house I guess I'm you know just like a nice schol house and I don't know what I do it wasn't nice in the all right we are open we are being recorded a couple times all right so first off we got meeting minutes from the I'm not seeing them fantastic motion to table until next week any discussion all in favor I Christopher on there yet all right um audience participation I don't have anything on for Hill so if you guys want to come up now um feel free I brought half three quars of the yeah find a seek there's spots ask for information so I brought all such thing over don't be taking Joanne's wallet thank you welcome for joining us we got to throw them out for you you know I'll always protect you so um John we voted you last week and signed everything so you're all set Hilltown right I just need to a letter so I can email it to them okay or they have a digital did we sign that last week Jo in the letter for John you know one more space and my there's no more space in your that's okay um let me take a look at what we have here happy to do what you tell me to we signed a whole bunch of them last week I know I did um paperwork to to paperwork but yeah did we do a letter I think we did because we signed every we signed like 20 of these last week couldn't have been I wouldn't have just put it in the basket whatever I would have gone back to and said where am I sending this we use this so I don't think there is a okay I did the appointment okay can we just use the appointment you want me to just put something on a just yeah that's cool just that works I can do that your appointment letter works fine you to send that over to us Perfect all right um John remind me what information we were asking regarding wanted to know why the budget was increase and where the money was going was what you asked me to find out I I asked you the board the board okay trying to remember I TJ it must have been TJ blame the old guy they usually blame the short guy apparently do you guys want to go ahead and speak to that so uh I'm going blush that Jade H that with a color coordinated graph here this first part's just a breakdown of calls that we've done uh on the back side for the financial stuff that's kind of be where we want to focus the most at okay and really on the bottom part here this annual ual operating cost as you can see here for the total annual operating cost for us was 82928 with 94 yep so obviously with the amount of money that we get from each town as a contribution covering those towns hdaa is we're getting a net loss year-over-year which is leading to a net loss in everything and really the reality is for us we're in an aging agency with equipment building and right now personel was extremely difficult to come by and the hiring field was incredibly competitive in the last little bit we've had two full-time employees leave for better ping positions at other places and we have no way of stopping them or even be competitive and a lot of that's coming down to the amount of money that we're seeing Mo out the door we really our main source of income is that patient billing and if we were to answer a 911 call in blf for today even if the patient PID today we're not seeing that Revenue source for two three sometimes four months so there's a very big lag time from when we're getting money to when we're actually having a leak out and be able to use it um we're trying to be more competitive we've also seen uptick of CA so you know last year we provided a $1 raise which is still very far below the average and EMS that we're seeing in Western Massachusetts we've just now started offering health insurance to try to be a little bit more competitive there's still no 401k or retirement plan Associated M so so the effort of raising the per capita rate up to 5020 the effort is really to be sustainable here so that for the long term we can stay here and we can continue to serve the community um I do think soorry yeah just to put a little bit this perspective I believe from the towns with our last increase over the past fiscal year about 35% for our total annual expenses the remaining does confrontation billing and donations um yeah I was going to say so what a big issue that we seen like in the last few years when we had the older red ambulance before we were able to replace it is sometimes we're looking at repair costs that are $3 $4,000 and we are now deciding at that point we were deciding do we pay payroll this week to make sure people get paid or do we make sure that the ambulance is ready and these are the reality when we look up other uh other agencies so like Highland's a good example with the six communities things so for that right now they're around $65 per capita they're in a much better situation so we're just trying to get the ball Parker stability by no means are we going to sit here andly use this money all this money is almost definitely going to go towards payroll and that's not even to get raises or anything that's just to kind of make sure that every month we're meeting the bottom line that we have to is right now that isn't always the case that receiv so for fy2 24 blanford's total annual contribution the $ 4276 yeah that's about four weeks worth of pay okay and you're you're saying that it was a over a $7,000 loss yearly for this town of the land her uh correct so like these numbers they're based off of the total number of calls so you actually have a price per call okay um with the current increase of the past C schal Year we're actually able to lower the price per call it used to be somewhere around 13 we were able to lower that down to about $947 that is also because of daily Staffing too so having paramedics at 100% since the beginning of the year was able to lower the cost from using intercepts from Outside Agency so you're Staffing paramedics every day 365 247 for almost I want to say at least 10 10 11 months now yeah it's been extremely challenging for us because not to pick on other agencies but again so Highland has that higher per capita cost and they're still not able to provide 24-hour paramedic coverage where right now literally half of what they're making at least still provide 24-hour paramedic service along with the community standby and things of that nature and as we can to as the ailer in the office eight4 staff the second ambulance of the secondment call do come in as available and then just to kind of hammer that paramedic Point home too so last year when we have intercepting ambulances so ambulances that are staffed at the paramedic level coming from other towns whether that's agam Westfield North Campton they charge us a fee of anywhere from $300 to $500 and some departments actually charg the fee for us to cancel them so what'll happen is North Camp control sends them out we find out that calls not maybe needed at the paramedic level we were still getting charged for that so last year we were able to eliminate almost 24 $25,000 in budget from now Staffing paramedics 247 instead of paying that money out of pocket to other agencies okay do you get any reimbursement from insurance company absolutely so that's what the big portion of our funds are coming from but unfortunately it's all set rate so a place like Medicare is going to maybe give us all right you get $3 per mile and you get a base rate of $150 and maybe that's $400 and that's it we could send them a bill for $10,000 Medicare says $400 we fair and square and then the rest gets loed right now too we are having a little bit of a problem with Medicare and Medicaid with all the hilltowns they actually have us all labeled as Urban rates and not rural rates including Middlefield and all the other areas but being a state and federal programs is kind of hard to get that fixed but I am working on that for sure so what were some of the next steps I know you did this um plan with um pvpc what were some of the next steps did you get to that through this or I think the I was going to say I think the big steps for us is right now that's sustainability the real goal for us right now is getting to that 5020 because without that it's very difficult to Envision a long-term sustainable Hotel ambulance and then immediately after that it's addressing the Staffing problems that we have and when I say Staffing problems we're short right now like one parametic or two and that may sound like not a whole heck of a lot but it it is it is and when we're doing 24hour shifts and then we have to have our other people be overtime then becomes very strous on our budget as well but you know like working with John John's been familiar he's worked at Northampton you know Northampton a world class Department was having a difficult time getting people to come in you know and not that we're necessarily a horrible department but much smaller and if these bigger guys are having issues we're definitely going to have those same issues as well I think biggest SN stuff is actually doing a fiveyear plan out right now so we'll know so I'm the rep my name is John G I'm the rep for the Town of Huntington my background is I was the division chief of Ems for the state of Northampton I retired out of that position but so I they asked me to join on Huntington asked me to take the spot here so I did that um these guys have been fantastic they do so much with so little I I'm dumbfounded I really am because I had a pretty decent budget and uh what I see these guys do is amazing but the biggest thing is I know my own town ask for instead of year to year they want to see you