this is 19 ft right here and then this is 889 here so that's nce so then I'm looking at your survey and it says this is 12 feet plus 8.6 plus let's say another four or six feet so 26 feet roughly I mean I just I know you're just putting it into the same location I'm just trying help you move this along so uh 33t uh let's just there was a setback and then another you said that was that was um 24 32 okay yeah no I the same things yeah the same things happen to mind but unfortunately need some Dimensions but I also you know they obviously have an issue with I like to you know I don't think it's an issue it's just their Dimensions um so can we get a motion to approve just based on what we need you to do is go and measure that and put it on here okay you guys have a take measure at your you have a tape measure at your house yeah like so it's going to take us a little while to get through everything and we just have them if you guys can go and measure out those and write those numbers in then we can improve at the end of so it'll take it'll take us probably at least another hour to get through everything so just do that come back in and then yeah so from your side here from the street to here and then from here to the to the other side without the middle part those three dimensions if you can give me that I think we should be a to yeah as long as he measures and writes it then or you measure and write it then you guys are good okay thank you we're gonna we're gonna wait so come back we go right now all right so we're gonna go ahead and just uh than you let that to the side um we'll come back to 6C all right um um let's go with the the gentleman arrived so we got back to 5B 824 Northeast on 11th Street second floor revision denied what's up guys all right so we're gonna go there did get your your voicemail you did yeah I just didn't feel it was appropriate to have a one-on-one conversation outside of this forum and I Tred to look on your website for an email to just take you an email saying you know got your email but let's talking hearing and I couldn't find an email for you so figured I'd see you here again soon enough thanks no problem you know when we were here um a couple of weeks back I didn't realize uh from the thir that we were actually one foot away from that because the garage was the one that's can you open up the S PL so we can anyway we' brought the designs you want us to use this testing Tes sometimes they say you can't hear it when it's sitting on the thing so oh okay okay anyway we we created the bumpin only one foot okay what are we looking at the second floor here yeah this is second floor okay let's go back to the original house and what was happening was that we had a dimension of 10 ft so we were saying you already have 13 you were 13 inches you need to do one foot long yeah so because we were what was that 10 was the garage but we I gotten that exactly no the whole house the whole house so the house is at 13t on that one side 131 okay so almost 14t yeah so I mean we were supposed to be we needed right correct so if I would have realized that that day you guys might have said ah what's a foot and an inch maybe maybe not you wouldn't have but at least at least minimal impact to your closets now right it's not yeah it was great it was a great solution so it's kind of fun because we're going to go with a a sloped sloped plane just for rain purposes and then we're going to go straight back up okay like this so that so that was the revision there was the there were other revisions weren't there yeah that was on the ground level that was approved okay uh which was yeah trying to L correct corre divided the no more than 30 so the only thing we would need to see is does this plus this plus this oh no because the thing is you already had an exception that you're over it wasn't adding more to what was existing right hey if we get this approved our problem I it would have been cool anyway I mean no big deal so you know it works out um I've got another house now that I've just begun in the in the park as well so now obviously that'll be have we have we you voted on that yet no it hasn't even come okay I'm still working on initial schematics so this you so you did go ahead and put the foundation in after our last yes meeting okay so now it's just up to the revision of the second floor correct correct okay yeah we're we're almost up to the roof roof now this okay sced all in favor say I I thank you guys get your next and on the new and on the new house come talk to us yeah I'm a Washington Capitals fan so I'm in I was irritated at how quickly you guys were going to win and have no stress and now you guys are at maximum hockey stress so I hope that you guys do win so that nobody's grumpy but I want you guys to win in like double overtime with a minute left just you don't need to go to cardiologist for another do you have any other questions on okay [Music] well usually we we you know like front steps into the front set back we we we allow it just as long as you don't have to start building up to the point where it becomes the structure per se you know so the same thing would be in the rear get is it a doorway or is it a like a Juliet Balcony kind of thing or [Music] something well I mean I'm not getting into really like hypothetical thing here but if you have like if you had your your if you're at your setback and you did a Juliet Balcony above the set you know not touching the ground you you we would probably be lenient towards that because you're technically not touching the ground you know yeah yeah yes so so it would be like a little bit of an overhang into the into the side setback or the rear side back yeah I would I would assume yeah not without seeing any drawings or you know I sorry I'll apologies I wasn't listening to the conversation but sounds right b a drawing and we'll look at it when it's here yeah so we've got to build steps be about okay we're not at 30 in above the ground so railing wouldn't really be required however I was saying yeah you can also grade up the the Earth too a little bit find a happy compromise