with have to start all right you everyone ready all right good evening everyone let's go ahead and bring this meeting to order this is the um village of biscane Park planning um Regular planning and design review board meeting that's interesting that's um planning and design review board meeting for Monday uh July 22nd 2024 shouldn't say regular on there no um it is now 631 I'll do the roll call edra Lea hm uh Gage Tung I'm here as well as Denisha from the vill all right it's everybody's checked in I believe we'll go ahead and we'll go in order of the agenda um and we'll do the residents that are here first uh first on the agenda will be 5A old business 665 Northeast 117 Street uh walkway and gravel driveway a Anto views uh you can go to the microphone and if we have any questions we will ask you um gentleman is here somewhere can y'all hear me right you you basically had the the driveway that had the steel edging in the concrete border it looks like you revised it at the concrete border yes we revised the detail um it was already Revis before I don't know apparently there was a problem on an issue While submitting the plant on the system but I we submitted the the Revis detail clarifying also the marble is going to be marble 57 is going to be the the the stun that we're going to use I think that was the last the only comment we had the last comment they had a detail for the gravel driveway Edge which was like a steel kind of landscape border detail instead of the concrete border that is there somewhere on this drawing this final drawing last sp110 the circled detail 8 that change from previous to Middle the detel 8 yes for the driveway um and the the approach okay MH you motion to approve second all in favor say I I that was Ed and Scarlet carries thank you sir thank you thank you okay yeah yeah yeah you're all said yeah it'll still go through the building department before they issue it all right next will be uh 5c 1035 Northeast on 19th Street metal REO Carlos Cavo and then we also have a add-on it's it's uploading now it's been up so this same permit has a um a building permit for the the the fascia overhang I guess and that was just uploaded now refes so if we the most current Dropbox has the B sh so let's go ahead and deal with the C first so so they want to do a white metal roof Regal White you might need to look at the other application because this one doesn't have the overhang so if you go back to the beginning of the Dropbox she just uploaded it a minute like a minute or so ago um very top there's the a permit for the overhangs so existing the remain as this new 2 by8 new facial board new overhang so you're proposing a new 18inch overhang with a 2x6 proposed phasi together yes you guys have the yeah I'm looking at it you look at the very bottom couple Pages it shows pictures of the house shows the proposed new overhang Asia So based on what you're proposing you you do meet the code for overhang um so so you would have to obviously complete your building permit and get all that it would all be done at the same time but as far as zoning goes I believe there is that other application a separate item number in here or oh I believe what we have is we have five five C is the for the metal roof and then the one that was just added was going to be is actually 60 so we're going to add it as 60 1035 Northeast 119 Street so so motion to approve 60 60 okay all fav say I I okay so the so the building permit is approved by us it has to go through all the engineering and all the other trades as far as zoning goes approve 5C on approval to five 6 that's Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries all right so we approved the building the per permit as far as zoning goes and the roofing permit as far as zoning goes and now you just have to go through the rest of the the the the subs so what is next what what is from us it'll go to the building department because we're just ring zoning that you comply with the Z so this is appr proof from a zoning point of view but now the building department will review the structural it aspects and have any comments about how you're building it all that's sort of thing we just bro do we have to from my where you shouldn't I don't know what you submitted for the fascia and overhang detail they may they may issue additional comments if they want more information but from here it'll go to the building department I don't know what their typical review time is a week okay no because the the his secretary went to the building department she talked to someone there and they say you guys are okay the the soan nothing gets reviewed till we approve it so now it'll go to them officially okay maybe they've already looked at it informally and it'll be a quick turnaround but you'll get an email in the open go system telling you it's been approved or telling you the building reviewer has issued some comments that you need to address okay so there's still another step at the building apart so this is proov here from our point of view we're we're approving it based on the fact that you're going to add the overhangs the required overhangs and fasia so yes yeah hard hard for us to say we don't here thank you all right next will be five uh D 1108 Northeast 119 Street Walkin Closet in a maze yes sir this is the second man well the original didn't meet to set back this is the one that was only like a couple inches off yeah I think it was just simply changing it by a couple inches but yeah we we um we went back there and remeasured ourselves at first because we knew we had uh complied uh with the zoning we had no uh issues before with our you know structure original structure so um uh it was 10 an little change so we called the surveyor back they resurveyed and you know and here we are we we were correct been revised 10.01 Fe okay so motion to approve second all favor say I I motion carries thanks for fixing that all right next we got everybody right I make sure I'm not missing all right next will be 6B 750 Northeast 117 Street wooden fence B 6B yes good evening good evening all right let's see what we got here so it's just on the front Corners uh it should be around the entire property with two entrance Gates okay I see so it's not in front of the the house at all no it's lined up to the front edge of the house and the style of the gate or the fence is data in there in the first couple Pages wood would feel close in between on page three of the PDF so it's horizontal slats yes and they're wood okay yes so the one thing is they they can't be more than a half an inch between the gaps uh just so that because they can't be climbable okay the fences cannot be climbable so we've determined that a half an inch is the is the the doesn't have a pool there's no pool there's no Gap so we we do have a pool they're in they're in construction so I just want to make sure with when we go forward that we have the correct information it's half an inch between each wooden slot well no that's actually if there's a pool there's actually a um the the the oh you need the Slants well no the the the there actually has to be no Gap if there's a pool okay no Gap the board has to be no Gap is what we wanted anyway yeah yeah that's complete privacy is our preference okay so no no gaps so then that's fine just don't want a kid to be oh absolutely y just half in fingers exactly and then you have self closing Gates that's gonna be another requirement but outward swinging y we got all that second Scarlet say I I all right you're good thank you thank you there no gaps all right next is 6 967 Northeast 117 Street gravel driveway right so so it's not a gravel driveway right all right so we have a revision it's what was applied for was asalt or no for it's gravel now you're applying for concrete correct so they're going to be concrete slabs either with turf or uh Rock in between so we have the Swale it will enter from the sale on both the roundabout and the garage entrance and then on the on the actual front yard so we have put the percentages on the soil as you see it's 23 call it 24% of the total area of the soil will be um non prvious and 33% including so the 33% of the front yard includes the Step Up entrance to the actual house like the entrance um we're under 40 on both Swale and front yard we're under 50 in terms of entire project on the lot size right so we just to go over a couple things you're you're under your 50% lot maximum lot coverage you're at 48.8539483 front right the front is going to be 33% out of 40 and the sale is 23 out of 40 so I just need you to upload all these all this is need to be uploaded to um because I don't have it so I don't know if it's been uploaded we'll upload it it's a revision current it's a it's a revision from what you guys have we will upload it in the morning and it will be correct and you'll fill out the proper yes the what is it called the um calculation for driveway impervious impervious we'll take care of that in the morning um and then my understanding is from here it goes to because we're waiting on this meeting to start working on the driveway want to make sure it's done correctly and we're all on board do you understand yeah yeah so material then for what he originally applied for he hit all the the requirements so motion to approve contingent upon applicant submitting the revised drawing go with the driveway perious impervious calculations okay call fav say hi hi I appreciate it thank you thank you so he has to upload this drawing that's what we approve so it's a concrete driveway not a travel all right uh next would be 6G 10905 Northeast 8th Court uh T roof AIO so it's an s tile and it looks like it's a South Beach blend it's Barcelona 900 yeahi IES your approve sir thank you thank you all right next will be uh 6 I did we have anybody else here so I'm doing six I now anybody okay so sixi it was 11305 Northeast 10th Avenue shingo re roof good evening hello so this is the current shingle roof and you decided you now want to go to metal roof yes sir okay we're looking at a metal roof application so it's a metal roof application and I'm just waiting for anything to download approv number is 2437 but we don't have anything in our our um in our backup that shows anything to do with metal roof was there an application for metal roof with all the yes required product approvals and everything yes because we have an application for a shingle roof here that we're looking at I don't know if there was a single roof that you tried to do and then but we we apply for a shingle they deny that's why we submitted new application for midle looking at the old one only well I don't think we actually saw this yet so I don't think you actually were denied from a shingle roof yes you're probably told that there's there's some hurdles that have to happen in order to have it but you haven't this this is the first we were we're hearing this this application do we have anything that's been uploaded yeah yeah just saying I I don't think you everything I have here is for shingle we're just looking what we have in front