oh even just a second sir all right so yeah we discussed this with you the last time see um you're just now asking for the wood fence you're just asking for the wood fence now um the I'm looking at the [Music] the okay so I'm showing that it's still on the back side in the in the the two sides the green is that what you're saying the green is that what I'm I'm we're looking at the right drawings I think so so what we got here is two different drawings I think one is the old one can I show you just to confirm so but there's this drawing here is this the new one or is this the new one this is the old so it's GA it's the one with the multicolor okay but where do you [Music] show that it's stopping 3T back from the property yeah it says three feet long are you looking at the the tricolor yeah so that I guess the multicolor one is the current even though it's at the top of the the the agenda it's not because usually they put them at the very bottom yeah I'm just based on what he said that that's newer one this is the old one yeah I probably isn't the Yellow Part currently High yeah I was gonna say first of all what it says chain link height six feet you're not touching the the the existing chain link fence okay so it should be existing and it shouldn't actually be noted as a because because the way I'm reading it you're applying for a six foot chain link fence in the front yeah yeah okay just trying to find your previous wasn't last heing right no it's the one before yeah I just pulled up the street VI to confirm those yellow edges are what is that confirmed on Google Maps that those yellow yellow ends yeah it's an existing chain link yeah so the so the area that's blue that's three feet by four feet high multicolored is new previously it was just the green draw in the back to make sure which drawing we're looking at for tonight yeah yeah it's just unfortunately it's not very clear on what we have here because you you've drawn it or whoever prepared this all the way to the property line and then the note that corresponds to the Blue Line says three feet long four feet high rather than three feet set back from property line so also the chain link that is should say existing to remain says six feet but it's not six feet no so there's a few like you know concerns with the with the drawing so so just a question on the front side of your house that faces 119 Street um is the the part that's the chain length is that that's that's existing and that's you're not touching that so you're just going to bring the wood fence up to the front corner of your house as it's drawn here no on the other side I'm talking on the 119 Street St under 19th Street Street side on the other side okay I'm just want to confirm that you're bringing the wood fence out towards 119th Street and you're stopping if you just he's gonna point right there if you look not property line sto at the corner of the house and you're not and the the the yellow part is the existing that's existing you're not touching that okay so we're so that's clear so now the other side where it's blue um what is what is that material going to be is that M yeah I'm just asking sir what is what is it's it's going to be three four feet high wood yeah what's the material of this part that you're going to bring no closer than three feet in the property it's also wood okay that doesn't say it just says but the material is wood four feet and the existing chain link Vin in the front is 4 feet okay so you have a 4 feet height going around and then the the gap between the three feet what is what is that is there the is there a little bit of the chain link still remaining what's happening here in this corner but the chain link goes to the corner that corner there right no and thank you sir for doing that um so if as long as we can take off the um the any reference to chain link height six feet around the front I I just want to make sure that that is crossed because we don't need a six feet chain link fence around the front of the house um so um if if we're good with that I think I would be inclined to say okay if yeah as far as zoning I think he may have an issue with building when they go out for a final inspection and he doesn't have a secured around the pool but that's something he can deal with when building goes to their because I think for for our for for this board's point of view from our point of view it looks like it's complying with the zoning so probably get approved here but just be aware that when you get the fence inspected to close the permit the building inspector which is not us right they may take issue that the pool is not fully fenced now even though you have a hedge they don't consider that a fence so they may then say this is an okay fence for your decorative purposes but then you need some other fence for the pool which then can be again not our perview so I'm just bringing it up as a courtesy question so just motion [Music] amended can I ask that you resubmit the drawing and if you want to make the motion that they resubmit it without the reference to chain link six foot height or existing chain link conditionally approve it just GNA ask you to upload to open gov oh we can upload directly yeah this drawing just corrected put existing chain link for feet right new chain link six feet okay and also instead of saying three foot long the blue to say three feet set back from the proper or feet wood yes she's French also that's why she put long but she translate we we care about how far it set back or how long the I understand so you'll get conditionally approved just need you to upload to I can correct