##VIDEO ID:AnoNpN8ao90## e all right uh good evening everyone let's go ahead and bring this meeting to order this is the village of biscane Park planning and designing review board for meeting for Monday September 9th uh 2024 it is now 6:30 the roll called Edward Lea scar Hammond here David grun here G charong I'm here as well as Denisha from the building welcome okay we'll go to the resident actually we have an addition um to addition and deletion so the addition is going to be I'm going to make it 5D Mar marinoni one2 Northeast 11 18 Street this is a metal roof or a roof that we've seen in different in carnations uh they weren't um on the agenda but they asked to be here and they have their engineer here okay let's go ahead and hear that one uh 5B has been removed by request of the applicant so that's off I'm sorry the parent permit was canceled okay and then somebody just walked in so she's just going to check so let's go ahead and we'll go to the agenda we'll go in order which would be 5D marinoni 10002 Northeast 118th Street uh if I could just ask the um the the applicant and the engineer to come up to the Das please or to the um the microphone good evening sir um you're um engineer Sans s SS no my name is Edward badi I've been here several months ago on a davis uh okay project as well it's it's a similar situation this is a home built about 90 89 years ago almost 90 now uh hand framing roof rter ceiling joists overloading them with concrete tiles will uh put those Rafters and um bending overstress and excessive deflection and uh personally I cannot take that liability to to uh to have or to certify that said uh configuration will safely support the additional loading imposed by the concrete tiles and recommend the council to okay I don't know you've inspected you inspected it um in person yes sir okay right is there a the reason I asked is because we have a report that's been that was submitted under a different Engineers name back in March it looks like so do you have the report uh that you're that you're to present to us for this yeah and it's been submitted to to your folks a while back be in here sorry is yes sir I have a copy if you care to see it the last thing I have is the product approval on [Music] the but if you can just provide us with a copy of it um sure and it's in it is because I'm it's on page starting on page nine of the PDF package okay to the top okay I see all right so we have a lorder licensed engineer he's here presenting the evidence we have photographs that are here I believe they were I'm not sure if you provided them or somebody else had provided them what the pictures there are photographs that we have there are pictures taken by us and attached to the file to begin with we we we learned the way you guys uh function and okay thank you my pleasure um any questions on the board no the the Birchwood spec is that still what you're proposing for the the shingle this this Birchwood color is this what you're proposing and it is a dimensional tile or all right motion to approve okay David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries all right you're good thank you sir thank you for coming in you're all done murf thank you good seeing you all right did anybody else come in I'm sorry what H and J okay so next of the residents that are here will be 6A 470 Northeast 121st Street windows and doors aera evening everybody I'm Daniel Cabrera give us a second we're going to pull it up it looks like it's a combination of casements horizontal sliders basically all yeah the larger windows I think are the sliders yeah FR is going to be aluminum in color right uh no it should have been um the bronze coloral aluminum with I'm sorry color it just says frame and it says aluminum so you're doing doing it in BR bronze yes yeah okay questions no that was that David all in fav say hi hi carries you're good sir thank you thank you for your time I appreciate you guys all right next will be 6B 701 Northeast on 19th Street temporary construction fence uh arenta group Investments we'll do the fence and then sixc is also the same applicant for Windows and Doors hello hi there has there been has the construction permit been or demolition permit been approved yes okay all of it should do approve yeah just one second this is the house on 119 before is because of the fence right yeah and I noted at the time that the fence in the corner appears to extend beyond the property now that construction fence try to follow the existing fence but you can see from the drawing that it's into the right right so now they're putting a construction fence into the right the property itself has a curve property Val yeah so so it can't come out to the point I don't know if you can show her that it'll have to kind of curve with the reason why they're doing that is that chain link fence that they have there does that sends them to the right so the I'm not following I'm not following you is there there's a there's a fence already there a chain link this is the house surve existing chain link fence fronting the RightWay your this blue line that's their property their property boundary is that curved line so this construction fence would have to stay within it can't extend into the right of way into public proper but the reason why I know why you're showing it that way because there's an existing chain link fence that you're just following and are you sure you're not talking about the one at fifth oh I am because it looks very much like it this is seven this is seventh sorry I mean the configuration I apologize then okay the configuration the lot the pool the house everything is identical to the one on 11 19th and fth yeah got it different story but yes the point still applies to you which is that your construction fence can't extend out until the right away sorry it's got a curve there so so motion to approve pending staying within property line even on okay second seconds Scarlet David Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries all right next is going to be 701 Northeast 119th Street um same address uh for Windows and Doors okay I guess you're getting all your permits in order we have a combination of picture windows and horizontal the that first page says description is the construction fence one I don't know in the back I don't know clear the app the application if it if you look at the Dropbox it's for the construction fence then it goes into all the the window permit information but all the ones that face West the windows you have a combination of picture window and single hung yeah and then the ones that