##VIDEO ID:3w9L7Qw4dV0## e all right good evening let's go aad and get started um evening this is the village of biscane Park planning and design review board meeting for Monday January 6 2025 it is now 6:30 do the roll call uh Edward Le here C Hammond David grun Gage hardung I'm here as well as Denisha from the um building department um we will go to the residents that are here and uh and then we'll get back to the agenda after that so the first will be 6A I think everyone's here 701 Northeast 119th Street fence arenta groups Investments and we're going and order the AL uh the agenda too just um May you please go to the podium agenda item 6A 701 Northeast 19 Street yeah this a new wood fence it's starting at the corner it goes out around all the way around the back all within proper setbacks um just how high is the fence sir uh six feet six feet is that noted on here six feet okay and it is say it and what type of wood fence is it is a regular uh good evening my name is Den lope board on board or shadow box or no board on board is the regular one like the the most of the houses and we can buy on the hoonipo okay just there's a um a sheet that they ask you to just signify what type of fence it is so that the the inspector knows what they're looking at okay right now it just says wood fence yes so it could be you know all kinds of different things yeah the pulse and everything so as long as it's six feet and you have um um you you submit that form I think we should be fine um and then you have to provide some kind of stain or how is it going to be finished in the end well uh the owner uh is thinking about to keep them the natural wood with with no stain and no paint there a clear sealer B that's right yes okay that's where the fence is going to located yeah one line is for the fence located and the other one it was for the survey yes that that was uh David Ed correct all in favor say I I you justes need to submit that one form it's the um the design and I think they need to pay uh some some fee or something like that I think so yeah that would be up to the building of department so um they'll they'll they'll let you know what you basically yes we just want to know where the fence is going and what it's going to be so you're good thank you sir thank you very much all right next will be 6D 10917 Northeast 9th Avenue aluminum gates Whitner good evening good evening sir what is the fence on the other side the these are for two fences on each side uh basically they will be the same Aluminum Fences so it's you're doing Gates on both sides because the drawing only shows it on one side the left hand side oh really yeah it's not showing both sides okay well it actually should be mirrored on the other side and since you have a pool um the code stipulates that there shouldn't be any gaps between the the pickets okay so they can't be climbable to get into the pool okay well it's quite far from the pool yeah but it's still it's a climbing hazard for children to go over a fence so the the gaps it's the drawing calls out a half inch uhuh but since there is a pool present on the survey we have to dictate zero gaps okay it has to be together yeah okay it could be like you know bevel micro but okay not enough that uh it actually would considered a gap yes any got other questions on the board no so this is both sides you'll have to submit a drawing for the with it showing both sides okay okay yes motion to approve David O David Pablo all in favor say I I motion carries all right the same resident is 6 e 10917 Northeast 9th Avenue a aluminum roof so um you don't have any lot calculations in your packet um we have a 50% maximum lot coverage that you're allowed to build on like any development patios pools driveways anything like that so without these roof structures and the the new one that you're proposing you're pretty it appears you're pretty close to your 50% maximum L coverage so part of this packet should be a form that they Supply that you fill in you know maximum the lot is 10,000 square feet houses 2,000 square feet driveways 500 square feet and you add them all up and it can't go over 5,000 or whatever half of your lot is okay yeah so you're you're missing that was that uh perit for the new concrete pad in the back because that might like it references a new pad for the back or whatever I think that would be part of what we're we're looking at yeah is the pad to go with it to go with the roof well that's why I'm wondering is if if in a previous one we approved just the pad because that would be a different now if you if you go back and look at the previous permit that we just approved the his fence um sixd you can probably see what the the lot looks like now I mean that's that your your survey shows kind of what it is now yeah right now we have an existing uh aluminum roof also where the drawings indicate that we'd be replacing and adding two and then we'd be constructing another one far off but do you have a little kind of like patio there already out by the pool yeah like a chatua or whatever kind of you're going to make it a little bigger for the replace renew it make it a little bigger what is your driveway what do you have it's hard what it is I a stamped concrete uh half circle that was done in 2018 okay because it's not really clear on that first survey showing the front yard yes so we need to know what that is too so um would would that require an additional survey no I mean it it's it's odd that it's not on the survey because you paid for the survey and it's it's not it's not present it's not not it doesn't say anything about a driveway in the front yard okay maybe that was a survey prior to the driveway yeah it just says concrete like a border or something like that yeah that was probably before okay you didn't apply like a month ago or two months ago or anything like that you didn't apply for a concrete for that new concrete pad that's in the back that's 20 by 16 you're doing all of that now yes then I you done it separately maybe that would had that calculation any other questions also if you go back to the previous application that the full survey is in there the entire lot yeah that's what I was reference in the the front on that yeah it's in there but it doesn't show a driveway it shows like a circular curve yeah so pretty much uh so we would probably table this right now for additional information okay because we need to know what your lot cover AES okay so find out how much is occupying the lot if it's less than 50% and then yeah what what what's existing what's proposed and the new proposed cannot go over 50% okay of this space there's a there's a form on this on the uh website that should you should be able to open up and either I don't know if you can type in or you have to