you look nice open oh meeting's open are we being recorded recorded fantastic all right um oh he's gone right weeks think of all we can get done right I don't think all right first up we got meeting minutes notes amended by Chester are these the ones from last week these are the these are the ones we yes they were approved by you guys and I sent them to Chester and in there it said that they had the title for that vehicle because I thought take that out so that's all I did was remove that one inform okay so motion to approve meeting minutes of February 28th tjo he's somewhere doing something I him why wanted to do that we might not have those SL motion to approve meeting minutes of March 18th as written uh no we did um any discussion all in favor I are we oh we're tabling so uh motion to table meeting minutes of March 25th there second second any discussion all right any um audience particip ation come on down George what do you got for us by ongoing conern about Bicentennial Park I last week there was a discussion about posting uh position and I wonder if that job description has been created and posted yet it's not a job description we're looking for for bids so just to clear that up we're looking for bids for the um for the service okay has the budget been set for that and have uh did we post description of the buds yet what is started what is the time table for that um I don't know in the next couple weeks we should get it out so we can have someone in there for a spring cleanup okay um as a comment I was in Westfield recently I was talking to a couple of real estate people who both said somewhat sarcastically to me that they are embarrassed about bringing potential buyers to Lanford because of the condition of our Main Street and especially one particular house that has deret cars and trash all over the yard on Main Street M Street cleaned up the her property I I think it's 81 or 82 M yeah um that's the one it's been mostly cleaned up there's one car left huge amount of crash in a lot trash there yeah huge amount and they said it's a couple of the people they brought to town saw it and they reacted like has a slum kind of an attitude yeah yeah it's really hurting the town in terms of bringing new people into town when that kind of exposure you know is right in the center of town so like will you just follow up with um Board of Health to make sure that the oh hi John um are we we still on them to finish the clean up yes okay there you go okay I'll look forward to that then I'll pass the word back this being taken care um the third item on my list is the resilient dirt road project and I brought that up last week to find out what uh stage that was in and whether there's public hearing set for that I think that Dave had answered your questions on that no he didn't we did go ahead da when when is the hearing date I AG plan is to present the final reports at selectboard meeting in June so there's no public hearing this spring June because that we were told last year there was supposed to be a public hearing and that people living on the dirt roads were supposed to be interviewed this is what I got do you have a contact person there yes I do okay I'll get it from you then I'll call and find out because I know several people on the dirt roads want to have input that okay I'll talk to you later um and the other last question is is the selectboard responsible for establishing a budget for Bicentennial Parks maintenance and overseeing the park it's a trust fund and we can only spend what the trust interest we are the ones that are responsible who sets the budget who establish the so um go ahead sorry the three of us when we set the amount that we want to spend we don't have a lot to spend in it I realize that but is you know the budgeting process will be the select board coming up with an itemized budget and then no we don't do it that way it's going to be someone's going to give us quotation we'll get a quotation we'll look at them and say ABC which one's the best for the town then we approve it okay so you don't have goals and objectives for the maintenance of that Park there's a scope that they will bid on for us in terms of what work we need done okay um thank you and before he left Christopher was working on um possibly beefing up that trust fund a little with Sarah if you can touch base with Sarah on that and see um what's going on because it is going to run out of money at some point it's only like $99,000 that much like 60200 okay so we don't have much to spend there at all so we've been trying to be real careful that wall needs to be building it's all split apart on my side it's all split falling apart so something's got to be done with someone's going to heard on it so we had been talking about um working on the trust and we had been talking about possibly using some budget funds specifically um and aign on them to do some repair work as well does town have liability for that part sure I can't answer that but sorry well yeah you mentioned the wall and I'm seeing some kid getting hurt falling and yeah me too that's why I brought it up well my point is then we should have an adequate budget to maintain it so that we don't have the liability use Town funds to fund that trust fund cannot do it can't use them for this park or that Park I'm sorry we got to get what we get out of our our money okay well then you there's a serious isue there yes there most certainly is maybe Consulting with the town attorneys on it might be proactive I