of us is a asphalt UHC me single application when we send that one they denyed that's the new one so did you resubmit a new permit application yes so okay the proper procedure when you're doing that you would have to cancel this permit and then tell inform the building department that you were applying for a new permit application so this is the old original permit that you submitted sounds like maybe originally you were going to do when you uploaded it so they had so the thing is they were requesting the engineer as as our suain yeah understood yeah and so all that's true that's that's the the rule of the village I just don't think you were officially denied because to be denied it would come to us and we Deni didn't come to us but probably someone at the building department shared with you this is the process and then you know you realize that a shingle excuse me shingle roof wouldn't be allowed so it looks like maybe you uploaded again then a separate perm application for the metal roof but we're looking at unfortunately here theing the original that would get denied here unfortunately see if I can get the email the thing is either you guys will deny this one and they can come in with the um the second per application or they would need to C so there's two options planning board can either just deny this one and then they'll come in with the new perm application or you can submit an email to the building department to have this permit application canel in the whole package I have a permit number for it already um yeah but the thing is you submitted two permit applications one was for a shingle re roof was denied it wasn't denied she had um the building department had sent back changes for you to upload the structural engineer letter or as to why the roof could not support a tile or metal roof you I'm not sure if you got any you responded back to it or anything but you submitted a new permit application so I understand they uploaded a new permit application under the same permit number no under a different permit we not have that permit number available as that's a separate permit application or but it's not okay so the thing is there were in communication to have it prepared to come before the planning board so this per application was already prepared a few months like probably a couple weeks prior they submitted a new per application maybe last week so right now if they did nothing probably their other one is going to come up on the next agenda basically August 5th I really it sounds like you know again you uploaded this shingle roof and then you were told hey it's probably not get Pro so you uploaded another one under another permit application yes so right now in the building department you've got two permanent applications in the system one is the shingle roof that came to us tonight the other one is the metal roof application which did not come to us yet so probably it's going to come to us at the next agenda next heing so for now we'll deny this one or really you can withdraw it because you know whatever okay um but you'll yeah I don't know if there's repercussions of denial versus withdrawal makes no difference um no it's just the thing is it was reviewed by you guys it's your decision if you wanted to deny it or withdraw it or table it so would get denied so so anyways but I think you should be on the next agenda but I would just double check that 100% you can call the building department I don't know when they check tomorrow to say hey make please confirm that my address is on the next hearing for a metal roof okay um because if it's not then something happened in the system you're go down to the department and say what's going on okay so for now we'll deny this more formality but but next time hopefully you're next year I I I have the per for the middle already yeah and and it sounds like there is one probably in the system it's just not on our agenda to review tonight okay right so motion to deny whatever this number is it is um six I 6 I yeah second okay I'll say I I okay motion Deni appr call the building department tomorrow the day after say please confirm them on the agenda and just sir as as I have you up Sir can you just go back to the microphone real quick so just so I just want you to be aware because you know just applying for a metal roof is not a guarantee that you're going to get a metal roof you there are there are there are requirements set at set forth in our code under 10.4.3 that you must meet all these points in order to get a metal roof I just don't want you to wait two weeks and then come back and be like oh we didn't know but I I just wanted to be clear that you need to investigate 10.4.3 and there are requirements for a metal roof okay the overhangs make sure the color is and approved color white because because you just showed me green so that makes me worried because the the proed colors are silver gray brown copper and white okay and you just showed me a picture of a green so it makes me you know you did read the co the the you know colors silver gray brown copper white that's what is it well that's I'm I'm just saying okay um and then you know you have to provide an overhang all the way around the perimeter of the the house okay all right so just saying those are the colors that are approved I want to uh well actually there's no variances on root so you couldn't even ask for a variant on changing the color um you know my impr my thing would be look at brown or you know copper or you know silver look there there are there are different varying shades of colors in those you know light gray dark gray you know as long as it's gray or brown light brown dark brown you know you know we have some flexibility as far as those go but they must be within those those color paletts and green is not well I mean metal roof he has a he has a thing there with um with the you know the metal roofs only come in a certain amount of colors so that would be as long as it's not it's harmonious with the neighborhood I mean that's the your house is kind of tan isn't it yeah okay I mean the the the color of the wall colors or house colors just need to be harmonious unless there's an issue with you painting your house right fuchsia you know I don't think there's going to be an issue with that so okay it would be just you should have no problem with the color of the the walls matchine right thank you thank you sir all right uh next will be um 6j 11315 Northeast 9th Court TW story single family home this which one is is this is this something that we've already looked at this hi so this is the the one we submitted for demo and fence a few weeks ago in front of the park on Ninth Court okay but I'm just I don't know why it's on the agenda it should be discussion item if this is the first time we're seeing it well we passed the demo and fence well that's has nothing to do with the design of the new the new structure correct so you know you know the routine right new construction get through reviews all that stuff so really your discussion item not an agenda We're Not Gonna vote on this right we have the go through three meetings right should really be discussion item oh can I get a motion to move this to discussion item what number is this 6j J motion to move 6j to the 8B okay so we're going to move this to and then mind if we knock out these other ones I know it takes a little longer do you have plans for us to see yeah we should I mean I have a Dropbox but it's got um 231 P pages in it so um do you have you have page of something that's like more specific floor plan and things like that let me see I can pull it up and I'll email it to someone and we can um meanwhile I'll scroll I'll scroll but he he agreed to let the other yeah you guys oh all the other residents go okay all right so we'll we'll come back to you okay 192 really submitted everything confident okay so we're going to come back to that um so okay um make sure anybody else walk in I just want to make sure I'm like skipping over people I didn't there's we don't have any 6K 6j 6m 6K came in okay so 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue impact windows and doors sir hello hi just give us a second it's just one second yeah it's all just fixed glass what is the color sir we have is a dark brown close to a gray and with um the shade of the glass is light gray light gray okay yes Pap say I I motion carries okay you're good sir thank you thank you do yeah 6j we moveed to discuss okay so we moov 6j to discussion because it's it's a new build so it should have been a discussion item for first discussion um so the next would be the variant 7A because we have a we I have I have the variant and I have the um driveways I know these these people are here for the driveway uh just real quick the gentleman in the back there six n m six in okay so you are actually next because you're on the main agenda I'm going by order of the agenda so that's 6 in 120 Northeast 11th Court fence repair levit give us a second this is in the rear of your property yes parallel to Northeast 11th Avenue the the the alley okay this is an existing fence that you're repairing yes and what's the height uh six foot six foot okay all right so this is on that 11th AV and they're allowed to have fences on the street side of that that road the the the um code carves out that specific block for um fences along the the street because typically you wouldn't have fences between the house and the street but because those are back your your two streets right one in front one in back this actually is allowed in favor say I I motion carries you're good sir thank you thank you all right so now we're going to do the variant 7A on would you like to all right 7A yeah so this is 971 Northeast 11 111 street I'll wait for them to come back in but this is something that we saw there was a gate put up in the front walkway huh we denied it obviously sorry for the all good evening sir good evening all right so this is a variance for The Pedestrian gate yes um you're looking for relief from 11.62 d oh is the gate there right now those are pictures of the actual yeah yeah I think it's been taken down yeah yeah yeah so if you look at the two page the two pictures at the bottom the the the post are I believe are still there um and then the gate the the picture the one below is of the gate when it was installed okay so um so in order I'll sign so in order for a variance to be considered first of all um the variance is an exception to our code uh we make a recommendation to the Village commission The Village commission is the the the the the the body that actually makes the decision so we just make a recommendation uh whether or not we feel that the variance is warranted so just um give you that caveat we don't actually make the decision so when you come back to the Village commission for the actual commission you'll have to present your case to them and um and they will make the decision so in order to get a variant you have to meet you have to meet uh four points of the code um and just to be clear because