##VIDEO ID:-MdzZfkn8r4## e [Music] Mr andeline here mredy is absent Mr MC is absent Mr rero here Mr ruse here M here notice of this meeting with ring to the Bernville news and Courier News filed with municipal clerk and posted on the municipal bul board on December 14th 2023 Stand United States stand Justice strong welcome to this ATT member 23rd meeting of the B borrow Council this meeting is being conducted in person in the council chambers in burrow Hall and it is being broadcast Live on YouTube and on Zoom to make it as convenient as possible for residents to attend a meeting members of the public who are here in person and those attending remotely on Zoom will be given the opportunity to comment at appropriate times during the meeting in accordance with the following guidelines members of the public will be allowed to speak during the Open Session and during formal public hearings on the agenda including public hearings on ordinances comments will be limited to three minutes per speaker and will be monitored and enforced by the B clerk comments containing offensive profane or indecent language or language constituting hate speech will not be permitted remote participants will be muted unless they are unmuted by the clerk and remote participants will not be able to unmute themselves the clerk will mute remotes speakers at the expiration of their 3 minutes of a lot of time or if they make an inappropriate or offensive comments All speakers whether in person or on Zoom shall State their name and address before making their comments speakers on Zoom shall activate the cameras so that they can be seen by members of the governing body and audience failure of the governing body to provide a live broadcast of this meeting or technological problems encountered during the course of the meeting that affect or reviewing and participation will not invalidate this meeting or any action taken including but not limited to the adoption of any ordinance resolution or motion okay um we have one presentation I have a proclamation uh this month is ovarian cancer awareness month you may have noticed the teal ribbons All Around Town teal is the color um so whereas ovarian cancer is the fifth leading of death among women and the American Cancer Society estimates each year approximately 19,6 180 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2024 and 12,740 individuals will di from the dis Nationwide including 590 new cases and 340 deaths in New Jersey whereas in the United States a woman's lifetime risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer is about 1 in 887 whereas due to vague symptoms and the lack of reliable early detection tests most women are not diagnosed until stage three or later when the cancer has already begun to spread to the lymph nodes and outside of the fs whereas although the 5year survival rate for stage one ovarian cancer was over 90% only 15% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed at this early stage and the 5year survival rate Rel late state of area cancer is below 30% whereas while a mamogram can detect breast cancer and a c smar can detect cervical cancer there is no reliable early detection test for ovarian cancer whereas women's lives can be safe through increased public awareness of ovarian cancer and its risk factors signs and symptoms whereas this month the burrow of Burnsville joins all those who are battling ovarian cancer those who have lost their lives to the disease their loved ones and our state's many dedicated healthc care workers in spreading awareness committing to public education and embracing hope for better diagnosis treatment and a cure now therefore I mayor Mary Jan canos to hereby Proclaim September 2024 as ovarian cancer awareness month in the burrow of burville and I encourage all residents of the borrow of Burnsville to observe ovarian cancer awareness month and support the cause that so deeply impacts families in every Community across our country all right um we do have minutes to approve from August 12th all in favor okay um it is now time for our first open session for any items that are not listed for a public hearing so if anyone in the public would like to be heard and at The X over here and anyone I see [Music] wait just a second hi hang on a second all right my name is Bob Graham 84 ding Road berville I'm here as a private citizen to discuss the polar grounds Pavilion only not the lighting and it's two question to start with first what were the Rough amounts of the preliminary bids that were returned for the Pavilion um this is for you to make a statement it's not a Q&A um we don't have that information this project pavilian project is apparently lost this way and has digressed from the citizens actual requirements for the facility truly a government project the thepoke approach has led to an incredible and self-defeating set of professional bid spe specifications of 600 pages my understanding is that you've in fact not acted on any bid thank you for your common sense of not accepting those financially horrific bids is my pleasure to let you know that the functional requirements of the Pavilion can be delivered and exceeded for approximately $300,000 I will provide you with a preliminary breakout of the components of that approach after I speak the two keys to this rational optimization are one abandoning any expectation to connect to the public utilities and two embracing modularity mobility and commodity pricing to maximize value I would also like to point out that the state of New Jersey has recently required municipalities to evaluate climate vulnerabilities and promote resilience actions with proper focus and Design This Pavilion can be an important element of Bernville master plan element for climate change a modular and mobile approach to