##VIDEO ID:6mXjY8Xy7J0## you have to next week uh are we being recorded yes we are thank you okay well uh we've got some minutes quite a few and these are the ones that you sent us ahead of time right yep my internet's not here oh no you have to use paper I got to use paper but it's okay because these are the ones we got to sign anyway um so this is the executive session June 3 done right down you hope okay okay um motion to approve select board meeting minutes of June 3rd 2024 executive session meeting minutes of June 3rd 2024 SEL board meeting minutes of June 10th 24 executive session meeting minutes June 10th 24 select board meeting minutes of June 11th 2024 and select board meeting minutes of June 17th 2024 second any discussion all in favor there's more in this one sign that one you go sign goodness for you did I not did I just sign that and put it back in yeah did that's for you that's for you okay um audience participation public comment come on down George as promised an update on the project you yeah up to 60 miles an hour now and headed for 80 at this point great um the most important thing is that by the 23rd we get uh seven names on each of these forms if you don't have one of these forms please take one get it back to me by and you can call it in if you want to or get it any way shape or form you want to okay um I'm finding uh some people are calling and saying um I'm not very strong I'm not able to lift rocks and stones what you what can I do there's all sorts of things to do that that people can participate in they can help register people when they come in because we want for liability purposes everybody's name address email number we want somebody to help with get everybody who comes is going to get a name badge so that they sort of qualify for lunch and snacks and so forth they can help serve snacks um they can help all kinds of degrees of act physical activity okay so you you don't have to be you know Macho to participate you just have to want to help in some way and there's enough projects there at different levels for people to participate okay so encourage people to sign up the number at the bottom of the all the forms is buy all they have to do is call and leave their name address and and uh email address and I'll get back to them and uh we want to get started as soon as possible after 8:00 Home Depot people are showing up at 7:30 um that's early I don't know I'm meeting with them again this Thursday to continue fine tuning because there's all sorts of supplies including up to 500 bags of mulch coming up on their trucks and stuff and um they're doing inventory at the store this week so it's been sort of chaotic in terms of getting communication ironed up for that um we're going to do some of the work some people have called and said I can't come that Saturday but it's anything I can do ahead of time and yes there is um we're going to be clear clean up the park and hopefully doing the bricks ahead of time so that the place will be dry so that people can work on the planting in that section and work on the painting of the railings and the um the building you know in a separate section um what we've had in terms of looking into things the railing at the post office is turning out to be sort of an issue from the standpoint some of the people whove looked at it who know what they're talking about said to do it right you should have it sand blasted all the way down cleaned all the rust off and everything else and then put a primer on it then put a final coat on it and when I looked into what it cost to do that we're talking $1,000 plus to have it St presses second level of intervention on the uh of the railing is the sand the devil out of it and wire brush it as much as you can and get as much stuff as you can and then there's this compound liquid you put on it that seals the rust in and then you put primer and then you put your okay Rust Oleum on top I've had two people looking professional sand blanchers looking at it this coming Thursday and giving me estimates just to see what the best price is to do it we don't have enough money in the budget to do it we not take part of the 6,500 from Home Depot for this project and we only have roughly $600 for other things um to spend so unless we have a sugar daddy coming up to says I you know have $1,500 that I want to donate um for this project um it looks like it's going to be hand hand done um the best we can okay so that's that's the issue there um I you know KN on wood we're going to have good weather if not I think I mentioned last time the rain date is two weeks later because Home Depot is not available the following Saturday so we'll have to advertise and promote 28 28 Saturday 8 o' um any time thereafter but hopefully as many people can come around 8:00 as possible what we'll have to have is a big board with all the tasks broken down so people can sign up for what they want to do and uh you know once if we need eight people for this once the eight people identified for this um you know then hopefully they'll sign up for something else and we'll have enough people throughout the day um I talked with the highway department um they're going to be available this week and next week to pick up any trash bags full of leaves cuz if you notice most leaves are starting to fall off the tree so I'm going to blow them and pick them up this week and then hopefully um we'll uh clean the bricks next week um before the event that'll get done um they're also the highway Department's also going to help by lowering the flag pole couple days before Saturday not go in flag but the whole pole over so they can be sanded down and painted and and treated the same because that's steel that's going to be treated the same way as the railing but with white paint instead of black pain um I me I met with the fire department last Wednesday and I'm meeting again this Wednesday with them to tune things up as far as they're concerned they've committed themselves to the painting the back of the building there's a lot of growth on the side of the building yet next to the uh chimney and so forth that I'm hoping we can get cleaned up either this week or early next week There's a couple of holes there that uh Jeff and I know about that need to be filled in and hopefully we can get some fill in there so that it's it we don't present any problems for that uh for then the fire department will be responsible for painting the back of the building because Home Depot people don't go up on ladders as far as their contract so to speak is concerned um it's just a matter of fine-tuning a lot of things the blanford Country Store is going to be providing uh snack uh coffee and Donuts around 10 o'clock in the morning lunch around 12:30 which will be hot dogs potato chips and drinks and then about 2:30 3:00 in the afternoon it'll be some snacks uh available there and hopefully some of the volunteers will help serve that and uh make that happen um that's it any questions at this point oh we have uh signs coming this Friday I'm borrowing the election a frames uh for putting out here going to put a sign up at the uh historical society and uh hopefully we that'll get some more exposure with we had thought about a banner in front of the building but we realized not everybody turns looks when I go by so I'm put it out next to the uh Street will be hopefully more visible and so forth um I know TJ I think you did or somebody did paint the COA sign or the sign you use for COA notices I notic that's Rusty I didn't know whether you were planning on doing something about that and whether you wanted to white paint save for that uh I I don't know what the plan is we had talked about it but all I Margaret has not gotten back to what they want to do with it okay I at this point I can't commit people to doing that yeah but if there's white you know Rustoleum left over yeah um and you know you you know somebody who's particularly interested maintain that sign and they want to sign off the sand off the rust spots and we have't paint left you can use it yeah sand it or wire brush it yeah yeah and and treat it so forth so that's that's available um as time goes on any questions at this point um my only question is uh do we have a plan for thinking um the people that are contributing um what are your thoughts for that definitely I will be sending out letters I hope if you folks are willing to I'll draft letters that you can sign and uh I have lists and addresses of everybody and I think it's I'm oldfashioned in that I think letters are really important not just sending emails people and so I would suggest we do both of them the two weeks from today the Monday after the event and uh Mary's going to take some pictures I hope and I'll be taking some pictures so there'll be some press on Mary gave me a list of dignitaries that I'm going to be inviting I don't know if any of them are going to show up or not but at least they'll get one of these notices and an invitation to say if they want to stop by okay um in the morning if they do show up hand on my paintbrush yeah yeah seriously exactly you know so okay hopefully one or more of you folks will show up and hope you'll show up that Saturday too it's a good chance for you to meet some of the people in town and get to know people sounds good I just can you definitely get me a list of the the names and addresses so that I can make sure those thank yous get