think that Christopher had been doing that but we can might follow up there's another thing that we might do to to provide more funding uh the state is adoped a uh a new law that allows us to be a little bit more aggressive in the investment of funds uh under the old under the current uh form that we're still under uh there's a very limited number of of uh options for investment okay uh it's much uh if if we were to adopt this uh we would have a lot more options so that would be a bylaw at annual town meeting it would have to go to the town meeting it would be adoption of I don't I don't remember the specific U section of the of the general laws but I can get that for you next week if like and you can review it also if the powers that be decide to deny the annual accounting it will force the judge of probate to turn it away and it will release the funds as long as you do whatever you're supposed to do in keeping with the trust directions what power is it being you us um will you add that to the next you have to look into still POS thank you very much thank you I have a I have a PowerPoint or some background materials that I can get for you thank you any more audience participation all right um departments I'm going to skip down to um I would like to Mo down to action items c d and e no b b c and d is there a second yes discussion on favor um you want to come on down sure all three good evening um ready to take the interim out of your title sir if you guys are yes yes we'd like to move the department for a little bit more aggressively I'd like to be able to appoint some officers as well to Pooler our leadership ranks a bit so get L time okay um I would make a motion to appoint Adam Dolby as fire chief for the town of Lanford Emergency Management and Forest Warden Warden I second that any discussion all in favor I I um so do you want to do a quick report on the meeting we started last week uh sure I did do that for the for the audience before I forget I have one one thing because I W forget um I don't I don't know that it's necessarily my thing uh we need a a new American flight for the flight in front of the I Wasing tonight last Windstorm beat it all get out yeah so will you order is it Carrot Top that we get the flags from we need a new um American flag for the Post Office flag poll just to size 3 by five whatever that we have stock we have St oh cool okay je he she said he's crying and he wants his mom and dad is that John or um she's like Mom you won't stop crying that's birth control available um yeah so uh uh we had a the first meeting to discuss with the town of uh Chester about the potential to consolidate the uh well potentially a variety of things um uh whether it is to share the chief position with the Town of Chester or potentially consolidate other aspects of either Department um the project itself is um kind of being shephered along by it's pvpc right yeah yeah um that's helping us coordinate kind of fact finding very similar to what the process was with the police department consolidation um we didn't really get into the logistics of how different um a fire department is from a police department uh especially an all volunteer department from a from a police department um but it the so we just kind of kicked off the process wanted to make sure everyone was aware it's literally just the we literally have one meeting to talk about the potential of that and we're going to do a study to see if there's any feasibility to actually do it it is not the start of consolidating it is not a confirmation that anything is being Consolidated there's no conspiracy to consolidate or anything else not that I'm fully of how the rumor mill Works um uh so it is literally just the start of a fact finding mission to see if it's possible to uh consolidate the the two departments on the surface there's at least some alignment in common problems that that the towns have the increasing cost of equipment um lack of uh suitable station all that kind of stuff recruitment Etc but I think You could argue any volunteer department in probably in the country is going through the same exact issue so I don't think those particular issues indicate any sort of likelihood that anything is going to happen it depends on what's best for both Blandford uh and Chester but obviously my my concern is much more uh for for blaer um so we started that process I think last time the the um the actual consolidation process took somewhere in the neighbor of two years uh which um can seem like a long time and not much time at all uh but that's why um I approached the the board about removing the interim title to make sure that we if it's going to be two years before we have any progress and maybe progress is never mind we're not going to consolidate which is very much a viable decision um we didn't want to let the department stagnate from now till then um and it's not fair to the rest of the membership to to delay uh promotions and things like that so that was the the necessity I got a question for you what is your feeling on it I feel I want to keep our people in our town take care of our own self not worry about Chester anymore and that way you guys can have a tighter niit group of people to work together with and we can have a guy come from North Chester when we got a fire down there I just don't see that working I think it's a hard you already have mutual Aid yeah so so so I think so um and what was your opinion on it so uh I'll give you my opinion I would share in an open