oh what not open all right I was just trying to um all right uh meeting is open are we being recorded I'm recording all right so sorry I was just trying to fix a setting on my computer but yeah three minutes no thank you we're going to go 10 minutes my computer shuts down constantly do meeting it makes me crazy when plugged in turn my computer off after 41 hour there we go okay so first up we are tabling the meeting minutes of March 4th 2024 second any discussion all in favor Uh Kevin come on down audience participation public okay um I wanted to bring two things to your attention Okay uh um Sheila was driving out Saturday to go to church and she was going by York's condemned house York's condemn what road is this sign Hayden Jean York's old house it's been condemned about 10 years okay and this dog started running after her car so she stopped and this little kid she said about six years old came running out of the house with a handful of books of matches and she start started talking to the kid and the kid was from Westfield visiting someone on Birch Hill and these other two kids came out she said there were maybe 10 or 12 oh and they had stacks of matches and they were going in York's house because the rumor is that it's haunted and they brought matches in case they got scared so they could light the matches and it wouldn't be dark so we need to board that up that house some of the windows are boarded the door is wide open looked in the window the place is I wouldn't walk in there okay I mean so yeah so that place needs to be secured T down something so that is a um Jason is it Jason and Board of Health or is it just I think it's j is Billy inspector right needs to condemn it I don't know that was that's B of it's bard of Health okay that was condemned back when Bill lakus was on the board and Mike wet was the B of Health got it okay can you um let Mike know the address do you know the address or just York property on Hayden Road it's is that Doris's old house no the White House word 21 Doris is 19 and Jean is just before it on the right okay so she's probably 17 something like that yeah your Charlie owns it now Charlie York her son Hayden Ro yeah um Mike will you bring that to um to Health's attention just let them probably sister shares it with them danger it looks like it says if you go on the plot plan there's different pieces that different people have their names on different pieces and I think Charlie's on the house they started to put a roof on it five years ago and stopped okay and it's boarded and they're all warped and take a ride out there and see what's required yeah I'm trying to it's not 19 you said right no okay no 19 is the Riker's house that's next to me oh don't be messing with George okay no it's not George Jeff okay but it's when you go down Cobble and take the yeah cut through it's first on the you can't miss it can't miss it okay have like 20 cars around it all right yeah so we'll get um more to Health on it and well maybe it's already condemned it's probably already condemned it is so but it needs to be secured something has something I don't I don't know how long a house can sit condemned before it needs to be did you let Chief du know about that I would not let anybody know it just happened Saturday so I came tonight um like I would pass that on to Chief dual too so that she's aware um to just sort of keep an eye out when yeah but that's dangerous you can't God you know who knows what's in there there could be propane there could be they drop a match on the floor there to be a lot of batteries that there car batteries did there yeah oh God it's how he used to like red X on the building um I would say no it's usually an X in a box that means um because that's for the uh that should be on the building for Market as condemned well it it's for fire it tells fire that don't go in the building it's not safe oh oh it's not safe yeah so maybe um CC Adam on that too you might need to check it out and do on in inspection yeah uh that should be on there it's it's for the firefighters protection and I don't know what state liw is how long a building can sit and be condemned without having to it feels ridiculous I don't understand well the heart property down here have you ever seen what that looks like they got SWAT stickers all over the inside of it kids it's just that's and we're we're gonna have that shortly aren't we yeah yeah just what we want okay thank you for bringing that is excuse me is there a tax taking on uh yeah Nichol Cony Nichols house what's the St I don't know but that's that's nobody's in that either yeah that's two houses from the library it's all oh that one yeah the door is wide open and oh I went up and I looked at it and I told that used to be yeah have no idea the other thing I want to mention first I'll give you a compliment say you did such a great job cleaning up the house on Main Street oh it's almost there it's got almost there and then I'll just point out a little beauty we have on Hayden Road and oh oh my God and you can drive by in are those trash bag there is everything and I I mean I can't even everything you could imagine is out there Ju chairs his wood splitter garbage he brings cases of water and sets them next to the driveway and then they end up the plastic bottles end up all over the neighbor take a drive by that that doesn't do it justice is that on the other side away from you if you went up by Yorks turn left if if you go up birchill and take