know what's this going to pass over the next five years so currently our next biggest step is that forecast we're doing right now uh and then as we do that forecast that's when brainstorming is going to say okay what are some of the other routes that we can take to try to you know we honestly we hate having them come to the towns and ask for more money I mean you know everybody feels terrible about having to do it but on the other hand is I also want an ambulance to show up at my Town Huntington now Huntington does pay the highest Amon for everybody we about 105,000 change this year um so that's what's going forward on our warrant so hopefully it goes through we have our meeting on the 3D so what happens so this is regional like the schools what happens if one town we don't have that set up like the schools but we're not a no so a town can can turn it down okay they will not be part of the organization anymore but here's what happen is back in 99 uh if anybody wants to look it up there's a it was called EMS 2000 came out which was a mandate that required all cities and communities to have an EMS plan in place so um under EMS 2000 you're covered because you're using Hilltown if you didn't use Hilltown you'd have to figure out uh we do the 90-day notice you'd have 90 days to try to find another ambulance provider that's going to come in here uh and I be honest I I ran an aimless service I ran a big aimless service and did we did 5,000 calls a year you're not going to find a way to do it at this price I mean so if they voted it down they'd still have to have an ambulance they still have to it's just not going to what if they like change amount on the floor and reduce the cost you're going to when it runs out you might have a few months of it but I mean these are things we have to how would affect blanford but so you're saying it wouldn't affect us if we if we pass it we're well we haven't discussed any of the thing honestly we're we're being pretty optimistic here we're hoping everybody passes it it does sound very favorable through all the other communities I know it went through Finance down in Russell uh they had no problem Worthington um it looks good up there yep they already I think they've already voted it on Worton on it um Huntington it is on the full warrant for the full amount um I'm not I mean there might be some questions but in the end I think it's going to go through it went through no problem last year and it was a pretty big increase last year too so I'm hoping this year we'll have the same thing uh the thing is um these Community also to understand this all the mutual Aid agreements from Westfield coming out here and Northampton coming out here and they're with Hilltown they're not with the individual towns so the towns are going to have to scramble at that point if they decide not to go on I mean so it may be something or down the road they decide all right we need to plan off something five years from now whatever again I work private Ems for years I've been doing this for 36 years now I work private EMS I worked for municipality for the last 22 years um so and I went to school I went to the school for went College actually got my degree and all that stuff so I know what ambulance costs uh paramedic ambulance right now 247 is costing a million to a year to run they're doing with a lot less than that so they're they're pretty fantastic so uh I feel we're getting hell of a deal and then the other thing is to you can't beat the customer service you're getting with people that are invested in your community you know it's like your local fire departments they're your neighbors they're going to see you in town you know and we have a lot of local people here on the sill so you have that I mean um you know you I run into people all the time that I know when I used to be in fire department Huntington they also your neighbors you help them out so yeah do you um foresee a large jump again next year or do you think it will stay pretty steady we're hoping not to have to do a large jump that's why we did one this year there will be another increase it's not going to be 2 and a half% so here's one of the other problems that happened in the past is the previous directors and I'm not picking on because that's the the what they had they're facing is we only did a 2% increase right because that's all the towns can can raise 2% fortunately that it and if you look at most of your departments like especially your Public Safety departments I mean they're not staying that 2 and a half% they're asking for more than that two and a half% just to stay you know and then you look look at the the price of fuel right now is up 50% and things like that so it's funny like you're talking you getting $3 a mile to transport a patient to the hospital right think about how much diesel fuel diesel like almost $7 a gallon that buys right yeah yeah so okay so you're seeing an increase more than the two and a half but not as large of an increase no we're play we're playing catchup right now the last two years have been a huge playing catchup I can't promise any numbers we don't know the numbers going forward we do we don't know where at now we're know we're actually working on our fiveyear plan uh we did promise the towns we would get to them much earlier than was on the contract even so we would have a better understanding uh going into this rather than the kind of last time where everybody gets their budgets and you're trying to put this together so we are trying to go out much earlier uh than we have in the past okay and uh and really and we're wide open we had that uh big um meeting in down H we put together at Stant Hall um we did you you handed the Powerpoints out to everybody right there so you guys got I give the report so that was we we researched it within our own department and then we actually had P Valley planic commission come in and do even a more in-depth uh study of it and uh so we feel very comfortable we know where we're at and where we need to be so yeah great thank you do you guys have any more questions or Finance any questions for those thank you guys thank you guys for coming appreciate it thank you for the information I just want to thank you guys for putting sobody on the board for us that's that's huge was fantastic I just know what his work schedule it is demanding it's we don't get paid for it we're there one to two nights a month and then you know we do charity events and stuff so there is it's a huge commit by your board member so I definitely want to applaud him for coming hopefully we don't scare him off so he doesn't scare we know who your brother is you don't know me that's the good part I didn't go to gameway I went to Smith V I live in Huntington my whole life yeah I keep I keep a low profile but I know where you live all right I have a highway but I don't see highway so we're gonna move on to finance um report and we have the at all this all right what I oh before you start is Christopher on he's he's there but I don't know if he's turned on okay thank you Christopher can you hear oh here there he is hi Christopher hey Chris how's everyone doing there you go can hear you now there you go do you really to [Laughter] know well good to see everyone regardless we miss you I thanks for all your help wish you were here um do you want me to display up there or are you okay I don't know how to if you join the zoom you can share it otherwise I don't really know how to share it because it would have yeah it have to be via Zoom let's just we killed a couple trees here okay um I will say you know gab has been very instrumental in helping us Dave do you want to join us yeah the uh you know aligning this with the warrant and making sure that all the gaps are filled with all the different U you know with the stabilization funds and cash what's going on at the so we sat down just a little while ago and just kind of SED it a little bit these guys haven't had the privilege of seeing it okay but the stuff that we primarily worked on really hasn't changed which is the expense side of it okay um the revenue uh Chris obviously worked a lot on it okay um just a matter of going through it you help me in determining how you want to do it but let's just start okay Mary you got a copy all right so the first thing is you know goals for finance I changed this Chris had goals in there for the town okay and you know I had to say from looking at last year you guys hit every goal nice which is phenomenal thank you Chris that was Christopher um so I just put in some goals for us and made it more about Finance because we can't possibly come up with Town goals we haven't been privileged to conversation right so keep Levy increase within the 3% complete the Budget on time and balance the budget okay we hit our goals so um the levy limit is 4.2 million recommended the levy of 3.7 million debt is paid from what I'm saying nice which is great operating budget Revenue was 4.8 million operating expenses are 4.5 million if the plus 323000 great so the B the budget is balanced and the free cash did change the number by the way you changed one number they all Chang yeah so as you go to the next page and I don't have these Pages numbered so I'll try to walk you through that way and you guys please please please jump in when we get to St specially I don't know how you want to go through this I mean this is a synopsis of how we came up with okay the revenue the expenditures and the Surplus the details obviously are to