##VIDEO ID:WvHPYHvqKFQ## I'm going to roll 12a as well which one's 12a your 12a was the uh ordinance update discussion I can move that yeah we'll we'll move it to next meeting um so any other uh any other additions deletions or withdrawals hearing none sorry yeah sure you're asking to pull it so one The Village attorney and I would like to both um excuse yeah the village attorney and I would both like to pull the PBA agreement Al I can't hear you I'm sorry I'm just trying to find the number so it's 9bb resolution 2024-25 approving the PBA collective bargaining agreement um you're pulling it you need to pull there's some some information that we're lacking for the commission that we need to uh we need to obtain yeah we hope to have that information by the December agenda put it back on for December that you pull that from the agenda okay that 9B what's that December 9B b b b as in bravo resolution 202443 okay all right thank you um any other additions deletions or withdrawals once going twice okay um all right so no further so do I have a motion to approve the agenda as it's been amended I make a motion to move the as the agenda is am minuted do we have a second second okay all in favor I okay all right so I think we're still working on trying to get the presentation up for um for Miami Country Day School so I think we're going to jump down to we have it is this the one that you emailed to us just a bit ago I can't get it open on my computer so I haven't seen it do Post disable participant screen sharing if you un you know disable that I can ask e okay well while while we work on that do we want to give you some extra time and just jump down to public comments we can move that okay all right so while we're working on getting the presentation up for you folks uh let's go ahead and uh go on down to public comment so uh I'll open public comment for folks here in the v uh in the Log Cabin first um just remember provide your name uh and address we got it okay all right no I know yeah but here we go okay so uh we're going to start with our presentation uh from Miami Country Day School it's um Mr Mayor and members of The Village Council Tim Walsh the chief financial operating officer is here and also with Chuck senon who's the um athletic director for Miami Country Day Mr Walsh great thank you good to be here thanks for inviting us um what I wanted to do tonight is go through uh what we showed at the community outreach meeting we had a couple weeks ago um over at the church uh kind of give you a condensed version of that so you see where we are in our process and then also um you'll see some changes to our campus or proposed changes that um may help with maybe some of the field uh improvements you may be looking to make down the road so with that um if I could go to the next slide great um so what what we're showing here is a comparison of our current campus so you'll recognize that we're in this triangle uh you'll see kind of in the bottom corner our Athletic Field uh we have an empty uh field right now which was the old Leonard property for those of you familiar with that and then we have our performing arts building and our world languages Center that take us up toward the um uh canal and the bridge um in the bottom right hand excuse me bottom leftand corner at the corner of 6 Avenue and 107th is where we have our construction project right now uh we're building a new athletic center that will uh adjoin the current one I think when I was here in may we talked about that was um something that we were entitled to do uh from 2015 and so we started construction on that in August so uh we are anticipating a November 2025 completion date of that building uh at that corner so we have I think as I I promised um back in May uh we're trying to be very diligent about our construction traffic keeping it off the side streets um I have seen one construction vehicle on 108 Street which we uh chased down and uh scolded pretty badly but you know I would be curious if there's anybody's heard anything about construction vehicles going through your neighborhoods uh they're not they're not supposed to what you see wh if we could stay that's okay um on the right is what we're uh we are preparing our entitlement package as we speak and we'll probably be submitted excuse me to the county at the end of this month early early December what you see here is what the new what we hope the new campus would look like over time so you'll see the athletic field um has some buildings there it's Taking Over part of our athletic field but also that empty lot that I talked about the Leonard property that will be the location of our new upper school we'll fundraise for that we'll probably take a breath but we're also going to get try to get entitlement for a new Middle School which is that building right against the canal there that it'll be a two-story building um for those of you familiar with campus it'll kind of hug the Canal Walk that we currently have we'll take down our current upper school and that'll make room for both the middle school and the upper school um if we go to the next slide it goes into more detail as to what what it might look like so again we're going to have the new athletic center in the bottom left corner we're proposing an upper school that takes over our baseball and softball fields so we're looking for field space and then uh the second phase of our construction will be a middle school which is that kind of dog leg building against the canal okay next slide please um we wanted to show you that we are we are trying to uh do some things to 6 Avenue in particular um you know buildings that are closest to you uh it's probably been two years since we bought the subway and convenience store buildings uh just north of or actually kind of in the middle of our campus um so we kind of closed down those buildings took down the signage um to be honest with you we got rid of you know a lot of the people who were using that store at uh various hours at night we put a fence across there ultimately that will um if we go to the next slide you'll see that that'll be part of our campus uh with trees and um uh it'll probably be a parking lot in time but from the road you just see trees uh shrubs and and some wall space so we're going to get there and that'll be pretty early uh we think if we once we get the entitlement package done that will be done fairly quickly next slide this is just a view that we would have looking from uh 107th Street kind of back toward uh the upper school so you're kind of looking across our our playing field uh this is a rendering that that would be the view from from that part of 6th Avenue we go the next one and this is kind of looking East into the building this will be the entrance to the new upper school so right now if you you know where our Double Gates are where traffic comes in that will be the entrance that will replace it um and that'll be in the first phase of our project so our timeline is to uh get the entitlement package in um cross our fingers hope that that entitlement package um gets approved within a year 15 months we would get the permitting done we would hope to be able to start construction in 2026 uh with opening of the upper school in the fall of 2028 uh we've had one community meeting as I mentioned before we will have Community meetings all along the way to kind of explain where we are in the process uh certainly get feedback Etc could you check make sure that microphone is on just give it a tap it sounds like it is okay just want to make sure appreciate it I just yeah thank you should I start over uh so uh we want to have the communities involved in our in the conversation throughout the entitlement process and so you know meetings like this uh ones that we're setting up we'll probably do another one in early February um and that will um hopefully we the entitlement package submitted and we'll start to be able to get comment Etc um we're working very hard on traffic it may not seem like it um I will tell you though tomorrow we will start construction on our new Surface lot if we actually go to the next page I think that's sorry that's that's the view from those of you on the other side of the canal um we hope to do some beautification of the um of the shoreline there um I think that there's a lot we can do to improve our sight lines from from there so we're going to work on that um so you'll see this on the left it says existing um it's not quite true because that parking lot uh right against 6th Avenue that's kind of to the north of the entryway that construction will actually start tomorrow we will put the construction fence up uh we'll start excavation Etc it's probably going to take because of all the drainage issues ETC three to four months to complete but once we do that as as we talked about back in May that'll take 60 cars off of 6 Avenue and they'll queue up in in there uh so we'll have a total of about 93 cars that we can queue up and we will um have a much better process relative to traffic on 6th Avenue so when is this expected did you say I'm sorry uh it should be done we're hoping by March 1st hopefully sooner but yes um but we've got all the permits so it's just a matter we we had a couple of events on campus today and yesterday and uh for Halloween that we needed that parking area and now now we're starting so as I think I mentioned before I go out and and I observe traffic Chuck observes traffic quite a bit at any it's it's it's just uncanny at any point in time there's 15 cars from north to south and 15 cars it and so we get those cars off we'll be able to do two flushes of that maybe three of of getting cars off so it'll really make a significant difference in terms of um you know the community traveling uh during peak times in the the afternoon and the morning for that matter but uh really in the afternoon you'll see the difference if we could go to the uh actually I'm sorry I was only halfway done um so what's what we're going to propose we showed you the entrance to the parking we're going to have the same queuing lanes that we have but we're going to have it done in a different way so you may not be able to notice but right now we have a um kind of a single Lane turnaround um at the end of the canal for those cars we're going to move that turnaround closer to 6th Avenue but we're going to have three lanes of traffic so we can move um the queuing stays the same it's the same number of cars but we'll be able to move cars you know they won't be stuck waiting for students we'll be able to move them around much uh much easier so that's what we're going to be proposing again from a Keeling standpoint it won't make any really it shouldn't make any difference to to what's lined up on 6th Avenue but the flow within the school will be different uh when we build the upper school so Tim be when I looked at this it looks like there's less stacking space but you're saying because it's two lanes it's actually yeah it's yeah okay yeah we'll be able to so um It's probably hard to see here but you'll see a yellow line that's actually in the garage and then you see a yellow line in front of our Performing Art Center there will be two uh drop off and pickup areas which we only have leave on the Northend yes yeah this is just the North End nothing changes on on the south end um but we when we got our entitlement in April for the increased enrollment it did B impact the the the back end how many babe just so okay yeah we're not great with zoom Tim that's may you could have one of your seventh graders come over and teach us how to run then come to my office first um I think that's the last one yes so um if actually we could go back to the second or third slide second one yeah um so what you see here is that when we we build we're taking away our baseball and softball fields and also some field use for our that our lower school uses for our afternoon activities um a lot of our middle school practice area will go away and so we are actively looking for field space um we talked to commissioner Huntington we've uh talked to the The Village manager and the uh director of of wreck about the possibility of of working with you all to make maybe use some field space here in biscane park Chuck maybe you can talk more about what the needs are we've not done anything other than had a casual conversation and we just want to introduce the idea tonight get your thoughts on on the possibilities and then you know maybe the followup is for us to work with uh with allet and and put something concrete so Chuck why don't you talk about the needs hi I'm Chu Senate I've been at Country Day 33 years uh David ered graduated in 1985 I believe and and is in our Hall of Fame so the only reason I bring that up is if if you've been around Country Day the last 34 years the way our campus has transformed has been incredible it's gone from a house in the middle of it and a couple older buildings to everything being updated and what we're getting ready to do is impressive with a new upper school and some of the new buildings we're doing for our kids and for our education of our kids it's amazing what it's doing though thank you him is it's hurting our Athletic program a decent amount with this new upper school building um if you look at the left and you've been on our Fields our fields are incredible we built this new Athletic Facility turf field in 2005 we have a gorgeous baseball field a softball field and then a Maine lacrosse soccer and football field during football season it's plenty of space we have two teams and we can house everything that we have in our current facility right now in soccer season if you look at those fields we have four soccer teams it's tough currently for four soccer teams to practice and play on our existing field go to the spring we have two baseball teams One softball team and four lacrosse teams that are all on the same field and if you saw all of us practice at the same time you'd go nuts but it works but as a baseball coach I never have live BP because I never have a field on my own so if you looked at the new upper school next to it that we're building we've now lost our baseball field which we're working on a new location to to have them transfer to we've lost our softball field which we're also working on another location but we can't house two football teams four soccer teams and four lacrosse teams on one field it's just impossible and we're looking at other areas to hopefully help out but we are in desperate need of practice time not game time we would hold all our games there we love having games on campus but we have nowhere for our younger kids to practice once this new facility is done so in our conversations uh you know we're hoping that that somehow we can create a partnership I I know it's been talked about maybe uh trying to to beautify your your facility which is great and for those that don't know we used to practice here from 1999 to 2004 we had our soccer teams here all the time we had our Middle School baseball team that used to play on the field there I coached it so we've been here we had a great partnership but we didn't uh once we had our field and moved everything on campus uh it it worked for us but we're at a position now where we need help we need field space we need assistance and we're trying to appease any way we can to you to to maybe work out a partnership so thank you and appreciate taking the time thank you thank you both very much for the time U bringing this out to us and and spending the time putting this together and and keeping us briefed I know we've talked about how important it is that we want to stay in touch and and certainly be part of the conversation um just very briefly is is is the idea that kind of kind of continue the road show so to speak of of visiting Community Partners um on a regular interval to kind of keep us posted yeah would love to and and we we feel like these type of meetings and and you know U as much as we can broadcast Community meetings are are the way for everybody to kind of hear what's going on and have input so yeah we we would love to be able to come back at at various intervals and and talk to you all and kind of give you an update as to where we are and really hear if there's any concerns um I think you know what Chuck was talking about is you know there's probably some we understand there's improvements you may want to make to your field and if we can help with those as part of a partnership we would certainly be open to discussions on that so uh we c l have a need excellent can I ask a question if it's okay sure um do you have any updates regarding you Vero sorry do you have any updates regarding any of the other streets surrounding Country Day in terms of changes last time we spoke about 111 went through some changes and that was sort of what also changed a little bit the Dynamics over there um how the school currently or or it's planning to kind of take all the people out from school where do they turn have you been on top with the county as to what other things are happening around the school for traffic yeah I the they had a community meeting in July at our we we hosted Forum but it's the county I think is going to close down I guess 111th yeah um or yeah 111 so that I think they're going to do that permanently that's what they were indicating um they were talking about and and I haven't heard anything since that they were in the discussion stages of putting a light at 110th Terrace okay yeah that's what we spoke last time I was wondering if but I haven't heard anything about that and and I'd want to um understand because that's the first left turn our our yes students faculty staff can take coming out of the garage so I worry about a a line of cars coming across six you know waiting for the light I will tell you though on the other