e e e e charlot's not going to be here tonight so wa for all right you ready recording okay all right good evening everyone I'm going to go ahead and get this meeting started uh this is the village of bisc Park planning and design review board meeting for Monday April 1st 2024 uh it's now 628 do the roll call Edward Lea here David grun here tart I'm here as well as Nisha Thomas from the building department The Village uh Scarlet is uh not here and she did um send a notice I'll take a motion to motion to excuse Scarlet second Ed David say I I excuse all right so we'll go to the residents that are here first will be 5A 510 Northeast on our 19th Street revisions of permit Property Holdings LLC right whoever that is you can actually go up to the microphone please is the chain link across the front the wood wood gates across the front from the side of the house to the setback and then from that corner on each side to the rear in fence and then in the rear with fence so the from the street you'll see wood and what what's what the wood fence is also going to be 4 feet high the wood fence we'll do six feet high okay because it doesn't mean just make sure does anybody else see I mean I'm just want to make sure it's denoting that the front doesn't have it doesn't say anything about the wood fence it does it says gate on the Big Green Box Gates connecting fence to house will be made of wood horizontal slats okay just doesn't reference the height okay and then is there horizontal slats so well actually so it says in the red box above it says permanent fence on exist that's the original yeah okay so as far as the horizontal slats go do you have a design for it or anything like I was going to do just Onex fours or on by sixes space you know very close together um there is a pool in the back so have any gaps exactly so it's got to be like board on board almost basically okay is that that's a code that you want to see it's a there's a letter from the Miami day it's not not basically if you have a pool it can't have any gaps okay and it came down there's a Miami D department of health code like um interpretation of the code that we we go by okay but basically it's to prevent anybody from climbing over and getting into your pool okay so if you do horizontal fence there just there can't be any gaps and so the the chain link is just around the perimeter and across the back correct got it and I did have some questions of the chain link because I your code is much more stringent than Miami Dade code for the the chain link fence where Miami dat code I think requires a two and one quarter opening where your code requires a 2inch opening and then also slats where in the fence whereas the Miami dat code does not require that and I I spoke to the Pedro I think is the chief um about that and he asked me to just bring it up and kind of just make sure that's it is your code I just want to make sure it's correct and it intentional um because it is much more stringent than what Miami Dade has as their code yeah so I mean you know we are allowed to be more stringent than miimi Dade I mean that is our that's our hus but but I mean it's just a standard chain link vence I mean it's it's a pretty standard mesh I don't know it's just your your mesh is smaller heard of a reference to actually the size of the either have I until I started studying this issue coming back for the revision but your um size of your mesh is two it's requiring 2 inch where I think standard for Miami date county is two and a quarter but the that that's not a big deal the expensive item on your code is is really the slats where you're requiring that every uh mesh you know is requiring vertical slats around the perimeter of the yard whereas the day County fence is not requiring yeah but I think that's only when it's in reference to a if the if the fence isn't um facing a RightWay meaning an existing fence I think they passed that code recently like in the last few years because of the fact that there was link existing chain link fences that face the right away and they were just saying that it has to have a you're going to do it it has to have a certain I I found it in an ordinance that didn't specify anything regarding it it actually was in an ordinance under swimming pools where it says the perimeter and I'm I'm not 100% this is completely up to date but this is what I found is that the perimeter fence or wall should be constructed of concrete block Wood PVC metal or 2in chain link galvanized wire with top Rail and then underlined as and slats fastened at the top or bottom I've never I'm looking at section 20 2107 no our code is 11.6 fences walls and hedges that's where it defines what what type of fenes are permitted where you can have Chain Link versus where you cannot and under like chain link discussion nothing about open yeah I mean can I show you what I two inch no it say 11.93 under swimming pools that's what I'm looking shall construct concrete block woodc metal or 2 in chain link um and then it goes on regarding the slats and that that is a very very expensive item the slats surprisingly um so what where's the reference to slats please if you continue on 1193 um again I'm not sure if I'm looking at the most recent code is just something I pulled online I can show you kind of what I have top and top Rail and slack yes nice wire with top Rail and SLS fastening the bottom and I think that I'm reading it but I just don't see top Rail and slaps F or and slids I don't know I don't I don't know what that references to I think the concept is that it fills the gap of the mesh so no one can get a toe hold and kind of get over the fence is is the point of the slats in like but but it's a there's a comma there so it says or 2inch chain link comma galvanized wire with top Rail and slats but to me it's almost refer referring to two different materials yeah it's saying chain link comma or or or wire galvanized wire which is not even actually allowed in our code because if you go back to our our our chain our our fence it basically decid says that the only metal fence is really um wire fence is chain link it doesn't say anything about any other type of um but we're not so the question is we're not going to require you to put slides okay on around the perimeter of your property for the chain link fence that's what I wanted to to just verify yeah and are we okay with it says two in are we okay with the fact that dat one might be a lot easier to source as two and a quarter two and a quarter me I don't see a difference between the two and one is very easy to Source versus one is a custom thing that doesn't make sense to me again I I've never come up this is the first time come up all the time Pedra told me I don't know why me but yeah so um we've never had an issue with putting a a fence around most I know I I am uh legally trained also so I I read all the details I I would say motion to approve chain link fence at either two or just chain link fence I mean I don't think