thank you very much uh good evening everyone welcome to the board of adjustments here in Berkeley Heights we are located at 29 Park Avenue this is our public meeting this evening tonight is March 28th 2024 we have 7 P.M on the clock please note that this meeting is being held in conformance with all regulations of the open public meetings act adequate notice for the meeting has been posted on the town website and sense of the newspapers of record the agenda has been placed on the township website and the bulleon board fronting Municipal Hall at least 48 hours in advance of tonight's meeting the agenda items will not necessarily be heard in the order listed and the meeting will not continue substantially past 10:30 p.m Regina M have a roll call please Mr Sullivan present Mr Coello you Mr Delia here Mr Ringwood here Mr Sylvester here Mr Pera here Mr Degan here M wol here thank thank you Regina and we would like to take care of some housekeeping the adoption of the minutes from February 29th 2024 Mr Sylvester did you have an opportunity to review the minutes I reviewed the minutes and I found them to be in order I motionally accepted thank I have second by Mr Degan please I second all in favor on the adoption of the minutes from 22 924 thank you the adoption of one resolution this evening this is application 23 0017 this is the grath residence located at 29 Twin Falls Road Block 452 lot three this is the R20 Zone this was a parcel off of Diamond Hill Road and it was a second story and a bump Out Mr coel did you have an opportunity to review the resolution olution I read the resolution the read was an order and I'll make a motion to accept a second by Mr R please seconded and a roll call on resolution 23017 Mr Sullivan yes Kell yes Mr Jia yes Mr Ringwood yes Mr syv yes mran yes thank you very much we will move on to the applications of review uh we have four items this evening the first application we will hear this evening is 288 Garfield Street followed by 314 Washington Street followed by 91 Brierwood Road followed by an executive session we anticipate the average for each of this of the sessions this evening to be approximately 20 minutes so if anyone is in the number two and number 23 position you and need to make a phone call or step out there will be some time so with that said we'd like to move on to application number 24002 288 Garfield Street BL 209 l six in New York and Zone thank you and Mr chairman for the record I did review the notice it was mailed on March 16th it was published on March 8th today is hearing on March 28th so it has been 10 days and the board does have jurisdiction thank you very much m well chair yes thank you uh please let the record reflect Mr Bia will step down when you thank you good evening uh Martin panin on behalf of my client Hassan almei uh we're requesting a variance for the property 288 Barfield Avenue uh the facts Mr almei uh purchased the property uh and with the plans of doing an addition and renovations to the exiting house uh he hired a an architect to do the research for the Local's Zing ordinance uh of the design of the plants of the property uh after reviewing it uh he determined that the setbacks were correct with they with the plans they wanted to do uh Mr mecki submitted the plans to the building department uh the zoning uh board approved the plans that were submitted on zoning board has not approved zoning officer the zoning officer yes uh he approved the plans uh and the building Mr M started the work to the addition after the work was finished uh it was determined that after the house was framed and everything was done it was determined by the zoning department that it was a CL error that the approval should have not been done so we're asking here for Dar because it's going to a financial hardship for my client because the frame is already done um a hard Finance is not a hardship in the eyes of mici buing but why don't you and your client tell us what is triggering the need for a variance what type of variance it is and uh how we got here because I have a couple of questions regarding mutation but I'd like to learn a little bit more about the neighborhood and the process right we're going to introduce you let me just swear you in if you could just raise your right hand thank you do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth all you got yes thank you and your name and address sorryi and for the address Street okay thank youe and is is that your home address uh no my address 35 Beverly Road Springfield New Jersey 07081 and you'll be moving your family into the 2 88 house is that possible possible or or putting it up for sale POS I haven't decided all right please tell us uh the triggers that uh were identified the house was existing uh confirm uh side set of one side uh 10 10 ft and that was existing so I'm very much went above the existing and that I get the approval to build uh to extend the house up but the extension in the back was compi with 10t with 12T side SE so I I hate to use this phrase especially there an architect in the room but you had a ranch which box and then you put a box on top of a box aut k cut okay but essentially we we have the square and then we put another square or rectangle another rectangle yes right okay so when the house we put on a second story Edition on the existing structure and then you add it on a substantial backyard addition to the home as well cor right okay and you you just said that the rear yard Edition complies with Municipal land use okay at 12 feet on that side which is the I believe the east side of the house right okay so if that sign if that addition in the back complied you knew that the setback was 12 feet so the Second Story should have respected this the same 12 feet as the rear yard Edition the rear yard addition is correct right we have a the situation is the Box on top of a box at 10 feet where 12T is the minimum requirement if they house if the second story was put at the 12T we would be having this discussion right so your request for vars is that second story on the main house right is there any reason why it wasn't just set in from the cat Co because the existing Foundation the existing first floor he has like you know theal reason is to go up above the existing that's how he set up the house and the lot already like now like uh 75 and I have to maintain 30 ft comination between both SES you need the 30 ft and you have it on the one side right one side the second the second story that was put on the Cape Cod is at 10 feet where 12 feet was the required side on the east side of um may I ask the the rear yard Edition does the rear yard Edition include the garage yes is there any reason why the garage is all the way in the backyard it's in the side it's not the backyard in the side of the house it's a side load garage right in the side of the driveway that's right okay so if I'm I I missed on the plans if I'm going if I'm on Garfield Street and I turn into the driveway that's on if I'm looking at the house on the west side I go down the driveway and I turn into the garage is the garage door on the side yes and it's a twostory it's a TW Bay garage so what is the other it is there a driveway that goes down to Grant Street that was unusable like they was like so that's being eliminated and turn and turn to gr right okay I mean I just see something yeah that's and then I also noticed that there are two sheds on the property one already being removed one one shed will be removed already removed it's already removed and what size was that ship the large one like 16 half by 8 and2 16 by 8 has left the building and you have one shed that's remaining there that and is that shed of size uh is it very small like 3 by oh yeah but would okay tell us a little bit about the Home Improvement project that we done ey level how many more bedrooms how many bedrooms how many bathrooms on that house will have five bedrooms and uh five bathrooms five bedrooms five bathrooms two-car garage that's a side Lo garage cor yes uh gentlemen from the board I need water so does anyone else have question Mr kop so the house is framed and done right yes was the denial letter that came after was it sent before or after the framing had been completed no after been is done I don't have too many questions about this application yet Mr Negan none for me Mr Pera um no none at this do Mr Ringwood I'm good thank you Mr Sylvester I'm good and okay I'd like to make a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding our application before us at 288 Garfield Street may have a motion Mr Dean I make a motion to open I have a second by Mr P second the motion all in favor the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding the application before us on Garfield Street gentlemen here if you gentlemen could just even take a seat or just step aside don't don't leave don't leave if you could please state your name for the record 294 and Miss do you have to swear do you have a question or a comment more comments okay I'll swear you can you raise your right hand you swear tell the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I'll you go I do thank you uh first let me um oh I don't think you have a m is that there's a little clip on it or something weird so are which lot are you are you the lot to the left or the right uh to the east side it's closest to my I just need to start going in on what happened here the property you know was sold and as soon as they started doing demo work like I was having problems with mud driving over my property hydraulic oil in my driveway so I came downtown to complain and I specifically told the zoning officer why doesn't that house have a variance it needs a variance it does not comply because I know the property line since I lived there for the last 15 years but it's been in my family for the last 60 63 years so I know where the property lines were I put the trees in between the properties so that that hedra that exists is you own it yeah and it it appears to be in quality condition right now but that's another secondary problem this is where the bottom where the construction was done for the addition all of the mud went right onto the trees and it's I don't know if it will kill the trees but there is at least two to five inches of mud on some at on the bottom floor the four trees on the bottom of the hill and the it just keeps pouring in because all of the water is going on to my property but I want to go back to um I complained about the zoning back around January 27 28 somewhere in that range there was the house was still standing it was just being gutted at the time I told his Z officer that it did not comply he says if if it's if it needs it he made a mistake I P back three times the town hall I talk tried talking to the construction officials uh Joe POA never responded back to me I talked to a girl there and some other people uh and I think some someone Nam r a big guy Ron an engineer