face South West West is the one that faces 7th half the front of the house El what color are the windows ma'am white white mhm what and actually see where the schedule is no like I see the drawings of it but see the actual schule it's there yeah just excuse us there's like 109 pages of product approval and we have to kind of scroll to get to the the information that we're looking for no I don't see a see the elevations have the types indicated GA on the south elevation isn't that isn't that the schedule on page nine W4 W3 W2 no numbering the last one is w14 starts at W1 and two for like W1 is inside of a to I I went all the way to the bottom oh it's just there's not a there's there's the drawings that show like you have the numbers the windows labeled but you don't actually have like the corresponding number with with the with a like a set drawing so we could see exact Windows even though it's in the elevations if we wanted to trust the elevations but that's typically we we want to have all the information um that's that includes a schedule basically so also concern with the South elevation that single home yeah all their detail stuff you're talking about the Southwest C that space is 119th Street is that what it is you show her your is that that elevation and ask can we can that window be changed to a like a casement the the window that the single hung on that elevation so our Cod there's some verbage about window types being consistent on right away phing elevations and so basically like a single H doesn't want to get paired with a horizontal slider so typically when people have horizontal rollers like this then they would use a casement instead of a single h b that be a single window that just like a fix but if it needs to be operable like if you look at the west elevation on the the far left those are like those are like casement but they're probably fixed windows but it has the same similar look to it yeah just asking if you'd be open to revising that to a Cas you just need to upload have your your contractor or or just upload it with the new basement window and if we wanted to approve it on that yeah I was trying to find this the other one to show you what was before so basically here right this is the previous application we were just reviewing so this is what they have this Windows schedule so they have like the windows number ABCD the type and the size the dimension material yeah I mean the NOA is not going to have it specific to your house e house because the noas are generic for all the sizes they make it's specific to this and so if you go to your the plan whoever created this plan they've numbered them right window two window 3 window four window five yeah well here they just have like wind pressures right they don't have so basically they would have like a little chart that says window five four all roller Dimensions last that's what weing are we willing to just elevations are clear enough for our purposes me I'm okay with that so just a motion to approve contingent to revising that one opening yes Ed Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries thank thank you you too all right anybody else come in 68 okay so the next one would be 6h 885 Northeast on 11 Street uh front gate all over [Music] here hello sir hello right so what' you come back with five feet wide six feet tall uh 6 h so pedestrian gates are allowed 6 foot high 5T wide okay Max right so does that include the trellis your the trellis is actually at 6 feet I'm removing the top taking the trellis out okay motion to approve okay all I I David David Ed okay you're good thank you sir thank you thanks for working with us man good one 6j uh 17 Northeast 112 Street gravel driveway Mario Morales hi I'm Mari Morales hi just give us one second we open sure okay all right so you came in to see us before I believe and ask questions on this yes sir okay so you're going to put a new driveway next to the the old the one that's ex the old one yeah the 61 yeah okay and the old one is I forget I'm sorry the old one is gravel too no it's um pavin pav okay yeah and then the new one is going to be uh gravel yeah it's going to be gravel yeah type of gravel um black Stones okay do you have a picture of it or like some kind of specification of what type of gravel it is um no I don't did you find out what it is no our requirements is we need to know like a dimension and like what type of gravel is okay I I mean even if you wanted to sit down and like Google The Home Depot gravel you it would help expedite you because I know you've been here before on this so um know the existing driveway is papers or oh no not paper the asphal yeah like asphal yeah you're going to do black gravel with a black asphalt so it's going to have a similar style to it I mean it's kind of pushing pushing it a little bit it's G to be very hot um so the thing is is that it does require that we need to know what the gravel is like how big it is all right see if you want we have other people we can we can go and then come back to you sure it's just that you know unfortunately if if if you don't have that information we're probably gonna have to to table it for you to come back in two weeks with that information but if you want to sit down and look look it up sure I will we can we can revisit you at the end of after we've we've spoken with everybody else okay perfect yeah all right thanks thank you 6n would be the next one 11345 Northeast 109 nth Northeast n Court sorry mry this gentleman's also been here with us before Yep this is just a concrete approach I believe on a ribbon existing ribbon driveway correct right concrete to the existing ribbon yep concrete ribbon with a concrete break concrete is there any reason you're making the approach wider than the ribbons well it's 230 square feet um so to get the calculations on here the uh to make the uh your um percentage perious to um percentage impervious cannot exceed 40% so if you yeah if you why you wouldn't make it out of curiosity why you wouldn't make it narrower right because you're you what I mean because when a car pulls in yeah their tires are going to go over the two ribbons you've got three feet of approach right on either side right it's because you're you're uh you cannot exceed 40% of your um he's yeah yeah percentage per he got it under 40 at 39.9 so those are the calculations personal choice yeah you see what he's talking so yeah I saw you basically have a square that then goes in two and a half fet to the part where it goes up I don't know if you can see so it's like you're going to have a line that goes very