come okay I don't think we have to go through line by line as long as we have the overall yep um if there's anything that you're still question on that you want to talk about or I don't think so Dave no and I think as Jackie says we're balanced we have a lot of lightning limit left so Chris had a question about pilot programs from Springfield and I the figure and that was closer so I've still got to get that figure from the cessor okay but even even if we didn't have any money from would be okay so the assessor will know if we've received any plums from spr field or or if we actually put out a letter to request pay okay so you'll have that from I asked last week just okay and the other Jack kind of into that was it will probably be a lower assessment and what we currently have once we figure out where we really are at with like 200,000 of water things because we do have large Surplus there so we probably talk back a little bit about what we're looking and raise appropriate taxes okay okay but I think we you know I'm GNA say I think we all got less is learned out of this one this year which is you know we weren't involved hardly at all with the revenue side or a lot of it a lot of it outside of the expenditures okay so I think next year I would want to get more involved I'm sure you know all the pieces okay I'm sure we kept asking but we want get okay okay yep okay go to the next page opportunities that's where you know really the town you guys need to think about what are the opportunities that we're going to go after for this next year I think it's great to have gold right that you can share with the town challenges interesting that ambulance services was here sharing Services costs in some cases are going up ambulance is one of them um certainly and it is another okay so those are the things that we need to really kind of keep an eye on okay um and Town Hall expenses are going up you know there's it's every time you turn around spending money at the town so we we did increase that budg okay and I know Christopher had said he was putting um 50,000 in the warrant to put into that stabilization for the assessment that we had talked about for the town building so that should at least have idea okay yes yeah but when we all met together we instead of taking that 50,000 stabilization 25,000 cash that we're just going to take 50,000 fre cash and that that 25,000 back so the emergency stabilization actually grow more than that way okay and because we have enough free cash to do that as well to the transcripts so when we go to um spend the money do we still have to go to a mini time meeting no it'll be it'll be transferred from three Cash okay so we'll vote on that and then we'll be free to seek um someone's need service okay hey I used to saying you know thank you Chris the chart that you had put together last year um just demonstrating what the percentages are across the budget recommendations um I really didn't feel comfortable with with really using last year's numbers in some cases because I okay in a spreadsheet um so but these are definitely the recommendations just throws out there where you're spending your money but it is good to compare year-over-year and see how this pie is Shifting right yeah okay okay any questions there no okay um I did use the 2425 numbers from that Chris had in spreadsheet from last year just to demonstrate you know how things are going um and you can see on these charts is very visible how things are just a little creeping up in different areas so the um the dark is last year yes and the lighter is this year okay yes yeah I'm surprised Public Safety didn't go up more with the increase the on ambulance okay okay to set the stage for the next few pages ready go through and you know s to user um the salaries we put a flat 3.2% in toal increase so anywhere that you see a salary you're going to see that um and the stiens would kept flat okay so um if you have any questions on that we go through okay now here's where we can go right into expenses if we prefer or however you want to approach this these are the uh tax information okay um Revenue information which you can see is 3.7 million um is 3% increase over last year okay okay State receipts is the next p you tell me how quickly you you're going we'll stop okay State receipts um net State receipts 272,000 okay okay then we get into local receipts oh I just I have a question yep um the regional transit I there's a huge decrease do you know who do I reach out to to find out why that is do you IDE that bog that's burog but remember marget had asked us if we could figure out how to use that money towards our own Transit she said that the cherry sheet money was way way reduced because doesn't exist or something yeah and I was looking at and we so last year we were like 3,000 something or the year before and then it went down to 18 and now it's 353 so she like know as well dis I just don't know who I could reach out to to say well we have our own Transit can we still get some funding for that any ideas Christopher who I would talk on that yeah uh Margaret had brought this idea up with me in the past I I think it's unlikely that that money can be used for a single Town's transit system it really is for regional transit systems and I I'm not sure why it got so totally reduced ferta might not be providing the same level of service to blanford anymore I'm not sure they're not yeah yeah okay thank you okay no next page local receipts broken out total of 548 179 the slant on this writing makes my ey I know it's the whole cut face I'm like it's trippy in fact if you were to view this online it would take up the whole page but for some reason it finds okay okay and then total revenue is 4.8 billion okay okay now part of that's d by free cash coming down right and then you also that we are uh transferring money into stabilization funds so okay okay so Revenue set good story right all right let's talk about General government so I broken this up in the threee pages and you guys please jump in um I really I mean do you have any comments about like the first section that you want to talk about no anybody have comment on that first page no we skip big variances skipped the audit last year doing it this year so there's okay right is that correct yes the the record what was requested most of the time recommended okay not in every case though we're addressing that or not okay I don't have any questions no no General government page two of three um any questions there there was no few experiences a lot of this is level funded you got the col increases there's a there's an increase in the um elections and registration but this year is a election year they're going to have more oh yeah okay you know more money they're going to need to spend for that okay so basically you met all the requests for this as well yep right so the agent is up is it more than the 3.2% is it to 10 the conservation agent sorry or that's a new line saying I don't know that's the way it was in the thing um no the oh no it was never mind I see the sorry okay y next page is the last of the general government section um and no major changes there is a um the town hall maintenance repairs really is where you're seeing some variant yeah Okay Plus in this particular one is where we put the water expense the water utility expense and then Town water bills okay yeah and um Christopher on that you know what's going on there okay yeah I think we talked about it last week didn't think we talked about the 32,000 coming out instead of and then their indirect costs being affected by that you guys remember um I'm just thinking the miscellaneous expense we are already I think over budget on that um every year we're under budget well you can see the yeah the 2024 May year-to Day expenditures is the second column the 12,000 okay right that's where we're at right now but we're just about to get bills for all the um the fall cleanup no spring cleanup of everywhere and then we we will get like three or four mowings I think so I'm thinking we we might want to increase that to like 15 what do you think Joan I know you always manag that one yes every year it's been under it doesn't change does it no change because I think because we get so many bills at the end of the year on that like right in June we're going to get a bunch of bills it's kind of hardage so if you're at already over by almost $2,500 you got a lot of bills set of 15 you should probably make 18 or 20 okay because if you don't spend roll in free cash we do have a lot of leway left do 18 20 20 20 yeah I also have several line items that are overstep I can't P any more BS that I need the attention I have them all WR is that out of the same account oh several accounts six different accounts highway vehicle fuel uh ATM fire turnout gear I don't know why that's been okay bounced because that was approved at our annual time meeting treasure collector Professional Service over spent New Town Hall expense over spent and utilties over spent treasure collector would just be like a probably because of the whole thing with Sarah oh yeah that's why Sarah's get more okay because we were we had hired someone to go in there and then it didn't work we end it back with Sarah so we had budgeted to not have Sarah end upah What's the total do you know what the total is by chance really it's over spent yeah no I didn't write it down interesting okay okay um the fuel the town hall fuel the index this this whole piece was the former ta putting