##VIDEO ID:lv0HwbsO1yw## e here M MCC is absent Mr MC is absent Mr rero notice that this meeting was provided to the barville news and Courier News f with the municipal clerk and posted on the municipal bulletin board on December 14 2023 welcome to December 16th 2024 meeting the Bor Council this meeting is being conducted in person in the council chambers in B Hall and it is being broadcast Live on YouTube and on Zoom to make it as convenient as possible for residents to attend the meeting members of the public who are here in person and those attending remotely on Zoom will be given the opportunity to come in at appropriate times during the meeting in accordance with the following guidelines members of the public will be allowed to speak during the open sessions and during formal public hearings on the agenda including public hearings on ordinances comments will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker which will be monitored and enforced by the bo CL comments containing offensive profane or indecent language or language constituting hate speech will not be permitted remote participants will be muted unless they are unmuted by the clerk and remote participants will not be able to unmute themselves the clerk will mute remote speakers at the expiration of the 3 minutes of a lot of time or if they make any inappropriate or offensive comments All speakers whether in person or on Zoom shall State their name and address before making their comments speakers on Zoom shall activate their cameras so that they can be seen by members of the governing body and audience failure of the governing body to provide a live broadcast of this meeting or technological problems encountered during the course of the meeting that affect remote viewing and or participation will not validate this meeting or any action taken including but not limited to the adoption of any ordinance resolution or motion okay presentations we have in the audience John McDow proclamation of the mayor of burrow Burnsville whereas John McDow has been employed by the burrow Burnsville forp 41 years whereas John was hired as engineering construction assistant moved on to construction inspector and has been Public Works manager for the last 26 years and whereas over his years of service John has obtained numerous grants amounted to a savings of more than 10 million for items such as recycling tonnage clean communities streets and Roads Community Development and FEMA whereas in addition to his Savings in Grants John contracted the burrow of Burnville into the Mars County cooperative purchasing program resulting in streamlined purchasing and additional savings and whereas John was an integral part of the expansion of the wastewater treatment store plant in 1991 applying his expertise knowledge and background to the multi-million dollar project and whereas John has been involved in all of the technological advancements of the sewer plant since the expansion such as most recently a stateof art UV disinfection system through which John ensured the health and safety of the residents and environment of the burrow of Burnville now therefore I Mary Jane kenos mayor of the bur of Burnville to hereby congratulate John Mell on his 41 years of employment with the bur of Burnsville and leadership in the Department of Public Works and wish him the best of luck in retirement further in recognition of John's service to the community we will be dedicating a bench in his honor in the park at 251 flot Road next round and I'm going to sign this you will be missed everybody [Music] thank you counil really by mat very nice 41 years hard to imagine I was sharing with Nancy it's uh seven Mayors 49 council members Mary Jane was number 10 so Mary Jane to me as opposed to Mayor but yeah it's been it's been a great ride some wonderful people will be missed as well yeah thank you John I want to thank you because I've worked with you for so many years I was a young guy when I started working on different projects and then got on the council you've been a professional you've worked for the town you saved this money you listened we all work together and bu we built but I'm going to miss you thank you and I'm always there for you if you ever need anything thank you so much thank you all all right okay next on presentation we have a traffic planning design um parking evaluation I believe it's still in draft form right it's not finalized and um I'm going to ask but parking consulted um we can we put the the report up on the screen yeah here good evening everybody um my name is Brian Brasa I work with tpd we engaged by the bur to to complete a parking evaluation essentially looking at the downtown core um yeah we're focused on the proper really focused on the downtown area really the subd District of the downtown 4 and by downtown Claremont and that M Brook section through through Claremont the purpose of of our evaluation was really to review uh the current parking policies and infrastructure that's in place Identify some improvement opportunities that that could be looked at for the future and as as you're kind of planning for future needs uh of the D so so so to do this you we started kind of looking at the current conditions uh uh in the area and you know kind of fell into kind of four buckets plan use and demographics some of the parking resources that are that are available in the downtown and some sampling observations that we can so in terms of land use and demographics um what we're looking at is is try to understand what the land uses are uh as they as today uh because we understand that different land uses have different parking needs uh and we also want to understand kind of the demographics of of your community so that we can get a handle of you know how many people are driving how many how many vehicles are owned uh you know where are people Comming to and from work those sorts of things uh so so we kind of what we did was we we pulled out some um you know property assessment data that we could find through the county um aggregated that information and what we're were finding is you know generally you all know this but generally the mix is commercial uh in the downtown area most of it's kind of made up with retail uh recreational you know fitness center yoga studios that sort of thing uh and food and beverage with restaurants the remaining kind of mixes some residential some office uh and some exempt properties uh you know whether they're religious institutions or Lots terms of the population and and demographics about 7,500 residents about 3,000 households a little under three um occupant for for household vehicle ownership you know about 3% uh of of the households do not have vehicle availability when you look at that compared Statewide Statewide is a little bit over 10% yeah so so you you do have a higher vehicle ownership or availability to vehicles in your burrow uh compared to Statewide information moving on kind of parking resources um cwell Associates had had completed an existing inventory of all the spaces that that are within your downtown we looked at that kind of compiled it looked at a little bit closer so you have just under 1400 spaces uh in the downtown area consisting of on Street spaces uh public lots and private Lots about 10% of those spaces are on Street uh parking spaces about 30% of those spaces are are public lots municipally of lots and the majority of them are private off Street facilities throughout the downtown area uh in terms of the municipal Lots you we have the railroad Plaza lot the train station is uh could be Lane Road parking lot the bur Library facility as well as Mount Ary Road they all have I would say varying degrees of regulations uh in permit uses time restrictions uh those sorts of things so so you see kind of varying degrees uh of of regulation on those off-site facilities uh in terms of the parking inventory you know as you know majority of the kind of on street is through that mind broke Road Corridor and your CL Road facility and in terms of the all stre facilities the bigger ones obviously a railroad lot and the burrow Library the other two are are say relatively small in terms of the quantity of spaces so ter it's a little tough to see uh but in terms of the the parking observations the sampling that we did you know we looked that weekday typical kind of a weekday midday you know lunch demand kind of 12: to 2:00 p.m. where where we typically would see kind of the highest uses when you look at kind of the aggregate of all the different land uses that you have in a downtown setting and what we were finding is you know on a whole it's it's well optimally utilized I would say you know if if you're looking at on street parking obviously locations that are more desired on line Brook closer uh to some of the uses they're operating functionally at capacity as you get a little bit further around the periphery of the downtown area there's more readily available spaces during the samplings the public spaces we're seeing similar type use generally speaking what we're trying to hit for an efficient parking facility is about you know one to two available spaces every block when you're looking at on Street facilities about 10 to 15% vacancy in public spaces kind of give that ease for visitors as they're entering and looking for destinations uh in a downtown setting public side in terms of the off Street facilities um railroad Plaza lot was probably the more heavily utilized in terms of public spaces understanding all the different regulations that you have for some of the spaces but even at the most utilized was at about 70% utilization we doing those sampling so still below kind of that optimal level to have a really well balanced uh facility so there's availability in terms of what we are seeing when we were doing the sample so now that we kind of got an understanding of of the current conditions we wanted to look at uh you know what are some of the requirements that you have uh for your burrow and your code what are some of the trends that we're seeing in in terms of uh pure municipalities and and what they're using uh for some of their requirements uh in in their cods we wanted to do a holistic kind of assessment of the downtown area to understand all the various land uses and and as you look at all the various land uses you know some Peak during different times of the day different times of the season right uh residential you're going to be at home at night right and if you're in the office