge of military Merit by General George Washington in 1782 and whereas the Purple Heart Medal was the first award made available to the common Soldier and is specifically awarded to members of the military who have been wounded in combat or paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom being killed in action against a declared enemy of the United States and whereas the mission of the military order of the Purple Heart Is to Foster an environment of Goodwill among combat wounded veterans and their families promote patriotism support legislative initiatives and most importantly to make sure that we never forget the sacrifices of our military service men and women and whereas the township of brookley heights has a large veteran population including Purple Heart recipients and whereas the township of brookley heights appreciates the sacrifices of Purple Heart recipients made in defending our freedom and wants to Express gratitude and honor them now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and the township Council of the township of brookley heights proclaim the township of brookley heights a Purple Heart City and encourage residents to to show show thank you not shop show their appreciation for the sacrifices of Purple Heart recipients approved this 18th actually 24th day of September 2024 so um thank you for giving me a moment to read that as as folks may remember we did get a slate ination to honor our veterans um part of uh what we do is initiatives such as this and declaring a Purple Heart City and making sure that we honor uh veterans several times a year um which was the other Proclamation so this is just an alignment with what the Veterans Affairs committee is doing as Manny knows who is also on the committee okay with that let's go into the we have no conference session this evening regular agenda and would you read the first ordinance please and ordinance amending chapter 10.48 entitled Municipal parking lots to include the new Municipal parking lot at the municipal complex and to remove parking restrictions from the parking lot on planfield Avenue for the former library and then to open the public hearing on the ordinance of read by the clerk I got a second second thank you discussion Mr Cudo yes Mr Donell yes Mr fer yes Mr sillis Mr Machado yes Mr poke yes okay comments on ordinances for final adoption are welcomed during the public hearing for each particular ordinance before making a comment all speakers must identify their name and address each speaker shall be limited to three minutes with that the uh hearing on the ordinance number one is now open D Caris 35 Sycamore um I spoke to this last time and I see the uh uh probably the correction that we spent the most time on was indeed fixed to solve that issue now um just some due diligence I assume when I talked about the definitions of lot one and lot two that expressing that way they're still unique there aren't any of the lot one or two across other blocks to confuse them with that's a question so specifically um tell me what what part you're reading the definition section section the top of the page addressed that the the first thing was got fixed and then I asked the question last time um there's a definition for lot one and lot two you know which were edited in and I was just trying to make sure that those are unique unique unique to across all blocks so if somebody reads this they won't say oh lot one associated with block n is one thing [Music] and Township attorney who yeah did the ordinance that was one of the questions I asked is is should it be expressed in a different way so uh relying on first the original ordinance which is really how this was already defined so it hasn't changed other than identifying instead of lots three and four it's now Lots one and two so they've kept the original definition and that would have been done uh and define the definition had been done with um all consideration and with with conference with the engineer the original um ordinance as it passed so I don't think there is any concern that it's going to a lot yeah lot a lot one a lot two will still be unique correct that that's I was making sure sorry perhaps I was misunderstanding yes it will still be unique and there shouldn't be any issue with that it's like you know without knowing the bigger picture that I haven't looked at it's like it could have had there could be other lot ones associated in other blocks and no but if that's yeah okay not to my knowledge and again I think the the engineer took a look and um it well if that if that got passed on hopefully that from my comment last time they would have done that um and I got the I guess the the the last specific thing that I didn't notice last time and it's still there I think there's a typo on page three of seven at the very top or number nine related to Lots one and two at the end of the sentence it's got a four and a two I suspect it should be one and I believe it's probably two um it's been correct you you you sent me an email um so it is yes so if you look at the new ordinance yeah oh was that a oh I I just looked at the one online I didn't look here to see if that and it's two right yeah okay and with and because there was no additional markup notation was did anybody in their in when they reviewed it they find anything else that we hadn't talked about before I found something very interesting I learned a new vocab word chattels I think that's how you pronounce it or CH c h a TT LS so as I was reading it I was like what does that mean so I looked it up it means it's a catchall category of property associated with movable goods and I was like when where is that working I remember yeah so I had to look it up I I never heard of that before so that was what I noticed right yeah yeah but it's there's a current definition So and I've got another word for you in another issue later so okay that that uh that covers all thumbs it up yep thank you Steve thank you seeing no one else I moveed to close the public hearing on the ordinances read by the CL second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mrs Ann Mr Foster Mrs Dillis Mr Machado yes Mrs poke yes I move that the ordinance has read by the clerk and hearing held here on be adopted on Final passage and that the clerk be directed to advertise s in The Courier News second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo hi Mr Donell Mr pester yes Mr zis Mr Machado yes M po yes and if you would two please an ordinance appropriating 2.24 2.2 4600 for various Capital Improvements in in by the township of Berkeley Heights in the county of uni New Jersey I move here open a public hearing on the ordinance by Park any discussion roll call Mr Cudo yes Mr annell Mr pler yes Mr illis Mr Machado yes Mrs pop yes the uh public hearing in on the ordinance number two is now open with the same rules in effect that I read earlier this evening one I move that to close the public heing War right clar second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo hi Mr Donnelly Mr Foster yes Mr zillis yes Mr Machado yes Mrs C yes moov ORD read by the clerk and hearing held here on be adopted on a final passage that the clerk be directed adverti the same in the CER news second any discussion you you seconded right Manny okay that's what I thought all right uh okay roll call Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly Mr Foster Mr Dillis yes Mr Machado yes Mrs poke yes and would you be most kind please read number three an ordinance amending chapter 10.1 6.10 entitled term prohibitions as it pertains to Twin Falls Road okay move it to open the public hearing ordinance is read by the clerk second kind a discussion roll call Mr Cudo yes Mr Donell Mr berer MRIs Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes okay the hearing on ordinance number three is now open with the same rules in effect that I read earlier 35 syamore again um last time I talked about this at ordinance introduction and and doing the due diligence and um my my plan at this final hearing was um to mention some things about implementation uh but mention some things about about about implementing implementation yes and before I do that I discovered a related issue that the council is going to have to still make some more decisions apparently um and so I'm gonna I'm GNA actually start with that um this first an administrative Point um the the chapter that all these turn prohibitions are in um are a couple of pages long and it was appropriate to indicate as it says amended to add or delete and you'll notice we do show what's deleted but it's not would be clear to the Casual reader um what was being added I mean I from so because some of that markup notation that have been used in some other uh resolutions um you know wasn't followed so I just kind of ask that consistently um mark up changes where they're showing adding and deleting um but more importantly the I did another U uh a site visit to the area that's impa impacted and do you remember that there's a um turn prohibition sign down at the intersection of Valley Road and Twin Falls and with the new change being proposed here there are some impacts and the easiest way is just to quickly take you through it um the situation currently if one of the residents of Twin Falls is going south down the hill Diamond Hill during the afternoon or morning time that's restricted now uh