##VIDEO ID:R_BoONYaDp4## good evening and welcome to the September 12th uh 2024 school committee meeting at this time I'll call to order I'd ask everyone to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance fled States America stand na indivisible justice for all next up is Introduction of members and I'll stop from the left Ted noo milville Carrie godette Blackstone Aron Baco milville Matt Catalano milville Chuck dunon Blackstone Tara Lin milville Dan Keith Blackstone Joe spagna Director of Finance and operations Jill P gallerani assistant superintendent director of student services and Jason DeFalco superintendent which will roll us right into our student representative yes so I have a lot of sports updates to give today so fall Sports have begun at BMR and middle school because we do combine sports for most sports we have a JV University with middle schoolers being on JV a lot of the time football has lost the season opener to Bellingham and has a buy this week volleyball is now 1 in three and plays Southbridge tomorrow boys soccer had their first game yesterday and won 3 to1 girls soccer is 1 and three and plays David prowdy tomorrow field hockey is 0 and three and plays nitm tomorrow and we also have our cross country and cheerleading teams that have started up this year you also have a marching band their Show's theme this year is space audity and they have their home show on the 21st so high school students have been adapting to a new schedule this year with the implementation of Charter time which is a 30 minute break in the day where students will go to their advisories get to know their kids and their advisory better and their advisors and we are now working on vision boards incorporating our dreams and aspirations and we have just finished Illuminating letters so we'll take the first letter of our names and there's some little circles and we can fill it in with icons and pictures that represent things about us so you can go put like a volleyball if you play volleyball or something like that and color it in and those are now displayed up in the hallway and I personally like the charger time 30 minute break because it gives you a chance to really sit back and like relax because high school can be hectic and you get stressed out so charger time is a great time just have a break in the day our student council is preparing for homecoming week or homecoming which is starting on October 3rd October 3rd will be our homecoming dance and we have a theme but it's to be determined and Friday 10:4 we have boys JV soccer at 3:30 we have JV and varsity volleyball with Varsity playing at 4:30 and we have football with a band performance at their halftime show at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday 105 we had field hockey playing at 11:00 a.m. and girls soccer at 1: thank you thank you very much good we'll move on to consent and agenda a um consideration of warrants um looking for a motion to uh accept the warrants approve the warrants motion to approve motion May by Ted second second by Chuck any further discussion all those in favor of approval of the warrant signify by saying I I unanimous and to accept the minutes from the from August 19th 2024 so moved May it's August it is August that's fine was that you Aon motion made by Aaron second second by Carrie any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I the eyes have it public forum is anybody wish to speak address the school committee seeing none we'll move on to school committee agenda student recognition from the Fredick hotnet Middle School Mr superintendent yeah thank you good evening everybody um Jill I'm actually GNA have you introduce the absolutely so we always have student representatives from the high school so when we're talking next year our students across the district or leaders in our schools they take on leadership roles they're part of our ilts so what we'd like to highlight for you on every committee meeting is not only what's happening at our high school what's happening within our schools so we invited um three of our um middle schoolers from our new reorganization Middle School we have Zachary Ashley and Cadence I had the pleasure of meeting with them next week and hearing about their start to the school year and I'm excited for you to be able to hear from them tonight so do you want to come on up to the up to the table and Mrs rumka just so you know we've already talked about this is here for support only right this is all about them they're the lead cast are absolutely so did one of you want to go first um I'll start um why don't you tell us what grade you're in your name and what grade you're in I'm in seventh grade and my name is Ashley Shena um so to start off um one thing thing that I've noticed um throughout the beginning of the school year was that um having the younger students in our school gives us the opportunity to become role models for them and so seventh grade can become leaders so the younger students can look up to us another um observation that I have seen was that having the old the our old teachers inside of our school gives us the opportunity to help them get adjusted to the uh school and classrooms and just overall give them a warm welcome um and we and this also through the year um we hope can become a community of learning and help us feel more connected um to add on to what Ashley just shared it's great to have our former principal Miss Rema back in our school it's nice because we all know um her expectations and how she operates things smoothly she knows all of us and all of our names and is always present everywhere we go we are also really excited for leadership opportunities such as IL and student ambassadors overall this change is very positive for the Frederick Harnet middle school thank you and Cadence you're in seventh grade correct yes I'm Zachary kigle and I'm in fourth grade and what I like about the middle school is it's a bigger building than last year and there's actually a band room that you don't and you don't have to go like in a lunchroom and there's more options for from the cafeteria and you get to buy snacks and there's lockers and I really like the lockers cuz if you're feeling upset you can take a little walk to your locker and like get like something that you need for school and more recess space there's no playground cuz basically at the JFK there was no people that like to play on the playground they basically just played soccer and poison ball and basketball there's bigger students because so they can like role model what like what's the expectations and we can have a good school year that's it nice job thank you yeah yeah thank you for coming and I did like I said had an opportunity to meet with them last week and we really had a great conversation I heard about the lunch choices and recess and all the things they're looking forward to this this school year so overall the the new configuration like the grades in the school and everything is working okay yeah perfect y very good nice work thanks for your leadership have a [Applause] great and next on the agenda Blackstone parks and wreck CU I don't don't see anybody no they asked to be on the agenda but they're not here all we'll pass over for now sure um all right so an update on the selection of the owner project manager and next steps superintendent yeah ter is that yes umine so uh we have some uh great news to share with the school committee and our uh School Community uh this evening um actually on um um at your seat this evening we had in addition to the packet that is uh the uh presentation that's in your packet this evening from uh Colliers who was the recommended owners project manager for the feasibility study for the high school um we had a meeting with the U Mass School building authority on Monday to discuss our rationale and our process and why um we move forward in recommending Colliers as our owners project manager for the feasibility study um they had shared msba had shared with us in uh the meeting that they would not be taking action on the 12th but um you know appreciated our time and our feedback and our Insight um just this morning um we received our letter from msba saying they have approved our selection um so that's great and it's also really important as far as the timeline of this project is concerned uh because um our goal is to submit our request for services for a designer uh which essentially is the Architecture Firm um on September 25th um we are we continue to push the boundaries with msba and with Colliers around our urgency uh we know that we need to do something quite significant at the high school and we have children in those seats and teachers in those classrooms every day we need to move this process along um certainly not compromising the quality but making sure that we're holding every everybody to task to get the work done in a timely fashion so uh with the approval from msba um uh we have reviewed the draft request for services uh have already given feedback to Colliers we did that earlier in the week uh on that proposal and uh we will have it in front of the school building committee on Monday September 29th for their approval um and we will be posting it um for um our future designer on Wednesday September 25th so all systems are go which is great news excellent um so in your packet um you have the presentation um that Colliers had put together with our feedback that was used with the mass School building authority it's also the presentation that they um shared with our school building