this together so okay um but we need to dog for for I don't know if we have that what that opens today I think right yeah so we should have that shortly and we fix those numbers reflect the actual but we have to actually SPID how does that work Christopher the furog oil yeah sure so Dave and hoppy earlier in the spring take the number of gallons that they estimate they'll need for the next year submit that on a survey to fcog for diesel heating oil and gasoline and then uh we just got the bids back this afternoon actually um and I can't recall the prices for each of those off the top of my head but again Morabito is the low bidder for heating oil and then Burke is the low bidder for gasoline and Diesel um but we have now we have that per gallon price so we can plug that into that spreadsheet and that should give us roughly what we should as you know budget um and then we'll probably want to include a little bit of Squish particular particularly for gasoline and Diesel because you know if you go over your otted amount then they can charge you a variable rate um and that can add up pretty quickly so that's how that works we have to do on our side right now as far as like reaching out to them we've already we're already like approved to yeah we're good so uh I think Andrea Woods will probably or not Andrea Woods because she's retired uh Ellen batchelder at fcog will send contracts to um the Dave probably um and then you'll you know sign them and we good to go hey Christopher if if we do not use the amount that we have purchased and we can't take it do we get charged the return price because we didn't use all the gallons we bought so we got to be a little careful there don't we yeah there's there's some charge there um I I'd have to ask hoppy because he he knew how to deal with it in the past um but there is a way to address if you're you know expecting to have excess yeah okay I just wanted to be aware because I I know we used to do it where I worked so I wanted to bring it up just don't want to give it away if we don't have to Joan ask me what was in the heating oil line item because he wanted to top everything off because he said if he don't use it all they charge to store it okay and I told them to go ahead and um spend whatever we had left and fill it up so did that right usually we just dump it in the the town hall one because that's the biggest tank and then that way we don't have to pay this five cents a gallon or whatever it is storage fee yeah that makes sense okay so um we'll keep an eye out for the contract to come in and get um joined you want to put that on the agenda for next week just in case or the week is next week Memorial Day just in case you're gonna have to have a meeting on Thursday done on Thursday we'll have to have one the last it's the last day that you can post sign and post the warrant okay so we I just got the warrant back from the lawyer changes we have to make meet on Thursday when do we have to post for a Thursday meeting tonight Thursday no Thursday no tomorrow tomorrow okay so you'll Thursday I have a fire department meeting Maybe not maybe that no that's probably got cancelled that got cancelled okay okay so six 6 o'cl here select for okay right we won't ask you to zoom because we know how that works relative to that fuel cost who will come back let me know so I can upd Chris can you send Jackie the the furog bid prices yeah I I will forward that right now thank you thanks bris any other questions no that's Jo government okay Public Safety okay bottom line we're at 289 um nothing big here to report I wouldn't say um will she ask any questions no I don't have questions for you I'm just kind of questioning the extra 13,000 for tree warden in May but that's not you wondering when it's going to get spent when it's G to get spent on yes we are in non-compliance as far as the inspector the animal goes it is fine do we not have someone right now we do not have we need you the board to appoint or recommend an appointment so that we can send it to the state no just kidding won do that to you which one is that that's the inspector of animals so we they're driving out and looking at I will ask my wife oh she's about to have a baby right but she's also certified already to do that by St so and it's all one time inspection a year that they required to do she has a bigger job with animal control ask her if she wants to F for the please know that there's been no on that yeah you're poor way thank you thank you than yeah again the thing that's driving this increas is the ambulance okay okay right came and said we need XYZ was this in that Bo I don't know which one the ambulance there any other besides well there are but they're flat I mean three when you go out to bid you might have 10 people come to your bidder's conference but only right um now we have 164,000 652 for the ambulance they were just here what were they saying um I don't know if they know what we've budgeted for and if they can ask they were saying this their that was their ask initial ask right 7500 incre no they they're talking about their total budget um I don't see an increase for they were saying that they because it costs it cost 66,9 to cover blers EMS needs right and and Hilltown um collects 42 they're losing 7,000 okay so if if it cost 66 to cover BL what did they ask for 64 62 that was their ask do you have the copy of the warrant that or not warrant but the budget that you've signed already for the requests to break out of their money I have this that she just gave me your email open right now it look my email is open all right I'll P email now it looks like it's saying the cost to provide coverage to all L's calls oh for 2023 was 6629 so I think we're around the right amount they didn't they didn't request different amount there I theart they gave us tonight let's go with that for now and we got to go with what with the 64 okay for now and if it increases I it should only be an increase of like a thousand good with Public Safety yeah education it is what it is so the one difference between here and what Chris had originally given us for a long was Chris was taking 69,000 education station and think raate leave education cation as it is okay for the next year that we don't have leave so we're not raising an appropriate or we're not um taking anything term stabilization okay so question maybe Christopher you can Healthcare we had that 275 in there but we didn't know what that vocational number was going to be is that changed you know yeah so the way that works is uh the department of Elementary and secondary education sets rates for nonresident um vocational students and they've already set those rates and I know from uh gateway's budget presentation that there are 13 students from blanford who are attending either voke in at Smith or at Westfield um I don't know the breakdown of those students though how ER in each um so that's something you have to actually call the schools directly and it sometimes is a little bit of a process getting them to tell you hey we've got six students who have you know accepted at at Smith voke or whatever um so I would say this week um you know give those schools a call and try to nail down that number um and then uh two you know that 275 ballpark though is probably pretty close that that I believe includes a little bit of extra money because they have special education costs that they that um you know will come up during the year so call each um vocational school or call gateway gateway doesn't have Gateway yeah call call Smith voke and call Westfield Tech okay and then there tell you how many people are accepting that people and then we just have to budget for accepted and and have action and recall that if everybody move into District the year start get well I just just asking how it works I don't know all right is that an action that you'll take or that um yeah I can do that um just so I need to call and let go Che see number I'll get that to you Jackie okay okay on to public works okay so a couple of numbers that the U from a you know Highway salaries obviously know there discussions going on there m um so you guys will have to come back to me and let me know and the rest of the team know what is going on with salaries once you negotiation okay we did increase um the highway sub you can give that to okay update it okay um vehicle fuel we left flat is that also going to come in when I get this information from Chris is that impact that number one of the ones short that should be under Dennis B yeah Dennis B it looks like it says you need the bir Cod big so yeah okay for gas um everything else now you know the only things you guys pop in here you want the only thing that we did is they had asked for 50,000 for the canopy work Tre canopy work we took it down to Flat over last year to explain okay um so that at least you should know about that okay you know so what was he was requesting more 50 30,000 more okay did he explain the only thing I had really was notes from him that was around um wanting to do more small projects and that sort of thing um I know that there's definitely been an issue with the communication between Highway and tree Warden and that the tree canopy work greatly affects the amount of ice on the roads right which then affects on the wearing down roads I don't know if we want to look at giving him a little bit more funding I know that they did a lot of tree cany work on War Road and I think that it made a huge difference at sweder um it looks