so motion to approve revision to chain link fence I'm more concerned about the woods the gaps in front you know I'll make sure that's yeah self closing self latching yeah so he already Edward already second put motion to approve revision for sides to change just no gaps in the wood please no gaps on and just one question about the color of the chain link can that be just the steel color a black or a green or is there a preference I I I it's back in the back of the property I I don't have a personal problem I and I don't think the code calls out a code doesn't say okay did we vote or are we just wait I you amended your you amended something I had to say it again oh a second your amended motion yeah and it's interesting because if you even look at the um the code it does say decorative inserts privacy f are not permitted that's interesting under our our under our fence code which doesn't seem like there might be a little conflict with u whatever that that wordage is um in the pool section but I have a first I have a second all fa say I I motion carries three Z thank you thank you sir and next would be 5B 620 Northeast 119 Street under 16th Street I'm sorry uh tile re roof Alexander rubben tile or metal metal replacing TI re roof says tile re roof file says metal that's why I'm asking yeah so the permit app replaced with new metal so is this something that we've already approved it it should have been resubmitted for the yeah we we originally were going to do a tile roof on this house I'm I'm with the roofing contractor to replace the roof uh however requirement to extend the EES of the roof for metal roofing was brought up so it's um we're switching from a metal roof replacement back to a tile re roof like it currently has a tile roof on it now okay and what is the tile the tile is gonna be a flat dark charcoal tile FL concrete okay FL concrete Y is there is there a Revis we did submit a new actually we were required to submit a new permit application maybe yeah it starts up page 65 and it has the tile and the color 65 or 64 something there it is yeah is there a per you see the color where's the revised per the only one at the beginning is still calling I have a copy of it here that's the application with the this is the application with the remove existing roof and replace with new tow roof we've uploaded all this already I I can give you a copy today if you need it but or this is the original notorized copy just give her a second to but as far as the charcoal by tow roof yeah yeah just want to make sure the app is updated you guys make a motion respond make a motion to approve assuming that there's a revised permit app available and David Alber say I I okay do you have that you did okay we're good all right thank you thank you all right um did 665 Northeast 120th Street come in nope no I think she has it I think she confirmed it's in the system it's in the system yep thank you all right next would be five d910 Northeast 19 Street metal re roof Trevor leforge all right we looked at this last week think we just needed that one sheet which was the four and a half by six and a half and it's Dove gray and any questions from board approve okay David Ed say hi hi thanks you're good I like your canoe thank you sir next will be 5e 99 967 Northeast 117th Street windows door sub permit erbp 2 okay this one just missing a schedule last time or 17 what was it last time that he didn't have he didn't have a schedu a floor plan I think they didn't have the dimensions no what I remember it didn't have a typically we floor plan tells which window is one two 3 four and then a schedule we didn't have a floor plan it should be there the architect submitted it along with the drawing there's lot yeah you just upload it recently I'm going to go all the way to the bottom it's yeah it's 132 it starts 131 yeah 13 34 be the front front one okay you want me to read or you want to read off numbers and I'll tell you what they are I mean if you look at the the front elevation I think it's pretty self-explanatory casement or they're all pretty much casements or out swings or one horizontal slider uh I's a second elevation that faces the right away on clear stories and second D say I I thank you good sir thank you don't think 108 or 1065 is here next will be 5H 11114 Northeast 117 Street gravel driveway Macho Bravo I don't know what you're this is old business so you were here before I'm not sure what we looked at last time uh I did not provide the type of water and gravel the only thing is now there's a sketch in here where you're not you're not going out to the street I just realized that yeah uh supposed to go out to the on the first one that I Su made it was all the way has it yeah just when you have like red lines right right so there's yeah there's on page eight it looks like it goes out to the street yeah I guess that was the original and the little drawing does not show that um so it's a brick pavers all right and then what is the gravel H it's the is there a picture of it or is it just from the the well I did not provide the picture but it would be like the penny size uh gray gravel I call I think it's called penny is there any kind of identification of this yeah is it listed here or described here anywhere or um on the last one I think I wrote it on the no you see brick brick papers uh no like on the on the actual application gravel driveway [Music] what I'm looking at doesn't have any describes the scope of the work and the brick papers how thick are they going to be uh it will be 4 by six so um we've been um the building official asked us to um to start requiring or ask requesting actual pictures of the gravel just because when the inspectors go out to inspect it with a with a name and with kind of like a vague description they're not really sure and um they want to make sure that they're they're because the code is very clear as far as the color and the size and the type sure and um so when I did get a request from the building official that we become a little bit more so should submit the the picture like like a a picture from the catalog or whatever that has a picture of it with the name so they can actually identify it when they go to do their inspection the the only other thing is the what you highlighted and what the code calls for is 16 in wide parallel to the road and 8 in wide along the three edges so gu the sides are four the little insert says eight but the code says four oh okay so so the 4 by sixes isn't a problem for the sides then 16 it has to be you have to have multiple multiple layers of the barrier you understand uh kind so so they have to have the border that goes around it can be four inches around the perimeter but along the street has to be 16 inches you have to do two levels of of pavers they're six inches or six inches okay so three so um um so yeah so you have two things you have to detail out the dimensions for us and then also provide us the information on the picture the the color of and