##VIDEO ID:27nw5276OFU## starting on October 8th that'll be his first meeting so he's not here for tonight you want to go byy the know there are several 5A items that are like second and third preliminary for new construction run through the yeah we got a pretty full house tonight so um are you saying put off the the yeah I think the new the longer reviews we'll come back to those and then we'll so let's move to the new items that are okay uh we do have one we have two 5B and 5e that I believe are here regarding uh one's a metal fence one's a metal re roof I'm in agreement with let's yeah I'm just so so the new construction reviews we're going to put those to the end um of the the residents that are here which we have a lot of here tonight so um so if I skip you new if you're a new construction review then I'm going to skip you and we're going to come back to you so okay so don't freak out all right so um first is going to be 5B 11150 griffing Boulevard for a metal fence s if you let there yeah for some reason Den the one you forwarded I never got yeah we got we got the that's so none of the board got the [Music] agenda all right um I can these new gates where where they going we changed the fence from horizontal to vertical and then we gave you another site plan showing the where the gates were going to be can you show me because on the site plan I don't see anything indicating Gates this page yeah yeah so I see the I see the detail but where are they going I don't see do you know where they're going is he for [Music] next okay just um have him write down his address and let we'll come to you at the end sir okay okay so I'm looking at the S sites plan and I don't see any marking of where this this fence is going yeah he said there was a different drawing uploaded but that's not latest you know where it's going they changed the detail of the fence on horizontal tickets to Vertical to address theability issue yeah we look at the old application this one that's different but it's but on the old application did it show it on the serving is this for the fence for the house or it's some construction fence no I okay yeah because it looks like there's a red line around the whole property that would be and it goes out into the canal too right it goes into the canal I don't think that's the fence so show is it just the front across the front at the corners you know standard issue two corners of the front of the house you just show it to David really quick so sorry um on our agenda it says metal fence oh oh okay yeah right there right there so but then why is there like a wood RX wood sealer thing at the bottom I me definitely that needs to be in but do you know if it got uploaded already or you don't I mean I understand where you're putting I mean we can make a motion pending that drawing submitted yeah but I was just curious if it's a metal fence why is there a wood RX wood stealer water pellant in this package that we have tonight there like a wood cealing product this this word or why this was got upload okay so motion to approve a vertical aluminum aluminum vertical picket fence and gate on the two sides of the house he doesn't have the right it's not on the survey so he has to submit it um seconds okay okay that was Ed and David all in favor say I oh Ed Scarlet I'm sorry Ben Scarlet motion carries very good upload that I just ask if you have the conversation please go outside thank you yeah just upload the Revis yeah you probably have to I don't think to bring it in at all just upload it again unless you can't upload it for some reason okay so 5c will come back to because that's new construction is there anybody for anybody come in for 5D no all right would be 5e 11929 Northeast 6 Avenue metal roofs uh ivanof sir thank you I'm here on a short notice because uh Stan couldn't make it and uh I'm here on his behalf and as far as I know um we have we we uh submitted the roof color uh so we had to change it uh you didn't approve it so we had to change the roof color and I'm here with with the with the other color for you to check in okay so now now it's dark bronze yes which is brown yes um it's on it's on the sheet that has the overhangs I have it on my phone just in case you have do you have a sample of it yes let me just there's like sorry there's 124 Pages just scrolling okay so let me go all way back up to the top I have a sample of it on my phone the dark bronze you have you can you have it there with you yes can you just show it to us yeah it's just brown right or just just so the gentleman on the end he'll look at it okay very good right second David all I motion carries you're good sir thank you all right next would be the 5f but we're going to come back to that because that's a preliminary review so we're going to go into the new business again trying to with the residents that are here 6A 500 Northeast 11 19th Street pool sabat good afternoon everyone evening contractor was not able to be here I don't know if he's in Zoom but we are representing him all right so we're going to look at it um so you're basically want to put it in the rear middle of your yard you have a 28 foot side your setbacks are are fine yes um just lot coverage also fine lot coverage is fine okay motion to approve David and Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries you're good sir thank you thank you have a good one you too separate separately you it looks already like you do have uh fences on both sides yes the fence the the the 1510 they just uh put a fence on the whole side of the of the house so it's completely fenced the the back right thank you all right next one I have would be 6C 740 Northeast 120th Street concrete driveway hey how are you hey how are you the new driveway for the new house that we've been building so you're at 177% and 45% on your lot coverage yes and it's a Concrete it's not been done already has it no no okay that obviously a challenging site that narrow Swale area uhhuh um on the surface looking at it doesn't seem like that concrete is 40% of that Swale more like it's 90% of that sale obviously again small weird I don't know if like everything in light yellow is basically property this is fr don't know what their SW L is like that little tiny SL yeah know I mean I get the hardship it's just that I 394 like 80 I don't know what we did with the other know what we did on the other 12th one that was the variance house yeah that was see then that's what I thought about this was because that one if you look at it there the the driveway jumps into the sale of the house and the the culdesac so you know you have to make sure that you really turn that thing out so that it hits the street and it doesn't you're not there's his angled a bit but the the problem is is that if they went single wide on the driveway going up to it then they then it can't be deep enough for them to stack two cars onto the property in one single in one single line so yeah I just think they could come in the approach a bit narrower and then flare into the double yeah but I think that this is backing in and out two cars through that that weird angle I mean this is one of those things that this is a very very specific unique lot that we should you know be have a little lenience on um um just because what are the options I mean there you know well so my my only question is that uh the green etching is that the existing road so like you see here how it has that green etching and that green etching so the only thing that I would maybe ask for is no it's okay I did something is if if it's possible to narrow it so that the width of it matches up with what the existing road is because that kind of like two or three feet right there that you're looking at yeah like because if you look up here on the survey you see here you see how it's doing that weird Square thing right but then yours goes even wider than the weird Square thing yeah I think that visually also would make a lot more sense than having like basically stairs right like a step in and then another step in so yeah like to to what Edward was saying is like maybe having a little bit more of a flare but it maybe it even widens that if you need it to be this this Square for on property but that this line then widens to that line because it's not going to visually I think look good if it's that other pump out or how about like trash cans and stuff yeah how about filling in that little part of asphalt on top having him so how how would you phrase that just having the new new driveway line up with the yeah the asphalt yeah so yeah so so rather than it yeah so what I would say is motion to approve as long as the driveway lines up with the existing asol versus being wider than the ex put it here yeah you're not driving off of the driveway into grass back out bless you I have a motion is that David Ed and all say hi hi motion carries okay good thank you all right next is GNA be 6D 820 Northeast 111 Street demolition Reyes Investments is that part of a a larger one uh yeah you know what we're going to come back to that one because that's part that's tied into the second preliminary review so we're going to wait on that one just one second sir we're going to do the we're going to do all the new construction towards um the end of the the agenda 6E 923 Northeast under 8 Street Pool and Spa okay just give us a second right so