all right so let's go ahead and get started um good good evening everyone this is the planning and design review board for the village of biscan Park uh it is now um um Monday it is I'm sorry Monday June 3D 2024 it is now 6:33 do the roll call Edward Lea here scard Hammond Gage Tang I'm here as well as Denisha from the building department we'll go to the residents and applicants that are here uh first will be old business uh 5A 620 Northeast 116 street revision to to uh r 2415 Ruben and David grun has the meeting hi David hi good evening you can uh go up to the microphone um it's just a change of material right that's that's correct we're just switching the tile everything else is going to stay the same except the we're going from a flat tile to s s or bar TI and it's his charcoal color that's here it's that same charcoal blend color I think you should have this picture here I don't know if you can see it something like yeah we have that motion no approv okayed David all in favor say I I motion carries you're good okay app other questions or good all right great right thank you welcome all right next would be 5D 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue uh swimming pool chaps design LLC hello hi good evening let's just see this is an old business to revision so I think this came to us last time because the pool was in the setback we yes asked you to we had do the revision here's the revised plans it's now 30 feet to the water line yeah three feet less lot coverage I think you were you we had covered all the lot coverage when we did the initial approval really moving along over there on that construction yeah I'm I'm fine with them is any questions I mean we're still at um yeah you're still at 7,000 you're 38% lot coverage Huge lot motion to approve second Ed David all in favor say I I motion carries good thank you okay thank you have a good one we do have a walk- on um 7B 1035 Northeast of n 19th Street it's regarding the roof what's the address huh uh 1035 Northeast under 19th Street it's where Ro I'm not calling you right now I'm just I'm just adding you to the agenda sorry uh we do have H continuing down the agenda would be at 6 E18 Northeast 11th Avenue um story demo uh so this is a demo and a construction fence should be 6f so we'll do 6C first or if we have any questions um have you applied for the building permit okay we're actually in the comment space uh some departments are already approved so just kind of pull the demo permit to the monitoring house oh this is the little wood house correct sorry to see it go but uh we've already cost that bridge all right um we have a demo permit for the permit that we've already approved actually second David Ed all in favor to say I I okay same thing 11800 Northeast 11th Avenue temporary construction fence for the same property like a motion you going around the whole property with it yeah except for like a small section of fence that's already there I guess correct motion no approve second David all in fav say I I okay we're good thank you sir thank you next would be 6G 11921 Northeast 12th Avenue concrete driveway Romain concrete driveway did you do your lot coverage calculations there's there's a form that has to be filled out I don't see it which form um there's a I've hired a contractor he's doing everything yeah in in uh the open of where you upload it one of the requirements says uh the perious versus impervious and the Swale versus uh property uh lock coverage you can actually click the the link in the upload area Okay because that okay so because he's the one who's doing the all the paperworks and stuff so I have to check up with him um the other thing I'm concerned about is you're only providing for parking on 9 ft of your property for the for the 20 foot wide one which is not enough for the car to can be be completely parked off the road the other one you did at 32 feet which is fine where do you get 32 32 minus well no I'm just saying 32 minus is that 10 is the is the right way 10 ft wide because it's the has a dimension from the property to the middle of the road not to the road yeah I got to calculate it looks fine let me put it let me back up and resay that one is 24 feet and one is 32 feet so I assume it's an additional 8T long what happened is I have no clue yeah I'll try to walk you through it yeah so basically this line here represents your property line right this is the Swale that you have to obviously cross to park right um You have to have certain minimum amount of parking spaces that are on your property it's a duplex so four Beyond this slide so you need to be able to fit four cars beyond that property line and right now it doesn't look like you're going very far and which means the cars are going to end up parking on the S is not doesn't me the the code so this portion here need to extend a bit so that you've got room for a whole car four cars to park completely inside the car it needs to come in like addal people can park Beyond four in that approach but you have to be able to fit minimum four on the property so your contractor you explain that that you needs to make sure that thater line cans not really no just he have to explain to him you he can probably understand or figure it out and right now he's the way he's showing it the car went end up parking half on the property half off the property and needs to park needs to park fully on the property so this this line here needs to go in a little bit more yeah yeah I don't know where your out yeah I we just explained to him that inside the property so beyond the property line you got to figure out a way to get four cars inside the property and not not parking on the sale porch Ju Just Just yeah so just also to tell him um as far as the width like you don't you only have spaces right now for three cars because the width is is about 9 ft like wide so you've got 20 and then you got 10 so that's basically only for three cars but um that's on the drive yeah you might have a problem with your septic situation unless the the 10 foot wide if they make that a little longer too they can stack tan them right get you could you could SE 10 two in the property front to back and then two on the propertyid yeah uh I don't know someone might be able to explain to him contract I think I would just tell him the driveway design needs to be able to accommodate four cars on the property yeah not not in the Swale not in the R so he'll probably if you tell him that he can probably figure out how it needs to change to make that happen but the it should be like 9 feet wide by like 20 feet deep for each for each car and then there's a form you can get on open go you can also get it from the building department that has that percentage lock coverage right we have a maximum amount of area that can be parking versus yard so just just let you know she does have the form it wasn't u in the packet okay but it's not filled out properly actually it's it's not it's it has the Highway part filled out but not the um the sale part filled out if you can just show it to him real quick and also I'm here because of the $500 I was for the for being late I mean not being late which I don't live in the property again and I feel like the I was wrong wrong fully charged $500 because I didn't receive mail from the property or anything and so it's so you're you're actually at the this is not the board that handles uh fines we have a code enforcement board that that actually does that we the planning planning board okay because when I went different boards when I went to the office to talk to them about that they told me to come here to the meeting so that's why I'm here you have to start this process and like basically saying hey yeah look I am fixing all of this how you can go to the cut C compliance meeting and tell them hey guys guys you need to take care of this because I never got any notice and as soon as you did give me notice when I got the fine then I immediately started working on this so I need you guys to help me out um but that's a that's a different group than let me just ask you has she been f as it has she gone the code enforcement