no I was saying when you were like oh we're making riss I said all right well I'll be sure and vote no on things that say through that so I don't even know exactly which one it was but blanket no yes yeah ready anyone Ni Call all right so let's go ahead and get started um good evening everyone this is the village of biscane Park planning and design review board for Monday May 20th 2024 it is now 6:30 I'll do the roll call Edward Lea here Scarlet Hammond here David gron here uh gay charart is here let's go to the residents that are um um that are here and we'll go in order of the agenda um so first will be uh old business 5A 665 Northeast under 17 Street walkway and gravel driveway actually has a bunch of different we'll do all three there's actually a new business 5A uh 6A but let's go with the first one walkway gravel driveway if um you're here hi can you please like you can go to the microphone if we have any questions and I'm sorry I forgot that Denisha is here from the building sorry me but we're looking all right lot coverage 39 see right so we tabled this the last time because there was some question on lot coverage and we didn't really have an application I don't think for a driveway it was for like uh this little pad on the right hand side or something to do with the walkway I think it was just the walkway okay I think my only concern is off of the page 11 out of 13 the PAD as it goes on the far right doesn't 30 IND okay that's good point also there's it doesn't show it going out to the street it looks like it just goes to the property line is this is this drawn to the street or to the property line if you look at the the way SP 100 is drawn page 11 that's can I just have you go to the microphone real quick just please okay thank you the comments that I saw at on the first meeting we we had or we were in were about the the documentation a documentation that was missing it wasn't about this I'm sorry I'm not the architect I'm the permit Runner I'm representing the architect and the owner here and I is is to answering your question is to the property line yeah because the the issue is you at the okay street view thing there's a gap there and so the drawings represented of place yeah okay so the reason I was tabled at the last meeting was because they were missing the front yard lck calculations and more clarification needed regarding the driveway intent so the front yard lock calculations was uploaded I believe on page five or six of the PDF and it was on miss when you guys scrolled down yeah well we got we got that now but the question I think the last time was is they were applying for the pad in the back and the and the walkway in the front two permits but they but they didn't have anything about the driveway at the time so we were like well you look like you're pretty much at your lot coverage if not over your lot coverage on the front driveway so we didn't want to go near the the driveway until we got clarification of all your intent on the front because there was there was a walkway but there wasn't a driveway so you know you have a 40% lot coverage on the front so we wanted to make sure that you didn't come back and then say oh well um you know I'm I want to do the rest that's so so David made a point that yes there is an issue with the on the drawing number two proposed you have a 30 foot 30 I'm sorry 30 inch Sid setback from the property line it's not reflected on the drawing and then also these these driveways need to have an approach um to the street and they're not showing that okay these comments are very new for me I don't know if they're on the well we had no comments on the driveway because we didn't have a a driveway permit the last time the driveway permit was always there there so at the last time she had two separate permits one for the patio in the back and then one for the driveway and the walkway in the front this one was tabled because you needed more information regarding the driveway intent yeah but I think the last time the description was only for the walkway didn't mention the driveway there was nothing about a driveway yeah so on the last time we didn't necessarily review the compliance of the driveway so now we are reviewing it missing the approach missing the setback it's also at 52% coverage over the 40% calculation say 10% because they're doing gravel but uh I'm sorry on the permit application form for the driveway it says the description says new concrete for the main access and per prev previous gravel driveway that's the description on the application form okay from the very very beginning we app applied for only one exterior um remodeling application and then I was direct to apply for four applications which were the exterior of the house the driveway the patio pad and the fence and I apply for all of them at the same time there have been always there so uh even the fence the government well we can go to that one later but these comments that I'm listening right now are new for me you just explain it because you didn't revise it before but the documents were always there and we have been waiting for this meeting from last month the the meeting before not the one before or wish no comments well the the other there's two other permits that we're deciding on we're only this is the only one that there's an issue on because we haven't looked at the next one is has to do with a wooden fence understand but I'm trying just to explain the fact that the four permits have been always there from the beginning and all the documentation have been always there so it's not like I apply for to only two permits first and then that's fine but whoever should have done it should have realized hey all of the code says that driveway for instance has to go out to the street that you can't have 10 feet of sale that so unfortunately like we can't based off of the drawing there's violations in three different ways one is total coverage two is not going all the way out to the street and three it needs to have a 30inch gap from the side set back that pad that's over on the far right probably needs to shrink to get you to to the the exact 40% coverage but and if it was any one of those maybe except for the fact that the drawing's not compliant maybe we could we could try and issue a conditional permit but the problem is the biggest problem is the 52% coverage when it has to be below 40% um I completely understand that my point is that this came to the meeting like to to this meeting a month ago and they only they only going I had or we had was that were we one document was missing the driveway calculation and these comments are complet over by 12% so if that had been there a month ago we would have been saying what we're saying now of hey you're over by 12% you're not even okay now this this comment that we are analyzing now I'm going to have it on the website so the architect can review them because they W they weren there before uh yeah yes it's on it's been on munic code since no no no I'm our comments this evening she said oh yes they they'll they'll be uploaded because unfortunately we have to motion to deny but we'll stipulate the three reasons why that as soon as we have a drawing that extends a drawing that shows a 30% Gap and probably that pad on the right is is shrink so that the updated calculations has you under 40% then you don't even as a parking area it looks like right and it needs to be away from the property line by minimum 30 in so it can't go all the way to the property that have to come back here right number one number two obviously the street is out here right so this driveway and this parking area have to extend out to the three get that's number and number three is you have to calculate the the unfortunately this form I know it's my homework I'm done yet this form's a little misleading it talks about perious and we don't really care about that we care about improved areas and n on non nonimproved areas right so even though this is gravel and therefore theoretically it's cious still counts as your coverage so you would have to add up the square footage of this area add up the square footage of these various concrete walkways add up the square footage of this compare that to the square footage of the front yard and not exceed 40% right now it's and then you do the same calculation for the square footage out here in the right way or in the approach so the 40% rule as well so those are the and and what type of your and my question also is what type of gravel is it just white gravel I mean is it a marble is it a limestone is it a slate than um the gravel color and the description on the website on the portal yeah it just says white gravel so doesn't really say what it is go to the code section it stipulates like size that it can be and the various types of gravel that just have the AR to the okay make sure what you're propos matches identify it here it's this type of gravel and it's this side okay no problem four things gravel tyght set back the lot coverage okay I got it no problem I mean I part of it is just you're at the 40% that house is at a slight disadvantage it's an advantage in one way because it's only at a 24 feet setback um whereas the the the code says it's supposed to be 30 feet which is fine because it's an existing house but uh it means that you have a smaller box that the 40% has to fit in because instead of 30t by the cross it's 24t it just makes it a little so I would able it or or because we gave her the feedback or we can do either but you should have for to be able so that that way we don't or I can write it I can write out the so just let's table it and then we'll when she comes in we'll repeat repeat it to her I don't know what happened to her all right and I'm going to email her right now to what the what the four reiz are can I get a motion first before you email motion table okay second and Scarlet home say I I okay so it's tabling so the next is goingon to be 5B 665 Northeast 117 Street wooden fence so it's the next but I think that one's mine so oh yeah yeah no she's she's got three permits we it's a six foot wood fence do we know the type of fence SP 110 it a c see detail on sheet SP 1110 doesn't it doesn't tell us what type of fence it is man what do you know what type of fence it is like what style uh I think it's a regular wood fence yeah but it's it's you know if you said it's a six foot picket fence then it's there's not a question but if you say if it's a six- foot horizontal fence and that's probably