a right it's the first house on the left okay and the second house on the left is number three okay so this is probably number one so I assume it's number one I don't know the people I know nothing about them but so let's check with Board of Health Mike for one Hayden Road too and see if this is already on their um radar and if not we want to start maybe implementing spes I don't know yeah I mean you anything you could think of yeah is out in that yard I mean he he changed the oil in his truck last year at the bottom of the driveway and he brought his his floor jack down and the big black drain pan and change the oil and the drain pan and the floor Jacker at the bottom of the driveway still sitting there I I mean it's bewildering and it's an owner ozer wow I can't it's not even a renter well that's good then because that means that if we have to and you know if you find then it's a hit you know yeah okay yeah there's there's a lot of properties in town we need to have Mike and or um uh well who am I thinking ofon and just like go over some of them and see what is going on with them so some of the stuff you understand it's a car someone's going to fix up it's a trailer it's this this is garage it's when it gets to that point but so many of them are off the road so if I'm not traveling that way I don't see it that one on Main Road everyone saw and commented on you know but there's other properties that you just don't see take you drive by I will thank you for letting us you're welcome thanks I hate to be that guy but someone's got to be that guy we appreciate it I know never thank you thank you no thank you um Bob you got anything for audience participation tonight no okay um we have highway but he is next door I think he said he was gonna be late okay um mik Town Administrator okay I got a bunch of stuff uh first off uh as you recall last week we talked about the meeting with Sean ponin telephone meeting uh Andy participated um so we we uh talked for quite a while uh and what we came to is he's willing to extend that Grant at least he's at least willing to entertain um extending the grant to September 15 which would allow our water both water departments to expend those funds over the summer there's lots of Summer jobs to do uh maintaining hydrant that sort of thing so that would be that's good but he had conditions four conditions sent them yes uh number one no no further equipment purchases got it number uh two um no retroactivity before February 14th we can't reclass uh previous uh uh Personnel cost to before uh to use up those funds so that and that's what Andy Myers was talking about okay yeah we couldn't do that okay um number three they want uh he wants a budget uh and a schedule for how this money is going to be used up between now and uh September 15 okay and finally he wants a commitment to uh extend the this uh the the the shared operator and the cooperation beyond the end of the grant the whole purpose of the grant was to create this shared position and you'd like to see that continue going forward you know that the states invested in so you sent that letter to water has they have they responded uh I have well I'll get oh sorry get to that the U they want four uh letters okay uh that should mirror each other agreeing to these things two from the boards of selectman two from the water commissions so I attended the um the Water Commission hearing on Thursday and I explained what I've just explained to you um and I've been talking to Gordon about getting that uh that uh um schedule together I told the Water Commission I would draft the letter for them and I've already drafted one um for for you to review yeah uh I told Don homson if he wants me to you know send it over and draft one for them that's fine but I think he you know they want to do their own okay uh so that's where we are it's I think we're in good shape as long as we do what we've been asked to do did the water department seem agreeable um they were somewhat resident uh but I think in particular any sticking point I think there there was uh they expressed some concerns about the way the uh uh the their counterparts run the system um in Chester and and that they uh don't have some of the safety protocols in place and such that they're concerned about um nevertheless I met with Gordon and and we are moving forward and getting that that schedule together now I heard that Gordon was having a hard time getting working on the budget um the shared budget with chester has he said anything to you about that having a hard time getting information I I I know that he's discussed and um the difference in rates of pay and and how that's going to work out so there are there are sticking points but I think we can get past them if he's so I I know that you're you've gotten you're getting a feel for how the water department works and if they hit this wall where not getting the information that they need from Chester if you can continue to work with Don to just keep information flowing because I I have a very good relationship with Don that's not that's not an issue and I think uh I think we can get that done okay because that's where stuff will just stop and then that's I think is what has happened in the past yeah along this you know this journey now did you I met with you Friday about this and I requested that you get in touch with the chairs on the Water Department water department and uh Don and one of the Selectmen if you can because uh like I