##VIDEO ID:KgSOvZLCJ7Q## I wanted to ask them you know I I always forget by the time the meeting's over like have you ever taken classes for like you know speed reading or something yeah I would do horrible I have to read slowly because I get ahead of myself and screw things up yeah I can't read back I was surprised my uh my sister who lives e meetings are being held in person with the meeting Hall the second floor B Building at 166 mind Ro members public offer comments and ask questions be required to attend meetings in person noce these changes emailed to the news news by posting a copy of board home website by finally this all on March 13220 board Mee any matter special meeting board unless the motion pass the M present to extend later specifi cut same shall be announced at the opening meeting me public May participate meeting certain time enough theard chair to address applicants and their experts ask questions and make comments as appropriate once invited to do so and hearing conducted by the board as a cause a Judicial proceed any questions or comments on limited issues relev the bo legally consider reaching a decision qu appropriate to hearing must be maintained at all times call please yes Mr chairman Mr deluso is absent Mr Green here M Kramer is absent Mr McDow here Mr sard here Mr trainer here Mr slokum here miss ller is absent and Mr Milo here you have a forum Mr chairman thank you so first up we've got meeting minutes from the March 18th meeting we also have meeting minutes from Individual people voting different okay so the 18th meeting March 18 are there any additions no Corrections motion to approve I don't think I was at that one no members are chck myself Diana and Mark and you're up big guy Jeff was here okay so then we need to correct the members if Jeff was at that meeting he's on there yeah yeah show on the minutes doesn't show on the oh I'm looking at the agenda oh my goodness got that Invisible Man second I'm sorry who made the motion second all in favor those minutes are approved like I said we got to do April 1 and you'll correct the the appendant on yes I just made the note okay April 1s or correction motion approve second all in favor I approve April 15th there any additions or Corrections motion to approve second all in favor cool we got a bunch of [Music] that okay now we go to resolutions application number 23-05 which one is this we got five six and seven this one is theg 305 thank you where an application for Di approval the property located at 17 Al Lan burville New Jersey more specifically known as 36 count New Jersey was said use being permitted use in residential Z District whereas a public hearing was held before the board on April 15 2024 with regard its application whereas the board has heard def by the witnesses cons public full publication and noce the heing was2 and whereas the complete appli file PID and otherwise jurisdiction board Coop and exercised and now therefore beol zoning board adjust B County Su New Jersey on the third day of June 2024 made the following find conclud regard the application one the provided Noti of the application he Accord to statute to the was represented by even Pinkus asquire three initially the board fully considered and granted the completeness wavers as more specifically set forth the memorandum of board planner February 14 2024 in that memorandum there will compl W considering same the board consultation Bo planner granted the waiv of the application could proceed public perod The understood that if needed the app would provide further information to pres Bo for four based on the application attachment survey photographs architecture plans letter reports in our memorandum for the board and pro consultants and the testimony evidence provided at the hearing who appear applicant is seeking VAR relief in order to construct a one car addition to her single family dwelling as previously stated the subject property is located in RT resent K District where current proposed use property committed the property subject to irregularly shaped parel located on mot Lane approximately 350 North of 350 ft north of the intersection with m m Mount R the property has a frontage of 135 ft on all cion containing a lot area of 38 3684 ft or 0.846 Acres the subject property is located in area characterized by single family resident delling the property is currently developed with a single family residential DW with a Pap patio area to the re residence this application closes in addition the south side of the existing dwelling for the purpose of adding a single C garage post garage measure 13 by 22 ft in size of 286 ft the dimensional VAR reest is with of the side set of 30 ft is required proposed garage addition have a side set of 27 ft P Esquire attorney for the applicant briefly addressed the board discuss the app seeking deci setback for construction required set back on side of the property CL 30t the is request 27 Mr also indicated that there is an existing front yard set back of the single family house where 75 ft is required where setback of 60.7 Ft exists it was indicated that this deficiency will not be aggravated EV board approves the requested side setac Michael seider the licensed engineer testified on behalf of the applicant application deid discussed with the board proposed plan for the single car garage be located in the southwesterly corner of the existing dwell indicated at the newage existing p d will expand properly and safely access the garage itself the witness indicated that the subject property was irregularly shaped and because of the odly St side southwest corner of side be needed garage be constructed the winess stated the poos location