this is in the rear of the property um 10 foot setback met the side setback is 15 so you're within your setbacks and the lot coverage is see the calculation on the lck coverage why we're doing that is there a fence around the property oh yes entire property is fence out okay on page 23 with the pool you're at um 41% that's correct okay all right I mean the survey doesn't show a fence around it but there is an existing fence with yeah it's existing fence yeah the channeling fence all around the property how the public record shows it okay I have a motion I'm Ed second David I carries okay good sir thank you thank you so much all right next is going to be 6G 1000 Northeast 120 Street impact Windows aular the front the house we're dealing with Windows a b f and B I believe so a is a single hung B is picture windows F picture window and B picture windows so we have combination of picture windows and single hungs across the front yes sir would we allow that combination and we have colors of the framing in the color yeah there's a picture there it's a white frame gray glass okay motion to approve David and Scarlet all favor say I I carries all right you're good sir thank you thank you all right next one is 6j okay 6j 10801 Griffin Boulevard um that's hel on is that part of a new construction Standalone demolition permit I don't see the building permit that goes with it okay we pass a building permit for this a long time ago it's the house that's like at the very end of the point we did what we pass a permit building permit I don't recall seeing that is there a building permit in in set no okay I don't recall I know this house yeah is there a fence application because you're need to do a fence for around it for the demolition no we haven't done it and then what about what is the the status of the new the the permits for the new or the the drawings for the new house we don't have any yet for now they just want want to demolish the house okay I mean we can approve the demolition but they just won't be able to do anything until you get the fence permit um so I mean it just we'll bring you back here again for the all right second say I um did anybody else come in between there's a lot of people here H six 6 L andf is here okay 6L 110001 Northeast 9th Avenue aluminum fence gate and fence it's just the two front Parts Just the Two Front Gates yes they're just at the front Corners they're six fo High just question is there how big are these gaps it's states there it appears to be half inch I don't know there's one I think it's half inch half inch what's the color aluminum bronze okay Mo should do approve David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries okay we good thank you thank you are we doing the you calling me for the roof later for the it's the next one so would be yeah so the next would be um 6m 11101 Northeast 9th Avenue carport this for the carport yes sorry okay so 5 foot side setback 13 foot 6 20t x 20 foot carport is the is this are you reducing the size of because I think there's a code violation right yeah okay so this is meeting our code 8 foot 10 high right as far as the height um if it's shorter does it have any problem no okay also one question sure um the measurements when the inspector comes they they measure the 20 by 20 by the posts or by the panels on the top by the roof area Okay so not not by the post yeah but the post is where they would measure the side the the setbacks would be to the post okay right now you look like you have them in one foot which is fine because then you you know you want to have enough room to get your cars in so um okay yeah so 20 by 20 it's the overall size of this the the structure the thing that's roofed on the side what is that so that's that's all part of the code violation we're not I take it you're removing the you're not applying for that roof structure that's on the side of the house I think that's no there's an entire you have like a carport and then there's like some structure on the side no we only did the the cardboard so that's existing on the side it it was always like this we just switched the panels I mean it looks I mean just by happen to be going by it looks pretty new like it's the new like the carport that's in the front right we we just we bought a house like this we just did the we just were switching the panels cuz the panels were there were leaks leaks on it and that's when you guys thought that there wasn't okay well because the thing is is that isn't it that technically the it's one carport per property thing is is but it's existing but if but she's saying it's existing and she didn't change it so it's kind of illegal non-conforming mean it looks pretty new if if you you drive by it but that's up to our code enforcement off to uh work on that but we're we're here voting on the carport so a motion to approve okay all right David David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries thank you thank you ma'am Also may I just ask is there um any are you guys looking forward to any pickle balls in the park but by any chance or tennis courts to be built um I I know there's like discussion about pickle ball courts I don't know if there's if that's going to include um tennis courts but there is a discussion on pickle ball courts okay would make sense to put them on a multi-purpose surface but I don't know anything about it actually and um we I the intent of the question is that we wanted to not even offer a bid just offer to build the the Pico at and and just whatever chipest price you guys have bids from we'll just match it and and just build it to you guys okay that would be that would be through the village manager I mean that's a there's a whole entire bidding process that has to go through go to the next Village commission meeting they are discussing potential grant that they're seeking that would give funding do some improvements in the park okay I think the whole pickle ball court thing is part of that effort so they're the right people to talk to about it Mission okay perfect thank you thank you all right so the next I have is 6p 11801 Northeast 9th Avenue uh driveway umbrella all right that's this gentleman here so what is it exactly you're yeah we saw both of them trying to do so it's an umbrella it's about a 16 by 16 size in the driveway correct but what's the purpose of shular shade correct we have in our code car ports right but car ports have certain regulations about materiality it's not really a carport just one of those big Ellas I can show you a picture no I see it in the package I just was trying to understand what it was for yeah for but it's a permanently a fixed structure that's covering cars so it's a carport correct okay what's the material that's the the canvas is it made out of it's canvas canvas and the structure is like what type like aluminum okay this is the first um so it it's actually an umbrella correct okay and then the cars would park on each each side of the pole correct so it's a it's a car port so let's just clarify the terminology I mean it looks like an umbrella but it actually has a carport so we don't have regulations on what the carport designs are the only regulation we have is that they are made out of canvas and aluminum so it's it's a new one um now it has to substain you know hurricane strength wins so that's between you and the building department to make sure that this thing doesn't just fly away in the next hurricane um don't J season's not over I mean it's it's a new one well the the the umbrella itself I think is 16 by 20 it retracts of course and the stem goes three feet into the ground there's a base that is built into the ground 3 by3 yeah yeah that just the size so you're saying it's 16 by 20 is 16 by 20 but open correct yes exactly well actually it's centor yeah I mean when it's open the edge of it has to be 5 feet from the property because it's we have to take in consideration at the opened size you can't just have the post at five feet and but that was one foot this is this is the A Center Post in the middle of a 20 foot ey look at his driveway he got I don't know there's there's there's way more than 5 Fe on each side correct correct the only is you would have to be post would well it has it has to be inside your property line whole cardboard right so correct you'd be setting that post far enough fact that this opened canvas structure would still be five feet back from your property when it's open the edge of it is five feet in from your property line I'm talking about the front because the sides not concern I got you front potentially is even this kind of drawing that was provided it kind of shows it like on the like the edge of it on the property L right so this Edge when it's brawled and open would have to be five back so that should be this well I don't know he says it's 16 by 20 yeah so it I don't think I'm doing the math here right yeah maybe if it's 20 in width 16 in depth yeah but make it work that's only four feet if you're what we're kind of getting at makees sense but yeah I'll take measurements and if it's within five feet it's okay I closer than 5 from Edge to the front of but just looking on your own survey right you have a 20 foot setback to the house 20 2018 you know you really have a 20 foot setback to the front of the house from the property line exactly so when you open it up you'd