sent out yeah oh there no problem yeah any other questions me I don't think so guys good Joan has been super helpful picked her brain a lot and she's H left of it yeah she knows things I don't know that I should know about knowledge yeah she hasn't and Mary Crown home has been super too so absolutely we have people stepping up and making it happen so makes it work right trying to think of another project to give George find one this could be by Swans song I don't know electrical in this building George I don't know do you have any experience with electrical I don't I know how to get things done I don't necessarily know how to do them thank you again for your time thank thank you for everything app it all right oh let me go see if that paperwork came from Sean see if that actually no I do not know what life do this all the time all right Department's highway on down what's what what did I do the warrants there's no warrant today why do I have all that on when we just table that's crazy like I said what's left in my brain now good evening how are you and how was your first week that was last week that was enough that was enough um I actually got a number of things but I just really want to just run by a few of them so that uh and I don't remember if I spoke to you today about this oh you spoke to me today but uh about L&B yep okay good so I won't be saying nothing I didn't already inform you um we do have one problem I don't believe I did we touched Bas on it billing um the Mac was on an accident in an accident less February March something like that um the bill is outstanding they just they they just invoiced it because they were on hold waiting to see insurance payment and stuff they were trying to be nice with us so they just invoiced it the problem is is uh I don't have an account to go against that because that money was brought into the town and it wasn't you know so we did get paid through insurance from what I'm told we got a check from we should have yes Joan you know so that shouldn't be considered a previous year bill because it's an insurance claim is that oh so the invoice is dated in this fiscal year it is this fiscal year because they held open the Arro PR pending any insurance okay arguments or whatever so so we need to find out where the insurance money went yes cuz that's okay it's like uh probably one in the general fund Sarah should be able to it's 9,395 okay so um they were underneath the insurance bid but so I would say just um submit the bill and then um will work with just typically I make sure there's an account there number yeah but for this one just submit it and then we'll work with Sarah to see where it where should go um there wasn't I I don't know if you're aware of it but there was an issue with this company United construction and Forestry which is Schmid equipment John Deere okay um I seen the bills and I flipped out because there was a number of things that didn't Jive so anyways I had long conversation with them over the three uh four bills and they've corrected some issues on it and it is it is correct now but I get a submit warrant for 9,217 it was under John Deere part of the problem there was most of the work was done here on site okay that ain't happening again okay that's way too much money to spend you're spending two $266 a day just for travel wow yeah so it's uh and the other one was tyan Bond there was a diesel spill you get a $3,500 Bill what account do I don't know is that insurance or what B was a diesel fuel that was a while back yeah that was The Spill I think when um the pump wasn't working do you remember at the station and it's it just kept coming out and so they called fire and DP no no there's an there's an overfill issue with the alarm but the alarm's stating that it's overfilled and it's not so they're they're they're actually working on the the glitch with that right now it's a it's a evidently there's a sensor and there's a float well the float's working but not the sensor so okay um so I would submit that one too and then we'll have to figure out where that's coming from I don't think that that was an insurance situation I'm sure it wasn't Ry what's the date on that voice it's this fiscal year okay it is okay yeah yeah I was looking at it is F this fiscal year so I mean and I don't have a problem with it but typically I didn't have situations such as that where I had an account to go to and I didn't know exactly what account should we be doing Building Maintenance yeah um we could do it that way but it'd be really limiting any other further repairs of the state so I'd have to probably come to the board if there was more real soon sure yeah so I'll take that out of building repairs we Building Maintenance that pump is pretty much there um Old Chester Road we made a lot of Headway here um Dave Stokes was in the office with Christina and me and he's uh authorized us to chuse chapter 90 under emergency which means we don't have to go out to bed okay right um the issue with that is we have to use pre-qualified contractors and I've already contacted a few one of them is a high recommendation of the state they're going to be here Tuesday to walk the whole line with me um but that being said I want to add another thing here n Brook I need to allow I need to ask the board to allow me to declare n Brook an emergency repair it's not going to be going through the state mhm but if we don't do some the next serious rainfall going to lose the road okay um there's a major covert right at the very first incline uh evidently it was repaired a couple months ago but they didn't see further into it okay now it's washed out about 15 to 18 feet in the road going down it's undermined uh the other side wanted a big problems is it probably stemmed not just from a lot of rain but the guard rail that was put in put the post right through the cobbert now if we didn't have yeah if uh with the guard rails in Massachusetts here they're pretty strict about they only allow a few companies that do in the state um but the thing is is if they put that guard rail there and we did not or we can't prove that we marked the the culfor then the liability is on us okay um just like if we're going to do this I'm GNA pull this C gr all right and what we normally do is when you put a culvert in you get a couple like 10 foot 2x4s and you put one on each side fill it in and when they come with the guard rail if they poke through that they're liable on the whole deal yeah okay so I'm going to have to do that probably in two stages um I'm going to have the repair and it's definitely going to be under 50,000 for to Culver so we don't have to go out to bid but I do need three quotes I got two now um so it's around 10 11,000 total except for the guardrail that usually goes 25 to 35 dollars per foot um so we're going to we're going to probably look at another 10 12 grand for the guard rail and are you thinking chapter 90 money for this as well as that why no I was actually thinking about that's why I said go back to the other one what I would like to see if it's agreeable is we submit the emergency repair for um Old Chester because of the transite pipe and everything and I just walked it with u Brad so we know the the old Valves and everything what I would like to do is put a minimal amount in on that for the chapter 90 so that we get the emergency repair but get the the balance from fair share so that we aren't using chapter 90 on that road so we maintain that to do paid roads and other more populous roads you know okay um but that being said if there is enough I'd like to see that uh n Brook also comes out at the fair share it's supposed to be for just road work you can't use it for equipment or anything and I think that's going to really still allow you to give a nice couple projects out of the chapter 90 okay so and that would be you know uh I don't expect you'd approve this until we get some solid dollar figures okay um but we're probably looking at around 100 to 115,000 Old Chester Road because we're going to there's two three culs in there that are old metal ones but while we're doing this road we're going to replace them so there not a yeah problem with the road having to be ripped up because of it um the water line itself I tried there's a to see if I could work that in there no no no because of it being transite um that would have to be a whole different program because D States you know if you have a break well you're contamin the entire system but if you're going to replace one you have to have a project request and even just for de they just they're just not going to go yeah go ahead and fix the waterline yeah um and then you have all kinds of sanitizing and everything else so that being said and um so do you need us to declare something for n Brook I need you to accept my Declaration of night Brook being an emergency okay because I think if we have one heavy if we have one heavy rainstorm it's going to collapse yeah and you can't use all state it's unpassable I mean I want to look at that again but for now uh we got to have that done the other thing about it is covert so deep even our JCB can't reach down and do a good job I can't do it so I'm going to have to have an excavator there so I'd make a motion to accept um our Highway yeah our Highway superintendent Declaration of emergency uh for nber sh any discussion all in favor thank you um couple things uh I'm going to