they have to go all the way down to the signal take a right onto Valley and then go up to twinfalls that way if someone's traveling East heading toward Diamond Hill and um wants to get into their neighborhood they can't turn left so they have to go to the signal drive up Diamond Hill and then they can take a left now when we implement the new ordinance let's go back to going down Diamond Hill they can't take a right anytime have to do as they did before go down to the light take a right and come up for the person who may be traveling during these hours in the morning and afternoon where it's still prohibited down near on Valley Road they'll approach the street can't take a left and you're probably already ahead of me they go to Diamond Hill take a left and go up Diamond Hill they can't take a left now so what are they going to do well do they go through the intersection of diamond and Valley and turn into the Park turn around back come back and then and and then go up legally and that would be for the periods in the morning in the afternoon um so I think you probably have to rethink what you want to do with the Restriction down there and I have a Rec yeah so that would be up to them to fix that and that would be up to the county to fix that I mean we'd have to point it out based on what you're saying um but we could not right we can't make the change on accounting well the the the the Restriction is is um in the municipal code so I figured you guys made it originally I don't know that without their input that we could make those kinds of changes on a on a county road so Valley Road is the county road yes yes because we had to consult with them on this ordinance has to send it right do they have to approve it as well I would think that makes sense we send our ordinance to them they're well aware that we're doing this because we have to do it in coordination so it is possible that we sent that turn ordinance off of Valley Road on to Twin Halls to the county and they green lighted it yeah yeah that's why it's there the residents know about this and this is what they they know that they have to they're going to have to go around now and yeah point they're not going to be able to get in at all based on the current turn restriction at that time of day so between two to four the the the 8 to 9:30 and the it's right here nobody will be able to get into the neighbor which is without having to go turn what you're trying to make on that yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah and and and basically and it's okay because my my recommend my recommendation is now that you're doing what you're doing up at Diamond Hill in twinfalls if the uh those restrictions down there have outlived their usefulness right because but this change yes yeah because wh why was anyone wants to go up there to bypass if all they're going to be do do is being forced back down Diamond Hill so it's really not needed anymore once you're making that I'm sure I'm sure so so given what we've just also learned thank you very much um you certainly can can pass this and ordinance and get things going but you probably do need to talk to them about saying oh by the way you know we it's it it doesn't make sense yeah yeah yeah yeah because it's like the you know you're you're really creating the deterrent that you originally wanted with the first time around you put the restrictions on both ends I think this will do was effective so the question I would have is if we resend that no left turn on Valley Road on to Falls will the county okay that because now you're there's I think there's two lanes there as you get to Twin Falls the road opens up two lanes so if you're allowing someone to sitting in the two left lane the left lane of Valley road heading towards time Hill to make the left on will they green light that they're aware of this well remember they're allowing at any other time except during the hours that the residents of Twin Falls don't want people going up and down the road they were cutting through Twin Falls Road to get to conell that's really what it was so and that didn't prevent and with the additional building going on we wanted to tighten that up you know for the residents request and the planning board resolution but I think to your point you know we have to point this out to the county that they have restrictions that they may now want to eliminate yeah and it's I think to your point um joh it's not it's not a traffic safety issue because you can turn left any other time but those two intervals of time so um yeah and and and like I say it is in the code and however that works out you're probably you're GNA need your ordinance too because it's it's B number one is is where that restriction is located I was going to suggest you could if if it wasn't a county issue and you made the decision you could have just added it to this that's probably a substantive change anyway right right need to go ahead and do this tonight and deal with that in like a cleanup fashion a housekeeping fashion well and and actually because of the need to consult with the county it really is a need to they have to make that call okay with um good now let me just leave let me just leave with the uh like I said I I I didn't have all that together when I was there last time or El that would have come up earlier but I will so I'll just end on my discussion of implementation now you know of course this will be passed it may will enact it and and you know the usual bid will be effective once the signs are posted um and I guess the um kind of the question to consider and is because we're going to also put in the Triangle Island that was discussed um is would you want to uh make sure you put did the construction of the island before you put the signs up or put the signs up and then do the you know the construction later if it's going to take more time so that's a decision in during implementation you're going to have to make I recommend doing the construction of the island then putting up the signs so just food for thought and and um and I'm also during my site visit I'm just going to emphasize this change will need some real engineering I mean there's going to be some construction but just beyond and it's a good thing someone else is going to be paying for it but the um the nature of the construction is going to have to take a lot of things into consideration the um the site distances and the geometrics at that interface point between Diamond Hill and Twin Falls is tricky and even though we're not going to have anybody taking a right turn from Diamond Hill into Twin Falls except you know except for um emergency services or people violating the Restriction [Music] um one could have people kind of running up on the island if it's not done right because of some of the sight distance and geometric issues so you have to be very careful with with that and um I think the the bigger issue for the longer term is the signage at that point Pro probably not an issue for Diamond Hill coming up the hill not turning left there's plenty of visibility put it in plenty of time before the intersection but if you look at the current sign right now for the limited restriction you don't see it till you're about to take the turn and then it's covered over by tree limbs and given the sight distance issues there's going to have to be some real figuring out where to put the sign for advanced notice even if you need a couple of them enough in advance and another one closer because like I say if if you go with the current sign right now you know you're not going to notice it until you're on top of it and you don't want somebody stopping short on that road wondering if they should go in or not so I have a question yes is there is there a state code or something for distance or signage based on intersection like that um I think something like that back when I was in the police academy that' be 500 yards or thousand yards or something like that it it would it would it that would be addressed if if it does I hav I too much recollection have to look it' be the manual on it'd be the manual on uniform traffic control devices we talk about that stuff but there's also special circumstances that um if if the bottom line will be visibility to provide the the indication early enough to make decisions and that'll be overriding um you know over over anything else in the end so it's like and you can meet it with more than one sign if you have to meet a distance a dist thing so um so and I guess maybe the mayor I had one one just one final quick comment it says um I think the mayor answered it it says the U the folks on the neighborhood and Twin Falls and I think we have know we have one of them here I guess it seems like they're willing to live with with not being able to get into their neighborhood from there to avoid the problem so it's like shaking his head in the affirmative so it's h you know so it's like loud and clear I think it was April 2020 we had a zoom meeting of about this right it's taken four years well that means that means you once the signs are up you got to have PR pretty good compliance from the residents so I hope I would hope because I didn't see any exception for them in the ordinance there's not have a block part it sounds like yeah thank you Steve all right see no one else I move to close the public hearing and the ordinance as read by the clerk