##VIDEO ID:jsFs9HYKXgs## we're going all right so I'm going to bring the order of this Village of biscane Park special special local planning agency meeting for Monday October 21st 2024 it is now 6 740 do the roll call Edward Lea scar Hammond David grun Pablo Gage Hartong as well as Denisha from the building okay uh we have the minutes from our meeting of October 7th did we have one before that that we tabled we did okay with the minutes from October 7th 2024 which we have those e we taed 18.5 or ordinance 20 24-4 and we approved the other one so motion to approve the minutes I'm waiting for a motion I'm waiting for somebody to make the motion you're want to make the motion you make the motion I did I'm asking I'm requesting the motion SO waiting for one of you to approve it okay thank you I have a motion to approve second David all in favor say I I minutes are approved I generally don't make motion you guys do it all right so we are looking at discussion 5A ordinance 2024 dxx um oh so this is the new one so this is so all right this is amending the Land Development code for Section 16.2 all right so we have a new state law that our our illustrious um um legislature has pressed Upon Us basically that gives a timeline for approval of minute or approval of building permits so basically the new law stipulates that the building the building department has 30 days to review and approve a building permit huh no well then or 30 days to approve or deny or whatever it is but they have 30 days they have 30 days the the the clerk and the building our our in-house thing has has 10 is it 10 days no sorry I thought it was five days five okay so from the time that the building application is submitted the the building our officials have five days to respond back that the application is complete so five days they have five like what we just experienced with the drive you know those those ones that they were not correct those would be if if they didn't reply back in five days and say it's either complete or not complete it would be automatically approved now it's they have to provide written notice to an applicant within five business days of receipt of an application advis that advising what information if any is needed to determine that the application is properly properly completed in compliance so the building department has a lot on their plate now so but what the the the the Crux of it is is that the application is for um for the building the building permits it's the building per the the way it's worded is a complete ins sufficient application for a building permit but we had a meeting with the attorney we had a meeting with our building official there's another part of our state legislature or state code that already exist that that is that is a um that's geared towards development permits so what we've decided to do is we are going to make what we do as a board we are approving development permits which is technically what we do so we are not actually going to be looking at building permits what we're what's being proposed is so we are going to be taking out of this timeline is we're going to be doing pre it's like pre- applicate you have to basically in order to have a complete and accurate application you one of the one of the check marks is you have to have a development order which is what now we're we are going to do so we are we are basically going to be reviewing development orders which is what we do uh we don't really de we don't review the building permit but we're separating the two by ordinance so now when people come in here we huh the clock doesn't start so so we are we are put in front of the cart basically is there going to be more stuff than like skylights that we're going to have to look at or is there going to be less stuff or it's going to be the exact same it's going to be pretty much the exact same thing it's just going to be titled development order so this huh yeah well it's the same code it's just it's actually it's what we do is just that we've been we've been put in front we've been put in the order of when you submit your application for the building so now it's it's it's it's a pre thing so this new ordinance that we are now looking at that we're going to make a recommendation to the Village commission to look at is basically adding wording that says um that you must have an approved de Village Development permit which is approved by the planning and design review board nothing contain you know um blah blah blah blah blah um for the purpose of this code development permit is that official Village document which authorizes the development or alteration of land or structures within the village based upon the planning design review boards review of development permit applications compliance with the village Land Development code into comprensive plan so we we're just adding wording that's going to protect us us from the new it's putting us it's it's it's clarifying our code it's it's kind of what we need to do because if not we would be under the 30 day it would just become technically impossible for the village to for us to review something and when we meet every 14 days and within the five days and the 30 days so this is this is then then our that all allows us to continue to do our three three reviews approval yes I have a question for you not being an attorney does it make sense for our our board to be renamed then like the planning and and development review board if we're supposed to be doing like development approvals versus planning and design like should we have development in our title so that if somebody wants to sue and say hey you're really doing the building approval stuff and taking too long or something well but I mean if you look at what what the ordinance is I'm just wondering if we're so if we should have the if we're doing development we're like a development checklist if development should be part of our name or not like I don't know well if you but if you look at our I I don't I don't think we need to honestly but it's I will let you know somebody like you're you're correct I mean there might be something there but if you look at chapter 16 we already have have development permit in our applica in our code it's just that we're clarifying that this development permit has to [Music] be put in front of the building permit yeah I would rather not but I'm just asking Scarlett as the first like the attorney of the if some some lawyer wanted this is what you do there's probably got to be another section that really defines it yeah so that's we would bounce that off that and see if that develop yeah because if that's at building permits then then we're problem and just to let you know this is you know this our attorney did this and this was something that he reviewed the code he went through our our thing and this is the wording that the language that he came up with as long as that doesn't also say building permit then we would want to strike yeah if our rules bu not under first part so creation board the creation of the Land Development sorry I wasn't trying to derail it yeah you were thinking as the pl of attorney attorney I didn't want to say sneaky on the record but I was like we sent you all of the mean rules of interpretations are does say the planning board we're responsible for interpreting the code the Land Development code yeah the way I would see it is is can I just say like motion to approve pending review of the definition of our board to make sure that it doesn't include building permit anywhere in that definition well well if you look at what what per what's for the purpose of this code a develop if you look at 16 2.2 development permit description for the purpose of this code development permit is that official Village document which authorizes um they crossed out commencement