be calling around and seeing which company can get as fast uh I want to get some line painting in here we have it in the budget okay okay so that no I'm talking to myself okay um so I'm not going to ask to shift any money around we have it in the budget to turn run and do that where are you thinking needs to get just about every main paid off be done yeah it'll be through County bid and I think it's Point 045 right now per foot so okay U I didn't I didn't count Cal at it out but it's going to probably be 17 to 21,000 somewhere there it depends on what you want if you're can have four lines for the fog lines or two lines or whatever U that will be determined within the next day or two because I really don't see the sense of putting four lines on like say Wyman yeah you know I mean somebody's going off there they're going into somebody's living room so yeah um that being said I think that's pretty much about that the other things is equipment um oh yeah well heren russellin and and Old Chester uh the guys just they did a great job they uh they unplugged like seven culs nice that I went by and I looked in and I was and they're not old yeah but I guess through all these rains in the leaves everything they got plugged up so they got all the inlets open they're going through so they saved that um guys did a great job really did I was pretty impressed because I don't think I could ever work that fast even when I was younger can you tell me where you're doing the line painting please and just that part uh actually I'm going to be going to find out on the pricing of everything but I'm going to be trying to use it on every major paved Road like say North uh brussell stage North blanford there'll be four lines be some other stre like South Street we usually just do the single lines center lines and stuff so um and I got to get on the pricing because I'm going by what I was just told because the bid I I couldn't I couldn't copy the printer isn't working so I could copy it from my phone and I only had tiny little print so I'm not reading it but it's I'm pretty sure it's less than a half a cent per fo so um and but it sounds cheap but if you have you know 300,000 feet you know it adds up yeah are we anywhere with um hting the their sessions uh I know that hasn't been top priority for you this week I actually I written up couple ads I would like to run through Christina um but I've been actively talking to some other towns because most of the time this time of year you got to steal help yeah and he could help us not walking around okay but uh yeah so actually Brad told me to stay away from his guys chipper did too too stay away from chipper chipper turns around and said okay rainy I know your tactics don't even come I just wanted to say hi um I got a question CBO Mountain was full of Pooles yeah have we are we going to take care of that before fall well that's the next thing here we have a with Schoolhouse too you know yeah Western Source yeah well goes from NY Brook back up to Russell right uh ever Source complained that they can't get their truck in there to service the lines that are down there so that's our road we need to look at it I don't know what we got I just went there today so can you that's one reason why we're declaring I Brook is because that's really not passable right now but I know I know that but I just meant have we looked at anything to do with it in the future I mean not tomorrow yes but honestly you're you're correct it it definitely a need however um there seems to be an issue with the property owner at the end okay I don't know I was just told this so I haven't had a chance to research any of that yet I personally talk to the one he was talking about and there's no problem well he doesn't he doesn't own it it's well first of all I said he doesn't own the road absolutely and we have right away on each side of the road okay so yeah but honestly I Jeff I just haven't had chance to look into that situation just putting it on your list oh it's on there okay it's on there cuz people ask me about it I'm like I'll find out and then well to me it's it's just like a waterline one of the best things you can have for a waterline is an alternative if you have a brake you need a circle around it okay um streets if you have a break night BR right now I have no way of getting emergency vehicles in there okay so rather than have a plate sitting down there all the time uh waiting to go over a Break um I definitely am going to be addressing it but again like Old Chester Road that's the high priority NY Brook's a high priority and then and as far as cabble Mountain cabble Mountain Birch there's a couple bad ones up there not were a person complain but there's a couple bad ones um and what we were doing is the hot box wasn't in the yard so I got it back to the yard and we are going to be using it next week okay Huntington but uh and it I don't have a problem with sharing but if they're not using it it comes back to the yard so that if tomorrow morning we want to we got it I'm not chasing it so that's it's back there um we checked it out everything's good and it is on the agenda for next Tuesday we're going to start doing cabble and three or four others that are there's a number of them there was one that I just hit and I couldn't believe that was on it I've been around so much um starting to look anyway um there's a there's an oh yeah it was a Russell Stage Road right right past the EST turns there's two little holes on the uphill but if you hit it it jars your teeth out you know and I said well boy so that's the other issue yes we are going to be doing that um I was just trying to get a hold of this and making sure that we can pretty much plug our fingers in the Dyke on the other ones until we get them going way to go um the other thing is we have an mower so they say um it is really the most dangerous mower I've seen um I'm not going to beat the ground in here but if the board wants those guys to operate it I'm going to tell you it's against my best judgment I think it's dangerous yeah and you're talking the one that goes over the rail yeah they don't have their license to run it anyways but it's a it's rear mount and it's on license on it no no I'm saying but it's I know it was never right to start with no it's a rear mount yeah and it's not on the proper equipment because that tractor I know was not spec for that I know I spec it so I also now huh what did we do to the well I went to Kabota they said it should have never been so I'm going to be going to tiger and having a conversation with them okay because I think they sold him a bill of goods and you know these vendors you know their salesman are pretty good yeah but they're also supposed to be looking at the customer's best interest so I'm going to be having a conversation with them and say well listen if you want and we pursue this are you going to want to go against Kabota because Kabota Ben over there already told me I already said that should not be on that equipment okay um personally I would just be happy if they buy it back okay um the tires and the rims are excessive but you're going to wear them out just like regular tires anyway so and but that unit there because I did research something else uh wash Worthington and Chesterfield split um one of the mowers and over the Gil mower nice unit um expensive but they planned for it for a year or two and they went in together now they're having arguments because each one wants it at the same time but I think it's something the town should plan on because the type of situation is the states using them and they're forward mounts and they put them on your Mo your loader they get the height they get the reach and they're safe they're right in front of the operator and they have two situations one they have their own power plant which I mean engine that drives it so it's just an attachment or the other one controls the uh goes to the electronics and the Hydraulics but the electronic and hydraulics really won't be compatible with John Deere it's only with caterpillar you're talking about $150,000 for the unit and the Flail Mower okay but it's something that I think the town should really consider CU you can really use it any time of year even in Winter if you don't have a storm or something you can be go trimming on the roads and everything the high branches or whatever um it's really most all the time are going to those because they are so versatile and it's a separate piece of equipment that you can just put aside and still operate your loader you know it's are our guys thinking um of getting licenses for that it would you get the 4D GS and and they were talking to me and I said quote I understand your hes you being hesitant to operate that mower I don't really want to see you in that M unless the board overrules me I said no I understand understand that because I'll tell you right now I wouldn't operate it number one you're trying to operate this thing behind you in a mirror or turning and the seat doesn't turn and all the all the units that have those they turn the seat like 45 so you can but you're you're breaking your neck you're it's dangerous you're not looking forward while you're driving I don't you know so these are something else and they said wow I said that doesn't mean you're getting one this year but I turned around and said I think it would behoove you to get your license period yeah