meeting like this and then at some point I'm happy to give you my opinion um as well more detail I think on the surface I I very much agree with you I think the the notion I think there are a lot of different challenges in consolidating a Department that is all volunteer it is it is one thing for the police department and even that's very very difficult we were on scene with them at one literally one end of blanford the other day and they had to turn around and leave to go to the other end of Chester and even with lights and Sirens that's a 20 minute drive for them and um and their their vehicles move it Tad faster than than a fire engine too uh so I think I think there are a lot of logistical challenges like that are very practical um I also I I have a I would I would struggle with going so the the cost of a new fire engine is probably somewhere around $600,000 and I think it's a really hard concept to go back to the residents of Blandford and say you're we're going to pay 6 $300,000 for new fire engine that you will never see yeah because it's going to be in Chester right now we do have the concept of mutual Aid today I think it's and it and it works very well I just I think consolidating certain aspects of the department itself are very very challenging I think if we wanted to look at administratively consolidating those um perhaps that comes out as viable I'm still somewhat skeptical of whether or not it's a thing Lees me um I I have healthy skepticism on whether or not I think the process can work I just think the logistics of the the fire department are are different we we don't have members on call all the time it's not going to help response time in any way shape form or fashion and then I think you also have a a giant looming challenge of if you really consolidate the Departments where are you going to put a station because both departments need one and it's going to be hard to say okay there's we're take out a bond for five million right like that's and I think that's a challenge so so long story short I think we'll come back with the with the study we'll find out administratively what can be Consolidated there are probably certain things yeah that can make sense right from a either from a leadership perspective maybe some from a supply and procurement perspective you could gain some benefits there we've seen where um the the seven hilltowns were successful in the um large Grant we were given for new airex so there's some Merit to certain aspects of it I just don't know your buying power to buy certain things exactly so I think from a procurement perspective need to be connected to do that yeah exactly so so I think there's there's a bunch of challenges um I don't know what the report's going to come back with but I think the feeling probably on on both sides is okay it's interesting to take a look at and we'll see where it goes but right now I think there's healthy skepticism thank you all right no that's F it's to keep me sane keeps me calm up there it's for when George comes all right okay um yes we have a minute yes come on down oh L I have put this off and put this off and you're going to make me angry just you can't lose it we're going to give it to you here yeah thanks and you can keep it where you can see it thank you thank you that's wonderful that's we're here in support of Adam 120% there's been some stuff going around about this department and if the people don't have the courage to come to our drill and talk to us and face us with it then I hope nobody else pays any attention to it there's nothing wrong with our department we did a darn good one thank you thank you Adam thanks thank you guys and now they're both fired work see you all right congratulations thank you um come on down we got Highway Department up next oh yeah no it'll never big happens this week huh yeah yeah I sent you some pictures yes I got them thank you I'll pull them up right here so you can see all right whose shed is that the is that a shed that's that's right is that you yeah it's it's something okay like it's a she shed all right talk to us well let's see here um um the rock is gone okay oh yeah playground thank you appreciate it one shovel that was it all right good what was that the one under the swing yeah all it was was a rock concrete that big okay that was it thank you very much um let's see SP with B okay um they are beting a scope of work and proposal for both projects oh good okay okay I'm um what are the projects 20 22 stage bridge and the playground thank you um for people that haven't known or did know yet that uh we had a small little Landslide on nightbook if it wasn't for Mark Bo going by noticing that um it probably would have been there for a while until the water all backed up yeah so thank you Mark for calling um it's all taken care of okay um I'm just um the people that I um contacted I contacted conservation conservation contacted D okay I contacted Mima um select board and so on and so forth okay on that um so did it affect it didn't go onto the road no but it backed up it backed up probably maybe not near the road but it was like Norm normally it's like maybe a foot foot and a half deep through there it was probably roughly three three and a half ft deep was it on private property yes okay yeah just just on the just on the edge of it so when you say it's been taken care of we are going into clean up it's all done it's all cleaned up it's all cleaned up okay um hired a company they can't I got the name from them on Thursday