##VIDEO ID:RZBYrOpe3rM## thank you sir got it all right we ready everyone we recording everyone ready all right so let's go Ahad and get started good evening everyone this is the village of biscan Park planning and design review board for meeting for Monday November 4th 2024 is now 6:31 do the roll call ever Lea Scarlett Hammond here d uh David gr is absent Pablo gartung I'm here as well as Denisha from the building department um um David huh okay um David let's go ahead and take a motion to excuse he might show up I don't know he's gonna be absent so second oh David grun here here okay all right got a full board all right so I'm going to add to the agenda um under new business 6 in 760 Northeast 17th Street to it's windows and doors 760 Northeast 117 Street that'll be six in all right all right so we're going to go to the residents that are here um we got a lot of them here so we'll get through this first will be 5A 472 Northeast 121st Street windows and doors Dela just go to the window there or the microphone there sir last time you you guys were reviewing it and I'm I'm doing a completely new house so last time it was missing the I think they was the I think I had it was missing a schedule yeah and the so I added that to the to the permit to the attachment that be at the very bottom probably I'm not seeing it at the bottom age 16 yeah okay and there's an elevation that shows all the windows page 13 this is the one with the side door that's the doors on the side facing the house to is the door to the front door is two okay oh okay so andiz aluminum gray horizontal sliding fix fix fix horizontal sliding how's your construction coming along second okay Ed Scarlet all in favor say I I okay motion carries approved thank you sir you to next would be 5B 744 Northeast 113 Street uh metal re roof um actually I believe it's a tile re roof now um this was originally metal now he's doing re-roof tile and happened to see it earlier slate flat yeah second David I thank you thanks for coming in thanks next will be 5D 10007 Northeast Under 12 Street gravel driveway Morales thank you sir we're at 18 and four% and then we have a ray Granite thanks for the nice picture sir okay yeah that's what we was the last time the the existing driveway material was what oh the exis is asphalt asphalt yeah so you're going to do like a gray gray gravel that's kind of next to it yeah motion be so the existing driveway is disappearing no it's not disappearing it's going to stay so then the the oil coverage right because the problem is is now your if your total approach in the soil is 45 fet across which is what it seems to be if we add both of those together then and it's 17 ft deep right then that's putting you off of your math that 60% of the Swale is covered and that amount of the sale can't be more than 40% covered so so if your lot is 75 feet across right your lot is 75 feet across sorry um then the widest that you could have going through the Swale up in into the property could be 30 ft Beyond 30 ft that's more than 40% of the sale I do a good job of explaining that or not really well it's uh from the street you have 17 feet belongs to the city right is yeah but it's it's the what I'm doing the calculation off of is just the width your width of the two driveways together is 45 feet right because your existing one it's 25 feet and you're adding another 20 feet so that makes 45 right right if it's more than than that 30 feet number that I showed you which what I did is I just took 75 feet which is what the property length length is across the front of it right or width I should say if I took 75 fet and I multiplied it by 40% then the widest that that property could be could have of combin of driveways is 30 ft so your existing driveway already being 25 ft is using 25 of the 30 feet across that you could have okay does that make sense um or not really not I'm not very clear but yeah like what you could do is you could take the existing driveway yeah widen it by 5 feet now you're at the widest that it could be and then make it deeper onto the the property because in the front yard part I don't think that you're in the front yard part you have more room but it means a bigger Square on your property Less on the less on the S if you want I can show you here too please i' also um he could redesign it so that they can pull in that way yeah so keep the keep the keep the approach this just what it is yeah this plus this is too big right what you could do if you wanted what she was just saying is keep this and then yeah make two spaces right or what you could do is you could still add another five feet to this so if you wanted to you could make it instead of 25 ft you can make it 30t that's the widest that it can be in this box right but you could widen it up like that right and then have it go deeper into the property so you're parking more cars that way this part right here is the problem right 30 of the maximum you see on the form right you see it cannot exceed 40% right your problem is you're at 60% right like what if he slid slid it over lit it over and like have it run into the sidewalk that goes up know like start at the sidewalk and come over and go around wa yes exactly so so that's what we're saying is is eat up more of the sidewalk right and make it deeper on your on your property you have more you have more room because this is 30 feet by 75 right so you have 30 by 75 ft that's 2250 ft right and it's 25t across right now right you you so you see how deep you you could go all the way up to the front corner of the house and you're fine as far as being inside your percentages here your problem