why we we tabled it we need to know how big the gaps are you know and right now you just have the wood fence detail let me make sure I'm seeing this correctly that's probably why we tabled it the last time was there's just Ian detail says wood pickets right so that's vertical and then the note two says G shall not exceed one and 3/4 in for No but we need to have a an idea of what the fence is not just reference to a a pamphlet that the village hands out as a detail right and it should have a note about the good side facing out and what thank you and and what kind of finish is on it so do you know what type of style the color of the fence is the same as the um of the the of the house the near of the house I upload a picture also about the the fence all yeah does note nine on the P Legend says wood fence detail Etc paint to match new Sid color yeah there's no there's no upload of a color I'm sorry the the color did not come through on the upload um I check all the documents this afternoon before coming and uh it should be there because I have it printed here I I load this document this afternoon I mean is there I mean there is a color rendering um is is this style is this color the fence the color of the propose uh exterior find it also seems like it's only along the side property it's on the west side only yeah not even facing the front right literally just between them and their get it but know you know the inspectors go out there and they're looking for what we approved and if we're not approving anything we're just approving a cross-section detail that has a couple notes on it that's you know it's it's going to come back on us so I just think that the applicant should at least know what style fence they they want when they're applying for it so do you mind if I call the architect so we can have that information um sure I mean all we need to know is pick it horizontal shadow box you know and we can note it so um did you get the the motion email with the four we tabled it with four questions or issues okay so while she's doing that we also do have uh 6A 665 Northeast 117 Street um it's under new business Stucker repair St repair and and paint white light so they're just repairing it PR Mo David all Pap say [Music] no all right so we're going to come back to 5B I'm going to call 5c right now it's 824 Northeast on 11 Street revision to PB 2313 hqh biscane Park LLC okay yeah they are okay right do we have that one here 624 okay you have a drawings for us okay if you just want to set it there ma'am really quickly while he's setting up do you have an answer for us said is the typical wood fence but with no gap between the the the the planks so it's a horizontal fence it's very very vertical okay so it's a vertical wood fence motion approve five who that's D David Ed all in favor say I I a motion carries okay we're good thank you ma'am thank you all right so back to 824 Northeast Elon Street the revision like Aid why don't you go ahead uh and explain to him just give them this so this just clarify this is something we've already approved that is correct okay and you're were you add in construction any chance you have what we approve doing here basically if you can see clearly in the one that was previously approved it's very simple start off with it's right here in Center notice that extended um name address uh requirea uh project manager at Ang Architects address one z z Oh wait that's not the right address it's here oh 12360 Southwest 13 second Court Street 26 address okay AR the job tit address is 82 824 Northeast 11 Street okay okay so let's talk to us what are you doing okay so we're doing here uh start off is um in the center we have this is what this plan right here was what originally was approved notice that we have it at get your fingers out of there no 19 um feet N9 and a half and uh in the new one we've expanded which is now at 28t and 5 in so you haven't gotten any closer to the setbacks no no okay it just made it longer that's correct did it affect your lot coverage no has in fact we are exactly where we still need to be okay below the 50% Max threshold in a nutshell all we did was we increased I shouldn't say increased but we moved the foyer about 7 feet out and then we increased the family six feet out still way within our setbacks here okay show them setbacks so 30 to 24 30 to 24 and that's all the changes we have today but you just basically shifted it so you didn't really change your lck coverage that is correct that is the ma only to enhance the front to do this to it because we were we actually had an overhang at the front yeah but it was low we just raised it to incorporate a more volumetric entrance correct and then we just increased six feet at the family room because we were six feet short and that's really all we've done okay um can we see the what it looks like the elevations that's change this is this yes that's correct that vertical that's correct I guess got got without yeah I believe they this was approved that was last August so I haven't seen you since probably before then so H you have a lot of facial play I got gray what happened so yeah so this is 728 the new code was in back in um August but since they're not really not really a change of design it's just a shifting of the lot I don't think that we would need to go back and Retro Retro apply the the the new code plan yeah and if you're doing additional homes in the park you do know our code changed a little bit so yes okay nothing doesn't affect you because you got got in before not on this one but yeah yeah if if the stars align we might have another three coming up you because you're doing the one on eth correct 11 43 correct how do you guys like that one looks yeah nice is are you the one around the corner too yeah this is the one around one around the corner this one you cleared the lot correct this is the one around the corner this is the previous one notice that so this grew here y grew over there and also grew over here like much exended yeah I mean that's the only thing so they are sort of exacerbating the code doesn't allow right so on the side where they've got because that's in your second floor youed right it's on it's on the it's the ground Flor what happened on the second Flor this did this length grow or is it remaining the same because since we did shift it a little bit we did move it out we shifted things in the back just six feet over yeah the problem is you right the code now would not allow you than 30t at the second level at the minimum set back before having to step back 5T you're going right now 63t twice what the current code allows and it sounds like you're growing that right we're stepp that's a Terrace I think I think is what you're seeing no the issue is on the side set back right so you have a straight wall this wall that's just yes 63t of straight wall would not be allowed anymore so it seems like had 57 ft wouldn't be allowed anymore but to ask for six more feet I think is a bit of an issue right you're in so no no one would make you go back and say hey you you got this approve no problem right lucky you you got it under the wire but to make the condition worse by coming back to where I think that's exactly increasing the non-conformance that we got approv so I guess the question is how how much again this stuff in here is not non issue right not creating any further non compliance but growing this you are no we yeah I mean we just think that this would enhance the flow of the house on the interior especially on the ground floor no and be that as it may the issue is that increasing something that we wouldn't currently allow you're already but to increase that six feet should I would respectfully request that U since we're still complying with everything that we had comping before and that we're actually aesthetically improving the flow of the especially the family area which is a large what and second e e for 7 here turn turn now keep on this last six feet and the foundations are already we're only talking about second s well but not only that but are you you suggesting that your foundations have been designed and forward based on something that you were hoping to get approved but haven't been improved that's what you're saying that's not you they haven't been poor gotta so no I'm just letting you know where we're at so that we alland you know and we're well you know most of us in the business we understand you know it's time is money but we also have a responsibility as the board to say hey oh no I this is why we're all here gathered around the table to do the right thing and we just Gage is trying to help is say okay no one's going to touch the 57 ft that you got grandfather if you want to keep growing because you want more square footage on that second floor set it back five feet I don't know how elegant it is to set back for five feet for six feet but sounds like then at least we could say hey the the extra length that they asked for they complied with the current code so we can live with the grandfather at 57 feet you get six more feet of length but it's 5 feet back I don't think the rooms would work at that point either they're not that large to begin with these are very expensive homes that we all know we're all trying to build down and theny I mean somehow the rooms all worked right a year ago whenever you got approved original everyone you're the architect you're the PM the owner or developer I guess right things work then you want make it bigger well you as an architect no we can work 10 by 10 rooms either you as well obviously in this size of home trying to make them a little bit more comfortable less rooms less buyers less rooms less buyers I mean we're we're obviously yeah well you know that that's exactly what everybody wants so I mean you know again I think I don't speak for everyone but we're saying I'm saying personally 57 foot of length on the setback at second floor okay no one's going to take that away you want to make it longer come up with way I don't know maybe that walk-in closet is not seven feet wide right maybe that's where you put your yeah that's to say you could actually do your bump in yeah do your bump in somewhere not in the middle of the in the property keep your 7 57 feet overall L frankly it's probably more elegant of design to not just Notch the corner but to maybe have and and we prefer that right CU now for us you're breaking up that fa you have two walk-in closets here that maybe you L value not that one notch this one