this done already I came here before for this and disput okay so you're at two different meetings the meeting that you probably went to before was the code enforcement hearing this is regards to building the driveway okay the other meeting was the um fact that the driveway was out of compliance so this is just the process to implement the design of the new driveway so it could be in compliance so when do I come because they charged me 500 so I went to the office and telling them that I cannot pay the $500 because I think it was like WR fully charged because I don't live here and I didn't receive anything so she told me to come back to another meeting here so that's why I'm here I didn't I'm not even here for this okay for the Cod so if you do have anything in regards to the violation you receive from the Code Compliance Department you will have to um go to the Village Hall Monday through Thursday 900 a.m. well 9 yeah 9:00 am to 5:00 P p.m or on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or you can always send an email to code at biscan if you have any questions regarding the fine you receive I've I've done that this is not the right board for the for the code that's fine that's okay but I went there already and they told me I said okay then make payment arrangement they said to come that's why I have a meeting on the third to come here no this meeting is in regards to the new driveway that you're installing not in regards to the vi um the fine you receive from the Code Compliance Department okay that's fine but I didn't get anything for this for this driveway permit that I that's okay thank you you understand the what you need to relate to the your uh your contractor about the driveway you have to get all four parking spots on the thing that's what we're concerned about is making sure you understand that okay is there a code meeting this week a board meeting yes on Wednesday There's a meeting for the for the fine no Wednesday on Wednesday so the Code Compliance the people that are going to talk to you about the $500 they're meeting here on Wednesday evening it's a different board different people but there that meeting is Wednesday so you may want to come to that meeting 6:30 I don't know what yeah it's 6: PM but you might need to be on their agenda so that's the reason why she have to stop by the office maybe but I would just go and voice your opinion they might tell you you need to be on the agenda but can I get a motion yeah motion to table pending revised design and and lock coverage okay D Ed David all in favor say I I all right um so we have two discussion items we have a a resident that is here on the agenda so we're going to go back to 6A 10008 Northeast under 14 Street demolition of existing instruction septic tank abandonment you didn't get the demo when you got the fence you didn't get the demo when you got the fence yeah just go there real quick no you have the fence up the construction fence up but it's already you didn't get the demo at the same time um no I think this one is for the demo no I'm sorry this one is for the demo yeah demo and um septic tank abandonment correct so we've already approved the permit the construction and um or the zoning part of the permit and the the construction fence is up so it's a demo David Ed all in favor to say I I motion carries all right thank you and thanks for um jumping on the neighbors they were they were calling me complaining about their their trees being okay good thank you he was putting the construction fence up and the neighbors were calling me because they were on their property trying to put fence and I was like I'm not this I don't do this don't call me please don't call me you should have shown up with your badge like so and I just happened to have his number because of the Log Cabin thing I was like you just need to go over there and deal with your neighbors because G be a long construction if you don't all right so we have uh discussion 7 a 790 Northeast um under 19th Street new construction andas the gentleman's here so this is a discussion item um if you have plans uh we can set them on the table here and we can come up and um look at them I mean we do have a plan here on our Dropbox but but we can come up there and yeah I'm the architect in for Ora and um the client purchased this property uh about a about a month ago okay we've been working on a design I I sent some questions to miss Escobar okay and she said it's best since it's a corner property to address the questions to the board so um this is a survey uh you can see it's kind of like a corner property so based on the sector b um my interpretation is you have to have a 30 foot setback on both sides your dual fronts yes yeah 10 on the 10 on the interior side and 10 on the rear yes so um our design uh you know we're complying with that the 30 and the 30 the 10 and the 10 okay my question was me sit here is you know I've done a lot of these homes in Miami Shores and City Miami um the code here is a little bit different than than the code there you know so I want to make sure as we progress forward but um I saw something in the code that it said under Section 10.33 that on the second level it said the total interior side buildable area the second floor may be allowed to be place on the interior side Lot line to a maximum of 30 feet in depth yes I don't understand that is that mean the second level I could go right up to the property line no so so so first of all I just wanted to let you know I mean you you got all your setbacks correct but keep in mind you also have a 50% lot coverage so this is a smaller lot it looks like it's like a 75 by 150 so just remember when you're pool your driveway everything this is all considered lot coverage and like that was one of my questions the 50% is is driveways any anything that's not covers any lot any um Improvement exactly okay so um yeah because I had 10 and 30 and I go well I'm already that's over 50 but I didn't know that the driveways and pools yeah count total totally developed a lot covered okay um okay so to answer your question what is the address uh 790 Northeast 119 street so this is your front of the house correct okay so that's your rear correct okay so that's your side correct so actually um in the way the word the the language is worded the what you just read out only applies to your side setback okay and what that that is meant is that if your address was here this is your side and this is your neighbor what it's saying is that only 30 feet of your property of the Second Story can be at the setback anything above 30% 30 feet has to be set back a initial five feet so you would actually have to come back you'd have to make the side set back 15 feet but since this is your re this is actually your rear this this this language does not apply to this um different language does huh but different language does okay your second story would have to be did that not get adopted one of sorry super big hardship because if this is 75 and I gotta leave 30 here yeah and then another 20 here yeah I mean this applies to the Second Story only right so you could do it the first floor Second Story placement okay okay the interior side facing buildable lot which is the interior side which would be over here maybe allowed on the interior side Lot line to be a maximum of 30 ft in length the remaining Builder barria shall be set back it's only interior okay on lot's interior which does not apply to this this is a corner lot primary has a 20 foot rear setback so this doesn't even apply to this spot okay for that reason because yeah you set back 20 on a corner I mean 30 is is pretty steep for that's why we we have the neighborhood that we have yeah okay articulation wall planes shall be designed in a manner as to provide movement and articulation to prevent extensive blank walls that's that's in reference you know to to to to this these you know long walls uh and then opening location side to side the building um shall be um all portions of the side of the building on the second floor within the rear two3 depth the buildable area shall be designed in such a manner as