be yeah but hey one foot encroachment that we just said I know just make sure it's open it's bumping up against your house basically perfect uh what if it's not entirely open I mean what if it's kept like closed yeah again if all's open and your Edge is four feet in the prop L my my only thought that on that part is like from an NOAA and like the building thing they're going to want to see that like oh yeah it pass they don't care but it passes the thing fully open and like a semiopen umbrella probably wouldn't have I don't think they will actually so the whole reason why like you do a canvas fraction take the canvas off the engineering on that right but any case yes but then the question that becomes if the the excuse becomes oh when the hurricane comes we'll just take it down and we'll put it in the garage okay so so if that's the case then is it does it become a non-permanent structure um um po there are foing footings would remain in the ground I think the post itself I don't think you're taking the umbrella no exactly so we need you to show on the drawing in the open position it the 16 by 20 with it a line saying you know 5et you know um to the front property line well it seems like it'll be 4 feet and that's okay it'll literally have to be up against the house you know you have to show it against the house pretty much got it okay so um but right now the way it's drawn it's it's not technical enough um but as far as everyone wrote on it resubmit that drawing a little more to scale problem show the column the post where it's gonna go what nine foot back or whatever yeah I'll take the measurements I'll figure it out and you mind if I asked what color yeah it's it's tan it's like green B and it's not like doesn't have a big logo on no nothing on it it's just plain plain base table for scale s okay and just to let you know if you if you put it in the what we the way we described it you don't have to come back to the next meeting okay yeah I mean you could just submit it and we'll look at it and go okay he did what we asked and we'll just okay perfect do I have a motion to table from Ed second David all in favor say I I I okay so we're just tbling it from and also yes it is a cardboard thank you sir all right so is everybody here for new new construction or is there anybody else that's anybody here not for new okay this couple let's just do this couple here what's your oh is that the walk on okay and then the ma'am the lady in the I'm sorry ma'am the lady in the the rear it's Q okay so we'll do oh you're next 120 one0 Northeast 7th Avenue for a PVC fence it's you you all right so six foot high by 4 foot wide single swing gate on the on the 120th Street side how far back is that four feet high from the property line is there a dimension anywhere 12 feet no from the property lines the code States 3 feet at 4 feet high you're allowed to have a three foot it has to have a three foot setback from the side 120th Street 120th Street is three feet back from from the property line okay so that that part of the of it is fine the issue becomes the the fence along the rear um the code states that all of that fence that is on the side has to be of the same height so the part that you have along the rear on that side of the house the other side of the house actually is fine um once it leaves past the front point the point of the house it's in the side yard side front yard so all of it has to be four of one height so it's either make it four feet height and match the rest which is all it looks like it's all within legally allowed to do or make the rest of it six feet then you have to set it back to 7v if if he if she makes it 4 problem is is that it's connecting to six so she could she could take the six foot up to the edge of the house would let's yeah let's call it another 10 ft or so and then has to drop it yeah so it says 39 feet of of six feet high so old something yeah because it says 41 feet hand drawn in survey shows kind of thing yeah because the survey says we just finished doing a major renovation which was approved by this body on the north side of the house the we enclosed a garage and came forward a few feet so that's six foot on that side on the other side a patio was added so the patio comes out from the original survey of the house so this is a sidey yard essentially so I'm trying to extend the fence that's already in what is our backyard all the way out to 3 feet before the property line continue that 6 foot down the side 3 feet in from the property line and then drop when you get to the front as you're looking at the house down to four feet and continue that four feet to connect to the new patio that is there but that's not the corner of the house it's actually a little patio can I question yeah this thing here is where you're saying that St what's happening fence terminates Cor do what you want to do I just want to understand so all that da was saying before is that line yeah can go yeah once it becomes in your really what is it front I know side of your house but Purp then all this Fen now you can make this match that set back so if you want basically just making this 39 ft problem yeah not really drop right because this all new so you step down you build a new fence to well the the thought process is that you used to be able to not put any fence there like zero you would 15 10 15 years ago we would have denied it because you're not allowed to have fences on your side front property line the new code was written in a way of giving people with Corner Lots the ability to put fences up so it gave them the ability but the part of the code was is that we didn't want to have mixed sizes Heights and such have you have to put a 50% of landscaping uh well you're you would not be the first everyone that has a corn it's a procedural thing really just basically this one make that four feed and then everything you have otherwise can stay that's fine well it's part of the fence so it has to be for this continuous height of the fence the four feet even though we allow 5 foot gates in the FR but they usually are standing alone I know I'm I am I know but it's just still we'd end up with a fence and then a gate and then a the fence and continues it's kind of the entire so you can push us part of the code that says people could put a can't put a fence in the front of your house right this you would not allow be allowed to have fence here at all right you could put a little Standalone gate landscape on either side of it and that gate be 5 so I'm saying let her do a five foot gate there and I'd support you I can't speak for everyone but I'd say go for it but it would be attached to a fence part of the fence but it's a gate so I'll make a motion to approve an amended drawing that shows four foot high along portion that's and reduce the gate second okay all in favor to say I thank you motion carries three Z 31 you have to upload U the new drawing showing the uh all of the fence U at the four feet high at the four foot with the five foot gate thank you thank you all right so I think we have one Walkin but we'll have to deal with them at the end let's go to the the people that have been very patient so we're going to go back up to the top of the agenda 5A 820 Northeast 11 Street new construction second preliminary VI we have drawings there okay um so we're going to have you see we're going to have you present them right over there by Ed so one is to show a survey with trees on it and this is a survey there's there's trees here that are inconsequential to the lot in the back and there is these two here that are these rubs that look like Tre um those are the only ones that are there and one of them will have to be moved Oriental Arbor VY these two are or know all that that's of them this is the only so that was number one um number two is thaten yeah so you wanted us toise a screen because windows were overlooking and it's easier to show it in the renderings here um iation so we did oh there it is there you go so day View and night view so we created is this TR list that we to on it but it Shades it completely and it is away enough is it is it actually becoming a function of deck or is it just it could be I mean if we wanted to do a planner it was the one right here yeah the corner one we because you said that the pool because the new the other house is pool is over here yeah so it's and it was and it was these two bedroom windows that we thought were like hug pict windows that we facing so that's where we added that nice ni and then number three was um was a lck carage yeah it's completely transparent it's it's what they call a Bree solay so and then and then the other thing you asked is for us to modify the way we did the coverage the lot coverage we thought this was a separ we took everything that's paid right um we had to take away like you guys said we were over so I I can't read those numbers but we we're good you're at 050 5,77 yeah we removed so what what we actually did if you recall in our previous plan all of this area was decked over the there so what we're going to do is add um Turf there what we're going to do is add Turf there um Turf for us means um synthetic grass so that you can still lounge and put your lounge chairs there everything else will be just regular glass grass and then we did the driveway is in like Green Turf like yeah Green Turf