do your five foot setep back in there again you're luy because you're already 11 so you're you know already a little bit further set back than you need to be slightly smaller closet but you get the bigger rooms bigger bathrooms you're saying if we break that wall if you don't exceed net of 50 whatever you originally got to prove though I'm saying 57 but it could be slightly different if you don't exceed the 57 foot at the second floor doesn't step back then we say okay youve had that7 will give it to you you want to grow it that part that extra linear feet has to be set back but you can do it the middle the end front so if you if this doesn't work here right because you go to back a weird place to notch Notch it here you do have two closets that you could break up that second floor wall with what is the width here four foot five and four foot five so you have tweak that a little bit to get five feet and actually you you actually you would actually come into compliance more with the well with the intent right because now what we want is we don't want 60 uninterrupted feet of second floor so you actually are improving what we're Desiring which is breaking that up somewhere in the middle great then we're all happy you know and and also some houses find those little niches good for their outside air conditioning yeah Flor some tuck it in you got a corner on the then you still get your kind of nice space on the side to walk through so we need to break this and the fact that this is almost the 12 feet we three feet short exactly so you're only fortunately for you having to notch in or step back whatever so the fact that we have 11 on the other side we can actually push that one all 10 Shi at 10 and now we're only two feet what that do your foundation for in a few days but yeah you can Shi the whole house depends how big you know 13 back on one side you just got to notch it two somewhere in the elevation it depends on how big those stem wall they if they're oversized we shift them that's an option back and what does that separation that break need to be if it's 5 foot away from the property line the length needs to be whatever you're adding in length what you got prove the WID of that right so you had before I'm just saying 5070 I don't know what it is right yeah you want now to make it 63 feet what right so you're adding six foot so somewhere wherever you desire you need to cut away six feet so that the net near footage of facade that's not set back doesn't exceed what you got only the second floor it's only talking about the second floor might want to do it the way just so you don't have a weird roof but you know and the main thing is is that this has to be 15 feet what is it 15 oh I got you that's be 10 plus the additional five already 11 what are 12 yeah you're you're 11 and something so you're already a little bit so we're yeah yeah we're not to the extent that's he's saying if you shift your entire house because it sounds like you're also greater than 10 feet on the other side shift everything over now you're probably 13 feet and that's it's only a two foot little Notch when before we say that make sure yeah what how high is the first floor on the second on the other side it's it's ah because you have a double height ah but that doesn't look it doesn't look like it's over 18 no this was fact we brought this off down another foot if this single story was greater than 18 foot you'd get the same stuff start setting back got so can we profer a motion that we approve all the brown floor level changes and that will come back for another visit to the second floor yeah I don't know how we pick apart the floor plans right because those four plans you know based on additional second four plan I think if your concern is that you don't want to stop things that are happening out there I think I think you understand sort of what needs to happen right for the board to approve for me I don't speak I guess prity is there another inspection that you have to clear between now and when you're doing the Flor because we can't say oh yeah we can approve the first floor not approving the second floor but if there's not another inspection you're like hey we basically have the word of us that that that round Flor will be fine we have to see the second FL match it's only the electrical just the and I don't think anything we're talking about here is going to stop I mean I wish the inspectors are that third they're they're let me ask you this if we broke up if he if you took his what he's asking for today and did a b c and we approved A and B and they come back for C in two weeks for another revision permit for C and we you say all we're doing is approving A and B yeah that's all I'm asking if you're comfortable saying the we don't have any objection to the changes to the FL but that's that's also not not unless you commit to now saying we're going to move it this is saying you know we're just making the changes on the first floor A and B and then C is tabled and for it's not approved let's basically yeah I mean I'm sure they're all professionals the problems we've had this before we is try to help people out by approving and then we get screwed because they go do whatever and then we it's poorly recorded what got approved what didn't get approved but no but I can't you're here you got multiple projects can't do not in your interest to try to pull fast one pull a fast one on you guys are you kidding I've been doing this for 53 years in this town I can't do this there's nothing that you're changing in the first floor that I think anyone there's any issue right it's just the second floor you want we meet everything pull the second floor for now and you're only asking to revise the floor and then I can take a quick look tomorrow to see what I can modify and we might have a good solution just I guly are you also changing this whole elation you gave us these and these look very not very but they do look different right this is I'm assuming what got approved and this is new or vice versa no it's a same other than we raised the it's not the same right because this whole parit thing doesn't exist here yeah does this is like an L now that's the only two things we we changed the uh growth say another the uh porch yeah so this is I'm just asking this is new this what you want you want to do this this is what's being so we're also reviewing I suppose this yes I thought this was I this is the new one this is the new one because we had the front porch too low we had to raise it and then we just dropped an L because Sebastian like the L you're adding an eyebrow no the eyebrow was there the eyebrow was there yeah I mean it was more yeah that was there it's just the the drop on the side here yeah I mean eybrow is I guess this thing here yeah so you just want this to feel more like a grand entry by not having a little eyebrow there then just we just Dro this one so again are we approving the front elevation change and the first floor change but not the second floor change yeah because this happens over the entrance and then the only thing that I need to come back and look at is the 57 versus the six that we GRE hell if we can figure out that the bedrooms are what what they are then we just sleep it that way where you pick them each side of the closet break up that the middle we're very happy at that point your neighbor happy have two 30 foot walls in great idea motion to approve first floor changes and front elevation changes only second floor is tabled for revision done talking tell me what repord all that yeah Ed David uh I'll say I I you have a question I'm no I'm just my votes no um I just like it to be clean but I gu you guys got the votes anyway so yeah I felt pressured Scarlet otherwise I'm on your you want yes and can I ask can you commit to coming back in two weeks with with the the changes okay so that it doesn't get like Lost in Translation thank you all right next will be um 5e 1114 Northeast 117 Street gravel driveway Bravo just one second please sure oh so didn't have the um the pavers the first time and it didn't hadn't gone all the way out the street and it didn't go all the way out of the street yeah and it has the okay motion to approve collection separate fortunately it's specifically referenced as 57 rock is B Construction I thought 57 was like I mean that that's what I put on my driveway all the time at F is it 57 the the the the road Rock basically yeah yeah it's pretty much construction use Road Rock we have permit stuff that says you can't do 57 it says you can't use yeah and we also have like siid limitations and 57 is usually bigger did you did you pick 57 because of from the the last time that it was here uh last time I didn't have that oh okay you didn't have one but it even says it is I'm sorry David go ahead no I was just going to say like I don't well I don't know it says like is the most use some driveways in yeah no that's the thing is the definition it's like hey this is the one that you use for driveways so I can understand his degree so what's the number like the it says a top layer of dense grade gravel such as P gravel Jersey Shore gravel marble chips Limestone gravel or river rock with average diameter of 38 inches to 3/4 inches but it doesn't have a number s yeah but then it does go on to say it specifically prohibits use of a certain type of the used where end the term gravel does not include crushed Limestone which is prohibited parking surface um Ed your opinion that 57 is huh7 so so well I'm just trying to get so are we if we want smaller stuff than it needs to be 67 number four or number 34 if somebody is specifying by those are the only ones that are smaller if somebody's specifying by a number because 57 is yeah that's what I was trying to find inch to an inch and a half like it's the yeah average size of 57 well it says half an inch to an inch and a half or 67 is 3/4 inch to small they don't seem to have a number in between the two well I think it's supposed to be finer so is that 67 is 3/4 inch to smaller whereas 57 is half an inch to in are you are you willing to go to a different gravel we could probably move this along quickly or if you let me know the number that's what I'm saying like if we're going to push into a specific number then like 67 is the only thing that's smaller like like 3/4 in to smaller that is the only thing that's listed on this website is like so but you're saying 57 in the in the thing is actually saying that it's it's more than three4 yeah