right now I can tell my guy to correct yeah have them corrected and uploaded to the system so motion to approve contingent to applicant uploading a revised second okay that was Ed David all say I thanks motion carries thank you sir you too bye all right next will be 4B n 910 Northeast under 19th Street um Lear okay re Roof oh and this is 4 feet 3 feet set so he has to update so and that's the motion that Ed made it's four feet high which is correct but it's got to be three feet from the property so just this is not worded so all right all right sir good evening hello all right so this is for a single roof I believe correct um and originally you were going to metal switch the metal but then because edges stuff like that yes we we had a issue when it got to the building official that the the roofer did a a bad job with the numbers and in terms of the pitch I guess or or so it the overhang uh and also it was brought to we got rejected or we got pushed back to get someone to come and really like look at it and so that's what we found out that I was going to have to basically do a building permit and make a much larger job and so I switched back to doing a re-roof of shingle shingle so in order to do a shingle the the the the code calls for um um the engineer's letter I take it this is your engineer good evening sir all right read the letter and look all St before coming into it it has all of the different it checks all of the boxes and it's basically exactly what okay I mean the gentleman's here can you maybe present I don't is it on this the drop box Yeah so basically I mean I can see from all the pictures so you went and looked at all that stuff from from the way that it was built you said that the weight of the shingles is not per per square foot is not more than 2.5 and that clay and everything else is not less than six which is kind of roughly doubling to tripling if they go to concrete and that um you said after evaluation you recommend us structure to remain covering system to avoid excess sagging or failure of its elements and then I'm assuming the new shingle is the same weight as what the existing shingle and it's just a slight color change from like aish color to a grayish color yes the the pitch is actually 412 because you remember it was showing us like 2.52 which I think is probably what the Yeah I think the issue was when they went to confirm the uh the pitch they realized that it wasn't what was originally applied for yeah um so they he has pictures of of it to conf so from my end I motion to so thank you sir he did your presentation for you so you don't you know I I we were kind of looking for that from you but I guess that's uh so he he just did it for you so uh I'll send you the invo um but uh okay um so we have um I'm we have the engineer record here um Florida license we have the letter we have um um was there what else is in our code um his his his you were here wrote in here that you went out there on April did the inspection in person you included all the relevant photo so basically your professional opinion is it will not support a a tile roof okay I have a motion any other question David Ed all in favor say I I can I just uh make a comment or a question um yes sir so Mr Emanuel is not the actual roofer so I just want to make sure that everything pertaining to the shingle the material all of that is okay right because I don't it looks like it's a it's a multi-tap um dimensional shingle roof it's gray picture of it here just to answer your question we're not the building department right so we're only looking at performance with zoning if we don't allow single so we ask the engineer to come to document that you can't do something else but this application will still go to the building department and get reviewed by the structural engineer for a roof system that so they may have other okay okay well that's that's what I thought was there but what you're saying is is that that the building officials are going to approve that it'll still after us go the package to the building department and they'll review it for structural purposes things that are building code related that we're not looking at okay and it seems like there's a lot of those pages in this but for not building official I no that's fine I I I'll wait then for for that I just didn't I wanted to get as much ahead of time so that's because I don't have a lot of time left to get the roof done before the rainy season and I've got holes so I'm trying to expedite as much as possible so if there's anything that you guys see as a flag within the roofing material it would be good to know I know you're approving it so I'm assuming it's fine yeah the um the main thing that our code would be um if it's a shingle roof uh it has to be a dimensional shingle and uh and the color so um you know that's and it's a gray um dimensional jingle so I think we're good on that all right cool say hi thank you okay you're good thank you sir thanks sir thanks for coming yep all right um 5c 740 Northeast 121 Street um um D for a driveway ail [Music] good evening all right see we got all right lot coverage 21% 21% good a big yard so this is gravel um it looks like you're providing the borders at Pap borders around the front and the perimeter code 18 foot wide 34 on your property you got plenty of parking spaces um question would be gravel there you go so it's a white what type of gravel is this it's two sizes bigger than pck it's uh but is it a marble no what is the material it's a bigger I would imagine like a coral type rock that is bigger than pet rock it's uh like 3/4 of an inch there's