implementing The Pavilion will also have valuable ancillary burrow benefits because it will allow the shared and distributed redeployment of its essential components trailers can be easily relocated as needed for burough events and Emergency Services the council needs to form a small team of experienced residents to to refine and and present a rational and fiscally prudent approach after rejecting the current current proposal thanks for your attention I'm sure you will decide to act appropriately to enhance the bur's facilities while conserving its resources by embracing the same design concept and I'll be providing you with that simple breakout I'll get to thank you Bob Aaron du 51 press Drive BR on December 13 2022 this Council spent $1.4 million of taxpayer money to purchase the property 65 morrestown Road that holds a long vacant Audi card dealership the next month I stood up at the council meeting and stated that since the property was now owned by the Public Public Ino was crucial in determining how the property should be developed I CED cited comments by Burnville residents supporting downtown Green Space development and the need for equitable distribution of affordable housing sites throughout the burrow mayor kenos responded that the burough Council will be open to all ideas from the public for the future of the property at the Redevelopment process progress yeah here we are now more than one and a half years later with not a single public meeting being held to discuss the Burnsville residents priorities with respect to this important taxpayer owned downtown property instead all discussions and DEC decision making has been done by the council in closed door meetings with only developers interest to represent it not only does the council's insular and non-transparent decision-making process violate the New Jersey open public meetings act it manifests a profound disregard for its constituents opinions input and statutory right to meaningfully participate in shaping the future of our bur downtown as I've unfortunately had to say several times in the past Burnsville residents deserve better how can it be that Burnsville residents are expected to pay over $1.4 million of their tax money and then have no voice whatsoever in how the property is developed and simply go along with whatever closed door deal the council decides to approve unfortunately Burnal residents have seen what Redevelopment projects look like and the public is intentionally excluded and only developers are allowed to partip those deals end up very financially lucrative for developers and very bad for burners and residents open and meaningful public participation and Redevelopment of this public payment property is imperative to avoid a similar fate here I believe that the only way to correct the unlawful deprivation of bville residents sory rights participate in this process is to pull the pending resolution and do what should have been done from the beginning release the full unredacted proposals for the re Redevelopment of this site invite all bers to a public meeting to present their Visions for the property and welcome input from the public on the relative advantages and disadvantages of all three proposals as well as welcoming suggestions for alternative uses for the property while it may very well be that the classic car dealership is ultimately the right option for development of this property it should not be chosen without the involvement of a public as owners of this property to have a voice in the process thank you thank you anyone else hi I'm brand D your librarian um I just wanted to say thank you for your support we've had a great year and we've had a great summer and we're moving into friends of the library Mark and they have a number of wonderful events planned and I just wanted to highlight them because I think you're going to be in session by the time it starts again so we have um all kinds of fun from the spelling be to a wine tasting to taii to a sing along with Miss Julie who is one of our preschool favorites and more so we'd like you to please us just R I did oh I wasn't playing on that um so please join us and enjoy the fun what what is the wine tasting is that I think that's after closing um and I think the registrations go up for within a week or so so they they sponded one last year it was big hit and um I think there's ay this year great thank you FR thanks we have anybody on no thank you hi Carrie's in mind Road I noticed in uh other items of business the awarding of a contract for the polar grounds walkway and drainage improvements project which is a welcome Advance on things that are happening at the Polo Grounds but I I know I can't ask questions at this time so I hope that when we get to that point on the agenda that we could have a brief overview of What was decided what are the what are the surfaces involved what is because we gone over in so many different areas with so many different we're going to leave some things we're going to have permeable pavement we're going to have some areas that have to be pavement and I just feel like having been involved really from the start I just feel like I've sort of lost track of where the project is so I hope when we get there we could have a little overview I'm probably not alone and then just to breakdown of how the numbers work out cu I know there's a grant that we're going to be applying and so we know what it costs and what the grant does and what the bottom line is for all of us thank you ter we will do that anyone else Tony 36 Locus Drive in borrow um a lot of folks have come out and you know have as a lot of the same things I'm going to ask or said a lot of the same things I I'm going to ask but um I would ask that the council uh disclosed for us I'm not supposed to ask questions