e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I see him sometimes when I'm coming back from yeah you're uh truly guy talk to you he was banging on the garage door which like nobody ever knocks on the garage door so he's banging on the garage door and then I I can't like open it so I came around he like hey your wife said that you need to and I was like she does things all the time that I don't know about so I was like it's very possible and I I was like right should we get started you ready David but I totally would all right let's go ahead and get started everyone uh good evening this is the planning and design review board for the village of biscane park it is Monday April 15 2024 now 6:33 the roll call Edward Lea here Scarlett Hammond here David grun uh gay tarton I'm here um let's go ahead and we'll come back to the minutes let's go to the um residents that are here um first will be uh 5A 637 Northeast 119 Street um revision Department um Dallas V vinski if you'd like to go up there you can go up you have plans to show us they're um maybe we'll put them right here let me I mean you have your I'm sorry you have your approval from us yes yeah the only thing we're changing here this we us to have second floor with bedroom one bathroom taking that off I plan everything else story for one it was in the back corner before right it was like the middle middle to the right yeah yeah everything was submitted and it's here as well system yeah same yeah it's really just it's just it was here was here we yeah yeah yeah and I remember the project yeah do you have the old ones just for a reference I mean the city has the town The Village has them in you know in their files so I don't have them here personally right you have them is it not in the higher up in the drop box no it's just the new yeah just for for comparison to see what changed because we don't have the original issu now is that when you go back to being a one 28t for 18 for a single Max height 18 yeah that's but the thing is you approve for you as proof or a twostory so you had you had 28 feet and then now you're going to a on Story 25 I know but you understand what I'm saying your the rule was for a two story maximum height 28 but but but for a one story house it's 18 18 total so this number 252 two different way so you go up another a part delete yeah so it's so it's two two stories 28t and then one story 18t that's the way the code is written and so now now that you're going from two stories which you had gotten approved to one story it's not just a matter of just lopping off the roof because now you're having to bring it into compliance with the one story rule of of 18 ft yeah yeah but now they also are going to get dragged into the 30-foot continuous line on their back which they don't comply with so the minute they come back to revise their drawings they've got a lot of stuff they have to because it was approv prior to the I I guess I don't know the date that they got approv but I'm just looking at their plan now the sides are 75 feet long without any change a plane so so he's talking about is in the new code R for the second but if they if on the second floor they only have if on the second floor they have an area that's less than 25 ft then they're fine right yeah it's a little dicey now because the first floor will be up to 18 feet right if you're going above that that line that's considered the height of a second floor so there like public was like years worth of like wanted to yeah yeah so then and it's on un. it's updated in the the zoning code now it's part of The Village's zoning code so where where your architector designer would reference for anything related to our code it's all that was done back in reference of the first second story is reference to the Second Story part of the house correct so so technically this she just called the garage two garage would it would it just be reference to that 30 20 feet of that that part of the structure yeah just that again they're coming back to revise their their their design and we're asking them to comply with the current design that whole 20 like anything over 18 feet high would be part of that Second Story the whole po point of that right was not to have 25 ft tall wall by 75t long or you know whatever the dimensions are so but it's a it would be right now it's at 13 feet but I'm just saying it's that the portion that would be two stories is only 13 feet high by 20 feet long right we wouldn't wouldn't really consider the rest of it because it's all a single story route single so let's answer the first question they put us they consider the garage a two-story garage even though it's interior Bas we can that satisfy the two story Rule and the 28 would apply are we all comfortable with that yeah I would be sorry um there's going to be stairs and there's actually not not not what we yeah I think because really that really the side walls ask is this correct is it's like 15 here and then 25 here so this is actually 10 feet that is that actually is the pitch yeah okay you have you have 18 here okay we would be amicable toing a two story inside the garage so to go around the or to declare a two story building which put it under the high okay so then the question becomes this this section the part that is actually two stories can only be what was it 20 ft on the property l no no that the part that's only allowed to be up on the property yeah I'm saying on the property line at the second floor 25 25t right now it's it's 20 if this line I'm assuming this line here is the this section right here is this the 20 30 it's 30 feet length the length is 30 feet so if you can bring this within the 25 ft because what happens it goes over no no the length is it can be up to 30 25 that's 20 so that's so so you're you would you would s basic Al if you were if it was longer than 30 then we'd be like guys it can't be all on 10 because it's less than 30 then you check that box spiral staircase inside your garage F at a second story so the Second Story Part would be 20 feet and then you would then trigger it into the 28 ft overall no no that whoever whoever your arit doing they could check mque codes what the because that'll say hey this was the revisions to the rest but as far as what we see there is and there's also predent for at second floor in the garage this park we were just trying to be creative to not have you have to shrink the whole house by 7 ft because just to be candid I don't share my fellow board members take on the whole thing so you know sounds like you've got three votes which is all you need but I don't want you to feel you know stunned if you come back and I don't just make sure all three of them are here I hope yeah and show the staircase on the interior okay thank you y motion to