##VIDEO ID:waGfa2neUwQ## e okay ready call this meeting to order call please mayor is absent Mr amang here M mcrey here Mr McQueen is absent Mr AO here Mr ruse here M mayor here so in absence of Mayor Kos and while she's running late I'm going to be presiding over the meeting uh notice of this meeting was provided to the Burnville news and Courier News file the municipal clerk and posted on Municipal Bolton board and December 14 2023 please rise for to the flag the United States of America and to the rep stands one nation Gody andice for all welcome to the 2025 November 25th 2024 meeting of the Burnville burough Council this meeting is being conducted in person the council chambers in burough Hall and is being broadcast Live on YouTube and on Zoom to make it as convenient as possible for residents to attend the meeting members of the public are here in person and those attending remote Le on Zoom will be given the opportunity to comment at appropriate times during the meeting in accordance with following guidelines members of the public will be allowed to speak during the open sessions and during formal public hearings on the agenda including public hearings on ordinances comments will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker which will be monitored and enforced by the B clerk comments containing offensive profane or indecent language or language constituting hate speech will not be permitted remote participants have be muted until they are unmuted by the clerk and remote participants will not be able to mute themselves the clerk will mute remote speakers at the expiration of the three minutes of a lot of time or if they make any inappropriate or offensive comies all speakers whether in zoom in person or on Zoom shall State their names and addresses before they make comments speakers on Zoom shall activate their cameras so that they can be seen by members of the governing body and audience theer the governing body provide a live broadcast of this meeting or technological problems counted during the course of the meeting that affect remote viewing and or particip participation will not invalidate this meeting or any action taken including but not limited to the adoption of any ordinance resolution or motion okay we're going to start off with a presentation tonight um so uh I was very fortunate to be able to attend the Hometown Heroes program hosted by Congressman Cen at the Burnal Library I'm very honored to hosted this great program here in the burough and it honored um standout law enforcement from all around the Seventh District in New Jersey and very fortunate that one of our own started Tim Richards was Tim Richard was honored during this I'm going to read quickly what the um I guess you know com forward s Richard and chief Remy so he was nominated by ran and I'm going to read out what was read out at the actual event by the congressman Sergeant Richard is a dedicated officer who's well known in the community he's active of the Department's lead law enforcement against drugs and violence program which aims to help students understand the risk they may face Sergeant Richard serves as a yis on to community events between the department and our community he's also a trained emergency medic medical technician and former Sheriff's offic so Chief REM me offer a few um remarks then we can give them the flag sure when a congressman Kane reached out to the department I'm looking for dedicated hardworking Community oriented officers um Tim is the first person that comes to mind I think anybody in this town that knows Tim um or if I say his name they know exactly who I'm talking about you've made a good impression on the community on the police department um and everybody you come in contact with so I think they're very uh worthy recipient of the congratulations Congress mcain presented this flag which flew over the United States capital I'm going to read the proclamation here the flag of the United States of America this to certify that the accompanying flag was Fen over the United States capital at the request of The Honorable Thomas H Kane junor member of Congress for sergeant Timothy Richard 2024 law enforcement Hometown hero in honor of your bravery and dedication to Serve and Protect as a member of the Burnville Police Department congratulations [Music] conratulations and Tim did not get this award because he lives across the street from thank thank you answer on the hour sir thank you thank you okay approval of minutes um motion to approve the October 21d 2024 2028 2024 minutes all those in favor I I okay okay open session for items not listed on the public hearing we have a number of public hearings today um but and also the one on the parking lots we're going to do a separate public hearing on um parking lot lights any other items not listed for a public hearing please come forward or raise your hand if you're on Zoom okay seeing none I will close the public hearing um ordinances F from cols be limited three minutes per speaker should I just read this mayor to open public hearing on ordinance 2024 2006 Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of a new Ambulance by the burough of Bernardsville in the county of Somerset New Jersey appropriated $200,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 170,000 in bonds or notes of the burough for financing such appropriation are we this is getting continued right um well we had said we want to do public hearing you could do it but we can't vote on it right because you don't have enough eligible members I don't think you need four right right um so you don't have enough eligible members and it's not the right amount anyway so you could make a motion and nobody seconds it and then it just dies and we're going to ruce it next year anyway when we have more information or you can have public hearing and then close it and then it's going to die anyway because you're not going to vote for it so why don't we J okay let's open the public hear and see if there's any comments and then we'll continue with the next meeting we can do that and then at that meeting we can there was more information yeah it's the okay so anybody from the public want of you heard on this ordinance okay so just do a motion continue the public he until December meeting publication do that yes second just Voice vote all those in favor yeah okay okay mayor to open the public hearing on ordinance 20242 2008 an ordinance repealing section 77.9 of the burrow code which prohibits overnight parking for November 15 to April 1st anyone from the public want to be heard on this and if you recall this was a redundant ordinance which prohibited any overnight parking the bur well sorry it prohibited when there was a snow emergency but there were other emergency ordinances that did that and so we're going at um at recommendation of the chief we are going to eliminate repeal this section okay closing the public hearing I have a yeah go ahead um I move to pass ordance 204-208 on Final reading and adopt as published second roll call vote Mr R yes M mccre yes Mr R yes Mr Ruth yes Mr the mayor yes okay mayor to open public hearing and ordinance 20242 increasing the penalties for violating the burrow truck grp ordinance while traveling on a street or road having a grade in Access of 5% and supplementing and amending chapter 7 of the burough code entitled traffic anyone in the public want to be heard on this ordinance okay see none Jeff since it's Public Safety you want to I move to pass ordinance 2024 d2010 on Final reading and adopted publish second M yes Mr R yes Mr yes M MCC yes Mr yes okay opening the public hearing on ordinance 20242 and ordinance vacating a portion of burnard's PA adjacent to block 