is is you can't go much wider for the sale the part that is technically count but you're or city but you're in charge all but but yeah I'm sorry so what my recommendation again if you want are you trying to not touch this driveway at all what is it concrete fa so if you wanted to you could talk to guys about extending the asphalt and then maybe just putting a new top layer on the whole thing I don't know that much about asphalt but you could ask the driveway guys about how to maybe just extend that that's the that's your your cheapest best option yeah sorry so motion to deny then um motion to table let's table it motion to table second yeah know it's he's a nice guy he's here working with us Deni seems like it's so no but I meant based off of all the state the state stuff yeah motion to table okay David and Scarlet on favor I I okay all right next would be five uh e 11315 Northeast 9th Court new construction six preliminary review we have another huh the six is a charm okay fix Trier charm all right so do you have plans for us or do you we're looking at our our the Dropbox okay the drop box yeah we lowered the roof the five Ines that was the last uh comment you you made and we lowered the living height uh 16 ft that was the only common last time okay so there was no other changes except for the we were concerned about the overall height with the the base flood all right what is the it's 249 to the top of the the highest point of the house okay and then what about the the first floor over the living room area it's uh we lowered it at 16 it's now it's uh 168 okay all right this is the one we're doing the math on okay yeah was elevated and the plus one and like way how many pages are on this drop thousand Pages my computer about to explode here it's the last six pag I've been sitting here scrolling for the last three minutes is it possible to basically delete out this whole thing and then and then because the we've talked about kind problem before but like when this when we approve this then whoever shows up on site is going to be like okay like my iPad doesn't work I I think they stamped the final set that's the set that they work with yeah wow it's a lot of I'm still not down to the bottom yet oh I was [Music] on2 yeah I won8 of yeah when you look at it all oh this this is a 26 okay all right okay all right me that looks like an eight right I can I can see 16 feet Ines yeah nothing it over loaded for me 510 okay yeah I'll take a mo I'll take a motion thank you oh second second who who first who was the motion Ed I'll second itl I I motion carries 5 Z thank you gentlemen all right next will be 5f1 143 Northeast 8th Avenue driveway installation One Park LLC okay hello how are you for the driveway I don't know if you receive the email with the updated one because I receive the same one um I'm just you may have the right file but I didn't receive the right file okay just um now just now loading up okay let's see what we got here I think they upload the wrong one but I don't know maybe to you I hope they up upload the right one didn't we look at these last time what were your notes we said that already okay so do you have calculations for the because what we have is we're saying that it says 26% that's that's the latest one was it was it Revis sir yeah the last one the problem was the the did have the approach to the to the street so you had the same right yeah the same to me I realized when I was but she told me everything was upload directly from the yeah but I don't have the updated one I have exactly the same thing that they upload to you I was hoping that you receive the right one because he also the day that he shows is so exactly the same of the last one so I don't see any modification in this one the calculation you did receive it right you have all of that yes but it's still not complete it's still the same yeah so yeah I I think they they uploaded the old one yes yes apologize for that sorry because we have a letter from October 1st right yes but it says October 1st Revis plans that depict the driveway extending into the sale areas an updated lot coverage calculations the calculations are attached but I guess are the same one but I don't know yeah because it shows September the mine shows September fifth oh on the on the so it looks like they might have uploaded a new C form still not correct yes yeah I think they Lo the wrong I received the email today that everything was set up since last week letter attach that says rev plans that depict the driveway extending to the and UPG let me see we need the driveway to to extend to the street not the sale doing that's [Music] come to the next it looks like they uploaded that's why wrong one well again looks like they uploaded C but still INE oh good point good point n one but there's no plane so so she's saying that these are the 101 plans are the revised plans that were just uploaded they're still not correct yeah yeah now it's hard to to compare yes second Ed Scarlet on pap I so it's the same thing um the drawing has to go out to the street and the calculations are incomplete I guess that's was it right yes right yeah sir all right we got 6E 10002 noreast 11 17th Street um concrete P BP BRP P R LLC see yes I'm trying to understand the order on this can we see what you guys are looking at well I'm just I see constru concrete paper temporary construction fence and low slope roof all on the same property yeah I don't know why temp construction fence is here because that's already my understanding approved way back which one the uh 6f the construction fence yeah I'm like wouldn't that be I know why that's on honestly well