print it and then write it in and then scan it back in I'm not sure how it works is that it does say house pool driveways it has like a broke broke down is that like the impervious calculation yeah okay so that sheet all right and then I submit that with the with the calculations yeah because right now we wouldn't be able to move forward because of that and regarding the driveway do you need something more in addition you could draw it on there and just show like this is kind of what it is we're not going to be okay we're not going to be measuring but if you're like at 49.99% we might say okay hey you know we're you know we're a little concerned that you're going to go over your maximum blood coverage but um well I hope not cuz I'd like to do more yeah might have to take up some of that patio or something you know but uh but just keep that in mind 50% okay all right I mean there's a lot of drawings here he's got a lot of drawings it's the standard you know what most people used the Miami dat approved hurricane proof and what color is it going to be uh it's going to be uh White um and then the the the posts are going to be titanium uh color like the roof and the gate good motion to table pending what coverage com Okay add David all in fav say hi I thank you table is approved okay so you're tabled and what they'll do is you'll have to submit that and then they'll if if it gets in you submit it in time for the next meeting they'll put it on the next meeting okay as old bu and I come back then next meeting okay I mean if you're if you're if looking at the what you're providing if you're at like 40% lack coverage yeah I don't think there's going to be an issue with the board so you wouldn't per se have to come but if you're pretty close you might want to come and make your uh Cas or if you're over you might want to consider cutting it back cutting it back yeah okay right all right guys thank you so much Happy New Year you too happy new year did anybody else come in okay um going to go to 6 i1 12022 griffing Boulevard impact windows and doors good evening good evening all right horizontal sliders fixed glass what's the color sir uh bronze bronze color okay and so Windows 1 two 3 4 and five face the front of the house one two three four five they're all horizontal rollers or fixed class do approve David Ed all in favor say I I carries you're good all right thank you have a good evening before we go to discussion did anybody come in that's on the agenda are you on the discussion or or okay just want to make sure before we move to discussion items all right so I'm going to go to discussion 7B 1014 Northeast 117 Street new construction third preliminary review that's your answer okay you have plans for us or we just uh this is the flat roof house correct I think we're just basically we really had very few comments last time and I think we just we also wanted to vote on because Ed was not here last meeting yeah I would have approved at the first meeting so said I would have approved at the first meeting so it's fine voted all right yeah but basically we address all the comments on the second round and this third uh round is to meet the criteria okay um to refresh um we did the two level roof there's a difference of 24 inches between the two thems 24 yes okay so you act I think it was 12 last night was it did you increase it a little more or no it was 24 okay and then we address a comment about the uh um the pond and the mosquitoes going to be controlled by some air pump into the it's going to be a moving water okay also we address a comment about the garage and the access to the the ramp up so we decide to have the cars the driveway we extended the driveway have the par spos here okay so just keep in mind that this area here you're not allowed to go over 40% lot coverage so right now you might be a little bit over in your proposed so um just uh but the the driveway is under a separate permit um it's under separate permit and also we're using uh permeable papers it's it's lot coverage it's it's not area not not so whatever's driveway grael okay we can min so but when you come back for your driveway permit we'll we'll be addressing that so don't don't it's not like we're approving this as like a master site plan we're just saying right now we're really focusing on the house per se so you can get started on the house and then you'll come in for all your submits your D your windows roof everything like that so this the house um no changes on the layout except for the work and um these are the elevations showing the the two levels for the roof one of them is going to be 24 in from the other yeah here you can see the step okay uh lot coverage you're I think you're way under your 50% your setbacks were fine we checked we checked all that previously right okay I would I would suggest moving it to the it was okay fav say I I okay so we're moving it to 6K to approve okay David Ed favor say I I you good all right so you're on to the the next Department fantastic thank you beautiful thanks for working with us okay Lu so it became six JK 6K was um they're both the same David Ed and then the other one was David Ed thank you all right next is also going to be uh discussion 7 c1807 Northeast 11th Place new construction first preliminary review so we're going to go back up you have something for us to look at or you have questions we submit everything so uh all the permit application and uh so that's I printed out guys okay so you previous you previously came as discussion items the past two to three times you were here but you didn't submit the permit until now so that's why they're just going over the preliminary review they'll decide where whether or not um you don't need to go through all three your reviews again so that's the reason why you're here okay so they they were they we did the reviews under discussions so they came in to ask general questions regarding their plans and they just finally submitted their permanent application got it and we get to make the decision whether or not okay got it yeah we submit everything and everything fine so okay so this is taking down the existing house so new house is 10 foot setback 30 3 five no no 30 30 here okay rear set back there's plenty um so your in your lot coverage was 14,600 new proposed total lot coverage that's just yeah I mean you're still not at 7,000 square feet but you would need to have a total lot coverage the total proposed you're saying your total proposed lot coverage is 264 but something seems a little like that would be the that would be the first floor of the structure itself no because the propos is 29 no yeah two floors around 3,000 square fet yeah on the in the package online it has like a coverage thing that's very close to that number but