you're going to you're going to use those spaces during the middle of the day restaurants might be at the evening so we want to take kind of a holistic look at it to see are we balancing the park and Supply that we have in the downtown with the park need that you have with your your land use mix and then finally we we wanted to come up with some strategies potential strategies that we can look at to either uh increase some of the capacity uh or or make it more readily available um just so you have a more balanced system between providing parking that's easy and convenient for Destination but you're not providing so much parking that it's kind of an abundance and you're taking up land use that that may be suited for a better okay fine fine so if if you look at the parking requirements uh the code has for the burrow we're looking at kind of six common land uses what we're seeing compared to some National Data uh residential office retail the code for the burrow is generally higher than what we're seeing in terms of those Trends Restaurant recreational uses uh generally lower um so the the requirement for restaurant recreational is lower than what we're seeing the demand actually is or the need is uh and they're all relatively between a third to 50% either high or low so you see some variation um but as a whole I think the code does a does a good job uh kind of following Trends but you do see some fluctuation in different L uses in terms of you know some of your peer municipalities what we're seeing in terms of their parking Trends uh and their codes is we're seeing more flexibility uh so typically you know the traditional parking minimums is a static kind of requirement and the code that each land use needs a certain number of spaces U what some other P municipalities are doing is providing minimum to maximums to those uh so that we can better balance uh the parking supply for the different uses and providing developers more flexibility in terms of what parking do they actually need for the intended operation or the use for their site you see that been touch in chat North clean field for example fees and L parking we're also seeing that being implemented uh you know providing a a fee structure in terms of U paying a fee in exchange for giving either a partial or complete reduction in the parking requirements and then using those fees on the municipal level uh to either Implement parking capacity improvements Street skap type improvements uh that may lend uh less of reduction for people that want to drive and encouraging people to either take a different mode or feel more comfortable to to park a little bit further away from their destination because it's a it's a better environment for streets skate purp activity and then finally some exemptions for existing buildings so reusing existing buildings and and not allowing or not providing uh parking to be the obstacle to reuse those uh builds so in terms of you know that holistic that we were doing for the parking assessment we we did a shared model based on some National Data in terms of uh temporal variations for different land uses seasonal variations of different land uses we took all of the property data that we could get in terms of the land use uh from the county compile it together for for the entire downtown and we we we tried to Trend you know what's the parking need for retail layer on office medical office all the various uses and what we were finding is kind of a real need of just under 1,400 so 1350 spaces and then again that supply that you have understanding that the majority of it is private facilities but at 1390 so you know that gives us kind you know this exercise kind of gives us a picture that you're balanced in terms of the parment that you have and the that you need but again that that's taking into account a shared approach right because you have a a very high number of private parking facilities does the real need include private as well yes y thank you no you're public yet okay and then we you know we want to take that and then understand kind of what your future needs are what maybe some of those impacts would be uh with some of the potential projects that you have in the area whether the Redevelopment projects or some of the kind of known projects that we know and if you collectively look at them you know essentially it's a potential loss of just over 70 spaces majority of them being the mount Ary Road parking lot loss uh with the potential residential development understanding uh it's probably important to note uh when we're doing our samplings and kind of made our visual looks that Lots very well underutilized today so that kind of brings us to uh you know closing kind of potential strategies that we're we we're looking at or suggesting that then you may want to think about incorporating and kind of put that into five buckets um you know some flexible zoning Provisions that we're seeing with some peer municipalities looking at expanding existing capacities and and with that it's more incremental changes uh in the area understanding the scarcity of land understanding kind of the charm and characteristics that you have in your downtown that parking structures may not be the most valuable uh solution there understanding you have a very high amount of private parking so trying to leverage that parking as much as you can incorporating or expanding or enhancing some way finding signage that you do have to to make it kind of clear and not confusing for folks that are coming downtown okay to park here it's not okay to park there that sort of thing and then optimizing the curb space so understanding uh curb space is a premium in all downtowns uh not them like is here and it's competing interest so you have folks that are trying to park uh businesses that are trying to make deliveries res restaurants that are trying to you know Food Services ride sharing those sorts of things so in terms of kind of consideration one the flexible parking you do have some language in your zoning code that allows some flexibility in terms of um shared parking reductions and mixed fuse settings uh or off-site parking uh within a kind of a walkable distance but we think there's some uh some language kind of changes that could be made uh to further align with the intent of quote that area being to reduce unary parking encourage shared parking that's convenient to the district uh allowing some of those parking exemptions uh in change of use there is some Provisions in the code again I think it's just some language revisions we'll have to clean that up a little bit and then providing some additional flexibility uh so there is there is some availability in the codee today about offsite parking some of the references maybe 200 ft from parking some references maybe 600 ft in this kind of downtown small setting that you have 800 is probably a realistic number for that uh Second One you know talked about it incremental uh expanding of the existing capacity you know we we looked at you know what changes could you make uh without kind of wholesale changes uh again understanding the scarcity of land and and kind of the character of your your downtown these were kind of two options that that we uh thought maybe you could move forward with understanding these are Under outside jurisdiction so there' have to be a collaborative effort with ndft or potentially NJ Transit um but kind of reworking the railroad parking lot access you you might get maybe 10 spaces nine or 10 spaces additional so that kind of incremental increase um that we were talking about if you took it a little bit further and you took the angled spaces that exist on my Brook that shifted it all the way down you made it made it more consistent uh you know that N9 10 might go up to 15 15 or 20 so again kind of incremental incremental changes that you can make in your downtown to to provide some more convenient barking leveraging uh private parking I think you know this is probably key um for your burrow understanding the amount of private lot owners that you have uh so you know looking at ways to support encourage shared parking arrangements with them uh looking at and exploring potentially technologies that allow you to pay for parking or Reserve parking spaces through an app and bringing them into the app so those private facilities are are kind of part of it if you're coming from out of town it's seamless you don't really uh know it's a private facility versus a municipal facility so um working with kind of the community the business Community with the municipality kind of encourage the use of that and I think it's a you know I think it's a positive benefit for both you municipality obviously it's a benefit to to increase the parking that's available to the public uh and I think for the the business Community it's a way to monetize their parking that's that's kind of underutilized or not being utilized when they don't need it and maybe the downtown community does need it consideration for some way finding and signage improvements so you know you do have some signs you got the P signs certain facilities and then you have u a lot of varying signs at the railroad a lot 10minute parking perm parking pay by phone parking you P Park after 2:30 you're in yellow lot you're own white space and a number uh to trying to to clarify that for folks um make it a little bit simpler uh you can even we've seen other municipalities where you know they have a nice map that they they push through with their municipality level they th push it through the business Community they also include private you know again kind of that seamless public private partnership uh and then the picture on the right is uh uh La tried to to to come up with this as the pilot that they're doing to make it a little bit simpler uh for folks to understand okay green this day between this hours I can park here red I can't par here so looking at kind of creative ways to just make it easier simpler and less confusing for folks to understand where [Music] part and and then finally kind of optimizing uh the curb space so developing kind of a curb management plan so that you're looking at it comprehensively uh you know if you're looking at one block there might be two restaurants uh they maybe they can use the same space uh or maybe a r share location so that each individual private facility is not trying to dictate what happens in their current space themselves they taking more of a comprehensive look at that and in you know