table uh motion to table David Ed all in favor say I I all right uh next will be 5B 1035 Northeast 19 Street U metal re roof calois alvo canis do I have them here 1035 okay um he's the guy who's doing the job and U my first time here and uh he told me that we need to attach right the the the overhang to the to the mle of roof 18 inches and you guys need my approval something like that so this was the last time we you're the homeowner I guess yeah I'm the homeowner it wasn't it just a a matter of a form or something the last time no I think he needed to confirm because I don't I don't think that so the issue is that in order to install a metal roof right you have to have either a 12 inch depending on the slope if it's 2 to three or a greater than 3 to 12 19inch slope overhang all sides of the house right yeah which I think last time we quickly looked it didn't seem like the 18inch overhang was existing we don't I don't have on over so there's the option of modifying your roof structure to provide it um but we wanted to be clear that that's what yeah I'm okay because there are cost invol I'm I'm okay with that so okay so that was the issue so there is a a form though that needs to be filled in it's in here and it says post new fascia 2 by six by says two by six feet I assume that's 2 by six inches uh two 2 by six and the only issue is in the overhang it says None So in essence you can make a motion that says motion to well I'm confused because if you look at that that sheet it says 1.6 hold on 1.62 so is that a 1.6 on 12 no I mean that number should be a two or three or a four telling you the huh that number there says 1 two or a three or a four right because it's the height versus the run right yeah so I don't know what the 1.6 over 12 means can you can you point that out for so there's a diagram that when you submit for metal roof that you have to fill out right which is this diagram looks like someone filled it out not your your roofer or S but basically they need to fill in what the rise over run is Right which creates the slope for the pitch so this should be 12 and this should be 2 Ines to 12 3 Ines to 12 4 Ines to 12 that's the slope of your roof yeah but then if you're I don't think that's true because it would be a low slope roof so anything under 2 in to 12 is considered low slope and you wouldn't be able to put a metal roof or a tile roof or you put a yeah so I suspect your roof is probably at least two inches to flow so that would need to be verified and corrected um and then here generally this is for someone to write in what the existing conditions are to tell us that they already have the overhang so they have to write the dimension of their fascia because the fcia here has to be 6 in and then the dimension of the overhang which either has to be 12 or 18 depending on what slope proof here it says None right so you would have to put none today but we're going to provide 18 or something along those lines yeah so but right now what we have in the package it says None So this needs to be you know modified to say we will provide 18 or something to that effect yeah whoever filled this out to begin with so this needs to be corrected this this should be I don't don't think it's 1.6 to 12 because it would be a very low slof I think it's at least 2 to 12 and then this just needs to say 18 I thought I read somewhere before up it says they declared it three 312 yeah and maybe that's you know just looking at the 1.6 but I don't know maybe there's a diagram that has the yeah on page number um seven seven says major metal roof and then it says slop of roof 3 by 12 they also completed right they filled this whole thing out here they put the roof is the roof slope is 3 to 12 which makes more sense so on this diagram [Music] here this should say three three to 12 so that should say three and this should say 18 or or will provide 18 you know something on that effect color is fine white is fine so yeah all these areas you're GNA create that overhang that doesn't exist today white is fine no it's just it's the slow it just what determines the slope of the roof what is the slope so for every 12 in horizontally it drops three inch vertically creating a slope which they got it correct because they had to complete this other form is a kind of typical Roofing application form you fill out all this good stuff right what zone you're in what kind of decking material you have and blah blah blah and then you put the slope so they wrote here 3 in to 12 which is correct but they just need to write three on this form three here because this is 3 to 12 which is the same thing they said on the other piece of paper so this should be three and then here 18 that's all you need yeah we that's between you guys it's just that we wanted to make sure he spoke with you and explain whatever cost might be involved but so they're agreeing to an 18 18inch overing yeah so they just need to update their that's fine but they're going to before all this they're going to need get a building permit you know or how they're Prov do the the extension over the overhang extensions what have we done because like these folks over here that did their extension they did it in one package basically I don't know how the building department does it but I mean this is going to require what's I just want them to be surprised oh you know what he's getting at is this is this is a package which is just for roofing right putting roofing material when you're adding those overhangs that's that's a separate sort of issue that's a different structure Str so you really need two permits one for how you're going to actually extend the overhang and then one for the roofing system um and they can probably be you know submitted in at the same time and we r at the same time so we had a couple other people do extensions and they have some drawings that show how they're going to extend it and then it's just it's a lot more complicated than I think maybe they no yeah I mean it's it's not simple to do that at extension if you don't already have it yeah so I want to make sure you your your contractor is clear with you how they're going to do it what it's going to cost you for them to do it all that good stuff right again that's not our concern but correct this in in this package you just need to correct this P this page everything else I think looks fine but then another another permit for the extension of the overhangs yeah for the for the metal for metal you don't need to do it if you want to put tile again only for metal this only applies to metal roofs that's why we brought it up last time because maybe the owner wants to just put a new concrete tile refresh the roof but not change the material got it okay so yeah so fix this one and do a second permit for the for