to diminish visibility into the budding properties so that is saying the rear 2/3 of your buildable area which is the here to here so your rear 2/3 have to be done in a way to diminish views into your neighbor's backyard over here okay so right now I had a 10 foot step back here um the second level I was encroaching into that I cannot do that no at all well is your I was looking at your renderings is the enclosed under AC encroaching or balcony uh it's en closed air condition yeah that you can okay wellcon we would allow let's say a roof plane to an overhang or something like that okay so basically this is uh determined to be my rear and that's based what on the address of the house yes yeah the address Tak States your front on the corner lot which is your front door side okay because like some of these other municipalities they go by the Short Street side yeah so that doesn't that doesn't apply so basically I gota leave 30 and 10 30 and this is my rear okay that's your side no it's your side that's my um my side this is the still let me ask you something here just another thing she was looking at another house here and she and you I was trying to explain her Stewart she goes how is it to this house it's right down the street here it's for sale is right up to the property I really doubt that it's up to the proper no it is or it's legal nonconforming right it got built at some point yeah that's I told that go maybe the lot got split I would severely argue that this up to the property line that is a 10 foot set back you don't go by property line by the property appraisers it's it's a little bit of a i Wasing this house here this house is the one right here so that's a t I know because I've been on the board long enough to this house has been before us they have a 10- foot side a 10 foot rear and a 10 foot side over here and then they have a 30 foot 30 foot so they basically are the same exact yeah are lot lines are not accurate they're they're they and you look at it compar to the other houses it's not accurate okay so that that answers that so so I buy it it's for sale they had open yeah that's great so I got a problem here that my design let's go here the SC process try to get the address address to the oh good point it's kind of like a hardship when I'm dealing with here because the lot is 75 how is that gonna help him because now it's now he's just gonna have to deal with the 15 foot setback because that becomes his side as long becomes his side so then he has to do a 30 has he has more lean we doing the way he has now than he did if that became a side this is the problem that I had right now so the ground level I'm in compliance stepback Bo but the second level I had juted out the five feet yeah and you would if if you change your address you going the opposite way you be you'd be jogging in 5et you'd have to come in 5et oh okay you don't want to go it would become 15t your address is you're benefiting from the way it is versus CH so my uh my redesign would have to deal I have more leeway from the back side here than from this side here here I mean they're both 10 foot setbacks right right but on on which is currently your back you're not being additionally penalized by the section of the code that says Beyond 30 ft you're going to set back more so having the long side be the rear all that matters is the 10 foot if the long side becomes the side setback now you've got additional setbacks that that you don't want to there's no way that that I I can uh this extra that I had over here that I can go to that but I mean I'm looking at your your your design and you're you're not even you're not even taking advantage of the Second Story capabilities over the garage I mean you have you have all this space to build a second story yeah but I was looking at something there that it said flat roofs you have to have two yeah some articulation but I mean that that could be out here right just that we don't want one continuous level but and same here right this this section can go out closer to your side setep back right yeah but yeah this wouldn't beow the extra five foot or whatever you've got going there into the into the rearer would not beow unless they could apply for some varant but it probably wouldn't ranted no new construction okay okay all right so that answers that so one other question he shifts this whole thing over and then has a concrete balcony that then overhanging the 30 foot and he can have the second floor balcony go inside of one of my that was one of my questions because like in City Miami then it's in City Miami they allow me three feet encroaching into the setback I don't see anything written in the code here I mean I went back and forth looking through it well our our code if you took it literally the way it is is the the setback is 30 feet and you go straight up correct to the two stories corre the 30 feet yeah now like Ed said we do allow you know leeway when it comes to Rich roof overhangs and things like that now like City of Miami has a second level balconies uh wall fenestrations allowed to approach over yourself I did not see that here so I'm assuming that I'm stuck with the 30 with the 30 line there you know but but but again it's like you know when I'm you know you're you're you're asking if we could have some leeway on a balcony when I see that you again you're still not capitalizing on all the the second story space that you're allowed to use or are you where you at on your lck lot coverage now currently with the way you have it designed are you at 50% with everything well the the act the house is only about 3,000 square feet um the actual building um lot coverage the footprint is like 22% but I did not he hasn't done the math for yeah I didn't know that uh like some of these others it's uh I didn't know that the but is this point here this point here so are you not really overhanging are you're saying if you wanted to shift it Forward no I'm right at the 30 right here yeah on the second level this this is the 30 line so um I have to I have to reconfigure this and try to either build over here or go in this direction another thing to to be aware of is that to be a separate Purp eventually but your driveway can't be more than 40% of your yard area and just looking at this this is all considered driveway this is all considered driveway is that that's somewhere in the code there somewhere yeah on five a park okay um you'd be very close to that yeah yeah yeah no I think right now I'm probably very close to the 50 if not over yeah because of U I didn't I didn't I didn't realize that uh I guess discount disc I guess saying you want to build if you want to grow the footprint of the house you're going to need to probably cut back the driveway to meet the driveway code let alone the overall lock coverage so you can kind of kill two birds in one stone right make this driveway a lot smaller yeah you can she said she wanted an auto cord and I draw but um you know I I didn't see anything in there about perious and perious area yeah and it's really just lock coverage not perect because if you could all gravel it still would be the same so basically got to have 50% Green Space is is kind of what pretty much yeah what the code is say yeah okay well back to the drawing Bo just Just one thought like this section to this section if you brought if you got rid of the balcony here so this bedroom has a balcony that ends and then this one's balcony goes the length of this you've just freed up three feet that then helps you a little bit more with with that type of stuff she just like this balcony and I go I'm dealing with a lot I have another house like this I did in City was a 42t wide BM on a corner if we were able to but the coat is fo don't they so that's why or 3ot I was asking is there any leeway with balconies projecting into 30 foot set backs again the code as it's written doesn't allow it we've allowed in the in the roof overhangs because we basically care about where your building stops right it's not allowed for for BS okay well we'll go back to drawing board then um but this was U these were just different elevations