hand it is a mess coming down 110 Terrace at 3:00 3:30 and people trying to make left you know just residents correct so I I see see both but I haven't heard anything um since then we have put speed tables on 110th we paid for that to to happen as part of our entitlement so there are three speed tables within each block on 110th Terrace got it and they were completed in late September yeah all right I was just want I think just to be connected on that because that also was part of the traffic effect that's happening with all the changes as well the the one other thing I think I mentioned in May was we have the school flasher that's kind of in the middle of our campus it's right about where the athletic fields stop um we're working with uh fdot I'm not sure they want us to move it so we're going to do whatever the county and fdot but it's an fdot road so that may not happen right away but not because we we don't want to do it's just yeah the process will be longer I'm sure so all right I appreciate the update yeah thank you couple quick things real quickly okay um first uh perhaps we could ask these gentlemen to stay through public comment because the public is seeing this for the first time as well and maybe some people want to make comment that they would like to hear so if you guys could stick around public comments next so a couple of things are you having the same I know this is a very preliminary conversation are you having the same conversation with Miami Shores with their spaces uh we we haven't at this point we have talked to them about at one point they were looking at it maybe a redesign of the golf course and we were having some conversations there um we certainly will have conversations they're they're very aware teams and access to their we have not had specific conversations but we I've had conversations with the village uh manager and and his team about our needs for athletic facilities and and how we can make those work so will you be coming to us with a a proposal well I think short answer is yes talking about the rec center yeah I think the short answer is yes but I think we need to understand what you all want to do so and then what what availability we'd have we talk door manager about that figure Next Step okay my sort of like the things that pop in my mind initially uh our rec center we have our own parking problems there as it is so it doesn't take much for us to overflow our parking and I'm going to guess you guys have come here and you've seen it for yourselves um so the idea of us uh having large groups there and I don't know how large these are I don't know if buses would be involved with bringing people over and if these would only be practice games or actual competitions where other schools would be coming I don't know exactly it's okay you don't have to present it all right now it would it would it would just be for practice we're only looking for a facility for our kids to be able to practice on um and we would bus them here the bus would leave and then when it's 5:30 5:45 the bus would come back and pick them up we've already talked about you know if lightning or there's inclement weather where they could go and stand under until we get a bus back but the fact that we're only a 2 three minute bus ride we we would not keep the bus here no one would be allowed to pick the kids up here no one would drive here it would be a bus back and forth from our so my concern would be parking at the rec center which is an issue already and which we're funding and we've been mooving right moving making very slow progress on that um but that concerns me and I know parents show up for practices so I can just imagine scenarios where parents are coming to watch their kids practice on our field and the and the rec center is public it's open to anybody so people from it's not just for biscane Park residents obviously we want to make sure biscane Park residents always feel like they have a place at the rec center to for their kids to run and play games and organized or not organized so I'm sure you'll be having conversations with our rec center manager as well so my initial concerns would be parking uh and access for our residents to enjoy our own facility um and then of course traffic which is always a concern so something like this I can just imagine the amount of traffic in buses and people showing up watch and all of that I'd want to make sure we're very mindful of all of that when you guys bring a proposal to us because our our we're out of uh we're violating our own code in terms of parking now so right now we should be getting a violation every single day from our code manager who's on there um so we have issues with our parking uh it's not adequate it's not up to code uh it's damaging trees it's causing traffic snarls and it's blocking sidewalks and they can get really bad really easily it doesn't take a big event to do that so that's my big concern is traffic and parking so but happy to look at what you guys bring back to us Jonathan F first off Tim and Chuck I want to thank you guys for coming thank you for thinking us when you when you're talking about this partnership uh during our conversations our conversation with Issa there's obvious that there could be uh a plan there in place that benefits both parties uh know we've touched on both of commissioner Kennedy's concerns that parking you guys have a plan in place where you would bust the children in you would take the bus out off out of the village and bring it back when you have to leave as well as we talked with Issa that that this plan would only work if no space was taken away from our current offerings that that was something that we were we were very adamant about all of us together when we had a meeting is that we would not take any space from current offerings of soccer that that no I think no commissioner wants to see that that we want to make sure that our offerings for our residents are are covered as well as taken care of you guys so I'm excited to see a proposal come back I hope you I hope the commission will agree to direct the manager to have those discussions and bring that back to us and I'd excited to see what you guys have Tim very briefly last question I promise uh very briefly we touched on this in the past about a community board um with with the village having a seat on that to be kind more directly involved is that something you guys are still considering so you know I we talked about I think soon after uh we came I I I think our concern remains uh relative to a specific community board is just uh being fair to all the all the neighbors so that's why we want to be more um more visible in the community having said that I am happy to have and and Chuck is too happy to have conversations at any time um with anybody in the community so I don't I don't think we're comfortable and not from a transparency standpoint but just from a fairness standpoint if if eight people are on a board you know what happens to the other you know 2500 people who might want to have information so that's that's where we're struggling a little bit with it okay but great we'd love to talk at any point though wonderful well thank you gentleman for for coming and presenting this to us I'm sure we'll be paying attention um and look forward to hearing from you in the future great thank you we'll just hang out okay great so all right let's uh let's thank you again mayor we just need we just need consensus for us to continue to have a dialogue with them okay and to bring back a uh a proposal okay uh do we have a consensus from the commission on that yes yes yes okay it sounds like we have consense thank you Mr manager um all right so um having completed number five our presentations let's go ahead and move into public comment um going to open it up to folks here in the uh The Log Cabin first please just remember to announce your name and address and please remember to limit public comment to 3 minutes and once we're done here we'll move on to zoom trying to scoot up here first since we have a few helpers my name is Stacy and I have a helper here her name is Gwen and another one over here Gideon and we live at 862 Northeast 111 street I'm here today because my daughter Gwen air she's in a girl scouts uh group and we once a month have our meetings in bis game park at the recck center uh after Gideon since he's in Boy Scouts had his Pledge of Allegiance uh event here one of the moms brought it up to my attention that it would be great to have the girls do a meeting here at the Log Cabin instead of the r Center just one time to kind of see the historic building and get a little more inspiration before we go in the woods for one of our camping trips so that said uh we uh inquired about getting a uh a waiver so we could have the girls meet here it's around 45 minutes uh the meeting and when we got the information about the waiver it there was a fee associated with it so we were just curious if we could wave that fee uh for this one-time Girl Scouts meeting um in the near future uh when we do our once a month meetings so I'm gonna abstain on this one and I'll ask the rest of the commission if uh if they'd be interested in waving the fee for the Girl Scouts so yeah sure it's Pro probably that may fall under the city manager's purview for a nonprofit and I'll be happy to wave the okay okay thank you excited are are there any costs associated with a group being here and using the facility in terms of having police or anyone no okay because when I rented it I I got married here oh nice it was lovely um uh and I had to pay things but there's no additional cost to the Village I'm fine with it okay thank you okay um I think that's all thank you we will get out of your hairence I'll she'll just scheduling goes that'll be up to the manager and the clerk to take care of scheduling so I'm sure staff will fall into that okay thanks um anyone else in in the Log Cabin barbar uh 111 Street just something when I listen to the meetings onl online most of the time you're not talking into your microphones and people can't hear you so if as a reminder please speak into the microphones okay list there's there you had a meeting about selecting an inim city manager and you had um the clerk gave you a short list of five candidates and um you almost instantly narrowed it down to two without having the other candidates speak and you you had the two candidates um Al chis and Mr Sid uh and gave they gave their presentations and very quickly you voted to offer the position to Mr childis it seemed to be going fine because the job was advertised for $100,000 but then Mr childr said he wouldn't do it for that price and a price of $176,000 came up and the price that was advertised for $ 100,000 was without any benefits it's an intam manager's position it's not supposed to be longterm we were going to move forward and start advertising as you said to hire a village manager um I didn't hear the commission really give a lot of opposition to that in fact kind of rationalizing about how well if we had given benefits I guess that's where the price of 176,000 came up and Mr chis like the other candidates knew it was being offered at 100,000 if he had said first I would only take the job if it was paying a lot more almost twice that amount would you have dismissed the other candidates and not even interviewed them would which short changed biscane park there might have been people who as a for $100,000 would have been very adequate uh Mr Sid sounded very good you all seem to like him encouraged him to apply for the the um long-term position and he said he would do it for 100,000 and I feel it's deceptive to the residents that you said you were going to offer this position at 100,000 and to the other candidate Ates who maybe were out there that if they knew it was 176 maybe even better or more candidates would have applied so the way this was done it was like a bait and switch which really left a very bad taste in my mouth and you have a responsibility to the residents to do the best job for them not the easiest thing not to rationalize well it you know if we did the we would have had a pay this or that that wasn't what the deal was it was 100,000 no benefits that's time up it's at past three minutes okay well anyway um just one thing about Miami Country Day they do a nice job with their buildings please protect our residents having access to Playing Fields when they're playing baseball maybe we could have a baseball team of our own but we won't be able to because country day will be using it so we have a tiny field protect our residents thank you gck Hill 777 Northeast 111 Street quick comment about the Country Day presentation um I could listen to the point where I heard the hours that they'd be using the field which is after school when our resident want to use the field and we have a very active uh Rec Center I I really appreciate it that's improved over the years so I see a real conflict there and looking in the past when they did use the field we used to have a very nice field we used to spend a lot of money to keep it up and it was destroyed when we started renting it out um as Barbara said we were both very dis dismayed at the process that uh was short changed in terms of looking for an inim manager uh um the residents didn't even get to hear from all the candidates which I you know do they know that you know they were other people that even applied while it you know is undoubtedly the the responsibility and the authority of the in Village manager you know to have the the same responsibilities I I should say and Authority as a permanent manager the fact of the matter is it's an inum position and basic basically the idea is that the inam manager is keep the village running until we go through the selection process and hire a permanent manager now hatal who I've known for many years is virtually a nextdoor neighbor to us he's two houses away you know how he accepted the job for $100,000 no question we'd be very fortunate we'd be really lucky but we're talking about an intra manager okay Barber said it was $100,000 now we're talking entertaining the idea of $175,000 and for Vacations so who's running the fort during the vacation time I mean I'm sure they aren't weekend Vacations or we wouldn't be talking about it I I really think that focus on the idea this is an intro manager okay it's if nothing else is an opportunity to look at other candidates but I think this is really overstepping what was discussed with the community what you told the community and I think it is absolute Overkill concerning considering the fact that this is an intrum position thank you Dany Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th place I was wasn't going to speak tonight which is why I emailed all of you but I feel that another perspective needs to be public first of all It's Not Unusual that you only would have interviewed a couple of candidates you always do a short list you don't interview everybody that applies but I was one who was so adamant during the budget process that we shouldn't even go to 150,000 sorry I can't hear you I'm sorry I was so adamant during the budget process that we shouldn't even go to 15 50,000 while I was also very guilty of being shortsighted when we have we're at a Crossroads now we have so many issues in need of fixing not the least is to restore trust in the community for the commission for administration it takes a seasoned veteran someone with Al's background someone I never figured what come along which is why I complained about salary with his background his expertise who has walked the walk and been there it takes that and his kind of character to write this ship someone on the very first rung of their managerial ladder well-intentioned though they may be simply is not in a position to do that you know why do we always have to take the satisfied with just having a caretaker attitude can't we finally be a big c big city and attitude excuse me who wants to move forward and for that it is going to take someone like an Al thank you hi good evening everyone um Gage Hartung 1029 Northeast 114 Street um so um I I kind of um will defer to uh Gary and Barbara um was a little concerned about the the change in um salary U mid- meeting um when I heard about it but um again I'll leave that up to you um I um you know I hope that we take the time on on selecting the new manager it could be out it could be whatever but um you know this last manager um I don't know if we have fully understood or or there might be something out there that more damage that he's done because he wasn't really the right person for this job and um I hope to God that um that there isn't anything else there that we have not learned about yet um regarding Mii country day it's nice to see them um I do um I would like to find out about the community meetings I I I'm pretty involved with the village I didn't know anything about having that they had meetings so I'm hoping that they're they're being email blast to us and that we're we're we're a little bit more noticed about it um I I'm the one that brought up the last time what happened to the community liaison position that they had uh about 10 years ago David was big thing here at the commission he was going to be uh they had a board seat over there or something for him for one of us I think um to um to have some kind of input or at least you know um be there to listen to what's going on at at Country Day um so I I was I'm still curious to know what happened with that particular um situation um I am a little concerned about privatizing our park and uh limiting access to our residents um um it would be nice to let them use our park and everything but again parking uh resident access uh during the the um the the time and again any type of private when I hear private Partners private