of land or alteration development or alteration of the land and structure within the Village based upon the planning and design review boards review of development permit applications compliance with the village Land Development code and comprehensive plan then it crosses out development permits include all types of construction permits the building permit itself and in addition Plumbing electrical Foundation they just crossed all that out so they're taking that off yeah my my only concern was that the only thing that they're messing with is that stuff in chapter 16 and physically 16.2 so my only thought is like the only way we shoot ourselves in the foot here is if somewhere else in a different chapter section they slip up and write like development or building or something and it's like oh yeah look see you guys are on the hook here yeah so I it's funny the same I had the same question for um for um Brad uh was hey want to make sure that there's nowhere else in the per the code that it says building permit that's un you know and he said he reviewed it and that that was that was I guess really the Crux of a question of like hey is there anywhere else in this that somebody could say gotcha yeah because there are so many other you know over the years we've added fences we've added roofs we've added things and so they could have flipped in there the word building you know at some point but we we have been we've always been looking we actually have the but now we won't have the the agenda with the building permit number on it it'll probably have to be like a there'll probably be like a development number or something like that that they have to work out so they may create a separate permit number or a separate you know case number for each development permit especially if they're going to separate them from like zoning so may have like zoning in front of something like Miami right if you're like certain things you get a pz process number versus yeah but it's you know this this law is you know resigned by probably some developer that wanted to get build not so much the village but City of Miami city of Mii Beach you know submit a permit and you wait four months for a first round of comment ridiculous yeah but they have big budgets and they can afford to have yeah again you know throw you know they can throw lots of employees on top of this thing to make it happen well it really is true because City me the biggest issue are Urban Design and boning they take the longest because they don't have any staff and staff they have they can't retain so David do you want to make a motion for what you just said like just um well I yeah I just say motion to approve pending verification that there's no other reference to building permits and other parts of the code as it relates to us okay motion okay David Ed all in favor say I I approved and basically we're making a recommendation to the Village commission to to take this up not become illegal yeah we're not actually passing the law we're just saying hey we need this to be done so okay um anything this it's not we're not it's in the minutes all right so next will be 5B ordinance there's nothing in here that says the it says the village manager shall make the determination what size this is so to me you know we have in our code you know maximum sign size signs for construction signs we have maximum sizes for um real estate signs we have you know those kinds of things I don't I'm not particularly personally comfortable with just giving them a blank again we're not we're just going to make a recommendation to the Village commission they can take it their our our recommendation what they want but to me let the manager from what I understand this actually has like it has to have like no parking on the the the medians um um the hours that you're allowed to work you know where you you have to provide a bathroom you know it has all these con these sign these things that are meant to prevent people from disturbing the neighbors and it's also supposed to be in English Creole and Spanish but they're trying to Comm cram a lot of stuff very short time with not a lot of text or it's GNA be massive so so me I think we should you know we we Prov we it's it's it's supposed to be on the I believe it's on the fence so we have we require six foot construction fences well well there's nothing this has not gone the commission meeting has not happened yet we discussed it and our but we haven't recommended we haven't we didn't make any recommendations at our last meeting my thing was is let's just make a recommendation for maximum size and you know six foot construction fences so maybe 36 in by well that no that's part of the question which is a little unclear when says is it seems to us that that's what they're saying there is the verbiage will be given to you by the city not the sign but it's a little unclear the question is who's giving the sign yeah something else no the village is going to give the sign out the the village is goingon to say this is the sign that you have to pay for and you have to put it on the fence I that's the way I understand that supposed to be but interpreted to me that the city is g to tell you what sign say it did but it is but I thought that was yeah yeah okay so maybe it is up there just can't picture a bunch of 36 by whatever sign sitting in an office somewhere well they're going to be they could be fabric they could be you know um canvas or whatever you know sign material um but they they're saying here's a sign you have to pay for it and now you have to put it up but my thing was I personally just didn't have I wasn't comfortable with the to vague know what is the maximum size of the sign yeah that's the thing we don't have a manager right now you guys are having trouble getting your permit reviews in a timely manner and now you want to add this task the other thing too that I saw is the hey you have to get a permit in order to like I assume that that would come in front of us for voting on for what like the section 18.9 point3 anybody that wants that is using like a crane or stuff like that and they get to six o' because it was pouring rain that day and they were supposed to be done in one day but they have to finish the next day over just like Solutions that's but driving this but guys look at remember this this is already language that's already in our code it's the stuff that's underlined is the new stuff stuff if it's not underlying it's already existing we already have it in there about you know heavy equipment and stuff yeah I'm just wondering like okay is that actually like is that part so you can you don't feel this is necessary I mean just I wasn't present at commission meetings where whoever put this forward what's driving it like it feels the need for these signs what problem is it solving who complain just it's basically you know you I think code is constantly chasing contractors for parking in the swes they're they're constantly the residents they are complaining about the construction SES so I'm assuming the signs are to help remedy that because they are complaining about the active construction sites constriction noise before 730 a.m. and stuff like that that so there's a sign now now when they break those rules what happens any difference well I think I think that cor if I'm wrong but yeah either way they're calling code compliance they're not breaking those rules because they don't know what the rules are breaking those rules because they don't give a crap they want to start earlier work later have equipment wherever they want Park where they can because it's limited parking and a small blot that you're doing renovations this sign is going to do nothing about that but unless this sign says at the bottom failure to comply will result in Towing and fines and