but uh since our last meeting in August have there been any discussions or decisions regarding the Pavilion uh or any of the public bathrooms uh that we need to know about um Second and this goes back to U the walkway project looks like the RPS came in on the 19th um which was in between two uh two Council meetings and now we're asked to we've got an approval in front of you um I don't want there I'm wondering whether or not any of that scope of business has to do with um progressing a pavilion project um also whether or not um you know I just like to know scope you know it looks like it was done it came in on a Thursday it's already been decided and now it is um we're going to look to spend 300 Grand on on a pathway and some Dage improvements so I'd like to know what's in that um my last question or actually have two more questions in my my last minute and half uh did anybody go to the football kickoff I know it was not supposed to be you did did you go to the nighttime session no it was great I mean lots of enthusiasm it was an awesome event okay there were temporary lights were there nobody seemed to have a problem with it um lots of cars parked all over the place which I think you've got to you should take a look at next time you have such an event they're parked all along the the tennis courts I'm sure that they were parked in in some kind of you know environmentally sensitive Zone all day long um so if you're going to have that I think you need to have somebody up there to say no parking here park over by the schools and all that other stuff um my other question is since it was so well you know so well received went off great lights haven't been used so you know this is sort of a quck my standing question why are we rushing to put in lights okay if the lights are already there the temporary lights there and nobody's using they're on night they weren't on last night and it's been two weeks i' probably been used three three okay so why are we rushing um in my last question this goes back to our our meeting back in August I asked if I suggested to the council that they talk to Joe Rossi about the library roof project and I'm talking as my bo bo of Trustees head right now has anybody called them thank you John um just a couple of things on the walkway you know we don't really get to make a decision when we go out for bid we are obligated to accept the lowest U what are the two words responsible and responsive bid so there's no it's not it's not like an RFP where you can pick and choose and kind of you know evaluate on different priorities it's the lowest responsible and responsive bid yeah I just couldn't find the RFP to see what the scope of the RFP was was the bid not on the on the uh website I looked on the website I spent 20 minutes looking you had to call for it that we have to do it that way so that we keep track of who is picking up the bid because if there are amendments or addendums you have to give them to the people that picked it up so we have to keep track so we can't just put it on the website for anybody to pick it up so then we won't know who has it right if we need to make Mak sense but it is operable so you can ask for a copy of it right oh it's a little late um we this is the one we charged but reproduced it in house so there was a charge for it right that was this one yeah but so could I make a suggestion that you put it on the website that if you get something that you know is out there and you don't see it but call Nancy's office and say could you send me a copy well you could probably come down and look at it right now can the the notice is on our website so it's under bids and announcements or something an RP so then notices on every time this particular time now that the engineer put it together and it's huge um and bound we only did it in person so people commonly PA $100 picked it up 11 people picked it up wow that's a lot yeah um the other thing on the kickoff for the football that was an interesting day because at night was back to school night at the middle school so you had overlapping events one was ending and the other was starting which may have contributed to the parking issue yeah there was back back to school night was that was just for the middle that was Friday night or was it Saturday night it was this past Friday night they usually aren do them on Friday night there was there was a great B I don't know who it was they a Break um the kick off was on 911 and that was back to school night that night it was back as well all right anybody else um anybody all right then I will close the public session and then I will open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2005 amending ordinance 2024 1998 which amended the stor Control Ordinance and supplementing and amending chapter 12 of the B termin just cross citations I think yeah out would anyone like to be heard on this ordinance see none I will close the public hearing J want I move to pass ordinance 2024 2005 on final reading and is published roll call please Mr and yes Mr rero yes Mr ruse yes Mr Mayor yes I will now open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2006 a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of a new Ambulance by the borrow of Burnsville in the county of Somerset New Jersey appropriating $200,000 therefore and authorizing the issue of $170,000 bonds or notes of the burrow for financing such appropriation and I believe we have to continue this yes we have to continue the public hearing reasons one is amount may get increased and second reason is we don't have four so I need Ave to continue I move to continue the public hearing on ordinance 204-206 to the meeting of Monday October 28 2024 you don't know so that's just a voice vot to [Music] continue that's just the public session um yeah I