public it makes me wonder do we need to really bring this to our village residents because this is some kind of contract that we're entering into with our public lands so um with that um I have there's some items on the agenda tonight and uh I'm going to try and hang out hopefully it won't be too light late uh not I might zoom in and you can ask me some questions that you might have on those items uh later thank you even can you hear me right great we got it okay John Holland 844 Northeast 119 Street first thank you for uh asking me to serve again Mac um invaluable learning experience knowing what it takes to actually do this job right and I do not want it anytime soon so thank you for confirming that for me uh 2026 or 2028 Pro more likely 26 maybe uh a few items that I'm just I know we short on time but I was nice to see the interlocal agreement on the agenda I live on 119th as did 80% of the people at that meeting after the event um the vote for mayor I'll I'll OB staining on that um I think Jonathan's done a great job but maybe is a lot more work so I don't know maybe he could use the break it's hard enough just being on the commission um the police agreement uh someone came and mentioned about how part-time officers are taking cars home I don't know if that's going to be talked about any point tonight I spoke with uh manager childrenis and apparently it's not in the police arbitration agreement but it's and this is the Bubba system that he ran it's how we've always done it so if we're okay with it quantify the costs and just change the policy right into the policy for not okay with it then that's that's for you guys to to decide uh going forward um I would encourage the commission to keep an open mind and to not dismiss good ideas just because they come from people that or there's other reasons why you you know any interpersonal things check your ego at the door all that stuff um I was here during certain eras where I saw good ideas get shot down because of who was presenting them please don't let that happen um several people spoke about Children's role I I did have a comment you get what you pay for it is a it was a huge jump though to hear people speak about it in retrospect gives me some pause to think but you know what that's what the job is to determine if long-term what he asks and what you're willing to provide out of the budget are fine speaking of budget um Bradley was nice enough to get back to me in October and I would ask that you do conduct a feasibility study on the possibility of utilizing uh amortization and depreciation on certain things that would be considered fixed assets out of your capital expenditures budget things like buildings and generators that can be advertised and that frees up operating budget obviously there's concerns about long-term ramifications of going debt crazy those can be passed by ordinance and restrictions can be put in place to make sure that it's sustainable Pro the feasibility study um last two last well I guess three last things one is I would like to be on the parks and Parkways board again I think someone has to nominate me um and then I guess two last things um or it's an offer to if there's any help that you guys need with cleaning up the capital expenditure spreadsheet or anything that can be done with our budgeting software I would love to understand how our current Finance people are managing our data how they're how they are coordinating this how they how they're uh summarizing it and presenting it to you guys this is what I do for a living now and if there's some basic stuff that I can do to help simplify the process so that for example during budget season you can have a summary level View and then drill down down down and actually see transactions that you're not relying on journal entries stuff like that happy to do it let me know thank you Danielle Huntington 744 Northeast 119 Street um so this is in regards to the Village manager um position and voting on a village manager I sat through our last manager's six-month review and his oneye review and I can't remember one resident who came and spoke in favor of our our past Village manager and in doing research about Al childis and various other managers you know some were disappointing some had scandals you know but what resonated with me was that no matter what I read about Al what I researched about him it always came up good and I wanted to read an exerpt that he had read at his um last commission meeting and Key West that a police officer had wrote him and it read good morning I just wanted to reach out to you to let you know that you've been amazing city manager I hope that you retain your position for the remainder of your contract and Beyond I feel you've acted in the best interest of your employees and our residents you are God-fearing and family-minded man you lead with quiet patience and clear Direction you have exhibited an amazing fairness and integrity above all else in your dealings with us from this side it appears you're always looking for ways to make things better and have been so open to listening and working together thank you so much for attempting to make changes to bring best practices in government to our city and our Police Department you are an intelligent experienced and honest city manager and I appreciate you and your family there was over 50 letters written in in support of outchill from residents two Zoomers and 25 residents who spoke in favor to retain as Village manager and I hope you keep that in mind because the public trust in our elected officials and Village manager and police department is at an all-time low so thank you any other comment here in the Log Cabin before we move to zoom okay turn over to zoom if there are any seeing none okay um so go ahead and uh thank you to everyone who provided comment um we appreciate it um and uh we'll move on to our commission reply um but certainly I'd like to thank John Holland for for filling in for us here on the commission we appreciate your your willingness to serve us and in your assistance so certainly thank you for for joining us for the time that you were with us um so uh I'll open the uh floor to the rest of the commission for any uh any specific reply um before we uh before we move forward super quick two things John go online pull up an application for parks and Parkways and fill it out and send it to the clerk and you'll be on the next agenda for us to vote on your membership we will have a grueling interview process with you and we'll be negotiating the package up front um second thing Danny uh I would AR arue that this is not the worst public trust we've the residents have had in elected officials and uh Commissioners uh while or uh with the manager um I have sat in this room where there were people up here that I personally I have great faith in this group but I sat up back there when there was a disaster up here and a manager that got fired so it can be worse so I understand your sentiment and I agree with a lot of it but uh it can and has been a whole lot worse in the 10 years I've been here any other reply I'll save my comment really for the city manager but I just wanted to say one thing um this is this is not to say that he should not be the city manager this is this position that we're talking about tonight is temporary city manager not a permanent city manager I'm not I'm not saying he's not qualified to be permanent city manager but this t tonight is the process is temporary city manager approximately about 3 months and then we're going to be picking the permanent city manager which he can apply for so I'll talk save my rest of my comments for when we have it in thank you same um thank you John for your time with us and I know it was short live but it was um great to have you on board and hope hope you continue to bring that knowledge forward because we're going to be discuss in finance uh the rest I'm happy to discuss during comment on the rest of the items okay all right thanks everyone um all right so uh having concluded that let's uh move on so uh reports would be next I know we we wanted to bump up 11 um I don't know if this would be the most the appropriate place to do it but think that we probably should um so before we get started with the rest of the uh the the rest of our agenda thank you guys genten um let me see let me just scroll down to it um okay 11b um under our amended agenda um I'm sorry not 11b 11a apologies 11a um so this is a resolution 2024-the Park Florida electing one of its members to the position of Mayor providing for an effective date okay do I have a a motion in a second to approve the resolution motion to approve second okay all right so let's move the resolution to discussion um so I think the way that we did this two years ago is kind of left the floor open for a motion to to um a point or motion to to have someone nominated for the position um I don't know if we went down the row I actually don't quite remember I think we just we just we went down them went okay I just point point of order I think when commissioner Kennedy brought up I'm sorry commissioner Kennedy's idea of a uh commissioner nominating himself which I you know the last time you did it for May I think you had where uh a person can nominate themselves and then seeing if you got a second well you could always do that I just what I I thought that process was I have to look back but I think what I said was um it would be nice to hear people say they wanted the job we jump into a nomination I said something along those no you had it where you let's say if you want the job you would not you know nominate yourself you would say why you want I like it because the old way we used to do it is whoever won the election usually gets you know got it but anyway I just wanted to say that process no we we never did that we never did that all right so just understanding the process then um the way we've done before just start on this end and I guess go down the line yeah so um I want to nominate you Jonathan again to to be our mayor I want to say why U two years ago Jonathan together with um Bri k at the time we were the three upand cominging Commissioners and join commissioner with ar gon sales and mck Kennedy and um you know it was uh hard to come into the commission at the time three of us being completely new we had no history we didn't know how that was going to work out and I very much appreciate that you took the role um Hess in and all as you were I know and has proven to be um a great value not only for your time and dedication but I've seen how slowly that takes time to own that position and the work you've done to represent the Village um I I'm very proud of that and I am very thankful for that I know it's not easy and you know in several instances whether it's the league of cities where it's with the county commissioner herself through the Ila process um that was key many times it came up and and a numerous other times with um different mayors across the county so I appreciate that very much I think you have sort of a demeanor that comes with the role um of being a law attorney yourself a lawyer yourself that um you got to bring to the position and I find that uh of Great Value as well so that background you you bring professional the professional background I think is very needed and uh has been at Great use so for that reason I wanted to nominate you to continue to do the job you have two more years in your term and I find that um you have you have learned to put the violence needed in the conversations so they don't go out of control um many many times we do challenge that I think here and there and I think uh on my end I would love to see more of a strong hand to step certain conversation so our clock doesn't go for hours um but that's sort of what you bring um and and your attitude has always helped to arrive to where we need to get so for me that's why I want to nominate you and I would love to see that continuity for two more years um there's other people that I think do a wonderful job but I think what you've done has the opportunity to continue so that's why I'm nominating you well thank you I appreciate that um I certainly I've I've enjoyed serving the position and serving with this commission um and with our previous commission with all of our um village employees and and and everyone that's been involved and it's been a pleasure to to serve with all of you and I have great respect for for every every single one of you and how much work that you all put into um so um I appreciate that I I will I guess accept the nomination um so um I'm very happy you yeah are I I appreciate it um you know I I I appreciate it I'll just I'll leave leave it at that so um I'll I'll graciously accept the the nomination and um and just pass it along I want to save M just for the vote but and I already know the answer to this but I want in case residents don't know uh M Mr Atty could you explain exactly what the role of the May according to our Charter what the role of the mayor is so role of the mayor is to to run the meetings and in his absence the vice mayor would run the meetings and he is also the ceremonial head of of the village in the sense that for other governmental functions um he would represent the the village in those types of ceremonial um ceremonial situations as far as his as far as his role this clearly as you all know he is not a strong mayor so he is one vote on the commission but essentially it's that's essentially his role he he he runs the meetings and he's the ceremonial head of the village for certain functions like in other if if there was a some type of function in another jurisdiction that would require a ceremonial head of of the village to attend it would be the mayor or somebody that the mayor would designate in his that okay thank you uh I also want to nominate Jonathan I uh think you've served admirably I think you've served professionally uh I think that you've done a great job for us in the last two years and I would hope to see you serve out your remainder two years in your term uh I would Echo what commissioner amler said that I would challenge you to um re in some of these long conversations and uh just continue I'll leave it at that just rain in some of these long conversations and make us more productive challenge us to be more prod I well taken okay so I think we're all going to be in quick agreement here on this so Jonathan you've done a great job you grew you stepped in here with no experience on the day and you uh uh learned the role of Mayor very quickly uh you grew into the role and I appreciate that but I am going to give you a little bit of criticism and I know you'll accept this uh you're big boy and you can hear it uh and I hope you take it for what it's worth two comments specifically while you grew into the position of running the meetings I don't feel like we we got Jonathan the commissioner as much as we got Jonathan the administrator of the meetings so you're running a meeting well and learn to call the balls and the strikes and the resolutions and the ordinances and how things are called to vote but as a reminder and I'm saying this as a resident who voted for you am I let to say that I voted for you um um I don't feel like I got commissioner Jonathan as much as I got the guy who runs the meetings I would ask you to step up into your commissioner role and understand that you're one of the five of us in that regard sometimes I don't even hear you vote on things and I feel like you're thinking so much you need to be Switzerland and try to help keep everything smooth in here and while I appreciate that you are one of the five of us and I want all five of us bringing ideas and suggestions and resolutions and and championing causes we need five uh idea people uh up here not four plus someone to run a meeting and I feel that that's kind of where we stand with you I get very little from you as a commissioner and some but you're doing a nice job sitting here running the Mee here's the other criticism and you know this is going to come from me if it comes from anybody this Village has never heard from its mayor you've been the mayor for two years and I can't think of a time that you ever communicated to the Village about anything The Village has to do better at communications all of us have the opportunity to communicate and some of us take advantage of that more than others but the mayor is the head of the community you're not a strong mayor but you're the mayor and with that title comes the presumption of being the person that people should hear things from and they haven't I've never gotten an email from you or any kind of a communication and I'm a resident if something went out and it didn't come to me that may be the case residents are hungry to hear what's going on you guys know that I send more emails and Communications than the rest of you and the village quite frankly all combined I have become the deao communication arm of this Village and it's not appropriate people are hungry for it they are so grateful when they hear from me and I've had and people Jonathan they think I'm the mayor because I communicate with them so when I tell people no I'm not the mayor well then who's the mayor I have to tell them who you are I would love to see you step into that role and be a voice for this community and let them know what's going on they're hungry for it they're so grateful when they get it I get people stopping me all the time I can't go to Publix or Aldi without someone coming up and generally the main thing I hear is thank you so much if I didn't hear from youc I wouldn't have an idea what's going on around here I would ask you to step in and take some of that role you have an you have a voice you have a position that sounds like it probably has more Authority than it really does per our