they came out Thursday afternoon to get an idea what kind of equipment they needed they were there Friday morning they were there Saturday morning until I think like three o'clock or so and today so um two questions how do we know it's not going to happen again and there's no prevention that we can do no first most it's not our property correct well that was my other question yes so and but we're we able to pay for something on private property is that we can't pay for it one way or the other get it fixed okay private property is it was in the water okay the trees on top of here it SL all the way down perfect got to the bottom and they rolled over there was probably a 4 foot spot between One Bank in the opening that they had which was nice at least the water was able to flow okay Mark I'm assuming you're here to talk about it do you want to nope I was here for the chief but the park has been cleaned up and I gave Mike the uh invoice oh okay thank you okay that's all I got thank you do you need anything else no I'll speak up then okay um so what we're talking about with how the hillside came down all of the roots and the infrastructure that was holding said Hillside has been removed yeah so when it rains and if it rains hard that b is going to wash and there side is ready to go yeah I can't put it up there no is that a individual's house that owns that property I can do this 28 that's actually the property line between the person on N Brook Road and that big Farmhouse that's up way up on the hill same owner no they're different owners oh the um the ludes no no no this is right the beginning stage yeah way up in back okay um I mean do who do we need to talk to in terms of like how to I mean yeah it's because it's a private property situation too so I don't know what we do but it is it would endanger our road no it would endanger the water right now the drainage I feel that Dave was right in what he did um because it was blocking the brook and he says three feet but I'm going to say it was four or five feet deep if it back up any further it's going to start encroaching on the head walls for the bridge for n Brook Road so I absolutely he was justified to get it open um but there again this problem is going to happen probably Wednesday night because that bank is super unstable and it's saturated so I guess I'm just born with like is there anything we can do because it's private property um did you have a conversation with the people at all about no contact I have not been able to contact them they are they don't live in town oh okay they on route five in Enfield oh and I I managed to get some phone numbers but none of them were were functional I called the Town clerks uh in Enfield to see if they had any contact information and they couldn't provide it either oh because and I when I was talking to tamima about the situation um there is really we can do either way on that um un let you want spend a lot of money and we don't have a lot of money to spend plus it's private property isn't it well it is but we want private property I'm just thinking we're going to have to spend money to clear the brook again right I understand that I'm just saying Mary we charge them part part of that Hillside was put into conservation preservation Rosemary Arnold did that a long time ago and I don't know whether that embankment when you're talking about is up farther it was farther I believe that embankment is part of the conservation property I believe the only thing they kept was the farmouse house and The Big Field that is behind it everything on that property I got8 Acres there that they own there's a ton of property and there's another section down farther from where the cows are that starts somewhere a driveway up there used to be an old driveway that's part of it I believe it went I'm not sure how many acres but like twice as many as Acres back there's that but have we checked the accessors at all not yet do we have a responsibility for that Conservation Area Mark as the town DCR is the one that flagged all the property okay but you said you talked to conservation did they reach out to DCR at all no um can we find out through the assessors if it is in fact conservation or um Mike will you look look at it I um I can talk to them or I I can I didn't check for that when I I pulled it up on the assessor now so it's it's not hard to find okay um yeah I don't know if the if there's anything we can do I don't think there is anything we can do it I me it just seems silly to wait for it to happen again though it is you know but I mean we had the same I guess how many years ago down the road happened 1955 that whole section of road was gone you can see evidence of it all the way down to the Russell line MH where those Banks slid because we got 19 Ines of rain and that section I've been watching it for as long as I've live on n Road it's so we're not going to do anything until we have to do something unfortunately I think there's a few more spots that are going to come down with the the storms are changing you know it's not we don't get a half inch of light rain anymore it's 2 in of downpour yeah and that wouldn't have been part of the dirt road project because it's not dirt road um who would we ask to take a look at that and and make recommendations would that be to repair it just to make recommendations for like what you do sh it up and so on so forth engineer I would think DCR should come out and look at I would think if it's in conservation they have yeah