a picture of it there somewhere in my in my submitt yeah the reason I chose that is because that's currently what's been in the driveway for the last 25 years and it matches the color of the house which has Coral all around it I mean but it looks like it's a marble of some sort not not it's not it's not Road Rock it's not like Limestone Road Rock right it's not like Smooth finish river rock type finish no no to me it looks like 57 like the same size gravel that you use on like Country Roads yeah it's not the size it's the material the type of material because it's the code specifically calls out the um what what type of gravel it should be and what and it just it prohibits um Road rock or or the the the lowest form of gravel basically which they use usually underneath stuff oh like sub so it would be considered Limestone gravel I guess David Ed on fa say I I motion carries thank you sir thank you all right next will be 5D 925 Northeast 119 Street re roof evening you're doing all the roof it's [Music] um it's a stle uh we're actually removing the double roll cement to and doing flat flat flat it's called okobe Pro Sterling okobi profile yes I have is that the color that kind of the color is Sterling which is uh light gray with flashes of black I have a catalog with a picture if you want to see it it's actually on the website here oh it's on there okay yeah all right great so we're just changing and going to a flat tile okay give it more mod look questions David Ed favor say I I motion carries you're good sir thanks for coming in okay no one else has come in okay fiveg 10002 Northeast 118 Street Marin marinoni okay so re roof shingle and flat okay so you want to go shingle to shingle I wanted to do that yeah they submitted the last time they submitted the the report were you working with Murphy before yeah are you still working with Murphy yeah but I don't know where Murphy is it's supposed to be here is this did you bring your engineer that's the thing I don't know who he is because Murphy has the engineer but the guy went to my house he did the whole thing so I don't know one thing that I found weird with the it says happened march4 but it's Al the Letter's also dated December 20th of 2018 there wasn't photos there wasn't photos of Vis inspection attached to the letter which I think is a part I didn't look it up but I I believe that's a part of yeah I mean when there's two different two different conflicting dates on the inspection report it bring it brings a red flag up so you have it brings a red flag because there's there's two different there's two different dates on the six years apart okay dated December something 2018 18 no on his part that's what they're talking proba a couple of things the code has a few requirements one is a report that includes photos have but the bigger one is that the engineer attends the hearing on your just like it was just earlier his engineer yeah I see that I'm gonna get this card you might want to run out and grab them it's not easy to make them come you know I mean these guys work all day they don't want to come to meetings can they zoom in that's my question um I've taken CU you want to question that's all right it just yeah so the well the first of all we don't do Zoom um um so we wouldn't have a way of interacting with him actually because we don't um so I I mean I feel bad because you've been here a number of times you came in for the metal roof and now you came in for the shingles Murphy was here the last two weeks ago or three weeks ago but he wasn't on the agenda um and we told him three weeks ago that he had to come with the engineer and here you are again and you don't have the engineer and the and the engineer's letter is not even correct so um so it you know I I feel bad because I want you to get your roof and um but it's it's you know we're we're just following the procedure of what what's what's laid down so um I don't know where Murphy's at or um but um I don't see how we can consider this again and why is this why is this we'll leave it on the agenda go through a few other items maybe you can reach him maybe you can reach the engineer I don't know why is this under new business not it's not going to come because he leaves I don't know where he told Miami area they don't want to come that's where right they do I came to ask about Zoom that's all because I asked one of the Commissioners and he he told me as they can zoom in I okay can zoom in well again the report has a 2018 date maybe it's typo but we don't know it's a little bit red flag doesn't have the photos which is a requirement in the code and and the engineers not here we take a vote on it right now it's not GNA pass so they they didn't submit the photos the report does not include any photos just includes narrative description okay you just show in the top page of that that mean what I mean it's stated 208 then it says here I visit so probably we're not voting just because the date is off right um but then the photo me the report doesn't include any G letter let me just let me show you as a a comparison the one that we just looked at the one above it 740 or it was 5c no no no I'm sorry um five four 4B 4B so this is the other gentleman that was here earlier with his so picture location picture of the house but then more importantly picture of the attic space roof the roof slope measure gauge the attic the add measurements of the size of the wood recors spacing s yes suggest that he's actually taking all the necessary measurements in order to do the structural analysis to document what it really so you have a woodframe house which is