right landscape yeah we'll we'll submit a we'll submit a sample yeah um and then on a sample of grass or a sample of of artificial turf artificial turf okay and then we did the driveway calculation here to make sure that that complies artificial turf is going to be considered part of your not lock coverage so it's it it drains through completely um it's it's not considered um part of the loot coverage yeah I know that sometimes that depends on installation situation yeah like if you put it on top of a concrete pad it's it's oh no it's not going to be that obviously it's going to be it's going to be direct application where you have to do all that if you don't if you don't want it we're happy to put regular grass it was just more convenient for us to to have that because whether it's whether it percolates or whether perious is is again going to miss no more because the code just talks really improvements so you know Turf is sort of an artificial Improvement to the land right right okay so we we'll keep it we'll keep it natural grass so those were those were the three things you had asked for so we are in second review he's he's addressed everything that we've um requested yeah we we would we would want to move on height I'm sorry yeah it was okay that hasn't changed at all base FL okay plus one okay um do we want to move this forward to actual reading or consideration because he's done everything we asked for first it's already I mean whole business is voting it's on the agenda item so it's just moving you know moving it forward to is approving you're asking to whether you want make a motion to tonight or we would appreciate that motion to make new business item six it's already old all right so we're so we're moving it to um approval and I got Ed and then David so all in favor say I I so what does that mean we don't come from third you don't have to for a third come back if you want no no so do we come back for final now a whole set of plans we're done uh well full set of plans to the building department okay got all right good right so then the other thing we're asking for is just to demolish the house it's there we already have the fence up so that you have to actually put an application in and you have it's it's it's there it's the next item it's there bus yeah motion approve so so 8206 d 820 Northeast on 11 Street uh Demolition and David say hi hi all right so we we approved the Demolition and then you'll have to also submit a construction temporary fence which does it's already it's already been submitted okay fence already we're good we're good thank you thanks thank you much appreciate it we're all here so next would be 5 c1315 Northeast 9th Court new construction third place review how's it going so do this actually is I thought we were still kind of like like the first was I thought we were still now you have we were still talking about this I didn't know and taking over the actual he's the one you talk to in this case we have a we do I have them here anyway okay so we can all go back to our seats we're just looking at drawing is this is this n cord this is over here by the par by Park yeah you already demoed it the house there taken down over the right not yet so the first time it came in we had a lot of comments second time we came in I think we still had more comments okay so guys us you guys like did full MPS and struct on this no not yet no the first was they were incorrect then we just went back and through through the changes the side setbacks all these are right so um a new project let's start with the basic floor PL our setbacks we the entrance here okay is a social Living Kitchen dining living over here CL here bedroom so this is first okay what is that front setb back from the front of the house to the property line 30 30 okay and from that side 10 stand and 10 10 and we're leaving yeah a little bit more this is like eight 11 11 here we have 15 and here we have 14 yeah this is one you had some issues with your the the yeah we're moving like the whole forat a little bit okay so 11 and 10 okay so your setbacks are good what about the rear FL inter set back 10 over here okay the pool and then to the actual house from the pool from the property line no it's like 20 like 25 it's 10 20 yeah like 30 what is that right there just like barbecue well no but but is that one story high or is that one story no one story okay all this is two story okay and this is one story and then you go up and you have a like a lounge here with the three bedrooms and sweet bathrooms iset primary bedroom what is this to 30 yeah right here at the max and then this is 15 yeah and that's 15 so you're complying there we're complying here we have 14 but is that also a side step back yeah yeah it you're you're not complaining because this is 32 over the 30 you're allowed oh it was supposed to be 30 I know why because okay I'm gonna go back I can go back here so that would be okay and then beyond that this is this is Paris what are we G how we feeling about this because you basically have 32 foot n of building and then you've got I'm assuming a screen wall that's as high as the architecture right no going to be one St so that's below this yeah yeah the screen wall is on the Second Story you need the screen wall on the second story because you have to you have to provide privacy From the Terrace yeah yeah so that transparent so just set it back I mean you have a twoot column there set it back foot yeah that's it so then you you just otherwise we're going to count this as part of your 30 right so if you're going to yeah I can make sure it's at 15 ft for that screen and then you're good to go and then this just shorten up okay shorten up this L here yeah must comply 30 you have the overall lock calculations with the new the new footprint and pool and and all that sense all right so let's let's look at the windows let's look at those windows really quick before yeah so I mean probably easier to look at the elevations yeah side elevations okay so that's two sides yeah then what's that that's screen that we were talking about a second [Music] ago yeah this this is the screen element here yeah I can show it here better this CR here yeah so it's not there yeah it's supposed to be there but that also looks like just a small balcony isn't that a larger Terrace Shan plan no it's it's remove of the you go back to theor yeah seems like it was a larger maybe not I mean a little bit it's just the angle and then on the elevation you're showing your big window here there a little window over there no this is that a big window right there that that's that's uh over here oh that's beyond that's beyond so you're really missing the screen then because the screen actually see that window the screen you're right so basically Windows we're really dealing with these two yeah which there third one oh two okay there's two okay are in one is in the bathroom and one is over at nightst so I question the full height Windows is the one in the bathroom going to be frosted or frosted yeah both or just the one in the bathroom only the bathroom and and also on the also here the this are all all frosted those are and those are labeled frosted sorry that's helpful and that is labeled frosted there that's a bad this one I mean is there any objection to making that a horizontal clear story because it's kind of odd right now anyways like it's behind a nightstand on one side of the bed so I'm facing the bed I got a vertical window on one side and nothing on the other if you could just make it a horizontal clear story over the bed get all the light you want things I like the hat hat B of the the bedan with a I don't know a our our code right requires you to diminish visibility into adjacent property I I can take it out it out or elevated you know something to frost it but a window well techn he's got window not up off your your I don't like that giving you a comment frosted window so we're not worried about that that's frosted and then these apparently are all are all Frost including this one not this one so it's the same story again but it's a little further step back yeah you're already at 15 no 114 sorry this is the first anyway I'm going to have a lot of landscape here that's the second ah because you're we 30 so you can be so but to that window you're in 15 yeah which is this one here it's this one right here it's the other side right um it's a clean house simple neutral very nice right so the first par so the the CH the garage is 30 ft to the B to the second story is set back oh it's 30 no the Second Story looks like it's set back the the yeah because you're saying it's 30 feet to the garage but this thing project out 30 feet to the edge of that balcony second so so so yeah put set back to the to okay so then so the actual wall of the second story is actually set back an additional could be front please so it's all just one level basically with a little tiny thing in the middle yeah I think that was one of our comments last just like the massing need to be broken up right we don't allow obviously in the lengthwise section you're going up and down but but it's a bit flat across the I know you see it here much better but this but this reads A Lot High I know it's an angle it reads a lot higher than yeah because when you see the sides only like a this is I get your point right you never this