distinctly across then go up versus having it just be the width of part that's what he was asking so you that was a specific decision you wanted it would be wider by okay it looks looks it looks it's just it's a little odd design decision even lower than 40 You' be at 37 so you could make it so that it just goes basically Within little flares at the bottom and then go straight up right now you're basically playing this extra part and that extra part somewhere on your line on your property it'll look like this if this is your driveway it'll have these two squared parts and then the rest of your driveway just going to keep going in straight line whereas what a lot of people do is they if they have an existing ribbon and they have nothing else they make it so that the driveway just to the exist it's going wider and then Square across it's almost like you have one square pad the rest D okay and that's that's the way you want it okay okay as long as that's then as long as that's that's that's wanted yeah can I have a motion please yeah motion to approve David Scarlet all in favor say I I okay motion carries you're good sir thank you yep 6 M okay all right we'll go back up to them uh next will be 6m 11123 Northeast 8th Avenue Skylight installation you approved this I think January or February but it was under an interior renovation so it's just been resubmitted by rofer now as an exterior okay motion to approve all in favor say I I that was David Scarlet okay you're good sir thank you oh is the next okay we have 61412 Northeast 8th Avenue driveway in walkwell walkway B Park 114 evening hi good evening all right so this just for the driveway and the walk way up to the the front door yes okay and if I add so in your your calculation for the drive that for the drive it doesn't have portion that's associated with the the U the favers that you're doing from the driveway to the you know the the dimensions on that the walkway is roughly four feet wide typically uh in terms of length one portion is about 12 turn maybe another five five and five yeah roughly so 12 foot coming from the driveway then i' say four feet Step Up the applicable ordinance just for the drive walkway would fall into % coverage yeah just because they were on the same thing I mean I was just doing it as the front yard forare footage is 2430 right so 60049 yeah I think I'm just saying it wouldn't have to be factored in that sheet right yeah one supposed to be another one% that's doesn't look like it's exceeding it but but there should be a total overall lot coverage calculation for the entire property I mean this is the front this is you're saying this is 24% is that the way I'm reading this or the driveway or the driveway 24 and 24 for the Swale 2469 469 so they're they're saying they're 24 basically I'm reading that correctly yeah the problem is is that that sheet doesn't take into account the drive or the the pavers part like you could almost appr proove it as the driveway part but if for the other walking connecting part we would see that as a second as a separate permit no I mean it's the front yard so I mean the drive the walkway is part of the driveway calculation but they don't have a slot for it on the cheet yeah but you would calculate it with the driveway it's it's all the area why I was asking him the math it's like it'll still be under 40 but now I don't know if that puts adding those two parts as keeping the entire lot under 50 yeah but where is the calculation for the entire lot we're saying that sheet is in here because the only thing on a driveway application is this sheet so they doing not that it's his fault and it really wasn't yeah but when this this is a new construction house so there should be a permit for the new construction that probably had the driveway on there originally when they did the calculations the original there should be coverage is probably covered on that yeah but that we we got to confirm that because this is a really big house and pool on this lot we got to make sure that they have not exceeded their their 50% lot coverage total I'm a little concerned because every but that's it's correct take that number divide by two not that measuring a different thing but we have their um original application you'd have to pull up the master the master permit on um DWS 24- 47 number 6 um o huh know what I said what is the circled proposed retention area is that something that's been approved or is that something that's is that an actual physical structure or is it just a indentation in the land it's like scooping just scooping kind of thing we're just looking to see our total L coverage right now no problem did you also want to check 6p that's mine as well if you guys wanted to discuss that now oh is that a that so you're here for 6p also yeah same thing okay let's just let's just finish this one before we move on there well there should been a master master when they did the the master construction there should be there should have been a site plan and um calculation for the entire thing including the pool the driveway the main structure all that because that's what's missing on this his application here is we don't know what the total lot coverage for the entire property is we have the calculation for the front front yard but not for the entire e usually when they apply for the for the building permit master plan also so it's on the on the master plans you at 49.3% for your um um for your lot coverage so you were right at the the maximum and you showed a 30 foot wide driveway MH that what we have here 30 foot with the little tiny walkway up to this 10 foot wide up to the up to the um the front door so it looks the same shape of what you're applying for so each the only other prle is that six psious impious sheet is the same as 60 so one of the two of them has been duplicated I don't know which one right one I don't know if inside the system there might be oh and somebody just look really quick so this is this what he's applying for is 30 foot wide 20 feet wide 20 feet wide and then 10 foot two for the walkway or doesn't look like it's dimensioned on this and I'll get to your question David I'm sorry but I just want to make sure that you know it it appears to be what was on the master plan so you're you're just going to have to submit that that calculation sheet because you know at the master plan you were at you were at 49 point something you literally at your maximum lot coverage so um it looks pretty much the same I I would it's kind of weird taking two different things since the other sheet is the same impervious impervious