##VIDEO ID:Gg-W-4ybw4c## there we go I bet she's in here waiting to get in okay good evening can you hear me this is Chris I'm the village manager we had to do a little bit of tweaking with zoom so if you just give it a second we should have back up and running no worries thankk you so much Madame clerk could you unmute um The Village clerk Zoom please how's that P can you hear us now yes I can sir all right fantastic well thank you for uh being patient with us and working through uh getting into the right room how are you this evening good evening mayor and all the councils and all the individuals who are in the room and online good evening so uh uh commissioner Kennedy let us know that um you wanted to talk about the uh the resolution that we have here before us is that right yes thank you for this opportunity I apologize my mayor was on but unfortunately he had to log off my name is fola Delica I'm the Deputy Chief of Staff for mayor and councel for the city of North Miami out of Mayor Alex 's office uh I do thank you the opportunity um commissioner Kennedy for allowing us to be on and to um say thank you and solidarity and standing with the resolution that was passed in our city I believe about two weeks ago in addressing the um comments the derogatory comments that were made by Mr Trump his uh VP candidate and of course um Elon Musk and others who are making comments that are not true about the Haitian Community as regards to eating pets um as you know our community of the city of North Miami is one of the largest Haitian American populations in South Florida in the state as well as in the nation and it affects all communities yes it may be derogatory statements towards the haian American Community but as Dr Maru the king says Injustice um anywhere is Injustice everywhere and so we thank you for uh um commissioner Kennedy for bringing this resolution to your Council to your commission to to uh stand in solidarity with all with the Haitian community and the city of North Miami in regards to dismissing these lies as many you may or may not know the contributions that Haitians have made since the beginning of American History the Louisiana Purchase the city of Chicago is named after a Haitian uh in Savannah every year which actually on the 10th I think it's the 10th through the 16th of October there is a Monumental celebration that takes place about Haitians arriving to the United States in Savannah so we have made great contributions throughout this history and of course currently we have many elected officials in inventors professionals people who are of Haitian descent I myself am first generation Haitian American my parents are from Haiti and so we thank you so much for this opportunity and allowing us to stand uh um to speak on this comment on this item on your agenda as well as standing in solidarity with all Comm our community and all of the Haitian diaspora locally and at Large as well as standing for Injustice he thank you for the uh the introduction the background all the the very valuable information um you're welcome I I'm I'm in support of this um certainly uh and certainly in support of the haian community and and you as our neighbor um correct I'm sorry and we have a significant Haitian population of our own and if we had no Haitians in our community I would still support this because it's not the American way to um step on someone's throat it's just anti-American and it's certainly not in keeping with the values of biscane Park so that's why I asked this to be brought here tonight I don't think it's necessary to read this entire resolution into record fola just did a beautiful job sort of condensing it down for us uh and I would make a motion that we approve this resolution I proudly second that motion all right so all in favor of the resolution before us I I oh can she hear us oh and we have the mayor oh there's the mayor Mr Mayor are you there can you hear us yes I can wonderful well if uh if if you had just tuned in I I think maybe uh just about 15 seconds ago uh the this game Park commission just voted in favor of adopting the resolution in support of the Haitian Community uh in support of uh and also in support of you as our neighbors and and our location Community here in bis game Park a thank thank you so much from the bottom of my heart from the entire um Community um as our neighbors um we want to thank you from again we are truly truly grateful for this um and everyone on their commission um I know Miss the Delica presented it and in our commission was forever be grateful for the entire commission and we are good neighbors thank you of course mayor uh we're we're happy to support you and and you to as our neighbor T our nor North and uh and the Haitian Community as well so thank you both for or for passing this in in your community and also for uh speaking with uh commissioner Kennedy and for commissioner Kennedy for bringing it to our attention it's certainly important and we support it wholeheartedly well I didn't have a chance to talk to the mayor today mayor it's commissioner Kennedy how are you iose I'm great Mr Mayor thank you thank you so much um commissioner thank you so much truly appreciate it thank you I spoke with fola today and she did a great job getting all of this coordinated apologize for the delay and now that we've said hello to you as a group we're here the first Tuesday of most months and we'd love to have you come sit in the audience and and uh join us for our little show I I will I will do that I'll do my best you got it anytime we neighbors thank you thank you have a wonderful evening thank you Mr Meritt have a good evening and fola thank you as well have a good evening oh thank you all so much glad to be great neighbors to a great City take care likewise um well that was good so we are moving on um all right so that concludes the presentations we move that up um we'll open up for public comment at this time uh we'll start in here in the uh Village Hall and just as a reminder it's limited to three minutes and um please provide your name and address before you provide comment thank you we made it anyway thank you Janie Andre 11905 Northeast 11th Place um item item 11a the landlord registration fee if I read it correctly it's only $25 I would ask and if you don't mind me taking a pause Linda didn't you present some I thought so Linda presented some information last month showing other cities charging considerably more I think we need to consider staff time research I mean that wouldn't seem to even come close to covering it uh the budget process well can we really call it a process this year was about as disjointed and disorganized Sor sorry I can hear you is about as disjoint was about as disjointed and disorganized as I've ever seen so Ryan Mack thank you both for your agenda items I think you're proposing some important things and I hope you guys will go through with those okay you cut the millage by 110 last week now that's a really good feel-good optic but what it doesn't do is attack the systemic problem that Mac you've brought up in past years we fund for something and we don't do the something and until such time as you guys as a collective body start expecting action and accountability well we can just keep cutting the budget that's actually kind of the simple thing but people want to see progress one of the things I I did watch the meeting on YouTube the other night one of the things I heard that was just absolutely appalling there was money set aside to take down certain Australian pines that were viewed to be a liability and the statement was made that that didn't happen because some people would be upset so we're going to hold our city to the potential for significant liability should any of them go down should they cause damage or Worse death or injury or even inconvenience like one did a few years ago on Griffin went down to go water man with it that's not how you run a city we've got to focus on what's best for the whole and we've got to expect Administration and employees to follow through on it and you did take the lean one off am I right the lean the lean item okay next Monday thank you thanks J Linda Dylan 712 115 Street I would first like to ask Mission I've timed my what I had to say several times and I think I'm just slightly over three minutes and I would like to ask permission to do that I think in case get started I think you should be okay but go ahead so today officially marks 100 Years of surrealism and I want to talk about the surrealism and sometimes schizophrenic like behavior of biscane Park this has go been going on throughout the 45 years that I have lived here another longtime resident joked and said maybe it's something in the north Miami water residents wanted more police presence and then they complained that there were too many police cars residents wanted more code enforcement but you all couldn't come up with a contract to keep Dorene and in six months our very best code officer that we've ever had will be gone we lost Mario and more recently we lost a deputy Clerk and a public works director all to communities who paid more our roads are falling apart as you talked about this evening we still have no parking at the rec center we do not have lights at the Log Cabin when we leave here at night and yet the main topic of discussion for the last couple of meetings seems to be the pickle ball courts and commissioner Holland I'm going to address this to you I'm sorry perhaps you had a bad day but last Thursday you came storming into Village Hall yelling at the top of your lungs and demanding that something be done about the people crossing the median in front of your house you demanded that something be done immediately you threatened people and you said you would even take matters into your own hands that last part was true and I'm going to I'm not going to interrupt you here I'm going to clarify I was not yelling at the top of my voice you want to see me yell at the top of my voice keep keep lying about me I'll say that second thing I'll say by taking matters into my own hands what I meant was that I will put Plants there I put a post there no um no no we have we have a moment we have a section for reply true we do so let's just let go ahead okay um I just wanted to mention that when my water meter which happens to be in the median was broken for the fourth time the public works department put a very large landscape Boulder in that spot so that they couldn't drive through there and at the other end of my street we have 4x4 um somewhat like a fence in the area to keep people from driving across so but in my opinion and I'm not the only one that all the staff were talking about it that they were extremely upset by the tone of your voice and how loud you were a few residents have complained about the poor services and bad attitude of Staff but you don't listen to staff and you haven't witnessed the other side of the story where residents and contractors are totally belligerent they're insulting and even threatening especially when they don't get the answers that they want and meanwhile hundreds of positive interactions that have been completed are totally ignored we had several new drains installed but no one followed up on the work it was done on the 113th Street one there's one that is still too high and it's in the wrong place so that water can't drain unless it runs uphill on 115th Street to the west of me the whole area was repaved after a new drain was installed it's been less than two years and the road is already deteriorated I'm also deeply offended Mr commissioner Mack when you talk about us longtime residents who pay less taxes perhaps you think we're not entitled to the same amenities or that we should have a lesser voice I think everyone unrealistically expected the new manager to finish all the projects and fix all the ills of our community when there have been issues that have existed for years and years and years but until we have a competitive salary to offer things are probably not going going to change David Raymond even said so on next door uh and thought that you could have come up with another $50,000 to make the P package more attractive every year I hope things will get better but it seems like we take one step forward and we take two back I will forever remain hopeful but I am worried about our community when I walked into Village Hall this even I'm sorry into the Log Cabin this evening and I saw Al ildis here I thought maybe my prayers have been answered I've known him for many many years and I think he would do an outstanding job for us um so there really is Hope thank you we have any other other public comment before we move into uh next section looking on Zoom yes Mr Anderson Bob Bob Anderson 1905 on 11th Place um this has to do with 12f and I'm glad to hear that the commission is finally moving forward on something not that this commission but just plain being done because a few years ago we hired a company to go ahead and give us recommendations on parking and surfaces and they drew up plans everything else we spent the money for it and like most of the times we go ahead spend money get getting plans and recommendations they're immediately put on the shelf and forgotten about and I'm glad this commission has re has decided to go ahead and pull that out of the shelf and get moving on and getting it done and I commend you guys for doing that thank you okay uh seeing no other hands up on Zoom um let's go ahead and move into the reply and thank you everyone Who provided their public comment um both here and on Zoom uh is there any commission reply to public comment at this time I will I will address thank you that was very well said Linda and I couldn't agree with you more there is a lot to be done um it's a fresh start we have um I'm hopeful as well that's why I'm still here uh but there's a lot pending and we've seen it pending for years to your point I think we've made progress in some areas to your point we sort of clean with one hand what we do with the other um because it it it takes a strong manager to do it's it it just starts from that um to your point on salary I think we'll get to the discussion we'll see how the market responds when we put those uh sort of the job posting out we'll get we'll see what we get and we'll get the conversation but uh and we'll see again you know what the market says but um yeah I I take a lot of responsibility of what you're saying I want to say that in two years I would have loved to just tackle so much and uh really nothing's moved it's really disappointing but here we are so that's the the job we'll find someone that has the ability to push things forward and I appreciate you staying hopeful and and hopefully with a smile through some of the circumstances that's happened in the village hall I really appreciate every piece of energy that I see when I go and I hope it remains through the process so thank you in the interest of time I agree with most of what you said and I will concede that I was very upset that day in addition to having the water remain on our street break two or three times not being able to use water else um uh it also creates a nuisance for me personally and I was extremely upset there were other things going on that day that might have factored into my reaction to seeing someone yet again put my water man at risk and drive across the median in a big F-150 uh but since this is public and I don't want it to be replayed I will spare my family member the embarrassment of what was to why it was possibly in a different state of mind however it doesn't change the fact that to your point we talk about things and nothing happens I've been there for 22 years and I've talked to multiple police officers about it I've talked to code about it and I finally decided to pull a Steve Jobs every now and again you got to raise your voice a little bit you got to get people's attention and I think I got some people's attention I got a cop there now I don't know if his conversation with my neighbors actually accomplished anything probably not so when I get off this board and trust me or the Mission and trust me I'm counting the minutes I and I go back to parks and Parkways my number one priority is going to be to work with Danielle and the other people on that board who have great energy and we're going to do something about these medians and if by the end of the year my water main breaks again because we can't get anything done sorry guys I'm going to dig some holes I'm going to put some plants there and I'm G to make someone come along and rip them up because if you can't come along and do something about it I'd be stunned to see you come along and do something about that so I'll just go ahead and leave it at that all right I agree with you most of the way apologize if I startled some people but we're not holding these things because Steve Jobs with a nice guy 100% of the time he was a nice guy maybe 80 90% of the time that was some of my 10% time and I hope I let a fire under some people Lind I just want to say thank you as you're one of our uh long-term volunteers that that that you just don't see in in government and as a fellow government employee I understand very well how you have to deal with sometimes with I'm not talking about you commissioner I'm just saying in general when you're talking about staff and their frustrations you have to deal with people from all different attitudes and sometimes it's very difficult and it's something that as a Public Employee you have to just walk away and and just with a smile on your face and so I I want to just say thank you for your passion and thank you for remaining hopeful for bis game Park and I think this commission all wants to see change and it's time for us to start acting on that want thanks everyone um we have no other commission reply going forward let's uh let's go ahead and get into our reports and um make some progress here um so uh let's just start with 88 do we have any questions about the Code Compliance report right now none any questions Finance considering we just well Paul Paul's not here no but I communicated with him today and I asked him when we would get the final budget I've not experienced a budget uh process like we just finished where I don't have a clean copy of the budget at the end of it normally we're passing what is a clean copy on the agenda so um he said Sharon has been out and when she gets in he's hoping by the end of the week we'll all have a clean copy of the budget I plan to go through and double check everything because not that I don't trust any specific person but I've just never experienced something as strange as passing a budget that had 5,000 substantive changes in it and everyone scratching on a piece of paper and adding up to make sure we're where we're supposed to be that's bunkers you know so uh I hope every one of you takes the opportunity to go through the budget and make sure that it is what we thought we passed um I also specifically asked him when that Finance person that extra part-time Finance person will be starting he said they're going to use someone internally I don't want to speak for him but this is what he told me they're going to use someone internally until they find till they hire someone specifically for this job for us and he already delineated some the first couple of steps that we'll take involving interacting with staff and blah blah blah to the conversation we'll have later on tonight about the budget process I'm going to be asking that we have Paul and that person come in here so our desires for the next budget season are made very clear we did that last October and it didn't happen so this year I'm hoping that we can all hold them to that uh and this new manager to it as well so I just wanted to fill you in on that I am still worried about the budget when I uh went in on Friday I was asking the same question and Sharon was out and we'll get it when we get it and it's like okay well I had my notes ready and I will have my notes ready exact um if there's no other questions on finance uh we'll go ahead to Legal I know we have a memo on the uh the building department um items Mr Mr Mayor if I can I'm just gonna be very brief yeah please so um and we've discussed this before there is a a statute that takes effect um with regards to building per permits approval process um starting January 1st um and there's some very specific timelines with regards to the approval process um I provided the uh memor memorandum excuse me to the manager so he can make sure that the village policies are in place um I spoke with the building official um this afternoon and essentially part of this this move over from from one software to the other with regards to the permits and and that that was discussed earlier that should take care of this your your building clerk is a cap employee and when they're checking the applications and the permits for completeness and sufficiency they're then making the determination as to where the next step is on in the approval process so they're going to ensure if it has to go to the the um the planning design board for approval on a zoning issue that it gets there within the required time frames and if the building official has to do any approv approvals with regards to the Florida building code in order for to approve the permit they're going to make sure through the software and their own tracking that it it complies with the statute so that's all that's all I have on the issue may I ask a question because I'm Brad and I talked about this and I'm still it's still confusing to me I just want to know in terms of an application being complete and sufficient does that include the planning board approval Now does not include the the complet and of because if you look at this there's two deadlines the first deadline is that upon the village receiving a a a an application for a permit the village within five business days has to notify in writing the applicant as to whether or not the permit is is complete and sufficient or there's deficiencies and what the deficiencies are which triggers a time period in which the applicant then has to fix any of the deficiencies a Time limitation and time period in which the village has to then approve it and re-review it so the approval process whether it be through a zoning through planning and design or an approval process of of the permit application through the the building official that's the that's when the time frames that we're talking about 30 10 60 whatever they might be for the particular project that's when those kick in start so to to answer your question uh commissioner um Kennedy once the building clerk makes the determination that the application is sufficient and complete the time frame for approval starts a tech okay but that approval is what includes the planning board so then the planning board has 30 days to to to 30 or 60 or whatever whatever the time we don't have any we wouldn't have any examples of 60 would always be number ones well two I mean you could have you could have a structure a single family structure maybe we could but it's very very number one is what we're looking at so for 30 business days in other words Planning and Zoning the planning board has to hear this case within 30 days and give their approval correct but if there are questions it can get kicked back and then other things come into play about how much how much more time they have to comply and get additional information depends I mean also the applicant can wave these time frames if upon agreement you just cannot make a condition of the approval a waiver of the time frames but yes the the answer your simple answer to your question is yes the planning and design board would have to make a decision to either approve uh approve with modification or deny the permit within 30 days from the building clerk determining that it was complete and sufficient so in terms of the internal process here in the village we need to make sure that once the the building Clerks says it's complete and sufficient that it gets on to and properly noticed and the owner notified da da da because we have two of these meeting two of these opportunities within that 30 days ostensibly correct okay so we gota the new manager needs to really make sure we understand that process or that's what we'll trip over because there have been many times when that's not happened there have been many times we haven't made that things haven't been put on agendas people haven't been noticed but now there are repercussions if that happens right um thanks Brad thanks commissioner do we have any other questions about the the memo no okay two other things for the attorney really quickly uh Brad um can you give us an update on the county meeting noticing requirement yes so I I know um when we last met um I had indicated it was going to be on the agenda the agreement the Ila between the county and and the village for public um notices and and legal notices um it it'll be on for November I I it's prepared I didn't transmit it to the clerk on time for it to get on T tonight's agenda okay and I had a resident contact me and ask about the status of the hold harmless agreement that she is being required to sign and she was told by Chris that a new one is coming so I I had I had provided Chris with um and and Dorene with some uh proposed changes to that language um I would have to defer to them as to where that is in the process okay thank you Chris is there any update on that I don't have an update at this time what was that he said does not have an update at this time okay um any other questions for Brad before we move on no hearing none all right um lobest uh part of the discussion later on but uh we don't have David with us so I'll move on Parks and recck any questions about the parks and recck report is Issa up there no I don't believe so I was hoping to hear something about the foundation project and how that's coming along in there all right if there's no questions uh parks and wreck uh let's go on to police any questions we're police and we have the chief here with us I have a a couple of things I'm sorry is the chief going to get saying something first or are we just asking questions I mean chief unless you have anything I think we'll just go ahead and open up to the commission if that's all right yes sir okay I have a bunch of stuff and I'm editing my list as I go here so um can you tell us when we we budgeted some things for you in the in the in the the fiscal year that starts today the new traffic Force body cams and the Grant Training can you give us an idea when we'll see progress in those areas specifically the traffic course yes yes sir we should have both the traffic officers we had some internal uh reserves that have asked to take the positions their backgrounds are going or their personnel files are going to the manager to review so by this Friday we should have uh hopefully the two traffic units uh established with the start date of uh more than likely next week um or by the 15th I would say by far in case they have to give a twoe notice uh the body camera we have set up we have the server up we're waiting on the last couple um uh parts that have to be done with the cloud with our it loia uh so we should again also have the body cameras ready for issue uh to start utilizing by probably about the 15th also um and the grant class we have designated the uh the individual that's going to go it's going to be the administrative Captain George roro um so he's uh looking into the enrollment process at UCF to get into the class okay you're on it already we're only one day into the new fiscal year like that I would love on your report which by the way thank you for adding onto the report the code responses that we discussed at the last meeting I appreciate seeing that on there uh I was surprised how few there were but I appreciate seeing it there um uh I would love to see these uh items that we budgeted for fiscal 25 for you see updates on them as they progress and until they're completed um just so we know they're moving along I really didn't expect to get such a great report today on day one so that's fantastic thank you um um I had questions about traffic citations I'm not going to bother asking you now um the traffic the vehicles for this traffic Force I'm calling it the wrong thing I know will those Vehicles be identified differently than regular police vehicles is there a benefit to doing that I feel like I've seen in other communities some cars and officers identified differently and I wondered what the benefit of that was yes sir uh it's definitely a deterrent uh we've already spoke with the uh Graphic Company uh they are coming back out to finish the last few vehicles that were not graphic and they are adding a traffic enforcement unit to those assigned vehicles awes and it that that should act as a hopefully a little bit more of a deterrent for people to realize that we are traffic oriented yeah I kind of think that's a nice psychological thing for the residents to know we did something right and also for people to know uh oh there he is there he or she is so go get him uh and I just want to say nice work I when I read your report I read about the Male carrier uh that had a card cardiac incident that you that your team assisted with and also a resident who had a mental health crisis and you guys stepped in and assisted that person until EMTs got there so I just want to say nicely done in that regard thank you sir Chief uh I just I don't think the commission rest commission knows but I passed along a request to the chief this month about attending matter Academy bis's coffee with a cop event which is going to happen tomorrow and the chief graci graciously uh accepted the invitation and so your officers hopefully will we'll see you now having a cup of coffee tomorrow during child drop off they uh I I have a request they they last minute requested Commander Ginger attend would that be possible I believe so yes sir I will uh make sure she's there she this week Sir Chief is she in training this week um she is in training but I believe she should be able to attend the morning to stop by and see thank you so much Chief I'm sure the kids will appreciate seeing Commander ginger in the morning I'll bring dog Tre yes sir okay great thank you Chief are there any other questions for the chief on his report uh I would like to say just the one comment on the report that we didn't make uh we did move forward with our autism program with Miami Dade um and we are uh we we launched it through the social media campaigns unfortunately we will not be able to issue those decals out uh but we will help any residents with it because when they issue them out through the county it's actually put into their Dispatch Center so that if there are any 911 calls it could be dispatched to EMS and fire while they're in route that there is that possibility uh but we are going to be pushing it out we got the QR codes and going to help in any way to get that information out as fast as possible um if you can share um to the commission what that would look like then I'm not sure I understand then how the campaign would work when you mean c codes and all of that okay yes ma' appreciate that not a problem uh so what happens is there's a QR code that um uh any Resident can scan they fill in their information and they request that a decal is issued out the decal at that point uh go go two ways to the resident they can either pick it up at any of the Miami dat police departments or it'll be mailed out by Miami dat so what Miami dat also does is during that process when they register all that information they log it into their computerized Dispatch Center so if any calls come out at that address or concerning that person it will alert the First Responders that are going that that person does have a u autism or in the Spectrum or or any kind of a if there's any other notes that they want to give it will provide it so that uh the First Responders are a little bit more aware on the response that they might be dealing with that situation so they can uh adjust their response accordingly um but uh we we can help them uh any of the residents that want uh that kind of service or added into there we can uh go there get them the QR code to help them walk them through the process it's just the county won't give us any to issue out because it has to go through their their logging system okay so we can put that information out so residents know that that would be the process to participate yes ma'am and we've already launched that through uh Facebook Instagram I'm not sure if it went on next door yet but we we've already started pushing that out with the coding and we have it at our front desk also and if I'm not mistaken commissioner delegado was uh mentioning there is training to be given to the police force to actually activate sort of a specific response um is it something that also you can tap into is it something that you already have that training to sort of attend to this emergencies and and and circumstances yes ma'am we have coordinated with the um court system the Miami date court system and they're going to be providing free training for all of our Personnel in Crisis Intervention teams they call CIT so uh they they'll break it up so that we can send a few at a time but every member will be trained for free through the courts um it just be it'll be probably throughout a year process to get everybody through that's wonderful new thank you so much for coming back to me with that yes ma'am thank you all right Chief thank you very much for being here with us and offering some answers