explained to you when I was talking with Gordon that if they don't if they don't get together and do a schedule the grants gone and we discussed that and uh like I I said you know I I'd like to have a sit down with them and uh hat this out I want it recorded if we do get this meeting because as it is now it's one delay after the other and before you know it June's going to come nothing's going to be done and uh this that's set you have to have a face to-face meeting there's a little ego problem going on yeah I know and uh the only way we're going to settle it is that sit down and have a meeting question um is it is it within the purview of DLS to say if we continue this grant you must keep your shared water operator going I think so I mean based on that's what the grant is for specific that's what the grant is for and presumably it's going to be built into both budgets in Chester and I don't they can demand it going forward and mean we can say it's not working out you can't force us to can continue on it but I certainly uh think that we in good faith should try and make it work that's why we asked for the money so I'm thinking about sorry I'm thinking about the $3,000 that we keep kicking back to um that has been on the warrant for like um the term that's coming to mind is not appropriate it's um the extras for the truck um and we keep kicking that money back because they want it to come out of that Grant account should we at this point it can't I don't think we can at this so now water is going to have to they going to have to pay what I'm thinking they're telling us this is my personal opinion is you guys bought this truck and you shouldn't have yeah we want you to show good faith that you're going to continue with this shared thing so that we look like we were trying to do it right yeah that's my own personal opinion so um I wouldn't push it without additional funds will you let water know that they're going to have to find other ways to fund that then I forget Joan has it it's like the 3000 something I keep okay this is what I'm thinking of do you remember that show Pimp My Ride it was was the only thing I like Ping up the question I'm sorry um the funding the extra funding that water wanted to come out of the grant that was for extras for the truck that um we're gonna have to pull that give it back to water and they're gonna have to find another account yeah we already did that okay I just I don't know if they're going to try to push it through again can't do it at this point I I think what is the amount of the payment it's like three grand no that was pretty extra to the truck it's like 40 Grand wasn't it oh but that's that neighborhood so that's at least gone through over in done with so I don't think so yeah the I think trying to push any more equipment through we be poking the bear I thought I thought they wanted us to pull that 40 out of there no no they're going to all they're going to let that go through okay I didn't catch that that's why um because I I did talk to him I said we're using it both Bas to transport the uh The Operators between towns so he said fine we'll we'll let that go okay um next I had the it yearly review this after okay um they raised some issues uh and they gave me the budget and I can tell you what's on it is this no is that what we're looking at no no that's this here it's uh I didn't print more than one oh it's expensive to print this stuff um this was a a uh PowerPoint uh Support Services 20,1 196 private cloud services 3150 uh and Antivirus $520 is that up from where we usually are so this is not operate Vadar or whatever no no this is um the what's it uh novas novas oh okay they're they're the ones that provide Our IT services um now here's it's actually down overall from the current year okay but we do need things um we need to replace a server which will be $15,000 approximately okay it's uh Beyond its I guess it's not being maintained anymore okay uh the same is true with our firewall that needs to be replaced 250 um there's some licenses but we do this every year for um um the uh there's business premium and exchange online they're uh basically the uh uh the office uh the office uh uh software they total 5,900 bucks okay now in addition I've been advised that we may need to do we should do some uh security uh things we've got the antivirus but uh there's a Nova security program that they've encouraged us to get it's $1,400 for onboarding plus $2,100 a year so I was planning to uh put that in the budget uh there's Inky email filtering on boarding 700 and then another 800 for the service which would be an ongoing yearly charge is that filtering out spam uh spam and malicious email too okay um and this what I wasn't sure um I've dealt with this program it is kind of a pain in the butt no before on boarding and uh awareness program 700 for the onboarding and then yearly costs of a thousand what is that one for yeah I've dealt with that before what it does is it sends employees um SPO females and if you I hate this if you react to it um you end up getting a training progam I've been through that and it's awful I don't I don't know if you want to do I'm not a fan Joanne what do you think we used to do that when Josh was here yeah just what did you think I mean do you think it's I think it's very usable absolutely they s that you learn something was the same program it wasn't the no before always got that down at the University and I don't remember what we had I don't