it's not 100% you have that to your your set what you're looking for is a you're looking for Relief on the code can I just turn 1162 D so you're looking for a relief for the height because right now the code states that you can have a pedestrian gate located in the front yard shall not exceed a height of six feet and shall not be a width of more than five feet yeah and this one is um 8 by eight okay so you're looking for an8 foot high by eight foot wide gate so you're looking for Relief um from that and your application is for an 8 foot high and 8 foot wide because it only says doesn't really say that it just kind of you know eludes to it and then the drawing is back the backup drawing is there so I just want to make sure we're clear on that so so that being said um so the first point would be that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property which are such that the strict application of the provisions of this chapter should deprive the applicant of reasonable use of their land so your answer that question was Concrete in front of the house entrance is 8 foot wide so um so the code says 5 feet wide you're saying the concrete's 8 feet wide so you must you you the strict application of the code you're not able to follow because of the concrete being 8 foot wide yes if I if I had a smaller pathway 5 ft or even smaller I will go to the same Dimension but the my issue is the whole concrete is 5 foot wide and you installed the concrete correct yes you applied for the applic the permit for the application yeah this yeah you installed the 8ot wide concrete just to be it's not something that was existing when you bought the house or anything no but at that time I didn't know about the um the Restriction of the five feet void got it okay um part number two is that the variance is necessary for the preservation enjoyment of substantial property right of the petitioner you says for security reasons we need to close the front yard we have packages stolen that was led left by the house door also we have two young children or kids always playing outside and to their safety would be need to gate so they don't run outside the property nor cause arm to others okay so you're allowed to do that now I mean you but you have to stay within five feet you have you know there's certain restrictions so you are able to do what you're asking for which is Clos in your front but it has to be six foot high by 5 feet high yes so that provision right there you're asking for something but the code already gives you that permission you're just wanting more you want you're saying that you want eight by eight yes instead of five by six okay [Music] um third one is the the granting of the variants for the the granting of the variants will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the territory in which the property is situated your answer to that was the gate will secure and won't be that's detrimental will be secure and won't be detrimental to Public Welfare or interest to other other property okay and then the and then the final reason number four is that the variant proposes the minimum variance which makes possible the reasonable use of the property so again you're asking and your answer was because of the concrete slab in front of the house being 8 foot wide we don't have the possibility to have the gate cure nor smaller okay again five foot wide five six foot high is allowed you're asking for 8 foot wide by 8 foot high yes okay um so the minimum variance um again not really sure how that answers that question so I uh I'll turn it over to the board um and also if you have any further comments besides the application no but for me like if if I need to break down the gate to six foot for the height you know which is not an issue I can bring it down my issue is the wide if I have to do I cannot do smaller than 8 foot because of the concrete step that I have there so the height you know it's fine if I can bring it down to six foot I don't have any issue with bringing it down to six foot but you could bore holes in the concrete and bring your post I mean the concrete does not prohibit cutting and placing yeah but then on the side of the on each side of the concrete where this is going to be uh access is going to be the same thing as not having any gate yeah and concrete can be removed I mean there's way of cutting and removing it's the whole the whole strip is uh I don't I don't know if you can see the picture of the entrance if is there new yeah I mean I I see it uh again you and you applied for this and and you this is what you wanted and it was approved so um yeah I don't I don't see this is as the minimum definitely there are some design solutions that you could come to code especially um with the the height as well so because I did see some properties other than mine that has the same size as my G and right on the property line too we hear that every time we have a variance application so we know but again um the the one of the standards um meeting the minimum we don't see that we don't see that in this application when is it you don't see U meeting the minimum um as far as your request there there there are other things that you could do to to come into to compliance and if you have an example for me no I mean Gage just gave you three options you can cut the concrete and make a five foot wide by six foot high gate and you wouldn't even have to there would be no variance required you you you the code allows you to put a pedestrian gate in it's just you want a larger and higher gate yes so um so that's that's why you're requesting it um but how it is that that other some other property they are like they have big gifts up front there um I I can't speak to something that I don't you know that um I don't have any anything in front of me so I don't know what properties that you might be seeing that have 8 foot high um 8 foot wide pedestrian gates in the front yard in biscane park yes I I would I would love to see what you're talking about yeah sure I can give you the address because I'm sure code would like to go out and see them yeah I mean if there are others which I'm not sure that there are it's kind of not ger main to your application right we're only looking at your application and or not surveying the neighborhood no no of course of course but if those property were able to do it I don't see why I will not be able to I I if if they exist and I'm not sure I've seen one if they exist they weren't allowed to do it either and they'll probably be before us shortly for their own violation C it's not permitted by the code we haven't granted I'm not aware of the commissioner's granting a variance for an 8 by pedestrian gate I haven't seen that I've been here four years Gage has been on the board 25 30 something like that a long time um so he would probably be familiar with a case right that's been approved to me the hardship issue is is the big one right lots of people ask for variances because they have genuine hardship something very unique about their property that doesn't allow them to follow the strict letter of the the code here there's no hardship there's a hard hardship that's self-imposed you pour concrete walkway 8 fet you chose to do that right nothing innate to the property that can't be changed right hardships are people who have Corner Lots where the house is situated all the way in the back and they have no rear yard at all whatsoever so they want to put the pool on the side instead hey that's a unique aspect of the property that they cannot change right this is something that again you created and you could change just need to remove some of the concrete right I understand while you're here because you installed it without a permit because if you had applied for a permit you would have been denied first and you would have understood the rules now you don't want to change it I get that who you know who spent time and money on installing something and now they don't want to have to come into compliance um unfortunately the the purpose of a variance isn't just to help somebody out because they did something without a permit and now they don't want to change it it's not it's not what the variances are for and I just think in my experience reviewing the commissioners when they review variances a very high threshold and I I see Zero chance again it's up to them but I think you're going to have a very difficult time persuading them that there's a unique genuine hardship something unique about your property that demands that you need an 8 by8 gate on the front um or that there's no other solution to this problem you know we understand you want to keep your children safe 100% we get that and you can do the same thing you're doing here with a smaller gate right you can still you know close off the front of your property um by removing some of the concrete increasing the Hedge and reducing the gate size to meet the current code so the the need or the the the right to enjoy your property can again be enjoyed with a smaller gate the hardship was one that you created it's nothing innate to the property uh and then whether it's the minimum or not I mean it's clearly not because you could achieve the same goal with a gate that's six feet tall and five feet wide right so um yeah I get why you're here I understand it you're in a pickle but unfortunately you know it's not the purpose of the variance so I think I I wouldn't be able to variance okay thank you second a motion was well I guess it's not is it it's not really a motion so votes on whether we support it or not but all right my vote on this forum will be not unfortunately not to support the variance not not in support either and I'm not in support either so um you do have the this still goes forward to the commission um we just are going to give a recommendation to to the commission that we do not we don't feel you met the Four Points um you still can go to the commission and and plead your case and try to convince them that uh of your um of the your your hardship and um but as far as it is right now we have three recommend three NOS to recommend on the board so the board does not recommend expans right sorry I'm sure you probably knew it was a long shot right but no no but I'm still like I'm going to find out how those other property they do have the something yeah all right all right next will be 8A uh 675 Northeast 115 Street driveway Carlile good evening thanks for waiting problem how you doing this evening everything good good um we have a we have a unique situation this is a discussion item by the way yeah discussion on we have unique situation that the village of biscan Park in the desire to improve our storm drain aspects put a large sewer drain right in a um a storm drain in a Swale where we parked our cars for the last 35 years when we we we've had four meetings two code enforcement one was the village manager and also with the um head of Public Works they own agrees they put the drain in the wrong place there's never been a dra problem there but now we have an issue that