the um the selection of the of the um identify the the step so you resubmit redraw this taking it out to the road obviously right put a little Dimension here that shows 30 in minimum you need be 30 in away from the property line and then make sure you put a dimension that says this will be 16 in wide and these sides will be at least more minimum these sides 16 wide on that side yeah and depending on what paper you're using it just needs to be you want to revise that and then include a picture of the gra T motion to table pending revise drawing and gravel sample second Ed David all I I all right motion carries the table so basically yeah we put it on hold for now till you resubmit all thank you okay thank you sir all right next will be 5i 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue temporary chain link fence the chap design um 11701 yes okay okay okay so I think the question on this one and hold on let me was it needs to go back to the house yes all perimeters yes yes but it doesn't show that on this drawing no because the last week you have the wrong uh the wrong design only from the front and the return and normally I swim it four line red and 6 feet inch high higher but is it only seeing in the Dropbox the the if you want to look here yeah so the the issue that we had before is that it doesn't have a continuation from here back to the existing fence or here no so this is the last piece that that's the only one that we have in the system unless unless unless he has a a different one but that's why we had from here to here was an issue and from there to there wasue yeah if it's if it's in the system then we can approve problem no I'm saying Emil it or up that it so the new drawing shows it all the way around and two big Gates so you can actually probably see it from where you're sitting because it's pretty pretty bold red it goes all it goes all the way around so motion to approve thank you thank you David Ed second David Ed all in fav say I I okay motion carries you're good sir thank you all right next will be uh 6A 511 Northeast under 19th Street installation of wood and fence Daniel saon ingred sabon hi thank you okay so you um you have um issue in two spots meaning yeah so there's the fence is not allowed to go you're on a corner lot so you have some latitude on one side or the other yes um but the fence is not allowed to go between the front of the house and the street even though it's on the side it exist there's an existing fence around the whole house yes yeah I know there's like a chain link in the one side all around the corner that's probably non-conforming just letting you know there's chain link I know I know I know the house but I'm just saying it's probably considered non-conforming now until it has to be changed if I so the new fence the five feet has to stop at the front of the house and can't go further on um on one side or the other basically but you are allowed to go out a little bit further um on I would say like the Fifth Avenue side that's Fifth Avenue so you understand so you have a fence right now that goes all around the sidewalk absolutely that's that's not permitted in the current code right so if you didn't have that fence today but he was be like this what happened when we bought the house we just noticed after a few days that some people came during the night going to the pool so and the pool was not clean you know because it was not maintained so we took a very quick decision to close because the fence was roten was broken it was big opening say say less say less right now let's assume it's been there forever okay right you wouldn't be allowed to put it today right so it's there I don't know how it got there I don't I don't want to know there okay right if you're adding a new fence around the back which is what you're proposing that new fence would have to comply with the current code okay and that current code would not allow you to extend that new fence all the way to the sidewalk or all the way to the the corners of the property the way that you're showing but the one there is a chain links that we can replace in the future no no that's the so if it ever comes down you would never be able to put that back up the way that it is you would have to comply with the current configuration no no no no fence on the front in the street they're not permitted to have fences in the front of the I didn't know that now Corner lots are more complicated about the rules and Gage can articulate it um but that's why he's saying that this this part where you want to add new fence on the back can't come all the way out to meet that existing chain link fence it's not permitted oh you would have to stop it as he was beginning to explain where and and how far so to make something better look no because I you know it's about again better look for the village would be take that fence out and not have a fence not have a chain link at all yeah oh okay but he can stay since he was there before exactly if it's always been there that's a different story right um but the minute it comes down the wind blows it down good you tell me it wouldn't be able to go back up the way all right okay okay so sorry I don't know you know right now I took a general contractor so you apply because we were in France the last two weeks and uh so from now on the guy's going to do because I don't know for me it was emergency repair that's it has this been done or is this proposed I don't know I I I in green I think he was talking about what's what's in the front of the house not this new fence but but you just said something about putting something up because some people got into the pool sorry have you have you done some work to the fence or is it are renovat some the part of the fence because it was you know we just protect that no entrance on the back on the back of the of the yard but I was also looking if we could replace the front fence but I guess no we cannot yeah so let's just take this two steps at a time or one step at a time um two steps um so the the side facing 119 Street the fence cannot come towards the front of that the street from the corner of that house okay so you'd have to stop this wood fence at the corner of the house okay so so you wouldn't be able to bring it all the way out okay all right so right now the way you have it drawn you wouldn't be able to do it on that side if on the other side you would actually allowed to be a be able to bring the wood fence up to 15 feet feet no no five six feet right um seven feet to the property line okay so you would actually be able to set it back the street side on the one on the fifth Avenue side which uh but his entry your entry is on 119 119 there is still on the back there is a your the main entry because your address is 119 so that's your main entry yes so it's the which would be allowed to extend on the 11 19th or on the on the Fifth Avenue side it would be the Fifth Avenue side so the Fifth Avenue side you would be allowed to come up