in conjunction with that exploring ways to kind of do a shared valet service or potentially a public valet program where you identify uh a location you know maybe the gravel lot for instance over road on the other side of the tracks you make that the valet staging area so that you're not taking up uh spaces you know in the mount kilot for instance uh so working with the business Community to see if you can come up with a facilitate kind of a shared Val program think would be helpful uh and then uh looking at and trying to understand the balance between again you know we're looking at want to two spaces every block 10 to 15% vacancy in the public uh you know off-site facilities and to do that you want to kind of balance time restrictions you turnover and duration of people parking there and either do that through uh you know timing restrictions or some uh pricing structure so I think getting a better underand a better handle of how your parking is happening throughout the course of the day or weekend to see if if you need to make tweaks to the timing or pricing structure K and that is somewhat quick kind of brief overview for you happy to answer any questions yeah um can you go back to the graph um I'm just curious if we to look at uh that was the yeah this one here park my stuff so um the oh thank you uh so industry standard what when you look at this if we were just to provide some I guess comparative basis and obviously you don't have the charts in here but if we were to look at other municipalities like if you were to look at New York would this would all the lines be below the the capacity or if you were to look at uh uh Jersey City it like what do bad look like what is good look like and what where do we look yeah sure so in this exercise bad would look so the top like let me explain a little bit more so the Top Line says industry standard would be if you take all your land uses in your downtown and you looked at them singularly so you know a bank need for instance a bank needs 10 parking spaces then they need 10 spaces at midnight or they need 10 spaces at 4:00 in the afternoon so that's that's kind of a static look that industry standard uh the way to kind of drop it down is the more realistic look of here's how it fluctuates throughout the day if you cumul look at all the land uses here's where it Peaks that's that uh the parking demand number that's the 12200 number but then we want to add in a buffer I've been talking about where one to two spaces on street or 10 to 15 to kind of make it more convenient that gets you up to the 1350 number so if that 1350 number was above your 13 that you know your demand was above your supply that's where you're you're getting getting into that that critical issue of you're you need more than you actually have thank you sure two questions um thank you for the presentation so um first one is about distance you were talking about the um the code has sometimes 200 sometimes 600 800 feet and recommendation would be 800 might more appropriate still seems a little bit far it's uh toet football fields um so I'd be interested to to just get some more maybe guidance on a community like ours and maybe I'm assuming that guidance would be having to have the sidewalk infrastructure and the foot the ability to sort of exess it but I just would love to hear a little bit more on that that was the first question and the second was about some of the Technology Solutions you talked about called way way finding is that right um how that works uh just think a little bit more detail on it too sure so to your your first question 800 is I think it's generally a good number but to your point uh you need to have the infrastructure in place to make it convenient uh feel safe uh and kind of a walkable area that you don't feel like you're walking two football fields right so uh I think flexibility in the code if if you allow offside parking and it's within a reasonable distance and if that reasonable distance is 800 or it's 200 or 600 what whatever it may be that you that you land on making sure that there's um you know language in that flexibility that requires or is encouraging the streetcape that you need to support that distance okay and your second question just on technology a little bit deeper on some of the Technology Solutions that exist yeah so there you know it it's ever evolving I think the technology for parking you know everybody um you know make see the apps that are available now you know the coins and the machines anymore uh and some of them are are kind of evolving by day where they'll they'll allow some monthly parking through that system they'll allow offsite you know the private facilities to be brought in to that they allow you to reserve a space before you go um and so all of those kind of Technologies are really pay by phone know system but it doesn't necessarily mean you have to pay uh it might just be a way to reserve spaces even if there is no pay structure place for that but looking at I know I think it would be important if you you go that path and I think technology would be important here because understanding all the regulations that you have in some of those lots yeah the app kind of would be like you can't park here or I can park here um but looking for a solution that uh fits with what your burrow needs in terms of the ability to have monthly spaces or or permit spaces and the ability to incorporate the private Lots into that system I think would be key as for with that that's up because I I wasn't sure if it was that aspect but you just clarified or an ability to find potential open parking spots inside of a geographic area but it sounds like it's more the integration of the private lots and sort of um that people may not be aware of they're coming to right right now I just how do you deal with um like the private Lots some of the issues we've had in trying to do sharing is you know they all say oh my insurance you know it's my R lot I can't do it for that reason right how do we make it profitable for them or you know what's in it for them if they do that sure I I think it's the the selling the monetization of of their space that that they're not using and you know sometimes that could be a tough if if you're not charging for parking elsewhere elsewhere uh so you know that could be a tough conversation to have but I think the important part of that conversation is is to try to make them understand that uh you they have space that is not it's not doing anything right at the when they don't need it it's not it's not doing anything for the community and there might be a mutual benefit that could be put in place there you know maybe some some of those spaces may be in high demand because they're located close to a certain use and maybe they could charge versus uh other spaces anybody else yeah I mean that was going to be one of my questions about the shared ballet business Bor partnership you were talking about if there's um examples of towns that have done thisly uh we do have a lot of opportunity with banks that are closed at night and medical offices that are CL at night that could but then we say okay good just go work together and yeah when we've seen it implemented we we've found it tough when if the burrow or the municipality takes a hand approach to it we found it more successful when they've come in with a solution uh you know the problem that we have is they're valy uh we taking out you know valuable spaces in our downtown public parking here's where we think you could park whether it's a private facility or a public facility that's further away and here's a way to do you see mechanisms where if you if you want to do a valet uh service you there's an ordinance that that regulates it you know it it requires you to have x y and z um so I think going into those conversations with a solution we found that a better approach um than letting just kind of the business Community figure it out themselves um and do you have examples of towns that have done this the closest that I've I know that that do it is uh Pennsylvania and Westchester Pennsylvania it's a very similar downtown setting Burnsville it's a little bit bigger actually but they have a lot of it's a government it's a county SE where they're at so they have a lot of government buildings or Law Offices uh financial institutions but they they've kind of come to uh work together to impl a shared approach that thank you um okay I also wanted to ask about um the private parking that you referenced multiple times and we have a lot of it um there was a map on one of the slides that was like green and blue did that differentiate was that the legend like between public and private St yes yes in the green were um all the existing inventory that cell had had inventoried and they identified as Prim facilities oh yeah and then um you kind of gave us the current state and then alluded to we're going to lose 70 spaces with the new development that we're going to have with that we only had like fly spaces I guess between the need and the the real need and the demand so we would then be under or over however you want to look at it we wouldn't have enough spaces at that point if we lost 70 and that doesn't obviously take into account I would imagine the additional parking that's required for those new facilities that are going in as well so what could we do to kind of uh take a look at that and try to see where we might be and then again come up with ideas on what we would need to do yeah it's a good that's a good question so you know I think we you know when we were looking at it kind of holistically we felt that your parking is at a good balance as it is now and when we looked at what the potential losses were the majority them being at at the um Mount Ary lot and that being very well underutilized I think the loss of those spaces can be absorbed in in the rest of the parking that you have uh but you know as you move past kind of those develop that are sowhat known or potential now I think those strategies that we're talking about you know particular the public private strategies um even just these small incremental changes will play a factor in the ability to uh you know handle the additional load that you have if if those developments require you know parking outside of their own space any else um what I'll do now is I'll open it for any public questions but you need to come up and stand where uh the XM and um it will be a three minute thing so if anyone has questions just on this