all this stuff like Teeth well I think I think that the I and I'm just making this up I mean I think that the code and enforcement officer shows up and the workers go oh I didn't know and you know then they have to like find the manager or the the the the super or the owner of the company to tell them you know hey your employees are parking in in the neighbors front yard you know but if it's posted and it's in three languages they they can't say that they didn't know because they're GNA be like it's right here on the sign I think that's the the Crux of it okay but correct me if I'm wrong if you get red noticed like different scenario but you get red noticed it's either going and then there's penalties and fines and all that stuff either it's going to be a conversation between the contractor and the owner of that property of like all right which one of us is responsible for the fine did the owner tell the contractor hey yeah just do it I don't care that I don't have the permit just do it and I'll pay any fines or is it the contractor did something they weren't supposed to the code guys are showing up and saying your ignorance is not an excuse here's your fine right and it's going to the property owner and the property owner turns around to the construction guy and says hey jackass you're paying this right that already is in place right but I think that the the issue we don't need a sign the code officer shows up everybody plays ignorant but that doesn't so black but if it's a black and white on the fence in front of them they they can say listen you can't you can't say you didn't know you can't park in your neighbor's yard but but what I'm saying is is it doesn't matter if you're ignorant if it's just an automatic bill to the property owner right and then it's like the property owner goes and tells his guy hey jackass like there's no such thing as ignorance on this I'm not paying this bill like the way I see it is is if they're trying to build random guilty parties all over Miami Dade like that's not going to work they it should be the same way as the red notices red notices they don't build they don't find the the contractors they just find the property owner and it's on the property owner if the contractor is supposed to pay for it because the way that I've I've always understood those to work don't know nobody knows who the language also what neon color is the sign are the signs going to be well there so there is a there is a sign that I think it's that's what it comes up to the manager is supposed to do it but they want to have all this information on it um I vote would be that Ian my vote is that like hey all of this stuff should be getting fined to the proper property owner and not anybody else in which case Cod compliant should basically be able to take photos and not even get out of their cars like all right cool here's the pictures here's the violations I'm going back to the office and that's that yeah so this has already been through first read from the commission they've already kind of like the commission has worked up this language they just realized that they had to send it to us as the planning board or the plan what design whatever that we called local planning agency um um or we have to give our greens our opinion on it we don't we're not approving this we're not denying this we're just giving them an opinion of what we think it should it should be I don't they don't you know you have a big project right whatever yeah but you but but but did you have a GC or you yeah so no I mean yeah but the clients that I have that are gc's for residential stuff if you slap the owner with a couple of fines like they're making sure all of their subs know and they're calling them yep and and but in the same breath you're saying that but that the the the fact is is that same day there's somebody parking on neighbors across the street sale or there's you know yeah but but but what I so but what I'm saying is is the if code enforcement is going in and finding and they're finding to the owner of the property for the owner of the property to then figure reconcile it that's going to create a degree of change that a sign isn't going to create I agree I just think that and that's already supposed to be occurring is this only for construction projects right because but where does it go then on a door and window permit a new roof because you're not putting a fence up for those properties any any any construction requiring a temporary construction fence the part that scared me was was own OCC constuction I think was a coral Gable's problem like their yeah but that's a pickup TR is not heavy construction but it lists and employ vehicles or whatever so I was like oh if I'm doing owner occupied work i' that's an employee vehicle I don't think that we have anybody job is so that was somebody pissed so whether or not we vote on anything or not it's going to move up to the commission at the next commission meeting um you know um my my thing is just this is something that looks like the commission is going to move forward on um think IDE I do I think it's a good idea I just don't want them to end up being like some some 6 by2 look banner I don't I I don't mind but I hope that they don't think that this is going to change a single thing because that's on enforcement to to find people going up and pointing at if I point at a sign to my four-year-old all day long he's not no but it's but but I hear that all the time with the make the code enforcement officer job easier it would be better to have stuff like that you know I mean I'm I'm coning on my block where the guy the the landscaper guy comes in the middle of the week and leaves a huge pile but they didn't witness him do it so they can't site him for doing it because they didn't actually see him do it and but I get to live with a big pile of debris on my street for who gives a crap whether they saw it or not you site the owner end of story you have a pile of debris in your yard your problem you are getting that fine and then eventually you're going to start dealing with it with your guard yeah but but the problem is going to the thing is is they can say that's not my pile is it in your yard is it in your yard no it's on the Swale is it in the sale in front of your property then you deal with it I don't care who put it there if your neighbor put it there you better work it out with them but that's the thing it's got to come down to just finding owners for problems signage all the stuff is that's why I saying I don't care about the sign I just hope they don't think that that changes anything because to David's point like I feel like there are so many like commission is constantly coming up with all these new regulations but they don't enforce all the ones that are already existing I totally agree with that who paperwork does nothing until actually someone is enforcing the regulations considering up what forign code enforcement officer now I think it's like manager they should really the board should be talking about how do we get more money for high three more code and Bo well the way that they do it is by actually writing the damn tickets all of a sudden it's a profit Center but like like for instance the I three or four times I know you've had it as well three or four times I've had too much stuff for like the trash people to pick up because my landscapers leave extra and all of a sudden I get a bill from the trash people just turn around the hand to the landscaper like Jack on you guys let's let's wrap this meeting up um so we have to vote just comment or what well they're asking for us for him to make a comment do we know what color the signs are I mean I would rather not have giant neon color signs all over the park and avoid it so so you recommend that it has a size limit and a color and