to 7 feet to the to the property line not up to the property line the way you have it right now so you you would have to stop the wood fence seven if it's six feet high you'd have to stop it seven feet back from the property line mean we but then it but then there's another part of the code that kicks in that says that all that fencing on that one side has to be of the same material so you're now bringing out a wood fence to tie it into the existing chain link fence which is non-c compliant it's it's like a it's a it's a can of worms it was like this before um we don't install anything it was like this before it was just to repair I mean the safest thing that that you probably could do night now is would you you would be able to bring stop the fence at the corner of the house on a 119th straight side and then stop the fence at the corner of the garage it looks like on 105th on the Fifth Avenue side and then maintain the existing chain link that's there until it it you know until it has to be changed at some point the wood fence is stop at the house but then there is a chain link that he was before from the surrounding you know yes sir the 119 and the fif stre yeah so if that garage I think that's a garage there if you stopped it on that side at the corner and then maintain the chain link the way it is you would have be able to maintain that chain link fence until there's a point where it like Ed said it falls down or something has to be changed um but you wouldn't be able to bring it out and then have Fence wood fence and then have it convert into chain link fence because then you have two different two different fencing materials in the side front I know it's confusing but it's another aspect of the code okay fences you have to have a continuous material you can't have a mix of chain link and then wood and so right now since you're that existing fence in the front is chain link now you want to do a nice new wood fence on the back it was like that was once you start making changes then all these rules apply right okay so if you want to do a new a new wood fence along the back can't come out to meet that chain link fence open to the pool would say everything has to be the same take out the chain link yeah but you're going to leave an opening to the pool so it's very dangerous well what he's suggesting is bringing it you know yeah I don't know Gage because you're saying stop the side fence at the garage 27 ft back yeah but then you're you're not proposing to carry that across across where to that what he's getting at is securing the the pool oh yeah so then then bring it return it back to that to the the garage structure in that how many feet that is 10 feet Point 10.59 yeah but then am I is he keeping this 20 foot plus section the one that's 27 n yes is he on the side is he keeping something there he would he would have to chain link the chain link if it's there and it's existing and he doesn't take it down then he would be able to maintain it I don't I don't see the picture I'm sorry yeah this is your your drawing I'm just trying to understand what chairman is suggesting you might be able to do temporarily until that fence I mean if they brought the wood fence and then brought it to the front of the corner of the house on the 19th Street side returned it and then return it on the from that corner on the Fifth Avenue side yes s right basically suggesting that this is something the board potentially consider which is you know instead of bringing this new wood fence all the way to this point wouldn't be permitted today's code have to stop back here 7t away maybe stop it here return it to the garage but this is you've got chain link here okay we assume that you had chain link along the side before well this has always been W where where he's showing green yeah it's wood it that those back two edges are those back to our wood and then only this front edge I know just careful what you wish for because pretty soon you'll have to remove that front fence is what we're getting so we're trying to e you into this problem is technically that VI I thought that part of that Whole Health thing is if you can see if a little K can see and climb a fence three foot fence visually be able to see a pool I don't you ever heard that before that not being able to see a pool heard no not heard of see a pool not visually but that if you're but the pool height right when you when you're looking at it is then different if you're counting that fence as a pool fence here's the the bottom line for us right if there's nothing here you're telling us today a wood fence that come out rotten or no good when you put a new fence you are not allowed to bring it here will make you shop 7t away that's the D or but but what so what would say what we would say is you can't so here's the problem we would say no you can't do that you can't leave your pool fence so then you have to basically put in this is what the this is what the code would allow you to do the current code you're allowed to come only on this corner of the house by the way it's not I don't want you to do anything what we're telling you is what the code allows you to do code you're not cutting land right you're you're your land but you're not allowed to fence out to the street it's not permitted in the village none of this fencing is permitted this fence would have to stop at the corner of your house here on the 119 side this fence is allowed to go out from the corner towards the street but it has to stop s feet away if you want a six foot tall fence or it's 5 feet seven for six and then five five and then in yeah five to five and four to three the lower the fence you can get the closest 3 feet from the prop still can't bring it to the if you did a 4 foot fence you could bring it three feet from the okay I just didn't you what do you where would you remove so you can do a wood fence at this three feet from your property line but it can only be four ft well you can have a what do you mean you can have a gate you have you have an illegal chain link gate yes currently what we're telling you is again this is just a dilemma if if you you cannot put a new fence all the way to that corner it's just not permitted meaning that if you're in that dilemma what you then probably have to do is come into conformance with the current code which is remove the remove the chain link fence and put a new wood fence that meets the current standards that's the option it can be six feet tall but then it has to be seven feet away from the property no no no I don't know what you I'm not sure what you mean by cut your land okay but that's a a luxury that you have you don't have to come out this far you you can put your fence all the way back here no one's telling you you have to come out to the full extent you can put your fence here and then you're you're parking outside your fence now your pool now your pool is fully secured everyone in The Village's fence is inside their land my fence is 50 feet from