what this code was designed to give you an exception a wood frame house that wouldn't accept tiles yes metal but the metal has those extensions that you are requiring now and I have an area where is a problem in there because I have a double roof in the garage and the other roof and they're close by but then the top roof goes like this so I don't know how to do that there's not enough Pace in the front for that yes so so the code was designed so that people like yourself that have woodframe houses could come and get a shingle a a shingle for a shingle roof okay but you were required to provide a letter that says that you cannot they cannot support it and the code says that that that that letter must be done by an engineer the engineer must bring the letter in and present it to the board person um so it's it's it's it's not un it's not unburdened a huge burden to do it it's just it it requires a couple extra steps in order to do the the shingle roof um and then like I said it's unfortunate because three weeks ago when Murphy was here we explained to him that the engineer needed to be here he was given three weeks to bring the engineer here and now you're back in front of us without the engineer so unfortunately there's we're tied um at what we could do um we do meet again in two weeks so if this uh uh engineer says that s that this letter is from can can present the letter first of all correct the dates and then present the letter uh the engineer um letter to us just like that other gentleman that was here we would pass it just as quickly as we just pass the last one okay so the one thing maybe we could do right now is just leave it come back to it and in case b shows up half an hour or something like that with the engineer you can just make a vote at the end of the session okay yeah that's fine if again it's not if he's if he's if he has the engineer with him the engineer with him unless he brings the engineer with him it's not not gonna you all right I mean if you want to just table this we can table it or the engineer tablet pending engineer um I mean the paperwork looks legit you know it's all in order we just don't have an engineer here to um present it to us and the pictures minus the dating being minding the date issue the date and the picture I have a motion by U Ed second all in favor say I motion carries all right sir thank you all right hopefully everyone's still checked in um we got a five in 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue for pergola chaps design good evening thank you sir give us a second sure we're looking at the pergola first and then I see you also have a pool so we'll go to that I didn't know I was coming for the pool too but I will do I will do it to no problem a lot coverage uh 38.2% with the again's reference to the pergula um okay that includes the pool actually it does say the pool okay now the question is as the survey where is it located go to one [Music] of the PS a lot of tucked up against the house yes the per is attached to the house on the pul de area motion to approve still hav got I don't mind I'm still SC I'm still scrolling here okay here it is yeah um so yeah it's tucked it's a corner lot it's tucked up in there okay the setback on the side is way it's nowhere near the setback David Ed all fav say I I okay motion carries burgo is approved now the next is 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue again for a pool okay what we got here because the pool's not on the pergola survey you see a little line below the 5 right 5 yes okay so the pool hey so you're on a corner lot and the corner lot has a 30 foot side setback so the pool appears it doesn't have a dimension line but it appears that it does go in beyond the 30 feet 27 yes 27 there it is I'm sorry I didn't zoom in and 20 29 on the other side so what is that season safety cont what is that structure that's three feet wide that's sticks in okay so that's a safety pool cover it's a automatic retractable cover made of a membrane so it's at grade basically it's at like one end of the pool it's kind of like on a it's on top of the deck and then it just kind of I'll have a video if you want me to show you how it actually looks it's a pool cover okay so it's it's not like a wall or something like that no no no it's you want to see the video or you no it's okay I understand what it is no no no it's that the box is that high and you just have them mot inside that just make the pool cover retractable no so here's the thing you're at 27 feet okay which if you wanted to pursue it you could pursue a variant um because you on a cornered lot and there's it been there's been precedent on pools having um variances or you shrink your pool down to 27t wide make it 30t from the property line and we could approve of you tonight probably and and the other the other part is it's there some of the other stuff that's around the pool doesn't exist right now correct because it says like second phase and stuff correct that's correct so so if it has the ability to move you could also keep the pool the exact same Dimension and just slide it three feet further away and it would shrink like for instance that re recess fire pit or you that that you could either shrink the pool or just slide the pool as I think make it 27 will be fine okay so shrink the pool 30 to 27 and the correct and that way you you meet the 30 foot setback and we're all good so yes um the second phase it looks like you just want to do a little accessory building or something correct that's on the building on the master permit okay has that already been approved yes correct okay okay