but it doesn't have the actual survey this shows 81 ft across so I would assume that this is the correct impervious impervious one for this one so I would say this one is correct but that we're going to need to table the next one because we're missing the survey and I think that is the wrong impervious perious calculation okay well also there there is square footage impervious on the sheet on the bottom right under that drainage calculations has building area 4460 F deck concrete walkway 15166 walkway 1183 landscape Area Water Area Etc but if you add up building area at 4460 pck concrete walkway at 1516 walkway at 118 get uh just over 6,000 change okay yeah so they were at the the the lot is 12,150 square feet really because property of appraiser puts at 12175 okay so 25 feet off but even that would be 50 50.7 these numbers are AC so I would probably table this and ask the applicant just go back double check carp the pencil adjust as needed but you might want to consider Maybe narrowing down the walkway or something like that to bring you down to the 50% got it so if so we table this um you would just I have to resubmit let see that and the other one doesn't have the right I would say [Music] so we have two sheets we have a we have the the total lot coverage sheet and we have the driveway sheet which you've done the driveway sheet so we're going to table this I imagine because it's over 50% lot coverage the way we're the way we're reading it by a hair so let me ask you this though quick question that has 12,000 150 public that'll make your problem worse I gave you I gave you the benefit that that was just kind of slightly you I gave you the benefit of the property appraiser number yeah 12175 for lot area you're 50.7 I see it says on the sheet you're at 50.2 at 12150 yeah so I'm right there NE difference but you're so we're going to table it to bring it back to to shave it down a little bit and also provide all of the forms necessary yes you come back you get the other form which about the total lock coverage just the driveway lock cover can I get a motion you have a question sir um so but you have the impervious so you're good right you just need the coverage one for the driveway so there's one calculation for driveways right there's another calculation for all the improvements on the P we just want that second all right so I have a motion to table from Ed do you need to see the P at all or not really you don't need the um no that's also in the it is but I just want to make sure just sometimes you want did I get a second yeah I said second okay all in favor say I I so we're tbling 60 okay so now we have 6p 11780 Northeast 8th Avenue concrete driveway B Park motion to table 117 LC so I think we have the same issue here is yeah what yeah motion table and what also be nice is that total lot coverage so okay so I think it's the same thing we are at 24.6 n well that's the wrong sheet that's the sheet for the other one we don't have the sheet we're missing the survey also I mean there's the survey the last the last page uh am I looking at the right on is it does it show 81 ft across it shows doesn't that doesn't have the markings the way the other one had the survey which I see has a very clear they copied and paste pasted it but they didn't they took out the dimensions maybe I I think that they just the other the other 6 had more pages and one of them was the just like the clear survey that shows the bottom barrier being this one 16 Pages look six p is nine pages so I think that it has the wrong impervious perious and it's just missing some of the pie includ okay so on that last page they have the same thing the same calculations that you had the drainage calculations Ed yeah is that what you're looking at yeah one it's under but it's 11,310 ided by two so they're at 5,655 48.8% and yeah this is landscape area [Music] 5,793 I do have a motion to table it though um sorry your concern is that the driveway C is not applicable to this yeah that's the it's the same one as the other one they don't have the survey Pro yeah is that clear this one got it of those two forms probably need both to come back correct it for this one because this one has a driveway but it's exact identical to the other property which probably got it okay so I have a motion to table David Ed all in favor say I I so we're tbling them both for the exact same information um so do I automatically go until to the following meeting am I auto um what does he need to do to get on the next agenda submit the documents by this Friday okay um if you want to be on the agenda for the next meeting you would have to submit the documents by this Friday at 4M which would be September okay Friday by 4 pm yeah and then the next meeting is next Monday correct no it's the 23rd 23rd yes so it's the Monday after okay and then I think you were saying send you an email too yes send an email just to notify us that you did upload it in case we missed the notification that you submit new documentation okay thank you very much yes have a good evening good all right thank you sir um and I have these two gentlemen back here but this gentleman here I just want to make sure I'm not missing anybody oh he's not on the agenda okay all right so we'll let me finish and then we'll we'll speak to you if that's okay um six next will be sixr 11827 Northeast 7th Avenue um a metal roof I think it's a gentleman right over there you re roof replacing an existing no we're going to replace the existing tow roof with metal Okay so and it falls under the metal roof application guidelines so you're at a three and a half by 12 yep okay um overhang 24 fasal six 24 all the way what is that yeah all the way around yeah and the color of the metal roof uh Sierra T I have a sample here if you want to see the physical color and I also provided the chart the color chart is there a d I'm sorry it's again it's like 144 pages so um is there a diagram that shows the overhang all the way around the perimeter and the and the fa yeah and I also submitted pictures I have some pictures if you want to see them okay I submitted the uh the actual form yeah that's what we're looking for right there's a form that you sign that has like the testify that it has all the overhangs M yeah he's got the form there see it he's got it in his hand you're saying okay yeah I have it here you're welcome to have a copy of it and the photographs can you show us the photographs I guess it looks pretty the has motion to approve Sierra I have a sample here shade brown brown call it light brown no this is way try to help you I have a