the over you don't personally have to I mean it's always good for the owners to be here so that if something goes sideways why but it's up to you but it has to be on you know all the way around you know there's yeah yeah I mean that overhang has to be on all four sides of the house or and the other one's going to have to have some sort of detail of how you're going to do that overhang right because now the building department you know we're only looking for compliance with Aesthetics for the village right and Zoning building department is going to have their structural reviewer look at it and say is this going to really work so they'll want detailed construction drawings for that over all right see you next time all right so the motion to table i b Ed Scarlet all in say favor say I okay motion tabled or um for the um overhang permit and you know they have they go hand in hand all right um I'll jump down I think the next person here everybody checked in is 6h 10004 Northeast under 15 Street impact windows and doors Alvarez okay that's fine sorry uh 68 all right across the front it's window one by the schedule they only have casement and French door anyways yeah it's all Cas French doors what color is it bronze bronze okay matching the existing color David Ed say I I yeah okay thanks guys thank you next would be six um I 1 Z5 Northeast 118 Street impact windows and doors Gman hello single hung Windows outswing casement number two wouldn't it be 1 12 11 10 and nine one seems very wide for a single hung I say n oh so one is the color ma'am uh bronze bronze too okay so window number 12 huh oh oh this is a this is an old business looks kind of familiar yeah it's a little odd because 9 10 10 one is case one single Hong but they're the same size window are you the owner or the can you look at this real quick so this is the front of the house right okay so according to the schedule that's here right we look at this this is the number of the windows and this is the type um typically AC we don't really care about the back and the side and across the front should be a consistent type either all casement all single HK or yeah are you looking at the last schedule oh is it upd last schedule there you go number one is single that's why you thanks number one number 10 9 10 11 and 12 were all single hungs okay my bad so if so they changed it always forget that the one is motion to approve second David Ed all in favor say I should care about that what a resign second thank you ma'am all right thank you so much all right next will be 6K 1021 Northeast 110 Street wooden deck wood fence wooden fence I'm sorry Dale Brock huh J came in okay we need to I'll come back to that but let's see okay since I've already read it I'm sorry was it D Brock that was called uh yes we just call it Brock yes yes this along the track yes but the tracks is not a it's not a road it's the tracks okay so so yeah so if you look at your fence where your currently is on the track side of the house the angle side that's as far forward as you can go yeah we're looking to put a privacy fence in the same area that the fence already is but I'm I'm looking at the survey and they're showing a dotted line with ax is the signify a fence from the corner of the house all the way across you're saying you want to go all the way forward to the front like the in the middle of the street almost looks from the survey like there is both huh yeah there is something there so that dotted line that um goes straight across when we bought the house there was like part of a fence kind of there half out of the ground and so that was not there that is no longer there that yellow area is where the fence is currently the aluminum fence and where we're looking to put the Privacy wood fence an atypical kind of property struggling to apply your property line actually goes out to the middle of the street yes so we're on a dead end and that property line that comes up is actually buted against our neighbors um property as well but yes it it's that angle and how higher is six how high is this going to fence going to be yeah so it's six feet and then along the tracks would be 10 10 okay the west side so where you the yellow highlighting stopped but it looks like the fence part still continues is that part of the fence getting demolished may I come sure okay just it looks like you have the little exis of oh okay just there oh our neighbors have like a tree line there so it might be the trees but there's no fence there in a way it's kind of a fine with it because can't deny them having a fence against the train right full length and then once you do that you're past the front corner you mean we can't deny it I personally could not begrudge okay no no I know I'm saying uh not saying it was specific code point but and then once you're to that corner what else can you do I mean you could diagonal back to the corner of the house but what is that say right so further more like the noise so I mean my concern is and not that I I I kind of I agree with you that there's a there's an issue there's a you know there's some leeway on this one my my concern is is when you come down 110th Street and you see a 10- foot fence going almost to the middle of the street visually that's me that's the 10 will the 10 is only running parallel to the track so the part that yes the part that you would see from the street would be six foot and then the entire front of the house would be still showing but yeah the but this leg would also be six just the there could be some land yep absolutely second can I can I just before we thank you motion a second um just so is there noted somewhere that this part is going to be 10 is it on the is it in the drawings that hold on 10 foot U it says here in red 10 foot UE along easterly boundary line of subject lot then extends through easterly eement concrete walk acrosses six foot u e long and it's it's a wood fence yes okay so you will need to get a stain permit or a color permit yes so I was actually going to ask about that it said it had to be approved here um during the building and I was wondering where I would get you just you would pull a um well actually you just there's you would just document on here what color staining you're using and where like on what there's not an actual paint there's there's actual paint permit you just have to put in the permit that the the fence is going to be stained almond or pecan or clear or something yeah sealer okay so you just uploaded into this permit okay what the color would be okay I had a motion a second all in favor say I ibody oppose okay motion carries you're good thank you they're they're going to ask you for that color so just make sure you upload it thank you okay uh we have 6j one15 Northeast 114 Street new swimming pool