second that any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mrs anal Mr cluster yes Mrs zis Mr Machado yes Mrs poke yes move that the ordinance as read by the clerk and hearing held herein be adopted on Final passage that the clerk be directed to advertisement same in The Courier News I'll second that any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly Mr fer yes Mrs illis Mr Rado yes Mrs poke yes so move the hearing on the agenda items only I'll second up any discussion roll call Mr Cudo yes Mr cluster Lis yes Mr Machado yes Mrs poke yes okay comments are welcomed during the public comment period during this meeting on any agenda item however if an ordinances will s for its own public hearing to the agenda please hold your comments for that particular public he hearing which we just did to make your comment the speaker must come forward to the microphone and state his or her name and address for the recor each speaker is limited to 3 minutes the mayor council president will keep time please promptly yield the the floor when time is called and return to yourself seat your cooperation and adherence of these Rules of Order will ensure an orderly and respectful meeting and with that the hearing on agenda items only is now open uh showing Kane 46 sore a um I can comment in resolution nine right now right my too early nine yeah my to oh yeah okay absolutely um so two things um I'm just really happy that you're taking this up and um John knows I'm on the historical preservation committee so we would so I'd like to say two things one we'd like for the um the governing body the administration any experts you have in affordable housing I encourage you to be proactive and and get in front of this because the way that the law is crafted you could get a developer that comes in and does an end run around the town goes right to the state and then the town is left with I think the the legislation says you have a month that you you have to figure out what so if you're allocating this this money um I would encourage you to do that and and if we have any resources in the town to get everyone together now and maybe you know who the buyer is or have an inkling or you don't but um I would say just get in front of it and then my other comment would be um to encourage them whe when you're engaged in conversations with the state and Nokia and the potential buyer like um everyone knows all of the innovations that have come out belill Labs so I just encourage the town to try and get them to preserve as much as I can of the stuff that makes sense um I mean there's a Litany of things that were invented there and it's probably not practical to keep everything but there should be some effort to keep some of it the stuff that makes sense um but it can't all be houses uh it needs to be a mix of different things there's there's a trail area could we keep some of that stuff could we keep some of the historical stuff could we develop some of it for commercial could we reach it is there any possibility for a college so I I guess what I'm saying is just look at all the possibilities and I don't know if the planning board gets involved with that or if the developer just comes to the planning board with a solution yeah I know I'll explain when you're done I'll explain the whole process but um that's just pretty much my cence so this uh memorandum of understanding was born um from the governor coming to my office in February and committing um some planning money so it's $50,000 to start with um so we have to pass theou on our side the state Ed Economic Development Authority will pass it on their side we are then required to go out to an RFQ for a specific planner just for noia um one of the first things that we've told them that we want to do is visioning meetings with that money so once we go to RFQ that'll probably take a month then we'll set up visioning meetings and by that um we want to have a series of meetings where the residents and the business Community come and give their input as to what they would like to see there very similar to what you just said we want to keep the artifacts you know maybe we want some Trails etc etc um the I guess that the contract purchasers have um came to give us uh their sort of their background and qualifications to the council president and I the rest of the council will meet them subsequently they don't have a specific concrete plan at this point because it is zoned office research um so any other commercial housing open space etc etc etc would require um our assistance uh also remember that 20 acres fronts the the property in New Providence so you're talking two governing bodies two planning boards two planners to to Redevelopment attorneys that have to get involved so it's not an easy process um so that's kind of where we are um I think the one thing that that especially John you know John um especially John really um convey to them that it's critically important he convey that to both the governor and and to the contract buyers um that it's critically important for them to preserve the Bell lab's history um we have been told six seven months ago that they were going to take the artifacts with them um we told them that's not acceptable they have to find a way to do something maybe somewhat similar to what they did at Bell Works in hell um Ralph zerman who was the developer there did an incredible job repurposing some of the artifacts into like really unique um wall hangings or um statutes I think Margaret and Manny went went with me that time as well so we've made it very very clear that that has to be a part of what goes on there um they've also indicated I won't say definitively have said but certainly have indicated that there will be some open space that they will um likely um dedicate to the township that'll become Township property all subject to debate and what you know what's going on but there's nothing concrete yet we want to listen to the community first and then we'll take it from there and we're going to really be methodical and surgical about this we are going to take this step by step by step because this is a huge Legacy type of project I mean the campus is as big as conell and conell already has four existing Office Buildings right um so that's this tonight is just a first step and making sure that we're doing this in partnership with the community um and we're doing making sure that we preserve the history and try to do the best that we can to make sure that we have the right project for this community so absolutely yes absolutely I just as a as a deja vu all over again I was going to Springfield Avenue and guess what's hanging up on all the telephone balls it's all innovations that they made and I'm sitting there going like no really am I seeing this yeah and I was like yes bring it all in so yes thank you Sean thanks anybody Steve D C 35 Sycamore gotta bring up the right piece of paper for the right discussion um uh uh my my my comments is pres presumably um resolution four and I no problems with what we're trying to do um you know spend less money on a contract um and I know our attorney will pay close attention to this one um this this is more of like is th things are um are done funny here even though we still know exactly what we're trying to do this is amending a prast resolution and you can and this is where we have lots good use of notations so we know it's being added and deleted um but first of all the first whereas has some at the very beginning a problem with the sentence construction and when it crosses out the 100,000 replace it it it it really shouldn't cross that out because you're telling what you did before that you originally had the contract for $100,000 your next statement which is adding to amend this original resolution is saying you desire to lower it to another number and therefore when you go to the next paragraph um that notation would be correct showing the change and also there's a sentence construction issue on the third paragraph the first be it resolved and we've got a new word this is what I was telling you about um Susan there's um uh let's oh you know what they may have they may have fixed the word because um caught it yes because you caught it the appoint the appointed me I caught it yeah I went looking for I went looking for it and and it's like it's gone okay let me well this anyway but the sentence inst structure is still kind of messed up that you knowell Canter ver continuing is appointed as a municipal attorney that that doesn't sound right and then the first paragraph the township appoints you know akr is qualified to provide Attorney Services does that read that may have been the original if this is amending the old one but it just didn't seem to make sentence construction sense I think it makes sense now yeah I think so too reading it rereading it really just to change the dollar amount right right right it just I like I say human error happens right like sometimes human error happens the the facts of the resolution are not incorrect um so I and I think I think it I think it flows it does okay well the I read twice I mean it didn't and now it it yeah I I think it's I don't I don't think we have to amend it on the or you know amend it byway the the the um the the funny word is now fixed which is the more OB the the more obvious problem and it's like not a real word but anyway the only the only