##VIDEO ID:zYTME6MeyDk## all right I I'll this time I'll call the 5:30 uh meeting of the school committee uh for October 10th uh we will be going into executive session then resuming back in Open Session I'll take a um a roll call of attendance uh or introduction of members Now Matt Catalano milville Cara scobby Blackstone Cara Lin milville carry godette Blackstone Dan Keefe Blackstone Joe spag Director of Finance and operations uh Jill P gallerani assistant superintendent director of student services and Jason DeFalco superintendent and let the record show Ted novio from milville is arrived so I'll accept a motion to enter into executive session uh for the purpose of Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to Collective B bogging litigation if an open meeting law may have a detrimental effect on the bogging Li excuse me litigation of the public body and so the chair declares to discuss this deployment of security Personnel or devices or strategies with respect there to motion made by Carrie seconded by Matt we'll take a roll call vote Ted in Carrie yes Matt yes Tara yes Tara yes and Dan yes all right one executive uh good evening ladies and gentlemen we're back from our executive session we're going to carry on with the meeting uh we'll begin if everybody could please rise for the pledge of allegiance aliance of the United States of America rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all uh next up is the introduction of members Matt calano milville Chuck dunon Blackstone tce Blackstone milville Aaron bonaco milville Carrie got Blackstone Ted noo milville Dan Keith Blackstone Joe spagna Director of Finance and operations Jill pill gallerani assistant superintendent director of student services Jason DeFalco superintendent and now we'll move to our update from our student representative okay my name is Caitlyn Juba and I'm the public relations officer for student council at BMR and I will be telling you all what's been going on recently at the high school so first off our homecoming dance was held on Thursday October 3rd from 6:00 to 9:00 and it was a success with over 350 students that were in a attendance seniors were able to bring outside guests and it was neon themed so students were given glow sticks as well as light up glasses there were lots of candy chips other snacks drinks in the cafeteria for students to enjoy while they weren't outside in the courtyard dancing and as for the homecoming game results football and volleyball lost but field hockey and boys and girls soccer took home wins so now for charger time charger time is in full swing at the high school students have been using the enriching students program to sign themselves up for different activities teachers can actually request to see students on certain days if they need to make up work or make up a test or if they're not passing the class but if a student is not requested then they're able to choose an activity so there are some more relaxed options such as watching a movie in the auditorium quiet time in the library to do your homework or coloring but there are also some more um activities for students who are more drawn to athletic activities such as open gym or game time for those students and having charger time every day also gives clubs the opportunities to meet and now I'll be telling you about some upcoming events for the end of the year that student council is preparing so starting off we have the Powderpuff game which usually takes place in November and we've also started to think about pep r which happens right before the holiday breaks every year so we have been planning some ideas for Spirit weekdays as well as brainstorming some possible themes and the last thing I have to talk about for upcoming events is the pumpkin carving competition for advisory which has happened for the last few years at BMR and has been a huge success so we're bringing it back this year each advisory is given a pumpkin and they have to work as a team to carve or decorate that pumpkin however they choose to do so and teachers vote on their favorite and that advisory wins the competition so that is all that I have for you all this evening thank you for your time thank you thank you thank you thank you great work we'll move on to consent agenda a uh warrants I'll take a motion to approve the warrants so moved motion made by Aaron second second by Chuck any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I any oppose the eyes have it and next is the accept the minutes from September 12 2024 move to accept the minutes motion made by Ted second second by carrye any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed the eyes have it if there's no objection from any school committee members we are going to take some things out of order we have a full audience here tonight and uh we would like I'd like to move forward to the school committee agenda item a student recognition milver Library I voted St sticker campaign winners Mr superintendent thank you uh good evening everybody um I see lots of familiar and friendly faces in the crowd if all of those involved in the I voted sticker contest want to come down to the table up front here um that would be wonderful come on don't be afraid we bite but they don't and we'd love to hear a little bit uh Jane about kind of where this came from we will do some introductions awesome um but chairman Kei thank you for the opportunity to present at your meeting tonight thank you I'm Jane Regio I'm a member of the Board of Trustees at Milo Library U my name is Alissa I'm the librarian and I'm calling curis the U chairman of the so well over a year ago the Board of Trustees at one of their meetings talked about the concept of civics and how to get um students and young people involved in library activities and how to encourage voting and we talked about the going to vote and some of us didn't get the I voted stickers uh the towns don't always have those and we had seen a town in New Hampshire that had done a contest where the students actually decorated um voting stickers and then the town printed them and gave those out and we said we can do that let's let's look into doing that so thanks to Dr DeFalco and Jenny RKA Jen RKA um they allowed us to go into the school and offer this opportunity this contest and we sent around a sheet um for the students to decorate how they saw fit we had un believable um submissions well over 50 uh and from both milville and Blackstone so we asked the town of Blackstone if they wanted to participate in their Library will do so so this year if you are privileged enough to vote in the November election in either Blackstone or milville sorry Dr DeFalco sorry Jenny no stickle for you me no no uh you will hopefully receive one of these beautiful stickers but we are really pleased tonight to be here to award um four of what we chose as the stickers that you will get when you vote and these are the four students who designed them so we will present to them a little plaque whoops sorry that says 2024 I voted contest winner and then sponsored by the milville and Blackstone public libraries they get the plaque and that's their sticker and then they also get two stickers maybe they'll share one with Jenny I don't know they will but I hope they give them to their parents but only if their parents vote no and um we gave them a little gift card from Amazon so they continue their artistic Endeavor so the first one is the eagle sticker and that was created by Kaye lman so [Applause] get upat okay and then we have oh this one it's a marine right it says I voted it's a US flag with a marine and that is Chase Bronson if you want to wrap yours up that's up to you all right colie on your side who do we got we got the I voted with some stars and star star Stars oh Nico that's yours Nico Mallette there we go and last but definitely not least we have our our world with I voted and that is kayb glad Hill did I say that [Applause] right and I am sure if you guys stand here with your little plaques moms and dads would love to get a picture and and older brother so if you guys want to stand maybe in front of the with the chairman and the superintendent right in front of the table turn around and people get lovely pictures turn around that way thank you thank you again yeah thank you so much she wants you or that's okay I think you should cover your face page nice job congratulations it's an important thing do you have other business with the school committee tonight your civic duty nice work everybody I'm sure we all look forward to collecting our stickers on November 5th yeah can we pick get out and vote I think you can that's great awesome we will bounce down to agenda item a on the report of the superintendent the health curriculum update uh thank you Mr Keef so um tonight we have a very important update from a a team of health and phad teachers that has been led by our district lead coach um as many folks might be aware um a couple of years ago the Department of Education embarked upon uh revising the state health and fed Frameworks uh these have not been revised since 1999 um and so as you can imagine there was extensive work to do once the framework was uh drafted and and accepted by the administration uh at the Department of Education uh the standards then went out for public comment after some period of time the public comment in the framework went back to the board of education for the state of Massachusetts and the Frameworks were approved so uh once that happened that then triggered the process at the local level uh across all of Massachusetts Public School Systems and charter schools to update their local uh standards and curriculum so tonight we are going to hear from uh our incredible team of Educators who have been hard at work putting together uh a common sense approach to revising and updating our uh health and fed framework do you want to hand that to Mary and so with all of that I'm going to turn this over to Mary colino our district lead coach who is going to uh along with uh our team of health and physen teachers welome us through the revised standards yeah hello I'm going to just give you a brief overview of what um what the new standards are um we have um the first on the first slide This was um the focus was on age appropriate and Sexual Health that is important for overall well-being these standards were broken down by grade Lev lels to grades 2 five 8 and then the high school 9 through 12 but basically moving it towards the 12th grade um so that uh it's it's appropriate for student development uh the C the curriculum is going to cover the same physical emotional and social parts of of healthy um education to help students understand how to um take care of themselves in a well rounded way and the standards also make sure to emphasize personal boundaries and inclusivity so that students feel respected and supported so the framework goals a few important ones one big goal was to give students clear and age appropriate SE sexual health information so that they can better understand their bodies and health and another focus is to help students develop respectful and inclusive view of personal boundaries and the diversity of identities around them and the framework is also designed to help students make smart and informed choices about their physical emotional and social well-being all right so by the end of grade two some of the standards include using medically accurate names includ including reproductive body parts recognizing safe and unsafe touching and responding to trusted individuals defining and communicating personal boundaries discussing stereotypes Prejudice discrimination inequality and then respect and recognize diverse family structures so those are by the end of grade two Nick before you proceed Mary can you just introduce the team so our families at home know who apologize that's okay Nick Morris Jill Cole Josh UK thank you no uh behind uh so the committee is aware behind each of the uh key outcomes slides you'll see the specific standards so um the um Team presenting this evening is not going to walk through every single one of those there's 17 slides of Standards here uh in addition to that you also have the comprehensive framework the full framework in front of you uh the uh Health curriculum team pulled out the standards that we thought may be of particular interest to our school committee and Community uh based on the topics um as Mary mentioned all particularly anchored back to Sexual Health do you want us to ask questions at the end or yeah while oh at the end um whatever whatever unless it's unless what would you like it is it grade appropriate or so the I'm just curious for grade two is their class time now built into to their PE time is that when this is yes yes so that that's my question it wasn't anything yeah so we've uh Christina Schaefer and I have met with and and and also well yes so Christine and I have met and it'll probably be about once a month and or different like we we're going to integrate some of the curriculum into like especially for kindergarten and in first grade like more activities and things that would happen in the gym but yes they'll have a classroom so you're not actually delivering this just to second grade it's by the end of second by the end okay thank you that was my you're welcome all right so by the end of fifth grade students are expected to understand changes during puberty and Adolescence recognize that bodies are different and maintain personal hygiene Define child abuse and neglect and know how to seek help explain the difference between assigned sex at Birth and gender identity use reliable resources for information about uh puberty in human development so those are by the end of grade five and again the subsequent slides behind that are the specific standards and I think grade five has has quite a few not as many I think is eth grade e eth is the most yeah that's fine um so some key outcomes for by the end of 8th grade um is students will be able to apply decision- making in sexual health situations um they'll be able to understand the importance of prop postponing sexual activity explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity analyze how social norms and external influences affect attitudes towards sexual health and demonstrate online and digital safety strategies oh again this would be by the end of creating and then key outcomes uh by the end of high school by the end of 12th grade would be um the ability to make informed decisions regarding sexual uh Sexual Health understand the importance of Sci including HIV testing evaluate options for consensual uh sexual relationships including abstinence and safe sex practices analyze internal and external influences on sexual behavior and identity and then discussing the importance of Mutual consent and respect in sexual activity and then for our next steps we'll begin we've already actually started but we're going to be be uh continuing to look at curriculum that needs to um to fit the new standards um and also refine some of the units of instruction that we already have and then to continue to review the process and we'll be looking at the materials from now until early December and then we will be back here at on December 12th to present all of the materials to you and then after that we'll be presenting it to the parents um just add a a couple things just in conclusion so first of all thank you to the team um I think we should identify kind of the the issue in the room and that these topics are hard to talk about um and I think our health and fette team have done a masterful job of trying to really think through you know what's the right way to do this again I Ed the term kind a common sense approach the Department of Education kind of took these standards and they put them many of them in these grade spans so they have to be taught within you know uh PK to second grade third through 5ifth Middle School and High School uh the team made a decision to move the the stand standards that may be the most complex um and maybe the most kind of squirmy for some people right to kind of get their arms around for a lot of different reasons to put those standards at the oldest grade possible within that um within that grade span I think it's also important to know that um when you look through the Comprehensive Health standard so the packet that's in front of you at some point not the slide deck you'll see there's nine total strands in our health framework this is just one of them the sexual health standards are just one strand um there's a lot that this team is responsible for teaching a lot of really important material um there are other topics that are in here that you know I just think it they speak to the to the time in which we're living um some of them are around sex trafficking um you know some are around identifying appropriate in appropriate touch and how to report that um and so I think while some of these topics can you know make f uncomfortable and I and I get it um I think the team has done a really nice job of trying to take something um and try to kind of help make meaning into a curriculum for our kids as we move forward they will come back to the school committee uh our health and PE team will come back to the school committee on um December 12th and show the resources they've compiled and put together in terms of how they will teach this material once the school committee sees those we'll then turn around and send that material out as Mary mentioned to our families so they can see it so to our families listening at home um they don't need to worry uh about anything being taught around these topics until they have an opportunity to see what they are and not just the standards but see the materials right so like how are you going to teach about gender identity what is that going to look like what are the materials and resources you're going to use so we're going to take the next couple of months to compile that um and then send that out to families to our families at home that may be feeling uneasy about some of this please know that there is a policy within our school committee uh manual that is really clear parents have an opportunity to opt their child out of sexual health standards and standards of the like with these particular issues and topics uh what I would say to our families um first though is um our teachers are going to do really good work and they do really good work with our kids every day and they're going to put together the best units they can to teach this in a way that makes sense at the grade levels that we are required to teach it um so I would just ask for patience in a little bit of Grace with the team uh because what they are going to bring forward I think will in fact make sense to families uh so I would ask that our families at home give the teachers a chance to put these materials together give the school committee a chance to see them before anybody jumps to any conclusions or decisions on anything that's going to happen uh at the end of the day you know we do believe strongly in parental rights and opportunities uh of the like in this you know with these types of topics but um I think it would be important to see what the teachers in the health curriculum team puts together first before making any decisions because they've done great work so far when would we see it in the classrooms so uh o uh December 12th will be when we come back um I believe Mr Ugo I think you actually have one of the units that are up first so I I know we had I talked to May about kind of shuffling some of the scope and sequence around for you if possible yeah we typically um with with our health curriculum with the high school um we typically do first quarter because we see him for a semester first to second uh quarter and then third and fourth is a whole new group um so usually first quarter we're doing nutrition right now um we've been talking about extending Nutrition a little bit um and then maybe spending a little bit more time in PE and then once everything gets approved um in December um and and all that stuff is out for everybody to see um then we'll just you know