on the short term I need to put gravel back down down restore the old gravel driveway the way it was I'm not asking the city to do it or Village I'm going to do it we're going to do it ourselves more importantly though going forward it could be two or three years before they even get around to moving the drain in front of our house I I submitted a rudimentary drawing of what we're trying to do for our our yard to be able to park cars there and I'm asking for guidance from the Planning and Zoning will this meet okay um no so there's no it's just a discussion item and he has a plan that he was going to show us and you just come right here we'll we'll look at it this is Swale that's the 115th going um going westbound what eastbound is here right now this this right currently is all grav now they put a big I'm sorry this is old gravel they put a drain right here no way possible they get two cars much less three cars my yard leg leg legally is from here to here with three cars are a yard up car it's not going to be good in City not good for us as a homeowner not neighbor many three and one B the lot is 54t wide actual 144 what I'm when I look at the Turning R of both our vehicles that's turning R minimum I could make it a little bit deeper wouldn't help you do you have to have a circular that go straight in well then I have one two three cars you want to look like a duplex in high your cars can stack tand right so it's not like you need three side by side right you can be if I two pars here I'm all the way up yeah I mean it's yeah I agree it's 25 ft two pars is really it's probably the narrowest lot in the whole 54t wide is not very 54.7 is not very wide at all so going forward how do we solve the problem well the problem is going to be now this G be a ribbon driveway the calculations I did a all calculations for unate it meets all the calculations both in this area or here do you have a 40% maximum maximum driveway right and I'm down 37% I I do calculation so so first thing a lot of things yeah um first off is um we would have to get they're gonna move them they're gonna move we would have to get the engineers approval right for you to have your driveway be part of their they're gonna move the green okay I'm just saying we would that would be our first flag right is that we we can't approve a driveway over a drain which I understand because the engineers would have to certify that it's not wouldn't damage the collapse the dra that's why we would say you would have to put your driveway over here but if they are going to move this it floods across a picture they FL across street the year deep never floods on yard until you have the backyard never the front so public works all public works we have we put the drain in the wrong space we're going to move the drain the next phase of two or three years down the road we can theoretically go ahead and tap the now cost of 20 25,000 the city right now for what purpose I put I put um I'm involved in I sign display living I have metal grade I put metal grade over top of the grade now and I put all rocks there it doesn't collapse doesn't do anything it's fine I drive up it every single day there not an issue there temporary basic the gravels no problem long term you see any problem having C drive here the way to find out initially I think we bought that before I mooved to the house but by probing probbing the yard there was a ribbon driveway here this could be converted to ribbon but the I'm not that's that's not a a dealin I like more grain not sure I'm F what you are asking that you like to do is this circular driveway with this exension right and this you're still below 40% yes you can fit essentially two cars in this area right and a third here probably a fourth behind this one We're not gonna need four we're done having kids no the requirement yeah so what you're proposing would would be an allowable thing yeah if this wasn't here right we have these on and this is what you wanted to do I think it's perfectly compliant it's not exceeding 40% looks great so really just coming down to that thing and getting someone from the city to tell us yeah yeah we're okay and and and me being a city resident wouldn't they want to waste $25,000 to cap this thing when I could do the same thing with that that's really not a point to me it's it seems a waste of money I don't have a problem the way it is now but we want to go forward we have to get driveway in my wife definitely wants got driveway I'm get it okay but right now you have no you have no driveway here you have you have you're gra you're have gravel in the right away yeah so you're and we've been that so you're being told by the village now that you need to upgrade what happen is worked on the draw thing here we had a hole in yard our yard for two two and a half months so my wife was parking underneath the tree here I parked here there was no room otherwise there was a big mounded car and everything down here finally they gave us all violation for parking in not in a driveway here fine so I went and bought gravel I got the metal grate I leveled the metal grate they have in the metal sewer great now they have is teus it's badly installed it's 3/4 inch out of out of the level so you put on one side the Rocks would fall the other didn't work I shimmed underneath aluminum uh things Balan the grade out put a metal grate on top of that so the Rocks wouldn't fall into the storm drain it works fine hasn't been a problem other than the workmanship with all the possible down5 now what is going on with that by the way more more damage there another one popping up there's another one right was it just not compacted right or is it is it cing into the to the the like a French drain underneath there no no it's all the way up the street yeah I know but it's like a pipe underground that the water just goes down and then percolates into the ground right and actually what's happened even my next point was where I filled in here it's now dropped 10 more inches in front of the R so it's it's it's causing problems it's going to eventually stop settling my point is it was that bad workmanship to start with she never been there bad idea no problem how do we go forward from here as a homeowner as a resident I've been here for 35 years we've been married 25 years so I mean what you're proposing we would we would we it's feasible we wouldn't have a problem I think approving this but but but as far as you you can't do this until this is this is so that's up to our building first of all I mean I'm just so where where are the where is our Public Works where's our people that are taking care of this because I hear the resident going in and shimming a public works problems and I'm wondering like what where's our where's the came up initially they said you know when I met went in front of the the code board um one of the people there was there you know very well we have the right to do what any want with the right away it's not yours some else to do okay well and this what am I supposed to do as a resident if you've taken your it's not yours to pay I said fine I'll drive I'll park in my yard we make I look like haa right put gravel in front yard I put a cple plants in there I'll do that is is that good for anybody no well you could but you'd have to put gravel you have to build it with borders I mean there's rules it's not good for anybody we're not going to do that the idea is how to find a amable reasonable thing when it wasn't in her domain any longer no longer a code violation issue and it became the city issu The Village manager and Paul the public workers I've been battling this since March of last year when they first put then I started the the the process by June it had got worse and that's when it then it went and nothing happened for seven months until this year you know what you well let me ask you this I mean what if if if if you put in a driveway application for this and we we approve it but you can't do the work until this has been resolved which is The Village's fault so you have a valid you have a valid driveway permit right from us um but it can't be implemented until this this sit is this so you actually have a tool now in your hand to go back to the to the board and say hey we have the right application right you got fix you got to fix your Swale first and and I understand the idea two three years and there's no in a city we're a small City we don't have a tax a commercial tax base if they want to spend $80,000 to try and do it in the next year and take out of the budget that's the decision why is this not part of the the whoever built this should be warranted I would assume assume that but again I can't make assumptions I know from my viewpoint it's not been as easy of a process as it should have been so going forward I will go ahead and and go through proper process of getting a driveway permit all that stuff done in the engine room I'm going to go ahead and finish pouring the gravel here and just restore the gravel driveway so it doesn't but that's not a driveway you keep referring to this as a gravel driveway it's not a driveway driveway is on your property this is this would be gravel in your RightWay that's not really you're not it's not really a driveway because your driveway needs to be on your property I know but it's been there but it's been there for for 35 years so you've been so you've been out of compliance and it was that way before I even moved in the woman who moved in there before me was that way she had it for the least 15 years and and and but also you can't gravel over the whole impaired sale yeah and also there's a there's a percentage of you know 40% of the Swale that recomend to us toel it by what's his name the thing is say if you go and gravel it then you're going to have to get a permit for the gravel and then it's it's then we're going to the requirements for you know it's this was the survey from 87 okay Parkway yeah there's no driveway at all right this from 87 yeah Parkway is just is just RightWay it's just a it's a sale basically um so you have there's no driveway at all no but the thing is is up when this was done that was allowed it was until what how long it was five years ago I'm just making that up that we passed the driveway ordinance that says you have to have actually I think it's been longer than that um that that says you have to park your car on an approved driveways or approved parking surface right gravel concrete something like that so so before that could have gotten away because the code didn't say you must have to park on what now we cly just on wasn't there r fathered in people who had gra rways at that time Grand not that as long yes yes you could maintain your D gravel driveway as long as it had not deteriorated below 50% problem is is you don't have anything the grandfather in there's no driveway on there no because they took it all out they they they Park dug out our entire driveway to put that so they came all they came up on your properties no yeah they broke the water line there so there was a driveway