okay they have the rights to absolutely do you have a contact there Dave yes okay will you reach out y thank you I guess that's our next step and then we'll see if they have advice for us going forward and and I guess just keep trying to get in touch with someone I don't know Sarah Hunter what about like taxes we send out are they paying their taxes I mean that would be something to if we're able to reach them somehow to pay taxes even if we send a letter we have a mailing address okay then let's just let's send a letter it's better than nothing on anfield to knock on their door yeah I mean at least let's do that because we know that they're getting taxes and um yeah okay thank you guys thank you thank Mark I see what else um I'm going to talk to Mike tomorrow about put another ad out for employee okay all right well okay go down one yeah okay I had another one come in went through you know we did his little interview and all that stuff and um he he his family has his own their own business and I think he just was trying to find more money oh it was you know I mean you know it's like working for your parents yeah you know so did we um did you reach out to Dave Hopson about joining us with the negotiations for unions I haven't talked to him about that yet I'm working with some other stuff on the union that they've got a request for uh for a uh information okay I needed to get done before they can schedule something and I sent that out to you and to uh Sarah yeah uh some of the stuff I'm just going to say no to though it's it's not reasonable questions will you just um reach out to Dave this week and ask him to join you or ask if he's interested in joining you yeah I sent I actually sent him something today so just follow up I do have one question on something else um you know on Russell stage the house with a view in the corner where it's the big the big F yeah where the corner sliding off into the edge of the road so on and so forth um I'm looking into giving you know a price to push it back firm up the wall and so on so forth for about 100 ft you need you need to look around the wall retaining wall as well the road's missing this much you almost got to go into the other lane now I know right on that that's all washed out cuz it's the ditches aren clean exactly so um I just want to know do you want once I get a price and so and so forth on it do you want approach the land owner if they're willing to put some funds towards it because it's their responsibility their their uh stone wall That's Falling Down yeah I mean let's check in with attorneys too on how we do we have any bylaws that I know we have the covert but I don't do you have any road width there Dave I don't I don't have I don't have with me no no I mean we have one available yeah yeah I can look it up because we can move the line and tell them that we can move I think maybe we draft something um with attorneys to send out that's a little bit more forceful than just a hey you want to chip in yeah yeah exactly you know so because um it's four five feet four or five feet in roughly roughly 100 feet down around what number house is that 22 22 no sorry no sorry no no the house with the view I do know the owners of that house yeah um they're very very friendly so you probably talk to them they probably have no clue because they're they don't actually live there they it's like a second home to them okay they live um on NBR say they n yes I I know you talk I've talked to them before yeah yes so maybe try approaching them talking to them first I have a little bit little bit I have a little bit yeah yeah I know sometimes you got to know when to say way yeah yeah exactly yeah maybe let's let's work on a letter I don't know like I said if there's anything in the bylaws but Mark Rich will know yeah and then we can see what what he says oh yeah all right that's all I have no can we talk about the playground please oh the playground yes the playground it's still there yes you oh you want me to talk about well I do because you're the one that the wrench in on it so I I asked him to talk about this because you asked me to buy mulch yep yeah if we buy mulch now we can't put it down this summer where are we going to put it yeah this comes in pallets lots of pallets so I don't think it's a good idea to buy it right now he's got the rest yeah okay so anyway while we're out there me and the engineer were talking about it and so on and so forth and and I was looking at the situation and it's you know it could get pricing okay to to to fix it how how it should be right um I thought you can you can you can kill me now if you want to um it's relocate the whole playground locate on the other side of the basketball well talk about how much it would cost to fix it well you know some of that land over on that side is is under the park believe it or not oh it is on that side where the baseball where the baseball fi of course it is that's the park it is oh I don't think so I that tree they cut down the big tree do you remember it was right on the other side the Kickball tree of course well of course that other side of that all the way was the park it's part of the park property if you look it up so careful Lee Fields go through there somewhere to play for it stuff okay um it's a thought yeah U if this gets too expensive you know in the long run won't know until we start moving forward on it we can always look at shifting it yeah okay I mean you could put it just on the other side of the basketball hoops yeah