a neutral color yes in one of our approved driveway colors just a circular reference back to when we had to go through every color in Home Depot to create Drive white color do everybody like size neutral color anything else if not attachment to the that's true two two fence neutral color how it's attached to the evence yeah but I would want that's where they that's where they're taking it over to the the Mission or the manager every single one of my I'm saying like as soon as you're putting it in multiple languages and it's like oh cool some Ava version of like oh you don't have a QR code my problem but every single one of my restaurants has been sued for Ada like website readability stuff is there a way of what do you have to it reads the entire website every ingredient every menu do it on everyone because one person that we got Su on that fly person in Arizona had 80,000 they offer you a plan to make your website ADA Compliant and they'll drop their case hey organ and Morgan whatever it is yeah it's versions of that yeah I was just thinking like if they're like oh I'm going to make it in three languages I could see the fourth language be like oh this is any other comments we're all good with that okay we're all shaking our hand we're all in agreement that we we we I don't think we have to vote on this because there's no vote there really just we recommend that they include size it's a new color attach how is it being attached so this may be on the next agenda for your final approval well it's going to the Comm Village commission at the if you're recommending these changes because are going to do their second read on November 12th well it's but that they can make a change during their second reading you can make changes to a code based on second reading so these are these are recommendations to to the commission we could say nothing and make it still so um all right toj motion to adjourn all right we areed at 8:15 --------- ##VIDEO ID:TQT4KJ5TQRE## he how's it doing of which one that is oh you know that's 11315 that would be the that's the one that's on the corner we wanted to put the pool in the front and then you move to the but I don't understand have they been here five times on that already many think he yeah we gave him some all right let's 629 let's go ahead and get started everybody ready okay all right good evening everyone let's go ahead and have this meeting this is the planning and design review board meeting forage jisc park it is um Monday October 21st 2024 it is now 6:30 do the roll called Edward Lea Scarlett Hammond uh ablo atado uh Gage Tong I'm here and David is not but I have a feeling he might be rolling in in a minute he's he's walking in he didn't notify it was here so David gr and Denisha from the building Department um all right so let's go to the residents that are here uh first will be 5A 1000 Northeast 12th Street gravel driveway agular yeah if um you can go up there and if we have any questions we'll there two two driveways driveway uh gravel driveway um if you want you can always adjust the mic so in case you do have questions we can I have hold on is there another one there are two driveways a concrete driveway and a gravel driveway there's two different applications you said no one application two driveways okay one let's see what we got here there guys good oh that's his thing all was just trying to talk back to him but he wasn't paying attention hey Carlos you're here for which one I don't see it we're in we're doing the driveways so you're saying the concrete on the one side yes and on the other side it's a gravel yes with a concrete border concrete border okay 16 inches on the street side and then 8 inches around your lot coverage I mean you're a corner lot so you you're fine on your lot coverage so both of them have Concrete in them my concern would be the the the that they're of the same design and Architectural of the the same uh feeling but they are on different streets they both have Concrete in them um there is the gravel yeah one faces the side street which is have the gravel board and the other one faces the you know Main Street with the Circle Drive and this type of this gravel is a marble or what type of gravel is it just I sent the pictures I know but that that to me could be like Road Rock I mean no it's not rubber it's it's gravel gravel gravel okay questions motions motion to approve yeah I was just trying to find why it's back second because uh the first drawing you know the architect stopped at the property line it didn't go all the way the appro didn't have the approach that just realiz I have a motion second okay um David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries okay you're good thank you sir thank you 5 approved five of us all right um next 5B 12010 Northeast 11th Place new construction fourth preliminary review did you find 10 Z8 okay got it all right so we got um somebody I have so much fun coming here to see your guys that we really just couldn't miss not being here was this like Z yeah that's for everybody's youthful you know eyes right you're like right under your % yeah 49 and a half so this was just I think the eyebrows that was just basically making sure that there was a little bit more activity on the elevations what we have now it here some light oh it's over here yes was there any other I don't believe there was did you have a urve for the last SW that was the only other I remember off hand I know Edward trying to find I don't think that we actually need the tree survey for us to P but we need the tree survey for it to get approv build correct by the county a little a little this is added right new yeah that was it was in there before then we took it out and we put it back in Ni a little detail the B for [Laughter] Victor we have a survey uh I just don't know if that survey uh did you bring a survey um yeah we had thought there was one that had to get like dropped by like if you look at the yeah right there shows theight 279 and what is zero like how far what is the the lot where you at as far as Z zero like how far are you building this house up like no I think this lot's pretty be just slightly uh above the crown of the road not really GNA got to build it up at this point thanks for working with us no absolutely it's a better design better house any questions so no it's it's on the agenda appr approve no no no I found the notes really just the eyebrow yeah they were gonna add a window that they had taken out I don't know if that got put back in that okay yeah Lu thank you all right got U 6E 10008 Northeast under 14 Street low slope roof all right it's just a flat roof basically right okay so it should be it is 6E moving along nicely over there thank you for keeping your neighbors happy I live on that street so I I uh I hear all about it I'm like the face of biscane Park so they all come to me like knocking on my door um so this just low slope modified vitamin or something along those lines the flat roof there's no pitched or no tile or anything that motion to approve David I I carries good thank you all right next 6h 11325 Northeast 8th Court um Allan cler should be pretty simple he has a nice white s tile in his hand can you no we can just I mean we like that's that's very nice and simple so I think we should 6h thank you it's just like the front of the house the none of the back it's flat you're not doing any work there and currently tile right now oh motion to approve papor say hi carries good sir thank you um you got throw that on Street the the building department takes over and they will they have they'll do further review yeah they have to like the building official has to look at it and all that and then no they'll do no no you're approved you can take it with you they'll just do further review and if they do have any comments they