committee we had a meeting on Monday evening um so that they could you know kind of get to know one another and get a sense of what callers is going to bring to the work um and then um in front of as I mentioned earlier in front of your um your seat this evening you had the letter from msba approving our selection going to miss anything no I think that was it thank you any question oh that was good on inspector d right yeah oh yeah really it's really great we didn't know they were going to turn that around so fast yeah um and as a matter of fact when um callers had submitted to msba our draft request for services for the designer um they didn't even know yet that they had been approved so it they it was interesting they they kind of crossed cross paths so to speak so um we are in very good shape and I'm really pleased that both the mass School building authority and cers is feeling the same urgency that we're feeling to move this project forward okay thank you very much next is to approve the UN a grade reconfiguration M MOA back to you okay yeah so in your packet this evening and I know the um committee is is um Fair aware um we worked through the spring uh with the um unit a um bargaining unit to create a memorandum of agreement that just outlines the contractual changes that we needed to make in order to um move forward with the grade reconfiguration most of it is the school times um is the majority of it and and just some small changes that resulted in you know moving the eighth grade to the high school and what that meant for a team leader stien and that kind of thing um there are no additional budget expenses with this um it's really just outlining the language that we needed to change to mirror what we were doing the um the unit a um bargaining team was great um they did a really great job partnering with us to get this done and uh the Educators ratified it um at our first our second day back as a staff um in August so uh we're pleased to have this in front of the school committee this evening for a review and hopefully approval any um major any what changes of things it's it's really just moving the grade spans and making them correct um changing um at the middle school like that team leader language um the start times the duty times um it's it's really just what we're doing and things that are currently happening now yeah they're already happening frankly we had to because we had to open the year school year and this was um there wasn't really an issue with this this was only because the summer we were off yep yeah so this was not a difficult uh no it passed through the unit a bar um Association without any issues so I'll make a motion to approve the mo MOA for unit a as presented motion made by Aaron second seconded by Chuck any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I it's unanimous and next would be approve uh 24 through 27 Unit C contract and I'll pass that back to you yes thank you um again as the school committee is aware we um had uh put in place last school year a negotiating team uh on half of the school committee and the unit c um bargaining unit Association also had a u negotiating team again for those that might be tuning in at home Unit C is um our instructional assistance what we used to refer to as par professionals and now instructional assistance cafeteria staff custodial staff administrative assistance um it's really that kind of the the support kind of the backbone of all the different departments throughout the school system um we had a really great team that negotiated for months uh frankly to put together uh what I think is um a very fair successor contract um and the unit c um Association also felt it was very fair um the majority the overwhelming majority uh voted in favor of um the contract and it was ratified on Tuesday so that went through without any without any issues uh there were some l language changes um that are highlighted throughout the document in Red so you can see uh one of the things that is important uh we did change the PA professional title to instructional assistant um and we propose that because that's what they're doing they're assisting in the teaching and learning it better reflects their work um it also um signifies the level of professionalism that we require in that position a pair professional means with a professional um these individuals are professionals so we felt it would be very important to change that title um so we were able to do so um there are also um um the financial uh agreement over the three years of the contract uh those are outlined in the salary grids um and um the adjusted longevity rates for the 12month employees are also outlined uh in the longevity section of the contract um so I think overall we got a really good uh successor contract that will be in place for the next three years any other follow-up questions I'll entertain a motion to accept the 24 through 27 unit seat contracts as written I move to accept the 2024 2027 unit SE contract as written motion by Ted second second by Matt and Carrie uh any further discussion can I add one thing sure thing just so I don't forget to mention it um so our public is aware um every single one of our employees is now making an opep contribution excellent um so Unit A was done in their last round of negotiations all of the administrators and non-union contract started when Unit A did and Unit C approved their contribution as well so there is not an employee in the system that is not contributing to opab at this point I will take great pleasure in relaying that to Mr Watson we've come a long way yes there's a motion and second on the floor any other discussion all those are in favor signify by saying I I I it's unanimous all right we'll move on to the report of the superintendent Mr superintendent thank you um we have a few things to uh discuss this evening um the first uh I'm actually going to be um discussing items A and B I was going to have Mary colino our lead coach here but she's actually at milville elementary school tonight um working with uh Mrs Schaefer um around the same information frankly just sharing some of the changes in the assessment system and sharing uh sharing some of the changes in the report cards uh those aren't too significant but still wanting to make sure that parents have the most upto-date information um but also working with our uh English language learner families um there was a pre-meeting with our elll families at 5:30 uh in uh shortly jail review of our elll numbers English language learner numbers um but wanted to make sure that we're being inclusive and everybody has all the information they need um Mary is there this evening and not here so I'm going to take a few minutes and walk through uh the very good work done by the assessment committee uh last year that landed us to where we are this evening um the school committee is very much aware that this has been a concern of ours uh for um for a while now as far as our internal assessment system and particularly what I mean is our star test because uh over time we've seen a pretty significant discrepancy in terms of where the kids were Landing with star versus where they were Landing with mcast and having a lot of concerns that we were getting false positives in some plac and frankly false negatives and other places um and so with that information uh at the Forefront the assessment committee under Mary's guidance it really took some time to create this idea of you know kind of a vision for this work um established a goal for the committee which was really to create a more authentic and meaningful assessment system uh one that mattered more to the kids it mattered more to the teachers it gave parents better information um that we would you know that we would shift from only standardized testing um to an assessment system that would align better with what's happening in the classroom and we're going to talk a little about what that is uh in some of those more real um learning applications and experiences for kids and again the importance of this is like we need the right information and I'm certainly not implying that star is the wrong information um but the alignment just wasn't there in terms of how the kids were doing at the end of the day with mcass uh which is another assess measure that we use um and so with those kind of guiding principles um and I just kind of touch on this a little bit um you know they they came up with a structure that I think makes a lot of sense based on this idea of this inconsistent alignment with student performance um something else that was really important um we heard from some of our student leaders here tonight but when we had our student ilt meetings um at the end of the year they were really honest um districtwide and you know you would kind of expect kids to say this sort of but you know basically they were like we are testing too much like you guys got to help us with this we need to find a better way of doing this um and so we did um or at least we think we did um we hope that we hope that's the case so some of our goals was to do less testing less frequent testing but giving and getting better data um there are going to be some challenges with this that we'll talk about in a minute um but this idea of trying to find these more authentic and by authentic we just mean it's work the kids are doing it's not like here do this work and then when you're done do this test it was more of like how do we create a system um that actually allows us to use more authentic work that the