you know in that area um I wouldn't want to mess too much with the field the baseball field no t-ball field um yeah if we could see the price difference that would be good okay okay so we want to wait on the mulch instead of the mulch do we want to get the chains right get the chains but I thought you wanted to get another swing with that 5,000 so you have to tell me what you want okay um John do you know does Jess have the prices for that she has not received the prices yet she just double checked uh she's going to start calling the companies now we can look out there there's on the equipment out there it has the name of the company we've used for that playground and they were a book right fantastic to work with um we had something that broke and like eight years later they came back and replaced it free of charge I don't have um I can swap out my wife and take so she can she that's all right we'll walk out and look at the name uh it tells you right on um on the equipment it tells you the name of everything and then um see me on the way outn I know the don't know and'll well it just the woman's really great to deal with um we'll give her a call and she'll give us a price I don't mind calling her I'll look up on the okay the name of the the devil poor V was like you're okay you did um all right so yeah so that's the playground update yeah I just think it's so important because it's it's used by so many people in town and I think that we need to make sure we we keep it up a lot you get an adult one I those are a little high for me oh no trust me I know it's high I can't get out of it makes me sick anyways the motion too old now yeah it is it is quite High Joan yes did you put a date on ad's papers I did not I need that because of us starting the process I guess we can do a two-year twoyear for all of them so uh okay does that because then if we decide at some point to change it up I don't think it makes I'll just do 2026 yeah just do two years on all of it okay all right um okay thank you Dave you're welcome um Town Administrator uh I don't have too much but just a public announcement there's a building of the fire in Highway building uh committee that's going to be on Thursday at 4 o'clock here so if anyone wants to attend um and did you um did you let everyone on the committee know yes okay and are we inviting the um engineers and that whole crew they're Yes actually going to be meeting with them tomorrow online uh to review everything okay great um and let's see you're aware of this but uh was discussion last week the patio extension or the grant uh has been uh granted till June 30th okay uh the contract is signed and it's moving forward fantastic uh now the bad news a couple of building issues okay um that I've been made aware of uh just today uh first the post office uh has had further Plumbing issues um it's gotten stocked up again I don't know if they're using too much paper or because it was a paper uh what they pushed through okay was a paper clog and it was at a different place than the last one okay uh they're going to be U scouring out the inside of the pipe okay because it's if you they they camera it I have a if you want to see it I I can uh uh give you the uh um thumb drive I didn't want to put it on here because it was not must C TV it's yeah no thank you I'll take your word for it I can e a sandwich anyway that's uh you might have to do some Plumbing work there we're going to do some Plumbing work the problem is that is uh considered a commercial building you it's not that uh busy so it has to be you have to use cast iron for that and it's not got a big belly in it sink like this okay so it's not wanting to go out good and that's I don't know if that's where the second Cloud was well the second PL I think the first one was was uh first one was 24t yeah this one was was further along I don't know if they I don't know why they didn't go all the way to the tank the first time yeah that's what well I I think uh may they did a second yeah they said this was a paper clog and I think it's clogging on all of that sort of corrosion and rust and roughness on there okay and building up until it doesn't work anymore so this is going to be an expense it's going to be an expense and uh the other one I found out just not long before the meeting uh from the uh the building codian apparently our fire pump our sprinkler pump is burned out for some reason it was running uh that was my next question was are the sprinklers up and running no no so mot at it apparently yes okay so they were up and running like a week ago um no not been up and running at any point no but now now we may have a problem with the fire or we do have a problem with the fire pump I'm going to call Maya in the morning and have them come look at it and see if it's covered okay um but that's not going to be cheap and it's going to take a while to get a pump in because they take forever now okay Joan we don't even know why it was on poy went down and said did somebody come in here and turn that that's what I've been talking about spr fo that pump has been off um and when he went in it was making a terrible noise and he said who turned it on the only company that was here was the company that was checking sprinkler heads that's not their job but would they have turned it on to T something and not turn it back off Adam is supposed to be looking into it okay that's all I know they were the only ones that were in there I feel like we really have to come up with an idea for the