right now I'm looking at 6C but I the same 6 F and 6G are the same from the same property huh yeah yeah I don't know why 6f is on to be honest because we have the fence that got approved while back when we started construction pavers I understand and low roof I think it's the the fence the permanent fence the future fence I know oh maybe it's a fence the future fence yeah the future fence it's not the temporary construction fence is that that one's already approved it's a chain link it's a chain link fence no it's a permanent fence is not changing okay so we have the same issue that we just had with the previous there's there's the calculations don't take in account the RightWay yeah that was filed 3A engineering drafting it's the same gent that this year same exact cons drive it looks like the exact same drawing I know I thought it opened the same thing I'm like did I make a mistake here it's the same exact thing of driveway inale he's not your no one and problem so also we're missing the survey the property survey the last page looks like a survey but is that the new construction survey or is that the so there's an 18 foot Parkway out in front of this that there's not they're not addressing as far as the approach calculations and that's go out to the street no calculations that a motion well sorry I don't want to jump ahead but we're probably going to have the same issue with 6j 6K and so let's just yeah okay let's table that one because it's be okay I have a motion on 6 e second okay second all in favor say I I I let's table the other one uh it's it's gonna be the same it's GNA be the it's the same person did so I'm just trying to let's let's let's come back to that okay you're you still got a couple other things going on here so 6f now which is one2 Northeast 17 stre temporary construction fence I mean it should be a permanent fence Theory okay so let's see what's been submitted 6f this is new fence so it's not an actual construction fence it's a it's okay so it's not temporary Construction ruction page 25 okay hold on let's go down so page 24 shows a fence going out around fence chain link yeah so you're kind of doing the same thing you're do you did over on 117 it's really it's not in front of the house though you're that on page 25 it looks like oh that yes so if you look at page 26 it shows the front you're doing your little post thing with the gate on the front Okay so and just on the other thing too is on chain link fence you cannot have fabric only on construction jobs can you have fabric on your chain link fence so if you're looking at page number 25 it says fabric on your chain link fence wouldn't we have to deny this because those of those gapping or back I believe it's four inches apart that's that's simple does it need to have a top raail top piece I think so they're doing four six across the front and six foot around the perimeter right in chain link yeah those gates are self L second okay um that was U Ed David all in favor say I I I right so was a permanent fence not temporary and no fabric all right next would be 6G 10002 Northeast 11 17 Street low slope roof okay 6G same property now the roofing material there's a roof plan on page whatever this is page five all flat and then there's product approval on page page 11 motion to approve David Ed all in favor say Hi I hi carries all right uh next will be 6j 11636 Northeast 7th Avenue paver driveway okay so we're going to take look at this and then probably you're you want to draw it or we're going to look at it really quick and give you the same feedback second okay Ed Pablo um all in favor say I I motion [Music] carries they're tbling that all right 6K uh 11636 noreast 7th Avenue uh PR construction fence is it the same thing again not it to permanent fence a regular fence construction fence and it's what I guess the only question is is you have chain link fence going past past this corner fence into the front yards my only thought was be is that really you should have is there an existing neighbors fence that go to there because otherwise this should stop there go back not this part in the driveway so yeah but so I guess what I'm saying is is so should it only be there and this part doesn't exist and it's a mistake or this yeah that's the mistake yeah exactly this is parallel to it but this would not be good we could if we I could we could vote on it if it's hey to the chain link fence only to go to the to the applied Corner yes but not past there right what door hold on where where I this gate at the gate okay but what did you say about wood fence what do you mean wood what hold on a wooden fence yeah it's aink okay you're putting you're putting your chain link fence up against your neighbor's wood fence is that the plan is okay okay so motion to table 6K by the way we as a board we get 20% of the cost savings that we just came up by all right that was David and Ned all in favor say I I we are tbling it for revised drawing you understand what that was yeah the drawings aren't correct okay all right um stay up there 6i 11636 Northeast 7th Avenue low slope roof okay they're shooting about still doing okay we're doing our best we need drafters badly yeah when are you going to go inhouse and just hire your own draft Yeah six L yes so it's the same type of roofing material all flat Okay add David all say I I I approved all right all right guys thank you for an interesting meeting all right we have um oh do you want to wait let's let's go ahead and finish up and then we'll come back to 6m all right so next it'll be 6n we added that 760 Northeast 117 street thank you all right this is for Windows and Doors