like he's using all of his budget it looks like he need all his budget so far he said the amount of funding is only enough for one week and one detail that's what he said was pretty crazy expensive Prett oh yeah yeah I mean if you have to hire somebody it's yeah I don't know what do you guys think do you want to recommend a little bit more on that I'd like to go 25,000 that give an extra detail I was think going up to 30 if it was POS what do you think TJ 25 25 okay 25 so that's okay do guess okay okay um Highway repair New Roads um he was asking 130 uh and the comment there was able to do more small projects that are low across okay and so you level funded at the 115 y only because if you go back and you look at what's been spent so far yeah you only spent 83,000 so far okay right that's kind of why we did it y y you guys good that yeah okay okay now he did ask for additional money for overtime um and so he was asking for seven we came in at five and again we reflected on the year to date he hasn't even he hasn't hit the 4,000 yes I know he's been like um trying to monitor the amount of time because he didn't have you know a large amount there so I think the five is a good the five well his challenge was said is that when they're working he has to stop them if he doesn't have enough overtime he still got overtime in there to and we have the ice or the winter over time as well right excuse me the rest of it is just really up based on the contract the collective bid okay okay um and that's it for public works okay any questions you guys no anything like add no Human Resources okay here we are now this is um for the let's see for the bo secretary um we were kind of in a state of conflict on some stuff because yeah people were coming in and asking for raises and you know we're not really the people to give raises we'll give we'll say hey the PO just is the right thing to do yeah but we don't know what people do to say or how well they do it let's just say that sure to even kick in I agree yeah now for the bo secretary she came in and really had a laundry list of Duties that she's doing that's different than what she's done before including um uh grants okay so we felt you know she was worthy okay you feel okay with that yeah um but on that line in the future should we refer people like that to you first well it would be with the TA normally ta is doing the um the overseeing of the our like Highway superintendent and our you know um most of those positions we don't see that as so they would also have recommendation that but we also did the report not too long ago to bring people up the Beast into yeah the go ahead Mary um the board he as an elected board would set the salary or the wage for their employes and they can do that because they have the medical has that material the sharks that is specifically referenced I believe in either their or Jal laws or something but that aside um when you have a secretary who's on the board of health and the secretary I feel like that's kind of a right right yeah that seems fair but you do have multip people on board as out so if they're taking a vote as the entire Board second also secretary that's still a Board responsibility monor that much like the accessories okay so it's not really the Town Administrator does supp not monitoring okay so we're good okay the um tipping charges are really go and that's not anything that we can do anything about but just wanted to point that out okay um she did mention in the notes that you know 23,000 comes back from the stickers okay that's a good thing um and the rest of these I think we're good okay no on the culture and recreation the library and you know Mary you jump in here too because you you know a lot about the library um the library is going to by 11,000 so um you know that was really based on again increasing over the 3.2 po now is that something that you would review with her whether or not you would give her increase or yeah I know that that there we've increased the hours yes and we warned the finance committee starting I think two or three years ago that we were going to have to work to CCH up plus Nicole is putting in many additional hours without compensation for what we okay and we had a we had an oops in last year's T that's correct I remember yeah that's corre this corrects a multitude Okay we okay with that anything else i' we lowered the recreation committee expense because of the Russell fund yeah right um and on historical commission expenses there's a laptop expense that we put in there okay any questions Okay C out the debt so that's it for really the expense that we right do you guys want to add anything on there no no that's no debt no debt you can say that I don't know Sarah doesn't like that she does like I think right but I don't know quite why is our annual or is our Min time meeting happening here or there there in there oh it is in there yeah so we actually have to move I have a question about so it's here there's no set up Chris you there yeah yeah sorry sorry there's a lot of cross talk is somebody saying something to me the question is we we're paid off most of our debt but we're still counting um override for debt exclusion is that over de exclusion still work even though we don't have a debt or is the debt exclusion end when the debt ends so if I'm not mistaken uh there is still a debt exclusion that has to do with the school um and that's coming to an end I think this year either this year or next yeah okay this year um and then other than that you know there's the Broadband debt which is still out there however you've now got a self-sustaining Municipal Light plant that can cover that those costs and then you're going to have Federal money coming in as well so that's pretty much going to be taken care of of um the landfill capping debt I believe either the last payment was this year or it will be fy2 so um that's dealt with and then the other thing that's coming up is the SC project um so that barwing was already authorized yeah yeah um sorry Dave I can't hear you are you saying something the scatter skater project was not F was it it was not no right and then so do that that was our argument Chris for being in a better position to borrow for the um buyer Department building situation yeah so you have um you also had this road repair debt that we paid off last year so you basically kind of wiped the the decks clean there um and to I think Janet's Point Sarah and other you know members of the financial team usually like to see these towns making sure they're because we know there are things we need to pay for out there right um so it's if there is something that you can borrow for it would probably make sense um probably this year you know we don't necessarily have our ducks in a row to do that um but it would be something to talk you know talk to Dave are there roads he needs to to do uh talk to you know do that condition assessment find out if there are things lurking in the town hall that really need to be dealt with the roof I know that's one that's Jeff has brought up before um so there's definitely things out there that you could he'll probably want to borrow some money for is what I would say okay yeah he had talked about doing a road Bond few weeks ago okay any questions employee benefits or employee benefits oh yeah I don't think we have to we have to um stop town meeting you do no no I put it on the agenda as followed by me town meeting oh okay so yeah so we're fine there Jour to reconvene I think we just we have to do anything not like there's many people join but there's still on agenda we can still complete that right after we're done going over the budget I'm not sure why separate this and call it a mini town meeting really it's a finance report to the town is what it is prior to that so if it's on the agenda or does it say it's on the agenda as part of the agenda or is it after the town meeting after the select board and select board meeting followed by mini town meeting so you should you should adjourn until the completion of the mini time meeting so we're going to adjourn but we're going to just continue to go over the budget Because unless new people come in yes unless new people come in okay does that make sense FR so we'll adjourn but we will be reconvening after the mini toown meeting at 7:01 second okay hi hi all right we can continue all right where will Dy has a good point down in the area of town and Insurance M I think is that a comment from you Chris the need number from I Mi or is that may have been like because we did not get that number do you know where we would get that number yeah if you reach out to MC gald at at Maya they'll be able to send you an updated amount MC gereral yeah Mick Gerald g a r r o l d I have that information okay yeah I was G to say he met with him for that purpose I think so we should have it okay okay greate Jen last week beginning no she's talking about next year volunteering on to help us to get some money and more money back but that no she she doesn't need to be a part of that her the cost of the town for I think that's the WRA that really to the end yeah um because we already went through the tax ly stuff okay um wow so should so we do you said there's some changes to the warrant Beyond yeah as as these as these numbers change the warrant numbers change okay and Chris did up the first warrant I redid some stuff both Chris and I have been contact with Mark Mark sent us the revised warrant with his changes I'll put all