114 lot one which is outside the pave roadway and which is required for the construction of the affordable housing development at 63 Bernards app anyone in the public want to be heard on yes have one Sarah stma I'll have to mute hi I have a question I'm not exactly sure if this is the right forum for it so I can easily be redirected if it's not um I own um oh you have to see my video so here address oh sorry so I'm Sarah stelma I uh own the uh 9 Bernards Avenue um so just up the street um I have um two I guess they questions um is this saying that part of the road's going to be uh redirected and your I'm not quite sure on how much of the street is being closed off and just one comment on redirecting the road around that corner often times it floods around that edge so I was just wondering if there was um that was taken into account in this redirecting the road and then just related to that big uh building that I I missed some of the other meetings that was discussed with the real final plan of how big that building is and the final plan of their uh parking lot but I'm just wondering um what if there's overflow of parking from that future building and parking lot how it's taken into uh consideration for the surrounding um uh properties because I would think that some other people would end up basically parking in front of my house so I there more questions about what the plan was for that CH P our lawyer is going to answer yes this ordinance just vacates a small triangle across the street from 63 prins Avenue that's not part of the roadway now U it was required by the planning board all of the other questions you've asked are not covered relevant to this ordinance at all okay where ask those that's the planning board or is that the best place um I guess the zoning officer zoning officer best place to start yes let me give me one second we're finding out for you the road's not being redirected this is outside the pav area parent Road it's just a small triangle right so things up um to interpret basically the planning board required us to vacate a very small portion as part of the overall property plan for this so it came to council to do that um the roadway is not being redirected I it sounds like you have a lot of questions about the actual development itself which would be with the zoning office being told um by the by the administrator and the the council yeah so that development has been approved by the planning board it has had plan approval right so so there was plan approval so you can get the information on it yes room zoning and planning is the best place call I I just couldn't catch where I'm I I couldn't quite hear where I'm being directed to which person or office um her name's Denise Bardo and she is the Planning and Zoning coordinator what's the number do you have or an email exension 145 she's extension 145 so it's 766 3000 extension 145 okay if you want her email is D then David F and Frank i l a r o Burnsville she you can also stop level the library too okay thank you thank you any other comments no okay do oh sure I move to pass ordinance 2024 2011 on fin reading and adopt is published a second m r yes M yes Mr yes yes yes hey um opening the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2012 ordinance of the burough Bernardsville the county of Somerset New Jersey adopting amendments to the 65 mortown Road Redevelopment plan pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law is this the one we're gonna have okay great so we have Fran um mcmin MCM MCM good nice to meet you uh it's gonna come and speak about this for a second she's from mcon uh Scotland andman yeah good evening everyone bran McManaman McManaman Scotland and Balman we serve as Redevelopment Council to the burrow so as you mentioned ordinance 24 uh 2024 2012 is on tonight's agenda for final adoption this ordinance provides for the adoption of certain amendments to the 65 Morristown Road Redevelopment plan the Redevelopment plan is being amended in connection with a Redevelopment project by 15 sansberry who's been designated as the conditional redeveloper of that property connection with the project for a classic car dealership which was not permitted under the original Redevelopment plan which is why these amendments are necessary Neary called dwell and Associates the burough planner prepared the amendments to the Redevelopment plan and the amended plan is on file with the burough clerk on October 28th 2024 uh the Redevelopment plan amendment was introduced by Council and then referred to the planning board for review as required by the local Redevelopment and Housing law under the Redevelopment law the planning board is tasked with two things first it needs to identify any amendments that are inconsistent with the Burrow's master plan so on November 14th the burough planning board reviewed the Redevelopment plan Amendment and found that the Redevelopment plan amendment is not Inc consistent with the Burrow's master plan as required by the Redevelopment law so that was its first task its second task is to make any recommendations or other recommendations that the planning board deems appropriate and the planning board did make several recommendations to the proposed amendment the Redevelopment Law requires that Council take action on each of the recommendations so I'm going to go through the recommendations and then there'll be a vote by Council so the first recommendation was to provide for a minimum sidewalk with standard of no less than 8 ft the original Redevelopment plan in section 6.5 already provided for the 8ot sidewalk width however uh the amendment that was required was to uh Delete the 4 foot landscape buffer in order to provide for that 8 foot sidewalk width so the amendment is um to delete the F 4 foot landscape buffer that was in section 6.5 of the Redevelopment plan the second recommendation is to clarify the total number of parking spaces permitted on the property and the planner added certain language to the amendment providing for not less than 12 parking spaces for such uses uh the third amendment was to clarify the type of doors on the repair base the original Redevelopment plan just referenced exterior doors and the uh planner amended the exterior doors to read as overhead garage bay doors uh and then the fourth recommendation was which although it was not included in the planning board resolution was noted on the uh record by the planning board that they uh requested that there be clarification on the parking standards to allow for the display of vehicles for sale in the front and side yards given the nature of this business that it's going to be a classic car dealer ship uh they wanted to make sure it was clear that they they would be able to display vehicles in the windows and in the side yard so that is also um being clarified in the am in the proposed amendment so all the recommendations from the planning board are clarifications which resulted in immaterial changes from the original amended plan that was introduced in October so uh Council would need to take action on on both on all of those recommendations and then once the vote is over I'd also like to address one of the items that's on the consent agenda okay we're in a public hearing first so let me first see if there is any public comment um on this ordinance there's so Jay you want to move in sure I move to pass ordinance 2024 2012 on Final reading and adop is published second before we vote on the ordinance that we need to vote on the recommendations I was just going to say yes can you talk about the first one again the 8B side sure because we don't necessarily have to accept right that's correct you can reject them and if you reject their recommendations