I think that that's from what the previous like it has like a small house on it right yeah I think that it had that number broken down like existing driveway would so you're providing your tree survey which is great thank you um it doesn't look like are you removing many trees uh isn't no here's your tree Legend a lot of lot of different trees no for the new construction we are not removing the trees okay front this front entrance has like a little drop down two main bases are so this is this is lower this is 22 and then you up to 24 so you have your two roof levels you have your one and two yeah with these and you got a single story here yeah um you have movement you you know you're not blank walls um the Second Story setback I'm just questioning that we I know we discussed that um on the SEC because right now you're well you're at 15 on the first floor so you're fine okay on the Second Story yeah yeah we already check with the last time when we here we already check the AR I don't know if you remember the yeah only only need to show the sou place so so the South Side that faces your neighbor it's only these two small Windows no this is for the rear this is for the rear and let me show you implants there that one no no no wait um blank this side window two windows you got two windows one two so it's it's here yeah this is the neighor the left side there's four here but you don't you you don't have it all uploaded okay the same we upload everything yeah so in the package there's this but on this so my question would be on this wall here was um it does say um must provide you know undulation on and um movement so it's not a big blank wall okay blank wall so you know you have a lot of architectural details on the front that could be added some detail here to to to break it up so it's not a big wall okay okay you know we can do it just know that this this comes back it's a it's a p yeah yeah it's but you still have this entire twostory no this side we don't you don't have it rendered okay we don't have for that for that can add something the front for the yeah no no we can add this like this yeah we can add something like this here saying no just i' say the blck calculations and then showing something interesting happening here and then on this I believe that we need to see like hey where are you putting your AC units ah okay AC and like you're talking about doing a pool potentially down the road so it also would be good to understand where you're planning on putting the septic system which I'm guessing is up there but but but this this is going to be with the MS yeah yeah we don't want you to pay to do all the MVPs first but to just have an idea of like hey this is where we're planning on putting the septic so that that way we understand oh okay cool they're never going to put like a driveway over that part or a pool in that part or whatever we can we can understand what it looks like in V but I would say it wouldn't hold you up with us but it would just be nice know um just so that we're not you know if you're saying I want to put a pool here and then I put my septic tank there well we're going to be like well that doesn't make any sense um but yeah David's right you know just dress up this South Wall um lot coverage clarification other because on your site PL I'm looking at here you don't show like these walkways as hardcap but on like your elevations and renderings you have these big concrete walkways Street yeah yeah and here is the the entrance for sorry again the one on Dropbox is not this developed you are showing in this one so just make sure all that's included in your lock coverage right all this counts all these walkways yeah and here we be a pool and now the septic you you will have a pool you will yes eventually eventually yes no which you'll have to come back for another permit at the time yes you have a huge lot a real big L there now the the original septic is here in the previous house is here 14,000 it's bigger actually 14,6 yeah it's bigger bigger so um so we can request since it's very minor changes just make these these changes and come back to the next meeting and if there's no any questions on the board we should probably be able to move it for and should I upload the changes uh on the website in C as well okay okay perfect and bring back a copy like this it would be quicker we're all sitting on our computer so okay perfect thank you guys very much for especially too for doing like the couple of preliminary ones coming to figure it out because it's uh I think the end product looks looks nice but it's always good seeing it done that Wayward explaining discussion okay okay I wasn't sure if we had to we should stay up here or not oh yeah let's so okay here 7D all right so we're gonna move 7c to yeah okay hold on just a second let me finish but if they make if they make those changes they should come onto the agenda as a voting item so so you'll move off a discussion you'll become old business or new business I don't know yeah because the next time if with those minor changes if you have everything we should be able to vote on on it so let's go ahead and move it all right so our next would be 7D 11925 Northeast 11th Place site review hello he um so I am a renter August but um I made a very naive decision and purchased a shed without getting a permit for it all right so what I did is I bought like I have many more photos but basically right like that's underneath it um I bought this shed and I bought it from someone who like sells sheds not like he like flips them yeah okay so he doesn't have any product information or anything like that um so I got the notice of violation realized wow I understand now what I've done but I wanted to come here and find out okay if I tell you how big it is and the lot size and all that is it even worth me going the route of having you know a structural engineer draw up the plans and getting a surveyor so I can keep this shed like is this something that this board would even entertain on this lot uh well it's just the sheds are 10 foot by 10 foot Max and you're at 24 I am I'm I'm 240 square feet yes and it's 100 foot square foot oh lot a maximum for a shed okay and if you wanted to move up to an accessory structure then you have to go into a whole new a whole bunch of different building requirements so what what is this then so on the Miami D site the Residential Properties is that different in biscane park yeah we have our own laws that are different than that are different than um Mii day we're we can be stricter than Mii day if you don't mind me asking do you know how far away it is from the property line to like the two sides that it's yeah the setback so I had um him put it five feet from my neighbor and I'm like 26 feet from my