for the garage was the only practical one and moving the garage back along the side of the house would not be practical then the kitchen window would be covered and there would be no disability impious coverage stated 7,350 ft is permitted on this property andos impervious coverage would be 5,180 ft in Ence Mr s offered his opinion that there was no other practical way to build Gage on this property other than that propos location and any different configuration would result in a roof that was different than what now exist and which would be unattractive in response to question by public would have stated that there will be no water diversion issues regarding nearby stream however the soil would be created by the app the water runoff and drainage issues construction of Sil P would be placed by the stream in order to prevent the bre stream Rachel haard the owner property and the briefly T plan whose ha describ the single proposing and stated the bo the area of her property where the GES closed was not very visible through the public the trees surrounding property n members of public commented either in favor of or opposition to the application inclusions of law whereas purs law specifically n-7 C1 and two the grant relief strict application of any zoning regulation where because of the condition specifically affecting property set forth in the statute the strict application of such regulation would result in particular and exceptional to or exceptional hardship upon the dev offer of such property or where the purposes of M law set forth in njsa 44-2 would be Advanced by deviation from zoning ordinance requirements and benefit such deviation substantially out weigh any detri based upon Tes presented the board Finds Me Department the grant set Clos garage with 30 ft isir proposed PL the garage appears appropriate reasonable and attractive the variance request is dominous di Minimus in nature and the proposed location for the garage is logical given the fact that modification location result preventing window visibility existing kitchen the design for project is attractive and will be a very positive issue to subject property whereas order to Grant conventional variance Rel njs 44 5-70 requires that no variance or other relief may be granted without sh with such VAR or other relief can be Gran without substantial good only regard to the board in this regard the board is of the opinion that the app has met this burden the reason set for in body this resolution and has testified to be during hearings and has commented upon by the board specifically the proposed instruction could be considered a normal customer Improvement to single family residents in his neighborhood dimensional of efficiency regarding the sidey setback as dominous in nature and the buffering surrounding the garage to minimize any visual impact now therefore be resolved having reviewed the application and consider the impact proposal on the B's residents and having determin whether the proposal of's law 45-2 and the laws The Bu and whether the proposal is conducive to the early development of the site and general area which is located the work concludes that good cause has been shown to Red by the he further resolve adment ver sub St Jersey on the third day of June 2024 on the approprate made and seconded the application of Rachel H granted Subs one the B by the teston plan submitted with this application to the request conven where 303 Ed 27 is requested is granted for the reason said forth in this resolution three except for specifically Modified by this resolution the shall be bound by the recommendation containing all letter report to memor the board consultant and B committee for prior to the issue per the zoning off board engine shall all plan submitted by the appli five no significant change of plans unless approved by the board six has agreed to by the app s shall be created near the G location for water for water runoff and drainage purposes seven has agreed the applicant during construction self pening shall be located near the stream prent debris for entering the stream a the applicant shall submit proof payment all real estate taxes for the property 9 shall pay all outstanding future feace and esort charges and to post all performance and maintenance guarantees in connection with the review this application prior and subsequent approval this application 10 the app the responsible for the obtaining of any other approvals or other from other government agencies that may be required by law and the ACT shall comply with all requirements and conditions in such Ines including but not limited to the municipality compliance with a law moderate housing regulation if however complies with other conditions with result the plan difference from the one approved by the board the shall return to the board all appr 11 priority issu of any building a building permit shall submit final variance plans if necessary for all required additions and Corrections for red approval by the B engineer when so approved appli shall file six copies of the final plan for the engineered for Signature and transmission the board administrative officer the op by all exhibits introduced all representations all testim for the board April 15 anybody have any directions all make a motion to approve second R call please [Music] make okay good call please Mr GRE yes Mr McDow yes Mr salard yes Mr slokum yes and Mr Malo yes one okay Mr tar application number 23-6 whereas an application for dienal variance approval has been filed by tar here the the B vertical board adjustment designated the board property located 40 turn lane Burnville New Jersey more specifically known as block