and very expensive artw yeah this is a original yeah oh yeah yeah so we were we were in the uh we were good um I mean it's it's yeah it's nice but it's like you have a balcony overlooking the front drive how often would they actually go out on that balcony yeah it it was more of the look she had seen some other houses that done and she she lik this where is this this I guess no on the other side that as long as it doesn't go in front of the house it's fine yeah that was to five right there yeah that was um right there yeah so that was kind of giving the uh I guess the pulling closure requirement at the 30 foot line yeah so I think I I think I'm okay there the problem I have say is I'm probably going to have to reduce this to get to the 50% and I have to deal with i i resolve the second level you know the second level which is this is kind of look from the back I mean one thing here too is like if you just slide this to the edge here of the garage and then put these two things above the garage and then just have your your drop- down line like halfway through the garage outside you would really you would be like oh that's halfway over so let me ask you if this house extended more this way I have my 10 foot um side set back here the second level I could encroach second level that's your side no you couldn't encroach but you if you kept it this WI wouldn't have to set it back an extra fight I don't know is this more than 30 feet I can't tell but well this is this is 30 and this is 10 so it's 35 yeah so if you if you grew the second floor all the way to here right only 30 feet of that could be at the 10 foot that extra five feet if it's 35 would have to actually set back five feet because that's your side setback so that and the rules come into play on the side that's that's this interpretation right this the total interior side facing buildable area of the Second Story may be allowed to be placed on the that's what I want saying it says allowed to be placed on the interior side of the lot line yeah up to a maximum of 30 feet so saying your second level you can place that wall right on the proper at no at the interor side at the setback line right up to why does it say on the interior side of the of the line the interior side the lot line why does it say that it's it's I mean you know what I'm saying and that that's per btim from the code no it is but it's the way it hold on the way it's written is the you have a 10 foot setback so you can go up to that that side Lot line it's it's what it is doing is it's identifying the interior side Lot line so the second floor may be allowed to be placed on the interior side Lot line which side to a maximum 30 feet okay and then what after 30 feet what it has to be set back in additional 5 feet okay so it's not the way I was interpreted they should have had they should have had it in their setback line you know because it's kind of confusing because it says you know to a maximum it says on the interior side Lot line we do have a we have a drawing here yeah that was approved yeah I got that dra property line yeah but I'm going by 10.33 10 3 three that's where I was confused the the second floor may be allowed to be placed on the interior side Lot line yeah it should say to a maximum of 30 feet in length it should say interior side setback lot line right I mean no it's delineating between the backyard the the back lot line and the and the the side front line so okay so basically what he's telling you you can build 30 feet up to that 10 what's what basically is happening in in the village got lots of new development lots of twostory homes that prior to this code were doing 80 feet straight two stories at the side setb minimum set 10 feet and The Neighbor Next Door is looking at this mess right so they finally said look you can do two stories but at the minimum 10 foot setback going 30 on that minimum 10 foot set back max yeah on the minimum 10 foot up to 30t maximum if you want to do 60 feet of of second floor the remaining 30 has to set back to 15 right so it's just trying to avoid this so here in this case this is my rear but my neighbor this is his son yeah it's a look it's because like you said with quarter Lots it's very narrow so if they didn't want to penalize you on that but yeah that neighbor is effectively going to experience the wall that we're trying to avoid on but that's where the next sentence comes in is that has to have designed in a manner to be provide movement and articulation so what happened so so what happened is is we have to write a code that has a combination of corner lot lines and interior and trying to write a code that balances the two was was very difficult so they wrote it with the intent that most of the Lots in the park are interior Lots there there's you know maybe 30% are Corner Lots okay so so what they had to do is create language that addressed one and then also protected others but the other thing was is that there was a strong desire to protect corner lot people so that corner lot people uh would be able to they have limited land so so we this code was written knowing that this situation is going to happen on Corner Lots yeah because I mean on a 75 foot lot if you're giving away 30 then you're giving away 10 you don't you don't you know you don't have that much yeah you got to get really cretive they're not meant to be you know mcmansions on this court a lot I'm saying most most like City Miami this and that this is usually 25 I mean a lot of other municipalities treat one of the two on a corner lot one of the two as a side right we don't they're both fronts right they both have a same 30 that is what it is but also City Miami doesn't have like the massive amount of 10,000 sare foot slots that we have so there is a lot of generosity that you can do within our Big Lots but like their rear is fine yeah so here it's 10 which is I mean it's good you know you're not right on top of the neighbor but I told her you know this lot is has got up some hardships you know that it's not an interior lot value so the the big issues I have right now is I got to get this under 50 and I gotta well two things right everything right under 50 50 green yeah your driveways under four but 40% of this area oh okay what's 30 within the 30 your your front yards yeah that needs to be no more than 40% of this area okay it they don't have anything here like uh that you're it's the center line Street or anything like that no just it's just yeah and it's by the way it's 40% there's two parts 40% of the front yards and 40% of the sale you have much less in the sale so doesn't really an issue it's really the way you're designed it's mainly in the yard right do they count the the space these yeah we don't get into like deducting this just the outside area okay so basically all this if if this was all deck that counts to so a lot of that you want to be lawn not Arts G okay I got it this Con was a 50 yeah yeah the 50 no this that last resort I just yeah substantially smaller I me have the entry like this yeah this long but you know this is B basically you know the footprint that this property has what was the what was the purpose of this the back back out or something when you you're trying to get out of the parking lot no probably this needs to go out yeah this this went out it didn't print on okay okay yeah she she goes can I do a round the and she was telling me now that maybe she wanted a three car garage and I go well you know one like this is 35 ft that's the area I got to but to your point yes this is your build envelope so to speak right right right so this interpretation that I interpreted wrong says that up to 10 feet I can go 30 feet and after 30 feet I got to go in another five feet in yeah we're talking about length right so got 30 foot length of wall right beyond that has to set back an additional 5et this was only 35t so five of that feet would okay all right uh my next question is so when I resolved this design I I present it to the the design to the board and do you guys give an approval and then I could go into working drawings or we would advise that typically so typically we