motion I have second David Scarlet all in favor say I I okay motion carry let's do it thank you sir thank you so much all right next will be 6s 11929 Northeast and 6th Avenue metal re-roof um Ivanov the color is we do there we need that diagrams and pictures uploaded I don't know they have to be uploaded yes good evening sir good evening second all right so same question is the the diagram uploaded okay so you're 24 inch overhang 6 inch fascia all the way around um all I'm not sure I'm not the roofing company I'm the owner okay so I believe they submitted the application according to the regulation just give us a second we're gonna through the like that and the color uh the color um here is the sample of a metal color so it's a dark gray it's it's like bronze or dark m m but um as an alternative if that color is I mean is it gray Ed can you see that color well the issue is called matte black this matte black circle say matte black so yeah that's an issue what's the second what's the second compare it to I don't know black so if it was anything gray name charcoal gray okay no problem black is in improv so if there's any other one yeah just so you know it's silver gray copper brown and white those are the five of blue colors now of course within there you know we work with you on light gray dark gray light brown dark brown but it has to be silver gray brown copper and white black you find instance very blue there slate gray there's slate gray yeah you could find a very very dark color if it doesn't say black in the name we can approve it but it says Mt black and it Circle we're kind of stuck uh so I don't know if you want to go back get get samples of of any other ones and or make a decision right now on the spot and we can we can consider it you're not in a huge rush take your time come back in two weeks with a new color and and if you come if you come back you'll be considered old business so you'll be towards the top of the agenda that charcoal and you have all the other stuff though like that charcoal gray might be close to that yeah I would wait and get the right what manufacturer your roers using will have a certain set of colors that are they make right so check with your roofer and pick a color that's and and for those colors he he knows because he filled out the form like this is in the package right so he put this together which is a requirement but on the first page of this it has bold font colors are so you can tell him it's got to be one of those five Shades motion to table all right black fortunately I have a motion to the table Yeah moot table second David Ed on on favor say I I Yeah by Friday I guess upload this page really is all you're doing because he wrote Matt Black here you just cross that off put the new color and upload that sheet and then like she said maybe send her an email say hey I uploaded a new color please put me on the next agenda all right thank you sir all right so um just really quickly since we have a walk technically a walk- on discussion item and we have the gentleman over there and this gentleman here what's this story here but he he he he submitted his at plans but he just didn't make it to the agenda and so we're taking him as a we're going to vote on this or is it a discussion item or new construction is this a all right so okay but it was for a metal roof so it's 11130 Northeast 10th Avenue all right so we're going to add that as a as a discussion item because we can't really technically vote on it because it was not on the agenda um but since it's a metal roof it seems like you might actually have some questions for us um so I'm going to let her pull that up and um we do have a a walk on um 7A but the gentleman that was on the agenda over here sir are you ready for us now okay all right so I'm goingon to go back to 6j 10007 Northeast 112 Street gravel driveway um so um he wanted to do black gravel he does not have a product approval or product of a picture of what the gravel is and so you know we have to know what it looks like and so uh motion to table also Cod based offs like andig yes so there's like a minimum Dimension that you have to have um max a maximum exactly I have a motion from David or from Ed David all in favor say I I all right so so we're gonna table table you um and if you can get that uploaded by Friday and let them know they can put you on the next agenda thank you all right so now discussion 7A 690 Northeast 118th Street what's the address 690 noreast 118 Street they have some questions for us okay okay H hello you just pull the microphone down a little bit like go so we can we're gonna hear you is it better okay um so this is an existing log there's an existing structure which is a single residence the point of this project is to actually demolish and go for a new construction that would be a three-bedroom and four B my questions are in regards to pool location roof overhangs and carport this is a corner lot and so we have two frontages right and we have a 30 foot setback on each side of those two fronts if we want to the point is to we we get to the setbacks 10 in the rear and 10 on the side we have no room for a pull so would it be acceptable to request the pool location to be on the second Frontage which would be on Northeast 7th a by variance okay um so so the answer so my my impression would be you would have the hardship on a on the existing structure but since you're removing the existing structure you're removing the hardship because then you can they can the question come back to you and say well build the house went a away that you could actually fit the pool in within the code so if I keep two walls of the existing or even one wall of the existing house would then be considered and be possible to have a variance or what it makes that' be 50% of a structure not one wall two walls 50% of the structure yeah to consider it that you didn't that it's not new construction it's a renovation and it's an addition whatever setbacks but I still think the minute you to gaug this point it's very common that corner lots have issues with pools and they get variances very often frequently approved condition right but to gaug this point that's that's all existing homes new construction on a corner lot gives the homeowner an opportunity to design the house way that they can but it's a small lot soeg would possibly approve and get accept varant before you another story right like if you just build a new home and wait a year and then come back and say I want to get pool and it's you know or if you do the pool the oppos first yeah sorry made to your point do