you have to uh put on the record the reason for the rejection that's what the Redevelopment law requires so I'm going to go to that section 6.5 we talked about this about we can take the recommendation yeah that's all that requires all right so what's being deleted is sidewalk planting zone the four foot closest to the curb line shall be comprised of a planting zone the planting zone shall create a buffer against the roadway and includes Street trees or other plantings compliant with the parameters described below lighting lighting may also be provided in planting zone so the amendment would be to delete that to provide for the 8 foot sidewalk and allow them to park don't in the front well right now there's nothing there right there's nothing there so and I assume they don't want to do it because they want to be able to have a clear view of the cars well I think this is recommendation came from the planning board right and I think they're trying to make the Cons 8 foot sidewalk consistent in that area right there there's a um desire from the planning board to in that um downtown Corridor have 8ot consistent sidewalks all the way throughout so this is their way of ensuring that there's 8ot consistent sidewalks in that right like in that right away you know ascending from the ch right area straight through to closer to downtown yes right that's exactly and so these are recommendations from the planning board just to clarify not the redeveloper right right right and and the 8 foot sidewalks are are consistent with what's around I'm just looking at the aerial photo I can't tell what the it's all it's all paid but yeah no I'm looking at theirs but I'm just looking at their company what I'm wondering is are they the same as the lot to the right well left looks like they don't have but the bank does the bank have a for sidewalks in front of it or what they're saying is there's going to [Music] be right now it's a black T there's nothing so and there should be eight feet of where a person can walk right rather than the buffer zone which was how many feet four feet rather than four feet of trees so that a cart does doesn't think about just pulling right on to the sidewalk cuz it's a car dealership yeah I mean if you've ever walked over there Jay it's kind of like you w a buffer I feel like even if the sidewalk has to be 4et and the planting [Music] 4et I would I wouldn't want to not have the bumper and they're saying I think in order to achieve the 8 foot sidewalk they need to eliminate the buffer but I like the buffer right I think what they're trying to achieve I'm not saying we should agree with it is is the cons they're trying to compel OT sidewalks in all projects right so like this future projects Etc so we had a consistent 8 foot sidewalk all the way downtown um we may decide that it's not appropriate for this property based on what we just said right there but we're not going to be able to change Walter's Garden or the auto body right because we don't have that's going based on C Zone which current zoning is 8 feet sidewalks right that's what's in I can't speak to that the amend yeah we're done by the planner I can't speak to that yeah so I believe that the planning board required wal the application for the former wers to be 8 ft okay so they're they're enfor as I think as applications come up they're requiring eight so it's going to be a little pie mail I guess until they all have right app and the buffer between the street and the side one correct yeah I believe that's where the buffer would be located you don't think you think it creates a I I feel like it would be safer with but anyway that was one that I had a question on and then the other one was the parking can you tell me about that one not less than 12 spes the second one right yeah we going to the working is okay so for the parking requirements the amendment proposes a maximum 15 spaces for storage of vehicles for sale outside indoor storage is limited to the building size employ employe parking at one space per employee and customer parking at one space per five cars proposed to be sold on the property and in any event not less than 12 parking spaces for such uses so they want to require those things sorry that's what they want as the requirement the planning board wanted to get uh because I think what was in there originally was they the amendment did not the amendment did not provide for the not less than 12 parking spaces for such uses so the their question was what's the sort of minimum number of parking spaces that can be used on that site so they want us to require then a minimum of 12 I thought that they were just I thought Matt said last week that they just wanted a justification for so I don't think that's Justified and I it it like if we don't agree what they say then we just have to say that that's not justified and we not put into there you can reject the recommendation and explain why you're rejecting it on the record but but to your point were they saying that you had have this much parking or were they saying let us know they just wanted us to recognize that yeah what it was different right like what were we originally thinking when need put the plan together I think that's what they were requesting well our justification for the current parking well last week when we talked about it we said like they're not going to have right we're like to me that's to many SP to require of them since only one person really shops there in F that would also include well to your yes their recommendation was to consider adding language to clarify total number of parking spaces permitted at the property and this would also be employee spaces these 12 would not be just for customers they would be for employees and customers okay going back to the sidewalk discussion like and again I don't want to State something with fact it's not but I I just looking at the PNC bank and going all the way down to Beyond Pace Collision it seems like those are sidewalks based on the measurements like with people yeah so if you were trying to be consistent with well no no no they've got the sidewalks go right up the street where this is PNC Bank the sidewalk goes right up to the street and then down here by Pace Collision the sidewalks go uh yeah so I mean those appear to be sidewalks so the in between those two is the pace collision service and the Audi dealership or the a dealership and so if you were to extend That Sidewalk it would be a consistent line across [Music] but yeah yeah um be consistent with across the street I I don't see anything in new ordinance requiring 8 for Cy it appears to be just a requirement for the planning board imposes you want to take this one time sure right and decid the first one was that was the first one consensus on how we feel 8 sidewalk is 8as I say all right so so would be double what we have on the other side of the street what when I'm looking across the street that it appears like they've got more than 8T with the green [Music] zones green yeah yeah so I I don't know that they have the room to go more than eight space eight I I don't know but it would appear there's less room on the Audi side than there is at the realter across the street or the bank across the street where they have a little bit more setback yeah so I don't know if they can fit a whatever they were planning on for foot and then 4 foot a green space or but it appears like if you look at the PNC Bank which is to the right of the a dealership and the P Collision which is to the left halfway through the maybe at the that the um old uh uh Garden Center that's where the sidewalk started appears that that is an 8ot sidewalk and the PNC Bank is an 8ot sidewalk that terminates