will send notification to you and you can always respond back once they do complete the plan review process by the building department you'll receive written notification you should get an email from the open go system where where I don't know if you made the application or your roofer okay so he if he's he'll get an email notification that there's an approval or or comments on open go yep you too are you ready to see us or are you waiting for somebody to show up no we can we have other stuff to do so if you want to sit and just hang out we we it's you were here for seven uh 7A and 7B right the discussion items do we have do we have stuff in the draw box or you have is are you ready coming or no oh okay all right so 7A 739 Northeast 118 Street new construction first PR area you got another house going on here okay busy man all right let's see what we're doing okay interesting they were previously here for this but they would drew it 739 Northeast 118 Tre so are the is the renderings are the cars going to be parked on grass under the overhang because like the concrete doesn't the concrete doesn't go into the overhang so I'm assuming that that's a just a rendering it's a rendering right you can't yeah we you can't park car cars on grass well that yeah that's why I'm that's why I'm asking it yeah like you see how like the concrete stops and then it looks like it's grass under the car so it's solid right okay all right so no let's see it's kind of interesting so you have a 10 foot setback on one side 10 foot set back on let's see what do you have 10 foot on the other so you're doing property line to property line or setback to setback 30 feet 30 feet to the front and your back deck whatever is 10 feet almost to the pool okay but the house itself is 30 24 feet 24 28 ft roughly it looks like 4 feet 14 foot pool and 10 foot so yeah 28 roughly okay um so your first floor setbacks look good um is there a lot coverage CS somewhere for us to look at the survey here's the first like first floor the 739 Northeast 119 18 18 Street the the images also don't have that is this an outdoor kitchen like wall set up here if you want to look it's like a this doesn't this doesn't yeah the carports on the other side of the of the house yeah you got that you got it it's and there and there's a gazebo out there hold on actually look go scroll down to the last two there's the drawing at the very bottom the last the last two or three one two 14 of 16 there you go okay so let's start over here so yeah but this has a Corvette in the garage and yours has Porsches or is that oh okay um I didn't download so so I can't really see the small writing but is the setbacks it looks like 10 maybe did you download it not left yeah I have it downloaded um but it's hard to see what the setback I mean you know that has to be 10t A1 on 13 of whatever it's on page mean you've got 10 foot setback to whatever this little garden thing is in the back that's a water to a little no but what about that like little triangle pop out like off off angle yeah the front Okay so let's say the front left hand side is 10 foot one okay and the right side's 10 foot is it 10 foot one to the corner of that little structure that's on an angle except for it's taken in a dubious way because it's taken on on the angle right yeah so you have to straight across so from here to here it has to be 10 feet straight across okay be coming into a little bit 10 front 30 okay back 10 to the edge of the pool and so your set packs look good um I don't see a lot coverage CS anywhere what is that confused by the driveway here's some L coverage it's on one of those all the sacks or whatever that it doesn't like you can't just come straight out you're into your neighbor you have like a little you have to sweep to a corner yeah I mean I you're saying but I still don't understand what's Happening Here There lot trees yeah is this is this one of the ones with the little five foot um is it one of the ones with the little five foot um walk paths no so this is the this is kind of the end of the roundabout here some reason and I've never seen this in any other round has a like almost like a small stubby street that continues up to these so you know basically that his property kind of fronts this street that he's saying is not city property well there's a so this is if it's a called theck they have little 5 foot walk paths that have been abandoned by the city a long time ago that go out to six Avenue or go out to The Avenues so there is property but it's really that it's just this weird situation where the road is here see the road the typical then there's another small road that extends that way city is I guess it does it go it goes up to here because the next property you know appear to be back there it it's this because there's this weird street that comes off of the roundabout so his property buts out to the street coming straight to the street and then going is that really a street or is that is that is that the driveway of those people that are there you know if you go to proper if you go back to here it appears that they're straight yeah it does seem to say in this on the survey dedicated right away Northeast there's that little walking path right there so I don't know I guess he does have a street in front of his property that he can come straight out he's technically coming into the the rway he faces the RightWay of the people that's the end of the yeah but their houses these are those three little houses but they have no their front yard look at their at exactly no so this is their parking they're they're they don't have any parking they're these are the these are those three like 100 foot or or 50 foot wide property B on the survey yeah yeah you want to come in but what Gage is saying is essentially this area here functions as their Frontage because they don't their house is up the property they have no setback so if they have to park their cars they're parking in this area because their house is right here there's no setback that their so my recommendation you be is is do your house on an angle your parking on angle can't zoom any closer on this but you see the house is there's no setback so essentially they're parking these are verying hous that you all have like Shar right away in front it's like one two three four five houses all share the same rway to try and cross over the street so you have to have to do something creative there so that this house here you're you're basically their parking is what about this part this parking is here which is where your driveway house you're taking down yeah looking at so his property kind of eeks out in front yeah it'd be nice to have the other properties yeah kind of show but odd but I would that maybe consider having your driveway on this side of the house yeah I mean could you not just flip the whole thing so that at least you know it would kind of make it easier for us to get behind it and say okay it's an odd situation but you're coming out at least away from this driveway right now is technically the right here there's the other house so he's going to be using your driveway you no well he's down here actually well but he's not he overlaps right he's kind of half his house is here yeah but if you look at the property of PR like he talks back behind your property look your property is here his goes there right so his actually slides past yours in that Cor this area over away from his dve what what's your like reluctance to just mirror this what does it make a difference to you find stays effectively the same it's your car act as gota because you flip it now you're angling back at the if if you see the S there's a huge Green Space here well I guess this just sitting room that he wants to view into oh you're saying like just shift the whole front that way come