e e e all right is everybody ready did I get everybody that you ready all right good evening everyone let's go ahead and have this meeting uh this is the planning and design review board meeting for the village of biscane park for Thursday July 18th 2024 it is now 631 I'll do the roll call Edward Lea here Scot Hammond here uh Gage hardung I'm here as well as Denisha from the build building department um David grun has um notified us that he was not gonna be here at this meeting can I get a Ed Scarlet all in favor say I I okay David's excused carries all right so we'll go to the residents that are here I think we got everybody checked in uh first will be 5A old business 11143 Northeast 8th Avenue swimming pool One biscane Park LLC you can go to the just go up to the microphone and if we have any questions we'll give you so am I reading this correctly you're you're re setback is 10 foot 8 in 6 in so that was the problem last time I drawing little clearly oh my oh I got to scroll down okay problem is now that you've now that you've clarified it you're not meeting the setback is 10 foot minimum to the water edge you have 9 foot six uh you're talking about the pool or for the property itself uh we're here for the pool so you're yes is an accessory structure it has a 10ft rear setback yes for what I have on the C proove we are between the 10 yeah you have to be minimum 10 can I show you here yes so this Dimension here is taken from the property line for the edge of the water yeah okay but the drawing that we're reviewing for approval or denial shows 9 foot6 yeah this is what we're looking at we would have to deny you because it's not [Music] to yeah and these are the new ones right so for example we met last time yes let me check I'm bringing the GL so the first time that the the item was before us this was the drawing we received and it was a little unclear because these dimensions are kind of Crossing each other and couldn't tell what the dimension was from here to what matters right so your your designer they revised the drawings this is what we got it's clouded tells me they updated it so they've corrected the dimension now it's clear from here to here but it's not 10 foot so for us to approve they would have to revise this drawing and show 10 foot the water's edge for the property that's that's the old one yeah that's the first one we reviewed that was a little bit confusing then I don't know if they rev [Music] that so these are both the first one we looked at not the most recent there's not another set he doesn't have another set oh okay what he actually has copies of is the first one we looked at that has the kind of overlapping di okay so since we're talking about 9 foot6 right I mean if you agree to the 10 feet and you and we make a motion that we approve it on the 10 feet um you all you have to do is upload the uh Revis drawing to 10 fets I mean you're talking about four inches here so as long as you y I'm sorry oh six in hard sorry um um just if we do that right because we don't want to make you come back again in two weeks just make sure your Builder follows the correct drawing because if they build it at 9 foot6 and at the end of the project you provide a survey to close out your permit and it shows 9 foot6 he's gonna make he's gonna make you tear it out and redo it right you don't want that to happen so so I'll make a motion to approve contingent upon applicant submitting a revised drawing showing 10 foot setback okay seconds okay I have a motion a second but I just want to uh note in the record that they're at 4,900 I I don't download so my my screen is a little blurrier but it looks like they're right at 50% log coverage so I just want to make a note that that the drawing that we have dictate it says it looks like 4,950 yeah they're right under their 5,000 square foot maximum lot coverage so so all right so I have a motion a second all in favor say I I what he's getting at is separate issue in the code is total amount of improvements on the site full driveway house accessory cannot exceed 50% of the sare put it so you're right there now so in the future you want to do a I don't know a wood deck out there you you won't have any more space to cover right and I just want to make sure that when we get the revised drawing back that that's the that's you have an increased the size of the pool that that's the size all we're all you're doing is moving the pool over 4 in okay or six Ines I don't know why I have that on sorry sorry six inches all right uh motion uh passed all right next on the agenda would be unless did 5B come in okay we have 5c 11328 Northeast 7th Avenue uh new pool Max lber maybe Abby lber yep hi good evening how you doing all right so do you got the variance the variance was approved so this is just the actual permit the not I'm sorry I don't have actually do they have the variance packet involve in no but the the the the application was for 6 feet to the property line from the yeah huh there is a note here from April 3rd yeah all right I get a motion please from the street located ofer yep which is what's on the drawing and then you'll you'll be doing a a separate permit for the fence correct yep second you have a question no okay all in favor say I hi that was um Ed Scarlet good thank you thank you all right 5D by the by the way was withdrawn soat that next will be 6A 631 Northeast 114 Street T roof the Balo right so you have a white t tile now yes sir and you're replacing it with a flat concrete gray charcoal dark charcoal it's approved on the list I see I see on here um there some