that or doing a Juliet balc just put the railing right outside not but then what's you have a slider just for you know freezes what is the change of elevation that you're talking about between get down three steps without a railing it's it's the width of a slider right just do a wider stair and or grade up and then you got two stabs you really don't need it you're talking about eth Aven right good luck all right car to you you're here for all of your companies are yeah they are 1065 noreast is tax code for a general partnership I saying I assume all your companies are 105 because they know you guys are all right so actually if we're going by the order of the agenda you are next so 6E 1065 Northeast 119 Street do you want to make them did you want to make them wait till the end no I mean it's just like I going in order their agenda it's not it's not by the time that you arrive it's by the agenda start at so um low slope roofed okay let's see what you have here yeah you can just go to the microphone hello everybody oh this is a roofing permit Roofing permit yeah so it's just a flat roof modified it is type of yeah material right approve David Ed say I I motion carries you're good perfect the whole roof or just those little yeah I guess plus some balconies are you up to the roof or is this you're just getting your ducks in a row I have to drive by there I haven't okay cool thank you good one all right next would be 6f 11315 Northeast under uh Northeast 9th Court um demolition permit no if you want to tell them the you want I haven't said a word to anybody that's pretty cool remember they have that little Guest House Cabana in the back you're doing that so he approves all of your permits for the rest of your life we are over bring something talk who did the who did the math that came up with you being over out of a like a like a 12,000 squ foot lot or something like that what how big is a lot 14 and you're over 80 can't shave little little off the driveway or something yam day property Sears like get creative with your math because you become at 50.0 on the dot don't need to do like check well check all of the different parts to see where it says what your dimension yeah yeah because like my property is says that it's different dimensions on in three different places in Miami day County so there could be a way where you're doing everything that you want to you still technically are under Wier square footage CU again if it comes at 50.0 then we can rubber stamp everything you don't need to go through any nonsense you don't need to cut anything but otherwise trying to get a variance for an extra 80 feet is going to be they're going to tell you no just get rid of 80 feet of your driveway or something so that's what I'm saying just check your denominator in all of the places that you can check the denominator yeah okay awesome Charlie all right he um so I in 11315 Northeast NT ninth Court yes for demolition do we have any building permits yet on this or any applications or submitted designs I'm sorry yeah I'm not saying I'm just saying any what are do we know what we're replacing this with yet or is this just a demo not yet he doesn't we don't have the design ready yet but it will be a new single family residence okay two floors yes all right so we're taking down a house without any permits or any preliminary drawings for the new house okay um yeah do we have a fence permit hold is there a fence yes we do have it issued already one we fought about the roof profile for forever huh this is 11315 Northeast 9th Court this is the lot on the park this is the gentleman that spoted us for Forever on the slope of the roof for the addition that he was going to do not him the the owner you bought you bought that wow okay so that that did you buy with the approved plans yeah because this owner you got approve yeah I know interest okay which house it was and there's a little bit of history and now that you now that I'm looking at it I'm like oh that is that lot okay came to a lot of meetings we look forward to what you come up with um so my only question was we're approving a demolition plan is there a fence permit to go around the demolition yes is should huh I work for developer need an architect wife I need a arure uh2 24-23 but you know they do lots of commercials I you can put you in touch you talk with him I mean there's not an issue with the demo plan it's just we want you know in order to start demoing you need a you need a fence to go around it yeah firm d if it's not issued it's for sure approved we approved the part we approved the fence already okay yeah we have a demo plan moot to approve hey David Scarlet all in favor say I I how's use for all our projects how's 117th and 10th coming on okay when are you taking your fence down you listed it yet it's like you know what you're going to ask I'm very curious and how's sth Avenue come along it looks like you got the walls up and it's we have so many construction projects I'm like I'm dying to see them actually done it's like like you know like with landscaping and like you know like one on by around the for me on 11 19th is 11 19th they actually they got it done you know yeah I that's fine just you know of such a great house I can't wait to see it done with the like land you know instead of a backyard is actually really it's been years you know all of the neighbors uh all of the neighbors rimmed all of their edges in palm trees so like they have maximum amount of space no visibility oh wow this land okay good for you congrats you wait to see it yeah yeah see you later thank you just like you keep approving stuff and approving stuff it's like we get something done anyway not just him but everybody okay um so I have the minutes from the May um sorry the June third meeting now I'm sorry have you guys done any uh voting prior to when I walked in that was the first that was the first thing I have I grael driver no I'm sorry I have it 40 approved I said 40 approved you have it on we did okay gravel driveway patri okay you got I'll take a motion all motion carries hello sir are you on the agenda