across the thing is right now this is emptying out into the front yard it's not even attach it's not even coming out to a street it's coming out to the neighbor we allow people to the SW that's in front of their house so that's technically the Swale in front of your house but it's also the SW in front of everybody else's house appears to be all coming down here could you not transition your your driveway over here and then just plant block that out IGN what you have on the side have your little approach no I I get his point though he wants to have like living space angle towards the park right so he puts his living room on on you know this side then he's yeah looking out a front yard but you could face back of your own looks like you have a very generous front have like Street don't marke trying to and it's not really like your living room is facing that park right you've got like a den office yeah so yeah exactly so no nobody's saying you can't improve that we're tell go ahead it all up but you're realize that other people what would that be would that be if he showed up with like a letter from there the people that might go across it saying hey they're driveway all you want and have approach like we would approve that got realize that cannot cut but like for example who this car here is this person like I don't know you know but I don't know if this is where these people are currently parking which is what now would become your driveway is the problem right would now so you don't know if these two cars are they belong to or this guard is belonging to this know what this is um but we're giv our opinion that and I see one two three people trying to use that one this is not at Road this is not showing up on that that on the survey survey a ro not dedicated Right of Way Northeast 118 Street technically you think the village actually main someone's front yard open question does um that's someone's front yard that's someone's front yard that piece in the back of the property has someone's front yard yeah but on on his survey that that strip of street is a street it's a right of way it's not anybody's private property so anything possible surve's concerned that is the question question hador we just want you to understand like okay this is the edge of the street right your property line is probably back here somewhere right so this is all public sale right so anyone can park technically in that area so you're going to pave this area for your driveway and this guy's gonna park there if he wants he can't can't stop him is right of way too it's his approach as well he's gonna say thanks for Paving my parking spot now but this is directly in front of fronting his house so that right of way is his sale yeah I think just like this house already exists with the driveway over here for a good reason right probably where it needs to be to make sense we don't have this dilemma where this guy's saying your driveway is my parking spot now thank you you're GNA be you're GNA be over here by yourself going reach out this at least this person and say hey where do you park the cars looks he has this little thing here actually a parking spot but this guy pars here what happens what what if he's parked here and his like girlfriend comes a visit and he's she's parked here and then you want to back out of your your driveway but their cars are parked in your driveway I know but if you're going to have your driveway come to here and you want to back out are you going to back into the side of his park park right there and look at these these oil stains look like they par there nothing we're saying stops you from doing that probably we within your property you canant trees in soil you can you can yeah you can sod this yeah probably put some low ground cover too course yeah barking on your grass every day when when when their friends come over and they want to they're going to pull in at FL so second you about D I mean even looking at the little the survey if you since it's a carport you could put the carport on an angle facing towards the the same angle as the bedroom but you know I'll let that you and your architect can figure that out but as far as second floor problem is on the other one right you're going 35 feet at 12 foot setback right you need to be at 15 at that point so that's got to shift over but then the other side looks like he's the side essentially the same problem because it's going to be 15 plus 10 plus 8 16 18 like that that aside with the the little angle you know you're not at 15 foot set back anywhere you're a 10 and you have a 12 but you've got about 16 feet plus 10 feet plus 16 feet all at that and the 12 setback so again You' got to make sure you've got no more than 30 ft at anything less than 15 ft set going to pinch you because you're going to lose three feet on each side pretty much for a portion I mean it's definitely a unique shape you know interesting planes huh oh I'm sure other L that was probably I'm sorry well you're talking about the rule about not having one continuous roof the fact that you're stepping back you're saying I've got a roof at this height I've got another roof at this height I think you're I think you you cover the the language of the code which is that you need a one foot difference in ceiling and roof Heights so you have the one foot the one roof at the first floor and then you step back and you have the second I think you're the strict law yeah whether it looks good and is that still fall into effect if let's say he balconies like all of the little overhang first floor that it's like walk is that then Ro really roof just an occupied roof I mean the back is the most severe form of that roof where you just have that huge overhang CLE levered out at one level but it's the back of the house now maybe your neighbors behind you might question it but I think you're providing the the letter the code in the front of the house but it's a very unique Corner those areas yeah but just remember you can hedge in the front around it and you know create your own little Utopia in there by um with the use of edges I mean you could even you know if you wanted to get creative with the code you could you could um have the carport enter from the side you know in front of the you know you come in around and enter into the side and you have and create a aluminum carport that protrudes out into the front setback using the code we have a code that allows you to do car ports in the front setback so you could take the structure the way it is now open take off one side of it and go like this and then just be Crossing like your full front yard to get to the car yeah you come in and turn ability to park yes 20 by 20 20 x 20 Max 5 foot and you're actually allowed to get it closer to the property line you have a 5 foot side five foot front setback so if you kind of got creative with your open carport and Incorporated aluminum it doesn't really say it has to be detached but it does have to be aluminum or fabric so you can't like concrete roof fit you could make it an aluminum like you could even make it aluminum trellis to match the trellis design that you have 5T if if it's at your if it's attached to the building it only it would be 10 foot but it doesn't have to be could actually push forward and only be 5 foot from the front and have a 5 foot Gap to the house so come in keep the design the way you have it but you're going toak come in and make a a right turn into the into the carport because you're doing open garage as it is you know I mean you could even go from that take that next step and and eliminate the the the open carport design on the house and enclose that and make it part of the living space and just use your carport as your parking space yeah like what you're what you currently have as a parking covered parking make that