##VIDEO ID:Sppe04H-Z7U## e e so e the folks that have new construction um you have plans for us to see okay let me let's step e we can move them up to which ones were they again I'm going to move you up you're the the driveways right okay so we actually are few different boards Lo planning to comp it's only happen so like tonight is an example we have I'm going to do it at the end I'm going to try and I'm going to finish the first meeting and then have this item because it's usually pretty quick yeah well they had a they they had a moratorium on like they had the things completed by something so now everybody that put off doing it are coming in trying to get it done sorry no right everybody ready all right good evening everyone let's go ahead and get this meeting started um this is the planning and design review board meeting for the village of bis Gan park for Monday October 7th 2024 it is now 6:35 I'll do roll call Edward Lea here David grun here uh Pablo atado uh Gage tarton is here and Denisha from the building department is here and want to welcome Pablo our new board member to his first meeting so okay um so Scarlett did let us know that she might not be here tonight so we're gonna I'll take a motion to excuse motion to excuse okay David and Ed all in fav say I I okay so she's excused but she might show up it's some work thing I guess so we're going to go to the residents or first off actually I'm going to move 6n uh up to Old business 5f because it is old business but it's been it was put under um new business and I'm going to move 6p for the same thing it's um new it's an old business that got put on new business so it's gonna become 5G okay so 6 n's 5f and 6p is 5G all right so we're going to go to the residents that are here and we'll go in order of the agenda so first is going to be 5A 701 Northeast on 19th Street temporary construction fence arenta group remind me is there who's Argenta group okay no no problem is there a construction permit on this house yes there's okay so you're just basically doing a six foot construction fence around the perimeter what's the area in the back the blue that's on your survey it's like there's an area that's not highlighted in red me is that an existing fence let me open it wait a minute I can tell do you do you just refer okay so it ties into an okay motion to approve second David Ed all favor say I or which what approve for what um they I guess they will send you an email from the the the village department the department that it's been approved or they'll mark it on Open goov I don't know what the next step is as far as letting them know that they can start work she's asking what the next step is exactly for this as well okay so the thing is your permit right now is under plan review so once it does get approved from here it goes into the next step of the plan review process and that will be towards the building department or electrical or mechanical depending on what your permit requires it's a construction I think what she's saying is two meetings ago this was on the agenda so she's not sure why she's on Old business being asked to come back because I'm assuming you guys told her to make revision to the yeah maybe that's the case I I think that it was the fence was at was outside of the actual property so yeah yeah so this was what you came with before and the F was outside the property so tonight additional approval maybe I don't know but yeah I think again you wanted her to submit revised plans didn't want to go ahead without you reviewing the revised plans you're good now you don't you aren't gonna have to come back y all right uh all in favor say I I okay we passed um motion carries you were here for another property which one was it yes was is it 1 1990 Northeast 7 uh is 11990 noreast 7th Street okay so we'll go ahead and we'll re it's a discussion item but since you're up and goad and yeah so you're it is uh 7c okay so you're asking us a question about if you could put a pool yeah in that location exactly where is marked um okay so so you're a corner lot you have no backyard no no side interior sidey yard um houses like yours have have um in the past gotten variances for pools um um again a variance is something that's approved by the village commission not us we make your recommendation we work with you on the location of it so you do have a case for it um I would be I would question whether or not the location of it being out so close to the corner would be um appropriate like maybe turning it sideways or something so that it's not it's not so close to the front street of your house you know um it's it's it's something that you would um you would have a good case to make because of a hardship um but looking at the location I would be concerned about it going this way towards towards um Seventh 7eventh Avenue instead of being parallel to sth 30 right because technically by code you need 30 fo set exactly and I'm I'm limits exactly so but you could get 30 foot in this direction right by moving it further I don't know what this isth yeah maybe rotating it then but somehow at least try to get 30 off of that side if can and and then the driveway is is actually there's a that's an actual functioning driveway I mean you could that that would be a more ideal play most people that have gone in for variances put it in the side front which is that side that's where your driveway is at right now um the the thing that you is the driveway is where the pools normally go so you're kind of asking to put it out so if you were to like let's say get rid of the driveway and put the pool in that area your your chances would improve um one of the things that that the disadvantage of what you're doing right now is you're ask you're kind of putting it in the the front front setback instead of the side front setback so so um uh the question would be why can't you put it over and you know like reduce the size of the driveway or do something in those lines um and not again not seeing the house um it's hard to make a judgment on that as far as a photograph of the house so the thing is is that we have an applica first of all what you do is the way it works is you you would actually decide where you want to put it You' put dimension lines I would fill out an application I would I would submit the survey you don't have to go anything further I mean maybe I mean it looks like it's a plastic pool so you might want to include this product um of the size of the pool and everything and then what we would do is we would the first step for a variance is we'd have to deny it we'd have to say listen you're not allowed to have a pool there it's an accessory structure you can't have accessory structures in the the front or side front setbacks so we would deny it then what you do is you go and you get an application for a variance and then um you apply for the variance you have to prove four points of the variance that there's that there's four things about the site that is in a way that you can't you can't have a pool anywhere else basically um but I would suggest maybe at the ne our next meeting come back as a discussion item figure out where exactly where you want to put it and then let us talk to you and um um let us work your way because work your way work you through it a little bit because again this is something on every corner lot that people have come in for pools have have kind of done so there is a little bit of a precedence for it so we're not so much opposed to it because it's a pool that's in the ground you know yes many of them if you don't mind me asking is are you plan with this location are you planning on changing like the the shape of the house at all okay and then um there's one tree that's indicated but the mango you said there's another mango tree so what what I would recommend to kind of help help your cases when you bring however your your new design is to plot out all of the big trees that are there because it's helpful to us to the the ultimate commission that makes the decision as well as if you plot out where the septic the existing septic systems okay so then then not an issue but but if you point out where those other trees are then it can make it a little easier but again you know you have the front setback which is kind of like the holy grail and then you have the side front setback and that's typically where people apply for variances it's in the side right now you kind of have it in the front setback so I would figure out a way of moving it back you know reconfigure the driveway or something so you have can have both if you want or move the front driveway to the front or something um I mean there is a driveway well because your your other problem with where it would be right now is even if we could approve it right now you'd have to put fence that goes all the way around it and so you're going to run into other issues with what the setbacks need to be for the fences as well that goes around the pool whereas what Gage is saying is if it's it 30 feet back from Seventh Avenue then you're able to bring a fence that goes up to to where your property line is over and back to make the full compant no no no it has nothing to do with the septic tank I don't believe so me there's you're dumping the water into the septic tank on don't think um so um so I would suggest like take our feedback come back next time with an actual like okay we want to put it here and then let and then um uh let us yeah let us give you some feedback on that you know um the idea what we ideally would like to see is it as close to the house as possible you know but within you know we obviously you want to have patio around it and stuff like that um you know not just saying okay I want to put it out on the property line then that's makes our job harder to to convince you know to convince us that you know to to give the um recommendations so so come back next time and U you know but then the step would be a permit denial application for a variance then it's there's an entire process of publication and all that and then you would actually go in front of the village commission The Village commission would be the one that actually makes the decision perfect understood um for the fence it's approv perfect thank you all so much thank you okay so 5B 740 Northeast 20th Street concrete driveway hello how are you we change that little triangle there just to was I think you asked for and I my drop boox doesn't have any it doesn't have any drawing on it you have yeah no let me find it one I mean I have like the the original survey with nothing on it for it's not on there where it's actually going last yeah I think you misunderstood what you were asking though sugges we have a pretty good ey of like it looks funky we'll look at it if it looks pretty reasonable what you did is you extended from here to here right what we were suggesting was to change the profile of this need but I mean you can show them see what they think but that that's this is more what we were suggesting to get rid of this portion yeah but what I was saying is what we what we had in mind was walk by that house all the time it's in the corner and the lot goes in yeah it tapers slightly it's by you know two foot or something it's not a major difference but again you can show show them what you did said yeah that's to fill in that little corner well I thought it was to kind of taper the angle to kind of Hit the corner where the asphalt is already yeah not to just add more driveway out into the right but it's fine yeah I I don't I don't mind this but is he he allowed to do that or is that on the next person in the next you're willing to put asphalt there it was this it was this little weird this was that it was that weird little wedge right there that we were concerned about so if you're willing to fill it with asphalt asphalt or is he pouring another concrete triangle I think he has a concrete triangle but it would just it wouldn't end up with that weird yeah you have to you uploaded it because it's not not in the um our Dropbox so um we can just motion to approve and then let's just make sure we'll have we'll have Nisha send in an email if it doesn't show up on okay let's going hang out until she comes back I don't know where she land so um but uh I have a motion let our new member second I'm