yeah Ron Sims who who's a consultant for neglia engineering who is part of Tom S Faro's team technically every person I talked to then knew that it needed a variance there was still no severe construction just cutting and I told them it needed it and I sent an email with all the with all of the things that were wrong going on there and nothing was done until at least the third time that I've been to town complaining then I'm told it needs a variance and that they will stop the job and have to go for a variant by then the house was up a little too late it's like wearing a condom after you got the girl pregnant that's the easiest way to explain it and sorry if I'm pissed off but I have to live next to we realize you're emotional so you know we'd like to continue with what your concerns are and elaborate on your concern the first is that the thing is way out of line for the side for the neighborhood my house is probably 1100 square feet at best and I I'm taking a guess this is probably 4,000 square fet I don't know I didn't look at the plans but it's Way Beyond what the neighborhood should qualify for let alone the narrowness of the Lots let alone it it's 9 and 1/2 ft from the property line or is it 10 and and then you add the sofits and all that and the gutters I know that doesn't count on that but it's still it's another put and a half closer to my property and my trees the trees AR going to they're going to die eventually there is nothing it is so close I can't tell you what the sound is like I can hear the radio blasting inside the house while they're working on I don't even know why they were allowed to keep working on it while it was going for a variance can't see stopped for a week or two but it went right back to uh construction over the last two weeks I I had John Tom Bako there he was looking at everything I explained to him all the water that was going right onto my property from there I took more pictures I have some pictures it wasn't until about a week ago there was if you would like to present some pictures for the board to review we can mark them into evidence and if have multiple sets or no just a handful of pictures okay yeah they're just stuff like we're we're going to mark them in as exhibit A1 as a complete set and then we'll just touch base with Regina and she'll put a sticker on them but do you need them to explain what each picture is no but it would might help people to understand like the first picture is how big it is and then some and it goes from just showing the overall size because you could see how horrible it is to look at how many pictures do you have in that package probably 20 approximately I don't want to waste time count on no no no we'll we'll Market that in as package A1 and then we will the board will take a quick look at it but while we're reviewing it if you can continue with any testimony and your concerns regarding the structure next door if you can also just let us know who took the photographs and when they were taken oh I took them a date on them something date 22 and I have so many on my phone for the last two months that I can't get I don't know how to get them off the phone we'll stick with the package that you have but um and just another thing I've been in in and on construction sites for the last 40 something years I've never witnessed a site like this and how many things were done wrong with no concern I myself been a contractor for most of my life never would I have not talk to a neighbor and addressed issues or made sure everything was right and none of that ever occurred um was there a silk fence installed around the perimeter of the subject it was only put in about a week to two weeks ago week and a half ago and some of the pictures are showing that it did absolutely nothing because you could look right underneath it and it stopped it goes up to the street which there's no problem up there where the problem is is where the fresh dirt is and it stops probably about 10 or 15 feet short and some of the pictures are the water rushing down the neighbor's property and going on the mine with all the mud and it did nothing to stop the mud from pouring on to my property and that's one of the other issues is and I told bako I told Ron and all of this water goes from it some of the water's coming from the street but there was a pipe that was kind of hidden underneath the trees but it's on the neighbor's property but it dumps out onto my property and it has been doing that for years but the neighbor has died he's gone now now is the time to fix it because once that house is sold which is not going it's going to be sold that's what it was built you you cannot Direct water on a neighboring storm water management 101 so that that is something to be addressed I would imagine that this parcel and we we'll have the the applicant return shortly there was a storm weather management plan that must have been approved for this which may have included a storm water management SE pit pit but we'll learn more shortly unless there you know like even they had a machine over there the other day grading some of the the backyard and they didn't fix where the water the mud is pouring outto my property and it's been pouring onto my property since they dug the addition and why they would stop the silk fence let alone leaving it at least a couple it might not be a lot but it's a couple inches and water and mud doesn't need to go more than an inch or two as it's pouring onto my property and I think you could see in the pictures it might be hard to understand that's the secondary issue besides the fact that it's so big for the neighborhood that to me if this was done like it was supposed to before a permit was issued maybe the house could have been cut down a little bit maybe it could have had some windows not looking right onto my deck in my yard in my house maybe something could have been done and for the record too the wall That's not conforming well the entire the only thing that was left was a foundation no floors no walls no nothing so it could have easily been addressed this house was stripped down to the ground to almost about four walls of the foundation but not all the found but Foundation remain but the splintered all the way down 100% of the wood was removed and it was a block wall block building up to the second Flor floor or or up to the top of the first floor should I say and all of that was taken down which I know it sounds stupid but when it was a concrete house not that close to mine it was quiet and it was safe if it ever caught on fire the fire wouldn't ATT my now with it two stories high it is so close it's disgusting if it ever did catch on fire it would affect my house absolutely and that's why I'm B by it and again I'm living there till I'm dead I hope that's a long time away but I really don't want to deal I wasn't planning on dealing with this for any period of time just want to see if there's other stuff I think that's mostly it but let's just have questions for me but it's you know when you you could see how bad it is if you were standing there and if there was a pence installed between the properties would that change anything it might help but again there was Big Trees there no not not compromising the trees I know it looks like there are you know 15 or so trees that run your property line and the the asterisk marks appear to be 100% on your property but you do have the length of the property that may be deserved I mean the big privacy is that it's so high right and I could see that there's footing so there's going to be a deck there and that is going to be again towering over their Leeland Cypress cheese in the center they're they're good 20t high maybe more but as they drift down to the maple trees they just haven't grown and that's 15 years I've been growing so I don't know how long they're going to last but a fence someplace might help some but maybe a board on board running the dividing the two properties it's not really going to help much because it's um it's the height and it's because it's not just two full stories it's two full stories on top of a 10 plus Foundation that's completely out of the ground because we're on an El the hill makes the foundation if you look at the pictures so much higher that it just wipes everything out on civility the house next door it's it's big but it's nowhere near as big that was a small split level they made it bigger but it's more civilized because it's it's still somewhat of a split level and it doesn't stand powering right next to the property line and I know that nothing's going to happen here and I understand it but I have to try because doing nothing is not going to get me anywhere and the fact that and the reason with the water is if I don't do it before it's sold I'll be stuck with that problem for the rest of my life and that's that's a huge factor that because I know and I told tombak if it doesn't get fixed before the thing is sold the new owners are just going to say it was proofed it's fine I can't I'm not doing nothing about it so I'm really screwed so I have to make a stink and you're absolutely I know this is this is emotional we appreciate the fact that you're here you know I had mentioned the fence as a barrier between vegetation is also another buffer you know maybe not a fence but if you've got that roow is it Cypress or junipers leand cyp leand Cyprus further down towards Grant Street if there was a hedge row of green Giants or something like that would that help your buffer situation it would help some but the problem is is that the houses yeah you're you're you're most concerned about foot that's next to you that's 10t greater than the Le and Cypress that exists oh it's like and it's so big that it's I'm sure that any sunlight is gone uh there's nothing in reality of I don't know if there's another house in town that big that close to the next door neighbor's house maybe condos but that's a whole different ball game I live in a residential Zone and I'd like to think that it's supposed to be civil and when you build a house it should be within the limits not build it as big as we can to make more money because that's the only reason you would build a house that big and I just I'm I'm not happy with I I know that civility being good about things keeping a nice lot means nothing here it means a lot to me just the fact that when I get thing from the you know for the variants it doesn't even have the owner's address I've done this when I years ago when I had to do a variance I would go to the neighbors personally and hand the the deliver the thing and talk to the people I've done it every time it's a personal thing and I just can't even believe you can't even put a personal address on it that to me just it bothers me were you members of the board does anyone have any questions or comments for Mr jet I have one question yes please Mr um ever since the construction started I understand you have the