get through um all that information with uh the the students we're seeing right now in first semester um January yeah we'll just push we'll we'll have to push that off a little bit we'll still cover it it'll just be a little bit of uh different than how we structure our classes on a day-to-day basis but they'll still get all the same information that the student second semester will get it'll just be in a shorter period of time and um for our families at home this semester is just as a reminder second semester ends in usually late January right so so still gives us enough time time yeah but to your point it's probably going to be condensed compared to second semester courses so probably January eron okay I didn't know if it was next year so we are typically and I think the committee knows this we're typically ahead of the game on almost everything this is something we intentionally did not get ahead of and that was on purpose we wanted to see how other districts were going to roll this out have a chance to talk with other um Health Educators other superintendents other curriculum leaders um we didn't feel we needed to be first out of the gate on this um we actually thought we could learn a lot from from our peers so we've taken the time to do that yeah the Frameworks actually didn't get like um Co completed until I believe it was the end of last school year too um most of us went uh the whole team went um on a conference in the summer this year in August it was a four-day conference uh four full days where they kind of broke down um all the new standards and everything that was added uh we got a lot of good information and materials that we can kind of used in these next couple months um Mary's told us that we're going to be giv some some PD time um to to work on this as a department so we can really kind of streamline everything put everything in order and and be ready to go so and then our elementary school teachers will be going to another the same uh people that ran the conference in in August will'll be running one for the for certain some of the districts around here in Bellingham on um November 5th so they'll be going and hearing pretty much the same thing that they they heard yeah so lots of training lots of thoughtful planning yeah uh nobody's making any fast you know kind of moves to implement anything and I think it's important for our community to know that you know this is a partnership we get that and we're you know we're working hard to ensure that once we have the information we're sharing it like we're doing this evening uh this slide deck will be up on our website uh so in case parents want to see it and one in one of my updates uh that I send to family sometime this week I'll reference this and and Link it so they can you know they can click it and and see all the standards that are in there um and so likewise when our units are constructed and ready we'll do the same thing and send those out to parents and we only have one e teacher in elementary school now right I I know there used to be two when we had two yes so Karen Thompson and um oh yeah they'll be going both of them still both with us okay yeah they're both still here but there's only one at Mees yes only one at Mees will the curriculum th here yes she's here yeah will the curriculum for those in case a family does opt out will will you present that curriculum at that time too absolutely that that's actually a a conversation that we started to have yesterday that will we will definitely be providing that as well what was the question I'm sorry in case a family wants to opt out what the if they will have that curriculum ready at the December 12th meeting as well like what will the kids do with they're not in class I see okay they're going to run um like three extra miles yeah we just typically do just a an alternate assignment so sometimes it's on like environmental health and Community Health but they'll be we'll you'll see those as well yeah thank you it's a lot of work and and it's a delicate some of them are delicate topics and so I'm I'm grateful and appreciative for all the time that you've put in to this and I know Tracy as well and she could be here tonight Trac charms put a lot of time into it too um we'll get it it's going to take some time but we'll defin we'll do our best to put together the materials that make the most sense for the topics we have to Tara and just to confirm this isn't all new there's just some new that's right so the what you see in the slide deck behind the cover sheets that the the fizzed teachers just um presented is are the new the new pieces of of the standards and they're in there and we pulled them word for word out of the out of there so yeah it's only a small percentage of actual new material that they want us to put in so good thank you any other questions well thank you for all your hard work on this we look forward to seeing you on December 12th all right thank you thank you okay now we'll move on to item C on the superintendent report the 2425 student Improvement plans and professional data plans yes Mr superintendent thank you uh we are excited tonight to present our 2425 uh School Improvement and ping plans and I'm going to start with Mrs Schaefer and the mees team welcome welcome thank you so much for uh your patience we're going to pull your slide uh deck up for not the right um Jill do you want to Tim can you do the milville elementary share it with Tim please yeah thank you [Applause] no problem it's coming right now you should have it now in your packets are the school Improvement plans themselves and the slide deck we didn't um to save paper because it's essentially just summary of the entire plan that's in in your back [Applause] all right so um actually I'm introduced to the team first so chrisa sh for principal Mary Von math interventionist Jilla ballister dudka coach at the elementary in Middle School um so we on our there's a go second sorry I'm not good with this um so one of the things that is in our school Improvement plan is with the reorganization of the district in milville elementary being pre-re 3 we needed to update our portrait of a graduate so at actually our staff meeting on Tuesday we updated we actually really didn't make many changes um the third grade team was part of every group as well so we kind of split the third grade team up so make sure they heard everything to make sure their team their students um the only section we really changed a little bit was citizenship we just um kind of added a little more rigor to the two bullets that were there so bullet number um one I can be a respectful and responsible member of our school community and we added the digital citizenship as well so um kind of starting those discussions of dig dig digital citizenship um and it's important our kids starting to use more and more of it and all of our kids K to 12 are K to 12 are one to one so it's important that they know how to act appropriately with at that age with the devices so um and then the other thing we changed was number two um and it was um that each person is unique in their in how they look act and think so we wanted to make sure that we worked on that inclusivity um we are spending a lot of time with that as well so that was another piece that we thought was important so the next thing we want to share with you is our data and some of our key findings so um we do a star early literacy for grades K and one and a reading for grades 2 and three so for Star early literacy 59% of our kindergartens were um at or above Benchmark uh 61% of our students were at or above Benchmark for grades one and then 39% of our students are meeting or exceeding for grade two and 49% of our students are meeting or exceeding for grade three um and then to complement that we do Dibbles and for Dibbles 32% of our students at the kindergarten are at or above Benchmark 50% of our students at grade one are at or above 40% 47% of our students are at or above for grade two and 49 of our 49% are at or above for grade three it was nice to actually see since we've done this for a couple years to see that first second and third are kind of holding and we're going to see how we can grow for next year with them um from math we didn't have anything as of yet um in early literacy there's an early numery so we have broken that out into the five subcategories to see where they're at and to see how we we're going to keep a measure to see how they're growing from Boi to Moi to eii and then we did a comprehensive into maath assessment um for grades K through three we're doing Boi Moi eoi grades two and three were the students took it in the system and put their own data in for grades K and one they did it on paper so we're now inputting all those students in so that we can have the inter maath data to know strands and Trends and patterns so we can look at that so we'll be getting that into the system so then we can start to dissect it and analyze it and that was one thing that was new this year we've typically just looked at it on the paper but by putting it into the system we can actually use the into math reports so we'll be able to pull the same reports for K and one that we are for two and three so that's um going to be a nice piece that we can work on and some of a lot of this work in the literacy um as you know we've been working with the early literacy work for the last couple years and um we've actually recently applied for another Grant um and it's actually in um collaboration with Bellingham so it's a new form of the literacy Grant um and we are hoping that we'll do we'll be you know selected for that one but um this growth is I would say attributed to the work that we've really done and are really focusing on in our building so the what um I'm just going to highlight a couple of things too that we were that we had talked about so um we're going to be with the first goals just looking at our curriculum making sure we have what's needed so in this this budget cycle this past year we identified through the literacy work that we needed decodable readers to help our students grow in their reading ability so we use that as an item to purchase and we purchased them for grades K1 and two this year um so we're going to continue making sure we have all the materials we need for both math and Ela um making sure that we're meeting the best of their needs as well as using the curriculum Frameworks the portrait of a graduate work and all the research that has is out there um to meet their needs and as you'll see we did upgrade update the portrait of a graduate and that was um reflected already um and then the next one is the system inst structures for the um the Equitable high high quality rigorous Equitable curriculum um and we're just going to continue monitoring our assessments we um one of the things that we are working on and that we are really excited about is the summer reading and the summer math activities um need a little bit of revamping so that's one of our goals for this year is to look at some more Project based learning um and supporting our students and families in different ways over the summer so as our ilt we talked about um maybe offering like a virtual time for students and families because the purpose of the summer work is to prevent that summer slide so offering virtual opportunities offering in-person opportunities and during the day during the night coming to the school um doing different things to try to engage our families in helping them do stuff with their students Mrs Jones has also generously volunteered her husband um to do something I don't know many of you know but he is a cartoon he has a cartoon um the sour grapes and she's already volunteered him to come and do some character drawing um to to um you know help the students do stuff like that for their summer book and kind of encourage that summer reading through projects and fun um and engage them and want them to be there to do that so it's one of our big projects is to kind of develop our committee review it and then um identify the dates and the platforms and all that stuff the third goal is the um looking at the the Fidelity of our um curriculum and implementation of the curriculum so doing learning walks having targeted Focus areas we we've done them this year where our goal is to make them more explicit more scheduled we can't let the sub if we don't have sub coverage impact that so how we're going to look at that and make a schedule to not impact we're starting with our plc's our professional learning communities everyone has that time built in their day or in their week so we're starting there and our first our first walk is going to be to steal from others so it's not stealing items but stealing ideas from others and best practices while the teachers are teaching in their classroom and they'll come back and we'll reflect on what they want what they stole and how they're going to use it in their room and then we're going to bring it to a staff meeting and share how they've used it in their room and Shout out the person they stole it from and then also how it's impacted the student learning so really kind of stealing from each other is kind of our first goal so all right the how uh goal one is to fully align adjust and Implement with Fidelity the portrait of a graduate to reflect our PK to grade three students and uh Christina spoke to that just a moment ago goal two ensure multi-tiered support systems are in place implemented and assessed for Effectiveness and at the middle school right now that is looking um for us to begin to kind of Define what mtss will look like now that the school has been restructured and we have an additional grade at the elementary the whole child continue providing and assessing the impact of professional development around supporting the whole child um we're going to be looking at updating our seal toolkit to ensure that teachers have a full bread of resources um and we will be uh modeling a lot of those strategies in staff meetings so that they feel comfortable in using the strategies within their classroom we've implemented Rachel 's Challenge and in our um chain link we're up to 245 links and that was last Friday so I updated every Friday so I'll be curious to see what we're up to we had a lot this week I would say at least 50 to 100 this week so our goal is to go around the entire complex start at door one what's the chair what's the link U oh sorry so the link so the purpose of um Rachel CH was to talk about the um impact of kindness and the chain reaction of kindness so the link we just like a little chain of paper and they all link together so every time a child does an act of kindness um we the teachers um give that to the office and they fill it out for the each kid's name on it in their grade and we are actually having a contest for each grade to see who's who's in the lead right now grade two is in lead with 124 um but we are um kind of sharing that and the kids can see it so they look how long it is today and they're excited because every time we get a good chunk of them we put them up um so we it started at door one which is where the um AFM site is and we're now down the second grade hallway so you turn in and go to the right that we're down that hallway now so um so they're making good progress our goal is to be at least at door 25 which is the other the JFK side by the end of the year but if we could get back down that main hallway and back to Door one that would be pretty awesome so um and we're sharing we're shouting it out to the kids too so um every Monday morning Mrs lroy announces it over the intercom too so we share you know where they're at so so for the community um we wanted to take a fresh look at um communication strategies with our families so um we came up with some ideas to do surveys and we're going to take an opportunity when we have parents in our building so the first one's going to be at the um parent teacher conferences we're going to have a survey to see what's the preferred method of communication we have a lot of teachers that send out newsletters they send out just communication via email is that the best way to meet are we reaching our parents that way so we want to look at that and then we're also um are going to do some surveys regard at our events to see how when our parents come how do they hear about it because sometimes we think we're not reaching them the best way so we're going to reach out directly to them when they're physically in front of us um so and we're also looking to um grow our partnership with the community and we're going to see if we can get more Partners into our events um so that's for goal one and for goal two leveraging the Partnerships we want to reach out to family families and daycares the community Boys and Girls Club um doctor's offices and give them pamphlets of what's expected for the next incoming years of grades so that we can have our parents ready um for our children to be ready to come into our school so we're trying to look to see if we can think of all the community ways we can get out to them and then start to give them information so that we become Partners together so our goal so this is each grade level is going to work on um a variety so like what the expectations for Math and for reading and all the subject areas as well as social emotion and developmental goals um so we're going to share that with families so that they have we do it at kindergarten info night so we share that what it's expected by the time we come to kindergarten but we're like why not develop one for each grade so that when they go to grade one the parents know what is expected by the time their child is in first grade and we thought putting them in doctor's offices in the I know Blackstone Valley Dental you know seeing kind of like where our group of people are um and then also sharing them in the report cards and then again when we send this class placements out and again so they're going to get sick of seeing them they should know them um but that's our goal is to make sure our families know kind of where developmentally your child should be um and they know what's kind of expected for that incoming year and then the um one of the events we did talk about so for the um as Mary started mentioning for the family events we were talking about math for the first one and in event inviting like local banks or other areas where people can open a bank account and we talked about for literacy have the libraries come where families can get library cards and develop those Partnerships as well with them we also um are thinking about looking at researching a platform so where we can put um our curriculum resources so we're going to look to see what kind of platform we want to create as a school and then then start to look at the resources we could put out there so that parents can have one place that they can grab information for all of our grade levels any questions thank you I just want to say I appreciate the slides because it's yes it's a very long document that was great thank you we expect that to continue with the next group yes uh next up Dr Rema and I believe we have a team of Staff members from the Middle School that are going to present a student from our studentt the middle welcome everybody hello thank you everybody know me so I don't to introduce myself but we have Cadence Anderson and youas student I I'm Megan Murray I'm a special education teacher uh Nick Morris PE wus and Kate du grade four teacher so we're going to go over our Improvement plan and the key goals and areas and professional development focus and J F is say she's timing me so we're watching this so our vision statement um and the theory of action is same as last year and those there are four areas and the first area is the curriculum and Kate's going to talk about that I mean sorry Megan's going to talk about yes so the curriculum is uh the area one so our first first goal is enhance writing skills across all content areas through targeted strategies and additional resources to improve proficiency and engagement so we're writing everywhere across the day in every subject and even in Encore