information here for metal roofs originally we were going to do a metal roof and because of our overhang we didn't have the proper overhang necessary we uh scrambled and switched it to the and I see some pictures of shingle R so yeah it is a concrete it's going to be standard charcoal color roof with a concrete flat concrete yeah the flat concrete was the I I'm just scrolling through is was the product approval for the concrete uploaded and the a picture or at least something a notation of the charcoal because I'm seeing there's like a color chart that looks like metal metal yeah that's all your metal wead new new uh all new file you have it or I I just I mean what you're asking for is pretty straightforward so there's not going to be an issue with it we just got to make sure that you actually have uploaded the proper documentation because maybe it was done after the agenda was probably could yes we one it it was probably done in the last couple days I believe right no it was actually done this morning this morning it was done this morning yes okay okay so you know pending what you're applying for a concrete flat tile I think we could approve it based on the proper information being uploaded to the um to the uh the village and they and that they received it okay is there any way they can down like get delete the other thing I don't know if it's an open government thing where you have to like if it's been submitted it has to stay in there until I wish there was a way that they could like cross it out yeah yeah like void void void because it's because what happens is it's showing up as you know all the different roofing materials so you know or well she's I would say a contingent motion because it is an application for a tile re roof the application does say tile roof to approve a concrete tile roof yeah dark charcoal blend okay second motion second all in favor say I I okay so just got to make sure that that information is uploaded I mean she's going to confirm but uh before they issue the permit they' obviously make sure they have all that so okay okay I appreciate it good thank you all right so next will be 6D here's the problem one Northeast 12th Street window installation Jacqueline agular good afternoon so problem that we why we asked them to over each for the three foot right so just to give us a second um overlap and that's why when they fix that one unfortunately when they put the dimensions they cross them oh I mean the drawings are very clear I mean they're installing um sliding and fixed um windows it's um 6D so and Sir what is the color other the windows uh the frame is white with light green uh light gray tint fine it looks pretty straightforward there's lots of product approval the elevations are pretty clear on what the windows are yeah we're moving it to the side uh yes it's it's right basically there's like a an addition that they did years ago the front was there so we're moving it to the side of the Edition actually it's cleans it up nice second don't say hi I motion carries good sir thank you thank you all right uh we have 6 e 1065 Northeast 119 Street concrete driveway and walkway Dev 2 LLC okay and uh six F but we'll do six do six e first all right how are you tonight sorry how you doing tonight oh good I'm good I'm great how are you good you guys are moving along all over the park yes we're moving is there a um gonna be a pool permit on this house that's what I'm here for yeah oh is that what the second one the second one's a pool permit yeah say driveway and pool permit yeah okay so concrete driveway out to the front 5 inch Gap with what's going inside of the gaps it's going to be like a like a river stone like a little Stones maybe gravel okay your loot coverage is yeah you're at 30 20 and 18 I'm sorry 20 and 18% on the property and on the Swale so you're way within your front lot coverage what about total lot coverage that that form is on the uh the pool permit okay total lot coverage total impervious is 587 at 49.9% hey right up to it second fav say I I motion carries okay and then we also have a pool which would be 6 f165 Northeast 119 straet new pool 748 dev2 LLC um right so you're at 11 feet to the rear property line 11 feet six inches yep okay and then it's pretty much center of the the the property and we just covered the the lot coverage so as far as we're concerned it looks good second be say hi IES okay thanks all thank you very much have a good one we look forward to um seeing some revised things on that L Happ hopefully okay thanks we um we approved 6 C 6f and 6 D all right next is going to be 6 H 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue um metal windows and doors the chaps design just give us a second we're pulling it up yes you guys are moving along pretty quickly there nice your design your house the oh okay yeah thank you not for me but it's my my my friend yeah I just supervisor contractor is little difficult because uh we are old and you no just just commments so it's a combination of fixed en casement windows look [Music] pretty fix fix fix sliding fix fix fix fix fixed you have the new revision with your plan I have um with the one Windows um two windows modif it and the one Windows uh out and let me go down to the bottom cuz there's 172 Pages yes taking a little while for my [Music] compter because the the difference with the old house with the beam to change it a little bit design but everything is good all right you saw it head it looks good yeah yeah it was marked up on the plan that you were looking at main four plan what what color are the