not really the solution I think should be done but okay David Pablo first motion David Pablo um all in favor say I I okay motion carries 4 zero okay you did it just hang out she back okay all right um I believe the next is 5 uh D 11315 Northeast 9th Court um new construction fourth plary review okay all right so we're going to have you come up to the the table yeah look at the r last time so we maintain things the same idea of the Heights and everything we only made it 25 ft here I don't know so you have the two roof low you see you can really see the roof here yeah this is lower than that so you're satisfying the the rule of two um two roof L it's less than 18 feet okay it's 18 feet or less okay what else go into the total lot calculation sure it's it's uh the built area is 5713 and then that's not counting the pool area or that's counting yeah that's com the previous previous is 5,949 yeah so you have some more the total lot is 10 275 10 10 275 yeah lck coverage there was still a 30 foot Max issue average 42.1 it was this I think over here yeah we have Window Privacy andalon yeah let's go back to the beginning so so where are we on log coverage now you're at exactly 50% no no the problem is off of that page that you just showed us 42.1 but so your built area number what does that mean you do that number 5713 no but it's not that's the second including second including the second Flor so then the lock coverage exactly it's 4,326 that's that comes to 42.1 okay that's inclusive of the pool and the driveway walkway patios everything okay so they got they're under the lot coverage okay let's go back now you want to see okay so you had a is this 30 feet yeah 30 so that's exact it's so thank you for making it so nice and small so um that's 30 feet yeah okay no I'm sorry this it's over here the yeah 30 30 and 30 okay and maintain the chatting here yeah because that was the Privacy that was issue how far back is is this 15 that's like 12 or more should be at least 15 it is 15 yeah is that 15 yeah yeah this is the side that's a little closer yeah but this is like 12 you have digitally by any chance to like zoom in the window issue yeah balcony screen and then window single so you had these two these were the one that was by the bed this is the one I think in the bathroom and then over on this side they have the two big windows in the bathroom and the one here and these are Frost you're going to frost them I think you were is that what you're saying all of these windows one two three four five no only this one these two okay so these tall skinny ones you're you're not going to frost no okay I mean they're pretty small yeah it's only two feet wide so you were asking the the setbacks 14 so you have to have two yeah that remember and then anything more than that it has to be at 15 so the next layer has to be I don't know where this is taken that looks like it's taken to so that 14 is actually you have to add this yeah yeah the 14 is to the first set yeah then you got so you're actually at 168 yeah and yeah it's just weird because if you look at this one there's your blit B's your it's a the par 10,000 it's like a typical size so what matters is that one there to the building here which is really also balcon tenis yeah actually none of that matters and then this side 15 expens and then the overall height is the max height is 28 yeah that she it's hear good Lord here okay and then the it says 28 yeah says 29 but it might be from yeah it's the what is it's only the the entrance this entrance thing what is this thing back here that's where it say it's this thing this what is say it's a little wall it's wall it's in the back yeah it's this can you bring it down to 28 can you chop a foot off of it no problem I it's in the back still part yeah so yeah and then what about the height of this can you just confirm it's 18 ft sure it's 14 plus this height that it might be [Music] Elation something that this is right across oh yeah yeah it's to the underside though yeah so it's not really a how you want to interpret that right he's got 18 clear ceiling yeah 18 I can I can put I can lower down if it's a problem it's only like eight it says 18 foot Max one one height one story height yeah but that's that's not not the underside of the roof but the actual overall structure so technically this needs to be 18 to the top of that I can lower this eight inches yeah I can do that yeah no it's it's pretty Nar yeah yeah whatever trying to get 18 to the top of that what is this thing pointing to the underside at 196 little confused it's adding yeah it's adding this you talked to each other yet and by way this you say flood base this is your your ngvd plus one already yeah right okay okay um so with this was at it says four reading so I mean we we had moved this forward one he came he's like oh just throw it away we'll come back in time going to toss the whole design count so this was the third so we want to call this fourth four fourth was kind of like you showed us on iPhone and you said I this thir okay so motion we're gonna so if you'll make those few little changes okay we'll move it to the next agenda for few little changes or do we want to just move yeah okay I have a motion to have a second you have any questions okay all in favor say I I okay I'm looking you're good guys did you have a second yeah hey yes I remember your house I remember the project yeah okay so 5D was approved 11315 Northeast 9th Court um with two changes 28 foot overall height and 18 foot overall height on the first of the one story section and then we are looking at which property now 910 Northeast hun 13 Street new construction first preliminary review okay back up there MH we have this one we we have the park over here so what we're doing was put in the pool here living all this area PR area the last meeting you said that the pool in the front was like kind of weird and well here's your thing so that's your front this is your front yeah my front cor okay so here so here's the thing you an accessory structure has the same set bag as a main house 30 10 and 10 10 10 okay so except for corner lot which you have 30 so there's nothing in the law that says you can't have the pool there what what you run into is you run into the fencing issue because it says the also says the fencing cannot be in front of the house so but if this wall was part of the house that's what weed then then it then yeah that's what that front line you know this is 30 feet so you're allowed to have a wall at 30 feet which is part of the you know part of the house right you know I might consider I might want to request maybe building some kind [Music] of how tall is that thing that's one story so that wall is one story one story this 18 foot story or no no no that's 10 so then we thought it again and we turn it up inted in putting the pool in the back which one you pre so well let's let's let's cover one at the other first okay um so my my feedback would on this would be that I would want to see the wall look more like it's part of the house okay not that you have this giant TI tie beam that's kind of running across with nothing below it um you know if you can either create something like a a gazebo or something some kind of roof structured so that it looks like it's actually part of the house like you know like this I don't know in this corner or something architectural so it it doesn't I don't know how do I feel about that col colonade he's got Breeze block like up certain yeah it's it's it's definitely interesting hiding a little bit of the pool it's it's being a fence yeah I no no there's there's there's aot a positive thing about it um but to me it's just if just something theks across the street this yeah yeah so it's like if I had my little kids in playing pool front that only half size thing that might so did you have a comment so the other the flip side you actually were are able to capture 10 more feet into that into that back that back patio by doing it the other way whereas here your pool is right up against the setback line yeah yeah I think I think we want to go with this with this one right I think inverting it Con forward then also spending a lot of your budget on need some code requirement but you don't yeah so that's why we inverted this was like two days CLE the same thing it's plus wouldn't you be in Shadow part of the year with having the roof this is the the South yeah so here you're in the sun all year round yeah yeah Sun going this way okay so inverting it are we going are we looking at the same the front the same the same architecture the entrance it's the same yeah all of these will be okay no over here yeah we have another house no so so no we didn't have any we're not going to have any wall you could just do a six foot fence this like all landscape you fence this going to be all landscape and now we're going to have 30 ft set back there so second FL is the same so just tell me is that 28 ft yeah okay and then the first story is there this where is it here yeah is that is that 18 feet okay so the same things apply same things apply it looks like you have the modulation the Second Story yeah this one it's like is isn't it all the way no it comes here so well it's going to show the whole staircase it's going up little bit further up and then at this you go yeah you go like this it's gonna be different because now we have inverted this is going to be small but if these are at 10 ft and this is 20 then it's 20 you could do 10 over here this plus this it's not you could do 30 come in five go a little ways then do 30 again so if you're going to do it like if you're going to do it right on that piece but here's the thing this is the rear yeah this is the rear so the 30 foot doesn't apply to the rear no 20 foot but there is a setback issue on the on the second floor but the second the second floor setback is only on interior Lots not on Corner LS corner oh okay so that 20 foot at the rear doesn't apply on a corner corner because it's a corner lot it's an exterior lot interior lots are the ones that have the 20 the additional setback on the back so you can go longer than at 10 because because this is technically this is the rear of the house here's here's the front of the house so the side those 30 foot setbacks are applicable to the sides to this side of course it's the it's the side of the people who's concerned that rule is me for but yes get it um but you know you are providing a little bit of a break here yeah um is that break just glass but now but now it's going to change because the because the pool is going to be in the rear so the pool's G to be here and that part doesn't change so you're going to have like 30 feet 30 feet no this is like 15 feet maybe and this is 20 steps in physically yeah 10 okay all definitely a very interesting house coveres or like it's more or less the same as this one yeah we have 52% of green area and the L coverage should be somewhere that's the actual we're compined I'm sure we're comp what is that small wording right there 5577 that's the whole build there okay the 12,220 2, 12,221 that's that's that's kind of something's wrong there yeah but I'm saying it's a 12,000 s foot lot you're at 5700 so you're underneath your 6,000 foot we're complying I know we comp you have a survey that has like the tree yeah yeah yeah we have a tree we have to remove a big tree that it's around here it's yeah it's like around here okay we'll do Sur yeah that's only one three in the Lots okay so I think we're good on our initial first round of questions so you'll come back to us again round two bring you the Tre start round round two yeah and uh lot coverage height um line of you know the um the second actually are there any so there's no windows in these two areas overing maybe maybe maybe stair maybe here so I might want this this uh bedroom I might have two windows over here okay so maybe consider some kind of interesting U wall treatment for that wall because it is a 28t wall that's right on your neighbors to the South so they would probably appreciate not looking directly at that blank wall it's like a movie it is a good ide movie studio like clading something green wall you know I mean even if you put a clear story inside the the closet yeah up high you know to let natural light into the closet or something like