kids are already producing it sounds very simple on the surface because the kids are doing work all the time but there are actually significant challenges with it when it comes to alignment when it comes to data collection monitoring ing implementing our RTI model um so we'll we'll talk about that because that's actually in some of our next steps so here's what we did we came up with more of a hybrid approach so uh we're not necessarily throwing the baby out with the bath water or whatever that expression is um but we are hanging on to our star assessment for English only but we're going to be doing it less we're going to be doing it less and for mathematics we are going to be using the uh programs that we've all that the school committee has supported that we have purchased we're going to be using the assessments that are included there um the kids are taking them anyway so we're we're utilizing that structure but there's challenges to that because we've now have to find a method for collecting all of that information whereas with star it collected it for you you could run a report as a classroom teacher for your you know fifth grade math class in within seconds have all of the data that you need regarding skills Concepts standards who's mastering what who needs to be in what group I mean it was really effortless frankly that the system did so much so now we're creating that system using um our core programs for mathematics so uh on Slide Five it really just outlines that that we're using our core assessments for into math the K to8 structures a little B different from the high school structure um the uh into maath program I'm sure everybody recalls we actually aligned our K to8 mathematics program to be one program so it's into math and every grade level is using the same grades K to8 well embedded in that um program is essentially a a diagnostic so there's a diagnostic test that the kids take at the beginning of the year to assess all of the grade level standards and skills so we are going to simply use that same structure that test with the kids throughout the year now it's it's different when we use star star is an adaptable test what that means just a reminder for our families at home that may not remember if I'm a fourth grader and I'm taking the fourth grade test the more questions I get correct it scaffolds up and it gives me harder questions so I could end up finishing the grade four math test at a sixth or seventh grade math level level there's great information there there's really good information there but what and I think this is why we're getting a little bit of a false positive in some cases um what this structure is going to do is going to take the fourth grade standards and it's going to test you on those standards all year so the idea is we will show progress towards Mastery all year long on the standards that the kids are supposed to be mastering in fourth grade um so there are some nuances there um that will feel a little bit different for our students um so that's a little bit about that structure at the high school level we're doing something a little bit different uh savis is our core program and so we are going to be doing unit pre-tests and post tests this is an important piece to add because what we want to do before each unit is collect essentially a bank of information from the kids like tell us what you already know about this topic in Geometry so the kids will do that right now you might have a pretest where the kids show 40% Mastery and that's okay that's really good information by the post test we hope we have at least 80% Mastery so the teachers are going to be able to measure a significant we hope significant amount of growth between the unit pre- tests and post tests those are the real assessments the kids are going to use anyways so we are using that piece the second piece we are putting in place is essentially quarterly assessments so we're going to take all the standards and skills of the kids uh have been focusing on uh throughout the quarter and we'll give them essentially a quarterly exam so we'll be able to see how the kids are progressing on those standards and skills over the series of each quarter um again one of the challenges we're going to have with this is we we have to create the structure that's going to allow us to organize this data and make meaning of it so to our parents at home that received like the star reports they'll still get that for ELA uh and reading but they're not going to get that for math um so uh this is going to speak to really speak to the importance particularly in grades six through um 6 through 10 to check Aspen frequently because that's where a lot of that data is going to show up however internally we are um going to be creating a structure that will allow us to break down those assessments by standard skill and concept what our student rep um didn't share about charger time um that I know Mrs Fus would want me to share about Charter time is it not a break in the day um this data is going to be collected and organized and that period is going to be used as an RTI block for kids who need that um clearly they don't know that yet but it's coming I think they're calling it like call back time as opposed to RTI yeah different kind of call the kid back in for whatever skills they need now what the high school has done is they've they're using a different um just to elay any concerns at home and I know Mrs phis will speak to this when she's before the committee um in October at our meeting on the 10th but uh we have actually purchased a um software program where all of the students are essentially loaded in all of the teachers are loaded in and all of the kids are accountable to a teacher through a particular structure so if I need to see Miss godet for you know for geometry support I'm going to be loaded into that system for geometry Monday through Friday for two weeks so there is actually a significant amount of structure to this model it is not at all um designed to be you know a break per se that being said they the staff are going to offer different opportunities for students who may not need RTI during that time so some of the different clubs that we're looking to uh expand we're going to try piloting some of these during that 30-minute block so it's possible that if you don't need to be an RTI and you're interested in you know doing a speech or Debate Club that you may have an opportunity to sign up for that so we're trying to get a bunch of bites of the Apple if that makes sense with that structure I only mention that here because this is one of the challenges is is organizing that breadth and depth of data on a regular basis but uh we have a plan that we are moving forward with to do that in addition to that we are adding um a open response type question to all of these assessments so I know the committee has heard us talk a lot about critical thinking it's one of our five C's um and so we are embedding Within These assessments an open response question now I have to share um I was visiting the English Department which we'll talk about Ela in a minute at the high school yesterday and was really impressed by what the students were working on and I saw an eighth grade A nth grade a 10th grade 11th grade and a 12th grade class all classes from grade8 English to you know the senior level uh literacy courses were focused on this kind of open response style question but you could see really tight alignment across the literacy Department as far as how the teachers are setting up uh the the response that they're looking for the kids to be able to do but also the types of questions were really really good they were definitely higher level as far as we call it the depth of knowledge wheel the dok wheel you might have heard of that um or if you've been at the high school Miss FIS around the holidays puts do wreaths on everybody's door just all the different like levels of questions that we want the kids to be able to answer um and you could see in every single and I was in every five I was in each you know the five teachers classrooms in the English Department they were all focused on really challenging literature-based questions where kids were analyzing comp comparing different pieces of text um one was a British a British literature course um so you know across the Spectrum the kids were doing some really good work now there's still quarter turns and things that need to happen we're never done uh we're certainly not celebrating you know uh or declaring Victory on anything but it was really good to see the level of work the kids were doing you know in week two of the school year and this it shows up here because through this open response Style the more we are giving our students the types of questions and the types of thinking we want them to do the more they're just going to do it it's just like building a muscle so we're going to be embedding this in the uh K to1 uh math open response along with the assessments similarly with our um reading we're going to be doing the same um so with um with literacy grades K and one we're using the star early literacy for a reading assessment we were using that before um kindergarten students will test in the middle and end of year um that's important because the kids are just I mean if you're in our kindergarten classrooms you know they're they're learning how to do school and for some of our kids it's the first time they've been there um I should mention that Mrs Schaefer is working with her team now uh to identify the students