griffing Boulevard anyone that has a house their fences are at the sides of the house which divides their front yard from their backyard that's just the nature of a fence so nobody's allowed to have fences all the way to the front of their property no I I don't want you to do that what we're telling you is the code permits you only when you put a new fence to bring it to here that your you have a dilemma now which is that your pool is not secured and the solution that to that is to because when it when you replace something that's nonconforming that is not conforming to the code you have to bring it into conformance doesn't matter whether it's a fence driveway carport house itself you have a house that's not properly set back and you demolish it when you rebuild it you can't put it back to the illegal setback it's just how you know Land Development codes work so you have a fence that's non-conforming you want to replace it and once you do the current code rules apply so your best bet is to if you don't want to put the fence in the middle of your parking area which I I understand you can put it all the way back here then your pool is completely secure you're not bifurcating your driveway no your fence yeah okay but your pool is secure yeah just like everyone else in the village does for the first to the corner of their house no one has offence to their neighbor they could have a hedge they could have some plants but I mean drive around no one has fences on the side of their property up to the street everyone's shares their front yard with their neighbor just the nature of The Village's code right even go to your next neighbor there's a house here there's a house here they don't have a fence that divides their yards they don't actually the one next is a big construction fence in a temporary lot so this solves your problem your fence complies your you can have fences between your your neighbors your backyard what we're discussing your pool in your backyard is completely fenced no I'm saying that every other Home in the village between one home and the next home their front yard does not have a fence separating this front yard from that front yard my neighbor's dog comes into my front yard when it gets out but not in the backyard not in the back I I don't know what about the dogs your neighbor's house the neighbor the neighbor they all have the same I'm we're not again no one else in the village has a fence along the front it's not legal it's not allowed you happen to have one you got you know grandfather in but the minute you start altering your fence it's not permitted anymore you're not being treated any differently unfortunately that's the way it works this is just the other part too is that chain link fence that's on the front side in order for Miami Dave or to be high enough to be safe for residential Shing pool it's supposed to be 48 in the chain length fence I don't think is 48 in so I'm saying that it like the problems don't even end just at chis G Park it's with the county as well for because of the heke of the fence the county would say is say yeah it's supposed to be 48 in why sometimes you see people that have a lower fence and then they have those pool fences that go just around the outside of the pool that are that can get go in and out so if kind of fast forward to to the end what I think Edward is is saying or what my thought would be is I wouldn't touch it as it is unless when it either Falls over on its own or you want to that then you need to basically put the fence down behind the garage and put in front of the pool and then the rest of that area becomes front yard there and if you want you can leave the chain link fence up until the chain link fence Falls over that's where's where's this big opening on the side that he keeps referring to sounds to me like where the green is drawn where he wants to put it currently potentially I don't know as a gap between the sidey yard fence on the North side and the train link fence on the west side so he's trying to close that Gap but again he can't can't build a new fence up to the property so but you have dogs Lots I have two dogs I have a fence that fence is my backyard that fence goes from the side of my house to the side of property line side it doesn't go all the way out to the street I don't get that right but but you do you live in the home okay okay but but okay so drive around look look right across from you on both sides right across 11 19th right across fifth AB no one else has fenes around the front and everyone else has dogs and they figure it out they have rear yards or they walk their dog on a leash or whatever what we're trying to tell you is that fence is not legal but but but but next time then but before you buy a home do your due diligence and read the zoning code because that fence is not permitted it's there now you can leave it but if you want to do any alterations to the fence all of a sudden now you have to but but there but the code also does address Corner Lots he he can incorporate a good size of his side yard show him but but it's just it's going to intersect the middle of his driveway that's the thing exactly so he's but you are fortunate more than the average person who who has a normal home in a mid block because the corner lot allows you to put this fence all the way out like I was sh you you are allowed to put it all the way out to there and do this you can be a lot closer of us this guy right here there's a house right here right yeah but you see I just want to show you the house next door imagine that's the house right he lives right next door to you if he were to come and ask for a fence he would not be allowed to go any closer to the street than that all he can do is from the corner his house spes he can go from here to here that's it you because you're on a corner have this right to do this kind of bump out which actually you know is an advantage and then I'm what I'm telling you is you are permitted yeah you are permitted on on the one n on the Fifth Avenue side to extend the fence from the corner of the house all the way out to within three feet of your property line at four feet at a four foot tall fence you want to five foot tall fence you would have to come back 5 feet you want a six foot tall fence you would have to come back s code gives you some options if you want want to be as close as possible four feet tall you have to be three feet away from your property and they could go all the way along Fifth Avenue all the way up to the front corner of the house I mean they have a sub they could enclose a substantial amount of their property with a fence well where I'm taking it to the this corner here I don't know if you're saying they could bring it to that corner well the the the corner that says 25.6 I think it is the front corner of the house that's the closest corner to the front to the Fifth Avenue actually what he's saying is you you have the opportunity to enclose a substantial amount of