##VIDEO ID:rN70Ls6B0GQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's why our is so important to us but just a couple of things um on August 20th it was chair local Publications that bask was number four on the national rankings top real estate markets So to that end again thank our administrators and all sectors that lead our community another thank you for all that you do to all those who run our schools our services and to ourselves stewards of our community from past future so it's important responsibility not a time to sell our homes for us but it's just sort of a great time for reflection I what makes this a great place on that note few members of the en environmental commission are spr to with sites for potential development of meow as well as new native plan that will require low great opportunity of the township and also planting at our last te meeting there was public comment on where the our website there was opportunity to link add a few more links also to make few more edits the shade tree commission met the following day and recomending changes to the guance happy to report those have all been made um if you are interested in seeing these documents go to the b.org website and in the search Bo type in engineering for and you'll see ourin guidance form as well as perit application and then lastly as on to the municipal Alliance I was invited to spend the day at lindsy my routine Institute leadership which ran August through the 23r New Jersey the team Institute is new leadership program that seeks to guide young people to realize their potential become empowered to create positive change in their schools and their and their communities we have 14 kids there from each High School who are part of our reach program along the various alumni there was terrific energy among the group and they culminated their week planning activities and projects that they will then bring to bur schools in the coming year to help support education around alcohol Perfection that's um Welcome to our newest control officer is a wonderful cery and also to our two CS from Parks Recreation Hometown hero Banner applications for fall installation August 3 uh we are seeking student volunteers to support lawers ball Festival on October 5th applications if you know anybody that's a student that has time available and could lend a hand um applications are available on the parks and W website um residents can also start Gathering gently used Hallen costumes for for drop off uh at the end September um registration is now open come to the end of summer we're all looking forward to the the holiday weekend Labor Day um registration is now open for programs for the fall including tennis football through both Youth and adult classes basketball clinic schools out multisport camp adult Fitness Yoga open gym sessions basketball pickle ball and B and Senior art classes for adults 55 and over and and uh while the days do seem to be getting a little shorter they're still long enough and warm enough to swim so while the pool had their last event last Friday as well as their final float night for the season the pool is still open through Labor Day weekend so for those who do have privileges please come out and enjoy that's it um as being on the subcommittee for the police department I would like to onf Andrew and iwte with me would like to welcome our new who comes to us from basing Bridge which is so thrilling know that he was born and raised here and he's also cons sered here so like the last two weeks um Andrew and I have sat in on the interview process for the um Deputy Chief and the lieutenant uh physician for promotions and I am thrilled to report that TK has been um is know to be the deputy chief for Berner St and tonight will be the lieutenant for for this Township so I want to congratulate both on the promotions uh we are very fortunate to have such talented people when we go through the interview process it's just amazing the knowledge the experience uh the care that all these officers have and um it's a very difficult process to to promote um so with the help of the uh Chief I like to say congratulations next process will be sergeants and corpor which andw and I will not partipate in but at the end of the month in September we will have the squ for the deputy chief the lieutenant Sergeant Coral position which will be at the end so we just want to say thank you so much to all of our officers congratulations Ono uh this weekend on Sunday was the Liberty food truck festival um I attended and had a wonderful time it was well received there's so many people and there's so many fun activities and so many DRS was really great and part was it's giving back to the company and helping them raise money which is so desperately needed during these times especially and the farm said quiet there but they're for the PO and have a concert in September and some other activities at Farmstead um the library is always working hard if you go to the website there's tons of programs that we be all night and they never be able to speak so go to the library visit the website and um I just want to say they work so hard at communicating and outreaching so important it's one thing the library really really constantly does for our community and I have a personal note I just would like to comment um and J J from the berville news with us and Jak was so kind to do an article about me Burnville news and I just want to say that I was misquoted in the Burnville news and Jake and I talked about it for some reason um it was put in there and apparently his not wasn't there so just it's very important that I say this publicly the this quote was that my son is served in Afghanistan he did not serve in Afghanistan so we don't want to soar B that year so um they're going to retract that and he said already online they took that out of the article and we're going to make that correction to just wanted the public would say my son did not serve inan or did I say that so I just wanted that to be thank you thank you so cing up from last meeting to today summer there great things that were happening in addition to things that were mentioned obviously the saring in of our officer and we're just so excited to have them that us back up to 40 um so again safety is such a priority for us and so we're really glad to have him as well as um the new guards so excited for that um on August 15th I joined the brick Community Indian Community celebate India's independence day was a wonderful event that was held at and