part of the house we capture that square footage under AC par yeah but it can't be like that like a can't be like post with concrete block at top yeah no has to be open but it can have a solid roof can have it can have a solid roof no no that then it becomes then it stops being a carport yeah there's nothing though that says that you couldn't have some like pass artistic design element to to a wall to break it up a little bit but it can't be like a solid wall but also argue it doesn't sayp aluminum limits materials limits the size but then it becomes like the question is is what is the definition of a carport in saying code just talks about the material and the scale and the dimensions a covered area or Sheltering a motor vehicle that's the definition of a carport covered area anyway gives you an idea you can kind of keep the idea of what you're doing but play around and you're staying within our code you know you know our code is actually if people really that down and play with it it's pretty generous when it comes to certain things all right so we're done with that one any other question no I know but I'm asking one okay so now we're going to 7B 11315 Northeast 9th Court construction fifth preliminary view were we supposed to bring this back to or is this uh let me [Music] see like four in but I remember you have yourit was this supposed to go we were going to review it for approval or we decided to table it again for another review and that's why it's okay so you're two feet you're showing it at F feo zero am I reading that correctly you look at um Ace A-6 the pool well I mean I guess all of them the the floor is at ffe Z yeah 72 which is gvd is probably like minimum flood is probably eight where they are yeah but that means they'd have to not go 28 foot start from eight they would lose N9 in it could pick up if they kep I'm just saying is this we're supposed to be ffe plus one is that it no bf b Fe okay which is probably eight for them eight I just want to like make sure that we're not they're not ramping this up two feet yeah that's what I'm saying they're let's say nine inches higher than they would be required to be right so Fe would say you have to be at eight they're going to be okay intersection like I know they're not exactly on it over but that intersection takes on a lot of water quickly when it rains bar yeah that I'm saying since the 28 foot rule starts at eight so they couldn't go more than7 and they have it at 27 foot 8 right now if you look at the that elevation 20 8-7 so that upper roof is at 278 the lower roof is at 25 foot 4 and then the roof that's over the living room does not have a dimension on it well hold on 18 ft yeah so the first that so they that first floor living room area whatever that is is at 18 foot correct or is it 18 it's it's again it's 18 to the bottom of the slab remember we kind of brought that up you on now I'm on I'm still on a-7 which is the front elevation I believe yeah so there's there's no dimension lines on the edge of the drawing but if you look at the dimensioned next to the windows in the living room it says 18 and then there's above like the thickness of the slab or something like that wasn't that one of the things that we brought up was that they were they were doing dimension lines to the bottom of the slab yeah so again it's 18 to the underside and then it's 8 in thick you follow what I'm saying six inches to something I can't really tell on around so the this living room is one story so it has a maximum height of 18t okay so right now you're saying this it's from the slab to the bottom of the slab of the roof of that room 18t plus eight so you're actually at 18t eight with the SL starting nine inches higher so that 18 foot you'd have to deduct nine inches from it because they're at instead of being at base flood they're at Bas flood plus one plus n in they have to be at 173 at 18 foot they can't even have they can be at 17 to the top of that I so the to the top of this it's got to be 17 fo3 because you're starting up 9 in above base flood plus one um so you you see what I'm saying so this this overall has to be 18 or 17 foot3 plus nine you know so but just change it and come roof is five inches too high and that roof is so we're ready to vote on it but you just need to you need to have these tell me exactly that your upper roof is five inches Too Tall upper roof is upper Ro the top the first the first St second upper roof right got lower roof upper roof so your main roof your upper upper roof your highest point of that is five inches too high lower your upper roof by five inches and then the first floor roof is 16 in so it would be unless would we be okay with we would be okay with just the upper or the lower roof changing by a little bit and the upper roof not changing If instead of being at 8.72 you were at flat eight yeah if they just drop the house it solves they drop the house by yeah if it drops if you drop the house by 9 Ines that's your other option well not like the the const like the problem is is you coming up off the ground with your fill is what's adding the 9 in so the house if the fill is nine inches lower then the house overall height is okay and there's just a small Pro problem with the first floor height yeah I would I would rather it be higher and have the the the height group a little bit smaller no we want you to come back for a vote this came part GPT but just I want you to fully understand when you go back to your architect you understand what we're getting at about your ground floor level right so the village measures height so we have one story home cannot be higher than 18 ft story 28 how do we measure that not from the street not from the guard from elevation plus one fo right which is what FEMA makes you set your house at at a minimum so more than likely that is at Plus 8 MVD so from there we're going to measure 18 fet or 28 but now your house the first floor is set at Plus 8 foot n in ngvd your house is n in higher and FEA would make have now that would be great for flooding but as a result of being n in higher than the minimum requirement by Huma that 9 in is going to get deducted from your height so that's what's causing a 17inch buff of that first SC so if you were to lower your house plus eight right upper roof would no longer be a problem in fact you can throw it four in right and that lower roof the first Flor Roots would only be 8 in in you may want to to guard against flooding but then you gotta compromise no let's move it you could just come back with that correct huh no if you can I know but if you can come back with those Corrections we could vote we could have a clear vote at the next one was there anything else on this that we had concerned about prior to um I mean there was the Whole 30 foot thing did they resolve that second four setbacks they're all good now you know not being more than 30 foot at 10 ft well not loving the Frosted windows but that's your choice you're about two inches shorter than when you walked in here you're just beaten down when are you putting that fence up on 117 the most elaborate fence okay um any other discussion I think we already lot cover we already covered lot coverages we covered the 30 foot setbacks there's undulation on the W side walls you know um all I didn't notice that I noticed you put all the like fake wood cladding right on the D you can't go any higher can't make any changes super modern now white and wood cling yeah I didn't love it I didn't love the beige kind of yellowy too much yellow you have an idea what you guys want to that Kobe that Kobe place is going to go on like is it going to have a five in front of it because I think that's what he has to be at for making wi no oh well that's good W let's see it so all right so we are going to move 7B to the next agenda if he's makes