property there but it's just going to cut through the middle of your driveway but again do a 4 foot fence and you're only coming in three feet from the property line it's barely going to affect your driveway that's really your approach that's not really your driveway at that point no no this is I'm giving you an option for one day when you're ready when you're ready to tear all that chain leg fence out one day in the future then this is the new fence that you'd be allowed to build can do here yeah you can do a Gates yeah yeah you can do Gates or driveway gate or double you know swing gates whatever you want so this could be four feet tall but it have to be three feet away from the property really want a six foot tall fence no problem but you got to come back a little further now you're starting to get into the way of your drive so if you don't want to do any of this now leave your chaining fence but one day when you're ready this is what you can do and this one will it stop here right the corner of your house right right now you can leave the chain link so are we going to withdraw this yeah so basically we can't approve what you presented so we have to just withdraw the or we could deny it but meaning we have to either you voluntarily like remove this application for the green TS we can't it or we can just vote on it but we get same difference to you we have to ER well if you're going to leave the chaining fence then no you you don't have to do anything one day in the future when you want to do a new fence yeah you have to and this is this is what you can yeah tell them to look up the the land use code I mean you may not know how but you know there's a thing called mun code hold on hold on there's actually what is the violation for oh so this is actually it's an after the fact so it's already the work's already been done okay well that's another story that's a whole another story it sounds like you have received a violation because you built the fence without a permit yeah so yeah so again sometimes sometimes when you build something without a permit you can come here and get an after the fact permit unfortunately that we can't approve so now you're going to have to work it out with code and the building department you're probably going to have to remove that part that you build and I don't know now your pool's not so seems to me like you're probably going to have to fight the bullet and do a new fence that meets current code and moove the trang fence and all that good stuff that's that's your decision but the way it's drawn now unfortunately we got so for now we'll make I'll make a motion to deny as it's currently requested okay yeah I mean we don't deal with that part so but you're gonna have to work out a way of since it's already been done of how do you revise it to come into current code yeah um I mean I don't know how long they they the the the code violation if it's come before code enforcement already compliance they call it so it hasn't even been brought up to the Code Compliance off board yet you'll end up having a hearing with a different boards with code violations uh not with us with a different board the code I mean it will eventually come back to us when they they tell you what you can you can do um I don't know so what's the next step is usually they go it'll be put on Code Enforcement and you'll when it goes to code enforcement they're going to say did you go to pnz and pnz is going to say code enforcement for different people it was Den IED understand what the violation is and how I have a motion have a second all in favor to say I motion deny was approved thank you good luck all right uh uh did uh 750 Northeast 113 no oh you came in okay so s six 6B came in 750 Northeast 113 is that it nope okay U you 6B 750 Northeast 113 Street aluminum pergalo yes okay a 40% lot coverage doesn't change I I don't see it on the survey the last AG 18 okay so it's smack dab in the back 19 to 11 to one side 34 to the other 41 to the back in favor say I I thank you motion carried thank you all right um 6C 8 890 Northeast under 17th Street nope okay so 6D 930 North East under 21st Street metal re roof rro Developers 515 lope Ron says the color yeah got the diagram on 34 what's the is there a picture of the house that we can confirm the the marold pain for that is the that's that's the color of the house it's like a terracotta you're just giving it for reference but it's not you're not asking to paint the house no no the the the house is uh been uh 37 there's a 38 rather there's a photo of the house 12 six okay they got an 8 in F yeah motion to approve second right all in favor say I I Mo great so you're good thank you sir thank you very much good evening thank you for your patience yeah hanging out for the tutorial on corner lot fences but 6E is the next one one35 Northeast I think it's just gentleman here Northeast on 19th Street metal roof re roof um alvo caneles okay this metal roof applications they need always issues always always issues with metal roof application oh it's it's it's white Blanco it's fine it's good that's a good thing sorry you do you have that the from the last approval one yeah so in the village hall there's a little paper hand probably on the website a little handout look at the last one yeah want to do um they have to have a a certain minimum overhang depending on the slope of the roof so if they have three to 4 in to 12 in slope know what that means you need to have eight dimensional range around the whole perim uh if they do a greater than 4 to 12 slope they need and then we as them to fill it in so this person slope was he's missing this diagram so anytime we get a metal roof application we need to see this sheet huh they it also asks for the color write in his application has the color but you can write here but you have to download it from I think it's on the web yeah pretty sure for sure it's PDF that you can grab it from the building but hold on hold on I think we I think we actually have it wait I think they might have submitted it she's checking to see if say but it actually doesn't so that's the problem he doesn't have he would have to be able to grow at 12 inches yes yeah he doesn't have the overhead he actually has he says None yeah yeah he does none so he's asking if he can extend it which he can but he'd have to extend at 12 inches and he has pictures yeah so if he would want if the homeowner would want to put a metal roof on this home that he's applying it looks like now they have no overhead the edge of the house yeah at least one foot and and maybe 18 inches because it depends on the slope that's usually very very challenging so we have lots of that's why I said it might be good that you're here because lots of people come with want to do a metal roof they have no overhang and it's really almost it's cost prohi yeah it's it's almost cost prohibitive to create that overhang if you don't already have it yeah yeah it can be done it's not cheap right so most