presentation name and address please my name is Joseph Rossy your address for oh uh 101 crri Wen all the other ones no no um this is a very sensitive thing with me okay sure because I on parking lots I rent parking lots and I try and deal with all the different situations that we have is there a list that you could give the council that this start here like ature what you have who owns it how much do you control of it because none of it's being controlled we have the railroad station but the railroad right now because of its situation until those three Bridges get up and the tunnel gets open and we get a new system going that's going to be packed it's going to be really busy because it's going to be a fast way to the city so that's just a temporary thing that's not being managed the upper section of it is all being taken by apartments and people in town that are leaving their vehicles there that's being not being managed so during the day we have people leaving their cars there and it's really packed all day long on the weekends you can't get a parking space in our town the whole town is busy even during the week owners of shops leave their cars on the street all day long okay because are the lots being F we need another lot we need a few Lots but we need to police the Right tickets on all those cars and all those people that are doing that now I've been renting a a parking lot for 40 years because the ordinance said I needed x amount of spaces which I never really needed my lot is half full because of the different businesses I the most beautiful building in Bernville and it's half full so the lot is open and I do allow another person another group to burn it in to park 20 some cars that have been doing that for 30 years okay and there's not a problem the only problem I have is that the one problem that we do have here are all the contractors that are running through town with trailers and hitting cars and whatever that's why people don't are afraid of their private Lots nobody comes on my lot unless I have an insurance ific at a contract and whatever but people don't understand you can't let these people on there because they're coming around with their vehicles and flipping and PS they could Su they're going to sue the building owner not whatever so the private lots are a problem and that's why everyone's afraid to uh deal with do you have a question for him yeah that's what I'm saying how because right now I don't think they understand if you don't have enforcement if you don't have methodology on how it's going to work and who's in those lots and what the traffic is and how it's handled you're not getting anywhere right yeah I think zoning is zoning is a good part of it you ever talk about Z yeah I think to well to some of your points I think I can talk to um to enforcement yeah that's a key that's the key to any any any park riness yeah so with that I think it's important to understand you know what the regulations are for the various lots and that that information is is present it to the public so they understand can I park here or can I not Park here so your other point about you know having to provide additional parking that you don't need I think that that goes to the flexibility that we're talking about in the zoning code and providing Provisions so that you know as you a developer you understand what your operations are and what your need is um you know that that there's some flexibility in the code to allow you that ability to provide what you think is appropriate well that's good there's one other thing um the problem of restaurants and businesses parking on private park taking private parking lot lots up the theater parking filled the back of the store there filled the the uh Town lot two hours filled for the night on the street parking parking in all the parking lots that are not even there is the park on so that's that's a situation that must be dealt with right yeah it goes that will the number that you need yeah I think that I think well what we were talking earlier about you know how does the code match up with kind of a national data and one of the the ones that that stuck out to us was the restaurant so it feels low the the current code number feels low I think sounds like you're feeling that pressure point with the resturant that are I want to say one thing put it on the record these restaurants and people parking in these Lots never got approval to park there okay and they're using those lots and putting the land owners at risk and that's wrong and they not taking care of the downtown so that people can pull in to go into a store to shop that's the biggest problem like the like the uh wine truck comes down at 202 last night parks in 202 onload of his crates into the wine store that's happening and every every time during the day I take one more the soda trucks that comes to the burnard in parks there and block swim be Lane this stuff is going on constantly and it's not being taken care of thank you sir thank you I'll Stick Around send me a letter we'll talk I just want to ask you I have a concern that there's a blind spot for the library patrons in Sol what what I imagine they'll play out look like because our bottleneck time is between 9:30 and 11 between 30 and 45 families plus I have three staff working um that often don't have parking view I'm told people come to elaborated St leave because there's no and that if we have special event like mini golf or makers day or anything bigger than that's just our regular programing fours a week usually we have problems but if we have a big event it's just a complete disaster um and it only works out if the doctor's office downstairs is closed so given that we had this morning problem but we also have in the evening we have a lot of patrons who don't have FS that have data they use Library follow their families um they come to our ESL classes um if people are coming to the public library to use a computer they don't have access to an app um so if are there any like workarounds or ways to incorporate those needs into the plan I don't think you talk to any staff either like we'd have a lot to say if you have more information that you're looking for yeah there there's some discussion uh in the draft about there's a lot of regulations in the public library so understanding kind of you know what those regulations are um and and where they're allocated so if you you know from our perspective if you look at it you have a lot of public parking closer to Church Street in in the library that is underutilized and it may be underutilized because folks want to kind of go to the library want to be closer so there's potentially ability to kind of massage those spaces and maybe maybe allocate some the back and more front and then potentially you is there possibilities to expand that lot to make maneuverability through it a little bit easier or to potentially increase some of the parking but understanding we stud what this is not the same here's the fly is what we're doing there's a lot of room yet for further discussion on this whole this was kind of the first step and let's see what we have and how it's being used so yeah we're not to pressure you to solve this tonight yeah no I understand thank you yeah happy okay anyone else want to be heard this gentlemen po Graham 84 D3 ding Road um the inventory should definitely be done Section 8 of a code should be completely verified and reconciled because it has a full inventory including Ada spaces this request should also ask I believe said I see it yet a comparison of enforcement techniques bernil does not enforce barking today enforcement is really important for a lot of the reasons as you know so there needs to be a reference to other organization to other towns any of your towns and say how do they enforce it I'm very concerned that at the moment Bernardsville is depressed retail and Commercial and that there are large buildings that are unused unoccupied and if the plans go through to try to vitalize Burnville there will be a much more evident demand for parking Burnville station for instance is empty well that would have consumed parking spots Palmer's empty now they try parking lot there but that's empty um it's really important that when you do the inventory you in fact do one of the things you're supposed to do I believe you said you did it which is look at everything that's supposed to be available by code for all of the storefronts and you can default to the minimum for something that's unoccupied but that's really important school parking you're going to have to get a much better understanding of school parking lot and how it's used and sliced and there is no excess in that school parking lot it's all accounted for there is excess that's been denied in the bank that's near it and so it looks like it's open but it's not part of the school parking lot and she can test well whatever you really have to probe that area significant MV is abusing the parking in verville now it's very clear it's a disaster it's un unenforced there's no real guidance that says you can't just take a valet put on public parking but it's actually very bad far worse than burville in which used to actually have renting space but Envy the council has to do something about Envy with the police chief if we need an ordinance we'll have to do that um the train station is going to be metered so they talk to you about that um complimentary parking it's Callan to believe that these private owners are going to get by the insurance issue now public parking and cooperation with with private and a and uh public is certainly possible um understand if we the point that was made if we remove the parking it's a supply demand situation it'll become unbearable and then people just won't come uh once you get that buffer that if that buffer gets deteriorated then you know that the implications are catastrophic um I think the real key is to truly understand the inventory at the next level that how is it actually being used what's the reality of the use ask there should be something where you're asking the the commercial and Retail people what their problems are and beril should be making sure that employees Park away from the houses now enforcement will help that if you enforce two hours you don't get someone who's working there parking the whole day enforcement is probably the most important thing that has not been addressed by Bernville and parking and you should be able to provide enforcement recommendations