well it's one half an inch to one and a half it that's the sizes the size of the rocks are in between those two inch in and then so there's a possibility that it's going to be above three it's C right so it's up to an inch and a half because that's what allows through so you can have forget how small it is because you could have nothing you can have you know one eight stones in a c but it's going to allow inch and a half size Stone which twice what our code wants with maximum Stone size that's the issue so if we just say if we just have him amend it to 67 which is the the top Edge is 34 in then then it's fine right if that's what 67 stone is yeah that's the the Civ size for 67 Stone sure yeah are you willing to do a 67 is that the only one well I mean you can you can also do you know you can do he gravel Jersey Shore gravel marble chips this just happens to be the type of gravel that is commonly used like on roads yeah but it by numbers so anything between 67 and it doesn't seem like there is a like numbers that are in between seems like it's 57 or 6 okay I it's kind of crazy but I've moved like 30 tons of 57 on my farm of 57 on my farm and I didn't know that there was that's what I see all around because I never I never got it like right yeah so this code was you know the the gravel was tightened up last last August um mainly because of the fact that we were trying to avoid people using the cheapest form of gravel which is 57 um because it doesn't really wear well it breaks down it starts you know it's it's not really meant as a permanent parking surface per se um so um it's really an underlayment usually for another material so so it's 67 and put I don't believe we're we're we are inclined to approve a 57 at least I'm I'm not based on your your your your testimony that it's actually going to be up to an inch and a half so and our code says three quarters so um it's going to be ler than what's approved so it' either be 67 or one of the examples that gauge read That's listed in the code okay so we can we can approve it saying that and then you can look at the list on community code thing and Google and decide which one it is that you like that makes that makes it so motion to approve CH pending travel change to size 67 or smaller or from the approved list are we looking for them to come back in two weeks are we looking for them to come back with that material to approve it I kind of was asking yeah I don't think so because just personal experience the amount of f compli stuff and time that LE driveway guys was that a motion or not yes okay David Scarlet in all favor say I I motion carries you understand uh yeah so do I have to come back or not no no oh just you're gonna get yelled at if when that shows up and if it's giant size of frisbee size Stones then they're going to be like so so we approv 50 uh 67 so you need to upload a new documentation saying that you are going to do 67 they're not going to issue the permit until that condition is met of the the approval so basically right now you uploaded 57 you just have to upload a document that says you're doing 67 copy you don't have to come back you don't have to come back all right thank you okay thank you sir all right next will be 5f 11370 Northeast 8th Avenue concrete driveway arino just one second sir please MH right your lot coverage 33 and 25 reot setback from the side property line um why did we table this last time I think it was I think it had gravel in the sale and there was not allow so we took that out it's allow just not to the extent okay so what's your plan for that we just eliminated completely we're going to put s yeah motion to approve David uh Ed say I I motion carries you're good sir thank you okay us all right next be 5G 11927 Northeast 6 Avenue rtw connection for permits good evening okay so we have H okay so so G is the main and H is the no h is the H is the main and G is the sub perment rtw connection for permit okay so then we needed to do five H first okay so that's reot evening all right re roof shingles all right good evening sir good evening I said D all right so this is for a shingle roof yes sir do we have a engineer letter yes sir you're the engineer that's me that is correct good even all right so um where David says anything you want to walk us through what you what you saw what your investigation absolutely that would be very revealing in fact so this home is is 99 years old it's been as it's been built as a Spanish missionary home with a flood roof and a some this architectural Spanish features around the perimeter at some point in the past uh slow proof was built over this we could not locate any drawings whatsoever or any evidence of a structural design so to speak so the roofer engaged us to come visit inspect we actually had to crawl into that former flat over the former flat roof to get up into the now what's atct space which is really there's a double attic there to begin with it's one for the original house and now it's the second one between the roof and a slope roof to measure the size of the rafters the size of the ridge beam which is a 1x6 and um to look at the connections over the wall and I performed the rational analyses based on the chapter 16 and loading conditions that exist there and the current member which are 2x6 is span 24 in apart will be overstress in bending which for a brittle material that the tile is it's not acceptable by the code so I could not sign off so to speak on uh structurally to agree that the additional loads imposed by the weight of the tile and the 390 components of the T roof will safely I shouldn't say it's not safe it's just going to cause bending over stress and you could see I I just drove by in a way here from Sunrise that a lot of the older homes Unfortunately they have this you know bending especially at the ridge line and and so are the the front Rafters and many of the homes that already have tiles and that's going to happen and for for me as a designer it's a liability that I can't afford to take because the numbers don't lie and I want to keep a good relationship with a homeowner and not being potentially legally liable for any of the sagging down the road upon loading up the roof with tiles loading having the lifo people installing those tiles and U for me was a clear no okay do we have a do we have a letter from you that that's that your report it's been supplied including again today uh uh to the young lady was it was it did you get something subm I don't see it here in the packet oh okay well we'll be more than happy to resend it digitally signed tomorrow so it would be on page that comes from the roof that's the roofing material engineer I don't think that's the actual what looking I can show and maybe it would be easier just to yeah it's no another thing is that you have this also because one of the requirements is photos so I was scrolling through there are no photos in this but because this is missing it may just be missing in what we're looking at not necessarily that's not was it impossibly uploaded after the Dropbox was sent out so they up they sent an updated one today today okay so it it's so just just to run it through I'll go ahead and Sport it sorry it's two pages in his letters okay so just a you're a Florida State uh engineer yes sir um you did an inspection person inspection you um you did your letter and you presented uh the board to the board with photographs and you explained why the structure cannot support a a um a a stone roof additional loading yes sir so we have everything we need and David to say I I motion carries thank you sir for coming and we appreciate your time pleas I'm trying to answer the previous Point as well on the roof wall aspect yeah I'm just voting on 5H right now so no because the the the actual structure value is less than $300,000 which is the threshold limitation by the 7068 from the existing building so it should in my opinion should not be we're voting on 5 AG again we the building department will review that application from a zoning point of view the the roof toall connections I don't think we care these are internals to the structure and that's the five that's the 5G right yeah is that is that a zoning thing it's not a zoning perview issue it's really just a depart I don't like the color of of the roof to wall connections yeah of the Seamon yeah so I mean motion to approve really it's not really us it's not okay yeah but for the record the I'm sorry I apologize I didn't mean to cut you you shouldn't even be subjected to that roof to wall a requirement of a 7068 from the existing building because the value of the structure from the property appraiser is less than $300,000 which and that's all these which are Florida building code topics so you only do the zoning and the that the building department they'll have understood thank you very much so for our purposes Mo do we want to vote on it 5G since we have it it's here okay okay Ed David all in favor say I I okay so we approved it even though it's not really a zoning issue said from our end to the building department after this and I want to thank you and thank the the resident home owner for working with us on this issue I know it's a it's a it's a a little bit of something so have a good now all right so next will be 6D 959 Northeast 115 Street um replacement of garage door Ward Alba yep so my old garage door wore out and uh no longer can I bring my bicycle or motorcycle in and out very easy so we're replacing it and they're going to put in a hurricane approved three whatever three panel you know two on the outside and insulation on the inside and there should be the wind regulation stuff there same color same design slightly different it has two panels instead of three you have the garage Studio next door is that your property no I'm caddy corner to the kitty Park got it okay second um Ed David all say I thank you ter hey great thanks so from M it still goes through the building department okay and they'll review wind L Cs and all the engineering aspects after okay and then approve I think Denisha will let you know you you heard what he said about is that is that what happens I get an email or do I need to I think yeah you should get an email that says that it's ready to like pick up from the it's an autogenerated email from the open website that you uploaded the permit to okay change and when might I notify the garage yeah I don't want to speak for Denisha because she knows more than we do but I think building usually reviews on