four lot one on the tax Bernville here after bur s County New Jersey was said used be permitted one 10 residental F district and whereas a public hearing was held before the board on April 1 2024 regard its application and where the board has heard the testimony by the witnesses Consultants with the public having had a full opportunity to participate and whereas the applicant has filed an applicate after David approved the publication and notice the hearing was given as required by njsa 44-12 and whereas a complete application has file priv paid and otherwise appear jurisdiction power properly have been properly booked and exercised and now therefore be resolved Z Bo adjustment for veral County suers state of Jersey and third day of June 2024 made the following finding conclusions regard the application one the appli provided adequate notice the application hearing Accord the statute to the S Char application three based upon the application and attachments varing plan survey floor plans architecture plans are photographs letter reports and or memor forward and consultants and from testimony evidence presented he provided at the hearing it would appear that the applicant is seeking the variance relief in order to demolish an existing Barn SL stable and construct a new structure on the existing foundation for as previously stated the suddenly property located in the r110 Resident Lo District where the current proposed use of the property is permitted subject property is in regularly shaped parcel located at the intersection of turn lane in Dr Road the property has a loot Frontage of 1,365 Ft on Turnal Lane 322 ft ofont orally ding Road and contains a lot area of 4 41126 sare ft or 9.4 Acres aply developed with an existing 2 and half story resident glowing 2 and half story Barn ten Associated improvements in various outo the property served by septic and well is located in an area characterized by single family residential the applicant proposed it to demolish the existing bar/ stable which includes a res department and constructing new structure it would include a 4 Bay garage greenhouse and an office on the upper level and storage and Mechanicals on the lower level the plan indicates that the new structure will be built on the same Foundation as the existing bar by from review of the application documents and Tes the app requires the following dimensional VAR njs [Music] 47c a maximum prvious coverage maximum committed coverage to the property is 27416 ft proposing impervious coverage of 49,8 72 ft currently the impervious coverage is 5049 sare ft so there will be a slight reduction six it is not it should be noted that the C property is part of a lot line adjustment approved by the landing board Jun 2015 apparently equal land area was transferred between lot one and lot three in Block four the imper services listed on the current variance plan at up to 5049 ft would appear for Lar contribut to the differences in imperious surface between 2015 and the present is the gra a driveway and large pav area in front of the existing bar these impervious service areas were not shown on the 2015 lot adjustment man current plan also indicated four sheds and chicken C which were not on the 2015 plan there were apparently other less significant differences between the 2015 plan and what now exists seven Gregory tuar the owner of sub property and the applicant Justified on behalf of the app have indicated that he lived in F for the past 24 years and started the restoration of the barn approximately 2 years ago indicated the board Barn is not structurally sound however the foundation appears to be he stated that the first phase of his Property Restoration would involve the barn and the second phase would involve renovations to the single family house at a later time 8 John Bey a licensed architect testified to beh the application that could be discussed the barn structure and stated that there was an apartment in the bar together with Stables what is now being proposed the removal of a Barnstable structure and on the same Foundation footprint the construction of structure would contain a four car garage and office and Greenhouse on the first floor and storage and Mechanicals on the lower floor only change in the pprint will be a mod of stoop in order to gain access to the proposed off St be located to the left of the proposed garage doors the Lo will be a maximum height of 328 in which will be slightly lower than what currently exists all Fox of LIC in the near test SL behalf the application Mr Fox assessed the coverage aspect of the application and referred to the letter report Robert bright dated October 20th 2023 Mr Fox confirmed part of the gravel driveway that part of the gravel driveway will be removed in order to Su less the amount of the perious coverage on the site the witness commented that a new setic system will be installed on the subject property storm water controls and drywalls around Clos new structure will beel in accordance with the report of the board engineer allthough other aspects of the engineer report complied with well and plans will be devised accorded witness also indicated the size of proposed new barn structure will be approximately 369 ft John PE liced land plan testified on behal the application Rie the VAR invol involving Pur coverage and indicated that Al will be a slight reduction in Pur what now currently exists witness stated that none of the proposed construction will take place in any environmentally sensitive areas and no existing dienal deficiencies will be aggravated the witness stated General Welfare criteria njsa 404 55 d-2 sub paragraphs c i and J were in his professional F satisfied