is a flat elation all this is back maybe 13 all these so it's there yeah this is at a lower height yeah obious this is signal story signal story so what is that height 14 so that front area that popped out is 14 yeah oh so then we just solved our root issue then you end up having a 14 foot 14 and then this is yeah but it's it's not that's that's not single story that's double story it's like a St and a half 14 feet yeah yeah I'm just saying that so this eyebrow thing right is is not that far back it's it's happening here it's happening here so what is the whole volume over here this thing is roofed over there it's this this first floor portion is roofed over yes okay so that's and that's at 14 so 14 is is this one but it is like one star and a half which is 18 Max so it's at 14 you're fine yeah we fine the first drawing that brought was a double High you dropped it down I dropped it so our flat roof issue is satisfied yeah it's from the front you're looking at that's roof and a half and then two stor behind how manyet is 4,000 4,300 for boths yeah for the whole for the whole no that's not the only thing that's under AC it's like around 4300 okay so um so let's to David's Point what is your lot coverage can you show us the that shows all your lot coverage with the pool the driveway everything on it I think it must be there you have the same um I thought it was filed I didn't bring it we didn't bring but it's we're complying so everything is Maxum 50% yeah yeah okay and the pool with the pool with the driver with walkway everything all right um so we satisfy the the setbacks we satisfy the movement on the side walls we can Sai the two Seal two roof levels well we we need to come back we we come back yes I'm just trying to check off is there a tree survey no so I just give me a blank plan page it says no trees yeah no perfect perfect l no no trees at all need ay old or I promise or no tra all right so any other comment all right so so this is the third review now the next time it's going to be put on as an agenda item to actually vote on so you can go ahead and make those changes okay that we talked about I would say that we for want to see a new dated coverage that's dated after or like from today on so that we know that it's reflected all the fin so the most current design that another not can just ask a separate question sure so just so we understand there's um there's a lot I don't know in front of the park the Corner House White it's essentially we want to do a house kind of like this in the fr you're going to get a put it in the front it's inside the S inside the the thing is that the lot is with this that is so small that we have to go with the house like this put the PO here and have have like a why flip it and put the because it'll be stuck to we want to use a set back the front set back yeah because this is 30 so the issue you're going to run into is um so it's an accessory structure as long as you need the setback you could technically put it in that location but then you run into you have to put a fence you're not allow to put fence yeah you can't put a fence in front of the house you're not no well that's that's the thing you might be able to get away with the pool but you can't get away with the fence so so then the question becomes why can't you put the pool over there it's like this time well no conceptually saying this is be this is like this become an issue because you put fence fenes arow the front so fenes are it's side of fence and fence yeah but it's a facade of the cat2 if you see it it's like the facade of the house it's not a fence is whole wall it's whole wall I mean that I would read that as a fence but I get your point see this is the front yard and that's part of the house part of the house need to be some something but I see where you're going you know I think something all right just a concert just a coner like a courtyard very shallow dep yeah of the house the wall is part of that house the front something yeah the or something all right so we're moving this to First reading at the next next oober 7 yes when do we have to submit to get on October 7 it's this Friday Fray thank you much thank you all right so this next one is 5f1 12010 Northeast 11 Place new construction hello so a guy walks into a store who's been invited to a Halloween party we gonna start on that way I was hoping you guys would ask them to give uh first name and address for the kid all right so this is third right third but there yeah I I wna got a doubt we have an application so I'm not quite sure why they've been preliminary don't we have if we applied would they're still considered preliminary they just we don't we don't vote on new construction onew okay theend so this is ask you to apply because then if it's not you're not really you're not applying for anything you're just asking for okay basically so yeah because if you haven't applied you keep coming for review it's informal it means nothing it doesn't count as your three reviews so okay so then you guys still wouldn't be able to approve today or you could if if you listen to us the last two times and uh me listen to you guys we a good are you kidding me so like an example would be the two gentlemen before you they came in they met all the things that we asked for we moved it through the last gentleman still had comment so we asked them to come back again with Okay so let's see where how well I I think yeah 110 yeah so here's another one if you want Northeast 11 place there was another property on the seven so we were good on all the site issues we meet all the setbacks we meet all the U lot coverage we're under 50% and I highlighted them here just to make sure you guys re see cleared okay um it's 4875 on a 14,000 foot okay so we're just under the 50% as far as the floor plan uh we basically didn't you guys didn't really have any issues with the ground level um everything is within the setbacks here you know when you want me to turn and then what we did do here um was we had some issues um you had asked me scarlet for or a line of sight drawing conception because you guys were concerned with some of these windows what we've actually done is we've taken that really into consideration and we've decided that we're going to leave these bedrooms with the either the uh doors or one one window and then eliminate the windows which I highlighted here even in the master so that there is no vision to the neighbors on the side okay we thought that that would be a great um you know give back to you guys um then of course we do meet the set back here of 30 on both sides by the way this window wouldn't have been an issue because that rule only applies to the rear two third so front third there's not a privacy that's good I appreciate you telling me that but I'm just wondering if it's going to kick into the exactly so you another ISS you eliminated the privacy but potentially now you have a pretty bland elevation well let's see what we think about let's get to that front and rear right front and rear right pretty straight forward so what we've done is we've decided to score line and that's really what the intent was stuckle with with with the um and and really we after talking about it we're not too keen on just these things by themselves if you don't mind me drawing on this we're thinking that we might go ahead and continue this type of imagery on these as well and in fact you know we're not really liking these as well so we might even introduce this type of a thought process just to break this up a little bit point but I I think if we or is there this steps back here this actually is what steps back because of that 15 foot set that's correct only on the second line is really just a junction not really yeah not really there I mean I wouldn't mind adding a couple of stuckle joint for score line but in terms of the planes that's correct all one plane this is all one plane corrected this is the only one that's recessed those are uh wooden exactly to block the line of sight there because then you can kind of see so exactly so we've got those louvers we can block that line of site so what is above it stuckle so so this that's the par is this is this a covered roof here yes that's correct that's a covered roof correct okay so what's happening here in first and that on the uh those are the bedroom the other side yeah that's right that's on Kitchen Side height yes you have a 3D elevation that may help you interpret it better last two pages yeah one and then the other page the other side here's the kitchen here so I'm really looking forward to adding a few more of these things to would you just add that or would you continue if they're on the same level I would continue it yeah I think they are considered excess of blank and you know what even if it's if this one guides it we just make this one same to the same height I mean I think let me ask you this just purely as a decorative thing you leave this the way it is the way it is just in the front and extend this one back extend that one back and create an architectural detail a b like a you know this would this would eliminate some of this and extend that one true because you already do have openings here right this is where you have nothing yeah create an eyebrow that goes all the way back to a point and then flip it over here to this go to that window or