um I don't know I think that there are no more questions at this time so um we'll go ahead and move on so thanks very much Chief we appreciate it thanks sir okay U Madam clerk um any updates from you no sir okay um Mr manager um any I have a question for the clerk sure so um Pamela I shared a bunch of election information with residents I did an email blast people are very responsive to that people resp I had several people respond and say I registered people said I changed my address they were very appreciative of that does the county provide anything to you templates or they do and I it was my plan to have it all uploaded on our site this week but I am swamped right now but I plan to try to get it on before stuff to you to help you with well they don't provide it but we have to go out and get what we need and and okay any update on getting lobbyist contracts from other cities no no okay and then I I think not sure if this is a topic for you or Brad or both but again we have board members who are new board members who have not been trained we I'm aware of some things they're doing that are kind of like you know making me nervous I am aware I have a date I have several dates to the ethics commission they are going to send me the date that they are available and then I will make that date available to the board members is going to come here that would be great and then Commissioners attend that too anybody could attend it I am putting it out to anyone who serves awesome thanks Madam click um all right Mr manager um other than the uh the report that you have do you have anything else uh for us for your report this evening nope nothing d okay um Commissioners any commissioner questions for the manager on his report this evening I have some things but I'm going to skip over most of them uh let me hit a couple really quickly the I saw in your report that the first wave of compromised trees were removed did you mean the pine trees or those other trees I thought we did not get any uh Australian pines removed but I saw in your report the first wave was removed now maybe those are different trees no those were that was uh while director pen was still here um that was a first US I believe oh okay because it's on your manager's report for this month um the be house hearing unsafe structure I should call it in your report it says it's October I understood that that was moved to November I know they initially said a i i attended the hearing and they said they were pushing it back a month but then Pedro told me it would not be on their October it couldn't get on their October agenda it would be on the November agenda do have we gotten a confirmed date on that yet no the information I had at the time of this report was that it was delayed a month I was at that same hearing so that's the information that I put on here okay might want to check with Pedro on that because he was very clear to me that it's November pamel is saying something oh I was saying that um the at the time that we submitted the agenda that was the information that we had received okay I just want to make sure that it's that date's made available to everybody and then the Ila the traffic what's going on right I think you sent an email to the county last didn't you I sent it an email I think it was last week yeah was sent a follow I think it was a week before actually yeah they they've become weekly sent follow-up email uh I had sent the what hopes to be the final draft of the Ila right but I also asked a question and they responded by answering the question but never responded as to whether or not the form of the Ila was so I sent them a another email asking them if they could please advise if there's anything else they need from us with regards to the Ila and they have not responded back so I was going to actually suggest maybe that Mr Mayor you could reach out to your contact in the county and yeah that's fine see if we can get a status on that certainly let me make a note and I will do that yeah there was I emails have been a little bit more uh less time in between the emails asking for updates about what's going on with it so I'll make a note to reach folks complain about it takes us forever to get things done it takes forever for government to get things done yes it does grind It's a Grind here here we are May June July August six months in and we don't have that done Chris do we have a timeline on selecting a vendor for the safer streets for all you there you go sorry my internet connection just cut out there was there another question for me yes uh commissioner vice mayor Huntington ask a question about the safer streets what is your question sir specifically the timeline on selecting the vendor that should be selected within the next 30 days by the interor manager okay um all right are there any other questions for the manager none okay on the wrong page all right um I don't think we have any the boards uh with us this evening um I know Jane's here but I don't think we have any update there um so let's just uh go down to commission um commission reports so I will make mine very quick um the only update that I had I just wanted to let everyone know that I went to the uh the coastal mayor meeting in North Bay Village a week and a half two weeks ago something like that and there um commissioner Steinberg informed me that the county had awarded us $118,000 to do the crosswalk uh down by the golf course uh to help us put in the necessary information and give us the lights and the crosswalk and everything um so I was very happy to hear that I'm glad that seemed like getting out to the county made some made some real progress so I'm very thankful for that yes it was really great news um I did reach out to her office her Chief of Staff person Margie's on vacation um so someone had filled in and just said yes it was awarded and more information will come so we'll know more as soon as she gets back thank thank you very much for doing that I actually left message no wonder I didn't get any that's that's probably why thank you awesome awesome news so I'll open it up for anyone else I have a couple I'll jump in I'm going to edit myself again um I met with residents who told me that they are are trying to get a variant scheduled with us and they went through the planning board they went through the process they paid their fees this is what they tell me and they said that was back in July I asked Gage and he confirmed that back in July they were turned down by the planning board they should be coming to us we have it hasn't been scheduled they're kind of they're getting annoyed that several months have gone by and their variance has not been scheduled I emailed the village and I have not heard anything back they were denied on July 22nd by the planning board I I responded to you when you asked me about that vant no you I that was regarding another one that was the one over on 10th Avenue the roof and you told me how much it cost for them to get on no the other one I asked when it was being scheduled oh I I don't okay so if someone could look into 971 Northeast 111th Street those people have been waiting for a variance request since the address please repeat the add 971 Northeast 11th Street it's a variance for a gate so they're getting rightfully impatient um the um I printed up I got my sample ballot for November so I printed them up if anybody wants a sample ballot and Pamela you can take the rest if anyone comes to Village Hall and asks for them that's a handy thing for people to have because it lists all the referenda and all those other things on there that people like to research I'm just going to say this and it's not anything I'm going to ask us to correct right now but we need to keep this in mind moving forward I don't like to find out that the manager not here by a third party I found out today that the manager is not in the village I didn't know and the police chief is out of the village too I want to know where the manager is I want to know who's running the village I don't think it's too much to ask for any manager to report to the commission the body of the commission all of us not some of us not one of us not the one he runs into somewhere but is not asking too much for us to know where our manager is if he's working I want to know where he is if he's not in the village I want to know where he is and why he's taking time off I want to know what kind of time he's taking off so moving forward guys we need to manage our manager better it's a little Loosey Goosey for me when I'm finding out the days off were taken that maybe I don't think they should have been taken you hadn't earned vacation yet your contract says you can't take vacation these things need to be managed better that employee is ours to manage and we need to do a better job of it but specifically I want to know when the manager's out of the village and who's in charge so there have been several instances recently there's no manager in the village and I didn't get an email about who's in charge so someone needs to be in charge of this Village at all times that's simply not acceptable to me in any way um I I'm GNA ask you guys for um to approve something I went to the Arts board meeting the other day I hadn't been to one of their meetings for a while they're such nice people they're working on all kinds of stuff for us something's coming up later in the agenda but I had another idea and I said hey what do you guys think of this idea do you think this would be fun and they thought it was awesome and I said well I'll ask the commission if you can do it it's not my decision to do uh we had the event when mayor kafa came here right she got to mix and mingle with people and we had music and food and all kind it was a social event for residents you know a fraction of them got to engage with the mayor you know they came for that but it they stayed for the party and they met people I still to this day hear from people how much fun they had that night and how much they appreciated that taking place I think we should do that periodically and the one the opportunity I think that we should do it next is at our December commission meeting same kind of setup and the Arts board said if the commission wants them to do it they'll take it on it's not a big deal at all uh exact same kind of setup and the reason for to do it at the December commission meeting it's kind of a festive time of year altogether but we will be seating a new commission that night so I know it's only a change of one person but we will be seating a commission we get sworn in outside but I thought it would be a really neat opportunity for the um for the three new Commissioners to get have a ceremonial swearing in outside uh and Jonathan Veronica you would be there as well uh people get to mix and mingle with all of us and just make it a fun social thing people loved that maybe we invite the mayor of another Community maybe we invite mayor desel to come swear in the new Commissioners get a you know someone else to come in and do it for us in a ceremonial kind of way uh they can get basically everything for free they already have they said they have music lined up there's someone else in the village now who wants to donate food for things like that so if you guys like that idea I'd like us to send a message to the Arts board to have them coordinate that for us and make that a fun thing and invite the community to come out for the swearing in of the new commission and see your neighbors in December thoughts I am in it's free and sounds like fun that's like fun right yeah yeah I like it no cost to the Village it sounds great can we get a firet truck there for the [Laughter] kids okay so how would you guys like me to communicate with Natalia and let her know that certainly you okay I'll just send her an email and say commission likes it and go for it I think that's fine Veronica you're okay with that I'm okay Co thanks I'll take care of it we have any other commission uh report before we move on oh no okay all right so let's move on we don't have anything in consent so let's move on with our ordinances our first is uh 10A Brad could you please read the ordinance under the record for us yes ordinance 2024 4 an ordinance of the village Commission of the village of biscan Park Florida amending appendix a part three Administration chapter 18 construction of the Land Development code of the village of biscane park by amending section 18.1 definitions and section 18.9 limitations on parking of construction vehicles or construction employee Vehicles by defining construction activity and clarifying the parking limitations for construction vehicles and employee construction vehicles and by adding Section 8 1.5.7 signage required which requires Property Owners to place spec specified signage on construction fencing provided for inclusion in the code and scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for separability providing for an effective date motion to approve we have a second second I have a question before you do public comment Brad can you explain to us why we're seeing this at first reading again we passed it at first reading 31 in uh September there was an issue with the version that that you had that you passed on first read it was if you all recall um this initially came to you as a discussion item and um you had made some uh um significant changes to the to the ordinance and when I started going back and making the changes that you all had had suggested based on the way you had modified the ordinance and changes the original version had this amendments to chapter section 16 of of your Land Development code and instead we put it in um section 18 of the code because it made more sense what you had on first read was the discussion item not the not the one that we were considering the wrong item and it was kind of confusing when you were making modifications to it making recommendations to changes to it so I figured that it would be easier to bring it back on a first read so you can see the actual item fair enough so that's why you're looking at me like I had two heads that night yes okay among other reasons I'm sure okay all right so uh we we have a motion a second uh okay is there any public discussion or public comment rather on ordinance 2020 board isue for commissioner Kennedy offered it I'm sorry we we had a we had a second right okay and you second it no vice mayor Huntington seconded correct correct okay uh any public comment before we move to discussion seeing none seeing none okay let's let's go ahead and open it up for public uh for discussion for the ordinance I only have one thing in first of all Brad this is so much easier now this is great thank you for that 18.5.19 construction is completed and someone else doesn't well the construction has to be completed which also would authorize the removal of the temporary construction fence and that's a CEO does that right I believe that's my understanding so the i in my op my opinion with the removal where it says removal of the temporary construction fence that's a that there is a specific Trier trigger that that causes that to be done you're okay with that language I am okay it well then I'll go with you when I read it just come sometimes these fuzzy stuff kind of bugs me uh and then separately from this do we need to add the cost of the sign on the fee schedule no it's it's not a fee it's technically it's it's technically not a fee I guess we could well it says on here um the cost shall be born by the property owner and that we provide it so maybe it should be on the fee schedule but we can't do that yet because we don't the cost of it so I we can do that by resolution at another time once I know what the cost of this like we're going to do it later on tonight correct got it okay fair enough that's all I have Chris what's the status of the sign have you started on that yet no we have not okay speak of the sign Brad I have a question so section 18.5.19 that commissioner Kennedy had proposed with this to that this specific or how do we ensure that that's the sign that we're going to use so I I had I had Wrestled a little bit about whether or not I wanted to put the the entire content of the sign in the ordinance and I I kind of made the decision that I did not want to do that this way if the village wants to modify the sign in some way shape or form you don't have to amend your ordinance so the sign is I mean you you giving staff to you being the commission is giving staff the um direction as to what the content of the sign is which you've already done in a previous meeting and so that sign is going to be the only sign that this is referenced to and it's it has to be provided by The Village so nobody else can put up a different sign it's only the sign provided by The Village which you've already given direction to staff as to what is contained on that sign the contents but not not the size correct I mean I think the sign the size is somewhat going to be dictated by the content for me guys it's the size a 4 foot by4 foot Banner to it just seems uh Overkill and it seems like sign pollution and we already have a lot of that in this Village and uh I'm not comfortable locking into a 4 foot by4 foot Banner I'm more comfortable locking in a smaller sign or a pamphlet we hand out to a resident but a 4 foot by4 foot Banner if that's what this calls for it's going to be a no for me doesn't call for it well that's what we we just said that's we gave direction to the manager so separate from this this is just saying sign goes on the fence okay well then I'm not comfortable with knowing what sign we're going to put if I we're putting a two foot sign we're going to go backwards I'm not not okay with it a 4 foot by four foot Banner is huge that is huge and that is huge and the whole point is to get everyone's attention and make them notice a pamphlet out going to do it drive around to Miami Shores El portel uh Miami Beach to any one of those communities do this that's a huge sign and we have if we do something better than those communities how about we get a you know what guys so everybody wants to complain about not getting stuff done and here's another example of us going to take a big giant step backwards we had this conversation we went through it at nauseum line by line word by word got it translated into Spanish do whatever you want to with the damn sign but here's the thing you get ahead of a problem and you can keep a problem from happening our code manager stood here at this Podium and she said this is a great idea do it she knew what how big the sign was the point is to get people's attention then if you're not going to make it something substantive then don't bother doing it at all it's just silly to this is why we have first and second reading so we talk about this and this no actually Ryan this is why we had a discussion first we had a discuss that's how you do it you bring it for a discussion you hash it out the the attorney goes off and does his job that's how it's done that's why I didn't bring it to you as an ordinance I brought it to you as a discussion I laid it all out we had a big conversation I drew up a sign we talked about it we talked all the way through it completely understand we're past that point understand okay well we're not because it's not passed and to me a 4 foot by4 Banner is too big I think the purpose here is to get ahead of something and that's a proactive way to get ahead of it otherwise it's mey mouthed and we're not going to get anything done so if you intend to get something done get it done I don't know what the best way to approach this would be uh this is you know being on first read I don't know if we want to go back and we want to put in sizes um or if we want to do that by I mean it's not in here Brad is this something that would be done by with a separate resolution it's not even a resolution no you would give you give the manager Direction this is I mean this is what the sign is is to contain this is what the sign should look like this is size or you can leave it to the manager to to to um direct his staff make a sign that has the that contains the content that you want in the languages that you want I mean it's it's a lot a I mean this is merely requiring a sign that's all it is it doesn't say how big memorialize this to your word I like the word memorialize you me I use that word a lot how do you go ahead sorry uh Mr manager go ahead oh sorry if I can jump in I would highly recommend specifying what that sign would be um there's there's too much there's too much of a gray area and too much disagreement so the new manager needs to know specifically what that sign should say and how big it needs to be to meet your expectations I I can certainly if it's your direction and I'm speaking to the commission just so record's clear to add the size of the sign oh and the content of changes we have to pass an ordinance paragraph but uh it's going to be long if it changes if we change anything on that sign then Brad's going to have to bring another ordinance to us with two readings to change it if it's in this ordinance and we change something the size a word it has to be another ordinance to change the ordinance correct Brad yes yeah if you were to change if the sign was 3 by5 and now you wanted to make it two by3 we need a new ordinance BR how about how about this if we add in the verbage that this sign will be passed by separate resolution that way we don't does have to be resolution U we just direct staff um we we can certainly do that if if you want the sign to be that's over complicating things too we simply I think that it doesn't that gives Direction I mean you Direction but I think it it puts us kind of in the same position where we have a written formal adoption if if we want to just give direction to staff on a size let's do that um but I don't know that we need to we need to add it here for the purposes of what the attorney says so we don't have to change it but if you want to talk about giving direction to staff on size we can certainly do that have a separate conversation about that has nothing to do with it listen guys I can get behind the sign yeah I can get behind it like a political size this the standard size of a construction sign but I can't get behind a 4 foot by4 foot Banner vastly outnumber the size of of the other signs that are on how big are the required contractor signs that are on these Gates have to look up the standard I don't know but like they're not the size actually what Brad can you pull that up it's in the ordin it's in an it's in the sign code it's re ired it's required a minimum size of those signs and all and that and that's an advertisement for a contractor is really what it is it's an ad for a contractor and we require it to be a minimum size they'll tell you how big they are I wouldn't I mean I'm not saying precluding the discussion about the size as far as the ordinance goes I mean I mean I don't I don't know we're disagreeing about the ordinance I think we're just disagreeing about the right right' already given direction to staff then yeah I understand why Chris what have you done he said nothing so there's your answer oh good point it's it's it hasn't been worked on it hasn't been printed they don't have a stack them of over here in Village Hall ready to go um so if I may So it's 12.2.3 b of your Land Development code and essentially the sign is um not to exceed three square feet in area and four square and four feet in height so let me do that again three square feet in area and four feet in height six to post not to exceed um one inch by one inch in size which you're not going to do because you want this on the fence itself and no less distance than 5 feet from the property line so not to not to exceed three square feet in area this sign would be 16 square feet in area right it's not in this tonight we don't have understand but that was the intention was for that sign and so I'm saying I don't support that okay then don't support it when it comes back bring it back for conversation and don't support it but right now it's an ordinance that has nothing to do with that it's not but we but Brad just said that we had already given direction to staff so as long as we have not given direction to staff we still have that conversation just said he did nothing gone next week can I make a recommendation so we can try to go forward I think we agree with the ordinance I don't think there's any disagreement there what I would entertain Ryan is what you're saying is is at a minimum of discussion uh to to have the size requirements and the direction to staff not exceed you know what we already have here I'm not saying we do that now and I'm not saying that's the direction now I'm saying we can have that discussion and I would be happy to have that discussion interm manager this is something that person can probably do it's it's a order through yeah look I I agree and I think that uh to the vice mayor's point I think it's it's a discussion that has Merit and it's worth talking about um I want to focus on the ordinance itself which you know to be fair it doesn't have that information I would entertain that discussion certainly absolutely wholeheartedly um 4 pi4 certainly a big sign so we can talk about that but for the ordinance I'd like us to just focus on then for the ordinance then yes yes I will as long as we're having that discussion at a later time certainly okay are there any of discussion points on the ordinance itself hearing none We Roll on this one Madam clerk right okay thought so could you please call the roll please Madam clerk mayor gr yes vice mayor Huntington yes yes commissioner Amsler no commissioner Holland commissioner Kennedy yes item passes on first reading 41 okay thank you madam cler all right so let's take a look at our ordinance 10B um Brad could you please uh read this one as soon as you are able ordinance 20 2406 an ordinance of the village Commission of the village of biscane Park Florida amending the biscane park Land Development code chapter 16 permits and certificates section 15 16.15 landlord permits to comply with Section 83.4 to5 Florida Statutes providing for inclusion in the code and scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for repealer and providing for an effective date right thank you uh do I have a motion on the ordinance in a second motion to approve do I have a second second all right uh do we have any public comment on the ordinance before we move to discussion yes is the cost of the permit in this no yeah separate that when we're getting we're getting to okay none here none on Zoom that I can see so let's go ahead and Let's uh open discussion on the ordinance floor is open and just just one note where 16.1 15.11 it struck that paragraph is struck through the actual paragraph number didn't strike through but that will be struck through on the actual version 16.15 16.1 15.11 here it just didn't strike through the whole thing but the whole paragraph struck through 11 we're in discussion correct we're in yes I I know it's going to come up and I know the fee is not in here but maybe Brad can just provide some clarity now for the overall discussion the fee has to represent our actual costs we can't make money on the fee it just has to be what our administrative costs are right otherwise it becomes a fine so yes you you have to and there has to be some there has to be some justification so you have to have some basis for imposing that fee and and Chris this question for you we've confirmed that that is our administrative cost $25 correct I believe that was the cost of the landlord permit of the just the permit itself how much was the permit now that's I was told yeah I was just actually gonna ask have we kind of jumped um so I I unfortunately can't hear what's going on in the cabin but we arrived at that fee based on the number of hours it takes to enter the number of hours we assume it will take to enter a permit into the the system um based on the lowest paid person capable of doing that job it's Chris that's that's part of the uh an item that we're going to get to in the resolutions um so just a little ahead of the game but we'll we'll get to that right now we're just talking about the uh the language for the ordinance um okay so are there any questions other than I know Brad answered about 16. 1511 are there any questions about the language for the ordinance going once going twice okay hearing none um Madam clerk will you please uh call the role mayor Groth yes vice mayor hunington yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Holland commissioner Kennedy yes the item passes 50 on second reading thank you madam clerk so now we will move into the resolution which is the corresponding item um our next item 11a right I'm trying to give you just a second to get there uh so Brad would you please read 11a resolution 2024 d33 for us yes sir a resolution of the village Commission of the village abys Gan Park Florida amending the schedule of fees for services provided and regularly charged as specified by Village code providing for an effective date thank you Brad I have a motion in a second to move to discussion motion to move to discussion have a second all right so we'll open for discussion uh and I think the last item we just talked about is sort of still on the table so we'll go ahead and start there have a couple of things before we get to that sure I would like some explanation about how we got to that number okay the building Administration the building administration fee is $40 and I'd like to understand how that's twice as much work so I I'd like to understand a little bit about those two items uh these two there are two versions of this the old version and the new version they don't necessarily align so I got very confused and I hope we didn't lose anything in Translation when I look at the one from February of 2023 there was a mistake on my part so um you're talking about the um the fee schedule the fee schedule it actually had vacation rental instead of the V it had vacation the vacation rental fee as opposed to the landlord permit that was my error so that was I corrected that there are typos all over this thing when you read it it's just kind of ridiculous talking about the exhibit yeah yeah Fe schedule itself it's just a mess um there's I think that's the way when it gets uploaded into your system because they were not I I I spell checked it when I no I understand that it's I we've heard this before that it's a glitch in something I don't know but we need to figure out what that is it's just I it's kind of embarrassing to have a document like that on an agenda um there 's typos on the new section of the short-term rental heading let me try to get it open up here know what um short-term rental where is it it's pretty far down I think where is it anyone know where short-term rental are on here building building huh it was on here before that was the that was the the old one yeah I took that off because it wasn't on the original fee schedule okay unrelated to this topic where is reoccupancy on this I used the schedule that was provided to me so I I can't we have a reoccupancy how much is it Linda 175 uh that needs to that was on here in a previous version so I don't know what happened to it but it's gone now I think we need to look into that because that's a something that we charged regular basis no it's reoccupancy yeah for sale yeah yeah yeah um are there should this uh other late fees to consider or anything other than the flat fee Brad you could do a late fee although if they don't if you remember the way the ordinance is worded if they don't um register then it it they're subject to a potential code violation and so they have a code citation issued they would go before they would yeah they would have to so there would be instead of instead of having the late fee there's basically fines that can potentially impose for not registering um okay so then that comes down to the price I mean Linda at the last meeting shared with us what other communities are charging and some of them are you know much much higher than ours and I'm not suggesting that we should charge more just because we can because we're not allowed to quite frankly but um I would like to understand how I mean I don't I think it cost more than $25 to have someone answer the phone at Village Hall so I'm just I'd like to know how this number came about when the building administration fee is $40 and I'm not certain what that does and that's the other little one in here so it seems to me maybe this isn't Jing Chris can you just one more time we kind of rush through since we're on the ordinance can you just provide us the information again on on how we came to that number yep we looked at how much it would cost to have the least paid person enter that information into a database that's how we arrived at the $25 is this an hourly rate so you're applying so how many hours are you calculating I believe we went uh had to look back at my notes I think we went for a a 30 minute maximum all right where is the building administration fee on here I'm looking for it now is it 50 now so Linda's saying it's 50 now so how how can it be less that if you know we've kind of going through increases in salary nothing in short the thing to keep in mind is this is a landlord registration this is not a permit this does not include any additional labor this is just entering information into a database so the commission you you're free to set well within reason set whatever fee you'd like to set and saying simply this is the minimum cost for entering that information into a database so when we have a permit