those changes in send it back to Mark and make sure I didn't miss anything so that Thursday you can sign the warrant if posted so the only thing on our agenda Thursday is um approving the warrant no you have an executive executive session for Union negotiation okay so those are the only two things of course you find time to do it tonight and you don't need to have copies on proposal that could work yeah that would work um do what was my next question was about it was about what were we just um no it wasn't Insurance don't take my job my job is to forget things yours is to remember disappeared what your so just to ask a question if any of these numbers change that we talked about is that going to change the warrants yes yeah like the fuel cost all that okay so what point did we say we can change it on the floor right a number if we need to you have to so when you put these final numbers in like if chis gives you the F numbers you put those numbers in and you already put the numbers in they want any more money for this thing that bottom line that we get then just plugs into so the only thing that's going to change is total rais and appropriated for government guess that's all you change so um I know what I was going to ask we are definitely holding off on the exit article for mini meeting is that correct it's not on this warant correct got he right yeah okay I just want to make sure okay um I think we're good thank you guys for all the work you've been doing all of you how many spreadsheets can you figure out I want to thank Jackie she did the majority of the work with help I appreciate you uh checking the email that's been very helpful otherwise so many things would be well there's a couple there that yeah had can I just ask the question sure here I don't know how this works but there's a couple things that I think that someone's got to look at them because they they're like need to be done now kind of thing yeah what do I do with those do I get you do I you know bring them back in here how do you want to handle you can send them to me and if I have an idea of what to do with them otherwise I'm probably gonna ask Chris or Dave or but like in my mind I'm thinking there's at least one around Grant update information yeah that one are you talking about the ada8 one because that one that's one of them I reached I responded to that gentleman I haven't heard back and I just said we are without a Town Administrator can we have some lency regarding this date and I have not heard back because I don't know how to get that information Nicole's asking for information I don't know how to get all that information for Nicole the sufa sign lady is looking for information that I don't have either asking if permits were taken out if there's a cement pad I can't answer no no fin location that email is aging what should I what should I tell her we really need an interim after June 15 okay we'll have a place for the Su okay can we ask Dave for some help with the the concrete do you want to you if you want to just forward it to me and then I will reach out to Dave and ask him if he can help us with touching base with her and help us put in contact with someone to get the concrete if you're already pouring concrete are you pouring concrete over there right now no not yet po concrete you're not GNA the guy that's doing the job is a concrete expert well he's right there you let chis yeah Christopher we need you back I'm back you can't quit to can't hide okay I'm probably going to have more questions for you Christopher I apologize in advance he's just shaking we should have a location what I just said 15 we do for the sufa sun okay okay what does that thank you Christopher where we're gonna put the cement SL okay thanks Chris have a good night everyone thank you can can we can I get I need the budget as passed by town meeting for the preceding three years yeah but it's on the annual report isn't it uh look at the one from last year and there's multiple Pages missing there are only three or four pages there so I don't know what happened to the guts of the thing and unfortunately the board of Library Commissioners wants to to know where the library sits in relationship to all of the other Town Department expenditures so that's what's hanging um now I had that in the spreadsheet and you know I just don't know how accurate those prior years are where it says approved right so if you feel comfortable with me just cutting that out wouldn't it be in the well meeting it going back two years I think two years will be could we the town meeting budget from two years ago and then that one goes back several years do you need just a total or do you need the actual line Department by Department that's what they're asking for sorry just for the library or every whatever whatever you have the entire town budget for the preceding three years as [Music] report you sh just quickly 211 for free cash should be 150 and then there should be $50,000 I changed it on the print out okay it should be yeah yeah I noticed that when it came back up I was I had to get rid of completely off my don't get Norton hear from me so as far as the other like the Ada thing goes I don't know what to do about that because I like I said I reached out I haven't heard back I don't know who else I would ask to compile that information because I mean it's got to be somewhere before you go any further you should end your Min town meeting go back into session talking about things that AR much meeting yes all right reconvening at 711 um we're just back in our normal meeting now we ended our special our mini town meeting and then we just had the mini town meeting in that five minutes that was that was 10 minutes of Min right so just reviewed budget [Laughter] John question uh if we could the next town meeting that's not budget and as that my wife would ask me to put on the agenda to talk to you about finances with the enal inspector and how it works because she's interested in doing it but she doesn't want to inherit a budget headache because there has to be some budget for dispatching animals and whatnot so she's interested in the job and getting app point wants to iron out okay um Joan you put that on our the meeting that will be after Memorial Day um so it will be um for animal inspector 633 I don't know details with that one I don't know who's going to be I'll have her write you an email for the question she has so you can have the answer okay that'ss okay for the worms we need to be here no we don't need to be here no because once once you've got the budget here and they've got the numbers those numbers just I just take them off your budget yeah right um excuse me I don't think I have um oh when's the final final budget supposed to be done R the annual town meeting okay and when is that third June 3 June 3 but I'll need your numbers for the warrant which is June 9 a. well for Thursday Thursday so we want the warrant to be as close to the budget is if the budget changes between then and June 3r I mean yeah no whenever the town meeting Jun we could we can on the floor adjust numbers up or down okay as needing because the town has the right to raise in appropriate money however they so desire as long as I need the highway numbers you need the highway numbers oh yeah we just have the one probably will not have we just incre we went up 5% okay just for the individual um can I ask these questions if anyone here can help me um this is for the grant for the library the um name of the munic municipal official with sole awarding Authority is that me or is that the like our invisible TA or no if it's the authority that's vested in you as a select Bo so that would be me okay so what about the name of the official receiving the mCP funds that's also me or is that like account like somewhere in an account that's the Massachusetts Public Library Construction F would be the town would be receiving it but I need the official the name of the municipal official is that me too I don't really I who post things is the treasur post things to treasure okay so I would put so for the um receivings I'm going to put Sarah and then there's the um approving expenditure the municipal um official approving expenditure of those funds that would be oh because it's a state Grant it's not anything to do with the trustees um I would I would send it back to you guys to approve the ex select Bo because you had voted or recommended the changes to it okay and then I need um the primary contact I guess I can put me for now I don't really want to be the primary contact I think that's it and then authorized to serve as the certified public purchas here certified public purchasing off official that would be our procurement officer which we do not have right so how should I help Nicole with that do you have anyone in town who's actually certified as search was Christopher was too Christopher was yeah right but you have no one current currently can I just put um Town Administrator well it depends you don't have one you don't have one yet well can I just write the title blord Town Administrator then okay then you have to make sure certifi okay all right thank you that's I was stuck on that yeah um but no we got other stuff on our agenda don't get too excited that was just the last sem I the um Finance if you don't I think you guys want to stay you don't have to all right um action items we've got review an Acton warrant for annual town meeting um we're going to table that because we're going to make changes