we for new construction we have a three a three meeting process where we we read it three times okay okay so um so he's on the agenda huh discuss yeah we consider first right the voting agenda so we're giving you feedback on your your initial proposal so then you come back a second time we give more feedback and then you come back on the third time and and hopefully the third time you you've heard what we've had to say you and you've done it and then after the third review we move it to it can actually move to a vote and at that point you can go to your construction drawings that's what we we can choose to move it to vote that time well how about if if I come back on the second and I'm complying with everything yeah but we still usually sometimes there's a board member missing sometimes we don't catch everything because there's a lot to look at so we ask okay so after the third but to your point don't do your CDs right right we don't we don't need them we don't want to see your structural MP okay and a lot of people do it all before they come and fundamental change that's why I came here with these questions because what you're doing is perfect coming allings and you're showing us and we're giving you feedback and then you're not spending a lot of money on all these runs I'm doing like I do work on tables and you go to the board they you present eventually they approve it and then they go okay you can do your CD now but once you do all your CDs you got to go back again because they want to make sure what they approved in theory the plan reviewers should be checking that but you don't come back to us again after the approval okay so I would go through the same the next time I submit uh do I submit for discussion or yeah you discussion for discussion okay uh I mean you could apply for a permit with these drawings um but it would be a permit it you know you would only go to us because all the rest of the people are going to say where are the rest of your drawings so you could apply for it but what's going to happen is because of our policy they're just going to kick it to discussion item it's going to stay a discussion item until we move it after the third review to um to an actual vote so on my next one I should have all the breakdowns that show that I'm under the 50% um you know the second level make sure that it works and and all okay is there anything else that you see that um could help me on that second level besides going over the garage and going in this direction I I would read the re the just to make that it checks thex there like supposed to be up all that I know that it's like a r kind of an aesthetic thing but you want to talk with the client of like after reading that of like hey it have to be look like this and well here I have to deal also with the sub thing too which you don't have much you can actually put in your front your you're not leaving yourself much room for a Dr field nowaday yeah it's either here probably honestly how many rooms is this huh how many rooms is the house right now um four bedrooms probably got 1300 this wouldn't be a drain field size for current yeah standard so this is half this yard it's going to be a drain field yeah yeah yeah we I'm dealing with that with a few houses that were with that new septic tank requirement it's just like takes like a eight months to get a setic permit but yeah so so the address of the house is what what dictated that um it's was I mean whenever they platted out the um the addresses I mean it's it's I could look up the code I'm just wondering what determine that this was the front it's just like like in day County they go the front your front is the Short Street side if you're on a corner the front is the Short Street side this is the front this is the rear this is a side street this is the this is um side setback Ally your front is just the the address right the address is9 what is the the house right now it's facing 190 yes oh well there we go yeah it's exactly like that's how they figured it out yeah yeah but I'm just curious because this you know that giv plus this is a very sort of common in the village too A lot of people have garage access from the short side and then they have their grand elevation on the long side anyways right top this as a little front and then you got all this side yard that you're looking at the on side of the house the street so just thinking outside the box you know um you know um so you are on a corner lot okay so you do have um the ability to fence in your your side front Okay so you do have this area the fence end so um and you can go um it's three feet at at uh four feet and goes all the way up to um six feet at seven feet okay so just right if I'm being a designer that I am and sure why does can't this be flipped and your pool and your yard be part of that over there and your your driveway approach over there you know you're seeing the pool toward the The Front Street because your pool has to make meet the setback so your pool has to hit that 30 fo but you'll be able to capture a lot more yard for our code if you had the pool flip this you'd have more of a yard to create more a backyard just you know looking at it and basically I'm I'm doing a flip because I'm right at step back step back I'm flipping but but you're you're you're running up to the fact that you're you're on your you're a 10ft setback here so so if you had a 30 foot setback here you would actually have more pool which means you could encroach into your but if I flip it I got to enter the garage from here because I'm just yeah yeah this this I'm thinking of your issue and what's going on and what's allowed in the code the code allows you to capture this property in the front side front not the front front the side front uh up to um three to seven feet to the property line so what what what do you mean by that allows me to sh it's just unique on Corner lots that allow you no that we allow you to fence it in so a typical lot couldn't fence in put couldn't put a fence in the front of their house facing it right away right so if you're an interior lot right normally you could not fence in your front yard not in the village not permitted Corner Lots we do allow you on the side front right which is not your at your your primary front so capture basically a wall fence en closure it's a fence enclosure but if you were to take your design and you flipped it and you took the pool and you made the pool this way up to the 30 foot setback you would actually capture this you could actually create a larger footprint on the house by doing but right now you're taking up a lot of your property by having a long skinny pool that pushes into your that's keeping the house narrower up against your setback here and that thing here so these these accessory uses they have to supply with the same same setback 30 I mean I get what you're saying usually but you by same token rotate the pool 10 feet and grow the house that way and have a secondary garol doesn't have to be this way kind of be not the garage facing the front of the house I get that so we're not here to decide my second level is the biggest issue here that that I'm dealing with 35 yeah I think D had a good suggestion right you don't need this and that whole thing can slide over you still have a balcony off the master no one's ever going to use all that this room still has a balcony that way right and they're more likely to use that by the way way and your master really doesn't get the that's not here sorry so this still has a balcony this still has a balcony and by by doing that this one's blinds are going to be close 98 this is five this is five this is four so I lose yeah but even still this is a very generously wide bathroom and bedroom so yeah all right well I appreciate all the feedback so just when you have something you know have them put you on the agenda okay thank you sir is that other one that was the walk on they leave yes they did leave because they had to submit the Standalone permit they were originally here for a roof permit but you guys told them they had to submit a permit for the new fcia because the roof didn't