classes um we talked about the new health curriculum already so I won't get back into that um and then just differentiating our instruction um in every subjects and it's kind of what I do so that's where we're at and then goal two is implement the new curriculum in phases with targeted professional development and ongoing support to enhance instructional Effectiveness and student outcomes so we have like a gradual roll out of our new programs um and we're doing more professional development and supporting for our existing programs and then the how is directly connected to the what it's it's how we deliver um instruction to the students to address um those goals that were mentioned in the what so goal one of course was the one connected to writing and we are determining and we are using comprehensive strategies across all four grades here in this building we are also unifying our teaching practices which means that we are trying within grades and across grade level levels to use similar um graphic organizers for example similar language similar expectations so the kids as they progress from one grade to another they're able to just kind of continue developing those skills and um our feedback we've decided needs to be actionable And Timely I mean their writing is only as good as our feedback um so if we give them an assignment and don't um provide them with the feedback for another three or four weeks we can't expect progress in their writing if if they haven't received that feedback um goal two it is connected to the um the curricula and providing that professional development for all of our staff here in this building we are defining and setting very clear assessment structures so that we know what assessments we're given when we're giving them how we're giving them the uh instruction is standards based to align with our report cards and the state standards and we are differentiating across the board U Iz in all staff here in the building to make sure that the needs of all students are met um so Cadence is going to talk about the whole child Cadence on sty and I help facilitate sty so I'm going to help her if she needs it but you got this um our goal is to Foster environments where students feel they belong both inside and outside the classroom this involves more than just academics successes it's about making sure that every student feels connected supported and able to form a relationship that enrich their school experiences um there's three key features inclusive practices being cultur culturally responsive recognizing and valuing the diverse backgrounds of our students we also integrate restorative practices which focus on resolving conflicts and building Community a community of mult respect um one important part of this is the integration of Rachel's Challenge encouraging kindness and connection there's holistic development our focus on Student Success must extend beyond academics we will be working to balance academic growth and social emotional development there's high expectations we will continue to set high expectations for our students this means not only pushing them to meet their academic goals but also supporting their personal development thank you and then uh strategic area four talks about the community our first goal is to continue to Foster and strengthen our relationships between us as Educators the F our families and the whole community and we're really looking to engage the families in the learning proc process actively rather than pass passively which then kind of ties into goal number two maximizing two-way Communications um some key features of this is timely feedback providing regular updates to families and giving them that actionable feedback that they can use to support their child at home and there'll be meaningful dialogue surrounding the new roll out of the fourth and fifth grade report cards the health standards and the principal coffee hour I'm not buing coffee PTO is you got I'm good so I know they mentioned a lot about um you know writing across curriculum social emotional learning through race racial challenges and also um restorative practice so our professional development really focusing on that core instruction and small group interventions and also family engagement so on in the school Improvement plan have three phases from September to December and then January April and then may to June so from September to December we going to focus on laying that strong foundations and introduce writing strategies because we start a few years ago but we kind of some reflection and we take some quarter turns like Jason would always say and also um social emotion learning that um uh jpg have you know implemented this year for us um how do we monitor that we're going to do classroom observations and also learning walk and giving teacher feedback and so stay strong area with with the midy year from January and April we're going to come focus on follow-up training we want to look at what we did from September to December and make some adjustment do we need to follow up some of the professional development or do we need to add more based on the data and at the end of the year may to June of course it's celebration but besides celebration is also evaluations because we want to look at what we have done and then we're going to work together as s iot and iot and aaf to um set collaborative goals for next year that's it any questions anyone thank you oh thank you very much nice [Applause] work and our final uh School Improvement PD plan for the night the High School Miss FAS welcome [Applause] there we are good evening how are we doing all right see if I remember to push this little thingy um so the high school Improvement plan we're ready to go we're ready for uh for Action so we'll start with the the what that we're doing is um focusing on intentional planning so um at the beginning of the year our um um leadership team gets together and we focus on what is it that the that from our teacher evaluation rubric that we'd like to focus on so those two things are going to see in the what and the how and the first piece is this intentional planning not the teachers are not planning because we plan but really looking at all the different pieces and how to um make sure that we're having high quality lessons um and looking at really diving into making sure that all students are having um accessible materials um looking at changing the data as far as the moving away from star and going to uh for Math and having uh assessments that are driven by the teachers that are really going to tell us what grade level skills and not having a nationwide test that can have you being on different levels and not really knowing what that is so we're very excited about that the math um Department was working on that after school today actually and Gathering that data um and making sure that our our professional learning Comm communities excuse me are really focused on the important pieces and looking at how do we um increase our high order thinking questions how do we look at our planning in a different way conducting lesson studies which is going to be happening with the English Department Mary was just um with the English Department today talking about how they're going to be collaborating particularly when they have Shar shared lessons um and really making sure that we are uh using all of the resources that we have to the best of um our ability and um we are also adding this writing across the curriculum which is part of our learning acceleration um Network that we've already begun with the Middle School Jenny and I are collaborating on this to get um looking at writing um specifically as an area um the how Co inides with the high expectations which is also in the teacher rubric and again not that we don't have high expectations but really being intentional about what we're doing and what we're asking um most importantly the types of questions that we're asking we worked with the um depth of knowledge wheel it's it's a educational tool that looks at increasing the level um from the who what where when why how as a level one and moving into the create piece um you know today I was in a classroom in a robotics classroom that was uh looking at making a vehicle that moves without wheels and the kids were like this is hard yeah so you got to think outside the box so they're working on really trying to to think about different things um that they're doing we're also working on and continuing from last year our productive struggle to enhance visible learning to allow students to recognize that they can do it and if it is hard it's okay because we do hard things um um and so a number of teachers are are trying to figure out what's the best way to do that and not allow the struggle to continue if it's not being productive and what does that look like so we've started conversations um particularly around what does uh how do we move from compliance all the way to student ownership so compliance is good we want kids to complying to be doing what they're supposed to be doing but we really want to have that student ownership and offering opportunities for student ownership um and then focusing on not just our English language learners but also how do we um differentiate how do we scaffold for our High Flyers and how do we um scaffold for students who um might need additional supports so that's something that we've been doing um in our faculty meetings we will continue to do uh we're going to be doing sharing best uh strategies um similar to like the stealing piece but um at the elementary school but wanting to make sure we sharing and highlighting what our staff is doing and what our staff is doing really well um the whole child piece is our charger time which as you heard is is up and running um it was great to hear um some positive feedback for students really being being able to focus in a small group setting and to get work some work um done but also some brief teaching um our math interventionist is also able to pull in small groups our eighth grade is involved in um two sets of uh two groups about 45 kids are doing um math intervention and continue to while the rest of the groups are doing some seal piece um so we're being able to uh focus on that my student leadership team um we meet on Tuesday for the first time using this charger time because we've already gotten through one rotation so I'm excited to have them as uh an a uh equal partner um in planning the roll out and what they would like to see from um the charter time and what their expectations are as far as this is concerned um and then ultimately moving on we'd like to do a speaker series bringing um community members out and I know that ties in with the community but also so if anybody's interested wants to come in for half an hour and talk about what you do um uh trying to um increase that we're also going to actually look at um maybe having some right now our colleges come in during the lunch period but having them come in during that period so they can meet in a small group setting instead of in the cafeteria um which isn't always intimate um to uh to find out more about um Community planning College preparation Etc um and then the last is our Partnerships and possibilities for our community uh lots of things happening we're going to focus some of the work on our new athletic director and um Student Life coordinator who has hit the ground running um and working on you know communication and and being really a link from the community in the school uh we have our um building program with the feasibility study we're looking forward to um having staff feedback on that piece as well um we already have lots of lots of ideas but also focusing on what do we want a building that's going to work for the direction that the school is going instructionally um to to Really match that and for the next Century um and then uh our Nas we're starting with our um Nas collaboration I'm on a site visit I was on a meeting today I'm learning lots of things I've printed everything out so we'll be ready to go because we have our first collaborative visit in November of 2025 so we'll be starting that work on our first professional development day on November 1st um and then our career Pathways so we have an application that we have while we have Pathways that we have um put together as kind of a focus for students this is a actual Department of um education designated pathway and with that comes funding for us to do a number of things so we're working um on that as far as professional development I've mentioned that a couple of times all of this is driven by our student um School Improvement plan which is driven by our portrait of a graduate so that is seamless and that is what you will see if you stop at a faculty meeting come on over you're more than welcome to attend um you can you can learn something with us our small groups and um and focus on the intentional planning so ask your kids if you have them about their charger time and where they're going and what are they're doing and if their grades aren't what you want them to be tell them to get into intervention there you go they can pick those teachers question yeah is it put into their schedule at some point like they know where they need to go or is it up to them to both they have they have the ability to request a teacher but the teachers also have the ability when the teachers come and ask them uh or request them they lock that so they can't change it is it on the Google Classroom like no it's a it's a program it's called enriching students okay that we um we were able to get through a grant from last year um and where this came from with the with the visits that I was on last year we were able to do this um this is something from we what we saw in U in Vermont perfect so the students can pick something but the teacher the teacher can schedule teacher can override them at any time so they can they can input their own schedule and the teacher can say you're coming here so tomorrow so tomorrow is a day one and everyone will meet in their charger time and the first five minutes of their charger time is for the students to go in and select for the 7-Day rotation so they'll be selecting from days for Day 2 to 7 um they may go in and they may see already I got to be with Mr row on uh Tuesday because that's a math day and I need to be with Miss kti on on day three but I have day six and 7even open um so I'm going to select something like that and teachers have uh the ability to do different things U Mr yugul is going to do a weightlifting and yoga um offering um just to to so for various different things we've got a a conversational class um working with our students um our English language learning uh students so we've got a number of things our um new librarian is doing amazing things and that place is packed they they it was fun watching them do games it's also really nice when they're doing quiet cozy reading time so so it sounds very organized un like like you don't know where the kids are no no no no no and and there's a you you take attendance there's an ability not only that but teachers can tell you if they're present if they cut if they are present and um and active or present and inactive so if I just show up and I do nothing I can we can track that data at charger time yeah charger time um when is breakfast if that it it wasn't that like a time that they could do it during that it's just a grab really just a grab and go there's about a six minute window for that you're thinking of how it used to be that's why I'm just wondering I I didn't know so there hasn't been since I since I came on board we got rid of that we got rid of the flex block it was called a flex period and there was nothing and that makes me anxious so I said I would not do this unless we had um weit and I did not want a Google form um the students take a can teachers can take attendance in all areas it has all that information I can actually schedule kids who are not scheduled for that day um and uh every day we get a report so they get a report on how many kids showed up if there were any Cuts I can if I could see who might have cut that class and I can go in and um see who that is and we can deal with that separately perfect it also can give opportunities like for clubs I know some of them mention that they do that so kids who couldn't do student council because it required ride to school y beforehand now they have that opportunity class officer meetings you know we'll be able to uh plan things pumpkin caring is already you know is designated that everybody's not going to go to it's a day seven so everyone's going to go and get to do that um so yeah we're we're excited and again we've only gone through this once so this was this was our first full 7-Day piece and we rolled it out so like the freshmen were only only participated in it Tuesday Wednesday Thursday because it was a slow roll out our eighth grade will be joining us with this on the 23rd starting on the 23rd with a smaller roll out too so we'll be ready to go love it thanks thank you nice work Joe no applause oh oh and and then there's our CL our kids so we're ready to we're ready to get it get it done in with their class of 25 I had to throw one picture and I knew they were going to do lots of pictures so there are the kids thanks Jo thank you all right we're going to go back to the agenda uh in order uh we're going to go back to public forum anyone here for public forum so much easier to ask when the room is [Laughter] empty okay next under school committee Item B approve waving of fees for BM ybl use of facilities for practices Mr superintendent yes uh we uh heard from um the organizer of the blacko milville youth basketball league um in the past they have always paid for the custodial fees and any overtime fees um and frankly to to to my fault clarify what you just said um so in the past we didn't always pay for the genitor the custodian fees it was um during the week when the custodians are on site oh sure yeah we didn't pay for that yeah these are all the overtime these are Saturday Sunday things yeah yeah yeah these are the overtime fees when there's nobody in the building yeah yeah uh but to our uh to our fault we didn't charge them the $20 I think it was $20 a day for the uh building the the gym use fee uh so they have officially requested we wave that fee for them this year so um I don't think we should ever charge them year after year the um the school facilities for the town's kids we should be they should be able to use it without being charged in my opinion I think charging of the fees was for outside groups or the the $20 fees for the gym the basketball I don't know I just think in my opinion you know never charge uh the our youth basketball league it's part of the school um not technically but you know it's a feeder program so we've always charged custodial not but not on Monday through Friday but Saturday morning games they' they've always had to pay or Sunday for travel yeah and I feel like the difference is their their you're paying the kids are paying so we don't charge Girl Scouts we we have not ever charged bmbl no we haven't but we haven't charged them and we don't usually charge like Girl Scouts but there're there's not um they technically they fall in group if you look at our policy if you look at the school committee policy I think they fall in group two and the fee for that is I think it's $20 uh for the space uh per day it's it's a small fee but it adds up because they use the the gym a lot um so um we have not charged them in the past um and they have requested formally that we don't that we don't charge them moving forward the uh gym use fee the 20 it's $20 for this this is for practices and games like yes Sunday tournaments and or travel well no they would still pay the we're not waving the fee for Saturday or Sunday use we're waving the fee just for the Monday through Friday no they're asking for the fee to be waved not for the custodians they have that in the budget they're asking for the the $20 you know a day fee to be waved for the use of because they're in the gym you know regularly it