um that have not had prek experience and working with staff and eventually families when we get to this point to actually extend the day for those kids um we have to close those gaps now we have kindergarteners who are reading who are writing who know math they can count up to their double digits and we have children in kindergarten who have never been in a classroom that don't know their letters from their numbers um so you talk about you know equity and you talk about gaps it starts literally in kindergarten and and before that frankly so we are coming up with a plan for our brand new K class to extend the day and what works out great is that for Mees they start late so you know you could you could run a before school program from 800 to 9: for a small group of kids um kids are fresher in the morning anyhow um so uh we are going to be waiting on our kindergarten students and assess at the middle and end uh first grade we'll do the beginning middle and end and then um what we're going to be doing for grades 2 through 10 we're going to use star but we're going to do it different we're going to do a September assessment and then we're going to do March um we have an eii test that we have amcast for grades three and up so um that was our effort to try to work with our students and hear them you know and say like can you help like scale this back a little bit so that when they're done with the mcast they're done with the formal testing they're not done with learning but they're done with the formal testing for the year so we're trying to kind of strike that balance for for everybody um we will also be as I mentioned including the writing assessment and wri wrting samples to go along with this now again the good news with the writing piece is it's something the kids are already doing so we're just going to connect it to that assignment it's not going to be another assignment um so again hopefully the students will feel like this is just part of what they're doing it feels more authentic can I ask a question the grades that don't have mcast are there is there going to be something else for them or um do you mean for well up to thir grade and then so the the end of year yes so for the little the younger students um they will with the exception of grade two um K and one will have their end of year assessment okay so grade two we don't have that in place for them yet we just have the September and March and they don't take MC nth grade right in ninth grade yep yep no no that a that was a great question um and then next steps obviously we need to speak with families make sure you know everybody is understanding the shifts finalize the reporting and monitoring system that's I mentioned that a few times that's that's going to be a challenge but it's it's something we can do um and then of course Implement provide ongoing support for teachers um monitoring and adjust you know based on any feedback that we get and then the goal is to get us off of Star altogether for the next year and actually have our reading assessments like homegrown reading Assessments in place we didn't want to do them both at the same time because of that that collection data collection and monitoring piece um this is not easy work I know on the surface uh it might you know particular our family's home it might sound like it but there's a lot that goes into this this was the committee that worked all of last year on putting together the structure you I'm sure you recognize a lot of names um we feel very confident with the individuals at the table that helped us put this model together um that we will be able to execute on the next steps with this cautiously [Music] optimistic any Ain thank you very much for that question I I mean I like the I think less is more too and kudos to the kids for pointing it out to us you know they probably feel like why am I taking another test any other follow-up questions for the superintendent all right we'll move on to the next agenda item great thank everyone for all their hard work on that awesome thank you um yes so the next is our Elementary report card revisions and again um Mary colino our lead coach would have been here with Mrs schaer because the two of them actually Co LED this work um but they are doing the real work uh with our parents tonight uh and I am sure they have a packed house down there I I would be absolutely sure of it um so in um in your packet tonight I have the pleasure of just walking through briefly the changes to the Elementary report card um these were a long time coming and were really important uh to get in place so that our again our families um have the most upto-date and accurate information on what is being taught as far as the standards in our core subject areas English Math Science Social Studies um at each one of the grade levels and what is the sequence in terms of like the the um order in which these things are taught so in your packet um and I won't walk through every single change but you will see uh each of the Rapport card changes in a spreadsheet model um you'll see that the content is listed the subheading which is a essentially just the social emotional uh learnning behaviors Reading Writing language Etc um are listed you'll actually see the notes that the report card committee came up with and again this committee was led by um Mary colino and Christina Schaefer but is comprised of teachers at all of our grade levels so again this is one of those uh processes that we put in place to hear directly from our staff doing the work um and uh reflects very accurately the scope and sequence of our all of our new instructional programs so now that we've gone through a full curriculum Revision in all of our core areas now we have a report card that actually reflects that accurately which is really great so you will see all of the changes um again in the spreadsheet underneath the old language and if there is new language replacing that um you will see uh in the note section uh language like you know change description of skill or added this language or no changes were needed um it's super clear exactly what was done on each one of the standards so that you can uh get a play-by-play description so I don't want to walk through every single thing because there's a there's a lot of information here for each um but we'll be happy to answer any questions or bring any questions back to Mrs Schaefer or Mrs Colo I would just love to see the report card when they have it that would be I would like to see is it it still 1 through four is it is it like K through five no no no I'm sorry oh the rating the rating yeah so I feel like that's the part that's get that does get confusing to the maybe to the lay person that doesn't know that like this is listing your curriculum not the subject right right that so we tried to do that for tonight um we tried to bring it actually in your packet have a report card for each and then highlight the changes on the report card um we can't do that yet only but we'll be able to only because um we run them through Aspen and it's like a techy geeky thing but you can't run the report without any data so we actually have to have grades in there a fake to yeah like to run the reports so is it and it is like a numeric system I I believe so yes it used to be like one through five and then we cut it down when they were here if they said it was going to be grades I think it's going to be three but I don't see how that's yeah what what did you say I think it's a number rating it's a number rating but I think they're low I don't remember what the number three one through three I'll definitely find out though I think so still have to refer to the key yeah there'll be a key on it I'm sure I yeah what makes sense is the the yellow is obviously the changes but then there's an orange as well what does the orange signify let me tell you I have it here if you don't mind bad printer oh no there it is maybe it's give me one second here I had a little key I was looking [Applause] for um uh let's see the note was uh keep the same however removed this comment from all other sections so it looks like perhaps the learning behaviors were listed uh in all the sections so they maybe left it here but removed it from the other areas in the report card but I'll find that out for sure so the numeric system and the orange coating then it looks like they removed works independently like what's the is that being assessed in a different way or is that just removed as far as the assessment overall that's um can you point me in the direction Madam same same page where you find the first orange Block it's a straight line through Works independent says delete yeah I think it's just cuz they removed it from I think they removed that from the other sections but left it in so we're still assessing their working levels yes I believe so I can't imagine you would not be doing that uh but again I'm happy to make sure that I'll I'll put all this in the update for tomorrow unless works independently is crossed off because if you go over to the new language column it's kind of like Works quietly without distracting others stays on task to complete work in a timely manner they're adding that language in okay I don't know maybe yeah I'm happy to find out so numeric system the coding for the orange the working independently were there any other areas that folks want some clarity around happy to do that we'll get an update on that yes I can send it tomorrow any other questions on all right we'll uh move on to the uh 2425 uh enrollment