there would be no substantial negative impacts in the neighborhood on the ordinance both master plan given the fact that property committed in zone was being enhanced by this application and continue to be consistent with other residential devs in this area 11 MERS of public commented either in favor of an opposition to the appion of law whereas pursu to thisf law [Music] -7c and two the board May Grant relief application of any zoning regulations because the condition specifically affecting e Property is set forth the statutes the strict application of such regulation would result du exceptional practical difficulties to or exceptional and UND hardship upon the developer of such property or where where the purposes of law set forsa 4-2 heads would be Advanced by deviation of the subject from the zoning ordinance requirements and the benefit of such a subst with subst based on T EV presented the board finds that the has met Rel maximum Pur coverage in the proposed project rise plans for the garage property appear appropriate and attrative from reviewing the PES plan to board structure which will include a for B garage the greenhouse and office on upper level stor lower will be a very positive addition to the subject will be well buffered in terms of visibility whereas in order to Grant final variance relief njs -70 requires that no variance or other relief may be granted without sh that such variance or other V can be granted without a substantial detri could and will not substantially the intent purpose of the master plan and Zone in this regard the board's opinion M has met this burden for the reason set forth in the body of this resolution and it St by do during the hearings and as commented upon by the board specifically proposed bar construction should could be considered a normal customer improve to a single family residents in this neighborhood and would continue to blend in with the app residential structure the impervious lock coverage will be slightly less than what now exists and the result of being attractive all accessory structure from this GL now therefore be it resolved having reviewed the application considering the impact of proposal on the B and his residence and having determined whether the proposal is imper M law njsa 41-2 that second and the laws of the buau and what conduc to the orderly develop site and general area which is located the board concludes the good cause has been shown to Grant Dien requested by the app he further resolv by his own board of adustment B County suers state of New Jersey on the third day of June 2024 upon the appropriate motion made seconded that the application of Gregory tar is granted subject follow terms conditions one the out shall be found by testimony plan submitted with the application with this application over that the plans need to be revised pursu to the recommendation coun board and the board consult same shall be properly completed and submitted to the board two the requested dienal from ma is granted the region set forth in this resolution three except were specifically modified this resolution the app shall be B by the recommendation made all letter report to memorandum board consultants and B advisory committees for issu any per to zoning officer and board engineer the zoning offic and board engineer shall review all plans submitted by the app five there should be no sign changes to the plans unless approv by the board six has agreed to let the app a portion of the existing gravel driveway approximately 30 ft shall be remove and remain pervious with regarding seven with regarded revised plans the plan shall inate all the comments I set forth in the letter rep the board engineer data October 30223 including the specifics of storm water controls and dry one eight the appli sh submit payment all real estate taxes for property n the app shall pay in a Time manner all outstanding and as charges and shall post all performance of main guarante connection to this application prior sub to the approval EXA then the shall be responsible for obtaining of any other approvals or permits from other governmental agencies as may be required by law and the app shall comply with all requirements or conditions such approvals are per including without limited to compes any low and moderate housing regulation the power complies with any other with other condition result in plan that differs from one approved by the board here and the app shall return to the board for all corporate belief 11 priority the issuance of a bill in applicant shall submit final variance plan if necessary containing all required additions and Corrections for review and approval by the board B engineer when so approved the applicant shall file 6op of the final plans with the bur engineer for signat and transmission to the board's administrative officer 12 all the shall be found by all exib introduced all representations made all given before meeting of April 1 2020 and corre to the res there were a few you probably didn't see it the end of the day an email came in from Paul Fox he had just a few corrections to some of the numbers okay yeah I didn't see you have them I I didn't print it because I wasn't at the office when it came in you s to everybody or just to you no he sent it just to me but I sent it to you and to Lou was she sent it so you probably have I may have may have if not I do and I can they were actually all on page two paragraphs four five and six I guess is the um paragraph four he said the frontage on driving road is 464 ft okay paragraph four [Music] and then paragraph five he said the proposed impervious is 4 41390 Square ft and the existing imperious coverage is 48450 square