is this base also in an hourly fee or is it I'm sorry an hourly schedule or is it a fee a flat uh fee the $50 all permit fees should be based on the hourly rate correct the actual amount for the least paid person to do whichever work is required by the permit I I I will add is you talk when you're talking about a permit fee you're you have an application to to obtain a permit to do something there is a review process of the application which would add an additional time to the processing whereas we've done away with the application for a permit when it comes to the this this landlord um situation and so all your and I and so what the fee is is directed towards it's essentially as as the manager said data input there's no there's no inspection there's no review it's data input of the information that's required to be submited I'm not advocating for one fee over another I'm just explaining the difference between an application for a permit and registration think we had a little uh a little additional input Janie um my Chris seems to be emphasizing just filling out of entering speak entering into a database isn't there also and Linda please correct me the potential for discussion with the person coming and to fill the form phone calls follow through I'm I'm just not seeing how the only thing being done is entering information into a database so in case there's some additional work to be done what what you gonna say Linda you notify every uhuh send a letter to every resident that has one to remind them got it I see so there's additional there's an additional cost that's the point I'm kind of trying to make is that it's not as simple as you've got a a data operator sitting at a desk and just typing in info you've got follow through and phone calls and whatever else is going on right yeah yeah so Chris when it comes to the formula itself is is something we're imitating from another municipality sort of taking the average time that it takes you know this process like how or is this your this is your um sort of who gave you the feedback to just to do it this way this is based on my years of experience entering information into a database this is a new process this is a new um it's not even a permit this is just a new registration so we don't have any uh historical documentation we don't have any um any additional municipalities that are are doing this or have been doing this for years so this was our best guess and how much time it would take to enter this information into a database and how much how many dollars that time would cost cost so again if the commission want to set the fee higher that's completely up to you um the the formula that we used was to set the minimum required yeah no it's just it seems that uh your staff as well um uh you know there's some sort of trying to understand how this number becomes so low knowing that the process might be more complex than that so um again this is presented um by you my my question was is it someone in internally guiding you as to also take it this way or does this was just you coming up with a formula this was me determining how much time it takes a reasonable person to click the keys to enter this information into a database I know but I'm saying did you just double check this time with staff are there are was that process done with staff to understand if it's two hours half an hour no I didn't I didn't pull the staff to ask them how much time it would take them to enter something into a database okay so I think that's where where we're trying to get so clearly there is a contradiction as to what you know um it seems to be the staff is saying that it might take so Chris were you aware that sent out a letter in advance of this and do the other things that Linda was just describing to us did you take that say that again the fee is for registration well the registration starts with an Outreach again if you if you want to set it at $5 million whatever whatever the commission chooses go right ahead as I stated the the the job was to come up with the lowest amount that it would take to enter this information into a database and that's the dollar figure that we gave you I think $5 million is excessive but I think $40 uh to kind of match the other one that sounds similar in here might make a little more sense because now we've learned from your staff that there are some additional steps that take place can I just put forth we change this to $40 be me to the punch because I was just gon to say based on what we're hearing there's some additional time and some additional effort so let's go ahead and let's increase it so we'll increase it we can go up I think $15 is reasonable um if if that's we have some it it's really some may no no but like there is really we're just pulling this number out of our heads well that's not also true so I mean if we want to proof something we approve what we have with the contingency of reviewing as soon as we have a manager in place to meet with the appropriate staff to gather what the time should be I don't think we could be like 40 60 or a 100 I mean this is is part of the manager's role to sit down with staff to understand how much this takes if we don't have that either we don't approve it today or we approve it with the condition of I understand what you're saying and I understand I understand the Divide between where the information came from what Chris is saying and the other the additional information that we're receiving I think but based on what we're hearing from staff I think you're right we're just kind of pulling a number I agree but there's nothing to say that if we were to increase it because there's some additional time and effort that we're hearing it doesn't stop us from reviewing it at a later time too well I know I I understand that I just thought it had to do with analyzing how much time there is the lower sell I mean there is a formula to F follow so you know just saying it's 40 or 60 then we're breaking that formula down that that's all I'm saying sorry if I may Mr May sure maybe just to shed some light on this so it part of the analysis if you have another process that is similar in nature my New York accent's coming out in nature um you you you can base your determination on on that similar process if that I'm I'm assuming that that cost was vetted when you came up with that cost of that similar process and so you can you could base it on that if that's what you if that's what you decide to do tonight just make up a number you're saying I'm not suggesting you make up number what I'm saying is if you have a similar process that you're already implemented and you've established that that cost was suff Comm was commencement with a work done on a similar process listen then you can use that same fee yeah for this particular process okay that makes sense how much what's that okay before the law change you couldn't do inspections uhhuh people that could not have inspections the base fee was 50 so without without the inspection it was 50 with the inspection it was 90 okay okay and are this rate based on again on hour and time time based on salary it's the same thing it's yeah Okay so we've done it this way and we've had it at 50 is okay I just making sure you didn't need to say anything that's a different process I'm happy voting on 40 yeah I I just for for the sake of of I mean you know we're talking a difference in $10 um and I understand I I completely understand what you're saying and the process behind it in in the kind of established way that we come up with this 25 I understand where Chris came from this is the minimum amount he he determined but there's some additional processes in place I think 40 is appropriate and I think that we can re address it readdress it if we need to um but i' just like to get a number in so we can get going makeing motion to as amended to 40 amending the exhibit to 40 making a motion to approve amended to 40 do we have a second second okay uh it's a resolution so it's a majority vote are we all in favor I hi I mean processes are out the door today so why not say yes seem to be out the door a lot Veronica I'm with you so okay speaking of processes all right talk about something a little more heavy guys all right so on our amended agenda 12 12a is still first up so let's go ahead and open with 12a um commissioner k I believe this was yours correct yeah this was mine back in May I believe when all of our police drama uh was fresh and I uh wanted a conversation here with us with the manager and the police chief both of whom are here in the meeting about what happened here so the long and short of it is that something really bad happened in our Police Department for the second time in 10 years the first time a police chief ended up in prison with some other officers if I'm not mistaken and this time a police chief was basically shown the door okay he resigned to be clear but it wasn't pretty on his way out the door he was put on administrative leave there was an investigation done while that investigation was going on our police chief decided to leave his position with the village it was ugly for the residents uh there were some very sort of ugly allegations going around about police residents have a right to believe that their police are fair and honest and fair and honest police have a right to know that residents aren't questioning their motives and what else they're up to there are bad cops in the world and I don't want to say we had bad cops here in the village because our attorney will probably yell at me if I said that but it certainly seems that there were some things that were not done well here and um Brad would it be fair to say that as a result of some procedures not being handled well there were some police officers hired who maybe wouldn't have been hired or shouldn't have been hired so I I believe that based on the findings of of the um investigation is that there were certain um police employees that were hired that may not have met the criteria of For Hire based on the policies and procedures in place at the time these were our internal policies and procedures so we had policies and pro procedures in place they were not followed and there were people hired who did not meet the minimum qualifications for the job when you say the minimum qualifications that were established by The Village yes by by our policies police department policies correct and were some of those officers uh then terminated when this came to light I would have to defer to the Chief and the manager I don't know that officers I don't know that officers were terminated as a result of the investigation that was done into the hiring practices I I'm I don't recall but I think so what did some of these Poli what did some of these police officers do that were objectionable so there were there was I think it was it was more looking into their backgrounds with regards to either previous employment and how they they either separate ated from their from their past employers um as well as um some review of um just previous conduct of of some of the employees while they were employed here did any of them do anything that violated our policies I would have to defer to the Chief and chief so I'm refering to the issues with an Evidence Locker some other Behavior yes sir um they there were several that did have some misconduct uh that did take place uh while they were employed here uh one of them uh with the evidence the administrative portion is done so I can discuss that I have to be very careful because we still do have a meeting with the public corruption on Tuesday on the criminal aspect of that so I don't want to go too far into the criminal aspect um but there were several uh that were terminated uh due to uh failures to meet our probationary standards or um since that period of time uh but we have uh conducted a several Internal Affairs investigations that indicate that there were violations uh why there were here at the Village okay so no one wants to hear that but guys that's that's really the long and short of it is that our own policies here were not followed uh in terms of background checks and how these folks were hired and while they were here some untour things happened and we had policies in place that would help head that off from happening by not hiring them in the first place here's my concern when something like this happens it can very easily be swept under the rug and say oh our new police chief won't let that happen again and I this is Chief steel this is I'm not saying anything about you personally you know that yes sir but I need we need to know as a community that talk about Sops Veronica these are really serious things these background checks and the things that happened as a result of these people being hired here in the village and be given a patrol car and a gun and a badge and told to you know enforce the laws here um we need to know that this is all being done properly moving forward and that we won't allow it to happen again because it sounds like well Brad you just as much as said don't want to put words in your mouth but you said our own policies were not followed in this Regard in terms of the background checks correct corre and that falls on and whose responsibility is that the police chief it's the chief and to some extent some extent the manager to the extent that the manager does the hiring so does the final Authority on hiring everybody that um I know that uh at least from Chris's perspective from when I when I talked to him about this process Chris I don't put words in your mouth so correct me if I'm wrong but before before he he approved the hire of a police candidate that um he was looking at the actual file in the background file himself which I think is which is appropriate good practice yeah which is appropriate so good on Chris for doing that so guys here are my two significant issues with this um we all received an email Ryan and John you wouldn't have received this you weren't on the commission at the time were you you were we received an email when this all went down and the new police chief was in place that Chris opted to not perform background checks on the officers that didn't have background checks had background checks that were not thorough that were not signed off on properly there are a bunch of background checks on police officers in this Village that did not meet our policies for performing those background checks and Chris told us he's not going to his plan was to not perform background checks on those officers until they were up for a promotion or facing some kind of Correction corrective action M Mr commissioner can I uh charm uh real quick on that um we actually just sat down with Sweet Water on Friday uh because of their similar history in the past and some of their processes with the backgrounds in their hiring and we we got a little bit of guidance and direction from them and with FD because there's there's U certain procedures in once they're there and they they're off of their their standard um of uh probationary standards but at this time uh with the guidance of some of of our neighboring police Chiefs and and other agencies we are going to be conducting um review of all Personnel files and their backgrounds and conducting almost like a mini background now unless it comes up that they lied in the background it's going to be other than possibly reserved Personnel a little bit harder for us to take action that would be something we would have to get with the uh Village attorney Brad with and go forward but what what Sweetwater did in a similar predicament U because we have been working this is kind of a a sensitive area on how we can proceed with it but uh what they did is they they went ahead and typed up a memo and then put the all the facts in on the background if there was areas of concern and they documented it I just we would have to get with our legal on what we can and cannot take action on um uh for long on on how long they've been here but what I think I just heard is you're moving forward and going back and crossing te's and dotting eyes on the backgrounds of all of your officers yes sir that that is only the ones that were hired during former Chief Cabrera's every single Personnel yes sir every single Personnel we we will be reviewing their background to actually have it on on the very off top part to to talk about with you guys tonight what made Chief Ste what made you decide to do that just with the the backgrounds that we saw so this a lot of this all started with the Implement once the manager got here anyone that any lateral or movements within the police department at all uh because he is the ultimate hiring and firing decider uh he wanted to start seeing backgrounds or the the folders on everyone and the previous um manager uh did not go to that extent of her viw uh and that's what raised a lot of these red flags is when we started looking at some of these Personnel files that had some some very concerning or absent um information in it or just not signed not reviewed there's a lot of discrepancies that's what kind of led to this so with all of that with the termination or the uh the termination of the officer last last week um we've decided that U as a police department we need to move forward with kind of vetting and making sure we had the right people so we we are in the process we've just been working with other agencies that had similar issues and making sure we do it the right way so it you just dropped something what why was there an officer terminated last week a failure to meet probationary standards here we go again so is this Chief is is this a practice that you're going to suggest that the new manager carry over as well when we hire a permanent manager is this something that you think should be policy moving forward that all the background checks are done and that is in the file that the manager uses to approve the hire yes sir um at this point our operating procedure with the department since the manager is the ultimate hiring and firing uh decider is they need to see all the facts so at this point all Personnel files will go to them for review prior to was making movements or hiring or ter okay I very very happy to hear that that seems like such a common sense thing to do I can't believe it's some major shift in the department that that would have to be decided to be done we received an email from Chris our manager saying that he was not going to perform backgrounds because he didn't think it was necessary and he said he he said under he said the attorney advised him that he didn't have to and when I talked to Chris about this he said the manager the attorney told me I didn't have to and my opinion was there was legally you don't have to but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't so that was the conversation I had that's neither here nor there now my other concern is this so Chief Cabrero was here and he was running the department and the background checks were not being done properly they're not being signed off on properly there's lots of problems with background checks and it led to all of this mess and it led to him leaving and Brad you just told us that that what he did violated our policies correct there were some potential policy violation okay then here's the other problem I have guys I don't know if you're familiar with this form it's it's a form that's filled out and S and Brad if I mischaracterize this please step in and explain it it's a form that is filled out by a municipality when when an officer leaves any officer or the chief Brad sworn off any sworn officer when they leave and it talks about the reason for their separation from the municipality and there's a box that's checked on here there are lots of boxes that you check and one of them says voluntary separation not involving misconduct this is the FDLE form filed for our former police chief who was on administrative leave while an investigation was taking place all over the news and by the way that's how our residents found out about it from their t television not from this Village and this form says that it was a voluntary separation which it was he resigned correct Brad it was a voluntary separation not involving misconduct it's the not involving misconduct part that really rubs me on this because it seems to me there was misconduct there were policies that were not followed by this police chief and as a result of them not being followed there were people h Ed who shouldn't have been hired and then some of those people went on to do things here that violated our policies it seems to me that is the very definition of misconduct and our police chief it sounds to me engaged in that kind of misconduct and this is something that's filed at the state okay this is a legal document it's signed by Chris it's notorized and this Village is informing everybody that this person left invol he left voluntarily and that there was no misconduct involved in his separation I take exception to that rad can you tell us who sees this form and uses it for what purpose the form is sent to the fd's Professional Standards division so it's um recorded by it's it's kept as a record from by FDLE and who has access to that it's a public document any I I anyone who asked for it so if somebody were to want to hire a police officer is this something they might go search out to search out to see they could and but I will I will add to just so it's clear the police chief doesn't hire it the manager the manager in place is is who hires police office understood so the I don't I don't necessarily take issue with the way the form was filled out um I'm not going to get into the discussions that were had with Chief's Council and and myself and and and some of the issues about the investigation and and and some explanations that he he presented or offered but um I I will say that ultimately as Chief Cabrera indicated the ultimate decision to hire these individual idual who work in this in the in the village was in fact on the manager and I should say the manager at the time the manager at the not throwing any dispersions at anybody whatever information they had whatever process they used I'm they believe that was the appropriate process as Chief steel has told has said that the process has changed to the extent that the you know and I don't know what was necessarily given to the to the former manager um when this Chief came in in he specifically or I'm sorry when this this manager Chris came in he specifically as you heard wanted to see the entire Personnel files not just a recomend not just a written recommendation from from police saying we recommend a hire and that's where I understand that the ultimate Authority is the manager but the former police chief did not follow our policies and procedures when doing this and it resulted in what it resulted in and it seems to me that misconduct did take place because he didn't follow our policies and procedures that's my read on this I don't like this at all I find this is a really bad look for the village quite frankly there's a lot of bad in this for the Village um and I'm very happy to hear that the chief has new uh uh policies in place uh and that he is now going to go back I'm very surprised to hear it because I asked about this several times and I was told no no no it's not happening so I'm very happy here that for whatever reason that got turned around and now these are going to be done because as I said before residents need to be confident in the police and we live in a world where we're seeing lots of examples of people that have legitimate reasons not to be confident in their local police force and police need to be confident in that too they need to be confident that they're working alongside competent professional people that have the best ethics they they don't want to be viewed by anyone as being a bad cop and when all of this stuff happens it calls into question all of them not the one or the two or the three that got in trouble and the one that was fired last week it calls into question all of them and that is not fair to the police so I'm really glad Chief steel that you're taking care of this to be clear guys Chief gbera still has an opportunity to do a name clearing hearing if he wanted to if we wanted to invite him back here and have him explain himself because he still says he did nothing wrong and now we're all receiving these emails with another that person who's sending the emails is another person Brad I'm I correct that no long was a police officer in the village and no longer works here I'm not sure what emails you're referring to I know some gentleman who spoke in public comment tonight some of the emails that you got that I know about was the gentleman that that spoke during the five o' he's a former officer he's one of the ones not a police officer he was a he was a civilian background investigator doing did the background checks his his son was actually a sworn officer with one of the ones that was terminated okay and now you're all seeing the emails coming about other allegations and whatever that's you know he can produce evidence to whatever he wants to produce I just wanted that all out in the open because I don't like the feeling of things like that being swept under the rug that looks like something really bad is going on when you just kind of slide past something like oh don't no nothing over here here nothing to look at it was bad that's two times in 10 years this little teeny tiny village had something really bad go down with this Police Department we cannot tolerate that we cannot tolerate that kind of behavior and we need to hold them to the absolute highest standards and that needs to be something that we discuss with our incoming permanent hire for the manager's position because we need to keep an eye on this we cannot have a third opportunity like this you Google biscan Park police go home and Google biscane Park police and see what comes up just Google biscane Park and see what comes up that's the first thing that comes up Chief I have a few questions about these mini background checks are uh have you been in consult with the the police Union to make sure they give advice on them and are we giving our officers uh Union representation if they would like it for during this process um at this time we have not reached out to the PBA we are going through the standards and recommendations of what FDLE puts out there their minimum standards and what they uh recommend us to perform in the background so we'll be checking that if there was a conflict that came up or any issues that we would have to move forward of course we would be um give them the option to have their Council or union representative there with the PBA uh that would be a process but we just want to at least go through and document and look at these backgrounds to determine if there is any big red flags or uh possible omissions or lies in the back ground but um we're not going to violate any officer Bill rights or or uh constitutional rights we just want to go through it and based off the FD curriculum make sure that we are within standards of hiring thank you Chief uh so looking at the form that we have here in front of us and just kind of um understanding the item I want to be sensitive to the process I don't mean to sound I don't mean to sound hypocritical by any means I do want to be I want to be sensitive to the legal process because there are Ser there are ramifications um to that I don't know terms of settlement I those are those are you know not disclosed those are um confidential I would imagine um in terms of settlement or negotiation uh separation a lot of those things um not really asking to for you to get into the details um because I just want us to be careful that's all so I don't know I really don't know um you know we've we've heard from the chief we've heard about what was done we've heard about you know uh Chris having brought in a lot of the Personnel files doing a lot of the background checks we've heard now about the chief kind of making that even more robust which is great it's fantastic very happy to hear that that's what I wanted to hear yeah yeah that's the first time we heard that that's is a very good thing and chief we appreciate apprciate you you kind of taking the taking the bowl by the horn so to speak um but um I'm going to open it up for the other Commissioners if they want to comment I just I don't know that there's I'm not sure if you're asking for any action or anything other than he he took the action I was hoping to to have us give some direction make that happen and that's fantastic I'm very happy to hear that so I I will certainly invite the other Commissioners if they want to speak on it I know commissioner Amsler you you had a very similar item um so I'd want to give you the opportunity of course um with that understanding no I I I'm happy to hear that the sheath already is taking care of it so nothing for me hard to say um this is a mess uh that we unfortunately unfortunately had to see happen again in the village Chief I'm just happy that you're behind this and that you have the processes and checking with other municipalities as to what the standards should be and making sure they happen Sops in any Department can be there and anybody can violate them I mean that that's what's just happened in the police department so uh imagine the rest of the Departments right Administration Public Works I mean you name it um the whole purpose of them is it's someone's it's it's a captain of that so she thank you for taking the initial step uh towards better process and you can hold people bar to add on to that you can hold them accountable when when they are in place that's that that's the whole purpose of that it's said that you know what to do and then you know what happens if you don't exactly Chief thank you for being with us and and in addressing some of the items that we' uh talking about with this discussion if there's nothing further on the item um I'd like to thank the commissioner for bringing it forward and and commission for discussing it and the chief for being with us to talk um but let's uh go ahead and move on if there's nothing else no okay so sorry Chief what was that I didn't want to cat off I want to say thank you for taking the time to listen than great Chief thank you for being here um so the amended agenda the next one is all the way down to 12i which is the the biscane park app signs um the remainder have been remove I'll push that to the next meeting we're almost out of time okay um well let's talk very quickly about 13c I think because that one I think should be pretty quick yeah that'll be really quick go ahead um we had I brought this to the commission a number of years ago and staff was supposed to take over at a certain point and it didn't happen um we had uh H Halloween and holiday de ating contests people really you know pull out all the stops here in the village at Halloween and the end of year holidays that would include Christmas and Quanza and um throwing a blank on the Jewish holiday I got Hanukkah um yeah so um I would like to get that people people really enjoyed the contest uh and I would like to get that restarted it was something that the that staff and uh the commission did back in the day and you can read my item I'm just going to race through it really quickly I went to the uh arts and culture Advisory Board and asked them if they would like to take this over and they were gleeful at the idea of taking this over so they were very very very happy uh had a nice conversation with them and they're just looking for some direction from us to take over the contest and they they asked me sort of how it ran I gave them this item and said I'm taking it to the commission um and I'm going to ask the commission to either do it themselves us with staff like it was done before or ask board to take it if you guys are interested in taking over and they said yes we would love to and then the chair sent me an email again confirming it that she confirmed that they want to do the event in December and also take over the awards for Halloween and the end of year holidays so my question to you guys do you think we should do it as a village number one and if so do you think we should do it like we used to or do you want to turn it over to the board why do we want to switch it what's the main purpose behind it let the board do it it's kind of their thing arts and culture fund they asked for us or no I went I was at their meeting and I said hey we I'm bringing this back to the commission would you guys be interested and they said yeah we'd love that so versus staff doing it versus us before it was us we assigned judges staff sent out emails it was some stuff on the staff they had to send out emails and get the judges to Pamela were you did it happen since you were here no we had the yeah I wrote the emails and I kind of did it for help stff do it but this this would completely take it off staff and us and just let the board do it I'm I'm all happy not having staff involved and anything else exactly that was kind of my other ulterior motive I'm in for that yeah okay and guys I gotta run 10 okay it sounds like a yes from you commissioner Amsler uh it's a yes certainly for me as well I know we did this before um and I think it's appropriate that uh none of the board members and none of the commission sorry guys can be eligible for awards that would really yeah Ryan changed his vote that's all right I'll still continue adding to the graveyard each year anyway it's fine I mean unless you guys think it's not a big deal but I just think it's kind of not no it's fine it's fine