yeah it's the very bottom of the bottom that seven1 just doesn't say now but we're not we're just looking at windows and doors there because I heard something about a bit of an interior renovation or something it's an interior remodel but because of the exterior work it goes to point but but the one part that I don't understand is on that same page it says four it says remove you're looking at that you were looking at D1 yeah for on that it has a legend so which one are we on we're it was something I added six in I realize it was but I'm just saying if it's an interior re renovation shouldn't the the application be for an interior renovation so that that was actually the confusion that we had the first time that we applied is that's on our agenda yeah it was added to our agenda 6 okay okay correct correct you're not changing any of the setbacks or no the exist existing roof it's going to be cleaned and that's it and it says at the very bottom there's no structural stuff not like you're doing no it's a it's a removing and replacing dryw kitchen bathrooms you're not adding a second kitchen or anything no okay I know you have PTSD with that 35 yeah don't worry different team now different team different architect I see a W2 also isn't that facing sideways in the front is demo be one two three aluminum framed land and as far as the interior model goes I mean they're not changing any of the exterior they're not converting it into anything else besides a single family home so um so we're looking at the windows and clear less second I'm sorry who first it David Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries all right you're good thank you quick question I just wanted to clarify so this would this includes our demolition so we can start our demolition now um that the reason that we're and I because I I think he overhead her a little bit and I just wanted to clarify that is we had originally I had come in and asked can we while my Architects finishing all the interior MEPS can we submit for a demolition some cities allow you to do a demolition plan without submitting a construction plan they said yes so we submitted for it and they said it could stand alone and then we got a comment back from uh director Martinez saying no you need them together so we had to hurry I had to pay an expedite fee to our AR so we submitted them together but then we had to do them through a a building permit instead of a a standalone demolition permit I just want to make sure that we can start our process well that I mean that would be um I know I so I spoke to Mr Martinez he I believe the concern was is that with the standing a standing alone demo permit would could would you know if there was not a follow-up Construction permit with it that you could end up with a situation where something's demoed and then you have to bring it all into existing code so they they want he wanted us to see the entire scope of the the project again I'm okay with it I work with a lot of cities where without one you don't get the other right correct okay so for future reference when it's a remodel not a knockdown both together yes okay and with this we can get our demolition then yeah I guess if we we're giving approval to it um yeah so as far as charting your demo you have to still you still have to apply for a demo permit with um right but all the but all the as far as Planning and Zoning that's checked off okay okay and on the SC and because of the fact that you're actually gutting this all the way down you you really should ask for a a construction per offense around the perimeter of the property okay there's already a okay but that's there's a fence on three sides so it'd be just the the front front Okay yeah so because it's not just like you're you know there's going to be a major construction going on there you need to secure the site so so there should you should have come back with a construction um fence you would still need a fence if it's just if the site is still going to be closed off though I mean all the I mean you're going to have all the openings completely open and it's it's it's it's it's more than just like a remodel of a a bathroom or something I just I see a lot of the same situation in the park that just they put Plywood And they close off all the opening yeah like there's one right over here that I don't know why it's like that there should be a fence around it so there's going to be a dumpster no we our it's not a dumpster it's a truck it gets loaded taken out we've we play we play nice with our neighbors yeah so okay but yeah so I think they were looking for us to to okay this um by what we just did and then now it's going to go back to them and I guess they will process the permit like it would be you know like they would normally do okay understood thank you it was just a lot of back and forth and it's expensive to carry these properties got it thank you guys thank you right all right so we have 7A 1014 Northeast under 17 Street new construction first preliminary review Alvarez um I believe he has plans okay I withdraw that guys have seven yes we just read you answer so you come on hello hello how are you great great I'm the principal of H2 architecture and I'm presenting this house on 1014 117 Street um it's a 10,500 square foot lot with an existing house from the 1970s and uh we are proposing a very Sleek contemporary uh house it's a minimum uh foodprint um it's a 2,500 square foot house um with open courtyard so that we can bring the inside out um the vision of the client is he's been planting all over the property so the vision of the client is to have this house tucked