update yes uh as of just today um our enrollment is at uh 1 158 students um and one of the things I just want to bring to um everyone's attention um is our second grade classes which we knew were high we're just keeping a close eye on them right now they're right around 25 we have four sections um so if there is a need to bring back or to add an FTE to grade two we'll definitely bring that before the committee but just to make sure it's on everybody's radar so we're watching that closely of course one of the grade levels where we saw an influx of kids was the grade level that we had the four teachers and um but so it goes so we'll keep a close eye and if we need to add a teacher we'll come back to the committee for uh review and approval of that holding strong at that 1500 number for like three years now uh we were at for at our lowest point we were at like 1438 uh we are at yeah the last two years we've been over 1500 1505 15 you know kind of we fluctuated between there but yeah we're holding very steady over 1500 which is great yes okay and um Jill has oh I'm sorry no that's fine I asked Jill to give an update on our English language learner numbers so day one of school we started with 59 English language Learners 31 former English language Learners and we saw really nice progress with our students 14 of our students met the qualifying score to no longer be L's and kind of move into that F so it was really nice and we started the year with 22 students that needed to be screened so as of today I got the updated numbers we currently have 67 LS so our numbers have increased the Fells will stay the same because you can only fail at the end of a year and former the F yes the former and then we have nine that are currently in the pipeline to be screened um so and that that will change we actually have new students registering every day um but our our population of English language Learners former English language it is growing because remember even if they're English Lang after they are former English Learners we have to monitor them and provide support four years after that so our numbers are growing um we seem to be good right now with the staff nothing that we have um but uh there has been some growth when we discuss our mcast results next month um we have some good information to share in that department so um not only the numbers SC but we're doing our staff is is doing some really nice work so we'll wait to share that uh that data with everybody Jill those numbers pretty much spread throughout PRK through 12 or are they we have um they're they're expanding I like in in the past we had very few at the high school they've increased especially with our eighth graders there I would say the majority of our students are our younger students but I would say we have a pretty good throughout yeah it is because we're having families come in and they're staying with us so they're kind of the numbers are growing as we go MH and we have one full-time English language learner teacher at Mees one at the at the middle school and then a point at high school Y and the kids were very happy to have so our person who's the 6 she used to travel between two buildings and when the students her students found out that she was going to be there they were very happy that she was just they weren't sharing her this year she was just going to be at the high school y very good um many of you probably know uh um Dr perello our former District physician he was with the school district for many many many many many years um many many years and uh we recently just shifted um to a new District physician uh Dr Cain um who is already very familiar with a lot a lot of our students did you want to no he was yeah that's fine yeah sorry my pediatrician yes he was here for a very long time um and uh we have shifted um to a new practice Dr Molly Kane is our new District physician um and um she knows a lot of our students already um she's at the tri uh Tri River Family Health Center um where a lot of our students go um and so um they were very um eager to take on the responsibility of being our new District physician um from a financial perspective it's a very small contract with them um you can see on page or the second page of the contract it's a $4500 SNP in um so it's certainly not a lot of dollars by any sense um but they they they do PR provide a lot of guidance a lot of support they take care of our standing orders they'll do physicals if we need them um our nurses can consult with them on you know really complicated cases or things that they're unclear of um as far as their own practice um so they you know and that's outlined in the contract but we just wanted to make sure the school committee knew that um that we have a new uh physician because Dr per was here for a long time I had the pleasure of having a really lovely conversation with him about us shifting to a different uh uh physician and um he was he was very light-hearted and said I was wondering when that was going to happen he was great he was really great to talk with but we're super grateful for his uh many many years of dedication to our students and families and uh and are eager and excited to also have a new um physician with the Consulting with the district so I wanted to make sure that the school committee was aware of that and saw the contract um we did have the uh our legal department go through everything to make sure that there were no issues with that um and they were not so we are in um in a great place with that just so everybody's in the loop okay and then the last uh item for my report is um a review of uh a prior job description we had um you may have heard it referred to as an RBT which is just a registered Behavior technician I believe it was in 2017 um the school committee we were going through and and looking at Old minutes and finding uh the initial job description I think it was in 2017 the school committee initially approved it um the job descriptions very was very outdated um and so Jill um worked on a new job description that is in your packet this evening J if you want to talk about the need for this and what it is and what it does sure so we have as I know um Jason mentioned in with our new contract we have instructional systems we have more of our behavioral ABA instructional systems and then we have a bcba which is a board certified behavior analyst we don't have that middle the next piece that's in there which would be a registered Behavior technician um and as you know over the years our goal is to keep all of our kiddos here like we want to educate them here and we've worked really hard to build our own program so our students have a place to go when their needs are a little bit more significant than some of the programs we have so this is an updated job description we tried to make it you know clear streamlined the other one was was very wordy actually I think it was just a copy and paste type of um description but this is just you know uh clearer more streamlined of what this the person in this position would do um We are continuing to uh observe and evaluate what's going on in our classrooms right now um but you know there looks like there'll be a need to have this kind of um next level like right between the the instructional assistant abas and our bcba so this is kind of the role that would fall in in between there so this is an updated version of what was already on the books from 27 do we currently have any in in any in our staff NOP this be a unit c or unit a it's a non-union position the 2017 position was approved that way as well yeah y I'm sorry we actively pursuing someone to fill this role or do we're not like recruiting right now for that I think the I think the thought is though and correct me if I'm wrong Jill that there might be a need for it at some point and so if we need to do that we want to make sure it's up to date there is a there um we'll talk about Personnel in the next section of the agenda but uh there is a um unfilled special ed position and I think you might be considering that as a to kind of shift some of those dollars to this so in 2017 do we Outsource do we no so in 2017 we were we ended up deciding to have an additional bcba common board so we had two um and as our programs are growing we're finding that there needs to be there's there is that one what this this person is actually certified you know in this area so that's why we're looking to if we need to bring someone on board to have this updated and in place we only have one bcba right now we have we have one right now we're still I actually have some interviews coming up tomorrow for um the other position so we do planning still planning on our to yes mhm so bcba will create the plan yes RBT imp yes and it's yes and it's a with the certification and the training it's above what the requirements and responsibilities of our current ABA power professionals there's different levels so it would fall in there but they're still under the supervision um in direction of the bcba correct look at it as we have slpas who are under the direct supervision of our slps an RBT would be under the direct supervision of the bcba SOA is any contract okay I I mean I don't I don't disagree I think we definitely need that person that's following through with the plans I I just think that might be a little low for the requirements and what we really like so we did look we did research it okay Jess and I did research it to and compared to not only what's out there like for jobs but also other districts so and this