um look I think it's a yes for me um if the if the board wants to take control I'd say let them run with it I'd like to see them see how they handle it and see what they do with it they were excited they thought it was a really fun yeah it's fun Pam they I did say that the the idea was that we would recycle these signs every year and I know we did save them at one point um do have do you have any idea where they might be okay one of the board members actually won one year at Christmas and she said she still has her sign because she said no one ever came to get it the village was supposed to pick it up and they didn't so she still has her so you may or may not find them but might want to let us know let them know if you don't have them because we're going to have to figure out some signs not a big deal good night for okay thank you for that just one of these nice things for the village so it's heavy stuff it's fun stuff definitely yes so that's consensus I think Madam CL um I know we got a couple other items here still uh it's 101 um the budget one's a big one yeah we're not going to get to that tonight no unfortunately and I certainly would want commissioner amsler's input absolutely input into that too so I would actually like Paul and the new Finance person to I'll kind of open the Adam up real quickly M I would like Paul and that person to be here so they're part of that discussion so it's very clear what we're looking for and have a conversation with them I think it be a better conversation with them in the room I'd love to have that new person a part of it too that'd be that'd be great um so I'm excited to have them here for it reg all year and for this especially for this I think it's gonna make a big can we ask Pamela to invite them yeah saying yes okay um yeah yes yes correct it would be at the next meeting commissioner um well uh in that case um so let's hold off on that so we have Paul um let me just get a quick point of clarification before we get a motion to adjourn the items that we removed are we placing them all on the next one or are we just going to at our discretion ask that they be placed on I want mine on the next one okay you'll remove yours entirely which one are you removing that was the outdoor one oh I was actually looking forward to hearing about that no I really wanted to hear that it's fine we'll keep it on there and move it to the bottom that's fine with me mean some of these things probably won't we won't get to anyway all right so Madam Clark can I just run through these really quickly for you okay so I have items 12 B C D E F G H and I I should have just said a b through I so sorry um then I also had 13 a and then B 13 B 13d and E anything tonight well we had a lot to do with the manager I think so that was that took a lot of time and the grant took a and the grant yes so those were items not on this one but they were on another one but we got through those Mr Mayor before we uh adjourn uh touching on commissioner Kennedy's uh 13e altern alternative Revenue sources um I I 13e alternative Revenue Services Grants I wish commiss amler was here to hear this but I was approached by uh Miami country today and they're very interested in being an alternative Revenue source for us there's there's there's a there's an offer and an Ask kind of thing and I didn't invite them here tonight to to present it to the the commission because I knew there was no guarantee we were going to get to this meeting yeah if we have a almost a little bit of a guarantee that we can let them present would we be uh comfortable inviting them to our next commission meeting to present that that can I ask you really quickly who it was it was Tim Walsh okay because we we had previously been working with Tim on a community outreach board which I hadn't heard school started so I hadn't heard anything from them on I don't know if you brought it up but that was different that's completely different okay got it I didn't know if it was part of that because but I'm sure it's a great op Mak sense but yeah if they want to come and talk about those I I'd be welcome anytime we have a guest here I'm always in favor of nudging it up and letting I like their proposal to see if there's interest in it or just say don't waste your time no if they're offering money then I would offering money for partn asking an offer for an ask yes that's fine offer for an ask I would be interested to hear what they say if everyone else if the rest of the commission would be interested then that's a that sounds like a yes we got three yeses backup will the agenda so just make sure the backup's on there so we it's really verbal I don't know if there's really it's you know and it's something that's right that's what I was going to say I'll just put it on the presentation agenda which would I mean presentation portion we will put them at the top and if they have some back up they can send it to me and I'll get it to you guys if not that would be great I always preer having something to even if yeah if he has backup just ask him if he wouldn't mind sharing it that would be very helpful but yeah that's great that's great I I would love to have him come again he was a good guest the first time so Madam clerk you have everything from my list okay so um do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I okay motion toj Jour thanks everybody have a great evening yeah that --------- ##VIDEO ID:2Hs8fu4paPc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um Madame clerk could you please call uh the role for us mayor gr here vice mayor Huntington here commission AMS here commissioner Holland commissioner Kennedy here mayor you have a quorum wonderful let's do Pledge of Allegiance please okay uh so let's go ahead and open up to public comment we will start with folks here in the Log Cabin um and just a reminder public comment is three minutes uh please provide us with your name and address before you begin and uh we'll try to limit our public comment to this agenda because that we'll have a separate public comment for um the next agenda so open it up here in the LW Kevin first please oh no the microphone's not working guys they're going to sit up here for no no unfortunately batteries die quicker in that microphone than any other device I've ever seen Trevor Lear hello Trevor lefar 910 Northeast 119th Street um I prepared something I was going to email it but so I'm just going to read off of it so forgive me uh 10 years ago I brought uh I brought my then eight-year-old daughter to a birthday party in edbert park my wife and I fell in love with the village because of that visit and eventually we bought our home here in the 10 years since I honestly don't think much has changed in the park um except for maybe a tree fell down or something I'm giving uh I'm going to give my opinion on this initiative but my opinion is one of many and I may not have all the details uh but when it comes to tough decisions and finding money in the village like ours one that has very little resource it's the commission's job to navigate the court of public opinion I doubt we can put every measure on on a ballot and vote what I am sure we can all agree uh does matter aside from opinions is data and the healthy analysis of it here are a few personal bits of fact the toddler lot we use at least three to four times a week it's not as modern as many others in the county but it's very convenient for us uh we've been to other toddler Lots like the one in Dural and it's super nice North Miami's building one right next to their Library it's great most of the people we meet in the BP toddler lot are locals Caregivers for locals and the children we meet are all neighbors the parking cars should never be hindering the W the only sidewalks we have in the village dedicated to safely exercising giving the traffic issues we've had and the hazard that presents to pedestrians this is inexcusable yet cars are allowed to park covering the sidewalks every time soccer practices in session the open field we used for flying kites and running Sprints after review I'm sure other data tells a different story than mine I'm sure Issa out is he's out there doing rounds collecting info I'm sure it exists in closing I strongly support any initiative to exess free money to improve one of the few assets we have here in the park to me improving our community is worth every penny maybe there is mismanagement of a specific budget line item or administrative issues that's for you the commission and the administration to deal with quickly to get this measure moving forward as a group writing uh a request for grant money we may or may not get to improve our village is a no-brainer we should be doing that every year for this purpose and many other Village issues I respectfully thank you for your time thanks David Raymond 11520 Northeast 9th Avenue um so a few things and I know um thank you all I've spoken to everybody up here every all the elected officials up here with the exception of John who I I didn't know if you have art so Fone number but I texted that yesterday anyway um thank you all for for speaking with me yesterday and I'm going to sort of repeat some of that here but I think first of all this meeting wasn't even noticed until yesterday it wasn't on the on the calendar um you check the calendar people know it wasn't there I heard back from Commissioners who were getting to the office I don't know if there's a requirement 4 with my my board at the county we had to notice things 48 hours in advance um I don't know if there's a rule here but it's you don't have a representative sample of the community I don't think without doing that I'm just pointing that out and it's it's not the first time um so tonight you're going to make one of the most important decisions at least about process of anything that we all elect you to represent us for which is to hire somebody to lead this place please don't cheap out please hire somebody at a competitive rate put it out there at a competitive rate because people will not come at the rate we have good people will not come and we keep going on the same roller coaster and we're wasting not only our time but so much money in paying people who can't get the job done If you hired somebody at a decent salary they would be doing things that commissioner Kennedy has I think on your next agenda like bringing in Grants and looking for alternative funding and growing The Village stronger we we seem to have this poor mentality around here you walk out on the streets and you feel like it right by our mayor's house it looks like Beirut on the street it's like you can't even walk down that street it's half blown up half patched and then we put money $90,000 in a line item for a pickle ball court that's been sitting there for the last sever years you're you're not doing the pickle ball court yet fix the road with it I mean it doesn't make sense you're collecting those dollars from taxpayers they sitting there so I just want to point all of that out backing into that pickle ball and to your item about the grant um and I spoke with each of you about that the the contentious item I think in that whole Grant is the pickle ball court because that hasn't been decided yet we need parking we have a parking plan we haven't heard anything on the parking plan why don't you either put the money in that you're going to put in for pickle ball and can use that for parking which we need and submit the grant for playground equ equipment and parking or if you don't want to put the capital funds in just do the playground equipment who's who's here is going to complain that we put in new playground equip equipment right the divisive part if you excise that from the equation I think things will be better off thank you Barbara CLE 777 Northeast 111 Street um about the resolution that's on the agenda uh it's being done really to apply for the fap Grant we had a fap Grant years ago that I think paid for the covering of the Tot Lot and new playground equipment I'm all for um going after grants the way this is done that this last apparently it's going to be they're trying to get it in before um the October 14th it's just not being done the right way if you read the grant one of the most important aspects is community involvement workshops hearing what the village villagers want they even ask you to submit the minutes to the meeting so they know what direction the villagers want um surveys they want a community survey not something done online that was open to all of day County we shouldn't rush to meet a deadline and add something like pickle ball that right I don't want it there are a lot of people that didn't want it some people do want it maybe people with young children would be more in favor of spending it on better playground equipment the thing is we can start this process next year we don't lose anything except doing it the right way and not losing money the hiring The Village manager I agree with everything David had to say um this is a new chance we we wasted a year but now we have a new chance to hire somebody that can move us forward somebody that can address some of the many problems we have starting with the roads our website drains just identifying and cleaning them trees that need to be be removed parking around the recck center the hand handicap parking at the Log Cabin erecting a new Public Works garage and hiring a public works manager we need a competitive salary for somebody to handle these projects in 2014 the salary for a village manager was $887,000 it's 10 years later and I think we're off we're thinking about 100,000 I would tell you the amount that you decided in the budget but the budget isn't online the budget you approved that really should have been made available to all our residents we should have been told that the millage was dropped nothing is communicated to this to villagers it's not it's not realistic to have a salary that isn't keeping current with the times and when you offer a $100,000 you're going to get what we had last year so please h you know I just looked at the budget um from last year and the code Department the code supervisor where the department chair it's durine it's budgeted at $158,000 I mean we need a manager who is going to look at our departments and put the employees in the right order and not have salaries like that or expenditures the money we save on something like that with now we have five employees could offset the cost of the manager and that's where I'd like to spend the money thank you g hu 777 Northeast on 11 Street as far as the fap Grant I I think there's three B basic reasons that we're not prepared to move ahead obviously we don't have the management in terms of a village manager or a Public Work Director secondly this is not have there's no Community consensus there very minimal Community awareness and to move ahead with something without the support and knowledge of the community yeah I'm listening to this hello well it was okay Gary go ahead all right the third reason is that this has been based on the assumption that people want a pickle Bow Court which yes some people do but is that something that's supported by the entire Community is that something or even aware of that the people around the rec center want the noise and the additional traffic so I think there three basic problems as Barbara said absolutely would like to pursue grants in the future I just don't think we're ready at this time as far as the village manager I was always one of those people that felt you know you look for the ambitious upand Comer and they'll move into the job it's really not that difficult but I no longer believe that's true I don't think the times are reflective of somebody being able to take that opportunity uh I think David in fact pointed out out that El portel which has 2third of the population of biscan Park pays 145,000 for their Village manager I certainly think that we could afford that if not a bit more uh you know I I see the budget I see what's been done under this Administration and we have wasted money we have I look at code department and it just drives me insane what they did and what they paid people seriously 25 to 30% more than the going rate for those positions for qualified people and those people weren't qualified that were hired and five five staff for what does anybody see an improvement in code in the village I don't I see the same things I actually have pictures of violations prominent violations that have been there for over a year I find it extraordinarily frustrating what's been done there and I think there's with good management there's absolutely room to pay a Village manager substantially more than we're Curr currently doing thank you finally a microphone at my height Janie Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th Place you know I'm all in on the importance of a process when you're doing something particularly when it involves other people's monies but I think what I'm watching again is that we're getting so hung up on the process we're losing sight of the goal and the goal is something that has been needed long overdue for a considerable length of time and that is renovations to our rec center and we're not just talking prettier equipment nicer equipment we're talking safer equipment which should be a priority for everybody we're talking maybe a few more amenities in there to make that area more welcoming more attractive we need to figure out what it's going to take to start getting people to buy homes here who are planning to actually live in them not develop them for our next Airbnb so yeah it would have been great if we started this earlier and if we had a manager in place well we didn't and we don't so we can throw our hands in the air and say gotta wait till next year and you know what's going to happen next year as it sure happened every year that I've lived here and that's 1978 we're going to find more excuses or we can work with what we have which is a very dedicated very competent Recreation manager I mean to my knowledge I wish he was here to correct me if I'm wrong he has been with this Village since before we had a manager form of government and he learned under one of the best Donna Garcia who was our second village manager with a super strong Recreation background she in she trusted him and I think you guys should too to pull this project off to success because we spend so much time telling ourselves why we can't do something and we shouldn't do something you know that same time and energy could really get a lot accomplished oh and as far as I'll pretend what they pay their manager it's not a starting salary number one and number two they do have commercial and some development so it's a little bit different hi everyone Ezra deut 885 Northeast 113 Street my public comment today is very simple to approve today's special resolution for fap Grant um as a former Grant approval uh committee volunteer at the federal level I know it's you usually very straightforward to get grants follow the directions fill in what they ask for a lot of the time the grants approved I'm not a fan of the new pickle ball courts in our park but I know how to compromise as well giving our manager the tools to give uh to get free money dollar or free money and grants like these is exactly the kind of uh progress I'd like to see in bis game Park thanks good evening I'm Anna da and I'm at 655 Northeast 115 Street um and I really love our village I appreciate that we have a beautiful Park in playground right down the street from my house um and I do kind of like the fact that it's a little old school um but this summer there was an incident that happened where I was witnessing where I witnessed and first responded to a boy that was maybe four or 5 years old that fell from the top structure of the playground and did a belly flop onto the mulch and it gained a whole new appreciation to me about mulch's purpose besides making a big mess um had he put out his arm or leg it surely would have been broken and what was most terrifying for me and his grandmother is if he had fallen head first and what could have happened that was the final push that um made me join the parks and Parkways board uh with an alter like ultimate motive of trying to get get some motion to make this playground updated and safer for our children um last week I attended the meeting the special commission meeting and it was really just to learn more I didn't feel comfortable speaking because I'm new at speaking at meetings and new at being involved um and I learned a lot about residents concerns and Commissioners concerns and questions and I really appreciate your initiative commissioner Huntington and making this happen I understand we would want more time in community involvement there are parents that want to be here and want to be involved I spoke with many parents and they could not be here this is dinner time I was late because I was with my children um it is very much wanted by the parents in this community and we have very many children and if we're worried about you know following a certain process I urge us to make this happen because as someone just said there's always going to be an excuse if the grant feels ready and you feel confident with it then please move forward and let's just see what happens and our parks and Parkways board is now you know a functioning board um and let's use the three years to make the changes and if pickle ball is the only holdup just take it out and let's make this happen because we need we need a safe playground for our children thank you hi I'm Dominguez from 11704 Northeast 11th Avenue and it's my first time here so I thank you so I'm not very familiar in how to do it but I'm going to support what she just said uh I'm a mom uh I don't have family here so it's very hard for me to actually be here at this time as it is also for a lot of parents of young kids that will need the playground we do need improvements in the playground it's something I also witnessed an accident actually was for my mom and she fall and almost roke her wrist so it's something like really important is safety of our kids here and um I'm speaking on behalf of a lot of moms that we are part of a group and most of us it's very hard for us to be here at this time it's dinner time as she said it's bath time uh it's homework time uh so I I'm here on behalf of a lot of us we really need this so thank you so much for trying to make this work and I hope that you all listen that it's something that we really need as parents so thank you Danielle Huntington 744 Northeast 119 Street uh according to Census Data 38.6% of our population is 18 years old or younger 20 20% of that being under the age of five the data shows that children are the largest growing demographic in this Village but our priorities don't reflect this I try to sit in in almost every public meeting so I can educate myself with the legislation and policies being discussed but I want to be clear um public meetings meeting times are not conductive to doing homework bedtime routines or after school activities especially with the current Child Care crisis and rising cost of living I understand this um and cannot blame families with kids at any age that can't make the same commitment Commissioners you were elected to represent the whole of the population you are vessels for your con constituents voices regardless if they are physically present in the Log Cabin the added stress of not being represented should not be another thing families should shoulder I heard your concerns from the last hearing but if your issue was timing or public Outreach where the standard operating procedure dictating the processes for Grant applications and how many residents need to be pulled or how to poll per Village policy to my knowledge we don't have any and even if we did is it even accessible on our outdated website the other issue I heard was the survey from the meeting I gathered our Parks director and grant writer were collaborating working within their scope um and expertise to execute this grant within the designated timeline personally I Googled and read the grant so was appalling and demoralizing to see biscane Park asset such as our director Thornell uh not only be scrutinized but he was admonished the commission and residents did not come prepared to even make an educated statement rather misinformed judgments as it looks we don't have the ability to hire or retain competent staff but the ones uh that manag to stay around should be supported and heard it's not pleasant to hear but administrations over the years haven't standardized protocols and we keep tripping over our own feet with something so simple as a grant applic halting progress because of this is just negligent residents have waited patiently at the cost of failing infrastructure High employee turnover and mismanaged budgets year after year Brad says all the time we don't want to give a blueprint to the residents to sue us but I can guarantee you now the state of our playgrounds is publicly known it won't be too long before we're paying for another lawsuit um it it would be at the fault of the commission for not allocating funds to completely replace the playgrounds and then denying a grant to acquire the necessary products in the most fiscally responsible Manner and lastly biscan Park is the 14th oldest incorporated city of 34 cities in Miami day County but we are years behind cities like Dural or Cutler Bay both of which were Incorporated within a year of our playgrounds installation I was a junior in high school when the playgrounds were put in I understand our Village's culture however the municipal government processes are stand standardized everywhere but here so this conversation shouldn't just be focused on playgrounds it should be on an introspective look at how we are poorly run and managed thank you good afternoon everyone Jose Castro 3098 Northwest 6 Street Miami Florida 33125 um members of the commission I requested some public records back on May 17 I just got them today on my way here miraculously the manager's application is not long is not here a lot of the documents that I requested are not here so I beg of you guys to do a due diligence and do a proper search for the next city manager that way you're not going to have this problem that the city manager has weaponized the police department and going after resident and employees of the village uh everything that the city manager wrote about me about my son is totally not true but you know by I request of public records and five months later have not received them so just received some of them today I just beg you guys to please do a good search and do due diligence thank you there's no more comment here in the public excuse me no more Gage hi good evening everyone um Gage Hartong 1029 Northeast 104 Street sorry I'm late traffic is really bad and um so uh just um Gathering my thoughts on this um um again it's the process that's that's that I'm um I have an issue with is that uh this is um something that's not been properly noticed it probably has not been properly put through um I just was learning and I not wanted to use social media so or not social media but a next door but uh so I dived into it this past weekend to look and I just realized that you know we were using the um the pickle ball as a bait to try and get the money and not you know that there's already money already set aside in the budget the CIT for improvements to the uh tot Park there's already money set into the CIT for for the uh the rec center so this notion that we're not doing anything is not really true there is money already uh put in there it's just we're trying to attract more money uh we're and then we're kind of getting locked into having to do a pickle ball court which has not really been vetted through the rest of the community anyway it's just I think that um um if the maybe the pickle ball was taken out and it was replaced with um like somebody mentioned I think David earlier about doing parking you know maybe that this would be something that's less controversial um because who want who doesn't want improvements for kids to have a play taught or who doesn't want to have parking in the in the village uh around the park um it's just um it's just this the process of doing this we have a way of doing it and um and it would be nice if we actually had some Community input as far as wanting these uh Capital Improvements to the park uh especially from the people that live around the park and um and uh throughout the park so anyway thank you it's good hello okay my name is Sarah Montero I'm from 7501 17th Street um who would have thought pickle ball would have been so dramatic but I don't think that many people are really fighting for the pickle ball court and I think some people like to stand in the way of progress and as a parent here who not only do I live here but I teach in this community I have children here I have friends whose children live here I was drawn to this Oasis that we had and I'm heartbroken to see it becoming a mirage as I watch meeting after meeting with people standing in the way of progress there is absolutely no reason why we can't be the stronger voice and make sure that we get what we deserve we have kids sitting out there right now my kids are sitting at home I don't like them going on our playground I don't like them going walking around our park I get very anxious when we're there and they're not little kids but they're not big enough to be going up on these ridiculous playgrounds that we have set up and if pickle ball is the problem I think you need to re-evaluate what is important to you because we are all saying the same thing just some people like to block and you need to re-evaluate what we are trying to do here what kind of community we want and if you don't have a family now here maybe you did at some point reflect on that time as a parent reflect on that time as a neighbor with kids around you and what do you want to see and I'm not just talking about the little kids we have teenagers who deserve a place to go play basketball and on a clean Court they deserve to play pickle ball if they choose to they deserve to be out there having a community experience and if we keep saying we have to wait we have to wait for the process we will be nowhere and I promise you if we keep going in that direction this neighborhood will be going nowhere because we are all not going to just sit around and twiddle our thumbs waiting for an opportunity to revamp our Parks I'm going to pick my family up and I'm going to go to a city that's actually going to deliver because right now that's not happening and we cannot I will be here all the time if that means that we need to start changing things because this is the first time I was able to get my husband home in time to come do this he wishes he was here but my kids are sitting at home for their safety for their sake and for my love of this little Oasis we have here we will keep showing up to make sure that our voices are heard and if all those moms on our chat we're going to keep showing up sending one of us at a time until we are heard as well because we deserve to be here just because we didn't have all day to do nothing we deserve to be having a voice and making sure that we are understood so pickle Ball's your problem re-evaluate what is important to you because if you're standing in the way because you're scared of pickle ball then you have to really think about what is what this world needs because it's not about a court and God forbid it includes other people in other neighborhoods coming to enjoy our Parks it is a public park we are they're allowed to do that just like I go to morning side just like I go to the shores I would like our neighborhood to be that place for us and sure let's bring other people in too because that's what community is for yeah sorry excuse me sorry if we don't have any other comment here in the law cabin we'll go ahead and turn it over to zoom and uh please just up and you'll be unmuted sorry madam cour go ahead yes Anderson Bob Anderson one Bob Anderson 11905 119th Street I do agree with some of the uh uh people have been saying about the manager pay that needs to be increased but we also need to have a commission to actually start managing the manager that was slight Sly lacking for a while on the playground equipment it is way past the time to replace it I urge each commissioner to go and take a look at each one each piece each of equipment that is there and see the amount of Decay that has been going on for all these years there actually I've been hearing a lot and I'm sure you have to complaints for years about the the condition also I'm sure you've heard that before we add new items we need to take the time and fix what we have this is the time to start doing that for all the years we've never have done that we've just let things Decay and keep adding to it let's go ahead and turn around at our rec center and go ahead and fix what's there replace what we need to replace and do it right thank you Nicole Martinez hello thank you so much um my name is Nicole Martinez I am at 10001 Northeast 118th Street um I'm I'm phoning in on 10% battery from my son's soccer practice I have two toddlers my husband is traveling for the 18th day out of 30 this month and I still manage to show up because I feel this issue is so important I have been a director C of a nonprofit organization uh for the majority of my career over the last 10 years I have written many grants at the federal state and county level I do not understand why we would be standing in the way of Simply filing this grant I mean it's literally just