away in a kind of a tropical jungle setting uh far removed from the street and we're accommodating the house around existing Pond we call it the pond house so we're accommodating the house on the back they have a pond um we're adding a very sleck simple pool um that is floating over the P so that's it there correct how does the water flow like how have you guys dealt with like mosquito well we have we're going to have a spers and we want to have a a treatment on the on the water we're bringing a very uh famous landscape architect as he's going to be working on that okay yeah very famous the name no I was just I really is I mean a local Miami so basically this is a state plan these are the existing trees that he already planted um we're going to try we want to minimize the side disturbance and we we'll try to build this in some sort of a pref concrete uh panels they come from the factory already with the openings for the windows they just going to stop with a flatbed truck here and we're going to assemble the whole house once the foundation is ready so you can see the pond we are we're keeping the pawn as is we're setting up a very minimal pool a deck and we have these two volumes separated by these interior forers just to bring the flow of there tropical land the roof are they no these are these are um yes a walkway and that's what the stops there are these two adjoined with a roof or something no this is but this is physically this is all interior so this is all one big structure it just has these little indentations but it's all open it's open to the sky the only part that is cover is this okay so so it's one structure because we we only allow one structure you can see it here I bring something else up if you have a pool in the backyard then you have to have Gates that are self closing and stuff front so I see like these nice like architectural features which I assume is like rock plant all that type of stuff but what is going to be your and it doesn't have to be there it could be in the back too but what's your plan to yeah we we will have um we are still deciding if it's going to be here or it's going to be here but yeah we're going to have the self closing door Gates and yeah you can see here better this is the first uh the first floor so basically we're going to have a ramp they have a collect a collector's car that they never use it but they want to display the car so we're going to create some sort of a garage it's old glass garage just to see the the vehicle this is the entry steps um you have a guest room powder storage um an office for her you have the open four years old grass and uh this is a family play area big um kitchen kitchen all the social area and they're their own primary bedroom looking at the pond and no kids no kids it's a very cool home a nice investment for a one bedroom I mean it's a two- bedroom you ever guess but yeah explain when you when you said ramp up yeah we have we have our how far up are you come how far far you up two feet we're two feet from we are at base Flor elevation okay so yeah we're gonna be at 10 okay I just don't want to have a ramp from the street like you know going up um yeah let's go back let's go the house itself is 2500 have the doesn't look to like no it's a green joke for us you know they approaches they don't want to maximize the lot just want a little Jewel house right correct all right so badly they're at 30% 37% lock coverage total total so lot coverage means all the all the all the everything on the lot like pools the walkways the driveways everything has to be under 50% no there's a 1,800 still there yeah you're demolishing that yes and then oh sorry question is the setbacks you're showing a 20 foot setback some Z no you have 30 here okay but your chart is 20 so that needs to be update say 30 your setback minum setback is 30 which you have for plan put your is that like some other oh see someone forgot to update that but is this but is this to the property line or is this beyond the property line here this is the property line here yeah so so your here's your dimension line is your dimension line is out to this line here not to the actual property line so should be there yeah what what I can see is that someone in the office moved the yeah happening here too so actually the whole thing's going to shift it won you should label the property yes and then this driveway needs to come out to the street so when you get to that you will have to come out to the street um now talk about the roof line Ro roof so do you have is there a is there a a level change in this roof okay so we require a more than just one level it has to be divided by two one foot so there has to be another level change in the roof somewhere flat so the code for flat roofs in the village you have to have at least two planes so you can make the master higher or something so we can do a um level probably we can do the wing slow here well you don't even have to go that far we're just saying it just has it just has to be a foot so I mean if you want you wanted it could be flat and flat it just has to be some other yes but if you want it flat right this this portion here right in the living room social Master could be one foot taller than this portion so if you want that me kind of flat aesthetic from the front you'd barely even notice this in the back but you'd meet that requirement little one foot difference right okay lofty what it say t are theing you have an one story has an 18 maximum height so 10 foot so it's going to be very low to so yeah we're going by the maximum standard uh want foring glass correct and then 11 and above it gets very