oh this is okay we are working on the foundation right now so if you want require an updated drawing or um I mean we would require obviously an updated drawing but I think we could approve it based on 27 ft um but they would have to submit the drawing prior to to do the pool yes for sure yeah so just to make it would just I think it would just say we could say yes but then in two weeks they resubmit the drawing comes back we put eyes on it we actually see that it's 27 and then we could sign off on it so is that okay yeah I'm just think pending some pending some middle of the drawing and whatever you know having a build the setback ISS no I mean we could just say we would be a a minimum oh my goodness what's the we'd be we'd be agreeable sorry uh to um 27 feet uh pool 30 foot setback but they would have to resubmit the drawing that was Ed David I'm sorry just a quick question to make sure uh the drawings that we need to change is the one that has been done by the engineer BR blue edge right that's the one you want to see thank you very much all right all right all in favor to say I I okay so it's approved and um just uh you have to have to resubmit the drawing for the next meeting thank you yeah I feel like I have more people here than circled on the the agenda huh oh okay um so the one the next one I have checked in was 5S 11935 Northeast 11th Place um oron Robert bdon impact Windows okay we'll look at it and see if there's any questions we're looking at number one and number three horizontal sliding and horizontal Mar you're here Rosie's here do you know the color of the frame around huh Mario you're here for 5j right so motion to approve this is five ask we're talking about okay I have a motion David and Ed anybody say favor to say I I passes set thank you so we have five J and five um L right 5j uh 11018 uh Northeast 8th Avenue uh outdoor deck Rosie or you um sure so this has a replacement of existing deck so is the the square footage of like the perious perious is that changing at all or you're just redoing the part that already existed in adding a it it increased only because previously we just closed the an addition and the balcony was going to be part of a separate permit which we're integrating to the deck that we tore down so increased a little bit by the balcony space in front of that room on the left hand side 535 right was it a covered Terrace or is it a deck I'm going to do a cover ter I'm too hot never went out of outdo de and roof over it got it okay and the other thing too is on your on your calculations you have impervious 40.5 and uh impervious I'm sorry impervious 40.5 impervious 39 so it doesn't add up to 100 that's true5 right sorry so it need to be one one or the other um it is 40.5 so the difference 40.5 it's a 12,000 so but the weird thing is this is the this is the that's this is the calculation for driveways isn't it no you have a 50% lot coverage so you're at 40.5 so you still have 10 more percent okay so it does but it says here's percentage cannot exceed 40 so that's what I found weird that's for the driveway that's that's that's okay that's only really referencing driveways we're fine top of the sheet says parentheses I know it's this draw this document is so so wrong so um so the the applied it's we're good I didn't I haven't had a chance to look at the survey going straight off the backs and stop messing the side set you would need to come for a separate permit for the roof for that part of the structure yeah roof will have a separate perent it's a flat roof it's a flat roof yeah the whole house is flat motion to approve say I that was David and Ed by the way oh carries guys thanks thank you all right I got five uh L 113 80 Northeast 8th Avenue impact Windows when tells you the type just a second sir shows only some windows being replaced is that because the other ones are already impact the the combination the other ones are impact and shutters and then some of those windows will potentially be part of a future renovation and so yeah and then also they're they're inward facing so we had the opportunity to Stage IT and And Delay them a little bit I only ask because mainly what we look for a door window permit it's just that the windows there are at least two other windows and potentially three if you count the small one return we don't know what type R we googled yeah across the front there only there's the the only windows that aren being changed there's a door of course there's that one window which actually has rolling rolling shutters and there's a small side window that's about two feet wide you know sort of this is the garage door this is a garage door ex exactly so exactly so the one that's next to the door that's facing front yeah that is it's uh it's impact Windows uh it has a sort of rolling shutters above it uh that facade may end up being adjusted and so we decided instead of changing the windows at this point to just delay it know what like a horizontal is it a single it is a it is a horizontal slider a slider a horizontal roller excuse me roller slider so it's yes so it's a white horizontal slider according to the Google picture and you have a garage door and then you have a side window which one that's there is already yeah it's horizontal and the new ones are white and horizontal also the new ones are the news horizontal yes looks good and then we and then we also note which you don't see there which we have is we have cluas now and so the cluches are currently about five no they're five feet in the front now but you know these things grow quickly so they'll probably be near your your limit within