something well I I like doing things for reasons obviously for the window that would make a lot of sense I just I don't like to add more that would break up that as excessive window ex excessive wall I mean we're talking P this kind of stuff that's not too complicated yeah i' probably I would take this and I would match this one here so big wall but it's first floor side yard yeah theod you guys okay with that yeah I love the idea they I gotta ask them because they're money I can draw all the pretty pictures I want but uh they're going to have to pay for it which one is it this is this is over by the family the family room on the south elevation and North elevation yeah yeah I I would feel good with it either you do this or again because at the front of the house right so like if you're walking your dog driving by whatever coming this direction this is pretty blank and empty but the funny part is if you wanted to you could put another you could put the window back there it's in the front part so if you said hey yeah we want to put a a window that is a clear story going across the top of the bed or something like that that or or extending the eyebrow what did you have in the old ones you had a clear story or you had two windows actually it was just one single window yeah so the clear story would be nice because then it won't it won't affect the headboard yeah and then again your your eyebrow would have purpose right i' love that I would love that then then as to me it's as much of like okay people coming from one way to the other it make this side more Dynamic I like it wor theot oh for sure CU that didn't match that side right sorry well we could we could talk about it right now I mean would you guys be opposed to maybe Stone as opposed to just like like a keystone be to have material do we have to show it right now here or coming back so next time you know you think about it talk about it price it and then add it if you want to add it yeah because we should be able to move you to a voting de and as long as you've addressed and done something yes with kind of that that area and I think all of us would agree like hey having different material ppes is more compelling than the exact same that just SC as hatching for now and just say you know either decorative material decorative material for yeah or we could actually just you know Stone um wood what altern yeah to be determined I like so we would have to come back for the uh to show the eyebrows the new eyebrows yeah yeah I think we'd like to see them unless I can just submit them and you guys can see them well you could submit it to us not come for the next one and as long as we see it in here we can we can vote on it without without you like you don't have to show I can show up well I love seeing you guys of course you want to come back maybe it'll give me an opportunity to finish that joke all the way all the way down from thewest before Halloween let's make sure it's dietal I gota make sure that I can fit into my costume okay so really at this point the issues are those two side elevations to break them up somehow right eybrow yeah how they want to treat it at the window extending eyebrows that so I did kind of listen I did kind of listen kind of kind of sort of hey it was my sister that got all the beatings not me I was a good kid in the house I you guys had a full house today yeah so we're gonna see you next time see you next time and be it that sounds like a plan um just for my own knowledge how far are overhangs permitted into setbacks two three long you don't case bye yeah two or three [Music] Fe okay perfect another address there the 11143 Avenue 6 driveway on the items um sure 6 6 yes all right so we're moving um so this is going to be um to 65f is going to be moved to next review and then I'm sorry what was it 6n 6n um 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue driveway installation it'll be actually it's no it's it's done with review it'll be on the agenda for voting next like moving 5 C is the same thing we're moving that to um a vote at the next time so it's like three reviews and now a vote and then by a we actually moved it to a vot we said okay let's go ahead okay so you're not showing an approach your your driveway drawing stops at the property line right Street yeah I mean you got to get your driveway to meet the road right now your driveway stopping short of the road we didn't prepare this prepared I think by the cont this is your property this needs to continue out and me and yes yeah yeah of course you got to get to the street otherwise you're going to cross grass between your between the street and your driveway Edward Edward show them page 32 on their impervious impious they don't have to sale part at all the other yeah that's the other indicator that but they they need to update that discuss get your driveway 40% of your FR yard the approach the portion that crosses the right away from the street driveway also cannot exceed 40% of the sale ofation well she's showing it whoever it the driveway but not and and that's because there's nothing in the S on your D right so elect whoever he or she I mean whatever the driveway we can talk to approach and then do the calculations the approach right it looks like you're going to be fine based just looking at the we'll table it for now that so motion to Table Six for RIS Ed Scarlet all in favor say I I yep all right so we actually have um somebody that uh wanted to have a question for us um can I get the name please like just to go to the microphone oh is this okay all right we're hearing we're hearing you not on the agendas you're not in the agenda so this is not the electrical one no this is the other out what's the address not doing the yellow or read it to me um hi can you please speak into the mic It's Not Unusual Tom Jones so um we matched the roof to the paint the paint was done uh by the previous owner under a permit and you have that in I think you call it the blue folder uh so when they did the roof some of the paint peeled off when they were taking off some of the soffet and repairing the soffet and we want to paint it the same color that it was this is this is the color so when I went to uh apply uh Dena at the building department says well if you choose one of the colors we with just give you the the permit but we didn't quite match the exact color to the house so so this has already been painted that color under a previous paint permit yes here you want to see oh oh um by the way it's 6r 930 Northeast or 21st Street exterior paint this is the house it's like a it's color it's it's close it's close to this color here which is like a Roomba terracotta color yeah and and in our roof is brown like so I'm sorry G we're adding it 6r yeah sixr 930 930 Northeast on 24st street and and then the fascia H we want to match the is this the color cuz you know we have to like scre a color so you're picking Roomba Roomba orange Sherman Williams 6642 yeah that's the color right there that's the closest one that we got to that one and then for the trim we were going to do the umk you very much and then for the trim we were going to do to match to match the metal roof it's uh s SW and I'll show you the color where is it kind of like a charcoal vill oh you know what it is it's in the it's in the uh location should be well I don't have anything for you yours didn't get on the which I have a color here it's Smokehouse yeah that's the one and that's the trim or what is that trim trim okay okay so if you refresh the Dropbox you should see yeah SW 6363 on the walls oh motion to approve then second David Ed I I motion thank you very much is that under new business animac yeah I made it 6r had to wait long for that but sorry thank you for waiting yeah sorry uh this is yours pretty boiler plate approval this right it'll still get a formal notice from the building department yeah well there's there's not actually a permit color the color has been approved I don't know what they give out for thing yeah from here to open go giv per it's gonna issue open gov is going to issue them a permit they Canna start work as soon as it's issued okay uh I just have a quick question about the septic tanks I know that Miami Dade County has a program to uh to eliminate septic tanks and to connect to public sewer are you we don't have sewer oh okay there needs to be a sewer line first before you can connect to it yeah there we oh you have a sewer line and there's a sewer in the street yeah yeah I've heard of other houses on 121st going through the program that then the county like subsidizes and pays for them to get hooked up across the street I know of a couple houses on 121st but my best advice would be to go into the north Miami um like City Hall place because the the one guy that I personally know that got into the program he just went in there and kept asking questions until they pointed him to the right the right person there but but yeah it's a added benefit of being on 121st y thank you all right you too I think there's a quota for the number of houses a year that they'll do it or something like that so yeah try and get on the 25 the January one if there's a sewer line in front of you I mean it would it be a matter of just well you yeah you could pay yeah you could pay full Freight to do it but but he went through the plan and waited and then