expensive oh the back volume right okay so seriously there's a difference between 10 feet and 11 feet for a glass correct yeah but the we thing is though if you go up to 14 then it goes back to 10 my brother-in-law was an impa some but at from 10 to 14 is expensive but 10 is basically the same as 14 is my understanding because you can retrofit a bunch of industrial type of Windows settings at 14 but that's what he did to my brother's house and that's what he does like people tell him like I want a 12 foot he's like you either want a 14 or but anything in between is 3x we are we are designing a big house in fine Tree Drive and using Panorama Windows quoting 14 foot track less $5.1 million I mean if you I'm not trying I'm not I'm not trying to create business but you want I can give you like what he does I can give you his contact Ino he'll tell you how but he did my brother's house is right here in the park he had 14 and everybody like holy and it was the same price just there must be at least two or more Ro levels at least one foot minimum difference elevation when flat top construction is okay definitely har harmonizing surrounding you're not going to see the towel so it's going to be so low and set back um in the tropical dungle [Music] yeah3 so we have the new flat on the corner and now have this right and I think there's mess up or 102 oh that's right there's a lot of stuff happening that we're renaming it rodo that's you were you were a trend Setter yeah so far we have breing the setback on the set back table CH we need to get it identified where they're going to put their yeah yeah I'm just read like material in construction it does say no material shall be used it does say except Stone concrete block tile brick or brick V frame steel do say steel so that's Steel yeah and concrete portion of the main building one other question that I had is you were talking about display for the POR or whatever the collector car is is that simply that you're going to have glass impact garage doors facing forward because it look like the interior wall like I have clients that their inside is All Glass car when you're inside the house but are you saying it's you're really just doing that for the GL yeah we're going to do one side of the garage is glass it's a two ceiling yes and the front is a it's a garage door that is made of glass so so it's really only if you're walking the side yard that then you would see it correct and well also from the interior you know we have the courtyard from the courtyard see not from the kitchen yeah okay no yeah because I think I was slightly confused because I so that office backs up yeah the office backs up on this side so this is solid so this is glass this is glass this is glass so then you see it here and then that's glass and the gar okay so my my comment would be um just you know because we are trying to not have just flat roof houses in the in the the park is that if you consider using the the the change of of of he in your roof in the front of the house so that when you're looking at it from a street you're not just looking at a thing and then all way way in the back there's a change of of Dimension you know I just think that it would it would help further what we're looking to do because we don't have people just pointing and saying oh well you allow that one to be you know so if so you mean like maybe like this Center Corridor that that to him but I'm just saying if you could incorporate it towards the front of the house it would be it would it would just be more in keeping with the the nature of our code no worries yeah yeah we did one in Sarasota with the same conditions and we just break the roof like this and it looks really interesting it's like L chain is your from The Firm that did does these with shutters no that's brilliant okay yeah the one down by the river that's it's similar to this but it's got like all yeah yeah okay I guess say would just be nice to know at some point like okay well just from for neighbor benefit and everything what that architect is going to be do that landscape architect going to be doing not become AO situation and then also the the pond is technically lot coverage too is it how what's actually made of a concrete Basin no it's that what retention area that was there before if it's just pure like nature we we have a lake in bisc park you know yeah but I mean there's still way underneath their lot cover you're still way under your lot coverage but I'm just saying it it could conceivably cons saying you know this is covering the lot you know but it is still nature I guess and yeah it's if you're going to walk in it it's G to make any comments I like that though yes I said it's a Dream It's a dream job the um so have you applied yet or is it still you're no no we just wanted a dry run just to see if we are in the right path okay we have three there there's three meetings that you have to come anyways I would say I we should count no this one does this one I'm saying we kind of have the discretion because it's a discussion until it's the third one whether we count on or not depending ons more like this is pretty pretty well done and you've seen the comments that we have they're very minor you know so you you might actually not have to go through the three but you know you still you know you could get to the point where we're going to say okay we're ready and then you can go ahead and apply you know um yeah yeah what I would say is this counts as my this counts as the first one and and then we'll see how you kind of address these 3ish 4ish points and and if the next one it's like oh everything's all done and