tonight Morales is that the name of the the applicant what what address is it is it an application or a question that you have okay so you're asking for a permit or you you have applied okay so you so what it appears that you're not on the agenda for tonight so if you've applied it's not on tonight's agenda it might be for the next per the next meeting on she's gonna look it up really quick just give us a second she's gonna look it up okay she's going to look it up and and tell talk to you a second let me just continue on with our agenda uh 5A 65 665 Northeast under 17 Street walkway and gravel driveway so think why we is this because of the size of the gravel was it this one no I mean this is remember this is the one where they came and then broke their Perman we asked them to break their permit AP because it was the walkway it was the per yeah but what was the last conversation and let's look at the last drawing okay so if you look the clouded area they they they got rid of that section on the right the very last drawing yeah okay and they took it out to the street with the the approaches okay the the front walkway still just goes to the um property line but that's that's their choice okay yeah so the last drawing that we're looking at which was dated 525 before revision number two and there's a cloud around the key legend new PR gravel driveway as Dimension top layer gravel driveway with average diameter okay so it's a white gravel driveway um is there a border detail I guess just the city one I don't see the Border like on their plan drawn yeah so the only thing is they they reference detail 8 they reference details on SP 1110 and then they have a gravel detail that doesn't have a border it has a steel Edge where do you see steel ledge at uh on you're looking at detail 8 on S110 right it's got crush Stone and then has a steel landscape edging are you talking SP 110 drawing yeah sorry SP 110 detail because on the new sheet that they submitted where they revised the key key keyote they refer to detail on sheet SP 110 and you go to sheet sp110 it's only one detail related to gravel yeah drives and it's that with a steel Edge know they're going to cry bloody murder but I don't think we but then they reference I know and I agree with you totally but they you know they actually have this sheet in here yeah they submit the stock generic City but you know the fact that I don't see a border drawn in their nicely drawn CAD plan right like if it was handrawn by typical owner okay someone took the time to draw that in CAD if they didn't draw the borders I don't think they're planning on doing one so let's deny it based on the okay motion to deny uh gravel detail incorrectly shows a steel edging instead of a or or 16inch border as required second David I motion to approve to deny is appr that motion to deny is approved sorry um so they don't have the the correct borders noted okay did did you find out you still looking on it okay all right so we had our residents come back going back to 60 Northeast 118 Street uh driveway repair all right did you give us the dimensions can you just provide them to me please you guys don't even look that sweaty okay so they're going to be 9 feet from the side property line and it's 30 hold on is that 56 is that okay you just want to you just want to enclose this you just want to add this okay and so when you do that is it going to be a total of 56 feet okay so 75 fet so that's 70 I'm Circle that 75 and I'm going to circle nine and then what is the width from here to here what is that 30 34 okay all right so they're still within their their I mean they've got a huge front 155 foot wide lot so so they're 9 feet from the side 34 feet wide and then the the N is going to be 75 feet it's really deep so so that the only issue you just come back I just think you might have gone too far um so your Swale is 24 and your setback to the front of the house is [Music] 28.5 okay so that those add together it's it's and even if you went over here 33 33 + 24 is you know 37 so it can't be 75 ft but you but if if you just say you want to do this section and you're going to go up to the front of the house we can calculate that the front that is 33 plus 24 so let's just say um 37 573 plus 2 oh sorry 57 I'm not getting my there so it's 57 we got our math guy is here right nobody like [Music] my okay so so this looks good and I'm I'm gonna everybody can take a look at it in motion to approve but what we need you to do is we need you to just redo this and upload it to the to the to the system all right so yes with the numbers on it okay you good we alled a after you upload it it goes to them then you'll get a notice back that'll say hey you're ready to come in and pay for your permit and then then you're good to go you pay over there no that it it takes a little time for them to do it but you'll get the email next weekish or so and then it'll tell you to the amount to pay you can pay it online yeah it's not going to speed the process up because we're not the ones that go through actually and look at it we say hey we're okay with the design there's a different structural engineer person that actually says good there's other people that have to look at it the the building inspector and the they they have to look at we're just looking at the zoning part so um you you have a copy of that so you you can write it you want to want to give her back to yeah okay perfect thank you thanks for doing that no okay all right let's continue on she's still looking for you sir okay so 5c 111221 Northeast 9th Avenue um in of solar panel roof this is the one I think on one side that we yeah and also had like this house that house when they really yeah and it was like one lot and they were showing a survey only half of it or something so there's an email at the very end is probably the only response makes sense yeah but it still looks like hell aesthetically or not putting loading everything on one side of the house I mean you own the entire structure why wouldn't you just put it across yeah my my thought as put solar on every single one of my houses