ft well I always send these to Bob right I know and Bob I know he corrected one of them but if Bob does correct and he's a fanatic for those numbers I know I know if he didn't correct it unless he and Paul work it out I'm not going to recommend change it yeah let's table bot well we can we can we can adopt it um subject to and if there's any changes I think it'll be minor I mean it doesn't affect I mean I don't see how Bob was oh he copy Bob on this he did yeah but again itet it was the end of the day and lot Frontage on ding he said was 400 something 464 Bob at 1322 I I don't that's big difference I don't get that I don't have a plans in front of me the first one was 20% off so those are chunky yeah and and the impervious coverage is a big deal because that's the only VAR that's being asked for in correct correct so um then we need to confirm those with BS my recommendation that since these are Bob's numbers and he didn't change and he he saw them my recommendation just to get it off our plate memorialize it and we'll turn Bob loose with Paul and if there's any changes we can always do it we don't have to do a formal thing we just change we alert the board but but David's right the the variance is only being PR covered so I remember we went back and forth on this yeah at the hearing so and those were the numbers that my two cents if the applicant is suggesting that the impervious coverage request is for 41,000 yeah um we need to get that number correct before we okay memorialized that's 8,000 sare ft if we memorialize it with 49,000 they can have 41 have a good time right they can also have 48 so let's let's get the numbers right before weiz this resolution okay uh so we will notori all that read godam it you want have to read it again can you can you reach out to to Bob and I can probably do it tomorrow just to say here's the I'm sure he has he has changes he does follow I did not get your email I did get heads no it's 80 I did not receive your email okay okay so that one we're gonna B is tenacious about yeah marked up art application he went so all that reading and yeah you done done done it okay were there any last minute emails on this one no okay well yes I don't know if you saw Bob I didn't I wasn't here for that meeting so I'll just so it's uh Mr M and Mr salard that can vote on this [Music] one all right um so we have application number 23-7 oras an application for dimensional variance approval has been filed by P and Rebecca gardend to the applicant for the B burville board adjustment here in board the property loaded located at 70 post pen Road Bern New Jersey and more specifically known asot 28 Lots 2 that was one of the markups on the tax map of the BV here after designated the b s County New Jersey was said US1 single family's own District where the public and where public heing was held before the board on March 18 2024 regard application whereas the board has heard the testimony evidence presented by the witnesses test consultants and with the public having had opport participate and has file approve the publication notes heing was given as required by 12 and whereas a complete application has been filed PE Reed by ordin have been paid and otherwise appear power board have been properly involed in exercise and now therefore be resolved the Zoning Board of Jus of the b b count state of Jersey on thir third day of June 20124 made the following planings and conclusions regard this application one the applicant provided but notice the application in hearing in accordance to statute two the applicant were represented by Anthony jaro Esquire three initially the board fully considered granted the completest waiver to more set forth the memorandum board dated December 203 in that memorandum there were four requested complete his waivers and after considering s the board and ccil for planner granted the waivers the application to proceed the public hearing the app understood that if needed the book applicant would provide further information proposed by the board of Consultants or based upon the application and P from development plan soil erosion settlement control plan architectural WS aerial photographs letter reports and our memorandum from board and Bal consultants and the testimony evidence presented at the hearing it would appear that app seeking VAR Rel in order to construct an inground S Pool an Associated patio together with a minor one story Edition to existing single residence five as previously stated subject properties located the R1 res some District where the current propos use of property is permitted the subject property contains approx 9,655 ft or 2.06 Acres including the area property within the RightWay of Post Road the subject property present presently develop of the existing single panel dwelling shape single panel dwelling and Associated site improvements the subject property is rectangular in shape and is located on the Souther side of Post chel Road and approximately 475 ft west of the intersection saage The Proposal property has a lot furn of 298 ft to Road in average lot to 295 ft the property served by septic and well and also has a circular gravel drivewood subject property located within are characterized by single family residential BLS the the applicant proposes to construct a 20x 4T 800t swimming pool with an Associated patio of 1,22 Ft because of the steep slopes on the sub property Pool and Patio area are proposed to be constructed behind the existing dwelling 40 ft from the rear property line and 57 .9 ft to the pool C the applicants also proposed construct a one story 155t addition off the easterly rear corner of the GL used as a mudro this soon will replace an existing