Charter but take advantage of that and let people hear from you I think they would really really appreciate it so as a resident I ask you to be a commissioner as well as being a mayor and I ask you to communicate better to the residents they really really want it and I know they'd appreciate hearing it from you you've seen how many people I've brought in here and walk them up and and introduce them to you this is our mayor and they don't know who you are so um I'd like to see those things change so those are my criticisms but overall I'm very pleased with the way you do things and you know I think of a lot of you as a person and in this role I mean I sat down with you and and asked you to run for goodness sake you know so um I just ask that you grow into some more aspects of the job well taken and the the respect is is mutual I I've said it before and I I hope you know that um so and with at least to to the rest of the commission and our new commissioner as well um I I mean it when I say it um I enjoy doing this with all of you and I have a tremendous amount of respect for for all of you so um your your vote of confidence certainly don't you nominate yourself to be mayor since we're all since it's a Love Fest up here I'll second it we need yes I was gonna I'll make a motion to nominate uh Jonathan gross as mayor for biscan Park I'll second that okay um all in favor hi I well um again thank you all very much um I very much appreciate that's that's kind of you but certainly not necessary um thank you to the Commissioners um and thank you for everyone um for working hard together and and certainly your vote of confidence means a lot to me it does um and I I take it to heart so thank you everyone um and I look forward to being better every day certainly sure meetings Okay um all right all right so um having concluded that um let's go ahead and get to our reports please um our first report is uh Mr manager maybe this is uh something you might be able to to take us through if you have any comments on our ridership report which is um which is 8A if there's anything you'd like to bring to our attention or if there's any uh questions or comments about that report excuse me I don't know if you were getting these before but I'm certainly anytime that I get them I I'll forward them to you and put the monthly report on the agenda so I just and I'll we're hope to as we expand the agenda that we have monthly reports from each department that would be very helpful uh we I know we have been getting these um as far as I can remember um so if there's uh is there any questions on on 8A did I I don't recall getting all these graphs and stuff this is kind of neat we did we used to yeah and it was included in some agendas and in some it wasn't and I think the vendor um by contract has to provide the stats of what currently is being used so it's at um a discretion uh to to check them but I do notice that they have been going down and I think on this point uh a lot of people still don't know that this exists and a lot of people forget as to why it exists too and what the service is there for so one thing Mr manager that we could do is maybe just use the email blast use our social media Outlets just to let people know and be aware that this is happening and could be also an opportunity for the vendor to do some advertising themselves um they used to give this pamphlets to everybody where they has the explanation as the QR code you need to use to download the app and all of that but I think I as what I'm seeing is a little bit of um fatigue maybe from a lot of people that um might be new you know might used long time ago used it to go vote maybe a couple years ago and thought it was just that um it could be a good reminder for everybody that's my only comment as well is that this needs to be communicated better added to the list of all the things that need to be communicated better but um this is something people really do appreciate it and I dare say the majority of residents probably never heard of it so we have to always keep in mind guys that we know lots and lots of stuff the average resident doesn't so I promise you you go find 10 strangers on the street in biscane park and ask them and they're not going to know what it is so this does need to be shared Al I think maybe one of you guys will remember better than I do I think part of our contract with freebie is that they're required to do some promotion for it we might want to look into the contract I think it's in there that there there's some things that they're required to do okay thanks Mr manager uh thanks Commissioners um any other question about AA before we move on to a none okay um 8B is uh commissioner Amsler your report for oh yes so um it's a little bit in the middle of everything maybe next time I'll push it for the the end um but here there's two things I wanted to highlight one is regarding the unsafe intersection at 107 and 9th and that's because that started a while ago finally got to resolution after a lot of back and forth we've had uh we had commissioner steinber here today so that was wonderful and um the this is happening after uh some back and forth what it taught me is first never get a no for an answer if I can tell you how many times I was told by either a manager or someone that worked or have lived here for a long time that this couldn't get done um I don't know it it's been a while uh and a lot of asking and a lot of NOS the county you can't do that we need no it has to go through another so it was always a process it was as simple as me meeting with the Department of Transportation having a meeting myself went there knock on the doors and said how can we get this done and they said we can send someone do an analysis in the corner and then we'll push it through see who's paying for it and it came out to be that because 107 is not a road that we um Can intersect in a way with our budget I was the county and commissioner Steinberg picked it up and it got approved and it's now going to happen so I wanted to put it in the map kind of share my experience with it since the very beginning my first item was traffic uh being an issue having residents knock on the door and sort of see how people are speeding how can we be the only ones that don't have a speed bomb I don't know if you guys remember that was my first item how do we get a speed bomb because I have one in my intersection um and the answer was well you know same thing we have to go through the county we can't do anything about that that's actually beyond our control we can lower the limits the speed limits all of this knows just prove me that um many times it's about just going around and talking to the people that make those decisions and this is I understand we have a lot of capable people and staff but we've seen a number of managers three this will be my third in two years um and with that I have heard many stories so uh this happened so I'm going to keep contining to do that you'll hear me uh calling and picking up sort of the numbers of whoever in different departments make those decisions and hopefully getting more things done the next one has to do with sop that was the second item or third item in the agenda and it was from January of this year so it's going to be almost a year I introduced it with the idea of putting some standard operating procedures in place when it comes to Administration also because we move from manager to manager and we move staff to staff and people change we have no way of reconciling that knowledge and in a process that belongs to us it's belong so far has been the the manager's ownership if the manager feels that the village operates in a certain way we've been operating in that Way new manager comes along they feel the village should go this direction we go that direction we should have a village standard as to what operating correctly is for us we haven't had that with that the first thing I want to be touched by the manager and his experience brings a lot to us in this aspect is the administration part related to accounts payable and um an expense policy I can tell you how hard the budget uh season was this year a lot of I don't know where that money comes from I don't know that doesn't match why are we over here why are we less here um lot of scratching our heads and multiple meetings trying to get to one number that is an accounts payable process problem huge issue we are not and I'll let the manager kind of speak about what where we sit with that but there's holes and we need to fix this holes so the number one issue is when it come to me and this affects me directly as your commissioner is that I have to sign approval for every check not myself but any of us as a second f um signature in order to release checks and that has happened for two years now that I've been as a commissioner and I've asked sort of the process behind that the usual answer is sort of how we've done it and it it turns out that you know and Mr chis here knows uh the history of the village even longer than I do that probably this been going on since the Commissioners were owning the different departments even before we went to a manager sort of commission um sort of government um but that this is what's happening right now I I'm going to just kind of read what I put I'm concerned about signing chess because I like the necessity documentation visibility to confirm that the service were completed as agreed the amounts are built aligns with the contracted terms and the quality of work meets standards if the bathroom is dirty and we've heard people complain about the bathroom is dirty we have a process or we should have a process in place that says that when we pay the check someone check that the bathroom were dirty or not and then before we make that payment it's clear to the vendor that there are issues when it comes to service those service standards are by contract highlighted and I don't know what the process is so I do ask the questions I feel I need to ask when I sign a check but their very top line I would never know how many hours a police officer did in part-time it's not my role to know that but it's someone's role to put together a package that recognizes everything from a PO which we don't have to the hours of service by who and sort of tie it all up to the budget that we approve once a year that's why we did the excise of scratching $500 here $500 there I mean it matters it mattered to us so we need we to make sure it's being accounted correctly and I personally feel very uncomfortable signing in checks with this lack of visability and I've asked sort of to be removed from the process until it's figured out and I wanted to make sure that you guys are aware of that and hopefully waiting on a response from a manager ask how to fix it and the second is the expense policy we currently have some expenses sitting um that have been paid with personal credit cards when do we allow how do we allow how much what sort of ranking goes into order to approve these things it's it's a part of oneone administration for any organization the fact we don't have that and we're not trying to see who approves what and where did them money kind know how do we track it back is the same reason why we're going to have a headache come new budget season next year so these two things are tied in they're huge in terms of figuring it out and you know it's been a year so now that we have Mr childis as an interim manager we've had him for a months so far I've I've asked him to connect with our finance team and sort of uh figure out some answers for us that's those are the two things I don't know if Miss rener I didn't see you you have a report there I don't know if you want to answer on on this specifically uh the mayor uh yeah in response to the commissioner report yeah we've met several times already um we're working on on this process um I hope to have a finance report on the next Village commission meeting and then also you asked for the police chief to make a presentation in in December we'll have the finance come on January make a presentation Janu would this be presentation of how they the whole whole department presentation whole from A to Z okay department presentation so um you were add to my attention what what's the current situation with ap in terms of our running a bit behind with checks and what what's happening I I want to report that the village attorney got paid tonight hand delivered there's that it was it was it it was uh three months behind or so so we were months right so we're working to uh back uh fill that backlog and we're making progress on filling that backlog yeah okay may may I ask you a question since you put a report on first of all thank you for I like that I think we should all do that um where do we stand on the letter to Miami Shores regarding the pool and the presentation to their Council so that was done I met with that was done uh at the beginning of last month that that was going to come on my next report because they chess met this Tuesday this past Tuesday was it yeah election day um to discuss it I had the opportunity to meet with all of them send different the letters individualized letters to everybody I sent emails to everybody I talked to almost everybody um and I have to say give special thanks to council member cantour he took the item and sponsored the item to be held at the last commission meeting they had on Tuesday and the idea as I presented it was just to have a conversation there was no specific requests as to what we wanted specific times there was no talk of a special amount of money to be discussed nothing like that I also spoke to their manager and the best way around that was to have that item sponsored he did it he um I spoke with everybody except for council member Harris the only one that didn't uh get the chance to kind of hear from me she she got the letter and she was the only one in opposition they had a conversation the only one what in opposition to consider in it clearly the shers just like we heard from some people today they want to protect their assets first so residents want to make sure the Aquatic Center say theirs and they want to make sure that whatever uses and you know it's not a for pro profit sort of a um a Department per se and I believe it's on the law every year um they would not compensate it with with us either they have a contract with Bay harvor right now it's very little use from Bay harvor very very little which makes the point that you know from the I believe somewhere around 6,000 people that they have a lot of people could still use it because the uses was something around 400 that I heard they currently have so the conversation happened um I've asked them to sort of make sure to release some sort of a formal statement so I can share with all of you um and I leave it that and probably by next commission meee we'll hear the resolution if you asked me how my feeling was it was okay I would have loved to see they were all for continuing a conversation on many aspects that's one of the things I spoke to all of them personally I think we can do better in connecting with a lot of different things things that are happening at a county level that we can sort of tie in with them but this specific item we'll see you know it was sort of left to I don't think there is going to be a lot of pull from residents there is a lot of push back and um I asked to make sure that it's formalized and either we'll get it on a letter or by next commission meeting I would have received the formal fun call just letting me know how it went so quote you yourself back to you yes on the intersection you got a bunch of Nos and you made that a yes this time you're starting with a yes so maybe it'll be a bigger yes too so well let's hope you know thank you for doing that sure so on the the point to about the um the expenses and the finance and everything maybe the the new position that we we found money for in the budget for for Paul will hopefully support that initiative and making it a little more clear and kind of making it so that that's why we asked because that's been a l sort of that role in itself has been very informal per se and so that connection needs to be strong and that's why that will be part of that we'll hear from Paul directly excellent well thank you commissioner um if there's no additional questions for commissioner amsler's report let's go ahead and get to HC which is our code report and I believe we have Dorene here with us still probably while we wait to get her attention maybe um uh certainly I'll ask uh if she's there well let's do this first then let's uh let's open up to the Comm commission excuse me if there are um any questions or any comments or anything about HC the code report uh at this time none I know dorina is there if she can hear us and wants to chime in at any point um will a letter um okay um so no questions on our our code report let's go ahead and get down to our our police report uh Chief is here with us this evening um so pull up the police report and uh well first I'll I'll open it to the chief to have him provide us with any comments or any summaries or anything you'd like to say about the report so Chief thanks for being here with us thank you thank you for having me um Police Department is committed uh we're working out a couple other um operational things this year uh spoke with the colonel the highway patrol uh hopefully if everything goes good it sounds like we'll get um some of their handy down laptops about 48 of them so every officer can be issued one so we can start switching over to electronic base with the laptops that we have we' be helping out uh I know admin side was trying to get some laptops so we're going to be trying to help each of the Departments so that uh that went very well uh in that meeting um we did