Parker you have a 10ft side 10 foot rear 10 fo 11 in rear are you the pool contractor or the or the GC no I'm the the owner rep I live on that block I'm just curious are you guys gonna finish anytime soon been like a very long time watching that construction fence in on the street I know um the general contractor is very behind in all okay constructions uh not a lot like close to 50% but the thing is I think if I remember correctly when we approved this it was included like if you look at page it's actually on here page one two three there's calculations with the pool oh yeah I'm sorry so they're right at 50% lot coverage I mean correct literally so motion to approve okay David Scarlet on pry I I okay motion carries all right you're good thank you you too all right next is going to be 10 uh 6m 10907 Northeast 8th Avenue temporary carport Bion I guess you know austino hello it's a pre-fabricated um bolt to driveway carport what do you mean by temporary temporary yeah oh I guess I I said that because it's not like cemented in it's well that's the thing you're going to build this and they're going to ask you for all the wind loads and everything like that there's no really temporary carpo it's you have to it has to meet hurricane standards yep there's a declaration of I mean that's you're going to have to prove that with our building department I mean not with us so there's no really we're not approving a temporary carport it it's it's going to be carport so that we're clear you're you're applying for a carport and um so the carport is um aluminum appears correct yeah which is allowed and um the size of it is I think within our limits 14 by 20 M okay so you have a maximum of a 2020 uh 20 by 20 maximum for carports um and what is the dimension from the side is are you lining it up with the house there which would be yeah so it's 10 feet 10 feet yeah okay so there's a 10- foot side setback and again this is building's issue but curiosity so preab carport right but but what about the foundations what what what's it anchoring to oh uh the existing cement driveway it's like a slab cement sturdy again it's a building department I'm 100% confident that so I thought I uplift when like you're going to have issues when you go to them because there's no way that a a solid roofed carport attached to a 6inch slab would meet structural uplift no so I'm not sure what said you had David yeah it's uh what's it say here it says wind Zone 30 meters per second defined as once in 50e return probability interval valued at 10 meters from ground but I'm sorry that's from the manufacturer I mean again it's not our concern so best of luck I just I have a feeling so the the permit I feel that just so I'm clear like I build up I F that a construction permit and this is designed so I go here first then yeah yeah and and again it's department will come next I'm just okay like I don't see Mii D County product approval yeah I I guess um I guess this is a moot point because there's no sense in bringing up you know things grandfathered in but I mean there there's a lot of not you know I I like to call them temporary card ports because they're I they're bolted on but yeah but so like what you're probably talking about right is there's there are they're like uh little metal pole cardboards but they have canvas Roots right and the way they meet the wind load is that those cameras roofs in the event of aate weather would be removed right that's like on the onus is on the homeowner that take those off oh I so then it's just an open frame it's like a pole being it's not an issue okay what you have here is a solid roof and so it kind of falls into like more of a yeah and I just know I I just put in a Pergola in my my house right it's not even solid right it's open on all sides and justed wood on the roof yeah and the foundations were absolutely massive yeah up so if I had to asked the engineer can I just bolt it to a yeah six inch slab okay so again that's not our concern just bringing it up because I have a feeling when you go to the next step in the approval process you're going to get get more comments and questions from the building so historically prefabricated carports typically don't pan pan out from a from a builder they may prefab but then there's foundations right so even prefab structures like you can got a preab carport a prefab TR structure right right they might be they might be engineered to meet you know South Florida hurricane code you know all that but then they usually have foundations that you're pouring with them right that hold them down to the ground right so versus this was a verus just buing into a slab again not our concern necessarily but I okay so like for instance you could cut up holes in the driveway and then dig the deeper holes and put the foundation you could totally make it work but they might say hey yeah the only way for it to work is do those set oh okay look at what the hole that you cut out and then put it in so probably will need some type of engine so yeah I the way that the thing is built together I mean there's no straps on the roof there's no it's it's you know it's so I'm gonna have to regardless of if I want a carport it's going to have to be there's going to have to be engineering blueprints of some for fashion for building for the footing thing but like and I don't know where you're sourcing that from but most like of the preab power ports like it's a lot easier if you're shopping in Dade County because they'll tell you like oh yeah this already has the Dade County like when it like oh it's it's yeah product approval basically I mean that's okay well I guess from a design standpoint it's within like the confines of my property so I could move forward with building and take my chances yeah yeah of course of course we're only no no no no hold on we're only the side not gonna build it without a permit is that no he's saying that he's just saying look let me have that conversation with the building department instead of debating us but he's making it sound like he's I'm just going to build it and I'll take my chances with the building depart no no no you have to get a permit from for this I would like to order it no I I get it yeah I would not order it until you got a permit from the um from um yep I mean be warned that you're you know people do that they order stuff and then they're like well I ordered it and you know now you're saying I can't do it it's non-re returnable well it's you're this has to get approved as a building structure it's a structure so um okay you know we're saying zoning wise your location the size the material it's all within the the our zoning code okay Florida building code that's the other hurdle you have to cover you have to cross and that's not us okay so yeah I