the pool variants before you before you demolish the existing structure is that acceptable I mean obviously you have you have to meet the four points of the variance request you have to get approved by the by we have to give a recommendation we have to get you have to get the village commission to do it um I mean I'm looking at the the the street view right now and if if if I if you were going to go that route my first question would be you have a lot of land behind the house between the on the Seventh Avenue side between the house and the house to the property line to the South so there's car and there's like a det garage there or something like that right me it would be like you have a lot of land to put your pool there well this the existing one is a very small house it's 1,200 square feet maximum and then there's a septic and the leech field okay so in order to accommodate a I'm going to say a decent sized house for a new construction a three-bedroom uh we have to move the sept I mean we're going to have a new septic but we have to move it and allow for a bigger drain field than septic tank yeah but that can that can the septic field and the drain the drain field can be in the front setback it doesn't have to be on the property so you could technically if you're if you're moving a whole new thing you could put that into the the set the way yeah the way can I show you the side plan that I have or um sure you can if you'd like to just set it over there this is extracted from the uh survey so basically this is the and this is the what I would like to know is if because we all so on a budget we cannot do high we cannot do so doing a three bedroom with that works here with a drain area approximately population uh report so we we still are in the design pH so we going to have to calculate all of this but the new basically is that where's the street is it sth Avenue the yeah the engine the actress one thing you probably also would have an issue with being inside of 10 feed to so like you did a good job with all these here right but like Miami a six foot water uh it's 10 foot to the water line I mean that's so would it be acceptable to present a variance now for the pool with the existing that been touched and get this accepted and then construction right do the Varan is acedes need to be done the construction I me I just by looking at the picture of the property and seeing all I mean I would have an issue with why can't why can't you put your pool this is uh because I'm I'm just right here at the set box already exting right existing is already over so that's would be be asking you about you know why not fit it this area or into this area here or something de already yeah they'll tell you thank you um my other this not cboard we allow for cardboards allow for driveways right but so my other question was um is it allowed to do a concrete not aluminum I right okay so then in aluminum is it possible and can the over the aluminum overhang be of 10 and then the one piece with a and is Li yeah you have your 20 by 20 here this would not beow this will not be what is the maximum over after but I mean for this one it was let me just Che my not my in case um so you have an existing house that is already non-conforming into the front center yeah to decide said that I would take advantage of that why demolish that because you have a wall That's non-conforming now that that if you maintained the 50% you can keep it so so you might want to consider repurposing some of that structure okay I try hard yeah but it's take down you have come back third no I know I know I understand about and I I Tred it hard but it's just not of that that that you already own you already no I I understand that the problem is that it would uh it would be so possibley to have to to renovate everything inside to get renovated basically uh do an addition uh it's just U I don't want to have a I know but your but your your your reasoning for a variance is kind of very out I'm noticing that you have this pocket back here that you could actually put a pool in no but yeah but did you see do you see this is this is a 12 room it's only a two your your your reasoning to have a variance for here is you have this phace you have this phace ah so within the existing problem all this and if we do the new construction first and then variance for is that a possibility or so it is it is a possibility but but I would not put a guarantee on you might get this house up and they might turn but but the argument could be made later the road that don't have this happens a lot friendly come back with unfortunately happening is they think their drain Fiel is going to be one size and then when they get through Derm and all that type of stuff has to be even big yeah yeah exactly I'm waiting to have the engineering but I wanted to have a step ahead to know what's possible what's not possible what this an addition got for a pool even a new structure and I think you can do this whole house back here you have whatever standard put set back set back right certainly make a everything new would have to be at 30 feet anything from this point on would have have to be kept this although this is already past 30 okay so thank you for that the other the other and last question is if we do not do a and just so same thing right we cannot do a covered P because then need to put and then needs to inside the right so just an overhang but is it acceptable to have a driveway and have the cars in the first like just I mean it's really that's fine perect so this would work work it just needs to be small one of you have two frontes so your driveway yeah yeah okay okay all right thank you yeah all right all right so we have the another walk on 7B 11130 here do you have anything to show us huh oh it's in it's in here um so just refresh the Dropbox you'll see the documents that was submitted thank you good luck this is 11130 okay discussion all right so it's in the Dropbox now um German orio is the name okay so this is a discussion request for a roof permit re Roofing correct right re roof shingles to shingles Roofing does the house currently have shingles yes you're the homeowner not me correct so kind of heard a little bit of what you said but you originally were going to try to Red you know re-roof with shingles reading told you that's not permitted uh the contractor told me that he was advised that was not permitted that we can do only not 100% true right they are discouraged it is very limited circumstances where you could do shingle to shingle right you'd have to have letter from an engineer stating