gets expensive which I totally understand it ends up being $20 at you know a day um per gym they're yeah if they're in more than one space so they're asking for that to be waved what they have budgeted for are the custodial fees which they've always paid that in the past for when our custodians are not here the overtime Fe so I think we should bring put that on the agenda if we want to revisit group two wording type stuff like for a future but motion for today to wave this school year request yeah what's in front of us today is just the but we but you're right to have a bigger discussion on the what Chuck brought up yeah yeah so they're still paying for the overtime custodians on the weekends and they haven't in the past paid the $20 per day that's right um uh fee do we have the did we already get something from them that showed how much it would have been like we approved there oh or is it in here I'm sorry I see I don't they say they paid they paid 72 3546 in overtime fees last season yeah last season overtime meaning the custodians cust custodians but in here is their request so if we were to charge the $20 a day for both gyms it's going to be roughly to it depends how many weeks it goes if they if they they may not do anything on the holiday weeks or anything else so you're thinking about another two $2,000 or so more than what they've already budgeted it run it runs um typically November to March March is when they do their wreck playoffs so it would be a long time but but I mean I guess the question becomes on Sundays they're they're charging a feed for entrance no no no on the travel games uh policy changed years ago so there's no fee you you don't pay to go watch the games any longer it's the um bimble does not make any monies on games um that's when we were it was a different League were in and they long also um they don't even typically hold like their own concession stand on W mornings but they've opened it up to girls basketball boosters last year if we wanted to come in and do as like a fundraiser for girls boosters we could come in and do that so they're definitely they're not yeah any concessions that were done were done through boosters or like my son did one for a fundraising for National Honor Society so so they don't they're not earning any money through the season they just they're just the player fee registration fee which would probably have to increase if we charge them the $20 which will then probably increase the number of scholarships they then offer to the students yes and based on that message that they sent they already gave a lot this year and additional scholarships there's no question they fall into group two group two okay so for for the purpose of tonight they when they applied for this they were under the impression for the the you School youth they weren't in the past charg for this and right yeah so for purpose tonight we can wave and they can stay in group too and annually we can wave that when once we revisit it I think that keeps it the cleanest because other groups will come in and maybe not from town or as committed to the town the sorry the district and uh and we can give it's our discretion to wave it yeah it's written differently though so just um it is pretty specific in the in the that's that yeah yeah like for a group that's not Town related is group three so it just kind of breaks it I should say yeah the the the commitment they give to the scholarships and things like that may not be as maybe more than we can take those into consideration waving yes no or we really do need to look at group to cuz specifically says Sports to benefit the Youth of Blackstone milville Community like they fit in group two yeah wave it you can wave it if you want to change it you can change have a cap in the future like when you have three kids playing well one spot they can they cap 600 for the year for the family you can have a cap for a group a local group for the purpose of tonight's agenda they just they have to pay the the cap is they have to pay the staff you know they have to pay the Cal M yes yeah yeah I meant for like the building the 20 bucks it could be a maximum of 200 per use yeah unless you reach your max of $100 for the season I'll make the motion that we uh wave the group two fees of $20 per Daily year use of facilities for the upcoming 2024 20 25 season for the black soille youth basketball league second motion made by Chuck seconded by Carrie any further qu uh discussion all just wanted to point out are you on the board for bimble uh no just so we don't R so I'm not 100% positive but I I'm not participating you're not a board member the way you speaking the way you speaking you're not a board member I'm not a board member a lifetime member though that's speaking from experience I've been involved so long thank you okay I'm good all right so motion made by Chuck seconded by Carrie Chuck has no official affiliation with the BD L just for a disclosure um and any other discussion on this I will also add that they in the let youc and and and then Tuesday night selectman meeting they just donated four backboards to the Roosevelt Park that just recently been repaved so by other donations uh uh from businesses in the community so with that being said all those in favor signify by saying I I I anyos the eyes have it uh while we're on this topic the milville gym basketball well um we're in desperate need of uh being able to use that gym so because the custodians aren't there uh as they have been when the students are there uh it creates a problem for practice time for that youth league MH so um you know having to pay is it possible to have custodians they still go to that building custodians they do do very infrequently but they do is it possible to align the time they go there when they're practicing our custodian I believe and Scott you can correct me if I'm wrong the custodian that works there is part-time and she's there in the morning during the week it's not a it's not like they're there throughout the day is there a way to um so last year the uh boy the basketball teams would practice at the milville school y and then the youth league would go in immediately after and then uh but this year I don't know um I don't believe is there is there a way that uh uh some someone could be held responsible uh you could authorize them to maybe have a fob to so the alarm company is able to uh activate the alarm remotely and you know there was a some discussion between the alarm company that installed the system and monitors it and I think maybe the legett had talked to them about you know how they can possibly come up with a solution so I looks like Scott wants to be part of this conversation well I'm just I'm not aware of the alarm company being able to set the alarm remotely well that's what yeah I don't know for sure I'm just uh relaying what I heard so um anyways a solution in the past we had a custodian go there at night yeah course from you know before we laid off three but um they would go and also clean the bathrooms make sure the building secure shut off all the lights and then set the alarm yeah I'm sorry can I I just want to ask a clarifying question is milville gym not usable from bimble I I I think we're going to need to find a solution it sounds like they don't want have to pay for it to be available it would be available if they're paying for the custodian but here's a question are they going to be requesting it for the Saturday morning games and paying that custodian no no oh just uh Monday through F you know but Saturday could four days four nights a week yeah in the past three years they haven't used mville on the weekends unless they get no we're just in at the uh at this school on the weekends they are but are you thinking between bimble and then the school teams milville is going to need to be used is that what you're thinking yeah if we if we field the teams for basketball for the boys team that it looks like yeah we potential of having a freshman a JV and a Varsity Boys Basketball team which is incredible and the boy and our school teams can use it with the coach it's the pro the problem is is the outside group that would be like letting girl scats going into the cafeteria where it's not an actual stipend or staff right yeah and I just mentioned the team structure because I I think we're going to need every square inch of gym we have because we're going to have possibly three teams at the high school we're going to have a middle school team here we're going to have the youth Town Le I think there going to be a lot of basketball going on great which is a good problem right but central office is usually there till 5:00 so when our school teams were done there was somebody there to set the alarm yep what times during a week like CH they're asking for between 5 and nine it's in our packet tonight no it's not it's just JFK and AFM right I was going to say it doesn't they don't have M select gotcha but we do have a request we have custodians there right at the complex that so they're looking for time Monday Tuesday and Wednesday doesn't the Boys and Girls Club have the Boys and Girls Club has never uh cooperated we've tried many many times they have they used the JFK gym in the past wasn't it always just AFM JFK yeah they used the AFM but they not the JFK because they the complex had the 21st century program the last couple years that have needed that gym space so they used one of the gyms and then the after school program used the other one at least during like those hour anyway when we if we ever build a new school we need two gems yeah when cat walk across the top like yes when we build that new school perfect that doesn't fix this year so just uh plant a seed to that we're we're going to struggle with gym time for all without the use of that space you're saying we're going to need to come up with a solution so you think they're going to have a freshman team this year is that I hope so going to be their early discussion looks like we could have is that and ninth graders is that the eighth graders in the and still have a middle school team here six and seventh grade team here so that could be a very good problem to have for for once we have typically had a custodian from 5 to 9 at the middle of elementary school if it was open when it was open yes it was open when it was open they work 2 to 10 2 to 10 and there were two of them right together two at night correct so if we end up having the school teams practice at milville they'll have to be in a custodian like a new schedule unless it's right after school they by five well and I would say not necessarily the custodian doesn't have to be there it has to be a staff or lock up right someone that can lock the building the custodian can clean the gym the next morning right that's true not they're they're on staff on the weekends when the building is being used for public use but I mean would they technically have to be at mville elementary when our school teams are practicing like do they need to be standing there right they don't have to be there the their coach or their their other staff member would be that responsible person but custodians would need to know that they're going in that gym in the morning right now they're probably so it's more the lock up the bathroom the end of the day so if a coach has the ability to go into the school by himself with the team we we can't appoint another person with the same Authority that just oversees that League um so you the leaving the milville school you have to set the alarm Y and turning off lights and things so the our coaches do they do that they don't your coaches would just leave and then not they would just leave and someone to go yeah we had an extra custodian we send them over it was basically on his way home so we'd stop in do it now we don't have that and our custodian would have to leave one bill and drive to another one out of his way and then drive back home well we're down the three because we Consolidated the building one building offline this sers out there about that yeah okay we'll come up with a solution and we feel like we find a way with this and we figured out a solution last year have to figure it out okay msba update yes did we vote U to wave the fees did that go through I don't even remember finish vot it was yeah we voted we clarified and we voted my apologies okay and yes yeah we did yes okay I thought we got lost in the disc I don't know why okay um yeah so msba uh our project is moving along great um we posted just yesterday it went in the central register for the designer um I spoke with our OPM um actually I'm spoking with her every day but uh most recently uh we have a lot of interest like an unusual amount of Interest which is from designers uh she said there is a lot of Buzz about this project um they've been getting a lot of questions there's a lot of excitement um I think it's I think it's because in in some districts you're you know you're building a building you're moving on I think for us it's it's part of an overall like strategy if you read our uh statement of interest and you read all of our um documentation particularly around posting for an OPM posting for a designer it it it is it feels like it's a very Community Driven project that is also part of a structural redesign for the school system which I think that generates interest and in a lot of enthusiasm that's very cool we're excited about that project that process coming along um so we will be um by December we will be um meeting with the uh designer selection team from the mass School building authority uh there will be nine of them if I have the numbers right I think it's nine and there are three members from the school building committee that will be making the decision on the designer um and those three members from the school building committee are Carrie uh Jane Regio and myself um so we will be meeting with msba to go through the uh designer applications and uh landing on a designer for the project a feasibility project someone who um so a thank you to Carrie uh for Willing being willing to take that on that's it's going to be a lot of work going through all those applications and um and also to Jane who was here earlier tonight um we are going to need to have a very strong voice at the table um anybody who can do math knows that nine beats three so uh if there is a designer that we want to move forward with we need to be incredibly assertive about that um because um it seems as though msba is just kind of gives everybody a project so whoever's up next you know uh that they may have in the past had a a very you know similar approach to that so if Matt catalano's design firm hasn't had one um and but we want to go with Chuck dunton's design firm But Chuck just got a project it is more likely than not they will be pushing for mats even though we want to work with Chuck no offense mat uh but so we so we have to make sure that we have a very strong voice and I think uh the team that will be present in that conversation will be incredibly clear about what we want um the other thing I think that will be helpful for us our OPM um uh narrative the selection process for that um those that were on that call heard repeatedly how thorough we were in our discussion around why we picked who we did and why we didn't pick the others uh the individuals on the OPM selection panel for msba said repeatedly uh how much they appreciated and valued um our thoroughness and our written response and our rationale so I'm hopeful that they will trust us a bit more because of our previous process so more to come on that but lots of good work happening there by December uh we should hopefully have a a selection or at least down to the wire a selection made in who we want to start negotiating a contract with so Carrie thank you for and thank you to Jane who was here all right um next is your uh conference attendance attendance yeah so uh each year the mass Association of school committees and the mass Association of superintendents have a joint conference in November it's in your packet this year it's November 6th through the 9th um the attendees certainly don't need to go for this whole thing but um we have gone in the past um we've had different School commit members in the past go Tammy Lemieux Jane Regio and I actually presented at one of the conferences on uh leadership and governance working together to move a district forward um and so uh it is in your packet this evening if there is a member who would like to go I will be going the 6th through the 88th um and again you don't you certainly don't have to attend the whole thing um but there are lots of sessions just for school committees uh there's a lot of uh policy conversation um there's a lot of kind of breakout work shops that I would attend with a school commity member or sometimes we'll split up and go to different things and then come back and go through what we learned sometimes we'll go to things together um but it's a really great opportunity for the school committee to to get involved in some of the state level advocacy work so I just wanted to put on in case never very tempting Emerald Resort at the cape cot Irish village sounds like a is there a deadline Jason for um I have registered um I I think the hotel is probably booked out but there are a bunch in the are because in hyana so you can pick a different place um so we I mean we could we can register I think right up to the right up to the very end but it's always better to do it sooner um I I'll I'm very interested and my calendar might align this year but um I definitely want to talk to you about what what we want to so I'll check in with you great yeah there's a really good session on um I was looking for this I couldn't find that this has at all in here yeah there's a lot of great sessions in there that are very timely some around Finance Regional School finance and the fiscal cliff so to speak that a lot of regionals are facing there's a lot of really good uh sessions and I'll hand this right if we're all set with that I'll hand the next thing right over to Erin the end of the uh evaluation of the superintendent um it is that time of year again and we are a little typically we've done this already um where Jason gives us his evidence and we're kind of hanging on waiting for mcast um this year we're bundling it all into one presentation um which of course Jason always puts an immense amount of time into um after he presents tonight I will send out in a timely manner um for your feedback and your evaluating an evaluation tool um where we can then present to Jason um at our next meeting in November 7th that we we're going to change that yeah we may need to change it that probably won't be November 7th um and complete the evaluation for last school year um and he will very excitedly be presenting his new goals at this meeting later but um so I'll hand this over to Jason to talk about his evidence right thanks Aaron um and thanks for the repeated meetings to go over all of this and make sure that um moving in the right direction here um so I'm going to try to do um uh three for one and just roll through these um so um I will go through the end of year evaluation um embedded in that will be the mcast and accountability data and then we'll roll right into the goal so we'll try to I'll just try to keep this uh moving right along um in your packet um you actually it wasn't a your packet was emailed out to you uh Tim can you pull up my end of year evaluation slide deck um in your packet other goals but I emailed out the um end of year evaluation because all of the evidence is hyperlink just to keep it to keep it simple um and I'm actually not going to get into some of that wonky trying to click on things and they don't open and it's you know that kind of uh process instead I'm just going to walk through um some of the evidence and then the only piece that I will go through I'm just going to grab the clicker that I will go through with everybody is the um actual uncast um and I do want to spend a little bit of time on that because there's a lot of good news to share and of course there's there are always next steps