wasn't clear about that so thanks for clarifying we are just zoning that's it so any other questions I'm sorry did we see the overall dimensions I don't see them here they were 12 it was like by 14 20 by 14 and it's gray it was it was on the it was on the cover of the M the thing so motion to approve okay David all in faay to say hi I carries all right good luck with you sir just be clear so they don't think that we're crazy make sure the building department knows that approve the zoning of it so yeah yeah that he needs to U mitigate their their concerns uh next will be 11095 Griffin Boulevard manual rolling gate so this says in the top it says aluminum manual rolling driveway gate oning Boulevard entrance but then the the drawing thing says that it's on uh Northeast on 11 yeah there was a little mistake there I ended up uploading another one the Griffin entrance so it's just it would just be the the gate on the 17 foot gate on Griffin yeah I have um it looks like it's just three pages or something oh does there is something that says 111 yeah what do you have as far as the latest uploads it was today I noticed a mistake today and I uploaded the one yeah the one that's on here is the the 11 11 Street that's not oh M just because we're looking at the the wrong the one that was not approved for varant so my question why she's doing that what are these gaps because there's there's our code does not allow gaps in fences is there is there gaps in between the the slats yeah can I you guys this a real real image of it [Music] okay yeah like children can climb over it get into the pool how big are these gaps are they an inch or less tell you in a second because if I'm looking at the scale drawing it looks like these 2 by tws are about the whole the gaps are about 2 by twos I think they're about two in based on the the seal drawing that I have but I'm not sure yeah it should say it on the drawing but I'm really bad at reading this um I think I see it um kind of the right hand corner bottom corner of the fence two yeah really really so the placement of it would be 17 feet from the property line uh and the actual gate would be 17 feet wide 6 feet high again I concerned about the 2in gap your um sorry your drawing ISS it's 13t from drawing for the wrong one oh I don't think that yours another one another variance or variance that doesn't have a permit that's there but the code I mean code doesn't expire no I'm saying it was it it was done before the address can we look it up I mean tell you the address that's now going to have to get go through the process of getting variant the address is 10710 Griffin Boulevard that one does have a variance so I'm curious to know if they got a variance for the gaps VAR before don't Rec in my my only thing in my opinion is this gate doesn't connect any fenes right so it's like as far as the Gap there are there are other fences there are that that fence doesn't protect from the pool there is another wooden fence that that's from a general public perspective there's a better barrier to the pool where the left the right we have the okay very fancy paper I would motion to approve so we do have the survey of the main property so you we the the the application is just for the Griffin Boulevard side even though it's we we can't get into open go right now so and you're saying that it is uploaded I could show you the sketch if you'd like you guys want it well in the first page of the application specifically States and there is a variance in effect for the griffing boulevard side but I have a motion yeah motion to approve second a hi okay the motion carries thanks all right next will be uh 60 11370 Northeast n9th 8th Avenue concrete slabs Marco Marino okay I forgot to ask the guy he he re did his driveway did he put perm [Music] to basically a driver yeah yeah I know why it was described this just like concrete slab permit driveway permit yep just uh cast and plays concrete slabs pretty standard Fair the only the lot coverage lot coverage uh there's a form that we we have I do have here it is okay so 25.71% set up right so I don't think if you talk about arcing improvements in the Swale I don't think they're under 40% that form is a little misleading because it talks about permeability and really the the code talks about parking surface right so we consider gravel parking surface we consider these pass in place concrete you know driveway so right now parking surface consists of a 3 foot 4 inch by 15 foot which odd but no yeah that's got to be wrong might 34 yeah no that's that's typ that's supposed to be 34 yeah yeah so 34 by 15 parking area gravel right plus whatever your concrete slabs make up but I'm looking at the survey I'm sorry um it doesn't say anything in the parkway about gravel existing gravel it just says it looks like brick an brick approach yeah so I believe believe when was this survey done this here 1128 2022 then surveyor did not put that gravel on there I'm going to trust the design document that you know says that there's existing gravel yeah I don't think they'd make it up no no it is yeah it is there we told the owner that he's probably not going to get approved with it but so the other issue is let's say he managed to whittle it down to stay under that 40% threshold still need borders around yeah so the gravel needs to be bordered 16inch border on the street 4 inch borders on the other three sides so he could potentially keep some of it reduce it maybe doesn't need 34 by 15 maybe it's you know 15 by 15 or 20 by 15 I don't know um and then get himself below 40 and then come back and say he's also going to provide borders then then he'd be in compliance you understand yep no I did I think he knew before he got here okay is you're do you know if a client is opposed to if we approve it if they delete that that gravel front area if they're fine with that because we could approve that right now otherwise we would need them to come back with a plan of what they were going to adjust that Dimension to and show the border on yeah but I'm a little concerned about approving something that says existing gravel yeah especially because it sounds like the owner would like was was advised that it's not really compliant and said it's I like I want to keep it so show it that way right yeah yeah we told him from the start from the first meeting that we had with him that it's not likely to get approved if he keeps it but he wanted us to put on the plans anyway and see if we get through so we already warn him in advance uh yeah we have to remove it then it has to get removed there's no two ways about it because right now the whole rights the driveway is actually only half the width of what it what what you guys are are building out and the whole right side of it is all gravel right now