conal thing is in the first paragraph uh you didn't I don't think you want to show that change you need to State you originally did it at $100,000 your next thing is making the the point it's 100,000 oh oh yeah I'm sorry did you fix it did you fix it we want be trans have to show original you know whether it's a a word or a dollar Amendment you have to show it so that's why it's crossed out and it's bold online 75 000 and the Bold on the line the second where asked is the change corre on the line it's all yeah I'm just pretty clear well like I said we we know what you're trying to do it's just it's just not it's just not clear that you're saying you're originally called it the way this is reading the first paragraph you're saying that you back when you did this you called for it to be $75,000 and now you want to lower it to we have when we just governmentally and maybe government doesn't make sense sometimes we to take the original resolution that we passed at reorganization and and we have to show it in its original form and then um make the changes as Liza said to be transparent but we also can't re you know rewrite that because that was the original resolution so we have to go by the language that was on that original resolution at re and then make the changes that um Anna made so I actually think this is appropriate for for you know a council resolution um I read it twice it seemed a FL to me well like I say I'm not I I I just introduced on the point of sentence construction I and and the type I just I just you know okay fine you you can make that decision I thought was more more applicable was um the U it's you're indicating you're making a change and you're showing a change in the second one that's added and then you're showing the change after you make it but the first paragraph is trying to is trying to say what you originally did so that so that a change you're saying you're going to make makes sense and then you make the change so it's like uh I think we're good government nothing sounds like a normal actually I guess well I guess I guess I guess now that the your the ultimate Arbiter I guess is your your attorney here and if if if she's not saying oh yeah I'm in total agreement with Council so there wasn't much for me to say but I agree mayor you have to keep it's it's transparent it reads well it says what it needs to say and it gets the job done could it be said in a different way perhaps but I think you have to follow the original resolution and just amend the that portion that needs to Beed which is what they've done I don't think anyone reading this would recogn would would I don't believe anyone would be confused by right and and I'm and I'm I I addressed a number of things my only find point was the the the the the change in the number in the first paragraph that that was what really what I was ending on and referring to okay I may not be understanding you clearly but when I read it it's changing the amount from 100,000 to 75,000 and that's what it's doing right this is this is every resolution that gets any amendment to a resolution uh from the future this is how it reads so I now it's going to be 75,000 right well that's that's like that's clear anyone who wants to know what that Amendment related to can go back to the original resolution when it passed when it was 100,000 or they can look at the amended and sit and and reads I'm not really sure what the confusion is it's 100,000 to 75,000 it's clear yeah I I like I said we all know what you're we we all know what you were trying to do anyway I'm gonna yeah if yeah since yes I was gonna say since since you're all good and it gets the job done and you don't agree I'm not gonna worry about it I'm just gonna point out the things thank you we appreciate the uh robust exception and and actually the um I'll say related that R3 the resolution 13 was for those minor changes it made was was pretty clear with that was a more straightforward one in terms of of being able to do what she just said make the changes to an original and on um resolution n with Nokia Lucen I guess it's consistent use of that term to describe the property I mean I'm just going to mention it's after Nokia took it over it's no longer Nokia loosen but there seems to be that kind of reference that we use and then they use in the memorandum right right right right right right ,000 that the history of the property it was BS and then it was Lucent noia so I think depending on when you lived here what what you're referencing I think it's important to have all the names right and that's and and and I I I figured that's what they were doing but I'm just just I'm just pointing out that I guess the current state legally is just uh no Kia and you know having having gone through the the language it's it's the usual governmental memor of understanding but it's seems to make sense so and you just you got to keep on it to meet all the requirements so y that's that's true okay thank you right no one else Paul can you close it up move to close the hearing on the agenda items second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mrs anal Mr fer yes Mrs zis Mr Mach yes okay I move resolution one approving the bill list dated September 24th 2024 in the amount of 463,000 second n any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yesal yes Mr fer yes Mrs Lis yes Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes move forth resolution number two appointing Angela laari as Township CLK effective December 2 2024 second any discussion I just want to say it's bittersweet bitter that we're Lo no I'm not bitter I'm happy for you but you know we're losing Anna but so joyful that let's put it in context for those who may not know uh our wonderful beautiful clerk is retiring and uh well deserved it was heartbreaking to hear that news we're going to do a special meeting for her I think tenably November 18th um and then we're going to uh maybe have a little celebration at my house after um but we're going to do something special for her but that's the reason and just again to put it in a little bit of context Angela Angela um was our Deputy clerk um who had the privilege to uh Elevate herself become the Township Clerk and the business administrator in kennworth so she's coming with some more a breath of experience um when we got the the sad sad news about Anna we we you know reached out to her there were other applicants none none as good as as Angela so while we're losing Anna and they're really big shoes to fill we have somebody who I think we all feel really comfortable it's a really important position as most of you out there in the audience know so we did somebody who we felt really could be competent and creative and you know she's very hardworking incredibly professional I think the residents are going to love her too um but it is very Bittersweet so this is why you're the mayor and I'm not because I assume everybody knows you know what I'm talking about but I want to say I've worked with Angelo before and I'm you know joyful that we'll be working together again but sad yeah okay that being said I move resolution number three amending the roll call roll call Mad CL yes Madam CL Madam CL um Mr Kudo solid yes Mrs annell yes Mr Foster absolutely yes Mrs illis Mr Machado yes Mrs poke yes welcome welcome back I should not welome welcome back awesome okay okay I move resolution number three amending the adopted budget for an additional item of Revenue 2024 Union County infrastructure Grant in the amount of $60,000 I second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mr donelly Mr Fester Mrs zillis yes Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes I move a resolution 4 amending resolution 22024 to reduce the amount of contract to antelli caner Rivera to an amount not to exceed $75,000 any discussion have a quick question um so we're reducing hit 25,000 and then we're adding 25,000 to another attorney but why can't Antonelli do the sewer stuff because I think his hourly is less isn't it um I I think because it's a separate contract you'd have to we'd have to put a bid in for that it would be separate and apart from what our firms representation is as the township Council so that's why and and obviously got I I can't say firm the only reason I'm asking is because the prior attorney is that attorney and they were doing it all then as the municipal and you guys are the municipal and you're not the so I was just just question yeah to be honest with you I don't I don't know whether or not that was something that was even presented so I can I can wa so Alex this firm has been our water and sewer attorney for handling water sewer issues for a couple of years even when they were Township Council they helped me create a lot of the enduser sewer agreements they're very familiar with everything that's going on with our sewer and it seems to make the most sense and they have the resources so it seems make the most sense for them to continue doing this work especially as we have other um developments going in in adjacent towns and we're obligated to take their sewer so we have to negotiate separate agreements for all of those and he's very aware of the history so just to this spell it a little further I think that um Alex in particular this is his legal area of expertise and Craig as well Craig I don't you never worked with Craig D but Craig also had an