um I will say that I spoken with them separately before any of this and they're not opposed to getting their forg they will get it they didn't want to get it because at at the time because they didn't want to drive the setup the way that it was yeah and if they they knew that if they had gotten their 4G uh they would have been told they should have come to us if they had a problem that's that's well technically they they're supposed to go to chain of command so I don't know what transpired beforehand they did come with concerns about theor the state has a uh deal with their used equipment like uh they are used over the real stuff I was online looking at it yeah but that's uh if you want to spend the money for refurbish and to be honest you're spending for a refurbish you're spending about 85% of a brand new one oh really and you don't have any warranty on the refurbish yeah so I I did know about that I looked at it and I even talked to uh manigan it's j JC manig again they're out in the west eastern part of the state they're probably the biggest uh equipment providers for the state in Massachusetts uh and this uh guy I was trying to get a hold of Kyle then I found out Kyle passed away was not good but I spoke to John out there and uh he said yeah we have some refurbish he goes but rainy if the town wants to make an investment that kind of money you're investing in something you got no guarantee on from day one because it's a refurbished unit so you think looking at sharing something might be an option it's possible but to be honest I think it would be better if you projected the budget for a year or two and maybe look at leasing or hiring out you can probably lease one but it's not going to be cheap it's going to be probably 30 40,000 a year you hire it out you're going to spend that too but it may give you a year or two to turn around and put it into a capital investment plan um but I I really think if you really want to keep control on the roads and everything and the trees and everything um one of those is going to fit the build like you would believe because again Old Chester Road one of the biggest problems on that tree canity it's terrible and the sides are terrible you can go down there with overgard more but you're still not going get that height and you're not going to get that width the other reason oh by the way the other reason I about that tiger was I went and stood on one side of it when it was mounted and I was tipping the tractor and that wasn't even with the arm extended and there's no wheel weights on it right no he's got filled tires but if you fill the same tires from this side and this side it's the same problem that's right you're supposed to just fill the outboard inboard side but anyway so I think if I I can get a better plan and better um cost factors and everything else as far as doing that but I think that the investment for the town because I won't be here but the investment of the town would be smarter to look along those lines because if you have that you're you're operating safe much more safe you're operating um much better you're having more availability reach and everything and if the problem has a problem the unit has a problem put in a truck and take it down to the manufacturer you're not deadling equipment can you leas one to just fit our loader and save for like six months or three months or I'm looking into that the guy I was talking to um he's the service manager and the sales manager and they have a leasing because they do so many different pieces of equipment he said to be honest I don't know what he's got out there I'll find out so I'm I'm going to get a call thr out an IDE yeah no I honestly if we could do that for two years reasonably put some Capital Money ahead to get something at Le well that's actually what I was thinking about was you know if we do go leas one I don't know like um All State Rentals or USA rentals I've never seen them there so I'm going probably not going to find one unless it's through Madigan or one of their Associates there so um the last thing the 350 um needs a lot of work uh I don't know why but it was sent out and had the rear brakes but not the fronts it had pads put on it but the rotors are junk um it had front hubs put on um I'm not sure they're working right so I got to check them out and and speak with that uh a company um United constru no not yeah United construction um and there's a clue or Q that's it Q also yeah they did some work on it too but there's like peace meal stuff um the front end it needs a I know it needs a new transverse rod and I know there's a Ford update on that um it needs shocks all the way around um there's someone is still under warranty no no okay sorry with me I would jump on there um the driver's seat I don't know how but it's broke in the base so you want to kind of fall out of a truck as soon as you open the door oh god um that um the passenger door handle's been broke for I guess sometime because I seen it broke year and a half ago okay um tailgate is pretty mellow pretty much junk um rear bumper is pretty much junk and the rear hitch is pretty much junk and I'm saying that because it is I'm not saying it just to M so the situation there was I looked at this and I'm going you know when we started it was back when Josh was here we started putting a plan together and it was like we had to tan them and then I speced a single axle and then we got replaced the 550 dump the other 550 wasn't supposed to be a dump it was supposed to be like the other flatbed that we had or a small dump with drop sides so that you could work off the edges of it because I looked at it this way if you have two 550 loads you're going to go get the single axle Mac I mean you're not going to be jumping back and forth when you can do it one load so that being said um I really don't want to put a lot of money into this truck if we change it over and what I'd like to see is if even if I do it within budget if it's okay I'd like to put a aluminum flatbed dump body on it that way there we can put a slightly bigger sander on it so it I mean this the sander is okay for it but it can do the parking lot here and then you got to go fill and you can do the transfer station then you got to fill okay uh you could do it'd be smaller than the 550 sander it would only be like a one and 38 yard so it's but it's going to be like three times the size of the one it's can carry right now okay uh but it's much more versatility much more versatility with it plus with the removable they have aluminum steak steak sides on it that you just take out but when you're working around equipment and everything else um it's really a lot of pain in the butt to turn around throw shovels and rakes and everything in a 550 you got to climb up in there to get them out to turn around do ditch work this would be very advantageous to the work everybody's okay um I was looking at it and you know we're we'd be looking at around 12,000 for the body and and hydraulics um but that would basically and and that's the other thing too I forgot to mention Springtime summer and fall we got equipment out we used to have a fuel cell tank back on the 550 flatbed you can't be throwing it in the dump we can't do that because we'll be punching through the what they call the Hardwick floor plates and and you avoid warranty out of that but the whole thing there is that would be normally carrying the fuel cell so we can fuel the graders and everything else equipment on site instead of coming back driving them back or carrying 5 gallon buckets M and we have the fuel cell and everything else already and it's all set up for that so so you can put it on the other you could put it on that flatbed without a doubt you know okay so that's one thing I would like to I mean I'll get some fine prices but I already priced out between three three people locally CU I don't I don't want to buy a body from Ohio and you get no cooperation but it was like B body or act got me prices already and they're right at that dollar amount but that's what I would like to do with that truck so otherwise I'm going to be fixing the the bed the tailgate and all that and seems like it makes more sense no what about the running gear on that truck are that's not included in that price that's just the dump flatbed that's the flatbed the Hydraulics yeah and any of the accessories that would go like if you wanted uh like a foot side rail instead of six what I'm talking about is like the front end no that that would that would be that would be underneath the maintenance yeah okay that would be under maintenance because the other thing was is uh the transmission uh the guys have thought about they think there's a problem with it to be honest I don't think so but it's due to turn around and get a full Transmission Service which they pressurize the system flush the whole thing change the filter and check the electronics because those are all the solenoids and all of those are all electronic and they're within so it's really due to be serviced anyway and I believe it's not a problem that the other parts like the the uh front end the transverse rod and stuff shocks that's basically maintenance you know okay the only that's not normal maintenance is a broken door handle and a broken seat I think Mary's a question oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Randy what truck is this we're talking about number