writing a grant and we are not allowing that to move forward for a grant that we desperately need because why I I I don't understand it is my understanding that at this level we don't don't need to commit to making pickle ball courts all we need to commit to is writing this Grant and getting this money and then we as a village can determine how it's going to be utilized I understand that we have thank you to commissioner Huntington who I ran into in the park the other day I understand we have a grant writer on staff who gets $6,000 per project which is maybe 50% more than the market rate for a grant writer so I don't understand why this part is person is not being put to the utmost absolute work filing grants all day every day and doing it at the last possible minute if that's what's needed and if that's what's called for from this city um I don't get to come to a lot of these public meetings I'm here today as many of moms have voiced I will be here as for as many as I can attend until I can see this issue through um and I really just wanted to come on and and voice my support for just writing this fdp grant thank you Natalia hi uh this is Natalia seero and I live on 12015 uh Griffin Boulevard um sorry if you hear my toddler she's right here next to me I'm also another mom here in support of of the grant um I understand that we do have three years to decide what we want to do with this money and I I think there are enough people in the village that are pro uh this Grant and that are willing to put in the time to help come up with a plan of what can be what can be done with this money um I do have a my daughter is 18 months old and when she was born I you know we we would take her to the park maybe when she was six months old and the first thing she would do was would be eat the bark um the bark to me is is a huge issue at the at the playground and I've seen other kids do the same thing it is a choking hazard um so just even you know making simple improvements uh another another thing I wanted to point out was uh I take her often to the Todd lot in Miami Shores and I am constantly running into biscane park families and and one of the things is they they tell me well this one's better than ours but it shouldn't have to be like that um so I I'm really in support of the Grand and I I hope that um we can move forward and then later I'll come up with a plan and decide uh what we want to use this money but for sure we would um want to increase uh improve the the the playgrounds for for our kids and put some money towards the rec center so thank you we have one more April Gilder hi yes um I'm Ariel Gilder I live at 620 Northeast 116th Street and I just wanted to speak up on behalf and Echo what Nicole Natalia and a lot of the other moms just said on supporting the Grant I am new to the community um we just moved in a couple months ago and I'm also an expecting mom and something that definitely drew me to the community was you know having access to parks and whatnot but obviously after you know now going down the road of being an expecting mom and understanding that the park really does need a ton of updates I don't see why we would not move forward with at least you know applying for the grant and trying to better our community we of course want to be attracting you know a young New Generation as our community grows and expands and um I don't see you know this is there's only positives to this to create an appealing community and I think it's something that we should all prioritize and not delay any further just hearing that it's been something that has been consistently delayed time over time within this within this community I think it's time now that we can make a change and um apply for this Grant and yeah I hope it it does follow through okay looks like that was our last one on Zoom so thanks everyone on zoom and thanks everyone here for your comments um so let's go ahead and and keep going let's move right into our our reply do we have any yeah I would like to reply here go ahead first off I want to say thank you to all the residents that come out uh I think this is probably one of the uh most spoken about topics I've seen in a long time I mean 15 residents talking here plus I have another 20 signatures on a petition that I personally went around that's a lot of residents coming out to speak in favor of playgrounds I didn't see one resident tonight say they don't support playgrounds I think that's overwhelming theme here that we should prioritize I did take up Bob Anderson's invitation to go and look at our playground this week how I would describe it is how a lot of moms described it tonight unsafe Rusty bolts uh High uh levels where children can fall inadequate flooring trip hazards uh flaking paint this not the level of which our community should be providing for our children 40 41% of our population is under 18 almost 20% of our population under five and that's just the percentage of children not alone their parents who are directly affected as well by these playgrounds to me it's something we should support we should be supporting them the one thing I will I agree with a lot we talked about our manager Barbara the one thing I will disagree with in you is that what one thing we lose by waiting till next year is time a very precious commodity is time every child in this Village will get a year older every day we go by our safety risks get more it's time for to replace our playgrounds and provide safe place spaces for our families thank you okay um any other commissioner reply I not to the residents thanks everyone for coming out and and heard you loud and clear um it's 5:43 we have our regular Commission meeting that starts in 17 minutes and that can't start late we have a huge agenda we have to get to and the most important topic on the agenda is we have to talk about hiring a manager we have no manager in this Village folks so while this is a conversation we need to have that one has to happen like now so I think we need to switch gears and talk about the manager real quick and understand that we may not get to everything tonight but we've got to get the manager situation taken care of I'm not suggesting that I don't want to talk about your item R I'm just saying that's the biggest priority we have here tonight we have no manager to run this Village really quick um don't let perfect be the enemy of good I'm in favor of of going forward with the resolution if I I'm prepared unless are there any other comments uh you guys want to respond as well I'm prepared to make a motion to approve no I think my my response any reply that I would have would be baked into our discussion because the public comment was about that so that's what I would wait for so commissioner no I think I I rather jump to the resolution so we can make a decision maybe okay all right great all right so um let's go ahead and get started then let's jump into item six um Brad would you please read the resolution of the record for us sorry my apologies sorry go ahead a resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscane Park amending the 2023 2031 C Capital Improvement uh plan for fiscal years 2025 2026 to amend various recreational Capital Improvement projects authorizing The Village manager to do all things necessary to carry out the plan providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay thanks Brad do I have a motion in a second motion to approve second okay so let's go ahead and start the discussion then um I'm moving along a little quickly um so vice mayor is this as is are we just starting the discussion were there any changes this is this is this is as is um you know really what we're talking about here is how we use our C CIP funds currently we're using the 990,000 from pickle ball we're using the uh Rec Center improvements and the uh Rec Center playground Improvement funds combined to allocate to $200,000 to match the $200,000 uh funds that the state would be giving us can I ask you a question so there is no C attached to the agenda that we received is there something that we're supposed to see I don't have internet either so I am sort of tied hands into looking at these numbers now yeah so is it anything change for what we saw on Thursday no nothing's changed since we saw On th okay so does and again I don't I can't open it I don't have it to my phone if you go under Wi-Fi you'll see my name and I'll give you the password or or you can forget the network tell your computer to forget the network and then find it again that worked for me I did that too yeah I did that too tce well aren't I just lucky thank you um I already tried with my phone it doesn't work and again I don't know if does anybody have Internet it's just me you off of my phone so you can tap onto my phone if you want to R I just saw it you need my password you want well I give her my password would you run through the three numbers please because the pickle ball number didn't seem to match up on sure the pickle ball number is 9, the I'd have to pull it up the uh the re Center improvements was $660,000 and the have to pull up the other ones I can't put them all off my head you have them see playground upgrades 60,000 Rec Center upgrades 40,000 that right yeah that Rec Center upgrades 40,000 playground upgrades 60,000 and pickle ball court upgrades 124,000 so add them up it adds up to over 200 we're 24,000 over what we actually need for pickle ball I ask you very quick excuse me for playground upgrades I really have um I guess just one question are we able to reallocate pickle ball funds funds that are allocated to pickle ball to a different thing like parking it was brought up somebody made made the comment does that work uh that would be a question for a grant writer and I believe he is on Zoom with his hand up so he could answer those questions for us hello Robert yeah you are Robert who are you I am Robert Rano president eost strata Services uh my company's hired by you since about 2022 to do grant writing and compliance um so I just want to clarify that we we we do Grant applications for you but we also do compliance on three grants and first of all let me say I'm very sorry that I was not at the meeting last week I didn't realize to be honest that it was a commission meeting I thought was a community meeting and everybody was in favor so but anyway to the question the fer app Grant Florida recreational development assistance grant is used by multiple cities um I personally have been dealing with three of your managers in the last several years about doing some sort of Grant at the rec center at the Burke Center um finally this past year you did a CIP and that was great and then that's why we were going after it I say all that to just tell you that yes if you go after let's say you were to apply and one of your Commissioners two of them have already asked me if you were to apply and put in pickle ball you could afterwards you could replace it but you could you would have to replace it with another Recreational facility okay so for example Rec recreational facilities are pickle ball tennis court basketball court Tot Lot playground walking path field so they're outdoor recreational facilities the the parking lot is what's called a Support Facility okay so you have support facilities which are restrooms parking lot um security lighting um water fountains trash recepticles uh things of that nature right so the answer is yes you could switch pickle ball if you put it into the application switch it for something else but it would have to be another Recreational facility okay something that actually people can get out and enjoy that our our current facilities would some of our current facilities would fall under that category you mentioned the playgrounds you mentioned the fields you mention a couple of the other items the basketball court those would qualify is that right correct correct when we went out there I went out there I think about a month ago with our grant writer who's on the call also umay yanz who's been dealing with Issa um when we went out there the elements that we spoke to with the manager and uh the commissioner um Huntington sorry um were the playground the walking path okay there's a lot of areas in the walking path that can be improved and then doing a connection from the Walking path to the bathrooms and that would be a great Ada you know connection and then I think he talked about and then he talked about the pickle ball okay and then maybe I said well if you wanted to we could resech if you wanted to and you had the money in the whe to resurface the basketball courts or get new Nets and stuff or new equipment that could potentially qualifies as another recreational facility so for the goal of this grant which most cities get and I get for a number of cities we do you want to have three recreational facilities and typically three supporting facilities so that's for the $200,000 Grant and that's a dollar Ford dooll match okay the same they have a a so smaller program you can ask for $50,000 for a recreational facility without a match over $50,000 to $150 it goes up to 25% match and then it's a 50% match okay so you can make up your mind about what the elements you want um I'm here to just get you money and I'm excited about it because like I said this is the third manager I've spoken to about this grant um you mentioned elportal I've worked with elportal for 14 years uh that's how long my business has been around um so I I know this Grant and I'm I'm I'm hopeful I just want to get you more money we worked so that you know we worked on the the grant for the the building that you're in I think it's 136,000 from the state we've worked on a several freebie grants a vulnerability assessment grant that you received a small tree Grant um we just submitted a water quality Grant and then we submitted a notice of interest for something called a uh brick Grant so you know and I just want to say this whoever you hire you know my concern for you is just the grants that we've gotten and I'd be happy to work with that person make sure that you don't lose any of those grants because it's tough to go back afterwards after you you have to give back money so that's my two seconds sorry for being so long a couple I have a question as well but um my first one was regarding what you just said we've applied for this grant before have we ever had issues where we apply and we don't actually no go through okay so we don't no we never applied we've never applied for it we've been talking about it but without a CIP um a capital Improvement program you score very low on it and you typically won't get funded okay that that's what I was going so it it's not that we we haven't gotten it which just never apply because we first step we needed to do was to get the CIP correct in order to be able to score better yeah and also you want the community to decide and you to decide what projects are you going to fund in future years so that c CIP is very important for this yeah okay um and then in terms of the budget there's one that necessarily does not need a match what have we haven't we kind of push that one even if we didn't have a CIP or that as well even if it was allocated no match needed a CIP to mirror because you still you still really needed a CIP part of the application is they want you to submit submit a letter from the manager that says this project was either in a CIP or will be put into the CIP and the CIP with the project highlighted and I think what happened here was that you're trying to get more specificity in the project line items to change the CIP now and then the other thing you and I spoke yesterday about this but I want to make sure I put it out there so we have at any point the opportunity to change the contract at any of the items correct well okay you have the opportunity typically I've dealt with I'm dealt with the state and I've dealt with the state on this for many many years um you can put an amendment after the fact so they they would score it now and as to the people that say why should we apply now we don't have a manager the reason is we can apply for you now we're working with Issa the application g go in on the October 14th the ranking at the state usually happens the next several months if it's like last year they won't let you know until June of next year and you won't get a contract until August so you know by the time if you do get this money you'll have a manager in place correct got it those are my questions thank you okay Robert it's Matt Kennedy how are you we've we've not met how are you good I asked for a phone call with you today and no one replied back to oh where where did you where did you ask for that I contacted the village manager and he didn't reply to me um well let nobody reached out to me sorry I'm not surprised about that so that's a conversation for the next agenda item so um a couple of questions for you Robert I need to understand this a little bit better um the pickle ball um so if we include pickle ball and the amount of $125,000 and we don't do it it has to be used for some other kind of outdoor recreational activity it could not be swapped the parking but could we pickle ball were not part of it now could parking be part of it right from the GetGo yeah parking would be yes the answer is yes oh sorry we have a project in place already that we've spent quite a bit of money on already to develop the parking there we have a plan in place it's ready to go so could this be reconfigured to take the word pickle ball out of it and put that amount of money under parking and let parking be part of this project it wouldn't pay for all of it but it would pay for a nice chunk of the parking and get us started and maybe it would be focused around the playgrounds we'd figure that out later but could parking be part of this initially all right so and I'm glad you asked that question because there's two things to F out okay so you want to have the three recreational facilities and you probably have the three support facilities pickle ball is in recreational parking is in support So typically if you took out pickle ball you can't replace it with parking right it's a different I mean I mean to not include pickle ball at all from the beginning I thought I right right so okay let let me just so so so now you have two you've taken two recreational facilities so you want to include a third to make yourself more uh you know more competitive and you can include parking and the support the the key is okay they do it's a if you go all the way and you go for 200,000 they do 200 over 50% or more of your spending has to be on the primary facilities and then the rest on support so you can't do like I'm going to do parking and lighting and whatever for 300,000 and do a 100,000 a playground right so as long as you do that you can do it you could switch it out right now and put something else it's up to you okay that that's where I'm going with this because yeah here's my problem with it and I'm speaking to my colleagues up here it's the word pickle ball being any part of this because that's not been vetted in any way I will have no business voting on the word pickle ball in any way that lives in here because a couple of residents came in asked for it a commissioner brought it to us for a discussion and we said let's just drop it over here and we can address it another day we made up a number because we couldn't even get uh we couldn't even get a quote we made up a number right art Art's nodding his head at me we made up a number dropped it in there if that's key to this then I'm say get it out and Robert if I'm I'm going to repeat back what I I thought I heard you say if we go for $200,000 we would have to say $100,000 and one of those dollars is to playground equipment and 99,999 could go to parking we have to be over the 50% threshold for the activity yeah if you ask for 200,000 200,000 or more has to be for primary facilities got it so half of it has to be for the primary facility which in this case equipment and less than half would have to be let's say it's 50/50 okay that makes a whole lot more sense to me than including pickle ball in this conversation at all because I don't want to give this community the idea that we have any intent for pickle ball I also don't want to apply for a grant and then it just feels manipulative not saying that in a judgmental way just kind of saying how I how I see it it feels manipulative to try to get something done and look I'm manipulative as the next guy when I want to get something done but we're dealing with the Public's money I just want to be really clear about that pickle ball has never been vetted in any way by this community in any any way the person who sponsored it is sitting here nodding his head yes that's correct okay so if the word pickle ball is out of this equation I am a lot more amable to this I want parking in there guys we spent you know how much we spent on the parking stuff already $25,000 yeah 124,000 yeah so we have spent a whole big chunk of tax taxpayers money getting ready to do something that this Village needs the parking at the rec center that what that got run through the commission and committees and big conversations we needed it we spent money on it and there it sits languishing so if that were included in this it makes a whole lot more sense to me now I have another question Robert the three categories are playground upgrades I understand what that means pickle ball I understand what that means unfortunately and then Rec Center upgrades guys correct me if I'm wrong when we were talking about the CIP I remember us having a conversation I remember asking well what are Rec Center upgrades and I thought it was interior stuff I thought it was kitchen and they need new appliances and it was facility related does anyone remember it was had nothing to do with playground equipment or anything fun it it had to do with practical stuff it was it was for rec center upgrades and there was no identified project for but he did talk to us about it did he Veronica I'm not sure if you were here yet Ryan I think you're probably at the meeting I remember when he said we should a designer and you said you we shouldn't pay for a designer I remember the conversation it was all kitchen stuff wasn't it FR inside stuff like that it was both actually I remember having a a discussion with Issa about more than pick if you guys remember the way it was originally set in the CIP was CH pickable I requested to in include the wording recreational updates so that we can put everything those kind of things in there because otherwise it would have been very specific chest to pick a b but Isa had a whole list I did ask to receive I haven't I know that there is a wish list of things that he wanted to see um I don't know if he's in the line is he on line so Robert could those kind of things let's pretend Issa needed a new kitchen and it was going to cost 30 I don't know and he needed 30,000 bucks for a new kitchen in there can that be included as long as it stays under the 50% threshold for the fun stuff um restrooms and concession stands are acceptable that would be a kitchen refrigerator or no kitchen for kitchen for staff as far as I know is not really acceptable I'm talking about well I guess I guess well I what I what I'm just saying is typically concession stands and we could ask concession stands and restrooms are the typical ones and sometimes maintenance buildings okay because that's in here that's another one of the numbers that's in here it says Rec Recreation upgrades and I understood it to mean what Veronica just said and if some of those things can be accomplished with this then that also makes sense because now we've doubled our budget on that so I understand what you're trying to do it's what we're jiggering around here I have a problem with if it were parking and it were the playground equipment obviously and I'm as concerned I don't have kids so it's easy for me to say kids are going to fall off something all the time don't kids just fall off things all the time and if if you're worried about kids falling off stuff then maybe we shouldn't have playground equipment at all if you're worried about your kids falling off something it's higher than 3 ft I would would like to see that surface addressed there's all kinds of I mean there are professionals who will guide us through all of that but the surface seems to be a problem for me and I know you intend for some of this to address the surface as well yeah so and we don't have to slice and dice all that tonight but I can have this conversation with you I'm going to be a no in its existing form uh because of the pickle ball thing I want the parking taken care of we've already spent a lot of residents money getting to the point where we're ready to start digging up and putting fixing the parking and there's other things that go along with it it's not enough money to do it all but we could get a nice chunk of it done and get that train out of the station and then every year be applying to try to get that done as well Robert um I have a couple other questions for you so if we the worst case scenario we get this and we don't use it at all how does that impact our ability to get approved in the future well it could say we did nothing we did nothing and said forget it we're not doing anything worst case scenario yeah they would um look at you negatively in the future there's a question if they've ever received funding before from fer app and they would look at it and potentially score you a little bit negatively gotcha okay but you could still get funding okay so we wouldn't want that to happen um and that's it so guys that's my big desire you know what I'm about I want to get this parking this this is an opportunity for us to get the parking going if that's the case I'm in I'll say that I agree parking is an is an issue but we have a line item for parking there's money in the CIP for parking to address that issue and every dollar you start taking large chunks out away from playgrounds means smaller playgrounds for our families means smaller recreational amenities so if you're taking the current playgrounds we have and replacing them with smaller ones to pay for parking which is a different project that I'm not in support of I didn't say smaller playgrounds I said but it has to be move money around from place to if you start moving money around from place to place it starts dwindling the overall contention also I also hear parents complain about going there and uh driving there and there's no place to park when there's soccer going on or other big events it's dangerous because people are parked on the sidewalks you hear all this toit so I'm trying to strike a balance here I'm and maybe we could do a phase a small piece of parking with this and then phase into this the good thing is fur app comes every year so every year we could do the parking we're saying the same thing I would like pickle ball out and parking in that's my big desire Robert could we if you have to get the three am uh recreational amenities could we change it from pickle ball to say basketball court resurfacing that way it's a we have doesn't yes and remember oh by the way we have two playgrounds I forgot we have smaller and the two so yeah but then the word pickle ball wouldn't be there it would be basketball court paring in is what I'm saying yeah you can do that and that's not expensive either what what it sounds like maybe the way to go about this if there's support for it um would be to keep the money allocated for the playground keep the money allocated for Rec Center change pickle ball to parking but change that amount yes to then allocate that to basketball court improvements now we're over 50% for the three facilities and we're still allocating some money for parking which is a secondary does it mean we have to spend a certain amount of money for basketball only that it needs to be over activity because right now we're at $100,000 for the rec center in the playground so my my issue is with numbers up in the air like we're doing I just don't get how we're here days away from the deadline and we don't have the rec director in line I haven't heard the manager speak one word and we're about to approve you know moving forward with the grant I'm 100% behind this Ryan I think it's amazing that you found it I think it's what we needed to see 10 years ago reason why I also had my kids grown out old without seeing a new playground um I don't like the way we're doing this one bit um this shouldn't be done this way this should have been brought by the recck manager in the five different budget meetings we had five um that didn't happen um the same thing and I'm I don't want to put Isa on the line but unfortunately that's his role he's a director of the department and we spoke about wish list we spoke previous budget a year ago okay a wish list that was going to go within pickable SL Recreation so when I hear all this comments of nothing has happened a lot has this commission has worked really hard on that CIP needed in order for this to pass we just heard the grand writers say that without the CIP it couldn't move forward to have the available points needed so it's just seems to me this is something we want to tackle because we're so tired waiting I'm a land for that I'm as tired as you are and I'm the first one supporting this Sops that was my first item in the agenda I think two years ago it's gotten us nowhere so in terms of processes we don't have anything writing again here we are trying to pull our hats numbers in Theo um to close a budget for huge major Renovations there are needed so I'm the first one to say go for it we've never had processes before let's keep moving this way we have to store somewhere so I'm okay with bending the rules they haven't been so far for two years I just don't think it's good to talk about numbers so informally not Haven been supported by anybody we're just saying well we'll put into basketball and then we'll switch this is the first time we have a conversation publicly with the grand writer and um my first question was why hasn't this happened before and of course the explanation was well we needed a CIP perfect we got that next well you needed to know exactly what projects are going for I want to hear hear from the rec manager I want to hear from the director from uh the I'm sorry the village manager about how we're pulling all these pieces together that had been worked for a while since previous budget but here we are our manager is leaving so that's the other reality so that's why when it comes to processes I don't like this one bit it makes me really uncomfortable um I don't I haven't heard anybody come against the pick a I'm sorry not the pick AO the rec center up grades none nobody called me to say we're hating this this can't happen on the contrary people have been super supportive because we need it it's old everybody can see that the process has been the issue and I can't fight the process we're here I'm ready to B yes we'll figure out along the way and we'll move forward it hasn't we you know two years in the fight of this hasn't gotten as far so I'm a yes for it as well Robert why didn't you bring this to us before just curious you're working on other grants what did this Leap Frog over and how did we get here this way why why did you not bring this to us you're our grant writer and I thought your job was to look for opportunities for us all right all right commissioner who's this who's speaking commissioner Kennedy Matt Kennedy y all right commissioner all right let's be clear about something I get hired by The Village manager and I had brought this to the Village manager I brought this to Three Village managers before we have been talking about this grant uh this particular about the rec center at least a year um I've actually been in from the commission one time before um so my role is to bring those items to the Village manager that's my role I don't you know if they call me or they want to know if he wants to report if he wants this I've been talking about this grant for a long time that's all I can say not said um all right well you're gonna I don't know if you've looked at our agenda tonight but I placed on the agenda tonight a topic of alternative Revenue sources we needed to discuss the lobbyist and how that person brings money in the grant writer and how that person brings money in and then getting our own private funding for things because the commission has the ability to do that as well to vero's point we need to organize our thoughts here and go after things in a in a logical way is what I'm hearing you say Veronica so I'm not crazy about the process either I'm in if we make those changes otherwise I'm out I want parking we've already spent a whole bunch of money on parking let's just get it has something to do with the rec center people will be very happy when they see that that's getting done to so can I propose something then along the lines of what we just talked about I I agree in the parking situation I'd like to see some money go that I'd like that to close that Loop it'd be great but I I want to see the playground the reenter all those things really important I agree 100% to match what we need from what Robert has just told us we got have the three the three facilities the three recck facilities it's going to be the playground the rec center we'll do basketball court okay the basketball court could use some some help 60 for the playground as you've written 40 for the rec center as you've written and we have to make it over 50% on these main facilities so let's take part go ahead sorry you're getting