that the existing roof framing structure cannot support anything other than shingles that engineer would have to give a sign and sealed Report with photos Okay and he would have to come to one of these meetings and present that present in that circumstance you would allowed to be do to do shingles again so I don't know if you asked your roofer whether or not it's worth an engineer looking at your proof I I know I know other I know an engineer and an inspector and I was asking around people that I know and the cost of the engineer of coming like to take a picture and then he will advise all that we don't want single roofs anyway so that's fine just to make sure it's not as simple as saying not allowed right it's just right only allowed under very limited circumstances so instead of doing shingles now you want to do a metal roof which is probably better for the long now we're looking to the metal roof so that we don't go into this back and forth of shingles why not and it is my understanding for what I research online that the metal roof it's even lighter than the than the shingles a lot of times but there I don't I don't see a point I don't know I don't think an engineer is going to go and say this was not not but metal roof is it's not that issue with the metal is you're allowed to do a metal roof in place of shingles but the issue becomes they do have the architectural um requirements for a metal roof so that's now if you do a metal roof there are other code obligations that's come into play that your house may or may not do oh got it okay so the question would become um do you it's a 412 according to the documents that are submitted so with a 412 do you have a 12 in Perimeter overhang yes a little it's I think it's a little more than 12 in okay so that's good yeah and then do you have a six inch fascia yes okay so then you just have to have the documentation that you have a six 12 inch perimeter overhang and a six inch fascia okay and then you have to the color has to be um what Ed had said which was silver gray brown copper or white or white and very is like charcoal like in between that is that okay to as long as it says charcoal gray you know what I'm saying it says black no um if it says charcoal blue no blue so so you know blue gray but well funny enough in the in the in the and what they send me it says charcoal blue but I see a charcoal and then it says um blue gray something and it looks darker than I don't see it blue but I would just be go by the name not by the I would be very very resident of the anything with blue in it personally because I have visions of IHOPs um you know um it's just uh Visions I assume no no you know pancakes hey um so um um you know I think we we went down the road of blue blue gray on a uh a house over on 119th or something or something like that and it kind of came out of very blue so I would be very president of color blue make it simple just have silver no I'm looking towards something darker than the usual but yeah I'll I'll look the gray and charcoal there's a form that you fill out that that has you show the overhang you give us pictures of all the house you show the the fascia you you're you sign it I guess you're the owner so that you sign it not the contractor um and then you submit the color and you submit your application and we should be able look at at the next meeting if that's what you're want to go for yeah I'm going to I'm going to double look into the the shingles because I had the idea of putting impact windows and starting well I mean work in the house but if I go with the metal roof it's gonna if you decide to do shingles you have to get a Florida licensed engineer they have to do a visual inspection they have to do it my first question to you is going to be you're the exact same architecture of the houses on each side of you and they have roof so why do they have tile roof and why would yours not be able to support a tile roof yeah I've seen I've seen plenty I've seen plenty of houses going to to metal in Shingle the metal so that that's when I figured I'm like I'm just gonna waste time all those duplexes I have one down the street I'm the first one of the duplex thats into the single family so but I know all of the guys that it's all the same Builder right and most of them switched the tile and and but then that one at the corner has already switched to metal roof and I think there's another one that's in the process in the process yeah so I what I would say is frankly if you try and do the engineering go to chingle stuff either the engineer is g to say no you could have to because all these other ones do or they're going or we're going to come back and be like what's the difference between what it between your and yeah that that's why we started the discussion on the metal and you clarify now the colar for me that was one of the things is there any issues with the rain gutters or that's completely separate or once the roof is done I can install them separ it's a separate perm permit so we have to yeah okay so I'll work on it separately well we your point I'm seeing now that the adjacent houses are all cooking cutter they're exactly all duplex yeah they're duplexes they're the same means your roof is the same framing is there so yeah we're all built in exactly the same yeah okay thank you very much we'll resubmit uh I'll talk to them to resubmit and the roofer will change it to metal and we'll look into the callor okay thank you for your time thank you sir okay I have the minutes from Monday August 19th 2024 meeting listen to that air conditioner and make all that noise it's dying hey Edward I wanted to say thank you for making I would do it for you okay I didn't see anything jumped out a motion Char Ed Scarlet say hi hi all right next would be um old business 5A 967 Northeast 117 Street metal refence um why is this back on here again we oh was it so you guys can yeah so you guys can review what the changes that they submitted yeah because there was an issue on the horizontal perk they're doing four feet three feet setback we approved they needed to have smaller gaps because there's going to be a pool there at some point which is the gates mot motion to approve David add all in favor say I I motion Terry all right next would be 5c 111221 Northeast 9th Avenue installation of solar panels okay well they took them off the front it looks like and they put them all on the side is it the is it the second to last sheet number one so they moved them off of [Music] the they add in the back and they took to get Ed I just was like what you guys again motion to