porch further as part of the proposed development we have been proposed to remove approximately 559 sare ft from the existing Gravel Drive due to the existing slop and impact in the property retaining walls are also proposed that include a 2ot high Boulder wall the length of 40 ft along the rear property line and a proposed interlocking wall along the Easter the edge of proposed pool to address in coverage dra improvements are improved are proposed that include a secret six application documents and testimony the app requires following Convent pursu to njsa 407c a sidey set back 40 fers required to go into existance as of April 1997 existing glowing has not set back at least 40 ft from the property line and your proposed addition will be 37.9 ft from this Lot B steep slope disturbance the slope category for the subject property is 15 to 25% which 24.99% which permits 20% disturbance but not exceeding 1,000 squ ft the applicant originally proposed steep slope disturbance of 4.77% of the propos of the regulated category has revised the plans and is proposing 32% seven Patrick Gard the owner of the subject property and the applicant testified on behalf of the application Mr Gard stated that he purchased the property in June 2023 and that what he is now requesting is varant so that he can construct a small mudro off the kitchen in addition to a swing pool and Associated p in the rear behind the house he stated that because of the significant slopes in the rear yard of this property the area that has been selected for the swing pool is the most logical location at Alexander Rodriguez licensed architect has half the appli comen commenting on the prop Mr stated this will be 11 by 14 ft side be M the addition will be one story height there is now a need for a sidey setback ears which would be techable in nature given existing garage already incles into the sidey nine Mark Mana a licensed engineering surveyor testified on behalf application in assessing SF the witness stated that that it is being tucked in behind the house which is the best location given to Steve SL Pro he also discussed the proposed retaining walls in rear Mr Mella stated the app is composing a dryw and a channel drain so that all water coming off patio area will be captured on site he stated that no pool water and Stor water would impact Jason Property the witness also stated that he reviewed the letter report for engineer brightley and stated the applicant will comply with all of the recommendations set for witness indicated the existing circular driver will remain gra however has agreed to as agreed to the app remove portions of that of the driveway in order to reduce impervious coverage so the property will not exceed impervious coverage requirements was also stated the subject submitted plans to be revised to indicate this change as a result of the removal of portions of existing driveway the net increase in ver surface will be less than 1,000 ft approximately 920 and therefore the project is determined to be exempt from storm water management ordinance finally Mr M indicated colorized rendering of the pool and pool area that was submitted to the board represents precisely what will be built application is approved was approved yes this would include the pool the pool apron retaining walls in landscape 10 Frank Bish licensed land plan TFI the application in reference to his previously submitted memorandum dated March 15 2024 the L just submitted memorandum Mr B stated that in his opinion for positive or negative that the law requires the granting the pr VAR Rel has been satisfied in this case it's also commented that there were certain existing dimensional deficiencies that would not be aggravated Bo throughs this application with regard to the proposed bearance Mr vanish was of the opinion that this application result in enhan subject property and that the proposed pool a will be El and stated that the property is property perim heavily W would minimize any visual impacts the proposed dra plans were adequate for proposed use and there was no further need forur that the app to remove enough grael on the property to bring the Imp purp coverage into compliance also in his opinion the proposed location of the pool is the best and most logical that could be achieved given soltion project the proposed location of the pool head had minimal slope impact further in opinion mrage requested Varan for propos house and answering for appropriate repl consideration of the existing Homesite Arrangement and the building FL plan further seasonal aquatic exercise will promote the health of the users utiliz there will be no change to availability light near space left there will be no sign change in physical form of the buildings on the site Additionally the witness comp considered the pool andos mudro as residential Anor use uses permitted this residential district and that a desirable visual impact in visual environment promoted to creative development techniques and good Civic design and Arrangement further develop the benefits of disos application toly any potential detri in opinion of the w favor of or to the application conclusions of law whereas pursu Lang lawf njsa 47c par two the board May Grant relief strict application of any zoning regulations where because this condition specifically affecting piece of property as set for statute the strict application of such regulation result in two exceptional practic difficult two exception the develop of such property where purpose land will be Advanced by deviation Z or requirements the benefit of such deviation substantially out based upon the test presented the board finds that the appli has method requirement