nine the F350 pickup 350 pickup thank you now to go back to juster road we talked about this earlier and there there's a possible house going up the property was sold and we talked about they're going to have to put in a cover and all that and when you mentioned the water line struck a court because they're going to be want wanting to be on town water so when we have this work done should the water department have in place a water shut off off that main line well this is this is one thing I was probably going to bring up next week because um I don't know what's going on there's I don't find a record of them applying for a driveway permit either and there's a driveway cut in and it's they're buing half the ditch um I'm told they didn't apply for a building permit yet but they their their names are monies something like that I don't know I I the guy turned around said I think their name is monies but so uh so they need to get a permit well yeah and they already cut the road in or the driveway in and they I don't see no papor okay um Rie I signed you up I sent you an email you um I got him on permanized him and U Mr gates from the Conservation Commission so that you can see all the permits that are out there so you log in I sent it all to you well actually Joanne did it for me so that's like one more thing thanks guys no I mean honestly it'll say running around check you know but to his point there I I looked everywhere um I do not believe a permit was ever pulled for the work that they've begun there so do we have contact information for them and I don't even know who they are Dave had said in the past that he he talk to them and had conversations with them that's that's great but I there must be we must put what not a lean but some sort of a hold on you put like a a what is it called um cease and assist almost like you stop until you get your permits okay well the the other thing too is uh I mean that's what I was going to get to is um we talked about this years ago um what I don't understand is why is there not a form that says you get a build permit once you get a driveway cut permit first yeah why let them have a building permit if they haven't got a cut and they we know they got a building permit from I don't I don't know they do' gotten any but I don't but what I'm trying to say is you you have to have like a list here in a chronological order so that when they come to get a CO they don't turn around and go why well you should have did this I thought we had one when I was on the plan board we did have one in order it it's online it is yeah I believe so I think when you log into periz you'll see the so three years you're retiring look at this what happen um so is that a cheap Duo thing I I I don't want to say for sure if they don't I know they don't have a driveway permit Culvert none of that I know I know that um I don't want to say for sure they don't have building I looked through permanized I didn't see anything okay uh but I'd rather double before I'm showing up if they do have one then we should have contact through that if they do have one we would have contact information and even if they do have one they still need the permit for the driveway cut and all that yes has anybody talk to Jason yeah that's what I'm thinking I I talked to Jason the other day and he said you would check on it and play it back to me okay you haven't heard from I haven't heard from but again he's this was like in passing you know um the other thing that I wanted to point out though was that road um because of being transite pipe um we have to be very careful on how we do things and everything here um Brad was really good came with me tonight and we walked the road and he told me everything he knows about it the good news is the driveway permit that's required is on the opposite side of the road okay of where the water line is the bad news is is that if they don't do it right away I'm going to have to cut the road l to do that the second part of it is it's not going to be that bad because 90% of it is going to be uh inch and a half uh Mass approved dense grade okay so it's not that big of a deal but that's something we rather do it first yeah okay I'd like to at least find out and see if um I can get with Gordy and maybe maybe make a standoff tap for it you know okay um we've checked for the waterline shut offs and everything uh there's a couple I'm not even going to mess with them because they have not been worked for like 25 years and we'll probably bright them so there's the main one on each end I know where they are so we're going to if there is an issue I can shut the road down and not show shut the whole town down um but that being said that road is going to be a rather fast thing but it's going to be kind of crazy um the very front very top part and the very lower lower part I'm going to be trying to put millings in because there already is millings and it's staying pretty good the middle part unless we're Paving it this is the only way to get some good base and we got to cover the waterline even more we have to have more coverage there are a couple covers that I'm going to have replac cuz they're all steel ones okay and then there's a couple plastic ones that look like they're real recent but they're only like 8 to 10 Ines of cover and I can't plastic you got to have okay at least half of their diameter above them okay or it'll raise up then what I would like to do is if the board would allow we have I've seen close the road for maintenance MH um so therefore you're not plowing so therefore emergency vehicles are not driving through there and the state police don't have to get up to the power lines anymore because they're all done up in that area what I would like to consider would be closing the road officially for the winter in other words barrier put barriers up because you're going to get this road put in there and this is not like we did in the beginning of the summer or early in the year this is going to have to still be settling it's going to be compacted but we can't go crazy on it because of the transite PIP you can't put that kind of vibration on it so can we close it with the people building in there though if they don't have a building permit existed yes if they do no all right so let's wait on that I know the meil truck uses it every day too but not in the winter no yeah no and that's in the winter is what I would like because you're going to get hot and cold spells and then you get Frost Eaves and everything else and that's what's going to break up that road if somebody's driving over it or equipment's going through there and it's you know getting soft and unless you're going to be checking the road every day to see the how the density is uh it really ruins a road fast especially those type roads and it would be only for this one time because once it's in there for a season it'll settle it'll be pretty good shape so let's see where we're at with the permit and if we can then we can vote on that maybe at the next meeting if we have that information and I'll verify with the state too because if we're using any chapter 90 I want to make sure the state says you shouldn't close it uh if okay mostly likely Dave's going to say whatever you think about it rainy because we worked together for many years so okay but that's it that's all I'm done with thank you you've been I know you've been hard at work I I'd like to make a look that we jump to new business for a minute hold on where we at huh new business we're way up here okay you want jump down business Mario yeah okay all right uh second all in favor wait a minute we were talk to this guy or interview well I I just want let's talk about all right talk about it because wait hold on we didn't vote I I what are we voting voting on to move from Highway down to unfinished or new business what do you got all right uh I got a a call today and uh Mario just got three endorsements I don't know what they are but uh he P he four tests today and he passed three of them and uh I know earlier he was hoping to get uh okay a chance at the highway department fulltime so I just wanted you to be aware that Mario is going to be probably approaching you already has or Gordon oh he already has Gordy too so if you decide that he's someone you want to bring before the board for uh I I also discussed it with the guys because they worked with him and I I kind of interviewed him was informal but I mean he's already on the payroll with the water department um the other issues that I had to address was you have a union mhm okay um you would not be able to bring him in under the union and keep his rate okay and he said to be honest if I have to come down to that rate either I stay with the water or I'll find another job because he's you know and I understand so anyways what the conversation was was Gordy come up to me and wanted to know if if I would consider having him come to the highway department for the winter months my answer was if he works out and I think he's going to work out and we can get the the logistics done as far as transferring them from water to to the highway without going into the Union stuff I don't want them part-time I'll want them full-time because I don't want somebody coming in there working for a little bit and then taking off and going there if we want to do that we'll hire parttime help yeah but and we need permanent help yeah right so he's