fell in line this was the range as of right now so you're looking for a motion to approve the new J description new job description updated updated so I'll make a motion to approve updated register Behavior technician job description as presented motion made by Aaron second uh and seconded by Tara any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed the eyes have it all right that concludes my report thank you Mr superintendent we'll move on to Joe in the business office our Personnel report unless the superintendent something to add that's just all the information of what we're we stand right now with the vacancies and where everybody is I didn't know if you were talking about the yeah the only other thing I would have uh is the 2425 Staffing plan um so in your um packets behind the Personnel report you have a school year 2425 staff plan um outline um this has already changed uh for the better because we have filled a couple of the positions uh that are on here um what we have left for vacancies is um one special education teacher at milville elementary one reading specialist at the middle school um one parent professional at the high school um a building sub at the high school and then we have bcba interviews coming up um so we just reposted for the special ed position the reading specialist the parah and the building cell um so believe it or not we are actually very good shape um the positions we have um none of them are are they're all important but they're not like classroom facing you know second grade type positions um all of those have been filled and so um what we have done to try to uh help the community have the information they need so accurate information is out there for folks at all times um we put this plan that's in your packet on our District web page if you click the explore but button you'll see the staff uh Staffing list right there so you just go to the bmrsd page click explore and you click staff and this will come right up this is going to be not it's not this exact document what it is um is um at first it's a master list but you can sort it so if you want just Mees staff just click the little drop down and click Mees and just the mees staff come up their names their emails the position um we have removed it from all the school specific Pages we did that on purpose um because we need one Keeper of the data uh what we were finding is we would go in to change something somebody else already changed it we then thought somebody else would have changed their school's data they never change their schools data so we're like you know what we're done with this we have one Keeper of the information and it's on the District page and you can still sort it by school so if your child's at the middle school and you want just the Middle School list you click explore staff and there's a little drop down just click the middle school and you get all the Middle School people that's great yeah the thing that we can't figure out and it's a it's all this crazy backend technology stuff like the the program doesn't let us alphabetize it so for whatever reason we can't alphabetize you'll get all the staff but they're not going to be in alphabetical order so we're trying to figure out that well they're by High by school I was like I can't even tell what order these are yeah we did this by by building by building but not by alphabet not by it's Alpha by job title by Department uh job title so if you look primary job title admin assistant art teacher see I know it's it's really kind it kind of looks like Department yeah when you get down to the it's a little wacky and then when you go to our District web page it's even wackier because you can't you can't put like a structure to it it won't I don't know why it's so it won't let you do that be grateful that it's there but it's all there yes and then when we have a change um Stephanie just goes in and changes it it's all in one place which is great so the information will always be up to date and accurate so uh we also um you know if if I know there was some chatter about you know all lots of vacancies and all the things um so I would ask our families if you have any questions just ask like we're happy to address we're happy to address them but now you can go right to the web page and see all of the positions all in one place I I guarantee that people will comment before going on social media before going to the web page we are always happy to help hopefully someone puts the link to the web page when they go I hope you're not counting on me to do that because I will need another Community member will so we're happy to have uh this updated and in place and I wanted to make sure the school committee had it in your packets Joe back over to you all right thank you um in your packet you have a memo for me uh focused around the final Grant awards for fy2 as you know when the budget's created we base those um budget amounts in each Grant on the estimate uh for past experience um pleased to announce that all of these federal grants that are listed have did see an increase in their final Awards title one had the most significant increase of $66,872 um the Ida fund program 240 had an increase of 4 $4,895 Ida pre increased by $11,000 title two increased by $7,150 and title four increased by $81 for a total positive adjustment of $8,699 so with your approval once we we can uh update our ability to expend those funds as we need in the system so move Aaron made a motion on the accepting the utitle of Grant Awards as read by Joe second second by Chuck and Ted any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I any opposed the I have it very good so again is the um expenditure report for the period I do want to point out some title errors that I have on here the heading does show um 71223 to 66 2024 it should be 7124 to 63025 I I apologize for that error and also the printed date says 813 24 these were actually numbers as of September 3rd I've made the correction in the template that I use for this going forward so you shouldn't see that issue again um I have no major concerns about um our projections as we move forward the one format change I did make on this report and it's more just a structural format so we can really see what our operating Surplus or deficit is at the end of the year without the end being included so you'll see the end line uh use of end on the front page under revenue for a budget but you won't see any projection of use of that end in in the in the SEC the third to last column to project it to year end I've moved that down below the line on the final page so the true projected Surplus or deficit is actual Revenue actual expense that we're projecting and if we were to use into that eend at the end of the year what then an adjusted Surplus what that would look like does anybody have any questions on that or questions on the report in general overall the projection hasn't changed much from the previous probably stay pretty consistent halfway through the year as a good judge on the projection to see where we're really truly going to be I like the way it looks now what's that I like the way it looks now I know well we're looking for that to so the next item if you have any questions is the budget transfer approval what I'm doing right now in our system is um I'm trying to get the account codes to line up to the Desi requirements and Desi has requirements for function code and object code and a lot of the information in the system is not lining up to that requirement which makes it very difficult to do the yearend report which I'm in the middle of processing right now so the majority of these Journal ENT Ries our movement of funds just into the correct code there's no fiscal impact there's no increase or decrease we're just moving from one function code to another function code uh some of them are just movements between locations and object code so there's no function code issue there uh the highlighted items are the ones that had a change in function code to align up to the what their requirement on the other issue I'm running into is I I I need to post these uh um corrections as I find them and as I go forward I know I'm supposed to come to the school committee before making any of these posted journal entries and it's very easy if you tell me not to do this to reverse these um I can do that but it's it's helpful if I have the ability moving forward to make these journal entries and then present them to you as I as I do them every school committee meeting I can provide the same type of report that gives you the detail on it I do try to put in the line memo as much detail as I possibly can as to why that movement has taken place um I know it does truncate somewhat but if there's any further questions I can always get that information too so I'm going to then I'll ask for a motion for this committee to consider allowing Joe to change the codes as necessary to meet the Desy requirements pending our approval when it's presented to us at at at at at a uh at Future school committee meetings as we as he cleans this up and then that'll be separate from accepting this because we do have to take a motion on this budget transfer approval as well Joe yes yes thank you so I'll motion to first thing I said yeah yeah to allow Joe to do that motion by Carrie second second by Tara so this again will allow Joe to make these Corrections he'll present with and then will'll approve them but he can still move forward at each next school committee meeting uh any other discussion on this all those in