white white reg and the windows clear the glass clear yeah all in favor say I I motion carries okay okay thank you sir thank you um a gentleman there which one 7A okay so we have a discussion item 7A 11807 Northeast 11th Place new construction good afternoon you have something to present to us or like drawings or um yeah we have some renders that we're made so okay I'm gonna um I don't think we have anything in the Dropbox for this no no so I'm gonna we're gonna just we're going to pull the chairs away and we're going to meet right here in the middle of the Das you could please I'm sorry I read property 11807 noreast 11th Place all right so now the idea is it looks like maybe that you're going to take down the house that's there yeah to keep the as do you have anything that we could actually I mean what is this setback is it is this 30 this is 30 and 30 30 30 okay so you're saying so so this wall here yeah be and where is this and the Second Story would be at the 30 foot yeah you're going to just have to obviously show us the existing site plan so we can confirm that that is the existing garage or the existing house yeah this face is 11th place so this is that kind of very wooded they they came in they came at one point to see if they could do two tow houses and then they left and came back and then they were going to do something incorporating the existing house and now they're still incorporating part of the okay but if they're taking down more than % of just by maintaining the wall you're not you're you're technically taking out 50% of the so once you exceed 50% have to bring everything into compliance so this set how much but you're also I mean you have plenty of space to slide this over toward the one this is a huge alot plent of space yeah I mean because you're obviously getting this extra setback here on the side right so this whole thing could just be push back be Beyond 10 obviously rebuilding a part you keep more than 50% is that the only but what are they planning on doing in here yeah so I mean you know again shifted five or six okay so let's just talk about this so um so there's two roof levels technically yes you have the lower roof level you have the higher roof level um and yeah so it's not just one no air condition duct um Second Story placement total interior side facing buildable area of the second maybe allowed up to the setback which they're so far away from the setback this doesn't even this this part of the code wouldn't even apply um um rear setback it doesn't I mean they're way away from the rear setback um wall planes shall be designed in such a manner to provide movement and articulation to prevent excessive blank spaces kind of looks like you're doing that all portions of the side of the building on a second floor within the two3 depth of the building area shall be designed in such a manner as to diminish visibility into AB budding properties so again they're so far away from the setback um anything yeah I mean granted you don't we would want to not see like a deck or a balcony facing this way but again you're 30 feet away 25 feet away from the if you end up shifting everything over and you're you're on the property line on the setback line then on the second floor you wouldn't have a terrorist or a balcony that overlooks your neighbors I mean the balcony is actually in the front facing the street so you know there's you're not we're not doing group decks which group decks so this is an this is not an application discussion this is not it's not considered a first reading yet because there's no application or applied or attached to it um mention apply for new construction reces here this won't count as one uh I mean this level if you would had both floor plans for the purposes of these initial reviews would have been like your setback data your site your lock all zoning data but since you are kind of covering a lot of ground by doing this we sometimes will approve Sal RWS um based on um if it's it passes you know everything yeah I mean it's just take go look at the house and figure out 50% of it you know at this point you're doing so much work it's what's what's I don't know howat about material um lot coverage this slot is huge but there's not there's not a 50% coverages a single family red home so there um yeah so you know our our feedback you know you would need to do a there's a site plan a tree plan you know all those things that are need to do with the initial application minimum minimum size we're definitely not worried about that stories and what's the height our maximum our maximum is 28 can't go over 28 Bas plus one yeah plus one and your basically where you'd have to put your if you want to be 26 yeah even better like that even better the smaller the house we like it you know obviously you know the neighborhood it's very small okay but maybe you can get creative and figure out how to keep there was another property year and a half ago that they wanted to they had other issues lot sides yeah they figure out a way to keep they were trying to maintain that 25 no 25 that well I think they also had only 65 what access from the side Mass BL def need a treated position play lot is nothing lot is nothing and we're and we're you know we're known for our trees so please try and be kind with your designs yeah it looks like the big ones are long okay so actually on that note to discuss um so Ed and I had noticed and Ed really noticed was that we had a u um kind of a typo in our code with um with regards to what was approved by the by The Village uh commission um we regarding the