back road so I have like a I don't think it's considered a double lot but it's almost it's like 11th place to 12th Street so I have a very large backyard um and it is movable I mean he brought it in on like a skider and I haven't I haven't tied it down he said that you know he has someone who comes out with an augur and then drills in and can strap it down but obviously now I want to go the right way I really want to keep it but now I'm understanding I can't even have this size as a utility if there was an additional dwelling structure then she has to be minimum at least 10 by 10t away from from three from the rear 10 from the side yeah but I just don't think a a shed wouldn't meet the building code requirements for for an accessory structure that's the problem right so now you're talking about block walls and you know so so to be an accessory structure it's a real building right but you can be bigger you can you know yeah it couldn't be a shed it could not be a shed so I I just I have to get rid of this well I mean I'm noticing that it's made out of wood you know wood framing and is it modular can you reduce It Off yes I could make it into I had not thought of that but yes because it is it's you know it's all Timber basically and Timber and aluminum so if you just top it off in half and make it a 100 square foot instead of a 400 whatever you said 240 240 yeah you could Salvage part of it okay and then and then you also don't have to worry as much about moving it all over the place either if we do that okay okay um um yeah the only thing I would say is that would satisfy zoning requirements right we care about zoning regulations right so it's going to be the size Allowed by the zoning code the setback compliance from us if you get approval here you go to the building department then they're going to want to know more about how it's constructed they're usually G to ask for you know documents that you know that's it's not going to blow away in the next hurricane that's what I'm trying to figure like is it worth so if this seller doesn't have anything and you could you you're having a preliminary conversation with you can go have the same conversation with the building official hey guys I have this shed it's too large I'm going to potentially reduce it what is it you're going to need documentation wise and then you can talk to the seller and maybe he can provide that but or you I just don't want to go through all that trouble with us and then the billing department denies it after we say it's okay based on get that feedback and then bring the engineer out and say all right this is what this is what bisc park needs if we cut this down will you go back and check boxes a through F so that then I have the information to give right to them because they may say oh yeah if you cut it this way and catch this way I'm okay writing off letters and taking the photos doing whatever yeah yeah I mean it looks pretty legitimate instruction what is GNA be the most like affordable and tangible thing for me to do is it to do that way maybe I have to Sister beam up a little little bit or do something you know to make it up to code or do I just cut my losses it goes and I have to buy a new shed that comes with like the product detailing well the one yeah the one thing I would say is if you got that from on shed you tell them if you pay the cost of swapping it out going from a bigger shed to a smaller shed you're you might lose some money that you oh yeah I got it he has to negotiate with you but if like there's a chance that you tell hey dude come take this one and give you one 10 by that might be a financially more viable option but your backup is the talk of the building people talk to an engineer like hey I need to make this 10 by 10 possible to me do we know the requirements from inside what do you mean like the the way well that's going to be up to the building official I mean you might even like call them and ask them to come by say Hey you know they're pretty reasonable people you might want to come by and say listen I'm trying to make this legal uh if I cut it down to 10 by1 would this P what would I need to do to make it pass it not to throw a wrench but it's also a 9 foot maximum height yeah probably because I am 112 at Peak yeah okay so it's yeah that's we're talking we're talking in at the peak we might you know we try to be we try to work with people say it's in the yeah but like like you see all of these these are like the right types of brackets that you would want to see on this structure right now the fact that there's electric running field part of it again that's building engineer how would they do something like this throw straps across the top and then to Anchor it down I mean typically they're they're anchored to a slab right most sheds have a concrete slab and the shed is installed on top of the slab now if he's going to come and put Aug piles like you mentioned and actually like fill them with concrete and then basically tie it down on each structural post probably works too you know okay okay I really appreciate your time but that would be a good question for the guy that sold it to you and say Hey listen how does this pass miam day or FL a building code Windstorm right yeah you know you told me something that's that not permitted bu yeah I mean it doesn't based on the pictures it looks like it's fairly robustly built so I'm assuming maybe he even has a generic set of drawings that you know it was approved once and I just build it this way every time and I can pull this drawing out who knows right okay awesome this has been really helpful thank you I wouldn't throw in the towel yet I would investigate a little more not maybe a little smaller super needed thank you that was a question on the shed I think we answer her question and again 7c would be moved to the agenda if they come back with all the comments All right so we'll go back up to the top of our meeting of the minutes for next have the minutes from our meeting of December 16 2024 watch e second David SC yeah remember all right so next on the agenda is going to be 5A 826 Northeast under 21st Street temporary Construction evence I know the same question you see how there's the one story garage that opens onto that alley it would wouldn't make sense for there to be a gate that goes all the way across that drive but on the right hand side it says chain Defence area so that's that was the only part that was yep I I think you're right so this is the uh be house okay the the the apartment building on her 21st so they went before and I'm if I mess up something um they went before the de demolition board whatever it is unsafe structure board in Miami day County they play pled their case they actually were able to convince them to give