is like okay you run it's actually cheaper to to not go up and down the the top of the AR or the top of the the roof slope too so like what they should do is just if the exit they should take all of those panels and just fill up the back just run across the back well it's going to be there's going to be cost savings doing that so I would motion to deny but I would make a note that I would vote to approve if they were just lining up all the panels on the back yeah I mean may also be that they didn't you know because based on that email it seems like they all they understood from the first review is that we didn't understand why they were only doing one not that we preferred it to be all in the back so maybe they just get that communication next time and they'll be like oh okay back yeah it's just they're putting all the solar panels on one side of the house when they they could just run them across the back like David said the fact that there are ones on the back means that it's not a shade or a sun line situation so motion to deny but if you want to make a comment then the comment would be deny or table I don't want to deny it okay motion table if all if all panels were on the back then it approve that's okay um that was a David Ed all say I yeah and make sure everyone's communicated that we prefer to be in the back of the house not to put them all on the front you know if they're going to stack one side let it be the rear side yeah I thought there was something that said that you can't just put them in the front if you have an allocated to somewhere else that I'd seen at one point when I was first putting my solar I ended up not putting any solar up yeah I don't know I just want to make it clear if they're going to stack them that they stack it on the side we prefer so they don't come back and we have this conversation again y it just doesn't it's aesthetically it's a total aesthetic thing just it doesn't make any sense to have the panels all on one side of the house and that letter doesn't make any sense make sure when we say one side we say rear side not one side because right now it is all on one side they're like what the hell are you complaining about oh I just want to make sure the applicant understands what we're saying put them all in the rear side of the house please okay all right next will be a 5D 11921 Northeast 12 Avenue concrete driveway rain do we know what the issue was that we had with this before um smooth concrete drive so you guys were saying she didn't have enough parking spaces on the property but when the contractor stopped by Village Hall he said there is a drain field in that middle section so he cannot really move it and the length of the drive will extend two cars can fit on the smaller yeah if they extend it further that's the problem so you if they can't go into the middle they don't need to but the part that is a single Lane they can fit two cars but one of those cars will be in the right away so the thing is they need to extend that driveway another 16 feet so that they can fit two cars within the property bounds basically that far right Edge has to be 255 ft plus 32 feet it can't just be 32 feet it's 25 of the 32 feet basically a car and a half in this way I mean the 25 is the to the center of the road and oh and it's a duplex by the way so there's four cars here oh okay that's a different story then then there yeah and that's not going to help them I mean it's gonna help them only halfway do we know what the measure is it's just their SW do we know the exact location of this drainfield this supposed drain field and is it just I would also like strongly recommend to this applicant they come for the next hearing so that they understand it's a lot to convey were they here the last time no this and what about and what about on the other side of so the property owner showed up the um actual person is doing the driveway show Village it was um okay motion to table because the thing is we don't even know what the measurement of is of the just the sale like even if you delete it all of the driveway drawings we don't know how deep the sale is so we don't know how far past that that needs to go into the property yeah there is so there's still not providing the four parking spaces required on their property inside of their property and again you can put it on the left side and have it so that's what they were saying there is a drained field over here here yeah so what about over here basically have two strips on either side they could have they could have four two parking spots here and they could have two parking spots here but it has to go 32 feet into the property line so they're going to single stack so they can tandem the cars in there if they can't do it here then they can do it over here or do it over here again we don't know this it's a backyard they have a 10- foot rear subire a little lot 100 by 75 ft okay I'm sorry I had a table in a a motion to T right yes was David and Scarlet all in favor say I I okay motion all right we're so not sure about what's going on 6B okay 6A 590 Northeast under 19th Street concrete approach Alvarez I guess they just have one of those driveways that doesn't reach the street and the forms only the sale yeah because guess they need to complete it all but they're only adding the sale I guess that's why they're only filling they have a driveway it just doesn't reach the street it stops at the property line oh my only issue is that they wrote new concrete driveway and doesn't their drawing thing at the bottom make it look like it's like crosshatched I guess yeah it and you can look for Google Earth it is like you know papers basically but so that isn't that a mixture of elements so we're not supposed to that yep oh the new DW it's a it's actually a new approach that's really what the applic is for yeah that's what it says yeah um so the existing driveway is pavers and the new one is approaches concrete yeah so that the elements need to to match or at least have a design that yeah I mean maybe if they ped like let's say bands on the side of the of the pavers right to just