environmental law background so some attorneys have different types of backgrounds and um this happens to be Alex's and we worked with Alex specifically in that area prior to Alex becoming the township attorney too so um any other questions or comments call Mr Cudo yes Mr Nal yes Mr plester yes Mr zis yes Mr Mach yes is this PO yes and move resolution number five resolution awarding professional service contract to shabo Sul for legal services for additional assistance with water and sewer issues in the amount not to exceed $25,000 second any discussion Mr Donell Mr MRIs Mr Machado yes yes resolution six authorizing a contract with sellan sons for the 2024 miscellaneous drainage improvements Martin Lane for a bid received on September 17 2024 and the amount not to exceed 123,000 410 Second that any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes yes Mr fer yes Mr zis Mr Machado yes Mr Po yes bring forth resolution number seven authoriz an emergency appropriation of the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $265,000 due to storm damage second any any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnell yes Mr Foster yes Mrs zillis Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes I'm conrat to number eight awarding a contract to Rapid pump and meter service company for electrical repairs to the wastewater treatment plant in the amount not to exceed $43,900 second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes M Donnell Mr Foster MRIs Mr Machado yes Mr Po yes I move resolution number nine resolution authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign a memorandum of understanding with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to provide the township with $50,000 to be used to create a strategic development plan for the noia Lucent Bell Lads property I'll second that any discussion roll call quick question yep sorry so we're paying $50,000 to the New Jersey Economic Development no no no it's a grant so Grant so the part of the story that I didn't explain with Sean when when the governor said that they were going to give us Eda money there was no program that we fit into because the property is private property so the way the state works it's either locally owned maybe County owned by local I mean local government or state owned in this instance since the property is privately owned so it took them some time to get over the legal you know barriers of that particular that there was no particular program this is essentially a grant this is a grant not they are giving us 50 we're entering into anou and part of thatou is um we have to go out for an RFQ for a specific planner I don't think there's we have to do some reporting there's some things that we have to do um in order to be in compliance with the grant money but essentially is a grant to New Jersey Economic Development Authority yeah and this is just to get the public feedback does doesn't mean this developer has to listen to us but it gives us a good idea what the public they seem to be willing to listen I think they understand that it's not zoned the way they would like it to be zoned and they need to be cooperative in this process um and if we found that after we did our visioning meetings and we did our strategic plan if there was more funding that we needed or more planning that was required I think we could certainly go back to Eda and request more but I think 50,000 is a really good place to start okay great one other quick thing I know Steve will be proud of me over there um there's a okay and we we're typing very quickly happens it's it's the abbreviation for Jersey right uh all right roll call how we say it Jersey JY roll call please Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnell Mr Foster Mr zis Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes I move resolution 10 amending resolution number 182 d224 certification of funds for National water main second any discussion call Mr Cudo yes Donell Mr Mrs zis Mr Mado Mrs po yes I move resolution number 11 resolution awarding a contract to National water main board CI PP cured in place for pipeline Rehabilitation an amount not to exceed $110,000 second any discussion and just so public knows what that is they they basically drop in a plastic sock and fill it with fill with something and right place and it it seals the pipe it helps a lot more useful life out of it and uh allows the water to flow a lot smoother so it's used in a lot of major cities rather than big entire street so this is a good C saving measure thank you for that um any other comments or questions roll call Mr Cuda yes Mr donelly Mr poer Mrs zis Mr Machado yes Mrs po yes resolution 12 authorizing going out the bid for acid chemical for the Waste Water treatment plan second any discussion R Mr Kudo yes Mr Donnelly yes Mr Foster yes MRIS Mr Machado yes M po yes bring forth resolution number 13 amending resolution number 109 2024 reflect new law firm for litigation with cuse custom Builders we any discussions yeah I have I have a question um we're going up we're getting a new attorney to is this for the planning board to go Board of adjustment Board of adjustment so the board of adjustment made a ruling on a development um where the adjacent to the Westminster Church um the applicant sued um I don't know why are we changing courses on the on why are they changing courses on the we're just mayor we're just changing um the attorney that was awarded the $10,000 to defend the board of adjustment switch firms so the CFO wanted it to be clear that she's paying money to the different firm attorney just it's a different firm they went to another law fir but it's same attorney representing she just wanted to be thank you Crystal any other questions okay roll call Mr Cudo yes Mr donelly Mr Foster yes Mr zillis yes Mr Machado yes poke yes I move resolution number 14 authorizing a bid award to Sovereign Consulting Inc for the provision of micro C and magnesium hydroxide chemical feed systems for the wastewater treatment plant in the amount not to exceed 86,500 second any discussion roll call Mr Kudo yes Donell yes Mr pler yes D yes Mr M yes po yes okay number 15 consent agenda all matters listed under consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted upon by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately item number eight a resolution authorizing a release of performance guarantee for the property located at 110 Roosevelt Avenue and Item B resolution authorizing a release of 20 24 tax overpayment of $ 68,5 6542 for the property located at one loone Pine Drive second discussion oh no no discussion rall Mr Cudo yes Mr Donell Mr fer yes Mr zillis yes Mr Machado yes M POG yes okay on to Township Council reports Manny you are first up my friend cool all all right cancel reports uh EDC is going to meet on Friday so we'll be discussing that um the mayor will follow up on our V of fair on the Veterans Affair committee um meeting that we've had last week um the DBC as you all know is is reviewing plans of what's going on downtown a lot of new things coming in place it's going to be a really nice downtown a couple years if everything comes into into fruition and it's still restaurant month I'm down to three restaurants guys which three um I am down to let's see I'm going to be posting um Delicious Heights I'll be down I'm down to trap rock ngoya I Kane and graen so those are my last three but I've hit every single restaurant and it's amazing that the business owners we're getting some good positive feedback um people are attending and um I've stopped up at one place I'm not going to name it since I had to go back a second time juice for dessert I just just for dessert and that's something really nicely that we can do in town which is something that no one really thinks of doing you think of going after an entire meal just pull in I did you go back to had I just back on the restaurants for a second I don't know if everyone knows the Star Ledger published the like top Italian restaurants that do the spicy vodka sa Ricon and Americo is number one so we have some really really nice places here in town um quietly bringing everyone in one thing I which was really interesting was we're getting a lot of people from out of town who come in so I think once you start to build that restaurant Community you know if you can't get into one restaurant you'll go to because you know there's so many good restaurants in the area it's convenient you park your car and you walk into you some place to go kind of what Keenan had envisioned when we we started talking about the master PL it's nice to see it happening it's happening it's working and look forward to keep on doing this and yeah losing weight next well there's the turkey chat hope we're gonna pull that off so you can just eat all of September and then November we'll get i'll H back way um then I I'll just give two useless trivia facts today no dad jokes no D no dad jokes I'll be I'll be good at that um the ear American Revolution between two warships the bonam Richard and the carapus the American Commander answered a quot to sured from his English counterpart with the famous quotation I have not yet begun the fight and that happened September 23rd today and one famous birthday which I'm sure John doesn't have his thing Bruce Spring and he still plays aour show still got it my 16-year-old daughter was