them give them six months I think it is to apply and to get a building permit for the renovation of the um building okay so and then the the board also said that they should get a a construction fence to secure the property sorry are you mean the historic preservation board is that the one safe structures oh oh the county unsafe structure is asking them to gave them a directive that doesn't comply with our code which you can't have a construction fence without a permit yeah so I would be like are what Authority do they have to to to dictate us giving them a construction thing well the other thing too is it acts as if there's a like down that one side it acts as if there's like an alley flat which there is like I guess if that's what the way that it is but that's just the next door neighbor's yard like there's no yeah what is the delineation what is the access gate on the side property going into the neighbors right away I mean that's it's they're they're assuming that they're going to be able to go down that property is there any trees there is there anything that's yes there's a ton of trees in so how are they going to access from the side of property not only that but if this if this per the County's directive is simply to secure the site you don't need multiple access points right you need one isn't you don't have a permit for construction you're not doing any construction you're just and why not west of the county trying to secure the site why not access through the rear where there's an alley there's actually an alley behind this property yeah I mean I'm heard this survey there's an alley on the side but I don't know what that but yeah that's where there's no fence the the one on the rear the alley on the side is not an alley it's actually a it's just a RightWay it's a util it's a utility RightWay that's owned by actually the village so they're kind of asking to go access to their property through someone else's property when there's a street and there's a alley behind Okay but again all that aside our code requires you to have construction permit put up a construction fence I mean yeah the problem is is on that on story garage like I'm looking at it through satellite thing it look like Street VI let down that street but it does not look like that that garage area is so on the right side which is the east side of the property is there an existing fence right here no right that's the left side left side sorry not the right side right here there's nothing here it says that there's a chain link fence and on Google Street View it's like big and bushy and it's kind of tough to pull it well the the issue is is that for sure the fence doesn't go past the front of the house it would not connect the way that they dra okay again why are we why are we getting into the details like that our code says under no circumstance can a temporary construction fence permit be issued until demolition permit Andor building permit is approved for the site by The Village's building department followed the following the approval planning board so under no circumstance can you get a permit for a construction fence what about this circum under no circumstance so why are we worrying about where their gates are this the code says you can't have it end of story you know if the if the county wants to come tell us our code is not valid okay that but that's well I mean I actually had the same question when I was told what the what the um the outcome of that meeting was I was like well what Authority do they have tell us to override our own zoning code and the answer you got was there wasn't really okay so just there that board said that that we should do that I make a motion to deny this application second well let's give him a little bit of guys motion to deny because we don't have a because our code explicitly says you cannot install you cannot you cannot be issued a permit for a temporary construction fence unless you have a permit for demolition or a permit for or a building permit and they have neither to the best of my understanding correct but I think the the issue the the thing is is that they're they want the fence for protection for safety I I get it but the same people were before us and made the same claim and we denied them previously because it's not how theod code works so I mean they're welcome to board up the building and make it impossible to enter and keep it a safe you know at that point it's safe what people you know maintain their yard board up the building what do you need an unsightly fence around that property for another indefinite period of time w that part of that so so I was just I was for him to say that so then we could say second and then on the record why well here's the thing I I'm here's my concern is that first I agree second all I don't want it it to look like we're not being cooperative because they are be they are giving a six-month timeline and in six months they haven't done anything then they're tearing the thing down going back to that board and they're going to say you think I've dealt with that board you go back to that board and you ask for six more months and you back to that board and you ask for six more months there's no will to really force people to demo their properties on not board so um I just don't want to give the applicant and the the the ammunition to come back and say okay bisc Park's not being cooperative with your order so my question is is should we table it for more information on what the board deemed that they we should be doing this they just threw this set us there's no I don't see any letter in here from the the unsafe structure board I don't see anything from our village manager saying hey you got to do this we got to do this you know well and at minimum the fence needs to connect around the entire property which it does not do on at least two different sides so instead of looking like we're denying it which we are um we're saying hey we need more information on this before we're going to consider it so would you consider that or you see what I'm trying to go I understand motion to do what Gage wants I mean I made a motion if it doesn't get seconded or it doesn't get approved it was seconded yeah so it can still get voted down and you can someone else can you know make another motion but it's hoping to get a sorry you know again the our code is pretty explicit I don't really care the county has some other agenda County gave them six months for their demolition I mean for their you know to get a permit that's the County's purview and I think that there's also you know the the lenders are very involved in this because of the fact that there's a liability if somebody gets hurt you know there's it's just there's an entire backstory for this build