remember what the name of it was we would get to do these tests almost identical to what the state has us do in all I mean I yes the training is helpful it does help you to learn to look at the email addresses and know what you're looking at um I just hated it because I would fail every once in a while do the whole thing over again I mean I don't know what do you guys think do you guess if it's going to protect us from viruses uh What's the total cost of all the it I don't the total is on the spreadsheet now was about 53,000 down from a little over 60 down okay yeah so overall I mean if it's down then yeah I would say um what I can do is I I didn't want to print out the entire um uh deck for the PowerPoint but I do have it um and I can forward it to to all of you if you want to see it sure yeah so that's down but Gateway assessment's up yeah well yeah let's see whatever sorry I'm going out of order for that's fine let me just get that one get that one that list listed uh Gateway assessment we did get the number uh it was not a surprise because the superintendent was in told us uh we were looking at a 5.69% increase I had calcul well that's because we be W in students yeah our student count has gone up by four uh I had calculated based on what she told me before um 1, 565,000 and change uh it's gone up by about 4,000 4,000 more than I expected oh 4,000 more than you expected not from last year okay no no um but it's a little more than I had calculated based on what she she told me for an how much is so it's up 5.69% okay um yeah what's the total figure the total figure for next year would be 1,569 382 I've called both of the uh uh Folk schools and they do not have the new budget ready yeah I called the wtech transportation company and just said uh it's flat there no increase for this year which the lender contract so I think the students are supposed to decide by April April for voke but sometimes we have aou last minute they told me that they would get me the number as soon as they had it okay um well we do have the you know stability we don't want to um stabilization account we don't want to use it but we do have the education stabilization account if we need to um but hopefully we can fit it in the budget to look if everything else is there okay yeah um let's see what did I else did I have uh oh um have you gotten numbers from the um ambulance yet yes and they they're up they're up I can I can send that to you okay I have those numbers to umil uh in any case um Ira called me and sent an email uh as a followup for the last meeting um asking about the uh the fire the committee to share fire services or share at least the uh um the uh uh Chief's position uh he asked me to remind you that we need to appoint someone or two people from each town to that I don't know if you want to have one select and serve and I I I could serve on that if you want yeah absolutely will you reach out to Adam too and see if he has he was going to appoint two volunteers okay fire volunteers to be a part of that okay I don't know if he's chosen I think the thought was there Ira said the plan was for the committee to be 10 yeah I think we had said the chief two volunteers a select board and the Town Administrator so five total from what yeah I don't know if that's too big of a committee but I think it's it's on it's on the high end for an effective committee so I'm gonna try to be we said that I'll do it and then if I can't TJ will do it yeah okay um just a note to that I don't have any interest in at the moment of um the Chester chief of police had said that he would like to move in to fire I have no interest in removing at I don't know I don't know how long he wants to be filling the position he is a he is interim but he hasn't said anything about not wanting to be there and he's doing a great job and um I think that we would um quite honestly have some problems with volunteers on our end if we were to change anything yes Joan you have a question speak to CH with him why you think he's got the urge to leave yeah I think he really want reac me yeah he can be just grumpy though I'll check with them okay um yeah I don't really want I think I think we need to be careful because our volunteers I think we really need to take into account you know my experience with fire people they're very emotional in a very loving way I say that with pure love so I want to make sure that we are keeping them happy because they do us such a great service um we don't want to make anyone mad um okay sorry okay I received notice from uh K sherff our accountant uh that we've uh uh expended the snow and ice uh amount we we're in deficit and they asked for a declaration so do you need a motion from us I'd like a motion to advise me because I he he said it's supposed to come from the chief administrative officer which would be me you're the chief executive and you're collectively the executive um but be to advise you to um go into deficit spending to approve deficit okay so motion to um advise Town Administrator to approve um deficit spending for snow and ice second any discussion all in favor um do you know about this you I wrote the letter to the the candidas about the uh the dangerous condition caused by the trees I saw that and uh and you f it and it's going out perfect so thank you um see uh earlier last week I'm sorry not earlier this week started this week but um I had a meeting with Maya um going over all the plans I'm not going to go over everything