that we need to talk about with that um but we certainly don't need to be reminded about our blueprint uh although we are in our third year uh you'll see that in the goals uh as it relates to developing a new strategic plan um but of course we know that everything is anchored back to our district strategy um you know how we put our goals together uh and the main uh documents that we use and the main pieces of feedback that we use to do that uh and reviewed all of this uh very thoroughly at the middle of year evaluation which we did in April this past year um we have a set of focus standards so out of all of the standards in which the school committee has to evaluate me against um these were the standards that we determined would be our Focus for last year um and so I won't I won't read these off but in the evidence um like we usually do I try to tag all of the evidence that is pertinent uh and connected specifically to these standards just to uh make things aligned and simple um our first our student learning goal uh is anchored back to our student mcast performance which we're going to talk about uh this evening um what is absent from this goal what you will see in our go in my uh student learning goal for this upcoming year or this current year um is the work around our accountability Target set by the Department of Education and I think that's an important piece to mention um we have always been hyperfocused on the achievement and growth numbers which are important um and haven't always paid a significant amount of attention as far as setting goals are concerned around the accountability targets that the department of Ed sets um we've always shared them and talked about them publicly um but we've never I've never included them in the student learning goal in school year 2425 I have done that um because it's probably the easiest way frankly for the general Community to see the progress we're making as it relates to what is the appropriate amount of progress at least appropriate determined by the Department of Education that our kids should be making on our overall scaled scores for um mcast for growth for um attendance for graduation rates for our elll progress and all the other measures that desie puts into uh into the uh equation so to speak so you'll see that that will be included but for uh the end of year this year um we had our focus on increasing our scores in grades 3 to 10 um on mcast by at least 5% for achievement are hitting our targets for uh SGP of at least 50 uh grades four through 10 where student growth is used um and then we also underneath curriculum had some very specific goals set around implementation of our K12 um social studies program because again this was last year while we were developing and revising our science program and then the last bullet or focus on instruction which you actually heard a lot about tonight in our school Improvement plans um that is always going to be a focus the these two areas it should be a red flag if they're not a focus you have always had them yes and it's been a very repetitive but every year is different right so it's it's honestly for me still refreshing to see you so focused on it and and this is this is other than safety this is the most important thing we do for our kids which is the teaching and learning work but we did have some additional Focus areas for this goal last year um we talked um a lot about having some intentional and specific District support at the middle school to improve learning outcomes if you looked at our accountability targets the middle school got 79% of the targets that were set for them they had the highest achievement as it relates to the percentage of targets met that Desi set for the middle school I would argue that this goal was absolutely met um underneath this particular bullet um there was a lot of work that went into uh grade six seven and 8 last year now it didn't show up in grade six achievement um I to just call that right out but as far as the targets that Desi set for us for achievement for growth for attendance um and all the other indicators that we'll look at in a few minutes the middle school got almost 80% of those um that was a true team effort uh in this building last year to lift and and Lead this building to where it a step forward in terms terms of work needed to go which certainly has not arrived yet as you know we did a lot of work around um literacy levels particularly with our males our male students you're going to hear uh in a later discussion point the need for a uh before school program for our kindergarteners and I just want everybody to keep this um this bullet point in mind um we did a lot of work in this area we're going to continue to do a lot of work in this area um this upcoming year our leadership development with our male students at the high school um one of the pieces of feedback um the school committee gave at my middle of year was you know what does it look like to expand this um so we are doing that now uh Darlene as our Student Life coordinator in addition to being an ad uh she's uh starting to coordinate with the guidance counselors the expansion of not only the current men's group but adding a group for our young ladies and what does that leadership development look like for them um I will still do 99% the planning for them um she's going to do the coordinating with the kids I will still set up you know the visits to the food pantry to the perau center college tours all the things that we've been doing um and the guidance counselors are also expanding on this through a variety of career opportunities I'm really excited to see where that goes this year and then of course of course our work with our Ed Hub so as far as the evidence is concerned um there was a lot for the middle of year um that is all still hyperlink in your emailed document I just added a few additional pieces um so uh when you have a minute you can certainly go through and click on all of these and check them out but in a second I will open up or ask Tim to open up the um spring 24 mcass um and accountability data because we are going to walk through that uh but other pieces of evidence that are included are um a piece from our end of year district ilt meeting um as you know we have students at all of those and the students present a lot of the data to us they were a driving factor in some of the changes we made to our assessment system and how we're going to be implementing that this year so that's also up here and then uh probably one of the most important pieces of the data of course is the end of your data so um if Tim Tim if you can click that spring 24 uh mcast link that should be hyperlink and then we can watch through some of the some of the data uh not this one it's the mcast um an accountability data this is where it always gets hard to present this oh you need permission all right I love when this happens bear with me for a minute all right I'm just going to interrupt this meeting to let everyone know that the northern lights are blazing in Black Sona milville right now for anyone watching live look out the window and then come back to us a geomagnetic storm happening you see from no no where can you see it um it seems like right outside right outside here I don't know about here but at home so but here it's a little tough to see is that where everybody's going evaluation you guys Don my all either they really trust that I know what I'm doing or like d something's going on I left my coffee in my truck I didn't go to D donut I thought he got a delivery no right one minute call a door Dash to the school could have gotten the rest of us something I would have I would have going to the men's like oh my C is in my CH I thought I left it in the executive session y wow that's amazing that's wow that's incredible from one of my kids that's awesome I'm never see it again to make this easier I will share the document with you and you just pull it up we all need every's picture all right um Aaron you were done with the superintendent evaluation thing is this what we're still on we're just beginning that uh the school about to present us we're we're on that item and but you and you're bringing up the mcast accountability data part of part of it is that going to include this or we going to revisit that on theenda it's embedded into the yeah is that okay I just want to make sure we're checking off the agenda items as yeah that's fine with me okay yeah all right great yeah kind of is's on there twice cuz he's it to us as his evidence and it's on your right which is fine yeah I just want to make sure I I'm following along sure yeah no because the timer is on I'm gonna get cooking I'm moving I cannot see um so the headline since the timer is running green is good good okay so you can see a lot of green but the way the data the way that we put the D the data together this year uh for mcast and accountability uh we did a little bit different um so um you can see that on the left side of the table you have the grade level you have the uh content and then you have the meeting exceeding partially meeting or not meeting if you go to that one column over you'll see it's the 24 bmrsd results the next column is the 23 bmrsd results so you can see year-over-year how we are how we did and then you'll see the 2024 State results and so the colors are connected to how we did compare to the state so if we are something is shaded in green it means that we beat the state average uh collectively so when I say collectively I mean exemplary um I'm sorry exceeding and meeting uh is how the numbers are actually added and put together um so you'll notice that in grade three Ela we had 50% of our students are meeting or exceeding state level uh expectations Statewide for grade three Ela we were at 42% so we far exceeded the state uh average again not that that's the you know the ultimate threshold but it's a really good Benchmark to see if our kids are on target so green is good it means that we beat the state um and then of course on the opposite end of that uh for for not meeting if it is green that means we are lower than the state average right because we want fewer kids in that category you'll notice I didn't highlight The partially meeting not because those students are not important they're very very important uh but but as far as how the district is measured on its progress toward our goals uh those exceeding in meeting numbers and the not meeting numbers are are weighted heavily so I'm just calling those out so you can see as compared to the state how we did uh in grade three um Ela we exceeded uh the state averages uh quite significantly for um Ela um and then also we our warning rate is half of the states warning rate in third grade so it's also if you look at the 2023 results in the column right next to it um you'll see that we were at 12% last year this year we're at 9% so you can see a reduction there Tim is there any way you can zoom in on that a little bit it's it's very small on the screen see if that comes in a little better that a little little bit easier to read okay and um when the results were um released I did email this out to folks so that you do have a I'm sure most of you have seen this already l in our in his evidence yeah uh for grade three math again you can see uh our exceeding and meeting percentages um exceeded the states the state was at 45% meeting and exceeding and we were at 56% % so again quite quite a significant difference um and the state average for not meeting was at 20 we were at 13 so that gives you a general sense uh similar story in fourth grade um you can see beat the say averages for meeting in exceeding and now you're seeing our student growth percentile right the target was 50 we're at 51 so you can start to see uh a little bit more data is incorporated as we go through looking at fourth grade math uh again exceeding the state averages for meeting and exceeding and exceeding the state averages for not meeting fifth and sixth grade is where we started to have a problem in our student performance this year so if we pause in fifth grade for a minute now you're starting to see the red so you can see that the state actually outperformed the district um so for fifth grade ELA uh we took a big step back a big step back last year uh not only as it relates to how we performed against the state but how we performed against ourselves from the prior year um and so you can see at fifth grade ELA as a as a state overall they were at 38% meeting or exceeding which is really low uh we were lower than that we're at 30 uh we didn't have any students in the exceeding category and I'll talk about what we're doing about this in a minute um but I think a more important story to tell is look at what happened from 2023 to 2024 you know we were at 49% of our class was at meeting or exceeding whereas in 23 we were at 30% so again different kids but it's still important to to note the other piece that I I really want to call out is our low student growth in this particular grade in this subject so the kids didn't move um sometimes you'll see low achievement but a higher student growth that means that the kids grew right like they so for whatever reason that particular class is struggling but they're showing a lot of progress this story is one that is of great concern because not only did the kids not achieve but they didn't grow um so that was last year's um fifth grade students those are our current sixth grade students um so we are now at the process just so you know not only are we have we done the beginning of year um assessing but we uh are looking at this mcast data by grade by class excuse me within each grade so you can actually run section by section reports so I can see all of the you know this particular class I can see each of the fifth grade teachers I can see each of the individual kids the strands and the standards and the question types what percentage of those question types the kids got correct and which ones they didn't like we are in the weeds as deep in this as we can get to figure out what the heck happened here and those of you that have been following our fifth grade results uh for the past few years this is this hasn't happened before um so if you are surprised I think you're right to be uh a lot of us were we saw this and said what the heck that is not a grade that we have had this issue with in the past um fifth grade math so this is interesting right so now you can see our scgp is at 51 um we came in a little bit lower uh in fifth grade with our performance for uh meeting and exceeding than we did in 2023 it's yellow because we're within five points of the state averages so we're Within Striking Distance to where the state is um look at the not meeting so we 5% of our kids not meeting this year versus 14% at the state level so quite a significant difference there um but you can see that our kids grew in the 51st percentile so this is a story that says we made some progress they grew where we wanted them to grow at least from the kind of the The Benchmark uh perspective effective um but did not do as well as we were hoping and you're going to see that when we look in sixth grade uh if we want to scroll down to grade six which is right underneath that um actually before we do that Tim can you scroll right here to just scroll down a little bit to science there is a really great story to tell with our science scores across the district um look at the difference as far as our meeting exceeding numbers in science we went from 42% to 55% in one year but look at the difference compared to the state we have 20% of our kids in fifth grade Statewide that are failing the science exam compared to our 8% which again we're not happy about the 8% but it is a far less um far less um than this overall State average it's about on par with where we were in 2023 um but but again we're 56 55% meeting and exceeding compared to the state's 44% that's a significant difference um so again you know there's good news to tell in in some of this data in a lot of the data so an important highlight in our accountability targets again we were talking about that the complex met 58% of the overall student goals so they set an aggregate goal and then they set your lowest performing student goal so we got 58% of all the uh student goals that were set and we got 76% for the lowest performing kids that speaks to uh a very strong uh multi-tiered systems of support or response to intervention model that you've heard the complex or Jenny talk about before um so now we segue down into grade six um this again was a uh story that confused a lot of us because if you know that cohort of students those were the fifth graders last year that had such strong results um so like I mentioned with the fifth grade results we are in the weeds of looking at the specific sections the students the standards we're doing the same thing with grade six because again if you look at the sgps they are incredibly low they are some of the lowest we have so this says not only did the kids not perform they didn't grow but I will say that this is one of this sixth grade in English and math is one of the few places that this happened so fifth grade ELA was the other and sixth grade was another place um and you can see compared to the state uh they were far below where the state averages up um but if you look at grade six Math you can see we bested the state but not by a significant amount and frankly when you look at the not meeting percentage is from 2023 to 2024 they they increased so a lot of work to do in grade six in terms of figuring out what happened if we scroll to grade seven you'll see a bit of a different story so we are within Striking Distance compared to the state uh which is one piece of the story but look at where we are in 2024 compared to where we were in 2023 so in 2023 we had 20% of our seventh graders meeting or exceeding expectations in 2024 we at we're at 33% so that's a that's a huge increase look at the not meeting rates we are at n uh 23% to um in 2023 to to last year we were at um sorry 23% of 2023 to last year we were at 19% so we saw a decrease there and we're also below the state as well uh for 2024 math is uh similar you can see we went from if you look at the 23 results we are at 27% meeting and exceeding and last year we were at 35% so we saw a nice increase there and look at the drop and warning rate we're at 23% warning we dropped that down to nine but look at the state warning rate State warning rate was at 19% we were at nine so you I I know there's a lot of numbers and and such for particular I know the school committee has seen this kind of data a bunch of times for our families at home but you you really have to look at all of it to get the true picture anybody can pick up a number and say a these achievement rates are so low this is atrocious like and it's a lot of information and I think what's important to know is like you just said you get it down to the student yep and can narrow into the classrooms and the when the state puts it out and you go to D's website you're looking at the district you're look you're like I think it's important to know that this is Jason's presentation to us and he dwindled down the numbers for us because it would be impossible for us to see where the but also important important to note that it shows that he's really focused on figuring out where the deficits are and and how to you know help those those classrooms and students grow um so I appreciate this data because when you do look at the snapshots of districts you're not getting this you're not and you're this just shows that Jason's digging into the student and we have over, 1500 of them so it it's a lot it's a lot of numbers and it's and it's hard to understand to to the lay person so time and effort is noted here um when we shift to e8th grade eth grade tells a really interesting story so if you look at the eth grade ELA you see red and right red is not red is not good it means we were below the state averages I want to draw your attention to our student growth though so you can see our SGP in grade 8 Ela was 51 so this is an example of what I was talking about