post office because starting to cost a lot of money and you haven't spent anything on no but my point is we haven't spent anything on it because we kind of like don't it's like we don't really want it it's just like what are you going to do with it that's my point like what are we going to do with it so you got to fix a plumbing problem for sure of course we have to I agree that 100% I just think that we need to to really start to think about a long-term plan for that building because it's going to start to suck up money and it's not really that usable I mean fire uses it but it's at some point we'll have the fire department hopefully within you know four or five years the fire department will not using it for that anymore um and then what that side's going to sit empty and we're just going to stick a bunch of money into it for the tiny post office like oh no but we got I'm sure that the contract's going to come up we're going to have to tell them they're going to have to P we just did the lease oh you did we did we change it years ago I don't remember the specific of it no it was a longer lease because do you remember Joanne it was I thought the lease was coming up and was trying to get a hold of them and they weren't getting back to that's learned my listen around here that I don't hear most things so um Mike will you take a look into that and see where the leas is at because my understanding was that the lease that had been done way back in like Rob Nicholls days was not done to where we were making anything off of it it was like in fact that we were losing money on it yeah that sounds about right I just recall Christopher talking about saying they haven't got back to me I keep I keep asking them to have a conversation and so and that's the last time well if the lease is up and no one's getting back to us I wonder what have Christopher might be able to answer your question rapidly I will I'll talk to him and we don't have a post off postmaster there I believe is that correct yeah we just inter four hours I think they use the same one for Russell yeah he's in charge of both of them but they just have a girl there for hours yeah best one we ever had so I think that part of that was that discussion of getting an assessment of all of our buildings in town so that we have an idea of what money we're looking at you know in the next I don't know five 10 years putting into some of these buildings and maybe some sort of creative idea for what can we do with that area it's right in the center of town haven't you seen the businesses oner not going to come in here right center of the Town um the parking lot is attached to the park so the parking lot is not attached to the building which has caused some problems where we were looking at selling the building but there's no parking um and we looked at trying to detach the parking lot and that was going to be a fiasco so we sort of stopped going down that road um so I don't know who maybe I don't know who we would reach out for some help with that if there's like kind Valley planning or I kind of wish we still at that Hilltown situation more bad thing in there no I know it's a mess I know it's a very dated build this very bad because the oil fill tanks are leaking every time they put oil in it because only just I'll tell you the background on it because I happen to know they don't chemically they chemically crack oil now they used to distill it and the pipe thread that everybody used for all the years it's a yellow called Rector seal that stuff in the chemical eats it up so I I I absolutely discovered it by accident so you have to use you just have to take them apart and put new Teflon on Teflon paste and that's it but yes that's very much happened it took us two years to figure it out I mean if we could just sell it that would be it' be lovely but then we lose our post office I don't know but can we put them in here storm that's what the we had talked about before can we move like fire training temporarily in this building can we move the post office in this building we you know we've had that discussion and so that we can sell that I if we're going to be maintaining this building I'd rather maintain this building then put money honestly to sell it you're going to have to put some windows in it clean it up put a coat of paint on it if you put 5,000 into it you'll get $10,000 more for it in my opinion I think anybody knows that in real estate so John did you have a question uh no I just when you consider fire training moving it you have to put it out of public because of what is when we use our gear and stuff it has it has to be it's got the when we deal with yeah fire call we have cancer stuff that on so you can't be in a public building we can you just you're going to have we'll have to scrub that area so you're going to have gain a c cleaning cost okay if you move us into like working in got it because then like when we use it for training we sweep and mop it afterwards so that we can try to get it for the we in here doing a bunch of that which we can arrange our training a little different yeah but it's just one of the things you need I mean hopefully John you guys are in a fire department yeah okay all right so just kind of a thought um Mike if you come across anything that you think might work or some sort of Grant or something that might help with some Creative Design plan I mean like I said it's the center of town we've got the new library hopefully happening we got stuff going on we'd like