that we went over it was it was a fairly long meeting um but all of the information's in here if you want to review it it's available uh we we looked at the different options currently uh for uh medical insurance we have uh two plans we have a single and there's a family plan um some places have a couple plan okay and I asked you know how that would affect our our rates and such and she said it it'll affect individual rates because the family plan will go up and the individual plan will be cheaper but it's going to be they're going to collect the same money for the same people so it's not going to make a difference um what's it cting for a family plan it used to be around 60 $16,000 for the town I feel like May uh that number up this is our our portion here um there's a there's four um there's there's three different plans the most expensive for a family is the blue car elect uh $250 deductible that's $3,700 a month so it's 3,700 from out of our pocket or 3 3700 total total so and 80 I think 80% 70 7030 70 right uh so with the most expensive option for a family that's well north of $440,000 a year okay and the cheapest is the Blue Care select um which is $2,100 a year or 20 $2,100 a month which would be about 26,000 here or thereabouts okay um okay do we know how much that's up or they are all up uh 99.95% as I said uh but I did talk to them about the half per discount for going for accepting the um division care and it's pretty much of a wash for us yeah um it you know for some it saved a little money for Summit but it was less than a $5 Delta either way so we always like really we've been told to over budget that account um over fund that account just Cas I we have traditionally uh just because people's life uh life circumstances just change uh you can have someone who's not taking the town insurance and suddenly uh their spouse loses their insurance that's a life change that allows them to come onto the town plan they get married uh you know need to have kids what whatever happens so yeah changes happen okay I've uh contacted the uh the union um for the uh uh laborers union for the uh highway department and we are moving forward we're going to be start starting negotiations they forwarded me the uh uh the uh ground rules that we used last time um so I think we'll probably unless we bargain it somehow use the same ground rules they didn't seem objectionable okay if you want to see those I can forward those to you I don't okay and the last thing I had was the post office uh uh sewer backup I think everybody's aware of that the uh the toilet uh backed up uh I brought in uh Fletcher uh we brought in Fletcher uh that was $310 I hope it's $310 it was it seemed to have been there for about an hour um the charge was $300 an hour plus $10 um travel time okay so I'm hoping we're in there under the under the hour and that's coming out of the Old Town Hall yeah um and we also because it was open uh the whole tank was open we had that pump for another $400 yeah that makes sense and that's what I have Jeff you had a good point about the systems talk what maintenance wise yeah I think we should put something in our budget for building and maintenance for this stuff it always seems that way we're oh we need a furnace oh we need this so I think we should start putting five or $10,000 and that the front of the post office needs painting and there's some woodw that needs to be done maybe a window this year and a window next year so we can we're paying for the heat in that place right yeah so it's just coming right out the side of it I was you know when I was over there so I I think we should put something in the budget for maintenance including here specifically for the Old Town Hall no for all of our buildings I I put extra money in the budget for this building yeah um I don't know if you want a a a generalized fund for I I don't really know how to do it but I'm just saying we got to have something here you know maybe next week Dave needs a new entry door on the building up there you know something blew it open and it got Twisted so you know those could be that's $1,000 for a metal tour like that that quick you know so I'm just saying have something ahead I don't know exactly the amount but I maybe start with 5,000 I don't know just a general maintenance for all building I I think I asked for about 7,000 extra for this building just because of the things that I'm concerned about that um for example um roof leaks the roof is not new and it's going to need repairs uh eventually we're going to have to replace this roof and it's not going to be an easy roof to do because of all the skylights um but those skylights are the it's great these things are great they really bring light into the building but skylights inevitably leak yeah what where are we at with the the roof right now there's a new leak today in the town clerk office in your office Mayor yeah inside or outside inside right around one of the Y no one actually told me okay so I just heard about it now before the meeting I didn't know I this is the first time I've heard about it so um I guess if you whatever if you want to reach back out to um whoever you would reached out to last time that came and checked the other leek yeah uh he's uh he's from cabit risk management who worked for Maya uh the they are the adjusters from Maya okay but I think Maya is going to want us to replace the roof fairly if we're having we should at least figure out what we're looking