it starts at the beginning of the road and comes 8 ft down so it be consistent if you I don't know if the certainly isn't right next door is [Music] um that's that little shopping center with the Delphia is that right is that further down no it's PNC bank and then you go to Adelphia Asian Adelphia is over there right what's over here what's right here the PNC Bank that's PNC Bank yeah yeah yeah and you're right Al they do have a green zone on the pany back yeah that's what I meant theen but not in between the road and no it's it's beyond south of that's the issue for for this lot obviously is that don't you don't have enough room there it's like a 4 foot Green Space and then an eight or 4 feet yeah I mean this is the thing I think because when we were putting the plan together we put that planner stuff there so that nothing could be in front I think was our initial intent but now but now we're also did you read that we're also allowing the cars to be parked in the front the display there would be a uh permitting a display to show the cars I believe within the showroom and to the let me just clarify that um here yes they may be displayed in the front yard I mean well I understand the goal of consistency it's not going to be consistent down there anyway right well my thing is like do you want to be consistent with a car Centric business next door that's like people are accustomed to driving right up on to what should be actually a sidewalk that's I mean to me that's that's not the direction that I personally think the downtown should go so do we want to be consistent with that in my opinion the answer is no you're saying is this better safety objective by requiring the planter in the front and then having the sidewalk behind it ensuring people aren't going to just pull right up impacting P pedestrians they won't go plan was written by uh I think the original reev these amendments were prepared by um yes exactly Jessica Caldwell calwell and Associates the original Redevelopment plan was prepared by topography topology how do you guys feel I mean I just rather see the sidewalk and have it be consistent rather than have a planter in there only on that property you right but I guess my put the sidewalk in and extended that is the basis in the planning board resolution for why they made this recommendation is to ensure that any sidewalk installed at the property is consistent with the surrounding area so in a straight line right right so the Planters would even be Road right because that's what you said that the Green Space would be alongside the road and then there' be correct would not align with thej so it be like a park strip not Green Space would not be closer to the business right the original Redevelopment plan provides that the 4 foot closest to the curve line shall be compl comprised of a planting zone okay so it would be like sidewalk up and then it shift to four feet and then it shift back out in a way this would be new this the sidewalk stre as in the other places and the planter was behind it m and then that would yeah foot and four foot yeah right and then this one just in front of Walters and in front of the auto body the there's hles for the electric yeah in like oh where the planter area would be yeah you have basically yeah but that's the only place doesn't have those poles already existing front every other one does so like in front of Walters they have this like little area with the electrical coal there and then they've got the sidew see I guess it's just hard for me to make those recommendations or accept their recommendations without seeing like additional site plan I mean do you want to reject it but open to consideration from the final site plan like could we re reject it now but if they I mean I guess it wouldn't matter at that point well what we're talking about is not rejecting the whole ordinance no of course we're talking about just rejecting the recommendations of the planning board well one at a time right at a time reason why correct exactly so if we reject the planning board recommendation specific to this then the development should be made with the forfoot and forfoot the way that it's currently it will be as originally written which should be okay so if we reject what they're saying we're not going to come back to it it it be for and I mean for me the reason is it's safer that way I mean I don't have like a scientific evidence well you're right I mean if just look like opinion in terms of a pedestrian feeling safer when you walk in front of there they're looking at cars in the window yeah I mean there's a reason why it was drawn up that way you know what I mean yeah I would just rather be consistent than but you're talking about being consistent with something next door that may or may not be there for much longer you know what I'm saying Walters is going to be redesigned when they become a restaurant we don't know what you know what that they're going to have the8 fig sidewalks they already said that they're mandating them at the planning board so they'll have them but they already have that there already but again mainly because those poles are in the way so they can't they couldn't really put anything there but there's no planter there's nothing there's no additional safety measure if you will the car goes up on the curb it's either hitting the pole or hitting somebody walking not going to I mean is there really I mean the building's right there right yeah I mean it also slows people down if you think about like the more you prow the street instead of having a wide open Street does anyone know how the site plan submitted right now submitted with the pled there or not are you talking about yeah they haven't done they can't do anything until we the only thing about PR the street is is isn't there a bik Lane right there you're B it's not yeah I mean the you in yeah fine [Music] CH I I would uh I I I don't see any reason why they shouldn't go with what was in I don't see the planning board I don't think we need to adopt the I think I'm fine with believing it the way it was in the original planning you strong okay so we're going to reject so we one at a time you to a vote yeah okay so vote on first recommendation rejecting it and stating the reason why why don't you reason was that valid enough that we want to maintain the current plan or that reason I would be I would just reiterate what the reasons that you said about safety and creating the buffer I feel like the buffer of 4p of planting and trees is a safer uh more pedestrian friendly second second you want to do a roll call vote okay M yes Mr ruse yes Mr rero yes M mccre yes Mr am yes okay second one second recommendation is this parking spots or correct okay correct that recommendation was the burough Council should consider adding language to clarify the total number of parking spaces permitted at the property as currently drafted the permitted ratio of parking spaces per employee for per five cars to be sold at the property leaves the total number of permitted parking spaces unclear as the number of employees or number of cars to be sold at the property may be subject to change that's the planning board comment on the parking so the amendment that was proposed by the planner is to um provide for a maximum 15 spaces for storage of vehicles for sale outside indoor storage is limited to the building size employee parking at one space per employee and customer parking at one space per five cars proposed to be sold in the property and in any event not less than 12 parking spaces for such uses so making sure that there's a provision for 12 parking spaces on site the parking lot shall be screened along the side and rear with Shrubbery and or