where the overall achievement isn't where we want it to be but the kids are growing so if you look at in 2023 our eighth graders were at 25% meeting or exceeding in 2024 eighth graders are at 30% so we saw an increase in meeting and exceeding rates which is great um our not meeting numbers we're at 30% that's high it's a little bit lower than where it was the year before but it's above the state average so I we colored it red but this is one of those where you need to Erin's point you have to have all the numbers to get a real picture because the kids also grew in the 51st percentile that means that they outgrew half of their peers that had the same score as them the year prior that's actually that's actually good um so this is an indicator that shows the kids are making progress they're on the right track these are our current freshmen um and then look at mathematics right so if you look at the mathematics results we went from in 2023 we had 19% of our kids meeting or exceeding till last year we were at 34% and as a state they're at 39% so we're about 4% away from where the state averages are look at our not meeting percentages we went from 34% of our kids in 2023 not meeting to 9% that is tremendous and the state averages for 2024 is 19% we're at 9% so we're far below where the state averag is and look at the SGP they grew in the 61st percentile that means they outperformed 61% of their P that had the same score as them the year before this is a class we've been watching for years these are freshmen now MH but this has been the notor like that went through middle school with what's going on what so this shows just that bottom nine not meeting it shows that something changed something was implemented and the and the IT improved all of the work that was put into digging into these numbers from three years ago it it shows the growth for our teachers really and one of the shifts we did to to help um on both ends the teachers was we did school we did school and better tutoring uh in grade eight we targeted specifically so there was uh virtual tutoring was in person tutoring and remember the grade 8 Academy students moved over to the high school in the morning it made those classes smaller so they actually had fewer fewer students in their classes that they could do more targeted work with just for the first couple of periods of the day um so that was good to see and you can see the growth in the 61st percentile that's that's tremendous that they exceeded what would be expected of them um and then if you scroll a little bit uh down Tim if you just scroll just a little down uh you'll see the science results um and I think this is important to note as well um if you look at our science scores you will see they are up significantly so they're at 19% meeting or exceeding the in 2023 last year we're at 35% U that's tremendous growth and we're about 5% below where the state is or six uh what is that six is that 5% yeah um so we're we are we are close close to the state average as far as that but it's highlighted in yellow because we're 5% off but look at the not meeting numbers if you scroll down a little bit lower Tim um you'll see the oh the other direction there there you go keep going right here so you'll see we went from 43% not meeting which is completely unacceptable and I think everybody would agree with that to 14% so that's a huge decrease and the state average was 20% not meeting we at 14 again a lot of work and refresh us on what changes were made to our science curriculum for to Target this too so we yeah so uh we have adopted uh for science the mcra mcra hill excuse me core program and now we're looking this year to even go a step further and augment the labs through this new virtual uh the Virtual Lab um model that's tremendous so that's work from before that he's brought to us but it is paying off now with with time and effort yeah we're really excited to see this um the results here and remember this isn't just e8th grade right it's eighth grade test but this is assessing grade six and seven as well um which I think is important to note and a really important data point and again to Erin's Point like if you're not digging through the accountability tab you're not going to see this like nobody will know that this is even there frankly they just look at the overall achievement but the high the Middle School met 79% of the student goals set by the Department of Education overall 79% of those goals and so I would challenge any other Middle School to show that they made that level of of progress you look at one number and I get it you look at the achievement number in grade six I can understand where people's concerns but you have to look at when we were from 23 to 24 how we compare to the state and then what was the actual scaled score Target that desie set for us and if we met it and we met almost 80% of those targets so a shout out to the team that was doing that work um and then we'll shift gears and look at the high school um the high school tells a really interesting story because and if you look at the 10th grade ELA scores um they actually exceeded the average scaled score that Desi set for them um so while the overall number of me and exceeding is is essentially spoton with what it was in 2023 they lifted their scaled scores because you have more kids that are in the exceeding category um so that's a really good news story to tell you can see we were within five points of the state one point yeah I know I highlighted it because we were still lower but uh of of the state average and then in the not meeting uh we went from 9% to seven in the state average of high school 10th grade was at 12 so BMR is you can see collectively the schools are doing good work we're not we haven't arrived nobody's claiming Victory or waving a flag but we're making really good progress um in math the concern there was the low SGP um you can see that we although again lifting the the number and the percent of kids that are at the exceeding uh category by Five Points and again it's usually about 100 kids so it's about five students um overall they actually receive uh three of the I think it was three of three of the four their accountability points for their scaled score so they made really nice progress there um they beat the state average as far as not meeting just by a point um something we're looking very closely at are those 12 students and the not meeting those those students have to test again so we're in the weeds of finding out what the standards and strands are for that and then if you scroll down uh we're almost done thank you for hanging with me here uh to the biology um again an incredible story to tell we went from 34% and remember that was a smaller end size that was a smaller group of kids uh that were tested went from 34% to 53% so a really good news story but the not meeting kids we went from 6 to 12 so again we've got to figure out what the heck happened there and those kids will retest um but some really good news overall and then Tim if you just scroll to the last page and I promise I'll wrap up with this piece for the data end of it um this is all the accountability data that I was talking about and I do want to run through this quickly because I think it's important to highlight um again the complex met uh overall um 68% of their targets um I'm sorry the uh the high school met 68% it should say the high school 68% of their uh targets and 15% of their lowest performing students that's where the work is one of the pieces of work is that needs to be done and I think you're G to and if you heard Jill mention earlier and I know people talk about charger time you hear like some kids are coloring and some kids are watching a movie in the auditorium I would pose very few kids are doing those things we have only 15% of our lowest performing students met their target the students in that bucket are not coloring and watching movies the students in that bucket are in intervention um we we have to lift that bottom and that's the 12% we were looking at that's those students so we've got a lot of work to do for me that raises the question is charg your time long enough right asking for that number of you know yeah um and then the overall how we did as a district so overall as a district we only got one out of our four points for English language arts achievement that is the curriculum we are focusing on this year and I you you probably heard all of the uh principles discussing writing and literacy U that is a major Focus for us and our culum team this year will show up in my goals um is going to focus on what are some of the kind of the tweaks we need to make to the literacy curriculum but what specifically in writing do we need to be doing differently I will tell you I taught a writing course today in the Middle School it was grade seven um it was it was great um I taught a sixth grade science in a seventh grade writing class today here uh to do some coverage for one of the teachers so she could go to some training we have just squashed the love of writing out of the kids and we I had a long conversation with the kids in that section about it uh and so we sort of scrapped what the the teacher left um I got in a little bit trouble with her when she came back but I did some of the work she asked me to do with him um but we just did some freew writing and it was like it was almost freeing to the kids like they just wrote and they looked at me they're like what do you mean we're going to free write I'm like well write what's on your mind what's on your heart what are some things you need to discuss what do you need to get off your chest what are you worried about what are you wondering about and the kids are all like are you kidding do we really get to do this and we just 15 minutes that's all we did it was for 15 minutes it was amazing and the kids were like well I don't really know what to write about I said well then write that they're like well what do you mean write that I'm like well write down I don't know what to write about so he's like I don't know what to write about I'm like okay now if you didn't know what to write about what would you write about and he's like that doesn't even make sense but they started writing they were talking they were it was really a great exercise and we need to get to more of that and I think you're going to see more of of those opportunities for kids instead of just that structured rigid as a place for that but that can't be all we do so I won't run through all of the points but you can see um we did well we did well overall um our four-year graduation our cohort number I think is a little misleading um we were like a point off of the Target and we're at almost 90% And that's the cohort it's not the annual it's how many kids started as freshman and finished as seniors and these are kids we're accountable for by the way that aren't here anymore like they've they've gone to other high schools but because they started in our cohort they counted our number um so some of these kids we have no control over so some of them we can't find they've gone to you know two or three schools but they started here as freshmen so if we can't trace them and they're not in the in The Sims data system for desie we own them so they could have moved out of state out of country two high schools later and they but they started with us as freshman so they're counted as a withdrawal or a drop if you can't find them how many of those do we have not a lot but there were a few there were absolutely a few Jill and I didn't we couldn't trace the kids we couldn't find them Jill Fallas um so again it's not a lot but when you have a you have 110 kids in a class right like three or four kids is a it's a big percentage so I thought that was a little kind of bogus because we were like a point away from where we needed to be and our cohort rate graduation rate was just about 90% so it's not like it was a terrible so that's a bit misleading um but our dropout rate I mean we have that down to we were like 1.3% which is so incredibly low but even that we're trying to we're hoping that this year that we're half of that um and that's just individual case management um our elll huge shout out to Jill and the elll team um they exceeded all the targets that were I mean like far exceeded the target set for them we got all of our points there our chronic absenteeism we got all of our points there um we we didn't get any points in our advanced cour work because there were a couple of uh Project Lead the Way and AP courses we didn't run so those points are accounted for by Project Lead the Way in advanced placement so that that was how that happened U but overall some good news Tim if you want to jump back up to the um the evidence slide deck and the rest of that I'll just run through very quickly this was the kind of the big piece I wanted to share are there any questions on this I know it's a ton of information but we good on that okay yeah and I'll run through the rest of this uh quickly and just highlight some things um the uh next goal was focused on this idea of deeper learning um and really that directly connects to what we just talked about but this idea of of kind of acceleration this idea of meeting the needs of all students understanding who our students are um and so for evidence for that we just highlighted a couple of things again the student data there's really nothing more I think uh telling them that but also our blueprint 2.0 monitoring and reflection tool um what's link to this you'll see it we actually have a document where we check in uh three to four times a year and the progress we're making on our district strategy so this isn't something we just write and put on the Shelf but as a leadership team we actually have a rubric that we use we have a rating system that's in a Google sheet it's linked here you can check it out um and we put notes in there we we Mark our progress on each one of the Focus areas if we're making progress or not um they're really important reflective and planning conversations so that's there for you to see um our overall strengthening systems work again I won't read through all these um but this is the idea of really building the systems and structures to help support um every level of our organization get stronger um I linked a bunch of different evidence here because we do so much work in this space but one of the things I want to identify uh for you to really spend some time looking at is the endof year survey data so usually we send you and I can send it to you if you want but we'll send you like 900 student responses and you can see all the comments you get the 500 parent responses the hund whatever staff responses um this year we did something a little bit different um Jill and I took all of the comments for each specific group and we actually dumped it into an AI um um program to colate the data for us and it's reallyy remarkable we went through the painstaking process of going through and finding you know all the patterns and Trends but then we put it in the AI tool to see like would this align with and it was like spot on so um I linked that for you by student by staff and by family um and if you want the data I'm happy to send you the hundreds and hundreds of comments but we were have them click on one just so you can show them like how it was generated there have Tim Tim can you click on that the eii survey I don't know I should hopefully it'll pop up it's a very sophisticated yeah it's really compation of of like a summary of what the topics were in the responses on the survey so you can see like this is what the staff told us as far as feedback like what are some of the what are some of the issues and kind of the focus areas that we should have moving forward so you can mental health inclusivity and support adverse students teamwork communication organization efficiency planning support appreciation of staff so Jessica and I are taking these results and we're actually meeting with staff focus groups over the next few weeks um our HR specialist to asked the staff like tell us more so like this is these are kind of the summary points but like what does this mean and what are some of those next steps we can take to help build capacity and support in these areas we're doing Jessica and I are doing the same thing with the kids so these were the student results um this is what the kids told us these are the things they want to see in place anti-bullying measures the kids told us look at number two this came from our kids academic Focus they want more Ela and math it has mentioned a lot the kids talked about that they want more practice um a desire to learn more history and social studies right so I think you'll notice with um Jason's goals for next year which he's going to present to us tonight that he took a lot of this information and built from that so it all blows together and then we did the same thing for families so it's it's it's very easy to get a like a macro level and you'll see some consistencies across the three groups and you'll see some direct conflict between what kids and parents are asking for that are lunches yeah kids are like some of the parents like enough of theal stuff and the kids are like we need moreal work so there was a little bit of tension between some of the feedback but it's it was a really useful tool it's easier it's easier to take in than 900 comments so I like that so this is hyperlink right to the slide deck uh Tim you can go back to the PowerPoint that's a cool piece to be able to look at um yeah sorry Tim there's a lot tonight okay um and the only other piece that I just want to call out here we don't you don't need to open it but um the accountability system the Department of Education commissioned a team to put together a set of recommendations to um the commissioner and the Board of Education to change the accountability system that desie asked me to be their representative on this team so we finished the work we did it last year I attached the findings and the recommendation so you can see them if you want um you'll notice they didn't use anybody's name but you'll see um the different stakeholder groups that were there um and the way they framed my position was um I think you leadership with experience and accountability system or something like that because I was on that committee the um accountability and assistance committee prior and co-chaired with the superintendent from Boston so I had the pleasure of sitting on this last year we did a ton of work and there are real I think solid recommendations and there was representation from the school committee Association from the teachers associations from the Democrat Association from the Republican Association from the business associ I mean they had every I don't even know where they found these associations they had every group you could imagine on this panel to make these recommendations so it took us a year um and it was a ton of work but I'm hopeful that the balanced approach we came up will make more sense for communities and districts so that's there if you want to take a look at that I just wanted to put a little context to it um the health and wellness goal um this was an interesting one to to kind of put together um the dist of one event was fantastic and this was you know about really bringing Community together and Matt and there was I mean you were so instrumental on this and you know I know there was our pto's and our local law enforcement and um I mean we had helicopters we had every you can imagine there it was an amazing day um but I want to share something just briefly on because one of the things I I discussed that we could use as evidence for this was student discipline data and Erin and I were talking a little bit about this um if you recall one of the things that we listed here as an action step we were going to take was these sensors right the The Vape sensors and devices and things so we did we installed them across the schools in the middle school high school and I was looking at some data discipline data from last school year and the school year before and noticed that the number of students