building's been sitting empty as long as I lived in the park well aware I mean 20 something years all sitting there like that so what I yeah what I would say is I'm totally fine voting to in in your motion to deny as long as on the record it's saying some version of what it is that you said I would say uh bullet point number two the fence needs to be enclosed the entire property which based off of this application okay what is the section of the code that you're referencing it is section 18.5 and section 18.5 point2 so can you write that down 18.5 so it's in violent it's not in comp it's not in compliance with 18.5 particularly 18.5 point2 and 18.5 point2 I think Point 2 is the what says that it needs to go all the way around right oh sorry no point two is the section of the code 18.5 point2 yeah I know but what section of 18.5 point2 does it say it has to incompass the entire all four sides of 1852 is about under no circumstance shall you issue it unless there's that's that uh as far as being around the entire property that's point one basically the temporary construction fence shall be installed on the front side and rear property lines but a know V Shall Set fence encroach into the RightWay uh and that basically says this shouldn't be construed to require a temporary fence if you already have an existing F1 is so 18.5 point1 and point2 so it's it's not in compliance with the those we have a motion we have a second exactly motion to deny based on failure to comply with 18.5 point1 and 18.5 point2 so we're very clear with the attorneys that are involved with this that this is why this is being motion I have a second all in favor say I I anybody oppos you're oppos okay all right so motion carries 5 Z to deny and you're clear on why we okay so 5B 1 Z2 Northeast 117 Street concrete papers pbp3 LC and they can come back in two weeks with those with the the manager just telling us what the reasoning is you know we meet in two weeks all right lot coverage 19 and 11 so we look good on the lot coverage is this back just because it didn't go to the RightWay had no approach uh I think so just a Ty concrete with something in between remember stopped at the property line okay motion to approve David Ed all fav say I I next will be one 5c 11210 Northeast 10th Avenue concrete slab oh is this the one that this is the one that we denied last time because of Maximum lot coverage total lot coverage 55% so did they do anything different so we already denied this once slab was the maker break well no but if you look at what they're they're claiming that they have already they're already at 55% so now they want to add even if they took off the little Whatever by by by whatever that is concrete slab they're still over their property line improvements are so did they change anything on this application they just you made the motion to deny last time but I toy David Scarlett David all in favor say I so we're denying it again the hell of way back on the agenda unless there were some kind of changes right something changed and let me look at the very bottom of the page I don't see anything different they should check with their things too because I live over there and I think 10th Avenue has a gas line that goes all the way down 10 Avenue down by you maybe it stops somewhere by at at 100 at 10th and 114th there is a gas line in median yeah no we have on Griffin he's talking about the one on T yeah my house has natural gas and that big ass generator not all of Griffin Has It by the way coming from the north it stops at my house nobody south of me has it so there must be a line from the south that comes a certain distance and stops as well sorry sidebar it does our our house wait until the Side Bar after this when I tell you guys most interested okay so 6b1 Northeast on 20th Street exterior model ular it has a window permit and a driveway window it could be this is one of the ones that doesn't show anything for the interior I mean I guess because they're demoing a little planter it's you know pretty modest just cosmetic changes on the getting rid of these little brick planter so they're they're fixed they're horizontal rollers um I what are we V what are we voting on references other permits wd24 is the window driveway I would say motion to approve because this doesn't even maybe they just decided they wanted to demo these Planters and do a little more and they're just getting you know where's the driveway I don't see the driveway see I see a Serv but there's nothing highlighted on the survey you see notes David you read the first page first page in the description of worku alteration window oh you're talking about the per are the windows yeah again it looks like they have old window permit old driveway permit from 2024 and again maybe they're just kind of doing a little more on the exterior and being safe not taking out this plant new grand stair that wraps around so they're doing like a little twostep stair in the corner I think it's just kind of modest little additional stuff on the exterior that they want to appr okay but we're not doing there's we're not approving a driveway because I don't see anything with a driveway that's so we would do it would be the exterior including the windows corre again the windows are separate windows are on different per so that so right now it's just exterior so it's literally just those it's really just taking out that planter and adding some steps motion please mtion approve David take carries for exterior renovation okay next 6C one9 Northeast 116 metal I looked at this earlier see something that it's a 312 we're missing the documents what is the exact color because it looks kind of blue in this this is the Miami D thing so hold on that's it's my when that well that's wasn't the whole point they took us out of that time frame yeah but they haven't they haven't they haven't second read that that ordinance yet which I think is tomorrow night at the commission meeting so right now we're we're we're in that Gray Zone but um but if if they we have to deny it so right now we would deny it based on the fact that there's no information from the overhangs and all that and then that kind of restarts the clock because we denied it you know we saying not complete application not complete so that was a motion to deny David all in favor say I I there's no way for us that that statute gives municipalities five days to notify so we don't have hearing some something someone submit something tomorrow for the next agend comes to us two weeks later already that's why we're being moved to it's a we're we're becoming development we're reviewing development permits so we're not we're not going to be part of that time frame 6f 111501 Northeast 10th Avenue demolition oh Mr Ortiz okay so let's see