have a overhang okay oh I'm sorry so 7B is off the agenda yeah 7B is off hi ma'am how are you 5B all right so we have 5G here 11001 Northeast 9th Avenue driveway uh sure please um just we I think we should have it here let's just take a look so I guess my my first question if I may uh let's just please let we just uh look at your drawing okay is there anything different she has updated drawings that she uploaded I believe today but she has them with her but we do have physical drawings that yes um all right so let's let's just I guess go back up there since we don't it's there you have a drawing or you just have this Photoshop thing that we have in here I have a drawing what we looked at last time I'm I'm ready for you what we looked at last time is the this calculation it says new design but then down below it says on the 208th of May which was the last one that's the correct okay that's the old attachment I I upload it uh Friday so it should be there any one or today on this side okay so so the new driveway is going to be at 13 it's going to be exactly 40% and then the new Drive the new approach is 513 which is at 25.3 okay so here's the design okay so it's a 6 foot set back here it's 19 ft wide this is all what concrete yes okay there's an approach 195 it it's flares at the the the street and then they have these four the only difference between yeah it's just the approach yeah okay so that one's more accurate yeah it's just missing that's the question though because here for here said it's it shows that it's squared so I thought that I could just do it square like I see it on the other houses not only because of that I mean there there there's no there's no requirement for the flare you could have it okay you know so I guess it's the only difference yeah it's really just squared off what you have which one do you like more which one which one is it squared I don't think she wants to I want it a little bit more I mean both of we wanted to do up to you up to the code so it it really didn't matter but design wise I prefer this yeah so these are five feet what is it five feet green concrete and then and two yeah the green is concrete and then the the white part is the tur so far just because it's a little hard to see what's here positive and negative right so this is concrete the green that's concrete yeah yeah so I'm saying this is grass or turf or something all right so solid concrete if you don't mind me drawing on this I think it's the other way I think it's the new concrete new concrete is the oh it has arrows to the concrete ribbons to the ones and it's there you want concrete box as well we would I this is just optional I it's optional uh to my I didn't even put it there because I wanted to get proven forward if I'm able to do this but I don't think I can no like tell us what you want to do we wanted to put this don't give us three different options just looking at that quickly it looks like you're GNA exceed 40% so you wouldn't you could maybe do that's probably yeah a portion that it's not the concrete blocks it's the 40% that would you couldn't do more than 800 square feet total you're already at 53 so you can't do more than 300 square feet more of pad and the Swale is 27 feet so you couldn't do more than one of those times 10 feet so yes I would it would be odd looking and I think um and again if I have pictures of other house houses please don't don't think I'm I'm trying to get anybody in trouble I'm just trying to see what's I'm I'm able to do because I see this one but this is proper you don't know what they went no I know but I'm just putting into this is as well and I think I I showed it to them just to ask but I think she to told me she told me this is a corner lot and has a different special thing but this is uh probably is that biscane Park yeah it's it's right on uh it's ninth and 115 I think yeah but see she has all this empty she has all that this is this is this is all her front yard this and this are her front yard yeah so it's 40% of this and that is yeah so she just has a lot more she has a lot more land than you to to to work with yeah I guess just what she answer so that by the way the picture that you had on there though shows like a a band at the end too right yeah but that's not approved this is she's right at 40% this is what you're doing basically this plus this is concrete so what you're asking for is perfectly fine that's what I W I I wanted to do this this way um and I I guess I can just put Gard in here because that cannot touch what I asked you or what I asked if it was it would be okay it's not even worth it to do the this yeah what what's just out of curiosity is this for parking or is this just aesthetic that you like with the banded front yard so that's the other question because I think I've already asked this to them she said it's good question for you guys if my design like this if I wanted to switch to blocks like this it's okay or has I have to be within as long as I meet the prvious impious or are you talking about like making these like lines yeah instead of let's say because I have to I have two ways so either was going to do it like this the whole entire thing um but it's not possible because of perious imp impervious so we just did this one like this and the driveway like this or if I just have a pull up and just do the same design if I choose if you're just putting gaps in between that it's not going to increase it's subtracting your your percentage so or it's making negligible difference if it's a 4 inch Gap or a six inch Gap but you make really really long lines the L at some point there itak them it's very small break in between them and it allows them to move a little bit and you're less likely to get the longer you f it was for car purposes because we have a is this roof structure here I think it's old yeah it's old it's demoed it or they're going to demo it or some story like that last time you brought it up yeah um but this this the this was purposely to put a my husband has a a Hummer so I don't need that's why we make it bigger one side so it fits two on the other uh toi size but um I guess I see what you're saying as long as you guys don't mind at the time if you're all of a sudden putting little gaps but it's essentially the same amount of concrete that doesn't make an issue it's just see the the amount of concrete you have and also for the dri if you cut this up into lines that's fine it doesn't inre what do you guys recommend it more for does matter this or this those two options I would prefer that one I don't this one yeah yeah and also just for your own sake otherwise you got to like always be perfectly driving on these two little lines instead of you know yeah I know you guys didn't give me more 40% how many cars you're parking there I know well my husband have a a toys and then he just got my three month old a little car he needs a spot too no he got him a golf cart oh nice so I can take him to the park minutes away the one nice thing about it is you're we're not worried about you having the the minimum capacity to park cars you got plenty of parking spaces so so the question is is what are you you applying for because you do have an application in today and do you want us to proceed with it or do you still want to consider no more uploaded into yes you said it was uploaded today or something no that's the thing she uploaded her three design she needs to be more specific and what she this like pick one make decision but the only difference is that flare right yeah yeah okay so she picked the non-f flare option earlier yeah so we're just gonna say that this is option Ave okay so what you need to do though is you need to upload it and just upload this even though you've already right now you've uploaded this so there look at this and go okay which one is she upload that I correct on that um so yeah because you delete should check them out I don't think you're allowed to delete once something's uploading not really um you just have to upload I'll I'll just leave the ones that I that I need the one that it's approved which is a which is the all problem go back