approve yeah they they I'm sorry sorry that was David Scarlet yes in fav say I I motion Carri them thank you for working with long time coming doing pleasure with you 6D 710 Northeast under 21st Street tyry roof looks like the garage and the main structure it's a is a charcoal blend Argo gray motion to approve David Scarlet on favors the eye I motion carries like two different things of charcoal there's actually a third between those Des charcoal charcoal next will be uh 6C 739 Northeast 118 Street demolition um let's do that one first this a demolition permit three now motion to approve it's six foot all the way around another house bites the dust and bis P David uh Scarlet on hold on it's got a little funky thing in there is it oh I see it's it's on the property line David Scarlet all in favor say hi I I carries that the I know you're in the industry that's the official title for that a little funky thing um it's interesting that that's that little cut out there anyway next would be 6f 739 again Northeast 118 Street temporary construction fence oh no we just did that no we just did the demolition I'm sorry here's the temporary construction that the edge goes all the way around motion to approve David and Scarlet say I I carries next would be 6G 744 Northeast 113 Street metal re roof metal roof Alero what what number was this 6G 744 Northeast 113 all right so we have the roof clan we have a 612 slope so that's going to be 12 in overhang to their own they have an 8 inch overhang they're asking for charcoal gray oh another one of these little wood woodsies anybody lik this company that sells the mat black Ang motion to deny s failing to meet 12 in overhang with 6 inch fa David Ed all in favor say I I motion to deny is approved and we on that 612 Dimension paperwork that they have I mean they have a very high pitched roof it's a very it's that little cottage that's like yeah no that's why I'm saying 612 doesn't have a difference for what what it it's over than four and buff yeah that's what I fig but they don't even have overhangs on the ends The Gables oh it's almost a Cape Cod house would be um candidate for shingle the engineer letter thing um next would be 6i 920 Northeast 117 Street impact window installation there's a lot is this just a catalog that they have here is this just the catalog from the company Echo page P this has every window imaginable page 13 has it and it has each one labeled okay so so we have a horizontal roller on the left fixed door horizontal roller horizontal roller a casement across the front only question would be what what is the color have everything in here except for the e we just do a motion just to approve as long as it's white or or um motion to approve pending pre-approved color Choice election but they'll just have to submit color just this email to me for me to highball it please uh David Scarlet all favor say I I motion carries all right next is going to be 6K 1075 Northeast on 19th Street impact windows and doors all horizontal HR HR H same thing do we have a [Music] color white says frame white motion to approve David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries okay next on the agenda is going to be six uh L 11410 Griffin Boulevard foundation repair pretty easy 11410 yeah I was going to say it's kind of next door to you so they're just putting some kind of floor supports under the house which really doesn't have a lot to do with zoning what color are the floor supports red red with XIs on motion to approve David Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries okay next 6q 11820 Northeast 12th Court fence repair I was asked to repair my f Des but apparently they the work exceed the code threshold $100 so after so and after the fact permit is required I like that let me have just fixing section it's out from the corner of the house back and exactly what it isation of what no photos can we can we this one it looks like it's just a board on board that's that's existing there and the one the on the other side of the house is a shadow box looks like we just motion it as long as it's a wood six foot high no more than six foot wood shadow box or board on board yes second okay that good okay Scarlet David all fav say I I all right 6t one 12025 Northeast in 8th Avenue doors Wilson really sure where this is at impact doors a lot of doors e oh the windows are the windows that are there are white as long as these new doors are white I guess it'll match the what's existing this is the house that's like back I think it backs up to the be house behind it 121st stre right on the corner 120th and eight but all their windows are white what to approve white doors second Scarlet David allte say I I motion carries by the way they do have white door Circle they do okay seven the Mr Glass circle that it says white frame with privacy glass okay so it's white okay so things um so our next meeting is going to be um September 23rd we all going to be here everybody okay yeah is there one that's going to be on October 7th I'm G to I have to leave for work on October 6th I believe is that a holiday the 7th is that Columbus Day I today travel then but okay no it's a Monday we should just check we should check our see what our what they have us scheduled for because if not it would be the 14th and the 28th the good news is we um have an board that will be considered for tomorrow um he he's applying for the alternate position D you know about that so um which what I applied for and they your first meeting saw Monday like oh okay he he he wants to be a part and he wants to he wants to commit from what he's told me um but he's got his two new children and so he's he's he's nervous about committing full-time so I I um when my discussion with him is like well why don't you come on as an alternate and then you could be there when we have a problem with Quorum or you can come any all the meetings and participant but uh it was part of the way of of him to um to you know get get on the board so kind of ease into it exactly so long as he comes on the golf cart rides beforehand where we check out every on the used I used to do that on the weekend back in the day go for a walk on a Sunday you go walk all over the Village um okay so the next meetings for the month of October would be October 7th and the 21st yeah so 7th I won't be here so if he gets accepted then he he gets he gets one in the hole and one at bat there you go all right so any other meeting any other discussion anything good okay motion to adjourn please moot okay Ed David all in favor say I I motion for adjourn all right thanks