into the number those numbers are how we get to our $200,000 match that's not what we're going to spend on those facilities right right wa that's our part and Robert this question I have for you do we have we have to identify the projects if we identify and we have to stick to the 50-50 rule can we change what we're spending on certain projects still staying within the 50-50 rule is that an amendment we can do as we we move through this process yes typically yeah we've done that because quotes quotes change so as long as you stay within that and for example decision we really have to make the decision do we want to include pickle ball in this or no and then do we want to use the funds earmarked for pickle ball for rec center improvements those are the funds that we would use from our CIP to be in the $200,000 match that's really what we have to agree agree on here so versus what exactly say it again yeah yeah I'm I'm for parking 100% yeah so we can identify parking we identify playgrounds we and then we Happ and then as we go through this process as we go through our rfps we decide how we spend as long as we stay within that 50/50 Ryan can we make Ryan and Richard since you or Robert since you worked on this can we make this really simple and only have two things in there can we have parking for 100,000 and uh and facilities for 100,000 that's the 200,000 it's it's 400,000 so you can but the ask is 200,000 the ask is 200,000 it's the total $400,000 project understand that we're matching we're matching the grant is2 200,000 but you have to identify how you're going to spend 400 I understand that and we're going to identify it in the CIP I'm just saying could we simply say instead of having these three things that are all ambiguous can we simply say parking $100,000 playground upgrades $100,000 and that way one is half is fun half is serious and there's the 50-50 that Robert's looking for and keep it that simple no what can I say I'm sorry may I interrupt here 200 has to be fun and 200 has to be serious but it's 400,000 it's a it's 200 from us and 200 from the grant you have to show them how you're spending 400,000 okay I'm just you sp and 100 on playgrounds you still have 200,000 but the resolution is to change the CIP to support this I in support of 300 for playgrounds or or Recreation amenities 100 for for parking our whole parking budget is 124,000 that's a lot of parking no it's not that maybe that's what our CIP is and and okay but that'll be enough to phase us into parking the the resolution front of us Brad unless I misunderstood this the resolution is to approve the changes to the CIP that's what the resolution is so that that's what was described to me as to what was needed Robert if I may it's Brad white I'm the village attorney um so what was described for me is that what the grant pores needed was a resolution um amending the CIP for the 200,000 for a lack of better terms of the project that was going to come out of the cities or The Villages funds so have you seen the resolution Robert that's what the resolution says it's about 200,000 that's what I'm saying it's 200,000 in the resolution because this resolution may have to be completely redrafted so that's why I'm asking the grant no let me let me explain something because I I want to chime in on this your CIP is your CIP let's say you say you're going to spend 200,000 on the parking lot okay and you apply for 100,000 for a parking lot that doesn't matter as long as the item they want to see the item in the CIP and it highlighted when we send it to them so that the item is there you can apply for 50,000 out of an item that you put a 100 or maybe you had allocated your CIP 100 and you asked for 75 because you didn't need it as long as the items are there don't worry about the numers so much okay but our resol the reason I can't bring up 200,000 our resolution is simply about changing the CIP exactly so if I'm understanding Robert correct me if I'm wrong so in order for you to change your CIP you need to do it by resolution that's that's a fact that's the only way you can change your CIP right in order to apply for this grant as it was explained to me and again Robert this is the part I need you to correct me if I'm wrong is that you needed to change your CIP to reflect I'm just using the projects names for the sake of discussion the pickle ball tennis court upgrade great Rec recreational improvements um which was a playground upgrade and the rec center upgrade which was a total of $224,200 points necessary for an approval plus the $10,000 mooved from contingency so that that is correct okay so then from from the lawyer's perspective I this seems like at some point it before you approve it there's G to have to be a motion to amend it and I need some direction because since I have to draft it as to what exactly you're amending it to because EXA honestly I have no idea we need to amend the CIP the resolution is to amend it that's why I'm saying move our for the money around it's not $400,000 it's half of that so I'm back to where I was you you know where I sit Jonathan okay but Roberts indicated to us that we can change on our application how we allocate the funds down the line so if we can agree that pickle ball can be removed parking can be put in we're staying with at least the 50/50 and then we're we're we're spitballing numbers here let the RFP process go through and decide what we need and and so now we're not short changing one project to the other and and as much parking as we can get done we get done so then then I think what the numbers need to reflect and it sounds like we were all talking about the same thing we just needed to get there it's playround 60 Rec Center 40 parking 100 we've hit the 200 that's we show it in the CIP it shows we have the money allocated for it we're matched we're set that sounds that sounds right I think that's right so give so all right so I get it so I part of it okay the rec the playground upgrades is staying the same correct Rec Center upgrades staying the same correct we're adding 100,000 for parking and what are you doing with the pick ball tennis it's no longer there don't think that's going to work what's the basketball court you need three recreational facilities only have two now no you don't need three do we need Robert yeah we talked about yeah to be competitive you want three we talked about redoing the the sidewalk around the park which is a walking trail essentially and I saw it people using it all the time to fixing some of the areas and then connecting it on one side to the bathrooms okay that'll be a recreational facility and actually that's very much needed to be honest that's part of the if we were discussing this fully that's part of the parking project has it involves moving sidewalks it's all part of not not moving sidewalks but which we don't need moving sidewalks but moving the sidewalks to accommodate some of the parking and other things so some sidewalks are going to have to be moved so some of that can can go in there Robert currently the line item would be if we amended our CFA as written it would read Rec Center playground upgrade pickle ball if we just remove the word pickle ball out of it and just let it be called Rec Center playground upgrades allocating 200,000 to that line item would that be sufficient for the state and then we can identify all the other priorities of this project as we go along as we apply for it Robert you still there sorry about that I I the one thing would tell you is that that just if you're amending it anyway just put Burke Ed Burke Recreation Center okay just I mean it's just this might be a simple thing but it's just it's easier for reviewers to to make connections with things like that that's the only thing we could change it to edber recreation center with a $200,000 match taking money from pickle ball Rec Center improvements Rec Center upgrades or sorry playground upgrades Rec Center upgrades to allocate to 200 we identified that we want parking in there we want our two playgrounds replaced adding uh repair repair repair walkways as we can and we let the RFP process dictate how we spend the money we can amend as we go but those are the identified projects you can do that yes you have to show that but as long you have to stay within the 5050 where at least 50% or more has to be on fun stuff and you could do so it would be describ it would be described as Ed Burke Park and then for $2 200,000 for the $200,000 match and then as he writes the grant he would write in there that support structures would be less than 50% as long as it's we identified the themes we can move the money around as we want yeah but he he's saying that the honestly at this point I'm lost I'm sorry I I don't I I don't I you need to give me some direction as to what you want your CIP to say and I'll draft the resolution we don't need to identify that we just needed to say edberg park and where the 200,000 is coming from in the CIP in the CIP talking about the c c c had to reflect that can the CIP just say edberg Rec Center or does it need does it need to actually amend the items that we've been discussing it does not if you're asking me it does not 200,000 for the edor rec center is fine so Brad is that sufficient for you Mike on BR thought it was it is not so we're taking the pickle the tennis pickle ball tennis court upgrades the playground upgrades and the rec center upgrades and merging them into we're amending the CIP to merge those into one item which is called the Ed Burke recreational center Robert does that work $200,000 yes edberg recreational center upgrades yes all right okay but the so then I still have another question because the numbers don't work out numbers don't matter so you have $14,250 in in the CIP for the pickle ball tennis court upgrade 60,000 for the playground upgrade 40,000 for the rec center upgrade and I guess we're not moving can why why don't we leave the it's over because it be 224,000 correct Brad why don't we leave 20 the 24,000 in there for pickle ball that would equate to a 25% match for a f a future fap Grant so that way we're not fleecing pickle ball alt together and that way we're still leaving some money in there for pickle ball for a a future fap Grant and still get 200 so you're putting 20 you're leaving $4,255 that's fine because we could if we wanted to spend it if we wanted more money of our own we can overmatch so we could go grab that if we wanted to I don't care about that okay all I'm so we have the CIP fixed which is our really our only job here tonight is to fix the CIP so that's fixed correct um but I want to be assured that that Grant is going to be 50% of that Grant when you apply for it Robert is going to be talking about parking at the rec center and you can also get the information about the money we've already spent on it we've already taken steps in that direction wait wait hold on one second I'm sorry is this commissioner Kennedy again sorry all right no 50% will not be parking 50% will be the serious stuff 50% will be the fun stuff thank you for those coms so I like that but yeah 50% will be the serious stuff and there will be three elements and one of those elements one three at least and one of those elements will be parking just to be clear so 50% of what we are getting we can apply to we can apply to the serious stuff and within that serious stuff is parking so money will be going to parking shaking his head yes okay I'm not certain that's what he just said back that's not that's not what he said that's that's exactly what I said sorry remember what he said we we can identifi we can move the numbers around as long as we identify the themes and we work towards the themes we can as long as we stay within the 50-50 it might not be exactly 50% parking in 50% playgrounds it might end up you know 60% and 40 as long as that we identify the themes we can allocate the numbers as we go along and amend but we allocated the themes playgrounds parking res surfing the basketball court fixing small support structures like walkways and things like that we'll let the process dictate the product after that we've done the big part of changing the CIP to match so how do we change the resolution I'm still not clear what do you want what I wanted to say and we're no longer but if I may commissioner I'm sorry no that's um go ahead and we're no longer moving $10,000 from contingency into the new line item correct we don't need to okay I'm just it's going to be a straight $200,000 making sure correct so then the way this resolution is going read if I'm understanding this correctly is um the if you're all reading along with me section two is going to read The Village hereby adopts an amendment to the Village of biscane Park Capital Improvement plan for fiscal year 2320 through 31 to include comining the following line items from the 2526 into one light item titled Ed Burke recre Recreation Center upgrades and the items that are going to go into there is pick a ball tennis court upgrade I'm sorry is is um you're not going to delineate that you're just gonna no it's 200 well I have to delineate because what I'm doing is we're taking items that already existed and and putting putting them into a single line item and changing names of and changing names so I I'll figure it out I guess at this point I can't I can't figure it out on the fly right now so I I I understand how much you're allocating and you know what the line item needs to read yes and the rest I'll because you have to write it with the changes you have to explain the changes and somebody's going to have to amend the CIP because I don't have a version in which I can Adit hold on uh can you read what the changes are going to say I want to make sure that you have it as clear as I do I don't have it CLE so I can't hear you verl I have to read the resolution corrected as it's going to be going to be a single line item entitled Ed Burke recreational center upgrades yeah for how much for 200,000 total yes and that the line items that are presently in the CIP titled pickle ball tennis court upgrade recreational improvements playground upgrade recreational Improvement Rec Center upgrades or going to go into the Ed Burke recreational center upgrade with the exception of $4,210 which will be in a separate line item for pickle ball tennis court upgrade that's how the that's how the CIP will look when you look at line that's what we have to approve tonight I I mean I can't give you the wording because I've got to sit down you got it when nobody's talking in my ear and and and draft draft the resolution but that's that's where it is that's the way it'll read the 24 pickable tennis court is this something we can change later on separately you could always amend your CIP again okay we're leaving that in the CIP for a later date or we could reallocate if we want to have to do something with that extra money because it's sitting there so we'll have the conversation with the community in terms of what that's going to look like need specifically to be pickable to court that was the point yes all right okay that do I have sounds correct okay make a motion we have a motion we have a motion on the floor do we have a motion to pass the resolution as it's been amended motion to approve it's amended we second second all right all in favor I I I may I just say something look first of all congratulations you got it done uh and it's and it's all going to be good in the end when people talk about process this is this sloppy stuff drives me bunkers coming in here last minute and this and numbers flying around and trying to get an attorney to change your resolution look we have an item on the agenda tonight about alternative Revenue sources for this Village lobbyist grant writer we need to take that seriously get those people in here and figure out what we're doing so they can do their job properly and get Chase down what we want them to do this is nuts and we don't even know what the lobby is is up to so you know this is no way to to run a tight I and I don't disagree but when I found how mismanaged this was it it's I owe it to the residents to push it as much as we can I'm not knocking you for that it should have been managed before I was on the commission and it wasn't and so I tried to right or wrong and thankfully we did we get that all right so we have now can we talk about the real problem in the in the village is we need another item L I will tell you why I have my son Boy Scout Troop here they were supposed to lead us in the pledge at 6:00 because they're getting their citizenship belt that's oh nice that's what they were here for I I don't know that they're going to be able to we around for another hour I would really hate for them to leave and not get their belt loops anyone would anyone be okay with taking five minutes to let them do the Pledge of Allegiance well why don't we do this why don't can we move that can we walk the manager item onto our regular Comm adjourn this meeting walk that item onto the regular commission meeting call it to order and let them do their thing I mean I we can move that up we can we can uh move it over let's move it up and let's first do it in additions Del deletions and withdrawals or or what you can do is you can move to table this item and then we can open up the next meeting move the table then the items on the next meeting and come reopen this do that motion to table this meeting second all in favor okay motion to adjourn the special meeting motion to adjourn second second all in favor hi okay we adjournment I'm going to bring them in so we can start our second one I I I appreciate it thank you everyone e e e okay okay Madam clerk are we ready to begin okay all right so let's go ahead and call to order our regular Commission meeting today is Tuesday October 1st it is what time 6:35 uh we're going to go ahead and get started Madam clerk would you please call the rooll for us may gr here vice mayor hunington here commissioner Amsler here commissioner Holland here commissioner Kennedy here Mr Mayor you have a quorum wonderful thank you manic clerk okay so we have here with us this evening troop 305 our lion Scouts they are going to uh get their citizenship belt loop here and they're going to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance before we start boys you want to say hello do you want to tell us your names we're gonna start down here Thomas Thomas benx Jordan Jordan gon Gideon all right boys are you ready to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance all right everyone let's let's go ahead and stand up please wait for everyone to stand and then you boys go ahead and get us started okay iedge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty all well done boys did you get a did you get a picture for them for their their belt loops no I want I would I would love if the everybody all right turn would the Commissioners stand up for me no no I want everyone in the picture picture good job awesome job go Bo wow that was a good one good job Thomas good job L good job Jordan good job boys all right wow be good for Mommy well thanks everyone for indulging I appreciate the taking a few minutes to to let them do that they're very they were really excited since you did that I I love it we were supposed to be doing that every meeting and I really wish we would start that tradition again that's it reminded me of that we were at a a Boy Scout meeting and with the citizenship came up and I said you know we we were doing this and this would I met a resident the other day an adult who just became a citizen and she's all excited to vote for the first time in a couple of weeks those are the kinds of people we need to hug into the system I agree well thank I I very much appreciate the time everyone thank you very much um so let's go ahead and and do our auditions deletions withdrawals to the agenda or do you want to do a motion to table this and go back to the other agenda I'm sorry are you going back to the five o'clock agenda oh I sure so then it's just we need just a mo we need somebody to make a motion to I thought we were going to go through the additions and add it but that's fine we can do that too motion to table and resume the five o'clock agenda we have a second second okay all in favor I I okay then we need a motion to reopen the five o'clock agenda right motion to reopen the five o'clock agenda okay okay all in favor I I okay how you can handle the item wonderful so new business uh we have two items the first one is discussion of uh the the manager's resignation um and um Chris do we have you uh listening yeah I'm here okay great um okay so uh this one was put on um Chris I believe that this is uh I Know M you had brought it up I believe this is with respect to Chris's uh resignation and uh request to uh wave the 45 day notice correct and Chris that's that's correct you're asking us to wave the 45 day notice okay um all right so this is just a discussion item so I'm just going to open up the floor Chris if there's anything you'd like to say before we get started I'd welcome you to go ahead and say anything you like I think at this point with my resignation the commission needs to get down to the business of next manager as quickly as possible um having me hang out for the next 45 days would not be in the best interest of the village so that's why I'm asking for the just a two week from the day of the resignation which would be uh next Friday so Brad the 11th correct sorry the 11th correct correct okay go ahead so Brad he's asking us to release him from the terms of his contract um if we do that oh he is you're correct if we if we were to do that what are the repercussions what do we owe him what what happens here if we decide to do that tonight if you if you release him from the terms of his contract and he's not in breach of his contract and he would be entitled to what whatever um he'd be retitled to whatever benefits that he any any other employee leaving separating from the village in good standing would be so if you're letting him out then he's leaving in good standing okay what are the benefits that he would uh the only thing that he would be entitled to is his is his unused annual leave which um I was asked to to reach out to payroll and I don't remember the exact number but it's about $867 and change okay well we would want to confirm that amount because we want to make sure we reconcile the days that he's taken because recently he was I just I okay so we'll make sure that gets reconciled properly so do we uh are we obligated to accept his uh notice to work until next Friday or could we release him now I mean he just said he'll be of no use to us for the next 45 days three you well you have three options you can you can accept you can accept his ask and allow him out out of the this particular term of his agreement which means he separates from the village in good standing you can indicate to him that um and I'm talking by consensus of the commission of course um you can indicate to him that he has to that we're not letting him out the condition of his contract he would have to remain The Village manager for 45 days you would obviously seek an intern in the in the meantime um or you can counter offer his request he's basically making an offer and you can counter off West and if I guess to your point if you said that we want to separate with from you effective immediately then you can you can offer that to him and today would be his last day if he accepts it then today would be his last day or whenever whatever or any anytime in between what he's asking understod the 45 days okay so if he if I'm talking to you guys now uh he doesn't want to stay here for 45 days um and he wants to stay until next Friday I'm not sure what value we're going to get from him through next Friday um so I'm in favor of offering him to be released effective immediately and have Brad settle the score on remaining days off I would just ask that someone verify those I recently asked Chris to show me his days off vacation and other time he's taken off because it got very Loosey Goosey he was not reporting things to us um turns out according to what I read he took some vacation when he should not have and there's some other things that need to be reconciled in that so I'm not confident in the number that Brad may have gotten from our accountant in terms of how much time he has accured so somebody would need to verify that closely is you can do that okay well I have his payroll as well so you have his actual request for time off okay because I got from payroll make it clear he had course okay he had 18.6 our available hours of used annual leave and um his his basically his hourly rate is uh 4808 I would want to make sure that all of that was reconciled Pamela properly because recently he emailed us all that he was gone for two days I wasn't clear whether he was working or not he didn't really make that very clear I want to make sure that everything that he took off is accounted for properly that was vacation and it was done through the system we'll verify that so if we were to to do that if we were to say effective immediate I don't I don't know that um anybody I don't I should open this up first we have about three options what Brad's saying I don't know that anyone is suggesting that we we mandate the full 45 days does anyone really suggest I just want to narrow the no no we can't mistakes really then we're looking at uh 14 days or sometime under that so if we were to do that immediately the question the only question I have is who steps in because I don't know we already have to look for an intern manager before we start the process looking for a man I don't know um how I would feel about having that position empty if we don't even have a a beat on anybody that's going to take it well okay did you guys get all get the email that I had pamel asked Pam to send today so you all got a copy of the I contacted the icma on Friday they called me back and provided a guide a search guide for uh hiring a city manager in the State of Florida they also provided a list of managers in transition who would step in there are some local people here on the list there's one in the room tonight and I think there's two or three on Zoom there more there's two in there are two in the room tonight and there are several on zoom and there are people who are on this list so they're all here um I would be in favor of asking the police chief if he would fill in until we select an interim manager if it required us to take a beat there and find the right one if we didn't do it tonight get an interim manager uh selected but I don't see any reason to keep Chris truid around any longer than today uh Jonathan as well I invited Al childis he's a biscane park resident here he has comes with almost a decade of experience as a village manager and I think it's just someone we could seriously consider being our room yeah I'm not going to take his resume away from to present his resume for him but he has had eight years at D another sent Key West he was a former Commissioner of ours he's been a biscan park resident for close to 40 years is it Al yeah so I think it's something we could seriously consider and hear from him tonight uh and I I don't agree with uh the police chief because he has a lot on his plate he's a new police chief I think having him run the village for any time would be detrimental to our village he needs to focus on police and traffic issues and if I can just if if you were and I'm not trying to talk you out of appointing the the police chief as an intrum but if you were to do that the chief would have to appoint an acting police chief while he serves as the capacity of an intrum because under the Florida Constitution Dual office holding he can't hold both positions I'm also going to hand out Al Al's resume here to all the commissioners another one thank you I think before I think before we really make any decision on that one we probably have to decide what we're going to do if we if we have an interim I don't know that we unless there's an appetite to make a decision on the first on the first item before we move into an interim position I think in my experience you're always better off having some sort of a transition even if it's I don't want even if it's not even if it's half ass you know what I mean like I I would be I would be a fan of of asking Chris to stick around for a week looks like we might be able to appoint an interim manager on the quick U and and having someone here to help just even for a few days might be helpful as opposed to RIS leaving the building and someone walking in and having no formal transition no handshake no here are the files here's the pass or whatever it is you know I mean I've been in that position before I've been I've been let go of a Fortune 500 company and you know they kept me around and long enough to help transition to the new guy so it happens but I I you know things happen I I I would be a fan of asking Chris to stick around for at least long enough to help the interal manager get yeah I completely completely agree we need that transition period to let him go tonight I mean if he's offering to stay for a week and a half we need that transition period just to fledge out who our interim is going to be let the you know the attorney speak with him and come up with the contract uh there's no to me there's no clear-cut internal uh interim where our staff is already you know pushed to the max right now as it is they can't take on any more responsibilities so bringing an outside I think is essential and I think we need at least that week and a half to fledge all that out you guys are a lot more confident in his ability and interest in helping us out until next Friday I'll just put it that way he's he's made it pretty loud and clear what he his opinion about this place in the past couple of weeks or months and I think you're just handing him some more money for no gain for us I think you're a little bit naive to be quite frankly I um I'd like to ask uh Chris so what is what are you thinking in terms of a transition when you hear people suggest that you'll have this week to transition where are you at right now the the transition in my opinion would be ideal because right now there are so many irons in the fire we have several grants going on um we have several other projects that are in the early stages um we have some transition that needs to be done especially now with accounting um right now I am your accounts payable and we need to get that process squared away before I personally leave so that we can get that shifted over to uh Finance so my my suggestion would be whether it's the end of this week whether it's the end of next week build in some of that transition time so we can at least get some of that stuff done Chris it's Mac where are you that's what I was asking so currently yeah currently I'm in Fort Meers with the police department Command Staff so you're out of the village with the police chief I guess a commander is in charge of the village now I were you guys notified that Chris isn't in the village this week see this is what I'm talking about guys Jonathan were you aware that Chris was of the village this week only from the the email heion saying that he would be traveling with with them did you get that email Ryan thought that was an email just the one I got this afternoon that's all I got so I found I found out yesterday um through the clerks uh so the that's why I was asking because if you're going to be there or the idea was for you to be there until Friday um we don't have until Friday obviously to do the transitions that means you would need to return immediately and consider you here for maybe two days of transition I don't know if anything can be done in a transition in two days um I don't think it's uh also efficient to keep um I don't feel comfortable with it the statement that it's not the best of it's not in the best interest of the village to keep you any longer um so I'm wondering and that's why I'm asking you sort of what documents you have in place what sort of system you know you're leaving you put your resignation so I'm wondering what you have ready to provide to anybody coming tomorrow for anybody coming in tomorrow we have the um CIP which is actually have has to change now um we can have the grant writer fill them in on what's going on um the the one thing that we don't have any policies processes or procedures in place for is Accounts Payable um so is there anything urgent between this week and next week that needs to be flagged the accounts payable system accounts payable which we have a person starting yesterday no I'm sorry that's for with Paul the new system no Paul the other admin won't start until October 14th okay and we have a big I'm not sure well I know Chris is aware but there's a big building records transition getting ready to happen yep what I'm sorry the records for the building department I can understand you sing yeah let me I can I can jump we're we're we're changing from um open goov to caps system um so we are in the process of pulling all the data out of open goov um getting it to our building official so they can then get that information either into bsna or their proprietary system or even just a share Drive um for future access we are also is this something I'm sorry to stop you there just so I go by point is this something that can be Pro like um pushed back no we're we're we haven't well we have until the end of October to get this started um to get to get it started you mean can't push it back because the problem with it is starting October 1st of this year H hold on it's one thing