homeowners say uh you know what I'll just just take the tile and put another account tile before send the money so for now we'll just table it table it yeah so tell them we're not going to vote Pro or deny just gonna put it on hold okay so for further clarification when are you putting it on hold to to the next meeting or or I mean usually we just table it and if yeah we just table it and definitely we basically yeah until they they they they decide what they want to do was that a motion Table 6 second okay David all say I I motion carries so we tabled it so we're gonna wait to hear from you you thank you for helping we'll go back up to the top of the agenda uh I have the minutes from March 18 2024 they looked good I I I to me unless you guys have any other and we also have the minutes corrected minutes from the March 4th which were just um we took out the Edward Grom or Edward I like that David Lea whatever it was that it was so which one is approving um the Mee the meeting March 18 2024 so motion to approve 4 a second all fa say I I motion carries so that's a motion um the other ones were just updating that we already voted to approve it we just updated the minutes all right so next will be uh 5c 665 Northeast 120th Street single and flat re roof Mario Montero they're just the ones that he uh 5 C 5 C you get to 5 confus motion to approve is this the one that um this is the one that uh Jared came in last week is this it single so I'm confused you're approving a shingle roof Dave well oh I just saw stuff for flat re anything but is this the one that Jared was here last week right J was here for metal roof no but but it's the same address 665 Northeast 12th right she had like a bronze and a black and then so I so is it just that this this shouldn't say shingle and flat re I think it's titled incorrectly this application looks like it's just for the flat re roof you are on time so they want to do dark bronze I'm that's what I'm looking at the last page 32 dark bronze but the the the the information on the um it should say metal and flat roof flat re roof on the permit um or the I'm the agenda cross out the word shingle yeah I don't know that this is not a metal roof color chart this is a coating so I don't think this has anything to do with the metal Ro application looks like it's only for the where your metal Titan metal on demand premium paint finishes for beautiful long last performance I don't know if that's for know that's say Flor upon 70% pbdf on aluminum so I I don't understand because the color that was approved which if you go back up to oh it's still the same thing well we did tell her it says charcoal gray or matte black we don't want black so we told her bronze and then she comes back with a color for dark bronze so we're approving dark bronze metal root okay you say so no I'm just saying I I know what you're saying this is not actually a metal roof chart but they are still identifying it as dark bronze yeah just don't know we're proving because then there's like highlighted maner Brown and buck skin why don't get it I mean in our approving can we specify that we're approving roof yes if this application is a metal roof color but then where's the overhang di where's all the other stuff that goes with this we're approving a metal roof so but the thing is it's it's something that we've already approved I mean if this is a metal roof that we've already approved all they did was come in for a change of color last time yeah but my problem is now there's more here than change of color there's can we can we look up the original permit it couldn't come tonight okay so page one re roof okay page two low slope metal sh metal [Music] panel 312 do we have an approved permit on this permit number r 23-6 we did okay but on the February 26th meeting is there the the drawing that shows the overhangs in the fascia because that's what Ed is bringing up is that it doesn't we're not seeing the the application for the metal roof that we approved we're assum you know we assume that on February 26 we actually must have looked at and seen this drawing because we typically ask for these drawings when we every time we do a metal rout correct cor on guys I yeah just in general not sure what we're approving tonight that's but when was The [Music] Originals it are you showing a measure showing oh 21 inch overhang with a six inch Bas sh there is a diagram that was approved the previously approved that all the goods that we need yes today it's flat roof and color of the motion to approve a dark bronze metal roof thank all in favor say I I okay that was uh Ed David okay so the metal color is approved so all right perfect timing so we got 5f 10008 Northeast 114 Street addition ponia hello sir is that yours yeah one Z8 Northeast on our 14th Street yeah that's it says addition but this is like a house that we've already approved I don't understand why it says the plans are no addition they're difference here change your windows okay okay okay thanks for coming in what clouded uh yes what you Chang there what elevation nor south east west there no no elevation is clouded but it's a side window it's a clearest okay hold on so I'm looking at page 298 of 298 would be and you're lowering it okay so if you look at page A- 015 which is actually page number 297 of 298 I mean the very last yeah that's clouded it is clouded there's actually two of them clouded it's one there's a bunch of Windows on top top of each other Carlos can you can you just come around here real quick so upper lower um we're moving just just the upper you're eliminating it or you're moving it no it's moving it up six in okay so and then what is why is this clouded this is 108 I mean this is not a window permit this is you're just doing this on the main are you coming this is this is not your window permit this is you're just making an Al you're making a change to the master permit okay it's right here so just going up so if you look at page number 290 what is that number a008 yes 290 008 yes but then there was there was another okay that's fine approve David Ed Ed David I I motion carries okay and then he's also here for 5G 1065 noreast 19 Street revision George formento okay that your partner you want to talk to him where is he so it's the same elevation of kitchen window George fto okay Mires 325 babies what is that he said oh is this the mirr houses I mean even the CD sets are my favorite is when you thought they were bringing a third same motion to approve on YouTube Forever all in favor say I I forgot for a moment I was on the public board it was Ed and David luckily we kept our PG-13 rating because it was only one f word which that you're allowed beyond that it we were getting an our designation we were we were going to lose our our monetization all of our ads you're good that was approved right all right thanks sir thanks car all right next will be um 6C 890 Northeast 117 Street replacement fence Manny Lopez replace existing horizontal planks and board 