buttoned up and you have everything we we just say move it to to voting you know fantastic are these comments are going to be posted or just take not take not I just take come back remember what we ask will you come back in two weeks or yes yeah okay total side really project having uploaded stuff now for our like we encourage people to come here with just their design plans before they go system doesn't you have to up all this stuff for you to create oh yeah because it has requir it makes you upload not PE but makes you upload structural drawing like it doesn't so if we want to encourage people that are doing instuction just get they us well is that part of the new cap because now we're switching over to cap from open gov to cap so but it's still an open gov is still requiring that you up we should talk to Pedro and and just say listen we we don't need that doing Char I uploaded my driver license like different didn't upload PL piece of paper yeah the so the aage person you know theard saying scw BL the to get this system they're be discouraged yeah but said we have great comment I came twice to talk with the ladies to see what can I do because I wasn't Stu with all that material then they put Blanks on it he knows right well thank you beautiful home we're going to move to second review it will still stay as a discussion item when they come back I mean they haven't applied yet there's not a well there is a permit number they did apply okay U I was just told that 7B has been withdrawn they're not coming tonight so we're not going to be reviewing seven good night good night sir thank you we have minutes from all right so let's go back up to the top of the agenda we have minut minutes from our meeting of October 21st 2024 we'll go ahead and we'll do both meetings we'll do the the planning board meetings first already sorry we be on the planning board meeting or the LPA we're doing the planning meeting David Pablo all in favor say I I all right we also have the minutes from the local planning agency meeting that we had on October 21st 2024 motion to approve charlet all in favor say I motion cares next will be um 5c 805 Northeast 115 Street um gravel driveway so they have a picture of a gravel 3/4 inch gray Granite allv Sky Hi hi carries next will be 5G 12010 Northeast 7th Avenue PVC fence 153 ft of 4 foot and 6 foot high PvZ this is the lady that came in to see us right oh that's the one yeah but the the yeah the thing is is like the um the where she's bringing the fence on the front where it comes out and then it comes across that little area that's not really her house that's like she Drew in is it like a patio or something foret what that was and do we it should be on the survey and how far is she bumping forward I mean is there a dimension on that no 12 foot it says 12 foot of 4 foot high she's bumping out 12 feet yes she just got to be careful that she doesn't run across her property line when she does that because this is not drawn to scale so yes the answer your question Papa it's supposed to be all one height but the other board members I think were were were forgiving as far as the five foot gate well you're you're allowed to have so so the way the code is written is everything that is on the side front which is the part that's a that's facing 120th Street has to be of uniform one height okay the other side because it's on the other side does not have to be of the same height and AC cross and down behind it doesn't have to be the same height it's just the only thing that says it has to be one height is that area that's in the side front setback so we tabled it for her to redraw that right I think it was so the house is 33 the back is 12 so that's 45 and then she now wants 53 feet of 4T high does that add up yes unless it's 53 + 4 but wide 57 so it's already been approved by the way I think this was just a second it was Ed David and then I think I that's the one I voted I said no right okay so so all in favor say I I'm gonna say nay so I'm gonna re keep with my descent so the motion carries four one approved okay all right 6A 720 Northeast 118 Street rtw connections second is this just kind of um okay so Ed Scarlet all in favor say I I ocean carries okay 720 Northeast on 18th Street Ty roof what is the roof type it looks like it's a Kona red rang s tile like terracotta color basically there's a picture on page number 14 pictures of pile for some reason okay well there's flat and tight and pitched so if you look at the it's on the schedule shows it motion to approve Pablo all in favor say I IES all right mix 6C 780 Northeast 119 Street windows indoors is this Manny's old house that's way back Manny Espinosa's old house huh is there a raccoon oh the demo so all the windows marked a are horizontal rollers and the schedule shows them all it's one window they moving if you but so if you look at A1 um there's a lot of hash marks of like demo marks what what's going on inside of this building there also roof stff too you go down to page50 was and yeah they have they have like all sorts of so this we just saw this other person and asked them because they're doing an interior model to look at it and now these people are doing the same thing so are we is this the same story we're supposed to look at the interior model on this one yeah but we're supposed to eyeball it make sure there's not a second kitchen going on here I mean that what is that that struct that that area that that says den and then it's like got a long hallway and it's got a closet it's got a bathroom and it's got what looks like a kitchen there and it's got a big space that looks like where they would