but H HB 267 which we're going to talk about um later today tonight which deals with time frames for um for um approving of permits I I I spoke with the building official today and they need that transition so that they can track and ensure that those permit approval processes comply with the new statute well there is no way we're going to get there to transition I for what I'm hearing since we're not g to have a manager who's trained to do this sort of trans he is scheduled to come in Thursday morning to sit with me to start I I I'm I'm a record certif records manager certified but he's coming in with me on Thursday to sit down so we can put the things in place but there are other things that need approval like we need a new server there's some many stuff that needs to be purchased and Chris has all the information and exer where that's going sign is this whole part of the approved budget already the this this is yeah the change the change from open gov to caps system is not it has no budgetary effect other than an eventual decrease okay but there's nothing I'm hearing there's servers that need to be maybe acquired yeah we we learned literally to day or possibly yesterday um that we would have to do a server upgrade so that's going to be that's going to come out of contingency or Tech or someplace else I find in the budget okay all right so it seems like we don't have time anyhow uh even if you were to be here another week this is a monsted on Theo that someone's going to have to pick up and figure out I am Pro um also having some sort of a transition even if it's few days I think it's necessary to pass hand to hand um documents um passwords files software I mean there's a lot to to to pass on this is not something you can just pick up and go so as much as I understand you want to leave and I think we're all clear that um that might be the best at this point I think there is a professionalism that I expect from you to make sure that whatever time's left is given um in and and the bur per purpose of just transition to whoever comes next Mr Mayor are you saying that you want him to stay the full 45 days Veronica no I'm asking maybe for one week maybe at the end of the week and then that's the next conversation but I don't think we can terminate for your proposal you offered till the 11th I was yeah I was happy just with a few days if he's happy with the 11th that I'm great with that I would love to get this done and move on to the other yeah things we have to get understood Brad Mr may just a point um if you're going to if you're going to if you're going to put some body in place internally as an acting manager as a stop gap before you get the inum appointed or hired um that will work a couple of days but other than that remember if if you appoint somebody from the outside as an interim manager there they need a contract I can't unilaterally approve a contract it's kind to come I have to negotiate it with whoever that individual is it has to come back before you all at a public meeting to approve it so you have there there's a time lapse in there to to seat an in a hired quote unquote hired inam manager just you need to I just I'm just telling you that so you have that calculation in your time frame so if we wanted to do this before Chris leaves on the 11th we would have to have a special meeting for us to get together and approve the contract for the inter room you would have to tell me we'd have to figure out who that was pretty quickly and think we might be able to do that I I understand that it's just for argument sake if it's this gentleman then him and I would have to sit down we'd have to negotiate an agreement and once we're able to negotiate terms of an agreement we would have to have a special meeting that's properly noticed so that we can bring it before the commission for the commission's approval probely noticed would mean how many days well your your rulle say seven unless it's an emergency so and if it's an emergency I got to look back at the rules I think it's 24 24 hour 24 hours 48 hours right right so this I mean there's some mechanisms that to take place I understand um well there's already been there's already been three Commissioners that said that they they're in favor of an interim period of sorts or 14 days is that what is that what well what's the other but before we get to that point I apologize I didn't mean to interrupt you but um before we get to that point we also have to are we what are we doing with the the remaining hours that he has are we paying or we're letting him out of the contract what was the total again and what what what were the hours in question that about 18 and a half yeah but how many hour okay it was, do what eight said about 18 hours and his rates what if if he were to go by next Friday under his contract he' been entitled to pay be be paid that money yes he will be we're talking about like under, dollars were in question here it was like $867 and change or something of that am it's going to crew a little bit more because he's still working but marginally yeah cruel is only for two weeks it' only be 3.33 hours um I'm with uh commissioner Holland here I'm I'm ready to both on this if we're ready 800 right now it's $894,000 what he that's the total not the uh allocated numbers that Mac is questioning whether or not they were proper properly used right that's based on that's on based on what payroll has told me his unused annual leave which is the only thing he's entitled to he most likely deserves most of that it's just the getting down to the exact hour okay so then what's the motion your mic's off your M motion to approve the request from former manager Truitt to uh be released from his contract on Friday October 11th second just need a consensus yes all in favor I I I you already have three my goodness so can we talk about the process to hire a village manager which I think starts with the interim or well I guess it's I guess it's both conversations so let's start there um Jonathan being that we have a village resident who's put himself s forward and he has extensive experience if we would allow him to speak at some point I would be I would appreciate that let him present himself certainly so before and just before we get to that point I don't want to delay it any longer I appreciate you being here with us um is this how obviously we have to go through the procedures to hire a manager we're going to need an interim so are is is it the direction of the commission the will the commission that we are appointing an interim and that's what we're starting on right now that's what I would believe so and and like I like I said before I I don't see a path to an inter J One our staff is stretched to the Max and our police chief is a new police chief he needs to run his department and continue his department so an an external one seems obvious to me I just meant the chief if we needed someone to fill in a gap between Chris and the interim if they didn't if there was a gap in there that's all I suggested that was for okay all right so we got a couple of candidates um Ryan you mentioned some uh we have Mr ch's here with us Mac I think you mentioned I'm not advocating for anyone I'm just letting you know there some and there's a list yeah I wasn't suggesting you were ADV I don't know if any of them want to speak I just know they're up there I see them okay well then um if it's all right with the commission then we can uh invite Mr can I may I say something before we let I think we should let any of them talk I don't know Al we've spoken on the phone um uh but I'm personally not comfortable hiring someone live at this meeting right now I'd like to talk to someone a little bit and and reconvene uh I'm leaving the country on Friday for two weeks but I'll zoom in from wherever I am uh but I'm don't know if there was a candidate here who I knew and had the utmost confidence could come and do this because it guys it could be months or many months right so we don't know it's an undetermined amount of time and I think if we learned nothing else recently this commission take your time and check things out and I'm not suggesting anything about any of the candidates that are here to talk to us tonight but I don't think we need to be rushing in and hiring someone that some of us don't know at all and I don't there's not any of them who I know well there are some that I have met and I've talked to but I'm not comfortable even hiring an interim based on a quick conversation stand up at the podium and and talk to us for three minutes and and hire them to run the village a little iffy I I I would normally agree with you Ma I really would I I I don't people talk about process but we're talk we're not just talking about a bird in the hand and we're talking about a an eagle in the hand we're talking about a you know exceptional candidate who's strong big you know deep roots in the community this isn't I mean nothing against anyone else who's who's wants to put their hat in the ring and I I agree with you they should put their hat in the ring for a long-term decision but in the short term given everything I've heard from everybody about how we can't you know we have so many things that that are lagging and we need a village manager who can help push things through I I would be okay with with with playing John you have the you have the benefit of knowing him and the rest of us that's true also you you may you and maybe Ryan do more than the rest of us I can only speak for myself I don't we've had when we were hiring the last Village manager I reached out to him and I had a conversation with him about applying for the job here then and he had just gotten a job in Key West and was very happy down there now whatever changed and his life changed and he's available um but I don't know him other than that I had one conversation with him and then he called me the other day and we chatted for a couple more minutes and I said great I'll see you at the meeting look forward to meeting you in person which I did on the porch here a couple of hours ago for the first time in my life ever so I'm just saying I'm not personally comfortable voting for anyone that I've never had a chance to have a real substantive conversation how about how about we let him speak because we're not no one's motioning that to hire him right now we're just letting him speak and I'm saying I'm not comfortable voting on anyone here to completely understand well you've said that let's let's move on with the meeting why don't we not to take any time away from you I app again I appreciate you being here but we we do have a whole agenda we haven't even started with maybe if you could give us just a very quick maybe three minutes to kind introduce yourself you know explain that we have your resume which which is helpful um say yeah because um this unfortunately cannot turn into a full interview process right now um so maybe give a couple of minutes to anyone that's here that's that take took the time to be here to talk to us just just to be mindful as well that we have other people so they might have the right I meant I I didn't mean for just Mr ches I meant for anyone that's here that's interested so we have a very full agenda yes exactly I agree so may of North Miami has been waiting very patiently on Zoom to Say Hello To Us by the way okay so maybe we can make this uh quick Mr Jes if you wouldn't mind just taking a minute to introduce yourself um let us know you're interested while he's walking to the microphone just y this the appointment would be a by resolution okay which we can do it as a walk- on somebody will make a if you're going to do it tonight somebody's gonna make a motion second it'll be a resolution to appoint whoever it might be as the inum and direct The Village attorney to negotiate a contract and bring it before well let's I I appreciate the information and let's not put that card before the horse there I think to to Max's point and to Ryan's point I don't know that we're making any any any motion now to hire anyone but so without further Ado Mr chis would you give us just a minute or so if if you would please yeah good evening Mr Mayor and members of the city commission uh thank you for the opportunity to address you this evening uh my wife and I have been residents of um the village of biscane park for some 40 years I guess um this was the first Community we looked at when we wanted to raise our family we had originally had a duplex on 119th Street uh we owned one side lived in one side and rent out the other side uh that was when interest rates were at 18% um and we couldn't AFF that's all we could afford As Time moved on we were able to buy the house that we're currently living in on 112 Street we've been there for 32 years uh we as a as has been said we have deep roots in this community um in biscan Park Miami Shores both of our sons went to graduated from St Rose Al Lima my wife was a a mayor here commissioner mayor here for a number of years uh I was on the um uh code enforcement board uh uh special mate and then I was a a commissioner so uh we are we're very committed to this community we have um no intentional leaving and it'd be an honor to serve as your village manager and I would be willing to do that on uh inter basis and even as uh as a until the contract was approved I know that would would take some long time I would be willing to uh volunteer my services until the contract was approved so as as has been said I've been a local government now for over 40 years started my career with miam day County then was with Miami Beach and then I went to City dado worked my way up and City dado was in the city manager's office for some eight years uh as assistant city manager Deputy city manager and uh and the city manager and then the last 14 months I've been in the city Key West I have a master's degree in public administration from Florida International University and a ma Masters in Business Administration from uh University of Miami and uh the the city of Dural when I was there sent me to Harvard executive training for three weeks which was uh very very uh prestigious very competitive there was over some uh um 35,000 applicants that were had applied for that that position during the summer and I was selected to participate in that training so um I'll you have a copy of my resume if anybody wants to uh additional copies I'll be happy to um provide them forid those to you so just thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight thanks very much we appreciate you being here and taking a few minutes to uh introduce yourself and put your hat in did we have any other uh anyone else on Zoom uh that was here um that wanted a minute to uh to potentially put their hat in the ring or discuss the inform position no okay okay um so good evening mayor yes hi good evening I I um it's my name is Sharon runan and um I could see why you'd have full faith and confidence in um in Al Al alchris he's amazing professional he's we know each other and he's had an amazing career so certainly uh hats off to seeing him there and cons you you all considering him for the interim position um I have been informed as well about the the opportunity to to assist and provide any support that you need through your transition it is my understanding that you all uh will be going through a process to hire a permanent manager and as an MIT I have the ability to provide that interim um support uh as you go through your process my background um as well is that I have almost 30 years of professional experience in local government management um some of the audience members that are sitting there today will me because at one point I did serve as your your village manager so I am also familiar with your your community some of the residents and some of the issues that have plagued you over the years um and in terms of my professional background I had also served as the assistant city manager uh for other uh large and Mid midside Cities I was ALS I also have experience in code enforcement and building I also have experience in doing the transition with regard to building records and that is a very huge effort so please ensure that you have the right project manager for that transition it and ensure that you have the right uh critical path with regard to that process because um if if it gets starts off right you're good if not then you'll be in enduring a lot of issues I I I currently hold a MERS in Business Administration for from Florida Atlantic University and I'm currently a sec a seconde law student with the M Mitchell ham School of Law it's a hybrid program with an anticipated uh graduation date of of spring of 2027 uh so I am here meaning here in Florida for 90% of the time 95% of the time through for the next three years and um and I've been I'm also with the local professional organizations such as icma um my my dat uh City County management association and all the other professional associations that we have and also have a a a a support group of many professionals within our industry industry to lean on should we run into any particular issues that um might be novel to your community but I'm here to to assist any way I can I appreciate even having the opportunity to speak to you tonight um but also here here to help where however I can um but certainly I can see that you have some great candidates to consider as well thank you so much and um many blessings to you all of you thanks very much if we have no others uh that are waiting to to comment on that um it might be helpful um to to those candidates that have spoken here tonight well we have U Mr ches we have your resume of course if you could provide your information um to the clerk so it can be made available to us so we can have those discussions I I think one-on-one would be helpful um Jonathan yeah if he's still there there's a gentleman named Ken Parker and he is is he up there you might want to let him say hello he is not someone who would be interested in it he is the senior adviser with the icma here in Florida he's a gentleman I spoke with Who provided this information who said uh free of charge they would help guide us through some of these processes to the extent that we would need them and he joined us here tonight in case we need had any questions for him and certainly Mr Parker are you still with us I'm still with you okay um thanks very much okay thank you for allowing of the Florida City County management association to have some time with the village commission tonight um okay senior advisors are retired city and county managers and we are here to help of our members as well as the governing bodies uh through some of the processes we are not uh Consultants uh so let me just put that out front so we're not a consultant as we say we come alongside the governmental body and we come alongside the managers uh to assist in any way we can um just from a process standpoint normally what I see in an interum if you're not filling the position internally normally the the governing body puts out a general advertisement and they can and it can be as short as a week or so in order to see if there are individuals who are interested in serving as your interim manager at the end of that week period those resumés are given to the commission and then they go through a formal uh interview process uh that is the what we normally see out there within the profession well I say the profession what I see among other cities that I've worked with are there any questions that I can answer for you thanks very much Mr Parker I'll go ahead and open to the commission for any question that they may have can the email that would go out is that to the list that you emailed me that I provided to the Commissioners is that who you would that would be sent to or is it a larger list than that well there would be two types one that we would suggest that you post the job opening on your own website uh some cities actually uh place it into the Florida League of cities and the Florida City County management association but we would also send it out to this list and there are some other managers that have indicated that they uh only want to do interim work and we would include them got it okay thank you any other questions for Mr Parker Mr Parker thanks so much for the time um I'm sure we will be in touch about uh about using the resources uh and um in your groups in filling the role I think we need to have a discussion about this at this point about how we're going to go about filling the position okay well if you have questions uh feel free to contact us great thanks so much so if uh what Mr Parker is seeing is is that we just we put out an advertisement for the position we give it about a week we don't have a whole I mean well you know Chris is going to be in place for a little bit over a week um advertise it to these groups the the managers associations put it out to the people that might be interested um and then you have an opportunity for the Commissioners to speak with with each of the individuals that put forth their resumés um I don't I don't know about waiting a whole another month to to fill the role but I think we got to get started so um I think it would be in our best decision to to have the clerk work on that advertisement getting it out to these groups um as quickly as possible you mean for the interim or the permanent job say for the interim okay well I think you have some interest here among some of our colleagues to just hire someone right here on the spot so let's I think they're going to push for that here maybe we should have that conversation before we talk about putting the message out sure why but before we do that I'll just reiterate that I'm not there's there's I have no reason to not want to offer the job to Al I just knowing that this could go on for months this position could go on for months until we find someone I want to make sure that we're doing the best for ourselves uh in in an interim capacity as well and maybe he would apply for the permanent job I don't know um but I just want to make sure that uh I I would want to talk to everybody I I would want to talk to everyone that we would consider and I'd want to before I would vote on anybody would have want to have a chance to sit down and know more about them there is also the proper background check needed and all the formalities that need to happen I mean this is not going to happen today that would happen once you select you would rate C generally what you would do is you would go through an interview process similar to what Mr Parker has described um you would rate your rate the candidates in order you would then we would determine whether that first candidate is is available and interested in the position if they were we would the background check would be done um at that stage and uh assuming that there's nothing in there in that background check that would disqualify them from the position you would then start negotiating the agreement with them and Brad question are we actually talking about here so minimum time between the notice of a special commission meeting the the all that we're discussing so by when can we put a meeting and solo called any interest uh candidate well I mean you set the time frame as to when you want responses so if there's a minimum time well there's a minimum time in the sense that you want to get you want to give people time to respond so um you could advertise it I mean it generally generally this is a process that takes takes several weeks which is kind of why you had in your agreement what you had as far as the 45 day notice obviously um that's that's that ship is sailed so you're going to have to modify your process to some extent um but it's going to take I mean would have to give in my opinion this is really not a legal opinion so I gotta qualify that um you would need to give at least a week to 10 days for people to respond and then give time for for you to individually interview those individuals that you want to speak to and then you would have a public meeting where those people would obviously be invited to be here either person or on Zoom you could have further discussion about them or further interview of them publicly if if you so choose and then um and then you would vote on a resolution appointing a particular person well we could condense that a bit we could condense that a bit you're gonna have to obviously yeah so so thank you so I was more referring to the least available least mandatory time we have to let residents know that this has happened as a uh public meeting that we're going to have a special commission meeting to discuss that's 48 48 Hours okay so is this something we can do by Friday and I'm just throwing up do what by Friday the special meeting yeah just special meeting so we have enough time at least 48 hours in advance to review some the applicants have a time to have a conversation we have to we don't have applicants yet that that's what I'm asking in terms of deadlines so I'm just throwing out there Friday just to start an an a date but we don't have more than next week uh so at what point they're going to transition considering all the legalities that we have to follow that's what I'm trying to I think we could possibly get something out there and say responses have to be in by 5:00 this Friday yeah and then call a special meeting for for next Wednesday put it on the calendar now that gives us time I'll be doing mine you know odd hours of the day from the other side of the world why are we saying Wednesday because I'm just trying to get if we made it if we had a special meeting on Wednesday and hired someone and said we need you to start the next day it sounds like some of these people are ready they're not gonna be able to start the next day that's that remember we still have to negotiate an agreement with them once they accept so that was my other question to you Brad and maybe it's to to Ken as well if he's still there is it typical that when we put these interim positions out there that there's a package attached to it or do we ask them to tell us what they'll require to do the job well it's a combination of both so they're going to they're going to tell you what their what their salary and package requirements are um and then there's usually some level of negotiation as far as you know as far as what they want and what what the villages is willing to um to pay for that service Ken what we have seen most cities do is that they give a general range of it what the salary is going to be even in the interim position do we offer and FRS and all those other things that go along with the permanent job is it just a salary no normally in the interum okay it's the salary because the generally they're not going to be covered by pension and those type of things of course they're going to have social security and those types of items that you always have to do but um but the rest of the benefit types of things generally are then in the negotiations with these with the council or the commission interim is a lot different than your permanent right in the interest of avoiding two processes one for the inter room and one for I mean if for the pernament Al did offer to step in pro bono I can't look that gift horse in the mouth I think we we take him up on that offer and that gives us two things one it gets us moving on some things that we need a village manager for and two it kind of gives him an idea of whether or not he really wants to join this circus uh again I mean not to toot his horn too loudly but I can tell you Key West absolutely pays a hell of a lot more than anything we've been talking about so for him to offer to do it for fre is is amazing and in long term is is he has to have time to think about that but in the short term let's take him up on his offer he wants to he wants to help us I'm not disagreeing with you I'm I'm just wondering if that's at what point would this start I keep going around that so it sounds to me if and and Sir correct me if I'm wrong you had volunteered to be the inim until you could be put in place with an agreement as the inum okay so then what you're what's that um so then you if that's what you're going to do then you're G to somebody would have to make a motion tonight to appoint him as the interim um village manager and direct the myself The Village attorney to negotiate an agreement with him and bring an agreement before you for approval and in the interm or inum excuse using the word inum in the meantime he would serve based on his offer he would serve as Village manager at I just want to make sure I'm clear so he's offering to do it for free before he gets the inim job and if he doesn't get the interim job then obviously he doesn't get it but so it's not he's not offering to do the whole thing pro bono indefinitely until we hire a manager it's the very short term to come in and kind of keep the lights on until we get an inter person in place basically creating an acting you're you're hiring somebody pro bono to do an acting intrum yeah see I'd be more comfortable with that if that were a staff person who kind of knew what was going on already and was ready to step in yeah look U we appreciate the offer I mean I I personally don't know how I feel about just saying just come on in and and do whatever until we we have a contract I just one procedural question for you to negotiate the contract with an ter is it ordinance or is it resolution we need two meetings resolution all right so we can do it in one meeting what if we were to advertise the position at a range you were to prepare the resolution for the the special meeting where we have everyone here and we say this is the meeting where we are deciding we have the resolution ready for us it's within the range and we can fill out the salary at that meeting can we do that well there would have to be are you going to negotiate you you're all going to negotiate with him from the Das that's not going to work I mean I'm just trying to just trying to move remove a step I'm just trying to make it faster I've never SE I've never seen that happen because the problem is is you have to have a consensus on as to negotiate terms so generally It generally the process is the village attorney or or somebody is is designated as the individual to negotiate the terms um and then the terms are brought before you and you approve them or not if you have to if you by consensus tweak the terms and and that candidate agrees to them at that public meeting then the agreement's modified you know as as the terms are accepted I don't I don't personally really see a faster way around this unfortunately unless we're ready to appoint someone right away um and I don't know that we have someone in house so to speak to take the position while we do this the answer I think it's I'm sorry Ryan go I agree we definitely don't have somebody in house our staff is stressed to the max that was going to be my point not I will say Al I've reached out far and wide to executive level both in the public and private sector he comes very highly recommended his family is a welcome uh addition to our community for over 40 years with what I've heard back I very comfortable and and I didn't even know about his offer to bring in pro bono to me that's just icing on the cake that there that we have a like we really do have as commissioner Holland says an eagle in the hand here with his added experience I went through commissioner Kennedy's list when he when he uh when it got emailed to me today the average experience if they have experience on that list of Village managers is about a year he has almost a decade yeah there that's that speaks volumes yeah and that's and everyone on that list don't have Village manag experience at all we made mistakes by hiring a non-experienced manager here somebody who has almost a decade of experience and he's willing to work for free he's lived here 40 years he's been a commissioner his wife's been a mayor they they know the problems of this Village they know him full well they raised children here and they're ready to step he's ready to step in now to help this Village these chances don't come around every every every year this is a great chance we have and to me it's it's a no-brainer I'll put it this way and again I this is not anything about Al if a village manager came to us and said I'm hiring an interim police Chief who I've never met because somebody told me he was great I wouldn't be really happy about that like you never even interviewed him you know you're just going based on what someone else told you it's it's it just makes me uncomfortable and I just want the chance to be able to sit and talk to him and anybody else who applies for the job and make a decision so you guys seem to have more intimate knowledge of of Al I don't so that's all I'm saying is I can't vote for someone I have not had that opportunity with you putting it to a motion then motion to accept Al um Al Albert E ch's offer to step in as inter manager on a pro bono basis until we can formalize a process to um negotiate a proper uh uh agreement and and interview other candidates not to not to modify the motion there but I think I'm just trying to get direction so yeah I think the direction that sounded like two different processes to me so that that sounded like okay and I'm just if it's that's what you're doing you that's your prerogative I just want to make sure it's clear wait let's clarify Al are you offering to step in pro bono while we interview candidates okay I second commissioner Holland's motion I would still and this is no no disres to Mr Jers um I would still recommend as your Council that before he takes