like I can't believe he did not stop her hours she just saw z r and um Travis Scott so five hours shows M all right wait end man good job all right Paul I might be a little lighter but uh the senior affairs committee is kicking back up I think the meeting I believe starts tomorrow again so um I'm not 100% sure if I can make it but if I make it I'll give you an update next week otherwise I'll get an update from them and I'll Prov next time around so that's all for me all right thank you very much John okay I'm G start out with Wednesday 25th of September and this is r at M alley it's National cooking day it's celebrated to celebrate budding chefs home cooks and food enthusiasts and if you want to see his wallet to start out this big at the beginning of restaurant month it's down about this okay and he cooks himself yes he does um It's a Wonderful Day dedicated to the time of art of cooking and it honors culinary Traditions allows you to experiment with new recipes and appreciate the magic T unfolds in kitchens across the globe or at Manny's house um Wednesday the 25th also is National comic book day um or just comic book day it's celebrated in the United States both children adults like love comic books and the genre has evolved from being just funny picture books to beautiful works of art that tell stories of superheroes anime characters and many others now side note is I went to free comic book day with my daughter many many M well a couple years back uh at a place in Madison and we were staying outside the place for about 3 hours then we finally got in the door and it was it was just amazing just the fact that how many people would come out just to have comic books it's just it's fantastic they're not comic books they're graphic novels now they're graphic novels back in the day all right I can date myself with that okay uh they're also a great source of entertainment many people love them so much that they collect them um and of course those that collect them sometimes get lots of money for them um Thursday the 26 is now I have a birthday on my calendar that I know man doesn't have on his that's 26 I'm did today it's the Comm one of America's famous legends Johnny apple seed Johnny apple seed he was surprised to know that he was real person on this day in September which is his actual birthday um that we celebrate his endur legacy um in this country but also his birthday um the place where I used to live in Union was called Orchard Park and it was all apple trees before they cut them down and made houses out of them so um you know just a just as a side note also the historic preservation committee we have theel Lord Festival coming up on October 19th the Fall Festival from 12:00 to 4 rain date is the 20th of October so come on out I've already ordered wonderful Sunshine for the day and U another side note I want to shout out to the DPW for the fact that they've I think they got there before the tree hit the ground and the theel Lord property um because I heard the thud and the trucks are right there chopping it up and getting it out of the way for you so I appreciate that very much thank you good all right very good thank you John uh Margaret hey so we're gonna shift gear from John's entertaining news stuff um the grants committee met and we're working through a couple of potential grants um keeping our eyes open and doing what we can um we started a new task force in town that was passed recently the complete in green streets Tas task force so we had our first meeting via Zoom um where we set the um leadership of the committee and our first meeting our first inperson meeting is going to be before the end of the month so we'll be hearing lots more about that if any U residents would like to know more about it or have any um suggestions input information they can certainly reach out to me or any other um Task Force member Manny's on the task force Steve's on the task force he's in the audience um G Bradford is representing the um Board of Ed on the task force so we've got some great people there and hopefully we're going to do some fabulous things um my last note is about voting some members of my family got their vote by mail ballots in the mail um bright yellow envelope don't throw it away don't recycle it you need to return it um it's not too late to order a vote by mail ballot if you would like to vote by mail and you didn't get one it's also not too late to register to vote if you're a new resident in Berkeley Heights you can change your address um go to UC votes um on the yeah I think it's on the you can find it on the Union County website um it's very easy to do so change your address to Berkeley Heights if you're a new Resident if you're you have a um student who recently turned 18 and they have been registered to vote get registered and everybody should vote that's it for me okay I I have nothing to say at this moment I don't have people that want to go home you don't have toiz the best report of the night unfortunately I do have a few things um so I did um apply for a grant for the mayor's Wellness committee it's an $18,000 Grant um worked with the pto's and members of The Wellness committee and our library director and a few other people to put in for Comfort kits for elementary students who are dealing with a lot of stress and a book collection for teens um so fingers crossed we find out pretty soon explain the Comfort kits because I think this is an amazing idea so the Comfort kits um are an array of materials and each student will get to pick materials that are personal to them what makes them feel more comfortable you know kids are really struggling in this world today and as a teacher like we see it and they are struggling so so um Laura Kinski brought this idea um and so this opportunity came up through the mayor's Wellness committee and we we applied for almost the max it was $20,000 um we didn't have enough to go for one more thing so we kept it at the 185 and you know we're hoping that we get it and I know that you're going to the league so someone has to be there in person to accept the um yeah they're doing it at yeah so someone has I had to say that someone would be there to accept so I fig someone with yeah so hopefully we get that because that's going to be really important for our our students so it be from K through a uh planning board the county presented their plan for the Springfield Avenue park the work will commence in the spring the presentation was a courtesy only the planning board did not have to vote on anything so the mayor's Wellness book club was a success the library director had the author join us on Zoom to discuss the book new happy and our group is growing each time we go there's more people so that's really exciting and the next book is I hope I don't get bleeped out it's called you are a badass how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome Life by Jen sincero so our next book club me to the second Thursday of 11th I think it is so join us the group it's very Lively and you know we get a lot from each other I think I did not attend the race but you're going to talk about that right mayor yes I heard it was a big success and then I'm working with Liza and some other Council people as uh creating this welcome pack ET so I appreciate lies of putting the effort in on that I worked on the fog and the drains and for residents already in town I do want to remind you don't pour fat oils in grease down your sink or toilet dispose of them in the trash where they when they are cool if they're hot and flushable wipes are not flushable they create these things called fatbergs when they combine with all the fat soils and grease and they picture an iceberg of like grossness nice grossness and it's clogging up now out it's clogging up our our sewers so if everyone wants to keep our sewers flowing and we know how that's important um just be mindful of your fat soils grease and flushable wipes so spread the word to everybody and I do want to can I do this part okay so we had a little technical difficulties at our flag raising today so I cut my little part short but I do want to educate everyone on What Hispanic Heritage Month is all about the flag raising though was great we had a live singer kashika Sinha who is our uh GL Jr and she sang the beautiful rendition of star bangle B so Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15th to October 15th each year this time period was chosen because it includes Independence Day celebrations for many different Hispanic countries bise Chile Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico and Nicaragua Hispanic refers to people who speak Spanish or have ancestry from a Spanish-speaking country Latino refers to people who are from from Latin American countries and when we speak of Hispanic and Latino Heritage we speak of a rich diverse cultural Legacy from Spain to Mexico from Panama to Puerto Rico from Ecuador to Chile and Peru to the United States of America Hispanic people reflect a wealth of cultural diversity along with a Common Language Heritage they've developed their own remarkable blends of music dance art cultural traditions and of course food Manny Hispanic culture around the world are unique in their own ways yet they share this Common Core of similarities a certain inner pride in their Heritage Latinas and Latinos have always held significant roles throughout our