already got a rapport with the guys M he's he's working on the licensing deal um I spoke to him I think he's a pretty good fit okay um I a going say nothing um I think he is the guys think he is the only thing is is he would not be able to voluntarily join the union it's not a close shot so he doesn't have to so he doesn't have to join the union he does not have to so so that his would his wages be different then his wages would be definitely different that's interesting that opens up a big can of work yeah I wanted to bring the thing would be is you're he doesn't have to join the union and cont yeah so then we need to think about well I'm just gonna say um we haven't even signed in David walren was never in the union and he worked here for a year and a half before he took over so but you can ask Roger it's not a they cannot force you to join a I just don't know what we would do about wages in that case because I mean well the situation I was going to suggest is um you slide him over he's going to have a probationary period anyway um he's going to be working for his licenses and then if it's all working out that he has sufficient licenses is to slide back have him join your union he have to volunteer for this yeah but it would be a way of sliding him over getting him in he's getting more experience with the Department he's getting his licenses and then if he gets enough to where he's qualified for the right Union wage then he can join it on his own um but I just don't want to create any you know between the guys and he wouldn't be getting more than what the guys are do oh no he you know he would definitely I get more first of all he doesn't have enough licensing to even get close to that okay um but that would be and I talked to him and I said you know this is your choice if if it's all right to do this this is going to be your choice so if you join the union you're going to lose money right off the get-go but later on my suggestion is if you want to go with an even flow and get a guaranteed you go to the union but again you can't make him join a union and yeah okay and uh I I tell you this I asked Roger myself a number of times because Roger turned around and said something to me one time and I said Roger you can't do that and he goes why I says you don't have a closed shop here you cannot force them to join yeah and he went no you're right okay I I just didn't know if you're aware of that or not yeah there's been a lot of that going on too all right yes do they have to pay an agency fee regardless of whether they join no no no no teachers do I have state no the that Union is U it's really not that strong so much M it's uh that Union is especially like in the smaller municipalities um they don't force any of the issues if they had it I don't think they've ever enforced it because they don't really have enough membership you know most towns if they had that Union you're having like four or five employees yeah I think the most they ever had here was four so where are we at then with this because obviously Winter's coming so if he wants to recommend for next meeting we can take a vote for a higher next weekend next meeting and I I would like just a couple more days to work get everything out and double check everything okay we were in conversations I mean I mean um to votee to hire um I was having conversations with um Gordy and then um Mario and Roger and I'm trying to put make sure that Gordon knows that this isn't like he's not getting Mario back oh it was I adamantly said if I'm gonna go through this to try to get him in here and he gets in here you're not getting it back find somebody else all right I just want to make that clear from the beginning for whenever you guys do vote on this okay so that there's no double backing well he went to highway but he was supposed to come back to water and and actually gardy was quite well with it because I said you know it's like this if you really want him and you want him to then fight for him and find some way to keep him right but if you're not then if he's going to be advantageous to the highway department I want to put some effort into keeping at the highway department right so I think one of the things they'll definitely need to know would be how like what is that L like what is that lateral move the lateral move but the price the his his wage right right now I believe I don't know the exact pennies I don't know the pennies but it's somewhere at 20 okay whereas if he joined the union it' be at like 16 yeah okay and he's already been working with the water department at that um and I've asked a few other people and they said yeah he seems to be busy all the time okay all right okay so that is it thank you rainy app than you rainy I move back to go to the found administrator okay you made Joanne mad you got out of water I wasn't sure why we were jumping around and I guess it's because he wanted to leave I'm trying to confuse I'm easily confused that look on my face go man I didn't suggest that he did oh him excuse me all right we're gonna go back to administrator on man what do you have for us Christina um I have recently well not marget would like to be the chair of the Ada and I told her you have our blessing you are the chair okay um there is no Mary please correct me if I'm wrong there is no official thing that she needs to do to become she's already on the board right so she doesn't need to be like sworn in as chair no okay okay so marget is the chair of the Ada now okay um see what else do we have that uh I already said this but I up we had updated the perit eyes to include the highway superintendent and the Conservation Commission so that they can have access to see what's going on there um I'm still waiting to hear back from Elm electric they did uh take all of our paperwork all the documentation that I had and they had it they reviewed it during their meeting last week she did reply to me and say that we're still going over it and we'll get back to you so I've still been in touch with them okay uh the issue on the issue on NY Brook with that one person who keeps putting the stuff out on the curve I did speak with Chief dubiel I did speak with uh the Board of Health I guess happens sort of a lot yeah that's sounds like and from what I understand people do come to this pile and take what they want from it but Board of Health and the police department really only let this go on for a couple of days before they speak with the owner and we they get it handled basically so it's not sitting out there for days on end yes yeah um no I was just down there and there's nothing but junk there I know and uh I know you know it's their property and that it's not it's not it's the tree belt so it's Town property it's Town property so uh can we have the lawyer send them a letter that they have to keep it on their own proper well here's the problem though like do we have a bylaw that talks to that like maybe that's what we need to like look into because we I don't think we can legally do anything I mean I could be wrong unless we have something to well it'ser we could take possession of the items that are on Town property but do we want to pay for the disposal of that I think right exactly yeah um because then we're starting what you put your stuff on the tree it's both pick up at that point is what I mean everybody does it at one time or another you know they got something good that you know they think someone else will use that that's fine and dandy but I mean no this is just a pile of trash I yeah this is this is junk yeah and if it's there it we should have some kind of bylaw or something that says you know three four days you got to get it out of there yeah no I agree I don't disagree I was just saying what I had followed up in regards to the email CU I didn't know that this was I thought this was a one time thing apparently they do this no it's continuing do I get to speak yes of course I'm the one who sent the email you're welcome to come down this isn't a one time thing I I no no no I know and you know I hate to be a complaining resident but we live there and I'm her butter and it's been nothing but problem since she moved in four years ago I've heard yes I follow up on it when I saw I asked around you know she's had stuff there you know there's been some broken chairs there at atire since May under our street sign and nobody wants them they were broken so you're saying it actually when this has happened in the past stuff has been allowed to sit out there yeah for extended okay because that was not the impr and you know you would think I mean her daughter fied all of this stuff out and I sent you the picture Friday yeah on Friday with a quad from their garage and everybody everybody was going down the road I mean I got phone calls about it and it's junk I mean everybody saw it it's pure junk and it's sit it's still sitting there tonight and you know I think when did it get there Friday well that this this batch went out there Friday afternoon around 1 o' how often what you say like well there's been stuff sitting there since May so she had a big I sent it in May yeah I don't know the date of the email but she had an old swing set she had a shopping cart and all kinds of other juns um and then I wasn't aware of that I apologize yeah no no no it's fine um I probably didn't copy you on that one I wasn't working here then but the broken chairs were