that it would add some texture and some entrance to the um to it something okay so you'll we'll move it on to the second reading or second review yeah who approved com but do we need to come back for another meeting no you've been approved you just got to submit a plans with the 28 and the 18 okay thank you sir thank you so much you y that's going to be 7A is going to be moved to second review it'll be a discussion item on the next meeting or when they submit for the second meeting right I have um 6C 826 Northeast 120 oh hold on I'm sorry sorry I moved up some items 5f 1412 Northeast 8th Avenue driveway and walkway Nick caparella sirry Nick caparella caparella group um the GC for the uh clients let give us one second to pull it up so so it was six in originally so 6 right so I think we had some questions on lot coverage Yeah we actually reduced the walkway um it'll be on both of the houses 114 and U 117 the the plans are actually identical to what we turned in over a year ago we have not changed the driveway or the house or the walkways up until the last meeting the pool was redesigned and that was approved by the city or by the village I so what I'm here today is to basically say we haven't made any changes we are looking at making the driveway one foot narrower from 18 to 17 to just make sure that we are in compliance so so we did approve something with the lot coverage based on the original pool so I me if you probably were right at your max lot coverage at that time I think we were 49.8 or nine so when you changed the pool you changed your own calculations which kind of threw your driveway into a little bit no doubt what we did was we just moved the spa but what we're what we're going to do is to not have any deck around the rear of the pool to meet the criteria okay but I'm asking for an approval tonight obviously you know i' I've still got to go through permit and it will meet the calculations we don't intend on on doing anything other than trying to get this house closed okay so the the documents I'm looking at in the the Dropbox right now is this the the revised since the last time we met is there new drawing should be the revised does it show like a three-foot walkway thing is it has an architectural site plan that shows a three foot walkway but it also has a civil plan that shows wider it we are going with the three-foot walkway and and that's what will be you know on the permit based on the calculations I'd actually like to yeah the one thing to that is uh from a from a dating perspective that one that's the Apex like most recent and then it goes through the bottom one then it goes through the second yeah actually uh I'd like to blame the the U vendor that we used for the pool company I think that he turned in two or three site plans um that maybe confuse the city so I'm looking at page page 11 is that the one that we're looking at but other than the spa that house is identical to our three meetings here over a year ago the C10 no the A1 is the latest you got to look at the revisions so you've got a date of the original was 2022 but then the revision is 9624 oh a 1.0 a 1.0 is what is they're asking okay so he's calling out a I mean it's it's total lot coverage it's not impervious versus impervious so you're saying it's now at 49.6 with the new layout on the on the pool deck it looks like correct and the D and the and the driveway yes sir I see it yeah you added that that um yeah we on the back we probably should have looked at the pull a little more carefully uh before the village did should approve the only question is that your drive so in the drawing that has a threefoot walkway still has an 18 wide driveway they're changing I'm probably going to do a 17 and and I don't mind it being an approval and with a condition based on that you need I want to make the walkway a little more decorative and that's why I might need that 35t or 42t whatever I get out of the driveway oh let's motion to approve ending 17 foot wide drive now we can we're making a motion to approve it based on that so I have a motion do I have a second second second okay David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries thank you board I can I stay here for 117 yep that's fine so next is be 5G which is 11780 Northeast 8th Avenue concrete driveway walkway um it's now it was 6p but now it's 5G um I think one of our qu comments on that was the two were so they almost look like they were copied and paste pasted the um the the two applications the last time um even down to the the exact calculations so no no they were different okay the lock but the actual you know the the piece of paper we have to calculations they were identical like one of them was probably incorrect appli then maybe I I uploaded the wrong one but they are different uh I actually think one of the Lots is a little bit smaller um but the driveways are identical so they were 18 feet 30 feet private maybe 15 feet public is that what it is what I'm sorry but but I believe that the the the driveway calculations were identical in that yeah the the actual yeah okay so that's that's what it was that's what caught our attention was that they were so similar so 18t wide by 30 private and then the public area is 18 by 15 looks like it's yeah 18 by 13 and so the same thing here we're at 49.8 you're right underneath your we're close of your teeth um but I'm willing to accept the same condition 17 ft for the driveway I can make that happen you want you have those two little triangles that you're doing if you don't mind me asking kind of visually they look like they're slightly different sizes they are CU because I I I put them on the I changed the plan a little bit but no the apron will be it probably won't even be that big but but yeah it will be the same now 114 house which just got approved is pavers so we all know how that's going to look the concrete driveway is 117 and again it'll go in in one poure it's likely that I will change um that I may put a PA walkway yeah you kind of visually render yeah your drawing looks like that okay so you wanted to motion to approve pending 17 foot wide driveway David Ed um any discussion NOP okay motion carried or all in favor say I I motion carries okay you're good thank you for working with us all right Lu somebody did I miss somebody you here 5 okay so we go up to 5e um 11623 Northeast 11th Place concrete driveway uh 5e 11623 Northeast 11th Place he so why did we table this you're doing two driveways um with a walkway in the middle it looks like okay and maybe it was a lot coverage issue the 31 and 21 is what you're saying for your lot coverage okay and so it's the one that's colored in with green color you're saying okay he can show you really if you just look over his shoulder really quick he can show you one with a [Music] green yes this the current intended design no dat this was the the latest yeah so the one that's colored green is the one that was the light the latest uploaded yeah and I found notes it just said table pening revice drawing okay just a note you are taking out all the asphalt along the street right that I mean you have it colored in green so I I assume that means you're going to put take it out and put grass there and those no I mean gravel see the thing is if you do gravel then you have then it becomes part of your driveway material so it'll what you're applying for looks like concrete all concrete correct with some maybe some lines in it or something okay okay but if you have to remove the asphalt and put the green grass like you have it drawn here yes if I mean if they everybody agrees motion to approve okay David uh David Pablo on in favor say I I motion carries you're good thank you ma'am all right so we'll get into new business um no one else has come in so we're going to go with 6C 826 Northeast 121st Street Roots um let's jump down to actually this is for a temporary construction fence but it's based on 6D which would be 826 Northeast 121st Street um exterior model um it's actually interior model it's a fuller model okay all right good evening all right 16 so um this is the famous bee house it's kind of got a name know it's known here in the uh The Village um so you're applying to make it into a duplex and re rebuild it as a duplex okay so um so this house has a demolition border on it it has um it's been it's been uh deemed unsaved structure uh dating back to 2018 um it's been abandoned since as long as I can remember and I've been in the park a long time um but your application is to take the existing shell and create a two a two unit um um building in it okay so um so first off it's in a single family Zone family uh area now it originally was built I believe it was a 4 unit and now it's a now it's it was um the the area that it's in has been um was changed many years ago probably in the early 9s if not sooner later than that uh to make it a single family so your application for duplex um has issues um the the structure itself is D demned and has been there's been an order to dest to take it down by our building official or or deem it unsafe I should say and it's actually you went in front of the unsafe structure board and for REM me day you're supposed to go like two weeks ago or something but they put it off because of a family emergency of some sort okay so now you you were in front of the county for Demolition and now you're back here trying to apply for the and where's does he have a microphone oh can you can you come over here and I I'm sorry I need to record all this um can you just come over and sit at one of these chairs over here with that microphone please hang out that don't bite yeah so if you recall we were before you some time ago with plans to uh redo the uh current structure into a corlex uh that was about a year and a half ago or so yeah 2022 you were here um and with the the temporary fence the construction fence um that was denied we attempted to work with the the building manager uh for updated plans and the like and um through that process we thought that the um based on our prior discussions here before the board board that a uh a duplex uh would would work for the current uh property saving structure and uh we're ready to uh proceed with those PLS okay if there so I have I have the minutes you here uh June 13 2022 we tabled it actually um uh David and Ed um pending 50% uh confirmation letter from the building official and then you were Hing here in 2019 again for safe unsafe structure um and then that was tabled been pinning a review of the building department so now you're here with an application for a duplex um an existing structure that has setback issues that has lot coverage issues um so um the the the issue for us is that it is it is a a non-conforming structure that has been discontinued which our code says the lawful use of of land or improvements existing at the time of the exist adoption of this code which was 19 um 90 something I think um 93 um and continue alth although such use does not conform to the provisions hereof meaning setback lot coverage it may be continued but if discontinued for a period of six months such non-conforming use shall not be there not there after be reestablished and the future use of such land and or improvements shall be in Conformity with our provisions of this code so meaning anything you've discontinued use for many years so it's more than the this the six months so meaning if anything is going to go forward on that property it needs to be in compliance with our current code which is is single family 10ft setbacks 50% ma maximum lot coverage 30 foot front setback um you know there's a lot of of um there's a lot of um non-conforming issues on that on that existing structure um but there is also a lot of issues with it being unsafe so from what I understand the actual structure itself is is is is not salvageable from from what I understand from the uh the building um you know the referral notice to the unsafe structure board in uh Miami day County So based on what I just read um I don't see where how we could approve the renovation of this structure based on it be more prudent for us to start at taing this until there is an answer on whether or not the build structure should exist the county to begin with before we start to look at anything well the the thing is is the the application