favor signify by saying I I any oppose the eyes have it thank you I appreciate that and then we also are we at the transfer Point yet as well Joe you need a motion on the budget transfer or uh not yeah I think that's falling under they have it list under the facilities report the gym are we talking about oh got gotcha gotcha my yeah right the next thing on your agenda but that was the expenditure report yeah yeah so then the budget transfer that that is the sheet that I just went through with you that I did that was what you you approved my ability to make that change do we need to approve these actual budget transfers also the highlighted sheet yes yeah yes that's what I that was that was what I was getting yes yes okay sorry I'll make a motion to approve the budget transfers as shown on the list motion made by Carrie second second by Tara any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed the eyes have it thank you the next item is the um the district lighting projects happy to say that uh the phase one of this Middle School Led Led upgrades is done um we are I'm just waiting I've signed off uh some paperwork to allow them to put the entire cost of that of the project on the um National Grid bill so our credit's going to absorb that cost I did request from um energy conservation Inc um his name is Chris to perform a further check in the district of what other lighting we could benefit from the incentives that are out there these incentives that are available right now expire December 31st of this year so if we are going to utilize them all work has to be complet completed by that time he did find um three areas that we could still use these incentives on it' be phase two obviously of the Middle School up the the rest of this building uh Middle School exterior lighting can be upgraded and milville elementary school second floor that was never done I believe the first floor was and Scott correct me if I say anything on of turn the first floor was done in previous years but the second floor needs to be done still he did present to me three proposals for that and on page two of the memo that I provided you it is an outline of all the projects phase one and two of the Middle School the exterior lighting in the milville elementary and what I also included was the total amount of credits that we have available throughout the district on all our invoices um as of August 31st 2024 we had a credit balance of 4 125,340 interesting with that is I don't know if you recall but we were paying Huds and electric separately and National Grid was just paying for the the delivery fees that's now part of the bill so the the credits that we're receiving now is paying the electric the Hudson Hudson electric and to National Grid and E and that August was the first billing with that on there even with that billing we saw over $55,000 increase to our credits so the credits are still generating I'm sure we'll have months where it goes high and low depending on how much sun we have right CU we're purchasing that power so what I did is I gave you the total cost of each project the incentive we'll receive from the government to complete the project and then our cost and each of the and how the credit will be applied to each to give us a remaining balance at the end of the year so the phase one project cost uh $255,200 oural cost was 115,789 per at that point in time the new program that the government has in place now is a 50/50 split so F and we had the $425,000 uh dollars in credits giving us a remaining balance of just under $310,000 of credits available phase two is going to cost2 $1 6,38 we ow we will be responsible for 50% which is just over 103,000 we utilize our credits gives us a a remaining balance of 206,000 credits uh exterior lighting total cost of 65288 half to us is 32644 use the remaining credits we have a balance of 173 98696 in credits to continue to use and then the milville elementary lighting $12,600 we utilize those credits we still assuming no other credits are added as we move forward which we anticipate will be we'd still have a balance of $122,600 um you know and the key is we need to start these projects right away to get them done before December 31st I was talking to Scot I think the biggest uh hurdle will be the timing of doing this work because it's schools in session they did say that you have two Crews and This Crew could work the second shift I think it's three to 3 to 10 is that what it is got two to 10 2 to 10 they would work the shift that the custodians here make sure they clean up it's got to be spotless for when the kids come in and it should only take a couple of weeks the exterior lighting we can arrange the parking in the parking lot for them to work whenever they need to to get that done they can do that all day same thing with milville Elementary second floor it's it's only the administrators that are in there they can get that bang that out all day too there's no restrictions there so I think what we're requesting right now is the same thing we're requested on phase one um uh approval either of myself or the superintendent to uh sign the agreement for each of these projects so we can get them moving and started the only challenge with the outdoor lighting would be the wall sconces on the on the building they' be working right outside the classroom so I have to schedule a better time for that oh they're working out of classrooms is that what you said they'll be right outside of the class of the building yeah yeah no cameras outside the window no after 2:30 well they'll have to do that probably at that second shift time slot yeah days are getting shorter though yes they are they're a lighting company they can bring lights yeah they'll bring lights they'll figure it out right that's their problem to resolve are there any questions or anything I can clear up on that the mville school I told them they could do during the normal shift cuz it'll be on the second floor sure so I'll entertain a motion to allow the superintendent uh as uh as well as Joe to enter into uh contract with phase two for that's M uh for the hotness School ex areal ligh lighting at the hotness school and the milville elementary school lighting second motion made by Carrie seconded by Aon any other discussion and so this will leave us with 12 22,000 worth of credits going into and because a lot of this has to be done by December that's right that's right so and then whatever credits we get between you know September October November you know I think we're going to still see our credits increasing but the re like the the we we're losing the longer we go on the the re not the reimbursement but the like the um as you explained to us earlier that we were getting more for Less oh formula for re formul yeah yes all right um okay so no other discussion I'll call for a vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed the eyes have it it's unanimous thank you thank you Joe thank you facilities update Mr facilities manager so at BMR I'm going to lead off with the gym floor but Joe's got more to follow up with on that um the work started last Saturday took Saturday Sunday Monday to complete the demolition of that area of the gym floor uh S pro came back today got the dehumidifiers picked up all their equipment um oky flooring is scheduled to start on Saturday they'll be getting a delivery of wood products tomorrow um so he wants to start on Saturday probably work Saturday Sunday but it's still going to take a good week to get that floor down then he's going to have to sand the whole entire floor and and reane it and repaint the lines um on the stage there's been no leaking since that incident that we had um the boiler um repairs were made I submitted the paperwork to the State Fire Marshall yesterday so we'll be getting the certificates in the mail um the high school kitchen they got their new steamer and Kettle installed and up and running uh kitchen staff is very happy over at the middle school we're still waiting on the pressure gauges for the sprinkler system and um we've had complaints to help water coming in through the cold water um particularly in the bathrooms when students are washing their hands the water is really hot we did find that the mixing valves are jammed um we can't adjust the the hot and cold water temperatures so I priced out kits to rebuild those um something I'll take on myself once we get the kits um outdoor basketball hoops have been installed I'm going to paint some lines to assimilate a small court and possibly um some other games in the parking lot area as well like Hopscotch and such Jenny's supposed to take a survey and see what the kids would like to have out there uh we did get the GaGa ball pit and that's hasn't been used yet but it's easy enough to put together it just slides together and they can move it around so we have that uh JFK uh there were a few cracks in the sidewalk on the men Street side I did pick up cement and patched those last week came out really good it was a tripping Hazard um during a recent fire drill they found that some of the interior doors are not releasing the magnets when the fire alarm goes off doors will automatically close um I'm going to have Precision alarm address that the next time they come in for their quarterly inspection of the fire system probably be uh PD Day November 1st I believe M I'll schedule that and milville Elementary School uh the fire pumpk was inspected last Wednesday and pass with no no issues and that is all I got just as a followup on the um Jim floor uh Maya