it to be you know something useful was it addressed in the last master plan um I'm not sure have to take a look at it and see I don't know what they talked about with that not sure yeah how we actually asked the post office if they wanted the whole building if they re Reen Reen it re model it so that one big building with more they do I think that I mean they cut back their hours here four hours they want to move us to Russell they want to move that's what they want to do yeah talk to the GU George I think having lived here 60 years and seen the changes and remembering the big Todo when it was possible that we might lose our post office and what that did for the morale of the community I think keeping that post office is probably the last common denominator n exactly to bring Community together because if you watch the interaction that takes place between people when they run into each other at the post office and visit we don't have a school any longer we don't have parents together the only place people congregate or change information or say hello to each other is the post office so George how many gas stations were there in town at one time since You' been I can remember two you can't remember the third one no or you're just a rookie cuz I can name all three well you were born here yeah I mean I and I think I think the symbolism of that post office to the community sure and the attractiveness just as I made not earlier of having talked to a couple Realtor about blanford and what sells blanford and what doesn't sell blanford blanford has lost a lot of its appeal and it's not as attractive as it was 20 years ago and between losing the school and and the community decentralizing we're losing a lot of as you well know volunteer participation as well as other ways and we need to hang on to everything we can the store the post office and whatever brings people together now we need to reinforce yeah I I mean yeah we can certainly talk about that it's not just because we say we don't need a post we wouldn't make that decision it would be a town deis I'm just saying they're talking about getting rid of the US Postal they have talked to we need to find a way to make that post office attractive well if the post office says they don't want to be here that's right they're don't matter what you got they're gone a lot of people don't use but don't pret politics plays every has everything to do with post offices and where they're located yeah and it's not the bureaucracy it's the politics and you get the local Senators involved and local reps involved that post office will stay no matter one person goes in there day it's a political issue they have theage they'll make it stay I've seen it happen in other communities all right um actions we've got motion to approve warrant number nine payroll for payment is that one that we've already signed Joan nope we just it's usually you wouldn't get it till next week but she was on time well no sorry she wasn't on time she wasn't two weeks late just payable we signed accounts payable all right is there a second second any discussion all in favor I say uh motion to appoint cdy card at cultural Council for the term April 1st 2024 June 30th 2027 second any discussion all in favor I I there an appointment in here I do not have a new all departmental expenditure report so you can oh I love it oh here we go no you got that one all right so motion to table all Department expenditure report second says you yes I'm all in favor I I says you I I I was just reading pleas end oh you okay do you want me to write the end date in here Joan uh yeah please if you don't so what we're going do um through June 30th um 26 June 30 2026 24 Jun 30 2027 wasn't isn't oh no this is for oh yell at this one doesn't I don't really think you want my handwriting on these but too late now doesn't matter it's just a tool like to make some T-shirts says town of blanford or something we could sell that Park well I got to have some I designed them for you already I'll show I'll send them to you you don't want ones I got no I got some good ones sell them like they had remember notice Otis how big that got with got to come up with something we can't sell them though I don't think how about it the wait the W can is a because they have a revolving account but we don't want to put any more duties on wck no there AR enough people on W all right um this is for the um agreement for the Jennifer for the um house the house for the septic I'm signing this for you oh okay for um 81 Main Street yeah okay I think so all right and then we signed that one we signed that one do I have to sign that one it no there's just one spot it says town of blanford who's that from the own one I have to she emailed me and I'm signing this is the agreement between this is from February 21st I thought we already signed this one and it's between town of blenford and the owner of 81 Main Street um it's the um deferred payment loan oh because that's for pay so that will be for payments yeah that's pay yeah I think we signed it all okay I have the separate one here to sign okay all right um what El up call it meeting adjourned at 655 coming in under seven yeah let me show you the t-shirts I did you remember that we used to have um there were t-shirts that said um I'm high on blanford and then there were t-shirts that okay we don't have to do that one there were t-shirts that said Lanford it's all downhill from here and I thought that was really I like that one um I did it through