mud and stuff coming over to your property have you experienced any water getting into your housle like in any way any water coming in coming in for from that property onto mine and it's and I told Pak I'm going to have to build my side up because it's if you look at some of the pictures you could see the river in there and unless it's lowered severely where the addition is and the Water Runs Out to the backyard I'm going to keep getting and I'm talking and some of the water is coming from Garfield Street but I get more water coming in my driveway and across my property everywhere else I don't need more I don't need to be the entire uh Storm sword system for Garfield Street I don't I don't want it I don't need it and Now's the Time I have to do address it Mr bring so I just want to clarify something that you said so the the letter from the town um from the zoning office telling them that their construction is being revoked is dated January 20 years so that's a few months ago now you said that construction continued through well just a couple weeks ago well they started they started the demolition around January 28th now again I've been home because I've been recovering from surgery so I'm home almost every single day couple hours each morning therapy and stuff but that started way back then at least I probably was there around the around the 28th and then I was there probably a week or two later there still wasn't an addition on the back there still was probably no house left by then and I complained and I wanted and I don't remember who I talked to possibly was someone named Mark but I don't remember and he said well it needs a very zoning department uh no construction in a gentleman named Mark may be Mark gotle who works one day I believe he's a one day a week I know I zoning or land use represent but I talk because one time I talked to him Tom Baka was out for eye surgery but I started complaining and again there was an email I should have printed the email up clarify so when was the worst time you saw construction going on on the site prob it's been going on every day for the last two weeks so so currently construction's been going on every every day for the last two weeks it was probably stopped for a week or two before two weeks ago but it's been constant and I that's the part I don't understand why is it been and again I started complaining and I'd have to look at my email and and you said that to to your recollection the demolition was complete but nothing had been done in terms of framing out the building in January oh yeah definitely you have any idea when they started framing it out just approxim when they started framing it they started framing the front half before they even put the addition on the back the for the footings and all that so it had to be mid-February mid February okay thank you and again it it went fast and that's why I specifically I know I had to complained two two times and an email about that it needed a variant before the ho was dug and before they started framing so thank you none of this makes sense to me thank you any Mr Sylvester any I don't know how to address this I mean that house is built I feel so bad for this gentleman do your new neighbors do anything to clean this crap up if I told you how many things went wrong with dumpsters with driving over my name my the edge of my property was only run over a little bit but my sore line was right there and my gas line that's why I was freaking out over that but the other neighbors they drove over the the curb the driveway they drove on the other neighbor across the streets driveway all the way up to her house to get a dumpster truck out of the driveway the all over the street the St the sticks and crap all over the street the yard has been a mess I've been cleaning up stuff on my yard ever since this started I I got I got enough things to do in my life that's why I haven't tried I scraped a little bit of the mud out from underneath the trees but I got two bad shoulders and I really I got no choice I'm going to have to do something but I don't need to do more physical work than finish ruing my shoulders and nothing has been done on that I just I hate to say this the words but somebody doesn't give a crap this is what happens and again I've been on job sites I've been GC I've been everything I never let anything go wrong on a job or never left a mess in the street I never left a mess on anybody's property I would never nothing was everything was neat and organized cutting trees down to fit the dumpster in the front yard it just it goes on and on and I wish I did copy that email because I put everything at the very beginning in the email those were just the early problems not counting all the other problems that I've been deal with C cut down on the property to fit the dumpster in yeah were there permits pulled for this tree removal yes I believe that there was a summons for them because there was no they just cut them down and they were beautiful dogwood and some other kind of pretty permit was pulled post removal go ahead yes so during thees that's not what I asked the permit was pulled post removal so you done work then paid the fine then done work and paid the fine for disregard of the process from the beginning for the two trees for the two trees I asked you if you had finished the house of you got the letter you said yes the Letter's dated January 28th the gentleman is telling us that the house wasn't fully framed and closed up prior to January 28 so you've been working on site so if the house was framed up and done before this letter do you have a framing inspection because when you frame everything was done before I got any St work the St work I just received it March 14th like 10 days ago you have that building no no but the stop order was January 28th no that I have here with me sir I have the letter of the denial the letter came on February 28th this one says January 28th there there was a letter in February but on January 28th you received a letter telling you that your zoning permit was revoked and it says the zoning permit revoked is a prior approval for the building department permit therefore a stop work order will be forthcoming from the Construction office so on January 28th you got notice that you're going to be told to stop work February 28 I me February 28th feary January 28 you got noce you did get a letter on February 28th but in January 28th you got a prior letter from Tom Bako that says that right your zoning has been pulled which means you cannot build and it say you're get a REV work it was done inspection for the cheating and for the RO everything was done already I have the picture that was already done but if you if you did any work after Jan 28 that should not have happened no work should have taken place after January I got the stop work from the building department on March 14th before that I get The Zing was report but I did receive mail by mail on March 14th that stop working and since this time not one be working there so in February so just to be clear you've got two letters that we have here on January 28th you got a letter telling you that there was a mistake made cor and that that there a stop work order would be forthcoming for the construction okay so you knew on January 28th you couldn't go forward because it was revoked then on February 28th you got your denial of application letter right okay so so forget March in in January and February you got two different letters that told you you couldn't continue the construction I was done was a tring and the building stuff the building department did you continue to do work after February 28th after February 28th no February 28 no we just like very much he done that there he continue to do work after January yes after jary 28 I was working because I haven't received that you did Sir you you got a letter that told you that that your permit was revoked and that and that you going to get a letter telling you that you couldn't go forward with the work but this letter came doesn't matter on January 28th you got a letter telling you that it clearly it clearly states zoning per mid z23 is revoked it's in big fold letters on your January 28th letter and it was mailed certified so you're telling us the frame was up before this January 28th letter yes absolutely if you look in the sdl portal I had the inspection was done before that was fully done before that proof of that with you uh I have I have the picture of the stuff done uh I have the permit issued my first permit was issued on November 28th so I didn't start from December so that was done I have here the permit was issued understand per was issued but it was revoked okay you got a letter on January 28th saying that that it would revoked yes I yes Mr spoke to me and he told me there was ER and he had to roke that and that will go continue to do work even though you knew that it there was error all work I didn't rece on January 28 on January 28 when you spoke to the zoning officer and he said that he made an error and he was pulling the zoning that's it that shuts it down that's the first stop in the process if you don't if you're a builder and you know this right like let's not say this is your first attempt at this if you're a builder you know you got to get zoning and from zoning he goes to engineering from engineering he goes the building the minute he pulled the zoning it goes back to to Ground Zero you have nothing he said you didn't pass zoning which means you have to come here which is why you're here no work should have taken place after January 28th none but was the house already done at this time it was like interior work that's good yeah no work no work no work should have taken place the fact that the house came all the way down to the studs to to the foundation level and you could have corrected the setbacks at that time and chose not to is this the point I thought you just put a box on top of a box you scra the whole house down to the foundation and could have had the setback right had you had come to zoning when this letter had come out that's what we would have asked you to do I didn't do I got the zoning permit back on November 2023 and best than that that where I pr the house that was done before the house the same day no the same day that's in November that was done in probably up in January definitely was in January and after that I I think I spoke to him I met him first time what I'm going to do right now I already built the house I remember first time I spoke to him and he knew that the house was already done what you said absolutely right if I knew that was an error from the side I could have corrected but I didn't know that I spoke to my was something simple we could have done it if our application was rected at the beginning which is which is why we're here uh Mr Jia one more and then we're going to have summation and Council and the applicants will will have an opportunity