fencing as required by the planning board that's the proposed amendment comments on this so when they say per employee do they mean on duty or yes for employee on site so they they asked for um Jessica to get a recommendation and her recommendation was 12 15 ma yes that came from the planner from the planner I feel and and who's going to enforce this like it would be like if somebody complained they'd go down to the zoning office and say the project will be designed with the required parking spaces number employees change per day the number of cars they sell per month it's 12 like the answer it sounds like is 12 they're calculating it based on 12 we're going to say 12 and then if they decide to double their emplo just SP the ball their recommendation was this etc etc Jessica interpreted it and her interpretation was minimum 12 maximum 15 so when the plan comes to the board it's either going to have 12 13 14 or 15 that's what it means okay correct so I'm right there yeah yeah um motion to accept that recommendation I move to accept that recommendation okay second oh give the reason why oh Ive if you're voting yes you don't need to Second Al favor I okay third recommendation third recommendation is uh burough Council should consider adding language quote overhead garage bay doors within the listed um permitted accessory uses to specify the type of exterior door permitted so as I mentioned earlier the current the language in the Redevelopment plan just provided for exterior doors and their recommendation is to clarify that these are you know the the garage bay doors why because what if they want to put like nice big like sliding bar sliding doors or something to make it look that's what I was actually thinking because a lot of dealerships have that yeah like a one accordion a little bit Yeah like fully slide open you can kind of come in and out of them did the was there any kind of it was just the developer or is a fing board that says there no response no we no this did not come from the redeveloper this came from the planning board recommendation back to council and originally in the um original plan Amendment it said uh four repair Bays with two exterior doors and the recommendation is for a clarification to be two overhead garage bay doors I would say reject that reject it and say just because we want them to the flexibility to put in something that yeah so so I I would move to reject that recommendation based on the fact that we want to give the Builder or the developer the ability to uh have a flexibility to put in doors that meet their needs and the hopefully the benefit of the building second second all those in favor um individual votes please for rejections okay Mr am yes M MC yes Mr yes Mr rth yes yes okay and then finally the last clarification was for um uh which was an advisory item noted on the record by the planning board to clarify the parking standards to allow for the display of vehicles for sale in the front and side yards so the proposed amendment says exactly that vehicles for sale a classic car classic and collector car dealership may be displayed in the front yard and vehicles for sale a classic and collector card dealership may be displayed in the side yard closer to the curb than the building facade I think it gives them more fil I'm good with that Mo icept second second all those in favor I okay now we the floor yes yes now we move to the already have the it's already been moved it's already been seconded so now just a roll call any any debate any questions comments on any of this just to be clear for the record it's the what you're voting on now the amendment is going to incorporate the two recommendations that you voted on yes I would open the public hearing again make some changes okay so we're gonna reopen the public re open the public hearing you're saying yes re public hearing um on 2024 d22 see if there's any addition public comment after we've made those amendments great thanks do we remove it again no okay okay CL in the public hearing Mr May yes Mr Mr yes M yes Mr yes we did we did all right good discuss yes thank you I appreciate that but just I would like to note that there's a resolution on your consent agenda that's approving the Redevelopment agreement and a purchase and sale agreement for the same property with 15 Sansbury LLC which is currently designated as the conditional redeveloper of the property the Redevelopment uh agreement uh specifically designates the conditional redeveloper as the redeveloper of the property it sets forth the rights and the parties and the responsibilities in the planning construction development undertaking of the Redevelopment project it sets forth the project schedule for the project from when the approvals are needed to commencing the project to completing the project and it also provides that the redevelopers responsible to pay the burrow costs incurred in connection with the project the purchase and sale agreement covers the sale of the property from the burrow to the redeveloper for a purchase price of $1,500,000 this was the highest price received of the um proposals that were submitted in response response to the request for proposals um following the execution there's a of the purchase and sale agreement there's a 30-day period for due diligence and then 60 days to close after the close of the due diligence period this uh closing should coincide with the note that is maturing in March of 2025 that was used to fund the acquisition of the property so the we anticipate the closing uh will occur prior to the note maturing thank you very much for the planning board work on it and it's been a priority for a long time so happy to see that that was M that's resolution 250 all right any resolutions that any we talked about them all though there is one addition one there's an addition one talk about um right 263 2633 no it's right 264 is the one outside 263 isent agenda you want to just talk about that um yes this is I'm just asking you to authorize Millennium strategies to apply for a f grant for um an ambulance and other um equipment for the fire department so help get it which would help fund the ambulance that we have so this would just be to authorize to apply should mention 255 is a very student member of the community joining the fire department yeah I'd like to if we can move that one separately so doar um any other you want to talk about can we talk about it at the last meeting hey does someone want to move it except for 255 um I move that resolutions 24236 to 24263 with the exception of 24255 be adopted second Mr am yes M MC yes Mr yes Mr yes the M yes I move that resolution 24255 inded I'll second Mr yes Mr R yes Mr enthusiastic yes L uh OB okay so moving to public hearing um for resolution 24-26 4 authorizing the installation of parking lot lights at the Polo Grounds so let me first go open the public hearing to resolution 24- 264 one online yeah done go ahead and just give your name and um address hi um am I up yeah uh John bton 36 Locust Drive uh in the burrow um uh my my request here or my my My Hope Is that the burrow um while uh I I do see the you know the benefit of Lights um I would hope that the burrow uh tables this postpones any decision on this until a couple of things of are have been um uh clarified one uh is you know how many lights we need how they are going to operate there's been some uh back so some uh back and forth between uh residents around the polar grounds on how the lights are going to be used that hasn't been really resolved um two is um right now all the playing fields are pretty much dark and they're going to be dark for a number of months so I don't know why they don't know why we're going to be uh rushing on this