at budgeting so that we can come up with some sort of of a plan I have another question is that sprinkler up and running yet sorry no it's not has anybody looked at it do we have an estimate on it and why it's not yes we've we've they've looked at it I I'll get back get back around know fire insurance doesn't it eventually Jo um Carrington just sent a message of the screen can anyone read it I can't there are multiple broken windows on the Old Town Hall yeah I know that okay yeah and the Heat going up that building is such a headache I don't know I don't know that's another one we have to think of a plan with is what do we want to do with it are we keeping it are we we've had this conversation I don't know if you're going to sell it and what's what would ever go in there no I I think you got to tighten up the building yeah there some windows put a coat of paint on it and there's a little concrete work needs to be done which isn't much but coat of paint here and there and you know I'm actually embarrassed to driving this town when you look at that building it looks horrible just been such a problem because the lease is such a it's saying the lease is a terrible lease so no we don't want to put any money in it because we're not making any money on it um but I mean you would you wouldn't sell your house with Windows broken so no I agree gotta yeah even we got to buy two or three windows or two windows let's get some estimates on it and get it started yeah you know a coat of paint this spring would make the front of that look much nicer that's my opinion needs a little trim work out a door nothing major yeah okay all right is that all for you Mike oh um sorry one thing I forgot to mention when this as part of the it uh yearly review uh this is sort of related to it but not exactly the same thing I I found and I would have come to the board if I had time but the deadline was last Friday uh there was an IT Grant out there that I applied for it's security gr Grant so I can find the thing you do not have to come go for that stuff do not come to us for it feel free to just do it throw that I I asked for $149,600 uh about 45 is for assessment and it was an option to order to ask for some equipment I asked for uh three laptops and a uh a tablet great okay we get it we get it yeah okay keep us posted thank you yeah you never have to ask us for that stuff please just go for it um all right Highway you want to come on down that's enough should little see you're down there you haven't seen people in years you know started off that person from North blanford Road that you were looking for that lives in New York City yes haven't heard a word yet no no left a couple messages don't know if she doesn't want to know nothing or I you know pretty hard when you don't even know the person yeah it is it is anyways just thought I'd let you know I hav't foll up on it thank you all right thanks um we had a problem on Russell stage the other last last week they um right by by je um by Gordon's uh property on gate but had problem the catch Basin so we uh got all the water actually actually running into into the worst bus to go put put a lid on it it's all good to go uh we've been out to a couple gravel roads that are in desperate need of some material because of the the goodness in them you know um we replaced the Culver on Huntington Road in Knox okay it was very undersized cver a majority of water coming off of there okay um we're going to do another cover pipe above there and looks like whoever did the road years ago put a like a 8 in blue pipe in it and when that gets plugged up it it's goes right down and keeps on going and you have all the water coming down off the Huntington Road into a smaller pipe and just you took the whole Road right out again so that's done Clayton a new gentleman okay he would be the flag lower fantastic flag lower lower lower lower that his last name so is he going to be receiving the messages no I will receive the message and I will inform him when he comes in to do it did you make arance to receive the messages yes okay okay all right sending George your way when he comes in okay fact he's going to Shadow you for a couple of those [Music] I wish you would who are we training CL oh Clayton theion he's one of the he's the one of the new highway highes he's going to do the flag miror he's gonna be the official flag Razer and lower thank you um I heard nothing back yet from Ty Ty and bond about down here underneath the by the bridge okay I'm yes like I sent them an email I left the message last week after we had Tuesday I left a message nobody called back so I waited this morning I sent out an email to one I used before and um nothing yet nothing yet um I got some real good news oh yes um the call pipe on Gibbs road yeah hopefully it goes well it should be started and finished by next week wow yeah it's only been a couple years has it been a couple years no yeah um 18 months days six years 2018 stop it that's when the whole process started oh I was just to get a culvert put in well get get everything done the red tape W unbelievable yeah that's impressive and it started off with a 4ot CER pipe yep and what are we going to now two two foot CER pipes next to each other two two foot yeah that equals four and that's going to solve the problem you you got the same cubic feet going through well the problem was with the for foot is that when you got a 4 foot pipe it's got to go in the ground four feet roughly