based on peer towns what do they do the the cost is minimal to do it it's just a matter of whether we have the gumption to go ahead and enforce it anyone else Ryan when you when I submit material to you you P me on it if I make a mistake and I'm going to do the same your name on house sim off 209 Mount Harmony Road I think you're great is wrong on the shared barking analysis because I think the the Peaks are drawn from the restaurants and in the movie theater and the nighttime activity you ride through on Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday night you can't find a parking space I always do I always get a parking spot well you're the you're no I don't no special privileges but I always find a spot but well but you have to but you shouldn't have to cruise all the Lots I don't I find them in the train station most of the time but I think what's happening what Bob just talked about was the some of the entertainment the restaurants in the movie theater have like virtually no parking on their sites right and I think that the if the burrow does take a an action a force for Action they should set up a program where the money that's collected goes to enforcing parking and even promoting additional means of parking maybe a bond issue that's supported by contributions or assessments to the property owners that have no par like like because just to collect the money the $100 a month or whatever you're collecting doesn't do any good and I think that something has to be done with the money so that a program can be put forth a bond to to pay for a bond issue that money can then be issued to improve parking maybe build a deck on one of the parking lots or or acquire additional parking by assessing the property owners or somehow paying for it now the burrow just collects the money and then puts it into the copper well then they stopped collecting a few years ago because of the condition of the economy but I think the money should be set aside to to promote parking not just charge for it thanks how anyone else Sher want to talk I'll do Sher yeah she's play whatever thank you thank you um Sher bung skeller I'm at 80 Mountaintop Road and I had a couple of questions I didn't I don't have a copy of the report what day did you do this on you said you did one afternoon yeah we just did one sampling and what date what date was your sampling uh it was over the summer what was it July 4th weekend was it I mean the summertime isn't isn't you don't have the date when you did this I a specific date with me or I I think that when you move forward it's going to be important um what date you do this summertime people travel you don't have the same traffic during the afternoon you don't have people in school I I just I think it's relevant when you did it and that perhaps you need to look at it in the fall or some other time that's not um not inconsistent use um my next question you mentioned two suggestions which were to add more angled parking spots and change the um access access to the railroad uh the rail station parking everything else is an app private partnership you don't have any specific suggestions that would could really impact because I agree with the last two speakers that um we don't have enough parking and it was an afternoon two Saturdays ago I drove around literally for 20 minutes trying to find a parking spot until the um farmers market closed and in the evening as long as you have access to the railroad station um that's generally I don't have a problem but parking is a problem if I want to run in somewhere so I'm just not comfortable that your numbers accurately reflect the real usage and I was hoping you were going to have some ideas and solutions other than talk to people about Partnerships because in the cost of insurance has gone through through the roof in every aspect private commercial it's not necessarily realistic so will you be able to provide more suggestions other than those potential 18 spots well the stud's in draft form so we'll take all the comments that we hearing tonight uh questions and look a little bit further into the details of that sure thank you Shar thank you can you hear me hello good okay Maria Nale mbook properties on Quimby and what I was thinking and I've given it a lot of thought we have a problem with the restaurants that's who's trying to park in our lot and I am I have become basically the the parking lot gapa which is a horrible thing to say but it's the truth even though I love both restaurants they can't park in our lot we have two restaurants there and we have Frank Molino whose craft hair salon that stays open late and they're always going in there and parking in there including the valet so the valet they each of these restaurants should have valet that don't charge for a valet parking and they should be told where they should Park and also the post office parking lot maybe there's a way you could work it out that after post office hours that could be used for MV and for Bernards in and maybe they can pay the town a spec or or the post office or the state I don't know who a specific amount for the spaces there you know or or usage there or maybe you could have somebody with a little booth there checking the people in and then the restaurants can pay for it I think that would be a great idea or maybe the train station build a a two or three story parking lot there like they have in Morristown anyway I don't know or maybe the pal property maybe they would give some of that and build a parking lot there I don't know but it seems like you need a a big parking lot somewhere or valet service where the people that are Ving for these restaurants will valet to proper spaces like the library there's plenty of spaces when Chris and I go to Suki we often Park in the library parking lot just to free a space in that lot so that's all I have to say and also the uh waste company that picks up in New Jersey for all of Bernardsville often takes away spots all over Bernardsville and I've documented I have photographs of it I couldn't be at the meeting tonight because my dog is dying but I have photographs of them leaving the waste the the things where they throw their garbage their trash all of the spots in all the restaurant places everywhere they leave them open and they don't push the cart back in which takes up one parking space so I'm on top of that with um International waste whatever they are and they can't stand me but I don't really care so that's another problem that the town has and it's a serious problem because it's not only in our parking lot it's in everybody's parking lot I've actually taking photographs I thought I was going to be at the meeting tonight to show you so anyway that's all I have to say thank you for your time send me the pictures I will thank you all right thanks Mar thank you okay Mark Mark wal in 40 Liberty Road um I had a a question regarding the uh gravel parking lot that you mentioned as far as using for um ballet is that the one over here uh right across Street or is that outside of the zone that you were looking at uh it would be just across from the rail I one thing that I would like to see is uh when you were talking about the reduction in spaces uh by losing the mount a lot uh if that could be called out it's 70 spots but like uh how many spots in each of those lots would be uh being lost and then the other thing that I think is relevant to the usage is also the uh number of uh businesses that are occupied so uh we have enough parking per se but if you're doing a a survey of the available spots and we have 25% of the storefronts aren't rented it's kind of a skewed uh survey because you don't know what you know the people that would be attending you know visiting those stores at that time so I think that's that should somehow be worked into it um yes we have enough spots but this is with 25% of our stores not uh being rented at this time uh just something to give another way of looking at it a different ratio but that's about it thank you thank you Mar I just want to say something on there very few stores that are empty the only ones that are empty are owned by a developer who's waiting to not the all going down and what that's the only reason those stores are empty tell me who came up with did you come up with 25% of the stores Fe on the center of town those stores are the only stores that are empty and they are owned by the developer and knock them down or they would be rented buildings as well the old 56 degrees the gun shop those are yeah that's because of that's again because they to get approval to build appartments there that's the only reason or that would be F to the methodology should work you have to to assign the default value for parking to any of the storefronts so it should work right it's just an optimistic or pessimist it's the top just be aware that your inventory show what you expect right and but reality is going to be lower than what we're hoping it will be because we're hoping for more occupancy so we're hoping for a higher utilization and that's I think the key to understanding this environment yeah one of the key reasons started this was because there have a lot of our planning board members here we have there's like traffic and parking studies that are required per individual right request or application now we have so many that are coming whether they're in there or not or a different story but we know what's there and that's why we built the map a year or so ago maybe just to say okay we can't look at it in individual things it's like okay yeah increase by 1% with x amount but when we're talking about 10 different developments or 20 and the numbers that are coming in what is that then going to look like so that's why we're trying to look a little bit ahead of even the things that we know of or by ordinance what is allowed take a holistic rather P approach yeah right yeah yeah okay all right thank you thank you everybody um thank you CL public session on this feedback there we minutes we have November 18th and November 25th to approve second all in favor now well we'll have an open session for anything else that's not listed for public we have any publics again St address and keep tell us there is B gram 843 ding Ro um it's on the agenda I see that there's a resolution in place for the recycling by te yes I want you to know that if you you should not be paying any money to it it's more a matter of how much money to us back so my son owns an IT recycling company and I want to be sure