890 Northeast the amount of applications get things on like you would think that there were more Corner Lots than big block Lots in i' never seen so it's always Corner lots that we get appliation well there are some I there there's a couple I looked it up one time and there's a couple of blocks that it's like there's four corner LS and two lots in between the Four Corners the whole village was comprised of those kinds of blocks I would get it yeah replacement of a fence Manny Lopez so what about so I'm looking at this I mean it looks like he wants to bring it out to the property line on the on the whatever bottom side of this yeah Avenue I think we've seen this before it seems so familiar like we've maybe I've seen this in denied or before or but there's an ISS there's an issue with that I think he wanted to come all the way up to like to the front of the house or something if I remember correctly but it's not even highlighted so I'm not really sure oh it's circled right there's one Circle that's in the back and then there's one on the other side that's on the uh west side of the property it looks like so that one looks like it would be okay right yeah but it's this other one that's how close are they getting to that property line it's like to it and how high is this fence hadist thing Place existing horizontal planks board something told me I think it might actually be already after the huh says here that it's 8 speaking after fact when are we going to see the chain link fence on Fifth Avenue in 121st when is that coming before us I don't know I can't wait to meet the folks that thought that was yeah um so this fence whatever the height is which I don't see a height anywhere looks like it gets awfully close to the side property line on whatever Avenue that is I can't read or so it's it can't be any closer than three feet so right now it's drawn it looks like it goes right up to the property line David all in privacy I I motion to deny is approved but for the notes it's denied because it appears to go up to the property line it's lacking any Dimensions no it's lacking materiality it's lacking height specification so it's lacking lot full gamut of information needed to approve a fence we took your and we found you to be lacking just want the come back all right next will be six app 11221 Northeast 9th Avenue installation of solar panel roof mounting systems marello Dar approv when I finally got to work in that last application and there was a wood f a hedge it almost looks like it might comply if they just drew it correctly hard to say yeah I I that's what I was looking at yeah it's like looks like it probably is okay if they just Dimension it they probably don't know where the property line really is so they don't know where the fence is with respect to the property line but anyways fairly small 6f yeah small is that we on game yes we're on F yeah why hold on what is this do they own two what is this this it's are they owned by two different people because why is it that they're just it's only on one side why is the survey look like it's only on one side it says adjacent house hold on what I mean I suppose you could have a rental tenant in the duplex who was willing to spend the money on solar panels for their why would they not put it across the back or the it's all like jogged over on one side of the house and not the other side well like yeah how did they get a property no there's no way that they could got a why are they only putting it on one side and would it be a rental person putting it on one side and not the other that's what I said do we allow solar on can't stop oh yeah well we can stop Haron side harmonious side but it doesn't make any sense why would you have why would you have it on one side of the front it just it's it's not I mean it's one folio with one owner that whole property it is you looked at property search yeah no so what I would say is if they have really big trees on the other side then that's why the solar people would say say to them hey don't put any on the other side well are you also it could be that it's an owner who owns lives in one duplex unit rents together and they're not interested in investing solar for the whole thing to pay electrical cost for the neighbor for the rental renter who's paying their own right yeah that's a very big hypothetical right yeah but I I could see that being a viable but the way that explanation the way that it drops in like the way that they're connected to each other they could still be on other Parts yeah well no and that wouldn't explain it's one shared roof you own the home yeah you don't want to provide solar power to the rental unit but it's your roof the whole roof so you would put the panels all over the roof and maybe only feed your unit not the second unit right but it's G to look hideous to have it on just one quarter of the roof if if you want anything put them all the way across the back the only other thing is if the person is thinking about creating a second floor on the other we are how about this motion the table for further information because the level of speculation here is incred first of all I don't understand this survey that shows half the building with half of the other saying ex adjacent house there's no adjacent house it's the same house and my thing is is if you if you're going to do it do it all the way across one level one fascia either in the front or in the back but don't just have it like literally it would be like tiling one side of the house I don't I'm not good with it so there are no trees that would cause any reasoning for why it should be off let's just put like five set five solar panels on the left hand side of the front of the house I say we' just deny it personally but I'll I'll if you want to make that motion motion to table pending clarification on positioning and okay all in favor say I I I will say that the electric bill for my house went from being in the low 800 month and now it's like 260 from myar being turned off way people I don't think realize this from a residential perspective like thresholds are pretty low but the stair price per kilowatt escalator is like it's like a hockey s so the minute you yeah but I mean they should put it on they more this is definitely a harmonious thing when let's just put all the solar panels on one side of your house not spread them out um okay 6G 11911 Northeast 12th Avenue tile re roof is fine motion to approve second all in favor say I was David Ed our next meeting will be in two weeks um April 15th everybody good with that yeah think I'll miss I'm gonna be out of time the end of April but I don't think it because our next meeting then would fall over until May 6 all right good any other topics I ran into espie today North MI and she said to say hi Oh hey said if you wanted to come in do celebrity celebrity R we could probably even swear you in as a as a fifth member all right a motion to adjourn please toour David all I I we're adjourned at 7:52