borderless gravel as it is according to street view and the sketch right okay so I don't know the other issue is even if they do border it in then it's two different types of driveways I'm sorry say again even if even if they board it in what are they doing between the concrete SL it gravel between the the slabs and then it all becomes one material right design also about we want sort of homogeneous driveway material so you don't want like this driveway being asphalt and over here it's vors yeah the plan I believe was artificial turf uh if it makes it easier to sort of narrow it down and put it within the space calculations to do gravel within the concrete slabs I won't be that it's a coverage it's that then you could argue that your yeah your materials are consistent hey here it's mostly concrete with a little gravel infill and here it's mostly gravel with a concrete border and then you know yeah the plan was artificial turf so that is uh maybe bring that to the owner's attention as well that if you want to keep gravel parking you need to manage how that's consistent with the concrete slab design yeah regardless this need to get whittel down anyway probably for the best removed in general but yeah what is what is this stamp on it on the survey that says no objection it's Florida health Miami day County what does that have to do with a driveway that's just from the health department certifying there's no septic uh intervention setic file that's an interesting one I don't think I've ever seen that stamp before okay so are we table or deny it motion to table um yeah motion to table basically just give you an opportunity to come back with a better drawing and they don't pay I guess another fees is the difference yeah more definition the borders the gravel knee and the you got the 40% so yeah so we're just going to table it you understand what we're we're looking for so your application is for a driveway not a okay let me weird it says like concrete slab not a driveway yeah yeah so let me look into to change that then okay all right I have a motion did I have a second I don't know who made the motion you I think I yeah David Ed all in Pap say I I motion carries okay thank you sir right we'll go back up to the top of our agenda we have the minutes from our meeting of April 1 2024 uh only note I had was on 5H it should be tabled instead of approved guys have any other notes uh motion to approve pending the change from approve the fa that was a motion yeah 5 did I have a second on that yeah sorry David say hi hi the motion carries okay next would be 6A 665 Northeast 117 Street facade remodeling views LLC oh we're losing the castle oh what is that 665 noreast 117 there's changing what the front looks like not a castle which one is a castle 665 a mission style just like they don't like the mission style so they're making it just simp so that actually that's that's a good question because you know they're doing a lot of work on that house is there permits I mean there's like Windows I see lights on inside now I mean they're like doing a fullon remodel and I was like I don't recall proving anything in that oh there are oh so they're now getting permits okay they're doing a the next perm is but what about the interior for them remodel what is this slat thing what is it what is there a color oh it's brown that's kind of OS not allow to say that well I mean it's honest being honest not that I'm saying no I'm just saying it's it's I don't know is it supposed to be like a faux wood though or it's kind of like those people that on the people in the house onund um 113th and the park that they took that great little mid-century and kind of botched it but unfortunately there was really not a lot we could have done about it so it's a it's a tech like it is meant to be full wood new tech wood European style blah blah blah the T-Rex stuff but build decks yeah I mean they're really not changing the facade I mean like the height or anything I but it's just they're wrapping it in Wood I guess they're how they're creating these like like this banding vertical banding I guess they're going to like put a real block or something like in between the two windows in the between the door and the garage they're like creating like an undulation in the facade yeah what is this just the Run em motion the second on the Hideous oh yeah they they do have I'm offer anyone making Improvement oh you know what it's it's a house that's that has been sitting there abandoned for for a long time so all the mo favor say I I okay motion carries okay next would be the same okay 665 Northeast 17 Street DW uh new concrete access path is that about that a drive another word for a driveway I mean it's the driveway and this walkway because it looks like the driveway might be gravel what's but again I'm just curious to know like all that that's going on was that just like a interior model permit that they never brought to us or something is the they have a driveway tonight or no first of all it doesn't come out to the street if you look at the survey a proposed site plan number two enlarge plan access walkway okay so what is the rest of this stuff oh is there is there an actual is there there's two driveway permits here yeah 6C is the driveway okay so do we have a lot coverage thing for this front yard yeah but is actually is c for the driveway or c for the pergola because there's a Pera slab I thought C was for that AB C so the so C is for the wood because the driveway looks like gravel so I don't think it's any of these concrete slab applications I think there's a walkway which is the main entry walkway and I think there's a slab for the perola new concrete pad at the patio so this is on the back yeah exactly so okay so what about the driveway I think it's here so I mean technically we don't really have an issue with it then if it's just well no but but I mean I do because because the question is they're telling us what their intent is with all that other stuff and that's more than 75t but they have so they have all of the dotted lines around what the area is that we're supposed to be looking at for this yeah but what is that on the right and what is that on the left yeah but we're not approving that well I'm not going to approve anything until I see what the entire picture is going to be I mean you look they're showing a string driveway to the garage in another picture there I think that's existing so on the right it's existing on the left see it's existing demo site plan and then two is proposed site plan so if you yeah page number five has the survey with the little string and then like a little tiny walkway five of the PDF yeah five of the PDF one two three point are you opening on the 6B folder 6B age number there's a permit there's another uh