clearly broken an old Tire of some sort nobody ever picked them up because want and they've been sitting there and you know I don't care if it's just two chairs and a broken you know and a tire it's trash what number the tires are great for I'm sorry no one you water gets into mosquitoes are around the time Stu you know and and this is like I said this has been going on too long since she moved in it's always something and you know yes we are her butter and you know then there's the dog issue and you know I know these are two separate problems but we live there and it's just become awful MH I mean I also going to address the dog thing too I mean they were barking when I left they come up here so so I have updated the fee schedule for barking noise dog situation um the first offense will now be a $50 fine second offense 150 third offense 300 there wasn't a fine before so now we can go ahead and fine for the complaints okay which is good so at least that gives us some leverage to you know I I appreciate that I mean and I know it goes for the whole town but about the roosters that grow every day that would be a different yeah this is under dog control but we have to approve this for tonight yeah but I mean I'm not the only one who hears her dogs Pam R out has complained about them Ed in the little house has complained about them I hear him up at my farmhouse up on the hill I mean everybody hears them and it's not you know look I have three dogs when the UPS guy comes they bark and we immediately shut them off we don't let them bark these scks they just go on one of them's a great Daye and you ought to hear it yeah I mean I sent you the audio file for my kitchen but that didn't even do it justice I mean that's in my house yeah um you know so it's this woman has just not been a good neighbor yeah and uh clearly she doesn't care and you know the trash we nobody should have to look at that it's embarrassing yeah yeah I agree and it's right on the Main Street it's right at the end of your road yeah yes and everybody who goes by sees it I mean what are they think so we don't have an illegal dumping bylaw I don't know do you know of anything Mary I'm sorry a legal dumping bylaw we must have something um because we just had that issue with the tires and J yeah um I'll look it up yeah we must have something I I'm interest I'll be interested to hear what bord help says when Jason um when they get back to you as well as building inspector do we I sent it to Jason I mean he's been there before when she first moved in she brought all kinds of unregistered vehicles that would park right there and I'm like and Jason Jason went and you know she did get rid of a few of them but yeah other things seem to accumulate piling now are the cows gone oh you said no they are oh yeah no yeah g and there was a horse trailer there this morning and it was not a didn't have a state plate on it um I know Jen told me when I talked to her on Friday that they were working on getting rid of the rest of the horses I know she's renting a pasture to I think it's a guy from Russell and there's a skinny horse in a pasture but I think there were a couple horses still left in her barn but there was a trailer there this morning I didn't you know I just drove by I didn't stay there to see what was happening [Music] but you know we used to have a blend for uh beautification mhm committee and they used to go around and inspect or judge different houses they need to go there Mary you you got you got a I don't know a commendation or a prize and or a frown there there were consequences if you had a messy front yard so maybe you could bring that back I all for that I'd be all for that so I think the first we have to do is get and like you've already reached out to Board of Health let's get Board of Health and building inspector um to get out there and take a look at it um I'm not sure if we can get them a fine for the dumping but we might be able to if we do a little research into the bylaws and see there's probably a Mass General law yeah I will look into it but in the meantime we can once we vote this into effect start the finding for the dogs yes well actually I spoken to Mary I don't know it's something that we need to vote right we can just post we Fe schedule for the new Fe schedule we don't need to vote it it's just is you are the appointing authority for the police department so you do have to say we're instituting fees so I would motion to update the fee schedule for the dog um bylaw nuisance um as as written is there a second any discussion all in favor I I okay so we can at least start moving forward and in the trash I mean I'm sure you saw in my email you know she does these storage locker cleanouts I could never figure out for years every time I go by her house and I if the garage is open it's a two-car garage you can't move in it they can't even walk in it now it makes sense yeah yeah and then you know the junk goes out on n road yeah I mean she just can't do this yeah well she's doing that Technically she's trying to run a business out of there some of that stuff right I'm just you know I don't think she's boarding animals does she have a license for that I know you have to have a border I I don't know anything you know I know she's got a bunch of dogs I hear them and I know there's at least three that I'm POS POS somebody said she gets rescue dogs that's what those are a lot and I'm just they could be I mean I don't know that last week I don't know that I know she's got a huge great dane that is able to jump over her fences so she beautified it by putting another fence on top of a fence yeah yeah but there's a cage in the backyard and I'm wondering if he goes in the cage and maybe that's why he's barking yeah well one spk too and you know they're little but [Music] um you know n road is a very nice road yeah you all know that but um she has ruined the corner yeah she really has okay should Carrington be visiting that place yeah that would be a good one too get the animal inspector oh Jessica yeah yeah that's a good point Jo okay um so we'll do what we can to you know get some finds and hopefully that will encourage better Behavior yeah well appreciate your help thanks um just know that we are getting and reading things and I know Christin's been in touch with you stu so app thanks a good on all right um we have is this just an this is just an FYI to let us know that it's moving forward okay um and then the new social media policy do you need us we so Christina updated the social media policy did you guys um get a chance to take a look at it oh I don't think I gave it to oh I don't have it did I I don't have it I think I only handed it to you I'm sorry you make cop um do you do you need this yeah I think so we can take a look at it and we'll put it on the agenda for next week to um to approve sure um then we just have to talk about how we're going to get it out to employees and get signed um next week so take this home copy and then next week we'll vote on it um other things I don't know if there was anything else you said you got got the water um stuff in today for the loan oh yes uh not the loan the the grant the grant sorry so yeah actually thank you cara I do want to talk about that I I think I tried to erase it from my brain because of how arduous it truly was uh the shared Water Services grant that we got from the state uh through the enr grant the reporting was due today last month I reached out to our accounting firm please send me everything that you have up until this point invoices warrants payroll so that I can start the budget spreadsheet to do the reporting on this grant that was oh last month they never sent me anything I reached out to them again they sent me a statement of a a condition of accounts which if you've ever seen that it's just one piece of paper condition of accounts has account number money a bunch of numbers it's no invoices no vendors no dates no number nothing so then they replied and said well we sent you the condition of accounts I said I understand that I said but I need actual invoices dates vendor names you know the state wants to know what this money was spent on I then got a reply last week well I had surgery on my hand I said I understand that you had surgery on your hand but I still need this information in order for me to they send me what they claim was everything they sent it to me either Friday night or Saturday sometime over the weekend I looked at it this morning and it was only everything up until fiscal year 24 but there's we're in September now and the grant closed on the 5th so there was money expended from the first of the fiscal year so I replied again and I said this is only up till fiscal year 24 as I have stated in my previous emails I need everything that was I was basically told not basically I was told well that's all in Vadar you should be able to find it yourself I've also gone back and forth with them because they haven't provided training in Vadar for us they they know that I can't find it myself so I said how do you propose I find it myself when you know that I haven't been I haven't received the appropriate training in Vadar nobody's been no response until it was 3:45 and Sean Griffith from Piner sent me a file of what has been expended from that account now it's 3:45 the day that the grant report is due up until to that point I had written The Narrative of a project