Fridays is that the story lately they review he's curious more or less what time after us when it goes through building and structural like when he can expect an approval or um as of now they can at least it depends on what's going on as of now there is a backlog Wich structural so um yeah so it just depends on what's going yeah yeah exactly so may party INSP a week maybe so okay hopefully it's quick for you thank you guys thank you sir all right um we have 6 e um 110001 Northeast 9th Avenue for driveway fortez P pet is that drawing pause pause out okay you guys have something what I'm asking if Dropbox has nothing so I'm asking if they have them with them their proposed plans you have a copy of what you're doing because we don't we do I uh I can give it to you um but also we might need your help you guys have the attachment for the warranty deed correct we just have a permit application and a off affidavit on this case considering we're trying to use the property line as much as we can so we can have a usage of the property for parking space of the driveway um but with code it doesn't meet the the requirements for it does it does meet the requirements for coding uh for the 40% but it it does it does have a uh some parts that we don't know whether the astr turf help us meet the 40% what's the percentage of the astr turf within the square footage I think it's up to well it's part of the improved it would be an improved surface I mean it's as yeah I mean but what you'll see is they're doing the typic you know like the the large concrete block and then there's the 4 inch gap of which you know usually negligible and it's value icage either way but is are they maintaining the 30 foot or 30 Dimension it's more like a picture idea there's no yeah there's no I I need probably but those those are I I I'm not sure how accurate it would it be to meet the last numbers um within the design but we just want to know getting rid of the rootport or yeah at the beginning yes it's in bad conditions so there's there's one in the what the survey says I don't know the survey shows like a square cport in front of the house and then like a linear carport in the side of the house are both still existing yes no we don't we we don't know whether uh keep them or not but right now they're both existing well if if one of them flew away so they're like half not in have in the other thing just information yeah because right now on one of those options looks like you're going like all the way down the side of the house with those concrete blocks right so so you have different criteria here you have to deal with but one is your total your entire property every Improvement footprint of the house go concrete driveway walkway on the side pool if you have one I don't know anything that's not saw or Landscaping can exceed 50% of the total square footage your lck so just looking at option two which has like the sidewalks going looks like a lot of concrete I don't know that you'll stay under the which sidewalk would you show there's one option that you've got like walkways going down the side this one yeah okay yeah because I'm just saying if that were that it looks like now you got a lot of conr at some point we'll need Dimensions all this right make sure you show di well the survey I can understand what your existing what I'm kind of doing right now it's such a small no but she's asking the after oh well I would just TW the whole driveway Drive so your total has to be under 5,137 for everything for the entire house including up to the proper right just your house I don't know exactly what it's listed at online what is this what is this here everything impr impr yeah so like the gaps are going be considered improv because it's look at what theide so that has to be under 900 that has to be and then but then the other part too just to pay attention to because you had the house and then you have the pool and all this was saying doing all of this type of stuff is that overall you can't go above 50% which is 5,137 right I kind of did a little bit of a guesstimation on your house of being around 24 feet um but so so you have to have that in mine especially if down the road you want to change patios around the pool or anything like that you don't want to make too crazy of a driveway and then you can't do anything else if you ever wanted they have a pretty yeah it's 10,275 no no no no yes so if you were to say here's your property line this this area here cannot exceed 996 and then the part that goes to the street say can't go over 9 which means you have two approaches two approaches and we were or gate but but also knowing that you bought into a neighborhood that doesn't allow gates in front yard so you kind of you kind of you know bought into it knowing if you look around there's no so but just so you know you know you're allowed to have a fence up to this point of your problem that's what you're allowed to have you're allowed to have a hedge around the front of your property but you know you have basically three qus of your property do not all the other thing that you should write on this is 30 inch side setbacks since I heard you say like oh yeah we want to try and maximize our kind of being close to the property line well here's your survey with the thees are not supposed to be you're not you know you're not allow to put a hge the street keep your hedge on your property line well that's a like that's a I mean if you want to have Landscaping like trees and Pals and like that you're right away you're allowed to do that but a continuous row of shrubs which there's an actual definition of what a edge is um you're it's supposed to say on your propert it's 30 feet from the street here's here's the trunk of these these so basically if you're you see how this is 30t if you walk 30 fet or measure with tapate measure and whatever 30 ft from the road then that's where your property line is you can't have a from the well 33 from the house or 30 from the road whichever way you want to do it it's the same the the part that I was telling him to just write on here for you to know is that any of you have having actual driveway has to be you're looking at this let's just say that this is your property line so the has beim closer well you have the driveway has to have a 30 in set minimum so if you're at five you're fine yes so you have two separate Dimensions here you have 40% on your right on your property and then you have a 40% on the right you can't combine you can't say okay we're going to do 20% here and add 60 over here it's two separate Dimensions because this is Village property this is your property and if I were to put um the hedges and all that as long as it's as long as you're doing stuff inside your property you can make a whole thing yeah you you you my recommendation would be come back to do that later if you're going to decide to do that that later just because you may decide after you finish this oh you know we want to redo a part by the pool and if you use up your full 50% then later on in order to add something to the pool You' have to subtract something from somewhere else it would be expensive yeah you would do that down the road yeah whenever if it's a year from now well we're we're not first of all this is really a discussion item because you really didn't come in to apply for anything you just came in to discuss it with us so so uh so we're not voting on anything so whatever you're going to decide on doing you're going to come back reapply for you you'll reupload it for the next in two weeks they'll probably have you change some of the the application that's because for instance you guys said oh the Project's going to cost $1,500 and that's going to be a lot more than 15500 yeah that's you were at a commission meeting the last yeah that that was a different group of humans two different meetings two different boards yeah so um yeah we we don't care we're not going to be the people that are going to look at that and say that's more than a $1,500 project that's a I was just saying like hey when it gets over to the building because your your permit fees are probably based on the value of your improvement so if you're saying it's only $1,500 our building whoever is doing the approval department is going to look at it and go no no you need to pay the value of whatever the Improvement is now you might have deal and you're getting it as a a side thing with your okay but that'll be between you and okay so as when you when you stopped by V Village Hall in regards to this um into this project it was told to you that you would have to use the how much it will actually cost not how much you're actually paying so if this was an actual um if no I understand that but you would have to okay so this is should the job estimate so this would have to be the industry standard for the job estimate that would be having to place as your actual cost on the application even if you're so this is thing it's just a job value cost so this is how much it will cost based on industry standard not um what you're actually paying that comes after again this is just the initial application because again it's going to go to the building department for further review and if there is any issues they will reach out to you yeah they they base the the permit on the the value of it not so much how much you paid for it so yeah sto my paper M can I just ask is this regarding the driveway it's regarding other homes that it's not meeting the 40 uh the 33 uh property line just so for our understanding let me see if I have the papers here can I give it to you or should I so I can show you the image I don't know are you like are you debating the 30 in or I'm sorry I I don't say what your question you can please if it's if it's an I know it's not negotiable but other properties are measuring 40 feet so I just want to know if it's something it's not negotiable property lines I'm assuming no I mean our Cod our code says 30 inch I mean I I you're you don't even have a design and you're you're you want to nego you're trying to prove that another property does to understand how it works so we would wanted to know yes thank thank you that's that's what yeah oh so so this probably just you know they most likely have a 30 foot setback here and a 30 most likely because if you look at the the walkway it's probably here so they probably have a 30 feet set back here okay so there's two there's two what you just use the word Garden so you can landscape up to the street