lose both of our traffic officers so we're in the process of um outreaching to uh find and and recruits U some new hires uh to fill those roles and also our Sergeant in-arms resigned from the position so we be looking for new sergeant and arms uh to attend uh our village meetings outside of that everything else uh stays pretty status quo can I ask you uh Chief where we at with accreditation uh we're moving forward with it uh we have our first uh sop policy drafted um over to the Village manager for approval so we're in the process now rewriting all the policies uh we should be finishing up our open um investigation that will allow us to move forward with the evidence and rectifying that um so the accreditation process is moving on track we met with North Bay Village today um they're U welcome US Open Hands to try to assist us with that also give us some information on about a $75,000 Grant to assist us with a further accreditation um we also on the police side we met with uh Paul and we're going to start once he gets back from vacation start uh conducting weekly or bi-weekly Financial meetings on the police side so that we can kind of clean up and tighten up our budget um but the accreditation is moving along great thanks Chief um any questions from the commission for the chief yeah Mr Mayor if I if I could just on accreditation I I think it's so important I I applaud the chief that he's moving forward for accreditation when when um I became a city manager at dado our Police Department was accredited and we brought in a a chief that uh was from M Beach that uh his main job was to get us accredited and uh um the chief had explained to me that he this Mo this afternoon he met with Chief Nora who I know very well from Mii Beach so um the chief and I will have some follow-up meetings with him to assist us in getting accreditation I think this very important for for the village further affirmation that accreditation is the way to go than Mr manager thanks Chief um questions from the commission for the chief chief I just got a couple things one uh I was out there with the your officers during the tropical sto or the hurricane that passed by through us helping residents bag uh sandbags they did an admirable job they worked long hours they were help loading cars bag sand bags for for elderly residents they did a tremendous job and they they should be thanked for that uh as well as I overheard you your officers how a save a medical save they use an AED and had and had a a person revived from Cardiac Arrest they should also be uh you know accommodated for that and I hope you're putting them in for some kind of award for that because that that truly is special that doesn't come along very often yeah here I'm hoping uh we we went ahead and used a little bit of the admin side budget last fiscal year to order some awards so I'm hoping in December we'll be able to have our first uh police department award ceremony which everyone will get invited to but kind of recognize uh that we've had I think about 4 ad saves in the last year or so and no one's ever gotten anything other than uh uh a okay email so we want to kind of recognize them and and bring it forward so that both they they were kind of awarded for it but the community also knows what they're doing yeah first off I want to congratulation on the report I think this report is pretty good is in depth um I would like to see the police department be more involved in the community meeting them like one example would be the Police Athletic lead are you thinking about maybe possibly starting that and also having where meet the cop I mean we used to have that I don't know why we stopped that coffee with the cop I know we didn't get a lot of people showing it and I think that's because we didn't promote it right if you have need anybody to promote it get commissioner Kennedy he definitely promote it really good for you but we need to have Community involvement and for small community big Community I can understand but for so I also want to congratulate your your offices every single year for Halloween I mean I I've had so many comments about people that come to biscan park and I've also heard kids say h let's get out of here they got too many cops here so we've had lot of responses so Halloween and Christmas is our best time um I approached the Metro Police Department asked them well would you like to you know come and do he said no way you guys got that covered so you know I just want to congratulate you on and also thank you and the city manager for participating um yesterday with me at Dell for the rans uh thing because as we're going to meet we like to discuss about starting that here we don't have anything for veterans and Memorial Day all those ceremonies and also one of the things as I talk to you about is something like on Thanksgiving we should have really Community things that's involved in the community and I think we slack that with uh small communities you have that big cities I understand but we need to part you need to have the residents really want to see you know police officer and be happy but anyway otherwise that's it but definitely I think you need to find that for that traffic CU you brought that up for the traffic super l we need to get that back I wasn't on the commission but I heard the commission saying that that was a good idea so we need to get that back yes sir uh it's a priority for us to get our traffic units back uh we are going to be going to Miami D College even trying to recruit from the academy to see what we can get um we are trying to have more events uh we reach out to medley Police Department uh the mimic where they have one of the uh pretty effective explore program so we're going to explore to see uh what that would take and and the cost analysis uh of explore program here uh we also are reaching out uh Miss Linda helped us with the magic uh basketball to see if we can kind of reach out with our our pile officer we do have a pile officer but we don't have a pal program so we're going to be trying to uh kind of incorporate that see what we can do with it uh and the cost for that um we also started uh creating some different things of walking with the chief or coffee with the police um I'm finally kind of walking a little bit with a limp but uh hopefully we can kind of get that those uh those things started so we can get out there with the community more often yeah this might be silly but I think that we maybe should get a mascot you know or we have the Canan un we should promote that but I think we should have a mascot you know for police I see other cities do that and that gets kids at the rec center to be more friendly to a police because kids get scared when they see a police officer and that's something that we need to avoid yes sir we'll definitely look into that thank you may I real quickly two things first um you referenced something in your report about uh an incident um where some handguns were confiscated and sir I know a bit about what that was and I just want to say thank you for that because I know you worked in conjunction with the code Department yes sir and it's really important for us to remember that it's police are in charge of enforcement in terms of the laws and code for code but we have uh code people out there and we have uh Public Works people out there as well that are eyes and ears all over this community and was great to see that you guys work together so closely and that they very quickly got you involved in something that could have gone terribly terribly wrong for you and them and the community so thank you for that thanks why did we lose our two uh police uh why why did we lose our two traffic officers uh we're re re-evaluating and rewriting some policies to make sure we're in compliance with what um our Direction and where we're going unfortunately due to the the salary of those positions right now and the loss of a temporary loss of take-home vehicles uh for part-time Reserves um they felt it wasn't um conducive to their best benefits to remain in those positions we we do have a policy drafted me and the manager are working very hard to address that issue to make sure that um we have a policy in place that we're doing things correctly uh revamping that section so as soon as that gets up and going hopefully we'll be able to um be able to entice the people or officers to take the positions but just uh with the the $19 an hour no other benefits um they just kind of backed out of it so we're in that process right now again was that something they had been promised when they took the job uh beforeand part-timers were assigned uh take-home vehicles but that we did not per se have a policy on it the the part-timers and our on call um Reserve Personnel had take homes also and that was kind of the uh benefit for that position something in the agreement when we hired these these traffic officers that you call no sir there was no set agreement on that that was just a kind of a a benefit that we gave them to to encourage the taking it was not something I just want to know that we didn't change the deal for someone after the fact this whole bait and switch the word bait and switch came up here earlier tonight and that makes me cringe when I hear bait and switch and i' hate to think that officers were subject to that so that was case uh no they prior to my arrival uh with this department parttime have always had the take home cars um after a review with the manager on making sure we're doing things correctly and trying to get in line we realized that the Sops and the policies did not uh cover that so we we did a temporary hold uh to get that in place that policy has been drafted and it's over to the manager's office and then it will go to Brad I wasn't ask you to explain all of that I'm just talking about the two traffic officers when they were hired were they under the understanding that that would be part of the deal for them because you hired them that's not from the old Administration that's your yes sir uh we we told them as a part-time position that's our was our standard practice so we that was part of the deal with them was part of what they were offered they were offered an hourly plus the take-home vehicles and then when we pull the take-home Vehicles they quit yes sir so what's the fix to get these people back are you giving them takeen I mean I just want to repeat we offer them money in a car yes sir and then we changed the deal on them yes sir oh well that's not cool yes sir did we was that but that was not the case for all the part- timers I'm just talking specifically these two yes some of the part- Tim were here before yes sir it was uh from my understanding talking to the other part-timers that's always been a a verbal deal that they they've had for the positions those people were hired with the understanding that they got an hourly rate and they got a car and then they were told they don't get yes sir I would quit to if you told me that this is how I'm getting compensated yes sir um how are you getting them back you said you're going to try to lower them back are you going to give them cars you more money I really can't do the money with the budget but uh hopefully me and the manager are working on the cars to get them back to them that's distressing I didn't know that that was the case we were very excited about this traffic force and it was actually your idea yes sir sat here in a meeting and I said Chief what could you were the yes sir Chief I think you were whatever you were that and I said what could you were the deputy chief whatever yes sir I said what could we do and that was actually your suggestion and we all were very enthusiastic about it yes sir and we budgeted for it and we did all the things so I'd hate to see it fall apart because the village uh it sounds like we did sounds to me like we had no processes in place and here we are and that's the problem but we did offer it to them but that's a management decision so whether it is the chief of police or the manager's conversation with an employee police officer in this case is the lack of process is a has of now again that he said she said you know we talked about it but we have no policy so I I don't know what your concern is up for me is conc that the village offered a position and it's not he said she said it's he said and they're saying the exact same thing he's agreeing so for me offered them something and then took it away whether those positions were correctly assigned whether a car needs to be assigned to a part-time versus a full-timer whether those particularity that that's sort of a management decision and I'm giving my opinion on how they handled it I'm saying that was a bait and switch it was clearly a bait and switch for me is I won what we approve which was the traffic detail done with specific budget we assigned how needs to happen is the the the correct way we need processes in we need the right people in place I'm not saying those two officers or one I don't know what it was are not or it that's a management decision but we need those kind of that program to continue yes ma'am so for me that that is a takeaway at least on my process but but ultimately in this case in this case they were offered something and then it was taken away from them and we lost officers as as a result and we lost our program Al together we got to do better we got to do better with the processes in place so that doesn't happen we can't just all of a sudden be putting things at at award I I said that well it sounds like it sounds like we're working on something to correct that we approve exactly we should have it fixed by December Chief a couple more questions uh having these take-home cars on the road without standard Sops in place did that create a liability for the village yes sir it did did the village attorney agree to create a liability for the Village I don't know if we specifically in your op in your opinion does it create a liability The Village do other departments have these Sops yes sir so it's industry standard so the village manager identified industry standards that we were deviated from and he corrected it correct sir and we're not saying that we might not have take cars in the future we're just setting up the Sops so we're no liability to the Village correct sir we we have the SOP drafted it's in the review process so by December we should be back online and back with our traffic units one more question how long have we been having these take-home cars is it prior Administration how many Village managers back does it go I I could only tell you since I've been here it's been a standard practice from my understanding it's been uh well over six to seven eight uh years that that that's been we're back like three village managers probably four four or five more V four Village managers haven't found this uh about yeah I would say about five that's a lot of Village managers who had cars on the road liabilities on the road and we didn't identify it yes sir thank you Chief thank you for your time um I don't know there's no further questions um we appreciate the update uh and I'd like to just Echo one of the it sounds like we have some things that are being corrected which is which is a positive note I'd like to just uh Echo one of the sentiments about the Halloween event um how well run it was by the police department and by uh e in our in our rec department too overall it was a great event I didn't get to spend much time in there I was being dragged to another house for candy but um it's second to nine of our year so thank you all for for your hard workor and commitment to that event thank you Chief oh okay um okay so having completed our report section let's go ahead and move on down to section nine which is our well well we didn't have an opportunity for Commissioners to give reports we did not have that on there okay no and also um uh there other uh Recreation I just wanted to say thank you too but Public Works uh yeah we public some of the Departments I mean this is not a criticism but I is it possible that we can get a report from the recreation department not now I mean just in the future I think I think what's going on in the doing a good job and I just think that when you know like now I forgot to mention him about the Halloween and that was smart but we need to I think a report from the recreation Department should be part of it well I think one of the points that the uh that the manager has made is that we're we're working to start getting all the Departments and boards to have the reports again it's something that we did as early as less than two years ago um because I remember the Departments and the boards all had their reports and people were here so it's something that we talked about at one of our most recent meetings was it would be nice to have the folks even even on Zoom um would be great to have everyone here to discuss them with us um and address any questions um I would certainly give you the opportunity if there's anything you'd like to say um but I know that I I hope that for our future meetings we're going to have a formal position in uh some sort of report right so I I don't want to put Issa on the on on the on the spot but he does a great job for the village and you know he does does an excellent and uh produces an excellent po product so um we thank him for all his hard work but in next month we we intend to have a a monthly report from each department tend to have what a a monthly report for each department yeah because we always I mean I agree that we always criticize what departments are doing but we don't say the good stuff that they do and I think that's something that the residents need to hear thank you so uh with that understanding going forward let's let's give an opportunity to to do um some commission reports if there's