Count's history dating all the way back to the American Revolution Hispanic Heritage Month is important because it provides an opportunity to celebrate the integral part the Hispanic Latino Community has had in growing and strengthening our democracy this month's theme or this year's theme is pioneers of change shaping the future together which encapsulates the spirit of innovation resilience and unity that Define the Hispanic experience from the sports Fields Broadway all the way up to the Supreme Court and every arena in between Hispanics continue to shape our nation as business owners activists artists public servants and more from serving in our US military to being champions in the fight for civil rights Latinos and Latinos remained strong leaders and change makers in our Multicultural Society diversity makes us stronger diversity within a society is like a symphony where every instrument contributes to a more beautiful conto or a painting where the many splashes of color complement each other to make beautiful art instrumental in the Civil Rights Movement Cesar CH along with Dolores wera LED in the fight against the unfair treatment of Farm Workers in the United States and I quote him when I say preservation of One's Own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures Hispanic people have a long proud history and have contributed greatly helping us Thrive as a strong vibrant Nation beautiful thank you for that you're welcome all right Administration reports um so I hope everyone is in full fall swing after three solid weeks from returning from Summer and it moves a little hard um nice to enjoy the warm uh warm summer months but I always get a little bit in awe of the leaves starting to change color and and the cooler temperatures um I want to thank everyone who attended the 23rd annual 9911 ceremony especially bhpd the rescue squad the fire department and the DPW I want to give a special thank you to Scott Hazel Corn's mother for speaking at the event and his family attending um it's always an important day to remember the two residents that we did lose that day Scott hazelcorn at the World Trade Center and Lieutenant Patrick Murphy at the Pentagon uh we had a wonderful Veterans Affairs committee getting back together since uh taking a few months off over the summer under the new tutelage of uh our veteran and Berkeley Heights police officer Sergeant fetus uh nicholet Kelly from Peace of Mind yoga um came in to discuss a partnership to bring the veterans yoga project to uh Berkley Heights and the the committee is eager to partner and to provide a few sessions of trauma informed yoga so if anybody wants to know anything about that there's a um interest sheet and there's an actual brochure that we have two-sided brochure um so I think it's going to be amazing and uh hopefully we'll get that off in the fall if not then uh early part of next year uh one of our favorite community events the 5K race tradition continues there are over 600 participants this year a huge thank you goes out to the Kimberly and Wilson Foundation and particularly Maran Wilson for a smooth and Flawless transition um Mariann is a member of the mayor's Wellness committee and a force of positivity she really is um and such a shining a light of awareness on Mental Health uh in honor of her daughter Kimberly Anne I want to thank Dr Smith who helped with the transition of the popular event and after 27 years of running the race through his foundation Smith Chiropractic um he did decide to retire so we don't blame him for that couple of incredible birthday celebrations over the last few days first happiest of 100th birthdays to Dolores kber who has truly shattered every glass ceiling Berkeley Heights ever put above her head and happiest 71st birthday to our library um Who provided a really fun day of activities um and we have a new mascot at the library it's a gigantic hippo named bubble so whoos to the library staff they were all there pitching in it was a lot of fun and that concludes my report yeah many there okay I didn't C it was good Li your report thank you mayor phase two of our 2024 road paving program will begin this fall the list of roads will be published on our website in a few weeks the Martin Lane Martin's Lane drainage and Road reconstruction project is beginning um fan favorite trunk oret treat has been scheduled for Saturday October 26 at the Town Hall parking lot we have details on our website and our social media and and the Berkeley hits police department does our social media as well um as councilwoman POG mentioned the township is embarking in an anti-fog campaign that spats oils and greases to strongly encourage residents and businesses to not put grease down the drains I see tap published something today with with some of the collateral we've been designing it is causing costly damaging blockages in our sewer pipes which can result in blockages in your homes uh this is not a problem just for us it's sewer pipes around the country and actually the globe if you uh look this up I think London has grown like living cells and is breathing on its own at this point it's like an actual being under under the street um so we need everyone's cooperation please to reduce those blockages because they're causing severe problems um we have many many sewer infrastructure projects going on right now as you could probably see from the several that were on the agenda um so there's going to be more coming in in the coming years but we're doing a lot of work down there um after tonight's meeting we'll begin some major storm cleanup and infrastructure repairs on Township property after the damaging August floods um mark your calendars for Winter Walk which is Saturday December 7th uh the tree lighting will be at Memorial Park this year uh the dot is reviewing our plans for peppertown Park and the Shermana revitalization project um we got formal notification from the state about our $250,000 grant for the lower col be a field Improvement project so hopefully conversations will move forward with the board of education on that and as councilwoman POG also alluded to um soon starting on a br big project uh involving everyone here to put together a a welcome packet both print and digital is what I have in my head um for new residents which will involve um everyone on the de and their respective committees to to get together and decide what information you all think is most important um for new residents to have and the idea is we'll give them to maybe perhaps local Realtors to give to new homeowners we'll have some at Town Hall we'll have them in line it will have everything from you know Lo perhaps something like local business directories from the economic development committee to Board of Health rules that they need to know when they need to get a permit for things like sheds no chickens allowed it's a very common request you know things about Trash Services which in our town you know are not Municipal services in other towns they are uh you know recycling all the the big things that people people really need to know about so this is going to be a big group group effort so I'm hopeful that we can um get the bulk of that done you know hopefully by the end of the year so we'll be good to print early next year I got mine in she she did I didn't even give out your assignment yet so good job yeah thanks thank you and we won an award for yes what was it called does anybody remember I sent it to you about the tree oh Richard yeah yeah it it was it was it was not just a distinction it was like a pro because I'm sure it was the the forestation project that we engaged in yeah something it was subst yeah yeah something substantial so we'll have more information I sent it to everybody it was the 2024 NJ UCF achievement board by the New Jersey Forest Service the achievement award recognizes those nominees who whose outstanding efforts have greatly contributed to the field of urban and Community forestry yes and your achievement has nominated by your peers and urban community Forest You by improving the environment New Jersey communities specifically Berkeley Heights through wise management of trees and Forest resources and the development of self- sustaining local local urban community forestry program certainly exemplifies the spirit of this word um it goes on on on but this is for uh Mr Rich ler yes yes they pay for him to go to the conference yeah speaking of that you just you just reminded me yes I mean without Richard alv left but he knows more about every single tree in this town than like every single tree um and you know if it were not for him we would not have been able to get this massive $730,000 tree planting Grant which is really helping us plant trees in areas where we have flooding issues so speaking of that if anybody here gets um or listening to this or watching the four people that are on um get uh letters in the mail we're going to begin round two of our planting in October we did round what round one this spring um so letters have gone out telling homeowners um where we're planning on planting in the right of way um so those plantings will happen in October also just a reminder about the RightWay please do not put sprinkler systems electric dog fences structures or anything as roughly 10 feet from the curb into the lawn is the township right away um technically if we wanted to we could plant