thirdly um and this was brought up at the last Boro council meeting last week um we don't know the location of any Pavilion restroom facilities that are going to be put in which may require either more lights uh or a reconfiguring the lights so why redo the work if uh if we don't need to um that is that is just um my my uh my input to this decision hopefully um we we you know we like working with the the burrow um on this we appreciate you're reaching out to the neighborhood and look forward to um getting this done for the best of the whole town I'm done thank you okay any other comments from the public anymore okay with that I will close the public hearing do we want to move and then discuss I move that resolution 24264 authorizing installation of parking lot lights at the polar grounds be adopted any second I'll second okay discussion I mean Nancy you want you Skip One one quick reminder kind of refresher we talked about it in detail last meeting but just sure also Anthony has um a little sketch okay put that up there this is the I guess continuation of the overall Polo Grounds project um the blue lights the blue circles as you see there which represent a a street light for back lack of better term of 20 ft High there are a total of seven of them um it's this is pretty much a I mean it's primarily a safety uh measure for when there are games there that when people leave they have um you know adequate light to get to their cars uh it is part of the plan that we took out when we um used the co-op for the field the turf field lights um and this is just a continuation of that plan you already funded it um you know the I won't call it a rush but the timing of it is so that it could be done while the fields are not in use there's an 8we basically an 8we um delivery time so that's two months um so we're looking I guess maybe at February the earliest if you if you go ahead with this and you know March is March April is you know Fields start getting used I guess so um that's what timing is I mean there is no particular Rush it's just the next step in carrying out all the pieces of the Polar grounds um that he talked about and while we there aren't many places to put the Pavilion and I suspect that when we do it it will be in the space that you originally talked about which is not where these lights are going m and the parking lot is not changing I don't the parking lot is not changing no and the sensors I think um we talked about have they not motion activated no they're not no somebody had asked about that they wouldn't be um motion activated they would be in conjunction with the timer so um these kinds of sensors come on at DUS you know when it becomes dark and they go off when it becomes light but because there's no really no reason to keep these on all night long since the park does closed they would be in conjunction with the timer so they would go off at whatever you know 11: or whatever time you decided um and can be changed if we decided to go could be changed could be changed and honestly I mean I don't know the reason why you'd have them on unless an event there yeah okay did did I I saw you sent an email out you just made a comment so I don't know if there were responses I I didn't see any in my email box responded there was one response I I it looks like I just s sorry oh that's all right I just was curious if it was no it was the one it was the one person who had requested um I could read it if you want was that was that just if it was going to be motion there was there was a few more things oh okay christe do you have it you want me to um yeah I have it it just says request the subject says request for clarification Dear Nancy um I would appreciate if you could provide more details regarding the censors and the schedule for when the lights will be turned off as our community members frequently walk walk their dogs and have children playing on the field at night and with animals also rolling in the area will the lights be activated with each movement or is there a specific system in place so you answered that this is what you want me to yeah or the answer okay and then it says additionally could you clarify when this plan was added to the calendar for Monday I reviewed prev correspondents and did not see a plan for parking lights mentioned but we did have to yeah if you want to read my answer yeah the response was just about um the parking lot lights have been in the plan since the beginning and were in the original lighting PL sent to fall of you in April and I remember that the original plan is still posted on the website which it is and the number of light pools was reduced from plan which we did based on some Feb that we got thank you um that yeah I mean I I walk up there a lot and I know my kids aren't in the actual sports but you know you have the tennis courts there too so I I do feel people use that as like a walking path and if we're just adding lights for safety they're not like spotlights or anything crazy and they're only 20 ft High they're 20 fet High yeah and if I could make a a suggestion maybe want to ask the recreation committee since they're Familiar of what with what games happen when and who who's supposed to be in the park when they can set the regulations for when the lights would be on or okay any other comments no I mean this was all in the original plan months ago we just didn't move forward with it because it was kind of bundled with the Pavilion and we just were getting the lights in right things okay oll call Mr yes M MCC yes Mr yes Mr Ruth yes m yes okay moving to reports no mayor mayor um administrative report thank you I only have two things one we were finally able to close out a county Grant from 2015 um it was for historical preservation for work on the dstore Square property so uh today we actually got a check for $111,000 long time coming interest but um and then the other thing that I have is that we also last week we were notified by movies that we maintained our AAA Bond rating yeah yes and also the mayor since Herr she's at the Interfaith Thanksgiving service um and basking ra which is made up five of a lot of different houses the workship coming together to celebrate the excellent she's speaker there speaker there and um the public work department did a great job the downtown looks great with the decoration um they I you know you have to give the Chamber of Commerce a lot of that credit okay yeah we thank you to all everybody that participated in the reefs the downtown the trees trees Bas on approval date we down late I guess I think the tree Li is the seven and is 14 and when is the manting I know that's private but Jeff said Jeff said that last time 12 12 okay okay good um motion to accept the departmental monthly reports I move to accept monthly reports second okay Bo all in favor yes all right okay other V any correspondence any correspondence no um unfinished business nothing do something I yeah I guess new UN um I wanted to talk about the LaCrosse wall you know talk about the PO grounds actually um so it was about probably 14 months ago when the Somerset Hills lacrosse um bir came here and asked if they could pay for for a LaCrosse wall we put up in the polyram par so uh you would approved it and um we honestly did not hear anything until very recently um because after put the lights in councilwoman mcre mentioned that she thought one of the lights might be in the air where where the uh cross well GNA go so um Bob Mar he was the recreation director of the time and um Tony haar our engineer went out and looked at the area and found that there was enough room and actually talked about you know maybe taking down some of the woods put it a little further back to get it away