anything else that we'd like to add um my my last one in terms of Department um U Madame clerk you know I have to bring this up because we've been been talking about it for a while what's the status on the minutes of meeting minutes approval we have minutes that need to be approved um this agenda was I know the next meet next meeting you should have another um so so I want to I want to Ray why this is important to me I have found errors in terms of and this is not just you know on your s Pamela of even prior that of recording who votes yes or not on certain items it is important to me to make sure that what I voted on it's recorded properly um and we have a lack of minute reports to be approved for months and I think that is going to come back to us as a work to do to check that everything that we voted on is there and provided it is correctly and it's posted for anybody to um ask for as Florida Statutes required so I think what I would like as Mr manager and you and Pamela can have that discussion but it's a date where we can have committed to and we can catch up with whatever's left because we have a h I know a few months behind and it's you know whatever is on your side then it has to be on our side just making sure we check so it's everybody in the same boat and then my last one just Isa thank you it was awesome it seemed like it was very safe too uh for the police report but also the letter to the commission that the manager share so thank you and it's also worth mentioning that the U the minutes are actually the official record of the meeting not this video so yeah those have to be done and they have to be right and we' found plenty of Errors of those in the past four panel was here as well can I jump okay yeah of course so I missed Halloween Isa but congratulations everyone rais about your I got called out of town on business so I missed it this year um couple of quick things the November 5th event U December 5th event that the Arts board was doing for us is not going to happen now because we were sworn in tonight so that's not going to happen remember that thing that we approved um I asked about that already the uh look I don't want to throw anybody under the bus or ask anyone to throw themselves under the bus but the uh traffic Ila with the county I sent an email the other day saying where is it it's here now I'm just like ticking off the months here and we have no traffic Ila which we were very happy to Champion and who's going to be the solution to so many problems and so it still isn't signed so I'm just letting you all know please keep an eye on things I sent an email and the response was oh gez never sent it to the county so people make mistakes but we all have to have eyes on all of this stuff because that's a really big initiative that already is just kind of like falling between our fingers and we can't do anything until we have that and now we're looking at December before we can see that thing so we need to keep an eye ey on things we we all need to keep an eye on things um Al what is the date for the uh could you explain what's going on with the unsafe structure on 121st so residents are aware please we're we're trying to tear down a building and we got approved by the unsafe structure board and then what happened so the um we found out through through the county the county publishes those notices it's not through the village but it's through the Count's um Chief Building official and there there was a um there's a mortgage on the on the property so the bank wasn't notified and they protested that they weren't available for the hearing so it's now be rescheduled the exact date I don't know but I I'll get that to you commissioner and also probably do an LTC on it okay but uh we have to have another hearing we be prepared for that hearing as we complete hearing as if the first one didn't happen Isa we're all ready for that the Pedro and the people from cap are all ready to do their thing again and I'll be imping in person and you'll be there as well okay so we just so everyone knows the first one I guess which will consider to be a warm-up hearing uh we won and we got permission to tear that building down some other things have to happen beforehand so I'm hoping we can make that happen again um okay so oh real quickly the oak tree here at 7th and 113th that uh had a water M break underneath it Al I I got your email thank you for letting me know that you guys are keeping an eye on that tree but I hope we keep an eye on that tree that's a beautiful oak tree at the median right here and unfortunately North Miami had to come completely excavate around it and cut through a lot of roots some big roots to fix the water man so I hope everyone has eyes on that tree and we're doing whatever we can take I know a big tree like that is resilient and they can handle a good beating and come back but I hope we're keeping an eye on it um as a reminder in December we have to have a resolution for the 2025 meeting dates and we trip over that every single year so I hope that's on our agenda and I would also love it since we're doing it since we're going to have a resolution with all the meeting dates why not just add right to it the deadlines to submit and do all the deadlines and everyone has to know it's all done at one time Bing bam boom get it out to everyone and then no one has to worry about that again for the rest of the year um FPL has been in the village recently Al you and I talked about there's maybe we emailed about it and they're cutting they're trimming trees per their Authority uh you know for to prepare for storms and all that good stuff I understand they have to do what they have to do they're not you know the best arborists in in the business FPL whoever these crews are um there is a project for us for this Village to go completely underground Al and it seems to have gotten stalled and I wonder if maybe you could sort of find out where we stand they were going to do a small part of the village and it ended up getting bigger and they came in here my request and did a presentation and told us how it was going to be mapped out and then they did another section gauge I think they did like down your street didn't they they kind of went a little farther than they were intending to uh but it seems to have stalled so I'd love to see the rest of this Village get underground so they don't have to come back here and cut the trees that still leaves data lines up in the air but they're not the issue that the electric lines are uh so if we could maybe we could invite FPL to come in and give us an update on that project and maybe it will kind of spur them to move along faster because they were moving at a pretty good clip there for a bit um I think Gage has a point on that well and that's interesting Al because when they were in here it was very clear it's electric lines only and not data this was how many years ago Dan you were on the commission it was right when I first became a commissioner I think it was and 2018 201 got EAS from they weren't data was not going underground so at my house data did not go underground but in other places in the village apparently everything went underground with it so I'm not sure how that happened but it sure would be nice if that were the case if if everything went underground Gage you were so picky picky picky picky okay so they put lines undergr didn't hook them up so well I remember sorry I don't I don't want to interrupt but I do remember this came up um during our last manager tenure just kind of an update what was going on it was kind of the same story from FP I don't know if it was from FPL or from from the manager's position about still identifying the most at risk lines based on the grids that they're on and doing those first that was the last I remember and that just seemed like the same update for for years and years they were so enthusiastic and they were great to deal with by the way FPL if you're listening they're wonderful when they roll on your street to do it they're great yeah yeah really are yeah I would love to see that get done actually uh it's funny you mention that I reached out to fpnl a few months back wondering about the same project and the representative that I got a hold of said that the funds had dried up and they were no longer interested in doing the project anymore so that was under a different Administration I really hope with an experience manager we have we could persuade them to change their mind but that was the response I got back from fpnl was that the funds had dried up and they had no interest in doing it anymore then do we get the easements back if if that's the case because I would be really interested to see how that goes okay couple of other things um so the lobbyist contract was on uh consent and we voted are we're going to we did not we did not vote it through yet um but it's it's on consent and I didn't pull it off but uh later this evening we're I have an item if we get to it about alternative Revenue sources and we need to have a serious conversation about that because I'm going to throw us under the bus a little bit here and say as a commission we've not done well working with these vendors who try to get us extra money and we talk about doing it better every year and going to Tallahassee and look we haven't workshopped with Dave is he still here there he is we haven't workshopped with him um to even tell him what we want to head him at and have him you know tell us what's available so we're not going to talk about that tonight I know until my item later but I I really want us to be more proactive with that and I'm only mentioning it because it's on consent now I do want to bring up one other thing and this is kind of a big deal so um Al this is directed at you I'm going to and this is not something Al this is not a criticism of Allen anyway as a matter of fact Al did something really good for us here so um when our prior manager left when Chris Truitt left here uh it became known to us after he left and I'm assuming all of you know this because I know it so I'm assuming you all know Dan maybe this is news to you that he did something on his way out regarding employment agreements offering 10year employment agreements to staff to Select Staff members at biscan Park and he had those agreements signed by these staff members which bound us to them in 10-year contracts with having to pay them out if the contract were terminated for certain reasons um um I'll let Al and Brad step in here but Al became aware of this and because of a from my understanding because of a little tiny legal little thing that wasn't followed properly it was not these contracts were not sent through the village attorney for legal sufficiency for him to sign off because that was not done the contracts are void and that's the only reason they're void is because he didn't send them to Brad had he sent them to Brad he would have said these are legally sufficient I don't I don't know if Brad would advise it but these contracts were then cancelled so Al how many of these contracts were offered to staff members how many of them signed the letter of agreement saying they understand it's void how many of them refused to sign it how many refused to sign the letter that was offered to them can you kind of encapsulate this for us this pisses me off that someone would do something like this I mean I find it to be a personal violation really that someone would do this so I want to know how many were offered how many employees refused to sign them thinking better of it how many did sign them and how many have signed a letter saying it's been rescinded and how many are still hanging out there in the Wind Through the mayor through the mayor so please commissioner I I hate to air our dirty laundry and that's what I don't mind airing our dirty laundry at all Al sometimes you need to air your dirty laundry this is not we have a transparent government here right this is not airing our dirty laundry this is telling people the truth about something that happened right so so I I found there was aox there was uh five that were offered one employee knew that knew what was being done was an improve appropriate and wrong the other four employees signed the agreement um I immediately when I found it which was wasn't easy to find either it took some took some work to find these and going through them when I found them I brought it to the city attorney's attention and my experience my 40 plus years of experience this was the first time I've ever seen anything like this and was a little shocking but um usually any type of employment agreement is brought forward to the elected body the commission to be approved at a public hearing is or it's put on the consent agenda everybody knows about it um I've done a couple for police Chiefs at the P prior cities I work for um and that's usually what it's it's Lim to a police chief it's not something you give to every employee um uh the village attorney had the same concern I did um he wanted to call employees right away he drafted an agreement um or a memo saying this was improper and we got that memo out to the employees and uh one refused to sign it uh said he uh wanted to talk to his attorney uh first and um I'll be F following up with him about that but he has not signed it yet so five were offered one employee chose not to sign it chose was was uh was aware that this was improper and said you know the others did and the other did yes and what date were these signed by these employees it it was I um I I was there that that final week that the manager was was leaving I was shattering the manager that entire week um these were the memos were going back and forth during that week because I I covered uh a couple emails so there's emails going back and forth this was signed on Thursday he his final day was on a Friday was on a Friday I think it was October you were shadowing him but you were not aware that at this no sir I was not aware okay so his last day was Friday and on Thursday all of these were signed on October 13th was his last day and I think they October 11th excuse me and then uh these were signed on the on the on the 10th they were signed one day prior to his leaving you were shadowing him you had no idea and Brad he did not discuss Chris Tru did not discuss these with you he did not show these to you did not ask you to Pine in any way simple answer that is no the first time I saw these were when Mr childis um sent me an email and asked me if I was aware of these which I wasn't um when we just just to follow up on on the discussion so it's clear when we looked at the agreements your your Village Charter requires any agreement to be signed by the by The Village attorney um for form and content there was no signature EXC excuse me and what I what I saw what we first saw were drafts they were unsigned um so they were there was no signature line for the village attorney to sign as to form and content um in reviewing the agreement as well there was a provision in it that that was contrary to Florida law with regards to Severance um Florida law for government employees there's no you can't you can't give an employee more than 20 20 weeks sence this was essentially well above with sance um so as managers much told you what what my advice to him was so the only thing if I may the only thing I wanted to say is the the memo that I had drafted for the manager to provide to these these employees that had these agreements was basically just a memo the these these agreements these executive agreements were in the employees employment class so the discussion that the manager and I had was I may not be here manager may not be here there may be a new new Administration if there was an issue where for some reason this agreement was being presented to a new Administration new attorney new manager we wanted some documentation as to the efficacy of of the document so what we were doing is we were putting a memo in the on attaching it to the document in their personnel file can't remove the record the record public record yeah identifying what the issues were and we were also providing the memo to those employees so that they were aware of what we were doing and what our decision was and the fact that this was going to be part of their personnel file um the signature part of it was only acknowledging receipt of the memo got it and so the the individual did sign the memo they they assigned they didn't it's not that they agreed with what we said they just were aing received copy of the memo the one employee that that wanted to talk to their Council before they would sign um my advice to to the manager at that time was okay just what we need to do is just take that particular memo have the manager indicate on the memo in his own scribe that it was provided to this employee on such and such a date and he refed to sign and we put that in the memo so that at least we in the the file attached to that agreement so if somebody were to look at it in the future it was clear that that employee receive a copy of okay so you're saying it's in it's actually a charter violation this is a violation of our Charter or our code of or ordinances it it's a charter provision that requ Char provision Village attorney to review and sign off on agreement okay so he did not follow the the former manager did not follow our Charter when he had these agreement when he signed these agreements thank you just repeating what you're saying yes you're okay great okay thank you so for Al oh yes so commissioner if I could I should be pointed out that I read our policy and procedure manual and in there it says that the village manager can can offer employment agreements to employees but so I'm gonna that I'm going to change that right I'm going to change that it needs to be changed to say to take that out of there