and check that out why does Edward have so so are you submitting this or you're leaving no you can leave this yeah that's I'm saying yeah I don't need it thank you North 121 yeah South 119 121 we turned left got like three houses in and then he was we the other way I'm like there's a light right there definitely not that way I know where in my house he's like no no no you're wrong I'm free no um depending on each steps it takes between three business days to three to seven business days depending well for them to review the plans not much for them to remove like from a building department point of view not much to review yeah they won't but to answer your question we just approve the design and Zoning now it'll go to the building department that they're going to look at I don't know what kind of slab thickness and if you're calling for reinforcing you know building code issues not Aesthetics yeah and if when you're talking to your concrete guy make sure that he puts concrete with fabric in it because that means that it can have it'll survive a little bit more flexing than if it's just concrete it's not very much more expensive it's very minimal but it basically is is like put a little something that helps hold the concrete to itself 3000 psi concrete with fa yeah they'll have to do it because they have to take in it but 3,000 psi concrete with yeah oh good no I think you'll get an email from open gov once it's been approved and then you just pick it up and pay for it or whatever but they might require the sections and there might be some comments they may your job is no your job is don't do anything until you get an email they may their point is they may have questions or may need more information but you should get an email from open go if that's the cas okay perfect thank you so much thank you guys have a good evening you too all right um I have minutes from um on 4A meeting of May 20th 2024 I reviewed it it looked good but I'll let you guys look at it see if I missed anything s on 5 motion to approve second David Scarlet all in favor to say I I motion carries all right next will be 5c old business 11443 Northeast 6 Avenue metal re roof Pablo Marcos this was the wrong or it was Matt black or do we know why we didn't didn't I think this is the one that the color was wrong it was shiny wasn't it is this from the notes pending overhang diagram oh okay yeah they have it it says no fasion but what was the color dark bronze it has zero in say no fion it's the last P so also a 311 fish there's zero fasia and it's and it's not even filled out there's no number there no if you go up then there's stuff because there's different degrees of overhang so it has 29 inch overhang everywhere except for one area that has a 62 inch overhang it's a 3 to 11 yeah what's 311 where's that at never heard of that it's the police code for inducing exposure and where do you see the where do you see these other overhangs go up two more pages 29 in overhang right so our only problem is is that there's no basa 11443 Northeast six literally around the corners but have no F they don't know okay so then and it's a dark bronze versus a bright bronze Bri being the one that gets fired directly into the Sun so dark bronze is brown yes but I'm willing to over over rule the zero in has like I don't see a way that you could possibly have building I mean that's the roof today yeah it's the house literally here is it got a is it got a standard face on it they just they just I buy it five times a day was that a motion to approve motion to approve okay David Ed all in favor say I I all right motion carries I actually like I love that actually so very clear all right except they they're not clear on the other diagram all right next would be 51220 Northeast 11th Place gravel driveway Patricia Smith so it had no grave no driveway drawing and need gravel pick or sample 20 by 49 B Rock okay so it's the right kind of rock but it doesn't have the diagram for doesn't have the Border shown great in P Rock so is that actually tast small is that no you don't does the thing actually no I just asking because doesn't it say half inch to am I no I think it says is it 384 so they're missing technically they're missing but they're missing the Border yeah they're they so motion are we am I denying or yeah I don't know what we last time we when she didn't have the leather stuff we like a chad gbt okay so 38 Ines to 3/4 inches we table okay so motion to table pending orders on the survey missing the page that indicates the driveway uh instruction selection okay so that you know which the second page is it's the one that has like where people like circle like oh yeah I'm doing this PSI with these people it has the borders and have that page David at all in favor say hi hi carries thank you for looking that up all right next will be 6B one20 Northeast 121st Street wooden fin ju Carlos Roman this on the front ites and it does say 38 to 3/4 gauge I know I looked it up sorry install six foot wood fence with one gate 10 by6 by one gate or by should do approve hold on what's the design again yeah it's just it's just it's just what type of gate is it mat a wood gate no is it a picket is it I mean I'm looking at I've see I see board on board picket and shadow box let me ask you this if it was board on board would you approve it if it was Picket would you approve it if it was shadow box would you approve it that's why my answer yeah but sorry guys but we need to be asking these questions because does just Gates they're not showing any fence I mean our code specifically says non- climbable and we have to be careful on that and where did this wood fence require yeah but it's BEC it's it's because they have a 10- foot setback so they have six foot of fence and a four foot gate it's this side is like this this side is one like that but I'm just explaining the reference to fence is that they have a fixed fence of six feet long and then a four foot wide gate but it's only on they're not doing around the property they're just doing the little on each side of the house because they have you have 10 foot between the house and the property codot wide that's what I'm saying now that's to what kind you know that's I mean they're and they're also referencing the Florida building code which is fine but our code should really be oh the truth comes out huh no I mean I just think that we should we not should be we need to be delineating the type of fence especially with a especially with a fence that has a pool behind it but all they're showing us Shadow picket board on board pick one fine but all three of are non- climbable and they're all three of them approved so you know I really care which of the three they're doing I really don't give a the inspector shows up and one is one and one is the other then they're gonna say no they won't the inspector is going to look at and go Planning and Zoning said you can have a shadow box over here and you can have a picket over here we're not we're not you know what were you saying that if I motion to approve you're G be the I'm gonna vote no have to say the second David's motion okay gagee on the hot spot David Ed all in favor say I I anybody oppose I oppose I think we need to we're setting a bad precedent not picking stuff because what if they come back what if they come back what if they come back with two different style fences on each side I have zero concern that's gonna happen Okay then they'd be paying extra for that like why because you because there's always like a economy of scale if you're going to have the carpenter do two of the same or one of each going to charge you more I don't think they have any desire for that if that occurs I'll drive over to your house we'll record by my children running over my foot with my drop no you can record yourself going to the building official and telling them the why we did this say can you believe that g because they're literally coming down on us guys saying planning board has to be very very specific on stuff we can't leave it up to the make decisions I hear you but then there has to be a better process that before it gets