what he's demo demoing this is the guy that that's dividing his property in half okay what is he de demolishing subdividing his lods was like a little bit of one building that went onto the other right well he has to take out the big chunk between the garage and the you look at page a-03 you can see where the new property is at at and and then look to the left and see where the existing house is at so why does the existing house look like it's really close to the property line the new property line he has to have something overlaid on oh I see it oh I see he's going to if you look at page a-4 it is really close but he's taking out take quite a chunk of both both houses out 10 feet on each side that first page says 10et of garage house so if you look at a-04 and he'll be in compliance with setbacks he he really wants to do this these structures he's probably just subdividing it to sell off one of the ones but all right these I mean there's some structural issues of taking out that wall but what's left on the lot that's leaving a smaller structure 75 ft 77 no no not the setbacks but what is the actual is it a dwelling unit it's going to be a it's going to be a structure it's going to be a yeah but it's got no it's got no Plumbing it's got no bathroom it's got no kitchen so it's it's a it's not a dwelling unit so he's creating a nonomo the whole thing no but the whole thing or he has to submit plans for what he's doing with it because right now we'd be granting permission to create to do demolition I get it for the lot split but what's left over on one lot is a non-compliant structure but if somebody bought a lot in biscan park and just wanted to put a garage on it they could do that as long as it meets all the setback well they can it's the the code requires we single family Zone a garage is not a single family home you need a bathroom you need need a bedroom you need a kitchen that no but it's not you can't just put a garage on a property in the village no so I think he has to come with a set of plans that it's a demo and new construction for whatever he's doing or demo that side or or just take the whole structure off of course he could do that he could clear a lot but right now he's leaving an a non-compliant creating a non-compliance structure we did Che Zone C well that that's the entire Village 75 is the minimum width on in the entire Village it's it's the lot C it's the maximum the minimum lot size can't he they're less than by the way by the way our dwelling units are minimum size too right so he'd have to make sure that he's that little box is going to meet the minimum dwelling unit square footage too I was gonna say can't have a 200 square foot house 6000 feet no I know but what I'm saying is for us to give him approval to demolish we don't know what it like he may never do anything right so suddenly we have two little boxes that don't meet the requirements for single family dwelling you know units in the village well minimum dwelling size for that is400 which means that the other one so here's the thing so if he if he let's just right now the way we're the application is this is one lot so if he if he does what he wants to do he's gonna have a single family house with a detached garage which is allowed under AR the second that he tries to split it but then when he splits it because he's doing it because he has to have the lot clear in order to split it right now under this application it's a little confusing because he has a property line hypothetical but right now all he's doing is an access detached accessory structure which is permitted permitted but when he goes to separate them then we're going to be like okay well now but that separation goes through us or it goes through well once once it's clear which I believe we've already written the letter saying that he can we've already voted that he can do it he didn't want to go down this path unless he knew that we would be agreeable so the county is not going to separate it until they know that it's clear I mean his his existing structure that is the house on the one side is going to be under the minimum size bigger one bigger yeah because it's only going to be 778 ft when it's done get your point that currently as a single lot it can be less than 1400 squ feet left side yes yeah I mean frankly it's gon to un Le like unless you add back the detach garage exist yeah that's what I'm saying so if you add back the other one then that adds 400 feet so then you're still under 1400t only at 117 so so he's creating a non-compliance even if it's single lot now take that that is a conundrum or he could come with permits for for what he would do but yeah he would still be under by by at least 22 we provided him a letter I think that he went in the earlier applications that he did he wanted to keep walls and stuff like that expand he did come in with plans and multiple times yeah one structure is 400 wish I mean he's been here for all these other me wish I don't disagree with him lot he he meets the minimum lot sizes but the minimum structure size which he very helpfully included the table here the minimum structure it needs to be400 and he's at the combination of the two of them is at 1178 is a big is he can't dolit split until after he's demoed that 20 this is the whole point going you won't let him split it until there's not he has yeah he has to demo it and add it back onto the other side problem is is he doesn't want to demo it all of the building designs that he gave us was like this is how I'm reusing this [Music] wall that's what that's this before your time that was this whole thing started we were walking him through how do you do it you know but the thing is is he was trying to use like yeah this would thing this is a demo 20 feet of it then the next step would be to do that the problem is as soon as he deletes this 20 foot four door by uh 24ot four door out of the house that it becomes [Music] less based fut AG so he's going through the steps that we asked him to do but I think there's got to be what is Step that Next Step Beyond that you know um yeah but the problem is I agree thank you yeah the problem is kind can't just go off like oh yeah this is the plan this is what I'm going to do to allow me to demo right now then later on he's like it yeah exactly then I the difference is that if you had just let's say that's what you did right that's what our requirements changed now we can't it used to be that if you want to demo house we could require you to present what you're going to put in this place now we can't St said you can't do that if someone wants to demo you can but let's say you had demoed and done nothing still have an empty lot that was perfectly viable and was perfectly compant size and all that and you could