move that ordinance 2024 d207 ordinance concerning filming and supplementing and amending chapter 4 of the bur code entitled General licensing introduced by Title First reading published according to law that public heing scheduled for a meeting beginning at 7 pm on Monday October 28 2024 all in favor and believe I mean I actually had a call from a scout this week who was looking for they had three particular homes in mind because they're making a movie called The Beast in me with Claire danses and Michael Reese of the Americans you know Michael Reese course yeah it's an eight-part series and they it's something I forget how it works but she's investigating this billionaire and so they were looking for a mansion in town and he's already been at um stronghold I think and I think he was going to up to P so we may have a film already in coming down the live interesting but this ordinance is to to um allow us to be filed ready so we got all our licensing and fees and everything in place should someone request to make a m here or use property so that's what that is all right we have resolutions 24189 W 24210 so um some of them are pretty standard we didn't want to talk about um have to say thank for someone volunteering for the fire company we always like when we get especially young people I think it's high school student um anything else you want to pull out I covered them all last week yeah all right motion to move them sure I move that resolutions 24-19 to 24-2 adoped a second call please Mr yes yeah Mr yes yes all right mayor's update um we like that um I attended the senior barbecue at the pool that Recreation does every year it was well received um they're always very grateful for that we had um Good Time Charlie for entertainment so thank you Charlie uh the rotary had a c show at the YMCA and invited me to give out the mayor trophy so I did that because their mayor was out town I did attend a Shan Tre committee meet and greet that committee is getting reorganized I think they had stopped meeting during Co and few of the people resigned but we've gotten new people and it's getting back up and running um I attended a presentation by the Department of Community Affairs of Fairly Dion they're doing a road show from different towns to um in different areas to talk about the services that DCA provides and um actually there's a lot more than I knew that they have available uh we attend I attended the highlands Watershed protection plan meeting and kudos to uh John mdow for doing a lot of the ground work for that um there's a lot of filing of they're trying to build a database of all the um areas that are subject to any kind of um flooding Watershed issues so he would provided all the information for that I attended the youth football kickoff party at the turfield and then we had thank you fr there was a we had a very moving 911 ceremony at the library unfortunately not well attended but those that were there I think were very appreciative of the commemoration so um next year we'll try and do a little bit more and advertise it better but we had gotten you know with Co we kind of out of out of practice so next year hope to see everyone there uh let's see we had another summer Hill safety committee meeting with the the five municipalities right now I think Bedminster is installing five of the license PL cameras Bri MERS and two and I think if you looked at your monkey reports and the police report they did um actually have a good response from one of the cameras and found somebody who was at a water out so they are working those cameras um we had a Main Street for board meeting there is a new um part-time executive director Joe Oswald who is really doing a great job us at the ground running so hopefully we'll get Green Street back in gear uh the 14th we had the Centennial Festival which was really just a great event with a beautiful day we had probably up to 500 people come to go during the day um thank you to Nancy to to recreation department and our sponsors um which I think we have listed was Paul Miller Volkswagen Keller Williams the Somerset Patriots Ken rent oakflower Brewing who did the U beer garden and Main Street who sponsored the beer garden it was just a really great event them I haven't seen any of the pictures in the Burnsville news but shell was there taking pictur see they and of course everyone said we should do this every year so now we've got a challenge to meet um and I lastly on Saturday night I did the drawing for the library 5050 and their raffle um which I think the 5050 was almost $9,000 wasn't it last I heard I don't know the final one yeah so um I think those people are very happy that and that's it for me um D yeah um we have a request from the county to uh they want to provide mobile services um at an upcoming Time Event so I thought maybe the farmers market um if it had come in a little earlier we could have had them up on the 14th but unfortunately you came in a little later so but the farmers market would be good um I think M and English approved it and we're waiting to hear confirmation from the county that they can make it that day what is the I'll tell you so any services that you can get at the county You' be able to get there but one of the things some of the things they highlighted were questions about voting County IDs and passports are always a big thing so they'll provide those at the market if people want to go there so they gave us two dates um one of the dates is the Far Hills race so the market is canceled that day so the other date that would work is October 12 so if they do confirm it we'll put it up on our website and get the word out there that they're going to be at the farmers market and it's convenient you know you don't have to go to some of them go down to so we'll put that on our