Second Story um it came up in with a review on one of the um um one of the new constructions basically if you look at um 10 point regarding the second stories so right now the way this was written it says on Second Story placement the total interior side facing buildable area of the second floor may be a be allowed to be placed on the interior side Lot line to maximum of 30 feet well what was approved by the Village Council was um interior side setback l so the way this is written in it was uh um uploaded to mini Muni code was hotline so we could actually have people could actually have interpreted this as second stories on the lot line so um brought it up to the attorney the attorney reviewed the all the notes all the minutes he listened to all the he went back and listened to all the me and he concurred that this is a scribner's error that they made a mistake and it actually is the Second Story on the setback on so they they corrected it the mayor has already signed it and it's going to be uploaded to munity code so there was a um catch our part that not going back commission no it doesn't have to go back through the commission they considered it a scribner's error and so they made the correction so that was taken care of so all right all right we have uh do we have minutes as she's looking for that we'll go to 5B 111221 Northeast 9th Avenue installation of solar panels and I don't see them here let's see what they submitted it looks like they're still all mounted towards the one side of the property or the structure were they going to come or did you get any type of response from the resent five b solar panels where they have all the solar panels mounted on one side of the house and we were just one you know we we're not an agreement we denied it I believe I don't see anything new up uploaded on the in the Dropbox e are we the dying again um I'm waiting are you she's looking for notes just really quick before but I am already looking at 720 uh 6 B 720 Northeast under 17 Street just to get ahead of ourselves but not going to call it in just yet they're still in the same spot that's exactly what we were so there's nothing no change okay so seconds say I I so it's denied again same same thing all the panels on one side of that property we requested I think the last time that they they mount them to the back um um it's just they they're they're not place so we really encourag them to come in and speak to us um so that motion was denied all right so 6B 720 noreast 17th Street audition icon capital Okay so so according to the survey this is at 29.6 7 ft to the front they're not doesn't look like they're addressing the front setback or the side setbacks they're just doing an interior remodel proposed Edition okay and that is at 11 feet4 on um or A1 shows it too they're pushing out the front a little bit but it's the front indentation area not the actual overall that's staying existing wood deck existing wood deck they an addition on the back is it just a single level uh yes like we won't see it from the street and it looks like they're tying in the the um the roof to the existing roof is there a lot coverage anywhere yeah it's at the very very end there under 40 okay I mean they'll need to come in for window permits and roof permits and all that but as far as the remodel Master permit goes it looks like they're just working within the confines of what's there and they'll have to like I said we'll have to come in and do the windows and roof and the driveway and anything else later okay second say I I all right uh 6C is going to be 740 Northeast under 15 Street window installation Shan Brown this is a garage conversion but I'm it's a very low window you look at the crosssection of the U the floor in the garage they're building up the garage it's like [Music] all right yeah we confirm there was a previous permit there is a permit that we did zoning approved um this previously so was it on the garage all in favor say I I motion vares but our Master which is we're just wondering if it it had come to us cuz none of us I don't think we remember this one noce watch she looking that up I'm going to go to 6G 11412 Northeast 8th Avenue Benson Gates b b Park 114 LLC 187 ft of 6 fo high wood fence and 22 ft of 6 fo High PVC fence two 4ot gates total 29 looks like it's kind of like board on board or they're just side by side panels I guess what is board on board CLE board on board okay but the PVC kind of looks like it's just you know the typical PVC with the top with a top and side rails and yeah motion Scarlet say I then six I 11780 Northeast 8th Avenue EVC fence and gate BB Park 11c and it is but it's all PVC basically there's no wood in this one huh we did but regarding the G garage conversion we did see it back in December so Scarlet all in favor say I I motion carries we have the minutes you want to just put them on to the next agenda okay so we're going to move our minutes from June 24th um to the next meeting on Monday uh July July 22nd we'll have we'll do both uh minutes well if you have this minutes ready they'll be ready our next meting is next our meeting is this coming monthday um July 22nd are we both we're all good here you know my wife changes that you'll be the first to know but okay uh and then the following meetings after that I think are August 5th and August 19th but David should be back by then I believe so we'll be back um with a little flexibility if um something happens all right any uh we covered our agenda any further business all right all motions say I I okay we're adjourned at 7:20 off your mic