the seat that you do a you have a background investigation and I I'm not I don't mean any disrespect for him but I think that is that is something that how long does that take approximately does anyone know if I can jump in on that real quickly we can ask our Police Department to conduct a background check um it'll do the basic criminal stuff um it won't be as in depth as the one that I went through with social media and all that stuff um but that might be something that can typically be done I believe Chief correct me if I'm wrong but that could be done within a matter of just a couple days uh yes sir uh we can conduct a a a quick background check uh it'll be still thorough enough but uh have the information within a day or two so then there's a res so the motion is a resolution to appoint Mr childis as the interim um village manager um subject to a a background check um while the process to determine the hiring of of the in manager is had yeah while while you go through the process of of hiring an intrum City man and this negotiating an agreement at a pro boner right right yes I'll I'll draft it that was your motion that was the motion and it does it have a second second um all right all in favor of the motion hi this is very odd feels very strange um we need someone to pick up and sort of help us move forward so I'm in Mr chis you seem very qualified and I'm excited to have the conversations with you and have uh have you here it would be very exciting I think but just based on where we're at right now um this is not a comment on your scale or your ability or whether I want you here I think you would be very well at it but just based on where we're at I would say no for now because I'd like to see more interviews but it's already gone that way for the record I'm a know as well but good luck out thanks it passes Mr Jo Mr Jers thank you very much for being here we very much appreciate it I'm SED that pass or fail it that passed Chris all right Mr childis can you give your contact information with the clerk I I can't hear I apologize yes it's they'll pass along the contact information of the clerk Chris passing along the resume seconded by the vice mayor myself and commissioner kenned yes right um just got us through the interim to get to an interim now we need to figure out the next step correct process for hiring The Village I think it the standard practice is how um I'm sorry what was his name from Parker and Parker said that seems you know we we s send out email blast to this these candidates and we see who comes back I think oh I think a week is standard I think you mean these I couldn't hear you what's that he was talking about I think I don't want to put words on kind of adopting the procedure that Mr Parker had put before us um so so that included putting it on several different hours and several other different professional websites and uh it could be emailed to all the people on the list and he said it's a larger list than this right yes you're going to need so just to throw a little wrench in this if Mr children and I know he left if he's planning on which I believe he is asking to be the inim manager then he cannot be involved in the process for appointing the inim manager that would be a conflict so there's going to have to be somebody else that's going to be coordinating that process be the cler and the same thing will apply for the actual manager right if he seeks that position as well yeah understood that or whoever whoever the inur is yes sorry I apologize Brad so yes I think that you know we put together the advertisement we get it out to the groups that um Mr Parker has has advised us about I know there are several others um several other managers groups that could that could do that for us Florida League Miami day County League I'm sure could help get the advertisement out and do the and help us with the postings there um but how long how long do we want to do do we week I think a week is good week is we I want to say something about the the salary this range that we put on there might it just be easier just to put our current manager salary on there and say this is the interim it's budgeted for it's what we're paying uh not the approved uh 20 uh fiscal 25 rate the existing rate that it was yesterday and just put that out there and let that be the rate for the interim position for the interim position yeah yeah we're gonna have a whole separate conversation about hiring a manager just make it simple and say this is the pay folks if you want to apply apply they're looking for a part they're looking for a temporary gig yeah I rather than just big negotiation back and forth and ranges and all this stuff just here's the number boom yeah I mean I think that's fine so make it 100 based based on $100,000 a year right current manager salary no additional benefits are you talking about the current one or 2025 the well we're in 2025 the the one that was yesterday $100,000 even that's not what we approved for 2020 right but this is an interim person so just give them that $100,000 even based on that and um move forward and then they apply you know for the permanent position they get it then we negotiate their permanent rate we'll do that with whomever we select anyway but no additional benefits just salary right Bren yes yeah correct I have a question no okay I'll place the at the ad for the interim and you let it run for one week when do you want the ad placed for the permanent I think that's the next discussion oh okay um I'm sorry Mr Mayor before we jump into that conversation um Brad just kind of a question on point of order so the commission appointed an interim um am I then immediately second seat and he the interim has all the approval duties and everything else or how does what does that look like no the inim the inum will not take can't take effect until your last day so okay you'll Co you hopefully you and the interim will get together and there's a transation period but you can't have you can't have two Village managers so okay you are the village manager until the 11th and at what whenever whatever 5:00 50:01 on the 11th Mr childis will become the the interim Village manager when when is Al starting tomorrow remember pending a background investigation and and no it's not until Chris can't have two managers no but he was going to not be the manager about be transitioning in I you lost me say that again that's what we had talked about earlier was having an overlap where he's he's getting paid and he or he's not getting paid pro bono but he's hanging out and getting everything handed off to him starting starting to get up to speed he's gonna get up to speed in the next two weeks he will become the interim manager on the day he on the on the day that Chris leaves correct so there is a transition to happen before he's going to be shadowing that's a whole point yes but Chris is still making the decisions of course the manager we are gonna have to wait for his background check to come back um before we do pretty much anything he needs a background check to come back before they do anything that in that makes sense okay Al's gonna start background check is done do we need to meet again to say he gets it or Brad are you going to tell us everything's clean and let him get started no I'm G to Pro you you've passed a resolution appointing him as the in manager on a proo basis while the v villag appoints an interim Village manager I thought it was pending a background check pending a backing a background check a background check he's a village manager right so who determines that the background check is is good enough to have him step in and be the interim manager the interim interim manager that'll be that'll be a discussion between the man the between so we don't know we know who the manager is that'll be a discussion between Chris and I based on what comes out okay so and if there's an issue then we'll bring it before the commission so you and Chris will decide if and pamel actually because Pamela is the HR person so the three of you will decide based on the background check that Al gets the interim interim job and then he starts and hopefully there's a little bit of an overlap before Chris is gone I'm wondering if there's even going to be that overlap um well the over there the there's no overlap where you have two managers no I understand but he's in there shadowing we're not even letting him go in Village Hall and hang out in Shadow till the background check comes back see saying it kind of it it's not it's not a good practice to um because going to be potentially sensitive information that he's going to have access to yeah exactly once that background check comes back acceptable and we make the decision that it's acceptable um that could be potentially as early as Friday that's at the point where I will bring him in and then start reading him into everything that we're doing yeah someone will inform us every step along the way what's going on we'll get a copy of the background check no no no we got copies of background checks for the applicant before shouldn't be getting background checks we did before okay um Chris now I I understand you're you're up uh north um I would ask that then you come back immediately I think the the purpose of this is for you to prepare what transition's going to look like if it's Friday if it's Monday as soon as possible there is a sort of documents to put together um and a status of each uh there is no purpose I see for you to remain where you at yep absolutely okay all right so then the advertisement will go out it um Madam clerk uh how soon will it be able to go out I can work on it tomorrow okay and prayerfully get it out by Thursday morning Thursday afternoon okay so it'll run Thursday through Thursday the 3rd through Thursday the 10th yes yes be the deadline for people to provide their documentation okay to express their intent to be appointed um and then I guess we need to we will need to set a a special meeting to talk about the candidates so I don't I'll wait for commissioner Kennedy so we can talk about picking a date because we'll need to start going through the applications as soon as we get them the 10th so if it's if it's worked on tomorrow if it goes out the Third on Thursday it'll be it'll run through the 10th you look concerned okay okay and Jonathan can a procedure question here can we uh maybe a question for Brad as well can we work with those applications with the through the clerk to get consensus on which candidates we want to invite to the the meeting for selection versus you know if we can eliminate one may be a consensus can't because how you can't do that BR you can only you can only discuss these you can only discuss these candidates publicly amongst yourselves so that the so no so if the application sent to me I can't say that I I would choose not to interview that candidate you can choose not to interview them you can choose not to talk to them so there's no requirement that you have an individual meeting with them but there's no there's no way that you can notify the clerk I don't want this person coming to the meeting when when you're making the appointment because maybe commissioner Amsler wants that person and and well that's what I'm saying if if then applications are all sent out to us and each commissioner sends a list of ones they would like to and if there's consensus of those individuals to invite if there's not to you can't PLL you can't PLL then essentially you're asking the clerk to poll yall that's my question my procedure no you can't do back right now what we're talking about is getting having the advertisement the clerk work on it tomorrow get it out by Thursday run through next Thursday the 10th and then we're talking about setting a special meeting to um start talking about the candidates and how much time are we going to have in between the deadline and the meeting say maybe a week okay I'm out of the country the 4th to the 20th I will zoom in from the other side of the world good day when we saying day the 20th you said oh we haven't picked the DAT yet you want us to look after the 20th so you can be here I don't want to slow the process down for me and my travel schedule so I will be there by Zoom I may be in bed I may be in condition not to be at a commission meeting I'm on vacation but I will be there you can wait until after I get back great I was even I was even looking at the 17th but the 21st is only a few days later I agree with you I don't want to slow it down but gives us a little extra time to interview candidates and certainly also open it up for a longer period of time that see candidates too that's that's probably even better yeah so um the yeah I don't know why why we need to rush I mean there's going to be a transition taking place um we're having a new person kind of grabbing all the paperwork and understanding where we're at um when when you're back in November I'm just saying I will accommodate you guys let me know what you guys want to do I for me I the last week of October I can be here so starting on the 21st yeah 2 you have the 23rd about the 22nd it's in three weeks 22nd I can do 27 the first meeting in November is the 5th election day that again Pamela say your first meeting in November is the 5th no it's the 12th fifth is election day our first meeting is the 12th you moved it okay election about the 22nd of October I'm good with that I'm unavailable 22nd 23rd 23rd I'm available yes I'm on the 23rd I'm traveling 23d 22nd according to the calendar you have a sustainability and resiliency that probably won't happen okay I'm just Veronica you're going the 23rd for a while then right okay so I I suggest uh November 1st is a Friday I don't know if you're back or or if if anybody else can do that I would suggest either November 1st or November 4th I'm good for both dates I'm good for both the fourth the fourth y if you go back to October the week so the 21st Ryan you could not do 21st yeah I can do the 21st I can't do the 22nd the 21st is the planning board meeting is it too late to change the planning board meeting is that already noticed our letters already out to everybody and all of that I know hire manager um could we have the planning board um meet at the rec center or could we meet at the rec I'll meet at the re you don't want to have two public you don't want to have a quas you can't have a quas meeting and also a commission got got it got 21st would be ideal maybe they'll fall out of court kidding what about November 6 yep I'm good for November 6th that's the day after the election do that okay so that works code Code Compliance no that doesn't work what was the fir what was the matter with the seven seven seventh is a Thursday what was the matter with the first first yeah it's a Friday oh somebody we had said the first and then it's a Friday Friday it's Halloween I don't know what's GNA be there I don't want to Comm Thursday the 7th good I'm in for the seventh the seventh seven you want to extend the deadline for people to submit application if we're not meeting until then we may as well yes about through the 18th that gives us we could even go further than that no October 18th we're talking about extending the deadline for for candidates to submit their documents okay here's another little Wrinkle In This Jonathan and Brad um November 6th is an election and we will have a new commissioner sitting up here so I don't know how quickly that person will get sworn in when the election is going to be certified and all of that but now we're in a period where the commission might change by one member so that's um you'll just have to get whoever the commission is the commission is just letting everyone know and letting that person know start checking his email well the the applications can be the candidates applications are a public record yeah Mr Samaria can certainly have access to them and prepare for the meeting okay right yeah so November 7th at what time six o'clock me well it go ahead the election won't be certified until I think that Friday the 8th so say that again the eth I think the county will do their certification on the 8th that Friday so we will probably meeting with this existing exactly hire the interim okay unless something changes right got it and so do we want to go through the 18th with adver advertisement or accepting uh ations that gives that's about two weeks a little bit over yes we get if we get the advertisement out by the 3D then through the 18th is just over two weeks so the deadline will be the 18th yes to have the decision made they have the application have people submit their yes their applications until the um 18th 18th y October then we'll then we'll get somewhere like Pamela the 21st early that week following week we'll get all of them at one time if that's the way you want it but we you won't send them to us as they come in we'll get them all in one Lo however you want it I'm fine getting them all at one time I won't be here any so the idea is that October 18th you send us a package by the end of the day with everybody that has applied I will put 12 noon on the 18th okay I'll get it to you guys by 5 6 p.m perfect and then we'll get us to I'm sorry when by 5 or 6 p.m. 6 p.m 18 got it and then we have until when to make the decision we'll be meeting on the seventh we'll meet on the seven we have two weeks essentially three weeks that's why I'm saying do we need to have everybody kind of don't we need more time to have more people kind of be aware that this is happening and no so you want to do more than further than the I mean I don't know why we need three weeks into the side instead of maybe expanding in one week for people to send their resume we have more applicants to look at and then our period for review I think it needs to be shorter i' rather have more people applying at the end of the day we're not meeting until November 7th a suggestion I that's fine if we want to do the 25th we can do the 25th that's another week good idea okay that's fine Madam clerk we're we're instead of the 18th we're going to do 25th of October yes yes that's the deadline oh the 25th deadline to submit applications okay November yeah October 25th is the deadline that'll give us uh just under two weeks okay to interview them all right is that everything for the interim position no yes yes sounds good interim interim yep we have a a plan to hire an interim yep well we have a plan to get applications and meet about them correct how will we determine on this meeting on November I think I missed this when I was in the bathroom the meeting on November what is it 7th how will we determine who will be interviewing that night or are we just meaning to discuss the applications I think we can I I think because they can't poll us right exactly so there's in okay meeting is a consensus who you w to I say just invite them and then finalist yeah I know I agree come dual Court consensus any them invite whoever's interested to be here in person or virtually and and we just we hash up then I'm in I AG with that and we did agree to post a a salary not a range the the current salary correct current salary yes the fiscal 20 yeah okay correct okay do we want to talk about the full-time manager position now because we're not I think that's a convers in my opinion conversation for a later date uh I think we've made a lot of mistakes when it comes to hiring quick and I think we need to look at if we have an interim who has tons of experience we should tap into that even if he is just our interim and let him write some of the ship and and fix these processes fix these Sops tap into his experience or letting him go but we don't have an interim yet we have an interim for the inro understand I understand but to set we're we're to set any of those just to be clear parameters before we know what we're going to do I said let's get through the room first and then we talk about I would like to see the job post from last time Pamela if you could send that to me if the other ones want to see it I'd like to see the what was posted last time it's a good place to start yeah certainly and I also want to just throw something out there now it's not something we're going to certainly decide tonight but in terms of a package for these uh for the permanent hire um I would like us when it's time to discuss money to discuss some kind of a ramp up strategy that we would offer them where it would be a starting salary and a three-month review with a written included in the offer you know you give we get you get a satisfactory or greater you know you get a you get more money at 3 months and then at six and we ramp them up and let them show their stuff and agree that we won't throw any extras at them beyond that last time it didn't work you know so I just it's just something to discuss we have to discuss it now but it's it's an idea of in my head that I'd like to sort of put out there yeah look I it's it's certainly a discussion we should have about structuring it maybe differently um can we can have that discussion with give them a reason to perform I I I I don't think it's a bad idea uh to talk about different different packages and how we structure the salary um but I agree with you now is probably not the best time no um I think this concludes these items a PM some motion to adjourn this meeting no second all in favor I I so we are to open the next meeting second in favor I okay I me find it um Jonathan I just want to say something really quickly because I know you have an agenda to jump into now okay the uh mayor of North Miami has I don't know if he's still here his someone from his office has been texting me he has been here this whole time do you see uh Alex Des up there no I do not Samsung let me text his assistant back and see if he's still there okay because um well I'll tell you why we need do additions deletions and withdrawals okay we'll give him a second to respond and let's kick it off so we we left off at additions deletions withdrawals do we have any um that we want to talk about I know there's a couple of similar items um I will tell you right off right now in in the effort of trying to kind of move things in the right direction with these agendas I I'll go ahead and I'll withdraw my agenda item for now 12b and I'll bring it back at a later time I'm also also going to remove 12f in the sake of time yeah 12 is The Great Outdoors initiative happy to bring that out they bring up and I'm gonna join you on that and move my item to whenever it's possible on the next agenda yeah which one and that's 12 e 12 e okay I'm I got you we got B and F B andf all in 12 okay I'm going to pull some stuff too okay so I'm going to push d g and H all in 12 right yep all in 12 D is in dog G is in George and H is in Harry okay um uh if Ryan will work with me we have two very similar items we could combine the two budget conversations we can combine 13 B as in boy D is in David thank you for catching that yes please 12 C is cap and I would rather not as try to have that conversation until there's a new manager in place I think that's a very very very big thing and I'm looking and I'm not comfortable with the information we've had up to this point and I want someone here hopefully who has some expertise who can guide us on that so I would prefer that 12C to be pulled um uh the mayor uh North Miami mayor uh had to leave but his uh one of his staff members is in the meeting and when it's time she would like to speak during public comment we all Maybe I'm I'm going to tell you why in a second um 13A uh is um uh Brad's item about the um no camping in bisc park I there is someone who lives in the village who is the local expert she runs the Miami Dade County homeless trust and she lives here in the village I reached out to her today I haven't heard back I would like us to have that conversation when she's able to come talk to us about it she is the homeless advocate for the entire County it's the organization that David works worked with for many years she lives here in the village um and I would love to have her uh input on that so and I know it's something that it's a house bill that we have to do something about but I just like to have someone here talking to us about that and then here's the other thing I want to add so I know here we are yanking stuff off and we're very late so guys there's um the city of North Miami passed a resolution recently and when I caught wind of it someone advised me of it it was already too late to get it on this agenda or I would have added it to the agenda they passed a a resolution U supporting the local Haitian Community Haitian Community Nationwide in regards to what's been going on and the dangers they face up in Springfield Ohio um uh mayor Alex Des from North Miami put a resolution that was passed by their Council I believe it something similar was also pass passed by um Miami Shores I was told and Brad drafted something so I would ask you guys to consider and the mayor was going to come talk to us tonight and ask us for our support on that item so that's what he was here for but his staff member is here to talk to us and here's a copy you can pass these down here's a copy of the resolution that Brad drafted and Brad not to speak for you but you based that on the north Miami one I did and I tried to tailor it to this community as best I could I changed a couple little things asked you to modify I I changed very little couple typos okay so I would ask that we put add this onto the agenda and do it at the top of the agenda so his staff member can speak to us and leave and then we could vote on that thank you oh did I not print enough oh we were close um I printed enough of everything okay so before we move before we move forward was that everything that you had Mac uh yeah okay push my 12 DG andh and I was really just going to say put them at the bottom if we got to one or two of them but is one that is time sensitive and that is the uh 13 uh one about the Halloween Awards oh yep yeah okay that I really want to make sure we get that heard because we have to make a decision tonight or it won't happen at all that'll be quick I could just say yes right now but you want to win and you can't win I got it there one year I'll challenge you this year yes let's do that just with regards to the discussion on the public camping yeah it is somewhat time I I I was going to address that as very quickly so just all right want to make sure we got all the additions delet in withdrawals before I get there but go ahead um commission I was just going to ask um manager uh TR about 12C the cap agreement that does not have any sort of a deadline for us there is nothing in terms of consequences for not addressing that item today no not at all okay good so you beat me to it that was on my list of uh I had 13 C and then um I'm sorry 12 C and then 13 a the public camping one so we could talk about it are there any others before we we talk about those two um since we know that there's no real deadlines or any kind of implications if we don't talk about 12C now are we comfortable withdrawing that for the time being and I will say this that if the interim manager whoever that person is is someone who has expertise and they say guys I can help you with this I can navigate you through this while I'm here we could say yes by all means bring it back to us but just not tonight until we see who's going to be in place and maybe we'll have someone who does have that kind of expertise yeah I'm in support of that let's pull it all right so 12c's pulled now 13A is a different one because 13A there is a deadline on this one my understand and that's it goes into we can be 13 purs the the camping camping and sleeping one oh my understanding that it went into effect already as of today I believe and J January 1 has a special signic ific so we were trying to get out ahead of that one now I I can appreciate having that person here because that's really relevant information to have what if we were to do it this way what if we were to have Brad come back to us with a draft ordinance so what I could do if if I may Mr May yeah please go ahead quick sure so what I can do if you want to take it off as a discussion item I that's fine but then what I would propose doing is bring the ordinance to you on first read in November um because and then you can have your discussion and and and consider the ordinance on first read in November if you choose to go forward with it we can have second read on December and then you'll comply with Florida law the the reason and just the short order of it is the camping prohibition went into effect October one of this year of just today um where you're supposed to prohibit people from camping in public however you cannot there's there's no remedy yet for not doing it until until January 1 where a resident or the Attorney General can bring suit to to cause you to to enforce and you have nothing to enforce so the ordinance has to pass if you if you choose to have something that you can enforce the ordinance would have to pass before January 1 but if it's a I'm confused if it's a state law why do we have to have an ordinance saying the same thing that the state law say state law does not create a crime or a penalty it just says that a municipality or County cannot allow individuals to camp in the public and then it says that that was that provision is effective October one coming January 1 2025 if a if a municipality is not enforcing a camping law a public camping law then they are subject to suit from either what the statute says and businesses don't apply to you but a resident or the Attorney General can file suit to enforce and there's certain monetary penalties I think the idea is with that get the ball rolling and then we can have here okay we can still have the conversation right so I do want to take advantage of her exactly exactly so she can be here but we can start the ball rolling to make sure we meet the J One deadline so I think that sounds like consensus direction for you Mr attorney that's 13A so it will be withdrawn as a discussion item 12 Mr Mayor yes I just received a text from mayor Des yeah he is he is waiting to get on um if you would allow him to come on now yeah certainly I mean we're actually getting have the it's not him it's it's one of his staff members and I have her name okay so if you want to I guess we have to close addition Solutions yeah let me do that first um I I have record here of everything we're moving on so I can follow it correctly but do I have a motion motion to approve is amended we have a second second all in favor I I okay great so let's go ahead to our presentations let's have the the mayor was waiting or the staff hit that's her name there on the phone did she hear us not sure is she under the Samsung is there anyone in the waiting room she says she's there Jonathan that's her name right there fola fola sorry I didn't want to butcher it fola delika Bola Delica how about this uh well they've kind of figure out how to get in um and get us started how about I do the uh the other Proclamation that we missed earlier be uh it's the uh the proclamation for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and in the interim maybe they'll be able to uh get into the waiting room so this is part of the presentations um it's our Proclamation Village of biscane Park October 2024 National Breast Cancer Awareness Month I apologize I'm going to run through this as quickly as I can not to diminish its importance whereas National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in 1985 to promote mamography as a weapon in the fight against breast cancer in 1991 the Susan G Coman Foundation First utilized the pink ribbon as a symbol for the cause in its New York City raised for breast cancer survivors and in 1993 Evelyn louer of Estel Lauder Companies founded the breast cancer research foundation and also using the pink ribbon ribbon as its symbol whereas despite considerable progress made in screening early detection and better treatments and although mortality rates are steadily decreasing breast cancer is still the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women in our country whereas knowing the risk factors for breast breast cancer including family and personal history obesity genetic change and prior exposure to radiation as well as exercising regularly maintaining a healthy balanced diet and body weight and regular diagnostic screening May lower or mitigate the development of breast cancer whereas the village of biscane Park holds the health and safety of its citizens as a permanent concern during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we stand with our Mothers Daughters sisters and friends and we recognize all who have joined their loved ones in fighting their battle as well as The Advocates researchers and Healthcare Providers whose care and heart hard work give hope to those living with breast cancer by educating ourselves and supporting Innovative research we will improve the quality of life for all Americans affected by breast cancer in one day defeat this terrible disease now therefore I Jonathan growth mayor of the village of biscane Park Florida joined by the entire commission do hereby join the nation proclaiming October 2024 as National National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we encourage all citizens to join in activities that will increase awareness of what Americans do to prevent and control breast cancer how we doing okay she is uh in the waiting room she said she waiting for room to start did we close down the 5:30 meeting and reopen a six o'clock meeting on Zoom new I think we're probably still in the first meeting yeah