in front of us is for a d to renovate the existing structure right now the existing structure is non-conforming and there's I think we only have one direction on there um you know we um um meaning that regardless of the outcome of the unsa structures hearing this this application couldn't be approved yeah it would need to come into performance with family home 10 side 30 foot front all the requirements um that is you know um that's you know that's not us to to to make that determination um but the structure itself is from what I understand not it's not salvageable or if it does it's it's going to cost more money to salvage the structure than it would to actually create a new structure but to also be clear off of how you read it is even if this even if he presenting us a single family residential using those existing spaces because of the period of time that it was unused then now all of those setback by become a real issue just because it was six months a whole bunch of so even if this was an application for a single family residence we would still have the same issues with the fact that the structure is in non-compliance on so many other things so as far as we're concerned we're just looking at the application um and um the application on the Merit that what it is I think that's what we should vote on as far as the unsa structure board that's between the building department and the um the the applicant or the owner um uh but for zoning purposes our code is pretty clear on this just so I'm clear there's there's really no plan that could be submitted salvaging the current structure that would be approved by this body is there um so so you would have to go through I mean it would be um you could apply for a single family residence um now as far as using the existing building that's there um the um it would it would have to be it would have to be the entire variance process um that have to go through to um to to Al alleviate the the issues with the non you know all the non-compliance stuff so you'd have to like say okay I think it's like a six- foot setback or something like that you'd have to say Okay we want to get a variance for this building to make it a six foot setback um now that being said it's it has already been deemed that this structure is going to is is uh deteriorated by our building official and they are afraid that it's going to damage and hurt somebody so that's that's not through zoning we're we're looking at the zoning of the property um that's through our building department um so they answer your question if the application was for a single family we would have to consider it as that but then we would immediately have to deny it based on the structure not being in compliance to our our current codes that would I don't know if that makes um yeah that's how it would have to be would based off the fact that it's a 60 foot wide block below What minimum so so the new code actually does they took that away build something on you can build you can build on an undersized lot now in the park but you have to meet everything else you have to have a 10 foot setback you have to have 30 foot front setback so this has to be 30t back and it most the front of it be 40 it's 60 yeah so it would be a 40 foot across it used to be that you couldn't do anything yeah once you knock down a structure that lock didn't be built on that got changed can't build on it with all the other so basically the the buildable area then is is basically 30t back 10 ft in and then on the back end it's 10 ft off back well second story then it'll be 20 feet yeah so um so it would maximum buildable lot would basically be a 40 foot by 65 foot yeah I don't know if you you got a clear answer from us that your question is there any scenario where you could build with that existing structure only through a variance process you have Commissioners to approve aot three foot setback 10 on one side a six foot 10 on the other side 15 instead of 30 on the front but I guess the question is is putting those variances to the side the issue is the use of structure even if is there an issue with the use of the current structure even if all those variances could get appr um is there an opport to showu family home or whatever would um would that be solved by the county meeting if the county people all of a sudden came in and said no this doesn't need to be demolished and he could go through the then they could go through the various process try get yeah so I mean it's it's been deemed a life safety hazard the structure that's there by our our our building official so um um they um going well that's that's the demolition um the unsafe structure board is the one that's making um or they're reviewing it for demolition so um that um you know it's it's it's it's you know it's it's it's just interesting that you know a week ago you're supposed to be in front of the the safe Sun straight structure board and you weren't there for reason you know family emergency whatever and then all of a sudden now you're back on our agenda to try and is this another delay TR tactic I mean I'm just I'm just wondering because because it's you know two years later here we are back again talking about this unsafe structure and is it just another way to try and delay the inevitable on this we were ready to go a few years ago but unfortunately yeah a few years ago it was a single family Zone and you know it was all the the same things that are the issues here today are there so um but as far as the application that is in front of us um we have you know that we can vote on that and uh the said one question terms of the variances could a variance be appli for duplex as opposed to single um I mean it is a variance to the Land Development code um but you'd have to you know there's a there's a variance Four Points of a variance that you have to prove prove that you you know you you have to have a variance and that our code is uh uh by it's it's providing an undue hardship for you not to have um to be able to put a duplex back especially on a structure that's been empty for you know 10 10 years plus whatever um um you'd have to make that case for that to the to us and to the commission oh um okay but thank you for working with us on that so motion okay David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries all right so back going back to um to 6C um so 826 Northeast on 21st Street temporary construction F since there's not construction permit can I get a motion to motion I just something to say on that sure there has been um concerns allegations regarding safety issues and we tried a few years ago to put a fence around the structure and it was denied we're still willing to put a fence around the structure we've applied for that uh temporary fence and are willing to to do that um so I know that there has been a concern expressed and I don't think it would hurt the property or the neighborhood to allow a uh fence to go around that structure well my concern on that would be a first off a construction fence is meant to go around a construction site so usually a construction site is denoted by a a active construction permit okay it's um what happens is you're asking for is is not a construction fin it's actually a fence around a property and then and then what happens is the the code part of our code that says you can't have fences in the front yard kicks in and says you can't have a fence around the front yard now if you wanted to fence in around the back we would cons we could consider that um but it's the fence that's from the front corner of the house to the street is the part that we'd have an issue with um now I I appreciate that you say that but I also reading that it's the village that has gone through and incurred the cost of boarding up this house to make it safe correct I mean it's nice that you're you're put a fence I believe my client has also secured the property it has okay yeah um so um if you wanted to come in for a fence permit and and put it in the locations that are legal under our code we could consider a fence permit but a construction fence where you would put something in the front and considering the structure has been in the state it's been in for 10 plus years I mean I I can't think of it last time that actually that it wasn't uh we would end up with a construction fence in the front yard probably for until this this matter is closed so I I wouldn't I wouldn't be um um willing to to go down that route as far as allowing that plus the code says construction fence is is there there a material difference between a construction fence and a fence permit well a fence permit would be you know you could put a fence around the from the front corner of the house out to the property line and go around the back along the I believe it's on an alley around the back of the property so you could you know put in a fence like like everyone else has fences but it's the front that goes in the first of all you're applying for construction fence and then the second part we don't allow fences in the front of the house if they apply for a demolition permit pending yeah whatever had an active demo permit then they could then then we can approve the temporary construction fence if we don't have a demo permit to go with the construction and I don't think they want to demo the property I don't think I don't constru wind yeah that's Oneal got it okay thank you thank you did I get a motion on that David add all in favor say I I okay motion to appr motion denied okay all right anybody else come in um 6f 6f is here okay 6f one Z8 Northeast under4 Street Po and deck hey how's it going good thank you all right so you're under construction um so now you're coming in for the pool in the back and the the deck that goes around it pool and deck yeah the site plan has the table meets the impervious impious impervious lot coverage calculations you're at a 12 foot eight 12 foot six to the rear property line and then it's smack dab in the middle of the the the yard yes 24 and 39 + 10 49 29 I'm sorry 2911 um and then just a lot coverage you didn't make it any larger than the last time like this the people that here earlier because you got it Master you got it all approved I mean we looked at it we approved it you're you're within all all of your coverage at 49.6 exactly okay so you're still at a 1385 foot pool and I guess that includes the the deck too yeah pool deck pool and Equipment okay any questions motion to approve David Ed all for say I I you're good cool have a good one cool thank you all right six uh L is the next one 11210 Northeast 8th Court tile roof six EAS here okay um um you know what I you came up so let's just do it really quick um so this is for tile R roof hi guys hello so the house already has white tiles white flat tiles and they want to put Brown uh Spanish s tiles okay that is allowed we just got to look at for the color so the color is a gray multicolor tan yeah Canyon onyon DK because it's a blend so it has like [Music] yeah moove David all I I motion carries you're approved thanks for waiting thank you all right back to 6E 941 Northeast on 19 Street um oh okay how you doing hi sir all right 941 Northeast 19 Street 6E tile roof okay you're just doing a a terracotta s tile it looks like to mat existing is this part of a an addition yes sir okay motion to approve uh David Ed all fa say I I motion carries okay you're good sir thank you thank you all right right so we have some discussion items here so 7 a 7 a and 7B I imagine 7 a 9 no 7B 9 11153 griffing Bullard site plan review all right so we'll just go up to the t is the microphone working yeah okay so we'll just go up to the table here yeah if you don't mind please this is a potential new construction yeah new construction sorry I didn't know one no appreciate it the other one we were like magnifying glass Cy all right so this is a complete demo or no I'm so this property is next to the Church um on the north side of this Boulevard okay it's kind of an irregular lot it has a North Griff he said b b Park B Park Griffin Boulevard so we have a property that exceeds a 75 foot width um has quite a bit of depth and has a residential lot to the east um so we're proposing this is the existing this is the existing house it's yeah us um and we have the FR set back pees so my issue guys