or say on approval by the City by The Village commission the commission but yeah okay but um also I think if you're you want the full facts the those agreements had certain Provisions in there that said if they were fired if they were retired one one of them was if they retired after three years they could buy their car for a dollar so um what else was in there they could buy their car for a dollar if we terminated them without cause that we had to buy out the the remaining term of their contract some some there was some language in there that uh if they were termina without cause they would go back to a different position or a position of their choice or something like that yes okay so just to wrap this up Al thank you very much for however it came in front of your eyes for knowing that you were seeing something that was unusual and for chasing it down and thank you Brad for staring him in the direction of adding this memo into the Personnel files and saving this Village some hassle in the future can I say something commissioner that's the job of a professional city manager exactly okay okay that you don't have to thank us that's what we do but that's our job thank Isa for a great event we thank Gage for running good meetings and we're going to thank you especially our commissioner I wanted to say that that's our that's my job I get it my job is to find find what's going on I told commissioner Amsler I told her that I'm going to check every penny that's coming in and coming out of the village as a resident too that's important to me but that's my job is to do that well it was the former manager's job to follow our Charter and as well so um I'm glad that's all getting wrapped up it's very um I take these things really personally it's a to me my opinion it's a violation of public trust this guy quit he resigned from this position he asked to be removed from the terms of his employment agreement and not work out the full notice we released him from that and we agreed we as a body not we as in Mac I said no to let him stay and work out this transition period when someone's going to go and they're in a position like that you take their keys you walk into the door you Pat them on the back and say thanks you don't keep them around where they have the ability to do things like this this is on us we allowed that to happen because we didn't do the right thing sitting in this room that tonight so I'm calling you guys out for allowing that to happen that's exactly what happens we wanted a transition period look what we got the day before he left he signed employment agreements that violate our Charter I know yall don't like hearing this out loud but you need to hear it I I I heard it I'm ready to move on you know what Veronica sometimes you go on and on I'm ready to move on as well I'm going to ask right sometimes do go on and this is important can we can we please okay all right this is important it's important I'm grateful to the manager for pointing this out in finding this and catching it and going forward and we're going and and this is nullified um I appreciate the manager's efforts and correcting these issues I agree it's important and I'm glad that you brought it up I'm glad that we heard from the manager and the attorney on it I'm very why why did I have to bring it up Jonathan why did the manager the attorney four other Commissioners why did one commissioner have to bring this up something really bad happened in biscane park again a police thing happened just a couple of months ago again then this you can't let this stuff happen guys and just float past you and not have them know it did you know Gary nope did you know Linda you work in Village Hall and you didn't know Danny did you know you may have known can I say for me no that's my point that's my point no I wanna I wanna if I may just one second just one second I agree with you it it's it's important it's not this body's job to to catch what he caught he he reviewed it and he found it and and that's a good thing no no I'm not disagreeing you that it should not be know I'm not disagreeing with you Ma I I I don't think I I don't think we're we're hiding things look I I think it was caught I I'd like I'd like to acknowledge the importance of the issue I thank you Mac for bringing it up and I thank the manager and the attorney for addressing the issue I would like to move on please yes yes please all right can I just ask please you need to do it in a calm manner we don't need to be macking tables and raising our voice Mac we can hear you it's okay and the truth is we have a conversation we all know what's going on this is the first time we have the the new maor and intering manager temporary intering manager F stuff so he's in the midst of building all this content and we've all had the opportunity to discuss and I think it was going to come at due diligent time so all I'm saying is we're all aware of it well it's unfortunate what happened and I think it was about to come out in a way that it fully provides visibility what's going on this is just not the manner that's all I'm going to say I I'd like to just point out there's something that Al and I talked about about some more communication transparency and communication to your point uh Max something we talked about is something that I I've personally had discussions with about previous managers and something that Alan and I have already talked about um and I'd like to see some improvements and I I think I like to see this as as an opportunity to start a new and and be better I agree with you we do need to be better we need to be better not look like we're hiding things no I I don't I don't think we're certainly not I I can only speak myself um but I I don't think we're hiding things um I I'm looking forward to to improving the the transparency and communication um and I and I appreciate the manager and the attorney's efforts and I do appreciate you bringing it up um but I do want to move on so if there are there any other uh are there any commission reports uh before we move on to our consent agenda no hearing none okay uh so let's go ahead and move on to number nine our consent agenda um do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda make a motion to approve the consent agenda sorry anybody has any items they want to well normally the way we do it is the way that we've done it in the past is is we open it up for an approval on motion normally we would have done it on additions deletions and withdrawals uh which I hadn't heard any um certainly give people an opportunity now if we'd like to remove anything or moove anything but um I would like to open the floor for a motion to approve the consent and we can go from there so do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda make a motion to approve the consent agenda second we have a second now before we vote on it is there any discussion on any items that we'd like to remove hearing none okay so um all in favor of approving the consent agenda I hi hi hi hi okay all right uh so that gets us down to item number 10 our ordinances uh our first ordinance of the evening is item 10A which is 20 24-4 this is construction signage um Mr attorney I'm jumping out ahead of you but uh would you uh please introduce the or read the item for us yes sir an ordinance of the village Commission of the Village abys Park Florida amending appendix a part three Administration chapter 18 construction of the Land Development code of the village of biscane park by amending section 18.1 definitions and section 18.9 limitations on parking of construction vehicles or construction employee Vehicles by defining Construction Construction activity and clarifying the parking limitations for construction vehicles and employee construction vehicles and by adding section 18.5.19 for an effective date okay thanks Brad uh do I have a a motion in a second on the ordinance your mic uh I'll make a motion on the ordinance number 20244 okay do we have a second second okay um before we move to discussion um I'd like to open up uh open up to public comment if there's any public comment on this ordinance um now is the time Mr Mayor if I for a moment pursuant to your Your Land Development code the any ordinance affecting the Land Development code has to go before your um planning agency the local planning Agency for their review there is a memo that provided by the um by the chair after the local planning agency considered the memo and um I don't know if if there has any comment well he's still here with us for this item for this item yes there was a memo provided yes any any Amendment to the Land Development code has to be presented it's not in the agenda it is actually it is a I have it on mine where oh it's at the end sorry I got it ordinance 20244 signage on construction sites memo pdrb correct sorry 10:30 any outside of any outside of anything in the memo you'd like to present to us uh Gage seeing no thank you I'll just recap the memo um okay we did review it um twice in two of our meetings and both and both meetings um the board um just expressed some concern that there was no maximum size defined for the sign and uh felt that uh something should be determined and that the um that this that there also should be some language in there that the sign needs to be of a of a neutral pallette so that it's not you know bright orange or something because again there's no nothing in the in the language that determines that it needs to blend in with its surroundings and then um there also was just concern about how is it mounted to the fence or whatever it is so that um if it won't get loose in the wind and you know become some kind of an eyesore so that was um just the the the general consensus of the board um that you know we made the recommendation that you consider consider those items thank you Gage um I know I offered public comment on it I didn't see anyone here and I don't believe we had anyone on Zoom so uh if there is no public comment on this one and having heard the uh uh Gage's uh comments um we'll go ahead and um move this into discussion and open it um open it up for any comments or anything that we'd like to hear before we vote I did read this I was confusing it with the other one okay uh any questions any comments any discussion before we uh move to vote um some of those things that Gage addressed those would be things that the manager would take care of this Brad this ordinance is just happen and then the manager executes from there right yes would determine the size all the things that were mentioned by Mr Hart some of those other things are not addressed in other signage that that's allowed or required by Developers for example we don't have any language there about not using bright colors I'm sorry right right I know that was uh at least some of the benefit of the discussion that we we recently had okay Madam clerk if please man's back um so so uh anyway um I know that this was part of the discussion that we had the last time we talked about the ordinance was that this would kind of be open to the the manager's perview we're just giving kind of some direction through this ordinance that this is what is being required and that the manager would um would accommodate um so if uh if there's no if there's no real concern I guess or or specific um um uh initiative to discuss those items and leave it to the perview the manager um yeah I I tend to agree with the uh with the board that I have serious concerns on the size and I would rather see it in our ordinance then leave it up to the interpretation of the manager and color as well I think that those things are important to have it spelled out in our ordinance because these are the things that our manager follows he follows these the ordinances as as a direction whether it's this manager another manager whether it's 50 years from now we abide by our ordinances so to leave it open to interpretation to me is is uh irresponsible I think we should go along with the other established size requirements uh we have real estate signs at three square feet construction signs at two square feet that to me is right in the line why should a a signed from the village get 16 square feet when when the construction sign is only two you would want only three and you want to be neutral colors and neutral colors obviously was that a proposal to add to the uh the ordinance then yeah I would say what is it specifically two square feet and neutral colors would be my proposal how big is the real real estate sign that goes not the real not realtor signs in but the ones that are required on are three square feet real estate the ones that that uh developers are required to put up do you have that commissioner instruction sign that would be two squ fet two square feet for construction two squ feet for real estate real estate was three sorry political sign was three political sign was three real estate okay and what's your proposal square feet so that' be 3 by3 no no no 3 by3 would be nine square feet sorry you're right right one and a half by one and a half like 18 by 24 something like that okay so um I'm cool with three square feet and neutral colors okay I'd be fine with that so who made the motion I believe the motion was endion your your mic your mic I amend the motion to whatever the commission discussed to reflect what was is three square feet and neutral colors correct three square feet and what neutral colors and neutral colors yes okay also recommend that we have the stuff and I agree with you in an ordinance and that always that's what we're doing written ordinances should always be important okay um I'd support that um so uh do we have a second on the motion you did it commissioner County I I'll second the the amended motion okay if there's is there any further discussion before we ask the clerk to call the rooll hearing none Madam clerk May gr yes Vice May hon yes commissioner Amsler no commissioner Kennedy yes commissioner Sam yes the adem passes on second reading 41 thank you madam CK okay Brad or Brad Jonathan if I may uh I spoke with Brad about this and Brad I'm going to get this wrong so I'm just going to introduce the idea and let you take it from there Brad brought to my attention that there's a conflict with somewhere else in the code and he's going to have to bring back uh section 18.9 point1 that contradicts 753 there's some language things he'll have to clean up for us it's it's un it's something elsewhere in the code that he'll have to clean up so Brad what is that exactly I'm sorry I put you on the spot he'll you're you're going to bring it to us your mic's off Brad not that you need it while you think but your mic then that'll be on record right honestly I'm gonna have to go back through my notes because well you said you told me you'd bring it to us in December or January it wasn't urgent there was yeah there was a there was a there was I'll I'll it was definitely an 189 I'll look through it and I'll bring it we'll bring it to you in December okay you asked me to remind you I should have reminded you before the meeting I wish you did because I don't have it in my notes yeah okay all right thanks BR um so uh and thanks commissioner um so let's go ahead and move on to our next ordinance 10B uh ordinance 20249 rad could you please introduce the ordinance for us an ordinance of the village Commission of the village of bisc Park Florida amending chapter 2 definitions and chapter 8 Environmental Management of The Village's Land Development code to provide for a definition of publication and to eliminate the requirement for newspaper publication uh providing for inclusion in the code and scrier error providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for an effective dat and Mr Mayor this also went before the land develop of the excuse me the planning agency and they were um they found no issues and they found incompliance with the comp plan okay all right thanks Brad um so do we have a motion in a second on on I'll make a motion to approve ordinance number 24 2024 XX I'll second it's 09 yeah um okay all right so we have a motion a second um before we move into discussion is there any public comment on the ordinance before we discuss none any on Zoom also seeing none okay so let's go ahead and um and discuss and I just open the floor um you know what um Brad um okay that's all right Brad could you just give us a very brief overview of of the purpose behind this uh ordinance please so you pass during consent a resolution that allows you to use um the County's web this County's uh publication website to publish legal notices and legal advertisements that are required by various statutes and various laws for instance um when you advertise your budget when you advertise ordinances um those generally what the village has done is they've advertise those in the Mian Harold us to the Broward review Broward review stop publishing a hard paper so you've been doing that through uh the Miami Herald due to a change in the in the Florida Statutes the legislature allowed this countywide website for for legal Publications and notices so in anticipation of of you approving the the agreement that you did on consent um I went through your code to see what sections um required specifically um publication by um by newspaper and this was the only code that we we were able to find that needed um needed a revision so that you could any notices under these Provisions can be done through the County's website as well and there was in going through the code there were some scriveners errors that I noticed which I cleaned up in 8.4.1 18 where basically it was just repeated the same words twice so just um clean that up while we were doing this okay thanks Brad um do we have a cost estimate on what this uh just basically looking at a um a cost comparison between adopting this versus