to chat again Mr Del if you could just provide us your closing comments the meeting is still open to members of the public that have a question I think's another piece of I just have to no you're you're still on okay if I could show you these pictures they're on my phone I didn't I couldn't figure out how to print them up but I have a picture here of February 2nd of the foundation freshly dug there's no on top of the foundation let alone there's no the footings were dug now and the foundation isn't even in yet I don't think the footings were poured and believe is this on the main house or the or the rear addition uh you see it yeah how do we how do we do with phone is evidence I guess if he just kind of walks around and shows you I mean and this is dat so there's no absolutely no way this house we'll take a look and and Council and theate we'll have an opportunity to look at it as and then he'll have to print them and submit as actual yeah and again I know nothing about technology and this is this is this February 2nd 202 and what's the lad that's laying on the original Foundation okay I think they're starting the plates on the original Foundation there yeah you can keep going probably either way me neither but they're dated so it just it kills me and I know for a fact that construction has been going on for the last yeah let let's look at the pictur we're going to share this and then Mr Del is going to share the pictures with Council and the applicant as well and a man this Miss wolf is going to take a look at it because we'll have to mark that we consider an A2 imagine yeah is it just one picture I mean I have multiples throughout but in the last two months but the at least they show what what condition the house was in on certain dates so I know for a fact that it was not built at that whatever date so give you can let Mr have his phone back and then he can share it with councel and an applicant excellent Mr C if you could share the same pictures with this Council and the applicant so they see the same thing we just saw this is property where grasses what about I'm on the edge of my property which is about there no Mr the picture that we were looking at is the foundation with the ladder on it that just shows February 2nd foundation and this you're on your property looking at property that's see what date it is and you can see that there's no by by raise of hand is there anyone else in the audience that has a question or comment regarding the application before us yet Mr ler okay you're in K Mia any further comments just that complete lies that the house was built on January 28th Mr we're going to need you to work with somebody just have those uh pictures printed and then turned over to Connie just so we have on record there's you know like I don't know technology so if there's a way they could download them from the phone pop in and seey she might be able to just it'll be real easy email it to herself and then it's not hard you can you have like a 15y old you know do sixy old thank you very much Mr Del we're gonna let Council digest for a minute we're going to listen if Mr ler is available I I think you might need a minute so Mr ler please Mr ler I'm guessing you have a comment yes Richard ler 49 Summit Avenue you to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you g you thank you um I happen to live in the neighborhood I've walked by that house a lot of times I would say maybe three weeks ago there was work going on inside the house take picture I just saw the work thing going in and that's not why I'm up here here because the environmental commission um and I want to make a general comment about what the environmental commission is trying to do about stor order running um and generally when we look at an application we look at the groundwater recharge and see what groundwater recharge is on the property uh that's the apparent ground water rechart because it's based on U maps that are created by others not by somebody actually going onto the property we assume that uh it's a good chance that that ground water recharges what it is so if you take a 5,000 square foot of impervious surface okay maybe that's a house plus a driveway plus a sidewalk and you take a water quality storm it's a definition from the DDP a water quality storm of 1.25 in two hours then you have a runoff of 500 cubic feet which equals 3740 gallons so that's a waiting that's 2 ft deep 187 ft long and 10 ft whyde just to give you an idea that's only an inch and a quarter storm we're getting heavier storms these days and the D is weighing uh what they're going to call the future wallet water quality it could be an inch and a half which means of course more run so we are always recommending in light of the new um storm water management rules that properties main the storm water running and um it's generally less expensive to build a bio retention area than to put in an underground drywall because with a underground drywall you got to dig a very big hole for a lot of impervious surface so that's where we're coming from I mean um not all houses are 5,000 square ft maybe the house is 3,000 sare ft not the house but the site right because it's not just the the house but it's the whole site the other thing to consider with the state's rules is that the state's rules are addressing two things one is toxins that are running off and generally those toxins are on the driveway because you park your car there the car rips oil it's uh ERS are wearing that kind of thing so that that's one aspect of it the other is the actual storm water Ro and we see that in town uh we're getting a lot of storm R room if you go back if you go down to the m River tomorrow you will see that the bake river is over its banks and the the is marking out a wider Wetlands down at thefe River they see what's happening so that's why we are recommending even for this site which does not exceed the maximum allowed for an r10 Zone we recommend that uh the homeowner retains stention thanks Mr ler thank you very much is there any other member of the public that has a question or comment regard regarding this seeing no one I'd like to close the meeting uh the public session Mr Co can I have a a motion to close a second by Mr Degan second okay the public portion of this application is now closed councel on the applicant please any closing arguments summation any comments please I guess we wanted to say is obviously our client is trying to build a nice house nowadays I understand what uh the neighbors's concern is unfortunately nowadays and I know from personal experience everybody wants a bigger house there's obviously I do a lot of real estate closings and I get a phone call once a week about people having issues with change of neighborhood but also especially with water issues because the way the water is now the rains it's creating problems everywhere uh my client is trying to do the best he can he's just following the rules of what the township requires with regards to building the house when you went to purchase the house the house just unfortunately nowadays for the Modern Family too small and most families want a bigger house more square footage so he's willing to work with the neighbor unfortunately uh you know he's just following the rules of the township what's allowed the township would not allow a second floor addition that would be different story but you know they do allow and he's willing to work with obviously a lot of the concerns with regards to mess around the property it's a construction area hopefully you know it's getting warmer once the construction is back on he can finish it quickly uh he's willing to work with them with regards to the bio retention system been considered in your storm water management plan uh it wasn't in the plan uh but there something needed we can take care besides also put our GS our so not done that's why coming any event this application is considered favorably you would have no objection to working with the environmental commission and the burrow engineer uh Township engineer regarding a bio retention system potential for your storm water management problem yeah sure with any privacy willing to work with it need to you know put a couple extra trees and stuff like this because obviously construction we know for personal experience we I did an addition and then a couple beautiful trees in the backyard died eventually so we understand that concern so we're willing to work with him to make it work as well appreciate uh sir did you have any comments or any any closing remarks now is your opportunity no thank you we appreciate it thank you very much um comments Mr Kel no Mr Degan none for me Mr per nope not at this time Mr Ring yeah I I do um I I think that given the dates of letters and kind of what we see happening here that if this was brought to us at a more timely basis and construction would stop we would have the ability to come to compromise that would meet the neighborhood and the neighbor comments as well as meeting the owner departments and and what the owner trying to accomplish and I think the fact that there was no regard I respect Council um Council said that that they were following the rules well they didn't follow this that's a that's problematic Mr Sylvester I was going to address what Joe said the counselor they uh complied with the rules just read the January 28th is there any evidence that disputes the fact that the house was not built I mean that it was not built we have a letter on January 28th asking for a stop order we have fact from a resident that shows that it was just foundation on February 2nd so after the letter it was just Foundation do you have anything that shows that the house was built in completion prior to January 28th stop order yes sir I have here if you're looking the public information the public Port the sdl portal I had inspection done here look here January 31st February 2nd February 8 February 27 February 27 those are all after janary so every date you just read is Post January 28th I had insps done was done prior to that no it doesn't it doesn't you could you could have constructed it after the 28th and got your inspections as you were completing those phases is there any we have you're mostly referring to the framing obviously the most right so we have a photo we have a photo from a resident that shows on February 2nd there's no framing above the foundation which would be after the january8 January 28 so on January 28th when you told the on that February it's on the top it's on the top so on we have a piece of evidence that shows that there was no house only foundation that is after the January 28th letter so what I'm looking for is a piece of a piece of evidence not not on the portal that I requested a framing uh inspection because those could be put in at any time for for a future date what I'm looking for is a picture some photo evidence that says here's the house on the foundation