make it feel like it was not just one cohes attached to the end this is what it this is what it all right so do we deny or take uh these are the ones they came in didn't they come in for that pool of the fence they wanted yeah it's not this one it's not this one it's I believe on 11 19th on on this side of it's a different I know what you're talking about but it's not these people um I mean these people have that the protoc carpus head Edge that has been run over by car accidents probably like five times in the time that I believe here is I don't know what it is about 6th Avenue and 11 19th on on what would be the southwest corner but there are so many accidents that happen in that corner and there hedg under 19 Street like driven over multiple times in accidents oh let's I I mean I would be inclined to say let's table it and just say that the design of the approach must match the great um the uh the driveway if you guys are yeah motion the table pending revised design that the approach is harmonious with the existing driveway so you do you are you going on the record also it's recommending that they put some ballards in the middle of that bush in the corner yeah they might want to think about I have um Ed anybody uh David David second it on say I I I didn't only get this next can I'm sorry I'm impact Windows is there an applic I was looking at sorry I skip but there's nothing in or I'm sorry open up 12 Street that your favorite street it's gone oh really yeah g took it out no floor plan for that window whoa what do you mean uh for the window permit I don't see a floor plan well it says entry and then no change no change no change oh it's second page I must have like dipped right past it what address is it yeah it looks like the windows are just on the back sorry completely missed so prepare that's the one that you yeah like I just don't know why it's coming to us okay so um so you're not on our agenda for tonight even though you're saying that you did get an email um you have a copy of that email you pull it up on your phone but the thing is is whether he has a email or not he's not on the agenda so we can't Tech we can't vote for it um but I would say Sir that you know just looking at your your your application here the first thing I'm going to say is you say 25 feet from the street to here right now it's it's so you're s from the middle of the street to here is 25 ft so so you have this is a duplex right a duplex you have to provide four parking spaces on your property okay so so this is 20 only 20 feet wide so you're really only going to get two cars there you have an existing driveway you already have two so you want to add two more okay so again so okay that's good so that means you have two and then you have two the thing is is that I don't I'm not sure how what this is um but what you're asking for is you're only asking for 25 feet a typical car is 18 feet roughly so that means you're the the majority of the car is going to be on this the rideway and it needs to be on your property here so yes yes but here it is right here here's your existing driveway yeah so I'm not sure when this was approved or or or how you know what you have a 17 it's right here it says 17 foot Parkway so you need you need 17 plus 18 for the new for the new to be for for us to uh uh approve that because right now this is not this is um the majority of your parking spaces are on the on the U the RightWay okay so um so my thought my thing is that you're going to need to when this this comes before us on the agenda that's the first thing that we're going to say to you is hey this doesn't have um the required parking on your property okay so um you need to go no you need to go 17 17 plus like another no no another like 18 feet roughly so that your your all your your car is parked on the um oh it's um so that all of the um the the the parking is on the property no no no you you have to have the approach oh you have to have an approach like you have here so from the street out but right now you know your cars park here they're not all on your property they need to be they need to be onto your property so I would suggest that this is going to be probably on the next agenda um because it's not on this we can't vote for it today but I would suggest uploading a new drawing with that yes showing your parking SP on your property okay thank you sir okay yeah no problem 6B motion to approve 6B 750 Northeast on 21st Street all right impact windows so I had a motion I have a second all in favor say I I I take it it's everything's okay because I didn't it's all in the back SL side of the house approve motion to approve second 6 will be 6D 835 North 15 Street crawl space repair oh that's interesting yeah it's an engineering letter for Jack to do a crawl space the to lift the floor for repair okay and that was who motioned David all in favor say I I and motion carries right anything else agenda okay so our next um so we have some questions on our next meetings um there's a our our village is doing a workshop or something some kind of drainage thing on our night that we were supposed to meet on July 8th so they had they gave us an option to either meet later which you know how that can be could be 10 o'clock at night or they we can reschedule it for July 15 now David you're out of town all the month of July so this would be a scarlet and head question chance that I'll end up start I'll be back possibly for the second but I don't so what would it be would be we'd have a meeting on the 15th and then we would continue and with our and and have our meeting the following week on the 22nd I guess that's as originally scheduled our July meetings would become July 15 if car is that good with you and then July 22nd okay so our July meetings will go from July 8 to July 15th and then we'll leave July 22nd the way it is and then David you might come back the CH I'll I'll let you just send me the normal like thing and how the B all right all right other business all right uh can I get a motion to adjourn please toj that was David Ed all in favor say I I we are adjourned than you