the traditional means of advertising so the if you're using the County's website it's it's a annual fee of $750 per user so I think the last time we had discussed this the former manager had suggested that there' be two users so it would be two licenses it's so for 1,500 bucks the year and I would have to defer to pamel to The Madam sorry madam clerk as far as the costs of uh the the I'm sorry the ads go anywhere from 1,500 to 3,200 one ad one ad okay so for the cost of one ad we're getting the entire year okay and it's unlimited right unlimited number of ads we can put up for that and that would include all of our budget and millage uh not all of that okay anything that was legally required to be published in a newspaper can be published on that on on the website there are certain requirements that we're going to have to meet in order to use that website with regards to notice that we're using the website um creating a registry um it does the statute does require um to allow your residents if if they so desire to um request notices either by by mail or by email as opposed to just the public notice on the website so there there are certain requirements we have to meet but um but we but yes to answer your question it's unlimited say that last part again about people requesting emails so what the statute specifically provides is that if on an annual basis you have to do a notification in the newspaper notifying your residents that you're using the County website and that in that notice it has to contain a provision that a resident if they so desire can register well two things one there has to be access to that website on your web page and somewhere where it's conspicuously on your web page and the other thing is the notice that I'm talking about has to inform residents that if they so desire they could receive the legal advertisements or public or the legally required Public Notices either by mail or by email and they have a registry and it requires the village to keep an up-to-date registry of those individuals does the and if we I'm sorry if we missed that if we posted something on the on the county site but but failed to email it to the people who registered would that meeting then not be properly noticed it would not be properly Oo we got to be careful there that's correct well and and another Point um there about something you just mentioned too if someone opts out of of digital notice and is opting in for regular notice mail notice is that handled through the county site or are we then responsible the village is going to do that that's through the village okay so then we have to mail still considerably cheaper than understood I'm just trying just understanding no the V The Village takes on it's The Village's responsibility as it always was to to publish the legal notices this just give and you can still use the newspaper this didn't do away with newspaper publication it's just you I'll turn it it's kind of modernizing the statute to the sense that you now have you know there's an online countywide website where residents throughout the county can can access various different municipalities and government agencies notices the county has been using it for um quite some months now um and they in the last um few months they've opened it up they're ready to open it up now to municipalities to use in accordance with the statute okay um any other questions or discussion on on the ordinance okay uh hearing none um Adam cler would you uh do the role for us please mayor gr yes vice mayor huntingon yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Kennedy yes commission yes item passes 5 on first reading thank you madam clerk all right we can start doing this right away Al or do we still have some other things we need to do before uh Pam could start using it yeah I I can answer that you're going to have to do those notice requirements that we talked about so we'll have to do one last publication or every year do an annual publication first in the in the Miami Herald with the notice that I've described and then we'll have to give the option to the the residents to opt into either the email or regular mail create that registry and once we we've done that then we we can operate the um through the website okay um all right so that concludes item 10B let's go ahead and move on to 10 C which is ordinance 20241 um and Brad if you would wouldn't mind please reading uh this ordinance under the record Force an ordinance of the village Commission of the village abys C Park Florida amending section 16.2 development permit section 16.3 building permits of chapter 16 I'm sorry let me start again uh section 16.3 building permits of of chapter 16 permits and certificates of the village of biscan Park Land Development code to clarify development permit process and the role of the pl of the planning and design review board as well as to ensure the provisions contained therein are in Conformity with the Florida building code providing for inclusion in the code scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for repealer and providing for an effective date okay thanks Brion I know we had a a memo from um planning board engage on this one too yes um I didn't know if there's before we let me do this first sorry uh do I have a motion in a second to approve the ordinance motion to approve um okay uh so before we um um have public comment um Gage is there anything you'd like to uh to ceue us in on um with respect to this ordinance yeah hi good uh good evening again uh Gage Hardon planning and design review board chairman um so as you know um and what's called out in the memo um the for legislature passed a new statute uh HP 2667 which uh requires a um a time frame for the approval of building permits uh which is um they have F uh the The Village has five days to review an application for completeness and then it has 30 days to actually approve the the building permit uh with our current form of building department um planning design review board um that is just feasibly impossible considering that we have two meetings a month and uh you know there's 14 days between meetings so that we would be in violation of just the first one by uh by doing that so we had a meeting with the village attorney um and uh after his memo he did a great memo outlining the uh the new requirements uh with the the uh Village manager and the village uh building and U building official and we um discussed ways that we could be in compliance with the co with the legislature we don't want to be non-compliant but also in a way way that that would work with us uh with our Village um way of the way we do things um one of the things that was noted was that the planning board really doesn't approve building permits we approve the the the the application and the the um the the letter of Our Land Development code you know we basically make sure that the applications are in compliance so that being said what we the the what we came up with was was a way of making the um planning defin the planning board as reviewing the um um uh I'm sorry I just lost my train of thought the re uh viewing um the application for um for not I'm sorry I just lost my train thought um we're reviewing the planning and the development permit development permit that's what I can remember so so basically what we're we're doing is the the planning board will now be reviewing development permits which will be part of the application so the time frame does actually kick in until the application is completed and submitted so uh the the planning board will be put in front of the U the building application if I'm reading if that if I'm explaining that correctly essentially correct I mean yeah it's we're really not changing what the board did we're just kind of changing terms so it's clear it's clarifying what the board already did yeah if that makes sense and so essentially what they were really doing as Mr Harton has said is they weren't approving building permit they weren't commenting on building permits they were they were approving zoning and planning issues which are really developmental permits in in an Essence so what we've done is redefine them and redefine the terms so that it's clear what the board actually does um for developmental permits there is a Florida statute that that has timelines for the approval process the board already complies with those processes and so and as Gabe said this is part of the building permit processes as opposed to having or from reading the code making it sound like the board was involved in the actual approval of building permits correct yeah just as clear as so we're just like changing the you know it's a terminology that's if you look at it's already in the code it's just we kind of clear it up a little bit exactly what the responsibilities of the board is and so like U Brad said um we um we already are in compliance with the development part of the the legislature um and um it just you know it helps us stay when and not get in trouble with the state so I would I'll stay up here for any questions you might have Gage take my seat Gage thank you Brad thank you um all right so uh we'll go ahead and move this item to discussion and um I'll open it up to to the commission for any discussion items we like to have on ordinance 2024 d10 hearing none looks like you did a great job explaining it then um was that was our opportunity to ask questions oh sorry yeah yeah anything immedately I was looking at my notes so um uh I understand what you guys did and it's seems like the smart way around it um it sounds like we're doing a bit of an end run sort of around the system that's in place is is this something that the state is aware that municipalities are going to be doing to kind of as a workaround it's really not a workaround it's basically what we did is clarify exactly what your planning and design review board was already doing it's just when you when we sat down and we looked at the the house bill and we looked at the way the ordinance was written it the ordinance gave the impression that the board was approving building permits which is not what the board's function is not that's that's your building official right does um your development permit as as Gage just said the development permit which is planning zoning th those types of of matters are part of the building permit process but they're not you're not ultimately approving the permit so this really was not an end round it's not a work around it was really clarifying what was already done so that it was clear so somebody couldn't come in and say oh to the board you weren't timely in ref in approving this quote unquote building permit which really wasn't building per yeah it just feels like it's not and I'm not arguing this I'm just asking it feels like it's not aligning with the intent of what I thought sorry guys not feeling great it feels like it's in conflict with the intent of what I understood that buil to be which was to make it really easy for people to skate through this process well it still is so it hasn't changed the effectiveness of of the bill so because this is something that would have to be done anyway so if you're submitting a building permit there are certain requirements in order for the to to complete the building permit one of those requirements is that you have to demonstrate that your project meets The Village's code as it relates to zoning so that's part of the process of obtaining a building permit so in order so in order to to for them in order to have the determination made that the project complies with the code as it relates to zoning they have to go through this process it's part of the building process so once you have a completed permit application and part of that completed permit application is is development went to this board we went to the planning design board right you okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e just in light of the circumstances here um I I'd like to uh open the floor to a motion to uh to move the items remaining to our next agenda and to adjourn do I have a motion I make a motion I'll second that all in favor I I bye thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:VSVWg490ss4## our second Proclamation this evening is for diabetes awareness month which I will read onto the record now whereas an estimated 38 million people in the United States have diabetes a serious disease with no cure and whereas according to the American Diabetes Association approximately 2 Milli 71,0 45 people in Florida have been diagnosed with diabetes and an estimated 546,000 people in Florida have diabetes but are but are unaware of the existing condition condition and whereas diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in Florida and whereas complications from diabetes include heart disease stroke blindness kidney disease hearing loss and amputation and whereas racial and ethnic minority populations in Florida have an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes and whereas 5,973 th000 approximately 37% of the adult population in Florida may have pre-diabetes a condition that puts them at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and whereas type 2 diabetes accounts for approximately 95% of diagnosed diabetes cases in adults in the United States type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through participation in a diabetes prevention lifestyle change program and whereas an increase in community awareness of risk factors and symptoms related to diabetes can improve the likelihood that people with or at risk for diabetes will get the attention that they need before suffering the devastating complications now therefore I mayor the mayor of the village of biscane Park to hereby Proclaim November 2024 as diabetes Awareness Month in the village of biscane Park and call this OBS observance to the attention of all residents of the village of biscane Park okay so our proclamations are completed so let's get started with uh the more fun and joys occasion of our swearing in ceremonies so um first of all I'd like to congratulate our three commissioner elects I guess the proper term the formal term commissioner elect but Commissioners and former Commissioners um commissioner Ryan Huntington commissioner McDonald Kennedy and commissioner uh Dan Samaria um so um alphabetical order it is so um that's uh Mr uh commissioner Ryan Huntington you would be first the commissioner will be sworn in by his father hand repeat after me I Ryan Huntington I Ryan Huntington do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support protect and defend that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States the Constitution of the government of the United States and the State of Florida and the State of Florida and that I I am duly qualified to hold office and I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and the charter of the village of biscane Park and the charter of the village of biscane Park and that I will well and Faithfully perform my duties and I will well and Faithfully perform my duties of the village of biscane Park commissioner of the village of biscane Park Commissioner of which I am now about to enter of which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] okay congratulations commissioner Huntington next up we have commissioner McDonald Kennedy the commissioner is being sworn in by his friend Miss Terry moris Terry's visiting me from Pennsylvania and we coordinated our out a safe day I'm ready I MacDonald Kennedy to solemnly affirm that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and the government of the United States and of the State of Florida and that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State of Florida and the charter of the village of biscan Park and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of the village commissioner I messed that up didn't I upon which I'm about to enter the same as the other two times I promise thank you and you two can fight over this one commissioner elect will be sworn in by former Miami day commissioner miss Sally Hayman we're going to share this ready okay good evening raise your right hand yes ma'am I state your name dance Mary do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support that I would support protect and defend protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States Constitution and government of the United States and the State of Florida and the State of Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and the charter of the village of biscane Park and the CH of the village of biscane Park and that I will well and Faithfully perform and I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of the village of biscane Park the duties of the village of biscane Park as a commissioner as a commissioner and additionally and additionally I will respect the new County Commissioner I respect the new County Commissioner for which you previously respected the old commissioner which I previously respected and still respected the old commissioner and showed great reverence and showed great reverence to all the village residents and to all the V Village residents civility civility Integrity integrity and hard work and hard work so I'm accepting this position so I'm accepting this position for a second and you can't add lip I add Li okay and upon which I am now about to enter and upon which I'm now about to enter so help me God congratulations St and if I might uh a point of privilege uh thank you bis K Park on uh allowing me to serve you as a county commissioner for 20 years and to my success that's Mickey uh Steinberg over there and Chief of Staff Mary Ferrero uh uh a great team continuing to serve this Great Village and great friends I see out here thank you very much before we e okay so we're in adjournment until six o'clock thank you