is that this keeps flooding and so I'm forced because we have a crawl space here and the waters come so high up in the Coss space that's red all the TS and so if I'm going to rip the floor out I'm going to fill it and I want to raise and fers giving me money to rise the property so I'm going to be the first one on griffing to be above the flood plane correct Zone which creates its own issues because I'm going to have height issues based from grade to where the road is because the road's the existing condition so I'm trying to see what I can do to try and Salvage as much of what I can so basically the kitchen's here right now I'm going to take this off which used to be the old garage here um and that's the old laundry that's pretty much on grade there so I'm going to get rid of that um and then build which would be the 10t setback um that's where we'd be looking to do the garage and the extension so what I'm trying to save is basically this um I don't think I can save as much as this because by the time that I tried to save this I'm going to spend the same amount of money in rebuilding it and then um yeah so all my setbacks comply my issue is going to be the biggest part is that I want to put a garage in the front which is there um which I'm the only lot in the whole village that has an a ly to a commercial use um and then um uh and then the only other thing that we want to be able to do is um what was the other thing that we had to change on it was just the setback is we're subdividing a lot maintaining the side yards and rear yard um we I think we'll need to apply for variant for the garage but um that the reason we're applying we would like to do the garage on the front I'm representing my client as an architect is that we have a different use when the adjacent property there's a lot more noise the visibility the Privacy are adjusted and and also just like the access and the way it's connected there a reduction of privacy so we're hoping to get a garage okay so we just brought up a whole the lot separation so that's a whole new le3 yeah so so um so let's let's talk about lot separation um that's a whole process in itself um so you want to subdivide your lot and create a 4,500 or is it a 4,877 squ foot lot so the totals are actually split here so we have a 8,913 lot and then a 13799 on the south okay hold on I'm confused so we have the north lot and the South lot the areas here total up so all these are itemized areas so the total would be the 45 36 plus the 4377 totaling 893 and this is based on the setback recordings so so so 22,000 so you want to create an 8 8,913 foot lot okay this is that that one length or that kind of narrow of road that curves that when it's on yeah around but when when when you create L you build all of these you're 50% do you mean it it appears to be over but we're using we're proposing a 50% uh pervious cover for the driveway and then also not the way works that's driveway green versus non- green really okay it's so it's like it's is it possible to have green material where you drive one and to do 50% paper % Improvement your driveway is considered an improvement to that's the we count matter it's a driveway that Ander but you have to be able to at least your property right in the not in the approach right it's got be so one thing you could do here without a variance is you could have a port up to but itum let's let's we got a lot going on so yeah I want they so lot separation okay so minimum lot in zone a is 8500 foot so if you were to separate your 22,000 foot lot the new lot has to be 8,500 9 89 so this new lot would be 89 okay we can afford to lose a little bit here to give it to the 50% okay so then that's one but that's one issue the next lot is the frontage has to be 75 ft gu com because is this a is this a street street access is so 30 ft and 69 this adjacent property this is the street Frontage 55 71 this this is your Frontage which needs to be 75t so what I'm trying to do is that for non a type uh zoning is that not for a type it's for all Frontage is what yeah the minimum Frontage is5 for every single okay understood so the church does end up selling me this I should be able to meet otherwise it wouldn't be buildable or classified as a well you wouldn't be able to you're not allowed to create a non-conforming lot so right now you're a conforming lot understood so if you cut it off and created a n you wouldn't be able to create a non-conforming lot so we wouldn't be able to approve the subdivision unless the lot that you're making is actually conforming to our code okay so if I did if the church did end up agreeing finally to sell me this then if I had a 75 ft front edge there then it's considering yeah other thing is if you do all of this before you don't L any of that then you'll be way below your 50% go to split we're going to ask for all the criteria of the two so that one then will suddenly if it's over 50% you would be able to split it we we' say no you can't do this one because you're over 50% you're creating conformance the same try it wouldn't I was try to yeah because that's what I was hedging my bed on if the sequence went in that way yeah because then we would say oh hold on you're creating something that's not allowed here um so um so yeah so the your Your Way Forward on this one would be getting a hold of that piece of property okay um so um that makes sense we by the way then you could take more for yours because You' be adding squ footage to the slot right I don't know what this entails but whatever the square footage of that plus the 400 that you're already over basically it comes from like here comes down 7 now we are going to have to approve that subdivision of that lot when the village when the the church wants to sell it to you correct we have to look and make sure that this piece of property is not going to become non-conforming correct because this is the property that has the house on it no so there's two properties here so there's the property that stops here and I believe then the the next one over is the the house okay there's 90% sure there's two lot so they EMP basically and they got the one with the dumpster Corral on it that's there but I was it's not like that this goes like this and it goes over to 10 no it doesn't come to 115 so these are the house lot is it 133 yeah that one yeah so this lot from what I understand stops like on this line so there was a carve out that was happened here but there's an easement for AT&T that exists basically here for a fiber cabinet okay so like the lot's not buildable unless they're going to move heavy infrastructure so that's why the church is looking at a disposition because if I only take half of this what their intent would be they're going to make me pay for is that I would give it back to this house property here so they would deed that or quick claim that over to here to be able to then have it as one lot yeah pick up or whatever they'll have to come in and talk to us about that agree um so so not withstanding this this you know you have a 50 foot front set back on griffing and you're looking to do 23 so yes 234 so I mean that's a it's a big ask for a you know front set back doesn't the have like a concrete that goes all the way so the church has like stuff that comes out to here fixed like above grade multiple Heights so and again the only structure that exists in the village that has an adjacency to a commercial use so I'm not infringing on anything and this is all parking so I don't want to use my front yard to then go and look at 100 cars that are there on a Sunday yeah so so you know what David was saying that you know you there is an opportunity instead of doing a click enclosed garage you do a an aluminum carport that's 20 by 20 um that and in that way you're staying within our code um you know front setback variances are that's a tough one um I you though in it being a weird enough you are in a very kind of one of one situation I would maybe try and and talk to the actual Comm like it would come to us we would D and then you would apply for variance and then and that would then take you to them maybe front running it and talking to them before you even appli for a variance just to see what their thought process is I mean allow to call any of the Commissioners individually and say hey yeah this what what do you think do I need to do here but Commission job is not to review plans and give them ideas for doing their house I mean this that's you're going to get a bunch of people that are going to want to be nice to you and say oh that sounds like a great idea but are we really going to open the door a can of worms to start start infringing on our front setbacks I mean that's a instead of saying hey Mr talented architect why don't you work within the this the envelope you have and come up with something that we don't have to go down a path of a variance for a garage um um because the issue is like please don't do anything that everyone like comes along here and I've got everyone that sits at the lights here playing super loud music so we want to create a buffer between our living space and that and so the garage is a way to be able to do it which I'm not going to achieve with a carport because it does impact our use on the on the property yeah but you know you're not using all your setbacks I mean you're still you're still now me I'm sorry you you were mentioning about your existing structure are you planning on then taking it down because you were saying something about it might be cost of prohibitive to do it but are you actually planning on so what we're going to this gets extended out the back here a little bit so um there's like all different add-ons so when Peter and Dora lived here they added this on here um and so that's a section of its raise a section of it so I'm going to have to pull this back section off this would stay uh and then that stays so I'm going to do it in a phase the proach that it would be the West this section here would build the garage and the bedrooms out here move over to here and then finish the side the 1938 house so what what the foundation's pretty old this is blue so that's means it existing what is the setback on that existing garage there's no G there's no gar oh so it's yeah the that's that's the new lay oh biring area okay I'm sorry I thought it was the signifying the existing that's frankly the understanding now the difference between the 50% being total change just like structure and purus you guys kind of need to do some someing no matter which way you cut it as far as well I would do is honestly I'd pull this back anyway because this is only proposed we're not looking to do this right now so I'd pull this back anyway taking in what you said Gage that obviously that it's something that I'm wanting to do in the future so anything that I do on here I would want it to make sure it complies so we do it that way so I always have the opportunity to do this I mean I would just do find out what that Lots up because again you know you can't split it you don't have the phone page right so I found out what that lot area is knowing that the only way'll ever do a lot spit is if you acquire that and then figure out you get 8585 well yeah but 75 front FR seems it would I me it's a lot it's already 55 but you know figure out what that square footage and then keep it at 8500 and see where this line can come back right probably bring it back 10 and that's what we were just talking then use as your basis of whatever you do on your property to make sure you stay under that 50 in the future yep but the big the the big part is getting the garage in because like that it's really really loud and we we need something to separate what that is it's just and just where it is and what the church has up front because the church basically finishes here which is that current hases the problem you're going to have again it's a variance we can't approve it yeah and this is your proper today right this is some ambition you have but this is it today so the is going to say you have a massive lot you want an enclosed garage and you're doing all this new renovation you know put it up set back and build behind it PL your room in the back of that lot so it's going to be a tough sell to them to see why someone with a lot that large needs a major