a year yeah that's fine I mean as long as the front windows are all of a you know style and color that's approve David Ed all I'm afid to say hi I thank you very much carries thank you sir thank you Nancy are you just here watching this gentleman here everybody's just oh right do I have a minutes are they on the we have them to vote on yet or no completed okay so we'll move on from minutes uh next will be 4 c1927 Northeast 6th Avenue shingo re roof or the kid be D to be a cat I'm not sure Roofing okay so letter is the very last is that a multi-dimensional single looks like it's architectural roof yeah okay all right so the same thing we have a engineer letter from March 20th 2024 do have a Florida registered um engineer but he didn't provide the photographs it looks like he did do a visual inperson inspection also his name is Edward so very suspect yeah trust that um yeah another again we need U need them here to present it so motion from Ed second David say say I I we're tbling it all right new business 5A 65 Northeast 115 Street re roof William Pierce yes sir yes so the engineer record needs to come and present the letter it looks like she had the letter the the tile the shingle looks uh good but it's just the letter has to be presented U by the engineer with with photographs okay okay sure thank you sir motion to what's the colorat flat the colorat oh it's a flat roof okay okay uh David add all in favor say I I motion carries I like have you guys ever flown into Milwaukee they they painted on the roof of a bar at the edge of the lake like which is right on the approach says welcome to Cleveland okay so when when you were asking me like just so so if you're flying in you're like what the hell we're flying into the wrong place but not a TV show like you were asking me what the color is we can't really see if all right uh 5B 68 Northeast 118th Street pavers around pool area Victor mayoli got like a rash of shingle applications here you just call it shingles we have a case of shingles yeah that's not intended we call it D why he immediately all right pavers 39% coverage um project and puing detail it's looks like it's about 5 feet around full 20 all in the back yeah their calculation things I don't It also says that it's I mean it's all in the rear yeah yeah it's just about lock coverage not an aesthetic thing Paving the entire backyard the thing is is that only that area around the pool there's there's Landscaping number four is that's all r or green yeah yeah I mean okay so they're leaving a green border but they're Paving most of their backyard basically 86 square feet is represents 10% they're within 10% of their their coverage so if they're front their front driveway is 20 ft across long but it's definitely 30t I mean they're close but motion to approve and David hi hi motion carries 5e 931 Northeast 116 street re roof not re roof oh wasn't that what was the one with the gentleman that you have his engineer that was um that was uh 5G okay let's see what we got at a pitch of 3.5 to2 6 inch ASA three foot overhang that's a huge overhang 5et my house the overhanging at the edge oh oh I was going to say this says three no I just say was huge don't have does say copper is one of the colors so copper is the color they also have David Ed on favor say I I motion carries all right next will be 5f 940 Northeast 19 Street driveway Alexander Alo 26% 37% not close to the edge property 37.6 um David Ed all in favor say I iing carries next will be 5H 1015 Northeast on 14 Street windows and door sub permit be Park LLC so these windows have been in this house probably a year this is on the one that's on my block and they're just now for the permit is this a is this like an after the fact yeah but they should have got the window permit prior to ordering the windows that Lees Us open for you just need a permit for that first inspection huh technically you just need the permit in hand for that first inpection yeah but it's like that's the purpose of having sub permits is that you're supposed to come in and apply it before you order your windows we have a schedule know off hand looking at them across the front no I mean it's it's correct I mean the elevations are correct I'm just saying you T typically we keep this is like the third house that has done this where they' they've already done all the work and then they they come in for the sub permits they've already done it so anyway as a village should be happy when they do don't Char well I mean if they if they did do it as an after the fact I mean it would probably catch their that's submitted as a regular permit you know pushing to approve if they caught it for it's an after the fact and they they find them then they probably would stop you know yeah was that U that was at David right okay don't ever say I I yeah I mean the way that I see it is it's like all right the more people that do that the more Revenue this game and next will be one70 Northeast under 19 Street fence fin yours is 12 here horizontal yes horizontal oh BS on member follows with5 in spacing [Music] between is it wood or metal metal it aluminium just in the front Corners right5 inch so that I can't climb over to go to the pool I have a first David I I motion cares next on the agenda is going to be 5K 11315 Northeast 9th Court temporary construction FS all the way around all the w 315 North that was David Ed on say I I motion carries is that the same 5m 11503 Northeast 11th Place driveway orzo this says my drawing that I must have done at the table here my handwriting 100% the the the woman that came and they had a tree in the middle and