those changes and comes back with um updated plans then there shouldn't be any other plans okay 7A was being moved to Second preliminary even though there's technically not an application and these are just discussions so it's really they did oh oh yes they did submit a perit application so second preliminary review 7A will go to Second preliminary view 7B will come to the agenda of the next um meeting it be old business too all right how's this one coming along seventh Al right around the corner from me seventh and um 117 not the not the corner one with the the Old Mission the one right next to it the South that's his property too got a lot going on here he's the developer extraordinaire here in biscane park are you gonna make like a biscane park Monopoly board the one that we saw tonight which is a new one one on the corner he uses Reyes on some of his projects but he's he's the ray is the Builder he's the developer okay right thank you my friend y all right let's get back to our agenda um we got 4A we got the uh minutes from October 7th 202 take a look at the minutes if yall have them in front of does everybody have them or for what that that one that was for 5B concrete driveway that was 31 oh no it says me but I guess yeah I thought that it was you that was the fussy one and not him that was the other meeting oh that was the one two weeks before 740 nor oh that's the one where the guy came in the Little Triangle he changed the Little Triangle because it's another one of the ones it's in the corner and we we we felt that he he wanted the approach to be a little different yeah I don't okay remember sending over it but that's fine it passed so so motion to approve the minutes um David Scarlet fav say hi hi okay next is going to be 6A 472 Northeast 121st Street windows indoors where's the schedule I don't see the schedule that's typical it doesn't tell us like locate like we're looking for like the one that actually shows like the floor plan like all the different um the openings and there are 115 pages I don't see it um the only thing that I saw that was at all Ray Glass yeah exactly that was the only page that I saw that anything to do with the degree of customization Beyond yeah I don't see it either motion table requiring uh schedule of window type and window location on the building David Ed all I I motion carries oh sorry also need color I guess of the that was motion tables approved okay 6B 720 Northeast 17 Street concrete walkway and driveway 1796 [Music] for the driveway I don't see anything for the right the Swale I'll do the map there's like no dimensions on the yeah looks like it's the EXA about 720 it's just a survey yeah it's little clear what they're doing 720 though 117 right yeah just seems like they're showing a picture of the survey what is it they're doing though well no they highlighted they S one thing where they highlighted what they were going to be getting rid of and then the next or what they have and then the other one is like they're highlighting that to replac me I read it like the exact same we got a motion to deny just because I don't think there there's so like they're missing a schedule it's missing like what exactly are they doing here oh just I'm going to say motion to deny to clarify if they're just replacing in the exact same current footprint because I mean the the the the even the yellow highlighting is bigger than what they C okay David Scarlet ever say well also don't they need to fill out the um yeah the dry and the approach is missing too all right 6C 745 Northeast 11 17 Street skylights okay quick have to come to us just yeah we need to put eyes on it there smack in the middle house and that who I'm sorry who first it Scarlet Scarlet David all in favor say I I next to be 8 D 850 Northeast 12th Street windows and doors you see this this second page here that's on the next one this is this when we talk about the schedule this is what the schedule is so you see how it says the opening number there yeah so then then what you do is and the only ones that matter so this is a duplex the only ones that matter is one two five and six all rers one two five and six get in trouble is different type so if you have like horizontal roller White on the Ed Scarlet on pap say hibody good Ed Scarlet is all already done thank you for coming to my TED Talk thanks for the uh instructions there also that was very nice because it was at the front of the whole thing versus it's usually either at the front or at the very very end but sometimes it's like HED somewhere and their plan was even color coded so you could just look at the plan and see what was on for all windows no it's we like that so clear 6f 10725 Griffin Boulevard impact windows and doors let's see how this one is should I have him do it and and oh this one nicely uh a nice technical drawing window one window 18 and 17 one 18 and 17 one is a horizontal 18 is is is a is fixed horizontal roller clear Mo approve Scarlet all in favor say I I so that from there then you go back read what are they follow this again another easy one they them all clearly labeled you know so that's thank you for doing that uh 6G 11305 Northeast 10th Avenue tile R roof Bruce so this is my neighbor on the corner and I know the story um she really wants a green pile root well first of all this was a shingle that we denied because it's a shingle roof they wanted to to do another shingle roof we denied it they didn't want to go through the the engineer all that stuff they didn't want to go through the metal because of the overhangs so they now want to do a tile roof which we're allowed to do and they're want to paint it green which we're allowed to do so um so it is a that's the color green Pine Brook and it is a flat concrete tile I assume they have a green shingle R they have a green they have a green asphalt shingle R yeah he likes green so and uh and we got rid of another shingle roof and we got a tile roof in the park another tile so it's a good thing the second one today right gu you need to make like little marks wall would carve it in like a bomber low and steady we'll get rid of them all uh Ed D David all in favor say I I okay next 6i 11465 Northeast 99th Court windows and doors other windows and doors let's see how this one is done 1165 proof though package 11465 the perent applications for roof what file re roof it does say that so you looking 116 11465 6i it says windows and doors but it's for a application for roof tile re roof but it's a white flat concrete tile roof so if that's what they're asking for I think we're pretty okay David Scarlet um favor say I I okay so we're approving a roof all right next 11806 Northeast 8th Avenue wooden fence Mark just so on this one total of 125 ft 6 foot high wood board on board with 10ft double Drive gate double Drive gate what's that about just like to close it off to the house okay so it's lines up with the front corner of the house if you look at the survey it doesn't go in front of the house it's just on the side it's actually just a side gate so motion to approve and is there just a color painting post insation huh okay it doesn't say what they're doing but just need to make a motion with them approving some kind of clear sealer or col motion David's uh Ed say I I motion carries okay all right do we have anything else for this agenda all right so our next meetings are going to be oh it's already the 21st of October so it's November November 4th and November 18th is everybody good with those dates just send an email saying you're going to be here or not but everybody else is good the 4th the day before election day and the 18th okay long Thanksgiving is late this year right this Thanksgiving into the 20s yeah yeah so okay all right so we're all good so a motion to adjourn for this meeting okay Ed then Pablo okay J