variance in the front it's not up to us but sure you that mission I mean we're going to make we're going to make how why does somebody with a put a garage in the front yard when they have all this space well but if we're subdividing they're going to say hey that's something that's something you want to do it's not a current hardship it's a hardship you're you're GNA create right again I'm just giving you the way yeah so if I subdivide it first then well yeah so I they probably know the the history of the lot and say oh you subdivided and now you're you know cying F lot small from a sequencing thing if you built something like this and instead of this being closed the quiet aluminum roof you could put a a half size privacy thing or something like that underneath it right and then that part and then subdivide it and then come back and said hey I want to put walls on the two on two two of the sides of my cardboard or whatever it drop a door on it then that's a different variance conversation but that's a couple years right and would you allow a solid concrete wall to partition or separate the parking only aluminum fabric no because the cardboard has got to be made out ofum aluminum and canvas so concrete is not part of that that DET termination um when when you mention aluminum are you only talking columns and posts could you have screened elements out of aluminum or aluminum structure structure that's a room it's not a cardboard it becomes so do you define a room as being enclosed on three sides or on two sides or um you're heading in a direction it's just an interesting question design as we had last week with the guy is is open end right it's not very very prescriptive just as certain materials that's limit of how prescriptive it is yes so you wanted to do some Luber wall something you know I think there's room of work within the code right but if it starts looking like a building then it's becomes less it's not a carport it l lose the definition of a carboard um plenty of we may disagree plenty of cardboards are not open on four sides right they can be screened on two sides I'm sure it's not quite getting what you want which is just a fully solid yeah building Mass to block the the church doesn't do like it's not and like the building is in disrepair and it's just we want to block it so yeah so that that's an issue with the front setback obviously I'm I'm sure you're aware with the the front the church was there b the house right I that's that again on all these what they consider hardships right because we thought that we would be able to put like I know Peter and Dora spent some time on what they were trying because they put something forward a while ago when they just never did it so um there was so there's been conversations about it it just never materialized to something yeah just ADV yeah to anticipate of what they're GNA say yeah but this is coming on so this conceivably could be a I mean I don't know if this is 10t this is practically a grade yeah and I'm saying that this could be part of the garage if you want still we're going to add another eight ft roughly so the garage could conceivably go like that it could but then I'm pushing everything back which then is going to stop the ability to yeah to split a lot so maybe it's just to the point where I can't SPL a lot what about flag loot opportunities would you allow side side yard access like 75 foot Frontage 75% well there's 100 foot uh Frontage so we could potentially you know with the setbacks maybe take out 10 ft have 90 ft remaining to work I mean the new lot that you're creating has to have 75 Point Frontage I see and if you're having a driveway that's only 10t wide that's not that's s yes understood yeah this is just a grading plan um so all the properties are required to meet the new 8 foot above sea level requirement so 7 foot plus one and gbd um 20 29 yeah so so we're currently at I think four and a half feet off that's the current grade SLP slowly upward North we we're gonna have to build three and a half feet up so we're planning to do all on-site water uh retention um but we're building up the floor quite a bit so there's quite a bit of a driveway grade there um we're putting the garage one foot below you know potentially um this would be at 8 foot for the for the residents and then the sidey Guard we're going to have uh septic and this this will be lowered you know a lower grade there's going to be steps down from there to the side yard and uh you know if we don't want to put in railings around the pool but you know maybe slope up to it but we need to find a way to contain all that water yeah that was that's my issue like the great difference from the road to the front like the driveway that's what I'm worried about materiality as well not being concrete with P gradi difference where's the the new the new the improvements they're doing to the the drainage in front of you um is that are they raising the road up they're just putting pipes in under underneath yeah just and that's like an invert or covert box that's right like on the property but adjacent to the RightWay yeah okay I I I think it is yeah it is interesting well they took the while and then yeah they put it there because we keep having the flood more one I mean that's you know it's what you're doing is what you have to do when you with I mean I'm at nineting lower you ask your ins honestly because it's nfib um that it's the minimum because what am I going to do so it's like 1500 bucks a year but I've had three claims in excess of 750,000 that to so it's Dam all they did the FL fored me to this sooner than I want to so you have a one story 18t height it's 18 fo4 from top of finished floor to the rooftop this I know there's a 18 foot requirement for the story height but I didn't know if that was to the bottom of the of the structure or the ceiling okay you know two two ceiling Heights two roof lines have to you know you can't just have one flat roof but it looks like you're providing level is that above adjacent grade or the um for that story height basally from FL okay 18 with the gr of the finished gr of the yeah we measure height from the base elevation plus one which what you're now putting your so 18 foot4 would be too much we'd have to bring it down four inches okay right and then are any requirements for setting back the pool from the structure I've seen some buildings in like boka where they have the water right there okay but there is a requ from I heard five from our engineer is that a building Flor building not our resen commercial but it's it's not in our code so we wouldn't be looking at going hey can it might the the buildings the building department might kick it back and say hey there might be a requirement okay as far as we're looking at it now just Che East Max and CHR had their wedding in my backyard and the vendors put Stakes through the um through the SE yeah so I got to get and then I know you know this the story we don't allowes Gates something else that have to be a hurdle to to get over and then the Landscaping manual that Florida uses that's required if you do more than 50% adjustment to the building is that still applicable here we have to do a landscaping plan it's Mi day county code okay we we we mimic the county code as far as number trees and things okay um you know we we require a survey like what what type of trees are there what are you taking out and if you have you have to get a permit to take out anything the aan ponds are no they're not I think everyone else around me hates those trees as well when you have a cat five coming toward you you're want to get rid of those be yard a second okay we answer your questions what's next if we want to do a variance versus not well I would so we got to fix we got to fix the the the lock coverage which I get so we can play with that um which that would get us we're going to get to right on 50% or knock under and then again for us one already under so you you need to figure out for your own future PL but the the application we're looking at you be well under it because it's in my opinion you're probably not going to get any variances for pretty much anything unless the lots are subdivided because exactly what is saying like they're going to be like hey make it so that the front wall of your garage starts at 50 ft and everything else also too they know those guys know they're going to say you just split this lot last year two years ago now you're coming yourself I don't think it helps whether he doesn't first they're going to know it wasit but also remember it's we make the recommendation so we keep saying they like it's these other people that are they're going to be taking our consideration so you have to convince us that you know that there's a hardship to to put the garage and or break the front setback well is there a world that exists that if you're not happy with the 23 fo that if there's something that gives on that considering of what the neighbor is like I think that has to go into a fact that like if I was to give on not separating the lot let's just say and I didn't I didn't want to keep it at 50 I wanted to just say split the B at that point I I would if if if I was if your reasoning was the church I would be more adapt to say okay I'll give you a variant for the wall a wall on that side of your house to block off the church you know I would I would I you know I would I would give you a wall along the side even maybe consider send the stone flag kind of wall out there but to build an actual structure and break the the the front setback that would be that's that's you could do something really nice right stone with some Creepers on it eventually gets green like could be beautiful yeah and that was the intent to do this you were 2 in 299 and that was where Wasing address your concern about the church unique situation so that would be you know that could you could see the four points of the variance clicking in going hey you know this is this makes sense I Garage in the front setback that's that's a whole new Canan of worms we would be opening up a something everybody else would start wanting say oh hey I'm go to my friend set back um but it is a different zoning it's a commercial a commercial Z yeah but that's what I'm saying you know the unique uniqueness would be come up with something creative as far as a wall or something but you know to me front setbacks are you know that's a that's like a the yeah you can't we shouldn't be touching setbacks on the front any setbacks really um we have big enough Lots in the bisc park that you should be able to build what you want within the setbacks that you have you know uh creative people can come up with twostory houses and give you all the the the things you want we you know we do allow two-story houses um it's just and it but if you wanted to come back with an idea of of a carport with the one wall being concrete that faces the church you know that's something would be a reasonable variance request sounds great that's aluminum Alo okay so it couldn't be a physical like solid bar no no we're saying for the wall like again trying to work with you on a variance that that we're more comfortable getting behind for the Commissioners that maybe it's a carboard with the standard aluminum Mater all that but you do some sort of stone clad wall concrete wall that runs along the property line could you do and then have this front facing wall is like aluminum there the all says aluminum or cloth right now there are aluminum LED carport things that you can like mangle or power adjust or whatever so that it's an imper surface it be a Lo the point being that if you kept that to the letter of the goat on carard the sell for us right okay I think your your hardship of the church being next so I think maybe the best way would be um picking the front line of the church there for a fixed build lining it up with that which is going to give more to the setback and I think I'd want to see how that would go um like you guys are still going to deny it anyway because you have so are you saying that the church is at 30 ft yeah so it's not at 50 like the rest of Griffin building so there's a precedence that already exists for non residential scru shell and they have that concrete fence that goes to like six there's a six foot there's