the burner does not waste money spending it on it recycling that's all I'm just requesting that you contact me if you want it be cycled for free okay or recovered in some cases there's some value but often not but in any case you shouldn't be spending any money on it yeah I don't think we we not okay yeah because it's your it this is different than collecting it at the high school this is yeah this is this is internal I can get it to you for free and I can get you a lot of new equipment for free also which I've done in the best many times just Mak sure the tradition continues anyone else Mark Mark W 4 Road um one thing that I didn't get to do the council and the administrator uh at the end of the football season this year for the Somerset Hills M years on the president of the organization I'd like to thank the council and everybody involved with the lights up there uh it was a great thing everybody loved it it really made a difference especially to those eighth graders that were playing for the first time there um we got to play our last game under the lights which was uh very nice the first game under the lights uh for some of the little guys that were out there so we had everybody from second grade flag all the way through eighth grade uh uh football play Under The Lights this year and uh it was uh very nice and I just wanted to thank everybody for that um and also thank uh the council for the holiday parade as well it was our first involvement with it and uh thought it was really nice and uh we had a great time we had a good turnout about 40 kids um so again thank you for all your uh time and effort thank you thank the Mountaineers as well for all the work you did on the uh The Snack Shack it's gorgeous if you being on that um that Don yeah really did a great job took a while got there anyone else the public want to be heard if not I will close the public session um moving on to we have hanging on between um I'm going to move to reject and then reintroduce when next year next year some point so I need a motion to reject yeah just we've done public hearing yeah comment on this particular it should be helpful it'll be really quick Bob gram 843 Road as you know there are two ambulances and you know that I just wanted to be clear to the public that you will be reselling and recovering fund from the third ambulance once this one however this one lands it cost and so forth there's an offset a small offset small that you're selling the uh the older one and I don't know equipment can be part of it is G good but I just should be part of the any discussion so that the public knows that that is in fact what you of course expected to do yeah it's important 101 press drive it is important that we get the best the most functional ambulance that we can buy with the automated bed because some days there's women doing this job so whatever it costs it's lives that are at stake and these guys are running the old ones they're running all the time they're volunteering we're not paying a thing these towns that are have fulltime fire and whatever are spending millions of dollars on day and multi-million on weekends and we're getting it done for free I think there's a problem I think the board should write to the state that we should put it incentivize our public works or anyone that works in the community to to do the training for them and get them a stien not this stupid $1,500 that the state gives them it's it's more valuable in that we have the hospitals coming out and charging crazy numbers for people to pick up people after our people have taken them out of the houses have them all set the chance are on to their to to their their gurns but please support our volunteer we've done this all these years of making sure that theyve got what they needed thank you than you one of the still um okay please M Rand as a member of the fire company I'm obstain M mccre yes Mr yes m m yes yes rejected is that three that's three yeah voted down okay to pass actually needs three all right holding on to resolutions um we have 24265 through 24277 um any questions or discussion because we did not have a work meeting on any of these but they're put standard um the house of 207a North Finley that was the one at St John's on the mountain rehabed as a Outreach project it's gorgeous they did a beautiful job it's now a two family house that we get to count as part of our portal housing so this is our contribution towards that maybe just a small explanation for the public on 276 Housing Act insute loal government attorneys in their challeng Statewide number they sayde yeah can't the support So part of our effort to continue to push back on affordable housing bur correct on Statewide number which would reduce all the local municipality numbers if in fact the legislature listen to them it's worth a shot um anything else I have okay motion last motion I that res uh I moved the resolution 24265 to 24277 be adopted second please M yes Mr R yes m m yes Mr yes okay uh reports mayor's update um I forgot cuz I was popped in at the end of the last meeting um that I attended the league of municipalities conference and one of the uh first day we had the Jersey lunch which um so I was our representative to accept our uh for the first time silver this year uh we made silver so we're presented with this at the conference for the uh for sustainable Jersey and I have to thank the environmental commission and our Green Team and especially um Jeff hon for all the work they put into get us up to the next level and which is not easy to do and I think it's good for for years so we have that till 2027 um and um I just want to I also was at the conference elected to the uh League of municipalities executive board so representing Somerset County conratulations thank War warm meetings um we had a I have an ad hoc safety Campaign Committee now that um we had our first meeting lots of good ideas I met with the chief to go over them so hopefully we'll be putting out you'll start to see things for a safety campaign with the goal of getting people to slow down in town and pay attention to crosswalks and just be more alert when they're driving case the chief do a read out on that at public too we talk about some of those issues as well yeah um did my 17th wedding I have another one coming next to week so that'll make 18 um Nancy and I attended the police recognition breakfast which the um law enforcement Foundation sponsors at roxiticus It's a Wonderful event um they give out all the um not really recognition to the police officers for all the things they've done throughout through the year amazing um and we've asked the chief I think at some meeting I will read them because there's several life saving events that they've done um Wonder amazing investigations it's just it's amazing what a great police force we have and what great work they do and it's nice that the foundation honor them every year um we had our last Centennial event uh that same day what was it the sixth the um burners High Jazz Ensemble did a concert of Tommy dorsy music big band era that was really uh well received it was your kids had a great time doing it so um we're thank you Fran for helping with our committee this year um and so we made it through the year I I attended the suers County Business Partnership annual meeting that's where they recognized citizen of the Year this year it was Michael kwin I don't know if you all remember Michael Kerwin well deserved um I had my first League of municipalities board meeting that was in Princeton I missed the uh the briefing but we had a briefing today on drones um we did a riving cutting at the Burnsville decorating that's on quiny they opened up what was the dog roomer there wack happy they now have it as a decorator showroom so it's really worth stopping in and Arlene does a great job there uh we had a main street board meeting um I did a ribbon cutting at the house of swab at roadway Suites on clarot um if you haven't been in there it's the concept is they're all individual entrepreneurs each has their own little business they each have a little suite and this I think was the last one that was open and she specializes in the bridal and event hair and makeup so I think that's all full now we had Rees Across America at St Bernard's church on St Bernard's cemetery on Saturday uh we put out I leave 140 Reefs on the graves of veterans we do a little ceremony uh the Scouts came and helped us so it was really was very cold but it was it was a very moving ceremony uh then we had the holay prade that night and was great that the Mountaineers had a incredible float there that you put together uh the best I don't want to say the insurance was good but uh forel Electric had this whole truck lit up did you see that I know so uh that went all well just I haven't gotten back everybody's committee assignments let's see I got Al lost Gina and Christine oh I'm missing Jack I only have self evaluation did you send it to me I to check again and then I had also asked um I think we talked about doing go setting kind of for the next year and I had asked each of you for your three top priorities for the year and then I think if we start from there we're not starting from out here so um I think I've gotten christines and Jeff so far but so if you haven't done that let me know and finally we have as his last meeting we have a plot for Jay this is his last meeting he's finishing his term so presented to Jay amang by the burrow of Burnsville in grateful appreciation for your service as a member of the Burnville B Council from 2022 to 2024 and for your Valu participation and commitment to public service and to all the residents of Burnsville we thank you for your dedicated service and wish you good health and happiness in the years to come thank thank you you ready [Music] it's a pleasure so I didn't prepare anything I promise I'll keep it very brief uh to Burnsville uh in 2019 um to uh for job and for the opportunity for our son to go to school in the Northeast so it was a great opportunity for us and uh I've always liked to contribute to um to volunteer time uh this was I the month before I decided to run politics was never in my future uh but i' I've thoroughly enjoyed my time doing this um and meeting people um the people up on this uh this Council have been a fantastic represent representatives of our community um and I've enjoyed the time here I uh really appreciate the welcome that you all gave me and and um just being uh able to be a part of this