up here no no driveway's been there since we moved in no the gra driveway has but see the thing is you keep referring to the Swale as your driveway it's not the driveway your driveway would have been on your property okay so if they if this game part came on your property and dug up your your driveway then they should have replaced it but they but so they didn't you're saying they dug up the rideway which is their right away that was their position to our front yard which we have to clean up so maybe maybe the best solution for me then is go ahead and get a driveway permit and force a city going to spend $100,000 to fix a problem they created start sounds well the thing is is so what if you came in an application of like this we would say okay this looks like it meets the the criteria blah blah blah we except we would go you need to get a letter from the engineer saying that you we we're not going to approve a driveway over a a drain so we would have we would have to we' have to wait till you the engineer says okay and we've actually had this happen over on uh eth 9th Court where they put all those drains the same thing in you know 10 years ago somebody did the same thing they wanted a driveway that went through and the engineers said no so so they would not they typically would not allow that because you're then now driving over something that was not designed to be driven over right right except for the the other part of this would be is what it would do to if we have uh not able to use our property when these House was built in 1926 it barely had cars so nobody had two and three cars we didn't have internet none of those things now you know everything's changed what happens now it's only 54 ft wide from this point here to my lot it's only 25 ft yeah you have no front yard but you still can go up to 40% of that parking and we could do that would that would that be best and the other part is then you have to have then I'd have one or two and two here and and and really going to you got you have to way getting across the the soil you're still going to be doing minimum this and this drive through it what are we gaining it aesthetically would make no sense and this really but thing but the thing is is you you do have the space to put a some of your cars on your property so so there's not like you know a big oak tree I'll take the oak tree out take that's what you want you know but I'm just saying I'm just saying you you you have space to park some of your cars on your property you know uh parking just parallel along the the street is not a permanent parking service now to to solve your problem we need to know what the city's solution is this going to be I mean you should be you're you technically should all your fines all your permit should be just be put on pause everything should be paused right now until the city figures out this this problem four weeks ago or five weeks six weeks ago we were told to meet um go to actually two months we went to commission meeting commission meetings they told us um then we got a code violation so we went to the code code told us we we should probably go to Planning and Zoning first plan zoning had two of those cancel after code us to go to that meeting they came back and gave us another violation for not having a driveway up to uh up to code and so I was like okay what you got doing I mean we're trying to comply we're trying to be cooperate trying to find a solution and we're keeping we're going all these meetings that fors they don't have a forum they don't have this they don't have that and nobody's talking to each other finally all the Departments talk to each other about three weeks ago and had the building manager the Public Works some code were all in the meeting and El grade is not working we need to find a solution okay and so they said but I told let's go ahead and have the planing zoning meeting to find out to drive over proposing do in the future we do is going to work we'll be happy to do that they were fine with that that's a good idea and that would have been three weeks ago except two of the meetings were canell yeah um so so this is again a discussion item actually could sit this way and not be on this tril at all yeah as a drive so I can reposition those for a drawing purpose yeah so you know having the the the you know the the part of the curve that's completely on your property that's that's usually a requirement for us for C driveway so you're meeting that um you know having this extra spot over here with a ribbon or something make sense would make sense um so if you were to apply for this we would probably say like I told you yes B but except the drain you can't issue this permit until they figure out that drain so this is really you know the we're playing ping pong baning no no we're not trying to ping pong you we want to tell you that no You' been very good we approve we would approve this and that's why really if my the works I'll get it properly drawn the surface will not be uh will not be stone or cornal I mean or concrete with with a either gravel or grass between it that has to be determined what the pattern would be there what would look best in aesthetic value our house an old classic house I don't want to sell it to somebody wife want to go back to Wisconsin we're I go anytime soon I bought my house very early on we're in good shape there okay we have everything in the right place other than what do I do in the inter so but it doesn't sound like anybody's forcing you right now to get into to get a permit until that is soled now now now if you wanted to first of all I I I wouldn't I would never say go ahead and just on your own cover up a drain with a gra gravel um I had to because there was no way for us to get the cars in there without without almost driving over the neighor York without the both cars here it's right to there mhm and it's and it's you know literally my wife almost almost uh messed her uh shoe up and almost an ankle because the drain there has you know literally inch and a quarter inch and a half wide slots in it okay so it's a massive massive so what is the name of the the Public Works guys uh Paul Paul and here he need to be figuring this out um and literally so unfortunately they said to rectify this issue would take about two years yes but the thing is they do have a pending code enforcement violation so that's the reason why they were recommended to planning and design to see what design Chang they could do but how are they gonna put a driveway in that's just going to be ripped out and to rectify a city wait right that that's where the 20 I think I was fall would be like 2025 to cap the drain I don't you know if you want to do that and waste of money it's fine I don't have a problem with it I mean are you happy you've been parking out there for 25 years I no problem parking continue parking but you need to make it so that it doesn't cave in and I can do that either not a problem do that I got you know I got aluminum plate I got everything I access to everything so I have no problem doing that theoretically in principle I want to make sure what I'm doing is correct and I'm not going to be coming here every every uh three weeks to meet with another department to go over something I didn't create a problem with I'm just trying to find a solution for it yeah I enjoy seeing everybody I met a lot of people in the city now every been very pleasant except I'm not resolving anything okay um so this your a discussion item to us and so I I think I've explained I I've explained to you that if you were to apply for a driveway the the proper process for that but really this needs to be our man our village management needs to be dealing with this situation and it requires them allowing you to put gravel from here to here on a temporary basis gravel from here to here even well I mean can't you go from like here to here or something or or just a temporary you know just something apply for a temporary gravel until because it's just all going to get dug up when they dig up the street exactly right and then and literally literally they just just fill the P here was 18 in deep yeah that's how deep the tunnel went now they one here and right in front the here I'm not going to drive down your street there one popping up right here it's actually 4 in deep right there and and and asphal start crack around it I'm sorry this really Village manager needs to do I think I think I don't know what we're supposed to do I think we're gonna go ahead and app for a firment again so they just wanted design recommendations okay so that what you're asking for Works looks great you know in my rudimentary understanding of it I forgot percentages everything works there it's not right up on the property line you technically supp to be a 5 feet I'm 5T to there yeah that a little bit difference could be knocked off not problem I mean that the kind of stuff is it was basically would this work from a design standpoint with that it would okay glad you were there I'm always there always there good luck to you well it's just just take I wish we I mean if you were to apply for that and there wasn't a drain issue we we would be happy to approve it something well you don't even know there grain I covered it over so I won do that thank e all right so we're going to go back to um discussion 8B which was 11315 noreast 9th P new construction so this will be um first design review Best For Last I assume um let me just pull this up uh 11315 so I have a separate file which is like the architectural drawings I can email that or I'm sure somewhere in the yeah we we have it but it's just we had you said it's way down at90 is SP Arc 11315 that's file name so we just I got to scroll down it's quite a big submission for um is it normally 231 Pages no it's not I'm sure they just put the you submit a a new construction culation structural calculations and you and I just be warned I mean going through and having all these MEPS done on a house that has not been approved yet is it's be at your own risk I mean this is a lot of money spinning on drawings code sure sure this I know I know but whatever has to be fixed we we will fix and fix the M okay so I am looking at page so page 192 sp1 I I don't have it downloaded so it's kind of it's a little fuzzy do you did you download it yeah I always I mean are the sound are the setbacks I see 39.1 no is that 39 that's not to the front of the house though that's to the it's not to the garage where do the garage setback 30 33 and what about the side setback sides head backs you have 10 it's 10 and 10 and then if you go to A1 A1 so it follows sp1 you will see the set back side set back okay I see it we have 17.4 on the North side 10 in the south side and 10 10 to the water line or to whatever that is in the rear yeah really 10 on the North side oh it's you're right 10 of the building 10 to the right 10 from the house to to the part of the building that's closest to the property line correct rest of it okay so lot coverage you're at question do you do we allow like