a fit wood there's a concrete wall on the property line between the two yeah look which I have to fix because I'm going to have to retain that because right now the church heing it's alling my the wall is coming over the church is completely non non-conforming in our our code if it went away it would have to be you have to put a house there I mean it's it's zon resal so I guess the question would be go back and look at what you want to do and come back and talk with okay sounds great it's like even if everything was perfect you're like way significantly over the lot size thing based off the way that you want to ma that but I would figure out for that triangle that you're requiring like okay how do we then how would we then redo this because you're over the math off of your ideal math but you're way under for what the lot currently is so we could approve if this was if you just said this slid it slided to 50 we could approve it right now based off your so Bas yep thank you meet all right so next discussion item is um 7c 11990 Northeast 7th Avenue pool that's is that no oh I'm sorry okay so 6011 1610 Griffin Boulevard exterior paint sorry that you had to wait so long as well so you're changing all the areas that are are terracotta now to Yellow is that what it is okay I'm just yes Anapolis okay and then the blue is going to be the part that is now brick is now going to be blue correct okay because the brick now kind of looks like that Anapolis gray is that is it no it's no it's not not we have yellow yeah we have a we have a hard picture if you want to see the picture yeah I this one yeah so everything that's is ter cotta now so everything that's terracotta now is going to be the Anapolis gray and everything that's that's kind of like the beige color is going to be the blue which is the charcoal blue charcoal blue and the white is going to be on the the trim around the roof or no we have the uh what color is this or is that the the pickets on the on the handrail or yes I'm not sure if I want to paint the this part or okay I think we're good with both either either one either so we're not doing this and um that was David Ed all in fav say I I this is Charco blue thank you so you're approved do you have any questions or thank you appreciate it oh I'm sorry you guys apprciate you no problem thank you all right guys have a good night thank you sir we had a big agenda tonight all right so we're back up to the top of the meeting we have the me uh minutes I believe from the meeting of September 23r 20124 it in the drop box I'm sorry okay where Rie in the minutes 6p for the umbrella we we Ted that because I thought that no we approved it it in here for sixie no actually I do because we were just like hey yeah it needs to basically be touching the house when it's open but I remember that he was going to submit another drawing it had on drawing but I thought that we'd approved it yeah contingently contingent of him doing remember now you requested a scale site plan I believe wasn't tabled it was or was I guess T we didn't approve it we tabled it really for because right now it was just like a DOT on the on the survey yeah okay so then it's correct okay are you all ready motion all in favor David Ed or Ed David all in favor say I I motion carries all right there um was 31 I don't think it has to it just has to note to the vote it doesn't have to say who local plan we want to do this when we come to that meeting it was me yeah was this okay we'll just hold on to that here I'll put it here I have the other agenda here all right so just to be advised the second minutes was moved to the next agenda don't want to be yeah so 4B the special loc agency meeting uh minutes we're going to do that when we have the Special M meeting all right so we have 5C which we have not done 11150 griffing Boulevard metal fence is there anything new here this is the one that had like a metal fence and then it had like a wood stain color for a metal fence hold on but this is isn't this the new house no it's not no it is the new house this is the the house over right you know right south of 113 Street he came in for maybe you know what it was is it the last he came in the last time the the the the survey did not show the gates at the side and we approved it based on the contractor's word word that they were going to go there so this is now showing the gates on sp1 page number two where the gates are at so I think it's just we were looking for that information second David all I I motion carries okay so thought we had approved it the last time but all right 6A 805 Northeast 115 Street gravel driveway lot coverage 18 and [Music] 13 the corner I mean it's they have a massive amount yeah motion to approve okay what's but actually hold on what is the what is the gravel we have to know what the gravel is says 57 well where where I don't see that it doesn't say the gravel color the other issue is there's an existing driveway that it says remove existing asphalt replace with new gravel driveway on Northeast 8th Avenue that's an existing driveway and even Road existing that gravel or is that asphal and gravel think they're they're both gravel also say that the one right is 24 in across which I don't believe think they mean 24 but motion to table pending color and size of gravel and uh barrier barrier okay I mean they have the detail there but just we need to know the gravel okay thank you I got a motion driveway Avenue standing okay confirm that the eth Avenue is in fact going to become gravel too because it says existing driveway and also the the driveway on the 115 Street says 20 24 in I'd imagine they mean 24t but it does say 24 in so it's a motorcycle drive I have a mo I have a motion to have a second okay David Ed all in favor say I I for the table so we're tabling that all right 6B uh 821 Northeast 117 Street solar PV system Michael gum it's a flat roof kind of looks like on the on the um sketch six1 [Music] is it a flat roof it is a flat roof it is a flat roof okay I have a David motion Ed all in favor say I I motion carries okay so what we normally just just a question that we we we we prefer that solar panels are not viewed from the street now we realize that because of the placement of the sun and the location there are times when they have to be in the front so we would prefer that they not so this is an example of a flat roof you're not going to see them so just we we didn't have any really issues or comments on that okay next would be 6G 1105 Northeast 117 Street concrete driveway 12% 32% drawing doesn't have approach 15% oh stops at the property line yeah the the other issue there is if they then only go 40t total I guess 30 if they're 30 by 12 inside the property is that but for sure they're not like their existing driveway is that ribbon that stops the property and doesn't cross the S well my concern on this would be that it says approach it does save approach says it drawing right they would draw it properly I know but I'm just saying if you took this you picked it up and you moved it all the way to this to the appr proper Street and on their property yeah you would have 40 feet it's only 40 feet long so so you would end up having 15 feet approach is less so we're asking them so they'll have to do 30 still on the property so hold on hold on the approach is not 25 because that's to the center of the road so let's say that road is it's 14 foot pavement asphalt so it's s feet so 25 by 18 approach so they would still have what 22t 22 which is enough for two car well one car not enough for two Tandem and that's not wide enough for two cars so they either need to keep 40 foot but make it wider or make it deep by the way it doesn't work yeah they they basically have we be okay if they did the entire the they did the sale length and then 30 ft onto the property so to the end of where their current ribbon yeah they can fit two parts in the property1 so so motion to uh motion to deny need new illustration and calculation that shows from the street through the total s and then ft onto the enough to park two par I have a motion second David Ed all in favor say I I that's we're going to deny it by the way we have a whole new laws coming down as far as timing for permits that we're going to have to be addressing what sense well in the sense of like um you know people have We're not gonna be able to table stuff it's going to be coming like we if it's incomplete and it's not good we have to deny it because it's there's a t there's going to be a ticking clock involved with permits from state law now so the city on the municipality side yeah to approve or deny things approve or deny things and so if you table it the clock is still ticking but if you deny it it ticks it back into another category so but that hasn't deals with getting permits for projects a lot I like it Ki the ass to municipalities yeah yeah just uh it's going to be uh quite I I don't feel I don't I have these I feel bad Village employees on this one um I mean they have five days to acknowledge a permit to approve or deny it no they have to they have to they have to acknowledge and the submittal of a permit in five days that it's complete so like like um like we are like if it's missing a survey you have to you have five days to review it have you have to have to reply back in five days that it's that there it's not complete or complete or the permit is approved automatically that's what the law says but approved like there so now someone can go build a building that's not up to standard just because someone missed a five day like I think there's probably a little more to the that's the thing but what's happen Florida Congress spent the past two months on vacation and have faulted on passing a FEMA Bill and now they're all pissy because there's not enough FEMA money yeah so it doesn't surprise anyway so um we denied that one but uh but what what I was going to address that at the end but what we're we actually had a meeting today about it and what we're going to do is we're going to create a whole new category of of um of um zoning application so so it'll actually this stuff will come to us first and that it's a whole separate time frame so there's there so there'll be like a zoning approval and part of the application for the building the permit is do you have zoning approval yes so they wouldn't be able to apply for the building permit until it gets approved by the does that mean then that we're we're gonna start voting on the same twice what do you mean twice you're breaking us up into zoning and building no we're so we're not it's it'll be we'll be reviewing everything for zoning which is what we do but we won't be we don't technically vote on building permits we vote on the zoning zoning portion of the building permit or they're gonna they're going to carve out a zoning approval it's it's you know some of those zoning I don't know like like that's not a building for because it's it's more it's a rubber stamp but in my time on being on the board I've seen oh this is the flat roof and all of a sudden you're like hold on what is that roof in the back there oh well that's that's a tile roof or something you know it's better for us to put eyes on everything though even though it's redundant even though it's redundant to me that seems like that's a building thing yeah it's kind of like now we have to now look at interior Renovations because of all these kitchens that are being slipped in you know um so um you know there before it was like oh that's an interior renovation so we don't need to zoning doesn't need to see it and all of a sudden on Zillow there's a house for sale that has mysterious Kitchen in one of the bedrooms and you know and it's like hold on what was what was you know anyway we have to put eyes on anyway so 6h 10927 Northeast 8th Avenue Edition show a driveway too be clear whether we're approving the driveway in the back 10927 I'm sorry that's the um this is the total lot coverage so they're saying that 61% is not developed 40 38. not 28 is the develop part they're putting a little thing in the back so we're just looking at again we're looking at the addition not this driveway that even though it's highlighted in red the application is for building addition right build 30 a306 foot of addition attached to the house that includes