you know you can have shrubs you can have flowers that the the the the the the the the issue is the word hedge so if the Hedge yeah so the Hedge has to stay on your property okay so oh so there's a removal issue with the that's a County experiences so that's the reason why I was just saying she was having that's what I said it's just depending on what options yeah yeah no but no it's okay and it's just you know just you know just keep what I'm saying is that you are allowed to landscape out to your H to the to you know obviously you don't want to go right up to the street but if but if you were to put low shrubs and and flowers you're you can you can go into the RightWay it's it's just that when you start planting like a cloa hedge it needs to stay on your property or you need to a ficus hedge or whatever hedge it needs to stand but if you want to have other forms of zeroscape and Landscaping out into the RightWay you're allowed to do it you know the RightWay just has limitations on the amount of um you can't have rocks and you know um columns and things like that um you know there are there are ways of of putting beautiful landscaping in the front of your house that without having to do a hedge I guess that's what I'm trying to say yeah yes I don't think there is a a height for for Hedges where that okay so it says fences walls and hedges locations um so it says fences walls and hedges may be located in any yard up to the property line therefore no such wall fence or headge shall enter extend over the property line and into or over the right official rideway for the full height of the wall hedge or fence meaning it has to stop at your property line okay um must have be uh the visibility triangles um but it doesn't really just dictate about the height of a hedge there's there's really no but it just says it can't be on the away it has to be on your property L I guess it's good that it doesn't have the way I read it is you can have a 20 foot hedge as long as it's on your property um yes I hope so yeah it has to be on your propert it can't be it can't be over into the rway perfect uh oh you're but you're talking about adding a hedge not removing a hedge them I I guess what what she's trying to explain is that uh the the Hedge right now it's inwards so it's not at actually at the property line so we want to move it backwards where the property line is you want to move it out towards the street okay so that's where you start entering into the RightWay so that's becomes that's not allow no no now if you want to leave the Hedge and then put other plants in front of the Hedge in the RightWay you're allowed to do that right it's just that it's not in the Hedge is not in the property line we just want to put place it exactly where the 33 if I'm not if I'm not mistaken it's 33 or 34 33 point something is there a right number specifically as long as it doesn't extend over into the property or into the the RightWay you're allowed to do that but you're at what 20 30 feet back from the street um what's the the the property line 34 number I'm sorry you took the the survey so I don't have it anymore there's nothing in we don't have anything in our Dropbox oh oh no it's all right so it's saying 30 feet no side the center of right away the best way to do it would the best way to do it would be to go from the front of your house because your survey says the front it's 33 feet so it says here's the front corner of your house here's your prop oh well on one side your house is 33.2 two and the other house it's 3.74 so it's 33t basically so as as you measure out there and it's 33 feet you should be fine yeah yes you're welcome anytime all right so6 e was moved to a discussion oh I gotta get a motion to to table because there really was nothing okay um we need designs we don't have anything to vote on so uh David Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries all right next is 6G 11150 griffing Boulevard rip WAP seaw wall good evening ma'am thanks for waiting no problem all right so you are doing a seaw wall on the canal right now it's just a shoreline with a a deck and extending there's a dock on one side of the property and basically we're just trying to square off the lot it's kind of um irregular yeah you're one of those ones that goes out into the the middle of the in the water well actually it's not the middle but it goes out into the water right so it's not the middle of the canal um but it is it's out there they do own submerged lands yeah so I'm just trying to get to what you want to do because I'm seeing a lot of Coral Rock Shoreline is there is is there an actual plan showing where the new the proposed wall is going to be so if you look at S2 um the entire property right now has a rip wrap Shoreline there's no seaw wall there um it's what we calling uncon unconsolidated Shoreline and what we're trying to do is straighten it out yeah so so S2 has a section no S3 has a section you're basically going out like 20 feet at that side yes we took the furthest point on the left side yeah what what happens to your property so um looks nice it's a straight line out so um the right side will be Blended back in um that corner on the right side corner um on the left side we're not doing anything but they actually have a seaw wall that they put in I think like three four years ago there parallel pering process you have to go uh we went to durm and because these are non Waters there is no Derm permit required um I believe we submitted an email we have from durm um stating that um I applied to De um South Florida Water Management South Florida Water Management bumped me to d uh D is trying to figure out if they need to permit it or not um yeah we had a little conversation prior to the meeting and uh basically the you know we always refer um this to South Florida wi management to make sure that they get their blessing because you don't want them to come back and say that you're blocking the wants that's that's one of the worst agencies here but as far as our our zoning goes we're we're fine on on this but um it's up to um you know them to get um South Florida Water Management I believe it is approval I'm still not really clear on the exact location of this um I'm looking at S1 of four2 S2 of four is that the one looks like a section when you first look at it but it's not it's a plan so oh I see oh I see okay I first thought it was a section I thought it was a section okay a plan which is why I asked on the right hand side what are you doing there because it just yeah it's a nice straight line yeah but then all the fields going to end up in the canal but obviously doesn't really work you've got to blend that back you're jutting out now into the canal on the I guess that would be the north side yeah and how does it line up with the neighbor on the other side it doesn't now it just JS out it will be about eight 20 feet out from the neighbor because right now the property lines kind of connect so isn't that side where the the flow comes down from the above will there become like a a situation where things will build up on the one side so the state would not let me do that that is part of um the state permitting from the environmental point of view um we will have to do water flow um assessments there because we can't put a like a stop so this obviously wouldn't be a straight line it's gonna be so is S1 of four is that the way that it's actually going to be S1 is actually what it looks like now okay so this is that's what I'm saying this name rolls oh okay so this is yeah yeah the canal is is actually very wide they own going away I'm sorry the wood deck is gonna the wood deck is gonna be removed big concrete that's the new house they building so are you are you the owner or you no no you're the next in the AFA of owners have there been a lot uh well this is the concrete thing that's I understand that they want to replace the wood deck that we'd have to come back before yeah I mean yes it would be again it's it's it's one of those weird things because there's the setback is property line is out into the middle of the canal it's more of a making sure that the dock is a Derm thing where you know um it's a it's it's a great I'm you know isn't I've been doing this for 30 years and I was actually very surprised when I looked up durm records to find that Griffin is non not controlled by durm um the property next door which is 11140 they came before you a couple years ago and they also provided a letter saying there's no um no Derm review for the site I was very surprised yeah so um it's so South Florida Water Management District um so I I guess my concern is is that if you're going to be out beyond the property line on the no we're not going beyond the property line no not property line I'm sorry beyond the shoreline of your neighbor yes um I know that we is this Con is and I'm just thinking out loud because is this going to create an issue where when water flows down it can actually flow into the property of the neighbor if the neighbor is lower then you're then this new proposed um well the water we're not going to be able to stop the water and and cause it to come up over his Shoreline anymore than it does now okay but if it's if it's jutting out and it's almost creating a wall is it the wall that um I can revise the plans and show that it will be gradual it's not going to be like a sharp Corner okay because that would be my concern is because I know that we're concerned about the neighbor having the neighbor was when this house was being built was concerned that this house is up higher and that the water when rainwater would come down it would flow into their n their yard because their yard is lower than the new house I'm wondering if this new wall is going to provide a like a conduit of for flooding so um I am assuming that in whatever house plans you did there was some kind of retaining wall between the two properties and we ask on between the two to actually collect right so they had they added in their plan a little section showing whether they build I have nothing to do with okay because most cities um require in their zoning code for all all rain water to remain on your property that we did we did provide for that but that but this is also this is not rain water this is Canal water yeah Gage is just saying that the neighbors already expressed concern that issue now we're just anticipating their concern with this new uh you know so the the grade on this is going to be whatever the finish grade