that I had no involvement in or wouldn't even know but I spoke with IRA and he said that it was good to that everything I had written in there was fine point being I had to basically submit what Chester had given us because what our accountants have given us uh was not sufficient if I had submitted what our accountant had given us it would look like we still had $113,000 in this grant account and we don't and they would want that money back um there there was no way for me to reconcile right at 3:45 everything that they had sent from fiscal year 23 24 25 compared to what Chester had it just wasn't possible so I submitted the report that Chester had now when I say the report that Chester had it had what blenford expended as well so it it's it's it's both of it but what Chester had submitted look makes it look like there's about 1,800 left in that Grant it I will work on figuring that out if that is true but if it is and if we can't prove it's not we would owe that money back wouldn't they allow have correct okay so900 but I would like to figure out that that's not the case because they think Chester at least sat here and said but they they've expended everything right so I do have a phone call with Sean clan on Wednesday um I'm hoping to get to the bottom of it but long story short I did the narrative I've submitted all of the invoices everything that was available to me but moving forward I I'm just not getting any real response or cooperation from kiner and I reached out to our auditor to see because I don't want to maybe my expectations are too high right like I don't know what I should be expecting from them and I spoke to our auditor who seems to have a good relationship with them and he was like no you're you're absolutely right they should be providing you this information and they're not and every time I ask a question I met with like figure it out yourself now does Karen have the information that you need or would she I did also ask Karen for invoicing but I mean that I think what our office town clerk office is having major problems with V with um kiner as well over the new accounting uh designations and I'm sure I know Doris has spoken with you already okay so it's not just it's not just one area I wasal go ahead Jo also um they've not they're not sending the expenditure report and when she asked about it they said well they're supposed to be keeping track of that and she said did you tell anybody that okay so I was just looking their contract we just I think we just resigned with them their conference up until June but it sounds like they're starting to just like really slack with Eric at all um the Eric is the one who has sort of resp replied to me a few times so maybe we need to invite Eric to nice a select board meeting um if you want to pay him $750 because it says in his contract that any day that he comes to the office it's an automatic $750 and you cannot request his presence more than six times a year can we zoom them do we think is that still it's only 550 well we have to do something to to hold them accountable no pun right so I just at this point I'm not looking for any drastic measures I just wanted to have the board know and obviously it's other departments that are feeling the same way that I am I'm doing my best I am actually getting set up directly with Vadar uh to get training because at the at the end of the day Blandford is paying for Vadar software okay and there was a little bit of push back initially from Janice saying well we need with Vadar software there's a certain amount of certificates that's what they call it and there's only so many available oh boy to and and jna said well we need all of those certificates I said well you know what at the end of the day we're paying for the software so at least one full-time blanford employee needs to be trained on how to use this software know and Eric then played stupid for lack of I don't know what you're talking about certificates yes he does because he there's I referred him back to another email from a month ago where he acknowledged that there is certificate training and so it's just like they're playing this this game I don't understand why I just wanted to make the board aware I'm going to do the best that I can moving forward uh get the training that I need to get and like deal with can so no one else on our staff is able to use Vadar to look anything up see in the past we always were with soft right I mean like Karen can't use Vader I mean she can't I I think our abilities are limited we just haven't nobody's been trained like I can open Vadar but it's so then and I reached out to Eric and I said we need to have the training he said yeah sure we'll set it up and then and then it just never happened okay but I did have uh a phone call with a man named Mike from V from directly from Vadar I have his number now um I left him a message I believe he may have called me back right before I came into this meeting but I am getting set up directly with Mike from Vadar because I don't want to do this oh Janice is going to do group training over Zoom I can't even get Janice to reply to an email I'm not going to have her train the entire staff do we know if the things like expenditure reports are in the contract that was part of the contract that we're paying good Lord that's just telling us what they did why does it have to be in a contract I'm just wondering because if it's something that we can hold them to right then we could like I think it's safe to hold them to giving us our information as our accountant yeah specifically an account we paying 37,000 around 37,000 a year um I just don't if there's any legal what I'm my question is like is there anything that we could like put our finger on that they're not providing that they're legally supposed to be providing that we can then like have recourse for I don't want to cause a bunch of problems well sounds like there's a lot of issues a yearly contract right just a yearly contract we can start shopping for someone else I have already gotten some names from okay the auditor of he had said that he has heard lately that kerff has taken on just too many accounts and he's actually lost a you because and the interesting thing is we were one of the first because when we initially had a conversation with kiner he would he sort of I felt like got this idea from us and a couple other small towns being in desperate need of Municipal accounting and so he put this together and we were one of his first clients so I don't know how much you guys used to pay but in a conversation I re recently had with Josh he was like well where's Barbara so I guess there was a woman named Barbara we used to have someone on site here one day a week so and slowly that started go once every two weeks slowly that started to disappear not slowly it happened all when Josh left Josh walked out we got a new ta and they came to me and said no they're not doing that anymore you are I said what and if we're paying more now then we were then that's insane it is it takes me a full day at least rainy um just like two weeks bar when she was here yeah I don't know this is good or bad but anytime I needed something yeah yeah yeah right there yeah we're just not and I got reports on the accounts she said I put them out monthly do you want them weekly they said no monthly's good so let's take a look at the contract and see if there's specifics in there that we can then then um let's let's revisit next week and if we need to ask about having a zoom maybe with Eric that would be great I think just heads up it's going to be contentious um but I'm fine with that yeah I mean I I personally have a good working relationship with Eric we've worked you know together for like almost 10 years now um so I think that I mean I could try to have a conversation with him first um but I'd rather do a public meeting so that we can have it out there and yeah um the other thing was that a lot any contracts that are signed whether it's with a vendor or or whatever the case may be it has to be before you guys sign it the accountant needs to sign it to say that these funds are available in this account yeah and that hadn't been happening as of recently um okay I don't want I don't know how I would say the last couple of years and what's happening is that these contracts are being signed and the accountant is like I don't know like I'm not getting any information it's some people are of the mindset well if you're not telling them you know how are they supposed to know I'm of the mindset that you've known that you're at no point did the accountant say wait we haven't signed a single contract to say that the funds are where they're supposed to be what's going on guys they never said anything yeah uh knowing that that is part in procedure of their job um so I don't necessarily subscribe to oh well they didn't know they knew it was their job and they let years go by without any sure you know anybody's yeah so yeah there's there's a few issues but okay I just wanted to uh let you guys know about I appreciate that yeah let's keep it on the agenda for next week just to touch base under old business and then if we um if you know more about the contract at that point yeah I have a copy of it I'll look into it thank you all right meeting ajour 730 oh itching all right I'm ready for bed thank you everyone thank you are you coming to yell at me therey