separate structures because I you can have yeah did that change or just that you can't put living space in it can't be a place of a boat right it could be a living roomy Workshop you allow bathroom are you asking for that I don't see it I don't see it here no it's not it's just a question you cannot do a kitchen kitchenet web right Janette said no gas no yeah I know no cooking no cooking understood okay so this you're right at8 hold on so in terms of what's your questions I'm sorry go ahead SE your question okay Too Tall too high too high yeah maximum 28t high from base but elevation plus one you're 39 over so you're not much over but you got to bring it down toly right would you would any 36 you can't be at 36.9 do we have a pen I can just JW down some question I mean some all right so you can't exceed 36 n GD you're at you're 87 plus 36 36 n GB d n BD BD okay so we're too high yes you're slightly Too Tall which I'm sure you can Rectify easily um so we're maximum is 28 feet 28 feet from base foot elevation plus one and they're showing it at what 30 so they're at 28 foot 399 high oh so there they're just a couple in okay yeah yeah the bigger issue is that so in this code change overhaul that we had recently on a second floor interior plot line which in your case is both sides right you're a you're in a mid block lot you can have a maximum of 30 feet of the building at the minimum setback the minimum setback is 10 feet the second floor you can have at a maximum 30 linear feet a building at 10t set back you right now have 35 54 almost 55 feet so at the minimum seven so you would have to anything beyond that 30 linear feet you got to push back five feet no that so sorry to interrupted that we knew of and I we had spoken that's why you see on the like there but that's not how it works right you still have I here adding it up because I had to figure it out you have one dimension right so all this is at 10 foot correct you did this little indentation that's nice that's the articulation of the facad all that's good right but if I add up from this corner to that corner it's 19 foot4 okay if I add from this corner to that corner it's 35 foot5 but all of that you can't exceed 30 linear feet at the 10 foot setback you cannot exceed 30 so this is 5 feet this too much and then and then all that would have to go back there maximum 30 not 30 in SE sections right it's a total cumulative length 30 feet uhuh so it's not just like you can go 30 feet then step back and go 30 feet then step back no once you go more than 30 feet you got to step everything else back so to make this comply all in theory right many ways to do it but all this would need to go back five feet and at least five speed of this would have to go back 5 and then only have 30 it would all be mute if you just got rid of that little bathroom on the other side and just moved it overi that little thing that juts out get rid of it shove your whole building back 5 feet because you have 17 on the other side just move it over so that solves it but right now you gotta deal with that fine you built all the house up on one side of the on the property that's like you read my mind that's the first thing I thought of that's that's an easy fix uh had one other oh the other issue is visibility huh visibility yeah so the other issue is the code says the rear two3 of your property second floor Windows have to you have to do something to minimize visibility into your neighbors right so clear stories frosted glass whatever you want but all those windows on the second floor that are like full height casement windows that's like one of the things I push for the most is like glass now I get it I mean but the way the code is written and after much so you want less Windows glasss it says um shall be designed in such a manner as to diminish visibility into abiding properties it's a very you interpret that with your architect how that how you like but that's what it says that was on purpose because we there's an issue that the village wanted to address people being upset about these big monster developments that are peering into their backyard you don't want to dictate a solution so and there's your neighbors to the South have a pool right there so they probably would not appreciate all those windows at 10 setback understood now so couple of things right you set back more so on the North side it is you're 17 foot back right you might not be anymore after you shi the building but you're already 17 foot back so now there's like okay I have Windows but I Mi I'm doing you know an additional s feet of setback that's a story you could sell or it's clear story windows so you get the light just not the view or it's frosted windows so you get yeah I mean most of these most of these windows on the south side for example like for example bathroom windows we can Frost that's a and you can put a tall window like for light what's the purpose of these floorida ceiling windows I mean in a bedroom oh it's just a nice room yeah get it yes people want as much glass as possible on a little wall right you're living in a a fish tank have so much windows so okay let me ask you another on another thing I would be fine with that if I it's up to me in my whole glass house would be glass right my house I wish also this applies to the rear two3 what are those two ones in the middle there hold on I got to scroll up and look at the floor plan that are in the front there so those huge windows are like literally there's a bathtub right there yeah so that's the floor you have a bathtub you're gonna be taking a bath he said he'll Frost though yeah the bathroom will be frost that's not why would but why would you why would you as a designer why would you want to be inside of a room and have frosted glass and you have no view you can't even look out and see a bird flying by I mean it doesn't make any sense like clear put some clear story windows up so when you're taking a bath you can look out and see the Blue Sky I don't get the use of frosted Windows personally we're gonna change we'll get back to that as long as we're just throwing out design in comments why is your master have the Front Street View and not the rear view and and the secondary bedroom has this huge par Master Okay so my thought here was our thought I shouldn't say my thought our thought but something I pushed that's why we have like a a living room in the front as well like you're in front of the park you want to enjoy the view of the park during the day versus look at another house that's a whole point like because that it is a different because it's par front right park front I want to maximize a bunch of people playing soccer all day yes but yes that but when they're not it's it's actually very nice it's open green like it's a this is not no no that's a reason reason that we prove or deny but I just noticed that it struck me that the master is facing the front that was um um that was a request well that was so so you know looking at if you're looking at the floor plan of the Second Story you know first of all the one solution of this entire thing is just move the house over 5et okay okay and then you don't have to then that discussion is is mute but it's another situation here where you know we just had somebody recently where they had to break it up and they moved that closet space that they put between bedrooms in five feet you know so that would be a solution he's got that indentation so he thought he was complying because he thought he just couldn't go more than 30 feet at a time yeah didn't realize it was maximum 30 they were trying to solve if it was uh Sebastian was CU he's also building here Argentinian gentlemen oh you're saying who the other that we're talking about he's the one that we spoke and he's like this is a new regulation so yeah so but it's okay so okay I understand on on the first the height on the yeah the 30 feet I'm just looking at the size of those windows in the master bedroom facing the park I mean be sitting there with your blinds closed all the time because you're going you can't open your windows at night because people are going to be standing in the park looking at you while you're while you're taking while you're changing I just I'm sorry no no it's okay I I I'm with Edward in the sense of like if I have if I could have my house like a glass box it would be a glass box I mean maybe if you took the handrail and made the handrail a half wall or something so the line of sight going up is not so much that you're standing there in your underwear and the people in the glass is more expensive say I mean you're spending money on all that glass yeah save yourself money by so now in the in terms of the two-thirds of the of the property having privacy towards the neighbors let let me ask you something on one point that Terrace in the east side on the backyard on the second floor are we okay with that or are we not okay with that so so the thing is is so that's an example of the fact is that that property that Terrace is is like what 50 feet away from the back property line so that would be something that would be okay you know you're so far away from your neighbor's property line that that I would not see that as a visual even though you're a second story you are facing the back um you have to be able to look at your yard I mean so that to me wouldn't be an issue now if it was if it was if it was on the side of the house facing the neighbor directly to your side I would say that's that's an issue we've had similar scenarios where we've asked people to provide some sort of screening on the side of the terrs yeah but it's but is it really are you saying that just that little it does w so no what what I wanted to do is not the one that's like a little small balcony little Juliet on the top of the plan right so massive Terrace I I wanted to I wanted to right so my I wanted to combine the Terrace and that pergola and just put it one large uh Terrace okay so the issue would be the the part of the that wall facing the north would would would that would be where we would I would recommend that you do like a half a wall or something like that or do a trellis or do a do a decorative lattice or some kind of thing on the North side facing understood yeah that would that's that's considered you know diminishing the visibil visibility it I didn't quite understand this combining that Terrace with that Tris so you're going to have that mass and trellis at the second level no this trellis is on the first level yeah yeah I get it right but looking from a Terrace to a the roof of a trellis is for yeah so you want to do what though as an alternative make all that Terrace that's correct like uh put a a cement got it so again to our you know okay this ask you to do something to treat that side yeah we can probably enclose it or put like some yeah okay yeah we can enclose it close it you know angled louers wooden lers Ang kind of shields The View yeah okay so really what would be the purpose of such a huge Terrace I mean I guess that he doesn't and I get it that if