from the track and field um and actually Bob had told me that the Somerset Hills have lost their funding so we weren't sure when this going to happen and then on Wednesday I got an email from the public works director you happen to be in the park and the wall was put up and so I have some pictures of where it is and um Anthony's going to share those it was put up it was put up okay so we didn't know it was G to be put up um so is is it interfering where light will be light oh these lights yeah they walked it after we put the lights in on the field okay so that that's the wall I mean eventually they want to paint it uming remember but if you see the the distance or the the proximity to the bleachers well it looks like there's enough space there if you keep going they want to put a fence around it and it the fence is supposed to be 25 ft in each side so if you go to the next one Anthony just that's the side so this well the next one where Tony's standing there so where Tony's standing is where 25 ft is so yeah you're not the next one that that's where the fence would end in proxim to the leers so I mean it's it's there um you know I mean I'm not going to say there's nothing we can do about it because it got there I assume with a crane it could be moved I I just want when Tony and I were in the park today like three different people walk by just what is that because they don't know what it is but they said oh that's a little crowded isn't it and I just I'm wondering um you know Bob talked about making it a one side one putting it further in the in the you know back towards the tree line um if you're okay with it there and you want to you know Recreation look at it they walked it that's the whole thing so when when our lights went up it was like Wow wait the LaCrosse wall was supposed to go back in that area but when I saw it I thought it was going on the far side like more by the old scoreboard and if you you look at one you could see some old soccer nets um you see back yeah this one right that's a lacrosse net right back there is where was g go [Music] that like on the other side of the light Po like yeah so when those poles went in that was my first thought I was like wait the LaCrosse wall is supposed to be over here so so they just it all of a sudden appeared they drove a truck on to the field with a crane and put a base in I mean I know yeah exactly they just like someone just showed up and started are you sure they got it right yeah there when they walked in after the light went in I assume that if Tony and and it was just Tony and Bob there was nobody come across there oh I there were supposed to be I don't know what happened that but Tony told me nobody from lacrosse with there Tony and Bob and Tony Bob talked about in that general area but back towards the woods because Bob talked to me about having you clean up some of clear out some of the woods to move it back further whether it was going to be that way or place sitting on top of it looks like like like just it doesn't look like it's no I mean I think that's the way that that's the way that you do yeah know but I'm just wondering so is it like on a c pad or if you had to move it you're talking about moving rock and you're not talking about it wouldn't I I don't know yeah there's excavation too I don't remember how far they and how much clean Stone there is but and it's supposed to be on it's supposed to be on um it's supposed to be on grass like that is that normal so yeah the ones that they showed us during the presentation during their PowerPoint some of them had tur some of them had is it do you put I don't know cement is an option yeah um but well no they were going to use the tennis court that's what they had originally proposed so whatever the tennis courts would be so Tony said he he's not he doesn't know if they were going to want to Turf on either side but it's 25 ft in either direction I got you and so they put and the and the the fencing they're planning on putting up was that so just to remind me was 14 months ago was that uh like net fencing or was it I a tennis fence like right that high up because those balls are gonna fly the cross Falls not tennis so it's not it's not so it's like metal fencing like a rounded yeah okay and and just like as a risk management thing this got installed did we know that they had the person installed it had insurance he did not and without did not have public contract registration or Insurance um so I would say let's inquire what it would take to move it right and come back next me Bob so when they originally presented to us it was going by the tennis courts behind the Zeo between there and The Snack Shack on that side of the end zone if you will from football then they came back and said for whatever reason it needed to be moved from there I couldn't I can't remember why Bob we gave Bob the authority to work with the lacrosse team and move it wherever it was supposed to go I don't know what that agreement was well so what happened was when Tony came um he looked at it he didn't think that was a good place to go so the three of them met up out there and came up with generally speaking in the area where it is but your idea was oh sorry not your idea the position was maybe a little bit further into the woods and maybe a collaborative effort that was the latest that I heard yeah okay so I mean I don't think anybody ever put anything writing I mean i' heard that there were Stakes nobody knows where they are now I heard that there was spray paint put in a year ago and grass yes yeah so right I mean I I don't know um yeah and there was no permit provided which you know I know you know there was one that should have been required but because we didn't know it was going in yeah construction from what I understand there was no construction permits because that that is not contemplated in the UCC so if we want it to be moved we should inquire now before those fences are put yeah yeah is that something maybe you turn over to the rec committee to say Can you look at what was done can we come up with a recommendation and then have the next meeting in December yeah they know not to put a fence up right we're not going to have a fence tomorrow they a permit for that too they need a permit for that right and so they I don't think they're going to do anything until they hear from us now because the code enforcement officer did meet with so I mean ideally the best place would be back behind the far end of the um you know one goal but I there's Wetlands back there so I that would be like an engineering thing so so R would have to kind of coordinate because the path is also gone you can't you know they can't exactly be in the right path so they'd have to coordinate with um engineering see where right that's I mean that was the exact ation we had at Rick after they said they walked it made sure it wasn't interfere with The Walking path the lights and that's why I thought it was supposed to go on the other side of the light just based on that conversation but again there was no drawing there was nothing so yeah and you know none of us us were there for that conversation and while you know in that general area might be okay it just seems like everything's just packed in like when you put the fence in right everything's just packed into that one little area that light too close is that why they no the light of the 25 ft on that side where they have to put the fence and Tony walked it out there was still room but you but my point being is they couldn't push itart the back because of the light that no they oh no they could have gone further back into to the woods that way and they also could have gone more towards light and they probably could have