uh great organization and to the administration um uh you know Jack and Nancy I I appreciate it Anthony has been great so I just everybody thank you very much U please accept my thanks and I know you guys will do one wonderful and very excited to see what Ross has to to bring to the team going forward it's a a great organization and a great town so thank you very much yes I'll miss you guys yes [Music] I I repor one thing that you didn't mention is that ja Festival we're selling ornaments and well they're called insulated wine them for anything and they're very nice they have Centennial U logo on it and they're $15 each and they're available downstairs um at the T make wonderful yeah also uh you passed a resolution earlier just want to highly um we're accepting a $25,000 Grant in the nature consy for the construction phase of the gam um we're still of um working on S so yeah it's a pretty hey cost that over $2 million 25,000 not a lot but we're slowly trying to you know with a leg down um Tom Sylvia is our new recreation director as December 9th um he so he has a whole weekend um and he s me in we're very happy to have him and he comes from um Clinton Township and he has 22 years of experience as a municipal Recreation director um so we look forward to him applying them here and he gets along great with Stephanie who is also new who the assistant Rec director she's been here a couple months longer than him so looking fors to that they have to uh in store for the recreation um community and uh the good news is that the New Jersey our New Jersey Highland system was accepted um on the meeting on Thursday night and just the B planner is she attended for us and she is here she going to talk a little bit about the meeting the appliation next up just before you do that Qui I almost forgot um at the concert that you mentioned the jazz concert Nancy came and sat there at the desk the whole night selling or people's donations so thank you for above and beyond a planner I did attend the highlands council meeting last Thursday uh the plan performance uh application was approved and so starting I guess in January uh we have a full sort of s of Grant issues to address of around $65,000 but they are funding uh and environmental resource inventory U master plan reexamination and Highland master plan element um adoption of the Highlands conformance ordinance as well as the housing the housing element fair share plan they apply to and then we have a Highland Center feasibility study in order to establish the the center area that we'll need to do on next year and that's $25,000 as well as some funding towards the municipal storm water management plan which should be another $25,000 so it's lot of um good work ahead and and Grant you know uh Monies to go towards that and it was all good everyone was happy and thank the highlands Council and the staff and they're looking forward to working with the bur Mountain LS also got approved Mountain laks got it the same night as well when they were there yeah yeah that's great thank you so much we'll be busy now yeah definitely thank you um we have some monthly reports to accept do I have a motion to accept monthly reports thanks all in favor opposed okay we have report um I there um Public Safety did you meet uh we actually did not um we're going to do an email um update and discussion but we have not yet started that um our chief was on Fox Business News um about the Dron um it essentially just says we have no information um because we have no information so I don't know but uh yeah sign with the somerset Hill Mayors they police mayor cons but they all sign the government above us actually I did have a briefing today there was um from the White House we had the office of uh homeing security and the FAA about the drones they just got in some new technology A specialized radar that can track jum drones and they are insisting that there is nothing they have not had any have not found any that are an anomaly that they're all licensed any drones that are out there and they're basically saying that um you know there's a million registered drones in the country so the odds of there being drones in the air is not uncommon and so the answer pretty much that's what they said today and you know the mayor's on the call kept asking well can you issue a statement can we have something that we can say to the public who's asking us about this well we're still working on no s so that's what they said any that was all from okay um Finance you haven't met no we didn't and we'll be I think um if I have everyone's request we'll start putting those together Personnel I think we have something in executive yeah public Works Public Works we didn't meet in December but there is in the reports is kind of what they've been very busy public works but um one of the things that um I wanted to point out was that the Veterans Day BS yes got so much great feedback on those and I think we should really like Comm in public works for the job that they do to get those up it's not not easy up and down and it's you know a lot of towns do them for our town it means a lot speak for the people who've said it to me um you know I witness families that are like Gathering underneath them and then going out to like making a day to see the banner so I really think like up to stop that I think we better not yeah actually we keep getting requests for more fls so if we could expand that would be great and on the report it also says we got two new employees in public work so one now that John is kind of on his retirement um we'll get back to meetings for January okay any Council any committee [Music] Leons meeting I have one environmental commission they met this week and um last meeting asked about coming up with the potentially asking them to riew bamboo or so it's actually I think we're going to have to go like have another meeting about it with them before um there wasn't really a clear but um I think it's a little [Music] more it's not that simple to just say we're going to b b because the state already has Reg about certain invasive species that areed in Bur do have so until we know of like a major problem with bamboo then I think we should handle us Case by case basis instead of spending time trying to come up with the ordinance for something that unless I'm missing we have yeah I think the resident more concerned about the existing the existing but trying to prevent future so knowing that we can't do much about existing yes we have the voice SCS had a EOS SC project some making sure that there was an additional bamboo in the future um he offered to speak to the environmental commission I think I sent you his email how open those meetings are but was quite know about bamboo so yeah so they are too and then apparently there's different types of bamboo some that don't Spread spread and and some that do and I think any responsible homeowner I would hope wouldn't be planning something that would damage the engage property right anything whether it's bamboo or anything like crazy well this that particular thing that type of bamb so they did come back with um kind of a draft ordinance based on Township apparently they you know any time that comes upill was a problem a problem is there any I can come back on something works no end that's my only um report back thanks for discuss I'll back Hillary I saw you there Shamrock Shuffle yay so we will use basically just a repeat from the last couple years it's worked well um and we figured out how to do the jobs for blue last year so we'll do that again with the police officers um but everything else will be the same as prior years everyone good with that can she explain it for the record just like it is 5K road rat that we do for the a fundraiser for the school of St Elizabeth we started it during Co great and in a two mile walk and a two mile walk yes and the two mile walk just cuts off a little bit so it's the same course and the funds go to the school yes the fund are to the school we have a Kids Fun Run Before the Race but that's just on the campus of the school and the church yeah thank you yeah thank you doing it um cross wall we what are we doing on that we be um right so the last meeting we talked about how would we put in a I guess less than desirable location um you can bring up my very R um drawing so down there you see current location it is right next to the bleachers or right near the bleachers facing that way and we're proposing to put it where the wor is proposed um it uh is more wide open there um it is doesn't it would not uh impede the path um not the scale obviously but you know we were out there with Tony our engineer and at the time Stephanie the assistant Rec director and Kevin from public works and we ran it by the U Nick cross and he likes the location um nobody had a problem with it we reached out to two people to get prices to move it and um I only got only one response and it was fortunately from the people who put it in uh Keystone Contracting and it was it's $3,850 to I thought was pretty reasonable um is not uh we are not Without Blame because um they did notify the previous recor coming in but nobody else knew so um you know there was a miscommunication BL whatever um so we do bear a little bit of responsibility so I don't I think $3,850 is a lot to have it move to a place that it's going to be more um resident friendly it's more friendly it's it's better for the lacrosse players it's better for the people that are sitting in bleachers it's better for the people are walking the path so I just you know wanted to get your okay if you think it's a good spot you think it's good price will get me no DP wetland there and you said it doesn't imped it the walking path and they're still going to put a fence around it too over there or yeah I would imagine otherwise all the balls are be in the woods yeah there would have to be a fence around um and it does not the w l and uh or the c u we have a resolution to authorize read vertising for bids for the library yes sosed wall I'm not opposed to it it was one of the locations that I had proposed in the first place um I guess my concern now is just if it's going to be Keystone then it's I guess it wouldn't be an issue my issue it would be my concern is that it just get damaged right now it's in place it's fine it's not damaged anything if there would be some kind of guarantee that it wouldn't be damaged you know Sumer cross paid for it if they would but again if it's Keystone I'm sure then