you're on that Terrace and your view is down to the top of a trellis that's colleting bird poop and whatever else that it's ugly that you rather just make a bigger terorist yeah and what's then you lose all that natural light under underneath the Tris on the first floor but honestly with with trellises that like in 967 we put a the trellis with natural light and it's like I'll be honest for me it's it doesn't serve a purpose because when it you can't be in it when it rain it's like you have it covered covered but it's not covered like I rather just have it fully enclosed so you can actually use it on but that's just a okay so that's so that's that's where I just kind of fell into like I think that you know it's one thing the way you proposed it that to have that little tiny TW 12 by whatever balcony but if you're planning on putting a huge balcony across the rear even though you're far away from your neighbor behind you's property it does say all portions it actually only talks about the side it does talk about the side but no but but you're you're creating a huge party deck that's going to overlook your neighbor behind you's prop property yeah okay let let us look we have to build it together like I'm giv we're just changing your deck at 967 is closer to the house behind you than this would right that deck that's on the side that faces mostly the street but it faces but you remember that was all facing the rear of the property at one point and we and we we they worked with us to but the north side of that Terrace he's facing the pretty close to the next property over but it faces the driveway of that property not the pool of the property you know so maybe you know what maybe let us redesign let us redesign and come back to you guys because to me the way you have it now where you have a roof deck and then you have a trellis and then you have a pool then you have a a setback you're you know it's kind of we you're far away from your neighbor that the neighbors you know they're going to complain about it but they won't complain so much that hey there's this huge you know no but it's also you also don't want to be in a balcony that you come out and you're looking at your neighbor like if I'm in the if I'm in my house and I'm going out to my balcony and I see my neighbor pool and backyard like that's not enjoyable for me either so you want to create some sort of the neighbor behind you has a pool yeah that is um yeah that's okay so you want to do like this pris area you could just shift it to the North and cover that outdoor barbecue to the bathroom right let us let us covered area but it's not no but let us come back and redesign the the the backyard shift the house scale it down a little bit so I just want to let us come back to you and this is flat roofed house it's flat roofed house yes so that just come back to you so it has multiple roof levels just want to make sure we're good on the multiple levels um creativity and design shall be encouraged to allow for a variety of building types okay that's definely that's a creativity going on here um architectural character and appearance including exer color which will harmonized and blend in with other buildings in the area so here's you know this situation is is I think this is the only twostory house on the Block um it is um is the front of this house built in a like in a in a manner that because right now you're going two stories right up to the front setback it looks like like I mean is there any is any of that front of the house one story or is it all two stories garage hes forward a tin bit at one with just the balcony above it yeah I mean if you look at you look at umet a-8 I mean it's pretty flat yeah it's three feet the garage that sticks for it's not a lot so is there I'm looking for something that could be done on that because you know it does say will harmonize and blend in with other buildings in the area so does this really even though we allow two stories does this really harmonize and blend in with our building mirror tell me what sorry I'm trying to look for images so I can show you like kind of perspective tell me what what you guys would like to see well let me ask you this I mean like does it have to be does this does this twostory thing have to be at 30 feet front setback again you have would you like to have it well the 30 feet is in the garage which is like so his point is maybe there's a way and again you need to look at it that at the minimum setback it's a single story structure that the second story structure is begins a little further back more than three feet right because right now you have the garage at 30 three feet behind that then you have the two-story wall right so it's pretty much a twostory wall at 33 feet setback so okay just saying maybe maybe that story part can start a little further back so you kind of read more the one story at closest to the front setbacks right yeah we're going to read this out the house we we're going to redesign the house huh we're going to redesign the house yeah don't go through all these drawings it's okay it's okay I mean this is a lot of work it's it's okay it's it's know by now I know be architectural um deal with that stuff and then release all your trades I'm not it's okay I'm it's fine he's gonna make millions on 96 no pay these trust meing design if you if you knew how much that that imagine cost you trust me hoping that money on it we we have to make a record in the park to make to break even so just give you feedback you know Harmon harmonizing with the houses around it so meaning some some setback on that front the first and second levels um more levels um the interior we talked about the interior side Ed covered that with you um uh articulations manner provide movement articulation um openings we talked about that um there's not any roof decks so that doesn't matter Windows it looks like the windows are all going to be continuously design Gage it's it's okay because if if if we're setting back the Second Story essentially we have to redesign like we have to redesign the floor play we have to redesign that everything it just seems like the house is very forward and to one side so you you almost might be able to get away with some of the things that we're asking you by pulling it back yeah we have to from the front setback moving it away from your side setb I'm G I'm going to rescale it we're going to rescale it we're gonna we'll come back in a month it doesn't matter like what we invested in the plans that's the least of my concern it's more the time to be honest with you because these things take like three months but it's it's on our end like it's not I want to make sure that you know the planning board is happy with the you know like Z push back from our person I don't have problem right someone is g to be the first two story of the block you know just because no one else two stories that's their problem right we The Crazy Ones you can work in a way to appease AG's concerns you know all 100 I mean it's just not mine I mean it does say harmonious with the houses around it I get that we allow two story houses but one story one story because everyone else is one story there's lots of ways to be harmonious so I'm just saying I don't share personally your concern with that aspect of the house but I agree if he can do something to mitigate that we'll SC it back I mean I would just maybe take a walk over to the park and stand in the park and look around and notice that it's all one-story Ranch houses and all of a sudden you're going to plop a 28 foot high twostory house on that in that in that field of vision is it really harmonious so with everything around it so you might want to make it so that it's a little bit more built into the the pallet of the of the homes that are around it so um and I mean it's it's going to be that's a very prime location so you're going to get like a lot of um no and look that we want we we need to be we have to respect like everyone like we don't want to stand out in the neighborhood meaning like people that we bother other people I drive by 967 I think you stand out in the neighborhood I mean so you didn't want to build the that got approved for that by the guy who sold you the house those were thank you very much those were approved under much duress right we we had to you've seen those plans or of course we approved them it was a war of attrition though like we kept begging for changes and it was incremental or we just gave in no I think we paid more not to have the plans um okay that's fine let let us re sketch it like not St from scratch but let's see how we can make this you don't readapted with these comments 100% I mean even there's a lot of ones that are going up in the village now where the you know the front garage is one story out the Second Story set back away from the street so that you have a step up up towards the the house type of type of effect which makes it blend in more it's still two stories but it's it's not we'll come believe me we're gonna come up with something that pleases everyone this would be first review so you would whenever you get ready to come back to us again they would put you on the agenda fors new say please do not come back with revised MPS just yeah just do just archite architectural drawings okay so so just so you guys know we also own on on the park there's two like at the end of the park there's two there's two houses at the bottom like on the south side of the par on Ninth on Ninth Court you you have that house on the corner there it's like yeah the white one with a Red Roof coming with all three designs at once and saying I'm creating my own context no that one we're saying proper right we picked up all the park here's no here's 25 houses no no um so that one will come next year though but again that would be you know make sure that they have house has its own character we don't want the same trust me developer absolutely not I mean finding properties a reasonable purchase price I mean out of control find reasonable there's no like the land values today honestly unless unless you're selling houses like well above like like well in the six figures Sorry Seven figures fig like well in the seven figures like if you pick up a piece of land for a million bucks like you know you're spending two and a half at least just in hard cost because right now all the homes that are for sale they're all north of a million and they would have been 300,000 five years ago yeah yeah I mean a million like our projects I'll tell you like we're spending 3 million bucks a pop three in change with land with 967 was it's going to be almost four you're change four not you got cheat 400 something yeah 450 so like these these ones that we pick up at 700 800 just yeah he we're spending 450 a foot our cost um can you speak into the mic so sorry yeah we're spending like you probably don't want to share that with the public oh you're not there's nothing yeah all public um it's okay like we spend almost half a million dollars in carpentry in 967 in the mil work sorry