gone the other side BL so I think there are other options I don't know what's involved moving it but let's find out we'll find out is it 25 ft I think 25 ft tall yeah if you look at a picture if you can bring up that picture Tony I think it's like 25 or something thought it was like 25 by 40 or something like that it's huge so if you look at Tony Tony is you know whatever a little less than six feet I mean he's not standing right next to it but 20 20 12 maybe chance of it like falling over I'm not like I'm not construction but I'm just 25 ft and it seems like a lot of cement and yeah I don't think there's any chance of falling over I did ask that because I asked if there were footings if there's footing yeah but there are not footings because I don't um does our construction Department have they like have they if not it's fine but like they would it make sense to have look at this just to say we think this is safe or not safe well they were asked that is the one place that lacrosse the lacrosse people did call and they said oh we don't have perms for that we don't yeah so I mean from what I understand from some people who've done it in other accounts this is this how you do it this is how you do yeah I'm not saying it's unsafe I'm just no I remember they they felt pretty thoroughly about doing speak might be the wrong spot yeah let get more information and yeah see what it takes can do okay any other finish business um I just wanted to ask about the walking path and the timing for that installation do we have that since we didn't have public works this month um still waiting for you know the bid was awarded and the reason we wanted to award it earlier we felt the drainage was able to put in be able to put in before the end of the year the contractor schedule um he he's been putting it off so I guess he probably overbooks himself and um there is no tell V have preconstruction me yet because he can't pin the contractor down to the DAT so I don't have any um dates to give you okay but the plan the original plan was put the drainage in you know before the end of the year okay and Tony's the one who designed the drainage yes yes okay okay and and be on public record the um the contractor who won this bid has done a couple of other jobs in town and has not done them properly so we need really great oversight on um well he uh is the contractor who did burn avue um so you know he's the L B and Tony Tony will be paying close attention good thank you where's back I'm back right there unfin okay business you want to go new business and then your report sure I have one item for new business I think it's an environmental item I had a resident who CHS me about consum concern over bamboo in the bur um he said uh he's specifically concerned with news bamboo well um araria bambusa and dendro colus in the burough I did explain that um we had the Eagle Scout project that removed some bamboo from burough property his concern is more about if we would be willing to outright bamb bamboo as other municipalities have and inited five municipalities in New Jersey that have outright ban this invasive species um that was his request I don't know if it's something maybe environmental commission take a look at maybe ask that okay perfect that [Music] was okay which going new business new business anyone else all right back to first of all I have to give Jeff so back by the end of the month um so we had uh Jeff fer from the business Action Center do a walk through in town on the end of October and he will be giving us a report of what's working what's not working um you know signage anything that we can change to make downtown more user friendly you probably have seen we got the museum in the streets installed so the main one is at the library that has all the places the um what do you call the QR code is not and it'll take you to the website but in the spring it'll actually have a narrated guided tour uh I was the guest speaker at somerson Hills Rotary meeting on November 6th and uh we've invited me to all the meetings um I attended a fundraising dinner for the somerset Food Bank um that's quite an operation if you've ever been down there it is really impressive it's it looks like a grocery store it just they do a beautiful job there we had a little goodbye party for Bob marwick on his last day um we we still we're meeting monthly with the somerson Hills Public Safety Committee which is Bedminster Bridgewater Far Hills Pac um Bas rge and us and we actually got which I thought was pretty impressive um the league of municipalities added a resolution for us on um measures to combat Auto thefts that they will be sending on to the legislation legislators and um also governor and and people relate so I just want to give you a copy of the resolution we got I I have enough for you County stigma free committee is Back Jack is back up again of the person who was the director of it had gotten the promotions so they have a new person in charge so we will be back to meeting monthly um on on the committee along with the community crisis people Ace Hardware had its brand opening I think did you make it good yes Christin and I both oh good um I could not attend I was at the somerset Cy youth leadership um program doing a mock council meeting which was really a lot of fun it was so exciting to see young people interested in government and and learning how it works and you know what you can and can't do and how how they meeting progresses so I think there were 30 teenagers there I think two from birs High um they were from all around the county and just really impressed with the quality of and their interest and their passion um we had Mrs G's retirement party guys she's going to be so missed um she is the children's librarian I guess the kids it was amazing to watch it looked like Santa Claus she was sitting there with all these balloons around her and a stream of kids just kept coming in a big long line to give her kisses and gifts and cards she will be missed uh this past Saturday we did the grand reopening of Gary's um if you haven't been in there lately they've really totally redone the inside it's like twice as much stuff that than what used to be in there um they've got a lot more food um just really impressive so stop in for the holidays um and tonight I was at the community Interfaith Thanksgiving service which was really well done I think last year was at the mosque this year was at Bishop James in basing Ridge the mayor of uh Burns Township in my myself participated in the program as well as clergy from all over the area so he a really nice uh Service uh just a reminder on the 6 next Friday is the jazz concert which is our last Centennial event the burners High jazz band is going to be doing uh hits from the big band error some Tommy dorsy numbers and we'll have some posters uh that Barry Thompson had made up with the history of the music and pictures of Tommy dorsy when he was here so if you can be there please come that's going to be wrapping up our Centennial year think that's that was me all right did I miss anything good okay we're ready for an open session so if anyone in the public or on Zoom would like to speak please do so now I read I read my report without my glasses H all right no nobody all right that's it then I will close the public session we do not have um executive number one item we have to mention right because we're all taking as we announced at the last meeting we're going to take a field trip to see the bur offices at the basement of the library the library because it'll be kind of a quum going um of members of council and the mayor public is more than welcome with this I got one second all in favor I right Happy Thanksgiving everyone