that is on the house that's already approved um it it really shouldn't change anything and it does though because you're adding more land so it changes the way that the water flows uh we are adding more land but not with the way the water flows like we don't know that we have no information to see that whatsoever and if you want to provide that then that would be great and also um just I don't know speak my opinion is that um I would definitely want to see the Water Management District's approval and or even just comments before we can apply so I can provide you with the email from South Water Management saying they're not handling it and sending it to D then we then we want to see D's comments absolutely we're in the permit process with DP currently yeah I think we're a little premature on the on our our appr yeah I mean I don't know much more we can do than ask for those other agencies right because we don't really have zoning code that speaks to right yeah I think that that's appropriate because that that this is a little bit beyond what what we have the capacity and you know expertise to review so we would definitely need to see that before we can absolutely is there any other concerns that I should address in my next middle I mean definitely the drainage yeah the drainage yeah yeah so drainage but you did say that when you approved the house permit there was um comments or there were Acquisitions that you guys made to allow for this house to be way higher the real how you're going to handle theth side rather the plan is not quite um I'm not so concerned about the water if the other agency well it's just like you know like if if I'm looking at your your S2 four if the waterline of the neighbor is back if you're look I don't know if you have the drawing in front of you yeah it is if you're looking at the it says 12 foot 11 and you can see where you're so between that that the word the where the number 11 is at and your new wall is that exposed side bill that's going to be exposed to the canal or can exposed to I will revise I will have my what I'm asking really that rip wrap that she's showing is not going to straight across it's gonna have to turn in back towards the land so it's going to be rounded it's G to have yeah it's G to have to tie into the neighbors yeah that's why I'm asking that's what I'm concerned is that that buildup zone right there is um and and what is that elevation going to be because you just said it the elevation the new house so if the new house is that base flood well no no not the new house the new backyard that's already approved and I believe it's plus six NG gvd that's their final grade for the backyard okay um I will verify that with the architect though for the house okay so no we're not coming up to the house right and then that would be makes you know you end up with this thing on the canals not doing a SE right okay um so we had a um Scarlett's concern and is that a is do we want to make a motion on that do we just table this until we get this additional yeah approval allat agenes we'll we'll be the final gatekeeper kind of of of of okay it's not that we're against it it's just we want to we we're trying to look out for your neighbor the neighbor to make sure that we don't end up having this situation where the neighbor is going to the next you know Hing tide is or whatever is is going to come yelling at us that uh we approve something that um you know that's causing their house to be flooded so um so is that a motion Scarlet yeah yes a motion to table okay oh all favor say I I say we're gonna table it just for a sense of good luck I guess predicting the's timeline but all toclaim so so what you have here may ultimately change because of your yeah but sure but it's subject to change what negotiating the EP all my reason why was final version are you Coro okay and then what okay oh yeah thank you thanks for waiting and appreciate your time thank you all right next um six I 11503 Northeast 11th Place removal concrete slab Coro all right drawing by any chance like a survey yeah I don't have it yeah I actually s all that information to the uh I uploaded I email it I I sent it and yeah because I'm sorry to say it's very frustrated dealing with the city sometimes because even if you send it and we approved your driveway last time your survey actually doesn't show it but we approved you this this was permitted before now you want to remove you look at let me show you this picture so that way you can see exactly what it is slabs pretty we but but I think it was the last meeting we approved the driver way on the right hand side that's correct so I I don't nothing to do with that no and I don't know why I'm here for the driveway again that they're telling me that I have to pay $50 or something again for the driveway when that was you're not on I don't know I'm I'm here just because I have payment I mean they they put that I owe $50 for this and another $50 for something else but I don't know exactly what's going on and like I said it's it's really I'm I'm too a point that I'm very frustrated just because I've been dealing with this since January and it's something so easy that it's taking too long just to get something approved and dealing with perit and things like that is is I'm so sorry I know that is not you guys because you you every time I come to the board meeting or speak to you you always are very helpful but I only see you at this point after this I have to depend on them and I already have well I well the difference is that I already I just dealt with Miami Beach and it so much easier than dealing with the city here so that that's my issue just just because the communication and everything is very but you did get communicated that we approved the driveway that we talked about that time you came in yeah I got on the right side I got I got everything everything you approved that and everything and I submitted my permit but now it shows that I have to pay $50 again for the driveway which I have no idea what that means okay but we're not looking at that now just REM to remove this slab that's the only thing that I I mean and I don't I hold on hold on hold on okay so the thing is is this you're not coming for two driveway permits they just fall under the same category so even though you see driveway at the top of the permit does not mean you're coming in for a driveway okay that that's fine but this is just for the removal of the concrete slab the original driveway permit it was approved at the last meeting it was just pending that you had to pay the $50 planning board fee to be why if I already paid for that it was not paid yes it was before I came I paid because the office told me that I I could not be put in the agenda unless I pay for that fee so I did pay for that okay so that that that's something with like the the we we this is we just are gonna it's not you guys it's just it's it's just frustrating it's very tonight you have an application that is remove this slab slab I think was a motion or if not motion to approve second okay David all in favor say I I okay for that there will probably be a $50 fee for that I already paid for that I I'm paying before coming because they always said that in order for you to be able to be in the agenda you have to pay so that's why I'm just gonna ask you to please scan and upload this picture into the the I did okay we don't have it on our Dropbox um I'm gonna scroll through really quick again I don't see it on my Dropbox but if if this is very clear you have little x's and that's exactly what I did and I did it actually maybe two months ago so um so we have you were approved so you can remove the concrete thank you thank you so much but you just have to work out the fee with the the village department please we talk to you guys only a month for a have to in person before meeting and because I everything is so when I do it I also send it to the city the same that I do because I never but then for me to be able to know if they get it I have to go and I have gone and they're like we don't have anything from I spent it to you a week ago yeah but there lots of stuff going on so have a little [Music] patience and reason because theyed have thank you ma'am I'm sorry trying to get on with our meeting thank you have a good night thanks for waiting we appreciate it okay I have minutes from oh sir are you on for anything are you just watching what's the address 6j oh okay sorry all right so 1806 noreast 8th Avenue I'll pool J is right okay let's go back to that all right okay it's in the rear we got 19 ft from one side 19 from the other and 48 in the rear so it's setback looks fine lot coverage is I'm sure it's fine because it's a huge lot I'm at page I'm looking at a drawing A- two it's the very last drawing this is the right one 11806 East 8 Avenue um is there a lot coverage calculations yeah yeah there are 40% 40% is that shed existing sir the shed is existing existing yes okay all right was that a motion yeah motion David a second charlot all in favor to say I I you're approved thank you sir or you had to wait so you're the last item on the agenda normally literally last item so all right so next get bre up to the top of the agenda um sorry that somebody Outburst on you but you must deal with that all the time um the previous um person all right I have minutes from uh April 15 2024 you have a hard copy I'm looking at the April 15th meeting which one 6 in one just curious additions and all that stuff we have to and what what do you reference if you look here right we there's it's just a lot of prking for her but she moved all of the the six items the level six items up one when moved something from new business to Old business from 6 I to 5 C then everything else got moved forward so I'm just saying in the future can we just then leave six eyes flank like an engine FL on an elev and then we don't she doesn't have to make of other I'm I'm fine with that because like right now I'm looking at what we approved the 6m on the thing was a carport Sebastian agustino so really oh it got moved up to 6L now okay all everything got moved up six so the one that was tabled was 11370 by the way was that ported did he ever go forward with that with building officials I'm curious to know the Amazon carport down with duct tape yeah I hope that so six bar which is one 1202 disabled yeah it looks whatever happened was building review going with that chain link fence on I think it's in Code Enforcement still isn't it I