website when we have confirmation um as what is already mentioned later in the meeting I'm asking you to work contract with the walking path and polar ground the bid opening was on Thursday we had u 11 people picked up like I said we had seven submissions the lowest uh bidder was Crossroads that is the same company that did burnard avue I think they did a good job there um their bid came out at $325,000 233 for reference um our Engineers estimate was $337 677 so came under that um Jack reviewed for uh legal issues and approved it so tonight I'm asking to board the contract um if you do they will hopefully start the drain work this year all dependent on weather of course and scheduling um and then they would do the ters next year um so this uh option that we chose a few months ago was porch pavement all the way around except for what I call the jcpal path which is at the starts of the parking lot and goes back towards the um that switch gear the so that KL uses that all the time so everybody determined that it really shouldn't be for pavement because trucks are going back and forth on it so that what you had agreed to do for that is to refresh it with updated Stone um that part of it alone is estimated cost around 3,000 um and then this includes a $70,000 DCA Grant which we got extension for for another year because we aren't going to be able to BU so the7 companies deducted from the 325 words in addition to it is deducted deducted so actually cost us great um and you just uh in your consent agenda you voted on a resolution hire Stephanie Sullivan um she is will be our new assistant Recreation director um her name is actually Stephanie Brown she got married changing um so I just want to welcome her we're excited for her start and know she's going to do a good job and her first day will be a week from to and then an update on the lights at the turfield of polar grounds um the electrical subcontractor should be doing preliminary underground work next week the lights are going to be delivered on October 7th and then during that week the foundations will be installed and then the following week the week of the 14th the light bus are supposed to put up and everything turned on and tested and we should be at we go um you know weather permitting of course we don't expect a lot of disruptions to the activities on the field tyly the ones at night all the work be done during the day and it all takes place outside of the field and outside the fence but for safety reasons when the crane is being used to lift the um install the poles nobody nobody will be able to use the field because apparently Gym classes also use the field so I asked Bob to speak to the um people he need to talk to so he talked to the school facilities director and the athletic director who notified the gym teachers and coaches about our timeline and we told them there might be some slight disruptions you know during the time that they're putting polls in um and all the sports teams that have reserved the field were notified as well and we'll keep them updated as the project moves forward but we anticipate everything's burun smoothly and hopefully I know there's a couple games after that so hopefully they'll be able to for the night just you anticipate um distruction for actual games or just practices and or you're just notified just in case well we notified everybody just in case um I don't anticipate or they don't anticipate any game disruption um because the games are all at night and you know they're not going to work at night uh the only disruptions that we could foresee really would be Gym classes or any practices that are taking place when they're putting the poles up using the crane because first shapy re can't be around or if they're putting the um underground wiring near the entrances although there's multiple entrances to the field so they probably would be able another entrance okay so I got a question from the um sports teams about that so I'll just that back yeah I mean they should have been notified like Bob Saidi yeah notified everybody who made a reservation during those weeks I know I believe that there are no home football games for there's two Sat there's one in the fifth that's before the lights come there's none on the 14th and I think there's one uh maybe the week after not 14th 12 whatever that Friday is I don't think there's one in between them so um yeah we don't any problems and hopefully like I said the up and running for the game on the um what Friday 18 or the 25th I know they have a game one of those nights so we're hoping be and running by the 18th of the third Friday of October the third Friday yeah so I think that it's supposed to be done that week so I think the 25th they have have a game I'm not sure um I did have it written down but um anyway uh weather pending we should be good to go excuse me yeah um I'm glad that the schools were notified because I went to I tried to go to a grow soccer game at the high school this past week and they weren't at the high school and I don't know that they're able to use that tfield with the track not done so I actually found them over at the PO grounds for a 4 430 game so it's good that they've been notified because I think the high school is using it for soccer games at least it's not just football that's impacted they're using the CH field they using the CH field Bob should know that me Recreation supposed to monitor know who's on the field at all time right he said anybody with the reservation has been notified and the athletic director and facil all right thank you um do I have a motion to accept the department marke report second all in favor I uh other items of business I don't think you don't have any correspondent you any business um under new business we do have a request um from paren and