somebody would put a range in there at the very bottom of it yeah it actually says RAF for refrigerator this is a and then we're not even looking at what is what's the other structure also there's no there are no there's no connection um for that side into the house from the outside and then what is in the other structure because there's another structure on this property we don't know window permit granded flag so I would motion the table and and and but also I would would like to see what the plans are for the other structure because is the other structure got a kitchen in it too because I'm pretty sure that this is in zone B which is single family residential and now they're looking like they're want to put a second possibly third unit on this structure remember one the one lady came that said that yeah they wanted to create a whole bunch of unit okay um Ed David I I so we're tabling that I asked a question on that are we going to get like window in the door in the back door yeah well the thing is they're coming for an interior model and they're bumping all interior models over to us now to do exactly what we just did is to look at and go that looks like another unit you know it's becoming a plague in here that people are subdividing and in single family zones and now we're having these these issues so all right so we tabled 5 6c uh next will be 6D 862 Northeast on 11 Street metal re roof the Groth mayor huh from this vote oh he's not here I mean he's not on this board Okay so he's 12 two and a half inch pitch 18inch over 8 inch fascia dark bronze which is brown I think he's actually in that gray area that remember weix that it hasn't not it has not been fixed yet SL there's restric yeah need TOs two and a half okay second Ed Scarlet say I I motion carries all right next is going to be 6h 10705 Griffin Boulevard I'll rot there's 52 pages the computer's still struggling to download this huge file sorry um I thought I thought it was a metal the last one was metal I click wrong ready identifi a color yet e you want to approve it based on the chair um you know reviewing the color they can send it to me to say yes David say I hi vares so Denisha just when you get it just email it to me I'll just prove it uh six I 11130 Northeast 10th Avenue metal rout isn't this a gentleman that came in for a question last time is this down by you David uh yes yeah he wasn't sure what he could do he has a shingle roof and that's the that's the one we like oh it's the exact same structure as all of the other structures around here and those are all play yeah that's exactly it so he wants to do a metal roof where's the sheets what color is it what I will tell you is Si we did the metal regroup of the exact structure the 18inch overhang 100% should have the fa but that picture does it have does he have the form filled out okay so he's missing the form and he's missing the color second okay head Scarlet allv say hi hi all right [Music] um so we've done everything we have one left um 6m umed that's Ed is leaving the room he's recusing himself all the blank pages okay wait so chairperson yeah no he's not allowed to have any input he has to remove himself from the room oh so he wanted to have his wife come he could she could have come and done it or his or his architect or his rep a representative for him but he has to remove himself where we he watch the video yeah so this is this happy birthday I'll bring you a case SP to your is it his birthday no okay I'm just giving him a random order it's like when you give t Circle okay so this is 6m 12015 griffing Boulevard addition it's Lea ited has recused of itself and left the room so let's take a look at the drawings what page like 300 and something so starting at page 456 Pages he told us that is good good lord well he's got a huge lot it's the flat roof one that's like very mid-century 274 300 350 340 okay 358 okay lot coverage is good nice picture of the front of the house oh wow okay 10 foot side setback 47 foot rear setback so it's a new doing yeah cool design so Gallery a game room different a different roof as well other parts already but has two different game room entertainment guest playroom a gym that's like 11 feet okay the question is is this is this considered a preliminary RW well you don't have to but it's kind of one of those like it's a pretty substantial addition so um but but I don't it's not new construction which we typically ask for three it's he's an architect he's a board member I think yeah but we're not supposed to give deference be yeah but I feel like if we saw this and it wasn't him we would be saying wow this person has pretty much everything covered it's not too story we're not worried about that how they look at we don't really have any notes that we would push back on as far as like the exterior pieces of it following well there's a playroom there's a playroom okay and the ceiling Heights play with the the the front house has a that front part that sticks up a little bit okay got a motion yes Scarlet David all in favor say I I motion carries anybody want to grab him all right so we have accomplished our agenda for tonight um just um motion was approved all right so our next meeting is going to be on November 18th how's everybody look just just send an email please that you're that you're not going to be here uh no to her yeah and technically are you and Village CL I guess it's supposed to be but Den take care of um so our next meeting will be on the 18th there's four of us that'll be here okay all right motion to adjourn please motion to adjourn David said all in favor say I I we're adjourned at 801 that was a quick