in M work I heard you say carbon treat no no carpentry like mill work like it's fully customized so um did you did you check the lot coverage on this I mean you're still under 50% yeah we have 10 five yeah just want to make sure I it's confusing because it's not remember it's not perious versus impervious it's total lot coverage you know it's just the the yeah but regardless have to read forget what you what we just saw we have to resubmit something so there's take this house to gaes um I don't think they would allow this so okay and New Lots I mean we're we're trying to see if we can pick up something but it's it's very hard nowadays yeah I I very it's very you were very bullish on the village which you know I think you should be but yeah we'll see in in in six months you'll know if yeah say get some of these done and sell them so you know trust me this model really works let's see if it doesn't I don't know we'll be fine my I love it I mean you have a storm drain plan here too which I I think is great I mean you got you got it covered that's really went all out so all right thank you all right see you soon all right have a good one all right so we got our minutes from the meeting of July 18th 2024 I believe I got two minutes actually so I just um let's do the first one first let's do them in order so the first minutes I have our from June 24th 2024 all right you look good approve June seconds be say I I carries okay I have the minutes from July 18th 2024 meeting approved a lot wow is good okay motion whenever ready there say I I all right next is going to be um by the meeting of June 22nd is it 24th 24th that's 4 a and 4 B appr all right um next is going to be uh 5B old business uh one2 Northeast 118 Street re roof this is aingle and they have a letter from engineer and yeah but I think that was the same thing last time they had the letter but no was here ex roof shingle and flag yeah no okay last time it was no letter owner not present now there's a letter but engineer not present is this the one that the engineer email does I don't know if you were copied on that I didn't see did we get an email yeah so that some engineer emailed the board members but I don't know if you were copied I know car was I saw her basically saying why do I have to come this is a you know to the owner yada y y it cost money I don't know if it was this one I I didn't get copied on that email so so I I took the liberty of replying quickly telling him you know can you just read read into the record what he said to you well I don't know if it's no if it's this guy this applicant let me check who it was someone from EB said that Edward Vu and it was for yeah marinoni is this marinoni yeah oh yes I received an for the record received an email on July 12th from the engineer Who provided the uh evaluation and letter for one2 Northeast 118 Street uh and basically the email was asking whether we could wave the requirement for the engineer to be present because requiring to read the email requiring the e e to attend the meeting imposes an unnecessary financial burden on the homeowner uh the provided documentation should sufficiently demonstrate the structural concerns and the rationale behind the conclusions drawn I kindly request the board reconsider this requirement and allow the application to proceed based on the submitted evidence thereby avoiding additional cost for the homeowner um I replied same day saying that engineer record inperson attendance is required per section 10.4 4.6 F4 of the village of biscane Park Land Development code the board does not have the description to wave this requirement I did not receive any further emails after that I'm gonna also point out that his letter has a date from 2018 and then he said he did the inspection this March of this year I don't it's the same applicant had this was the same he had um yeah he had like a letter before that was some weird didn't it's almost like somebody just sent in another engineer letter so look last time we Ted it this time I'm going to make a motion to deny they were told they had to attend they still not attending the crazy thing is all he had to do is just show up and plead his case and we would probably have approved it the letter is very successful the the letter dated hold on just make sure we're okay hold on let me just start it which page is that that you're referring his letter starts on page 10 okay so oh yeah so this was that first one that we were that we questioned because it does say December 20th 2018 inspection report um and then it was the inspection was March 13 2024 is this still the same person this was Adidas H SS PE this is a different letter actually so this is the one that we denied this one before so then they came all the way down and now if you look at the bottom we have an engineer inspection from somebody named they got a new engineer another new one I didn't go that yeah proposed concrete tile per owner we visited the site Edward badua um State of Florida license he's got that state of Florida based upon a visual inspection in person that'll be signed and sealed by the engineer of record is that the case it's got his seal on it but he's not presenting it to us which considering the savings this client this person is having by putting a shingle roof instead of a tile roof I think that they could probably afford to have the engineer come here for a couple hours to to I don't think it's a burden personally but thank you Ed for COD it's the code and the code says that motion motion deny second motion to Second all in favor say I I motion to deny is approved it's unfortunate because everything that's we've done everything possible to accommodate this application and it just seems like the the the the onus keeps falling on them not want to do what the code says all right and we've been clear with them what the code says so next would be 6A 724 Northeast under 13 Street to roof uh Gluck is the name re roof clay tile hot asphalt and I'm curious to know how the um that last applicant got the board members emails address unless he just did a public record search and you guys your business your business your work emails yeah I think think that Denisha you weren't copying on that no so that's the thing he emailed you guys directly so either he looked you guys up and found you wonder if he's in my spam folder because I didn't see it at my office um just tell you who's copied so the village clerk Scarlet David which is a Gmail address not a work address so I don't then I guess the homeowner interesting basically hit everyone but the chairman of the board okay so this this looks good except I don't see a color yeah color just an style is there is there any way that the color might be mentioned somewhere or file wasn't put onto the Dropbox or just because I would like to approve it and just get it it's an s tile span Spanish as clay but I don't see a color name color red so in the quote roof it has install Santa Fe Spanish Stile color red red that's what the quote says I know I know I'm seeing that too but I'm just wondering like so Santa Fe that just another name for Terra Cotta yeah I mean it's not even this is red which really is like really it's really or motion to approv um a second favor say I I motion carries all right next on the agenda is going to be 6C 771 noreast 116 street tile re roof orella is the name yeah there's a picture on page eight of like a multi- blended yeah s tile looks like or is it like those are all their color or is that just like the standard it's like their palette right yeah I'm G to scroll all the way to usually it's like the last page we'll have it's eagle a weird blend if it was e e I don't see anything that references color no mean I would say all the colors in that palette look acceptable right um so if there were any one of those or that L we'd have any injections right I don't think it's that blend I think this is like their available spectrum of colors but in the current tile on that house isical terra cotta all in favor say I I carries so they don't have hot pain okay 6D 805 Northeast 115 Street aluminum windows and doors Lopez horizontal hold horizontal sliding sliding sliding horizontal horizont Al horizontal horizontal they're they look like they're bronze color think W3 is really a horizontal that's what it says the product approval 37 by 38 maybe there's a picture as if they thought I doubted them yeah looks good to me yeah I don't color but there's a picture of a gr there's a picture of a bronze window yeah and actually on the drawing it's a frame color bronze glass color gray second say I I motion Carri okay 6f um 1105 Northeast 116 street impact door replace front door with impact radi wood frame glass glass door second say I I carries okay next 6h 10927 Northeast 8th Avenue impact windows and [Music] doors roller okay bone white standard colored bone white it's on page colors and finishes page number second say I I motion carries all right next be 6 L 11149 Northeast 8th Avenue T roof concrete estate s concrete roof tile this is basically like upper roof an existing so there's a picture of what on page number looks like it's a roof or a second story and there a single story in front that's existing I'm just curious if it's the same roof there's a page number nine there's like a picture of a tile on top of another tile maybe yeah page eight you so is this some project we approved separately some me um I mean big TW story Edition back right it's 11149 Northeast 8th Avenue Google Earth it's still single story so it looks like it's the new Second Story first the existing building on Google Earth at least is like an SLE Terra col that looks like what they want what does it look like on go existing single story is like a typical style I don't know this looks like a big thing in the right that's ask I don't remember it off hand but things yeah we can there's a building permit for as well but building permit was probably a while ago so it's not so the two roofs match yeah so say I I motion carries next is going to be 6m 11610 Northeast 6th Avenue uh solar Proto Valic systems burner that dors yes okay let's we have now here so it's actually on the north side of the house not facing the front they're towards the rear everything we like to see um it's interesting because hold on oh it's on the S that's the Southern yeah the southern side of the house so yeah so it's the perfect place to capture the sun any questions I'm good with it approve second I I motion carries all right so we have covered the agenda our next meeting is going to be on August 5th um so in two weeks from tonight August 5th and then the one after that would be August 19th everybody's good so far here and I think David might be back by that time too so if there is hopefully we'll have a little flexibility so as for now we're meeting on the 5th right any other further business no motion toj so we possibly might I don't want to I don't want to jinx it but I think somebody hopefully that will be all right motion to adjourn second second say I I okay we're Jed at 8:38