that were consequence for Vaping in school actually doubled in number and you know I started kind of puzzling I'm thinking gez this is kind of this isn't really great data um but when you actually start looking at it it's because we actually have systems in place to identify the students and when we drilled down the numbers of kids it was really the same small group of kids that were frequently which to me identifies an addiction issue right so if you're continuing to get caught you're getting the consequences you're you're still engaging in the behavior that's an addiction challenge um so I decided to just include this the The Vaping conversation here because while we actually identified more students and through the technology we're using we were able to we were able to catch them frankly um and put them through our eye toide and some of the curriculum and interventions that we have for them you know some of the students are they're they're they're still doing it um which speaks to a a problem that is much bigger than what we could necessarily solve these students have gone through our curriculum our interventions parent notifications suspensions and they're still doing it which speaks to you know a much larger issue but so I want to mention it here because we are looking at the data at that level and I'm glad eron pushed me to include this um because I think it speaks to it shows that what we implemented is working right your numbers increased it's because we had more access to the information right right 100% which gives us more access to help the kids right so um so we'll remain fighting that battle for sure because that that The Vaping is is not something that's going to go away tomorrow um I was sharing with a and my own kids high school they just took the doors off the bathrooms like just they still off are they still they're off oh yeah my kid sends me a video he's like is this illegal like you're supposed to be in class The Vaping is not legal for underage children in the high school bathroom he said good point then so I know it's an issue that's widespread but we're doing everything we can and we'll continue to fight this battle for sure on behalf of the kids frankly um and then lastly our space this speaks for itself we reconfigured um and we have our OPM and now we're selecting our um designer that's one of my favorite goals that you have yeah so that's the summary of evidence there's a bunch here I'm not going to walk through all of it and if you as you're going through it if you have any questions any questions now I'm happy to answer them and if not I can segue right into the goal and we can get that sure that okay Tim do you want to pull up the goals um presentation and you'll see that the focus for the upcoming year to eron's point is based on a lot of this it's just picking up where we are and moving the ball um you know further down the field so to speak well and I think that even the student learning goal MC it shows the consistency of the years of work that have been put into it also in my opinion if it's a huge reflection on longevity of a super indeed it's this is how you get things done so so uh Focus um standards consistent with where with where we were so still working in the same to Erin's Point like still working in the same areas going deeper uh student learning goal and this is in your uh this presentation is in your packet um you'll notice a change and that is that our our goal is to meet the Desi assigned targets for our schools um at minimum we need to be meeting those targets so we identified that as uh one of the goals but left in of course the the goal around the student growth and making sure the kids are making progress the reason you don't see the achievement goal is because it's embedded that achievement goal is your scaled score that's how you get that goal so your 500 which is your meeting expectation number you know Desi looks at where we are and sets the target moving forward that's the scaled score Target that's exactly what it is so trying to find a better way to to write that and measure it um so that's a main focus of course um we'll be implementing our revised assessment system this year you heard a lot about that and our school Improvement plan um and um with our student leader with our leadership team including our um student ilt which you heard Jill fallis mentioned she'll be implementing her team I think starting this cycle um those kids are going to be very much part of our district level work we have our first district ilt meeting um early November and the students from the ilts will be at that meeting again um curriculum this year we're focusing on um writing um we're doing a lot of work around literacy we're going to be implementing um some of the revised science materials as I mentioned um underneath instruction again you heard lots of examples of that tonight but we're doing something really important that I just want to call out we are working with the learning acceleration Network um we wrote an application through uh the Department of Education um it's it's not a grant per se they're not giving us money but they pay for all the services if we are invited in because of where we are in our work with our instructional infrastru structure our leadership teams all of it all the work that you all know and we heard about tonight we were invited in to participate so our facilitator that we work with is from Ohio so uh desie just flew him out here last week um to work with our school-based teams and he is focus specifically with us around writing um so we're really excited and Jill's been a big um leader in that in that particular piece of the work so we're ex psyched uh to have that as a focus um and again of course continuing our data cycles and figuring out how to use our new assessment system in those cycles and this is just set up for the process for this year um our student health and wellness um we again we're keeping this a focus uh for this year um I won't list all these things off but this is a looking at overall a general sense of um how we are going to improve student health and belonging and connection um to our schools with their Educators you know to the to each other um and again we'll be looking at student survey outcomes um and behavioral data uh but something important to mention uh and again Aon and I Ain helped me with the the goals piece as well we talked a lot about this is doing some ongoing surveying uh so not just doing the end of the year but getting feedback from the different groups as we move throughout the school year so we're going to be doing that and possibly in a different manner right so we'll be doing that as well as um our focus groups uh with the kids and the staff just to make sure that you know we're collecting all the information we need to to make whatever adjustments we need to make if if if we need to uh so like we have a student support goal we have a staff support goal um one of the things just to identify that and I realized I didn't tell the school committee uh we were doing this um we have a staff Spotlight so if you go to our website um at the bottom you saw each month we have a different um we have a staff member from each building that we're celebrating and showcasing for their work so um we had um a set of staff for September and we have a new set of staff for October so there's a nice picture of the staff member and the principal writes a nice um you know kind of blurb about the work that they're doing which is a small thing but I know the staff really appreciated it do they get lunch we haven't done that but although the central office getting lunch tomorrow because they won the uh Family Feud competition if anybody watched that the beginning of the year kickoff and Jill may have baked them her Rice Krispy Treats we would have done it for any school that won and just for the record we lost abysmally lost central office did the year before and are you smarter than fifth gr did you practice we went from the bottom to the top um but so celebrating the staff supporting the staff the focus groups um um you know will be very much a part of this this particular goal and actually have to say just because jet is here but it's nice to have a real HR person that actually knows how to do not only the technical health insurance all that stuff which we're going to talk about in a little bit um but really getting under the surface of working with the faculty around all kinds of challenges and your short time here Jess you've made a huge difference in that so very appre itive um the next goal is around a district strategic plan um we will be developing a new three-year plan we are in year three of our current blueprint um and the work has already begun on this so you will be hearing from um various members of our leadership team to sit down and have conversations with them about where do you see as the governing body of this uh Regional District things going next um after the school year so and similarly with our families um and on our community we're going to be asking for input and Direction and then lastly the feasibility study looking to have that well underway uh with lots of check-ins uh with the school committee throughout that process as well I try to move through that kind of quick but those are the goals for this year thoughts questions thank you you for keeping the work moving forward Aaron next steps so back to superintendent evaluation um I might have said it when you went out for your run but there will be lights yeah so um in the next few days I will send out um the form for you to formally evaluate the superintendent and and at our November meeting when that date is determined uh we will present it to him in a public setting um and then we'll convene with him in an executive session to finalize everything very good any other questions from any other committee members that brings us to item D on the report of the superintendent yes uh just quickly um to revisit a topic that we talked about earlier around literacy levels uh in particularly for our boys in your packet there should be I'm looking to do you have the do you have the kindergarten okay um so in your packet you should have an overview of a before school that's right a before school kindergarten program um we are looking to um create a program that will Target and I have the numbers for you in case you're interested specifically kids that did not go to preschool um these gaps start there frankly um and so as you all know when you we have kids at enter our K program you have kids coming from our PK program you have kids coming from like a daycare kind of model where there's not a lot of instruction it's sort of just kind of child care you have kids coming from other preschool programs that have different curriculums from ours like you know little peoples or that kind of thing um and then you have students that haven't done any of that so the first time they walk into their kindergarten classroom is the first time they've been in school so the kindergarten teacher frankly is I think one of the most difficult positions we have because you have kids that don't know letters from numbers and you have kids who are reading and writing um and so um I just want to share some data with you to put numbers to it so you know um we have in this current kindergarten class we have 12 uh let's see we have a total of 12 students who have had no formal preschool at all that we know of so out of the class of you know say about 110 12 of them have had none 24 families wouldn't answer so I don't actually know we don't know if they did or they didn't or if they left a blank because maybe they didn't and they didn't want to share that they didn't we're not entirely sure I don't want to speculate but so there's there is a potential group of 36 kids that have had no prek or maybe minimal prek uh we have had 18 students that were in a licensed family child care um that could be anything right like we don't know what the curriculum was we don't know what they were what the what the kids were taught as far as uh letters and numbers and early numeracy and literacy skills and then we had 47 who went to our program so we know at least half of the kids we know what they uh what they've done and what they've learned so what we want to do to try to start naring those gaps before they before they start frankly they've already started um is run an extended day program but start in the morning starting first with the students that have not had any preschool um and so uh in your packet there's a small overview uh Christina has worked with her team um she would be here to present this but I want I told her to go home cuz she had Ashley with her and it's late um but um she has worked with Joe to identify you know where we could find some dollars to do this it's not a significant amount of money um and they already have the list of students that they want to identify you heard the mil milville tonight already talk about all their data like they already have all the beginning of year testing done they have these kids already picked um we just need the approval from the school committee so we can spend the resources or Joe can move the resour into this um and we can start reaching out to families and get them started next week like there is urgency for us to do this because if you visit our kindergarten classrooms they're lovely but you can see like the Stark difference between kids that are just learning how to hold a pencil and kids who are literally journaling it's it's quite like the kids who are excelling are excelling like they are really moving and the kids who are not are so much further behind sometimes you just need more time on learning for those kids is it just based on those who did not attend prek or is it so that's a great question we're going to start with that group but not necessarily because you may have kids that went to PK that are still behind or I'm thinking we might have students who didn't attend a formal prek but are academically higher yeah oh sure absolutely they may not need it that's where that list get gets uh this list of our data gets crosswalked with the beginning of the year results that you heard the milville team mentioned tonight so that that so that that issue doesn't happen because you can make an assumption that may not be accurate right and this will help too we have a lot of students who might be very young they're like oh we need to have this child evaluated and assessed and it's really they've never had exposure to rather than actually having some you know what I mean some significant needs so it really gives them an opportunity to you you know to engage before so you're using the Boi for and where they attended or didn't attend yep okay um and they we also collect you know when we do the case screening we collect a lot of information so we and you're expecting about 20 kids we're hoping yeah okay so it says determined TR need of Transportation we're going to work with families to see if they can drop off if not uh Jill will be helping us put togethera just made a face sounds like that's the first time we'll find we'll find a we'll find a way to get the kids there if we need to we're hoping actually that that maybe this would actually help parents too because it's an earlier start we're not making them stay later so perhaps a before school program they may be a little more inclined to drop the student early you know then go to work kind of thing and so we'll determine what we need to do with that we always find a way so you need you you looking for a mo um a motion to allow you to um implement the kindergarten Extended Learning Program yes and we need the resources it says total cost of 1960 or do we want to leave uh that would get us through the first like piece of the year we want to check in and then see how sure is that yeah yeah visiting this in January yeah we can come back to the committee it' be good to I mean we'd like to give you an update anyway to tell you so I'll make a motion to approve the mees kindergarten tutoring program um with the estimated amount up to $1 1,96 up to $2,000 that'd be better because there's Medicare involved in here that's that's so yeah motion to second as requested all right motion by made by Aaron seconded by Chuck any further discussion all those in favor signified by saying I I any nay the eyes have it all right great thank you thank you on to the business office um Personnel report you have in your file it's for changes in October that's to be placed on file I didn't know there was any details that anybody wanted to provide but that pretty much tells you the Staffing changes that were made we'll move on to the uh expense report and naturally there's another change in the report uh it's an Ever evolving evolving report I found out from the Department of Revenue that the school choice sending that we originally budgeted through the general fund we cannot do that we have to budget it through the special Revenue fund so the only real change you'll see in here is well there's a couple but the main one is you'll you'll see the school choice receiving is no longer in the budget that's been moved out the budget's been moved out and any receipts we get in will be put in there but the same token our if you remember our receiving went down from the 250 we budgeted to the I think it's 141,000 that they they're estimating now that 141,000 of expense was also moved out of the school choice sending line into that fund so the net effect is basically almost nothing to the general fund um the other change you're going to see under benefits which is on page two with health and dental you're going to see a projected to year end in the in the the third column from the left uh from the right of 53,000 for health and 71,000 for dental that is the retiree cost that the original reports weren't picking up the the deduction wasn't set up and it wasn't being posted properly when the invoice was being paid but we found that corrected it so now we have that estimated amount in there um and that's pretty much it it didn't really change too much as our year end projection with pretty much you know in roughly the same boat that we were in before does anybody have any questions on the report and you'll see the the projected uh surpluses that we have in salary and benefits that's what's going to go to fund all these different changes that we just made good good okay think you have a question I do but I'm not GNA just the very bottom with the use of end yes is it are you projecting not to use what we budgeted I don't believe we will okay um and when I was talking to the superintendent we felt it might be better to show this as a operating budget not using any of the they call IND or Surplus so so that's why you had it a negative that's correct why I show nothing being used up top just showing me that I'm paying attention uh on the budget transfer approvals um just as I said last meeting these are all the journal entries that were made from the last meetings date of of September 4th through um October 2nd and I've highlighted any budget journal entries that were made that affected the uh function code that changed function code and there's look there's only three at this point in time you're going to see a lot more of this as I go through just for an example of of straightening out some of the um where things are being accounted forign ass system we did 450 journal entries to today and they weren't budget journal entries they were expense being moved but now we got to tie all the budgets back out to that too so but for this for this period there was those these are the only entries that were made and I believe this does need some uh approval uh on your behalf sure it's it's and we're going to continue to do this approve these as they get corrected so I'll take a motion to accept the uh budget transfer transfers as presented motion made by Tera seconded by eron any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose the I have it thank you um next item is the e& I'm happy to report that we have our certified end for the for next year's use it came in at $5 8,696 um