prior to my stop work order if we don't have that then you just went and did whatever you wanted to do whenever you wanted to do it so a board RW that doesn't sit well and a dates that you just read off in terms of your per uh your inspection applications were all after the they all were dated after the February 28th letter so why would you request an inspection when you're you're you got to stop work order work I I I don't want to argue it it's in writing we have it right here January and February 28 you got two letters the January 28th letter dated January 28th right okay very clearly says your permit has been revoked right and that you were going to be getting a sto work order so you knew on January 28th that you no longer had a permit and that you couldn't continue to work the house was already pred at this point I don't it doesn't matter the house is framed you continue to work on it after you got a letter that said your permit was provot yes did it say permit was revoked or was going to be revoked it says it's revoked and then it says he's going to get official letter to follow mailed certified return mail and emailed to Hanan 29 M so you were notified in two different manners any other comments um M wolf some can you review some of the condition resolution shortly so any storm water management measures will be subject to review with the township engineer and the township environmental commission especially as to bio retention measures and if they can be used um you also put up additional trees if necessary or fence I suppose if you're willing to do a fence and then any debris on the site will be cleaned up any lighting will be downward directed I think that's all of our standard ones from Blight free from Blight thank you with that said I get a motion oh I'm sorry should we open it back up to the because we had them testify and then we yes yes yes yes I'll make a motion to open to members of the public the meeting is reopen to members of the public that have a qu closing comment we have a motion by Mr kobel may have a second by Mr Ringwood second meeting is now open to members of the public that have a closing comment you can just give your name and address again Street I thank you for listening this was a lot more than I expected from this and I guess technically I really do apologize to tombak because he made it sound like he was did nothing until somewhere in March when I went back and was complaining again but alls I know is I hate to say this but I've never seen such a damn liar it may it may benefit you to have a conversation with Mr Bako sometime after I because I want to bring those to Connie and see if she can print them for you uh which is more absolute proof that every single thing that was said was incorrect and nothing was done on that house or nothing was there was no house there and I needed dates that he said it should have been stopped like I originally complained back on January 28th that it did not comply and it should have been done and bothers me because it probably wouldn't have been such a big problem if it was addressed then or it was stopped then um I I probably understand that you just can't make it move it let alone this fact that it's oversized and everything else and the water problems but to do this and then say that it was built really bothers the hell out of me and the fact that it's not it might be a personal residence which I know is PS too but thank you one thing want to point out real quick is uh Mr bak's defense uh he did send the stop letter on January 2018 yeah I don't know why he didn't tell me that he said it was sent out and it's pretty clear that whatever happen after that point I would have been so mad at him and and again right after you know when he told me that it was being stopped and any he again I mean I give him credit whenever it is and he came to my house he took so many pictures of all the problems again the mess and just one more thing there's a pile of crap it I swear it was put there intentionally just a pissed me off in the backyard but uh but Tom took all that I don't know why didn't tell me that he sent the stock work order he just said that it it was going to be shut down and again it's construction has been going on for the last two weeks indoors so there's no question about that let alone everything else has been going on for every day other than a week or two more than two weeks ago thank you thank you very much yes Mr leer just one question trees that have been destroyed are they going to be replaced uh also there was a pine tree that was damaged with the uh should this application Advance there is a condition of resolution that speaks of vegetation with that said and no further approach may I get a motion to close the session to the public Mr Degan make a motion to close have a second by Mr Sylvester I second that motion meeting is now open Council one final closing statement please I mean our client you know he's going to do the best he can to try to rectify this matter like we said he's willing to work with the to make sure there's no water issues in the future not only with that property that he's building but also neighbors properties again going to work with you uh you know nowadays like I said hous are being a little bigger and I understand that so you know size of the house unfortunately that's you know yeah so if there's a pile of something in the in the rear of the yard will that be removed yeah anything that's in any degree outside will be removed as soon as possible thank you very much with that said considering the comments considering Miss Wolf's list of conditions may I get a motion on this application yeah if I look at the application and I'm going to look at it as if it were before us on January 29th after the initial stop order and nothing was built I'm going to make a motion to deny the application as presented may I get a second I second we have a second by Mr D this will be a vote to deny the application a yes vote is an affirmative on the denial of the application if the app application passes as a denial the house that's under construction today will have to respect the municipal land use guidelines 12 foot sidey yard setb back on the east side there the significant trigger I think there was a ptico added to the house that complied with there were a few items that were added on right Port you've got the port you've got the addition but there was a that was also added on to the right the front ptico was a late entry I mean that that the portol complies but it looks like this application will likely be denied uh a roll call on a denial and a yes vote is an affirmative on the denial Mr Sullivan yes scell yes Mr Ringwood yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr de yes motion carries 60 to deny so the application is denied than thank you Council if you want to talk to your client our next thank you very much Miss please let the record reflect that Mr Delia has joined the deas and our next application this evening is application 24003 314 Washington Street block 208 lot 17 which is right around the corner from 288 are there two of you going to speak this speak let the gentlemen do all talk sure we're gonna have M wolf is going to square you in and then we're going to introduce your application and tell us a little bit about your appro and just for the record the notice is officious the board does have jurisdiction would you raise your right hand do you swear affirm tell the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth thank you your name and address for the record it's just uh unknown uh 314 Washington Street uh berky he New Jersey 079 okay um I'm not going to say you're going to be here for 20 minutes because I said that before we were out for an hour and 10 so let's see how your patio oblation yes yes so we got a pay P installed uh which resulted in the other coverage U exceeding the the permissible 10% maximum by 3.75% and 2.58% uh above the existing uh other coverage um the the application has the the lot coverage percentages for both uh we in the r10 zone for both other in building while you know there is excess um due to misinformation and lack of information not on on our part it is still um very much within the total it's 27 in chain or 26 in change and 30 is the maximum permissible okay what is the size of paper patio install so it is uh 300 I think 383 it looks like it's 19 by 13 I'm looking at 323 I just want to confirm the number yeah that's that's the 3 323 okay and when was this product installed as months December December so you hired someone in December and they were available they had the papers and they came and did the job okay and you were not aware that permits were required for the not not how long have you own the H uh 2 years 2 years October 2 so you know as you heard from the last application permits are required and so I call before you dig kind of town so it's tough this this your application falls into the realm of a forgiveness application I I realize and we appreciate you're here there were actions taken when the contractor installed when you hired this contractor was there any discussion of there were no there was no discussion of permits or did you add him 100% fill us in a little bit so I I asked and he said no no no no not need did and and then of course you know what um so I would not go back to the but he said that had it been um is it called the concrete por or something like that that's when you need a permit because this is patio it is as good as you know uh he laid something he laid the papers in sand uh or some type of Quarry process yeah I think that's okay and he told you because he considered it a a pervious surface that it didn't require bir well it does and we we appreciate that you're here we we know there was a concern here and you just tell us the reason that you need the patio looks like it connects the attached garage to the principal structure it does there already a walkway there uh but you know if you look at at our deck it's it's very small we already have like a table and you know a few chairs sitting there there's no place where we can really sit with the family uh it's a it's a small building as you can see from the U no we just lost something whose knows is that we we lost some okay just we're sharing something please yeah as you see I mean the deck is small the building structure as it is is uh is is uh is quite small versus the missible we wanted some more recreational space and that's exactly 100% for for family recreational purposes now how did Tom V come about knowledge of this situ that I don't I he he just knocked on the door sent you a notice of violation no so we were in office one Friday Friday uh in in December and then we have a small wise cam outside and camera so it noticed some you know uh movement and there was gentleman I could see that there was you know he was wearing a badge but I didn't see anything else and then I