yeah so you can do that Thursday table till Thursday is there 2 I favor um review an Acton proposed urine transfers what do we have do I have those those in here um Warr Warr here we go so we have um no the payroll do we have any yearend transfers Joanne I don't know I well you will eventually because there so you got to transfer but we don't have anything yet okay no okay we'll table that till next week well right am I doing those I don't understand I need more words here I I'm out of money how do we usually do them Town Administrator well that's the thing I mean basically with the finance department we used to just take it from within the department but not payload but now it's coming out of Reserve every single time and we're running out of money but I'll have to look and see what we have left in res but at this point we can start to take it out of other places right in May are we at that point yet I thought you couldn't do it until June no May 1 May 1 okay may between line there's an account that's undere exended overe expended and you let us no and then we can with the recommendation from Finance I just did so if you but there's more than that one you said there's five accounts that I know of right now that are overspent so if you want me to do something I will but I've never done this so you just let us know you need to do is is write those five accounts out give tell you what the balance is give it to you on Thursday right and then you'll also have the the end of the year or the current total expenditures by line on by Department right because the last one was May that's that's about another week out you told me okay expenditure report yeah it's I asked for it for tonight I said it was important that the new one got here tonight because I used to get it from them short you know last Thursday was pay and I'd get it pretty much on Monday but not anymore so if if you give them the line items that already overdrawn and then when they get the expenditure report they can take we can pick account recommendation for finance I'll have that to you on Thursday perfect thank you all right so we'll table that till Thursday second hi hi all right um so we have H warrant for payment number 23 so that is this one right here this is water oh do we need to talk about the water situation with the this is so large because of the the water no greens sight tree and land DBA Bridget Wixom water department maintenance oh they must they they hired someone to cut down trees remember they were wanting to use yeah yeah was about $4,000 yeah four but it's 9,000 there's 4,500 for each one unless they accidentally put two in here said it was going to be 4 it all yeah both sides so it's 4,500 and then another 4,500 so 4,500 for clearing the area and 4,500 for removing trees what it he said he do everything yeah that that was that was the deal he was going everything for the hold hold on that so Joanne we're holding on the water warrant so I'll just write it right here question we thought it was going to be $4,500 total that's what he told us in the it's water it's coming out of Maintenance but they told us it was only to all right so now we have the other warrant um for so I would say motion to hold on warrant 23 for water department payment 23 with questions regarding um costs second any discussion all in favor I I all right so now we have the warrant number 23 for the town uh same warrant number but it's just this is for Town and not water cu the same warrant ccle um is it on the same no it's on a different okay so Rand um Okay so we've got a lot of fire department expenses this is says on scene I'm not really sure what those are you guys want to take a look did we second we there second second for discussion second on scene is a repair that was done to engine one's light bar and ah thank you SC he did tell me about that e uh while he's doing that I would make a motion to appoint Ryan Stafford's historical commission for term July 1st 24 to June 30th 27 second all in favor I uh motion to appoint Nicholas Petron Noir the position of conservation agent term July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 second any discussion all in favor I I motion to appoint marget mccuskey position of American Disabilities Act member for July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 second any discussion all in favor um motion to appoint Gordon Avery to position of water department superintendent this ter of July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 is there a second than discussion all in favor I I are we we good on this warrant yeah okay all in favor for the warrant sorry Joan we're moving around on you I I I okay got sign it though um oh my yeah this how things get lost uh motion to app point oh no I don't want that carender to the FTA Advisory Board anyone else want this no anyway so your name's on it Gotta Be You Yeah well doesn't exist anym I they still send me that they having meetings second all in favor I I motion to Appo um John Van and hin again as no yes because he's going to get out I thought he was resigning yeah wait no he just resigned last time I didn't do his appointment it wasn't on the agenda so maybe we did it but it wasn't on the agenda he wants to be reappointed I thought he wanted to he has well he has to be because he's going to be working with this guy and I don't know exactly when he's said August 30th of this letter yeah what if it's not August 30th it doesn't hurt because it's just a piece of paper and I can change it on August uh 12th say Okay John's gone okay let and let's make the other guy the fulltime inspector all right motion to appoint John vanan electrical inspector for term July 1st 2024 June 30th 2025 second any discussion all in favor I I motion to appoint Eric K CPA to the position of town account to the term July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 second be on the next line all in favor I motion to appoint Kim Bergland to zoning board of appeals to the term July 1st 2023 or 2024 right to uh June 30th 2026 second any discussion all in favor um then we need to resend a motion sorry we need to resend a motion um because Joanne reached out to the attorneys and we were not a part of the opioid um litigation so most resend the select board meeting um motion for May 13 2024 as stated second any discussion all in favor I I all right and we don't have the all expenditure report so we will go Motion to go into it right exec no Mary um I just wanted to let the board know that the week of June on June 13th we will have someone from Homeland uh security here to review our election security okay oh we do have this to um new business we have a um affirmation of community commitment um no money is to be paid by blanford it's just a um Municipal in inine match 200 $50 the DTA Grant of $5,000 and a pvpc cash match of $250 to um work with the Town of Chester and blanford during the coming year to investigate the sharing of services between the respective Town's fire departments under its District local technical assistance program um so nothing coming out of this that's concrete it's just continuing the exploration seeing if um there's anything that um benefits B towns what will come out will be a um a shared plan and Report um with P your Valley planning um I make that motion to um uh to move forward with the draft DTA FY 24 scope of services for the Chester blanford shared fire department any discussion all in favor I is the 24th no it's the 20th so this is supposed to be signed by Chester too Joanne but um I think that if you just send this to Pioneer Valley our signature they're probably get that's what we did that was the whole chunk of it all right um is that it what's this here the budget and program revision form on I had a couple questions in with you guys that you need to answer to me tonight yes you can have it what you wanted a new compressor for the refrigerator yeah oh yeah I'm bringing it up I'm a motion to give you a new one for $1,800 um where's that yes but where does that come out of just curious is that town hall maintenance yeah but it has to be done they're just picking on your ton knock it off that's my girl don't be picking up favor I um okay this is a together what should be the final extension request for the community um it's the cdbg this is the um Community Building working on homes those are the words that I have right now that works we got you um okay so this is an extension to increase um funds available until 9:30 2024 so I would to a motion to approve the um extension to the cdbg program through September 30th 202 second all in favor all so we the sign there do you have any what other questions do you have for us join I wrote them all down so oh you here all right I got that we did that one oh okay so water department um the the leak that was a few weeks ago um that yes but that was affecting the town during the time um the water department superintendent wasn't responding to Emergency Management text and so the fire ch Chief sort of took the lead and we did not have any water to provide to Residents we didn't have water so he ordered water um it was $2,000 um and so we have this water in town now and so I had said to them when we were in the state of emergency go ahead and order it and water department will have to pay for it so water department is refusing to pay for it um but they didn't have any water so I don't know how that works as a it's here it's in town hall so the next time there an emergency now we