they're covering it and I don't see the issue on that um but yes we will we are going to fence that in um probably would say the next month we're still receiving bids on that um for that location it's like roughly 150 linear feet 10 ft High um so kind of like a tennis court what we have uh proposed is that it would be a tighter fencing compared to like a regular fence so it's not climbable um like kind of like wish I wish our back stop had that kids de Etc but also balls won't get lodged in there and that's I think reason why kids do climate for the most part um but it would be a tighter nit fence and that's why the cost is going to be a little more than what we had originally thought but not not crazy how quick can it get it done e time I I don't know anything yeah I mean we're that's a point for me long as long as it's guaranteed that it's not get damaged one reason we thought it was better use ke because they put up origin so they know how move it yeah does that include the town also going to do the excavation is gonna do excavation and sound cheap or whatever we can great thank you you since we're on that that area we're good at the end um so Library we um a resolution to go back yeah approve going back out you know we appr you know shingle maybe get price down beginning of the year people that contractor work maybe come in less expensive than the other one okay um J I move the resolution 24-20 278 be adopted second M May yes Mr yes m m yes R yes all right um correspondents we had a very nice thank you letter um for recognizing ovarian cancer awareness month but that was nice that they reached out to thank us um I also got a letter one of the um there's a letter from New Jersey Transit um we were trying to do a little park for Ed English at the train station on the piece that's if you're looking at the farmers Mar it to the left and they turned us down on using that but I think we're going to use um we've got another another plan for where to put it we really wanted it at the train station since Ed is most well known for doing the forers market for so many years so it just you know what you um and then we had this um going into any unfinished business first no anything um under new business we have the um the new insurance that we have to do for school facilities so I Anthony what do we need to do for this just motion and Council consent that those forms that the school G the recognation department are acceptable to the council and the our risk manager will always fine with it and from standpoint do need is this me have to they have to do all this training I think they have to sign those forms really well I sorry I think it's because of Stephanie and Tom are new Stephanie said she thought that was why the board sent it because they're new and they haven't had the training so this is just to ens they take it since they use the school buildings yeah for programs yeah okay so we just need a motion to accept these forms what second all in favor all right okay we're back to an open session okay there one thing you're talking you're in the camera I'm going to start off with the field in that in the U across wall um as you know uh when they found decided to have you know to get the toy to build a tur field up there and then I was eliminated from being involved in it so the tur field that was built has no drainage okay and it drains and there's water on it it's ripping up right now and the water is running down on the lower pole that has no drainage okay so those two fields are most of the the time a problem problematic and dangerous so um I I really want you to look at that complex you you know let him leave that for a little while to to you see what can be done because you understand that they put the fencing is not regulation so someone's got to look at setting that whole area up with me not being involved I would have pushed the field back towards the scoreboard and there would have been a a assembly area up front you know what I'm saying where all the teams can come and drop off and there's a lot of other things we want to go into but not that but that field right now has to be looked at and see if the county county can give us any money because they built multi-million dollar fields for everybody else and then they screwed us on this okay so that's what we want to look at before you start moving because then if you move it back you'll have a nice place where this wall to be placed and the other thing is to spend the kind of money that I see that you want to spend for these walking paths is ridiculous if you're not you're going going to have to drain when you drain the fields and put the cross drainage in and around the perimeter you're taking the water right you can put the paths in at the same time and save all that money that you're spending they go in at the same time it all drains and it'll drain like Evan cow have you ever been an Evan cow after a 7inch rain or 5 in Rain you walk on it it's dry the only problem with EV cow that you have that you don't feed it right it's got to be five feedings of organic and and and three feedings of weed killing and whatever and cut right and it's not done I have to call in this year and say listen all the flowers are very nice on the field but the KY kids are being bitten by the by the bees so that's that's a real problem now so I I'll end up there and I'll work with you and steal whatever you got to do they'll get that back in place and get the drainage going lower Polo and that okay that's the most important thing we need those fields and we need them draining the next thing is the roads have been very dangerous with the leaves the leaves haven't been picked up and if you go up roads and you have to stop in the piles and go around it we we sent out a flyer that told the people they can only put it on the curve on the shoulder they're in the middle of the road and the guys are having I know we have a new crew and I feel bad for them but they also do you know that we have $150,000 new machine sitting over wherever it's sitting that can't suck leaves and I brought this up two years ago and bringing it up a that again they bought a machine for $150,000 that has not been repaired and not been replaced and they're using the old machines so please can somebody do something about that that that's that's that's that's a real problem and we have a we have a we haven't been cutting the shoulders back you know why because the shoulders time's up okay the shoulders because of the machine that we bought is too large for our roadways so it hasn't been us being used we need to we we were told I was told we're going to swap for the one that can cut those and I have one other thing the county roads have 2030 trees that are ready to fall down we have a problem with all these trees on our roads and their roads and the the county and the state I mean the state the town and whatever everybody's got to get involved and start looking at them because they're coming down picking the power up thank you thanks Joe lucky somebody doesn't get killed okay um anyone else Bob yes Bob Graham 843 Dagon Road first thing I want to make sure Mary Jane you got my email yes okay thank you second I just want to remind us that we should be working with USPS real estate on the post office relocation functions they've got staffing issues they're understaffed um so that may come into play also but let's try to maintain collaborative control I guess a b um on that uh Second request is that leverage your expert on parking to give you any guidance about shuttles not the Shamrock shuttle but the any shuttle but shuttle costs what the implications or because shuttles can be used as part of overall um vitality and or Rel parking and so forth and then maybe 800 FTS fine but 800 ft's too far except in a shopping center which say sometimes you they'll say oh well people go to a shopping center and they'll walk 800 ft well that's not the same thing as here anyway um the final thing is drones um do not believe the government when they say they have identified the drones or that they're recreational they're not um the only thing I would suggest you believe that appears to be truthful is that they're not going to harm you that's the only thing I would count on based on extensive research that I've done offline on this stuff and a testimony from experts and so forth so take it with a major grain of salt anything you're hearing from Homeland Security it's not in their interest to keep you well informed but they're not going to hurt you and that's probably the the first thing we want to worry about yes and they certainly are there I have one it seems like does the council want to get rid of the post lus Joe this is you know it's not a question and answer kind of thing okay I'm going to say this the post office 700 boxes 500 are used those people are coming to town every day there's a there's 90 some people or more 100 and some people that go to that counter I go there they come from my office buildings they walk down they come from the stores they walk down that is our property the town of fville we the taxpayers do not sell that property if we need to have a smaller smaller staff there because they're sorting and the Sorting is a problem we don't want that but we want our own people I tried every single the only one we go maybe to go to Far Hills but they have I I've filed five congressional complaints about the post office and the complaints are that they're not hiring people they're down three people and asking those poor people to come in at 5:00 in the morning but that's going to be a disservice that moves from town with all the people in walking distance you people will put I'll put your PE on the front of the building that this is the wrong thing to do that is the busiest place it brings people in to get the car walk they go to the restaurants to go whatever and people a lot of people in the bernsel mountains I don't know if they know what what you're trying to do here they have their boxes there because they're not at their houses so if you think that that's the best thing for us to do is to sell that property to put a garage you are wrong we don't even have infrastructure to go up and down that roadway that's crazy hi anybody on [Music] Zoom no I will close the public hearing um we do have a executive session um and there's a possibility we may come back out so have to announce that do I have a motion to go into to adjourn to Executive I move to adjourn to ex you guys inv [Music]