construction pstone bank is going to PVE their parking lot yeah we ask them to notify the residents is we did ask them but they haven't got back what's did they give us hours like they said at night I'm just curious there was asking a question or how it's two nights it was a single right so the office closes at 5:00 p.m anticipate to be finished by 7 a.m. following morning so basically 5: all night to 7 a.m. the following morning when they just one day yeah One ATM will remain open I they didn't say anything about the ATM ask not to drive through yeah we check with police with the the I didn't get this one what were they going to do I think that was the issue it's they said yeah they want that to do with potential dates they said are Wednesday the 25th or Thursday the 26th this week I mean they said potential dat you know I guess my my biggest just the noise yeah you know like I I maybe if I knew the noise was going to end at 11:00 it' be one thing but 3:00 in the morning we backing up and beeping and I don't know there are houses right there and there's one up behind it too I'm assuming this is a problem for their business is the they they don't want to close business yeah but we didn't hear from them like other words the property contact construction right so PS can be rescheduled like I think they should get and put in the resc I mean at the very least require them to no people that bank didn't reach out and say I really need to have this done construction yeah they want it they want it scheduled that night they can yeah so that schedu my tri not that times think do your schedu yeah that's for sure um we have one more resolution 24 to11 to award contract for the walkway and the drainage improvements I that 24211 aded so obviously there were some questions about this one um I think just just to check two things this did come in between our work session today is it critical we gr it tonight either from a um because it was it was Bid And basically rules around when we have to award the bidding or because of the time with the fall approaching and then I just did one you know I did I do I did think that the original bid went through public works but I just want to make sure since it came in between um no you have 608 to award and I actually wanted to put it off till October but Tony the engineer asked if we could do it tonight because he really really wants to get the drainage started so he wanted to you know get on the contractor calendar you know have the preconstruction meeting he didn't want to wait too far because if we wait till it's the last what the last week in October at that point you know you don't know how the weather's going to go so he was trying to get it done yeah I think you know we've been talking about this for a long time so I'd really love to see this project get started second part of your question second part was um just Public Works maybe you know I think the original B went through public works but I just want to make sure that's on up up well the specs went through work that three options Maps detail public works you know we discussed all in detail that was June 4th and then the next council meeting was when yeah and so and Recreation also right do you want to just review the specs on now it's all porus right it's all por except for that one except for the JCP right right so it was the final specs of review at the work right yeah yeah yeah okay I just wanted to make sure that nothing had changed yeah we had these three option one was Stone option two yeah so three was the whole thing and this was in public right yes we had it up on the screen yeah so just want to make sure that and then the going back to the rules regarding the bidding process this bid that we would award tonight we do is the lowest responsive in responsive okay and we have experience with yeah and Jack has reviewed the documents so everything is there okay so you moved it you second oh Jeff did okay so roll call please Mr yes Mr R yes Mr ruse yes M yes okay we have another opportunity for the public to speak so if anyone would like to come up again or for the first time please doing Bob grah 843 d Road different top uh one is good news I I don't know if you recall but the uh right away that jcpnl right away that recently we had an application in front of the planning board that mitigated the use of that or the potential use of that in other words it's reduces the potential use for that right away because they were given in their little set of multiple houses they they were working out alternate driveway patterns so it came into the discussion uh and now there's certainly less concern for those neighbors so good news um a while back I sent you what may seem to be a little bit outlandish a topic but I thought well if you're building that stairwell from boil you know to put a stairlift on think about a what a stairlift something about for disabled people or someone who just doesn't that's a long hike up I just think about it maybe there's an opportunity to maybe it could even be partially subsidized that think about a steret something for the disabled um finally on this the lighting in the sports teams I'm not sure I understand why the sports teams weren't consulted first before before the before the the developer it was actually their and collect all their requirements and then deal with it so because I know there's misinformation out there that is it going to impact them or not that's all what handling yeah it was I think they requested they brought it to us that this is what they needed so we try to work with them anyone else and I will close the public hearing uh I don't believe we have any 137 do okay uh we will be coming back out we not all right do I have a motion to J toing litigation pending litigation oh thank you all for coming