saw him going all around the house uh and then actually we were quite you know concerned for you know a week 10 days because we didn't know who it was and who to go to because this is all very new to us uh luckily our daughter was not home around that time have been startled as well uh but we kept talking about it and then I think uh a week or two later is when we uh got this information and then when we came we came the right the the next day or the same day when we got the uh the notice of breach uh or violation of the uh the of the code and then we met Mr B and that's when he said somebody had for but it was not Mr B um who had received the phone call or knowledge of the of of the violation it was I don't remember the um it was come else uh basically it was it was somebody who probably works uh parttime you know in that construction all right um Mr Ringwood any questions or comments for the applicant I don't Mr Sylvester no Mr Pera so uh in the notes Here says there's also a fire pit in here somewhere yeah like a a movable one or like a permanent one that build I I use a a uh solo stove B okay so that's that's what so was the fire pit wasn't built with the papers or anything no there's a there's there's a stone uh but we put the solar sto inside there like we when we use it we put it on the driveway sometimes we don't put it on the deck because you know obvious reasons but we have a movable thing so we we put the solar stove inside that bit got you got you got okay also we are vegetarian so it is mainly for you just come up here sorry we're we're just going to swear you in for the record raise your right hand you swear tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth so you got thank you so that's it's not your name for the record yeah t r Mr none for me Mr um so after the p patio was put in how long after that that the work was completed did you get the notice that it was under violation after how long after the completion yeah uh so this when when did we see this on the on the camera about I think we saw it in January sometime and then uh we got the not in so maybe I would say two to three weeks after completion when we got the visit yeah to the house and and another week or 10 days after that is then we got and the product wasall in Jan in December December and the group that it's soall it how many days did did it take them coup less than a week oh yeah they were very fast very fast and there was no storm water management or remediation regarding storm water that was included in on your arrangements with the contract that there was there was none uh there was no discussion and there was no knowledge of should this application Advance there will probably be some remediation requirements and I have a feeling we might have a guest come up and speak about that moment car but with that said may I get a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public I'll make a motion to members of the public by Mr second by Mr Sylvester I second the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding our application on 314 Washington Street and we have Mr L May step up since he's lives in the neighborhood and he's familiar with storm waterer management if I can just you one again which ra right hand 49th some Aven new I tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth that thank you the commission did not looko to see whether it's bir or not we recommend that uh given the apparent groundwater recharge of the site that the applicant retains Stone water ground from the property by making the patio papers of previous Paving system to be approved by the toship engineer is in in a case such as this should this application Advance a rain Garden is that an acceptable I believe this property slops from rear to to the street would that be something that the that's another I mean that's certainly another possibility we were looking directly at the application saying that they had installed this patio it was not clear whether that patio was constructed to be pervious this is this is considered imperious so uh that would be one possibility the other possibility is actually another form of Bio retention taking if the water storm water is running off the patio in specific Direction you could have a Swale uh at the edge of the patio to catch that STW water and that Swale could have some grass think get a case like as that system may be that may be best suited uh would you have any OB ction to working with the environmental commission and the burrow Township engineer I'm on the wrong side of grout 22 uh regarding some type of remediation absolutely considering a 323 square foot P yeah that's absolutely fine and and I think that's p and course in all should you know had we known of course then my this one question this is more knowled understanding you know a part of that that that Pao because it slopes to the to the screen yes it is coming down to uh uh to my lawn right which is that that's good yeah so is is that further that we're we're going to as a condition of resolution we're going to make a recommendation that you touch baseed with the environmental commission and the burrow engineer and we'll find something that's suitable for the size of your project should the application thank you Mr leer thank you seeing no one else coming forward may I have a motion to close the meeting the public session of this applicant make a motion to close Mr Dean a second by Mr per a second the meeting is now closed to members of the public regard regard the comment session any final comments sir conditions of resolution is the board all right with the uh solution regarding storm water management yep yes and this we any additional are you planning any lighting that would be distracting or upsetting to anyone nothing permanent okay we have we have those uh Costco lights okay uh on the deck uh but maybe similar lighting but nothing no no permanent electric FES with that said may have a motion on Miss application make a motion to approve we have a motion by Mr P a second a second by Mr Degan and a roller call Regina Please Mr solivan yes cell yes Mr Delia yes Mr Ringwood yes Mr yes Mr Bera yes Mr Deacon yes motion carries s you're all set so in a month there will be a resolution approving the patio and in the inum you make touch base with Connie and and she'll put you together with Mr leer who may live in your neighborhood as well as th power the township Eng thank you very much for joining folks we're g to take a three minute and then if you want to set up your easel and get ready we'll we'll get going at uh 8 8:20 it's 8:16 so 820 thank you very much the 8:45 time it's never good for that I hate when he puts it in there sets you up for failure listen I told my wife I'd be home in 10 minutes Amanda's gonna be really F found okay jman we're live thank you very much for joining us we have left my notes can I borrow your uh which one you want oh the application 41 thank you here it is sorry about that application 2400 1 is iter is that the correct pronunciation 91 briwood Drive East block 1404 Lot 21 this is the R15 Zone this is off of Springfield Avenue on the central east side of town thank you very much for joining us this evening the board does have jurisdiction be I review the notice of the suiss has deformed content so we are good to go and if I could just swear everyone in who will be testify is it just you just you both of you answer do you both swear or firm tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so have you got yes thank you and then if you could just qualify yourself and give us your name and address great name is David Buckman David William Buu c k m an I am a licensed architect for a long time uh received my bachelor of architecture in in 1985 Brad Institute I have since been practicing mostly in New Jersey I'm licensed in many states of 12 States um and New Jersey license uh MJ 11806 your license is still with standing yes and we accept uh the architectural profession thank you great thank you so Brian Scher is here Schuler is here if there's any questions but I'm gonna run if you don't mind uh I'd like to run through uh quickly I know you have high high level is fine high level because you have a litigation thing when I see the word litigation I think oh boy we're we're most interested in the triggers but we'd like to hear about the exciting improvements that you've designed beautiful talk about that and I'll be as as quick as I can I'm gonna refer to the two sheets that you should have that were officially uh uh in the application submitted in the application then I have a third I have a third uh exhibit I'd like an exhibit I'd like to um put in as an exhibit uh that our office Pro provided um because of the two uh setback issues one being a combined side setback and one being the front setback uh but we put together using your tax maps number 84 and then Google Maps and I'll go through it at that time right now I'll run through uh the plans that you that we have now I'm first looking at a sheet A1 dat uh what is it dated dat7 to 2724 which is you should you is what you were were submitted uh it simply has a lot of information on there code information uh it all uh drives with with what your denial letter had um what I really want to look at show you real quick is the plans we basically adding two additions on the first floor it's one addition this part right here on the north side of the uh home which is the the right side looking at it from the street and and um what we will we will have we're proposing to have can you hear me when I face this Regina you're picking up it's a very sensitive oh good okay I'm sensitive to um we have a foyer off of a a nice uh entry porch and then we have a a a bathroom that'll be a new bathroom um there is a bathroom now but uh we'll be putting a full bath in there and then we have a a study we basically were hired to increase the three bedrooms that were existing upstairs and to add a study or a workspace that every house seems to need now in these uh work from home or hybrid days uh that we are in uh basically that's what we're adding on the first floor we are adding a mud room SL laundry room towards the rear of the uh existing garage and that is creating a new a new door need for a new door off the garage side but that doesn't expand the building there that's just you're sacrificing some of the only addition on the first floor is this sliver here it's okay and it's uh 98 uh by about 24 fo7 and that will have a second story yes okay yes so now we'll look at the Second Story we have two additions on the Second Story one is the same size as the main addition and that will have basically uh part of the master bedroom really it's all master bedroom part of it is walk-in closet part of it is part of the bedroom which was quite small before so as I said we were basically hired to enlarge the the three bedrooms it was three-bedroom home and we're keeping it a