hard harm hold Harless there's the lot coverage there's the driveway driveway detail there's the approach another picture and then there's a survey the survey is just existing Sky surveying so they're showing ribbon driveway existing okay but then you go to the next page there's the front facade there's a and then now page number SP 100 so it's existing on okay so if they're just applying for that permit in the middle what is that what's the driveway and what's that other thing that's going right up against the property no I I we're on the same page Gage the driveway and that Swale parking whatever that is parking is a problem but we just don't think that's what we're being asked to look at because I'm just saying we shouldn't be considering this unless they they're here to explain the entire thing I I don't know if that's necessarily the case with like for instance whenever people do pools and stuff like that and but we're like they have a pool in the back but what we're approving is a permit or the rest of the construction part we like yeah you need to make sure that you get all of your numbers under what the number is but right now we're just looking at the that has the dotted I know but I'm just saying we just looked at a permit that says concrete slabs that was actually a driveway and so this says new concrete access path I bet you money that they're thinking that it's all three of those things well except for that driveway is gravel right Note 8 prvious gravel driveway so that's not a slab and they very specifically put little dotted lines around what we're looking at for 6B and for C but it's still whether it's gravel or not it's still Falls within the 40% rule 100% gauge we're all on the same page but there this application is for the walkway and the walkway in and of itself is nothing uh you know offensive about it yes they D they need a driveway permit and when they come with their driveway permit we're going to deny it or table it or ask them to modify it to meet comply with the code but that's not what we're looking at I don't know um I have been in a situation where contractors come back and they say no you approved this plan everything on it it's approved done and it gets ugly I don't know I don't I think I think that it's got It's on the plan and we approve it they could they could walk back in here and say no you approved it Mo deny 6B as long as you guys are then okay with a moving 6C which is the one in the back yeah that's the thing are we going to deny the one that's a patio slab that we know that has nothing to do with the driveway same drawing but we can just deny them across the board in separate permits I don't I I don't the building department I don't know how these things get I'm okay with I mean they're all the thing is they're all on the same drawing they're all on the SP sp00 it's like you know but this is not number three this happens quite often that we get two different permits it's the same drawing but you know one is a driveway and one is a fence but it's the same frecking drawing they give us yeah I I would I would be pissed if I was making off fence that you wanted me to pay to have a different draw so why wouldn't you just put front walkway back patio slab all in the same permit and pay one feed again I don't know if someone at the building department channeled it a certain way for them I mean you know I don't know I mean I guess not because they do it all through open gov right so they did it themselves yeah for all we know were said hey do each one separately so that way they'll approve each one and they won't get confused and look at the driveway not back so on 6B tell whether they had a motion to deny I think it I think it was a fous I think it was a fous motion but is are we still not we still locked out of open goov is there a driveway so motion to deny 6B pending explanation of driveway stuff and proper what exactly they well what we're missing is we're missing the front yard block calcul the only thing we had right yes so table so table for the other one earlier so didn't I no I'm kidding so that could be a compromise table it for lot coverage calculation and explanation of what you're doing in the drive clarify your driveway intent because it doesn't comply with and more specifically the front yard 4% well that's what I'm saying the the front yard driveway application form that needs to be filled up it's missing that so it's an incomplete application because they did apply for driveway but yes second okay David Ed you got that okay motion all favor say I I motion to table approved abling that okay now 665 Northeast 117 Street 6C new concrete slab I have a motion this is the slab in the back think I have a second please second and all in favor say I I okay so that one's approved now 6D 665 Northeast Street wooden fence and it's just it appears to be just on the west side of the property based off of what they wrote and there's no oh but this is in typical tree typical typical concrete typical wood fence number seven okay so where's this at is it highlighted on the survey I don't see it just the W based off of what they but is it highlighted anywhere where does it stop where does it end how high is the fence foot they have a wood fence detail that shows six foot typical wood fence detail not to scale 6 fo Max height wood rails attached what type of fence is it is it picket is it horizontal slats is it like they just copied and paste the little thing sidewalk and the detail says wood pick wood pickets 5/8 inch minimum thickness where does it say that on the detail on their drawings detail seven wood picket 2x4 number three find PT wood rails attached to post all Nails connected find PT Space where do you wood pickets three thickness PT attached to each rail with I mean can they at least just write shadow box board on board horizontal I had to you motion to table it right furthermore we don't even know where it's going we're not even know where it's going the bigger issue it says that it's on the west we don't know that don't know motion to the table David before we move on can we talk about the the driveway Cal sheet for SEC so have any of you tried to fill that out recently like looked at it I tried to help someone and if we're only interested in lot coverage improved area versus unimproved the whole bottom half of that piece of paper of that form is about impervious imp it's correct it's incorrect yeah and you could really just Lop off the bottom part because the top part gets to the Crux of the matter which is your driveway versus your front yard your driveway versus your Swale and it gives the impression that you can get away with using gravel and and then meet your 40% which is not the intent right so any reason we don't update that form to just get