from all understanding they were very surprised the number of folks that that showed up so it was a great thing we walked around Park um and wonderful wonderful event um on on Sunday AUST I very Tail tiv unfor land any earlier and so got from nework airport to about 5:30 and those dedicated volunteers that spend their free time to protect us from fire perspective they were had their old day and you know still out there the band was still going um just amazing dedicated and I also wanted to mention I got a lot of things about that Realtor um report Not only was that shared online but it also made news multiple times in fact yesterday I was um about the six o'clock uh channel 4 news and they shared that um what in that is when you get into the dou the detail so how did you get that top four position and they they said a Le on the the television I hav it but they said that number of as well as the time on market and our average time on Market was days um and they said that what drives too well is more SP taxes and um in particular one of the Realtors said one of the Rees why people to ber is no surprise is our quality of our schs as well as our safy so those are all things that we hold that's important us perspective Board of head colleagues um they care about the schools as well so any it was just I think there's a lot of Pride I think some folks are saying oh my gosh don't give us Spotlight create any more frenzy when it comes to this you think it is a moment to proud um a part of the community that we live in it is every president's contribution to make this the or place that we live in and how we all live together so very fun so moving on to some other um important things um as was mentioned from our alist folks the BCAA has a midon festival on September 14th from j4 qvp so we'll see those folks and other really wonder performers at that event um the small business owners I Contin to beat that drum um about the awareness of Brands I actually talked to Captain Guzman today so I just was curious I've gone door to door and to some business owners I've gone twice to say like hey how is that how is that appliation state going and good news is is that will have contact her and they're having some submissions um so I'm eager to hear um for what I was told one of the grants um the business approvement grant that is proprietary until the gr ised so I can't know that information just yet so but I mention out to all of the folks that I've contacted to to find out and to be honest with you it shouldn't be a surprise that our small business owners one of the reasons why they haven't done it is running their small business so um again I'm going to try to to reach out to Kathy um and to to do that process because I would love to see you can go on the um Eda website and find out's been awarded and there's few folks there but that dat was through June 30th um we started the process and did the interview uh the presentation April I know I contacting firms in May and it's about a seven month delay to get that drank so the the DAT is going to is the point of it all but I'm watching and I'm going to Le qu follow love with folks because I really want to Ure that our business owners get money that that is is really for them the other great news on staff issued about the business commucation Workshop we're hosting that um on October the 8th that information was shared this Workshop is different from any other and and we will put additional information probably do a video about it our small business owners will complete some freework by completing that freework they're going to come to the certification Workshop they will certified so this isn't like Talking Heads and then go home and do the work so this is do the work we're trying to communicate that this is the type of recreation you need to bring that here we have state the the state employees that you will certified so super excited we've not done anything like that before and I'm excited um to to do that um so we'll see so more to come on that um October 5th I also wanted I mentioned we shared this before um I wanted to highlight because our PC parents exal children this nonprofit group that supports specials children in our community they so generously offer to Le this 5K for the complete benefit so all proceeds are going to go to our house which is a separate not related nonprofit that happens to support special needs adults including programming for um for those special needs adults as well as housing now the proceeds from this 5K um which by the way there are opportunities for sponsorships um so business and individuals are welcome to do that um as well as the 5K Runners but um the proceeds are going to be limited to burnard's Township so our house serves Beyond burner Township orders but all the revenue generated from this will go to benefit our community and the special needs adults within our so I wanted people to know that I'm very humbled that um their leadership said absolutely yes we're going to do this and I'm very grateful to the town staff for their openness um it's not difficult to start something at the municipal complex at all um and and you know closing roads is been an easy thing especially as I learned um and jener is doing a great job and chrisy as well to to to to host this so I'm really excited about with f we be hearing more about the sensory friendly mayor's Hall Festival portion that will take place before the mayor's Hall Festival portion that begins at 2 o' so there'll be more to come but I'm really grateful that we are really going to have a very inclusive program for our special uh residents another thing I wanted to call attention to um October the 10th I've got some questions about this connected Minds protected CS discussion and strategies for managing use smartphone and social media use this isent that we're going to host here at Town Hall at 63 this program is also different from other programs where we are not talking about is it a problem what is the problem we are assuming you all all of our residents especially those with children would be the ones that are probably most interested in um our library put together a wonderful reading l so there isew for each of us to do and I actually I brought two of the books that are on that an generation actually of Ki off another one that's I'm interested I haven't finished reading yet the awaken brain so these are two of the books that are on that read you need to read these and be ready and not even necessarily read them thanks to