did respond and and give us an estimated cost to do the repairs of the floor between $50 and $60,000 um our responsibility in the deductible is $10,000 so um I was looking at how we could fund that $110,000 it's not budgeted uh we do have a miscellaneous revolving fund with um a pretty good fund balance in it I'd like to get an approval to allow me to cover that deductible not to exceed $10,000 out of that miscellaneous revolving fund it shouldn't have any impact on any other plans that we have with the use of money so I move to approve the use of funds for the miscellaneous revolving funds Fund in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the repairs needed for the bmrs gim floor second motion made by Ted seconded by Tara and any did you say they're starting Saturday to install the new floor yes the old floor was already demo great excellent unbelievable how much moisture was still trapped under that floor it's been a good month since we had that draining pipe preped all right U all those in favor signify by saying I I iose the eyes have it okay thank you Scott um use of fil sorry use of facilities um just an update and then Scott you want to stick around in case there are any questions on any facilities requests but the um requests at the last meeting for the track um we reached out and asked a lot of clarifying questions and never heard back from anybody um we reached out again gave them another opportunity and email phone calls never heard back from anybody so we just sent them a letter saying their request was denied just an update on that I don't have any new information for you the Armenian youth Federation will not using see about that thank you for that update very informative you're very welcome new requests we have what we have BMR football we have a few here oh that was um the BMR football um boosters needed the this one didn't need to be in here yeah we already did we did the the uh it was like an they called it an open practice yeah I went it was actually great it's great to see the kids out in the field and was a SAT last not last Saturday the Saturday before Labor Day weekend Saturday and they did a little a little quick out after but it was nice to see the the kids out there that's this one oh that was yeah that one didn't need to be in there okay and then we have um Express football and share picture day yes that is Saturday uh black soul milville Youth Baseball League travel baseball triy outs basketball I'm sorry yeah I should put my glasses back on yep [Applause] uh we also have black so mville Girl Scout Troop 872 sorry [Applause] 782 Girl Scout Troop 632 for school meeting uh his troop meetings September 25th 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. is that just one time just one time SC is that one time yeah that's just the one meeting which one 6:32 no it's for the year looks like they have September to Jun they have it September June I need oh yeah the 25th or June it should say 2020 on Wednesdays okay Wednesdays six so it's every Wednesday yeah okay yeah I just got to learn how to read them Wednesday 6 to 7 starting September 25th and dance [Applause] creations with a list of times dates and fees and these have all been vetted and Creations on the new those are Fe okay okay says they're asking for the lift that's included in uhan fees I this one asking for a lift yeah on the front page at the bottom yeah you say asking for the lift oh the lift hang that' be okay Scott yep okay we operate the lift we don't allow them that's what yeah and that's why it's cover I guess I'll make a motion to approve all as requested motion made by Tara second seconded by Chuck any other discussion regarding these uh facilities requests hearing none I'll call for a vote all those in favor signify by saying I I I any oppose uh it's unanimous all approved there's a lot of requests huh lot of one shot okay well that wraps up uh the facilities report school committee Forum does anyone from the school committee would like to add anything this evening just a question about um the other piece that's in here with the use of facilities it's our policies dated 2008 and 2009 are we doing something with these do we need to those were included um if there were was a question from the fee waiver P oh we just we put the polic Poli we didn't we what did we do last week she updated their fees yeah so those are the right fees this is new okay this is updated yes so the date should be updated probably up yeah it says adopted February 12th 20 2009 we could just say updated y we need to make a motion to it's a policy we approved it at our last meeting we did yeah yeah so maybe just notate that it's updated August of 2024 yep I don't know I feel like if I had this in front of me that night we would have maybe even went higher 2009 that's a long time oh there it is we'll change the date on it based on when the school committee voted even page one say revised January date so maybe both need whever needed update the date got it okay Serv should we go back to the parks and Rick yeah well it's just it's say Fe waiver so okay so these are all approved MH um I wasn't uh I can explain my understanding of what the parks and Rex what Celeste had told me I I don't know if she didn't know there was a meeting tonight but but it doesn't say it on their application but the uh the parks and and Rex were made a request which is probably way at the beginning of my agenda right I have very happy oh good um I I this is like the I think it's the Fall Festival yeah and what Celeste had told me and I don't want to misspeak but um they were looking for this for this as a backup if it didn't rain and that was going to be held at Roosevelt if the weather was good but I don't that's another led to another question like we didn't know that and it's not on the it's not on the um application that I could see M so like if we were to have a a situation where we needed a custodian you can't use a call a custodian at 8:00 in the morning and saying hey it's raining so we need you so it it either has to be M you know you're doing it or you're not kind of you're either doing it it yeah I mean or they're getting paid or they're not they if we appr they're getting paid custodian you they are paying for the custodian but it's unfair to say and let I mean to expect the custodian to be ready if it rains on a Saturday morning as well no is that what the total amount there would cover 352 that would just be the custodian yes and that's all it was and the reason the policies in your packet was just to show there's a section that states about you know regardless of your group if it's a certain time when there's not somebody in the the building like in this case I think it was a Saturday or something right we have to pay to have a custodian there or if they're done early that custodian is still getting paid for that that's right 2 it says 24 hours they can cancel yeah and I think and I think it was cust I think it mentions custodial and maybe kitchen staff or something in somewhere in the language which they didn't need but they needed the to have the building on and and then the request was to have the fee waved and I said that she could certainly would have an opportunity to ask speak to the committee and she said she'd like to be on the agenda that's why we put and I gave her the date and time of the meeting so we're not going back to it CU we're not charging a use a fee for the facility we're just charging for the C but it sounds like we're at a point where we need to know if they're using our facility or not because we're going to schedule that San that's in before our next meeting yeah that that's what I had and she had I and I I'm sure if I'm misspeaking I'll hear within the next hour you know so but she had led me to believe that it was on the application that this was like a secondary loc but it's not it's you know it we normally sell food out of the snack bar but we're not sure if we will do that or if we move inside but it doesn't say that she'll they'll move inside here it was the event is at Roosevelt if they have to move inside they were planning on using here that's my understanding of that's my interpretation of what she had told me so and she had requested to me to have the custodial fee waved and I said I I I don't have the authority to do that if any fees the school committee decides that we would W wave the facilities for groups that have children right but the custodian fee is yeah this was just for that do we want to approve it because this will be before our next meeting since we approved it need anything else they wanted the fee they wanted the custodial fee waved so as long as they can the school department the school district has to pay it somebody I paid it so as long as they cancel the day before they wouldn't have to pay it if they watch the weather it says 24 hours so we need to make sure they know that so I'll let her know either cancel or or pay up but we're not running a soup kitchen here oh oh that does say pay for us it does say paid in full prior and we will refund if they cancel at least 24 hours in advance [Applause] okay all right so no action on that yep that's good school committee Forum everybody good Chuck yeah I have nothing to share okay um all right our next meeting is on October 10th uh 2024 it's 6: p.m. until that time I'll ask for a motion to adjourn so moved so moved second uh motion made by Ted seconded by Tara any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I he oppose the eyes have it no meeting adjourned [Music]