rid of the impious nonsense I a year ago maybe not even that sat withy is that her name what's your name Billy and and went through it she was gonna update it I don't know I never heard anything more about it you maybe I thought just yeah we I took the form and I I highlighted it and I cross you go to one confusing it's super confusing I'm trying to you know here I'm a member of the board trying to help someone like but we don't careel front yard driveway front yard all we care about driveway percentage all we care about then it makes youo those culations again of the driveway and which really matters if we're giving some special allowance or gravel versus concrete but we're not so all of this stuff down here no purpose and then inside wants to go with that part that's in the sale how much of it how much of impious some a gravel this becomes more complicated I just BT delet can I can I ask a favor in your in your busy life with your your child and your your career can you delete that can you update the drawing and submit it yeah I don't know who to give it like you did little thing you did with the roof yeah I'm more than happy to I don't know if it's I well present it to us we approve it we send it over to them you know what happy we'll pay you overtime for it thanks Ed listen I'm gonna put a white box over all this part here that's it's as simple as that all right 60 713 Northeast on 19th Street impact windows in ation Nicholas lus relacing Windows to impact video one all horizontal sliders one two three okay oh no say yeah I don't see a color I mean the picture shows white I don't know if that helps yeah again pretty much always one three options motion approve favor say I I next would be 6 FS 8 85 9 Northeast 115 Street exterior paint color approval one Sebastian pantes okay but is there an actual sample other than the words where it says sat black yeah what's it white dub that's white roof satin black silver but don't usually give us chips so I have a motion to deny the I mean we've denied black roofs not something it's it's tile I don't like the tough part is I don't if they're talking about the fa then we could approve that right like ver I mean I don't know if we've approved black before I has a trim I see it pop I've seen it popped up yeah right across the street from you is one that we actually did not approve and it's been sitting there and I don't know you know how that happened but this one actually came in but this is for a black roof if it was dark gray roof I would be like okay it's charcoal let's go for it yeah so motion and I the black is outside of the accept not harmonious not Harmon trying to say that in most it's non harmonious color nonon they don't have any blacks in the okay second okay okay David all say I I some motion denied 6G same address 859 Northeast 15 Street refence repair so for the applicant for the denial can know that it's it's the roof color wall color and the driveway color is not issue yeah it was charcoal we'd be like okay but that correct but correct they're on the corners they go to the sides I'm not really sure what they are but they're doing both sides [Music] so like a but it doesn't say what it is yeah I mean the survey it's existing wood but I guess but it it doesn't even say that they're replacing it says repair it's repair so can we look at Google we Google hold on the next the one before it had the roof had um a picture of it on it VI looks like it's a red wood F I mean wood fence painted red this picture half need a building something redt of the repair that's a there a a picket fence two sides currently do match but that's yeah when it say so the the verbiage in here is that from the the applicant normally so they if the applicant says I want a concrete slab it's really a driveway it just gets it kind of just gets that's what's in there so it gets just moved over to the front well they're kind of glitching down to get down to it so what happened is is they got through the decision tree and the closest thing that they could find was something that said concrete slab because had to go into a totally different to get drive when I did the Tesla so I just want to make sure that they're not their intent is not to actually put a new fence up they're actually repairing the fence yeah then yeah did we ask for that well they wrote it also in on that first page they scanned as it likeed the fence so if they if it had been coded as fence repair and then wrote they wrote replacing the front fence how treat but they hand jammed it so what do we want to do David the I I just F record this one okay on six L 10821 Northeast Northeast 10th Avenue for remodel noreast just basically boxing [Music] where they where do they fall oh I see okay they they like a little little rendering but they're not changing what's there they just want box out the columns change the floor tile but there's no new roof or anything it's all existing so okay I have a motion a second all in favor say I I next would be 6p 11610 noreast 6th Avenue installation of solar prol system Burnette D you didn't have that solar person come back no I was just gonna say that that's what I thought this was at first but they never came back with the the half a house so this looks like it's in the back of the house which is great little car there looks like a little Tesla in the front the guy the motion proof went from $850 a month average electric bill to like 260 okay all in favor say I I next would be 6q 11901 noreast 6th Avenue impact windows and doors installation horizontal slider horizontal motion to approve second um say I hi hi that's 6 Q was approved okay 6r 11908 Northeast fth Avenue impact Windows installation after replacement windows for the same size item number one and two colors on a roller hose on a roller nice little pictures it looks like it's already been [Music] done but hold on on quickly because there's a picture of a single hung window horizontal horizontal horizont fix oh the product approvals is for single H I'm sorry you got a motion David Ed say hi hi next would be 6s 1 12020 Northeast Place gravel driveway Patricia Smith Roosevelts okay 25% 27% according to this and I don't see any say no Dr nothing motion to table ending drawing driveway design yeah design and what is the gravel picture of the gravel we have to have that now on that was a motion head second Scarlet say I I lot of all right um the item discussion was withdrawn is going to be withdrawn the person is not here and they they I think they saw us beforee and they weren coming all right so next meting is going to be May six is that it may 6 cheting okay so you will be here you guys be here so we'll have we'll have Quorum okay okay so we have a motion to journ at 801 second please second say I I okay we are journ a