got got approved the following here and hooked up nice y thank you sir all right um I think we have a resident that's back uh Campos you have a question or sure hi good evening um I'm Nicholas pel with um anas husband we live on Ninth Avenue and um we're very happy here we moved a few months ago and I have two questions the first one um on the on the front of the house that area that belongs to the city is is grass no so when it rains pretty much every day we have a guas coming in or contractor whatever and they when they Park they destroy the grass so I was wondering what options uh can we use can I'm sorry didn't a you said gasoline from the park no no so so basically what you can do is you can build the sale but but with it has to match what your driveway is but you can only go up to a certain percent so a certain percent you have to leave it grass now people can park on it but you can't uh fill it to a certain amount of driveway and then fill the rest with gravel or anything like that you can only go up to the percent of the sale that's allowed to be allowed to be so again can you can you just clarify what the problem is I his problem was right to the solution what is the car is parking on the grass somebody else is parking is parking on their grass oh his his friends yeah okay so you want to put a drive you want to put a parking surface in in your s uh my my neighbor in the house in front of us he has a gravel now uh and the other one has um it's not concrete but it's something like that so when when you park you don't you don't destroy the the grass basically so I I I would like to know what options do we have you can put guest parking right a parking surface okay there are certain things that are considered an improved parking surface up to 40% of that public RightWay area you just put a new concrete driveway in I believe too so you would want to make it re you know relate to your new driveway because you just put a concrete driveway in I think you had a if it's possible again up to 40% Max so 60% of that area would stay grass Shrubbery ground cover okay that's called a swell right swell area okay perfect I'll make my calculation the second one uh this is my uh my little boy Mato and um yeah my biggest concern here is he's gonna as you can see he's very active he's going to start walking pretty soon and I walk around with him pretty much every day on the on the trolley and I see there's several houses with with like a small gate that I would like to have the same so if for I mean if the door is open for example he's not going to run into the street you're very familiar with the area 9 9 Avenue in the morning drives the the car drives at 50 miles per hour it's crazy and people put signs you know this morning we have workers and the cars were driving like a 40 50 miles like driving like crazy so that's my second concern uh how how can I apply for for a a gate permit a small gate just for the driveways because I have a well so so what you're just what you just did there you're ask you're saying two different things so you are allowed to put a pedestrian gate in so if you wanted to have a walkway with a gate between you your walkway and the the street the code does allow a pedestrian gate in your front yard you know within a certain height and width but a driveway gate our code prohibits driveway gates so um there's no you know it's you could apply but unfortunately we'd have to deny it because there's just no there's no um um there's no there's no way of doing a driveway gate the only option would be a variance and then you'd have to go through an entire process of of of proving the necessity of having a a driveway gate okay okay I mean you have you're living in a community where there most of the you know 95% of the homes don't have driveway gates and people tend to be able to keep their kids in their backyards you know there's not an issue with a child running into the street so uh but you also have I believe you have Hedges across the front of your yard so I mean you've already taken major steps to protect the front of your house from the street yeah it's just that you don't have you know um a position to do your driveway exactly you know if you wanted you could look at the neighbor across the street from you on the corner he's right there he he put a gate on his driveway a pedestrian gate so if you wanted to bring your gate your hedge back along your driveway towards your house and put a pedestrian gate that would protect your front yard so you do have a a process of protecting your white it just would not close off your driveway are you following me so if you came down you took the Hedge that you currently have and you came down your driveway and then left a a space for a 5 foot wide six foot high I think it is gate or is it six foot wide five foot high five wide five wide six High you could actually create a front yard with a gate it's just you're not in cast you wouldn't be closing off the driveway part yeah no no no yeah exactly with with with the with the trace that we have right now it's it's it's it's pretty much impossible to get in I mean unless you want to go under the tra so it's it's fine um but why I'm here it's uh yeah you just mentioned 95% what about the the other 5% they apply to this grandfa there's some that were grandfathered there were some that they've been there for a very long time there are some people that actually got variances okay how can I app to the variances because we have we have to decline you and then you can apply for a variance the other thing too is if it got approved which very likely would not but if it did then you wouldn't be able to build it out near the road it would have to be back in your property and at least a vehicle's length inside of so there's there's some considerations there I mean the other thing too is like the three of us all live on Griffin Boulevard which their cars actually do go 45 50 miles an hour if it's the speed of cars you the the first thing they're going to tell you is hey you should have police officers but also most people on 9th um because I have another house that's on 10th are going to say hey there's not people driving 50 miles an hour all of the time so the you can download what the variance form is of the four questions that they ask you and all that type of stuff you would have to have an extremely compelling story as to why because generally speaking like people that are on Griffin which is fast or people that are on Sixth which are the two fast roads they don't get variances for the same consideration that that that you're trying to ask for listen I'm going to try what what is what is the purpose of this uh rule because it's my house at the end if I want to sir why did you move to the park the park is a we we have a we have a a community that has made decisions in the past that we don't want fences in our front yard so we have a neighborhood that has majority of the houses do not have fences in their front yard and that the village and I've been here for 25 years the village has consistently said we don't want it okay so you moved here knowing we don't allow fences in the front yard but the compelling reason is that now you moved here and you want to put a fence in your front yard not the only one so so the question is is you know my I would just say why' you move here you know if we don't allow it but you know that's your property to do what you like so so but the point being is that you know there is a variance application way of doing it to answer your question the the community has has ruled and on numerous occasions that they don't want fences in front yards but it is up to the Village commission to make a decision on those those uh issues um so um you know if you'd like to have a gate you can apply for it um you know we would we would look at it you know probably deny it based on the code and if you wanted to apply for a variance there's a fourpoint variance application that you'd have to fill out and you'd have to convince the commission that you meet all four points of those of that of that variance application all right perfect thank you very much I just gave you an example you are you just used your your child as an excuse for why you want to have a fence in your front yard and I just gave you a compelling way of doing it without even having to go for a variance that there is ways in the code that you could install a hedge with a gate in your hedge that would protect your front door from stopping your child from running out into the street so my point being is that there are ways of doing things in our code that would give you the what you're looking for it's just it would stop short of actually putting a gate between your car and the street no I'm sorry maybe my English is I didn't understood I I think I on I think I did understand so basically we do have a hedge right and up to our driveway we can just put on uh on the other side of the Hedge right like towards our H our home uh a 5 by six no five foot wide foot wide by six pedestrian gate not the driveway gate pedestrian gate I don't know exactly what your house looks like but I'm assuming the driveway you you have a straight driveway yes like that okay and you have a hedge here this is your house yeah yeah along the street you have a hedge like this right what gate and this side as well