social media such you can watch YouTube of some of these speakers talking about these program so you could do the you know the short version to get the the juice and details of of the problem if you will we're going to be talking about Solutions so I am so grateful to Congress um to talk about Federal legislation and perhaps we as a community are going to help generating new legislation same thing with our state legislators so we invited our legislators to come to talk about what exists and maybe what needs to exist so and I'm really eager to see what we as residents um can come up with as to what we can do um for our children do we let our kids have smartphones when they're in seventh grade as I'm speaking to myself in my seventh grade or do I take that and what do I do with it so we're gonna talk about this a discussion um and so our Our Town staff has put an artist on this and the reason why is because they are talking they're very interested in it um there is limitation as the this room so we need people to RS if they think they're going to come because if we go too big we're gonna flip to another location so we want to ensure that um people have the opportunity to come and discuss because that's what we're going to be doing is discussion not a lot of presentation but the discussion to say what do we in bur's town what do we want to do about this SM then moving along other things that you need to know it's right around the corner September 7th our sale soting to see how many folks participate here and for things that don't sell then please donate to the other organizations that are running rage sales they'll be happy to your items um the September 11 ceremony looks amazing and so we look very um forward to the soln event at 6m uh sha continue to plug this event September 26 about how your local tax money is used to address the needs of our town so excited for that um safety so as has been shared we're excited with folks our new folks to join um there have been some articles that have talked about you our other Serv at Hill towns the efforts that they've done to install some of the aplr so it's great to see again that the Sumer Hills Community that we are all working together and just putting additional safety measures around to protect all of our residents one thing I I did want to share is and this is to add a little insight into the burce department and why we are so proud of them um there was an inent where officers were called to um the parks and some youth were selling and two of our officers um took the call because they were asked to do so and the way that our officers chose to handle this and so I'm I'm sharing this not to encourage people to do the same um I'm sharing this to share that our officers engaged with those and essentially took money out of their own pockets and purchase the rest of their inventory and so those you went off and had a positive interaction with our Police Department instead of a negative interaction um even though the youth were doing something that was not so I share that because our officers protect us and they do it in kindly consider and even take the money out of their own to do that this is not the first time I've heard of this but I wanted to put this out there for people to really understand one of the reasons why the in structure many really supports our Police Department it's not what it's not only what they do it's how we do and they do kind considerate and respectful way but again considering I'm joking so like at the end of the day um they do the great they do great work and so I'm not encouraging this we need this not to have de um but I think it's important for you to know how special we are and last but not least a lot of folks every time wi BLS and I think that he's coming again so JCP it out um I continue to talk to our contacts multiple times and um from a j perspective our our investigation has been submitted for quite a while our community is quite large and so we are waiting for that investigation uh to be completed I understand that it's going to be soon so as soon as we know then that's great um but regardless um I did want to communicate so know that for instance the the folks that identify themselves when we asked for me to contact keny those five individuals that identifi they're on oxygen they are now on the critical customer so you know we were able to take action and to get them conducted to the right program and those residents foll through and stuff that they needed to I'm also be working with chrisy and her staff um about so many other suggestions and educational opportunities that JL Shar so we want to put additional lift around JC pnl information so our residents can understand what they can do one of those things for instance is how to request tree inspections so if you see a tree in you know in Tri in um all ta up with a power line this is something that our residents can make that request and and so we'll tell folks how and that's at no cost to the resident so this is something that um there's Services we want people to know and we want them to be able to do that so more to come on that so I'm very happy about that partnership and when we have more information we be excited to share because we really do want to get to the cause as to all of the outages that are noted to whether that they but the other the other areas the other issues so with that so may it would be next consider we used to have onto theity but you know app you up mayor so I think something we should all discuss probably next year that we actually have person for the like we had IDE so that somebody to come to somebody work back and and it's not and that bring it back to in the P so went that going forward so I think it's important we to that next appreciate thank you so with that CL that out so we move on to Fire and Resh chy please yes mrov [Music] call Mr yes yes field yes AC yes thank you please Mr B yes Mr yes yes yes thank you do we have any Buss us to new bus and the consent portion of the meeting have been refer to the fore PO on the agenda will be by discuss seever discussions required the it the agenda by T action and place a regular agenda under business would anyone like I agenda regular agenda have a motion yes yes yes ordinance 2564 be introduced on first reading advertis required by law and schedule for a public hearing on September please yes yes please iance 265 ad byw for public hearing second mroll call please Mr B yes Mr yes to item D approval minutes 1 session a 134 us to ex s