bathrooms and walk-in closet so the application is just for the the addition in the back I motion to approve motion to approve addition specifically not I mean they're just doing a tie they're just tying it into the um but that but but parts of the house already exists right so it's like they're adding a smaller addition but they're also changing parts of the existing roof timately will come back as a separate permit no matter what any yeah that's that that's why I'm saying motion to approve the addition specifically the addition excluding the roof okay but it's just the new addition is at 10 feet is there a DI is there a dimension line there which may not be setback but it's 11 foot6 currently it looks like yeah I mean there is a dotted line that says side setback 10 feet so it's 11 foot6 and then they're they're bumping into that by one foot so it' be at 10 fo and seven it's 11 foot 7 now right to me it looks like it's 11 foot seven from the side driveway yeah yeah you're right so so it's wider the Gage's Point there's a big 10 foot dash line so they're well within the setback beyond the setback they've drawn the setback line and they're not coming near yeah I have I have a I have a motion in a second for the addition all in favor say I I it was David Ed 6 I 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue wooden fence you have a new house that other one that it's this is kind of a this is kind of about the same size but with the new construction it takes longer because you have to stop and talk to the to the new construction all right so it's all around the back do we have a what kind of fence this is does it show it's like a wood with a metal frame around it actually just a wood met SL okay David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries next is going to be 6j 11149 Northeast 8th Avenue pool didn't include the pool on their surface there in I mean they're still very far off still have plenty of so the pool is going to be 10 foot from the side and 10t from the rear um there any calculation hold on there's there's actually calculations on the calculations actually but I it could be the pool could be 2,000 square fet motion to approve um David Ed all in favor say I I motion carry next is going to be 6K 11150 Griffin Boulevard concrete paver driveway 39% and 22% is there 30 the side set pack is there any noted anywhere I mean I'm okay with it I just would want to make sure that there's the the setback the proper setback on the right mean the burm that they're putting is is two feet wide minimum and then it's inside of that in here like dlex onage of then if you scroll down there's this house that I like can see maybe two applications got scaned together is that this house out on 11 yeah this is a duplex Northeast 11th place is there another one here not really worried about the 30 inch thing because of this firm thing is it 11331 6m um yeah 11331 so the drawings backup for is is is 6m yeah so as far as 6K goes the driveway I think we're good David all fav say I I motion carries next will be 6m 11331 Northeast 11th Place concrete driveway so motion toy pending so oh wait a minute we do have concrete Bill guess could be so so go back to 6K and scan down scroll down to the bottom of but if you look at the this house has an a 10 foot setback no look at this survey I mean I'm trying to it looks very close to the street no it's on yeah what house is this 331 Northeast 11 place I mean it's in in line with 11331 Northeast 11th place is in line with all of the other actually hold on I mean all those houses on 11th PL just they all line up so how does this have such small not in yeah huh yeah no I was looking my Google brought you to the house next to it right yeah yeah it is ultra and it has a slab already in the front so there's an existing slab that goes across the front now where are these driveway now where the proposed driveways going are they taking out that existing slab no tying into it connecting to it but again the problem is they can't physically put a car all the way on the property I guess 10 feet of a car well I mean they could when if they went up onto that existing pad that's there even if they can they get they can get 10 feet of an 18 foot typical 16 18 foot car but what are they going to do what else are they going to do the house is like super close to this it looks like it has like 19t setback has yeah I can't really driveway sketch it looks like a nine but on the survey it's clear it's 10.82 that says 10.82 it doesn't say .82 on the drawing of the driveway it looks like a nine but on the survey it's clear and also right next to it there's a 9 foot Dimension wow this is odd but I mean what they're doing is connect in this existing slab to the street okay approve they don't have mucho um Ed David all in favor say hi I follow what that was you follow that that was a little confusing one so there's an existing slab already on the on the on front of the house well I'm looking at the survey and the survey shows there's an existing slab that technically is a parking surface because it's concrete but they're basically applying for uh to connect that existing slab to the street so even though that the car does not appear like it's going to be able to park completely on the property it's still giving them the the ability to get the car away from the street it's a very odd lot most lots are all 30 feet okay so um we approve that one all right I think I think we completed our agenda okay first agenda the first agenda all right our next meeting for this board will be on um October 21st everybody G to be here first good um if you're not GNA be here let us know but we need we need we need to stay Quorum so please to be here um okay I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor say Pablo say I so we're adjourned at 853 here all right so now --------- ##VIDEO ID:9qaJn4ABwy4## advertising you to approve um this my only comment on this is that they need to change the this is in point 18.5 they're now saying that they have to have a sign on this on the on the on the the job site but under our actual code under signage you know we actually determine what is um what signs are allowed and so they need to add that language to to the um the signage part of our chapter um so I I I'm I'm agreement with approving it I'm just saying it it it needs to be added actually inside of our signage uh part of our code e yeah so chapter 12 defines signs so um we have signs that are allowed and signs that are prohibited so we have to I just think that if if we're adding a sign into the construction part of SE code 18 should also be added to chapter 12 so I understand that the purpose of the sign is to have some rules about have some text about I don't know it's not in here though right the text that they're proposing of the sign um it does say I listened to the discussion of the commission so I know what the intent of the sign was but feel like if you're going to put this like have with The Language sign say what is h they want to have some information that says that like has the the rules about parking so that the idea that the the laborers that are working on the job site don't know what the rules are that they can't they can't have an excuse for not following them sign also that the neighbors know what the rules are the neighbors can complain if they're not abiding by the rules well actually this is this is not just says a sign must be placed signage required which which requires Property Owners to place specific signage on construction fencing providing for the inclusion of the code okay I so I agree with you actually says the property shall attach signage provided by The Village tempor verbage they will give you but why not just put the verbage in here well the thing is is actually it says that this The Village will provide the sign and you have to put it up and you have to pay for it but I guess the village gets to determine what they want to put on the sign I mean they could just put a big they could just put a big happy face if they want you know just determining what the sign needs to say just put what the verbage is in this ordinance but that but the problem with doing that is that they can't change it they can never change it you're locked into you're locked into it I mean yes I get that that they'd have to amend this every time they want to change the sign blink but but at least yeah you're gonna say well what the hell am I putting out sign you're going to show actually Denisha is me bother every week can I have the sign I'm supposed to put up uh you know and she's gonna be like yeah there is no sign that make a sign it says this well no I think the village is gonna has to give them the sign the village sign well if Village is dictating what the sign should say here the vage this provided by The Village or attorney well the thing again if we if they we specify what's on the sign then every time we have to change it we have to have the new ordinance but if we just say the sign You' be determined by The Village but we can question I mean we that's what we're here for We can question and say why are what is on the sign or what should it's a lack of clarity as to whether the village is like producing and maintaining what is the S and what's the size of the sign yeah yeah I I mean I believe that's what the intent is to say it's clearly saying no parking on the sale no parking you know you know blah blah blah but there's no signage like I I there's got to be something that says what the size of this thing is going to be it could be like we have signage sign requirements in the other parts of the code I think specifics on signs specifics on who is is the village actually providing or the village is providing what the sign shall say but you're going to get the sign it's a little bit unclear all right so what do we want to say back because we have them we have the ability to not pass this we could say we're not passing this or we're passing it with these questions send it back to them them it's unclear who's providing the signs the physical signs I un clear if there are any specifics on the sign size color legibility language it in English English Spanish and it could be that maybe it's there we it's just not part of this document but again this is this is this is the actual ordinance so this is a copy of the ordance sorry I listened on online and they were just discussing I know it's about putting up the parking rules so that the workers know so the neighbors know and they can complain if the workers AR like there's a time 8:30 to 5 or whatever it is you know you can make you can be there working so okay so you want to C like they're doing a renovation of their house you this $20 sign or $10 sign it's going to make a break whe they a lot of them are putting out signs anyway AR and they're not allowed and that V enforcement should be taking care of those signs so do we want to table this or say that we can't approve it in the current state so they need to make some edits clarify some motion to send it back to is that a motion to table then or deny it well I don't did you just say we were in a clock here yeah well this is this is an ordinance this has not this is not a building permit this is actual this is an ordinance at they want it to table for further clarity thank you motion to we aren allowed to table any well this is building Okay this not building so I had I have ADD do I have a second I made the motion when you have the second second I know I changed it to to to to deny so that that way the tables through the clocks doesn't start well I have a motion it has to die first before your motion can be made so oh nobody seconds his motion his motion dies and then you can make your motion and then somebody has to Second your motion okay David all in favor say I I the motion to table is approved okay for more information all right next is going to be 4B ordinance 2024 XX amend online publication so this is the the new law that I thought we approved the last time but they amended it okay so are they going to tell us what they amended okay okay Ed David all favor say I I this is basically just the way they publish notices oh approved Okay so we probably be back at this meeting so I have a motion at a 9:04 and a second all in favor say I I we're adjourned