sell it this guy demos does what he wants but then nothing else happened now you got eventually two lots or one lot that has a structure that doesn't so we're enabling the creation of a non-compliance scenario you taking down your home and doing nothing doesn't we're not creating a non-compliance by enabling that and there's also not technically anything in this packet that says that he's putting walls on well what's that last part right there page number s-2 it looks like a lot of concrete block like with a lot of um details where it's going but at the very least I would table this for now and have come next time ask him to come in work through you know we know what he's trying to do we want to help him but we also can't just give him anything he wants and not not worry about complying motion the table um Ed Scarlet all favor say I I a motion table and ask Mr Ortiz if he can come in to speak to us with the plans for the new structure um next would be 6G 11636 Northeast 7th Avenue uh pool So Co setbacks are fine it's in the middle 11 14 23 lot coverage is what we need to look at just on the survey Windows what is p application for is this something we we did and now they're they're coming in the pool 108 pages pool drawing when they go past us they're just going to get denied by the billion B well the last page is a it's a pool drawing so the last page number the page number 107 yeah it's in the back it's kind of where it's on the main there it is page number 102 there's the pool 12 foot 19 yeah the issue is have updated I think it's the same size that's on the so it says 46% 4,970 used buildings 3452 swimming pools 484 driveway so they're at 46% with the 497 it's 48 484 square feet they're saying they're at 4,970 Square ft so they're at 46% black cage is that a motion by Ed and Scarlet I said anything but I'll make a motion well I thought I heard Scarlett say second okay Scarlet then David all in favor say I yeah poor Scarlet that put words in her mouth but well I know some I thought I heard her say something um 6 h120 21 Northeast 11th Place driveway 38.5 and 40 does it look like 10 20 Bo 4 supect right on like it's the squ looks pretty good they didn't want to figure out the map either with the we're at a 75t lot and it's 30 ft total with a flare 5 foot flare whatever so it's close motion motion okay I'm sorry who is the first Scarlet then Scarlet Pablo on say hi I all right next six I mean it's 30t of concrete going across without counting the players and then a 30 foot SW so that's 900 ft and they said that they using right I think that their math is wrong both 75 the of total 75 5us 30 so like their actual number is 22502 I do 900 so whatever they did their math wrong but got the right answer all right we already approved it that's good all right six J 6j 12025 Northeast fth Avenue renovation Edition Rusty in the new year just want to call us here it's a nice looking driveway but I think it's a nice looking driveway yeah but but we got steamroll over here where every time you open your mouth he's saying that you're saying that something's is this the subdivided thing again or is this another one 12025 Northeast F this is like the old olis property is this one half of it the two houses that you know they the two modern houses where they subdivided the lot on is it now what is no but this can't be because this is an existing house this is not this this is not the OAS property this is another house okay so renovation and addition all right let's see oh I know this house this is the house that the corner of it is the or the it's the next door to the this is the house that they enclosed the garage without a permit and added all that glass which apparently is AR all of this well that's but I think he sold it it's the it's the new owner that that I believe they also did something this isn't addition in the rear wow look at that thing wow that is big how tall is this thing 26 feet say maximum Building height 27 feet that's oh they subtracted the one maybe we the way that they fill in the Gap from the down slant on the existing home into this exp so I think this needs to be pre reviews and not this is a pretty massive addition this is not like this is just a they put a little thing on the back I mean this is massive to me I would prer just starting off from visual appetite rather than have it like start on a downhill SL and then fill and then go up atast I mean look look at this very clearly is just a second house put behind the first house yeah look at the uh s- 0.1 page number 24 look at that front elevation and it just it's literally there's no relation between the the addition in the new in the front house you have this very low second house also at some point aren't they like in this whole process aren't well that we we we have to question that's what I I I was looking at on seem to so should we an i this and ask them to come in that's a little a since says super I mean we can't I don't think you're G to get three votes to approve it so let's put it that way no I'm just saying that's why I'm I'm I'm totally for denying it but I'm just saying we should ask them to come in and we should move we should move it to a discussion item one motion discussion okay so a motion to deny second ready Charlotte all in favor say I I we're denying it and then we're requesting that this come back in as a discussion item this is a pretty massive renovation this is not just like a uh we can ask that question we can we can just say you know what was the permit that was issued to enclose the garage this is like like it's I mean they went through a lot of drawings they always do do this without actually coming in for all right so next 7A 724 North Northeast under 19 Street new construction are they here no discussion is there anything in the Dropbox 7 a in one photo I would say this does oh it's this is not what's his name this is not the one over in the corner with the um Northeast 119 Street 724 Northeast 119 Street well it's a discussion item so it's here to discuss it not I'm not counting this as as a so there's nobody here to present it so we're not really reviewing it and it is one flat Pro it's a box right so um no there's no one to review with no no um no one from the application discussion okay um any other business our next meeting is I believe is it on here it's because because the 20th is the Martin Luther King so it's the 21st I believe our next meeting is on 21st yes is everybody going to be here uh January 21st is that what we said yeah just send an email I will be for the three of us so just the two of you please send your emails saying that you're not going to make the meeting and then as long as we stay in Quorum we should be all right all right so motion to adjourn okay follow say I iour