three-bedroom home but they'll be better sized uh so then over the garage and hopefully soon to be mud room laundry we we are using that space to enlarge the two the other two bedrooms and that's over the existing a portion is over the existing single car one floor garage absolutely yep yep well I'll keep it at that keep it brief um that's basically what we're doing I'd love to now show a two which you have which is showing the exterior elevations and I'm not gonna say box I'm sorry I will not say box I'm box no well thank you for not saying even though he did uh yes it is a box on top of a box kind of however it what I find a little exciting is that this is can't delevered in this part but not here and here which is not you know usually you see a big you know they just make it as big as they can and it's it's not the case we got the the space we we wanted and needed and I love the the front of this building and I I have a designer one of our designers actually did it I can't say that I did it better than I would have done um but that's what's triggering the threefoot forward the three-foot in the front yard is the porch we're coming out 4 foot4 from the face this face which is actually back to beond the Canever but we're coming out about 4 foot4 and then we have the two steps uh sorry I didn't mention that up when I discussed the first question yeah good question and what's the size of the foyer size of the for 36 square feet or you mean you don't mean the porch the porch the porch por is 59 square feet but inside the foer inside the foer I don't um oh 9 by 94 by S so whatever a little under 70 sare about 70 square ft when did is when did you file the application when did we file in was it in 2023 I don't know the drawings were sub data filing 2284 that's probably it okay I I could find out I just don't know and the the zoning officer recognized a front yard setback for that porch yes okay it's because it's 59 square ft if the porch was 36 square ft it would not have required the front yard setback because the rule changed on I think March 1st this year but since you're at 39 since you're at 59 it's over that number anyway but it's it was just interesting that's why I asked co6 and it was F 2023 would make it took us three years to get that another story for munity that's not but please continue I didn't mean no that's okay um but how does that line up with the rest of the neighbor I'm not famar with the street so I'm gonna I'll tell you what my the third the new exhibit will will spell all that out okay because I knew you were gonna ask Mr um basically so we're doing a lot with the front it's going to look like a totally all new house no offense um so the garage is even getting nice nice uh Carriage House style doors the they'll be there is a there's a roof over the garage now that will be mostly it's really coming out except for the front small area and that's even getting all redone with the nice brackets that we have and and a metal this portion would be metal roof going to be very nice uh we've got the eye what they call the eyebrow Dormers large one in the middle and the two on each end um all the windows along the top in the in the front not all around the house but in the in the front these are all new windows and shutters uh well I keep going this these windows are remaining right here in the front what's now the only the front windows and um however they will be getting new uh grills to to have the same look and feel throughout the house um what else can I say new Portico with nice looking double columns on either side clearly offering a nice entrance is a stone front on the ground floor first floor yeah it'll be a the thin Stone St yeah it's not real Stone but it'll is it a final or clapboard orank we're figuring yeah Hardy plank is a good product it's it's a good product out there I mean as an architect I hate fake I like real wood but this is even it it looks like wood it's a cementitious material it's more money than wood but it lasts it's more money today but it's less money over time don't have to paint it it's a good product you probably you've probably seen it for you um that's kind of it anyone have any questions and you had a third exhibit that You' like sounds that might be the planning aspect of your yeah okay so here it is again using this is from tax M your tax can you see that can you see it I'm sorry I moved enough don't no no no I'd like to enter this as an exhibit if I may this will be exhibit one and when was it prepared today well it's dated today was prepared the last few days and you prepared it correct we did s yes please well there's you each you each get one you get a sorry um yeah that's exactly this but smaller so basically it's it's it was taken from the two tax maps because that's how it was this area here is on your tax map uh 14 is it yes it's that number 14 and this part here was is on your tax map uh eight we use the Google Maps who doesn't and uh we we meas we were able to measure so these are not exact they're not surveys I'm not a planner by the way uh just in your architectural architectural perspective yes yes so I know enough to be dangerous 21 so yep this one here that's Shade that's hatched that include the bump out in the front is that or that's just the front what's there currently okay so the bump out will come out about another four feet from that that is correct that is correct the bump out will give us it's not drawn here but that would so the the numbers in the front of all the so you can see where the homes are that we put in are adjacent to two to the north and three to the to the to the South we showed we didn't show all of them it just so happens that most of them okay if you look while I'm pointing these five here are undersized Lots right which is kind of that is our hardship um and this one here is a full-size lot and then across the street uh we've got four undersized Lots one is a corner however so it's a little different when we talk about the side because it's no because it's only one side I'm sorry yeah lot 14 that was the Mastery of residents and they appeared before the zoning board a couple of years ago for a home improvement okay how'd they do we're successful and they're very happy awesome yes they are okay there we go uh what you're saying is the box that's on here now now and the numbers down here are current condition but it says 13 on the left and right the current condition would be 16 on the North not 13 oh yeah yeah I'm sorry yeah so am I looking at current or proposed condition okay what we did the box is showing what's there but the numbers are what's proposed for us everything else is what's there for the other houses and this isn't the scale so that distance between the property today and where it's going to be isn't really showing accurate depiction if it's not the scale the only reason I'm asking is because if that's what's there today and it's going to encroach another three feet closer to that property line and lck 22 is on a caddy Corner already you are correct and I didn't even think in that way all these are showing what's on Google Maps now except the property we're concerned with it's still showing house as it is but the numbers are the proposed numbers it won't be 3 feet more it's 16 no no I get it oh okay but if that box is the current box it's going to shift to the right because if you're telling me that the box is accurate and your numbers are future so is the Box future or is the box today one minute please yes you know what is yeah did we change did you change didn't oh okay okay as far as the sides the the sides were moved to be the the 13 we did the front we did not show the bumper okay and honestly we weren't we were thinking more numbers no that's fine so the box is accurate for future use in the 13 and 13 or what's proposed yes great thank you no thank you for bringing that up uh so I mean I guess I can just run through it you can see as far as the sides we've got 15 basically they're all under undersized but they're all also under I mean under they would require a variance for for Combined side setbacks should they be going before you today or maybe some of them did already uh and same thing across the street except for uh oh no for side we're good we didn't even show the side for this one because it's a regular size lot that's the side the combined side setback the average is 42.2 I just did the math anyway in case you're wondering and we're we're going to be looking for 40.2 question for you you're looking from a sitb back you're talking about sir your proposed is 37.6 not 40.2 40.2 is what's existing jump I'm sorry I jumped ahead to the front iiz yeah now I'd like to talk about the front setbacks if but does someone have a question a question yeah sorry I have a question regarding here the denial letter says that you're going to be reconfiguring your front sidewalk can you tell us a little bit about that why that's happening I think it's that I think it's the walk right oh the walk this walkway yes well for one it's really small here but when we bump out the front entry the walkway will have to be reconfigured just to existing proposed is it took me a couple minutes okay so we have it it's it's drawn in there it's kind of light gotta yeah comes straight across on a 90° Goa okay okay and then the reduction of the rear yard patio size is that to kind of help with the coverage situation yes and what we did with I'll jump to the coverage now sorry I'm out of order here so that happens all the time uh yeah we are actually uh making the building coverage less than what it was let me let me get my scratch that we have the other coverage is uh we're allowed 10% pre-existing it's already at 16.8% and we are bringing that down to 14.26 which is shaving and that's mostly because that is correct so that's what that does it doesn't bring it all the way down under to there are several series of x's is that to be removed is that Mark to be removed when I originally said I thought that was that might be a fence on here but that is but that shaded that is being removed that area yes where those X is that is correct so yes those lines come out the Shaded the dotted part is what's remaining in that concrete area and I can go through the numbers if you want they are on the sheet but um that coverage comes down from 1821 Square ft to 1604 Square ft but we still do need even though it's coming down we still would need a an existing non-conforming uh variant and jumping to combined coverage uh with taking that into consideration and the and the building uh being little bit bigger we are actually um 2711 was what was existing and we are now at or hope to be in proposed to be at 27.12 honestly if I realized that before I would have made it the same and taken out two square fet we're happy to do that if it's if it if it makes it not you know if it makes it not a uh variance we may as well just chop two feet of the patio out so if