have water can't have got to move out of place right but water you can't keep it forever grow it needs to be in a dark room and it it absorbs the plastic and yeah there's a lot of things that go on if it gets real old did we move it to the stage is that dark enough up there I should yeah that's they just need to get it off the floor so the stage is fine if they get it off the floor we put a date on it when it was there so we can walk by and glance at it if so what what are they those those three gallon jugs they're the big five right so well I mean if you needed if you had them you could and they won't take them back I don't know I've suggested to them that they call and have them restocked and probably get a restocking fee but it's better than having 216 bottles of water out there that are going won't last several years um and this break we had a break last year and we didn't have water for residents we keep having breaks every year and we have to keep ordering water for residents it's not a bad thing to have on hand we have water reserved it can last several years there is an expiration date on them and this is the first time I've seen a huge water B like this I yeah I haven't seen that we've done the water bottles before I personally would prefer this as to B yeah but if you if you don't have the proor dispenser dispenser exactly well regardless they're here now now yeah so we have to I mean in my opinion I think water should pay for it they were not prepared they did not respond yeah they didn't follow protocol so how does that work as a elected board how do we enforce a bill be paid out of their funds anyone know you should also note remember that that company waited like almost three years to get paid at one point really because the fire department ordered things and it never got paid and the fire chief turned over and the bills just floated around so we don't have a great record they won't deal with us again if we do it again yeah no any thoughts da do we have I don't think you have any control over the board other than replacing the board but you could pay it out of current funds and then add that to their shared services or I know I can't just bill them which we should be able to do but they're so uncooperative with the rest of the town so so what I would actually do I think I'll ask Mark check about that warrant anyways is to see if we need a warrant article to take that out of water department fun okay the other problem we're having is with the same situation is that there were Highway employees used to help with the break and Dave reached out to me and I said yeah that makes sense that that would come out of water department funds he doesn't want to pay for that either and he doesn't want to pay for that so we had to pay them so the money came out of highway but there's still the issue of does Highway get refunded for that going forward if we have a break and we need to use Highway Personnel whoops so my question is is who asked the highway to get involved did they get a call from the water department well highway is a part of Emergency Management so as while we were in a state of emergency I would imagine that I don't know I don't know the answer to that I would imagine that Highway super would have said we need I don't know no I don't communication got do is make some kind of a way that this doesn't happen all the time oh he said she said they said no here it is in the writing and this is what it is right agree I mean there's there's a protocol that they were supposed to use but they didn't use now is is there a budget for Emergency Management it do must be has a budget for breaks and repairs and I think they have money that's true well they're going to pay dearly anyway um okay I yeah I don't know if it's part of their policy I think I grabbed a copy of it didn't we get a copy recently of their um well those guys got paid at least but where are we going to take the water out of the payment for the $2,000 should we take that out of like so if if it was under emergency you know how much do we have in that Fund in said 100 bucks well that's kind of not enough to get one guy out for couple hours know but $100 is really just for emergency plan yeah well we have something that does is what I'm asking well whose idea was it to take it out of Emergency Management was that something water came up with they don't want to those are the words that came to me the decision was made to take it out of Emergency Management by who must have been the water department in their committee because where else would it come from it didn't come from us no no didn't come from me so do we take it out of I well why why can't the water department pay it and then charge the turn f for I think part of the leek on wasn't part of the leek on our property was all on the leaks they fix one leak and soon as they pressurized it they got another leak just got a good point that there's not an account emergencies yeah you know hurricane you know tornadoes come through whatever right I mean basically it's an account it's like a placeholder it's got $100 in it or what $100 I'm right there should be something written up there should be some protocol as to what's happen usually they should be charged the water department should pay for it and go after the state because it was their property we didn't have any leaks in our system at all that's right so they should pay whatever we had add it to the bill to the St put it when mima's involved don't we get like a 25% back no no it's based on how many reports come in he said oh so so any emergency you have he said make sure you send even if it's $200 that you spent make sure you send it in once again the it sounds like the small towns get get the shaft they had their and you also have to declare a state of emergency she did that okay yeah we did all that I don't know if there's any paperwork where you're supposed to pill out we did that we I we said I declare the do is respon right who's responsible for the break well they are they're on the dot property and we build them for their water yes so to me it would be you know you had a break we bill you for that $2,000 yeah that's exactly no way for B well or or the highway can't do that who owns those pipes the DT was in here that day with me and Joan and the guy said the pipe is us where it goes is them right so what broke was after us right right so to me they're responsible one was under the highway that's the that's the same thing with private property where the shut off is you know on the main side that's us on that side so where did our guys where were our guys in the highway people working out they were working on don't know looking for the leak they were they were looking for it yeah and then how we for fixing well you can't pay for that part of it until they know where the lake is I mean the leak is excuse me the lake we had a lake too but I mean if you're out here looking here this is ours and then you finally find it there these guys got to get paid for from the water department I would think yeah even whether they they highway or not we think about it our people didn't have water right because of the do that is great so we create the water bills for them so well that's why you know that's why I agree with you they they the water department should pay for and build the so should we be building looking to build the water department for the water and the highway salary I would think so I would they're the one that sources the water to the towns people right they're the ones that should pay it if you know that's my opinion have you actually sent them the bill or you just asking if they want no no we we were the debate came up today when they were submitting payroll and water was like don't submit it to us we're not paying it they never want to pay any part of their propit they save for that next car you know truck want he wants another new truck truck not to add insult injury to this but that break is goes to the side that still owes us 200,000 it they PA it oh they did was it McDonald's or was it the it's the state they own the property so and thank you to Jen who um withheld a permit until wasid so they cut the that if you wna again I've gotta talk ask and um Joan do you know the number um the amount I see you have the amount for the water but do you have the amount for the um Highway guys labor no that would have to come from Sarah okay I gave her the uh time sheets for that this morning and the rates were on it so maybe I can figure that out no Sarah has to okay so SAR can get us that number is that is that outlined in the emergency procedures that's I doubt it I doubt there's anything procedures problem desk you just you gave me a packet not long ago100 special permit yeah yeah Joanne I know you gave me packet not long ago that was that I don't know so we're GNA hold on that okay we've got to stay on top of that I think it's important tomorrow so this I'm Gonna Leave up here and then we're gonna add the plus the highway labor yeah you never want to get situation where they say we're not alone because we're not paying for yeah show show us show us your procedure show us your procedure from the state uh right here are we good sure the state would support whatever we did along those lines so get the state on there okay okay I think we're oh motion to go into executive session to discuss Union negotiations my La you can send it to me to my send say thank you oh yeah I had them someone just gave to me I I think TJ sto