and the the sheet that you have shows how they calculated that from our un undesignated Reserve all the adjustments that were made down to that 508 um and I don't know if anybody has any questions on that is this early it's on time oh okay it's actually due uh I think it was by the 30th and we we no this actually the IND actually isn't due until later in the year but we got it done yeah we got it done early it's the year report that's on time sorry this is early this is early but we need to do this every year because we need a certified amount to put into use for next year's budget we shouldn't be guessing [Applause] right no questions uh the next item is the FY 26 budget timeline this is our our projection on how we'll flow through the budget it's pretty much lines up with what was done in the past uh we just made some adjustments to fit the weeks that that may have changed uh we'll try to get all the schedules out to the um cost centers and the principles and department heads to get their budgets ready by the end of this month big piece of that is going to be getting all these accounts adjusted the way I'm doing it now so I'm working we're working pretty hard Kathy's helping me out to get those done on time get the budget set up so we can actually export that and say here you go this is what you need to set up now and this is where you going to budget it um I don't know if that any questions on there this will be my first year running through this timeline so it doesn't look like it's going to be that difficult to me who is still on the who's on the subcommittee for finance Finance uh Cara kry and myself okay I just thanks you're welcome I'll take a motion to accept the uh proposed budget timeline for FY 26 someone motion made by Tara second second by Carrie uh subject to change just for discussion like to be tweaked in the time absolutely dates will be as we go I think there's some Tob determines on there too um there's a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I any oppose it's unanimous uh insurance review and I'm going to I'll defer any detailed questions to Jessica because she's really spare heading this but we're starting to work with uh lock uh Lockton companies uh Patrick I think it's herodan is the president of the company we we've met with them and Jessica's meeting with them continuously to take an evaluation of our our medical and dental benefits and if there is any opportunity out there to get um some favorable rates for the district because as you know rates of skyrocketing and I think you said to me Jessica that there's only really like three maybe four possible uh places to go if if he finds that there's some kind of benefit to us then he will take the lead of preparing an RFP for us to see if we can get some better rates uh for that um I don't know if you have any questions on that uh but Jessica's here to answer if you'd like who is he h who is he I'm sorry it's it's Patrick haridan the the Lockton companies he's from the locked in companies yeah so he'll be I have to I'll send him um our census with all of our retire and our active employees to kind of get a sense of how many what we're looking at um there's there's really not many companies left that they've all kind of bought each other out so there there's our biggest one would be Blue Cross Blue Shield to stay with them but go with them 100% um so that's where we're we're looking it's always good to search yeah can't hurt it's good to let everybody know that we are searching too m be un notice well yeah and and we had a come I'm not going to remember right now but years ago we did have that person and thankfully we able to escape that per like they weren't working for us so it's good to have have someone new and we've been away from it for a few years um so it's it's good to have some competitive information at least he's going to come in uh Patrick's going to come in in December meet with our insurance advisory Council and give us all the information about what the what our options are so we'll be able to make a decision based on that I'm still willing to be on that by the way I've participated for many years we are fun not hearing any objections from any other committee it's just good to have the I mean we have our retirees who have the you know they know but it's good to have someone that remers is you know the ups and downs and what we've been through and stuff like that we have 209 retirees on r Insurance now most of them are on Medics or Medicare plans a couple of them are still under 65 are not Medicare eligible um compared to only 154 active plans right now so our retire group is they're bigger yeah it's amazing our retire group is so much higher than an active yeah those are mostly individual plans you think about it because medx plans are you if there's a married couple the husband and the wife are have a plan by themselves like they're correct me if I'm wrong the newer retirees are not able to stand on a PO like we did away with did we didn't we do away with if they're Medicare eligible they'll go to they'll go to Medics but the ones that aren't there yet nope they can stay on the PO plan we have one 5050 and then the uh actives I think what you're thinking of they pay the they pay the difference so we only pay the HMO rate flat rate corre yes y yeah we only have two retirees in the PO plan but we are not offering po anymore correct we we do but they have to pay the up I don't but they have to pay the up charge yes for active employees yeah we pay one flat rate for HMO and then the employee pays whatever the up charge is if they want the pp on them so it's not quite 7525 for if a employee elects the PO plan right thank you you're welcome you [Music] thanks um L LED lighting upgrade in solar credit update um I was contacted by any energy conservation Chris Collins is the repres uh the individual that works for that company they're the ones that are kind of facilitating the Grant and getting the installations done when they did the uh review of phase two of the Middle School they neglected to include the gym Lighting in their assessed cost so we resubmitted some uh information to me with the that change it's an additional $2,335 in total project cost which represents about you know $1,667 for us that would be need to be covered by our credits um and and you can see on the schedule I did make the update the credits there's plenty of credits to absorb that additional funding additional cost so it won't be any cash out to us it'll just be right off of our bills uh but I do need to resign or the superintendent would need to resign another agreement with those totals in there so we're all on the same page and everything's approved and Scott's going to give a an update in his report they're flying through this this work I mean I think he said that they're almost done with the outside lighting in in the parking lots um so with your approval we'd like to uh ahead and approve this increase so we can make sure that the um gymnasium lighting is also done in the in the uh upgrades is that a that's a an additional $1,667 of50 50 cents yeah cost yes cost to us so that's what you want the motion for yes to be paid from the credit not an actual cost yes you're right that's but and also the approval to sign the agreement with that change that's been made there's a proposal that we have to sign off and approve on and I'm happy to hear they're flying through it because wasn't there very close deadline uh December has whatever is not completed by December 31st won't be eligible for any kind of reimbursement okay so I'll take a motion to authorize the superintendent um enter into the agreement for additional $1,667 with the solar with the light cont to be paid by net metering credits to be paid byet meter so moved motion made by Tara second second by Chuck any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I any oppos the eyes have it uh the next one is the bayal health uh Grant 99,000 Jill I think that one's yours um yes it is mine spending this one I mean we can take it yeah um so we have we had this last year and they extended us to us this year which actually we weren't aware that we were going to be getting this um it's a school Behavioral Health Workforce and service expansion Grant So within this grant there's actually actually one of the grants is 999,000 um there are specific things it it mentions in this um in the El eligible use of funds right in here what we're going to be using so it is going to be focusing on the behavioral mental health um and the supports that go along with that last year when we did this grant it helped us bring in Rachel's Challenge it helped us bring in Navigant 360 we did some professional development so it was really helpful in bringing you know um services and supports to our school and programs this year we definitely have some plans for this um using some intervention services through here additional profession profal development and also looking at some extensions to our Navigant 360 some of the work that we're doing with that um and all of these programs have been really helpful for us in the schools in expanding our you've heard of this to Kits um so that's it and then there's another small one that's in there that that Ken young overseas for our um it's a comprehensive Healthcare so we're really happy to get this grant again this year it was a very nice surprise at the start so we definitely you are hoping to uh get some work done with this this year so is so you were just asking us to accept these season and so one is the CSH HS funding for 14,000 and and the behavioral Grant we need to accept both of those you yeah yes so I'll take a motion to accept the uh CH cshs funding as well as the fy2 behavioral health expansion award Grant uh for a total of combined of $133,000 yeah so Mo motion made by Tara second by carry any uh other discussion on this all those in favor signify by saying I any opposed the I have it all right the um high school gym floor update I'm happy to tell you that it's done and it's being used uh they and I got to say o'keef building they did a great job it looks really good obviously it's a brand new floor Flor piece a brand new floor with an older floor so the colors doesn't line up exactly but it does it looks really well um Maya has been pretty instrumental with this they've been very good to work with um they got the total project cost was $ 58,515 we subtract out some costs that we spent along the way about $5,000 worth out of our our local funds to to help with the work and they applied that to our um deductible so the remaining balance of $4,988 38 is our portion of deductible still needing to be paid um so the way we handled it was Maya uh fully paid the O'Keefe building the o'keef invoice of 23115 less the 4982 that we owed and then we're cutting a check directly to O'Keefe and with it's square and done it's already in for payment it should be on one of the next warrants you sign um so it came out well I don't know if anybody has any questions and that 49 will be paid out of the miscellaneous revolving fund like we uh like you had approved news okay is that all we have Joe that's it for me all right thank you very much with the new gym floor gym floor repair that brings us right into the facilities update yes and as Joe just mentioned that work was completed um OK floring came in over the weekend on September 29th put the final code of power urethane on it uh we allowed it two days to dry and the gym was put back into use on Wednesday October 4th um volleyball game had their first game on it there that was awesome um as you know we put all the bleaches up on the track for homecoming for anybody that attended that um there was one glitch during home coming which may be worth mentioning at this time um the scoreboard went out in the fourth quarter so I am having my electrician look at it we're going to replace the batteries which are original as you know it runs on solar there's no electricity up there yet yet so our electrician is going to change the batteries out U the batteries are two weeks out but we'll get them in there and we're also looking to hook up a transfer switch so that if this should ever happen again cloudy weather and such we can power it with the generator in an emergency situation until we get power up there and we also have one broken window at the high school um Franklin glass will be out to replace that the glass has been ordered and we're looking at I believe it was October 23rd that they will be out to put that in in the meantime we're going to remove the old one and it's all piece of plywood that'll be done this weekend so that'll be ready to go um over at the middle school the new gauges for the sprinkler system have been ordered and that work is going to be done on November 1st which is our par professional development day so there will be no interruptions um domestic Hut water mixing valves as I stated earlier um I got couple of quotes on those and those parts have been ordered and when they come in I'll come in on a Saturday and rebuild those and as Joe mentioned phase two of the lighting project uh began on September 30th and it's predicted to take 3 weeks to complete they should be done by the end of next week if not early the following week um they did start on the outside lighting if you drive around you'll notice some of the old light fixtures are still up on the street lights um some of the new ones are up and running the wall sconces will be replaced too um they had to order additional plates to cover up the large hole that's in the bricks so that'll be done I know they were working on the flag pole lights today so be interested to see if those are up and running and that's it for Middle School uh as you know during a recent fire drill a couple of interior doors were not working um we are receiving quotes to get those replaced and add additional door closes so that we're not pegging the doors open anymore um it's a safety issue and milville Elementary um we're waiting for phase two for the LED lighning project to begin there um I imagine once this one wraps up they are um expected to make deliveries next actually tomorrow for um the lighting fixtures and it was discovered which kind of gave me a heart attack um during one of the building checks they came in and saw that the heating software wasn't working and as you know a couple of years ago all that was replaced so gave me a brief heart attack but I quickly diagnosed that the batteries and the um uninterrupted power supply had died so there must have been a a maybe a power surge over the weekend or something that kicked it off and it didn't recover because the batteries were dead so I replace those everything is back up and running that concludes my facilities update thanks Scott thank you Scott all right next we have use of facilities request so you've got the three requests um in front of you and the first one is the um youth basketball league that we already spoke about they're looking to use Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:00 to 9:00 at the Kennedy uh Elementary School Maloney Elementary School from 114 through March 31st of 25 do I want me go through each all of these and then that's it uh if you want to read through if anybody wants to hold any otherwise we can go right through all of them and then approve them all at once if that's and that's only for the only put down for the practices by the way on that one um next one is from the um Blackstone milville Elementary Middle PTO they're doing a um Halloween event uh at the H middle school on Friday October 25th from 4:30 to 8:30 and this is a group one so there is no charge for that and the final one is the BME PTO it's a Scholastic Book Fair that'll be running November 5th through the 19th Monday through Friday during school hours also a group one so there is no charge for that and that's [Applause] it of the committee should we pull the basketball out so we can wave the fee they didn't um it's not calculated but it is group two checked off so she just formally we'll proove that one with the wave Fe and then prove the other two together does that make sense sure did we not wave that feel already yeah just do it every time that's fine yeah yeah that's a good idea how but the other two don't have a fee so can we just say we approve all three without fees sure so then I'll motion to approve all three facility requests with no fees uh motion made by Carrie second second by teres any further further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I it's unanimous are we done other than school committee Forum did we make just figuring out that meeting Mo um okay well let's figure out the next meeting date then what's uh is that a conflict was that already on the calendar or is that a well yeah it must have been on the calendar already yeah it was because that's in conflict with the masc m joint conference oh your conference why don't we all go to the conference with you and we can have the meeting there I think Jason would love that I don't know why that's a great idea historic Irish or the meeting is at his at the Irish village we may know some people there I'm Sicilian I don't know any of those people you can be our protection we're changing the date sorry I'm tired are we changing the date you guys we were not done talking amongst ourselves over here 14th the next Thursday we have school building committee back but that's 5:30 for an hour till 6:30 we you want to move it people can do five to six we could try that yeah and then put this at six is it a heavy agenda on you anticipating on the the designer applications were due to msba that day so I think we were going to discuss that here or at the uh the school committee meeting at the school building committee meeting sorry that's okay um it will not be nearly like this so the 14th and your meeting is at 5 5:30 right now so we can set it up at 7 or 6:30 or they just said they'll move it to 5 they can try to move that to 5 if there was a reason we didn't I think it just was because people were it's live we're going to do in person for that school building I think five should work I mean we can set it tentatively to the 14th if there's a conflict we can adjust okay good enough the next school building committee meetings in in person yes here struggle Zoom oh oh the I last time I couldn't like it was coming in and out oh that's right talking to me I couldn't hear yeah we I could see that's right I remember that [Applause] yeah so 1114 1114 at um got you'll the the time will be determined uh does anyone have anyone anything for school committee Forum just real quick the the fees that are attached to this to these facility requests we updated recently August I think but I don't think these are updated just so you know it it has the date of February 12th 2009 but I'm I don't know if it's the time of night or just lack of remembering I don't remember what we updated at these two so I but I don't think when when you were saying $20 for and when Tara said maybe we should revisit group two I was like what didn't we made changes and I I couldn't wrap my mind around we only did group three I think we only changed group one group but we do definitely need to update the date on that for then but I thought were we changing that date though it be like January or did we say we'd leave the date if I recall correctly we were not going to do anything until the until the yeah we did until the following school year was no we charged that we we already charged other people the new rate is effective then the new rate for group three and I think we were going to revisit all the other ones throughout the yes after check the minutes coming in spring that's how that's how I remember it but the adopted date at the bottom should reflect so we least need to updated an updated date yeah okay it just confused me I was like what am I looking at the old or the new cuz I was confused by the additional hour comment but I will take um okay no one anyone have anything else I'll take a motion to adjourn motion made by Matt second second by Tara behavor signified by saying I hi the eyes have it have a good evening