okay and then your driveway okay okay so this is the street that's as well what Gage is suggesting is this hedge can continue this right back towards your house right and in this hedge is where you can put a gate pedestrian gate so he's saying okay your front yard where you're concerning your child might run out of the house would at least be enclosed by the Hedge and you can put a single pedestrian gate by code allowed in that hedge your driveway is not going to be allowed to have a gate so your driveway if your child's in the driveway could run the street yes but at least the front yard using Landscaping you could kind of secure it okay yeah so that way you don't need a variance that's allowed come back just need a permit please for a permit you need a permit for that gate but but that's allowed that's an option so this hedge here right you can you can go backwards towards the house and then you can put the gate here if you want facing the street you could put the gate on the side off the driveway which is probably more convenient because get out of your car you want to go through the gate this way not come back out and go in this area right here 40% and that's here exactly you could add parking surf An approved parking surface with a permit needs to be consistent with the design of your driveway so if you have a concrete driveway then probably want some concrete as well well you've already used a portion of the sale because of the existing driveway so let's say that you've used 25% you could add 15% more it may not even be a full car's size but it depends on what the dimensions of your your sale are so if you do you know once we approve if we look up when we approved we could see their old things anyways this part what David saying is the approach that's there now is going to count as part of that 40% right so who knows what it of your entire sale you can cover it with an improved parking by 40% yeah so you can add 20% more than Max right by whatever adding a parking space probably one parking space I mean I just that I mean okay um I just got to reply back approve on both them okay I'll do that I know 20 2020 is Max doesn't matter where it is 2020 is the ma okay all right no problems good luck thank you all right so I'm going to go back to the agenda all right uh we have the minutes from our meeting of September 9th 2024 e motion to approve second Carla Davis all fav say I I motion carries all right next we will go to 5D 11921 Northeast 12th Avenue concrete driveway Roman is the name Sage can you repeat the item number I'm sorry um 5D 11921 Northeast 12th Avenue it says we approved it on 819 2024 so this is just a review the updated documents that they submitted because everything was not submitted when you originally approved this 28 or 25 percentage oh yeah I remember she was here yeah the first one didn't show the storm drain the second one she was here last time she mentioned the storm drain so she's going around the drain with that parking surface I have a feeling they're still going to drive over it but that's the calculations needed to be updated the calculations we already had a appr this so so motion to approve a second time motion to approve again yeah David head Al say I I okay motion carries again okay uh next would be 5f one oh no we just did that we did that 6B 645 Northeast 114 Street wood fence sorry which one was it six 645 Northeast 114 street it's right around here somewhere new wood fencing yeah on the sides it's clear an acceptable color for wood yeah okay St clear it's clear is that technically a stain or is that just a ceiling uh motion to approve David Ed all in favor say I I all right did we do the Rees demol did they leave without their demolition permit huhuh we did do six all right next will be 6f 980 Northeast 116 street shed fine is the name motion to approve did anybody notice not last weekend but the weekend before the the helicopter there was there was a helicopter circling in the park on on it was over on my my side and all of a sudden it like like started like leaking pink glass uh gas like smoke it was a gender reveal and it was for the fins because there was I I happened to go by and it was at their house and uh I know I know the findes and uh I was like they were they were having a baby reveal and they hired a helicopter to do smoke it was kind of funny I've never seen that but it was it was funny what I thought it was three to the rear side corner the front faces front door faces what is that 116 street 3 foot rear 10 foot side 6 X2 72 squ foot so motion sorry so I I didn't so sheds are allowed to be three and three or they have to be 10 that's why on the side jeds have three foot rear and 10 foot side set okay so that he's right at right where it can be yeah okay Scarlet then Ed all in favor say I I should carries all right so next would be 6h 10009 Northeast 117 Street accordion shutters it says I'm sorry accordion shutters and impact windows I think it's just a dooring impact front door glass door and then shutter okay second Ed David all in favor say I I motion carries next would be 6 I one one0 Northeast 15 15th Street Windows installation fog number one 2 12 and 13 that FR of the house motion to approve hey David head all in favor I I motion carries next would be 6K 10921 Northeast 10th Avenue concrete driveway but there's no parking on the property there's zero on the property in this is the house across the street from me problem is is they have or they already dug the holes and the thing but the bigger problem is is like they don't have the cash flow to expand so this is going to be a while before it changes and it needs to come out to the street because it doesn't even look like the asphalt Pavements all like no yeah it goes to the street but it doesn't I don't think that it goes in deep okay uh second um Ed David on say I I motion deny is approved next 60117 noreast 9th Avenue exterior paint another paint import the load David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries all right so believe we' completed our agenda um next meeting is going to be October 7th so October 7th Pedro would be joining us or that's the one Pablo sorry Pablo it's the one that I'm not here okay I'll be here for the second one 7th and 21st y are you U both scarlet and Ed are okay on the seventh yep can I can I ask you a quick question on 6 e they did um uh they're the pool one I think and we approved them and but they have chain link fence that goes all the way around when you have a pool in the backyard are you allowed to have see through climbable chain link fence on the the sides facing the public facing the road or are they then going to need to come back to do a fence permit to change at least that area I believe that we allow chain leag F on round pools we do allow chain Le F respect po yeah well because like we don't our whole thing is like oh we can't have Gates that kids can climb and they can't see through it argument about chain link being clim get it but technically it's allowed yeah it's actually called out as a as a legal thing around a pool you go into the pool obviously the most climbable it's it is super climbable but and it's a what is it called an attractive nuisance where insurance but to answer your question if they came in for a new permit they could not have chain link that faces the RightWay so you could not have chain link that now faces the street so if they have it existing and they don't take it down to dig that hole of that new pool they could keep it um I didn't want to get didn't to with with them there because they weren't on a fence perent thing but I was yeah but they do allow pool you know it's it's it's sad to see another house going down with an empty lot that's just going to end up with a chain link vence around it with no permits old but I I I've said it before I think we should consider adopting like Bay Harbor has you get a demo permit you demo you have to S move your fence until you have a new construction permit well I thought that's but up jobsite for six months two years five years that's I I agree with you I don't understand how when somebody gets a demo permit they they do do it they finish it the fence needs to come down but we end up having all these fences all over the place and I don't understand not it's out of our control it's on the village side but um I agree this this house you can tear this fence down you got to fill that pool in you got to make it into a park and then take the fence down if you're not gonna if you don't have building permits yet but that's I mean I think it just needs be more explicit in the code that that's the rule demo completion removal fence sod maintain the yard right I just don't I mean we are giving a a fence permit for the demolition permit and the demolition permit is finished it should be should the fence permit should go away I you know but I agree totally agree we have fences everywhere now again it's you knowless somebody goes out and enforces it I mean what's the point you could say that about all of our right because you know Mac is always trying to kind of add this requirement at this at that but not enforcing what we already have in the books all this little stuff is it's it's yeah all right can I get a motion to adjourn please question toour okay David all say I I they we adjourned at 8:38 thank you everybody