don't think it's coming to us yet that no no the chain link fence on Fifth Aven 12th and 121st Street they got cited for putting a fence in without a permit but they did but they installed it but we never we it never came to us yeah no I'm saying you're certain it's been cited though not like we just think it has no I'm I'm I know it got cited during the thing that that one really IR so um usually care what people do can I get a motion on the April 15 2024 meeting minutes you look good hey David Ed all say I I in motion carries and then next we have the minutes from the May 6 2024 meeting so with respect to that meeting in those minutes I got your email about the like after the you know the drawing that got revised no I'm talking the drawing that got revised or the other fence on one night on on Fifth Avenue in9 I wasn't really sure what the protocol was to reply because we were like weighing in on the the emotion was made to it was was approved it was just to send the recommend way in on it other than I guess Gage needs to look at it I don't well you could respond back to her but she she was asking the question all of us but I think the drawing still was missing it was still missing the um wording the existing showing existing chain link fence so showing the distinct ex also my two cents it shows it's a survey right that shows that there was an existing chain link fence that was curved at the corner of the property that's not what's there today fence terminates at a right angle in that corner so well what I was looking for was any reference to the existing chaining fence even really even beat on guess you know without beating around the bush there's a portion of the chain link fence in in the front corner that is new and that is squared off not rounded like the survey shows so the drawings saying whether it says existing now or if they put a note that says existing it's not actually depicting the existing P fence yeah so my thing was is it we should just not even have anything on there about the chain link so if it's pointed or curved or whatever now it's existing so we're not I was trying not to legalize the chain link vents you know by they could come back and say hey they approved it but it's basically that what you're asking for no what I'm saying is that the depiction of the chain link fence is not actually what it h could we um just one for second go back to the um 15th April 15th because on page um is there something on the bottom of page three it says that I wasn't in attendance not present so this was when they had did a three at this point of the meeting you had stepped away to take a phone call yeah there was one agenda one that Tex no but I didn't see okay okay okay I didn't see that without you so I didn't see the footnote there it just you weren't present yeah because there a top your I could have clarified that you had stepped away from the table if you wanted me to clarify that further sorry I just don't see which one that referenc it references um agenda item 6 e and then 6G so you went if um so you had stepped away for a moment oh I see the tiny little thing so it's next to the approved 3 and that's the reason why they're approved 3 to 3 to zero instead of the US David caught that so thank all right I have the so that's CLA that you're good on that Scarlet yeah yeah I do remember that all right so uh I have the minutes from um the May 6 they look good I would just reviewed them with what I had written so unless anybody has a comment David Ed all in favor say Hi I hi motion carries all right all right let's go back to the agenda we have five uh D one2 Northeast 118 Street um again shingle roof he was here isn't he here no yeah but I thought I saw him sitting over there this is the gentleman that's been here like six times no I think that's uh isn't that him chy no 5D okay now he's here for re hold on Sor maybe you're right I did I do think we saw the gentleman c d the gentleman that has the little four Carter bike that he rides around with his wife that MF left them standing last time yeah I think I saw him the beginning of the meeting as well yeah he I thought he was here that's this is not him refile shingle maybe he saw murf it's not here no here you said I'm out of here okay so this so this is a shingle roof or somebody wants a shingle roof um is there a letter I I there's a color but there's if there's a letter there's no engineer here is this the engineer that this is the one that had the like two different dates yes it is oh wait okay um December 20th but I was visit on the March 13 yeah the motion P okay I I I wish the guy could get his roof done I mean I I really feel bad but we had an example of what the code says and what you know need to do but I don't even see a letter here do I feel bad for that dude if he's crawling in roof spaces man is very tall to be crawling in roof spaces all right so I have a motion to table this again okay um David Ed all say I I a motion carries the table all right will get him to show up huh unless you think deny it will get him to show up last last time he was here we tabled it that that was the outcome yeah because the dates didn't line nothing up um okay uh new business 6 931 Northeast 116 roof out hurry re roof metal and flat so rep so it's a what's the pitch three and a half 12 but they have the over they have the required overhangs they have a picture of the color 3 feet and six in the color is bright copper so it's metallic so that tells me that it's shiny huh here control F group shall be limited to color silver gray brown copper that's copper white and shall not be bright or highly reflected problem is they metallic copper yeah technically it also does say bright there's no other copper option it's not like black copper bright gosh why did that say bright I mean it's basically the words in our code says no bright bright or highly reflective and it's actually colored bright copper oh it's like we can't win Mo motion to deny color can't be bright and what does it say something reflected bright or highly reflected color can't be bright or highly reflected terracotta is the closest color to then then it's not copper oh terra cotta is it's like too up from it but we can't the code doesn't terra cotta is not an option silver gray brown Co you're allowed to have a terracotta tile roof and you're not allowed to have a terracotta Co I don't know who was on this board when this code got R but I'm very proud of the just I just wish that they offered a copper roof that didn't that wasn't bright why does they bright like with a dude the other day that was I was like yeah that's cool and then he like he's like well here's the name of it it's like Matt Black like why did you have to say black would just be very dark darkle I mean copper roofs are great but it's just it's a very reflective roof it does and even look at this okay so did I I'm sorry motion I have a motion second all in favor say I I you don't want to attach your name to that one just okay motion to deny was approved okay next is 6C 947 Northeast Hunter 17 Street Windows installation Rodriguez Ara is this this in the back it looks like for the this Edition windows f66 they're all fixed Tye windows and they're all in the back they're in the rear of this house David Ed all fa say I I motion carries all right next will be 6A 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue slope roof One biscane Park LLC we we ask for all roofs just because there might be a tile or something described as a SL but really it's theis of SL um so it's a modified minim viam and it's white uh can I get a motion please this white David Ed or Ed David all ver I I okay next is going to be 61443 noreast 6 Avenue metal re roof Pablo Marcos see what we got here by the way that you know that copper roof would have approved if it was just an approved color I mean it looks like they met all the other requirements just just FYI um I mean here's Copper Penny metallic it doesn't say bright um all right we have a 312 roof metal Masters I mean there's does it say actually what color this is they're all there's a bunch of colors but I don't see a circle dick bronze for real uh on page 15 of 54 yeah what about the over they're using yeah it does it does it just looks black it's so right next to medium but do the overhangs is it have there's a lot of papers here 42 53 43 47 48 is there a chart with the overhangs I didn't I don't see the page the he overhangs the addresses this oh this is the house right over here it's on the corner it has the the overhangs but it just doesn't have this sheet yeah funny because the exact same house is over on5th and eth like with the little Courtyard and the little detached garage thing over there and they have a metal roof looks great okay but I'm not seeing the required form motion to motion to approve pending the upload of yeah but we should table is huh the there's a form that has the that shows the overhang and the phation if you make the motion Che I just still you know getting into that approving stuff without you know actually having the document I would have tabled the revised design earlier motion of table that a roof pending the diagram second okay David uh David Scarlet or Ed Scarlet Ed Scarlet Ed Scarlet all in favor say I anybody oppos a motion carries 4 Z all right so I think we accomplished our agenda I don't see anything else Miss we accomplished something not sure what huh need a couple drinks to figure okay so um next meeting will be on um June 3 and June 17th now let's talk about your vacation you're heading out when or when you at not here the month of July and July and August how does okay no I'm just want to ask because like we're all here so for July 1st July 15th and August 5th scarlet and um well yeah so but I'm just asking be so we're gonna have an issue with Quorum would be the July meetings and the first meeting of August so are I'm I'll be here July 1st July 15 then August 2 uh 5th so I'm good those three meetings are are you you're good okay well if if there's gonna be he I'm just saying if he if we know that David's not going to be here so if there's going to be an issue then we need to move our meetings so that the three of us will be here so if there if you guys for but if but if you foresee a a pro delay it relay it so we can reschedule it okay all right so we will see each everybody here on um June third and um any motion to adjourn David all in favor to say I I okay we're adjourned at 8:50 can you please turn off your mics