that makes a difference to you guys and we'll we can talk about that as we we I figure we'll go through the um environmental letter as well so so I just wanted uh in in the Box on your planning report so your a lot on the North side will reduce from 20 and change to uh 13 right 16 16 right so we have you're now proposing 13 ft and the neighbor's house you've got a 10 so between the two points of the houses there's 20 a 23t open space is that correct yes that is so the neighbor's house is closer to the property line yeah and on at that corner because it's a skew to the property line there's no fence there by the way there are trees no fence that would where you would notice it quicker you know what I mean Mr ring any questions Mr Sylvester no I'm good thank you Mr Gia Mr Pera no nothing else Mr Dean I'm good Mr Pell that chain that chain link fence is staying right it's not a chain link it's it is aluminum fence it's it's U I don't know what you call it but it's like the old is it to keep a pet safe or yeah exactly as well as I had numerous people cutting through the property to get PRI requests or vice versa those Master right no well I can't say it was visiting I could see Max circling the neighborhood oh he's driving now so you know his his son the master son of my son and and actually Mike's son as well know each other from school they're all Juniors and I son yes they all have their drug business so is your um son cutting through the Scher yard to see was actually you'd be surprised how many adults were cutting here it wasn't until was just kids uh with that said can I get a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public Mr Degan make a motion to open the public have a second Mr second the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comments regarding the application before us at 91 rwood drive we see a gentleman standing up and Mr ler and Amanda please raise your hand you SAR to tell theu the whole Tru but truth you got thank you anything know what trees are being affected by this uh Mr Scher might be able to answer that question if there's any removal or improvements in your Landscaping yes there's no trees to be removed um there will be a landscaping plan developed with a landscaped architect um that's separate from this but there'll be abundance of plings to help soak up some of the water because we are in a very flat area and as you know it's all clay so we have a lot of water when it rains very heavy that just sits on top of our property it does permeate through at some point but it just ends a sit for a while and you would have no objection coordinating with uh some of Mr lers and the environmental commiss welcome recommendations and uh seeking out guidance from our Township engineer regarding a perhaps a bior retention system or something that's appropriate considering your lands absolutely I didn't mean to steal thank you very much you can tell us later we'll still listen to you see no one else stepping forward may I got a motion to close it to members of the public Mr per I make a motion to close members of the public second by Mr Degan make a second that motion the meeting is now closed to members of the public that question or commentation please um well I think uh based on what I have seen as as an architect not an engineer or a planner I think this fits in very well with with the neighborhood I I honestly haven't seen so many um uh under undersized Lots in a row in in a long time so usually when I get an undersized lot it seems a little easier to have a hardship because it's the only one and they want to you want to kind of retain the same look as the neighbors and very often we end up with set setback needed very here it was interesting and kind of unique which I like that all these are undersized and I think you know to F in with the overall Zone in neighborhood you know families want the same thing they basically want families to move in again I'm not a planner but that for plan you kind of want uh to achieve a a consistent uh look and a consistent function even more important in an area I think getting three bedrooms that are decent size for today versus what they were a little bit kind of small um is a is a benefit to for the neighborhood and the way the house will look is definitely a benefit I I see again I'm not a planner but I see no detrimental effects at all did you say you were B architecture yes so yeah I thought that might come up because Al was here for what I think 340 years or something um yeah we took over my wife and I we took over bull um what in 17 so are you still on the corner on no I own the building he sold it after a couple years as a debtist there now okay and so we moved um and we retained their staff for quite a while and I've had I've been running Buckman Architectural Group for uh it's 36 years now I know I look 36 I know um but um you see Mr B from time to time you know what not since Co he was supposed to slow down he didn't know how to but once Co hit I said go be with your grandchildren go we don't you know you fine you know we don't we all right I mean bus honestly business slowed down in that area a lot I we did some unbelievable homes and was quite the mentor to me he he taught me well I've known him for probably 20 years plus and he is the type of architect that doesn't like to strip something down to the foundation but he likes to rehab something that exists he says there was a reason and a purpose that a house was a skew like even the the items that you presented today you know that house that just doesn't look right is there was a reason why that house was placed that way on its foundation and he had a very excellent Knack of rehabing something that existed and a lot of his work is still evidence I couldn't agree more he was he's still around but he's he's a great mentor to me and and I learned a lot and couldn't have been prouder when he asked us uh I think his grandson mik is Brian Gus and that's another junior in high school that's friends it's going to be some crew coming out he'll be cutting through um great thank you with that said um Mana can you please miss W can you review conditions sure does the board want him to reduce the total combined coverage to 2711 or are they you're fine witho okay so you don't have to do that they'll coordinate with Mr ler Mr SAR attention system or an appropriate storm water measurement M storm water management measures um any lighting will be downward directed or otherwise shielded you'll pick up any debris or anything that's on the site that looks this guy who was sitting here before had some pretty kind kindly good moneys saving ideas I don't know yes yes um all all four sides of the dwelling will be consistent in terms of the materials used right I'm sorry all four sides of will be consistent oh the home yes okay and I think that was it and I I have one can you commit to the eyebrow feature that's in front of the house okay because I think that really complement the roof line there and it's fun because um not that I had a disagreement with the architect originally designed it she wanted to do more of the standard pointed grp I'm like no no no I I want I want to stand that without standing out in in our neighborhood you had three different designs houses you had a you had a ranch you had this side entry Colonial uh you had a Bev or not even a b Lev it was um some other type of split and number of my neighbors that have this design have already done that buildout over the porch um and I don't want to just copy them I want it to be just a little bit different but without being the MC mansion that we all here is going to be built next week um so yeah I I appreciate you recognizing that I that's a great feature great thank you with that said they got a motion Mr yep I'll make a motion to approve have a second by Mr Degan I will make a second and a roll call Regina Please Mr Sullivan yes M K yes Mr yes Mr R yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr yes yes motion Carri 7 thank you good luck with your build out in a month the uh resolution will be available but in the interim we see no objection to touching base with the environmental commission the engineer and buttoning up any paperwork that's needed so you can hit the ground running when the perits are [Music] available I did yes yeah had American r okay our next order of business is we are actually going to switch things around a little bit I would like to make a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public that have a question or comment uh at this time may have a motion by Mr Degan motion may have a second by Mr Ringwood second the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a general question or comments for the zoning and we have Mr bter please introduce yourself and uh J berer 550 planfield Avenue okay one question sure I understand right now you're going to break into executive session are we going hear the results of that tonight likely not it's okay I I you came up earlier I I I hate that you spent two hours here with us you've spent many hours here with us but I I I hated to see sit there so uh when additional information becomes available that'll be made when information your your your question you've got some question about I'm sure you're interested in the Oz custom there's not any information available to the public at this time when that information is available by way of council or open open public records information will be available at a later date okay re one comment the floor is your we we cannot we cannot comment on any specific detail of a pending application considering whatever you're going to be considering in the next few minutes uh after listening to the first session here tonight thank you very thank you guys very much reminds me very much of the character that you're going to be considering about it's his MOS yeah thank you thank you have a nice evening enjoy your holiday Mr Le there any final comments or questions thank you very much for joining us this evening I I saw you on the zoom session for the uh trees last week ruers yes else publiction the yes I get a second we now closed to members of the public it's a say it and we moving to executive session yes uh I'd like to make a motion to adjourn to Executive session may have a motion Mr Degan make Mr per I second the motion we are going to adjourn moment for a short while to enter into executive session in the meeting room next yeah I think we hit pause then we come back yes we just we just pause recording and then we come back B I got a motion to return from executive session Mr per I make a motion m a second by Mr Degan I second that motion all in favor all right meeting is now resumed uh we have closed the public session may I have a motion to adjourn Mr Ringwood sove and I have a second by Mr deia second all in favor I enjoy the holiday week and your break and we'll see everyone in April April I think it's earlier right