to us because well we've never there seems to be no like process by which it's vetted before we see it otherwise we're going to kick back if we were to be super strict 90% of the applications would get Kickback because they're all pencil drawings poorly dimensioned it's just the village is not that sophisticated when it comes to these things and there is no staff to vet these before they come to us to say make them Circle one before it even gets to this board there should be on our application what style fence you want not just a wood fence or whatever it is I'm saying there needs to be something up front before it gets to us otherwise we're going to be constantly tabling stuff then then we have to we have to constantly table stuff and then somebody will eventually get it either staff or or or the the homeowners will get it home owners w i mean there's two different issues right with the driveways and the fence stuff that's the type of thing that residents do a lot and that's the and they're they're doing it and submitting the stuff on their own you get hung up on all these driveways because it's all these people that have lived here for 30 years and they've never tried to pull a permit whereas like we have all these developers come in and they could do it because they're doing it all the time so I have a feeling once the driveway situation kind of calms down if then we want to be more militant about hey are your two sides matching but honestly we're paying an inspector and one of like their three criteria on offense is make sure both sides match you shouldn't be letting them off the hook when they they don't check it doesn't actually say that in our Cod our code we we must be a monious design we use that so so so you so you voted no because of harmonious design not because of a no I'm I'm voting no because it's not actually in the code where we're not choosing oh so they actually this changes thing no you can't change your vote cage this homeowner wants to know why you voted against their application you you justify it to them so they updated it with actually circling the there you go see see you areed yes okay because they're applying for a shadow barbs letter no Circle no Circle here oh my goodness but guys I know but all of a sudden it's like I mean I've been on the board what 23 years now 24 two years we've always asked for fence what kind of fin you want and seems like in the last couple months it's like okay it's on the it's on the sketch so let's do whatever we want look I mean we can be either need to be strict or not strict but like picking Cherry certain applications to be tough there are so many applications that are garbage that that no other legitimate planning body would accept and approve but if we would be literally abling things constantly takes six times for an applicate to get it right we really were but what if but if if they if they uploaded the the other drawing this biscane park drawing the one that we've previously discussed it doesn't you know and they decided they want to do a horizontal pick it and there's a and and we're not being specific that that horizontal picket can't be climbable next thing you know we're approve we are approving off fence that somebody can climb over and there's a pool behind it you know that's where that's where we're supposed to be watching these things if you go to the code enforcement meetings that's where people are getting excited because they have that exact thing on no fense and they've had it for three years but then the code enforcement they're going to go back to us and say planning board why are you approving these things and we're going to say we never approved it they're going to look and realize oh yeah this was done without a permit this is on us my defe mentality is that all the will be gone so I'm with you Gage if there was absolutely no drawing about anything I wouldn't but it had a fence drawing all three were acceptable all three were non- climbable also there was a uploaded in the thing there was a circle one yeah and we all had the circle I don't know why you don't have it on your laptop you do for c for real right at it that's why we all voted yes Gage fu camera can't see that so actually yeah anyway um we have a four 40 I changed my vote because with the document was a shadow box make sure that you change the time of the vote now because it was 12 minutes after right I I'll put a timer on you David next time I go to coste 6C 1108 Northeast on 19th Street walk-in closet animates walk-in closet really what oh but it's an addition they're adding it on the exterior of the house okay so this is a they're still at 3441 square feet 34% the little tiny thing in the back tucked in the corner setbacks what does that say 9 fo8 one I can't read that the setback on page number A1 the exist they're trying to line it up with the existing setback and it looks like it's a n 9.65 is so it needs to be 10 I mean they're doing a flat roof so it's not like it's they're tying it into the well the other the other this drawing says 9 foot1 very clearly which that is which WR one yeah that's the one I'm looking at it says floor plan floor plan but it says 911 and it says L still not still not 10 10 foot and it's in our face we can't you know Overlook it so motions deny not complying with the set I mean it's easy enough for them to fix change that the 10 but put it on the drawing in our face 911 what do you want us to do to Scarlet all Pap say I I want to end talk about it for 10 minutes oh it's an inch why because the guy that survey was I mean listen blame most likely they the architect I mean they they should know the setback know the code and make it just 10 nobody would have questioned it put 911 on the drawing they're G to come back next time saying 10 and GNA build it at 9 foot 11 we know this but again it just needs to say the right thing on the drawing please good news that revision okay so next would be 6 uh D 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue swimming pool one bis game Park 47 like plus something else there's like a gap between Dimension ticks I mean 11 foot so it's at 11 feet six or 10 feet six it's it's at minimum 10 foot six and then probably a little more because weird thing going on dimension lines over hang each other yeah I guess that's a good question Gage I was assuming that they didn't meet which would mean it was 10 foot6 plus something they overlapping then it could be less than 10t I see three feet and then three feet for some reason why do they have that extra tick what does it like what does it line up to did yes know they do it on both sides no knowing in CAD like it's just as Gage said either the the dimensions are apart from each other or or they're like this and more likely they're like this in which case could it be the the removable child barrier no 20 in I mean it's 10 foot 6 but should we ask for clarification on this I don't want to move it along but it doesn't even line up with the patio that's the weird thing about it propose sale we have a motion no scaling it right that's 10 fo one in right that's 10 foot one in I mean the pools probably six in into the seven okay so let's I think the fact that these are overlap it's probably that these ticks are actually overlapping and so it's really 7 fo6 plus three should we ask for motion to table based and clarification clarify rear setback rear setback line to the water edge just so that it's helpful to them David just second it in favor say I I we're tbling that he I think that's [Music] it everything and 10 7B was withdrawn okay so our next meeting be in the s yes is um everyone here when is it June 17 two weeks char um I'm not not be here David yes I will be here all right so we got the three for Quorum will be here so our next meeting will be on 17 and just remember if you think you might be missing we know David will be missing July if you're missing the 1 and the 15th please let us know so we can reschedule those meetings ahead of time um 1 and 15 I'm sorry 1 and 15 yeah all right so motion to adjourn please Charlotte second Ed all in favor say I I you were adjourned at 7:59