trees regardless of if residents want them or not we we don't want to do that like we just want to plant trees for people who want them but it is just a reminder because the township does if we have to ever do any improvements in the RightWay and somebody puts an electr fence or sprinkler system in there it may get damaged so we just want to encourage people to if they're going to um erect or install things like that to just move them at least 10 feet in from the street so they don't get good PS thank you yes we'll have a coming out about that too yes all right can you AC yes I can I move to I move the township official reports be accepted and approved any discussion call please Mr Kudo yes Mr yes Mr Machado Mrs yes open Citi hearing second any discussion roll call Cuda yes family yes Mrs po yes okay the citizen hearing is now open with the same rules and effect that I read earlier this evening uh Ronald ringer 196 Lawrence Drive uh two questions for the council one uh is there anything that could be done about the noise from the commercials leaf blowers that's going to start with the next month or so and continue wellp pass Thanksgiving I mean there are noise regulations for Motor Vehicles shouldn't there be some kind of noise regulations for these commercial uh engines that open louder than anything else and second question is why can't the grants committee provide a list of grants that uh have been applied for in the past year isn't that considered public records I don't have on yeah sure I believe there already attach gardess it's 8: a.m. on Sundays and 7 a.m. during the week that they can run the blowers they can R anything they want I take the off my car and run it also at that time say sir I take the muffler off my car and run it at the same time to them out that's not the same they have muff they have to if if if they're doing it without muffers it's illegal they can't do that but mean the loan bows have the loan the leap blows have Mufflers they do M but you can mine those anyway so so well mine's but the commercial ones you can hear you know I'm on La drive you can hear all the way down crying Boulevard but there is a there is a noise or believe 7 a 8 am on weekends okay so it's only between certain hours they're allowed to make noise well any time after that I mean you know it's probably from you know going to dust kind of thing you know but they can't come by your house not Dawn no you can't go by your house at 9:00 at night and start would be but but they can at seven they can make as much noise as they want yeah yeah why why is that I mean you know the noise is is deafening at times I hear what you're saying they the landscapers too they wear headsets to block the noise and if you're walking by you're not wearing a headset but you're not constantly with it it's I guess just um part of our culture now that you don't rap leaves anymore un so in other words you're just going to continue uh that but if they go against the ordinance TimeWise then you know you would have an ordinance you know well you can't do it before 8 o'clock in the morning on weekends and before but but between those times there's no limit to the noise they can make no there's I don't know there might be a decel level de level in the ordinance yeah the ordinance is online if you go if you search it's in the code if you go online like on our website yeah which code are we looking for our code the Berkeley Heights Bley Heights noise code you can Google Berkeley Heights noise ordinance in your device and it should pop up okay so if I have a desal meeting and find out these guys are uh between 8 and 9 at night then I could call somebody up well if it's 9 at night well I call the call the PD because if you were calling me no I'm not going to call you no no you're calling me I'm working we're all going to call you call me: I'd be the first one out there actually actually actually the noise is such that if I called I probably couldn't hear you well but okay anyway my second question on the uh grants that were requested in the past year that information is not available shouldn't it be okay we don't have a Consolidated list of grants that have been applied a public Consolidated list of grants that have been applied and received each year but as grants are applied for they're brought up at Council meetings the resolution is pass and when we receive the grant then that's also announced at a council meeting and it's added as Revenue to the budget budget so if you don't receive the grant there's no record of it well we're not receiving any Revenue so I have a record of it oh that but thought it's not available to the public you just have to Ron you just have to send an over to Anna I did I got it that there's no records right we don't have a I didn't have I don't have a list to provide there's nobody's maintaining a list is there a specific Grant you're looking to there's list that we made so in other words there's no Consolidated means of finding out what kind of Grants will apply for how do you know grants committee is a volunteer committee and we're at our barebone skeleton crew right now yeah but so you know we apply for Grants we hope to get the grants if we get the grants we're like static we try again sometimes is there a specific spefic grant that you are inquiring about or you just want to know I have no grants idea what grants you're applying for so how could I inquire about a specific Grant so if you have no record of the grants you're applying for somebody inquire about a specific Grant I'm just curious what like information you're looking for I'm a little confused I'm sorry there is absolutely records of the grants that we apply for and what we receive but they are mentioned at Council meetings but there but there's no no Consolidated single list there's not a single there's no one list of it because the grants committee does some grants the agencies do their own grants in some cases the wreck department does grants how do you know you're you're not applying for duplicate the same grants in two different places if you have no record of it we know who applies for what we have a Lea on can't tell anybody because you don't have you don't have a list so you can't tell anybody do you want to join the grants committee excuse me sounds like you're interested in Grants you want to join the grants committee I I'm sorry I would you like to join the grants committee it sounds like you're interested in Grants uh I think that will prove somewhat uh maybe I'll consider that give me a call I'll maybe give it a thought we'll see okay thank you you might now where is SC crew we need people on grants anyone else out there R just to confirm it's nothing before 7 a.m. okay ask Power Equipment before 7: a.m. and if you go on the website under the municipal code there is deal levels for residential and Commercial areas so if you feel that it's above that you know so the code's online yes yes y That's I was explaining to you on the website when you go on your computer I think it's along the top you know it's a sticky menu along they all find it yeah it says code Municipal codee you can just and then you can just search anything in it you don't have to know exactly where it is just put the of it I'll give you the exact code it's 8.44 point2 definitions and standards and it gives you the title proabition noises uh acceptions of permits noise levels by land use motor vehicle uh noise levels violations and penalties additional remedies and injunctions enforcement and effect on other remedies then it goes into nues and noise smoke control oil and gas heating equipment installations etc etc so I'll find it I'm not going to remember numbers okay not at my age pretty easy to find yeah yeah that was just a Google Search and that popped it right up I'll get you all right thank you anyone else yeah I actually got something that's can I can I yeah all right uh one of the science teachers up at the high school this goes back to Richard leer one of the science teachers Laura menal um she was um she works with Richard because she knows came through she's on the environmental commission over in that's right right so she knows him and she put him in or this is the second award that he won was the urban the New Jersey Urban um the urban community forestry program but she also put him in for two other ones the Sterling Morton the J Sterling Morton award for 2024 which is also about um him and his trees and uh his govern the government's Environmental Excellence award so um he's uh he's in for three of those he got one of three right now and um the other two are waiting to here on and he is the gold standard let me tell you something i' I've spoken to Richard at length and he is the gold standard of and an arborist an environmentalist and just a if you just want just tree guy he knows his trees and he's a Master Gardener he is he he's awesome I'm going to write a children's book Richard knows his trees I buy the first copy the sign please please conar thank you for doing partner y great um else Angel you want to say anything thank you I'm very excited I learn the best I'm sorry that you know we can't work together again she's phenomenal but I'll do my best and all right okay we seeing no one else then um I'll close this is hearing second exception roll call Mr Cudo yes Mr Don Mr Mr Mr Mach yes I have a motion toj all in favor good ni