for granting inance Rel for a sidey setback where 40 ft is required and where 37.9 ft is proposed and for steep slope disturbance where Max 20% disturbance is permitted and where the app is proposing 32% of the regulated category this application for a mud in swim pool area including pool a retaining walls and Landscape appears appropriate reable and attractive from reviewing the application custom board VI theose the very positive ISS of the property and will be in keeping with whereas gry zing in thisin Reas Point Body Solution asiance and as ComEd upon by the board specifically proposed M area could be considered AAL and customer Improvement to a single P residential structure which be Blended the app's houseal deficiencies on on a lot of this side significant SL re Expos landscaping and the wall around s are attractive will result in improvements to subject property now therefore be resoled having the application consider the impact of The Proposal on and Residences and having determined whether the proposal is in furtherance law and-2 proposal is conducive to the orderly development of site the CH which is located the good C has been shown to Grant be further resolve by Z juson stadi Jersey on the third day of June 2024 on the appropriate motion made second the application of Patrick and re is granted subject to bond terms and conditions one shall bond by by the testimony plan submitted with this application how in the plans need to be revised the recommendation com to the board and for Consultants same shall prop shall be completed to the board two the requested dimensional variances for side set back and Ste disturbance are granted for the reason set forth this resolution three set for specifically modified this resolution the shall be B by the recommendation all letter reports and memorandum for consultant and by four prior to the issu many hermit Z all plans submitted by the app five there no significant changes Plans by Bo six Al the existing although the existing gravel driveway shall gravel the shall reduce the gravel area comply Max requir of the previous submitted plan shall be revised in order to modification seven of fin construction S Pool Co Pao wall Landscaping shall comply all respects with the r submitted during the hearing a has agreed to by the out shall be a water collecting Channel drain located on the northwest side of Swing Po and surface run off from P will be directed away from adjacent proper 9 shall submit proof payment all real estate taxes for property 10 shall pay in a timely manner all outstanding and future fees and Es shall poost all performance and maintenance guarantees and connection with review this application prior and subsequent to the this application all the applicate shall be responsible for the obtaining of any other approvals or permits from other government agencies things required by law the shall comply with all requirements or conditions that such TRS are including but not Li toes anyal Moder housing regulations if however compliance with other conditions with result plan difference from one approved by the board in the out shall to the bo call for belief prior the is of a building for out shall submit final variance plans if necessary to dating all required conditions and correct by engineer approve six copies of final plans of engineer for his signature and transmission board's administrative officer 13 found by introdu a representation board March 18 cop are there any other modifications do I a motion you approve the resolution I wasn't here no no no [Music] no Mark second I'm sorry who Jeff Jeff moved it okay Mark second now we get r Mr Green yes Mr cier yes and Mr M yes Mo carries okay so next up builds does line one single line right then then I'll make a motion to pay the bills before he Chang M says I make a motion except for is there a second second roll call please Mr greal yes Mr McDow yes Mr saler yes Mr trainer yes Mr slum yes and Mr Milla yes the motion carries cool all right so we have two pending applications p real estate which is still pending well it knows when they're going to wake up and what we're going to see when they do and the other one is on the still pending is the estate of birth rment the Met Farm property sub and I assume that John is still reviewing that yes okay and I checked in with him last week on it and then again later this afternoon I thought I was going to have something today but I didn't get it okay unless it comes this evening we have not seen anything up oh no no um it was just pointed out to me that there's which is I find very odd someone waiting in the waiting room on Zoom when this the meeting information was not given out to anyone don't let him in don't let him in yeah yeah no no don't let him in we're we're we're not doing Zoom I know that's what I thought but I'm just ba this is how they could find out oh probably from an old agenda yeah nothing Good's gonna happen information in in the beginning of the year don't we also post form meetings well we do but but last year last year's agendas had Zoom information got it okay okay yeah but we're not letting that makes me feel better yeah no it's not a superior issue we're just using Zoom at this point to record down get back yes please okay all right so that's all I have for this evening does anybody else have anything I did send an email a few minutes ago to Mr brightley about the F saw resolution thank you oh all right hope that I don't think he missed miss something something's up I don't know why but let's get that clarifi just so we do the right thing absolutely okay I'll make a motion to adjourn then second all in favor not quite a record but good job David