and you get at least four feet of material on top of it and only want it embedded halfway so you go down two feet so you have another 8 feet of material on top of it which that means you going to have to Wi the road up so on and so forth for the approach MH and the approach would have to be probably another 150 ft on each direction to get a nice approach to it um they said well we can't afford that okay so the next one was a 16inch metal elliptical culur and I told them I says why you putting galvaniz in for I'm trying to get rid of them for for a few years he goes okay we we and they changed all that again you know so this is going on for months you know back and forth and they finally came down to 2 two foot callers okay next to each other so um I'm going to call the contractor tomorrow morning see if we're still a goal for this Friday um if it's a goal Friday um Tuesday I'm going to call um Jen police chief and let her know that the road's going to be shut down okay all weekend in a few days into the next week and I'll get a hold of of the um fire the post office and all that and let them know and that and that's and the two two Footers are going to relieve the water problem yes well compared to what we have now yes yeah because what they have now is I think it's maybe a 10inch pipe which is submersed in mud and G and rotted the whole bottom of it out oh okay yeah so I was wondering trading off four foot for two foot you know you know what's that 28 TJ 2018 yeah it's the same square footage actually it's half the capacity U you would need four two Footers to replace a four footer eight can't you do the math it's pi r squ school that day I what is p and so is 3.14 16 that's the cor number 3.1416 is I only go those I like apple pie really get yes I'm I'm all set you're good oh one more thing yeah the gentleman were supposed to hire James yeah backed out okay so I uh I pulled out my old list of people and um I made two phone calls today okay maybe get a respond did he say why does it have anything to do with pay or um I think it's his life okay so it's nothing to do okay just okay thank you you're welcome a good one all right uh action approve warrant 18 accounts payable for payment oh it's always one right y um the letter for uh Ana yes is that adequate for you or I hav ready oh I just I'll just redirect all questions to uh that's fine I got big shoulder he's got your back way back I've never run away from anything yet I don't play start now rep B pay down screen to me what's the um I don't know if you're going to be able to answer this question anyone it says Road repair ban pay down St uni bank for savings $299,999 is the total of the that's going through that's just the total okay because the Rogue repair throws me I don't know about individual that's the total oh you're right it is the total I just don't understand why on the side it says okay maybe that's from up above what is that I must just be reading it wrong I was just looking at this so this is the total of the warrant but then over here it says Road repair B pon is that from this is that that amount which just comes over here good question this is maybe I'm crazy know we're paying off short turn borrowing um that's a it's a bond Bond anticipation note so it is short term okay um is that the 300 that's coming off Deb this year I think three the three you can take a look at it the 300 is the total of the whole warrant I oh then it's not there's water oh I just signed it but then I need to make sure that okay then Mass [Music] solar do you know if this one is a a refund Joanne the warrant 18 per personal property tax oh refund it's a refund that's the first time I've noticed that is this what we talked about with Paul where because I know we talked about it wasn't a refund we voted for it was like using the funding that they had already but it's to DG Mass solar LLC and it says it's 22365 no you're talking about working off a permit that was paid for that's uh that's a different that's a different thing yeah that's a Bel I don't know what the DG Sol I'm just curious I mean that's a pretty large refund L yeah if we could I mean I'll sign it and then you can approve it but I wouldn't mind I'm just curious what Sarah um motion to approve the warrant number 18 accounts payable second discussion all in favor I I um I forgot to sign us up for the St Patrick's state parade was in the paper you did yeah I didn't actually do that and I texted Josh yesterday and I was like um do you think we get in the parade and he was like you're unbelievable said next year next year I don't want to do it if it's cold anyways forget it um so are we doing it or not no I can't say that I'm too sad I mean I love spending the time with Joanne in the car and that's fun but yeah it's always freezing and it's I'm always like why am I doing this for 5 hours you put the windows up and turn the heater on yeah um so no we're not doing it this year I reached out to Fire and and police and it's my fault I take full responsibility um oh my children are mad at me it's fine we'll get over it um next year that's why was changing the lock on the it could be um all right so I think we're good we have no more new business um not that I can think so we will um motion to go into executive session in accordance with GLC 30A section 2182 discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation open meeting made blah blah the rest of that um not to reconvene car says yes to the RO yes