she was trying to understand and we looked at it for a while and took my oh yeah that's on um 11th Place 30 feet by 8 feet by 30 Ines setback from the side you have the perfect opportunity which is deny your try all right what is it I mean this she's just putting a little concrete driveway on the right hand side can't reach drawing drawing doesn't specify the diagonal line I mean honestly I don't know what the driveway is from descri on Say 5et by 5 feet concrete slab say concrete slabs to remove pressure from Oak Tree root remove 10 inch dirt to fill with 6 inch land Rock and 4 inch gravel for driveway on the permit application oh I know concrete I see concrete curb 180 linear feet demo S 5 concrete slabs remove 10 in description tells you what kind of driveway they're doing concrete slabs 5x5 concrete slabs to remove pressure from what what do you mean remove why five why five I think that there's missing some a concrete curb slab demo right put a period after demo and then the five what's demo seven what's seven seven is the start of the next sentence or it's supposed to be okay so my point is we don't know what the hell you're 5 by five slabs that happen to be on six in land Rock and then four in gravel I I'm I'm I like the word concrete okay gonna be I'm gonna just earmark this address we'll see what we get the good news we'll get to blame you I'm fine with that bet there emotion motion to well it's your draw therefore I can I'm I'm motion to approve Dy that would actually be the funniest thing is if you were accuse yourself so next be 5 p1860 Griffin Boulevard storm panels and impact door uh Luca bronzi that's an interesting name old Godfather all this is is a door and then the stuff that covers Windows correct eight storm panels and one impact door oh motion to approve because there's there's just a yeah French door like and they're white shutters so or storm panels Dead all favor say I I sleep with the fish all right 5q 11951 Z Northeast 11th Court uh concrete slabs or concrete slabs I don't think that I've ever seen calculation done to the six de that is funny 35017 2275 percentage 4982 got a math person iate I just can't tell from the survey it is not a survey there is no survey looks like just what is in the front yard what is there's we need a survey and the calculations are fine if they're correct I have a feeling they are um but well we know that it doesn't a survey well we know that it doesn't go past the two edges of the house right so unless you're at an angled lock there's no way that it's then going into the set fast right yeah then we don't really have I know but I think Gage is just asking for the lock coverage we need a survey when we do something like this we usually have a survey don't disagree okay I'm looking at Google Earth it's pretty clear what they're doing anybody that's not good at math never doing I mean we can make it contingent onest submitting a survey um just so because I mean it should happen motion to approve David Ed all in favor to say I I motion carries tracking all these contingencies we have a contingency Department um finally hopefully uh 5 R 11929 Northeast 6 Avenue Front Porch alteration so they're closing in they're taking out the Arches it looks like yeah they're opening it up put more light in and then I guess it's going to go with going come back oh it's like a flat they're contemporizing it so the the picture shows the roof on the the porch under the roof and then this drawing shows it kind of like protruding past it is it the rendering not correct or am I are they doing something different are they extending it like they're extending it out say existing roof to remain roof to remain roof to remain but front photo for roof structure to remain existing roof to remain their dotted uh their their change floor plan doesn't change the footprint of that at all NS they're raising it up and they're taking the Arches out I should do approve but I don't think it's going to look like this rendering now two bets in the they never looked quite like the red rinks huh they never looked quite like I know but this looks like it's a poured conrete like slab and if you look at the picture of the house it's the roof the you know the the hi roof overlaps the okay I mean they're not really changing the footprint sorry who is the first um David and then Ed all in favor say I I motion is approved all right we cover everything nice good job tonight's Nisha all right our next meeting is on the 20th which is in two weeks everybody good with that yes um yeah just um I can make a request maybe have the U engineer present their their letter next are we a juring or are we not a I'm just asking really quick only asking only because exactly we're asking this professionally com make their have them waste their time coming here only to then say oh we didn't need you because we just read the report I think we need to let them go up do their dog and pony show I understand I read all of the ones and I that was the one that had all of the things so I was excited to be like hey guys as a v diagram of this versus the ones that we're going to read like one passes T especally because only because if I'm a homeowner and I probably paid for his time oh of course he paid for his time I'm like why the why the hell did I have to do that the guy on the board knew what so and it's kind of nice it was actually the first time that we've had it I want to tell the guy hey with the new C you the you know you're the first engineer to go through the come through the Hoops okay I have a motion at 7:41 to adjourn by David there's nothing else to break